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Post on the topic of art around. An essay on what is art for me. Renaissance and the modern world

Art is an integral part of the life of every state, city and person. The word "art" has many definitions, characteristics and features, but each person represents it in his own way.

In my opinion, art is a figurative reflection of reality, the main goal of which is to familiarize a person with the beautiful, sensual, interesting and beautiful, sometimes even inexplicable and contradictory. I think that cinema, painting, architecture and other forms of art should evoke various emotions, feelings and thoughts in the soul and mind of a person. Undoubtedly, one and the same work of art can evoke completely opposite feelings in the souls of people.

Art plays a huge role in our life, while it makes us think about the important problems and things happening around us, while art excites the human mind and does not leave us indifferent.

I enjoy reading. Reading broadens my horizons, makes me more erudite. From books I learn a lot of new interesting things about the world around me, about a person's life, about his values, feelings. Classic literature fosters character, instills moral traits. Reading the works of classics such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky enrich my inner world, give an understanding of such values \u200b\u200bas honor and dignity. Also from books we learn about friendship, love, betrayal, hatred, sympathy and other things. But I believe that it is necessary to read not only the classical world literature, but also the books of modern authors. All the same, in their works, all feelings, problems and values \u200b\u200bare adapted to modern society. From the books of our contemporaries, we can find a concrete solution to the problem in our society, in our century.

If we talk about the feeling of beauty, the development of taste, then I like the art of photography. Through photography, the author expresses his inner world on the objects of the surrounding world, in nature. In the works of photographers, we see their style, their taste, outlook on life, and thus we can reconsider our values, and sometimes use their worldview for self-improvement. Very often I look at the work of contemporary photographers, photographers of different styles and trends, and I can say that each of them sees the world in his own way. Photography for them is a way of self-expression. She means the same to me.

Besides literature and photography, I am also interested in cinema. Movies are like books. They serve the same function. For me, films are not only a way to have a good time, but also an occasion to reflect on the relevance of the problem raised in it.

Art around us

Art- a part of the spiritual culture of mankind, a specific kind of spiritual and practical development of the world. Art includes varieties of human activity, united by artistic and imaginative forms of reproducing reality, - painting, architecture, sculpture, music, fiction, theater, dance, cinema. In a broader sense, the word "art" refers to any form of human activity, if it is performed skillfully, masterfully, skillfully.

    What kinds of art do you see on these pages?

    What other types of art do you know?

    Find reproductions for an exhibition featuring fine art masterpieces.

    What types of art are closer to you? Write down your impressions of your favorite works of art in a creative notebook.

All the diversity of the world around us and a person's attitude to it, thoughts and feelings, ideas and representations, beliefs of people - all this is conveyed by a person in artistic images. Art helps a person to choose ideals and values. And so it has been at all times. Art is a kind of life textbook.

“Art is an eternal joyful and good symbol of man's striving for good, for joy and perfection,” wrote the famous German writer T. Mann.

Each type of art speaks in its own language about the eternal problems of life, about good and evil, about love and hate, about joy and sorrow, about the beauty of the world and the human soul, about the height of thoughts and aspirations, about the comic and tragic nature of life.

Various types of art are mutually enriching, often borrowing means of expressing content from each other. It is no accident that there is an opinion that architecture is frozen music, that this or that line in the picture is musical, that an epic novel is like a symphony. And when they talk about any kind of artistic activity, including performing skills (creativity), they often use concepts such as composition, rhythm, color, plastic, line, dynamics, musicality - common in a literal or figurative sense for different arts ... But in any work of art there is always a poetic beginning, that which constitutes its main essence, its pathos and gives it extraordinary power of influence. Without a sublime poetic feeling, without spirituality, any work is dead

Artistic image - style - language

Each time has its own face, its own image, its own melodies and rhythms. When we see the majestic Egyptian pyramids or St. Basil's Cathedral, we listen to the music of Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, read epics and folk legends, the works of Shakespeare or Dumas, Pushkin or Chekhov, we are imbued with the atmosphere of bygone times, we recognize the people who lived then. Subsequent generations will better understand our time if they listen to music, read books, look at the paintings and sculptures of our era. After all, contemporary art is what our world is embodied in, we are with you. And by what is now created, descendants will judge us.

