
What is better for the prevention of prostatitis in men. Do I need to use pills to prevent prostatitis in men?

Any disease if untreated can go into a sluggish form. Getting rid of her is quite difficult. Particular importance is given to prevention. It must be performed continuously in order to prevent a relapse of the pathology. In this case, both traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment are used. All of them need to be selected only together with the doctor.

In order to prevent chronic prostatitis, medications should be taken for prevention

Especially often the acute form of prostatitis becomes chronic. At the same time, certain tablets are used for prevention and, of course, a regimen correction. The basics of these measures should be known to all men who have signs of prostatitis.

Basic principles of prevention

If you have signs of prostatitis, you need to reconsider your habits. For men, it is important to return to a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Particular importance is given to physical activity, since it is precisely the lack of movement that causes stagnation and, as a result, inflammation.

In addition, for the prevention of prostatitis, it is important to adjust the diet, ensure regular food intake and a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. To reduce the risk of exacerbation, it is recommended to avoid stress, hypothermia and other provoking factors. If men show signs of urogenital infections, they need to be fully treated. Without this item, treating prostatitis will be very difficult.

To prevent exacerbation of prostatitis, it is recommended that foods such as pumpkin seeds, honey, nuts, and dried fruits be consumed as often as possible. They contain a large number of useful components that enhance general and local immunity.

In addition to medicines, the use of nuts with honey will help prevent the development of prostatitis.

If there are signs of prostatitis, it is important to master the technique of massage and special gymnastics and perform their courses. This will improve blood circulation and speed up the healing process.

Features of the choice of drug

In addition to the above, when detecting inflammation in men, tablets are definitely prescribed, not only in the acute period, but also during remission to prevent exacerbation. That is why even in the absence of an acute form, you need to periodically visit a doctor and assess the condition of the gland, and if necessary, take tests and conduct treatment.

Most often in men with signs of a chronic process, tablets are used to prevent inflammation. In this case, it is especially advantageous to use herbal preparations. The active ingredients may be palmetto extract, fireweed grass, African plum, pumpkin seed oil and so on.

Preparations for the prevention of prostatitis should promote blood circulation in order to prevent stagnation

All drugs used in men for preventive purposes should have the following effect:

  • prevention of inflammation;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • better nutrition.

Separately allocated tablets that eliminate congestion and relieve swelling. When choosing a remedy, it is important to consider the form of pathology. With signs of non-infectious prostatitis in men, it is important to improve blood circulation and normalize the secretion outflow. An infectious form in remission requires an increase in the body's immune forces and an improvement in resistance to stress.

The presence of stones or scars in the gland requires the use of drugs aimed at the resorption of pathological formations. Such tablets, as a rule, also have an anti-inflammatory effect, while simultaneously improving blood circulation. As a result of this, adhesions and scars resolve, and the lumens of the ducts are cleared.

The presence of stones requires a special approach in the selection of drugs

The most effective drugs

The list of drugs used in men to prevent prostatitis is quite wide. Among them, tablets with a particularly pronounced effect can be distinguished.

Prostate Forte has a complex effect on the gland and the body of men in general. The tablets are completely safe and effective at the same time. The composition of the product includes a complex of vitamins, trace elements and herbal extracts. Due to this, metabolic processes improve, the occurrence of edema and pain is prevented, and urine excretion is normalized. The drug is prescribed for preventive purposes. But in some cases it can be used in complex therapy during the recurrence of prostatitis.

Prostatilene also has a combined effect. The difference is that it positively affects the state of blood vessels and improves nutrition. Especially often, tablets are prescribed for prostate hyperplasia, as well as for signs of adenoma. They will also be effective in reflex urinary excretion.

In addition to the above, the drug has the following properties:

  • increases the tone of smooth muscles;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • stimulates local immunity;
  • relieves inflammation.

Due to this, Prostatilen is especially often used by urologists to maintain the body of a man outside the stage of exacerbation.

