
Stuffed ball medical ball exercises with a stuffed ball throwing a stuffed ball. Using Diagnostic Tests

During testing, it is important to consider:

    individual capabilities of the child;

    features of the tests, which should reveal even the most minor deviations in the motor development of the child.

Before performing control motor tasks, a small warm-up should be carried out (calm walking, turning into running, continuous running for 1.5 minutes, breathing exercises).

Tests are best carried out in a playful way, so that children enjoy classes, so that they can feel "muscle joy" from physical exertion.

It should be noted the great interest among older preschoolers in performing the above test tests. Observations showed that the majority (60%) are constantly striving to compare their results with peers. Some children (30%) even think about how to improve their performance, try repeatedly to repeat the same task, turn to the teacher for help and strive to achieve good results. And only a small part of children (10%) remain passive and inert.

Diagnostics of physical fitness should be carried out at least twice during the school year (September - May).

Children who have completed all the tests, with the results in the framework of age norms can be attributed to the average level of physical fitness; above indicative indicators (more than three indicators) - to a high level of physical fitness. If out of seven tests, the child has from three or more indicators below the norm, then he has a low level of physical fitness.

Diagnostics of psychophysical qualities

Tests for determining speed - power qualities.

Throwing a stuffed ball. (1 kg.) With both hands from behind the head from the initial standing position.

The test is carried out on a level platform with a length of at least 10 m. The child stands at the control line and throws the ball from behind the head with both hands forward from the starting position while standing, one foot in front, the other behind or legs apart. When throwing, the feet should remain in contact with the ground. Movement allowed after a throw is allowed. 3 attempts are made. The best result counts.

Long jump from a place

Survey of long jumps from a place can be carried out on a site kindergarten   in warm weather, and indoors in the cold season. The jump is performed in a sand-filled pit for jumping or on loosened soil (1x2 meters). In adverse weather conditions, jumps can be carried out in the gym, for this purpose a gym track can be used.

The child is offered, starting from two legs, with an intense wave of hands, from the marked repulsion line to the maximum distance for him and to land on both legs. When landing, you cannot lean behind your hands. The distance between the repulsion line and the footprint (on the heels) during landing (in cm.) Is measured. 3 attempts are made. The best attempt is counted.

The test is intended for children from 3 to 7 years.

Throwing a soft ball at range

Survey of throwing distance is carried out on an asphalt track or sports ground. the throwing corridor must be at least 3 meters wide and 15 to 20 meters long. The track is pre-marked with chalk in transverse lines through each meter and the distance is numbered with numbers. A repulsion line 40 cm wide is shaded with chalk. On command, the child approaches the repulsion line from I.p. while standing it makes a throw with a ball (200 gr.), with one hand from behind the head, one leg is set in front of the other at a step distance. When throwing, you cannot change the position of the feet. The best result of three attempts is counted.

The test is intended for children from 3 to 7 years.

Diagnosis of the physical development of preschoolers

Speed \u200b\u200btests.

Running 1000, 1500 meters   performed on a treadmill stadium from a high start. Each student is given one attempt. It is not allowed to take a step, stop to rest or “cut off” the distance. Students who violate these requirements, as well as those who do not finish, are given "0" points in the protocol for performing control exercises. The result is measured with an accuracy of 1 second.

6 minute runperformed on the treadmill of the stadium, which is pre-marked for every 10 or 20 meters. It is recommended to run the races separately among boys and girls. During the run, the teacher counts the number of laps that students have completed. After six minutes, the teacher gives a sound signal (for example, a whistle), after which the students go one step, remembering the place where they were caught by the signal. Then the teacher each student individually calculates the length of the distance covered, taking into account the number of full circles and that part of the treadmill, where the student went a step.

When performing a test exercise, it is not allowed to go one step, stop to rest or “cut off” the distance. Students who violate these rules, as well as those who do not finish, are given “0” points in the protocol for performing test exercises. The result is measured with an accuracy of 10 meters.

Walking 1500, 2000 metersrunning on a treadmill of a stadium. It is recommended to perform the test exercise separately among boys and girls. When performing a test exercise, it is not allowed to switch to running, alternate running with walking, stop to rest or “cut off” the distance. Students who violate these rules, as well as those who do not finish, are given “0” points in the protocol for performing test exercises. The distance covered is measured with an accuracy of 0.1 sec.

