
Exposure points for headache. Acupressure for headache

Such a nuisance as a headache usually occurs completely suddenly. Often it is associated with a change in weather, stress - both emotional and physical, as a result of disturbances in the functioning of various organs and systems. Of course, you can take a pill. You can try something from alternative medicine. But what if you are currently unavailable to all of these methods? There is a way out - self-massage.

The head mainly hurts due to muscle spasm. And he, in turn, makes the vessels narrow, thereby limiting the supply of oxygen and nutrition to brain cells.

According to ancient science called acupressure, everything human body  active points are located, with the help of which it is possible to regulate the work of internal organs. To eliminate headaches, they act on several points directly on the head, as well as on the hands and feet.

Where to start:

  1. Take a comfortable posture for yourself - sit down, lie down, stand comfortably. Close your eyes.
  2. Unfasten the collar, loosen a tight belt, remove heavy earrings, uncomfortable hairpins, glasses, and more.
  3. Rub your hands so that your fingers are warm.
  4. It is advisable that during the massage, bright light, uncomfortable temperature and loud sounds are absent.
  5. Point can be performed with one or several fingers, for example, when exposed to a pair of points.
  6. 6. Start stroking the selected point. At first it’s easy, then everything is more active, as if rubbing it. You can massage the point smoothly in a circle. You can perform vibrations with your fingertip. Do not make sudden movements, do not push hard.
  7. The harder you push, the shorter the movement should be.
  8. Press the point for 3-5 seconds, then gradually release. You can also press for 2-4 seconds and release the same amount. Repeat 3-4 times.
  9. Pay attention to each point for at least 2 minutes, preferably from 3 to 5 minutes.
  10. To understand whether you have found the point correctly, you need to pay attention to the sensations: it will be either pain, or numbness, or aching, there may be a sensation of warmth, some kind of special sensitivity.

Active points on the head for massage

Where are these points located:

  • Between the eyebrows, the area of \u200b\u200bthe "third eye".
  • In temples where the fossa is closer to the border of hair growth. During massage, try not to press on the artery.
  • On the back of the head, in the cavity, to which two cervical muscles are attached.
  • On the upper eyebrows, where the outer corners end.
  • At the top of the head. If you draw a line from the upper edges of the ears through the crown, then, retreating from the convergence point by 1.5 cm to the back of the head, you will find the right place.
  • In the inner corner of the eye. Or rather, closer to 2-3 mm to the bridge of the nose. During massage, move towards the beginning of the eyebrow.
  • Above the ear, where is the top of the auricle. Or rather, just where the shell ends, you need to slightly bend your ear.
  • Over the superciliary arches, 1-1.5 cm higher.
  • On the forehead above the hairline, or rather above it 3-4 cm.

Active points on the body for massage

By the way good way  getting rid of a headache is to massage specific points on the body:

  1. On the hands, slightly below the place where the thumb bone connects to the index bone. Attention! You can not use this point during pregnancy, as this can provoke contractions.
  2. On the wrists. If you wear a watch - the area of \u200b\u200bthe dial is above the carpal bones in the direction of the elbow. With this point, it is necessary to massage in parallel another, located on the other side of the arm.
  3. On the elbow. If you bend it, a crease is formed. At the outer end of the fold is the desired point.
  4. On the stomach under the navel 3 cm.
  5. On foot. 1 cm above the bone on the inner surface of the ankle. Massage immediately on both legs.
  6. On the feet on the inside, where the bones form the arch of the foot at the highest point.
  7. On the big toes, 3 mm below the edge of the nail hole, moving 2 mm to the second finger.
  8. On the second toes and on the little fingers 3 mm below the nail hole.
  9. On the foot from the outside, 3-4 cm higher than the place where the bones of the second and third fingers meet.

Try to massage different points. It is possible that 2-3 will be the most effective, and then you can only use them if you again have a headache. Acupressure  headache can be combined with other various methods of getting rid of it. And you can use it yourself.

