
The biggest hit in the world.

It’s time to analyze Mike Tyson’s combat skills, fortunately, this boxer seems very interesting to me, and, most importantly, I can emulate his technique (at my amateur level, of course).

So, the most important, fundamental criterion for the Tyson style is the force of impact low height for its weight. More precisely, it is not the growth that matters, but the difference in growth between the boxer and his opponent. If the difference is small or absent, you can forget about the Tyson style. Of course, some tricks can always be borrowed, but a full-fledged, complete style is possible only if the boxer is a compact strong guy in his weight category. Tyson's height is 178 centimeters with a weight per hundred square meters, just a hobbit by the standards of heavyweights. The demand for abnormally short stature, in my opinion, is the main reason why boxers “a la Tyson” are very rare. Compact boxers simply prefer to move to a lighter weight, where where their dimensions become average.

If, God forbid, you are a lanky, bony sausage, careful copying of Tyson’s manner will not only not help you, but it will also be directly dangerous and, almost guaranteed, will lead to a knockout, for the reasons that I will describe below.

So, let’s take a look at the features of Tyson’s style.

1. Speed.

It is speed, not strength, in my opinion - a key factor that allowed Tyson to playfully carry a bunch of top boxers during his peak. Where does the monstrous speed come from? Natural data. Due to compact growth. This is elementary mechanics based on leverage. The lanky ones have longer “shoulders” of leverage, respectively, the inertia acting on their body is stronger, which means it increases the chance of rupture of tendons and ligaments. A long stick is easier to break than a short one. Tyson moves like a middleweight, because he has the size of a middleweight.

2. Elusiveness

Tyson is not just fast, he is elusive. This allows him not only to kick on his face, but also not to get it. Elusiveness, by the way, is the most valued by Tyson quality of his style. Due to what you can not get on it? Natural data Because he has very small stature. Opponents have to work along uncomfortable trajectories, beat from top to bottom, from which part of their muscles are not involved. The impact is slower and weaker. Tyson’s famous buildup works for the same reason, it’s low, so it doesn’t deviate left-right, left-right down, leaving the enemy’s strike zone. He, in fact, does not need to make full-fledged slopes, he is so low that he can make half-slopes, and they will work.

The tactics of working in a low stance against Tyson are not suitable, because in the case of Tyson you need to go not just to a low, but to an ultra-low stance, loading legs and completely uncomfortable for tall boxers.

3. Rack

Tyson works in the so-called pick-up rack, when the gloves are pressed tightly to the head and body. In general, this stance is considered non-aggressive, the boxer is always in a defensive position, it is difficult for him to punch oncoming blows, he has to take on the block, and then answer. High defense is offset by reduced aggression. But Tyson is the exact opposite of non-aggression. Why is that? Natural data. Small stature. Since he always needs to beat from bottom to top, the position of his hands “in a glass” is a completely natural trajectory for starting a strike. The start of the strike is not as noticeable as a tall boxer. Tyson's corona strikes are hooks and crosses that are very convenient to punch from a pickup rack up.

Picabu stance allows Tyson to insure himself from oncoming blows, it is vital for him, because he moves the body very hard, and can "push" himself on the blow.

4. Footwork

Tyson's footwork is the secret to the power of his punches. Tyson, like many knockers, kicks. He has huge, swaying hips. On impact, he makes the same movements as the weightlifter pulling the barbell and translates the kinetic energy of lifting the body with his legs into a punch.

The second feature of Tyson’s footwork is how he approaches the opponent. Again, the secret is short. Tyson constantly leaves the enemy strike zone, diving into a low stance (and by the standards of his opponents - into a super low). He is like a shark swimming in the depths, ready to jump out for a deadly bite, boxers “do not see him” in an ultra-low slope. Tyson is constantly dodging, all of his punches are always tied to a simultaneous dodging and diving.

