
How to open a massage room. How to open a massage room from scratch: a business plan with calculations

Instruction manual

Find the right room for your massage. It should be located on the ground floor, in a busy place of the city, be equipped with a faucet with hot and cold water and a sewage system. How many square meters the premises you rent will be up to you. For the work of one masseuse, an area of \u200b\u200b10 to 15 square meters is required. Depending on how many masseuses will work in your office and its area depends.

Choosing a place for a massage room, you need to think about what legal status you will draw up. For a small business, the legal form of a limited liability company is best suited. Its design can be entrusted to professionals or do it yourself. Prepare documents, go to a notary public, register your business with the tax office and get permission to conduct this business. Open a bank account on a registered company.

After the legal form of doing business is prepared, deal with the equipment of the office and the selection of personnel who will work for you. 30% of people who need therapeutic massage are ready to go anywhere if only a good specialist conducted the massage. Therefore, massage therapists need to find good ones. Advertise in all the media about the selection of personnel. Your business will flourish only if the professionals are good. With poor masseurs, even the most modern equipment and room decoration will not help.

Near the massage room must be located bathroom. Put in the office the number of couches according to the number of simultaneously working specialists. The place of each massage therapist should be equipped with a screen. Buy towels and massage oils. For washing towels and sheets daily, place a washing machine. Towels and sheets need to be equipped with a special cabinet. There should also be a place for undressing and dressing customers.

In order for SES to allow you to start work and there are no further complaints, cover the walls and floor of the massage room with washable materials. It is necessary to process them daily with special disinfectants.

The massage room can be additionally equipped with a special massage chair.

The second stage is the preparation of the premises and the purchase of equipment. According to SES standards, cabinet walls should be covered with either washable wallpaper or tile. In the cabin massage  must have a bathroom with a toilet. You don’t need special means to purchase equipment: you will need a couple of massage tables, a couple of couches, as well as a portable table for providing home services. In addition, you will need to carefully arrange the reception. To provide massage services you will need special oils. You can purchase them in bulk at special professional stores.

The success of a massage parlor depends on the staff you select. The main attention should be paid to the selection of a massage therapist. Good massage therapists usually have private practice, but may agree to work in the salon for a good stable salary. Alternatively, you can lure the masseur from another salon according to the recommendations of his clients. Choosing a massage therapist for your salon, stop at a specialist of a wide profile. The greater the set of techniques a masseur will own, the better, because the same kind massage  quickly bothers customers. To open a salon, it will be enough to select two proven massage therapists who will work in shifts. In addition to massage therapists, do not forget to hire an administrator and an accountant, unless, of course, you are ready to take on these functions.

The 21st century is a time of opportunities both in leisure and in work. To start a business you need only two things: desire and money. If the first one is usually enough for future businessmen in abundance, then problems may arise at the financing stage. It is because of this that every future entrepreneur tries to find an idea that will be not only interesting, but also accessible. Among such ideas is the opening of a massage room as a business.

Massage is not only a healing procedure, but also relaxing, with a cosmetic effect. People come to massage therapists to plunge into the atmosphere of relaxation and relax their soul and body to the pleasant music and aromas of incense.

Is it profitable to open a massage room? Let's figure it out.

Business idea analysis

Massage business is a very quick payback business. Literally in six months - a year, all invested funds will return to you with interest. Experts estimated that the profitability of this case is about 25%. Such high efficiency makes all massage therapists at home competitors who are doing their best to take the client away from their brother.

To prevent this from happening, consider the following:

  • Understand which audience your services are aimed at;
  • A massage room has a cosmetic rather than a medical focus. Therefore, the atmosphere and quality of services should be better than that of competitors;
  • The price of massage varies depending on the skill of the master, but even if you set the price lower than that of colleagues, you can make good money;
  • The competition in the massage business is very high, which means that only a good specialist will be able to make decent money on this business.

First of all, determine what target audience your business is focused on.

For clients with income "above average" it is assumed that a wide range of services is available. In addition to the usual procedures, this can be a hot stone massage, a healing mud wrap, clay, chocolate and so on.

