
Triple jump for students. School regulations: how to jump long from a place and take off

Jumping from a place is used mainly as training, although they hold competitions in jumping from a place and a triple jump from a place. A high jump from a place is carried out as a control test to determine the jumping ability and strength of the legs.

Long jump from a place.Jumping technique is divided into:

Preparation for repulsion;


Landing (Fig. 62).

Preparation for repulsion: the athlete approaches the repulsion line, the feet are placed shoulder width or slightly narrower than the shoulder width, then the athlete raises his hands up slightly backward, while bending in the lower back and lifting on his toes. After that, gently but quickly enough, he lowers his hands down and back, at the same time he lowers his whole foot, bends his legs in the knee andthe hip joints, leaning forward so that the shoulders are in front of the feet, and the hip joint is above the socks.

The arms laid back are slightly bent at the elbow joints. Without lingering in this position, the athlete proceeds to push away.

It is important to start repulsion at the moment when the body of the jumper still falls down by inertia, i.e. the body moves down, but extension in the hip joints is already beginning, while the arms are actively and quickly carried forward slightly upward in the direction of the jump.

After repulsion, the jumper straightens his body, stretched out like a string, then bends the legs in the knee and hip joints and pulls them to the chest. In this case, the arms are retracted back and down, after which the athlete straightens the legs in the knee joints, bringing the feet forward to the landing site. At the moment the feet touch the landing site, the jumper actively brings his hands forward, at the same time bends the legs at the knee joints and pulls the pelvis to the landing site, the flight phase ends. Leg curl should be elastic, with resistance. After stopping, the jumper straightens up, takes two steps forward and leaves the landing site.

Triple jump from a place.The technique of a triple jump from a place Divided into:

The first repulsion from two legs;

Flying in the first step;

Second repulsion;

Flying in the second step;

Third repulsion;

Landing on two legs.

The alternation of legs in the triple jump is performed alternately, that is, from two legs - to the left foot, then - to the right, then - to the left foot and then - to two legs (Fig. 63).

Repulsion from two legs is carried out as in a jump from a place. After repulsion, the jumper takes one leg forward, bending it at the Knee joint, the tibia pointing down or slightly forward,

the other leg lingers behind, slightly bent at the knee joint (flying in a step). Further, the jumper with a “raking” setting puts the leg in front in front of the ground, while the leg located at the back at the same time is brought forward with an active swing movement, helping to perform repulsion with one leg.

After the second repulsion, flight is again performed in step, but from the other leg. The third repulsion is also performed, due to the “raking” movement of the leg. In the third flight, the jumper to the fly leg pulls the jerk leg, bending at the knee joint, and, bringing the knees closer to the chest, performs a landing, which is described in jumping from a place.

To achieve a high result in a triple jump, it is important to actively repel in combination with an active swing and try to lengthen the flight phase, rather than quickly putting the fly leg in the repulsion site.

A high jump from a place is performed in the same way as a long jump from a place, only all actions of the jumper are directed upwards. It is important to remember that leg extension should be performed at the moment when the body of the jumper still makes a downward movement, i.e. There should be no pause at the bottom of the squat.

Test questions and tasks

1. What are the phases in different kinds  athletics jumping?

2. What is the mechanism of repulsion in jumping.

3. List the main factors affecting performance in jumping.

4. What are the varieties of technique in long jump?

5. Tell us about the varieties of techniques in high jump and their features.

6. What are the features of the triple running jump technique? Name them.

7. List the features of the pole vault technique.

8. What are the similarities and differences between the main parameters of the dynamic and kinematic structures of athletics jumping.

9. What are the main differences in jumping technique for men and wives

A long jump from a standstill is a complex, locomotor, acyclic, symmetric movement associated with pushing the body away from the supporting surface, tossing it up and then landing. This type of jump is the simplest for anatomical analysis, although it is the main one, and all the others (with a run, triple) are its varieties.

A long jump from a standpoint has four phases: the first is preparatory, the second is a push, the third is flight and the fourth is landing (Fig. 78).

Movement during the jump is due to the interaction of external and internal forces. Of the external forces, gravity and the support reaction force are of the greatest importance, with the force of gravity acting during all phases of movement, and the support reaction force only in the first, second and fourth phases.

Ots.t. body in this type of jump describes a parabola, the trajectory of which is the resultant of two forces: the push force and the body's gravity.