When an unbearable pain penetrates the head, it emits waves of pulsation in the temples, radiates into the eyes and the superciliary arches - the person intuitively touches the head, tries to cover it to counteract the onset of pain. Everyone knows that self-massage, if it does not relieve painful sensations, then at least distracts them and makes the situation not so depressing. Massage with migraine as a lifebuoy. Moreover, this tool is "always at hand"! With the next attack of migraine at any time, in any situation, especially if there is no way to take an anesthetic, retire in silence and lie down, massage will become your lifeline.

Is it effective to apply massage not only to stop the attack, but also “to a fresh mind”, i.e. for the prevention of migraine attacks? Highly! And it has been known since ancient times.

Massage relaxes the tense muscles of the cervical-brachial region, normalizes blood circulation in extracranial vessels, stimulates biologically active points, finally delivers a lot of pleasant sensations, and the hormones endorphins released into the blood are known to significantly reduce pain.

But in the case of migraine (judging by my own experience), the massage that someone does for you is much more effective than self-massage. After all, if you do it yourself - it’s quite difficult to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, right?

Proceed as follows: having familiarized yourself with the following massage techniques, tell your loved ones about them (and most importantly, show it!) And then, with the development of the next attack, they will not give you an abyss. “Train daily, and a happy day will come ...” (G. Oster), when the headaches leave you forever. With this proposal, I wanted to emphasize the special role of massage in the prevention of migraine attacks.

Head massage technique for migraine

If you have such an opportunity, then massage in a well-ventilated room with dim light. Take a comfortable position. If you are sitting, put your hands on the back of a chair or table, and “fix” your head on your forearms. Relax and try to concentrate on pleasant sensations, not pain.

In a person suffering from migraine, in most cases there is a fear of strong odors (osmophobia), therefore, you do not need to use any aromatic massage oils and creams.

Contraindication to this type of massage can only be a significant violation of the integrity of the skin and pustular diseases of the massaged area.

Massage of the head, face and cervical-collar zone, as well as other areas of the body, begins with stroking movements and ends the session with them. Stroking has a relaxing, warming, calming effect. With wide movements of both hands, stroke your head, moving to the neck and shoulders.

After that, with stronger, but slower and smoother movements, begin to massage from the forehead to the back of the head with the fingers of the working hand, while the other hand lies on the back of the head, fixing the head.

In the same way, massage from the temple to the back of the head or crown.

At the same time, from both sides massage from the tubercles located behind the ears (mastoid processes of the temporal bone) to the back of the head.

Massage movements can be arbitrary in direction, vary in intensity, but the main thing is that they do not cause unpleasant sensations to the "massed", but soothe.

Acupressure for migraines

Carrying out extensive massage movements of the head, it is necessary to linger on certain active points, the stimulation of which deliberately inhibits the headache. We will say right away that all of them are useless; you just have to try and choose the most effective ones for yourself.

Point "Gate of Consciousness (VB 20) Feng Chi"  located under the base of the skull in the indentations between the two large vertical muscles of the neck.

"Wind Castle (VG 16) Feng Fu"  - located above the spine, in a recess under the base of the skull.

Drilling Bamboo (V 2) Quan Zhu  - located in the hollows at the junction of the nose and eyebrow lines.

"Point of the third eye (VG 24.5) yin-tang"  - is located directly between the eyebrows, in the cavity at the junction of the nose and frontal bones.

“Entering the Valley (GI 4) he-gu”  - located on the bulge between the thumb and forefinger, in the upper part of the muscle, which protrudes when the thumb and forefinger are connected.

Attention! Use of this point forbidden to pregnant women, as it can cause premature contractions. Well, if a woman has entered into childbirth - massage on health, because stimulation of this point also facilitates labor pains!

Impact on these points, it is advisable to carry out both to stop a migraine attack, and for its prevention.

Point 1.  Symmetrical, located on the outer surface of the forearm 2 cuns (3 fingers) above the upper fold of the wrist, in the recess. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately on the right and left.

Point 2.Symmetrical, located in the temple area on the border of the scalp. The patient sits with his elbows on the table and his head resting on them. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 3.  Symmetrical, located in a recess at the outer corner of the eye. Massaged as point 2.

