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Sergey Trofimov Where Lives. Sergey Trofimov: Personal life (wife, children). Children's years and growing

Early years Sergey Trofimova

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Trofimov was born in 1966 in the capital of the Soviet Union. That "Rolling" image, which is now enshrined behind the singer, thanks to his own efforts, not really really correspond to reality: from early childhood Seryozha was a serious boy who was passionate about the music. From seven to seventeen years, the future chanson was a soloist of the Moscow State Choir Chapel of the boys at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinic.

After graduating from school, Sergey enters the Institute of Culture and to the Moscow State Conservatory at the Department of Theory and Composition. In 19 years, in 1985, Sergey Trofimov becomes a diploma of the XII World Moskovsky Festival of Youth and Students. A difficult financial situation during training makes Sergey go to work in one of the Moscow restaurants, but it works for long.

Beginning of Creative Career Trofim

In 1987, Sergey Trofimov meets the musicians collecting the New Rock group "Eroplan" and begins cooperation with the team. The next three years of Trofimov as rock bard gives concerts and works on the recording of the album "Eroplan" such an early spring. By 1991, the album is recorded, however, the group disintegrates and the record is not published.

The next three years of his life Sergey does not like to remember. It is not known what made him, already a fairly successful musician working in a promising group, throw a virtually completely ready album and leave the team to serve in the church. Three years of Trofimov served by IPodyakon (singing regent) in one of the Moscow churches. At the same time, Sergei did not stop the activities in show-business, although he changed its focus slightly.

Since 1992, Trofimov, as a musician, cooperates with the pop singer Svetlana Vladimir, writing her debut album "My boy". The album is published in 1993. At the same time, Trofimov writes songs on the verses of its own essay and is actively looking for a performer for them. The vocalist is in 1994: Sergey's songs performed by Alexander Ivanov, recording the album "Sin soul sorrible."

"Aristocracy garbage"

1994 is becoming a turning point for Sergey Trofimov. Not all songs written by Trofimov, then to work Alexander Ivanov. The song "That's all, said the sage and went to the water" was rejected by Alexander, and Trofimov decides to show her Stepan to Razin. I liked the song, and he offers help in her promotion. Becoming the producer of Trofimov, Razin convinces it in the need to continue working in such a style. As a result, Sergey during the month creates hits "Bewing like fish", "about advertising", "in such darkness", "Vasily", "Brutal", "Alkash", which are based on the album "Perma" album (1995). Sergey begins concert performances in the new role under the scenic pseudonym trophy, who firmly secured behind him since then.

Sergey Trofimov - Ati Bata

Continues to trophim and work with other performers as a session musician: In 1995, the lights of Svetlana Diamond "in a dozen" and Carolina "Mom, everything ok", recorded with Sergei, and in 1996 - "Voice" Alla Gorbacheva. During this time, Sergey Trofimov has time to release several albums of Trofim - "Aristocracy of Lumping-2", "Eh, I would live." Trofimov's songs also sound performed by Lada Dance, Nikolai Noscova, Vakhtanga Kikabidze. In 1998, Sergey produces the second album of Carolina "Queen", the album of Trofim "Aristocracy of Pumps-3" and a solo album of non-auto songs "to lead from a barrel distant", actively tours in Russia and abroad. In 1999, Trofim offered to write music to the movie "Night Crossroads". In November, Trofim becomes one of the first Russian chanson invited to television - he goes to the "Music Ring" against the "Father of the Russian chanson" Mikhail Krug.

Recognition in Russia and abroad

In 2000, Sergei Trofimov travels to the Chechen Republic covered by the second conflict, speaking with concerts in front of soldiers. In the same year, Sergey entered the Board of Trustees of Guin Russia, becoming the deputy chairman. In addition to social activities and concert speeches, Trofimov actively tries themselves in literature, produces several collections of poems. In 2001, Sergey becomes a member of the Russian Writers' Union, in 2005 the poet becomes the winner of the All-Russian Literary Prize named after Suvorov, a little later comes to the world's most complete meeting of the "240 pages" poems.

As part of the Celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the Creative Activity of Trofim in 2005, two large solo concerts of the musician are held in the Kremlin Palace with the participation of famous pop performers - friends and comrades of Trofim: A. Rosenbauma, A. Marshal, A. Ivanova, T. Ovsienko, . Markina, I. Ponarovskaya et al.

Since 2007, Sergey Trofimov has become a laureate of the Golden Gramophone Music Prize laureate for four years. In 2008, Trofim debuts in cinema, filming in the TV series "Platini-2".

