
Shiatsu acupressure for facial rejuvenation. Japanese acupressure Shiatsu: technique, video and reviews.

Shiatsu massage was developed in ancient Japan and was originally considered a medical procedure for the treatment of certain diseases. In general, this is a type of acupressure. Today, thanks to more accurate knowledge of human anatomy and the improvement of the technique of this type of massage, shiatsu is a popular procedure that can restore youth to your face and body or stop its aging. In this article, we will describe in detail Japanese shiatsu massage and its effect on the body.

It is worth noting that now several Japanese massage techniques are spread all over the world: shiatsu, asahi and kobido. Today we’ll talk about the first one, because it is suitable for almost everyone and has only a few minor contraindications:

  • tuberculosis;
  • postoperative recovery;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • capillarotoxicosis.

If the word "shiatsu" is translated literally, then it consists of two words at once: crush and finger. The massage technique was originally developed by the Japanese Tokujiro Namikoshi for the treatment of arthritis and joint pain in his mother. Soon, shiatsu became wildly popular among locals, and after a few decades it already became known throughout the world. Shiatsu will not surprise anyone today with a massage, but, nevertheless, in order to achieve a positive result after the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the massage technique in detail, because it involves a lot of nuances.

Studies have shown that with regular use of acupressure Shiatsu:

  • metabolic processes in the body are activated;
  • the muscles of the treated areas are strengthened;
  • already existing wrinkles (facial and static) are smoothed out;
  • the formation of new wrinkles is significantly slowed;
  • the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated;
  • blood circulation and lymph flow improves.

In addition, reviews of Shiatsu massage say that with regular sessions, the condition of the skin and the release of sebum are normalized, which has a beneficial effect on the treatment of acne and teenage rashes.

It is worth noting that Japanese Shiatsu massage can be done both by professional masseurs and independently. To do this, you only need to study the locations of the points for exposure.

Japanese acupressure Shiatsu. Preparation and general rules of massage

Preparing for the procedure involves following a few rules that will help you relax and make the procedure even more enjoyable and productive. So:

  • japanese Shiatsu massage is best done in the morning, when the body is as relaxed as possible, and the body has not launched all its processes into active work;
  • before the procedure, it is necessary to process the areas where the massage will be done. If this is a face, then wash with a cosmetic cleanser and moisturize your face with cream. If the Shiatsu massage will be performed on other parts of the body, we advise you to take a hot shower and anoint the necessary areas of the skin with cosmetic milk for the body;
  • if you are doing self-massage, then preheat your hands by rubbing them together;
  • immediately before the start of the procedure, apply to the body area where you will massage, a hot compress, based on plain warm water;
  • if you are doing a Shiatsu massage on your own, then pay attention to the pressure technique itself, the effect on each point should be at least 8 seconds;
  • massage should be done either with the thumbs of both hands, or at once with three - middle, index and nameless;
  • you need to press hard on the points, but the main thing is not to be too zealous and make sure that only the fingertips act on the points;
  • pressure force should be directed strictly perpendicular to a point on the skin;
  • make sure that the skin does not stretch when exposed to it.

Acupressure Shiatsu massage. Execution technique

The main technology of massage is reduced to the use of two techniques: pressure and stroking. Moreover, stroking takes 15% of the session time, and pressure - 85%.

Shiatsu acupressure facial massage

Shiatsu massage technique is especially effective on the face. Many women noticed that with regular acupressure on skin areas, complexion improves markedly, wrinkles are smoothed out, and acne is much less common. Shiatsu massage for the face after 45 years is especially effective. Let's figure out how to do it right.

