
The problem of disappearing villages. Arguments for composing the exam. The problem of historical memory. The problem of knowledge of Russian history and respect for it. The problem of preserving cultural heritage, ancient monuments, churches, icons, Russian villages - Works, Abstracts,

I have often visited the abandoned Russian villages. Oh, what a sight it is! You can't get used to it, you can't get used to it. I, anyway, could not. After all, some villages, which were so hastily, willingly, as if with relief, were written off from the account - a thousand years! Maybe more. And the saddest sight is an abandoned, abandoned Russian hut, a human refuge. I looked into the window of an abandoned hut. The city's poachers had not yet visited it, and three old icons gleamed dimly with holy faces in the front corner. The painted floors in the upper room, in the middle, and in the kuti were cleanly washed, the Russian stove was closed with a shutter, and the top of the stove was covered with a faded chintz curtain. In the baking, cast iron and a frying pan were overturned, in the baking - grips, a poker, a frying pan, and right to the baking was piled dry firewood, already touched by dust on the white birch bark. In this area, firewood is harvested in spring, mostly alder and birch. Over the summer they dry up to a ringing sound, and it is joyful to carry clear, clear logs into the house, they happily burn in the oven. The owners lived here! The real ones. Leaving their home because of life circumstances, at the call of children or because of urbanization sweeping away everything on the way, they did not lose faith that someone would come to their house not as a poacher and a vagrant - they would come as a resident, and prepared for He has everything he needs ... Fire up the stove, a traveler or a new settler, warm the hut - and a living spirit will settle in it, and spend the night, live in this well-kept house. And across the road, already covered with chamomile, grass, ant, dandelion and plantain, the hut is wide open. The gates have been torn off their hinges, the doors have been dropped, they have sprouted in the cracks with grass, the poles have fallen, the woodpiles have been dumped, the goat is knocked down by the "horns", there is a piece of a saw, a cleaver, a meat grinder, and all kinds of iron, rags, clamps, wheels - nowhere to step. In the hut itself, the mess is unimaginable. On the table after eating everything is thrown, cups, spoons, mugs are moldy. Between them are bird and mouse droppings, dried and rotten potatoes on the floor, a tub of sour cabbage stinks, pots with dead flowers on the windows. Everywhere and everywhere a dirty pen, balls of thread started and thrown away, a broken gun, empty cartridges, the underground emits a rotten spirit of vegetables with a black mouth, the stove is smoked and crooked, torn notebooks and books are scattered on the floor, and everywhere bottles, bottles, from under the chatter and vodka, large and small, broken and whole, - they did not move out of here, praying at the doorway and bowing to the abandoned paternal corner, there was neither God nor memory, they retreated from here, scampered with drunken prowess, and the inhabitant of this house probably spat from the threshold into a cluttered hut with contempt: “Enough! Turned around! Now I will live in the city like a lady! .. "

Here is another work by Alexander Melnikov ... Again, I will make a reservation that it is far from perfect ... But it is quite interesting. Read it, correct mistakes, offer your own options for arguments.

V. Peskov's text proposed for analysis deals with the fate of the village, the need to revive it in our country.

Discussing this, the author raises a very important problem: why is the Russian village disappearing? The author sees the root of evil in human indifference to their land, in the desire to find an easier life in cities. The writer talks about this

with a feeling of regret and pain. He emphasizes that we forget folk songs, we destroy places associated with the names of prominent people.

V. Peskov's text seriously affected me, because I know firsthand about the fate of the village. Every year, visiting my grandfather in a village in the Saratov region, I learned from him how large the population of the village was, what rich and interesting traditions the villagers had. Now

the school is closed, young people leave for the city, traditions are forgotten.

And how many famous writers in their works sounded the alarm about the disappearance of villages! V. Rasputin in his story "Farewell to Matera" wrote how with the flooding of Matera not only the village disappears, but also the memory of it, which only old people and old women keep in their hearts. The recently deceased writer V. Belov, in his novel “Eves”, told how, even in the period of collectivization, the village was “peasantized”.

I would like to believe that wisdom in relation to the fate of the countryside will win in our country, that both politicians and ordinary people will understand that the future of our country is in the revival of the countryside.

