
All types of massage video tutorials. Therapeutic back massage - video lesson

At the end of a difficult, eventful working day, I want to relax a bit, relax, devote some time to myself and relieve the stress that has arisen. Most the best way  It is a relaxing back massage that helps relieve tension in muscles that were very tense during the day. However, in order to achieve the necessary effect, and not harm yourself, you need to know how to do back massage.

Back massage - rules of execution

  • Do not forget about hygiene, and therefore, before starting the procedure, you need to wash your hands with warm water. Be sure to use a cream or massage oil.
  • It is more advisable to start massaging the back precisely from the sacral region, and then gradually move higher.
  • Massages always begin with a gentle stroking. Both circular and movements along the back are permissible. Gradually, you should massage a little more actively, applying more and more strength.

The most basic rule that you should always follow when performing a massage is not to push, do not rub directly the spine. It is necessary to massage strictly only the area along the spine and nothing else. Also, experts do not recommend strongly pressing or patting the area on the back in the region of the kidneys, and there is no need to use maximum force between the shoulder blades. In these areas, you can only massage gently with gentle movements.

The following techniques are acceptable for back massage: rubbing, patting, stroking, tingling and kneading. It should be noted that throughout the procedure, the masseur skillfully alternates the above methods.

It is important to know that the neck and shoulders need to be rubbed and kneaded, applying a little more force than massaging the muscles in the lower back. After all, it is the neck and shoulders that are subjected to greater stress during the day.

Another rule that must be observed is to take into account the wishes and condition of the person who has entrusted his back to you. If you are asked to massage a little harder, then you can increase the pressure slightly, though if it does not contradict the basic rules, that is, it does not harm your health.

Contraindications to back massage

It is worth knowing that it is not always possible to do back massage. So, if a person is sick with infectious skin diseases, fungal, has problems with blood vessels or has previously suffered serious spinal injuries, massage is strictly forbidden. And in other situations, massage will only benefit, help relax, relieve fatigue.

How to do back massage - technique

A full body massage is advisable to start from the back. Since it is least sensitive to external influences than the chest and abdomen. It's no secret that on the blue there are a huge number of muscles that are very tense. The most vulnerable areas are the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades and lower back.

Back massage can be done both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. On the back, massaging movements work out long, wide and trapezius muscles.

The person who is being massaged should lie on his stomach, and his hands should be along the torso. As noted above, massage should begin with stroking. Gradually you need to add strength. Movements are performed strictly from the sacrum up to the supraclavicular fossa. One hand should move the thumb forward, on the other hand in front should be the little finger.

We can distinguish the following basic techniques used for back massage:

  1. rectilinear, using force, rubbing with fingertips;
  2. rubbing in a circle with the pads of the thumbs;
  3. circular rubbing - with the pads of all fingers of one hand with the use of force;
  4. concentric grinding - thumb and forefinger work;
  5. rubbing the bent fingers with the phalanges, moreover, it can be light massaging, or maybe with the use of force.

During the massage of the broad muscles of the back, it is recommended to knead the base of the palm. And with a massage of long muscles stretching from the sacrum to the back of the head, it is best to use deep linear stroking with the thumbs of two hands from the bottom up. The back of the head, upper and middle back - you need to massage in accordance with the direction of the muscle fibers. Rubbing along the spine can only be circular movements of the fingertips or phalanges of bent fingers.

Back massage - photo instruction

We offer you photo instructions or a guide on how to do back massage.

How to do back massage - video

And in conclusion, we offer you a video lesson that will help you to properly and professionally massage your back.

Classic back massage - video


Massage seems to be a fairly simple procedure without any special knowledge. But it is not so. In the process itself, many secrets and important nuances are laid, without knowing which an ideal result might not be possible. But do not be afraid to do it. Massage is, perhaps, a whole science, but even its simplest fundamentals give a positive effect. To learn the secrets and different tricks of massage, we suggest watching this video lesson.

Secrets and wisdom of erotic massage - video lesson


If you like to fantasize and create a special highlight during sex with a partner, and even if it is not, this lesson will help you learn new ways to give your relationship even more feelings and passion. In this video tutorial, you will learn all the secrets of the most pleasant and sensual reception to achieve a new level in relationships - erotic massage.

When back massage, the patient lies down on a couch or massage table on his stomach, with arms extended along the body. To align the lumbar region, a roller or small pillow can be placed under the stomach.

Also, the roller is placed under the ankle joints of the legs for the comfort of the patient and the convenience of a massage therapist. The patient's body is exposed to the waist. The head lies freely on its side or face down. You can put a towel under your head.