  1. Let's start with the frontal zone. Place the middle, index and ring fingers in the center of the forehead parallel to each other. Fingers should range from the hairline to the eyebrows. Press on these points and hold your fingers for 8 seconds. Further advance from the center of the forehead closer to the temples, just press and hold your fingers for another 8 seconds. Then move even closer to the temples, repeat the procedure of point pressure (point 1).
  2. Put three fingers on the eyebrow growth line. Press and hold for 8 seconds. Repeat the same steps on the second eyebrow (point 2).
  3. Place your fingers between the eyebrows, press as hard as possible and hold for 9 seconds (point 5).
  4. Put the first working finger at a point near the outer corner of the eye, the middle finger near the inner corner. Press and hold for a few seconds. Repeat the same on the points near the other eye (points 3, 4).
  5. With three fingers, press on the upper eyelid just below the eyebrow growth line, hold your fingers at the points for 8 seconds (points 7).
  6. Place three fingers on the lower border of the eye socket, press and continue for 8 seconds (points 8).
  7. Press the thigh pads on parallel points at the wings of the nose (point 9).
  8. For 8 seconds, press the point of the thumb on the cavity between the lips and nose (point 10).
  9. Place the thumbs in the corners of the lips, press on the pads and hold for 8 seconds (points 11).
  10. With your thumb, push down on a point in the cavity under the lower lip (point 12).
  11. With the ring finger, middle and index finger, click on the points indicated in the figure under number 13, place the thumb parallel to them under the jaw (point 14).
  12. Fingers push on parallel points on the neck, hold for 8 seconds (points 15).
  13. Gently push the jugular cavity (point 16).
  14. Press on the points located near the earlobes with three fingers, hold for 8 seconds (points 17).

Shiatsu massage points on the face.

Shiatsu acupressure to increase bust

Shiatsu massage has become the secret weapon of many girls who are unhappy with the size of their breasts. All thanks to the fact that the massage technique has improved so much that today with its help you can even increase the size of the mammary glands. This does not require much time, and the procedure itself is painless and even pleasant. The main thing is to learn the location of the necessary points on the body.

How to increase bust size with Japanese shiatsu massage.

  1. Gently knead the mammary glands before the massage. Thus, you stimulate good blood flow in them. This action should take you about two minutes.
  2. Place the index, middle and ring fingers on the points between the third thoracic vertebra and the corners of the shoulder blades. Press on these areas with your fingertips and hold them for 10 seconds.
  3. With a small pillow of the thumb, press on a point in the cavity under the back of the head. Hold your finger three sets for 8 seconds.
  4. Place three working fingers on the points that are between the breasts parallel to the jugular cavity and below it, about 11 cm. Press for 10 seconds.
  5. With your index, middle and ring fingers, swipe from the base of the chest to the nipple and from the nipple up. Repeat this action for two minutes.
  6. Massage your breasts again.

To carry out such a massage is about five times a day, then you can achieve the desired result. Of course, your chest will not increase dramatically, but it will become more toned, elastic and attractive.

Shiatsu acupressure for back

Shiatsu massage is often used as a therapeutic treatment for back pain. Especially effective acupressure technique copes with pain or fatigue in the lumbar. The main thing is to know the locations of the points and press on them with the fingertips. Also, with back massage using shiatsu technique, you need to dose the pressure time. Start with a five-second exposure on each point and extend this time to 8 seconds. You can find out the locations of the points using the diagram below.

Japanese Shiatsu massage for the back will help you solve such problems:

  • fatigue in the lumbar;
  • difficulty or painful mobility of the shoulder region;
  • bowel obstruction;
  • stomach cramps;
  • loose stools;
  • poor functioning of the pancreas;
  • asthma attacks
  • backache.

Shiatsu Foot Massage

Japanese Shiatsu massage relieves fatigue and heaviness in the legs very well. All in all, enough to do acupressure  on the feet and you will relieve painful cramps in your legs. The most important thing in shiatsu foot massage is the effect on the desired points.

  • First, massage your foot with light strokes. Thanks to this action, you stimulate blood flow and make the procedure even more effective.
  • Do acupressure toes. Place the middle, index and ring fingers on three main points: at the base of the finger, under the middle joint and at the base of the nail. Press on the dots and hold for 10 seconds. Hold your foot with your other hand for lifting your foot. Repeat the procedure on all toes.

  • Alternately press on the points along the center longitudinal line of the foot.
  • Within 10 seconds, point on the points of the inner and outer sides of the heel.

  • With three working fingers, gently press on the points located on the Achilles tendon.

  • Point on the outside of the foot. Here you will need exposure to four fingers. Perform the first pressure near the toes and move towards the rise of the foot.

  • Using your thumbnail, alternately apply to the points located on the outside of the lower leg. Move from the foot to the knee.

  • Work with a point impact on the back side of the lower leg. Move from the foot to the knee.
  • At the end of the massage, gently pinch your legs to tone the muscles, improve blood circulation and finally relieve fatigue.

