A computer

How to make money in computer games

For many people, computer games are just a waste of time. Others just rest in them. Still others find themselves in them and plunge headlong. And there are a lot of such classifications, for everyone the game seems to be something special, but there is a group of people who not only play games, but also earn real money in them. Someone more, someone less, but it is. It is time to tell how to computer games.

To begin with, it’s worth pointing out some input data on the time that can take earnings for yourself, and note that both small money and very large money can be earned. For example, in the game Lineage II several years ago, game items cost several thousand dollars, and sometimes prices reached tens of thousands. Today, too, there is such money in the vastness of computer games. For example, in the EVE Online game, people can sell created spaceships, and their cost is from 20 thousand rubles, to more than 200 thousand rubles. Of course, not everyone can make money on this, since people have played for 2-3 years, and sometimes more, before starting to make money. This is said to mean that there is no easy money anywhere, but there is something to strive for. And now let's move on to the main part.

How to make real money on games without investments?

There are a lot of ways to make money. I will talk about them in ascending order, starting from which earnings require less time and so on. The most important thing to note for yourself is that making money on games is real, the main thing is not to be afraid and think with your head.

First way

Earnings: from 100 rubles to tens of thousands

And so one of the most common ways to earn money in games, and perhaps the easiest, is various FPS and MOBA games from Steam. I talked about earlier, and I will not strongly consider this option. It should only be noted that this is one of the fastest ways, it can take from an hour to several days, and it can also bring from several rubles to hundreds and thousands of rubles. Everything will depend only on the player’s thinking, and how he will dispose of game things. In general, the method is based on the simple sale of skins for games and the internal inventory of characters. Without a lie, I’ll say that I was not very lucky with things, and I earned no more than 500 rubles a week, but there are special people who earn from 4 to 25 thousand a month (some or more), you must admit this is significant, especially if you are a lover of those games to be played.

Second way

This method will require more experience in games, and more free time. Great for students in schools and universities. The method consists in pumping game accounts for other players, it is worth noting that this method partially echoes the following, but about it a little later. The bottom line is that there are people who have money, and a desire to play computer games, but there is absolutely no time to swing the game character or account to the proper level. Then you come to the rescue of them. In a professional language, a person pumping someone else’s account for money is called “Driver”, which of English language  means "drove". So people are willing to pay for you to swing an account or character for a certain agreed period. This is often traded in MMORPG, a striking example of this is World of Warcraft, previously people could take from 12 to 50 thousand rubles for pumping a character of a certain class and his skills. It is worth noting that usually not a single person is engaged in pumping, but a whole group, sometimes they "drive" or "steam" a pumped character with their own more powerful ones, but this is the subtleties of game mechanics. Returning to the topic and to this method, I must say that it can take from several hours and up to weeks, and even months. For these reasons, the fee for this service is sometimes commensurate with the salaries of some specialists, and can reach 50-100 thousand rubles per month.

Third way

Time: from 7 days to several months

Earnings: from 1,500 rubles to 200,000 rubles

Not a very sophisticated, but no less effective way. In part, it is similar to Method Two, but it is different. This method consists in selling game accounts. It can be either a stolen or honestly swung game account. Its price is calculated by the achievements that are on it or the characters. Now the sale of Steam and Origin accounts on which there are expensive games is flourishing, they are sold for 10-50 rubles, depending on the number and cost of games. Sometimes it’s really more profitable to buy an account for 20 rubles, on which there will be a desired game with a nominal value of 500-1000 rubles. All the same, you will not play it for more than a month, so why spend so much money when you can save. However, this is lyrics. Real money is hidden in other accounts. These are MMORPG accounts or characters, or become so popular World of Tanks accounts. For an experienced player, pumping accounts to the desired condition and level does not take more than a month, and sometimes a person can meet a week. In turn, a pumped account can cost 1.5-5 thousand rubles, but this is again the little things. Good accounts cost between $ 300 and $ 5,000. And surprisingly there are people willing to give such money for them. Note that I am not calculating in dollars for a reason, as people rarely buy such things in our market. You have to be ready. that American, Japanese, Chinese players relate to the purchase of game accounts much more loyal to our players, and most likely they will have to sell at foreign auctions.

