Driving lessons

Traffic rules for novice drivers. A few different notes. If you have a long road ahead

During driving instruction in a driving school, the student is under the control of an instructor who monitors his every movement and corrects it if necessary. After obtaining the rights, he has to drive alone and make all decisions on the highway independently.
Since driving knowledge cannot be completely obtained at a driving school, because it only comes with experience, a driver who has just gotten right and left for the city is a potential danger for the participants of the movement, as well as for himself. Therefore, he needs to memorize several rules that will help him avoid trouble on the road.

The first is strict adherence to speed. You need to know that most accidents occur precisely because of speeding. A new driver on the road Many young drivers, while driving a good car, do not feel the speed, since they have not yet had to be in an emergency. They measure speed only by the speedometer. And the speed feels good when an obstacle appears in front of you, and you, on the brakes of the squealing wheels, approach it. And it’s good if you manage to stop, otherwise you can’t avoid troubles. You need to understand that the car is not light, weighs several tons, and no new tires will help if the speed is high.

The second is maintaining distance. Keeping distance and speed will always allow you to stop in front of the machine during. Know that in the event of an accident, the one who hit from behind is always the one to blame, in such cases he is charged with a charge - not keeping the distance. Always keep your distance, you will feel calmer from this, you will always have a field for maneuvers.

These are two basic rules that a novice driver needs to know. And now I want to tell you about the intricacies of driving driving, which will help you on the road to avoid trouble.
- If you eat in the city you need to know the following subtleties, without the knowledge of which you can become a participant in an accident.

3) If you are driving in the city in your lane at a set speed, and the car behind you, signaling you, is rushing you, do not pay any conditions to it, and do not exceed the speed greater than that, and continue to move in your lane.

4) Always use side mirrors, know that at the moment when the car, overtaking you, is equal to you, you can not see it in the mirror for a second (if your mirrors are not spherical). Therefore, when you change the lane, be careful, make sure that you are not overtaken by a car.

5) Always ensure that your windshield is clean, this provides an overview of visibility and, consequently, traffic safety. It is better to go out and wipe it yourself than to go with such glass.
- If you are driving out of town on the highway, you need to know the following subtleties, without which you can become a member of an accident, and put car DVRs for video recordings.

6) Do not overtake the car if you are not sure that you have time to do it. Overtaking is considered one of the most difficult maneuvers.

7) Run to the stops on the tracks, if permitted by traffic rules. You can go out for five minutes and do a little workout, this will give you new strength.

8) At night if you are blinded by an oncoming driver, slow down and turn on the dipped headlights.

9) If you want to sleep hard, stop and rest. I know a man who committed all his accidents, of which there were many when he fell asleep at the wheel.

10) Do not forget about the sign, cattle driving, wild animals, many do not pay much attention to it, but it is very dangerous. Therefore, even if you are alone on the track do not exceed speed, this will allow you to stop during.
On the highway, the windshield as well as in the city, the glass should always be clean, and at night and headlights. Do not get closer to the car in front, keep a decent distance, then your windshield will always be whole and clean.

Rules for dummies are just part of the rules that will help you avoid accidents on the road.

Know that a good driver is not one who drives fast, but one who has managed to drive his whole life without an accident. Bon Voyage!

What is not taught in a driving school

Newly made owners of a driver’s license immediately grab the keys and hit the road. But often such drivers with minimal experience encounter great difficulties on the road. While the driver’s courses are completed with a positive result, some novice drivers will help maintain driving safety skills. This will help protect yourself, your passengers and those who will be on the road with you.

The irony is that novice drivers underestimate the importance of theoretical training and think that if they have a driver’s license in their hands, they don’t need theoretical driving tips. We suggest that you review the ranking of tips for a novice driver to help avoid common mistakes along the way.

The first time without an instructor - keep everything under control

So, the first time you get behind the wheel of a car without an instructor. No wonder you are most likely to be afraid. This is a normal feeling that accompanies every novice driver, because driving a car is not so simple. If you feel that you are not ready for independent driving yet, it is better to leave your first trip for later. Drive yourself for the first time only when you are ready.

If you want to move safely and efficiently on the road and not obstruct other participants, you need to constantly think about what you are doing.  You should be focused on driving, keep your eyes open and anticipate what you will do in the next minutes.

Video about how inexperienced drivers behave on the road:

  1. Do not hurry. Slow speed will give you more time to respond to unforeseen circumstances. Do not be discouraged if other drivers overtake you. Even if you drive too slowly, in their opinion, you have the right to do so. This speed is especially important when performing any maneuvers. Keep in mind that some obstacles are so low that they cannot be seen in the car window.
  2. Keep your resolve and confidence on the road. You cannot afford a moment of hesitation. If it takes a long time to overtake or turn today, over time you will learn how to correctly estimate the distance.

And remember, when you drive a car, you take on great responsibility not only for yourself, but also for other road users who are close to you on the road.

Tactics of behavior in unfamiliar situations

Practical tips for novice drivers are ideal to get as much experience as possible. Tips for novice drivers included some tactics that help you learn how to handle various situations on the road.

  1. Proactive tactics  - tips for planning for the future when you know what awaits you behind the wheel
  2. Responsive Tactics- Useful tips for novice drivers on the road when you have time to think things through
  3. Reactive tactics  - tips when you find yourself in difficult situations under great pressure

Proactive tactics

Always plan and think over your entire famous route in advance. Check the map if necessary and mentally draw the best route that suits your abilities. For example, it is better to take bypass roads longer than heading to the main streets at rush hour. Be sure to prepare your car before driving.

Use on the road if you have them and if they help you. Set yourself more time on the road, do not rush.

Practice maneuvers in your mind when you have to overcome a difficult situation. For example, if you have to turn left at a large traffic light, mentally rehearse this situation.

