
Singer Marina Zhuravleva: How old, biography, personal life? Marina Zhuravleva: biography and personal life than sick the daughter of Marina Zhuravlev

Marina Zhuravleva - Singer, a performer of Soviet and Russian holsters, musical love lyrics. Laureate of pop artists contest, songwriter.

Marina Anatolyevna Zhuravleva was born on July 8, 1963 in one of the hospitals Khabarovsk. Her father was a military personnel, and Mom was engaged in household. The girl from a young age was fond of singing and music. After moving the family to Voronezh, the young Marina became the soloist of the ensemble of the city Palace of Pioneers. She has a diploma on the end of the music school for the piano.

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The desire of Marina to public speeches in youth led the girl to the Music Group "Fantasy", in which she took the sorcelast site. Very quickly, Zhuravleva became a professional musical executive. At the age of 16, Marina received an invitation from Voronezh Philharmonic. She was offered work in VIA "Silver strings". The girl agreed and after school exams went to her first tour, which lasted four months.


At 17, Marina went to Dnepropetrovsk to the All-Union Competition of Young Foreign Songs and became his laureate. Returning to Voronezh, Zhuravleva entered the Music School on the Past Office. In addition to vocals, she mastered the flute. Training in Voronezh, the artist did not graduate. Despite the young age, Zhuravleva married and gave birth to a child, and then translated to depart in Moscow. In one of the interview, Marina recalled that it was in the Moscow school that was going to come after school, but because of participation in the competition in Dnepropetrovsk, late for entrance exams.

Career growth

In 1983, Marina left Voronezh Philharmonic and the "Silver Strings" ensemble. After the contest of the pop offices, the USSR was noticed and invited to Moscow. The long-awaited move to the capital took place, and Zhuravleva began to work in the contemporary jazz orchestra, which was led by Anatoly Kroll. In 1986, Marina graduated from the Moscow Music School named after the Gnesins, and another year left the orchestra. The reason for this was the acquaintance with the future husband Sergei Sarychev.

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In 1988, Zhuravleva participated in the recording of sound tracks to the film "Prisoner of the IF Castle" with the lead role, performed in concerts, composed poems to new musical compositions. Close cooperation with Sergey Sarychev led to the appearance of the first solo album of Marina called "Kiss I only once", which was released in 1989. A year later, another album "Scarlet cloves" appeared, and in 1991 - a collection of songs "White Cherry". It can be said that Syarychev written and filled with Zhuravlev are their common children born in marriage two talented people.

After the release of a collection of songs "White Cherry", the spouses began to cooperate with the theater. Having worked about a year under the patronage of Primateonna, the artists left for tour in the United States. Marina recalled in an interview that when they were flying to Sergey, they left the car in Sheremetyevo, as they were going to return soon.

Career abroad

In the ninetie marina was very popular. At that time, there were no social networks, such as "Instagram" or "classmates." Fans could not follow the life of their idols on the Internet. Zhuravlev's clones traveled around the country along with the fictitious doubles of famous groups. Once a colleague Marina caught one of the chains right on the stage of the concert hall. He showed the audience a joint photo with a real artist, the cover of her album, and the crowd wake up the lounge and equipment on the part. That troubled time in Russia caused marina fear, so he received a proposal to stay in the United States, she agreed and never regretted.

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In 1992, the song performed by Marina Zhuravlev "My train left" in the cult film of his time "On Deribasovskaya is good weather, or rains come to Brighton Beach." The main character of the painting was performed by this composition in the Russian restaurant of America under the pseudonym Masha Star. Marina herself performed not only in the US clubs, but also in concert halls, on open street scenes and even stadiums.

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In 1998, clips began to appear for the songs of Marina Zhuravlev. The singer recorded a music video on the composition "On the Heart of the Wound I", together with the artists from the team Martha Mogilevskaya. The second video was planned, but due to technical difficulties, its production was frozen. Most of the music clips of the zuravlya placed on the Internet are amateur cutting of her concert video.

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The artist tried herself as an actress, starring in an episodic role in a lawyer detective in 2003. After 7 years, she was again called to the movies. In 2010, Marina played a "voice" in a psychological detective. On this, its filmography is still ends.