The fourth way

This method, in turn, has something in common with everyone else, since it originates from the gameplay. The method consists in selling game artifacts and in-game attributes. The method itself is not complicated, and can be used in parallel with pumping game accounts for other people. And yet, why did I attribute it to one of the longest ways? It would seem simple, you download someone else's account or download for sale, at the same time knock out expensive artifacts and sell them. The difficulty lies precisely in the fact that expensive artifacts are so expensive that they are difficult to knock out. The price of game items can start at $ 100 and come to fabulous numbers, thousands and sometimes tens of thousands of dollars. There were cases when artifacts in Lineage II or World of Warcraft games were bought for $ 10,000 - $ 30,000, although now prices have fallen significantly. In the same Diablo 3, it was possible to sell a unique thing for 5,000 - 20,000 rubles, and this was the norm. It can take a lot of time, from several weeks to several months. As a rule, in order to speed up the process, people gather in groups and try to knock a thing together, but in this case its cost is divided by all.

Fifth way

Time: from 1 day to several months

Earnings: from 100 rubles to 100,000 rubles

I will not stretch the description of this manual in vain. The fifth way to earn money is to sell game currency. Now, of course, this method is no longer as profitable as before, but no worse, and it can easily be combined with the gameplay, as well as with any of the above methods. It is difficult to say how much time is spent on this method of earning, perhaps from 1 day to months, it all depends on what you want to achieve. In turn, it is very acceptable for earnings, for some it can be 100-200 rubles a month, for others it can be estimated at 10,000 or more. It all depends on the time spent, diligence and knowledge of game mechanics. At this point, you probably have several questions that I will write below.

How much money can you earn on games?

This is a very vague concept. I can say that as a beginner you can earn 100-500 rubles per month. If you do this seriously, you can safely live on a given earnings. There are quite a few people, not only in Russia, but around the world who live in games and it is worth noting that they are not denying themselves anything. It can also provide an excellent basis for creating your own business on computer games. Those who are interested can search the Internet for blogs of these people, read their stories and stories - these are players with vast experience and experience who have given themselves entirely to the mercy of games.

What game can make money?

Absolutely any online game. Each game has its own society, the so-called community. Players in it are of different ages and affluence. There are hardcore games, there are old ones where the community of players has already developed. It is better to choose a game from your own skills and knowledge, you can take a young game and get up quickly there, you can choose an old one and try to bring something new into it. Best taken for this MMORPG games. They have a lot of content that players actively exchange. In such games, the demand will be much more. I will not give specific examples of games, since there are so many of them. In order to find good MMORPGs, it’s enough to search the Internet for the top 10 or top 15 mmorpg for 2013-2015.

Thanks to everyone who mastered. I wish you success in your endeavors and rapid growth.

Can I make money just by playing games? Yes it is possible, and you can earn considerable money. The online gaming industry is developing by leaps and bounds, offering more and more games and entertainment. Online Casinos, Strategies, economic games. People like to try their luck, fortune, and then it’s just interesting. Someone wins, some do not. Which   what you get depends on yourself, on your perseverance, tactics, and luck as well.

You can make good money playing poker or online casinos. This is a special category of games. In order to start making money on such gambling, you need to determine for yourself what knowledge you have, how much you are willing to invest money, time. For gambling people, this is primarily a pleasure from the game process itself, emotions, adrenaline, a sense of extreme sports, the joy of victory.I’ll give an example of those casinos that people choose more often than others: VA-BANK ,VULKAN , Slotobar.

The disadvantage of such games is that the game can completely take over a person, or rather, not a game takes hold of a person’s thoughts and feelings, but he himself voluntarily surrenders to the game.

Investment games

Interesting are the so-called investment games. There are a lot of them. Everyone for himself can choose his sphere of activity, what he would like to do.
   Famous investment game . This is an exciting business of building your own virtual business, creating your own farm, farm. To buy animals, to look after them, to feed them on time, to collect fruits from their agricultural enterprise. Having sold the fruits of your labor, you can withdraw real money. You earned them !!!