Before you start

Tips for a novice driver will be useful even before you go on the road. Before starting the path, check that:

  • You are comfortable sitting
  • You have the right mirrors
  • You fasten your seat belt
  • Sound and sound signals are working
  • Serviceable brake system

Tune mirrors

Mirrors are very important elements of any car. It is thanks to them that the driver has eyes in the rear of the car. Proper installation is absolutely necessary and very important. Remember, you need to install them when you are sitting in the driver's seat!

Rearview Mirrors (Center)

They should be located so that the largest area is visible. This will allow the driver to evaluate what is happening in the center behind him. The inner mirror should show what you do not see using the right and left mirrors.

Right mirror

The right mirror should be located so that you can see the back of the car (about 20%) and part of the path.

Left mirror

The left mirror (driver) should show the driver the entire width of the road and a piece of his car (approximately 25%).

Use seat belts

This is another tip that may seem extremely obvious, but many people do not take it into account. Any advice from experienced drivers indicates the mandatory use of seat belts. Scientifically proven to help prevent injury from an accident. Secondly, not using a belt is a crime on the road and entails a fine. Remember, it can save your life.

Drive right

Sit straight but relaxed. Put your left hand on the steering wheel for 10 hours, and your right hand for 2 hours. Hold the steering wheel with all your fingers. Avoid very tight grip because your palms are not as sensitive as your fingers.

Check brake performance

Before leaving, you must definitely check the effectiveness of the brakes. Start the engine and start moving slowly. Then press the brakes to a complete stop - you should feel friction. Such a procedure should not take much time.

If the brake resistance is too weak or the car continues to roll despite braking, this may mean that the brake system is malfunctioning. It is forbidden to hit the road on such a car.

The brake system is one of the most important safety features.

Responsive Tactics

Learn to predict the situation on the road.  Maintain the space around your car. In other words, keep a distance from the vehicle in front. Look three-ahead. This will help you anticipate their stops, deceleration, looping and other changes in traffic on the roadway.

Check your rearview mirrors approximately every ten seconds. This will help anticipate a danger that is approaching from behind. Breathe slowly and deeply, relax your neck, shoulders and arms - this helps to think more clearly and ride smoothly. Take note of situations that are slightly different from those you have already experienced. Practice them constantly in your mind.

Video tips for beginners and inexperienced drivers:

Below are tips for novice drivers on the go.

On the road

Keep your eyes on the road and hands on the steering wheel

Such advice for a novice driver is quite simple, but many new drivers are faced with certain problems. The distraction of drivers of all ages during the journey reaches epidemic proportions. This is especially true for young and inexperienced drivers. Stay on the go.

Today more and more people spend a lot of time. Thus, they often try to maximize driving time by combining it with other activities, which often result in tragic consequences. remember, that driving is not a multifunctional task

Music in the car can distract and relax the driver too much.

Turn your cell phone to silent mode

In today's world, everyone is connected to a wireless network. E-mail, phone calls, music - today's mobile phones are multimedia mini-stations. However, studies have shown that trying to send a text message while driving is just as dangerous as drunk driving. Silent mode is the easiest way to avoid being distracted from a message or call. If you really need to use the phone in an emergency, cuddle up on the side of the road or stop at the gas station. Never speak on the phone while driving..

Reactive tactics

Try to ride not only in the evening or morning hours. Skills safe driving  especially important for demonstration during rush hour.

Try to avoid abrupt use of brakes or steering. A sudden stop or rebuilding, jerking the steering wheel to the right and left, pressing the brake pedal can lead to a skid of the car, after which it can actually be in the oncoming lane or in the cuvette. You can avoid unpleasant surprises if your driving is smooth and all maneuvers are consistent.

It is important to ask the noisy passengers to be calm, because it prevents you from concentrating on the road. This advice is especially relevant. If the alarm level is really high, look for a safe place to stop.

On a country road ride

If your driving experience is more about suburban or urban areas, you may be wondering what the difference is in driving on country roads.

  • Overtaking on country roads is very different from overtaking in the city - we are talking about high speeds and a winding road. When deciding to overtake, make sure this maneuver is safe. If you have some doubts, it is best to stay where you are.
  • Remember, the left lane of a multi-lane freeway is for overtaking only.
  • If you are driving on dirt roads, choose the optimal speed that will help you feel comfortable.
  • Traffic on country roads, as a rule, covers long distances. Valuable advice for long-distance drivers include the rule of a rested driver and regular stops.
  • Be careful on country roads, especially if you see traffic signs warning that there are wild animals that can suddenly go on the road.

Driving at night

Night driving differs from day driving by the presence of some serious aspects. Unfortunately, the driving schools of our country do not oblige you to drive the minimum number of hours at night as a student, so the advice of experienced drivers at night will be necessary.

  • Before you set off at night, make sure that all external lights are working correctly (front and rear, brake lights, high beam) and make sure that your windows and headlights are clean (inside and out). Dirty windows can add glare and impair visibility on the road, while dirty headlights can significantly reduce efficiency.
  • Avoid using high beams - it reduces the ability to see the road and can blind other drivers.
  • Adjust the rearview mirrors to avoid reflecting headlights behind driving cars.
  • Watch for flashes of light - at the top of the mountain, at road bends and intersections, which may indicate the headlights of other cars.
  • Driving at night requires a lot of concentration, which can quickly tire. Take frequent breaks for your eyes to prevent fatigue.

