Driving lessons

Typical mistakes "beginners". What to look for in the first year of driving

Most novice drivers, only having passed on the license, do not drive their own cars, because they are afraid to drive it without an assistant. Because in the driving school with them there was always an instructor who suggested where to look and what to do in a particular situation. And when you ride yourself, try the following for everything: cars, left, right, front, rear; signs, traffic lights and markings; pedestrians crossing the road in the wrong and laid places; pits and potholes on the pavement and more. And it is not surprising that you can be seized with fear, because you got the rights, but you don’t know how to drive a car yourself.

To learn to drive a car, UchiThis wrote this article. Let's start with the two main rules, which must be followed by beginners.

Never sit next to your wife, friend or someone else who drives well, but who does not know how to teach.
  Study in the country or, if you have a small town, then in it. Because on the streets of megacities and major cities you can drive only after you learn how to do everything on automatism.

How to learn to drive around the city by car: Instruction

  • The first misconception is that you think that on their own, and the rest of the drivers themselves. Such drivers cannot understand what are part of traffic. And on the road you need to behave taking into account other participants in the car flow. This is typical for novice motorists who are just learning to feel the car and do not pay attention to others. Such behavior leads to incorrect geometry of motion, non-compliance with speed, undercutting. In a city in a dense traffic flow, you need to think about all the road users who are on the road.
  • Mindfulness is also very important. Not a single trifle should slip away from you. You must process a ton of information at the same time. Predict the actions of other participants in the movement, understand the signs, watch for traffic lights. This will teach you to model behavioral situations so that sudden maneuvers do not come as a surprise to you. Drive carefully near cars that are randomly rebuilding, traveling at high speed or making sharp maneuvers. Such a car can brake sharply at any second. And even if this happened a couple of cars before you, you have to do emergency braking for the whole row. Such vehicles also include a fixed-route taxi, which can stop abruptly in the wrong places for this.
  • One of the important points of safe and proper driving is the absence of fear. Fear prevents decisions and paralyzes actions. There is no time to be afraid of driving, you need to monitor everything that happens. If you are afraid to travel in the city, then it is worth to build confidence in an empty night city or even outside it. But self-preservation should be present for all drivers. It is this feeling that protects us from risky maneuvers, rash decisions and prevents emergency situations.
  • Glue the sign "teapot", "U" or "70" on the rear window. There is nothing shameful in this, but the rest of the participants will know that they are not professional at the wheel, they will be more patient and attentive.
  • When you get on the road, immediately choose a truck or a bus that has an acceptable speed for you, and follow it while it moves in the direction you need. At this time, analyze all his actions: turns, blinks, pauses, and so on. So you abstract from holes, markings and signs. He will be your "guide." In the meantime, you will bring your driving skills to automatism.
  • When the "conductor" comes off or turns off, immediately find another, third ... And if you are stalled, confused, boldly click on the "emergency gang" and do whatever you need. Naturally, it will be better if you do it at the sidewalk, but if you are standing in the middle of the road, it’s okay. Calm down, catch your breath, start the car and all over again.
  • Ignore all the screams and signals of the rest drove, do not try to make room for them, because no one says that you must do it. A couple of such activities and you will already be driving like an automatic machine, and you will be able to spend more time tracking signs, marking and everything else. Then it is already possible to start riding without “guides”.
  • Even if skills do not come quickly, you don’t need to get upset, each person needs a different time to master this or that craft, art. And those people who give up are saying that they are not allowed to drive, everyone can learn this, just like drawing, writing, reading and so on. Practice is important here.
  • In addition, do not forget that even if it seems to you that you already drive excellently, unforeseen situations can happen: you can turn on the wrong gear, stall and so on. Therefore, do not wait for progress from each trip, just focus and soon you will simply enjoy the trip.
  • And the last tip. The first time you can leave on Sunday morning, it is then the least number of cars on the roads, both suburban and urban. But constantly complicate it, because if you drive only when there are no cars, you will never learn how to drive a car when there will be a large flow.

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  http://goodmaster.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/vozhdenie-v-gorode.jpg Vehicle technical condition

The most important thing is the brakes. Not only your safety, health or life depend on their condition, think about your passengers and other participants in the movement. In the modern metropolis, with its frantic pace of life and aggressive driving style, with faulty or semi-faulty brakes, you are unlikely to go far.

And on how clearly and reliably the engine of your car starts, it will depend on how much time you spend standing at a traffic light in the middle of the intersection and trying to start it. How much you have to listen to the angry beeps of sound signals and emotional expressions with verbal recommendations from other drivers depends only on the attempt to start the stalled engine.

Unstable lighting fixtures can easily cause a traffic accident. A novice (and not just a novice) driving a car with faulty turn signals or brake lights is like a time bomb.