The masseur is located on the side in such a position that it is convenient to perform all massage techniques and carry them out with the necessary intensity.

Video lesson 1

Massage begins with stroking, first on the shoulder girdle, 3-4 times, then along the lymph vessels to the lymph nodes, then from the bottom up. Superficial stroking is performed without shifting the skin, separately-sequentially (when one hand finishes, the other begins after it).

In the upper part of the buttocks, stroking is carried out along the "eight" trajectory, weights can be received (when the wrist of one hand is superimposed on the other). To increase the coverage area when stroking, thumbs can be taken away from the rest. Stroking begins the massage, stroking is done after each massage, stroking ends with the massage. During stroking, the masseur’s hands relax, and the patient’s muscles relax further. It is important to follow the correct directions of movements that are carried out by the lymph current.

The second main massage technique is rubbing. Pads of fingers in circular movements along the spine from the bottom up, capturing the neck, which is rubbed by the pads of the thumbs; from the neck movements go to the sides along the shoulders and return to the spine. Rubbing differs from stroking in that when stroking the skin does not move, and when rubbing, the skin moves along with the underlying tissues.

With straight rubbing, the hands move alternately so as not to stretch the skin. On the buttocks, comb-like rubbing can be applied - with bone protrusions of the middle interphalangeal joints or with the middle phalanges of the fingers, possibly rubbing with weight. The fingertips massage the edges of the ilium. Then rubbing is again performed along the spine, the spine itself is not affected by massage. Rubbing the fingertips along the spine can also be performed with weights. The most common is muscle tightness in the interscapular region.

An effective technique is sawing, which is performed by the ribs of the palms facing each other. The palms are 1-3 cm apart and move in opposite directions. Between the palms a roller is formed of massaged tissues.

Sawing can be performed both along the spine and perpendicular to it, first on one side of the spinal column, then on the other. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck and forearms, a rubbing technique such as crossing with the radial edges of the hands, the gaps between the widely spaced first and second fingers is used, while the hands move in opposite directions. The same reception is made on the sides, in the direction from the bottom up. Each rubbing technique ends with stroking, with one and both hands.

The next massage technique is kneading. Kneading is performed by grabbing the muscle and pulling it away from the bone. With lateral kneading, the muscle is tightly clasped by the palms and fingers of two hands set one to the other at an angle of 45-50 degrees, so that the first fingers are on one side and the rest are on the other. In this case, the brushes are set in a diagonal direction with respect to the longitudinal axis. The muscle is pulled up with both hands, squeezed and squeezed with one hand towards you, with the other hand - away from you.

Then, without moving the arms, make the same movements in the opposite direction. Thus, the arms move throughout the muscle. In this case, the palms should not be torn off the body, contact should be continuous. The patient should not have the feeling that they are “pinching”, this indicates an incorrect admission. Reception alternates and ends with stroking.

The fourth and final massage technique is vibration. The main device here is continuous vibration, when the hand glides uniformly over the massaged surface, not tearing away from it, and at this time produces oscillatory movements in the vertical plane. Reception is very easy. On large, large muscles, chopping can be used if there are no contraindications (for example, radiculitis). It is performed with the elbow edges of the hands, the fingers are slightly bent, divorced and relaxed. Hands move freely in the wrist joints. Each technique also alternates with stroking. The massage ends with a general stroking, as at the beginning of the session.

An indicator of a well-conducted massage session is uniform hyperemia (redness).

Video lesson 2

General back massage consists in the study of the lumbosacral zone, the thoracic spine and the cervical-collar zone. If possible, shoulders are also being worked out. Before proceeding to the massage, it is necessary to conduct a soft acupuncture diagnosis of the back.

Paravertebral muscles are studied: which one is more developed, where there are muscle clamps, etc. Based on this, a scheme for future massage is determined. The back is divided either into two zones: the right and left on both sides of the spine, or into four: left-right and upper-lower (their boundaries are the spine and the lower edges of the shoulder blades). In the latter case, the cervical-collar zone is worked out separately. Three methods - stroking, rubbing, kneading - are worked out each zone separately, the last method - vibration - is performed immediately across the back.

Before massage, oil is applied to the skin. Massage begins with a planar surface stroking with two hands at the same time. Then a grasping stroking on the side of the back (hand and fingers take the form of a gutter, the thumb is relaxed and maximally retracted).

Stroking can be carried out in a circular, spiral path. Superficial stroking turns into deep, when the skin is slightly shifted and a roller from it forms in front of the hands. This technique improves lymph flow and fluid exchange in tissues. Reception is repeated 4-6 times. You can perform it with weights.