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Recently, more and more villagers tend to leave for the big cities. Forgotten villages empty, the inhabitants flee in search of better life... It is difficult to say how many such villages are there throughout Russia. Why are ancient settlements disappearing, which forced the owners to leave their homes? Each uninhabited village has its own tragic story.

The problems of the Russian village

The village has always been the main symbol of the Russian spirit. It is she who is the cradle of the great culture and the best traditions of our country. In our time, forgotten villages in Russia are not uncommon. More and more often you can see abandoned villages that amaze with their sad landscapes. Rural youth strive for a better life, in conditions without state support it is difficult to achieve success. A whole range of measures aimed at improving the rural economy will help to correct the deplorable situation.

The reasons

Sociologists have long been speculating about the reasons for the extinction of the Russian outback. Many small settlements ceased to exist for similar reasons. Many different factors contributed to the degradation of the Russian countryside:

  • depletion of natural resources (for example, the water body that local residents used for their needs dries up);
  • relocation of residents due to the proposed construction of important structures;
  • military action (mobilization of men who did not return later);
  • the merger of small villages in the 1960s and 1970s (the goal of the Khrushchev program was to enlarge collective farms);
  • undeveloped infrastructure;
  • lack of jobs (this is how old abandoned villages appear, from where people went in search of work and a better life);
  • low prices with high costs for products that can be produced;
  • villages that are living out their days (a small number of local residents, mostly elderly: young people who have left to study in the city, no longer return to their small homeland).

Each forgotten place has its own unique history; the 20th century in Russia was rich in events that mostly negatively affected the Russian countryside. Lembolovo in the vicinity of the northern capital was destroyed to the ground during the Great Patriotic War... After the victory of our troops, the settlement was moved to the north. A new railway station was created, which was given the historical name. The small, abolished village of Pitkyamyaki in the Leningrad Region is now part of the larger settlement of Myaglovo.

Despite their neglect and decrepitude, the forgotten villages are a natural source of inspiration for some enthusiasts who are not afraid of difficulties. There are people who move from big cities closer to nature. What is it - a call of blood or a desire to escape from the bustle of the city? Whatever the reason for the development of abandoned villages, perhaps thanks to these settlers, the revival of the Russian village will take place.

Cultural values

There are regions on the map of Russia where there are many abandoned objects cultural heritage... Old manor houses, hastily abandoned by their owners during the October Revolution, beautiful churches and monasteries, where no services were held for many years. The interior decoration has long been plundered; picturesque ruins have remained from many objects. The rich history, the spirit of the past attracts local historians and connoisseurs of antiquity.

In the vicinity of St. Petersburg there is the abolished village of Kummolovo, so ancient that the first mentions of it are found in the scribes of the 16th century. Blumentorst Manor House is located on an abandoned territory. The once magnificent building of the architect Beretti is now guessed only thanks to the ruins. The remnants of an overgrown park with former plantings of fruit trees, boggy ponds where trout were raised, rocky placers in the places of the former numerous buildings have preserved the historical border of the settlement. The reason for the destruction of the village was the occupation.

Interest in the village in our time

Nowadays uninhabited forgotten villages arouse sincere interest from many travelers. This direction can become a good resource for tourism development. Some old churches and manor houses have survived to this day. The desolation and gloom of abandoned places especially attract extreme lovers and treasure hunters. Do not forget that walking in deserted objects can be quite dangerous. In addition to old wells and decrepit buildings, snakes and wild animals can await the traveler.

Unfortunately, the number of old abandoned settlements is growing from year to year. Perhaps one day this problem will be solved, and Russia will be proud of its prosperous villages. At the moment, forgotten villages can only arouse interest among a group of enthusiasts and stalkers.

IN modern world, where everyone rushes to cities, megalopolises, villages are almost forgotten and empty. Growing up, children forget about their native place and less and less often visit their mothers, like that son from Leningrad, whom his own mother did not recognize. Increasingly, a person drives himself into a "reinforced concrete" world, where nothing but dullness and dullness, and the native land, villages and townships oppress. Looking at the "empty villages", it is impossible to listen to Yesenin, who wrote about that real Russian village.