In 2010, Sergey Trofimov goes to long-term tour in the United States, upon returning from which the singer receives the honorary title of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2012, the Kremlin took place two more large antslag concert Trophim, dedicated to the Sorocheatilia of the artist - the solo 21 April and with the participation of friends on April 22. I. Kobzon, A. Rosenbaum, A. Ivanov, V. Presnyakov, A. Varum, M. Shufutinsky and other stars of the Russian pop popus, came to congratulate chanson.

At the moment, Sergey is working on his seventeenth license album, actively tours in Russia and the CIS. Does not leave trophim and socio-political activities - in 2012, the singer was a trustee of Vladimir Putin.

Sergey Trofimov (Trofim) "Burl Gum"

"Sergey Trofimov collects friends"

Since 2004, Trofim has been conducting an annual music festival aimed at supporting and developing young performers. The festival was called "Sergey Trofimov collects friends." The place of its holding is invariably for almost ten years is the city of Navashino of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe festival belongs to the Trofim himself, his friends and participants of the Official Singer website supported him with inspiration.

Thanks to this festival, many talented, but not widely fame performers get the opportunity to present their work a fairly wide circle of spectators. In addition, the festival is saturated with a living, friendly atmosphere of relaxed communication between performers and listeners, Trofim and his fans. An integral part of the festival is the bonfire - a regular bonfire, around which Trofim and everyone who wants, sing songs under the guitar in a circle. The festival is held on the May holidays, and the participation in it is completely free.

Trofim calls himself by a bog, in the original, the original Russian meaning of this word. Translated from the Vine Slavonic, a "player with death", this is exactly how Sergey Trofimov sees his mission on this earth.

Sergey Trofimov has worked for a long time with a number of Russian performers and musicians, acting mainly in the role of the composer and inspirer projects. In 1994, he wrote an album for Alexander Ivanov "Sin Soul Soul", where authorship, with the exception of one composition, belongs to him. He worked with Svetlana Vladimir, Carolina, Svetlana Diamond, Alla Gorbacheva ... ...

Since 1994, Sergey Trofimov has begun its own touring activities under the pseudonym "Trofim". From that moment on, more than 10 albums were released, among which the "leakage aristocrats", "Bard Avangard", "War and Peace", "I miss you" ...

Cheerful, sparkling huggy, he infects the visual halls with his positive energy. Only his songs are far away, with a deep meaning, and laughing in them sometimes through tears.

At the festival "Songs, Speat with Heart", which takes place under the auspices of our radio station in the cities of broadcasting radio for adults, Trofim permanent and welcome guest.

In April of this year, the release of the new solo album Sergey Trofimova "Wind in the head" took place in Russia. Songs from it you already hear on the waves of radio for adults

The lyrical hero of the album is each of us who has become a bit wiser and rising over a fuss of today. This is a look at the life of a person who went beyond the philistine perception of reality and realized his own involvement in the fate of his people. A man of thinking, asking questions and trying to find answers on them ... And also, according to Sergey Trofimova himself, he has a beautiful wife, a wonderful Son of Vanka and the middle-aged crisis behind the shoulders.

Sergey Trofimov was born in Moscow on November 4, 1966. From 1973 to 1983 he was a soloist of choral chapel of boys at the institute. Gnesinic. He studied at the Moscow Institute of Culture and in the Moscow Conservatory (Department of Theory and Compositions). In 1987, he began concert activities as a rock bard, and in 1991-1993 he served in the church (singing regent lift).

Best days

As a poet and composer, he worked with Svetlana Vladimirskaya, Carolina (the albums "Mom, all Okay" and "Queen", the Rondo group (the album "sinful soul sorrible"), Alla Gorbacheva (voice album), group Lasky May, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Lime Vaikule, Lada Dance, Alexander Marshal, Nikolai Soskov, Elena Panurovan and other pop performers.

His musical performances under the pseudonym trophim began in 1994, when Sergey wrote a song "That's all, the sage said and went to the water." For the month, a large number of songs were written - "Bewing like fish", "about advertising", "in such a darkness", "Vasily", "Brother", "Alkash" "and in 1995 there was the first album of Trofim" Aristocracy of the Lumping. Part one". Trofim managed to find a face for which the texts were kill with irony and nude before nerve, balance with familiar Odessa-Kabatsi rhythms. In 1996-1999, his solo albums continue to be published and at the same time he works in an absolutely opposite music genre - in pop music. At the end of 1999, he participated in the program music ring with Mikhail Krug, and in 2000 gave a solo concert in DC them. Gorky in Moscow, traveled with speeches to Chechnya.