Point 4.  Symmetrical, located in a recess at the base of the ear over the zygomatic arch. Massaged as point 2.

Point 5.. Symmetrical, located in a recess at the outer end of the eyebrow. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

  Point 6.  Symmetrical, located on the face at the inner corner of the eye by 2-3 mm towards the nose. The patient sits with his elbows on the table and his head resting on them. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

  Point 7.  Symmetrical, located on the back of the palm between the I and II metacarpal bones. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately left and right.

  Point 8.  Symmetrical, located at the end of the fold, which is formed by bending the arm in the elbow joint. The patient sits with his hand slightly bent, palm down. The point is massaged alternately on the right and left,

  Point 9.  Symmetrical, located on the foot 3 mm from the nail hole of the thumb towards II finger. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

  Point 10.  Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 tsuni (4 fingers) above the inner ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

  Point 11.  Symmetrical, located on the back of the foot between the II and III fingers. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately on the right and left.

  Point 12.  Symmetric, located on the II toe 3 mm back from the nail hole. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

  Point 13.  Symmetrical, located on the back of the foot between the heads of the IV and V metatarsal bones. Massaged as point 12.

  Point 14.  Symmetrical, located on the face of the nose bridge above point 6. Massaged as point 12.

  Point 15.  Symmetrical, located on the foot 3 mm back from the corner of the nail hole of the little finger. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately on the right and left.

  Point 16.  Symmetrical, located on the foot under the inner ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

  Point 17.  Symmetrical, located on the temporal part of the head. To find it, you need to bend the ear forward: the point will be at the very top of the ear. Massaged as point 16.

Point 18.Asymmetrical, located on the stomach one and a half tsun (2 fingers) below the navel. The patient lies on his back, relaxing as much as possible.

  Point 19.  Asymmetrical, located 6 tsunami (8 fingers) above the navel, above point 16. Massaged as point 18.


  • 1. Massage of points 15, 16, 18 is performed by the tonic method using deep pressure and rotation. The duration of exposure at each point is 0.5-1 minutes.
  • 2. Massage (except points 15, 16, 18) is performed by a calming method using light stroking and rotation. The duration of exposure at each point is 4-5 minutes.
  • 3. Massage can be carried out between attacks or during them.
  • 4. During the session, you can not massage all the points, but only those whose exposure gives the maximum painkiller effect.

Acupuncture will conquer pain

Acupuncture  - treatment of diseases by the method of "sticking" at certain points of special needles. More recently, this method was treated rather skeptically and believed that it does not in any way help relieve tension in the vessels of the head, and even more so relieve migraines. But recent studies have proven the opposite, and scientists have recognized acupuncture as an effective treatment for migraines.

With acupuncture, especially thin needles are used, which are placed in special biologically active points. As a result, these points are stimulated and the headache disappears, and seizures become rare.

Acupuncture provokes the release of certain chemical compounds into the brain - endorphins, hormones and other substances that can give certain signals to the cells of the immune system. The uniqueness of this method lies in the fact that acupuncture has a fairly long-lasting effect. Acupuncture eliminates pain in the cervical and brachial spine, relieves tension and prevents repeated vasospasm. Remission can last several months.

It is forbidden to try the acupuncture method on your own!  It is obvious that you can act on a point whose stimulation will unpredictably affect your health!

To get rid of migraine, you need to seek help from specialists in reflexology, acupuncture, having first made sure, of course, of their comprehensive literacy on this problem and the availability of necessary skills.

When writing an article, materials from the site were used:

The occurrence of a headache is most often the result of overstrain. Often this leads to overflowing into a chronic form. So, how can you save yourself from pain "do it yourself"?