An artist and sculptor, composer and performer, poet and writer, director and actor need contact with the viewer, listener, reader, who participate in the creative process, empathize with him. In order to get closer to art, to enter the artist's world, to reveal for oneself the uniqueness of the creator's personality, one cannot do without understanding such categories as artistic image, style, language.

An artistic image isa generalized idea of \u200b\u200breality, an attitude towards life, towards the world around, expressed in the language of art. Revealing his inner world, the artist is always tuned in to the wave of his time with all its worries and joys, anticipating certain changes. Therefore, it becomes possible to create an artistic image of the era.

Style(from the Greek stylos - literally a stick for writing) means handwriting, a combination characteristic features, techniques, methods, features of creativity. In art, the style of the era (historical), the national style (belonging to a particular people), the individual style of a particular artist in the broad sense of the word are distinguished. Characterizing the style in architecture, they say that "style is an era", in other arts - in painting, music, literature - "style is a person."

Languageany art helps to hear in the work the living voice of the artist, the centuries-old wisdom of the people. Expressiveness, emotionality, imagery of the language of painting and graphics, music and sculpture, poetry and dance are provided by composition, form, - texture, rhythm, tone, intensity. This is common in the language of the arts.

Moreover, each type of art speaks its own language: painting - with color, graphics - with line and spot, sculpture - with volume, music - with sound, intonation, dance - with the plasticity of gestures and movements, literature - in a word. Authors in their works, using means of expression specific to a particular art, place semantic accents, highlight the most essential. This allows them to convey to viewers, listeners, readers various feelings, convey to them the content of their works.

To learn to understand all the diversity of art, one must understand the figurative structure of a work of art, belonging to a certain style, direction.

    View the images on these pages. How do they make you feel? Why?

    Listen to a few snippets musical works... Discuss how the artwork evoked an emotional response in you.

    To what style - historical, national, individual - can these works of art be attributed?

    Which of these works were created by contemporary authors?

    What is the specificity of the means of expression for each of these works? What features of the language help to understand and feel these images?

    How do you understand the expressions: "style is an era" and "style is a person"?

Science and art

Science and art- these are two areas of activity that accompany the development of mankind throughout its existence.

German poet of the XIX century. I.-V. Goethe wrote that culture needs science and art in equal measure. In order for science to bring benefit and joy to people, and not harm and sorrow, it must be closely related to art. Both the scientist and the artist recreate the world in the name of the main goal - the comprehension of truth, beauty and goodness. People of science and art are united by thought and creativity as historical memory person. However, science and art solve different problems: the first studies the objective laws of the universe, the second - a person's attitude to the world, to other people, to himself.

Even in ancient Greece, scientists began to think about the role of art in people's lives. According to greek mythology each of the nine daughters of the god Zeus and the goddess Mnemosyne, being a muse, patronized a certain area of \u200b\u200bcreativity.

Cliopast times of the case broadcast to posterity, Melpomene the tragic cry expels sorrow, pleases Waist a joke, a cheerful word and conversation, Sings a sweet song with a reed flute Euterpe, Terpsichore kifara attracts, owning a storm of feelings, With a plectrum in hand Erato enchants with both word and gesture, The songs of heroic times are stored in the book Calliope,Studying the stars of heaven Urania, the rotation of the sky, expressing everything with gestures, Polyhymnia praises the heroes.

The sciences, arts and crafts of that time were not separated from each other. Art, technique, craftsmanship were denoted in one word - "techne". The concepts of "philosopher" and "poet", "artisan" and "artist" were not opposed to each other.

Both in the Ancient World and in the Middle Ages, art was inseparable from religion. An architect in ancient Egypt was usually a priest, an "initiate." The descendants called the artists and poets of China "the sages of antiquity."

During the Renaissance, an understanding of art close to the modern was first established. Art united all kinds artistic creation, thereby separating it from other types of human activity.