Middle-class customers. The range of services includes the usual procedures. Perhaps the provision of a cosmetic component that will attract women of different ages to your massage room.

Business plan

The massage plan business plan is the next step that a good organizer should resort to. It is at this stage that the question will be decided whether you have enough strength and finances for entrepreneurship. If you can’t make a plan yourself or laziness, then there are many companies and sites that provide a ready-made business plan for a massage room with calculations (sometimes even free).
  The first thing you need to open a massage room is registration. The masseur registers himself as a private entrepreneur and is registered with the tax office. If the office is in no way associated with the provision of medical services, you do not need a license for this activity. But some specific documents still need to be, namely, a certificate of completion of massage courses. If you still have not completed these courses, enter their cost in your expenses.

Do not forget to obtain permits from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire stations.

Search for premises

Before you open your massage room from scratch, find the appropriate room. It should be small, but not less than 8 square meters per specialist, otherwise you will not see permission from the sanitary station. If a salon works with a bias for a high-income target audience, the premises should be rented in affluent areas. For the middle class, a salon in a residential area of \u200b\u200bthe city is suitable. The main characteristics of the room are convenient entrances, the presence of all communications, the ground floor.

Alternatively, you can rent a room next door to the gym. usually large enough. Some clients will certainly want to relax after a workout and will use the massage service.

However, it is not necessary to rent a room, you can always use the room of your house or work on the road.

Repair and equipment

Before repairing the premises, familiarize yourself with the requirements of the services that will inspect the finished version, so that you do not have to redo it later.

A massage room requires an appropriate atmosphere. The pleasant relaxation associated with a good massage is achieved through proper repair. It includes painting (walls should be pleasant tones, wash well and do not slide away from contact with disinfectants). Create a beautiful design, for example, in an oriental style, hang tapestries or paintings on the walls, equip a music center.

Near the reception desk you can put several armchairs and a coffee table. Here, customers will wait in line.

Total you need to purchase:

  • Reception desk with chair;
  • Armchairs and a coffee table;
  • A massage table;
  • Couch;
  • Cupboard or shelves for products, towels and accessories;
  • Equipment for the bathroom and shower;
  • Computer and telephone.

In addition to the main massage room and hall, where the administrator and visitors awaiting their turn will be located, arrange a room where the salon staff can relax.

When the master works with home visits, he may not read the entire list above. He needs only different oils and a folding massage table (well, if it will be possible to adjust the position of the body).

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The number of staff depends on how much you want to expand the business. If it is just a massage room, then the staff will be four people: a massage therapist, administrator, security guard and cleaning lady. The larger the room you occupy, the more people will be needed.

The masseur must have a medical book, a physical examination at least once a year and at least courses as an education.

The responsibility of the administrator will be to keep records of customers, record them at the reception, settlement, maintaining the Internet resources of the salon.

Advertising campaign

Even the best massage room will be idle if potential customers do not know about it. No one will go into the salon unless a beautiful sign hangs over it, or when they do not talk about it on the Internet. Your first assistant is the World Wide Web. Organize advertising mailing on email, put business cards in the mailboxes of nearby houses, paste the ads on the subway, on boards, poles, banners - wherever there is a chance that the words “massage room” will catch the eye of a likely target audience. Create a site where the whole range of your services and prices will be exhibited, as well as photo certificates, certificates, well-known customers.

If you are still interested in how to open a massage room without a license, then we will give you advice: focus on quality. Carefully approach the choice of services and make at least a small but assortment that will allow you to attract a wider audience. In essence, the massage business is inexpensive and does not require large rooms or special equipment. You don’t have to bother and go home with a massage - then you don’t even have to spend money on repairs and additional staff. The most difficult and important thing is to take appropriate courses and constantly maintain your level of professionalism. If this turned out to be on your shoulder, then everything else will not stop.

  • Documentation
  • Room
  • Equipment and materials
  • Staff
  • Expenses and income

Recently, people have increasingly resorted to the professional services of massage therapists to relieve stress and relax after a hard working week. Entrepreneurs such health care is only at hand and many begin to think about how to open a massage room from scratch. This is an interesting business idea that does not require large initial investments and can bring good permanent income in the future.