  1. Throwing his head back, press on the points in the occipital part of the head. Eyes close.
  2. With two fingers, massage the whiskey. Again with eyes closed. Periodically, while massaging the temples, hold your breath.
  3. Massaging the scalp (5-10 minutes).
  4. Normal combing with a wooden comb can also serve as an effective massager.
  5. Without fanaticism, not much, you should pull yourself by the hair. Gradually adding effort. This procedure will help improve blood flow.
  6. From headache, light strokes on the head will help.
  7. Use gentle tapping on the head to make a path from the forehead to the back of the head.
  8. There is a good way to brush massage. You can resort to it only if the skin is not prone to inflammation. Moreover, you need to massage the whole body, and not just the head. It starts with massaging the neck and ends with a foot massage.
  9. In the supine position, putting palms on the forehead, make constricting movements, as if pulling the skin on the forehead up and down.
  10. With your right hand, make massaging movements from the chin to the left chest, and with the left hand, on the contrary, to the right.

There is such a thing as acupuncture treatment. This treatment, in which there is an effect on various points on the human body, in order to relieve pain. This includes acupuncture and acupressure. In the medicine of the East, they are convinced of the evidence of the connection of points on the body with a specific organ.

You can select the following points, clicking on which you can get rid of headaches - a point near the inner corner of the eyes, a point on the temples, on the line of the lower jaw, a point between the index and thumb.

To avoid such health problems, you should exercise, give up smoking and refrain from drinking alcohol, adhere to sleep and rest, control your weight.

The problems associated with headaches are quite serious. In any case, it is not worth starting self-medication without the qualified help of a doctor.

  • How does acupressure work?
  • How to find reflex points
  • Acupressure Technique

It often happens that a headache takes a person by surprise, and not a single pain medication is at hand. What to do in this case? How to eliminate pain and continue your activity? This will help acupressure of the main acupuncture points of the body.

The treatment of various diseases, including headache, with the help of massage of reflex points originated more than 5 thousand years ago in the Ancient East and is still actively used.

It must be said that acupressure for headaches refers to reflexology techniques that are officially recognized by traditional medicine. Thus, massage of biologically active and reflex points is not something mysterious, but an officially recognized and effective method of getting rid of pain.

How does acupressure work?

Today, more than 750 biologically active points on the human body are known, but not more than 150 of them are actively used. Acupressure is a type of reflexology, as well as acupuncture, exposure to reflex points with cold, heat, ultrasound, magnetic field, electric current, infrared and laser radiation.

But acupressure (the so-called acupressure) is based on the effect on the point with massage movements of the fingers. The use of acupressure in practice does not require special education and training, like acupuncture or special equipment, like other reflexology techniques. Therefore, it is accessible to everyone. To do this, you just need to remember which acupuncture points are located, and master the light technique of massage. But even if you do not know the localization of reflex points, then this is not a problem. After all, they can be found by characteristic features, which we will consider below.

The mechanism of action of acupressure  still not studied in detail, but, according to available scientific data, it can be represented as follows. Acupressure causes very complex processes that begin with the activation of baroreceptors, extero- and proprioreceptors in the thickness of the skin area, which is under pressure during massage, as well as in the underlying muscles, ligaments, bones.

As a result of such mechanical stimulation, a nerve impulse is formed, which carries information to the thalamus of the brain, and from there to the cortex, where the response to irritation is formed. In the case of point massage with a headache - this is its reduction and disappearance.

How to find reflex points

In appearance, the acupuncture points are indistinguishable from the rest of the skin, but they can be easily detected by certain landmarks on the body (folds, protrusions, depressions), as well as by characteristic signs. The area of \u200b\u200bbiologically active points varies depending on the state of the person, for example, if a person is sleeping, then the diameter of the points does not exceed 1 millimeter, and during wakefulness it increases to 1 centimeter, the temperature in this area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is slightly higher compared to the rest of the surface. If we consider such a point under the magnification of the microscope, we can detect a large accumulation of nerve cells.

When a person presses on a reflex point, various sensations of an individual character arise, including:

  • local or shooting pain;
  • a feeling of a weak electric shock;
  • numbness when pressed;
  • goosebump formation;
  • a feeling of pleasant warmth.