Official site

How old did Zhuravlev spent in emigration? The singer answers this question that he does not consider himself an emigrant. Marina Zhuravleva rides concerts in Russia, Canada, Germany, Israel, USA. With this schedule it is difficult to call a resident of some particular country.

Best songs

In 2003, a collection of the best songs of Marina Zhuravlev, which included 17 tracks of different years. Among them were the compositions: "If you are with me nearby", "white cherry", "on the heart of the wound with me", "Train of Love", "yesterday", "asterisk" and others.

These songs Marina recorded during the heyday of their careers in Russia. In America, the singer managed to release three albums, compositions of which presented at concerts in Germany and the United States. In 2013, Marina Zhuravleva recorded a new album with the support of the "Road Radio" and the audio recording company "Quadro-Disk", which was called "Migratory Birds".

Personal life

Personal life of Marina Zhuravlev was no less interesting than her musical career. In his youth, the artist was a very attractive girl. She had luxurious golden hair, model growth and weight, a chic voice and a naughty look. Men went crazy. The singer was married three times. The first spouse was a fellow students on Voronezh musical school. From him Blonde gave birth to Julia's daughter in 1982. But, like many early marriage, the Union turned out to be fragile and quickly collapsed.

The second husband appeared at Marina Anatolyevna already in Moscow. During the heyday of his creative career, the singer married a rock musician from the Alpha Group Sergei Sarychev. They met in 1987.

Creative Tandem Sarychev and Zhuravlev was very successful. The couple toured together, Sergei wrote for a song for his wife and eventually began to perform the duties of the producer. In 1992, a couple was invited to tour to America, they flew away to give two dozen concerts, but never returned.

In 2000, their marriage ceased to exist. By that time, the spouses had time to live in America for some time. The third husband Marina Zhuravleva found himself in the United States, they became an emigrant from Armenia. Couple lived together about ten years, but this love story ended. With the Third Husband, Zhuravleva was too divorced. The daughter of the singer Julia received American education and became a doctor, she lives and works in America.


  • 1989 - "Kiss I only once"
  • 1990 - "Scarlet Carnations"
  • 1991 - "White Cherry"
  • 1994 - "Let them talk"
  • 1995 - "Play Guitar"
  • 1998 - "If you are with me nearby"
  • 2001 - "Girl with a loose oblique"
  • 2013 - "Freight birds"

Marina Anatolyevna Zhuravleva. Born on July 8, 1963 in Khabarovsk. Soviet and Russian singer, songwriter.

Since 1976, the family lived in Voronezh, where she graduated from high school.

Already in the early years, Marina showed vocal talents, possessed excellent hearing. Parents tried to develop the abilities of the girl to sing.

Visited the music school, which he graduated from the piano class. It was a soloist of the school ensemble and choir at the Palace of Pioneers. With the latter, prizes in urban and regional competitions.

In high school, it became a soloist of amateur VIA "Fantasy".

After school entered the Voronezh Music School in the Flute Class. In parallel, continued to act as a vocalist. In 1978-1983, I performed in VIA "Silver strings".

At the All-Union Competition of Young Foreign Song Songs in Dnepropetrovsk, where she accompanied the estate-symphonic orchestra of Goseradio under the control of Yuri Silantyev, and Alexander Pakhmutova was able to receive a prize. After this good luck, she moved to Moscow and translated from Voronezh Muschili to the Moscow Music School of the names of Gnesins, who, having changed the specialization, graduated from the class of vocals in 1986.

During training in Gnesinka in 1984-1987 he worked in the contemporary jazz orchestra Anatoly Roll.

In 1986, for the first time, he fell on the central TV - in the TV show "On Saturday evening" performed the song Roll "Luck, Good luck" from the movie "Winter Evening in Gagrah" (in the film I sang this song).

In 1989, he presented his first album - "Kiss I only time." Although it had enough complex musical compositions, but he did not have commercial success.

In 1989, she was in the city of Volzhsky, where he met Sergei Sarychev, an ex-leader of the Alpha Group. At that moment, he just opened his producer center. Sarychev began to produce Zhuravlev and write music to her songs. The couple made a marriage and concert together.

