
Stuffed ball than to fill. Learning to mint and do feints with the ball.

My son has been playing football for the second year. He is only 9 years old, and now we are passing lessons on getting the ball. After all, keeping the ball on the foot gives excellent coordination and reaction. For children aged 7–9 years, it is, above all, important to develop speed, agility, reaction, and coordination. How to get the ball? There are many nuances and rules that must be followed before putting the ball on the foot.

First of all, you need to choose sports shoes. The main thing is that she does not press you, and you feel comfortable. It is better for children to buy pumps, it is advisable that they be of good quality. In adidas sports stores, you can buy pumps for 70-100 dollars.

Pay attention to the choice of the ball, it should also be of good quality. It should not be very light or very heavy. You should feel the ball on the foot while tapping. Where you will fill the ball does not matter, the main thing is to have a flat surface. Do not forget to check that the ball is inflated.

You can stuff on sports fields, soccer fields, but your yard may be the best solution for you. Why is it better to get the ball in the yard? all your friends and acquaintances will immediately want to participate in juggling the ball, and here excitement and desire wake up. For example, you yourself score the ball alone for about 20 minutes, and this quickly bothers you, especially if you can’t get the ball over and over again. Another matter is 3-5 five friends who, just like you, want to learn this exercise. This is where the competition between each other begins.

The easiest way to make the first attempts at tapping is to hit the ball every other time. You hit the ball, it hits the ground, and you hit it again, it hits the ground, and you repeat the kick. Thus, you develop a filling technique, and your eye, plus this is the basis of the whole process. I recommend at the beginning of training, try to keep the ball on your ankle, first on the left. then on the right foot.

The main thing is to have patience and use your hard work and perseverance. With these qualities, you will succeed. If you stuff at least 20 times on one leg, then you can already connect the second leg. Stuffing with two legs will become even easier for you than one, as less of your legs will get tired. Most football players always have one foot weaker than the other, but you can become a generalist. thanks to daily workouts. It is important, when stuffing the ball, to hit in the center, and not to raise the ball high when hit. You can look at the players who perform soccer freestyle, there is something to learn from you.

All your movements, when performing this exercise, should be clear. If you correctly fix the ankle while stuffing, and calculate the impact force, then you can achieve good results.

Instruction manual

The chasing is that the ball is needed as long as possible in the air with the help of the legs and, possibly, other parts of the body except the hands. Without letting the ball fall to the ground, it is thrown again and again with its feet (or other parts of the body) up.

First you need to learn how to stuff with one foot. You need to start with your working foot, which is more convenient to hit the ball. Before starting the exercise, the ball must be picked up at about the level of the belt. Some kind of special stand before the start of coinage, in principle, is optional. The legs should not be spread wide - they should be positioned so that it is convenient to immediately put them in motion.

The ball needs to be thrown in front of you with both hands low - about the level of the face or slightly lower. When the ball drops to a level of about 10-20 centimeters from the ground, you need to start stuffing. Distance from ball  to the ground should depend primarily on your convenience and, in general, on what height it is convenient for you to start coinage.
When hitting the ball, the leg should be straightened and directed at a certain angle to its original position. A hit on the ball should catch him in the air, and he must be applied by raising his leg. It is with such a hit that the ball can fly straight up.

Kick the ball should not be strong! The ball should rise to a height convenient for you. It is better for beginners not to throw the ball very high. Then you can limit your height to the level of your belt or even lower. It is convenient enough to throw the ball to the height from which you threw it with your hands. Improving your skill, you can throw the ball higher.
For beginners, it is optimal to throw the ball to about the same height, keeping the force of impact constant. You can keep your foot in the air all the time, constantly bending it and unbending it to the desired angle, you can put it on the ground. Since it will be necessary to put your foot on the ground and lift it quickly enough, you need to do this carefully to avoid injury.

Naturally, at the initial stage, the ball will not always fly strictly vertically. In order to tame the ball in the air, you have to move after it. If playing with your foot is uncomfortable, can you connect your knee, chest? or head.
For stuffing with both legs, you must have good control of your “non-working” leg. In this case, the ball should hit up and slightly to the side when it hits - in order to fall at the other leg. It is very good to develop a “non-working" leg precisely by chasing ball  right and left foot.

