
Contribution to Russian culture arguments. Arguments: the problem of historical memory. Arguments from works. True and False Art

Arguments in the essay of part C of the USE in the Russian language on the topic "The problem of preserving cultural heritage"

Text from the exam

(1) Yakonov climbed the path through the wasteland, not noticing where, not noticing the rise. (2) And the legs were tired, twisting from the irregularities. (3) And then from the high place where he wandered, he looked around with rational eyes, trying to understand where he was. (4) The ground underfoot is covered with fragments of bricks, rubble, broken glass, and some kind of lopsided board shed or booth next door, and a fence left below around a large area for construction that has not begun. (5) And in this hill, which underwent a strange desolation not far from the center of the capital, white steps, about seven in number, went up, then stopped and began, it seems, again.

(6) Some kind of dull memory fluttered in Yakonov at the sight of these white steps, and where the steps led, it was difficult to distinguish in the dark: a building of a strange shape, at the same time, as it were, destroyed and survived.(7) The staircase went up to wide iron doors, closed tightly and heaped up with caked rubble.

(8) Yes! (9) Yes! (10) The stabbing memory spurred on Yakonov. (11) He looked around. (12) Marked by rows of lanterns, a river curled far below, in a strangely familiar bend going under the bridge further to the Kremlin. (13) But the bell tower? (14) She is not. (15) Or are these piles of stone from the bell tower? (16) Yakonov felt hot in his eyes. (17) He closed his eyes, sat down quietly. (18) On the stone debris that filled up the porch.

(19) Twenty-two years ago, in this very place, he stood with a girl named Agnia. (20) That very autumn in the evening they walked along alleys near Taganskaya Square, and Agnia said in her quiet voice, which was difficult to hear in the city rumbling: - (21) Do you want me to show you one of the most beautiful places in Moscow? (22) And she led him to the fence of a small brick church, painted in white and red paint, and facing an altar in a crooked, nameless alley. (23) It was cramped inside the fence, there was only a narrow path for the procession around the church. (24) And right there, in the corner of the fence, an old large oak grew, it was higher than the church, its branches, already yellow, overshadowed both the dome and the alley, which made the church seem very tiny. - (25) This is the church, - Agnes said. - (26) But not the most beautiful place in Moscow. - (27) Wait. (28) She led him to the porch of the main entrance, stepped out of the shadows into the stream of sunset and sat on a low parapet, where the fence broke off and a gap for the gate began - (29) So look! (thirty)

Anton gasped. (31) They seemed to immediately fell out of the gorge of the city and went to a steep height with a spacious open distance. (32) The river was burning in the sun. (33) On the left lay Zamoskvorechye, blinding with the yellow glitter of the glass, the Yauza poured into the Moskva River almost underfoot, the carved contours of the Kremlin to the right behind it, and even further away, five red-gold domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior flamed in the sun. (34) And in all this golden radiance Agnes, in a thrown yellow shawl, which also seemed golden, sat squinting in the sun. - (35) Yes! (36) This is Moscow! - Anton uttered seized. - (37) But she is leaving, Anton, sang Agnia. - Moscow - is leaving! .. - (38) Where does she go there? (39) Fantasy. - (40) This church will be demolished, Anton, Agnia repeated. - (41) How do you know? - Anton got angry. - (42) This is an artistic monument, it will be left anyway. (43) He looked at a tiny bell, in the slot of which, to the bells, peeped out oak branches. - (44) Demolish! - confidently prophesied Agnia, sitting still motionless, in yellow light and in a yellow shawl. (45) Yakonov woke up. (46) Yes, ... they destroyed the hipped bell tower and turned up the stairs leading down to the river. (47) It was absolutely impossible to believe that that sunny evening and this December dawn took place on the same square meters of Moscow land. (48) But still there was a distant view from the hill, and the same bends of the river, repeated by the last lanterns ...

(after A.I.Solzhenitsyn's text)


Our main task is to preserve the past expressed in monuments, ancient buildings, works of art. It is important to do this for the sake of future generations, who have the right not only to know what happened before, but also to be able to feel the past materially.

Unfortunately, often for the sake of some kind of everyday needs, historical and cultural monuments are not restored, destroyed, demolished, and modern shopping centers are built in their place.


The problem of preserving cultural heritage is raised by A.I. Solzhenitsyn on the example of the loss of an ancient church, which was of great cultural significance, and at the same time meant a lot for the hero of Yakonov's text personally.


The text begins with Yakonov walking along a small, barely noticeable path, overcoming fatigue and uneven paths. His path is strewn with glass, rubble and fragments of bricks. Once on site, he discovered the remains of a booth and a prepared but long-abandoned building site. On the hill, almost in the center of the capital, Yakonov saw several white steps that made memories come to life in the hero's heart. Due to the twilight, it was no longer possible to discern where these steps led. Only a large iron gate was visible, hidden by caked rubble.