Shiatsu massage. Video

A special place among Japanese methods is occupied by the system point impact  on the skin. The brilliant doctor of Japanese origin Tokuiro Namikoshi developed a massage for Shiatsu's face, when with his fingertips they press on the locations of the points responsible for a particular area. Compared to other eastern techniques, this one is still young, but already has its fans and admirers.

Literally translated from Japanese, the term means: Shi - fingers, Atsu - pressure. A technique was born from the observations of a Japanese doctor on the behavior of a person who responds to a pain effect. Instinctively, when people hit, they begin to rub the place of the bruise, thus activating the reserve reserve of forces. By pressing on certain points with your fingers, all the forces in the body awaken, and the internal energy flows rush to restore it and improve it.

Thanks to the special healing method of Shiatsu massage, you can easily get rid of a headache, relieve tension and improve the general condition. It is performed slowly, alternating light and strong pressure with the fingertips. The ideal time for the procedure is morning or evening hours, then the body is best able to relax.

Shiatsu Technique

The Shiatsu massage technology itself is simple. It involves the participation of four fingers of both hands, except for the little finger. During the procedure, the following algorithm should be followed:

  • Prepare your skin - peel, steam and moisturize.
  • Find the points responsible for the problem areas.

They are affected by alternating strong and light pressure with the fingertips, simultaneously with three fingers or with stroking movements of the palms of the hands. Press on them should be perpendicular to the location of the problem area, do not rub beforehand.

Hand movements should be clear, simple gliding is not allowed, as it leads to excessive stretching of the skin, which provokes the appearance of new wrinkles.

The exposure time for the point should not be more than 5-6 seconds. To obtain the desired effect, which will end in a day, it is quite enough. If the purpose of Shiatsu massage is therapeutic, then the duration of pressure on the point can reach minutes or more. The exact time can be determined by a professional.

Beauticians and patients unanimously advise the first time to trust specialists. When the principle of influence on the point system will be clear, then you can first practice on someone, and then to yourself with a clear conscience to do therapeutic massage.

Location of Shiatsu Massage Points

Traditionally, they are located in microcells on bones, tendons, articular parts, between muscle fibers, and also in places where pulse beats occur - on arteries. If you decide to do acupressure yourself, then it’s worthwhile to study in more detail and even get a map of biologically active points on the head and face.

Anti-wrinkle complex

Over time, wrinkles appear on the face, similar to crow's feet. The complex presents some simple exercises, but this does not mean that they are not effective. The result, according to reviews, can be seen in a couple of weeks if the procedure is carried out daily.

1. Place three fingers of both hands on the area located above the eyebrows. Press and hold for about 6 seconds. Then we rearrange the fingers to the eyebrows and repeat the action. It turns out that in four steps we reach the temple area.

2. We put the same three fingers on an eyebrow and press. We fix the pressure for 6 seconds. Next, with the fingertips alternately act on points 3 and 4.

3. Find the point - between the eyebrows in the middle, above the bridge of the nose. This area is prone to deep wrinkles. We also place three fingers here and hold for up to 7 seconds, we press harder to achieve the best result.

4. We get down below. We put our fingers on our eyelids without touching the eyeball. Quietly, gently push, for about 5 seconds. The skin should not shift to the nose, which is very important.

5. Now we do the same with the lower eyelid region.

6. Take care of the cheekbones. Press the points with your fingers for 7 seconds.

7. Find the points on both sides of the nostrils. We act on them the same 5-7 seconds.

8. Place the thumb over the upper lip and press for 7 seconds.

9. Now with two thumbs we find the muscle on the corners of the lips. At the same time, we press on the points for 7 seconds.

10. Get down below. Find the point under the lower lip. We click on it, we should feel the gum. We press the same time.

11. Reached the chin. Three fingers, already familiar to us, act for about 5 seconds. Then we repeat the procedure along the entire edge of the lower jaw.

12. We press on points in the neck no more than 2-3 seconds. This should be done very carefully, without squeezing the carotid artery.

13. Slightly push 3 seconds and smoothly leave the jugular cavity.

14. With the pads of the thumbs, we simultaneously press on the points at the base of the ear.

The result was not at all a complex step-by-step complex of exercises that any woman can perform.

Video on the topic of the article

Since ancient times, the inhabitants of the East believed that the best doctor for any person is his own hand.

It was this judgment that formed the basis of shiatsu massage, the birthplace of which became Japan.

The simple technique of its execution helps not only eliminate a headache, improve sleep and emotional state in general, but also helps facial rejuvenation  and the fight against facial wrinkles.