Take the grenade in your right hand (if you're left-handed, then in your left). Throw her a few times. Try to feel the center of gravity of the projectile, since it is this very heavy part of the grenade that should be ahead when you fly out.

Swipe, that is, take your hand with a grenade back. The elbow should be at eye level.

So, for example, the owner of the Golden Ball - Ronaldillo is able to score the ball more than 7000 times. Surprising, right? But how to learn how to mint a ball as well as they? In this case, physical data does not play a special role. Only training and perseverance will help you develop the technique and achieve the same result.

Sequential ball scoring technology

In order to learn how to mint the ball, you should "get used to the ball." Even children are able to get the ball at least 2-3 times. From this you will have to build on. The technology does not really exist, but there are a couple of proven ways that will simplify your workouts and speed up the process.

  1. Throw the ball up and take it with one touch. Do not continue to score, just learn to take the ball. Repeat this 10-20 and even 50 times. So, you have worked out the reaction and reception.
  2. Fill with one foot and help with your hands if the ball flies to the side. Make a corridor for the ball. Knock it up and all, following a smooth and correct trajectory. So you learn to control the flight of the ball. Do not worry, soon you will not need hands, at this stage they are only psychological support.
  3. Fill the ball with different parts of the leg. First mint the central zone (where the laces are), then use the cheek to learn how to use the outer part. Alternately change sides, regardless of how much you manage to fill on each. So you get used to beating with all parts of your legs and you can smoothly handle the ball if it falls on one side.
  4. You can stuff. True, now you know how to mint a ball. If at this stage you can score 10 times, then do 10 confident approaches 10 times, then set a new bar in 15 strokes.

Learn to Type in Motion

You can also ask a friend to play with you. Compete in rounds, for example, 10 rounds and the one who can total more for 10 sets will win. So you will have a new incentive and support from a friend. You can try to hit the ball on the go, just beat and run forward, as if you are in a game, and you need to run a couple of meters with the ball. Learn to maneuver, move the ball back and forth, so you work out coordination and speed up training and reception skills.

Continuously hone your skills

When you understand for yourself how to mint a ball, you can proceed with various tricks. Try to hit the ball with your heel or make a move around the world. Do not forget that you can mint the ball with any body parts: head, knees, shoulders, chest, legs, etc. Learn to lift the ball from the ground, toss it with your toe or heel. Soon, you will completely forget about your hands and be able to hone your skills up to 100, or maybe 7000 times, as the legendary Brazilian player does.

How to quickly learn how to put the ball on the foot? For this, first of all, a good margin of patience is required. The first workouts can bring a whole host of disappointments to people who have poor coordination. However, this is quite normal. Overcoming difficulties only daily can one understand how to learn how to score a ball.

The official world achievement for throwing the ball on the leg belongs to Dan Magness. He continuously managed to throw his feet throughout the day. During this time, the record holder completed 250,000 fillings, partially involving other parts of the body (shoulders, knees, head). Naturally, people who do not have outstanding ball handling skills should not even think about repeating such accomplishments. However, everyone is able to work out the correct technique, which will allow for a long time to juggle with a leather shell.

What is required for training?

  • High-quality and comfortable sports shoes.
  • Lightweight, spacious clothing that does not constrain movements.
  • Actually the ball itself. It is desirable that it is made of leather and has an average weight.

To quickly figure out how to learn how to fill, you should choose an open, flat area or grass field for training. It is best to learn to juggle with a sports apparatus with like-minded people. As practice shows, joint training creates a competitive spirit, which has a very positive effect on the learning outcomes of football techniques.

Preparatory stage

How to learn how to put the ball? Before proceeding directly to the exercise, it is worth working on developing balance and improving body coordination in space. During the preparatory activities, the following actions must be performed:

  1. Take a straight stand, spread your arms to the sides, bending the working leg at the knee. In this position, you must try to remain motionless for several seconds. Then repeat the exercise, resting on the other foot.
  2. Next, put the ball on the ankle joint of the working leg and hold it as long as possible.
  3. Having become accustomed to a sports equipment, it is recommended to knock it down with each foot for a while alternately and catch it in your hands.