Pulling up on the high barperformed on the gymnastic bar from the starting position “hanging with a grip on top”. Each student is given one attempt. During the exercise, bending of the trunk and legs in the knee joints, breeding, crossing and other movements of the legs, jerking, swinging and swinging, and intercepting the arms are not allowed. Pulling is counted if the student's chin is above the level of the crossbar, and when lowering the arms are fully extended in the elbow joints.

Body lift in 1 minuteperformed on a gymnastic mat from the initial position "lying on your back, arms crossed in front of the chest, palms on the elbow joints, feet fixed". The angle in the knee joint is 90 degrees.

Each student is given one attempt. During the exercise, jerking with your hands is not allowed. The number of body tilts is calculated when touching the elbow and knee joints, followed by lowering on the back and touching the blades of the gymnastic mat.

Raising and lowering straight legs in 1 minuteperformed on a gymnastic mat from the starting position “lying on your back, arms behind your head, straight legs together”. A teacher or other student is located on the side of the test person’s head and holds him by the elbow joints. According to the teacher’s signal (the stopwatch is turned on at the same time), the student raises straight legs up to an angle of 90 degrees until the calf touches the gymnastic stick fixed in advance or held by the teacher. Then the subject lowers his legs until heels touch the gymnastic mat. The number of complete cycles (raising and lowering) for 1 minute is counted.

Flexion and extension of the arms in an emphasis lying down.The student assumes the initial position of "lying down, arms extended at the elbow joints, palms shoulder-width apart, legs straight at the knee joints, heels closed." Keeping the trunk and legs in a straight position, the student bends his arms in the elbow joints to an angle of at least 90 degrees and, straightening his arms, returns to its original position. During the exercise, it is not allowed to bend the legs and torso, cross and spread legs to the sides, perform tilts and bends of the torso, as well as pause rest between exercises for more than 5 seconds. The number of flexions and extensions of the hands is calculated without violating these requirements.

Running 30 meters   held on a straight treadmill of the stadium. Use of high or low start is allowed. Each student is given one attempt. A student who violates the rules of running competitions (false start) may be given one additional attempt. The run result is measured with an accuracy of 0.1 second.

Shuttle 4x9 meters   performed in the gym on half a volleyball court. The number of participants in one run is no more than 2 people. Each student is given 2 attempts in a row. On the “Get Ready!” Command, students approach the start line (usually the middle of the volleyball court) and take a high start position in the direction of the front line, where opposite each student on the said line are two bars 50x50x100 mm at a distance of 100 mm from each other .

5 m and more than 9 m

At the command “March!” Students run to the front line, each take one bar (without touching the second), turn and run back. Having run up to the “start-finish” line, put a block on it (or for it) (you can’t throw it!), Turn around and run for the remaining block. Having run up to the line, they take their second block, turn around, run to the “start-finish” line and, without slowing down, cross it with the block in their hands.

The shuttle run time for each student is recorded with an accuracy of 0.1 sec. The best result from two attempts is counted.

Jump rope in 1 minuteare performed on hard surface (in the sports hall, on the playground or on the treadmill of the stadium). The rope is rotated only forward. Jumps are performed with mandatory support on both legs at the same time. It is allowed to use any rope of industrial production or homemade (for example, from a tourist halyard). Do not use weighting inserts on the rope. If an error occurs during the jumps, the stopwatch does not stop, and the student continues to jump. The total number of jumps for 30 seconds or 1 minute is counted.

Long jump from a placeperformed by a push with two legs on the floor of the gym. Each student is given 3 attempts in a row. Jumping into a sand pit is not allowed. The result is measured with an accuracy of 1 centimeter. The best result of three attempts is counted.

Triple jump from place with a push with two legscan be performed on the floor of the gym or on the track of the stadium with a touchdown after the third jump into the jump hole. Jumps are performed by pushing simultaneously with two legs together without delays or stops. Each student is given 3 attempts in a row. The result is measured with an accuracy of 1 centimeter. The best result of three attempts is counted.

Toss stuffed ball   from behind the head with two handsperformed in the gym from the starting position of “sitting legs apart, the heels of the feet on the control line”. A ball weighing 1 kg is used. The student holds the ball with two hands over his head, then bends his arms at the elbow joints, lowers the ball behind his head and throws it forward and up with a sharp movement. Each student is given 3 attempts in a row. The result is measured with an accuracy of 1 centimeter. The best result of three attempts is counted.

Leaning forward from starting position “sitting on the floor”. The student sits on the floor, on the side of the “-” sign (minus), the heels on the width of the pelvis on the “OV” line rest against the foot rests, feet vertically. Two assistants from both sides press his knees to the floor, not allowing him to bend his legs at the knee joints.