    What purpose of muses does the ancient Roman poet Avsonius speak about?

    What kind of art muse is not mentioned in the poems of Avsonius, in the myths of Ancient Greece?

    What kinds of art introduce you to the images of the muses?

    Review the illustrations on the previous pages of the tutorial. Think of the music you know. To what extent is the work of an architect, musician, painter, sculptor based on science, and to what extent - on art? Give specific examples.

Scientific knowledge and artistic knowledge

Multifaceted personality Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) - the founder artistic culture High Renaissance - has been admiring humanity for five centuries. This italian artist (painter, sculptor, architect) was also a writer, scientist and engineer, inventor and anatomist.

His brilliant guesses as a scientist, engineer, designer were far ahead of his modern era. He scientifically substantiated the principles of aerial perspective, made scientific assumptions about the features of human vision. He considered painting as a universal language capable of embodying all the diverse manifestations of the rational principle in nature.

On the examples of Leonardo da Vinci's activities, one can understand how inseparably scientific and artistic creativity is.

Drawing "Vitruvian Man" symbolizes internal symmetry, the Divine proportion of the human body. Two superimposed figures are inscribed in a circle and a square. This drawing determined the canonical proportions of the image of a person for European art of the next time. In the XX century. on the basis of this drawing, a scale of proportions was drawn up, which influenced the figurative decisions of modern architecture.

Leonardo da Vinci's texts are amazing, with which he accompanies his drawings of a compass and a plow: "Persistent persistence", "The obstacle does not bend me. Every obstacle is destroyed by persistence. He who strives to the star does not turn around. "

Fable. It so happened that a lump of snow found itself on the top of a cliff ... and he began to think:

Now, shouldn't I be considered arrogant and proud because I, a small lump of snow, am on such a high place, and is it permissible that such a great amount of snow, which I can see from here, lies below me? Indeed, my insignificant fraction does not deserve this height, about which a good edification ... serves me what the sun did yesterday with my peers, who ... were melted by the sun ... I want to escape the wrath of the sun and find a place, corresponding to my importance.

And so he rushed down and began to descend, rolling down the high slopes on top of another snow; but the lower he looked for a place for himself, the more his size grew ... and he was the last one to be melted by the sun that summer.

It is said for those who are humble: they will be raptured.

Leonardo da Vinci's portraits are images of free-spirited, virtuous and talented people. These include the most famous portrait - "La Gioconda", or "Mona Lisa". He made a stunning impression on the artist's contemporaries. One of them wrote: "This image made it clear to anyone who wanted to comprehend how art is capable of imitating nature ..."

In the portrait, the artist embodied the lofty ideal of eternal femininity and human charm. An important element of the composition was a landscape of a cosmic scale, melting into a cold haze.

Mona Lisa's gaze is full of wisdom and calm. Leonardo himself called his eyes open windows, revealing to the soul all the beauties of the world, which make it come to terms with being imprisoned in a bodily shell.

The painting by Leonardo da Vinci, like the music of Mozart, is a mystery of the world and the inner life of a person, the immeasurable wealth of his soul.

    Listen to Symphony No. 40 (1st movement) by V.-A. Mozart. What features of the portrait and music reveal the depth and inconsistency of their images?

    Read the interpretation of Mozart's music in the study by G. Chicherin. Express your impressions of Mozart's music.

Any scientific knowledge is perceived by everyone equally. For example, Archimedes' law, Pythagorean theorem, laws of universal gravitation exist as a given. In science, each new discovery can cross out the established ideas about certain phenomena. For example, Magellan's discovery of America has become a compelling reason to refute the idea of \u200b\u200bhumanity that the Earth is flat. Until the 17th century. it was believed that the center of the universe is the earth (geocentric system). After the discovery of Copernicus, mankind recognized that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun (heliocentric system).

In art, every new phenomenon does not negate the value of the old. Excavations by archaeologists have revealed to the world an amazing grace and artistic perfection of the products of ancient masters. Man has been the main theme of art at all times. But his image in the works of art that have come down to us from different eras is different. And we are not confused by the sketchiness or the violation of proportions in the images of the past.

