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Sightstation of Copenhagen not far from the Little Mermaid. Mermaid in Copenhagen - how to get there, the history of creating a monument and a fairy-tale character. Monument of fabulous heroine

Statue of the Little Mermaid is one of the popular city attractions. Copenhagen. The monument depicts the heroine of the Tale of the Tappy of Hans Christian Andersen. The statue is located at the entrance to the port of Copenhagen on the Langelinka Embankment. On August 23, 1913, a bronze statue of Mermaid was installed in Copenhagen, its height is 1.25 m, the weight is about 175 kg. The author of the monument was the Danish sculptor Edward Eriksen. The little mermaid sits on a large granite stone by the shore and sadly looks into the marine punching.

Mermaid sculpture was made by order of a large admirer of art, the famous Danish brewer and patronage of Karl Jacobsen (CARLSBERG brewery). He was so fascinated by the ballet, put on this fairy tale Andersen, which decided to give the inhabitants of Copenhagen the sculpture of sea beauty. The author of the sculpture posed the beautiful Prima Ballerina Ellen Price, which worked at the Royal Opera and Ballet Theater.

Many times the famous landmark of the city was an object of vandalism. The monument to the mermaid drank paint, the hands were cut, beheaded, disappeared from the pedestal, but each time the sculpture was restored. In 2010, the sculpture was first introduced at the World Exhibition in Shanghai. During the absence of the sculpture of the Little Mermaid at the installation site there was a video exploration created by the Chinese artist Ai Weight.

Today, the statue of the Little Mermaid is a symbol of Copenhagen. Everywhere in Copenhagen you can buy postcards, souvenirs, key chains, lighters with the image of the little mermaid. Every year, a large number of tourists from all over the world come to Denmark to see the world famous statue.

The gentle and sad fairy tale about the mermaid, who has lost his voice for love for a beautiful prince, is undoubtedly known. However, the heroine of this story was set by a monument, not many known. Moreover, the monument to the mermaid exists not only in the Motherland of the Grand Saucer. Only here are other sea beauties who inspired sculptors, have no relation to the famous Andersen legend. Who are they are mysterious mermaids, immortalized in stone and metal, where do such an honor have fallen?

Monument to the mermaid in Denmark: the fabulous symbol of the country

Everyone who at least once visited the port of Copenhagen on the Langelinje Embankment, had the opportunity to admire with his own eyes the main heroine One of the most famous fairy tales of Andersen. The bronze beauty-mermaid sits sadly on basalt boulder, protruding from the water itself. Squeezing in his hands a twig algae, she looks thoughtfully into the distance, telling about his undivided love.

The monument is a fairy tale "Little Mermaid" is considered a symbol of Copenhagen and all the Danes solemnly celebrate his anniversaries, arranging the wreaths on the embankment and decorating the sculpture with wreaths from flowers. Very love to be photographed against the background of mermaids and numerous tourists - beauty is always in the center of attention. Unfortunately, they do not bypass her side and vandals: the monument has repeatedly poured paint, saws separate parts from him and even dressed in Muslim clothes. However, every time the Little Mermaid is lovingly restored and lead to the proper look.

History of Danish Mermaid

The monument to the mermaid in Denmark was established in 1913, after seventy six years after the fairy tale was written. Massed Master Edward Eriksen, a bronze daughter, and the customer of this unusual sculpture became Karl Jacobsen, the son of the founder of the famous Danish according to legend, Jacobsen was passionately in love with the Danish Ballet Balley Ballerina, the beauty of the Juliet price, but she did not respond to his feelings. He ordered Erixen a monument to the mermaid, putting the condition that the model for him would become Juliet. However, the ballerina flatly refused to positive, and then the sculptor, who would not think that, who was blunting, looking at his own spouse. Having received the executed order, Karl Jacobsen presented an excellent statue to his native city.

Since the most power, sad maritime princess sits thoughtfully on the stone in a meter from the capital embankment, defenseless and touching in his trembling beauty.

Monument to the mermaid in the Crimea: Legend of the abducted beauty

On in the water, the most embankment of a small village Mishor, among the frozen, leaning on a stone, mermaid with a baby in his arms. This sculptural composition embodies one of the old Crimean legends - about the beautiful Tatar girl Arza, which was abducted on the eve of her wedding and carried into Istanbul a cunning robber Ali Baba. In Turkey, beauty fell into the Harem of Sultan himself. She was holly and cherished, but she cached in front of her eyes, longing for the beloved left in the distant native edge. Even the birth of the Son did not save Arza from spiritual flour. Having imagined the moment, she, together with the baby, rushed from the tower into the cold waters of the Bosphorus ... On the same evening, people noticed the mermaid on the Mishah coast. She was on her hands small child. The sad mermaid looked for a long time on the village, in which Arza once lived, sat at her favorite fountain, and then quietly sailed back to the sea. Since then once a year, that day, a beautiful Tatarka was abducted, a mermaid and a baby appears on the shore, and the beloved Fountain Arza begins to flow stronger.