For novice women drivers

  • You need a good rest.
  • To have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe car you want to drive — the gearbox (manual or automatic), how the clutch works, the brakes, how to shift gears, especially reverse gear.
  • Even if you are sitting in the passenger seat, observe the movements of the driver - his experience will be a good lesson in the future.
  • Practice moving smoothly.
  • Before starting the machine, put it in neutral.
  • Before braking or before turning, never miss the opportunity to look in the rearview mirror to check the distance to another car.
  • Observe traffic lights, rules and keep your distance. Do not change lanes frequently and do not make sharp turns with the wheel.
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    Mas Motors

Driving schools are not always capable of fully preparing a person for driving in real city conditions. One way or another, each driver gained experience on their own, on public roads. A lot depends on the professional qualities of a driving instructor, and in the ideal case, a novice driver will know all these basic points both in theory and in practice. But in reality, everything is not so "perfect" ... Let's take a look at it with you.

1. The most important rule for a novice driver: not sure - do not go! Not sure if you have time to turn? Wait and wait until there is 100% confidence in your maneuver. Tighten difficult intersections at rush hour? Choose a different path. Not sure if you can ride? Do not drive! The rest is solvable. Remember, this is one of the most important 20 rules for a novice driver.

2. Do not fuss! Even if honking from behind - do not scamper and do not rush! Take the maneuver when you are sure of its safe completion, the rest will wait! Remember that they were all like that, they were all stupid and mowing, they will wait!

3. Think not only for yourself, but also for the drivers around you. Starting from the parking lot - will I interfere with other cars? And ending with my maneuvers - will I not interfere with others? Do not park the first time, don’t throw the car at random - make a second approach, I’m sure there will be a place, maybe a little further.

4. Brake in advance, and show drivers in advance that you are braking, even if you are braking the engine, turn on the brake lights. A light touch of the brake pedal already lights the brake lights, informing drivers from behind that you are slowing down. Even if the driver in the back has time to react, it’s not a fact that the next one in time will do the same, but all three will catch up with you anyway. Is it needed?

5. Use the turn signals not at the time of the maneuver, but in a few seconds in advance - letting others know about your intention.

6. If you need to rebuild, but they don’t let you in or out - open the window and ask the driver to let you go with a look / gesture. In 99% of cases, you will be allowed in a row. Do not forget to say thanks to the emergency gang.)

7. Try to predict the situation around you. For example, in front of you in the left lane is a car with the left turn signal turned on. You drive in the middle row, and next to you in the left lane is another car. Be prepared that he can dramatically change your ranks, or not having seen you in the dead zone.

8. Remember your dead zone of mirrors! Another car can go there, for which your maneuver will be a surprise.

9. The main mirror is the central rear-view mirror! Through which the driver must control the situation behind his car. A glimpse there is much faster than looking through the side mirrors.

10. In bad weather, keep the windows / mirrors of your car clean - it will be much more comfortable to drive.

11. Make it a rule to inspect your car before driving. Just approaching the car, take a look at the wheels / lack of fluid smudges. This will eliminate the surprises on the road. Especially if the car is not new.

12. In the flow of cars you need to go at a flow rate. If you drive slower, you force the drivers around you to make unnecessary changes and get ahead of you. And extra maneuvers are a risk of creating an emergency.

13. If there are 3 lanes on the road, it is better to move in the middle row. In the left lane you do not have to change lanes from turning left, but in the right from sudden bus stops. This will reduce the number of rebuilds.

14. At the intersection, when turning into several lanes, it is easier to turn from the lane where you will not be “caught” between other flows. The main thing is not to rush and remember that the second row also rides on your side.

15. When stopping at an intersection to turn, leave the wheels level. If you hit in the ass, you will avoid a head-on collision with the oncoming stream.

16. Do not rush to start driving on green without making sure that the maneuver is safe - remember, we have developed the national sport “Riding in the Yellow Light”.

17. Keep your distance from the vehicle in front! I will not talk deeply about this, just keep your distance and the greater the speed, the greater the distance.

18. The sticker “Beginner Driver” is helpful. You are mistaken if you think that you will be specifically infringed on the road, such drivers will still cut you regardless of whether you have a sticker, but others will be more patient and skip more often.

19. If you blink headlights in the back and honking - it's not just that! Then think over the situation and understand what you did wrong, and now without fuss (!) Evaluate the situation and make a reasonable decision. Remember the rule 3xD - give way to the fool.

20. Always bring emergency kit with you! Make sure that there is a spare wheel and it is inflated (as well as that it fits), that there is a balloon wrench and a jack. As well as an emergency sign, cable, first aid kit and fire extinguisher. Once having attended to this and hiding everything in the trunk, you will feel much more comfortable if God forbid it comes in handy. Or someone may need help. Of useful things: carry a bottle of water, gloves, a flashlight.

That's all we wanted to tell you, these are the basic 20 rules for a novice driver. But remember that you should not think that only learned rules will help you find professionalism on the road. Most importantly, you must fully rely on yourself, not on the rules. The rules are created so that you can operate them on a particular traffic situation.

After obtaining rights, before you actively drive independently or in the initial period, you need to get to know your car better. First of all, to understand what he can and what not, in order to make the right decisions during the movement. If you are a person far from technology, take some time to get at least a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe car and what forces act on it during movement. For example, one would have to imagine what the torque is, what the engine speed is, why the gearbox is needed, how the load is distributed along the axles and wheels of the car in various driving modes, what forces act on the car in the corner, why skidding and drift occur what is blocking and slipping of wheels and how they are caused, and so on (for this it is not necessary to know physics, it will be enough if someone can explain this to you, albeit simplistically).

For practical exercises, it is best if there is a large platform where you can safely ride without disturbing anyone. If this is not the case, train on an empty road, provided that there is no other transport.

Pay attention to the following in the behavior of your car:

Braking dynamics

Try braking in a variety of ways. For example:

  • with wheel lock (if you do not have ABS)
  • no wheel lock
  • emergency braking at different speeds on different road surfaces (at least on dry and wet)
  • in constant gear
  • downshift
  • sharp braking with a service brake at the start of a turn
  • sharp braking with a hand brake at the start of a turn
  • without using a working system - with an engine and a hand brake

The latter is necessary so that you can imagine what happens if the brakes fail (and in reality you most likely have one circuit that remains working). Often, when the working brake system fails, the driver becomes completely at a loss and does not try to slow down in other ways.