Rubbing improves blood circulation and heats tissues. Rubbing is rectilinear longitudinal, when the palms of both hands move the skin in opposite directions. Reception is very active. Then transverse grinding is performed.

Such grinding can be alternated with deep stroking (squeezing), this increases the effectiveness of techniques. The next rubbing technique is sawing, which is usually done in thin areas: between the shoulder blades, at the edges of the ilium. Performing transverse grinding, you can include in the work of the forearm. Each technique ends with a superficial stroking.

Performing kneading, you can work with various parts of the hands: the base of the palm, the entire palm, phalanges of the fingers and fingertips. The paravertebral muscle is pressed against the bone bed with a small pillow of the thumb and kneading it with rotary circular movements, simultaneously and gradually moving up.

The pads of the 2-5th fingers flex the muscles in a spiral and circular fashion. Then, kneading is carried out with the whole palm. The next technique is cross-kneading, or crossing, on the side surfaces of the back, first from the bottom up, then from top to bottom. It can also be performed in the form of a "figure eight". Comb-like grinding is performed by bone protrusions of the middle interphalangeal joints, by the middle or upper phalanges of the fingers, in a circular manner. The brush can rest on the set thumb. Reception can be performed with either one or two hands.

When working out the cervical-collar zone, the same methods are used: squeezing, rubbing (sawing), kneading transversely and with the base of the palm of the hand, the neck is flexed forcefully.

Of the vibration techniques, you can use shaking, patting, chopping.

On the other hand, there is not always a desire to visit a professional massage therapist. Perhaps there is no need for deep massage. At the same time, I want to relax without leaving home. Mastering the basics of massage technology is easy. The effect of such a massage will certainly be far from a professional option. But as a light version at home, it is quite effective.

Basic rules for back massage at home

  1. Massage is the alternation of certain techniques in a given sequence.
  2. Each massage technique is fully repeated at least 3 times.
  3. Massage is done without pauses, including a change of techniques.
  4. Back muscles are massaged, not the spine.
  5. In the neck and the beginning of the thoracic spine (C4-D2), the applied force is reduced.
  6. The same applies to the kidneys and the heart.
  7. The direction of massage is from the lumbar up to the shoulders and neck.
  8. Massage should not be painful. If pain is present, it is necessary to reduce the applied force or stop the procedure.

Fast rhythm (more than 60 movements per minute) has a stimulating effect.
  A slow rhythm (up to 30 movements per minute) relaxes the nervous system.

Contraindicated in:

  • chronic diseases of the heart and lungs
  • inflammatory processes
  • elevated temperature
  • massaged skin lesions


Before doing back massage at home, it is necessary to conduct pre-massage measures, including preparation of the room, massage therapist and massaged.

Massage is done in a darkened room with an air temperature of 21-23 ° C.

Hands of the masseur should be clean with clipped nails.

The massaged should take a shower before starting.

If possible, massage is carried out without the use of creams and oils. However, they should be kept at hand in case if, without additional wetting, movements are perceived as not comfortable.

Pose during the procedure: lying not on the stomach. The head does not turn to the side and is in its usual position when we look forward. To do this, a pillow is placed under the forehead. Pillows are also placed under the chest and stomach. The purpose of the pillows in this case is to absorb the force that can cause discomfort without them. Hands lie along the body, slightly bent at the elbows.

1. Stroking

The simplest technique is stroking.

  • Spend in a slow rhythm.
  • Stroking does not require much effort.
  • Hands should slide on the skin without moving it.
  • The degree of pressure should be changed when sliding: reinforce in more dense areas, reduce it in the opposite.

  On the accompanying photos you can see the correct position of the hands when back massage at home.


Superficial stroking - the most soft, massage begins with it.  It calms and relaxes, prepares the body for further manipulations. The palms are straight, moving from the lower back to the shoulder blades and shoulders, descend down the sides and then repeat again.


After superficial reception, they switch to planar. The position of the hands is the same, the pressure force and the variability of movements increase. It can be performed with one or two hands. The overall motion vector is directed up. Movements can be spiral, circular, along or across the back.


Deep stroking logically continues flat. It differs by giving extra effort by applying a masseur one hand on the other. The same movements are made in the same direction, with a different degree of pressure.


Reception, the final block stroking. It is performed with both hands with the thumb laid to the side and connected together by the rest. The brush covers the back from the spine in the opposite direction from it. We slide up without applying excessive force.
  Without pausing, go to the next block of techniques.