In order to open your massage room, you need to get a special license for therapeutic massage. After obtaining appropriate permission and business opening, an entrepreneur will be able to hire personnel from any country in the world. The main thing is to correctly execute all the documents related to the registration and employment of foreign citizens. Please note that therapeutic massage is only allowed to be carried out by a specialist with a secondary or higher medical education.

Many women are interested in: is it possible to open your massage room without a license? Yes, such an activity is possible if you do not want to engage therapeutic massage. For the organization of cosmetic, anti-cellulite or Thai massage license is not required. Of course, it is quite difficult to issue a special permit to open such a business, but without a license, the choice of areas of activity will be much less.

To open a private massage room, in addition to the license, you will need the entire standard package of documentation. In order to properly arrange your activity, you will need to register it as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, as well as obtain permission from the SES and Gospozhnadzor to use the premises (if the opening of a business is not planned at home).

Please note that the opening of a massage business in a private apartment, without registering activities, will be considered by law as intentional tax evasion.


Where to start if you decide to open a massage room? After completing the documentation, you need to start searching for a good room. The opening of the massage room has special requirements, compliance with which is necessary to obtain permission from the SES:

  • It is possible to arrange a massage room on the ground floor of a private house or in a separate room. Opening a room in a basement or other inappropriate places is prohibited.
  • One massage therapist should account for 8 sq.m of area. If you decide to open not just a massage room for 1 person, but a large salon - try to equip a separate room for each specialist.
  • The coating on the walls should be washable. Once every 7 days, the rooms are disinfected with special services, with which it is necessary to conclude an agreement.
  • In the room, in addition to the office itself, there should be a separate place for the administrator and a relaxation area for clients;
  • Without fail, a bathroom and a shower room should be equipped in the room.

The company "" carries out wholesale deliveries of medical equipment, rehabilitation equipment and supplies.

  • Wide range of products
  • Prompt delivery to any regions of Russia
  • Favorable prices
  • Flexible discount system

List of regulatory documents:

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2012 N 291 "On licensing of medical activities (with the exception of the specified activities carried out by medical organizations and other organizations that are part of the private healthcare system in the territory of the Skolkovo innovation center)" (as amended and additions)

2. Federal law of May 4, 2011 N 99-ФЗ "On licensing of certain types of activities" (as amended) Chapter 2. Organization and implementation of licensing

3. The list of works (services) that make up the medical activity

The list of equipment for obtaining a license for a massage room

Specialized equipment

General equipment

   1. Medical cabinet for storing consumables
   2. Medical cabinet for medicines
   3. Ultraviolet bactericidal wall irradiators-recirculators
   4. A set of products for emergency medical care at the prehospital stage
   5. Ambulance kit, including tracheotomy instrument kit
   6. Hemostatic forceps
   7. Forceps straight 260 mm - 4 pcs.
   8. Anatomical tweezers 250 mm - 2 pcs.
   9. Small anatomical tweezers 150 mm - 2 pcs.
   10. Scissors - 2 pcs.
   11. The conservator -1 pc.
   12. Language holder -1 pc.
   13. Sterilization boxes - 8 pcs.
   14. Harness for intravenous manipulations
   15. Medical metal kidney-shaped trays
   16. Dental medical trays
   17. Rectangular medical trays
   18. Sterile disposable syringes (with needle)
   19. Medical sterile gauze bandages
   20. Gypsum gauze bandages
   21. Vata medical hygroscopic surgical sterile
   22. Medical examination gloves
   23. Table medical metal mobile
   24. Medical cabinet

2. Introduce the specified sanitary regulations  from 08/01/2010

1.3. Sanitary rules are intended for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are associated with the design, construction and operation of public facilities that provide hairdressing and cosmetic services, as well as bodies authorized to carry out federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

1.4. These sanitary rules do not apply to reconstructive plastic surgery departments, cosmetic departments and clinics, clinics and departments for the treatment of skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases, cosmetology, massage rooms and tanning salons as part of medical institutions.