The force of the push when jumping long from a place should be directed at an angle of approximately 45 ° to the horizon (according to theoretical calculations in mechanics, since the motion of a body in the free-flight phase during jumping can be considered as the motion of any body thrown at an angle to the horizontal).

The area of \u200b\u200bthe support in different phases of the jump varies: in the preparatory phase it is the largest, since it is formed by the area of \u200b\u200bthe plantar surface of the feet and the area of \u200b\u200bthe space located between them; by the end of the push phase, the area of \u200b\u200bthe support decreases due to the fact that only the forefoot is in contact with the supporting surface; at the beginning of the last phase - the landing phase - the area of \u200b\u200bthe support is also small, since the landing occurs only on the back of the foot, and by the end of this phase the area of \u200b\u200bthe support increases, since the diver rests completely on both feet.

In this regard, the degree of body stability in each supporting phase of the jump is not the same: in the first and last phases, the stability is greater than in the second phase. Moreover, in the first phase, stability is more pronounced backward, and in the last - forward.

The work of the motor apparatus in the first phase is reduced to providing a pose and creating the most favorable conditions for repulsion. So that the repulsion is strong, oh. c. That is, the body at the beginning should occupy the lowest position, and at the end - the highest. In addition, an important condition that increases the strength of repulsion is the stretching of the leading muscles that exercise it (Fig. 79).

In the preparatory phase, the body of the jumper is in the squat position. Under the influence of gravity there is a flexion in the hip and knee joints, extension of the feet. The body is slightly tilted forward, arms are extended in the elbow joints and laid back, the belt of the upper extremities is lowered. This position is ensured by muscle tension, not by the same movements in the joints, but by their antagonists. So, on the lower extremity, the extensors of the thigh, the extensors of the lower leg and the flexors of the foot. They perform inferior work and are in a stretched state. Parallel to the entire plantar surface of the foot increase muscle tension. The separation of the heel of the foot reduces the area of \u200b\u200bsupport, worsens the equilibrium conditions and does not provide sufficient muscle stretching.

The trunk and head are held by the extensor muscles of the spinal column, which also perform inferior work and are in a stretched state.

The position of the hands in the elbow joints is ensured by the tension of the extensors of the forearm (triceps muscle of the shoulder), and in the shoulders by the extensors of the shoulder (deltoid, latissimus dorsi, subscapularis, etc.). The arms laid back stretch the flexor muscles of the shoulder (pectoral muscles, biceps, coracorachumeral).

The squat position, the lowered belt of the upper limbs lower about. c. T. body and stretch the muscles, providing subsequent repulsion.

In the second phase, repulsion by two legs occurs simultaneously. The parallel arrangement of the feet provides a more uniform transmission of the repulsive force through the pelvis to the o.c.t. body and allows more use of the muscles of the plantar surface of the feet.

During repulsion, flexion occurs in the ankle-foot joint, extension in the knee and hip joints, straightening of the body and a sharp swing of the arms straight up, which contributes to an increase in r.t. body. The lower limbs, trunk and upper limbs form an almost straight line, and the repulsive force is transmitted along the bone basis to the o.c.t. body.

The leading muscles in repulsion are: flexors of the foot (muscles of the plantar surface of the foot, back and outer surfaces of the lower leg), extensors in the knee joint (quadriceps femoris), extensors in the hip joint (mainly the gluteus maximus), extensor muscles of the spine (mainly muscle , straightening the body), flexors in the shoulder joint (major and minor pectoral muscles, the anterior part of the deltoid muscle, the coraco-brachial and biceps muscles of the shoulder). All these muscles perform overcoming work. To transfer the repulsive force to about. c. since the body of the jumper should be fixed in all joints, therefore, although for a short period of time, their antagonists strain along with the indicated muscles.

The flight phase is not passive, it is necessary to use the flight path as much as possible, to adopt and maintain a certain position of the body, which would not only not interfere with movement, but also contribute to subsequent landing.

In the flight phase, the lower limbs are carried forward. To reduce their moment of inertia, flexion occurs in the knee joints and extension of the feet, carried out by the corresponding muscle groups performing retention work. Leaving the legs forward is possible due to the tension of the hip flexor muscles (iliopsoas, rectus femoris, tailor and scallop). At the same time, the pelvis moves backward and somewhat downward. At the same time, hand movements (first forward, then down) and bending of the body occur. Hand movements are caused by the consistent tension of the flexors and extensors of the shoulder. In the bending of the body, mainly abdominal muscles (rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen) take part.