SDA and traffic signs

Traffic rules and road signs are not enough just to know, their knowledge needs to be brought to the level of conscious reflex action, when in order to leave at an unregulated intersection, you do not have to push, remembering the rules of the road, and when you saw a sign, for example, limiting speed, the leg was reflex would be removed from the accelerator pedal.

It is best at the initial stage to travel along any one route (for example, from home to work and back) as a passenger, carefully examining road signs and mentally scrolling through the head the list of necessary driver responses to them.

Observe other participants in the movement, analyzing their actions and determining their compliance with traffic regulations.

Only after such “correspondence” and passive driving you can drive yourself yourself, without fear of being lost in the dense stream of vehicles.

When to leave for a beginner

A novice with not yet formed driving skills in the city should make his first trips in the early morning hours, especially on weekends, when traffic density is still low and there are no traffic jams. A good option can be considered trips in the evening (or even at night), when there are few cars on the roads of the city, but morning study trips in natural light are still preferable.

How to drive

Start with a trip along a route that you have thoroughly studied as a passenger and are confidently figuring out where and in which row you need to change lanes, where to turn, what signs you need to comply with and what points of the traffic rules to be guided in for a particular maneuver.

Take the right lane so that, without interfering with other participants in the movement and moving at low speed, reach your final destination. Learn carefully that you "read" the traffic situation in front of your car and predict the maneuvers of oncoming or ahead cars.

At traffic lights, despite the resolving green light and the impatient buzz of the horn of the cars standing behind, do not start driving until you are sure that all pedestrians have safely reached the pedestrian crossing on the sidewalk. Be sure to give the opportunity to complete the maneuver to drivers whose car is blocked by a red traffic light in the middle of the intersection.

About the sound signals. Be psychologically prepared for the fact that at first you will be constantly accompanied by car horns dissatisfied with your driving style. Take it philosophically, keep calm (at least try to do it), be aware that this phenomenon is temporary.

At first, avoid complex and intricate maneuvers; instead of one difficult one, perform several simple and understandable actions for other participants in the movement, warning them in advance with light signals.

In conclusion

A few useful tips to conclude: keep an eye on the landing and the correct position of the hands on the steering wheel, use comfortable shoes to control the machine, shift gears quickly and smoothly, while driving, keep a distance to the car in front, when reversing, be sure to turn on the emergency light, but the most important thing - do not worry, because the ability to move away, to reverse and park in one movement will definitely come to you over time, for this you only need your desire, time and regular classes.

Good luck in mastering the city streets!

In order to feel confident when driving a car, it is necessary, first of all, that it be serviceable, and you know how to use all its capabilities. In addition, you must quickly navigate in an urban setting, and make the right decisions in accordance with the situation on the road.

What you need to be able to drive a car in an urban environment?

Of course, without knowledge of the rules of the road, you cannot go on the road. Learn all the rules well, even those that do not apply to you (in your opinion). Particular attention should be paid to the rules for crossing intersections and pedestrian crossings. Learn all the road signs, and make it a rule not to miss them on the road.

You can travel around the city with a friend who has extensive driving experience. But it is better to contact a professional instructor, and take a couple of additional lessons. The instructor will tell you what your driving problems are and give tips on how to behave on the road.

Do not immediately try to leave the city at rush hour. You will not go beyond your own parking. You should start learning to drive in the city either in a special fleet or on quiet country roads. Practice various maneuvers. Learn to move smoothly, without jerking, to shift gears. Master the skill to make a smooth turn, go around obstacles. Please note that you should not forget to turn on the turn signals during each rebuild.

We leave for the city.

Driving in the city must be learned either early in the morning or on Sunday afternoon when traffic is not so intense. Choose a route on the map, it should include turns, pedestrian crossings, roundabouts. Those. what you can learn to ride in the city. Just taking a straight round trip is not the best solution. You must drive the chosen route several times to get practice, and feel free to drive on the streets of the city.

You should find some rise, you can out of town, and learn to move uphill.

How to do it:

Keep the engine on, put the machine on the hand brake.
   . Left hand on the steering wheel, right on the brake handle.
   . Gently squeezing the clutch, you begin to give gas. Not too much.
   . Lower the hand brake while simultaneously accelerating and releasing the clutch, but without dropping it.

If it didn’t work out right away, then you need to repeat it until you learn how to start moving uphill without sliding down it.

Learn to park a car   in different places: at the store, in the parking lot, on the road by the curb. Practice the confident movements necessary for parking. But do not forget about signs saying that stopping or parking is prohibited.

It is also necessary to be able to back up. Such movement is necessary for parking and turning in a small area.

At first, ride only in fine weather, but gradually, you can begin to ride in difficult weather conditions and at night.