Technology Feature

What is the technique of anti-aging shiatsu acupressure? The meaning of this technique lies in the process of applying fingertips to specific points, as a result of which revitalizationhidden within the body energy flows aimed at its rejuvenation and recovery.

The difference between this technique and other types of Japanese massage is that the effect on the points occurs through pressure, rather than massaging.

Efficiencyshiatsu facial massage is difficult to overestimate:

Besides is improvingthe functioning of other systems and organs.

The layout of the "three royal points"

There are three main points, influencing which with the fingertips you can extend youth and beauty for many years.

Royal Point Tenyo. It is located between the jaw and the lateral muscle of the neck, at a distance of one and a half to two centimeters below the earlobe. With pressure on it, pain appears that pass after several acupressure procedures.

Exposure to this point improves the complexion and helps get rid of swelling of the face and neck.

Royal point koreo. It is located under the cheekbone perpendicular to the pupil. You can also recognize it by pain during pressure. Exposure to this point helps eliminate wrinkles and removes sagging cheek skin.

Royal Point Sokkoku. It is located at a height of two fingers from the apex of the ear, in a small depression. Using this point, you can not only tighten your skin, but also get rid of headaches.


How to do it yourself at home? The main element of the shiatsu massage technique is pressure, which is carried out in three ways:

Not worth doing sudden movements. Not necessary "Scroll" the skin  above the dots, as this can lead to even more wrinkles. Acting with two hands, it is important to ensure that the pressing force is the same in them.

Shiatsu massage is best done in the morningafter waking up. This procedure will take no more than fifteen minutes, but the effect will remain for a whole day. Before proceeding to the procedure of acupressure, it is worth preparing a little:

  1. Cleanse your face with lotion.
  2. Heat the skin over the steam bath for five to seven minutes to relax the muscles and blood vessels.
  3. Five minutes before the procedure, apply cream on the face.
  4. Light the aroma lamp, put some calm music and relax.

How to perform?

The easiest to carry out at home and one of the most effective is a massage that affects three “royal” points.

Equipmentits execution is quite simple:

  • find the desired points with your thumbs;
  • smiling, take a deep breath through your nose;
  • exhaling through the mouth, click on the point from bottom to top for about three seconds;
  • relax.

Such a massage should be done in three approaches  to every point.

  • place the pads of the middle fingers on the points located at a distance one centimeter from the outer corner of the eye;
  • push the point, direct the movement slightly up and to the side;
  • work on the dots in about three seconds;
  • do three approaches.
  • install three finger pads between eyebrows;
  • press on the points, moving as if a little in a circle;
  • do two sets of seven seconds.
  • with a small finger on the point over the upper lip;
  • hold for about seven seconds;
  • then with the pads of the middle fingers at the same time press on the points in the corners of the lips;
  • after adding small massaging movements, hold for seven seconds.

You can find out how to get rid of the Demodex tick on the skin of the face from ours.


How effective is Japanese acupressure for wrinkles? Performing acupressure at home requires at least some skills. Learn this technique easy enough, receiving in return a beautiful and well-groomed skin.

Regular Shiatsu massage treatments give colossal effect:

Before proceeding to the shiatsu massage procedure, it is worthwhile to get a consultation from a dermatologist, due to the existence of both general contraindications and possible individual intolerance.

Acupressure not worth doing  in the following cases:

  • if there is a tendency to lower intracranial pressure;
  • during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • with viral diseases and poor health in general;
  • if the skin has damage, inflammation or allergic reactions;
  • if there are manifestations of rosacea on the face.

Acupressure is a truly miraculous procedure that helps without any financial costsprolong youth and beauty of your skin.

The main condition for its effectiveness is regularity of execution.

Give yourself about twenty minutes every morning, and the result in the form of toned skin and a beautiful complexion will not take long.

Shiatsu acupressure acupressure facial training in this video:

In contact with

Comprehensive anti-aging facial skin care today is impossible to imagine without massage. The huge popularity that shiatsu facial massage has received in recent years is understandable. Entirely based on physiology, this rejuvenation technique uses powerful internal reserves of the body, requires virtually no financial and time costs, and with regular use it can work wonders.

The essence of massage techniques

The name of the amazing method contains an indication of the method of exposure. Translated from Japanese, shi means "fingers", atsu (atsu) - "to press." With the help of simple movements made in a certain sequence, you can activate vital energy, direct its flow in the right direction, including using it as a wonderful, highly effective cosmetic procedure.