Analyze the results. Knowing and evaluating the stopping distance of your car is necessary for making the right decision in an emergency.

Acceleration dynamics

The ability to properly accelerate is no less important than the ability to properly brake, turn, maneuver, etc. In many cases, it is avoiding an accident with intensive acceleration that is preferable to braking.

Try to accelerate different waysto understand (and feel) which is the most effective. For these purposes, it is nice to have a tachometer. And this will have to be done not on the site, but on the road (on which there is nobody).

  • switching at medium speeds
  • accelerating in each gear to rpm of maximum torque
  • up to revolutions of maximum power
  • up to revolutions between them
  • completely discharging gas at the time of switching
  • not completely discharging gas at the time of switching
  • uphill and downhill
  • from a place with high revs
  • from a standstill close to XX
The gearshift technique is very important for acceleration efficiency - but more on that below.

Of course, much of the above is more experimental in nature. For example, acceleration with incomplete discharge of gas at the moment of clutch squeezing will be generally more efficient. However, this method is fraught with either quick wear of the clutch, or large loads on the transmission (depending on how you release the clutch). Of course, it is unsuitable for normal driving. But one must be able to do this in case of an extreme situation again.

The work of car controls should be brought to automaticity so that on the road it does not distract you from driving.

Here you can focus on the following:


Very often, the novice driver “gets confused” and makes a lot of unnecessary movements when taxiing. Over time, of course, some experience will come, but you can practice in advance.

To do this, hang up the front axle of the car (you can simply use two jacks) and twist for 10 cycles (one cycle is a turn of the steering wheel from the extreme left to the extreme right and back). Taxiing must be carried out necessarily with interception. At the same time, you can track the time, see in what way it turns out the fastest. Be sure to practice taxiing with one hand with an interception at the bottom (preferably through the back of your hand).

The position of the hands on the steering wheel is also important. Hands should be in the 10 and 2 o'clock position. If the steering wheel is small (sports version, so to speak) - at 9 and 3 hours.

Clutch and gearbox

As a rule, the novice driver at the level of automatism is only a gear shift in a simple ascending sequence - 1-2-3-4-5.

Practice shifting gears in any order, first down 5-4-3-2-1, as well as skipping 1-3, 2-4, 2-5, 5-3 and so on. In this case, there should be no errors (i.e., instead of the first, the third, or instead of the third, the fifth).

The gears must be switched as quickly as possible, firstly, so as not to lose momentum during acceleration, secondly, so that the right hand quickly returns to the steering wheel (this is important when maneuvering while shifting gears, avoiding an unexpected obstacle, etc. Also when driving on slippery roads - here the time for disconnecting the engine from the transmission should be minimal).

For traffic in a city, the following may be useful. Everyone knows that higher gears easily shut off without squeezing the clutch. Similarly, without squeezing the clutch, you can turn off 1st and 2nd gears, having waited for the appropriate moment. It just needs to be felt. Moving slowly in 1st or 2nd gear, gently press the gear lever toward the neutral position. Upon reaching a certain speed, he will go into a neutral position without much effort on your part. In principle, having worked out this trick, you can use it when driving in traffic jams - at least you will halve the number of movements of the left leg, and not get so tired :)). If you wish, you can learn to engage gears without squeezing the clutch - but practical value  it does not (only if the clutch failed).

On most domestic cars and on some foreign cars, it is also difficult to put the first gear into gear even at a slow speed. To do this, use the “rebase”. This technique is also very useful when shifting down during engine braking, primarily to reduce transmission loads, as well as to facilitate gear shifting. And on a slippery road - to avoid blocking the drive wheels during emergency engine braking. Strictly speaking, this is just additional synchronization for the gearbox.

    Admission is as follows:
  • Squeeze the clutch, turn off the gear
  • We release the clutch (it is not possible to the end) and in neutral gear press the gas
  • Squeeze the clutch and engage the desired gear
  • The amount of gas is determined by how much synchronization is required (say when switching from 3 to 2 less, from 4 to 2 more)

This technique should also be carried out as quickly as possible and for this you will have to practice, since there are already more movements here than with the usual switching. Using the gas exchange and including, for example, at a speed of 80 -90 km an hour the second gear (in case of an emergency) you will eliminate the damaging loads on the gearbox.


Learn to get away not only with the first, but also with the second and third gear. Also start off the hill without using the hand brake. Practice backing up to understand the difference in the trajectory of the car when moving forward and backward. Try maneuvering with braked wheels - this is to understand how less control the car becomes during braking. As well as sharp braking in the corner. However, if the site is small for such exercises, then it is better not to experiment in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

It is necessary to take time to train the feeling of the dimensions of the car. Firstly, immediately suppress the desire to crank your neck trying to consider where your hood ends and someone else's trunk begins. All the same, you will not see anything, and the dimensions should be felt, not seen. To facilitate learning (so as not to scratch the doors and break the bumpers again), find a few light racks (you can do something yourself) and exercise on the site. A lot of space for this is not necessary. Work out the following - the center of the front and rear bumpers, the right and left side, and four corner points. Optimal should be a light touch of the rack, but without tipping it.

General driving principles

Let's start with the most general - a comfortable fit and good visibility. A few notes on landing - you need to not only be comfortable sitting, but also comfortable to operate. The body should not deviate from the back even when the fifth gear is engaged. With the clutch fully depressed, the left leg should be almost completely straightened. As for the distance at which you should be located from the steering wheel, you can adjust it in this way: with your hand on the steering wheel in position 12 (full coverage of the steering wheel with your palm), change the inclination of the back of the seat until the shoulder is pressed firmly against the back of the seat. If someone else drives your car, do not be lazy to adjust the seat to your usual position each time, otherwise you will not feel the pedals well, especially the gas pedal.