5. Rocking the body. Tyson's Pendulum.

Already in the title of this paragraph is deceit. Tyson does not swing his body, but his legs. His body always goes up and down, and not left to right, he turns himself to the side with his pelvis, that is, with the same legs. This is not visible on TV, because Tyson is always shown above the waist, an illusion is created that he is swinging to the side. This moment I could not understand for a long time. If you try to work the body, your balance is lost, the impact force and speed are reduced. The lateral muscles of the abs and back are much weaker than the median muscles, much more energy is wasted. It is Tyson’s constant U-turns that allow him not only to give out strong blows - he can beat them in series, because he puts his pelvis (and therefore the weight of his whole body) into each movement, just put your hand out. When swinging, Tyson never fails, he always shifts with the center of gravity, and does not leave him in his former place (sways the entire base). If during the buildup a loss of balance occurs, blockages are not Tyson's style. The pendulum is required to reduce the distance, the passage into the pockets, without it, a low boxer becomes an easy target for long-range attacks of the enemy “a la Klitschko”.

The Tyson pendulum is suicidal for tall boxers. Firstly, a large amplitude makes these movements noticeable, slow and energy intensive. Secondly, if a boxer undersized sways "from" the blow, then a lanky one either stays on the line of impact, or, even worse, sways "to" the blow, from which the effect becomes most destructive.

6. Shock style

As mentioned above, Tyson takes power from his feet. Huge pumped up muscles on his hands are needed mainly in order not to break his arm upon impact. A low center of gravity gives greater stability and allows you to invest more mass in every stroke. Lifting the center of gravity upward in the final phase of the impact maximizes the involvement of the weight in the impact. This is especially evident in uppercuts and crosses.

All Tyson’s strikes follow circular paths - these strikes are most effective in pendulum movements. These attacks are very inconvenient for opponents, because they go along incomprehensible trajectories from the bottom up and even from the pickup rack. Another distinctive feature of Tyson's strikes is their wide range. He can afford it because of the high speed, short arms and unusual trajectories, the circular manner of hitting allows you to sweep oncoming strikes out of the way.

When Tyson strikes to the full, he turns the body on, although the body muscles have a secondary role here, the basis is the rotation of the pelvis with his feet. He can twist the case quickly due to the fact that the case itself is compact. To pull the case even harder allows pulling the back hand back, something criminal for a technical boxer, but working in the Tyson case due to speed and low setting.

7. Bundles of Beats

I’ll say only the base, original for Tyson, of course he comes across many different combinations and usually at least three or four hits. Tyson's peculiarity is in creating combinations in which EACH of the blows has a knocking power (which is a very unique phenomenon for boxing).

Tyson has a surprisingly effective jab for such short stature. He takes out opponents using two methods - a jab with a stomp and a jab with a jump on his feet. Jeb is Tyson's obligatory and valuable blow (many low boxers neglect him) - he needs him to prepare other punches and reduce the distance. Jeb is always accompanied by a bias, otherwise you can run into but very hard oncoming.

Tyson likes to chain combinations:

Left torso, left uppercut
Right torso, right uppercut.

Such a manner allows him to reveal his opponent - a blow to the body makes the opponent involuntarily lower his hands lower, opening a hole for a subsequent uppercut in the head. The combination of the torso-head allows you to use the power of lifting the center of mass.

Right hook in the body, left hook in the head.

The trick of the hook in the body is, again, to reveal the enemy, and secondly to stop the rotation of the body, allowing it to turn sharply in the opposite direction. Because of this, the left hook is sharper.

Tyson crosses - also something special. He, as I have already mentioned, beats them from the “glass” from the bottom up, and he can get a blow “from behind” - the tall opponent does not see such crosses.

8. Physical strength and stamina.

Physics in the Tyson case, of course, plays a huge role. Tyson plows like a damn, footwork, slopes, dives, a series of strokes require a lot of energy. However, these movements are less energy-consuming, as many people think, if the boxer is not tall. Physics is provided by Tyson due to the development of more than average muscles (due to it the necessary weight is gained with compactness). Mike generally looks like a bodybuilder. Tyson’s muscles, of course, aren’t anyway, the speed of movement is maintained due to the large number of workouts for speed (pitching sadly exhaled). The muscles of the body are needed, again, not for a strong blow, but as a structural element that does not allow the arm to break from the load.