Focusing on the above described signs of acupuncture points, everyone can find them and get rid of a painful headache on their own. This is especially useful for pregnant and lactating mothers with migraines and other types of headaches, when medications are strictly contraindicated.

Acupressure Technique

There is another common name for acupressure, Shiatsu (shi - fingers, attsu - pressure). Massage is very simple:

  • press on the desired point with one or more fingers;
  • the movement is performed by the cushion nail phalanx of the index, middle, and sometimes the thumb;
  • while the fingers should be perpendicular to the surface of the skin;
  • after installing the finger, it is necessary to perform circular motions with simultaneous pressure, do not tear off the finger from the skin, the criterion for the correctness of the massage is the movement of the skin points together with the finger;
  • initially, the pressure force should be minimal with its gradual increase;
  • the intensity of the rotating movements of the finger should correspond to about two revolutions per second;
  • to increase the effectiveness of the massage, circular pressure can be alternated with simple (without revolutions) for five seconds, as well as vibration, tapping, tingling and stroking;
  • the duration of exposure at each point is one minute;
  • massage is performed in a sitting position;
  • symmetrical points are subject to simultaneous massage with two hands, asymmetric points are massaged separately.

Important to remember! Massage the point carefully and not roughly so that after manual exposure there are no bruises, scratches, abrasions. Otherwise, instead of getting rid of the headache, you can provoke a migraine attack.

Acupuncture points for headache

As already mentioned, there are many reflex points, including for getting rid of a headache. In practice, most often used massage of 19 points on the head, limbs and trunk, which we will discuss below.

Points on the head

  • the first point (symmetrical) is in the temples (temporal fossa);
  • the second point (symmetrical) is located above the eyebrow in the area of \u200b\u200bits outer edge;
  • the third point (symmetric) is located at the outer corner of the eye, it can not be massaged in circular motions with a shift in the skin, but only gently press;
  • the fourth point (asymmetric), also called the third eye, is located between the inner eyebrow cuts on the nose;
  • the fifth point (symmetric), it can be easily felt, it is located anterior to the auricle above the tragus of the ear (in the recess);
  • the sixth point (symmetric) is localized in the fossa between the nose and the inner corner of the eye, it is also forbidden to actively massage it;
  • the seventh point (symmetrical) is located on the scalp in the temporal bone region above the upper edge of the auricle.

Points on the upper limbs

  • the eighth point (symmetric) is located between the first and second metacarpal bones of the hand, to massage it the hand is placed on a hard surface and alternately act on one upper limb, then on the second;
  • the ninth point (symmetric) is localized in the recess between the ulnar and radial bones of the forearm three transverse fingers above the carpal fold, affect the points in turn;
  • tenth point (symmetric) - to find it, you need to bend your arm at the elbow, resulting in a crease - the point will be on the inner end of the crease, massage them one at a time.

Points on the lower extremities

  • the eleventh point (symmetrical) is located on the back of the foot, two finger widths higher between the first and second fingers;
  • the twelfth point (symmetrical) is located on the second toe approximately two millimeters above the nail plate;
  • thirteenth point (symmetrical) - can be found between the fourth finger and the little finger one transverse finger above;
  • the fourteenth point (symmetrical) is located on the big toe three mm above the nail, closer to the second finger, and not in the middle;
  • the fifteenth point (symmetrical) is located on the outer edge of the little finger in the fossa between the finger and the bones of the metatarsus;
  • the sixteenth point (symmetrical) is located on the inner edge of the foot in the place of the highest point of the arch of the foot in a small hole;
  • seventeenth point (symmetrical) - can be found one cm above the inner bone of the lower leg.

Body points

  • the eighteenth point (asymmetric) is localized on the anterior abdominal wall two cm below the umbilical ring, affect the point in a supine position and with a relaxed abdominal press;
  • the nineteenth point (asymmetric) is also located on the front surface of the abdomen along the midline in the epigastric depression under the xiphoid process.

Video about performing acupressure of the head from a headache:

In concluding, it must be emphasized that acupressure is an effective remedy for migraine and other types of primary headache. If acupressure does not help you, then either you did not find the points correctly and did not master the massage technique, or the headache is secondary in nature and to eliminate it you need to get rid of the causative pathology.