The test person puts one palm on the back of the other palm, puts his hands on the floor, performs two preliminary tilts, sliding his palms of his hands along the measuring ruler along the SD line. On the third slope, the student leans forward as much as possible and in this position is delayed for three seconds. The result is fixed at the mark reached by the tips of the closed (!) Middle fingers, and is determined with an accuracy of 1 centimeter.

(minus) B (plus)

Lean forward from the starting position “standing on the gymnastic bench” . To evaluate the result, a measuring ruler is used, attached vertically to the gymnastic bench. The student takes the starting position, heels and toes together. Socks do not go beyond the edge of the gymnastics bench. The test person puts one palm on the back of the other palm, performs two preliminary tilts, sliding his hands along the measuring ruler. On the third slope, the student leans forward as much as possible and in this position is delayed for three seconds. Bending of the legs in the knee joints is not allowed. The result is fixed at the mark reached by the tips of the closed (!) Middle fingers, and is determined with an accuracy of 1 centimeter.

Appendix 2


exams in mastering the content of the educational program

basic education in the subject ” Physical Culture   and health “

  No. p / p   Surname, name of student   Marks   Final grade for the exam
   for the 1st stage of the exam    for the 2nd stage of the exam   for the 3rd stage of the exam
  Shuttle run 4x9 m or jump rope in 1 minute (s, d)   Long jump from a place or triple jump   from the stand by a push with two legs (s), long jump from the stand or throw of a stuffed ball from behind the head (d)   Pulling up in the hanging or bending and extension of the arms in focus on the bars (s), lifting the body for 1 min. or raising and lowering straight legs in 1 min. (d)   Leaning forward from the starting position “sitting on the floor” or from the starting position “standing on the gymnastic ska-make-up” (y, d)    Running 30 m (s, d)   Running 1,500 m or walking 3,000 m or 6 min. running (s), 1000 m or walking 2000 m or 6 min. running (d)   Average score for the 3rd stage of the exam   mark for the 3rd stage of the exam
   P - result O - mark

Equipment: stopwatch, visual landmarks (cubes). Starting position: high start.

Shuttle run - run along a 10-meter straight line with two returns (total distance 30 m). Two cubes are placed on one end of the platform, and a chair or bench is placed on the other. Given the characteristics of the preschooler, you can offer a game task: taking one cube, the child runs to the other end of the playground, puts the cube, runs after the second, transfers it and stops. Dexterity indicator - time spent on the assignment. The result is recorded with an accuracy of 0.1 sec.

Endurance run

5 years - 90 m, 6 years - 120 m, 7 years - 150 m.

Purpose: to determine the ability to perform motor activity for a long time without reducing its effectiveness.

Venue: sports ground (flat straight treadmill).

Equipment: stopwatch.

Starting position: high start.

Control tests are carried out in air. Children run in pairs for distillation (pick up pairs that are equal in terms of physical fitness and running speed). Every child flees by virtue of his abilities. One attempt is given. It is desirable that the start and finish be in one place.

A shot of the ball from behind the head.

Purpose: to determine the development of speed-power qualities (development of power

muscles of the shoulder girdle and the ability to exert the necessary effort in motion).

Equipment: standing, legs slightly apart.

The child, standing at the line drawn on the floor (ground), throws the ball with both hands from behind the head as far as possible. For greater effectiveness, the goal should be set for the child: draw a line where the ball should be thrown. Quality of the throw: following the direction during the throw (forward, down, up). The test can be used for children 4-7 years old.

Throwing a pouch with one hand at range.

Venue: a sports ground on the site or a sports hall of a kindergarten.

Equipment: sandbags weighing 15-200 g., Tape measure.

Starting position: left leg in front, (right behind when throwing with the right hand) and vice versa. The sandbag is held in the right (left) hand, down.

A child stands by a line drawn on the floor or the ground. The teacher must explain and show the task. The child, having taken the starting position, throws the bag from the shoulder (performs three throws at first with one and then with the other hand at an arbitrary pace).

For the convenience of measuring the throwing distance, a track about 3-5 m wide. A long 10-15 m long is marked with transverse lines at a distance of 0.5-1 m from one another. On each line indicate the number corresponding to the distance in meters from the original line.

By measuring the distance from the line closest to the place of incidence of the sac, the throwing distance is determined. Measurements are made with an accuracy of 1 cm using a tape measure.

Jumping inlength from a place.

Purpose: to determine the development of speed-power qualities.