Hehe, jokes as jokes, but it seems to me that this defect served as a significant factor in the development of Tyson as a boxer. He was obviously persecuted a lot in childhood, hence the hypercompensation. \u003d)

10. Psychology

Now, seriously. To work like Tyson, there must be an installation to eliminate the enemy. Tyson goes for the kill. He does not just want to win, he wants the enemy to be completely destroyed. Predator instinct is required for the knockout. The adversary is not a rival, he is prey on the hunt. Tyson’s style implies constant aggression, there is no retreat, only forward movement, a constant aggravation game with a hail of knockout blows.

11. Tyson Technique Improvement

Even the Tyson Peak technique has flaws. IMHO, he could have worked better with short strokes in the clinch, but psychology has already played here - Tyson needs “big” strokes, this is difficult to achieve in the clinch.

12. Impact strength.

I specifically put this item the latest. If all the previous criteria are met, the force of the impact will become cannon by itself. Boxers, who immediately focus on the force of the blow, become dull grunts, not tysons. The strength of Tyson's strokes is in speed, technique, maximum involvement of weight in a stroke, psychology, endurance.

The last, somewhat paradoxical moment, although Tyson knocked out everyone in a row, by his nature he is not a knockout. In the sense that he does not aim the blows, he does not prepare the perfect moment to complete the battle with one hook. He is not a sniper rifle, in his strikes there is no filigree accuracy and calculation. He is more likely a jumping and flying shotgun that can fire bursts.) Tyson's style is not suitable for fans of aiming a blow, they are not aggressive enough for him.

That's FSE. Fperet to nofy sports accomplishments! Tasty ears to you, comrades!

How to determine the impact power? At the moment, the question of an objective assessment of the force with which a blow is struck is solved only in professional boxing, for this a lot of measuring assessments of speed, efficiency and power are used. In professional leagues, in order to determine the strongest blow, a computer rating system called “CompuBox” is used. If we consider unprofessional boxing, then the “Cross” is considered the most terrible blow, which means a cross.


If we consider the question of the strength of the impact in general, then there are no specific figures, i.e. kilograms or newtons. In fact, strength is not so much important as the knockout component. In addition, all blows can be divided as sharp and jerky. Despite the fact that both types have approximately the same indicator of strength, their essence can be completely different. However, it is worthwhile, of course, to introduce some specifics: the standard impact force of a man is in the range of 200-1000 kg. At the same time, 200 kg is already a pretty good result, but the strongest blows are 1000 kg - this is the limit of the heavyweight. So certainly you can easily send your opponent off.

Secret record holder

Speaking about who has the strongest blow in the world, I would like to start with. He is rightfully considered one of the best at all times. Special qualities are: animal aggression, a devastating blow of powerful force and incredible speed. Just think, over the period of his professional career, he won 50 of the 58 fights held, 44 of which ended in knockout. As already mentioned, there is no absolute dynamometer for boxers, but it is believed that the impact force of Mike Tyson is about 800 kg, they can not only knock out an opponent, but also kill them. If they ever ask you who has the most severe blow, you can safely answer that this is Mike Tyson. By the way, he himself once declared that he had dealt the strongest blow in his life to his wife Robin, then she flew eight subways and hit the wall. Probably, due to the nature of his character, he has three convictions.

Mike Tyson

Tyson is not the only boxer who hit the hardest hit in boxing history; there is Ernie Shivers. Thanks to his strength, he earned a place in the ranking of the 100 best punchers in the history of boxing and took the tenth position in it. The fighter is also known as the Black Destroyer. His danger is evidenced by deadly statistics - 68 knockouts in his entire career. Opponents compare Mike Tyson and Ernie Shavers, saying: when you hit Tyson, it feels like a Ferari speed car crashed into you, while Ernie’s blow is compared to the strength of the truck.

The strongest fighter with all his might was quite predictable, and his main shortcomings are slowness and poor endurance. For these reasons, he never managed to become a world champion. It is known that once, during the filming of the famous action movie Rocky 3, he was invited as a consultant. So then, listening to the request of Sylvester Stallone not to spare him and beat harder, Ernie almost killed him. Stallone admitted that he was still long away from the boxer's right jab.