All arts tell us about the person of their time. Both the folk song, which existed in the oral tradition, and the ancient cult chants that can be heard today thanks to modern decoding, also give an idea of \u200b\u200ba person.

    "You. you are at such a distance from her that you do not know what she is portraying, and yet you are captivated by her magical chord; this is the music of the picture. " Do these words, said about medieval painting, confirm the idea that the new in art does not cancel the old?

    What discoveries have changed mankind's ideas about the structure of the Universe, about the shape of the Earth? Give examples of scientific discoveries, inventions that have changed human life.

    What do the reliefs made in different eras tell about a person? Has the outlook on a person changed? Why the works of the masters of Egypt, Ancient Greece, medieval Europe, are the masters of the Renaissance interesting to modern people?

    ART Overview

    B.M. Nemensky (Enlightenment 2006) Artaroundus: Tutorial on fine art for grade 3 / Edited by the school of Sokolnikov N.M., Lomov S.P. Fine art Sokolnikova N.M. Fine art... Textbook Grade 1 (AST, ...

  • art in the life of a modern person


    To the plan On the fact I. Art in the life of a modern person 1 Artaroundus, its role in the life of a modern ... person. Art as a keeper of culture ...

The writing

Art is an integral part of the life of every state, city and person. The word "art" has many definitions, characteristics and features, but each person represents it in his own way.

In my opinion, art is a figurative reflection of reality, the main goal of which is to familiarize a person with the beautiful, sensual, interesting and beautiful, sometimes even inexplicable and contradictory. I think that cinema, painting, architecture and other forms of art should evoke various emotions, feelings and thoughts in the soul and mind of a person. Undoubtedly, one and the same work of art can evoke completely opposite feelings in the souls of people.

Art plays a huge role in our life, while it makes us think about the important problems and things happening around us, while art excites the human mind and does not leave us indifferent.

I enjoy reading. Reading broadens my horizons, makes me more erudite. From books I learn a lot of new interesting things about the world around me, about a person's life, about his values, feelings. Classical literature educates character, instills moral traits. Reading the works of classics such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky enrich my inner world, give an idea of \u200b\u200bsuch values \u200b\u200bas honor and dignity. Also from books we learn about friendship, love, betrayal, hatred, sympathy and other things. But I believe that it is necessary to read not only the classical world literature, but also the books of modern authors. All the same, in their works, all feelings, problems and values \u200b\u200bare adapted to modern society. From the books of our contemporaries, we can find a concrete solution to the problem in our society, in our century.

If we talk about the feeling of beauty, the development of taste, then I like the art of photography. Through photography, the author expresses his inner world on the objects of the surrounding world, in nature. In the works of photographers, we see their style, their taste, outlook on life, and thus we can reconsider our values, and sometimes use their worldview for self-improvement. Very often I look at the work of contemporary photographers, photographers of different styles and trends, and I can say that each of them sees the world in his own way. Photography for them is a way of self-expression. She means the same to me.

Besides literature and photography, I am also interested in cinema. Movies are like books. They serve the same function. For me, films are not only a way to have a good time, but also an occasion to reflect on the relevance of the problem raised in it.

In conclusion, I want to say that art has a huge impact on my life. Without art, my life would be boring, monotonous and meaningless. Art brings a touch of beauty to my life.

  • Category: Compositions in Russian

Art is an integral part of the life of every state, city and person. The word "art" has many definitions, characteristics and features, but each person represents it in his own way.

In my opinion, art is a figurative reflection of reality, the main goal of which is to familiarize a person with the beautiful, sensual, interesting and beautiful, sometimes even inexplicable and contradictory. I think that cinema, painting, architecture and other forms of art should evoke various emotions, feelings and thoughts in the soul and mind of a person. Undoubtedly, one and the same work of art can evoke completely opposite feelings in the souls of people.