They made a bet on pop music for a mass listener. Texts and melodies have been greatly simplified, the arrangements of lyric-romantic humps were created fairly quickly with the help of computer lups. By reproaching one love hit after another, in this musical style of the caravel reached great popularity.

In the early 1990s, Marina Zhuravlyova song sounded everywhere. It is believed that she was the forerunner of maiden pop groups, such as "brilliant", etc.

Since 1990, he has gave solo concerts in Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, Sweden, Canada, USA. She wrote texts to their songs. Her songs of "White Cherry" became hits, "I have a wound on my heart" and others.

Cooperated with Star Media GmbH. In 1991-1992, together with Sarychev worked in the theater. At the same time, it did not get dependent on the primaudon. She said: "No, fortunately. Yes, I didn't even depend on her, but simply performed under the" roof "of her theater. Although herself was already quite popular. And the theater gave additional confidence, defended from some Pure-organizational problems. In any case, they treated me smoothly. "

Marina Zhuravleva - Cheerkha

Marina Zhuravleva - on my heart

In early 1992, together with her husband Sergei Sarychev left at the invitation to tour in the United States, where he remained.

Regarding the reasons why I decided not to return to Russia, Marina Zhuravleva told: "The years you know, there were some. Peak of my popularity in Russia coincided with the peak of crime. If you remember that then happened, you will agree: human life is little It cost. And I aparted by a child. And I myself wanted to live calmly. But here a calm life was too big luxury for me: I also became an object of attacks of all kinds of aggressive personalities. I constantly "got it". Some wanted money, Others - communication and attention. And they did not stop the walls. For example, at the time of the concert, brimovative fans could break into my dressing room and it was almost under the gun of the gun to listen to the explanations in the "High Feelings". And how many Marin Zhuravlev rushed through the cities and Weighing our homeland, giving concerts under my phonogram and actually substituting me. In general, the instinct of self-preservation pushed me to this departure.

In the US, she invited her who prepared a large program for one famous Russian restaurant in Los Angeles. Marina recalled: "There was also variety, and song numbers. I started singing there, and not only there."

Worked with and "Gorky Park", Yuri Chernavsky. Later I tried myself in Tehnodance, Latin American Music Style.

Since 2010, it began to appear in Russia. In 2013 he released the album "Freight birds".

He performs touring, receives orders for private parties. Leaves with performances to Germany, Canada, Israel, Russia.

Personal life Marina Zhuravlevoya:

Three times was married.

The first husband was the musician with whom she studied in Voronezh Museum. From him, she in 1982 gave birth to her daughter Julia. Marriage quickly collapsed.

The second husband is, the Soviet rock musician, composer, vocalist, the leader of the Alpha Group. They were married from the late 1980s to 2000. Praying, remained friends.

The third husband is American, an emigrant of Armenia. She lived with him for 10 years, and then also broke up.

Julia's daughter had a brain tumor, which was one of the reasons for the singer's decision to remain in the United States. Later, Julia received a specialty doctor, became an ultrasound specialist, works in the American clinic.

Marina Zhuravlyova lives in the USA.

Discography Marina Zhuravlevoye:

1989 - "Kiss I only once"
1990 - "Scarlet Carnations"
1991 - "White Cherry"
1994 - "Let them talk"
1995 - "Play Guitar"
1998 - "If you are with me nearby"
2001 - "Girl with a loose oblique"
2013 - "Freight birds"

Marina's songs by Zhuravlev:

Kiss me only once
Where are you?
I know late
My hand in your hand
Without you
I love you
Train of love
I'm not ta
Scarlet cloves
Third wheel
My love
Starlight Night
Maybe about love do not need
I'll leave and you will not stop
Our souls
White Cherumuha
Forget me, forget
Pink dawn
On my heart
Sorry, goodbye
Last toast
Lucky case
These nights
help me
I am a pleasant lip of your coolness
Do not forget
Let them talk
Oh, you, nights
Burning fire
Kiss Me
I can't not love you
Nothing will come
You call
Goodbye my love
You're only in my eyes ...
Play, guitar
Left Coast
Just yesterday
At happiness on the edge
Golden Summer
If you are with me near
On the castle
Tell me only yes
Your love
Cloud of love
I do not cry
The heart is broken in half
Gorky Möd.
Ocean of loneliness
Sweet Dreams
And let me
Rogged a bright star
Girl with loose scythe
Our first dance and last
You are gone
You can not do it this way
How are you far away
Child Game
Forgive me
Love was held
Last yellow leaf
Day and night
White, White Snow
What did I do?
Understanding you
First violets
Only not you
Sky crying
Heart knows
Parachyuki love
Berezovoy sleep
Migratory birds
Without you, without you
One day Love is so
Call on the moon
Mamina Eyes
Golden Bride and Groom
Candle deghet
At that big river