No less famous strongmen

George Foreman also claims to be the “strongest hit in boxing,” and to this day he remains the crushing heavyweight of all time. During his career, he has broken countless times on his rivals ribs and jaws. Out of 81 fights, 68 he completed by knockout. Another indicator of Forman's strength was a duel with the equally famous heavyweight Joe Fraser, whom he destroyed in two rounds, knocking him down 6 times. By the way, his boxing style was quite primitive. He acted as follows: he climbed onto his opponent as a bulldozer and “poured” a hail of crushing blows at him, while completely not caring for his own defense. Until a certain time, such tactics brought many victories, but Mohammed Ali put an end to the hegemony of Great George. When the boxing career of the strongest fighter ended, he decided to direct all his unspent power to fight the devil and became a priest. A rather strange turn of events, but nevertheless, there was a place to be.

George Foreman

In boxing history, there was another man who could make the most powerful hand punch, his name was Joe Fraser. He was known for his powerful knockout punch on the left, which was equal to 1800 psi. It was believed that if Joe allows his left side entrance, then the opponent can already order a separate ward in the hospital. Despite the fact that he was once defeated by George Foreman, thanks to his “weapon” he managed to put on the shoulder blades the famous heavyweight Mohammed Ali, who at that time was still undefeated.

Joe Fraser

To work out the power of his strike, Fraser was helped by his childhood friend - a bag of corn, and sometimes with the addition of bricks. It was this cocktail of corn and brick that made his left hook look like dynamite. The legendary man, who had the strongest punch, was also called Smoke Joe, because from his crushing blows it darkened in the eyes of even those who had extensive experience in boxing. By the way, Joe managed to achieve incredible results, despite the fact that the geometry of his left hand was incorrect, and there was cataract on his left eye. But thanks to his victorious battles, the boxer managed to earn himself a good operation.

Martial arts masters have different strengths and strike techniques. Improving mastery to perfection, they turn their body into a crushing machine, which is able to work on the principle of "One hit - one corpse." But how to determine which blow is the most powerful?

How is impact power estimated?

  An objective assessment has so far been implemented only in professional boxing, which takes into account the strength of the impact, its speed and effectiveness. Professional leagues use a computerized score and score system called CompuBox. In Olympic non-professional boxing, Cross is considered the strongest blow (the name translates as “cross”). This is one of the direct blows that is inflicted by the dominant hand, in most cases the furthest in the athlete's stance. If you strike a direct blow, then the hand will pass over the opponent’s hand. Hence the name of the blow.

By the way, simultaneously with this blow, the athlete performs a push with the back foot, after which the body is transferred to the front foot, and the body moves forward. All together, it greatly increases the force of impact.

What is the most effective strike?

  Beats are divided into two categories: jerky and sharp. Both can have the same indicator of strength, but the essence can be perfect different. In fact, the impact force is not so important, the main thing is the knockout component. However, specifics can still be made.

The impact power of a man ranges from 200 to 1000 kilograms. 200 kilograms is a pretty good hit for a boxer, whose weight is 60-70 kilograms. Well, a thousand is already the limit of the heavyweight. You can “knock out” your opponent with a stroke of 150 Newtons (this is about 15 kilograms). But you need to mark in the chin area. To measure the impact force in boxing at international competitions, a special value psi (pounds per square inch) is often used.

Taekwondo hit the hardest

  Choi Hong Ki, the master of modern sports taekwondo, has conducted research on the power, efficiency and strength of individual strokes of the best fighters. He cited the results in a book where it was mentioned that, from a physical point of view, kinetic force and momentum of movement have a direct piercing blow if it is delivered by a hand removed from the “victim”.

The general made such conclusions based on his experience and biomechanical studies of impacts. In addition, he watched the application of various strokes in slow motion. It turns out that we are talking about the "eastern" version of the boxing "cross". The same power, coupled with a huge mass, number of muscles and strength, was attributed by the master to a direct kick.

Record power punch

  There is no absolute dynamometer for measuring the force of blows of a boxer. But there is an opinion that the most powerful blow is Mike Tyson. It is near the mark of 800 kilograms. The blow is so powerful that it can kill the enemy.