Change Information:

1.5. Monitoring compliance with these sanitary rules is carried out by bodies authorized to carry out federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance in accordance with legislation  Russian Federation.

1.6. It is allowed to use, store and sell to visitors public utility organizations that provide hairdressing and cosmetic services, perfumes, cosmetics and hair, nails, and skin care products that have documents confirming the safety of the products used in the established manner.

II. Organization Requirements

2.1. Household organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services can be located both in a separate building, and in an annex, built-in annexed to residential and public buildings (as part of consumer services enterprises and public shopping centers, beauty and health centers, bathhouses , hotels and other public buildings).

Change Information:

2.2. Housing organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services are allowed on the first floors of residential buildings or on two floors (first and second) with an isolated entrance from the residential part and autonomous ventilation system, in the basement and basement floors of buildings, in shopping centers and complexes without natural light, subject to the hygienic requirements for room air exchange and microclimate parameters, the use of fluorescent lamps with improved color rendering and ying activities under hygienic requirements for the organization of production processes, production equipment and tools.

2.3. In public buildings - rest homes, sanatoriums, boarding schools, health care organizations and social services intended for permanent residence of the elderly and disabled, social service centers, medical organizations, including in hospitals, for servicing patients and staff - it is allowed to place public utility organizations appointments providing hairdressing and cosmetic services on any floor, subject to the requirements of these sanitary rules.

III. Requirements for the device and equipment of the premises

Change Information:

3.2. In the premises of household organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services, a room should be allocated, or a special place for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments, equipped with a sink with hot and cold water.

3.3. Cabinets - cosmetic, pedicure, massage, solarium, piercing, tattooing - should be placed in separate rooms.

3.4. Allowed the placement of individual jobs for manicure in the premises of public buildings, including shopping centers, subject to the hygienic requirements for air exchange of premises and microclimate parameters.

Change Information:

3.5. It is allowed to combine manicure and pedicure services in one isolated office, provided that one manicure-pedicure master is organized.

Change Information:

3.6. In pedicure rooms there should be at least 2 foot baths with hot and cold water and a separate sink for washing hands. One bath is allowed using disposable inserts. For pedicure rooms that provide only hardware pedicure technology that does not require the use of water, the mandatory installation of foot baths is not required.

3.7. Up to 3 workplaces are allowed in beauty parlors, provided they are isolated by partitions 1.8-2.0 m high.

3.8. Workplaces are equipped with furniture that allows for the processing of detergents and disinfectants.

3.9. Workplaces of hairdressers are equipped with armchairs, dressing tables with sinks for washing hair. If you have a separate room or a special place for washing your hair, you can install dressing tables without sinks.

3.10. Hairdressing salons should have utility, auxiliary and household premises (dressing rooms, rest and meal rooms, bathrooms, pantries), as well as premises or a place for storing equipment, garbage and shaved hair.

3.11. It is allowed to combine a meal room with a dressing room for staff with a shift of less than 10 people, as well as a combination of a lobby with a wardrobe for visitors and a waiting room.

3.12. Premises for storing clean linen and perfumes and cosmetics are equipped with racks or cabinets; for dirty laundry - containers with lids, the coating of which allows washing and disinfection.

3.13. At the workplace, it is allowed to store perfumes and cosmetics used during the work shift, taking into account the requirements for storage conditions specified in the instructions for use.

Change Information:

3.14. Post-mortem work should be carried out in an isolated room, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich and a set of equipment are accepted taking into account the volume and nature of the work.

IV. Requirements for the equipment and maintenance of tanning salons

4.1. It is allowed to use ultraviolet radiation devices (tanning salons) with both vertical and horizontal arrangement of ultraviolet lamps of various types (high and low pressure) in any combination thereof. Equipment with a UV-C range in tanning salons is not allowed.

4.2. All devices (tanning salons) must have technical passports and instructions in Russian, as well as documents confirming in the prescribed manner the safety of the products used.