Biography, the history of life of the caravel marina Childhood was born Marina on July 8, 1963 in Khabarovsk. The joys of the parents did not have a limit, although they did not suspect that baby melodies, saven, will be interrelated with its further popular creative activities. Outwardly small, fragile, in large boots, Zhuravleva did not attract any attention from local guys, but her mischievous mouth pulled at all. After moving with parents in Voronezh (1977), Marina was assigned to the mother in the city house of pioneers (now the Palace of Children and Youth), which was in the basement, not far from the "Proletary" cinema on the street. Karl Marx. He graduated from music school in Voronezh in the class of piano. Her classmates, listening to the beautiful Marynikins of stories about how to quickly become popular. The guys somewhere got different tools and made a group. The soloist was, of course, Marina Zhuravleva. The girl confidently went to his goal - to become a star, coming once again "I hurry on a date, broke the tram." Teachers cried. The first success at 16 years old Marina Zhuravleva became the winner of the All-Union Soviet Song Competition in Dnepropetrovsk (to her, as well as other participants, accompanied by a pop-symphony orchestra GOSTRADIO under the administration of Yuri Silantyev, and Alexander Pakhmutova was chairman). Now at school number 72 it began to dislike. All envied. But a year later the school ended. Yurkaya and fancy Zhuravleva became the choice: where to go to learn. It is terrible in the nobody, and suddenly it is not her profession, but she did not like anything else. And in 1980, Marina entered the Voronezh Music School on the conductor-choir department. Conquest Moscow. The first record and the drive ending to conduct in Voronezh, persistently entered the Gnesin school in Moscow. And Marina realized that he had chosen the right road. There she began to work in Jazz Orcrest An. Roll "Contemporary". Married Sergey Sarychev (soloist of the group "Alpha", the author of the songs "Gulika", "Theater", "the top grip"), gave birth to a child. After inviting Marina to the sound of the film "Winter Evening in Gagra", where she sang behind the scenes of the song for Natalia Gundarev, Zhuravlev fell invitations from different recording companies on her promotion. The singer agreed. And in 1991, Marina comes out the first record "Kiss I only once", in which the songs "Kiss Me", "Where You", "I know, late", "With happiness on the edge", "without you", "I I love you, "" Love Train "," I'm not Ta ". The first most complicated album of the singer's album did not have commercial success. After that, she and Sarychev, who wrote a song for her words for his wife, was decided to fulfill primitive pop music, which was then fashionable in Russia. Texts and melodies are greatly simplified, the arrangements were created using computer loupes. In this musical style of Zhuravlyov, it became greatly popular, but her work was repeatedly crushed, called one of the most tasteless examples of pop music of the 1990s. Sergey Sarychev said that he didn't like it too much: "She feels like music, and I don't." Since 1990, he has gave solo concerts in Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, Sweden, Canada, USA. Worked with theater of Alla Pugacheva, Star Media GmbH. In early 1992, I left for the invitation to tour in the United States and remained there. Returned to Russia in October 2010, after an eighteen lack of absence. Marina Zhuravleva tours around the country, prepares new songs. In 1998, the singer released a CD "If you are with me nearby." In 1999, she comes out another CD "Star Series. Marina Zhuravleva", in which 21 hits in the CIS of the Voronezh singer entered the CIS. In total, on the score of the singer 8 albums.

In the late 80s, the voice of the singer Marina Zhuravlev sounded in all the courtyards, the concerts were famous for the anchlats. "On my heart, I have", "white cherry", "Scarlet cloves" - these and many other songs of the Zhuravlev sowed people of all ages. But suddenly Zhuravleva suddenly disappeared. It turned out that all these years the singer lived in America. Why was the actress at the peak of popularity forced to leave Russia? How was her fate?