However, the boxer is the author of not only this record. At 20, he became the youngest world champion in heavyweight. A year later, he was already the youngest absolute world champion in heavyweight. Mike Tyson will spend a minimum of time to win the world titles and the absolute champion. It took him a year and 8.5 months, as well as 2.5 years, respectively. Surprisingly, the athlete involved in such an aggressive sport refused meat, proving that with full physical exertion it is quite possible to do without it.

The strongest kicks in football

  Kick is almost the main component of the game of football. Otherwise, no goals. And this is the apotheosis of sports number one in the world. Beautiful blows are admired, experts do not get tired of studying the technique and manner of performance of football players. Moreover, each athlete has his own unique theory of shock. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo spreads his legs shoulder-width apart, David Beckham arches the body, and Roberta Carlos swiftly minces his legs before touching the ball. Roberto Carlos - Master of Speed \u200b\u200bImpact

Carlos's calling card is signature free kicks. After them, the ball flies right into the opponent’s goal along an unpredictable trajectory. While working in Real Madrid, every second such hit by Roberto hit the target. Before the strike, the Brazilian made a long run, approached the ball with mincing steps and hit the ball.

Scientists tried to understand the theory of his goals, the French deduced an equation explaining the goals of Roberto Carlos. According to them, the footballer minimized the effect of the attraction of the earth and air turbulence. The ball must be energized, coupled with a torque. The curvature here increases as you move.

The best goals of Robert Carlos

For a decade and a half, the attacks of Carlos were closely watched. Statistics show the real numbers of the “shot” of a football player. Once the Brazilian hit the gate of the French team with a free-kick - the ball flew at a speed of 136 kilometers per hour. But this is not the most impressive hit. Once the trick in strength and speed was 198 kilometers per hour. According to such results, Roberto Carlos was the holder of the title of the most powerful blow in the history of football.

Record hit of Lucas Podolski

   German striker Lucas Podolsky in 2010 set a new record at the World Cup in South Africa in the first match of the German national team against Austria.

In the eighth minute of the game, the Austrians left Podolsky alone in the right corner of the penalty area.

The attacker struck a blow to the upper corner. The ball flew just 16 meters, but its speed was amazing - 201 kilometers per hour. By the way, until this moment, the player was never distinguished by strong blows.

David Beckham can hit accurately and hard

For the first time, David showed skill in 1996 in a game against Derby County. Then the ball flew into the goal at a speed of 128 kilometers per hour. A year later, the Briton hit the Chelsea goal, firing the ball towards the blue goalkeeper at a speed of 156 kilometers per hour.

Self defense and traditional military equipment  in Chelyabinsk. Individual approach. Not a sport. Instructor: Azamat Chinasov. 8-919-114-18-27

Right cross (lateral top) from Tyson. The staging of the side impact, immediately following the cross - this was done by Cas, due to which some were then transported from the flooring of the ring to the nearest esculap.

Not a single boxer has left such a trace in the hearts, minds and souls (as well as on the faces of opponents), like the Iron Mike. Mike finished his first fight in 8 seconds. Mike ended the first 24 fights with a knockout, and these knockouts were made. mainly by side blows to the head region (jaw, region behind the ear), although there were knockouts and a blow to the body. For variable side impacts in boxing, the athlete must have a moving cusp, an excellent sense of distance, as well as very strong legs and undoubtedly powerful shoulder girdle. The evil power of Tyson's side kicks always scared his future opponents.

The right hook on the hull is the left one in the head of the opponent from Mike Tyson.

The execution technique is clearly visible. Squatting (charging the spring) —explosive straightening of the legs and part of the body — as a result, a jump (jump) to the opponent’s side with a blow, in which not only a push of the legs and a turn of the whole body around the axis, but also the weight of a rapidly flying body — a blow with a blow - landing in a position with bent legs (readiness to duplicate the attack immediately after landing).

I think it’s more logical to first learn the basic side impact technique that this wonderful coach shows, and then master the chips from Mike. Moreover, all the parameters of the correct hook will already be set up, it remains only to add a couple of nuances (squat 2000 times in 2 hours and swing like crazy :)).