Today, headache massage is a fairly common and popular remedy, which is associated with its effectiveness and ease of execution.

Massage can be done anytime, anywhere, most importantly, know the specifics and basic rules of its implementation.

The big advantage of the procedure is that by acting on special points located in different parts of the body, you can even reduce pain yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. In addition, self-massage can improve the well-being of a person.

To understand the question of how to relieve a headache by massage yourself, you need to consider the basic rules for its implementation, as well as possible contraindications.

What headache can be treated with massage

It is possible and even necessary to carry out self-massage at home. The main thing is that the cause of the pain be known.

There are several diseases, the relief of which may be associated with massage as a complex treatment method:

  1. Disruption of the intestines. Often the cause of aching sensations in the front of the head can be ordinary constipation. Massaging points located on the arm or in the navel area will help relieve pain. Exposure to the necessary zones will effectively remove unpleasant sensations. In the first case, you can massage the He-gu point, which is easily determined, since it is between the index finger and thumb. If you massage on both hands alternately (about 2 minutes each), then you can quickly calm down the discomfort. To cope with a headache caused by constipation, you can still through exposure to the umbilical region. Of the features of manipulation - circular movements at a distance of 7-8 cm from the navel.
  2. Headache can be caused by changes in blood pressure and expressed through pain in the occipital or temporal region. Using massage techniques, blood circulation can be normalized and discomfort eliminated.
  3. If there is an accumulation of pus in the sinuses, then its pressure will cause headaches. In this case, the impact on Quan-chu, Tszyu-Liao and Tai-chun will help. The massaging movement of these points will not only help reduce pain, but will also contribute to the discharge of pus.
  4. Rachiocampsis. Violation of the location of the cervical vertebrae will create tension in the area of \u200b\u200bthe muscles of the head and neck. This will cause clamping of the cervical nerve, which will cause frequent headaches. With a slight curvature of the spine, the pain caused by this condition can be reduced by periodic exposure to a point called Tien Zhu. If the problems with the spine are more serious, it is better to consult a doctor before self-medication, so as not to harm your own health even more.

Acupressure for headaches caused by pinching of the cervical nerve can be performed as follows:

  • a person should take an upright position;
  • affect the area for about 3 minutes;
  • after the procedure, you need to relax and lie down.

To know what points need to be affected, you need to understand the cause of the pain.

Elimination of pain through stimulation of points on the body

Stimulating certain areas will help get rid of certain diseases. The same applies to headaches of various origins. Self-massage with a headache will be especially effective if the ailment is caused by overwork or stressful situations.

In more serious diseases, massage will only remove the painful symptom, without affecting the cause of the disease itself. This must be remembered when resorting to procedures of this kind.

Massage for headaches can be very useful for general well-being, as it can not only reduce discomfort, but also have a healing effect on the whole body:

  • massage relieves stress and reduces its manifestation;
  • after the procedure, calming and relaxation occurs;
  • tone increases;
  • concentration of attention improves;
  • the use of acupressure can improve blood circulation in different parts of the head;
  • massaging certain points makes the rest more fulfilling: sleep will become deep and calm;
  • due to improved blood circulation, hair roots are strengthened.

If your head hurts, then you can use one of the areas of massage to improve your well-being:

  • general head massage (this effect will relax muscles and normalize vascular tone);
  • point impact on biologically active zones (based on acupuncture treatment);
  • impact on trigger points;
  • neck massage (muscle tension is relieved, which can cause a headache).

Massage for relieving headaches can be carried out by both a specialist and the person himself. Choosing the second option, the main thing is to determine the cause of the pain and choose the right combination of zones for exposure.

All points are localized in different parts of the body, and not just on the head.

They are grouped and often arranged symmetrically. There are quite a few points that can be influenced without resorting to outside help, but you need to know exactly their location and the therapeutic effect of their massaging.

Only in this case, the effectiveness of self-massage will be high.