Venue: playground on the site or a gym for children. the garden.

Equipment: roulette.

Starting position: narrow stance, legs apart. Movement technique: half squat and swing your arms back, then sharply forward; the heaviness of the body is slightly transferred to the forefoot. Vigorously push off with your legs, hands forward up, in flight you need to bend your legs, put your body forward and jump as far as possible with a soft landing on both legs and stay in place without taking your legs off the floor.

On the ground, on the floor, draw a line, put a 2-3 m long cord on the carpet. The child stands at the line (cord), touching her socks. He is invited to jump as far as possible. At the same time, the goal is set for the child: to jump to another mark, which ensures the best results in the jump.

When performing the jump, take into account the distance from the line (cord) to the heel of the child at the time of landing. Landing should be done on soft ground or mat. The result of the jump is measured with a centimeter tape or pointer (a two-meter bar with centimeter marking). The child performs three attempts in a row.

All results are recorded, taking into account the best.

Tilt forward.

Purpose: to determine the level of development of flexibility.

Venue: group room, gym.

Equipment: measuring tape.

Starting position: sitting on the floor, legs straight, slightly divorced to the sides 10 cm wide, knee joints pressed to the floor. Feet are on the measuring tape, heels are at the zero mark. Sit so that the minus divisions go to the body, and the plus ones - from the heels forward.

Raising their hands up, the children slowly make three bends forward. When doing the exercise, you need to extend your arms as far as possible. The teacher, standing to the right of the child and putting the left hand on his back, helps him to perform a low slope, slightly pressing on the child's back, and with his right hand pressing his knees to the floor.

If the child has a low result, the teacher checks the relief of his back to determine the posture.

1.4 Features of the development of children 3-4 years old

Children of the fourth year of life have their own characteristics. Indicators of children's physical development are height, weight, chest circumference, condition of the bone and muscle systems, internal organs, as well as the level of development of motor skills.

The growth rate in the fourth year of life slows down somewhat compared to the previous period - the first three years.

The growth of children of the fourth year of life is in a certain (positive) relationship with the main types of movements - jumping, running, throwing, balance. Compared to their peers, tall children run fast, and short ones take relatively small steps, but complement them with a high pace of movement. The ability to run is also determined by other individual differences and coordination abilities, which are not great in this age group.

At the age of three to six years, the annual increase in weight is also approximately the same for children of both sexes.

The general regularity of the development of the musculoskeletal system in the early periods of childhood is its flexibility and elasticity.

Physical exercises should be selected so that the load is distributed evenly over all parts of the body. When conducting exercises of a general developmental nature, various initial positions should be used - lying, sitting, on your back, stomach, etc.

Tires the child and adversely affects the condition and development of the musculoskeletal system, a long stay in a static position. If the teacher aligns the children for a long time before the exercise, verbally explaining the task, spending 1.5-2 minutes, then this not only reduces physical activity, but also negatively affects the children’s posture, their attention and subsequent exercise.

The duration of the explanation should not exceed 30-35 seconds. By the age of three, the child has significantly developed the ability to analyze, synthesize and differentiate (distinguish) environmental irritations. In these processes, a significant role belongs to the direct perceptions and speech, with the help of which the impressions received are generalized and specified in the child.

Student placement by counting on   “Six, three, in place - Calculate”, “According to the calculation step - March!”

Guys, and now we will get to know unusual exercises, wheretensile exercises, static poses (asanas) and dynamic complexes prevail, where one pose smoothly replaces the other.

    The complex of exercises "Hatha Yoga"

    Hatha Yoga Exercise "The Frog."

I.p .: Standing straight, legs together, arms lowered along the body. Set the right leg to the side, arms extend to the sides. Sit down, bend your arms at your elbows.

OMU: Keep your back straight, do not lower your head. The feet are placed parallel to one another. Dosage - 3 times.

    Exercise Hatha Yoga "Rashteira."

I.p .: Get up, nn. wider, the knees of the foot deploy outward. Turn the left foot to the left, while lunging in this direction: the left knee is bent at a right angle, the right leg is straight. Hold for 1-2 accounts. Keeping a low position above the floor, turn on your heels and go forward into a lunge, then lower your hands to the floor and perform 10 push-ups. Transfer body weight on the left side and lunge to the right to complete the exercise. Dosage - 1 repeat in each direction.

5. Corrective exercise "Resistant Tin Soldier".

I.p .: kneel down, hands tightly pressed to the body. Lean back as low as possible, keep your back straight, and then straighten up.