During landing, the same muscles work as in the preparatory phase: flexors of the foot, extensors in the knee and hip sutures. They perform inferior work at the beginning of the phase, and overcoming the transition from the squat to the upright position. The reduction of tremors during landing is achieved due to the depreciation properties of the lower extremities (menisci, ligaments of the femoral head, etc.), their specific position (bent in the knee and hip joints), due to inferior muscle work, torso and deformation of the ground.

As for the mechanism of external respiration, favorable conditions for exhalation are created in the preparatory phase, when pushing away (due to a wave of hands up), for inhalation, breathing is usually somewhat delayed in flight, and exhalation occurs when landing.

The jump promotes the predominant development of the muscles of the lower extremities, consistency in the work of individual muscle groups and the accuracy of movements.

Jumping is one of the oldest disciplines in athletics. Both long jumps and high jumps are included in the school curriculum physical education. A high level of jumping helps to improve the technique of volleyball, basketball, tennis and a number of other sports. Athletes often combine strength training with jumping exercises to make training more multifaceted, helping to develop not only strength, but also dexterity, flexibility, speed. Long jumps help to develop speed, repulsive force, coordination. You can jump in length from a start or from a place, and in these two cases, the jumping technique will be slightly different.

Classical jumping from a place in length is an independent type of competition when passing the standards for physical education at school. They are also often included in athletics all-around programs or are a separate exercise for harmonious athletic development. Having mastered how to jump in length from a place, you can develop speed and power qualities, jumping ability, sprinting skills.

Before disassembling the technique of jumping from a place, you need to understand a little what this exercise is. Since school, we know that this exercise is performed by simultaneously detaching from the surface of the legs, and the goal of the jumper is to overcome the maximum distance in flight. Having reached contact with the ground, the jumper straightens up and leaves the landing zone. Then the length of the jump is measured. This is done perpendicular between the extreme tear-off point and the landing. The point of contact in this case is the nearest place of landing by any part of the body. There are standards that allow you to objectively assess the physical shape of a jumper:

  • For students aged 8-10 years, the norm is 120-160 cm.
  • Schoolchildren 11-15 years old - 150-200 centimeters.
  • For boys and men aged 16-30 years - 200-240 cm.

For women, these same standards are reduced by 10%. Age categories remain the same.

Now consider in detail phased techniquehow to jump long from a place.

Jump preparation

The initial stage, which involves the adoption of a starting position. It is quite important, as it determines the strength of the push and the overall result of the jump. To take the right position, you need the following actions:

  • You need to get up at the starting line.
  • Legs should be positioned at shoulder level.
  • Put your hands down, pull back a little. Bend your elbows so that you can push the body forward.
  • Feet put on the whole foot.
  • Bend the knee and hip joints so that they are at sock level.


This stage is performed immediately after the previous one, without stopping, then when the body is still moving down by inertia, the hip joints begin to unbend. Hands are thrown forward in the direction of the jump. The second phase of the exercise is as follows:

  • Hands are thrown forward.
  • The hip joints are pulled forward.
  • The knee joints are straightened.
  • The explosive movement of the foot comes off the ground.

Flying and landing

When the athlete is in the air, he pulls the knee joints to the chest and stretches the body in a straight line. At the end of the flight stage, the arms lower, and the feet are extended forward. Then there is contact with the ground and the hopper lands. When flying and landing, the following movements are made:

  • In contact with the surface of the hand, you need to bring it forward, so that it is easier to maintain balance.
  • Knees bend to provide a touchdown fit. At the same time, the load on the joints and ligaments is reduced.
  • When landing, the athlete needs to straighten up and leave the exercise zone.

To jump well in length, do not land on straightened legs, as this can lead to injury to the knee joints. It is also important to first work through the above steps separately, and only after that proceed directly to full jumps.

Errors when performing jumps from a place

Both schoolchildren and experienced athletes can make jumps from a place typical mistakesthat worsen the results. Among them are the following:

  • Inconsistent movement of arms and legs.
  • Premature drooping of the legs.
  • Incomplete straightening of the knee and hip joints.
  • Fall at the moment of contact with the ground.

Also important remember the warm-up and its significance. It is needed to prevent injuries. You also need to consider that learning how to jump in length from a place will work if the legs and shoulders are developed enough, and the general physical preparation is at the level. Therefore, it is important to take care of improving the power parameters as a whole.

  • Be sure to learn the jumping technique - it should be perfect.
  • Strengthen the muscles of the upper part of the body through strength exercises.
  • Run more.
  • Train other types of jumps: in height, with a run and so on.
  • Do stretching exercises every day.
  • Track your progress to further improve your achievements.