By pressing on certain points on the face and head, you can tone the muscles, achieving an incredible lifting effect. But that is not all. Exercising regularly, you can notice an improvement in digestion, endocrine system, blood vessels and genitourinary organs.

the effect

Such gymnastics has an amazing effect:

  • smoothes deep skin creases, including expression lines that are difficult to correct;
  • restores the tone of the facial muscles;
  • activates blood supply to vessels close to the surface of the skin;
  • relieves headache;
  • japanese massage stimulates the lymph flow, due to this swelling disappears, unhealthy puffiness.

Shiatsu acupressure facial massage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, facial muscles, has a calming effect, brings the nervous system to a state of harmony and peace.

Key Exposure Points

Japan is characterized by extreme attention to the state of mind and body language. This is the basis for facial gymnastics according to the Shiatsu method: you need to press on biologically active points (BAP) located on the face and body.

With self-massage, the index and middle fingers work, the simultaneous effect of several fingers and palms is used. In the latter case, it becomes possible to simultaneously process several points of influence, increasing the efficiency of the procedure.

Point Impact Rules

  There are several rules that will allow you to get the maximum possible result:

  1. no movements capable of stretching the skin should be allowed;
  2. when pressed, the finger pad must be perpendicular to the point of impact, a different contact angle is unacceptable;
  3. pressure on the point should be moderate, without fanaticism. Ideally, if the point is found correctly and the pressure force is selected correctly, a slight sensation of soreness should appear;
  4. perform movements smoothly, slowly;
  5. affect the BAT should be dosed, from five to seven seconds, not more.

For dosing the pressure time, you can combine Japanese massage and yoga breathing: inhale with your nose, counting to four, exhale slowly with your mouth, counting to eight. At the time of exhalation, press the BAP.

Effective exposure scheme

The result of gymnastics largely depends on the compliance with the sequence of pressures. There is a complex treatment scheme, according to which Japanese massage is most effective.

  1. Use three fingers of both hands (index, middle, ring) to press on the center of the forehead. Move your finger half a centimeter, press down. Repeat movement until fingers are in the temples.
  2. Press on the temporal area.
  3. Put the working fingers on the center of the eyebrow, capturing the brow region, press. Complete the entire eyebrow line in two steps, sequentially moving your fingers to the tip of the eyebrow and nose bridge. When pressed, the skin should not stretch.
  4. Work out a vertical wrinkle on the nose, pressing on it with two fingers. Repeat three to four times.
  5. Relieve tension from the eye muscle by placing the working fingers on the upper eyelid. Press gently, two to three times. Tension, visual fatigue will immediately recede.
  6. Work out the area under the eyes with light pressure with three fingers. Do not stretch the skin.
  7. Move your fingers to the area under the cheekbone.
  8. Press with your index fingers on the area of \u200b\u200bthe wings of the nose.
  9. Process the center points first above the upper and then under the lower lip.
  10. Massage your chin by moving your fingers in five steps.
  11. Finish the massage on the neck area by finding points under the earlobes and behind the ears.

Wonderful Japanese massage performed according to the scheme strengthens the muscles of the face . If the subcutaneous fat layer is large enough, you need to increase the pressure.  The result of a regular procedure will be the correction of facial contours, a significant reduction in the second chin. Massage your face before bedtime: the skin will relax, morning swelling will not appear.

Yukuko Tanaka Method

A magnificent rejuvenation technique was proposed by the famous Japanese Yukuko Tanaka. Her Japanese massage involves the study of lines of lymphatic flow, so you need to do it with cosmetic oil (without stretching the skin), slowly and smoothly. Gymnastics includes three repetitions of each movement.

The sequence of actions is as follows.

  1. Put your fingers to your temples, draw a line along the lymph channel, slowly sliding past your ears to the collarbone.
  2. Lead three fingers from the center of the forehead to the temples.
  3. Put the middle fingers to the outer lower corner of the eye, draw a line to the inner corner. Move your fingers up, draw a brow line to the outer corner of the eyelid.
  4. Draw a line from the inner corner of the eye along the lower eyelid to the temple. Hold for two seconds and slowly descend to the collarbone.
  5. Massage the corners of the lips, leading the line from the center of the chin to the wings of the nose.
  6. Massage the wings of the nose, then the nose with movements from the bottom up and back. Be sure to go down to the collarbone.
  7. Smooth the nasolabial fold by pulling the corners of the lips to the nostrils and lingering in this position.
  8. Continue the study of this zone, putting one hand to the cheek, and the second drawing a perpendicular line, moving diagonally towards the bridge of the nose. Go down to the collarbone. Repeat on the second cheek.
  9. Work out the area under the eyes, pressing on the bone under the lower eyelid and continuing to move the mime of the ears to the collarbone.