Next is a review. This is perhaps one of the most important points. Take the time to properly adjust the side mirrors and rear view mirrors. There should not be any dead zones, or, if this cannot be achieved, they should be minimal. To adjust the left side mirror, you can stand at the side of the road and watch the passing cars in the mirror, achieving the most optimal view. Also remove from the windshield (if there is) any mice, dogs, monkeys and other representatives of the fauna. If you still really want it to hang in the car, hang it on the left rear window.

Further, some rules that it is desirable to follow when driving. Immediately make a reservation that, perhaps, much of the following will seem redundant or unnecessary. This is to some extent true, since when driving at medium speeds on dry asphalt, you can, in principle, drive anyhow, and most likely nothing will happen. However, the habits and skills that you develop also determine your behavior in an extreme situation. Therefore, if you are used to applying the brake while squeezing the clutch, and even if you know that you can’t do this on ice - in a critical situation on slippery roads you will do the same. In this case, your habits and reflexes will work, because there will be no time to think. And the last - perhaps you will never get into a serious emergency. However, if this happens, it is better to be prepared.

You must hold onto the steering wheel with both hands; on the front-wheel drive, this is especially important, since the steering wheel knocks out very easily. Do not let the steering wheel spin spontaneously (after completing the turn to return the wheels to the straight position). This can end very badly if the wheel gets into a hole, a bump, a slippery area, etc. At least one hand must track and control the steering wheel.

Try to accustom yourself to always know what position the wheels of the car are in. Sometimes, after a series of maneuvers and an erratic rotation of the steering wheel, the novice driver cannot immediately find his bearings - you have to first start off to see where you will go, then adjust - it all takes time (and place if the movement is in a limited space).

The foot from the clutch pedal must be removed even when switching 1st and 2nd gears.

To increase stability and controllability, the car should always be in gear, and on the right one for the given conditions, namely: the engine speed should be maintained such that, if necessary, quickly maneuver you would not have to switch further. Never coast, even when approaching a traffic light - switch down to second gear. Squeeze the clutch at the last moment before stopping completely.
Example: You slowly approach the traffic light on the coast. At some point, looking in the rear-view mirror, you notice that a truck will fly right behind you (for various reasons, which does not have time to brake). The only way out is to quickly go ahead (if there is a place where, of course). A second in gear shifting can cost you the back of your car. That is, in other words, you should always be ready for a quick maneuver, even if the need doesn’t bode well for it (a note in passing - accidents do not bode well as a rule.) Naturally, on a slippery road this rule takes on even greater significance.

Break the habit (if any) for any reason to put pressure on the brake. Braking adversely affects the stability and handling of the car. In emergency situations, braking is not always the right choice, and in some cases a gross mistake that only worsens the situation. In many cases, an accident can only be avoided by maneuver.

    More about braking:
  • remember that when braking, the handling of the front wheels decreases dramatically. So if during braking (for example, when approaching a traffic light) there is a need to rebuild (a hole has formed in the next row), release the brake at the moment of rebuilding, and then retard after rebuilding
  • intensive braking becomes doubly dangerous if the clutch is pressed at the same time. Therefore, when shifting gears during braking while squeezing the clutch, the force on the brake pedal should be slightly weakened
  • never brake when cornering. Preparatory measures (braking, shifting, etc. must be completed before entering the turn). Do not try to enter a turn during intensive braking - this is almost impossible. First, enter the turn, and only then brake on the arc, if this is inevitable. For cornering braking, see also below.
  • if you do not have ABS - learn to feel the moment immediately after which the wheels lock. At this point, braking is most effective. If the wheels lock during braking, force yourself to loosen the pedal effort for a moment, then continue to brake. On ice and slippery roads, you always need to slow down with this method, with an interval of taps of about 1 second (the less the better)

All hazardous areas are best done on straight (not turned) wheels. Including - pits, large bumps, bumps and other obstacles (with the wheels turned, in addition to the loss of stability, this also threatens damage to the steering mechanism). This also applies to large puddles with the danger of aquaplaning. If you see that you still cannot go around the obstacle, immediately align the wheels and firmly hold the steering wheel (with both hands). If such obstacles are on your way in an arc of rotation - try to do the same (if possible). After that, quickly return the steering wheel to its original position to continue turning. Also, do not run into an obstacle on braked wheels. Braking should be stopped immediately before, so that the suspension springs have time to straighten. This unloads the front axle and reduces shock loads on the suspension when driving on bumps.

If your wheel (especially the front one) burst and you managed to hold the car, in no case do not brake sharply.

On a slippery road, and especially in winter, you should not make any sudden movements with the wheel, brake and gas. For example, a sharp discharge of gas on the front drive can cause the rear axle to skid. A sharp pressure on the gas on the rear wheel drive - to the same result. Intensive braking and a sharp steering turn also usually lead to disastrous consequences. Even in case of loss of stability, contra-emergency measures should be carried out quite smoothly (but, nevertheless, quickly and clearly).

Remember that in summer the most slippery road is at the beginning of rain (the dirt, oil and other muck on the road when a water appears forms a film on the road). Depending on the road surface, the adhesion of the wheels to the road may be more than doubled. Pay attention to the nature of the road surface - rough, smooth, etc.


A few very general notes about the corners.