OMU: Keep your back straight, not bend. Sit on your heels, relax. Dosage - 3 times.

6. Hatha Yoga Exercise Sleeping Dragon

I.p .: Sitting on the heels, hands on his knees. Spread the heels to the sides, knees together, body back, go to the elbows. Then lie on your back.

OMU: Do not bend in the lower back, relax. Hold for 15 accounts.

7. Hatha Yoga Exercise “Starfish”.

I.p .: Sed, legs are bent at the knee joint, laid on the floor in the form of a “fan”, lie on your back, arms to the sides.

OMU: Lie down, arms out to hand, relax and calm. Dosage - 1 time.

8. Exercise Hatha Yoga "Water strider."

I.p .: Lying on his stomach, arms extended forward, head down on his hands. Spread arms and legs to the sides, raise head up.

WMD: The head should be high from the floor, legs should be spread as wide as possible. Lie down, relax. Dosage - 3 times for 8 to 10 seconds.

9. Respiratory gymnastics “Throw” I. p. - o.s., legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, straight arms with a medball enclosed between the palms, bend at the elbows and wrap behind the head. Imitation of a throw of medball from behind the head - breath in and out. n. - exhale.

10. Psycho-gymnastics "Barbell". The child lifts the "heavy barbell". Then throws it. Resting

    Performing throwing a stuffed ball with both hands from behind the head from place to range. Student placement:“In one line - Become!”

I.p .: standing facing throwing, left foot in front, right behind the front of the foot, the ball in bent arms over the head. 1 - bend the right leg and transferring body weight to it, take your hands with the ball back; 2 - straightening the right leg, throw the ball forward and up.

WMD: Pay attention to the rotational - extensor movement with the right foot, moving the body forward, straightening the legs at the end of the movement. Do not tear off your right leg from the support.

Dosage - 10-12 times from a position, standing right (left) leg in front.


9. Throwing a stuffed ball 1 kg from behind the head with both hands sitting on the floor. The subject sits on the line, legs apart, holding the ball with both hands in front of him. Raising the ball upward, swing backward behind the head and then throw forward. Three attempts, the best result is taken into account.

Technical training.

1. Second gear from zone 3 to zone 4 (boys, girls 10-14 years old)

In tests for the accuracy of the second gear, conditions are created under which a quantitative result can be obtained: limiters of distance and transmission height are set — rails, colored ribbons, hoops, lines are drawn. When transferring from zone 3 to zone 4, the transmission distance is 3-3.5 m., The height of the limiters is 3 m., The distance from the grid is not more than 1.5 m. If targets are set (hoop, “beacon”), their height above the grid 30 -40 cm., Distance from the sideline 1m. and 20-30 cm from the grid. Subject is given 10 attempts. The number of successful attempts is taken into account, with their high-quality execution.

2. The second transfer from zone 2 to zone 4 (boys, girls 15-18 years old)

When transferring from zone 2 to zone 4, the transmission distance is 5-6 m. Each subject performs 10 attempts. The number of transmissions that meet the requirements in the test, as well as the quality of the transmission, are taken into account.

3. Stream transmission with two hands from above (boys, girls 10-14 years old)

The subject is located at a distance of 2 m from the wall. At a height of 3 m. A control line is drawn on the wall. The test subject throws the ball over him and sends him into the wall with a pass. We must strive to maintain the distance from the wall and the height of the gears. The number of correctly completed attempts is taken into account.

4. Transmission from above, standing face and back (alternation) (boys, girls 15-18 years old)

The subject is located at a distance of 3 m from the wall. On high4 m. a control line is drawn on the wall - we must strive to maintain the distance from the wall and the height of the gears. The test subject throws the ball over himself and sends it to the wall with the transmission, transfers over himself and rotates 180 degrees (with his back to the wall), transfers, while standing with his back, turns around, performs the transfer, facing the wall, etc. The programs, standing face above themselves and standing with their backs, make up one series. The number of correctly completed series is taken into account.

5. Lower pitch (boys, girls 10-12 years old)

  test requirements

  6. Upper ball (boys, girls 13-15 years old)

The main requirements for testing the accuracy of innings: with high-quality technical performance of a given method of innings, send the ball to the court. Subject is given 10 attempts. It takes into account the number of innings that meet the requirements in the test, as well as the quality of the innings.