2. Rubbing

In contrast to stroking, when rubbing, the hands never slide on the skin, but they always shift and shift it relative to the underlying tissues. It leads to increased metabolic processes and heating, improves elasticity and mobility of muscles.

  • Grinding is carried out vigorously (60 or more movements per minute).
  • It takes place in any direction.
  • Delays in one place for more than 10 seconds are not allowed.
  • They are performed with fingers bent in the phalanges with support on the thumb or on the base of the hand.


It is carried out by the terminal phalanges of the fingers by circular displacement of the skin. By changing the angle between the fingers and the back, you can increase or decrease the pressure force.  Also for this purpose weights are applied with the second hand.


More kneading way. It is performed by the second phalanx of bent fingers resting on the thumb. The displacement of the skin can be circular or spiral. If there are grounds for this, it can be carried out with weights. After finishing and before proceeding to sawing, we do several stroking techniques.


Rubbing in the course of its execution keeps increasing dynamics. Sawing is an intensive mode of action on the skin, preparing for subsequent kneading. Straight hands are parallel to each other at a distance of 2-3 cm. The skin between the palms forms a roller. Sawing is carried out in different directions with both palms at the same time. Provides excellent skin warming.

3. Kneading

Kneading is the main component of massage, for which rubbing and stroking was carried out. In terms of muscle content, kneading is a simulation of physical work in its passive form.

Schematically kneading can be divided into three consecutive components:

  1. Fixing the palms on the massaged area
  2. Squeezing skin with both palms
  3. Rolling, crushing
  • The pace of massage is up to 60 movements per minute.
  • Avoid slipping hands and pinching the skin with your fingers.
  • The method of making movements is smooth.
  • It is carried out in any direction from tendons to muscles.
  • Consistently without jumping from one section to another.
  • To maintain the effect, it is necessary to increase the intensity of kneading with each procedure.

Longitudinal kneading is carried out along the muscle fibers. The brushes perform unidirectional movements, moving along the axis of the muscle.

Pepper kneading is a more used back massage technique at home. Thumbs are placed on one side of the flexed muscle, the rest on the other. The brushes are located at a distance from the palm of one another. Displacement (rolling, crushing) is carried out in different directions: with one hand - towards yourself, with the other - from yourself.

It is possible to carry out a weighted version with one hand with the help of a second hand.

4. Vibration

Small-amplitude vibration has a significant parasympathetic effect, slowing down the heart rate and lowering blood pressure. It consists in inflicting intermittent strokes with the fingertips, palm edge, back of the fingers, fist.

  • Avoid in the heart and kidneys.
  • On one site should not last more than 10 seconds.
  • The strength of the effect depends on the angle between the contacting surface of the hand and the back of the person being massaged: the greatest effect is achieved with a right angle.
  • When using both hands, strokes are applied alternately.
  • It is carried out due to the energy of the brush, the ulnar fold is not involved.


It is carried out by the edge of the palm along the muscles with both hands alternately. The distance between the palms is 3 cm. The pace of movement is fast (about 100 beats per minute).


It is produced with a clenched fist or the back of a brush.


Blows are made by the front side of the palm with fingers connected to each other in the form of a “boat”. Formed between the back and palm of the air cushion prevents the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the massaged, without reducing the effectiveness of the impact.


It is made by phalanges of bent fingers. The movements are like beating the shot on the drums. It does not have a lot of tension. It requires intensity. Ends the vibration block and the active phase of the massage.


The massage cycle ends with what it began - strokes that soothe the heated skin of the back, normalize blood circulation and lymph flow, return consciousness to the surrounding reality.

Table. The approximate time spent on each of the back massage units at home.

Watch a video of a back massage lesson at home.

Therapeutic back massage is a preventive and therapeutic measure against osteochondrosis, protrusion, hernia and other degenerative-dystrophic processes in the intervertebral discs. To do massage for back pain, it is not necessary to take long training courses. You can delight and treat your loved ones by mastering the simplest massage techniques.

The main thing in the masseur’s craft is the ability to feel muscles and read the patient’s sensations. Only then will the sessions have a relaxing and healing effect.

Massage relaxes, helps relieve stress and improves mood. A session of proper back massage improves blood circulation in the muscles, which not only strengthens them, but also improves metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissues of the intervertebral discs. And this best prevention  from protrusion and hernia. Massage helps with back pain, even if the back hurts for a long time.

Massage eliminates muscle cramps, which will help cope with chronic back pain. Due to the acceleration of blood flow, the cardiovascular system is strengthened. Blood pressure is stabilizing.