So, in the story of K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram" main character Nastya also lived in Leningrad and rarely visited her elderly mother (the last time the girl came was 3 years ago). And Ekaterina Petrovna, Nastya's mother, also, probably, will not recognize her only loved one, when her daughter still decides to come to her. But Nastya didn’t want to return to her home, because “boring rural days” await her there. Young people do not return to villages, referring to boredom and longing, and so the villages are emptying, life in them dies out.

But S. A. Yesenin, the "singer" of the Russian village, on the contrary, loved and praised our vast fields, groves, mountains in his poem "I will look in the field, I will look into the sky ...". Sergei Alexandrovich grew up in the village and therefore his poems about his native land are full of sincerity and true love for the Motherland. Maybe it is his work that will be able to awaken in people the desire to live next to living beings and beauty that has remained only in the villages.

I would like to end with the words of the Russian poet Nikolai Melnikov: "Put up a monument to the village on Red Square in Moscow!" He urged the population not to forget about their native land and the fact that man is a part of nature and is inextricably linked with it.

Updated: 2018-05-01

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Methodological material on the Russian language to the text of option 18 from the collection of I.P. Tsybulko is intended for students and teachers. The proposed material indicates an approximate range of problems, the author's position, arguments.

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I have visited abandoned Russian villages on more than one occasion. Oh, what a sight it is! You can't get used to it, you can't get used to it. I, anyway, could not. After all, some villages, which were so hastily, willingly, as if with relief, were written off from the account - a thousand years! Maybe more. And the saddest sight is an abandoned, abandoned Russian hut, a human refuge. I looked into the window of an abandoned hut. The city poachers had not yet visited it, and three old icons gleamed dimly with holy faces in the front corner. The painted floors in the upper room, in the middle and in the kuti were cleanly washed, the Russian stove was closed with a shutter, and the top of the stove was covered with a faded chintz curtain. In the baking, cast iron and a frying pan were overturned, in the baking - grips, a poker, a frying pan, and right to the baking was piled dry firewood, already touched by dust on white birch bark. In this area, firewood is harvested in the spring, mostly alder and birch. Over the summer they dry up to a ringing sound, and it is joyful to carry clear, clear logs into the house, they happily burn in the oven. The owners lived here! The real ones. Leaving their home because of life circumstances, at the call of children or because of urbanization sweeping away everything on the way, they did not lose faith that someone would come to their house not as a poacher and a vagrant - they would come as a resident, and prepared for him everything he needs ... Fire up the stove, a traveler or a new settler, warm the hut - and a living spirit will settle in it, and spend the night, live in this well-kept house. And across the road, already covered with chamomile, grass, ant, dandelion and plantain, the hut is wide open. The gates have been torn off their hinges, the doors have been dropped, they have sprouted in the cracks with grass, the poles have fallen, the woodpiles have been dumped, the goat is knocked down by the "horns", there is a piece of a saw, a cleaver, a meat grinder, and all kinds of iron, rags, clamps, wheels - nowhere to step. In the hut itself, the mess is unimaginable. On the table after eating everything is thrown, cups, spoons, mugs are moldy. Between them are bird and mouse droppings, dried and rotten potatoes on the floor, a tub of sour cabbage stinks, pots with dead flowers on the windows. Everywhere and everywhere a dirty pen, balls of thread started and thrown away, a broken gun, empty cartridges, the underground with a black throat emits a rotten spirit of vegetables, the stove is smoked and crooked, torn notebooks and books are scattered on the floor, and everywhere bottles, bottles, from under the chatter and vodka, large and small, broken and whole, - they did not move out of here, praying at the doorway and bowing to the abandoned paternal corner, there was neither God nor memory, they retreated from here, scampered with drunken prowess, and the inhabitant of this house probably spat from the threshold into a cluttered hut with contempt: “Enough! Turned around! Now I will live in the city like a lady! .. ”V.P. Astafiev

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Writing an essay together

Option 18

I.P. Tsybulko. Unified State Exam.

Russian language 2018

1. The problem of the fate of Russian villages. (What is the fate of Russian villages?)

The fate of Russian villages is sad: people leave the village huts "because of life circumstances, at the call of children or by force of sweeping away everything on the path of urbanization."

2. The problem of attitudes towards home. (How should people relate to their home?) Even when leaving home, a person must show respect for the place where he was born and raised; the real owner, keeping the memory of ancestors, has a well-groomed house.