7. Upper direct feed (boys, girls 16-18 years old)

The main requirements when testing the accuracy of innings: with high-quality technical performance of a given method of serving, send the ball in a certain direction to a given section of the court. The test subject is given 10 attempts, five attempts in each given zone. The first zone is the left half of the site (zone 1-2), the second zone is the right half of the site (zone4-5). It takes into account the number of innings that meet the requirements in the test, as well as the quality of the innings.

8. An attack hit from zone 4 to the site with a transfer from zone 3 (boys, girls 10-14 years old)

The requirements in these tests are reduced to the quality of technical performance of an attacking hit, so that the subjects can send the ball strong enough to the site, after transferring the partner from zone 3. The subject is given 10 attempts. The number of successful attempts that meet the requirements in the test is taken into account

9. An attack hit from zone 4 on accuracy (boys, girls 15-18 years old)

The requirements in these tests are reduced to the quality of the technical execution of an attacking hit, so that the subjects can send the ball strong enough with a certain accuracy. The test subject is given 10 attempts, five attempts in each given zone. The first zone is the left half of the site (zone 1-2), the second zone is the right half of the site (zone4-5). The number of successful attempts that meet the requirements in the test, as well as the quality of execution, are taken into account.

10. Acceptance of feed from zone 6 to zone 3.

6. Taking the ball in the zone6, 3. successful attempts that meet the requirements in the test, as well as the quality of performance.

11. Acceptance of feed from zone 5 to zone 2.

The tests are aimed at determining the degree of mastery of the skills of receiving the pitch. Zone-targeted feed is in progress5. Taking the ball in the zone5, the subject must direct him through the tape (stretched at a distance of 1.5 m from the net and at a height of 2.5 m) into the zone2. If the ball goes beyond the specified zone or touches the net, such an attempt does not count. Subject is given 10 attempts. It takes into account the number of successful attempts that meet the requirements in the test, as well as the quality of execution.

  Control and translation standards for general physical fitness

(girls, girls) table 29

p / p




Student age











Running 30 m / s


5.8 and men.

7.6 and more.

5.6 and men.

7.3 and more.

5.3 and men.

7.0 and more.

5.8 and men.

7.4 and bol.

5.6 and men.


7.2 and bol.

5.3 and men.

6.9 and bol.

5.0 and men.

6.6 and more.

4.8 and men.

6.4 and more.

4,5 and men.

6.1 and more.


Shuttle run

3x10 m / s



10.2 and men.




11.7 and more.

9.7 and men.




11.2 and more.

9.3 and men.



10.8 and more.

8.6 and men.

9.9 and more.

8.5 and men.

9.7 and more.

8.3 and men.


9.3 and more.

8.3 and men.


9.3 and more.

8.0 and men.

9.0 and bol.

7.7 and men.

8.6 and more.


Long jump from a place




69 and men.


72 and men.


94 and men.


99 and men.


109 and men.


114 and men.


6124 and men.


129 and men.


139 and men.


6 minute run (m.)



900 and more.

500 and men.

950 and bol.

550 and men.

1000 and more

600 and men.

1241 and bol.




940 and men.

1281 and bol.




980 and men.

1321 and bol.




1020 and men.

1401 and bol.



1100 and men.

1461 and bol.




1100 and men.

1521 and bol.




1220 and men.


Bending forward from a sitting position, see



12.5 and more.

2 and men.

11.5 and more.

2 and men.

13.0 and bol.

2 and men.

14.0 and bol.

3 and men.

15.0 and more.

4 and men.

16.0 and more.

5 and men.

18.0 and bol.

6 and men.

20 and bol.

7 and men.

20 and bol.

7 and men.


Pull up on the bar



12 and bol.

2 and men.

14 and bol.

3 and men.

16 and bol.

3 and men.

18 and bol.

4 and men.

19 and more.

4 and men.

20 and bol.

4 and men.

19 and more.

5 and men.

17 and bol.

5 and men.

19 and more.

5 and men.


Jump up from a place, cm



21 and bol.

8 and men.

23 and bol.

10 and men.

25 and bol.

12 and men.

25 and bol.

14 and men.

28 and bol.

16 and men.

31 and bol.

18 and men.

36 and bol.

21 and men.

40 and bol.

25 and men.

44 and more.

22 and men.

Head throws from behind

2 kg 9-15 years old, sitting,

  1 kg. 7-8 years old-standing



431 and bol.

340 and men.

481 and bol.

390 and men.

200 and more.

110 and men.

230 and more.

140 and men.

250 and more.

160 and men.

271 and bol.

180 and men.

301 and more.

210 and men.

361 and bol.

240 and men.

391 and bol.

270 and men.

Transfer point