4.3. The required area of \u200b\u200bthe room where the tanning booth is installed is calculated according to the formula, where is the area occupied by the device itself (according to the technical description), is the strip area in accordance with Appendix 1

4.4. The premises where the solarium cabins are located, in the absence of other services provided by this organization, should include the operator’s working area (Appendix 1). When organizations provide other household and cosmetic services, the operator’s area can be equipped in conjunction with the reception area. If the services of the solarium are provided automatically (without the participation of the operator using a coin acceptor and / or card acceptor), then the operator’s area is not required. Staff and visitors should have access to a wash basin and a bathroom.

4.5. The operator area is equipped with a remote control remote control  tanning bed (tanning beds), excluding unauthorized changes in the session time by the client.

4.6. The room for the use of tanning salons should be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical motivation, providing 3-4-fold air exchange per hour. In the case of installing models equipped with their own ventilation system, the organization of natural air flow into the room is allowed.

4.7. The temperature and humidity in the tanning bed must comply with the technical documentation for this unit, but not exceed + 28 ° C. The air temperature in the room where the tanning booth is located must correspond to + 18-24 ° С.

4.8. Replacement of lamps should be carried out during the standard production of hours indicated in the technical passport of lamps, with a mandatory mark in the journal. Information about the next replacement should be available to visitors to the solarium and be located in a conspicuous place. Spent lamps should be sent to specialized organizations for their disposal in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.9. The decoration of the solarium should include the possibility of wet cleaning and disinfection.

4.10. After each session, all surfaces of the tanning booth that the visitor came in contact with must be treated with disinfectants that have passed state registration in the prescribed manner. When using a vertical tanning bed, visitors should be provided with disposable towels for lining the cabin floor or disposable slippers.

4.11. It is necessary to periodically clean the ventilation holes inside the unit as it becomes dirty.

4.12. The levels of physical factors affecting personnel and visitors to tanning salons should not exceed hygiene standards:

Electromagnetic field strength no more than 25 V / m;

The electric field strength of the industrial frequency current (50 Hz) is not more than 0.5 kV / m.

4.13. The permissible intensity of ultraviolet radiation for household products with irradiation should not exceed 1.9 in the range of 280-315 nm and 10 W in the range of 315-400 nm. Radiation in the range of 200-280 nm is not allowed.

4.14. The following information should be brought to the attention of consumers:

About the need to carefully read the instructions for insolation;

On the need to mandatory use special glasses to avoid damage to the eyes by UV rays;

On the mandatory determination of exposure time (session) in order to avoid damage to the skin using a table with a description of human phototypes and other irradiation conditions depending on them (a table with a description of human phototypes should be accessible to visitors and should be placed in a visible place);

On the effect of certain cosmetics and drugs on the change (increase or decrease) in sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and the associated limitations;

Compliance with the 48-hour interval between the first two sessions;

A warning about the need to consult a doctor to determine the possibility of taking insolation procedures;

On the carcinogenic hazard of ultraviolet radiation;

On the need to use cosmetics for tanning in the solarium in order to avoid the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation;

On the ban on visiting the solarium by persons under the age of 18;

About the list of diseases in which the adoption of this procedure is limited or contraindicated (melanoma, cancer).

V. Requirements for interior decoration

5.1. Materials (waterproof paints, enamels, tiles and glazed tiles, materials with a laminated coating and others) used to decorate the premises of household organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services must have documents confirming the safety of the products used in the established manner.

5.2. The surfaces of walls, ceilings and floors, the outer and inner surfaces of furniture should be smooth, easily accessible for wet cleaning and resistant to disinfectants.

5.3. Flooring in household organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services, including a solarium (linoleum, metlakh, ceramic-granite tiles, planks (painted), parquet floors and others) must be smooth and allow wet cleaning using detergents and disinfectants.

VI. Water and Sewerage Requirements

6.1. Household organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services should be equipped with centralized water supply systems, including hot, and sewerage.

6.2. The quality of the water used must be consistent hygiene requirements  to water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems.