Marina, your departure from the country was unexpected. No one knew where you were going. During this time, a lot about you talked about you. What is the most ridiculous rumor about yourself read?

My house is a newspaper, where it is written that I died from AIDS ...

You did not give interviews in those years. Nothing is not known about you. It is known that Joseph Kobzon himself noted you on the All-Union Song Competition. By the way, Joseph Davydovich is also wondering where you disappeared.

It's nice that people remember. I sang from fourteen years. My first speeches took place in Voronezh Philharmonic. I was invited to work immediately after school graduation. I gave a tour of the tour, which lasted four months.

Who wrote poems to your songs?

I was put before the fact: you want an album, write poems yourself. I sat down, fell by books, two months old read a lot of different poetry, and then it began to compose.

It is known that in his VIA "Silver strings" you invited you a popular musician Sergey Sarychev at that time. Soon you married him.

This is true. My family life was like an incessant touring tour. In the interruptions between work I flew into my native Voronezh, where a little daughter was waiting for me. My mom nounted with Yulya. I saw my little girl when she was small. Julia is my daughter from the first marriage. My first husband was also a musician. We parted, because you were young.

In America, you broke up with our second husband - Sergey Sarychev. Now you are married?

Married. But the relationship is very uncertain. Having a normal family life is happiness. Women are a servant on the ball in a man ...

Until now, there is a secret, why did you leave the country where you had millions of fans.

In each city, I was waiting for not only fans, but also gangsters. In a hotel room, two guards lived with me. It happened, I was not allowed from the stadium, forcing me to work out a concert on the gangster, robberies. They said: "We have machines, and you will sing as much as we want." A fractional way had to run away from the concert site. I slept with a pistol under the pillow. In many cities, I just stayed concerts. I was in my entire sense threw in the car and hid for police sirens. But this is more likely not the gangsters to blame, and the crowds of fans who demolished everything on their way, just to get to me. The last of my concerts were in the Caucasus. It was to sad events in Chechnya. About what is happening there, I learned already living in America. In Grozny after my speech, they let the car "Seull" - like I'm going to her, and I was put in the police "Bobik", I was put on the head of the police cap, and the twigs were thrown on the shoulders. Under such a cover, I got to the hotel. People walked from a concert and sang my songs. For the first time I heard that "Cherryuhu" can be singing under Lezginka. I saw it from the car window. It was funny.

How did you find yourself in the USA?

I did not seek to leave Russia. In the States I went to tour. I'm stuck with work. The rollers who invited us took our passports - supposedly put visas, and then began to refuse to pay us money, threatened that they would not give passports. These were local Russian-speaking guys. We did not know how to behave in someone else's country. There was time. It was necessary to somehow exist. I sent these rollers away and started working. The month worked in Canada. At this time, there came to tour from Los Angeles Shufutinsky.

"Go to Los Angeles," Mikhail told me. - There you love you, the climate is cool. I'm sure you like it. You will have success. "

Six months have passed. I thought all this was temporarily that I would return to my homeland. My mother remained from Yulya in Russia. A year later, I made a challenge. My ex-husband made a call to his daughter. Girls began to go to school there. I was constantly working. In Los Angeles, one and a half million Russian-speaking. I gave concerts, sang on privat-party and in restaurants. But then I was not a career for some time. Everything went to the tenth plan. There was no speech about the return. Julia fell ill. My daughter made an operation on the brain. She had to be constantly under the supervision of doctors. Now she is fine. She went in the footsteps of my mother, became a physician. She is already thirty, and when she arrived in America, it was 11 years old.

Who of our artists did you communicate in America?

With Joan Aguzarova, Sasha Marshal. They lived there for a while. We wonderfully spent time with Vladimir Shansky. He asked me to communicate him somewhere. We walked, and then went to the restaurant. Very well sat. He is a cheerful, joyful, clockwork man. Give him a health! I hope that he is now the same energetic.

You were not 18 years old in Russia. What surprised you and pleased these years later.