His favorite: Machine - Lotus, Kitchen - Italian, Food - Khotel, Drinks - Non-alcoholic, Sport - Hand-to-hand Fight, Music - Talented, Books - Talented, Cinema - "Elusive Avengers", Color - Black, Smell - "Egoist", Quality - Independence, if he was an animal, he would be a bear.

Sergey Trofimov, his forty-five-year-old anniversary celebrates together with his family and friends ... on the Kremlin scene. The singer, the poet and the composer, speaking on the stage with its copyright songs in the style of blues-rock and chanson, gives a solo concert along with those who came to congratulate him by Joseph Kobzon, Angelica Varum, Alexander Rosenbaum, Vladimir Presnyakov, Yuri Galtsev and many other famous pop artists. Sergey Trofimova's wife is always next to his husband.

Personal life Sergey Trofimova

Sergey Trofimova's personal life of the famous composer, Chanson's artist was determined only in the second marriage. The first time he married Natalia Gerasimova, acquaintance with which the singer and composer occurred in a cafe immediately after his concert. 10 years Trofimov lived with his first wife. During this time, they managed to divorce, and then, oddly enough, got married again. On this step, Sergey went for his daughter, Anna.

In 2001, Sergey met Julia Meshin, but their personal life did not work out. "From Yulya Son separated her father who was a big businessman," recalls the mother of the composer. "He insisted that Seryozha was doing business, and set the condition: no songs, business and only business. And the son of the music is needed like air. He can't live without it. As a result, Julia became the wife of the famous artist of the theater and film Alexander Abdulov. Sergey then wrote the song "Snegiri", which is dedicated to Yule. "

In 2003, Sergey met Anastasia, the dancer from Lyme Vaikule's ballet. Their personal life can not be called cloudless. Becoming the civil wife Sergey Trofimova, Nastya became pregnant. Once in the position, she, on the advice of Limes, decided to give birth. Sergey has not yet been divorced, but the decision of the beloved woman approved, especially since the son was supposed to be born.

The marriage process lasted half a year: Nastya, being pregnant, was very worried. As a result of the nervous voltage, Sergey Vanya's son was born before the deadline. 5 years later, Anastasia made her husband's long-awaited gift - gave birth to Lisa.

Now Sergey is very happy. The family of the singer and the composer lives in the suburbs. Anne Sergey's eldest daughter suggested moving towards him, but the girl decided to stay with her mother. Children of the singer love music: Ivan is engaged in playing guitar and drums; Lisa plays the piano. Not so long ago, Elizabeth Trofimova - became the participant of the "Children's New Wave" contest

Creative biography of Trofima

Sergey Trofimov (born 04.11.1966, Moscow) is known for its author's songs filled with romanticism and touching, sincere lyrics. His musical career began with songs for the artists of the Russian and Ukrainian pop. Now he himself performs his own songs.

Serry Mom - Galina Fedorovna alone brought up his son, sowing to give him a wonderful musical education. At the end of the age, he was a chorist in a chaser at the Gnesinsky School. Later, after graduating from a secondary school, he entered the Institute of Culture, and then to the Conservatory, where he was engaged in enthusiastically. From 21 years he began his biography as the composer: Trofimov worked as part of the "Eroplan" group, and in order to provide himself and family, he worked as a musician.

Of great importance for the creative development of the musician was working on the regent post in one of the Moscow temples, where Trofimov served since 1991. In 25, being a novice, he wanted to devote himself to the church at all, but his spiritual father recommended him to engage in music. In 1992, the young, talented composer began writing singles for the music collection of Les Vladimir called "My boy".

Starting from 1994, together with Alexander Ivanov, they released the album "sinful soul sorrible." Then it was followed by its discs with the unusual name "Permum Aristocratic", -1 and -2 (producer Stepan Razin). Songs entered into these collections have unusual names: "UFO", "foreign car", "TV-news" and others.

The bright speeches of the singer made it popular. In the late 90s, four new Disc Sergey comes at once: "Peruma's aristocrats - 3", "with good morning", "devaluation" and "Eh, I would live." In addition to working on its own solo albums, Trofim writes Singles for Carolina, Svetlana Diamond, Vakhtanga Kikabidze, incomparable Lada Dance, etc. In 1999, the singers are invited to speak in the Music Ring program.

In 2000, Trofim acts in Chechnya, writing several disks of military topics, among which "War and Peace" and "along the very Territory", and Hit "Snegiri" brought the composer to the Chanson Year's honorary premium. His singles "Wind in the head", "just so" and "pigeons" remarkable clips were removed. In 2002, a collection of his poems came out, after which Trofimov was adopted by the Writers of the Russian Federation. In 2005, he was awarded the literary premium to them. Suvorov, and a year later, his poetic collection "240 pages" comes out.