Hi AutoCadabra! We decided to upload video responses in order, from simple to complex. Therefore, in this issue we’ll talk about the mistakes of “newcomers” (who just got into a car after a driving school) and short-lived drivers.

Answer Andrei Lunin, the leading instructor of the autodrome training club "Extreme Drive":

A sign of driving skill is intense acceleration and smooth braking. That is, an experienced driver drives that way. The "newbie" is the opposite. A beginner, as a rule, always drops out of the stream.

The fact is that in urban traffic, a safe speed will always be the flow rate. The "newbie" is afraid of gaining it and keeps a great distance in front of him, because he is afraid not to have time to slow down. The most typical example, when the traffic flows on the Moscow Ring Road and there is a specialist who among the cars starts to "play chess" rushes back and forth. The speed of this person is different from the flow rate, he exceeds it.

And if we move on the same Moscow Ring Road, where the speed is 100 km / h and where the flow is at a speed of 100 km / h, we will move at a speed of 50 km / h, and the flow will slow us down, then the percentage probability of an accident same as if we were 50 km / h faster than the flow.

Our task, this is a recommendation, to look forward all the time and try to see the reason earlier and start to slow down earlier. When you learn to do this, that's all - this problem will already disappear. And she will remove a number of other problems.

We will take the same Moscow Ring Road as an example, we are driving along the left lane, working movement, everyone goes fast enough and then the flow starts to slow down sharply, everyone slows down, rebuilds, it turns out that the sweeper is going. If you find yourself in such a situation, it means that you did not look far ahead.

Had a ride with one of the more experienced drivers. He travels actively, fast, has some great skills and people think, oh, I can do that too, why not, I’ve been traveling for a year now, and, as a rule, such experiments on this topic may not end very well.

We must see everyone on the road, always and at any time. And not only to see everyone, but also they themselves must be visible on the road, that is, be constantly in the field of view of other drivers, because any safety is based on the forecast.

Answer Alla Zakharina, instructor of the Academy of Speed \u200b\u200bSergey Uspensky, candidate for master of sports:

It is advisable to collect as many typical situations as possible, to remember and sitting to the right when you are traveling with someone and when he is driving. If the car is on the left turn, then it is not necessary that it stands with the wheels turned, because if someone pushes you out, then it pushes out into the oncoming lane. Ahead, the car shifted somewhere to the left, ask yourself the question - why did it shift, do you have to be prepared either for braking, or for rebuilding. There are a lot of such typical situations and everyone should have a big zagashnik, when there are a lot of them, a person feels comfortable and safe while driving.

Answer Mikhail Gorbachev, master of sports, author of many books on car driving, member of the Union of Journalists:

The driver in the first year of driving, the novice driver, of course, needs to be very careful and attentive, on the one hand, so as not to get into an accident, on the other hand, so as not to discourage himself from driving.

When leaving the streets, newcomers usually drive very slowly, and when they themselves get into traffic conditions, they are forced to drive faster, because everyone is pushing, humming, and you need to somehow fit into the stream. And at this point you can make a lot of mistakes. You should not run ahead of the engine, experience should be accumulated, but this should not give too much self-confidence. If a beginner managed to travel for a year without accidents and without any serious stressful situations, he develops excessive self-confidence, he starts to drive fast, although he is not ready for a fast ride, he does not have such a fast ride program. And he provokes himself to make a mistake. Many, incidentally, have an accident in the second or third year, when there is excessive self-confidence. Therefore, I would advise you not to rush, and relate to the car "you", do everything gradually. And already having certain experience, slowly use it in increasing the speed of movement. I believe that beginners should not drive above 70 km / h, it is absolutely correctly written in the rules, they do not have time to collect enough information and process it. And all this is absolutely correct.

Answer Nikolai Ostrovsky, master of sports, instructor of the Tushino Ring Driving School:

Driving schools that prepare drivers for driving a car are mainly prepared for passing exams at the traffic police, i.e. drivers are trained in those exercises, on those elements that are necessary when passing the exam in the traffic police. Very little time is given to the movement in the stream. If I’m not mistaken, about 30 hours are allocated for the practical driving of the car, and the lion's share of the time is devoted to the so-called overall preparation at the site: this is parking, boxing - those elements that pass the exam in the traffic police. And very little time is devoted to driving in the city, the environment in which the driver will ride. And when a person gets into this environment, in addition to not having enough skill, he gets a lot of stress, since he cannot control himself in the flow of traffic. If we take one hundred percent trouble-free driving, then 30% is the correct movement and proper control of the car’s controls and 70% is the flow, the ability to predict the traffic situation, its development and the correct response to this traffic situation, as well as using the correct movements of the control bodies car taking appropriate action. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to traffic flow in driving schools.