Another contraceptive drug is Prostalamine. Active components stimulate metabolic processes and improve the functioning of the gland. An important advantage is that tablets have a positive effect on erection, normalize spermatogenesis and ejaculation.

You can set up the prostate using Prostalamin

All of these drugs are used only for prevention. Their use in the acute stage or during relapse is allowed only in combination with other drugs.

In addition to the above, urologists with a preventive purpose can prescribe medications to stimulate potency, sedatives to hang stress resistance and vitamin complexes. In order to completely eliminate the likelihood of exacerbation, you need to follow all the rules and take the prescribed drugs at the same time.

From the video you can find out which pills can overcome prostatitis:

Prostatitis is considered a rather insidious disease, because often, men do not pay attention to it, and they go to the doctor even when the disease has become chronic. As a result, the patient has serious violations in the work of the genitourinary system. To protect themselves from serious consequences, the prevention of prostatitis in men is very important. Particular attention should be paid to those who have an irregular sex life, have had sexually transmitted diseases or.

To determine measures for the prevention of prostatitis, it is necessary, which can lead to it. In most cases, the disease is preceded by genital infections, which for a long time may not manifest themselves in any way and congestion in the pelvic area. Other reasons include:

  1. Diseases of the urinary system.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Promiscuous sex life, or, conversely, prolonged abstinence.

We bring interesting Facts about prostate health (you can see high-resolution infographics):

  1. Improper nutrition.
  2. Bad habits.
  1. Decreased body defenses.
  2. Tendency to constipation.

After analyzing all of the listed factors leading to the development of prostatitis in a man, it is possible to determine suitable preventive measures, adhering to which, everyone will be able to minimize the risk of developing a serious disease.

Infection prevention

Prevention of prostatitis from a young age is to protect against infections that can be transmitted sexually. To do this, you should avoid random sexual intercourse and always use barrier methods of contraception.

The urologist Shukhrat Arabov tells in detail about preventive measures:

If, however, unprotected contact has occurred, and you are not sure that your partner was absolutely healthy, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, which will make it possible to determine the presence of STDs at an early stage, when it is easily treatable and does not lead to irreversible consequences.

Stagnation Prevention

In men who lead a sedentary and inactive lifestyle, blood stagnates over time in the pelvic region. And this, in turn, can provoke an inflammatory process in the prostate gland in a man.

To avoid this, it is important to set aside time for sports and for hiking. But no less important in the prevention of congestion is regular sex. The fact is that the prostate gland needs to be emptied periodically. In this case, it does not matter at all how a man does this: through masturbation or classic sex.

Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, etc.) can lead to stagnant phenomena, therefore, they must also be abandoned. By following these simple measures to prevent prostatitis, every man will significantly reduce the risk of developing a disease.

Proper nutrition

Those men who want to maintain the health of their prostate need to pay attention to their nutrition. To do this, you must not exceed the use of the permissible amount of calories in the daily diet and adhere to the drinking regimen. If the amount of drinking water exceeds 2 liters, then harmful substances and bacteria that can provoke an inflammatory process will be excreted from the body with urine.

There are many myths about nutrition. We will give you the simplest, but working tips for building a healthy man’s diet. The lecture will be held by Alexander Samsonov:

As for the daily calorie intake, this figure should not exceed 3,000 kcal. In this case, the amount of protein should not be less than 100 g, carbohydrates not more than 400 g, and fat - not more than 70 g. If we talk about fats, then 1/3 of the daily diet should be of animal origin, the rest of the vegetable.

It is better to cook food for a couple or bake in the oven. It is also worth limiting the amount of spicy, fried and alcohol.

Prostate massage

One of the most effective ways to avoid stagnation in the prostate gland is to massage it. To do this, you must act directly on it with your finger. After the procedure, circulation increases in the pelvic area and muscles are strengthened.

Massage is a mandatory procedure during the prevention and treatment of prostatitis. This is due to the fact that after a session, they penetrate better into the blood and act faster on the damaged organ.