Mastering the left hook. Work on the spot and from a distance (staging a side impact)

Mastering the left hook. Melee work (side impact)

Individual training. Only workers beautiful in their rationality, realistic techniques. Not a sport.

It’s quite interesting and just explains the technique of strikes by Mike Tyson Alexander Kolesnikov. And if you omit his nonsense about how they beat the side in classic boxing (shows something similar to karate mawashi), then he shows and talks about setting side Tyson strikes with the maximum enclosure enclosure. And he shows a lot, more than he says, but it always impresses me.

At the end of this mini-review, I want to bring to your attention a video of Mike’s first fight after being released from prison. It does not have that great physical shape that was before he got there, but his technique is visible even better than before. Perhaps because it hits slower, but still very powerful and beautiful.

And again, Mike Tyson's famous kick

JT van V shows how to do bias and jab like Iron Mike.

The combat botanists shot excellent footage about the Peek-a-boo style of Mike Tyson, which I bring to your attention.

Mike Tyson technique (explains Nikolai Talalakin)

P.S. I want to say to those who want to debunk the halo of legend of Mike Tyson: “Become at least once the world boxing champion in professionals, perhaps the desire to debunk those who have won and won this title more than once will disappear.” Beat Mike Tyson  - This is a legend, it is an indicator that many strive for.

Most recently, a cool video course came out TYSON'S KNOCKS,   in which ALL successful strokes and combinations of Mike Tyson are shown, and they are conveniently structured from single strokes to deuces, triples, and so on to combinations containing from 6 or more strokes. There are detailed explanations of how to enter under one or another blow, as well as the development module. I could not resist and acquired this course while it was at a discount, I really like it, because to independently structure this material as an author, you need a lot of time and effort at least. Thanks to a careful study and development of the elements shown in the course, I already expanded my combat arsenal with some new combinations and was able to better understand exactly how I use the Mike chips, putting them naturally on my eastern engine. You can read more about it.

P.P.S. To use such powerful hooks and swings in business, you will definitely need hardness fist comparable to a hammer. Good luck in training.

Ever since childhood, everyone knows that it’s better not to get into a fight with the guys who are engaged in boxing, but with those who will be discussed below - especially. FURFUR talks about five boxers, famous not only for their titles and iconic fights in boxing history, but also for the most severe hand punches in the world.

The impact force in boxing is usually measured in a special value psi (pounds per square inch)

Right Cross Mike Tyson

One of the best punchers in the history of world boxing, the black alloy of animal aggression, lightning speed and destructive power, Mike Tyson was a real knockout specialist. At the dawn of his career, Tyson organized a real genocide in the ring - often rivals took a horizontal position in the first two rounds. No wonder columnist ESPN sports portal Graham Houston put Mike in first place in the ranking of the best knockouts of all time. This title is also confirmed by the athlete’s personal statistics - out of 50 fights won, 44 Tyson completed by knockout.

Tyson’s most terrible weapon was considered to be the right side - this impeccable balance between speed, body work and impact force allowed him to lay his opponents on the floor in packs and provide work for more than one personal dentist. There is no unequivocal opinion about the absolute power of Tyson's punch - the power component of a punch boxer varies from 700 to 1800 psi depending on the punch he chooses. In any case, with a clean hit, such a blow can, if not kill, then lower the enemy IQ by several dozen points.

Robin Tyson, wife of Mike Tyson

Best of all about the power of his strike, as usual, Iron Mike himself said:

Right Cross Ernie Shavers

Ernie Shavers right kick is considered the most powerful in the history of boxing. Shavers beat so hard that he earned himself the tenth line in the ranking of the 100 best punchers in boxing history according to Ring magazine, as well as the nickname Black Destroyer.
Ernie Shavers is supported by truly deadly knockout statistics (68 per career) and the eloquent statements of his opponents - Ali admitted that no one had ever beaten him so much, and another famous heavyweight Larry Holmes, comparing Tyson and Shavers, said that if after hit by Iron Mike, it feels like a fast Ferrari crashed into you, then after Ernie it seems like a truck hit you.