He recalled the river flowing below, the bell tower, which was no longer there. Realizing the destruction of the bell tower, Yakonov felt a severe pain in his heart, closed his eyes and sat down.

And then it dawned on him: 22 years ago he had been here with a girl named Agnia. Then on an autumn evening, they walked near Taganskaya Square, and the girl offered to show one of the most beautiful places in Moscow.

They walked for a long time to a small brick church. It was cramped in its fence, only a narrow path could fit in for the procession of the cross. There was a huge, tall perennial oak tree, from its height the church seemed quite miniature.

Agnia said that this is not yet the most beautiful place, it was located below, where the river burned, where all Moscow lay, shining in the setting sun. Agnia said that this Moscow is leaving, that this place is going to be destroyed, the church will be demolished. Anton did not believe in this, he argued that the artistic monument would remain intact.

When Yakonov woke up, he realized that Agnia's prophecies had come true, the bell tower and stairs were destroyed. He couldn't believe it.

Author's position

The author expresses his pain through the experiences of the lyrical hero. It was a real shock for him. A.I. Solzhenitsyn calls for the preservation of cultural monuments, because this is not only historical memory, it is also the memories of people, their spiritual memory.

Your position

You need to be very sensitive to the legacy of the past, giving the descendants the opportunity to feel the spirit of the past, enjoy the history that is right before your eyes and which you can easily touch with your hand. The destruction of monuments of history and culture entails a break in times, the destruction of the continuity of generations.

Argument 1

In V. Soloukhin's work "Black Planks" he says that many ancient icons and churches were destroyed after the revolution. He asks if the walls where fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers were married are not worthy of a better fate. Our compatriots buried their ancestors in them. Are these places worthy of such circumvention? Soloukhin warns that it is not far from the destruction of churches to the desecration of graves. The writer claims that destroying the monuments of the past, we lose our human appearance.

Argument 2

In another work by V. Soloukhin, Letters from the Russian Museum, the author discusses the reconstruction of Moscow, recalling that in the place of the greatest, most valuable historical monuments of architecture there are now voids, unfinished or not begun construction. By renouncing the past, we practically put an end to our happy future, since the experience accumulated by generations disappears with it.


Destroying monuments of the past, our cultural heritage, our historical architecture, we chop off our historical roots, destroy the memory of the past.

What contribution can a person make to Russian culture? I believe that any transformative human activity that has a positive impact on the development of the country can become a real cultural value. However, not everyone is able to realize themselves in modern society. Daniil Alexandrovich Granin considered this very problem of the contribution to national culture.

The text proposed for analysis tells about the life of the famous Russian figure Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, who pulled the Old Russian literature out of isolation.

Thus, he made a huge contribution to the development of Russian culture. How can this result be achieved? Dmitry Sergeevich advises not to remain silent and always express your opinion, because activity can benefit the fatherland. This is the main idea contained in proposals No. 37-38: "Even in dead-end cases," Dmitry Sergeevich said, "when everything is muffled, when you are not heard, please express your opinion. Don't be silent, speak out."

I think that the author's position is formulated in proposal # 36: "He did not create a doctrine, but he created an image of a defender of culture, a real citizen." Here Daniil Alexandrovich Granin expresses his attitude towards the person whose life he describes. The author argues that the protection of national culture can be a significant contribution.

Sharing the writer's point of view, I would like to add that every citizen must defend the cultural values \u200b\u200bof his homeland. In addition, a person is able to implement activities in such a way that it benefits the state and becomes a cultural contribution.

We are convinced of this by reading the book by L. Volynsky "The Face of Time". Let us recall the episode about Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, a famous businessman and philanthropist. He had a love for painting and wanted to open an art gallery in Moscow for the common people, in which the works of Russian artists would be collected. To achieve his goal, Pyotr Mikhailovich traveled a lot to workshops and exhibitions, bought up pictures he liked. The opening of the Tretyakov Gallery has become a huge contribution to Russian culture.

Another example is the story of K. G. Paustovsky "Squeaky floorboards" about the famous Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The action of the work took place in a house in Rudny Yar, around which there was a forest that inspired the genius. Pyotr Ilyich forbade walking from room to room when he was working, as the creak of old floorboards interfered with him. The composer has created classic examples of Russian musical art. His work is a real cultural value for Russia.

Thus, each person is able to contribute to the development of national culture. This can manifest itself in the protection of culture or in the creation of something new that benefits the country.