However, there are contraindications to the use of massage. These include:

  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Exacerbation of urethritis.
  • Tuberculosis of the prostate.

The procedure takes 1-2 minutes. The number of sessions prescribed by the doctor

  • Exacerbation of prostatitis.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Adenoma or malignancy in the prostate.

To make the massage as effective as possible, it should be carried out by a specialist. This is due to the fact that with self-massage, the patient will not be able to fully relax, and this is a prerequisite for a quality procedure.

Preventive exercises

Having examined the main causes of the appearance of the inflammatory process in the prostate, one can understand how to avoid prostatitis? Stagnation prevents various exercises. To do this, you do not need to spend a lot of time or have special physical training. performed in a sitting position, standing and lying on a hard surface.

Exercises for which the starting position is a standing position:

  1. Focusing on one leg, the second one needs to do swings back and forth with maximum amplitude. From one approach, 50 to 80 of these flies should be performed. Next, the leg changes.
  2. Alternating inclinations in different directions (at least 30 on each side).
  3. Deep squats. You need to start 5 times, but with each training, try to increase their number, bringing to 40-50.

From a sitting position, the following exercises are performed:

  • The most effective is the so-called "walking on the buttocks." 2-5 minutes of such daily walks are enough.
  • Stretching while sitting. Legs together. At the same time, you should try to touch your feet with your palms.

Igor Linsky, a rehabilitation doctor, will tell and show on the video simple, but working exercises that every man can perform to prevent inflammation of the prostate:

Lying on the floor:

  1. Exercise "birch", which many people remember from school.
  2. It is necessary to stretch the body, trying to focus on the buttocks and the back of the head.

But physical exercise will give a positive result only if you perform all the exercises regularly. Every day, the patient's condition will improve significantly.

Drug prophylaxis

Very popular are drugs for the prevention of prostatitis in men. This is due to the fact that they contain biologically active and natural components that can be used at home. After the examination, the doctor will be able to tell what is more effective (candles or tablets) for prophylaxis. The most popular drugs include: “Vitaprost”, “Prostamol”, “Cernilton”, etc.

Such pills for the prevention of prostatitis, prevent:

  • Stagnant processes in the pelvic area.
  • The appearance of edema.
  • The occurrence of inflammation of the prostate.

"Vitaprost" is a drug of animal origin, produced in the form of suppositories and tablets. The price for packaging in pharmacies in Russia from 821 rubles

Separately, it must be said about the intake of vitamins. Medications for the prevention of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland in men should be taken together in vitamin-mineral complexes.

  1. Vitamin A - serves to prevent the development of prostate adenoma.
  2. Vitamins E and K - prevent the formation of a malignant tumor.
  3. Vitamin D is needed by all men. This is due to the fact that after 50 years, its amount in the body is significantly reduced, which can lead to impaired blood circulation and stagnation in the tissues.

Use of dietary supplements

The composition of biologically active additives (BAA) includes active components and other useful substances that provide high-quality prevention of inflammatory processes in the male genital organs.

These components include:

  • Palmetto extract.
  • African plum extract.
  • Grass fireweed.

All these substances favorably affect not only the male libido, but also the general condition of the genitourinary system.

Supplements due to its unique composition:

  1. Give a combined effect.
  2. Provide protection against prostatitis or.

Folk remedies

Since ancient times, male power has been helped to preserve folk methods of prevention. Prevention of prostatitis at home gives amazing results and helps strengthen potency without significant cost. Those who decide to use them need to consider the characteristics of their body and the cause of the disease. Therefore, before choosing a particular method, you need to consult a doctor. Non-medication drugs for prevention and may be as follows:

  • Decoction made from horse chestnut peel. To prepare the drug, you need 2 tablespoons of prepared (ground) raw materials, pour 500 ml of boiling water. The drug is infused for 24 hours, after which it is filtered and drunk daily on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon every morning.
  • An excellent remedy for men is flower pollen. Many prescriptions of drugs with its use help to improve potency and treat prostatitis. If disease prevention is needed, it is recommended to eat 1 tablespoon of this product every day. The course of admission is 1 month. After a short break, it can be repeated, and so on, up to 6 courses in 1 year.