Even leaving home, a person should show respect for the place where he was born and raised; the real owner, keeping the memory of ancestors, has a well-groomed house.

3. The problem of remembering your past. (Do I need to remember my past?)

A person must honor his past and not forget his roots.

  • In the story of F. A. Abramov "Pelageya" the daughter of the baker Pelageya Alka leaves parental home and leaves for the city for a better life. Alka's mother spent her whole life in labor, spared no effort, did everything to ensure that her daughter was well fed, well dressed and did not need anything. Alka does not want to "vegetate" in the village, work in the mud, she dreams of a beautiful city life. When her mother died, Alka was not at the funeral: she sailed as a barmaid on a steamer along the Northern Dvina. A week later, she mourned her parents, celebrated a commemoration for them, sold the cuts for dresses that her mother had saved up all her life, boarded up the house and left for the city, fearing to miss “a fun and profitable place on the ship. I believe that one of the reasons for the desolation of village houses is that young people strive for an easy life in the city, for entertainment, without having received the proper education in respect for the land, for peasant labor.

  • The reason for the disappearance of Russian villages may be the grandiose plans of the authorities.
  • In V. Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera", the village of Matera and the island with the same name, on which it is located, should be flooded. Above the Angara, a dam is being built for a hydroelectric power station, the rising water will cover the villages, so residents are relocated to the regional center or to the city. Matera is a peasant Atlantis with its usual way of life, which existed for three hundred years, and they want to “start up electricity” without thinking about the inhabitants who live here, or about the graves of their ancestors.
  • Of course, by different reasons people leave their village houses, Russian villages disappear, and this is very sad, because along with urbanization, people are alienated, they are separated from the land, from nature, which often leads to moral devastation.

  • The image of the home is a conceptually important concept in the work of Russian classics. It is the native House that is the main component in the creation by the author of a special image of his Motherland. "Four props a person has in life: a home with family, work, people with whom to rule holidays and weekdays together, and the land on which your house stands", - wrote V. Rasputin.

  • Remember the description of the house in the story A.S. Pushkin " Stationmaster» before and after Dunya's departure. While Dunya lives with her father, the house is clean and comfortable. "She kept the house: what to clean, what to cook, she kept up with everything." And when the daughter left, everything changed in Samson Vyrin's house, "everything around showed decrepitude and neglect."
  • In the story "Farewell to Matera" by V. G. Rasputin the image of the House is symbolic. He is spiritualized, alive, feeling. Daria removes him like a dead man before the funeral. The key words in the story are the words "house", "hut". A house built "long ago and soundly" is also a preserved fragment of "the most interior (real) Russia", as if protecting itself from the pressure of external lies and absurdity.

  • In Yu. Kazakov's story "The Smell of Bread", the heroine left for the city, lost all ties with her home, village, and therefore the news of her mother's death does not cause her any worries or desire to visit her homeland ... However, having arrived to sell the house , Dusya feels lost, cries bitterly at her mother's grave, but nothing can be fixed.

  • Memory and knowledge of the past fill the world, make it interesting, significant, spiritualized. If you do not see its past behind the world around you, it is empty for you. You are bored, sad, and ultimately alone. Let the houses we walk past, let the cities and villages in which we live, even the factory where we work, or the ships we sail on, be alive for us, that is, have a past! Life is not a one-moment existence. We will know history - the history of everything that surrounds us on a large and small scale. This is the fourth, very important dimension of the world. But we must not only know the history of everything that surrounds us, but also keep this history, this immense depth of the environment.

D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful".

  • The main problem posed by V. Astafiev in this text is the problem of memory, the problem of spiritual heritage, people's respect for our past, which is an inseparable part of our common history and culture.
  • There is no present without the past. A. P. Chekhov in the play « The Cherry Orchard» tells that the arrogant footman Yasha does not remember his mother and dreams of leaving for Paris as soon as possible. He is the living embodiment of unconsciousness. I. S. Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Sons" draws Bazarov, who scornfully refers to the "old people", denies their moral foundations. The hero dies from a minor scratch. And this dramatic finale shows the lifelessness of those who have broken away from the "soil", from the traditions of their people.