Option 17. Parsing the text from the Tsybulko collection 2018. Arguments.


Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev lived, worked at full strength, worked every day, a lot, despite his poor health. From the Solovetsky special purpose camp, he received a stomach ulcer, bleeding.
Why did he keep himself full until the age of 90? He himself attributed his physical resilience to "resistance." None of his school friends survived. “Depression - I didn't have this state. There were revolutionary traditions in our school, we were encouraged to make up our own worldview. To cross existing theories. For example, I gave a talk against Darwinism. The teacher liked it, although he did not agree with me.
I was a cartoonist, drawing on school teachers. They laughed along with everyone. They encouraged boldness of thought, brought up spiritual disobedience. This all helped me to resist the bad influences in the camp. When I was thrown into the Academy of Sciences, I did not attach any importance to this, did not take offense and did not lose heart. Failed three times! "
He told me: “In 1937 I was fired from the publishing house as a proofreader. Any misfortune was good for me. The proofreading years were good, I had to read a lot. They did not take him to the war, he had a white ticket due to stomach ulcers.
Personal persecution began in the seventy-second year, when I defended the Catherine Park in Pushkin. And until that day they were angry that I was against the logging in Peterhof, the construction there. This is the sixty-fifth year. And here, in the seventy-second year, they became furious. They were forbidden to mention me in print and on television. "
The scandal erupted when he spoke on television against the renaming of Peterhof to Petrodvorets, Tver to Kalinin. Tver has played a colossal role in Russian history, how can you refuse! He said that the Scandinavians, Greeks, French, Tatars, Jews meant a lot to Russia.

In 1977 he was not allowed to attend the congress of Slavists.
Likhachev was given a member of the Academy of Sciences in 1953. In 1958 they failed at the Academy, in 1969 they were rejected.
He managed to save the development of the Kremlin with high-rise buildings in Novgorod, he saved in St. Petersburg - Nevsky Prospect, the portico of Ruska. "The destruction of monuments always begins with arbitrariness, which does not need publicity."
He took Old Russian literature out of isolation, incorporating it into the structure of European culture.
He had his own approach to everything: natural scientists criticize astrological predictions for being unscientific. Likhachev - because they deprive a person of free will.
He did not create a doctrine, but he created the image of a protector of culture, a real citizen
Even in deadlock cases, says Dmitry Sergeevich, when everything is deaf, when you are not heard, please express your opinion. Do not be silent, speak up. I force myself to speak so that at least one voice can be heard.
YES. Granin

Approximate range of problems:

1. The problem of human creative longevity. (What is the reason for human creative longevity?)

Author's position: Courage, boldness of thoughts, the ability to resist, resistance to evil does not allow a person to lose heart: people like D.S. Likhachev, openly express their opinion, defend their point of view. This explains their creative longevity.

Author's position: A public figure, a real citizen should have his own approach to everything; this person should be able to withstand circumstances and power, express his opinion, defend his point of view, learn from any misfortune, not be offended and not lose heart.

  • Category: Arguments for composing the exam
  • M.Yu. Lermontov - the poem "Borodino". In the poem "Borodino" M. Yu. Lermontov refers to one of the most dramatic moments in Russian history - the Battle of Borodino. The entire work is imbued with patriotic pathos, the author is proud of the heroic past of his homeland, admires the Russian soldiers, heroes of the Battle of Borodino, their courage, fortitude, fortitude, love for Russia:

The enemy experienced a lot that day, What does Russian battle mean, daring, Our hand-to-hand combat! ..

The heart cannot live in peace, No wonder the clouds have gathered. The armor is heavy as before a fight. Now your hour has come. - Pray!

The image of the future in A. Blok's poem is symbolic. A kind of herald of this future is the very soul of the Russian person, the confrontation between the dark and light principles in it, and as a result - the complex, unpredictable fate of the Motherland, the clouds that have gathered over it. And our history has shown how the poet was right in his foresight.

  • N. Rubtsov - the poem "Visions on the Hill". In the poem "Visions on a Hill" N. Rubtsov turns to the historical past of the Motherland and traces the connection of times, finding echoes of this past in the present. The times of Batu are long gone, but Russia of all times has its own "Tatars and Mongols": Russia, Russia! Keep yourself, keep! Look, again in your forests and valleys They descended from all sides, Tatars and Mongols of other times.

However, the poet has something that he can oppose to this universal evil. This is the image of the Motherland, the feelings of the lyrical hero, the beauty of Russian nature, the inviolability of the folk us-. toys and the fortitude of the Russian people.