This topic is large, so I will limit myself to just a few key points (for example, a single turn with a constant radius)

Turn Entrance. For the correct passage of the turn, the entrance to the turn is crucial. It may depend on whether you succeed in getting out of it :)). As mentioned above, all preparatory actions must be completed before the start of the turn. That is: speed is reduced, the necessary gear is engaged. At the entrance, the steering wheel immediately turns to the required angle and at the same time - pressing the gas pedal. There are also various ways of loading the front axle just before the turn for better traction of the steered wheels with the road, but we will not stop there. The start point of the turn (entry) must be selected so that subsequently, when moving along an arc, the steering wheel does not have to be turned over (this is the so-called early entrance). This is dangerous, since the movement along the arc is an unstable state (compared, for example, with a rectilinear movement), and the steering wheel turn may turn out to be the “last straw”, so to speak.

Arc movement. After entering a turn on an arc, acceleration immediately begins and the steering wheel gradually returns. The corner acceleration mode is the safest (for this, it should not be large at all). A complete discharge of gas in a bend reduces the stability of the car. In addition, in the acceleration mode, optimal load distribution along the axles of the car is ensured.

Cornering braking. As already mentioned, cornering braking is an unwanted coercive measure. When cornering is required, it is best to brake the engine. Only light braking is permissible with the service brake, and on the front-wheel drive on slippery roads it should be carried out with the left foot, without discharging gas. If the speed is critical and higher and more intensive braking is still required, then you will have to briefly align the wheels and brake intensively at the moment of their alignment, then turn the steering wheel again. Unfortunately, this is not always possible and requires certain skills.

Trajectory. On a long bend, the trajectory can be built as consisting of several straight sections and several small turns. This is done in order to reduce the time that the vehicle is in an unstable position and to reduce the time it takes for the centrifugal force to act on it. Also try to use the entire width of your strip in order to partially cut off the turn arc (increase the turn radius.) So when turning left, shift as much as possible to the right, and vice versa. If there is no solid line and oncoming transport, you can use the entire lane of the roadway.

City traffic

The basic principle when driving in a city is not to interfere with other traffic participants. First, a few general comments.

Do not try to hide your inexperience. This will not succeed in hiding in any case, therefore it is better to hang the “U” sign and drive the first time to the best of your ability. Never react to provocations of other participants of the movement such as "who will go faster from the traffic light." The road is not a place for racing, especially performed by amateurs.

A special note for women - do not think about what impression you make on other drivers as a woman. Firstly, do not look around to see if male drivers are watching you with admiration, and secondly, do not use the rear-view mirror to look at your makeup and hairstyle. Besides the fact that it distracts you from driving, it is simply ugly (that is, bad taste). If you notice that everyone is looking at you, most likely this is not because you look good, but because you drive poorly.

Do not be nervous if you “step on the tail”, honking with headlights and a sound signal. This is most likely a kettle even worse than you, since an experienced driver would have traveled around you for a long time, and so that you would not have noticed. And by the way, never do it yourself. And for educational purposes, you can do the following - without dropping the gas, easily touch the brake with your left foot so that the brake lights come on. Sometimes it scares. Before that, make sure that it is not followed by another one so that they do not have an emergency there between themselves.

Also for women - if you smoke, learn to smoke without removing a cigarette from your mouth and shake off the ashes without looking at the ashtray. With intensive maneuvering, a cigarette in the hand prevents the steering wheel from turning normally.

If you listen to music in the car - at first try not to switch the radio programs, as this is distracting. Better listen to a tape or CD.

Beware of drivers who behave strangely on the road. It’s better to stay away from them. No need to drive close to them to see, "what kind of moron is there behind the wheel."

Try to ride at a flow rate, that is, no slower than everyone else, or change lanes. If in front of you is half a kilometer of an empty road, and cars are overtaking one by one on the right, then you are wrong 🙂

Review and prediction of the situation

Very often, an inexperienced driver does not see anything other than a car immediately ahead. For safe rideYou must know the situation around you at every moment of movement. Even if you are not going to maneuver, always keep track of who is driving from behind, on the right and on the left. Of course, this should not distract you from driving. Try to look in the mirror and evaluate the situation as often as possible - with experience it will become easier and will become a habit. Notice and remember other participants in the movement. For example: a white Mercedes is driving behind you. If after half a minute you decide to rebuild to the left, and Mercedes is no longer in the back, and neither on the right nor on the left did he pass, this is an occasion to postpone the maneuver. It is likely that at this moment he overtakes you on the left and is in the dead zone. Knowing the situation around you is also useful if you need an emergency maneuver, when there may not be time to look around. When moving to the left, always control the so-called “dead zone". To do this, it is best to turn your head for a moment and look to the left (in some countries this is even written in the rules traffic) At the same time, with a side vision it is necessary to control the car in front of you in case of sudden braking.

Try to predict the behavior of other drivers. Always look a few cars ahead. If a vehicle located three cars ahead of you starts to brake, be prepared for braking. When driving in a dense stream, you may not have time to slow down if you react only when you see the brake lights of the next car immediately in front of you.

Try to analyze the situation for possible changes and maneuvers by other drivers, and your actions in this regard. Try to drive in such a way that in case of an adverse change in the situation you have a way out, especially when driving at high speeds (of course, the situations are different and sometimes it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk element). For example, you overtake a car in the left lane. At the same time, another car is approaching in the oncoming traffic. Perform overtaking so that you do not find yourself at some point exactly between them (because if the overtaken unexpectedly climbs into the left lane, you will have nowhere to go) - for this it is enough to either slightly decrease or increase the speed. Or: you are driving in the right lane, on the side of the road there is a pedestrian whose intentions are incomprehensible (or there is a car with a turn signal turned on, which may unexpectedly go without letting you in.) In this case, slightly leave behind or overtake the car next to your left so that there is a place for maneuver. Of course, in a very dense stream of cars this is not always possible, but as a rule, in this case, the speed is also lower. In other words, often ask yourself the question - “what if now ....” And think over the options for your actions. Over time, you will learn to do this automatically.