There are some practical tips that will help you quickly figure out how to learn how to score the ball. So, during training, it is necessary to allow the sports equipment to fall lower. The higher the ball bounces after contact with the ankle, the harder it is to maintain balance and control your own movements.

Highlights during the training

During training, you need to try to keep the working foot parallel to the site. Excessive bending of the latter will necessarily lead to the fact that the ball will fly away every time in one of the sides. In this case, one should not strain the leg very much, since at first it is necessary to learn how to fully control the projectile, while feeling completely relaxed.

How to learn how to put the ball? The momentum in contact with the projectile here should go from the knee. The ball must be thrown from the chest level. Knock it down should begin as soon as it is at a distance of about 20 cm from the ground. And toss the ball you need to try every time at the same height. In order to fully master a sports equipment, during training it is recommended to initially work alternately with one and the other leg.

During classes, the back should remain flat. Keeping balance while allowing hand movements. It is necessary to closely monitor the flight of the ball, not taking his eyes off him. It is necessary to try to perform accurate foot movements, in which the ankle will fall in the middle of the ball each time. When the above conditions are met, the projectile will fly up clearly and will not force the body to adjust under it, dangling all over the site.


To understand, it is worth conducting training on a regular basis. This will allow you to work out by forming the appropriate nerve connections in the brain. When training, it is recommended to record the results each time, write down what difficulties most often arise during the classes. Identifying your own shortcomings will allow you to adjust the actions to eliminate them and, accordingly, quickly get tangible progress in working with a soccer ball.

Every boy playing soccer in the yard is committed to mastering the ball. Stuffing is considered to be a special art, in which the ball is constantly held in the air with the help of feet and does not touch the ground. Almost everyone can master this technique. The main thing is to be patient before training. The first key to the success of these workouts is high-quality and comfortable shoes. Most suitable are the usual gym shoes or regular shoes. However, they should ideally fit the size of the legs.

In order to learn how to learn how to put the ball on the leg, you first need to get this ball. Obviously, you need a leather soccer ball to train your legs. It should be tough and well pumped up. The next point is finding a place for the exercise itself. Any platform is suitable here, and its coverage does not really matter. You can practice skills not only on the football field, but also in any gym.

After the court is found, you can proceed to the exercise and fill the ball with your foot. Particular care must be taken to ensure that the body maintains balance. To do this, there is a good exercise: you need to lean on one leg, bend the other at the knee and lift. If you stand in this position for several minutes, then you can learn to control the balance. Then the time will come for exercises with the ball.

First, they learn to fill the ball with one foot - the one that is more convenient. First you need to pick up the ball, at the height of the belt. Take a special stance is not required, as well as widely spread legs. The ball is thrown with both hands (no higher than face level). At that moment, when it reaches a height of 10-20 cm from the ground, the ball must be packed. However, these figures can not be considered mandatory, everyone selects a comfortable height for himself.

The ball is hit with a straight leg, and it is directed at an angle to the starting position. The ball is hit with a lift (with the front of the foot), this helps to direct it upward and continue stuffing. During it, the back should be straightened. Hand movements help maintain the right pace. The movements of the ball must be closely monitored, and upon impact it is necessary to fall into its middle so that it does not fly to the side. It is the last rule that many beginners do not follow, so he needs to pay special attention.

It is not necessary to hit the ball hard, otherwise it will fly to an uncomfortable height. It makes no sense to raise the projectile very high. To learn how to fill the ball, it is best to keep it at the level of the belt. You can go to higher heights after acquiring certain skills. If the ball is stuffed with one foot, then you can constantly keep it in the air or periodically put it on the ground. In the latter case, you need to be careful to avoid injuries.

Having learned to follow the ball trajectory and control your movements, you can proceed to consolidate your skills. It makes sense to record the results, counting the number of shots on the ball. This will allow you to evaluate your own level and understand what to strive for. After that, it will be possible to call friends and proudly demonstrate their skills. There is only one thing left - do not worry.