Therapeutic back massage is based on the principle of movement along the blood circulation paths and lymph flow. Back massage techniques involve movement from the lumbar region to the lymph nodes in the groin, from the thoracic region to the axillary, and from the thoracic region to the clavicular. When doing all types of massage, you need to remember that a massage therapist works with muscles, not bones.  It is necessary to work out subcutaneous muscles. And most importantly, never use the spine itself. Work with the spine is a specialty of a chiropractor. In order to perform it, long trainings and a special education are required.

First you need to lay the patient on a hard surface. Everything massage rooms  and salons are equipped with special massage tables. If you had to do a spinal massage at home, you are unlikely to find a special massage couch. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the hardest place. As an option - lay a plaid on the floor.

Before you massage, wash your hands thoroughly. Apply a special ointment or massage oil to make your hands slippery. Rub lightly with your hands to keep your palms warm and the first touch is pleasant.

  • See also:?

When working with a patient, remember one of the main rules of massage - to listen to the one whose back you are treating.  If the patient is uncomfortable, try to understand what the source is. If the problem is that you are acting too hard on your back, weaken the movement. If the patient begins to ache, and does not go away after you stop massaging, end the session.

  • Read also:

Classic technique

The patient should sit lying on his stomach, place his hands along the body and relax. A thin, stiff pillow can be placed under your head. The position on the side is also acceptable if the patient is hard to lie on the stomach.

Before doing a therapeutic massage, the back is always stroked. It is important to ensure that all movements affect not only the skin, but also the muscles under it. Feel how your hands affect the subcutaneous muscles. After general stroking, iron, gradually increasing the strength of movements. Move from the lower back to the clavicular region and vice versa. Work your entire back to prepare for more intense and deeper techniques. Stroke your sides, easily wrapping them around your palms.

  • See also:.


Reception squeezing is similar to stroking, but more intense. Put one palm on the other, make movements, as if squeezing the back of the massaged. Initially exposed to the back muscles on the sides of the spine, then go to the latissimus. So we work out the whole back.


The grinding technique works even deeper. We begin to rub the long muscles of the spine, as if “sawing” with both hands along the ridge. We start from the sacral region, slowly we reach the back of the head. We move back to the sacrum. You can perform the technique up to seven times, depending on the patient's sensations. Turning to the widest, immediately use both hands. We start from the bottom - with the lumbar region. A more gentle option is the same movements, but performed by the pillows of the fingers of a spread palm. We work on the sides of the patient with the radial side of the palm. We move from the pelvic area to the armpits. Between the ribs rubbed from the ridge to the sides, fingers apart. Finishing, rub the entire back with gentle movements. Perform a couple of light stroking cycles.


Wellness back massage continues with kneading. We position the hands like this: one brush on the other. We process the long muscles, then the widest ones. But depending on the sensitivity of the patient and for solving different tasks, kneading is used in different ways:

  • With your thumb. Press the muscles to the bone tissue under them, begin to move in a circle from the bottom up.
  • The thumbs of both hands act on the back one by one, then on the other;
  • On the back they drive with four fingers in a circle;
  • Drive with all fingers in a circle.

  • We also read:.

Having stretched the muscles along the spine, they pass to the latitudinal. We work along the lines from the ilium to the armpits. Grasp the muscles, slightly pull them and massage in a circle.

Completion of the procedure

Knock quickly and easily throughout the dorsal region. You can “chop” it with the radial side of the palm. Move along the muscle lines. Finish by stroking. The standard procedure lasts about twenty minutes, ten of which are allotted to kneading.

Massage of different departments

Types of back massage are classified by the area to which they are directed. Modern massage therapists believe that it is most effective to work out the entire back, and then proceed to work with specific departments.

  • See also:.

Work with the lower chest department

Massage from 7 to 12 thoracic vertebrae. All movements are performed from top to bottom and from the center to the sides:

  • Pushups;
  • Rubbing;
  • Kneading
  • We use the technique of light blows and swatting.

Massaging this area for five minutes will be enough. If a therapeutic back massage is performed, work on this surface for a quarter of an hour. Please note that the 11 and 12 vertebrae are close to the kidneys, you can not strongly affect them, otherwise pain may occur when back massage.

To apply rubbing on the inner scapular sides, place the massaged hand on the lower back and move your elbows closer to the surface. Raise your shoulder slightly with one hand and rub with the other. In the area between the scapular region and the ridge, rub with finger pads. When stretching the scapular muscles, place one palm under the shoulder and lift it slightly. Do not forget about the shoulders - perform kneading in a circle from all sides.