Art plays a huge role in our life, while it makes us think about the important problems and things happening around us, while art excites the human mind and does not leave us indifferent.

I enjoy reading. Reading broadens one's horizons, makes a person more erudite. From books we learn many new interesting things about the world around us, about a person's life, about his values, feelings. Classical literature educates character, instills moral traits. Reading the works of classics such as T. G. Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, I. Karpenko-Kary, G. Skovoroda and others, enrich the inner world of a person, give an idea of \u200b\u200bsuch values \u200b\u200bas honor and dignity. Also from books we learn about friendship, love, betrayal, hatred, sympathy and other things. But I believe that it is necessary to read not only the classical world literature, but also the books of modern authors. All the same, in their works, all feelings, problems and values \u200b\u200bare adapted to modern society. From the books of our contemporaries, we can find a concrete solution to the problem in our society, in our century.

If we talk about the feeling of beauty, the development of taste, then I like the art of photography. Through photography, the author expresses his inner world on the objects of the surrounding world, in nature. In the works of photographers, we see their style, their taste, outlook on life, and thus we can reconsider our values, sometimes use their worldview for self-improvement. Very often I look at the work of contemporary photographers, photographers of different styles and trends, and I can say that each of them sees the world in his own way. Photography for them is a means of self-expression. She means the same to me.

Besides literature and photography, I am also interested in cinema. Movies are like books. They serve the same function. For me, films are not only a way to have a good time, but also an occasion to reflect on the relevance of the problem raised in it.

In conclusion, I want to say that art has a big impact on my life. Without art, my life would be boring, monotonous and meaningless. Art brings a touch of beauty to my life and makes it more complete.


Culturology and art history

Question 1. Art is around us. Kinds of art. Art is a part of the spiritual culture of mankind, a specific kind of spiritually practical development of the world. Art includes varieties of human activity, united by artistically figurative forms in

Question 1. Art is around us. Kinds of art.

Art is a part of the spiritual culture of mankind, a specific kind of spiritual and practical development of the world. Art includes varieties of human activity, united by artistic and imaginative forms of reproducing reality, painting, architecture, sculpture, music, fiction, theater, dance, cinema.

In a broader sense, the word "art" refers to any form of human activity, if it is performed skillfully, masterfully, skillfully.

Among the many arts, three can be distinguished ancient artsthat affect vision, hearing and speech, bring up the feeling of a person. Art:

Images ( art) relies on the ability to see (eye)

Sound (music) relies on the ability to hear (ear)

Words (literature) relies on the ability to speak (speech)

Without these main arts, it is impossible to imagine a performance, a film, or a pop concert. It is these arts, mastering the world in a figurative form, that they consider their main task, according to Hegel, "to reveal truth in a sensitive form." Depending on the method of depiction in life, art is subdivided (see table) Of course, this classification of art forms is conditional, the options are numerous, the connections between the arts are so deep that it is sometimes difficult to establish clear boundaries. It is no coincidence that architecture is called frozen music, a line in a picture - musical, an epic novel - a symphony (synthesis of arts). And when they talk about any kind of activity, about skill (creativity), they use such concepts as composition, rhythm, color, plasticity, line, dynamics, musicality. These concepts are common to different arts. But in any work of art there is always a poetic beginning, that which constitutes its main essence, its pathos and gives it extraordinary power of influence. Without a sublime poetic feeling, without spirituality, any work is dead.

Each type of art speaks in its own language about the eternal problems of life, about good and evil, about love and hate, about joy and sorrow, about the beauty of the world and aspirations, about the cosmic nature and tragedy of life.

Compound different types arts forms an artistic whole, which aesthetically organizes the material and spiritual environment of a person, serving the most important type of arts - "The Art of Living on Earth." (B. Brecht)

Nikolskaya Church. V. Borovikovsky.

Verkhotur. Portrait of the Gagarin sisters

A scene from the ballet.

Japanese painting.

M. Claude Sculpture on the Anichkov Bridge A. Gaudi. Sagrada

St. Petersburg. Surname

(Sagrada Familia)

Barcelona. Fragment

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