Evaluate correctly the capabilities of other participants in the movement. If, at the entrance to the traffic light, for example, you see that one of the rows is free, and you are the tenth in a row, do not rush to rebuild. If in a free row at a traffic light the first one loaded with KAMAZ with a trailer, then you still won’t win time by such a maneuver. If you did this all the same, then stop by not driving too close to it so that you can change back to a faster row. This is easier to do on the fly than on the spot. So leave yourself room for a little overclocking. And in general, watch how they accelerate and slow down, as well as turn trucks, buses, road trains and so on. For example, a truck with a trailer for turning right sometimes needs to be taken first to the left - this sometimes confuses an inexperienced driver.


You should be rebuilt, slowed down and accelerated in such a way that other drivers should not have to change their driving mode as a result of your maneuver (i.e. slow down, dodge, etc.)

Having made the decision to rebuild and making sure that the maneuver is safe, carry out it immediately, since in half a second the situation may change. If for some reason you are late, then it is better to postpone the maneuver until you re-evaluate the situation.

When skipping a car that you are going to change over, make sure that there is no trailer or towed car behind it.

When changing lanes to a speed lane (for example, you are moving at a speed of 40 km per hour behind a truck in the middle lane, and you are going to change lanes in the left lane, where the average speed is 80 km per hour), the main task is to gain the required speed and join the overall flow without causing others to slow down and slow down. To do this, start acceleration already in your row (let the truck go forward so that there is a place for this), after switching to the lower gear. Acceleration should be as intense as possible.

It is advisable to perform all maneuvers as quickly as possible, especially in conditions of heavy traffic, where the situation is constantly changing. This is especially true for the following:

  • overtaking on the right (although it is forbidden by the rules, it happens in real life), especially on the far right side of the road. A significant part of drivers does not control the zone on the right and does not expect that the car next in overtaking mode can be on the right. Therefore, overtaking the car on the right, drive as fast as possible to reduce the time spent in the danger zone.
  • travel between two moving cars, especially if there is a chance that one of them will want to rebuild. This maneuver should also be performed in the mode of sharp acceleration, even if after that you have to slow down.
  • turn from the main road to the right in the event that cars, following directly, also move in the right lane. Of course, it is necessary to turn on the turn signal in advance, but even in this case, sometimes there are cases of collision with a turning car behind a rear car.
  • Also always try to get out of the “dead zone” of the car you are overtaking as quickly as possible. And by no means stay there longer than necessary, even when simply moving in parallel rows

A few words about traffic lights

If you approach a traffic light in flashing green, immediately determine whether you will drive or stop (depending on your speed, distance to the traffic light, other circumstances). Your intentions should be clear next behind. If you decide to stop, depress the brake at least slightly so that your brake lights come on. If you will pass, accelerate so that the next one has time to pass (if he has such a desire). If a stop at a traffic light requires intensive braking, be sure to control the area at the rear to avoid colliding with the next car behind you. In general, with sharp braking, you always need to look to see if the rear brakes and adjust the braking accordingly.

If at the traffic light you were the first (leader), then you should start and leave the traffic light as quickly as possible so as not to delay the rest of the cars and not to irritate the drivers.

Always stop behind the next car in front of you at such a distance that in case of breakdown or other setbacks, you could go round it without having to hand it back first.

Never go to the dividing lane at the traffic lights if you are not sure that you will not be able to quickly overtake the cars in the left lane immediately after turning on the green (not to mention that this is against the rules). This is dangerous because you can stay on the dividing strip if the cars in the left lane do not want to let you go back (quite rightly, by the way), and this can already have unpleasant consequences.

Lane of motion

It is very important to observe the line of movement, especially in cases where there is no marking. These are, in particular, the following cases:

  • Rotate multiple rows at once. If, for example, three rows are rotated at the same time, and there is no marking, build the trajectory of your movement in such a way as to remain in your row and not interfere with those on the right and left. Always control the situation around you. If you are turning from the middle row, then after completing the turn you should remain in the middle row. If you find yourself in the left or right lane - there is a mistake that the next time may end in an accident.
  • When leaving a narrow secondary track to the left and passing vehicles moving along the main road, stop your car so that there is a place on your left for the car to turn off the main road onto the secondary one. Otherwise, they will either have to wait until you turn, or go round you on the right, which interferes with normal movement.
  • When turning left, especially in a closed turn (that is, when you can’t see what’s happening there), never cut the corner, as you will be in the way of a car that simultaneously turns right or follows straight from there. This is especially true for all sorts of secondary narrow roads with limited visibility, such as entrances to courtyards, small alleys, and so on.

Even if there is only one row formally for movement in one direction, but its width allows you to move in two rows, move in such a way that there is room for others (in case of necessary maneuvers, overtaking, and so on)

And finally - never ride “between the rows”.

A few different notes.

Never change wheels in the middle of the road. Firstly, it is dangerous; secondly, it interferes with movement. There will be nothing with your wheel, even if you drive another 10 meters on it. Moreover, for sure, a kilometer has already been driven on it. If a breakdown occurs, first of all, try to drive to the side of the road on the starter.

When planning to turn left and passing vehicles from the oncoming direction, never turn the steering wheel to the left in advance. In the event of a blow from behind you will be taken to the oncoming lane.

At the end of a long journey, be especially careful when there is not much left to the house (destination). Experience shows that it is on the last 50 kilometers that drivers relax, which leads to tragic consequences (they fall asleep while driving).

Be especially careful at dusk (even before dark).

If in the dark, a vehicle with only one working envelope (headlight) is traveling towards you, take it to the right.

Do not look directly at the car with the high beam (and even low beam) on. Look at the right edge of the carriageway (row), and control the oncoming car with side vision. If you are still blinded by the main beam, stop and wait for the required time.

If there are changes to the suspension and steering settings, the first time after that you should drive especially carefully until you get used to the new adjustments. (e.g. camber, toe, and tilt angles of a king pin.)