6.3. In the absence of a centralized water supply and sewerage system in a community, household organizations that provide hairdressing and cosmetic services are equipped with autonomous systems.

Change Information:

6.4. In the absence of a centralized hot water supply, installation of both flowing and non-flowing water-heating devices is allowed.

6.5. All industrial and sanitary facilities are equipped with stationary sanitary appliances.

VII. Climate requirements

7.1. In household organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services, compliance with the microclimate parameters specified in Appendix 2 to these sanitary rules must be ensured.

7.2. Heaters should have a smooth surface that allows wet cleaning. Heaters should be placed in areas accessible for cleaning, inspection and repair.

7.3. The use of ventilation chambers as utility rooms and pantries is not allowed.

7.4. In the premises of household organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services, general exchange mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation should be provided with a ventilation rate specified in Appendix 3 to these sanitary rules. The ventilation system for all rooms of public utilities providing hairdressing and cosmetic services can be general, with the exception of utility and sanitary facilities.

7.5. In household organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services, with the number of jobs not more than 3 (with the exception of the master’s office for nail extensions and beauty parlors), including those located on non-residential floors of residential buildings, unorganized air exchange is allowed due to ventilation of the premises through opening transoms or natural exhaust ventilation.

7.6. The master’s workplace for nail extensions is equipped with local forced exhaust ventilation.

7.7. Equipment for ventilation and air conditioning systems should not be placed adjacent to, above and below rooms with a constant stay of people.

7.8. All ventilation installations must have passports and undergo preventive maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

7.9. Levels of physical factors in the workplace should be consistent hygiene requirements  to the microclimate of industrial premises, sanitary standards noise at workplaces, in rooms of public buildings.

Viii. Requirements for artificial and natural lighting

8.1. Illumination at workplaces must comply with hygienic standards specified in Appendix 4 to these sanitary rules.

8.2. For general and local artificial lighting of industrial and auxiliary premises, incandescent, fluorescent and halogen lamps with protective fittings, LED, compact fluorescent lamps can be used.

8.3. Combined lighting (general and local) should be provided at all workplaces of manicure and pedicure cabinets, decorative cosmetics cabinets. At workplaces in the premises of hairdressers, the use of general lighting is allowed.

IX. Requirements for the maintenance of the premises and the organization of the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime

9.1. All rooms and equipment must be kept clean. In household organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services, it is necessary to carry out preventive disinfection, including disinfecting the surfaces of the room, furniture, equipment, air, tools, linen, work clothes and other items used in the work, as well as disinsection and deratization.

9.2. In order to carry out preventive disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization, physical methods and / or chemical disinfectants that have passed state registration in the prescribed manner should be used.

All manipulations that can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes are carried out using sterile instruments and materials. Reusable products are subject to pre-sterilization cleaning before sterilization.

It is allowed to use disinfectants, disinfection and sterilization equipment that have documents confirming the safety of the products used in the prescribed manner.

9.3. The presence of rodents and domestic arthropods (insects, ticks) in all the main and utility rooms is not allowed.

9.4. Wet cleaning of rooms (wiping floors, furniture, equipment, window sills, doors) should be carried out at least twice a day (including at the end of work) using detergents and disinfectants or agents that have both a washing and disinfecting effect.

For cleaning the main and auxiliary rooms, as well as bathrooms, a separate cleaning equipment should be allocated. Cleaning equipment (buckets, basins, rags, mops) is marked with an indication of the premises and types of cleaning work, used strictly for its intended purpose, processed and stored in a specially allocated room (or cabinet). At the end of the cleaning, the inventory is treated with detergents and disinfectants and dried.

9.5. At least once a week, all premises should be cleaned in accordance with the schedule approved by the administration. During the general cleaning, walls, floors, baseboards, doors, windows, furniture and equipment are washed and treated with disinfectant solutions.

Change Information:

9.6. The clipped hair is collected in a closing scoop directly at the chair and put in sealed containers (disposable plastic bags for trash or kraft paper bags), and then the bag or bag is closed, bandaged, stored in a utility room and removed (disposed of) with solid household waste.