In order for acupressure from headache to work, you need to consider the main ones.

Biologically active points on the head and neck

In the head and neck area, 9 main biologically active zones are distinguished, acting on which you can significantly reduce pain:

  1. Toe wey can be found just above the temple; it is the basis of exposure in the treatment of headaches. As a result of massage, the condition improves with neuralgia of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve and facial neuritis. Massaging toe-wei helps to cope with migraines. You can determine the area for exposure with chewing movement. It is located above the temporal muscle and deepened back from hair growth.
  2. Tai-yang is on the brow line and deepened towards the temple. Massaging the zone should be in the presence of a headache of various origins, migraines, in case of facial paralysis or trigeminal neuralgia, in case of eye diseases, flu or colds. Also helps to cope with toothache. Massage is carried out counterclockwise for 3-5 minutes. Eyes must be closed.
  3. Anti-tragus. The zone is located symmetrically to the protruding part of the auricle.
  4. Shang Xing can be found on the midline just above hair growth. Exposure to the point will help with headaches and neuralgia of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve.
  5. Ju-liao can be found on the lower part of the cheekbone along the line of the pupil. Exposure to Ju-Liao helps relieve pressure, tension and fatigue in the eye area, reduces congestion of blood in the head, toothache.
  6. Yin-tan is located in the hollow between the eyebrows. With pressure on this zone, the pituitary gland is balanced, headaches are reduced, digestion improves, and eye strain decreases.
  7. Feng chi is defined at the base of the skull; it can be felt in a depression on either side of the large vertical muscles of the neck.
  8. 8. Feng Fu can be felt at the base of the skull directly above the spine in a recess.
  9. Quan-chu is at the intersection of the eyebrow and nose bridge. Exposure to the area relieves pain and fatigue from the eyes, reduces headache.

If the points are symmetrical in location, then you need to massage immediately 2, then a head massage from a headache will be effective.

Points on the arms and legs, massaging which can reduce headache

The main point on the arm, massaging which will help relieve a headache, is He-gu. It is located between the thumb and forefinger on the outside of the palm.

The impact on the area will have a significant positive effect on the body:

  • headache decreases;
  • the condition improves with viral diseases, flu;
  • labor is stimulated.

One by one massaging the He-gu point immediately on the 1st and then on the 2nd hand will help get rid of the problem.

The main areas on the legs that can be massaged to reduce discomfort include:

  1. A point that can be felt on the inside of the foot in the region between 2 and 3 fingers. Massage is necessary by pressing, making circular movements in a clockwise direction.
  2. The point is located on the 2nd finger at a distance of 3 mm down from the nail growth line. Massage in turn.
  3. Zu-lin-qi is felt between the bones of the 4th and 5th toes on the outside of the foot. This area is massaged gently with calm movements.
  4. The point is 3 mm higher from the thumb nail line. Both legs are massaged at once.
  5. A point that can be felt around the notch under the ankle. It is located on the inside of the leg. Massage the area for at least 1 minute.

In total, there are more than 100 biologically active zones on the human body, but to solve the problem it is not necessary to immediately affect everything. You can choose only 2-3 and act only on them.

The specifics of acupressure

Head massage with a headache can be very effective, because by improving blood circulation and muscle relaxation, you can significantly reduce pain.

But for this, the procedure must be carried out according to certain rules:

  • carried out only manually;
  • pressure occurs vertically and is directed downward;
  • movements are made with 1 or 2 fingers (if 2 fingers are used, then 1 is superimposed on the other);
  • a pinch of 3 fingers can be used for pressing;
  • for massage, you can use the edge of the palm;
  • if the impact should be strong, then it is always short;
  • the selected point is affected for several seconds (4-5), after which it is slowly released;
  • rhythmic movements can be used: press for 2-3 seconds and release pressure for the same time;
  • in movements, the main thing is smoothness and softness;
  • during massage it is recommended to use special oils, which will reduce the pain of the procedure and enhance its effectiveness;
  • the best time for the procedure is before bedtime.

Contraindications to the procedure include high body temperature and cancer.