Triple jump: execution technique

There is another kind of jumping from a place - triple. He is can be run.  This jump is included in the program of all athletics competitions. The technique of its implementation is divided into the following stages:

  • Repulsion with two legs for the first time.
  • Flying at the first step.
  • The second repulsion.
  • Flying in the second step.
  • Third repulsion.
  • Third flight.
  • Landing on the feet.

Performing a triple jump, you need to alternate between the legs: a push with two legs left, right, left leg, and then landing on both legs. At the first repulsion, the same actions are performed as with conventional long jumps.  Then you need to throw one leg forward, bending it in the knee joint. Make sure that the shin goes down and slightly forward.

The second leg, which is slightly bent at the knee, lingers behind. Then you need to "raking" the movement to land on the front foot. The hind leg is brought forward with a sharp swing, and then a second repulsion is performed.

Stage two starts with the other leg.. Then, thanks to a new “raking” movement, repulsion is done for the third time. At the last flight, you need to pull the pushing leg to the fly leg, bend them at the knee and bring them closer to the chest. Then you need to land using the classic jumping technique.

For the most effective performance of this exercise, you need to strongly repel and perform a swing movement. Try to lengthen the flight phase and do not lower your fly leg to the ground when pushing away too quickly.

Long Jump

Long jump with a running start is a rather difficult exercise, taking into account the technique of execution. The main difficulty is that the exercise consists of several stages that are not repeated among themselves. To achieve maximum results, you need to perform them as powerfully as possible.

In any type of jump, four stages are distinguished: take-off, pushing away, flying and landing. In the process of flight, three types of jump can be used: with bent legs, with bending and “scissors”. To get the maximum result, you need to know how to jump long with a run. Recommended stick to the following tips:

  • During the take-off run, you need to gain maximum speed and maintain it when repelled.
  • Based on this, it is necessary to change the horizontal movement of the body by the right angle so that the departure speed is maintained.
  • Next, the jumper prepares himself for landing, continuing to adhere to the chosen method of flight.
  • When in contact with the ground, you must take your feet forward and up to the maximum to prevent a fall.

Men are usually advised to use a distance of 50 meters for takeoff, women - 35-40. This allows you to dial before pushing maximum speed. But everything is individual, and each athlete can choose a distance for himself.

Today, professional athletes   apply one of three types of changes in running speed dynamics:

  • Speed \u200b\u200bincrease gradually from the start of the take-off and its sharp increase before the push.
  • An active increase in speed in the middle of the distance, which is replaced by the so-called capable run before making a repulsive movement.
  • A quick start, in which the speed gained is made in the middle of the distance and increases sharply before repulsion.

The latter method is most popular, since it makes it possible to gain maximum speed. When flying, the athlete needs to maintain balance and create an optimal starting position before landing. Although at first it may seem that everything is simple, in practice the phase of the flight is quite complicated and in many respects affects the final results

It has already been said that there are three variations of running jumps. Some athletes combine scissors and bending, and this often leads to very good results. Of course, the technique is becoming more complicated, since the combination of several elements is always harder to master than one technique. Remember that you can not land on straightened legs - this is fraught with a knee injury. To learn how to perform the exercise correctly from a technical point of view, you need to prepare yourself for serious work.

Features of the right training for long jumps

To learn how to jump long in length, both from a place and from a run, you need to strongly push off and develop maximum speed (if we are talking about a run). Therefore, you need to improve your overall physical fitness. In addition, experts recommend the following exercises:

  • Running with maximum hips: for each leg 20 times at a slow pace, and then at an average speed. Then you need to try to develop the highest possible speed.
  • It is important to train your hands - this will help give the body maximum acceleration. You need to get up, bend your legs a bit and perform intense hand swings, just like you do when running. It is recommended to do several approaches.
  • Plyometric training will be helpful. Do several sets with alternation: first jumps on a hill, then jumping, alternate explosive jumps with jumping to a distance. It is important to monitor the correctness of the push.
  • To train the repulsive force, you need to deal with weighting. So, you can walk around the hall with a bar or barbell on your shoulders, paying attention to the fact that at the maximum point of extension the push leg is straightened and the thigh of the fly leg becomes parallel to the floor during the step.

Long jumps are quite complicated from a technical point of view, so initially it is important not to chase the results, but to master the execution technique. It may not be so fast, but after some time of regular training, you will succeed.

Educational video: buckles in length from a place