  • V. Rasputin - the story "Farewell to Matera" (see the essay "The problem of historical memory")
  • V. Soloukhin - "Black Boards: Notes of a Beginning Collector". In this book, the author writes about how he became a collector, a collector of icons. V. Soloukhin talks about the attitude of our state towards icons, about the ruthless burning of masterpieces by the Soviet authorities. There is interesting material about how to restore old icons, about icon-painting subjects. The study of ancient icons, according to the author, is a contact with the soul of the people, with its age-old traditions ...
  • V. Soloukhin - a collection of essays "Time to collect stones." In this book, the author reflects on the need to preserve the monuments of antiquity - writers' estates, houses, monasteries. He talks about a visit to the Aksakov estate, Optina Hermitage. All these places are associated with talented Russian writers, with Russian ascetics, elders, with the spiritual development of the people.
  • V. Astafiev - a story in the stories "The Last Bow".

In this story V. Astafyev tells about his small homeland - the village in which he grew up, about his grandmother Katerina Petrovna who raised him. She was able to bring up the best qualities in the boy - kindness, love and respect for people, emotional sensitivity. We see how the boy grows up, together with him we experience the joy of his little discoveries of the world, people, music, nature. In each chapter of this story, living feelings are beating - indignation and delight, grief and joy. “I am writing about the village, about my small homeland, and they - big and small - are inseparable, they are in each other. My heart is forever where I began to breathe, see, remember and work, ”writes V. Astafiev. This feeling of the Motherland becomes comprehensive in the book. And the more acute is the writer's feeling of bitterness from the misfortunes that befell his small homeland: collectivization came, families were ruined, churches and age-old foundations of life were destroyed, the writer's father, grandfather and uncle were arrested by the NKVD. Without preserving its history, the village began to turn into a suburb of old summer cottages. The author writes about all this with sadness. And he urges readers not to become Ivans who do not remember kinship, to respect their roots and origins.


1 50 years CONTRIBUTION OF OUR COURSE to domestic and world science, culture and technology

2 Today, on the fiftieth anniversary of our wonderful course, it's time to take stock, look at our achievements and think about what will remain after us. Therefore, let us first remember how it all began. How it all began In 1962 we came to the physics department. This year 605 people were admitted to the first course, which is the largest admission in the history of the physics department (Fig. 1,2). This was due to the fact that the previous course had a very large dropout rate. And we were recruited "with a margin." Our teachers were faced with a difficult task: not only to give us the most modern knowledge and teach us to conduct scientific research, but also to temper us, instill in us immunity to those difficulties that we will encounter in life in the future (Fig. 3). And, if possible, weed out the unfit. Therefore, caring teachers from time to time encouraged us with questions like: "How did you manage to maintain such a virgin ignorance in matters of mathematics?!?" and said with conviction: "Let's drive!" A.A. Shishkin even introduced an additional negative axis for assessing our knowledge. So, for the control one could get, say, -3. Figure: Fig. 1 Fig. 2 3 But our course stood, "like buttons - to death", fiercely engaged and did not allow himself to be weeded out (Fig. 4, 5). And there was also a person who sincerely loved us, this was our inspector Augusta Ivanovna (Fig. 6). And she called us nothing other than "my golden course"!

Fig. 3 Fig. 7 8 Fig. 4 Fig. Fig. 5 6 But that was not enough. The university is for that and the university to give universal development. Therefore, the physics department, in addition to physical and other practical works, provided us with labor education in construction brigades, which helped to develop diligence and organizational skills. We grinded parts at the plant named after. Likhachev, mastered virgin lands (Fig. 7.8), built the academic towns of Pushchino and Zelenograd (Fig. 9), erected chicken coops in the vicinity of Smolensk, kneaded cement (Fig. 10), sanded logs, putty (Fig. 11), painted, dug ditches and potatoes, picking cabbage. This was our first contribution to the country's economy. And our classmates also took part in the first construction brigade to restore the Solovetsky Monastery. And then he looked something like this (Fig. 12). This was our first contribution to Russian culture. "We cannot predict how our word will respond." We could not have predicted that the monastery would one day be not only restored, but also active! It is curious that many of the skills acquired in construction brigades were useful to us in later life (but more on that later).

4 Fig. Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 14 And at the same time, we somehow managed to pass exams, go to military training, go on hikes, fall in love and participate in the holidays, which were then called "Archimedes Day." And finally, the graduation party came (Fig. 13). And even the dean's office itself highly appreciated the achievements of our course (Fig. 14).