How did Mermaid appear in Mishore?

Resting in the Crimea at the beginning of the last century, the Sad Tatar legend heard the Estonian sculptor Amandus Adamson. She inspired the master that two sculptural compositions were created and installed on their own expenses: the Arza girl and the Rogue of Ali-Baba were created in the stone about the legendary fountain mentioned in the legend of the legendary fountain, as well as a monument to the Mermaid in the sea on the Mishor's embankment.

Famous mermaids from Warsaw: Legendary city defenders

Poland is another country where the monument to the mermaid became the symbol of the capital and even depicted on her coat of arms. In fact, in Warsaw, three sculptural groups depicting sea beauties. The most famous mermaid with a sword and shield is in the old town in the midst of the famous market. The second monument can be found at the Svetokshysh bridge over the Vistula. The third is located on the viaduct on the street Karova.

According to legend, once a mermaid sailing from the sea past the old city, got out of the water, wanting to relax. She liked this place that she decided to stay. Fishermen living nearby, at first were dissatisfied with the fact that someone constantly confuses their network and releases fish, but, having heard the singing of the mermaid, changed the anger to mercy and did not disturb her. And when the mermaid accidentally saw a rich merchant, walking in these places, causaryly kidnapped her and sharpened in a wooden barn, the son of one of the fishermen with his friends helped her to free himself and escape. In gratitude to the Mermaid gave fishermen, that he would always rise on their protection when they would need. Since the same time, a monument to the mermaid in Warsaw is regularly guarded by the city and its inhabitants.

Israeli Mermaid from the city of Kiryat-yam: in search of sensation

In the suburbs of the Israeli city of Haifa, Kiryat Yam also not so long ago a monument to the mermaid was installed. Sea beauty, chastely covering his nudity, stands up in a huge sink on a pedestal in the heart of the promenade of the promenade.

This sculpture appeared in the Kiryat Yame in connection with his rumors, which every day becomes more and more: supposedly in the sea near the city coast were repeatedly seen by real mermaids ...

In search of a sensation in the town, journalists are constantly visiting, but it was not possible to confirm the rumors until no one succeeds - however, as to refute. So the mysterious view of the mermaid from Kiryat-Yam is once again attracting the attention of tourists to secret, one way or another associated with this town.

The monument to the mermaid is located in Copenhagen, in Denmark,and for over a hundred years remains a symbol of the city and the country as a whole. The sculpture is small, just 125 cm high and weighing about 175 kg. The little mermaid sits on the granite pedestal in the port of Copenhagen. This statue is devoted to the character of the tales of Hans Christian Anderson, in which he is told about the dramatic history of love. According to this story, the sea beauty Mermaid saved a beautiful prince during a storm when his ship was crashed. She fell in love with him so much that he immediately hurried to the sorcerer, who in exchange for her wonderful voice gave her legs instead of fish tail, and the little mermaid was able to reach the land. During these days, she had to fall in love with a prince, but if she could not achieve his location, then turn into a marine foam. Unfortunately, the heart of the prince seized another girl, and the unfortunate mermaid remained only one way out - to kill the lover to bring his tail and voice, avoiding dying. But she loved the Prince too much and wanted him happiness, let him even close to the other. The little mermaid could not harm the beloved and after the expiration date given by the Witch, died, turning into a foam ...

The writing of the fairy tales dates back to 1836, after 70 years later, ballet was put on her. A person named Karl Jacobsen became one of the audience of the touching idea of \u200b\u200bthe case, in the future, became the founder of Carlsberg. The idea was so impressed by Mr. Jacobsen, that he began to ask the local sculptor Edward Erikson to make the creation of a statue, completely sponsoring all costs. Some sources claim that the wife of the sculptor was the living prototype of the mermaid, which in those years was a famous ballerina at the Royal Theater. The finished monument to the mermaid was presented with Copenhagen, since it was in this city that Hans Christian Anderson lived and wrote his fairy tales. In August 1913, the statue took an honorable place on the coast of the capital.

The symbol of Denmark the sculpture was after the American journalist told the story of the statue, describing the story of turning the mermaid into a dumb girl, which was never destined to become happy. The statue composition also displays geographical position Island state of Denmark, because she, like the Little Mermaid, is surrounded from all sides by the sea.