In the photo, a decoction of seeds and parsley roots is one of many recipes for traditional medicine

  • A decoction of parsley seeds helps prevent prostatitis in men. It is simple to prepare, just 2 tablespoons of raw materials (previously crushed seeds in a coffee grinder) is enough to pour 2 cups of water at room temperature. Using a water bath, the mixture is brought to a boil and infused for 24 hours. A folk remedy is taken every morning on an empty stomach
  • An excellent effect was demonstrated by daily intake of pumpkin seeds. Every day, a man should eat about 30 raw seeds before eating.
  • For the next recipe, it is necessary to grind (you can use a meat grinder) sunflower seeds and walnuts (1 kg of each component). Every day on an empty stomach after waking up, you need to eat 1 tablespoon of such a mixture.

Using any for the prevention of prostatitis, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the man’s body and observe all proportions when preparing it. To be completely sure that you are doing everything right, you need to consult a specialist.

106 videos with folk recipes for the treatment and prevention of prostate diseases:

The main rule for maintaining men's health is high-quality and timely prevention of prostatitis. Avoiding the disease is not easy, but it is possible. The most important thing is to monitor your health and lifestyle. And in the case of the first signs of an ailment, you need to see a doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy.

Every second man over fifty suffers from prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland. This disease is not scary in itself, but if untreated, it leads to impotence, infertility and problems with urination. That is why effective prevention of prostatitis is of interest to all gentlemen.

Prevention of prostatitis in men is primary and secondary. The primary is designed to prevent the development of inflammation of the prostate, and the secondary does not allow the disease to reoccur and go into a chronic form.

Primary Prostatitis Prevention

Since acute and chronic prostatitis often occurs due to sexually transmitted infections, a man needs to streamline his sex life in order to prevent it. But this does not mean that intimate relationships should be completely excluded - it can cause stagnation in the prostate.

Chronic or acute prostatitis "loves" men who use alcohol and drugs, addicted to cigarettes. Bad habits reduce immunity and provoke the development of the disease even in the absence of random sexual intercourse.

Do sports

Do not rush to purchase expensive means for the prevention of prostatitis - regular sports training will help you avoid the onset of the disease. This is not about some tedious activities, but about running, playing soccer, basketball.

Great physical exercises to prevent prostatitis are regular squats or brisk walking.

Secondary Prostatitis Prevention

Prevention of prostatitis at home for those who have previously had this disease - prostate massage. You can also use medications to prevent prostatitis in men, in particular, vitamin complexes.

Remember that an important role is played by proper nutrition for prostatitis and after recovery. Eliminate strongly brewed coffee and tea, spicy and salty dishes, and carbonated drinks from your diet. Try to eat less baking, beans, peas. Lean more on vegetables and dried fruits.

Traditional and folk preventive measures for prostatitis

The most famous medicine for the prevention of prostatitis is Prostatilen, as well as Cordyceps, Cernilton, Palmetto. To prevent the development of inflammation of the prostate, immunomodulating drugs are often used - Polyoxidonium, Viferon-4. Do not forget about candles for the prevention of prostatitis - Vitaprost.

Talking about what to take for the prevention of prostatitis, doctors also recommend dietary supplements for patients: “Prostamol”, “Likoprofit”, “Prostalamin”.

Prevention of prostatitis folk remedies - regular use of burdock root. The fatty acids, insulin, vitamins and tannins contained in it do not allow the development of inflammatory processes in the prostate. For the prevention of prostatitis, people are also advised to eat pears and cook compote from them.

For preventive and therapeutic purposes, it is worth chewing about thirty pumpkin seeds per day. They contain a large amount of zinc, which normalizes the functioning of the prostate gland and quickly removes its inflammation.