5 Independent life We dispersed to different cities and countries (students from Poland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Cuba, Bulgaria and other countries studied with us) We were assigned to different institutions. Reinforcement in the form of our graduates was received not only by Moscow research institutes, but also by the scientific centers Dubna and Sarov (then Arzamas-16), Pushchino, Chernogolovka, Troitsk (then Krasnaya Pakhra), Protvino, etc. Fig. 15 But this did not exhaust the geography of the distribution of our course around the world. Thus, Yuri Bordukov ended up at the North Pole (Fig. 15), at the North Pole-18 station, among polar bears (Fig. 16), where he was studying the propagation of sound in the Arctic Ocean. From 1969 to 1989, he participated more than ten times in high-latitude expeditions to drifting stations in the Arctic. For conducting a cycle of scientific research in the Arctic, a number of employees were awarded a state prize, and Yuri, based on some research results, defended his Ph.D. thesis and became head of the department. 16 At the same time, another classmate of ours, Slava Bely, was in distant Cuba. He not only sunbathed and admired palm trees (Fig. 17, but, with a Havana cigar in his teeth, carried out a spy mission (Fig. 18). In 1975 in Havana, ours received signals from the American Institute of Frequency Standards (Boulder, Colorado) and Doppler frequency shift was detected by rocket launches at Cape Kennedy, and in Moscow Zhenya Likhtman (Fig. 19) in 1970, while still in graduate school, made calculations and published, together with his supervisor, an article that was the FIRST work on supersymmetry in the theory of elementary particles.

6 Fig. Fig. 17 Fig. 18 19 At present, the experimental verification of the theory of supersymmetry is one of the important problems of modern quantum physics. Scientific groups in different countries are now working on this. That is, he laid the foundation for a new scientific direction. And on Rice Vitya Eroshenko (center) in the museum of Sarov, where our classmates worked, and behind him is the famous "Kuz'kina Mother" (full size model). It was in such ranges of geographic latitudes that our graduates were working at that time. Their research covered the widest range of topics: theoretical and mathematical physics, high energy physics, microelectronics, solid state physics, computing, plasma physics, quantum electronics, geo- and biophysics, astrophysics, space instrumentation and much, much more. Figure: 20 Our classmates made a significant contribution to strengthening the domestic military-industrial complex, the development and use of weapons based on new physical principles.

7 However, the time has come when the skills gained during labor education at the physics department came in handy: to be able to do EVERYTHING. As Sasha Kuminov wrote in his beautiful appeal: “We have different destinies. Somewhere we chose fate, somewhere it is us ”. Fate turned in such a way that many of us had to become builders, locksmiths and auto mechanics, traders and accountants, restorers and many others Calmly, without nerves and hysterics, we took on any work and did it well, unexpectedly discovering something in it interesting. As befits physicists, they took the matter seriously, studying and improving it in depth. When the situation improved, some of us returned to the profession, some remained in a new one. And now, after 50 years have passed, we will see what was the result of our activity. Our achievements These are, first of all, new knowledge gained in such areas as the development of large information systems (E. Berkovich); computer simulation of the interaction of atomic particles with a solid (V. Shulga); nuclear reactions in the passed energy range (E. Kabin). Knowledge gained in the process of participation in accelerator experiments at CERN, Germany, Japan; at the LHC collider and the NICA collider under construction in Dubna (A. Kulikov), the study of quark-gluon plasma (the state of matter of an analogue in the initial explosion of the formation of the Universe) (B. Batyunya). Essential work has been done on partial differential equations on complex manifolds and on resurgent analysis (V. Shatalov). Fundamental results are obtained in the field of the theory of linear and nonlinear ill-posed problems in the presence of various a priori information about the desired solution, effective numerical methods for their solution are developed. In applications, he considered various inverse problems of astrophysics, vibrational spectroscopy, electron microscopy, image processing (A. Yagola). Our graduates took part in the creation of the Buran spacecraft, the development of laser devices and systems for the rocket and space industry (V. Korovkin, T. Pchelintseva); participated in the design of the power unit of the atomic icebreaker "Lenin" (L. Dukhnina); in the creation of solar batteries for the ISS (V. Beloborodov); in the creation of the satellite "Tatiana" (Fig. 21),

8 Fig. 21 launched in honor of the 250th anniversary of Moscow State University (O.Badaeva); dealt with the development and use of weapons based on new physical principles, as well as issues of environmental control of the atmosphere (V. Safonov). Participated in the creation of powerful pulsed iodine laser systems "Iskra-4" and "Iskra-5" for research in the field of thermonuclear fusion (V. Eroshenko, State Prize of the Russian Federation). Developed the theory of interaction of radiation and relativistic plasma in intense cosmic sources of radiation quasars, pulsars and nuclei of active galaxies, maser sources (V. Charugin); modeling the effects of solar proton flares in the middle atmosphere of the Earth and Mars (A. Kuminov); proposed a theory of some of the most important natural phenomena (E. Kadyshevich). Participated in the study of the propagation of radio waves of various bands in the atmosphere (V. Pozhidaev), the propagation of sound in the Arctic Ocean (Yu Bordukov) All these works were reflected in articles, many of which had a high citation index, as well as in monographs and textbooks.