Special exercises

Gymnastics from Yukuko Tanaka offers to tighten the oval by working out the lower part of the face. It is necessary to press the soft part of the palm of the hand on the chin (to fix the pressure for three seconds), then draw a line to the ear area, holding for two seconds, and go down to the collarbone. This movement activates the flow of lymph. With severe sagging skin do at least five repetitions. In this case, a Japanese massage will be most effective.

Again, put the chin on the area of \u200b\u200bthe muscle of the thumb, press, fix the position, then, having tilted the head, lead the palms to the ears, pulling the skin upward. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears, lower the pressure, raise the head and gently slide your fingers from the ears down to the collarbone.

To get rid of the second chin, Yukuko Tanaka offers the following scheme. The thumb should draw a moderately pressure line from the bottom of the chin to the area behind the ear, working out the muscle for three times.

A comprehensive exercise for the whole face is performed with the whole palm. With your thumbs, you need to grab the chin, bring your clasped hands to your nose and firmly press it to your face. With an effort to draw fingers to the ears (thumbs do not move). Continue the traditional Yukuko Tanaka movement from ear to collarbone.

Gymnastics Tanaka ends with an energetic rubbing of the forehead from side to side (as if erasing the transverse wrinkles). The final stage is a gentle movement from the ears to the collarbones.

A Japanese massage performed twice a week allows you to significantly tighten and rejuvenate your face in just a month.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles on their faces. And now you are already looking at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up at your appearance ...
  • Each time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never be returned ...

Among the many techniques therapeutic massage The Japanese Shiatsu system occupies a special position. On the one hand, it is hardly possible today to find a modern woman who, at least once in her life, would not hear that acupressure using shiatsu can do wonders: restore youth and beauty of the skin, as well as treat all kinds of ailments - from migraine to angina pectoris and spastic paralysis. And at the same time, few non-specialists can distinguish shiatsu from other types of oriental massage. Therefore, today we will tell you about what, in fact, is this method, who developed it and when, and how to use acupressure facial massage from wrinkles for self-treatment and rejuvenation. And for the “dessert” we picked up a very interesting video about shiatsu facial massage, from which you can also learn a lot of necessary and useful information about this wonderful direction in oriental medicine.

Our dossier:
  Shiatsu (指 圧 圧) is a therapeutic massage system developed in the first half of the 20th century by Japanese doctor Tokujiro Namikoshi. In 1919, Dr. Namikoshi published the book "The Shiatsu Method" which outlines all the basic principles and techniques for applying this massage. Six years later (1925), the first specialized Shiatsu clinic was opened, and in 1940, an educational institution for training specialists in Shiatsu therapy, the Japanese Shiatsu College, which still exists today. Then the first professional community was established - the Japanese Shiatsu Association. In 1964, the Ministry of Health of Japan officially included shiatsu in the list of medical disciplines as an independent therapeutic therapeutic technique.

Shiatsu Acupressure - Japanese Pressure Method

Agree that the word "shiatsu" itself is filled with some kind of hidden mysterious magnetism. Images involuntarily appear in the head in the style of traditional Japanese Meisho-e painting - a neat chashitsu house against the backdrop of the sacred Mount Fuji, a branch of blossoming sakura, a slightly tart aroma of ceremonial tea ...

The creator of the Shiatsu method, Dr. Namikoshi (1905-2000), treats absolute boxing champion Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali)

In fact, everything looks very prosaic. The name "shiatsu" (in Japanese there is no sound "sh") is formed by two words - 指 si - finger and 圧 atsu - to press, press. This, in fact, is the main difference between shiatsu and other types of oriental massage, which Dr. Namikoshi defined with purely Japanese laconicism: "Press, not massage." That is, during the treatment session, the shiatsu therapist presses with fingers or palm on certain areas on the human body. And no stroking and rubbing! The strength and time of exposure depends on the specific diagnosis, and with the correct technique of execution, even strong “deep” pressing does not cause patients any discomfort.