A competent approach to the prevention of prostatitis should include not only compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle (which goes without saying), but also support the body using specialized tools.

Preparations for the prevention of prostatitis can belong to the group of medicines or have a biological nature. Forms of the release of funds that prevent the appearance of this ailment are also very diverse:

  • Tablets;
  • Injection
  • Suppositories;
  • Capsules
  • Powders.

According to the effect of exposure, drugs for the prevention of male prostatitis can be complex or narrowly targeted. It is only important to keep in mind that due to the severity of the disease and its complications, all appointments should be performed by a doctor, regardless of whether or not it is chronic. After all, even taking seemingly harmless dietary supplements without proper control can lead to sad consequences.

The best biologically active drugs of prophylactic action

Prostalamin   - a food supplement that is very popular among specialists and patients. The action of the tablets is aimed at optimizing the activity of the prostate gland, normalizing its functions and ensuring healthy urination. The drug has no contraindications and does not lead to the development of side effects. Proteins and nucleoproteins contained in the composition contribute to the healthy regeneration of muscle and glandular prostate cells.

Take Prostalamin 10-15 minutes before a meal, 1-3 tablets 2-3 times a day for 10-15 days. The drug should be washed down with water and not chewed!

"The strength of the prostate"   - A comprehensive supplement for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis. The composition includes active ingredients such as palmetto, African plum, serena extract, flaxseed, zinc and selenium. For the best assimilation of useful microelements contained in the components of a bioadditive, bioperin is included in it.

Being a substance of plant origin, it increases the bioavailability of useful substances. The result of Pro-State Power will be improved immunity, normalization of kidney and prostate function. Phytosteroids help maintain the hormonal health of men at the proper level.

Prostate Forte   - A biocomplex designed to maintain men's health. It improves overall metabolism, and, in particular, helps to activate metabolic processes in the prostate gland. The drug is able to facilitate urination, as well as reduce swelling of the vas deferens and prostate.

Prostate forte is used as a prophylaxis twice a day, 1 capsule during meals. The standard course of taking it according to the instructions is 1 month. If necessary, treatment can be repeated. Depending on the medical indications and the appointment of the doctor, the drug may last for 3-6 months.

The best means to prevent infection

Broad-spectrum antibiotics, as well as some antiviral complexes, are also quite effective drugs for the prevention of prostatitis, especially if combined with the same.

infection can be prevented!

Aiming at a direct reduction of risks, in combination with other preventive measures, they are highly able to prevent the very possibility of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.

Viferon   - an antibiotic that prevents the spread of infection by harmful effects on interferon-sensitive viruses. Being an assistant and not a stimulator of immunity, Viferon is able to help the activity of phagocytes - cells that devour viruses and bacteria, as well as damaged cell bodies. The antioxidants contained in the preparation not only provide the active regeneration of healthy prostate cells, but are also able to suppress the growth of free radicals.

"Metronidazole" - an antimicrobial drug that neutralizes bacteria and some fungi. Well contributes to the prevention of purulent prostatitis. It does not allow conditions favorable for the life of harmful microorganisms to form in the tissues of the prostate gland. It can destroy most of the bacteria that cause inflammation of the prostate. To prevent prostatitis, metronidazole is prescribed in the form of tablets.

"Tsifran OD"   - An antibiotic from the group of a wide spectrum of action. Effectively provides the prevention of relapse of chronic prostatitis. Supports immunity in the fight against pathogens. The most positive results are observed with complex administration with Levelax and Prostanorm.

Vitamin Complexes

To maintain the general tone of the body, and, accordingly, and - it is necessary to take vitamin preparations . In the fight against the possible occurrence of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, the body needs increased doses of vitamins A, D, C and K.

vitamins help the body recover from illness

Multicomplex vitamin supplements are aimed at the formation of a healthy level of immunity, increasing the resistance of the leukocenter system to pathogens, active cell regeneration and normalization of metabolic processes.