In 2006, the album "Next Stop", containing such popular singles as the "Moscow Song", "Sochi City", for each of these hits, the composer received the Golden Gramophone Prize. And, starting from 2009, fans of Troprophim's talent can listen to another 4 collection of a wonderful composer: "Ati-Bata", "I live in Russia", "everything does not matter" and "Sorokoyatka"

In 2018, the video shooting on the new single trophim is in an unusual format, which the musician reports on his page in Instagram. He also lays out a photo about the family, children and his work.

Trofim (Sergey Trofimov)

Singer Date of Birth November 4 (Scorpio) 1966 (53) Birthplace Moscow Instagram @zvezdatrof

On the spiritual songs of Sergey Trofimova (Trofim) has grown several generations. He is a recognized legend of Russian chanson, a talented poet and composer, owner of a soft heartfelt voice. Sergey's bard music fans are well known for songs "I miss you" and "Snegiri." Many creations of the poet-songwriter became haughters performed by other artists. You can attribute to popular songs "I am a bed to you under the legs of the sky" and "God, what a trifle" Alexander Ivanova, "I am unmarked" Nikolai Noscova.

Biography Sergey Trofimova

Chance was born in Moscow on November 4, 66. In early childhood, Seryozha was often sick, a clinical death suffered at the age of biennium. The mother of the future artist, Galina, devoted himself to his son. Such dedication led to the discount in the family. Father, Vyacheslav Trofimov, drank, raised his hand on his spouse. When Sergey was four, the parents divorced. Since then, the singer has not seen the father of 35 years old.

Galina Fedorovna early noticed that his son had a wonderful voice. To develop vocal data, she gave a boy to a music school. At 7, Sergey was taken by a soloist into a choral chapel with Gnesinka. To write music and verses Trofim began in junior class. The birth of thrust to writing was preceded by an accident. Ten-year-old Sergey, being in Pionerogere, fell from the tree and broke the brush of both hands. After injury, the boy could not play musical instruments for a long time. To entertain and take the soul to him helped to invent poems.

After school, Trofimov entered the Moscow State Institute of Culture, then he studied at the conservatory, but in 1986 he left the university to sing in the restaurant. A year later, the solo career of the artist started. In parallel, the singer Sergey Trofimov worked on the album of the Rock Group "Eroplan". Collection of songs, however, did not appear - the team collapsed.

Although Trofim was an anti-Sovetchist, the disintegration of the union caused confusion in his soul. Artist preferred in faith. From 91 to 93 years old, he served as an IPodyakon, sang in church choir. At the same time, his cooperation had to cooperate with such famous performers as Svetlana Vladimir and Alexander Ivanov. Trofimov participated in the recordings of Tatyana Tishinskaya albums, Svetlana Diamond, Alla Gorbacheva.

In the mid-90th poet songwriter decided to execute songs himself. Under the leadership of the producer of Stepan Razin, he recorded the debut album "Perma-1 aristocracy".

The next five-year plan in the life of Trofim became a truly shock: the artist released four more compilations, began to tour in Russia. In 2000, the author of the artist presented two albums at once - "War and Peace" and "I born again." With new compositions, the singer spoke to Russian soldiers in the midst of the second Chechen war.

The beginning of the new century was marked by the recognition of the achievements of the artist. The songwriter's poet accepted the Writers of the Russian Federation, in 2002 Sergey became chanson year. The award of the singer brought the composition "Snegiri". A year later, the artist became a member of the popular extremal TV show "Fort Boyar". At 39 years old, the artist gave two concerts at once in the Kremlin Palace. At the creative anniversary, in addition to Trofimov, Tatyana Ovseyneko, Alexander Rosenbaum, Irina Ponarovskaya, Alexander Marshal and others.

A year later, the singer repeated success on the main scene of the country, presenting the program "Forty forty". In the same year, the poetic collection of Trofimov "240 pages" was published.

The artist repeatedly received a golden gramophone. The best songs of Trofim, according to the chart-parade: "City of Sochi", "Internet", "City in traffic jams", "wife", "Moscow song", "do not tell". In 2010-2011, concert tours of the singer in America took place. The songs of the authorship of Trofimova is in the repertoire of Vakhtang Kikabidze, Irina Klimova, Lada Dance, Lion Leshchenko, Nikolai Noscova.

Personal life Sergey Trofimova

For the first time, the artist fell in love when he was 10. With the girl you like, Estonian Catherine, Seryozha met the resort. Forty years later, the singer supports friendly relations with the former "lady of the heart", which now lives in the United States.