Another feature of shiatsu is that this massage alone does not cure the disease, but eliminates its cause. The task of shiatsu therapy is to awaken the internal forces of the body and direct their action along the desired path. For this, the doctor acts on special active points - tsubo. Thus, the natural “mechanism” of healing started inherent in us by Nature itself is launched.

And another important point: shiatsu is not only a treatment method, but also a diagnostic system. And the most interesting thing about this is that the diagnoses made by an experienced shiatsu therapist in 94.7% of cases are exactly confirmed by modern hardware and laboratory studies.

Marginal notes
  The shiatsu method owes much of its popularity in the West ... Marilyn Monroe! In 1956, during a trip to Japan, the film star seriously fell ill. Medication did not help, and then Dr. Namikoshi was invited to the actress, who soon put her on her feet. And although by that time this method was already quite well-known, but after the recovery of Marilyn in the USA, a real shiatsu boom began.

Tokujiro Namikoshi with his student, the famous Shiatsu therapist Shigeru Onoda. Dr. Namikoshi turned 90 years old when the picture was taken.

Today in the world there are three areas of shiatsu:

  • western school (based on the scientific approach to the method from the point of view of modern medicine);
  • classical school (actually, the school of Dr. Namikosi);
  • zen Shiatsu (an intuitive, sensory method, largely “involved” in bioenergy).

Homework: “Shiatsu Wrinkle Massage”

From the ancient times they used to say in the East: "Your hand is the best doctor." Therefore, it is not surprising that within the framework of shiatsu there is a set of techniques for self-massage, among which, perhaps, the most popular and demanded is acupressure of the face. Shiatsu therapists specifically recommend to their patients a number of simple techniques that are successfully used when necessary:

  • relieving headaches;
  • eliminate sleep disorders;
  • vision improvement;
  • the fight against chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • treating a runny nose and some other manifestations of the common cold.

In addition, the correct effect on biologically active points located on the face and head positively affects the improvement of the emotional state and helps with mimic nervous tics.

The correct thumbs-up technique. Please note - pressure is applied to the skin with the fingertips

In home cosmetology, shiatsu massage is successfully used both to improve the general condition of the skin of the face, and as a prevention of the manifestation of age-related changes. To verify its effectiveness, just look at the Japanese, who are over thirty. Agree, sometimes it seems that women in this country have discovered a recipe for eternal youth. This is partly true. It is proved that systematic shiatsu sessions dramatically slow down the aging process of the skin. Collagen and elastin are produced twice as fast. And as a result, new wrinkles do not appear, and existing ones are smoothed out.

With the help of anti-aging procedures, facial muscles are strengthened, capillary circulation improves. The first leads to the restoration of the shape of the face, and the second - returns the skin a healthy shade and accelerates the treatment of acne. Of course, the implementation of these procedures requires certain knowledge and skills. But don't be alarmed. This is easy to learn.

Comment of a dermatologist. Like any other medical procedure, shiatsu massage has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • decrease in intracranial pressure;
  • neoplasms on the skin;
  • rosacea;
  • hemophilia;
  • herpes;
  • dermatitis;
  • furunculosis and any other inflammatory processes;
  • open wounds (and not only on the face).

The correct technique for setting three fingers. And again, the pads work

In addition, there are people with individual intolerance to this massage, therefore, before starting home procedures, you should consult your family doctor or visit a specialized specialist - a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Shiatsu massage technique

As we noted above, shiatsu massage is not stroking, but pressure.

There are three ways to click on active points:

  • pads of the thumbs;
  • simultaneously with three fingers (index, middle and ring);
  • palm.

Hand movements should be unhurried and clear. Try not to “twist”, as this leads to unnecessary stretching of the skin, which can cause wrinkles.

The pressure is regulated depending on the condition of the subcutaneous fat layer. The larger this layer, the stronger the impact should be. However, even with a pronounced fatness of the face, one should not put pressure on the points as if your task is to make holes in the skin. Remember that where pain begins, treatment ends. If both hands work simultaneously during the procedure, the force of pressing should be approximately the same.

Shiatsu acupressure can be done on your own

The duration of exposure to one point during cosmetic acupressure should not exceed 4-7 seconds. This is quite enough to obtain the necessary effect, which will last for a day. During treatment sessions, the pressure can last several minutes. But it is advisable to trust such procedures to professional shiatsu masters.