You can use monocomponent compounds, but it is always necessary to ensure that vitamins can be absorbed as much as possible. For this, the preparations must be organic. And they must be correctly combined with compounds that activate the bioavailability of substances.

Prevention of prostatitis in men is the first method to avoid the disease. Doctors suggest that prostatitis provokes age-related changes in the hormonal background in the body of men. Of course, it is impossible to influence such regular changes. But every man is able to nullify factors that can cause inflammation of the prostate. First of all, this applies to the stronger sex of the older age - from fifty years. A neglected disease will bring a lot of trouble: serious complications, prolonged treatment, sometimes problems in sexual life. After all, prostatitis leads to a decrease in erection. Therefore, we pay attention to the prevention of disease in the stronger sex.

All measures aimed at preventing male disease are usually divided into two types.

Initial prevention includes a system of steps aimed at preventing the inflammatory process. The best prevention of prostatitis in men is a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Everyone knows that a balanced diet, quitting smoking and alcohol reduces the chances of any disease.
  2. In some cases, infectious inflammations of the genitals contribute to prostate disease. Therefore, it is important to exclude sources of genital infections. Of course, this implies a constant sexual life with one partner. Random sex, a long abstinence from sex provokes problems with the prostate gland.
  3. In addition, exercises for the prevention of prostatitis have a beneficial effect on the body. They help maintain muscle activity of the genitals. It takes a little time to complete the various exercises: about twenty minutes during the day. But due to moderate physical exertion, blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves, congestive processes in the gland decrease. First of all, exercises are recommended for those who spend most of their time in a sitting position.

Secondary Prevention They think about it when the patient, unfortunately, has already “met” with prostatitis. The main goal of the secondary measures is to prevent repeated inflammation or to avoid degeneration into a chronic form. To prevent this from happening, constant examination by a urologist is necessary. Prevention of chronic prostatitis includes a check throughout the year every three months. Then recommend a survey once every six months. For men after forty years, a thorough examination once a year is advisable.

Observance of simple preventive measures contributes to maintaining the health of the stronger sex for many years.

Pharmacy assistance

Official medicine offers a variety of drugs for the prevention of prostatitis with a wide range of effects.

  • Medicines to eliminate inflammation in the prostate gland. These are pills of a large group, which are prescribed for both acute and chronic inflammation of the prostate. Anti-inflammatory tablets improve metabolic processes in the prostate gland, reduce tissue swelling.
  • Painkillers - analgesics, eliminate severe pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum.
  • Antimicrobial tablets that inhibit the reproduction of various microbes and bacteria. Used if bacterial prostatitis is diagnosed.
  • Medications that increase the body's immune function. As a rule, such products contain substances of plant and animal origin.

They recommend treatment of the prostate with drugs that do not have contraindications. We are talking about dietary supplements. Such tablets restore the functioning of the genitals, improve urination, stimulate blood circulation in the prostate gland.

Effective treatment with drugs that relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the pelvic organs and blood vessels. This is a universal medicine with a broadly directed effect: it relieves inflammation, increases water and salt metabolism.

But the decision to take which tablets is taken only by the attending physician. In addition, the treatment of prostatitis in any form should be comprehensive, include various medical devices.

Wellness stimulation of the gland

Preventing inflammation of the prostate is enough to take a few minutes of time - and forget about the disease.

At home, massage will bring relief. Massotherapy   Helps to resume normal functioning of the genitals in the male body.

Many members of the stronger sex are ironic about such prevention. ? What are the benefits of such a procedure?

  • Blood supply improves, the amount of nutrients entering the gland increases.
  • The level of male sex hormones - testosterones - is increasing. As you know, they are responsible for a stable erection.
  • Muscle tone in the groin rises, excretory ducts normalize their functions.