The same thing - when replacing rubber with a different size or type (for example, the effect of aquaplaning occurs at lower speeds if the rubber is wider).

If you saw a car ahead and you can’t determine from afar whether it is moving or standing, try to do this using stationary objects as a reference point.

Leaving the car on a slope (subject to a curb), put the steered wheels in such a position that they prevent the car from spontaneous movement (in case the gear jumps out somehow or the handbrake is weak). When stopping on the descent, the wheels should be turned to the right until they stop in the curb. On the rise - turned left to the stop in the curb.

In an extreme life-threatening situation, make a decision and implement it immediately, regardless of whether it is correct or not (there will still be no time to analyze it). In this case, you will have at least 50% escape. If you do not do anything, then most likely there is no chance.

When parking in a confined space, always park your car so that there is space for others. For example, if there is enough free space for two cars, do not put your in the middle so that the second one will no longer have space. It is better to park in such a way as to drive forward. You may need to drive off very quickly 🙂

Do not overtake in the oncoming lane after another overtaking car. He may have time to rebuild back, but you can’t, and then you will have nowhere to go.

And a few words in the form of a conclusion. Never be self-confident or relax, even after gaining some experience. It is known that accidents begin mainly after 20-30 thousand spent driving, precisely as a result of false confidence in their ability. Be careful and cautious even as you gain more experience. The main criterion for a highly qualified driver is safe and trouble-free driving. In principle, there are, as it were, two components - the ability to avoid emergency situations and the ability to get out of them if they arise. The second is quite difficult to learn, and even with experience this skill is almost not acquired. So pay the main attention to the first - the ability to anticipate and eliminate the occurrence of critical situations.

Not bad advice. thanks.

Today it is very difficult to meet a person without a driver’s license. Almost everyone wants to finish driving school as soon as possible, get a VU and transfer to their own car. However, having a license and driving experience are two completely different things. To become an experienced driver, those 50-80 hours of driving that are offered at a driving school are not enough.

In this article on our website, the site will try to give some advice to novice drivers, based on their own experience and the experience of other drivers.

First of all, we will not focus on any nuances. If you are driving your own car for the first time, and there is no instructor nearby, follow simple rules.

Do not forget about the “Beginner Driver” sign.  He will not give you any priority on the road, however, other drivers will know that you are a beginner and may not be so fierce to express your displeasure if you do something wrong.

Always plan your route. Today it’s not at all difficult to do. Go to Google maps or Yandex. See where the path will go, whether there are complex intersections, or if any signs are installed. Think about when you need to rotate or change lanes from one lane to another.

Be calm and balanced. Beginners often fuss and make the wrong decisions. A simple situation: you leave the secondary road to the main one, and a long queue forms behind you. Drivers standing behind will begin to honk, but do not rush, wait until a gap forms in the car stream, and only after that make a maneuver.

Feeling calm and confident is important in all situations, not paying attention to other, more experienced and aggressive drivers. You did not then receive the rights to immediately lose them due to violations.

Some more important tips for newbies:

  • do not turn on the music loudly - it will distract you;
  • put the phone in silent mode so that any messages about SMS or e-mail  Do not distract you, do not talk on the phone at all, in extreme cases, buy a Bluetooth headset;
  • always check the technical condition of the car before driving;
  • conveniently customize the driver's seat and rear-view mirrors.

It is clear that no one listens to advice, but that is what they told you at the driving school.

Road behavior

The first rule to remember is there are always enough offenders on the road. Only in examination tickets do they write that they need to fulfill the requirements of “interference on the right”. In fact, you will encounter the fact that very often you will not give way. In such cases, do not be nervous and try to prove something, it is better to skip the scorcher once again.

If you need to brake, look in the rear-view mirrors, because those who are behind you may not have time to react - an accident will be provided. If the brakes are in front of you, do not try to go around them, perhaps some obstacle is ahead or the pedestrian has jumped out on the carriageway.

Also, reduce speed as much as possible when approaching public transport stops, signs “School”, “Children on the Road”. Children, senior citizens and drunk people are the most dangerous category of pedestrians. Try to slow down from sin, if, for example, you see children playing on the sidelines, or an old woman in despair rushes after a departing trolleybus.

Lane of motion  - The most difficult moment on wide city highways in four lanes in one direction with heavy traffic. Try to immediately take your row if you need to turn left or right at the intersection. To do this, keep the entire route in mind.

When rebuilding, carefully monitor the signals of other motorists, also learn to use rear-view mirrors. Try to fit quickly into the stream, gaining or slowing down. Try to perform maneuvers smoothly.

In general, by no means do not press sharply on gas, brake, do not turn the steering wheel sharply. Try to consider the dimensions of the car. When performing maneuvers or turning at an intersection, take into account the turning radius so that it does not happen that you shift to the next row or completely overlap one of the lanes.

Very often, beginners are pruned - right in front of their nose they take up free space in the stream. Do not be offended by such drivers. Just follow the checkerboard order of rebuilding.

If some kind of abnormal situation occurs, for example, you are cut sharply or do not get priority on the road, do not sharply turn the steering wheel to avoid a collision, it is better to brake by giving a signal in the form of 2-3 short beeps. With this signal you express your attitude towards the intruder.

It also happens that the car stalls at the intersection. Do not immediately try to start the engine, you will only aggravate the situation. Imperturbably turn on the emergency gang, wait a few seconds and try to start again.

While riding in night time  in no case do not look at the headlights of oncoming cars. The gaze should be directed along the center line of the marking to see the headlights with extreme vision. Use high beam only on empty or semi-empty tracks. Turn it off in time if the headlights of an approaching car light up in the distance.

Try to stop at night, rest your eyes and do a little workout so that your muscles relax a bit.

Well and most importantly - listen to the advice of more experienced drivers, and do not forget to constantly improve your driving skills.