The platforms on which I sing is always filled. It surprised me in a good way that the audience did not forget me. I'm really, now on small sites I work. Stadiums and the Palaces of Sports do not collect. But still good. I pleased that the varieties on the stage became more. In Soviet times there were idlers. The same faces have constantly appeared on the screen. Now performers are much more. They are at different tastes and audiences. I can not say anything bad; If the artist has at least one fan, it means he is in demand.

Can you say about yourself in one word?

I'm different. In short, I can't say about myself. In life, I interfere with the fact that I am a very doubting, indecisive person. It annoys me. But mostly all is well. Maybe I missed a lot. But I never regretted anything. Otherwise, there would be no such thing I am.

Alexandra Pirogova.

Marina Zhuravleva about yourself.

At the end of 1961, the train station of Khabarovsk, one of the cold, most worn, winter evenings, arrived in Orenburg. A young, fragile woman named love came to the peer. I met her husband, a young officer, Anatoly Zhuravlev, who had just graduated from the Orenburg Rocket Military School and directed to Khabarovsk for the passage of service.

In the summer of the 63rd, these two young, beautiful, lovers of people and became my mom and dad. The name Marina gave me dad, contrary to the desire of my mother. He allowed himself this, probably because I was very similar to him: Blue eyes, dark curly hair. But by the year, so that mom does not take offense, I changed my father's hairstyle on my mother's. With such hair, straight and bright, I stayed on your whole life.

In the same year, other changes were waiting for me and my parents. Pope sent to serve Ukraine to Cherkasy City. When I was six years old, our family fate, and rather the father's service, threw it from the west to the East, to Siberia, to the city of Irkutsk.

The brightest my memories of these seven years of my life: Frosty, but sunny winter with skates and skis, spring rose and shaggy, big, like tulips, snowdrops, short, non-fried summer with a crazy amount of gruse, chanterelles and oils in impassable forests, ice Even in the hottest days of water in Lake Baikal, and the most real, unusually beautiful and sad crimson-gold autumn. Mustard at first glance, but very kind and responsive people, school and neighboring friends in a military town, goals of officer families on holidays with singing of Russian songs, and mysterious New Year's Evening with real, like in a fairy tale, snow flakes and smells of christmas trees, oranges, apples And candy, which were only once a year.

One month a year, together with parents, usually in the summer, we went on vacation, most often for mom to their homeland, in the village of Black Snogogogo Orenburg region. These impressions occupied another and no less valuable place in my children's consciousness. In the village, practically consisting of everything from the 4th street, almost all were distant, but relatives. My grandfather Andrei Gavrilovich Ivanchenko was the head physician of the regional hospital. There, my grandmother Maria worked in the same place and midwives.

The warmest and significant memories of my childhood are a rustic river, a cherry in the forests, from which in the mouth knitted, the patient cow, which I studied to milk, joyful dancing of the hussak in front of the only hatched geese, warm still eggs that I got, getting up on tiptoe, it is a stove, in which there are still baked a real bread, knitting on the move by the girls of Orenburgkeys, the rustic wedding of my native uncle Misha, when the whole village walked 4 days, low stars at night and then still singing, dressed, walking after a heavy worker Youth day.

That's, I probably absorbed the real Russian spirit and romance of the Siberian city, the Ural village and the Black Sea South of Russia, where we arrived, sometimes spending your parents leave in Krasnodar, where my dad was coming from.

I don't know, when exactly and on which side of Russia, was born slowly and grew up with me my dream - to become a singer. Scene, artistic life seemed to me something inaccessible, high, brilliant and fabulous. I didn't understand myself then, I did not notice that I had already started to do the steps to this life. At first, of course, thanks to the parents who gave me to a music school, where I studied in the piano class. It was still in Irkutsk. And when in 1977 we moved to Voronezh, I began to sing in the school VIA - the vocal instrumental ensemble.

At that time, a set in the ensemble of the city Palace of Pioneers was announced. School Via was a lot, but there was one in the city and played in it were the best. And naturally learning after listening, which they accepted me, I was very proud. It was my first little victory.

Well, then everything was folded as it is impossible. I took, of course, together with the ensemble and his head, Vladimir Dmitrievich Sychev, the first places on local television, urban and regional competitions were awards - trips to Artek and Czechoslovakia. On the extension of school age, I became the singer of the famous "Fantasy" ensemble under the leadership of Nicholas Dyatnik.