However, in addition to admirers, the monument to the mermaid also enough ill-wishers. In the entire history of its existence, she survived 8 acts of vandalism. For her security at night, the statue began to illuminate spotlights, and for some time he was on duty patrol. But soon after the security was removed, over the sculpture was abused again. The mermaids have repeatedly drank parts of the body - several times their head and right hand, they painted the surface with grain expressions and vulgar characters, one day the monument to the mermaid even blew up. Unknown vandal blew up a statue, after which he dropped it into the water and disappeared. But, in spite of everything, the power of Copenhagen again and again recreated the mermaid and installed for her previous place due to the cast, which left the author and which was preserved to this day.

Despite the difficult fate, I left my place for a long time only once - in 2010, the statue was taken to Shanghai to take part in the World Exhibition. All the way it was surrounded by numerous security, and because of this she returned home after 3 years a whole and unharmed. In 2013, on the return of Shanghai, the mermaidochka celebrated its 100th birthday. In honor of this day, the city authorities staged a grand festival with fireworks and a water show, in which 100 "living" mermaids took part in the water behind the sculpture. To date monument to the mermaid in Copenhagenit remains a business card Denmark: tourists from around the world come to Denmark every year, so that with their own eyes to look at the figure of the sad girl, asked her eyes in the sea bumps, in which she was destined to dissolve ...

Mermaid in Copenhagen (Denmark) - description, history, location. Accurate address, telephone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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One of the most famous Copenhagen characters in the world (and maybe all the Denmark) is a bronze mermaid. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a sculpture of the heroine of the Tale of the Tale of the city of H. Andersen came to Karl Jacobsen. The son of the creator of the Brewery "Karlsberg" is impressed by the ballet "Mermaid", offered a ballerina who performed the main party, to pose for the sculptor Edward Eriksen. Ellen Price agreed, but only with one condition: the naked body was not from her, but from Edward's wife.

An order to the statue entered in 1909 and was commissioned on August 23, 1913. A bronze mermaid with an increase of 1.25 m at the entrance to the bay, on the Langelinie embankment (Langelinie).

The main attraction of the capital of Denmark can be reached by suburban re-tog trains or urban s-tog. The latter run literally every 2-3 minutes and you can sit on the NørReport metro station. It will be necessary to go out at Østerport station, then proceed from it to the Langelinie embankment and then on the signs with the inscription Lille Havfrue (Mermaid).

Already more than 95 years, the symbol of Denmark is a mermaid, a cute character known to the whole world of the fairy tale of the famous Danish storyteller H.-k. Andersen. The mermaid is a small bronze figure with an increase in 125 cm and weigh 175 kilograms and is located in the port of Copenhagen on the granite pedestal.

The history of this fabulous character is known to everyone. A small little mermaid, living in his water world, once, during shipwreck saves an excellent prince and falls in love with him, yes so much that no longer can be in his world and live their lives. And the mermaid is solved for help to the wip. Giving her a beautiful voice, the mermaid acquires a couple of legs instead of the tail, the opportunity to be just a few days with his prince on land and chance to charm him. However, he falls in love with another and carries the mermaid thus on death. She has a chance to return his life back, but she must kill his beloved. But the Little Mermaid, loving the prince of truly, wishes him happiness with his bride and turns to the marine foam.

This sad fairy tale of real loyalty and pure love was written by Andersen in 1836. After 73 years old, the ballet was put on the "mermaid", which had a huge success of thousand spectators. Among them was the founder of Carlsberg Karl Jacobsen, a large admirer of art. As the story itself, and the ballet, he made such a strong impression that he asked Edward Erikson, the Danish sculptor, to create a statue of Mermaid. They say for the sculpture posed the wife's sculpture, which was famous then the King Theater Ballerina. Subsequently, it was decided to give the statue of the Mermaid Copenhagen. And on August 23, 1913, the little bronze mermaid was installed in the capital of Denmark.

After an American journalist told the whole earth about this wonderful sculpture dedicated to such a wonderful transformation fabulous creature In a cute dumb girl, a monument to the mermaid became a symbol of not only the capital, but also all Denmark, the Motherland of the Grand Fairy Tale. To some extent, the Mermaid reflects the geographical essence of Denmark, which is an island country and can be said, is surrounded by the seas and oceans from all sides.

However, the monument fell in love clearly not everyone, many ill-wishers appeared, who made a lot of attempts to desecrate the statue. Through what only a poor mermaid was not passed - 8 acts of vandalism. In 1984, the vandals were abused over the sculpture, sculpted her hand, since 1998 - 3 times cut off her head and painted parts of the body, and in 2003 they even encountered water. But so that it does not happen to her, the mermaid has always been restored by the cast left by its creator. After all, it became close to not only the residents of Copenhagen and much means not only for Denmark ... Millions of tourists go away from all over the world to look at this wonderful statue, touch it, take a picture and ask for the fulfillment of the most cherished desire.