For drivers who have an experience of about 2-3 years, a slightly different specificity is characteristic. It lies in the fact that they adapt a little in the flow of movement, get some specific skills. Unfortunately, their actions take on the character of not confident driving, but self-confident when they begin to overestimate their driving skills. So there are severe accidents with tragic consequences. With the initial skill in driving, scratches and small dents are possible. But when a person begins to overestimate their driving skills, drive to the brink of risk, which leads to negative consequences.

Answer Alexander Ilyukhin, master of sports, teacher of the department of applied sports and extreme activities of the RSUFKSiT:

After the usual driving school, along with a driver’s license, the driver, as a rule, receives an inferiority complex. This complex transfers to public roads: it tries to give way to someone, to go where it considers safe, thereby carrying out incorrect actions and doing more damage to everyone around.

eX trimDrive

Most novice drivers, only having passed on the license, do not drive their own cars, because they are afraid to drive it without an assistant. Because in the driving school with them there was always an instructor who suggested where to look and what to do in a particular situation. And when you ride yourself, try the following for everything: cars, left, right, front, rear; signs, traffic lights and markings; pedestrians crossing the road in the wrong and laid places; pits and potholes on the pavement and more. And it is not surprising that you can be seized with fear, because you got the rights, but you don’t know how to drive a car yourself.

To learn how to ride a car, Our site wrote this article. Let's start with the two main rules, which must be followed by beginners.

Never sit next to your wife, friend or someone else who drives well, but who does not know how to teach.
  Study in the country or, if you have a small town, then in it. Because on the streets of megacities and major cities you can drive only after you learn how to do everything on automatism.

How to learn to drive around the city by car: Instruction

  • The first misconception is that you think that on their own, and the rest of the drivers themselves. Such drivers cannot understand that they are part of the traffic. And on the road you need to behave taking into account other participants in the car flow. This is typical for novice motorists who are just learning to feel the car and do not pay attention to others. Such behavior leads to incorrect geometry of motion, non-compliance with speed, undercutting. In a city in a dense traffic flow, you need to think about all the road users who are on the road.
  • Mindfulness is also very important. Not a single trifle should slip away from you. You must process a ton of information at the same time. Predict the actions of other participants in the movement, understand the signs, watch for traffic lights. This will teach you to model behavioral situations so that sudden maneuvers do not come as a surprise to you. Drive carefully near cars that are randomly rebuilding, traveling at high speed or making sharp maneuvers. Such a car can brake sharply at any second. And even if this happened a couple of cars before you, you have to do emergency braking for the whole row. Such vehicles also include a fixed-route taxi, which can stop abruptly in the wrong places for this.
  • One of the important points of safe and proper driving is the absence of fear. Fear prevents decisions and paralyzes actions. There is no time to be afraid of driving, you need to monitor everything that happens. If you are afraid to travel in the city, then it is worth to build confidence in an empty night city or even outside it. But self-preservation should be present for all drivers. It is this feeling that protects us from risky maneuvers, rash decisions and prevents emergency situations.
  • Glue the sign "teapot", "U" or "70" on the rear window. There is nothing shameful in this, but the rest of the participants will know that they are not professional at the wheel, they will be more patient and attentive.
  • When you get on the road, immediately choose a truck or a bus that has an acceptable speed for you, and follow it while it moves in the direction you need. At this time, analyze all his actions: turns, blinks, pauses, and so on. So you abstract from holes, markings and signs. He will be your "guide." In the meantime, you will bring your driving skills to automatism.
  • When the "conductor" comes off or turns off, immediately find another, third ... And if you are stalled, confused, boldly click on the "emergency gang" and do whatever you need. Naturally, it will be better if you do it at the sidewalk, but if you are standing in the middle of the road, it’s okay. Calm down, catch your breath, start the car and all over again.
  • Ignore all the screams and signals of the rest drove, do not try to make room for them, because no one says that you must do it. A couple of such activities and you will already be driving like an automatic machine, and you will be able to spend more time tracking signs, marking and everything else. Then it is already possible to start riding without “guides”.
  • Even if skills do not come quickly, you don’t need to get upset, each person needs a different time to master this or that craft, art. And those people who give up are saying that they are not allowed to drive, everyone can learn this, just like drawing, writing, reading and so on. Practice is important here.
  • In addition, do not forget that even if it seems to you that you already drive excellently, unforeseen situations can happen: you can turn on the wrong gear, stall and so on. Therefore, do not wait for progress from each trip, just focus and soon you will simply enjoy the trip.
  • And the last tip. The first time you can leave on Sunday morning, it is then the least number of cars on the roads, both suburban and urban. But constantly complicate it, because if you drive only when there are no cars, you will never learn how to drive a car when there will be a large flow.

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