9.7. If lice (pediculosis) are detected in the client during the maintenance process, it is necessary to stop the manipulation and refer the client to a specialized institution (sanitary inspector) for anti-pediculosis measures and consultations. Tools and linen used during maintenance are subjected to disinfection with lice products (pediculicides) in the form of an emulsion concentrate according to the instructions for use of the product. Hair is collected in a hermetically sealed bag or bag and also treated with pediculicide, and then removed (disposed of).

9.8. The reuse of bags and garbage bags and their shaking out in a household waste container is not allowed.

9.9. To prevent the spread of parenteral hepatitis, HIV infection, tuberculosis, fungal diseases and other infections, the used products and tools are disinfected and sterilized.

9.10. For customer service, only clean linen should be used. The stock of clean linen (towels, napkins, sheets and more) should be in an amount that ensures its individual use for each client. Storage of clean, used linen, perfumes, cosmetics, as well as detergents and disinfectants should be separate. Storage of clean linen in open racks or at workplaces is allowed only in individual packaging.

The use of disposable hats, wraps, towels, sheets, napkins is allowed. Synthetic fabric peignoirs should only be used with a clean cotton napkin or disposable collar.

9.12. Wash used laundry and work clothing centrally. The organization of washing used laundry directly at the hairdresser is allowed in the presence of a separate room with special equipment. Work and personal clothing should be kept separate.

Change Information:

9.13. Removing cropped hair from the neck and face of the client should be done with a clean, individual napkin or cotton swab. You can use brushes to remove cut hair only if they are disinfected after each client.

9.14. When performing perm, the hair is wetted with a solution with a swab, replaced after each client.

9.15. Clips, curlers, caps and nets for chemical perm of hair, caps for highlighting are washed under running water with detergents after each client.

9.16. Combs, brushes, hair cutting scissors are washed under running water after each client, placed in sterilizers that are approved for use in the prescribed manner and have instructions for use in Russian, or in disinfectant solutions according to the regimen used for fungal diseases.

9.17. Removable knives of electric razors are wiped twice (with an interval of 15 minutes) with a swab dipped in a non-corrosive disinfectant solution at the concentrations used for viral hepatitis.

Change Information:

9.18. The pillow placed under the foot during the pedicure should have an oilcloth cover, which after each use is wiped with a rag moistened with a disinfectant solution, in concentration and with the exposure used for disinfection for fungal diseases. Use of disposable covers is allowed.

9.19. Foot baths and hand baths after each client should be disinfected when completely immersed in a disinfectant solution in accordance with the instructions for use of the product used according to the regimen used for fungal diseases.

9.20. When performing manicure and pedicure, disposable waterproof wipes should be used for each visitor, which after use must be disinfected and removed (disposed of).

Change Information:

9.21. For hairdressing salons and rooms for manicure, pedicure, piercing, peeling, tattooing, cosmetic services, a minimum set of standard tools or replaceable disposable tool elements for servicing one client should be defined. At one workplace should have at least three such sets.

9.22. Tools for manicure, pedicure, tattooing, piercing, peeling, gauze napkins, cotton balls, as well as other supplies are sterilized in sterilizers packaged in sterilization packaging materials that are approved for use in the prescribed manner and stored in them. Sterilization of instruments in unpacked form is allowed provided that they are used for an hour or stored in sterilizers.

9.23. The electrodes to cosmetic equipment and devices are wiped twice with a swab moistened with a disinfectant solution (with an interval of 15 minutes), which does not cause corrosion, in the concentrations used for viral hepatitis.

9.24. Instruments used for manipulations in which damage to the skin or mucous membranes (manicure, pedicure, tattooing, piercing, peeling, cosmetic services) is possible after each client without preliminary washing with water is placed in a disinfectant solution. Disinfection is carried out according to the regimen used for viral hepatitis. After disinfection, the instruments are subjected to pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization.

9.25. Equipment, apparatus and materials used to sterilize instruments must have a document confirming their safety in use and instructions for use in Russian.