However, the more my successes and achievements were in amazing, the stronger my dream was getting to the professional scene. And this dream finally came true! And so quickly everything happened! Even before the end of the final examinations at school, I received an invitation to work in the philharmonic in VIA "Silver Strings". Immediately after the prom, at the age of 16, being on his first professional tour, in Sochi, I was sitting in the room "Primorskaya" and did not believe that I was me ...

You get used to good very quickly, the progress is circling your head, it seems that you have everyone, having talent. But thank God, I understood then that if the scene becomes a matter of life, a serious musical education is necessary. After the first tour, which lasted four months, I returned to Voronezh with the firm intention to prepare and enroll in the Moscow Music School named after Gnesini. But it was not there...

I am called in the Obmat Komsomol (do not be surprised, then such organizations have solved creative questions), cause and say: "You will go from our black soil to the All-Union Competition of Young Frames Songs in Dnepropetrovsk. You are from professionals the youngest." She was then 17 years old. On the one hand, I want to, on the other, I skip exams in Gnesink. But risked, went and ... really, that neither is done, everything for the better. I became the laureate of the All-Union Competition.

If you don't talk about anything, imagine the level: Chairman of the jury - Alexandra Pakhmutova, we are shooting central television, I am accompanied by a pop-symphonic orchestra of guestReadio under the control of Yuri Silantyev, well, and in the evening a member of the jury called Joseph Kobzon calls me! And so, it is easily asked how things asked, gives advice to the last round. In general, from all this, I literally suffocated and the head went around from the abundance of Matrov.

My mom has been told from childhood since childhood: your child is very discreet, does not show emotions. And here I watched the recording of my speech already from the concert of the winners, I was amazed - no excitement that I experienced all the time from the tour to the tour no trembling in the knees, nothing can be seen, I behave on the stage as it was born on her, with Microphone and in front of the camera. I, of course, was very pleased with myself, although I understood: no matter how young I can, can, maybe beautiful - the diploma of the laureate is just a loan, a ticket to a big scene.

In the Gnesinka for exams in terms, I finally flew, but these loans and a ticket opened me the doors of the Voronezh Music School. I arrived at the pop department, and instrumental, and I had to not only sing, but also to master some kind of tool. And they advised me the teachers "Easy" tool - flute. Easy, he must say, only by weight, but in terms of sound recovery - not from the lungs. The first month I have repeatedly lost consciousness while a beautiful sound was sought. The teacher was right, saying that the "apparatus" I had a good, I quickly mastered the flute.

At the same time, I managed to work in the Philharmonic in addition to studying, I managed to get married and gave birth to a child. And then I felt that he stopped. As if everything goes, as it should: I study, I get a diploma, I work. But a big dream did not give rest, and the intuition suggested that you need to go further.

And I went, Rightly went to the contest of the pop offices of the whole country. He was held in Moscow, in the very Gnessenca. Maybe luck, maybe patience and work, but rather, all this time, all the same, turned me out of Voronezh to Moscow, the capital, the center of the domestic show business. But again, not without the support and help of professionals, people who noticed and evaluated my talent. This time it was Anatoly Roll and Yuri Saulsky.

So I got into the desired school. Gnesins, and now only in the class of vocals and to the beautiful teacher Natalia Zinovievna Andrianova. From how many stars I hear with respect and gratitude her name. How many she brought and raises so far! And we love her all and do not forget!

At the same time, I got to the main then the concert organization of the country - Rosoncert, to the contemporary jazz orchestra under the control of Anatoly Roll. It was interesting, rich years, when the dream was becoming a jaw. I recorded a lot on the radio, recorded music for movies, sometimes there were performances on television. I traveled on tour throughout the huge then the country, in all of its republics, was acquainted, communicated and worked with many large and even ascending stars of the Soviet Union.

They say the more you have, the more I want, and so always. May be. But my goals were not mercenary. I never thought about big money, and the time was then it was - we all worked at the rates approved by the Department of Culture. For example, Sergey Sarychev, with whom I met then at the peak of my popularity for a solo concert at the stadium or in the sports palace, where from 5 to 10 thousand seats, received only 8 rubles. So the artists at the time, with confidence I can say if you became, then only those and therefore, who were fanatics, musicians by calling.