Similar game , buy a car, use it and take the proceeds. Money is withdrawn from the game in many ways. The game has existed for several years, while it does not lose its popularity among fans of making money on games. My way Taxi money  Now it is no less than a thousand rubles a day. Not bad, right?

Taxi Money: Withdrawal 10 000 rub. (video)

A funny game, you buy birds, there are several types of them in the game, birds carry eggs, you sell eggs, you put your proceeds in your pocket. The more expensive the bird, the more eggs it produces. Not a troublesome game, you can play without investing money. After registration, the site administration gives you some money in the form of a bonus for which you can buy one bird, and then monitor its work. So you can .

You can invite your colleagues, friends to join the game process. For each invite you will be credited with money. You can invite referrals to investment games with great efficiency using projects   and . Just register for them and create the appropriate tasks for a set of referrals by analogy with similar tasks already available on projects from other users. Verified, very profitable!

A huge number of sites with various games, ways to withdraw money and for every taste. It is very nice to relax, enjoy the game and replenish your budget. Inviting your friends is also a very exciting activity:

Firstly, you get extra income;

Secondly, the discussion, the construction of game strategies, who won how much, etc. - This is an endless topic for communication.

In conclusion, I want to note that the main thing is not to forget that any game should bring you joy, pleasure, positive emotions, and additional income - this will be your pleasant bonus, because you can certainly earn money playing games, and considerable! Join now.

The Internet, today has penetrated into every home. Indeed, many people using the Internet not only have fun, but also receive certain information. In addition, some Internet users work through a worldwide network and get real money from it. Indeed, there are currently a huge number of options and means to make money. However, a lot of money for some advanced Internet users earns money on games without investments with the withdrawal of money. Therefore, in this article, we will try to talk in detail about this topic.

It has already been said above that there are a large number of ways to make money on the Internet. But before deciding on any of the options, you need to understand for yourself whether you can handle it, and whether this work will be to your liking.

Games where you can earn real money without an investment list

Today we are talking about how to make money with cash withdrawal games. In this publication, we give several names of computer games that will allow you to get real money.

Here are some of the computer games that can bring you great income.

How to make money using games on the Internet

In this article, we talk in detail about how to make money on games without investments. Indeed, you can get money through games using various methods. And now it’s worthwhile to provide effective recommendations that will help to implement the plan.

Pay attention to the study of publication:

  • Of the many offered to you investment games  online, try to highlight for yourself those games that can provide you with a steady income through stable payments.
  • Attract newcomers to the game, while earning your percentage. Any of the methods that you find more attractive for yourself will undoubtedly bring you income.

Withdrawal investment games

This method of earning has its own attractive sides, and not so. First, we give you examples of a positive nature.

  • One of the biggest advantages in these projects is - earnings without upfront costs.
  • Having placed a good amount of money on this portal, the player gets the opportunity to earn an impressive income in a very short period of time.
  • Each of the selected games is able to captivate with various interesting and diverse tasks. Such games will develop the ability to think, correctly and quickly make any decisions, to accumulate a certain experience that may be needed in real life.
  • By inviting your acquaintances or friends into the game, you increase your income. This is facilitated by special programs on portals with certain games.

Now consider not very attractive aspects of the project.

  • Without investing a dime in the game, it is unlikely that you can earn something. As a rule, with this method of playing, you have to wait for profits for more than one day.
  • Before participating in any game project, you need to have at least a little idea about the game.
  • In order to earn a lot of money and at the same time regularly, you should spend a huge amount of your personal time on this lesson and constantly deposit funds into your account.


So, today we told you about the good and bad sides of making a profit in this type of activity. As you can see, making money on games is also a responsible one, which should be treated with great attention and a unique approach. We hope that this article will help you find your own exciting game, which will give you not only a beautiful and colorful world, but also a unique chance to get real money for it.

Actual ideas for earning