9 Monographs on Physics and Mathematics Here is Aleksandr Vetrov, in the cabin of a ship sailing somewhere in the Kara Sea, holding his monograph in his hands (Fig. 22). Rejecting the false modesty that is alien to us, we must say that our course has published a huge number of scientific monographs. Only Tolya Yagola (prof.) Graduated 18 of them, some of them together with our classmate Sasha Goncharsky. These are monographs Fig 22 Fig 23 in Russian, English, Slovak and Chinese. Here (Fig. 23) only “signal specimens” from Tolya Yagola, Edik Kabin, Bori Novosadov, Vitalik Nedelko, Sara Ramazanova are presented. Viktor Shatalov has published 7 monographs (Fig. 24), mainly in English, published by major international publishing houses. And in Rice there are books in Spanish written by our Cuban classmate José Marín. The figure shows a monograph on the history of physics published by Zhenya Berkovich. Rice, 26

10 State prizes of our course Some of our classmates, based on the results of their work, were awarded the State Prizes of the Russian Federation (Fig. 31). These are Viktor Eroshenko, Vyacheslav Bely and Gennady Kozlov. Next to Vitya Eroshenko are our classmates, just like him, who work in Sarov, - Vladimir Kislukhin (awarded the order) and Yuri Dolgopolov. And this is Alexander Rutskoi presenting the Glory Bely prize. Fig 27 Fig 28 Teaching our course Teaching is a very important aspect of our course. As the poet Yevgeny Vinokurov said, “the boy who reads my poems will look at the world with my eyes”. So in our case, a boy who has read, say, the book "Antimatter" (or "Theory of Graphs"), will look at the world through the eyes of the author. Since the transfer of knowledge to the younger generation determines the future of our country, many of our classmates were engaged in teaching activities. Over the years, new personnel have been trained at the physics department and other faculties of Moscow State University (Fig. 28). In addition, they taught physics and mathematics to students of the Moscow Higher Technical School. Bauman, Phystech (Fig. 28) and almost all the best technical universities

11 Moscow. They also worked in the former republics of the USSR, and now independent countries. Sara Ramazanova taught astronomy classes at the Chimkekt Pedagogical Institute (Fig. 28). Shavkat Alimov was the rector of Tashkent and Samarkand universities. Our graduates have lectured at universities in California, Germany, France, Sweden, Great Britain, Tokyo, Budapest, Bratislava, Warsaw, Havana, Malaysia (Sh. Alimov, V. Shatalov and E. Kabin). Our classmates also worked at school, bringing a high level of physics to the level of teaching physics and mathematics. They did it with love and full dedication. In fig. 29 we see Lyubov Mironova (Yakshina) and Svetlana Maltseva. Zhenya Berkovich, in parallel with his work at the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University, taught at the 52nd mathematical school and was very proud of 100% of his students' admission to universities (Fig. 29). And Slava Korovkin, due to certain zigzags of fate, taught at a school at the Russian Embassy in Mexico City (Fig. 29). Vera Rylova (Beloborodova) worked at the school for thirty years and three years, and she always brought her every graduating class to the University and talked about the physics department (Fig. 30). Fig. 29 Fig. thirty

12 The luminaries of our course also understood the need to dramatically improve school education. And so they wrote textbooks for the school. Here (Fig. 31) only a small part of the textbooks written by Shavkat Alimov, academician and minister of Higher and Secondary Education of Uzbekistan is presented (the textbooks have been reprinted for 40 years). And there are also textbooks prof. Victor Charugin (fig). So, his textbook "Astronomy 10-11" is a basic textbook, that is, it is used in all schools of the Russian Federation, therefore, it was published in a huge circulation. For 20 years, Viktor Charugin has been traveling with schoolchildren on astronomical expeditions throughout our country. I would like to believe that with such textbooks, our children will not be lost! Figure: Fig. 31 32 Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of our course By the way, about children. In addition to the scientific results obtained, monographs and textbooks, our property is, of course, our children. The kids in our course are wonderful (Fig. 33). Among them there is a professional composer, deputy director of the institute, director of a chamber orchestra, journalist, businessmen and priests (for example, Father Claudian), etc. Many of our children