With all the striking power, Shavers was an extremely predictable boxer. Slowness and poor endurance made him dangerous only in the first few rounds, then he crouched and was not so aggressive anymore. As a result, Shavers has never become a world champion, the only title he obeyed is the Nevada heavyweight champion.

Right Uppercut by George Foreman

Another contender for the title of holder of the hardest hit in history - George Foreman - is still the oldest heavyweight champion and, according to the World Boxing Council, is the most devastating heavyweight of all time.
On a professional level, Foreman spent 81 one fight, of which 68 ended with a knockout, breaking countless times ribs and jaws to his rivals. Fans even joked that Foreman with his uppercut could forever knock out bad breath from his mouth with his teeth. His fight with another great heavyweight Joe Fraser in 1973 is quite indicative - Foreman destroyed his opponent in two rounds, knocking him down six times.

At the same time, Forman's boxing style was primitive to the limit - he climbed on his opponent like a bulldozer, knocking down on him a hail of crushing blows, more reminiscent of a carpet bombardment, not at all worrying about defense. This manner of fighting for the time being brought Forman victory and made him completely invincible in the ring.
The end of the hegemony of Big George and his rectilinear power boxing was put by Mohammed Ali in the famous "Jungle Meat Grinder", which FURFUR wrote about in the first issue of the column.

Max Cross right cross

In the thirties of the last century, there was no equal blow to Max Baer - there was even a legend about him, according to which he once knocked out a bull. But Baer knocked out not only artiodactyls - he is a member of the unofficial “Club 50” - boxers who have won more than fifty fights by knockout.
Baer spent his first fight at seventeen, knocking down a huge worker who suspected Max of having stolen a bottle of wine from him. Even then, it became clear what destructive power lurks in the right hand of the future champion. A blow from Baer's right was deadly in the literal sense of the word - in 1930, his rival Frankie Campbell died of a head injury in a meeting with Baer.

And the next opponent of Baer - Ernie Schaaf - after the fight in an unconscious state was taken to the hospital. Five months later, Schaaf died in the ring from a stroke, and many associated this death with injuries sustained in the fight with Max Baer.

But Baer was not a cruel killer boxer - he was very upset by the injuries of his rivals, and the death of Frankie Campbell really hurt him. After her, the boxer even intended to leave the sport and for a long time helped the family of the deceased, financing the education of his children. Having won the champion tutul, Baer lost interest in boxing - he began to lead a free life, act in Hollywood films and spend more and more time not in the training halls, but in the arms of the winners of beauty contests. The light, cheerful character of the boxer, superimposed on the tragic circumstances of his sports career, forever provided him the nickname Sad Clown.

Joe Fraser's Left Hook

Joe Fraser had one of the most powerful knockouts on the left among the heavyweights - if he included his left side, the opponent could safely order a ward in the hospital. Largely thanks to these weapons, Fraser was the first to send Mohammed Ali, the unbeaten heavyweight champion, to the floor at that time.
In one of his interviews, Joe admitted that he had to thank the pig for his crazy punch from the left. According to Fraser, as a child on a farm, a huge hog chased him and knocked him to the ground, broke his left hand - his hand didn’t grow together correctly, and he could only expand it at an angle, but this angle was ideal for a hook.

Another best childhood friend for the future boxer was a sack full of corn, on which he worked out his blows, sometimes adding a couple of bricks there. This corn-brick cocktail turned Joe's left hook into real dynamite. Over time, crazy capacity for work, love for animals and the wrong geometry of the hand came together in the legendary boxer, who was called nothing more than Smoke Joe - for crushing blows that made it dark in the eyes of even the most experienced rivals.

The system for calculating the force of blows in boxing is very approximate, therefore, usually these values \u200b\u200bare not compared with indicators in real life. But if you try to do this, it turns out that the sum of the pressures produced by the best blows of these boxers against their opponents is 869 atmospheres, or 4450 human blood pressures. It can also be approximately compared with the pressure exerted on a medium-sized nuclear submarine at a depth of 1 kilometer 100 meters.