At 20, Sergey Trofimov married Natalia Gerasimova. With the future wife, he met after speaking in a cafe. In 1988, a pair was born daughter Anna. Family life has no changing. When the daughter turned three, Sergey and Natalia divorced, and in the 98th reached again. The second attempt to establish relations was not crowned with success, and in 2003, the spouses broke up completely.

In the midst of the family crisis, the singer got acquainted with Yulia Meshin. The newly beloved poet songwriter devoted the composition "Snegiri". Their paths were separated due to Julian Pope. He insisted that Trofim refuse writing in favor of family business.

In 2001, Sergey began to meet with Anastasia, the name of Lyme Vaikule ballet dancer. In early 2003 Nastya found out that she was pregnant. Artist had to choose between his wife and mistress. He preferred to create a new family.

The marriage process was five months. Offended Natalia did not give consent to the dissolution of marriage. Nervous tension affected her pregnant woman Anastasia: Vanya was born ahead of time. After the divorce of Trofimov married no, acknowledged his son. In 2008, the pair had a second child - Lisa. With the older daughter at chanson, complex relationships. She is a creative self-sufficient person, writes books for children.

In 2009, the singer appealed to terminate the settlement agreement with the former spouse. The subject of the property dispute was a country house. As a result, the court fell over the defendant - refused to cancel the contract.

Sergey Trofimov (Trofim) - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, author and artist songs, chanson, owner of many medals and orders, musician. Born in Moscow in 1966. Until 1995, he composed songs only for other performers, but at the insistence of Rosenbaum, who saw a bright performer in him, began to engage in solo career.

He graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Culture and the Moscow Conservatory Tchaikovsky.

Personal life

More than fifteen years married Anastasia Trofimova, there is a son Ivan and daughter Elizabeth. From the first marriage there is another daughter Anna. With the first wife of Natalia, Sergey could not get along. They swore a lot and even once divorced, and after some time they painted again, but after he met Nastya, I realized that the marriage was no longer saved and again divorced.

House Sergey Trofimova

Country house Sergey bought not far from Troitsk in the village "Yammontovo", or rather, it was not bought home, and the walls with the foundation and six hundred Earth, in which he built his mansion in the next four years. The family pulled for a long time with the move, but under one of the New Year's Evening Anastasia decided to arrange a surprise, transported all things and the cunning lured her husband into the house, making him a big surprise.

The area of \u200b\u200ball buildings is about 800 square meters. All repairs led the wife, she picked up the furniture and developed the design of the rooms. The four-storey cottage consists of two children's, host rooms and nanny, game, cabinet, mini-cinema, guest and spacious attic.

A sauna with a swimming pool is placed on the basement. Walls and floor in this room are separated by marble, and frescoes are posted on the walls.

Entering the house, you get into a bright entrance hall, then the fireplace zone is going, where the whole family likes to gather with cold summer and winter evenings. Here are installed shelves with rare weapons: military blades, hunting knives and even a copy of the Maxim machine gun. This collection of trophim was collected for many years, but he himself didn't buy anything, but he received a gift from friends and fans.

The top leads a wooden staircase with openwork railings, and a lot of children's photos of all hosts are hung on the wall. On the second floor there are a cinema, a seating area in white, in which an exclusive piano is the same snow-white colors.

Here is a dining room with a large aquarium and a kitchen. Kitchen, by the way, the owners did not plan to build on the second floor - this is a designer error. But as a result, I decided not to redo anything.

The third floor occupies a master bedroom, a dressing room and a trophim office. At the very top, the bedrooms of children, a big game, balcony and nanny bedroom. Room Lisa finished in pink color. Next to the cabinet of a small princess is a lot of merchants - these are gifts from the Father. Vani interior is strict, it is immediately clear that a real man lives here and only a bed, made in the form of a typewriter, reminds of childhood.

A large garage for several cars was attached to the house, and on the plot there is a spacious gazebo with a barbecue, where it is very convenient to fry the kebab and relax with summer evenings. Nearby - a large children's town and a fountain in white, and around a lot of green plantings and shrubs. A familiar family was invited to design a small site - a professional landscape designer, she embodied all the ideas in life.

While buying this site near the house, the foundation was covered, at which there was an option to make a summer kitchen, but in the end we decided to build a gym for children in which in addition to the sports equipment there is a drum installation of Ivan (it is professionally enjoiced by playing the drums and a little on the guitar) .

According to some data, about 60 million rubles spent on the construction of his mansion, and according to cyan cottages in this village cost from 12 to 45 million and above.