13 graduated from physics department. But only a few work in their specialty. The children of many classmates live and work abroad: in Germany, the USA, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, the Philippines and even Guinea. This is a given. And here (Fig. 34) - the grandchildren of our course. Someone has two, three, four. The Safonovs have 5 grandchildren, Zhan Burbaev and Sasha Ovchinnikov have 6, Volodya Bulygin has 7. But Sasha Klimov has eight! Maybe someone has more of them. Our grandchildren are already making a name for themselves: among them - an actress who starred in popular films, and a police lieutenant! Our course already has great-grandchildren (Fig. 35): the great-grandson of the Zagorodnikovs, Vyacheslav, and the great-grandson of the Tarakanovs, Yegorka. And also Viti Charugin's great-granddaughter! Well, these are the little sticky leaves on the tree of our course! Fig. 33 Fig. 34 fig. 35

Fig. 14 36 Golden Weddings of Our Course This year is the year of golden weddings in our course. Many of our classmates have gone with their pairs through their whole lives and came to gold: S. Valkovsky, A. Kulikov, S. Nikitin and others. Some are just approaching this date. And how many couples arose on our very course! Figure 36 Tatiana Militeeva and Sergey Zagorodnikov and Svetlana Valaeva and Mikhail Bespalov. And there is also T. Makarova and V. Buravtsev, L. Romanenko and N. Ekonomov, I. Morozova and G. Shelkov, L. Neboricheva and A. Voronin, L. Yakshina and S. Mironov, I. Tyazhelnikova and A. Smirnov , B. Molik and V. Starosta, N. Zabelina and V. Kotelnikov and others. L. Ivanova and V. Safonov, V. Rylova and V. Beloborodov, V. Kanevskaya and S. Denisov, T. Larina and V. Bulygin, T. Bykova and E. Likhtman spent their entire lives together Our course and famous personalities There is a theory six handshakes, according to which any two people on Earth are separated by a chain of common acquaintances. But our classmates directly shook hands with well-known politicians (Fig. 37): Shavkat Alimov talked with the Prime Minister of Malaysia Mohathir, Slava Bely told the Belgian jokes of M.S. Gorbachev, Pavel Balgavy shook hands with Bush Sr. during his politics, and Libor Golanda - President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus. Our graduates shook hands with figures of science and culture (Fig. 38): Zhenya Berkovich to Ilya Ehrenburg, Andrey Poletaev to Nobel laureate James Watson, Sasha Zasedatelev twice to Nobel laureate (in chemistry and peace prizes) Linus Pauling, Kostya Gurtova with her daughters table next to the artist Mikhail Kazakov.

Fig. 15 39 Fig. 37 Fig. 38 The versatility of our course Well, now let's talk about the versatility of our course. Our graduates have become great specialists in other fields as well. For example, prof. Zagorodnikov in the field of information security and law (Fig. 39). Vladislav Korovkin, in connection with the zigzags of fate, is a specialist in the field of taxation and the pension system (Fig. 39). Shavkat Alimov worked as a diplomat, was the ambassador of Uzbekistan to China. Felix Feigin not only participates in marathons, but also writes books about a healthy lifestyle (Fig. 40). Leonid Klimovich about tennis (Fig. 41).

Fig. 16 40 Fig. 41 Our classmate Lyubov Mironova (Yakshina) writes poetry (Fig. 42), and Lydia Tuzhlova writes prose. Tatyana Kurganova (we know this) writes poetry, she is a laureate of the literary prize of the Moscow Geographical Society of the Writers' Union of Russia. She recently wrote a book about electricity for children (Fig. 42), where she showed the world three gifts at once - a deep knowledge of electromagnetism, remarkable poetic abilities and a subtle understanding of the child's soul. However, many talents of our fellow students have not surprised anyone for a long time - there are simply no untalented people on our course. Fig 42

17 There is also a poet and a writer on our course (Fig. 43). This is the poet Boris Shapiro, a member of the International PEN Club, the Union of Writers of Russia, the Union of Writers of Moscow and other organizations. And Gennady Kozlov, who, in addition to his high posts, is also a member of the Writers' Union of Russia. One of his books is called "The Sad Optimism of a Happy Generation." This is about us Fig. 43 We cannot fail to recall our fellow film director Vano Kiasashvili (Fig. 44). And his films: "Ladies Invite Gentlemen", which is often shown on television, the film "Chair" based on the story by I. Grekova and the naggingly sad film "Hello from the Front". And, of course, the hugely successful program “Dolls”, of which he was the screenwriter. Well, our star Sergei Nikitin, which appeared already on the first “Day of Archimedes” (Fig. 45). And now everyone is a well-known singer and composer, honored art worker of the Russian Federation. For us, he is, first of all, the founder of the famous Quartet of the Physics Department of Moscow State University. Sasha Gusev (Fig. 45), after graduating from the physics department, graduated from the theater department of GITIS "and for a long time worked at the Bolshoi Theater as the head of the literary and repertoire department. An extraordinary fan of musical art. I could not come to our meeting, as I was on the jury of the next competition. And also the authors of our alumni anthem Sergey Smirnov and Yuri Andrienko.