So in the 87th year I met, met and began working with such a fanatical man, a musician, composer and singer Sergey Sarychev. At that time, he had already finished the mass of hits, gave solo concerts on the largest platforms and had a bunch of fans. At the same time, he also had no less bunch of troubles from the authorities of the cities and the KGB for his songs "... Naughty walk", "Wolf", "Storm", "Tsunami" and others. He, Sarychev, with the creative pseudonym "Alpha", the participant and the creator of the legendary group of the group, and suggested that I put to the end of my dream: write down and execute songs that will be written specifically for me, that is, the original.

The first album "Kiss I only once" came out in 1989, the second - "Scarlet cloves" in the 90th, the third - "white cherry" in the 91st. Songs, especially from the second and third album "shown" what is called with terrible force. In 1990, my first solo concerts took place in Krasnoyarsk. Tickets to the seven thousandth sports palace at 10 concerts were sold completely.

It was the top of my dream. She did not deceive me, she was not somewhere in the sky or on another planet, the dream was with me, in my hands, she was in that scream, how I met stadiums, she was in the sea of \u200b\u200bflowers, she was in the eyes and hearts My fans. The dream was with me all over the country: Krasnoyarsk, Kuibyshev, Omsk, Krasnodar, Rostov, Sochi, Voronezh, Izhevsk, Alma-Ata, Minsk, Pyatigorsk, Makhachkala, Nalchik, Grozny and many others.

And all this lasted before the start of the cooperative time, the end of the restructuring. In general, the peak of my popularity coincided with the beginning of this period. And at first I, together with the whole group, led by Sergey Sarychev, was delighted. We could afford to buy equipment, make a better sound at concerts, purchase studio technique. After all, real studios were only on the state giants "melodies", "Mosfilm" and central television. We could afford even to engage in charity.

But freedom is a good thing for good deeds. And at this time, yes, many of it remember, the bad bloomed sometimes more magnificent than good. For example, fraud: the country has been wheeling 6 "Mirageen", 7 "gentle maev". So fake Marina went under me. Somehow, after a concert in the Rostov region in the hotel room, I watched TV and heard in the "Muzoboza": "... Marina Zhuravlova today did not take place a concert in Vladivostok, because on the very first song The film of the phonogram and the people broke out on the earliest song. .. "

My director somehow calls me to Voronezh, where I rested then and says: "Marina, I caught in Krymsk (this under Krasnodar) caught an unreal. Right on the scene came out, I ask:" Who are you? ", She says:" Marina " . "And the surname?" - silent. Hair on the eyes wriggled. " Well, told the whole stadium to the truth in the microphone. Showed the photo where he is with me, and my record. The people and there the pogrom arranged ...

Difficult, but still good times of the 90s. I do not want to remember the bad. Everyone had to worry and survive ... We worked then, as it was called "from the apartment", that is, from themselves and on themselves. They were abolished or simply turned out to be not the cases of concert organizations of Soviet times, musical cooperatives appeared, and a new expression appeared in the economy "Have a roof".

Under the dome of the Olympic I and Sarychev also found their "roof", in the form of the theater Alla Pugacheva, where they worked a little more than a year. And at the beginning of the 92nd, Sarychev and I were invited to tour in America. Flew at 20 concerts, the car was left in the parking lot in Sheremetyevo. And it so happened that these were tightened almost 20 years.

I never considered myself an emigrant. In Russia, he composed and sang, the same thing on the other side of the planet. Many times went with concerts to Germany, by the cities of America. Looked four more albums. Inspiration after all comes at the sight of the ocean, palm trees and the California Sun. So today, I have 7 albums for today.

What else can I tell about myself?

Very careful about journalists and televisers.

And then rare communication with them, which was - left little good.

Those who remember me and loves! Do not believe the stupid "bikes" about me. I'm all good! And it will be even better!

I love your loved ones, I love music, books, travel, animals (especially dogs). I write new songs, I sing. In general, I love life and believe that dreams come true! What and you, my dear, wish.

Your Marina Zhuravleva