The best time for a shiatsu cosmetic session is morning. To perform this “charging” for the face, you will need 10-15 minutes, plus about the same amount of preparation time.

The right palm-tapping technique

Marginal notes. Of course, before practicing shiatsu, it makes sense to take a glance at how professionals do it. In search of a decent video about acupressure of a shiatsu face, we zealously “shoveled” the entire Runet but, alas, without much use. I had to bow to the "bourgeois" and, as it turned out, not in vain. In a word, as they say, watch and learn (video from Madrid).

Massage preparation

We advise you to start preparing for a shiatsu session by treating your skin with lotion or another cleansing agent - herbal infusion, dry white wine diluted with filtered water in a 3x1 ratio, etc. Then the skin needs to be warmed up. This will relieve muscle tension and dilate blood vessels. To do this, it is convenient to use a hot compress or steam bath with a temperature of 45 to 50 ° C. The compress will take you 2-3 minutes, the bath - on the strength of 10 minutes. Before you start the procedure, you need to relax.

Light the aroma lamp, turn on soft quiet music, lie down on the sofa and just rest for 5-7 minutes. By the way, this relaxation can be fully combined with a hot compress. So you save time. And the last one. 5 minutes before the start of the session, apply a vitamin moisturizer to the skin. This will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

In some cases, pressure on the point can be increased

Shiatsu complex for facial wrinkles

Now let's get acquainted with the simplest and most affordable complex of wrinkles and crow's feet from the Shiatsu arsenal. Immediately make a reservation, “simple” - this does not mean “weak”. Try it yourself, and the result of daily procedures you will see in the mirror in two weeks.

Picture 1

We press on the skin and hold the pressure for 7 seconds. After that, we shift the fingers to the eyebrows and repeat all over again. Thus, in four steps we reach the temples.

Figure 2

We lower three “working” fingers on the eyebrows (Figure 2, points No. 2) and press for 7 seconds. Then, with the pads of the thumbs, we act on point No. 3 and further, on point No. 4.

Figure 3

Again, use three fingers. For 5-7 seconds, depending on the degree of comfort, we press point No. 5 (Figure 3). The area above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows is known for its tendency to wrinkle. Therefore, here you can slightly increase the pressure.

Figure 4

Lower the fingers of both hands on the eyelids just below the eyebrows (Figure 4, points No. 6), but so as not to touch the eyeball. Gently push for 5 seconds. Make sure that the skin does not move to the bridge of the nose during this exercise. It is important.

Figure 5

Now we are working on the lower eyelid region (Figure 5, points No. 7). The rules for performing this exercise are similar to the previous ones.

Figure 6

Press with three fingers on the points located under the cheekbones (Figure 6, points No. 8). Hold the pressure for 7 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.

Figure 7

With the pads of the thumbs, click on the points near the nostrils as shown in Figure 7 (points No. 9). Adjust the exposure time yourself, within 5-7 seconds.

Figure 8

At point No. 10 located above the upper lip (Figure 8), use your thumb for 7 seconds.

Figure 9

For this exercise, we use the thumbs again. Gently push on the paired points along the edges of the lips (Figure 9, points No. 11) and hold until we count to seven. It is important to feel for the muscle and not go beyond it.

Figure 10

For 7 seconds, press the point located under the lower lip (Figure 10, point No. 12). Attention! You need to press on the gum, not on the teeth.

Figure 11

Raise your head slightly up. We set the fingers (working trinity) under the chin (Figure 11, point No. 13), press for 5 seconds, and then in 4 movements we go through the entire edge of the lower jaw in this way.

Figure 12

We move the fingers on the side of the neck (Figure 12, point No. 14) and press it for no more than 3 seconds. This exercise is performed carefully so as not to squeeze the carotid artery.

Figure 13

With the thumb of your left hand, gently press the jugular cavity for 3 seconds and gently release (Figure 13, point No. 15).

Figure 14

The final exercise of the complex. With the pads of the thumbs, we simultaneously press on the paired points located in the region of the base of the ear. Another 7 seconds "under pressure" and the session for today is over.

P.S. Of course, within the framework of one article it is impossible to tell in detail about the whole practical usefulness of Shiatsu therapy. But if this topic seemed interesting to you - write in the comments and we will definitely continue this interesting topic. We wish you beauty and health!