Fig. 18 Fig. 44 45 Hobbies of our course And now about the hobbies of our course. The biggest hobby of our classmates is traveling around the country and abroad. It is impossible to list the places where our graduates have visited: from Mount Etna to the Galapagos Islands. And Europe is literally trampled by our classmates. Often the travels coincided with scientific conferences, sometimes they took place independently. Irina Korkhova (Krupennikova), who left after graduate school in the tourism business, has visited more than 60 countries. In fig. 46 we see our fellow students on Easter Island, Kamchatka and the Capitol Hill in Rome (Fig. 47). And this (Fig. 48) is already Sevastopol. In second place after travel are downhill and cross-country skiing, tennis, etc.

Fig. 19 46 Fig. 47 Fig. 48 The talents of our fellow students are diverse. Dima Mamaev carves amazing things from wood and makes beautiful bracelets from silver (Fig. 49). Marina Martynova studied Japanese, Tatyana Ryabykh is engaged in Japanese painting, Lydia Tuzhlova is a pointillist painter, and Lyudmila Dukhnina composes fairy tales. Our classmates also love hunting (Volodya Buravtsev), fishing (Dima Mamaev, Sasha Ovchinnikov, Seryozha Nikitin). Irina Egorova has put together a unique collection of shells (Fig. 50). And Sergey Nikitin also cooks an amazing pilaf (Fig. 51)! Thus, our course, as one would expect, is diverse in its talents.

Fig. 20 Fig. 49 Fig. 50 51 Outcomes of our course Now let us summarize the activities of our course. We will not talk about scientific degrees, although there is something to boast about. We will not talk about salaries, since there is nothing to boast about. The main thing is that our course consisted of extraordinary personalities, and fate stands behind each of us. We can say that in the proposed circumstances we did the best we could. Despite everything, our course graduated two academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences (A. Sissakian and A. Sigov), an academician of the Academy of Sciences and, in addition, the Minister of Higher and Secondary Education of Uzbekistan (Sh. Alimov), a full member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K.E. Tsiolkovsky (V. Charugin), heads of large institutes: JINR, IHEP (A. Sissakian and N. Tyurin), Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland) (T. Sarna), deputy directors of large institutes SINP MSU (V. Savrin), INR RAS (L. Bezrukov), IMB (Institute of Molecular Biology) RAS (A. Zasedatelev), Institute of Oceanology RAS (Yu. Grachev), Rector of MIREA (A. Sigov), Rector of Tashkent and Samarkand Universities (Sh. Alimov), First Deputy Minister Science and technical policy of the Russian Federation and later - the head of the secretariat of JSC "Concern East Kazakhstan region" Almaz Antey "(G. Kozlov). Yevgeny Nikishin, who became a Doctor of Science at the age of 25, studied on our course. Three of our classmates became colonels. This is Volodya

21 Safonov and Interior Ministry colonels Tatyana and Sergei Zagorodnikov. Our course was also completed by an international expert on molecular genetics of influenza viruses, their evolution, development of live vaccines against influenza (A. Klimov, CDC, USA). Graduates of our course became laureates: State Prize of the Russian Federation (V. Bely, V. Eroshenko, G. Kozlov); awards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, awards of the Government of the Russian Federation (A. Yagola, S. Mazharov); awards to them. IV Kurchatova (A. Demyanova 6 (!) - multiple laureate); them. R.V. Khokhlova (V.Apeltsyn); awards to them. I.E. Tamm (E. Likhtman); awards to them. M.V. Lomonosov (A.Yagola); Galen Prize (A. Zasedatelev); Tsarskoye Selo art prize "97" (S. Nikitin). Figure: 52 Our graduates have been awarded the Orders of Merit for the Fatherland, fourth degree, Honor, Friendship of Peoples (G. Kozlov), Badge of Honor (P. Korolenko), Order of Courage (V. Morozov). (V. Kislukhin did not admit which order he was awarded). A.Zasedatelev (Fig. 52) for his work on biological microchips was awarded the "Order of the Academic Palms" (France). Thus, our course survived in a difficult life situation, made a significant contribution not only to Russian, but also to world science, culture and technology, gave the world wonderful children, grandchildren, lived to see great-grandchildren, confirmed the definition of Augusta Ivanovna "golden course", then there is - the best. And the words "the best" in French means ELITE!

22 P.S. And these (Fig. 53) are flowers from Sara Ramazanova, who could not come to the MEETING.

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