The main methods of massage are distinguished:

  1. Manual massage - the organ is exerted by the finger of the hand. Often used in the prevention of a chronic form of the disease.
  2. Indirect technique - used at an early stage. To do this, compress and unclench the muscles of the anus.
  3. A rectal massage is performed through the anus. At home, special vacuum pumps are used for greater results.
  4. Using a medical enema, massage with a water stream is carried out: infusion of medicinal chamomile is introduced. It needs to be kept inside for some time, squeezing the muscles.
  5. Urological massage - with the help of special tools they have an effect on the urethra. Among all methods, this type is the most complex.

Unprofessional massage can worsen the condition, causing damage to the anus and bleeding.

There are also some diseases in which massage is contraindicated:

  • varicose veins around the anal canal - hemorrhoids;
  • tumors of different origin;
  • stones in the prostate;
  • acute urological diseases.

Therefore, it is desirable to conduct a comprehensive study to find out the need for a wellness session for the gland.

Gymnastic exercises

An easy way to maintain good health is gymnastics at home. For a small charge, sports training is not needed, light physical exercises are feasible for every man.

Exercises for the prevention of prostatitis are done while sitting, lying down and standing. We offer the most common physical activities.

Exercises in a sitting position.

  • Sitting, touch the toes of each leg. A prerequisite - keep your knees straight, do not bend. Try the exercise for five minutes.
  • You need to sit on the floor, stretching your legs in front of you. Try to take imaginary steps, straining the muscles of the pelvic organs.

In a prone position.

  • Raise your pelvis while spreading your knees. It can be repeated five to eight times.
  • We lie down on the stomach and take turns raising the straightened legs. Then we lower to the initial position. Repeat ten times.
  • Lie on your back, legs straightened. Then raise your legs at right angles, and leave your palms pressed to the floor. Staying in this position is advisable at first two to three minutes, gradually increasing the time to ten minutes.
  • Now we pass to occupations in position, lying on a back. Leaning your head and buttocks, try to bend your back. The maximum time is five minutes.

Standing exercises.

  • It is advised to lean left and right - up to thirty slopes in each direction.
  • An effective exercise with bouncing in place, but with each jump to compress the muscles of the perineum.
  • Turn left and right ten times.

Such therapeutic exercises are an effective prevention of prostatitis in men. After all, it strengthens the muscles of the organs of the pelvis and perineum, increases the metabolism and function of the prostate gland.

What does traditional medicine offer?

Since ancient times, treatment of the prostate gland was carried out by folk remedies. Traditional medicine advises at home to prepare decoctions, infusions that enhance men's health.

What are the most popular folk remedies?

Recipe 1.

Home recipes recommend treatment with burdock, from which a decoction is prepared. Burdock root is a storehouse of trace elements, vitamins that prevent the appearance of a male problem. For a decoction, grind a small handful of burdock and pour a small amount of boiled water. Boil the resulting mixture for ten minutes, take four times a day before eating.

Recipe 2.

One of the famous folk methods is treating the prostate with parsley. From three teaspoons of chopped parsley and boiled water, you need to prepare an infusion. Boil the mixture for twenty minutes. Chilled infusion is taken in small doses throughout the day.

Recipe 3.

Celandine, medunica, licorice, known for anti-inflammatory properties, are considered effective folk remedies.

From these herbs prepare infusions:

  1. For example, known for the healing properties of celandine. Grind a little celandine, add two hundred grams of hot water. Insist for two or three hours, then strain. The regimen is as follows: three times a day before meals, one tablespoon.
  2. Traditional healers offer a simple treatment with a medunica: ten grams of dry medunica insist for twenty minutes. Use the mixture three times a day.
  3. Licorice infusions are prepared in the same way. But those who have high blood sugar are not recommended.

Recipe number 4.

You need blackcurrant leaves. You need to take them from this calculation: for five hundred milliliters of boiling water, four tablespoons of currant. Use strained infusion three times during the day, for each dose - half a glass.

Herbal medicine for the prevention of serious male illness is one of the effective methods that complements drug therapy. But herbal medicine should be selected individually, it is better to change herbal preparations after one to two months. This will prevent addiction to the body.