9.26. For the organization of the anti-epidemic regime and daily monitoring of the disinfection regime, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments used in manicure, pedicure, tattooing, piercing, peeling and cosmetic services, a trained employee is appointed the head of the organization.

9.27. To ensure disinfection measures, there should be a supply of disinfection, pre-sterilization and sterilization products that have passed state registration in the prescribed manner.

9.28. Tanks with working solutions of products must be equipped with caps, have clear labels with the name of the product, its concentration, purpose, date of preparation of the working solution. In order to prevent occupational diseases of the skin, eyes and upper respiratory tract, workers must:

Provide centralized preparation of working disinfectant solutions in special rooms with mechanical or natural supply and exhaust ventilation (if there is a separate room), or in a specially equipped place;

Pour dry disinfectants into special containers with the gradual addition of water;

Make the most of the initial disinfectant in small packaging;

Cover containers with working disinfectant solutions tightly. Perform all work with them in rubber gloves;

Strictly observe safety measures in accordance with the instructions for the disinfectant used and with the use of personal protective equipment.

9.29. The administration of a household organization providing hairdressing and cosmetic services is obliged to ensure, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, conducting preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic medical examinations *, the necessary conditions to prevent adverse effects of production factors on workers, ensuring personnel with special clothing and personal protective equipment.

Change Information:

9.30. In order to prevent infection with parenteral hepatitis and HIV infection, all manipulations that could cause blood contamination of the hands should be carried out with rubber gloves. During operation, all damage to the skin should be isolated with fingertips, adhesive plaster.

For personal prevention, employees should be provided with a medical kit.

Workers must observe the following personal hygiene rules:

Before and after the end of customer service, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;

In cosmetic offices for the treatment of hands, apply skin antiseptics that are approved for use in the prescribed manner;

Carry out hand skin care using protective and emollient creams, lotions;

To carry out hair coloring in rubber gloves;

Do not smoke or eat at the workplace.

X. Requirements for the management of production and consumption waste

10.1. Industrial waste must be stored in special, tightly closed waste bins.

10.2. Clipped hair should be collected in closed containers that are installed in the utility room.

10.3. Storage of fluorescent lamps, tanning lamps and bactericidal lamps is carried out in utility rooms in packages in accordance with the requirements of sanitary legislation. The removal and disposal of fluorescent lamps is carried out in accordance with hygiene requirements  to the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste. It is not allowed to remove lamps on container sites for household waste.

The composition and floor space of hairdressing, cosmetic, manicure, pedicure and massage rooms, tanning salons

The principles of implementation and the frequency of air exchange depending on the purpose of the premises of public utilities providing hairdressing and cosmetic services

Name of premises

Air exchange rate

The principle of air exchange

Halls of hairdressing, manicure, pedicure, beauty parlor, massage room

General-purpose exhaust hood from the upper and lower zones; inflow is distributed dispersed in the upper zone

Room for washing your hair and drying your hair

According to the calculation of the removal of heat and moisture surplus

Waiting room

By balance with adjacent rooms

Storerooms (utility rooms)


Lounge and Meal

Administration room

60 cc m / h for 1 person

50 cc m / h on 1 toilet

25 cc m / h on 1 urinal

75 cc m / h for 1 shower

Levels of artificial lighting in the main and auxiliary rooms of public utilities providing hairdressing and cosmetic services

Name of premises

The category and sub-category of visual work

The relative duration of visual work with the direction of vision on the working surface,%

Artificial lighting

illumination on the working surface from the general lighting system, lux

Ripple coefficient,%

Beauty parlors, cosmetology parlors, treatment rooms

Not less than 70

Manicure and pedicure rooms

Not less than 70

Hairdressing salons

Premises for washing and coloring hair, drying hair

Massage rooms, solarium

Staff lounge

Visitor rooms

Regardless of the duration of visual work

Administrator Offices

not less than 150

Corridor, hall, shower, bathroom


The artificial lighting standards indicated in the table are accepted if there is natural light in the workrooms. In the absence of natural light, artificial lighting should be at least 500 lux.