
Piece Last victim short content. Alexander Ostrovsky. A long-lasting present

First action


Julia Pavlovna Togina, Young widow.

Glafira Firsovna, aunt of Yulia, an elderly, poor woman.

Vadim Grigorievich Dulchin, young man.

Luka Gerasimych Dergachev, buddy Dulchina, a rather unpretentious gentleman and in a figure, and in a suit.

Flore Fedulich Profit,, very rich merchant, rosy old man, 60 years old, smoothly shake, carefully combed and dressed very clean.

MICHEVNA, old keys of Julia.

A small living room in the house Togina. In the depths of the door entrance, to the right (from actors) the door to the internal rooms, left - the window. Drapets and furniture are quite modest, but decent.

Phenomenon first

MICHEVNA at the entrance door, then Glafira Firsovna.

MICHEVNA. Girls who called there? Vadim Grigorich, or what?

Glafira Firsovna (entering). What Vadim Grigorich! It's me. Vadim is Grigorich, tea, later comes.

MICHEVNA. Ah, Mother, Glafira Firsovna! Yes, no and not Vadim Grigoryecha; This is me so, mentioned. Sorry!

Glafira Firsovna. Convented from the language, so nothing to do, not hiding back. Eka Dosada, did not find me the most! Not close to the place to travel to you; And I have no money on the cabrs. Yes, and the robbers are they! For your money, you will unwind all the digestion, and even though look, the eyes of the eyes surveals.

MICHEVNA. What should I say! Whether it is your ...

Glafira Firsovna. What, your own? Leets, what?

MICHEVNA. No, horses, I say.

Glafira Firsovna. What is better! Yes, only I have my own on the Krenovsky factory; You can't buy everything - I'm afraid, as if not mistaken.

MICHEVNA. So you are walking?

Glafira Firsovna. Yes, according to the promise, Seven mesh kisli is. Yes, not at times; It can be seen, it will have to be back on the same, not feed.

MICHEVNA. Sit, Mother! She, you have to be, will come back soon.

Glafira Firsovna. And where did God be carried?

MICHEVNA. To the evening went.

Glafira Firsovna. Behind the Bogomol began. Al little hesitated?

MICHEVNA. Yes, she, Mother, always such; As the dead man did not, everything prays.

Glafira Firsovna. We know, as she prays something.

MICHEVNA. Well, you know, so know! And I know that the truth is saying, I'm not talking about something. Seagull do not require? We have MiG.

Glafira Firsovna. No, I'll wait for the same way. (Sits down.)

MICHEVNA. As you wish.

Glafira Firsovna. Well, what is your plesyr?

MICHEVNA. How, Mother, did you want to say? I did not hear ...

Glafira Firsovna. Well, how to name it? Winner, something cute?

MICHEVNA. Do not understand your conversation for me, the words hurt the wisdom.

Glafira Firsovna. Are you playing fool, al you shame me? So I'm not a lady. You will be with my own, yes in poverty, so you will forget everyone, you don't doubt it. I ask you about Vadim Grigorean ...

MICHEVNA (putting a hand to the cheek). Oh, Mother, oh!

Glafira Firsovna. What bought?

MICHEVNA. Yes, very shameful. How did you find out? And I thought it was not known about it ...

Glafira Firsovna. How did you find out? His name, you herself now told me: I called Vadim Grigorich.

MICHEVNA. Eka I am stupid!

Glafira Firsovna. Yes, besides, I heard from people that she lives in his friend a lot of money. True, what?

MICHEVNA. I do not know correct; And how, tea, do not live! What she regret it for him!

Glafira Firsovna. That's her husband, the dead man, wondered; He felt his heart that widow the money would be needed, and left you a million.

MICHEVNA. Well, what, Mother, Million! Much less.

Glafira Firsovna. Well, this is what I have a bill: I find everything to millions; I have more than a thousand, then Million. How many in a million money, I myself do not know, but I say, because this word went into fashion. BEFORE, MICHEVNA, called thousands of thousands of thousands, and now, all completely millionfish went. Today, tell me about a good merchant that he went bankrupt thousands of fifty, so he will be offended, perhaps, but speak straight to a million or two, "this will be true. Before, there was a small disappearance, and now in the bank of one seven million inexpensive. Of course, in my hands and coming, and the consumption is more than a rarely you rarely see; And I took such courage to myself that other people's money I think all over millions; So they spend free about them. Million - and Shabash! How is she: things, what gives him, al money?

MICHEVNA. I don't know about money, and the gifts come to him commemorated, and all expensive. There is no lack of drawback, and in the apartment everything is ours: then she will buy a new ink in the black ink on the table with the whole device ...

Glafira Firsovna. The ink is new, dear, and there is nothing to write.

MICHEVNA. What a writer! When he! He does not live at home. And the curtains will change the windows on the windows, and the furniture all over again. And it's dishes, underwear and that other, so he does not know how he has everything new, "he seems to him that all the same. Why, to the very least: tea with sugar, and then it goes there.

Glafira Firsovna. Still it does not matter, it is possible. Different women are: which lover things are still, perhaps, capital will save; And which money, well, here the ruin is true.

MICHEVNA. Sakhara hurts a pity: they have a lot of them ... where are they sorting like that?

Glafira Firsovna. How did this happen to you, how did you get this sore on the neck to wear?

MICHEVNA. Yes, all this cottage is damned. As we lived then, soon after the dead man, in the country, - lived modestly, people were observed, rarely when they went for a walk, and then far away; Here it applied, as in sin. Wherever you go out of the house, everyone will meet, and will meet. Yes young, beautiful, dressed as a picture; Horses, strollers. And the heart is not a stone. Well, and began to assign, it is not away: what else, the groom at least where and rich. Just put it so much to postpone the wedding until winter: another husband did not come out, still mourning. And he, meanwhile, goes to us as a bride and gifts every day, and bouquets. And so she got into it, and so it was located that it became just as a husband to count. Yes, and he was without a ceremony became her good, as his disposal. What is yours, that mine, says it's all one. And it is for her joy: "So he says, he, if he does it; Now we have, says, for a small thing, it became only to be guy. "

Glafira Firsovna. Yes, for small! Well, no, do not tell! What's next? Mourning ended, winter came ...

MICHEVNA. Winter came, and he passed, so that's the other will come soon.

Glafira Firsovna. Is he still in the grooms null?

MICHEVNA. Still in the grooms.

Glafira Firsovna. Dolgonka. It's time to sneak something, and the fact that people are sinking!

MICHEVNA. Why, Mother! How do we live? Such something silence, such a modesty, right to say, as there is a monastery. Male Spirit and there is no factory. One of Vadim Grigorich is driving, that sin is to hide, and that more on the twilight. Even who appeared and the go to us there. He has one such, Dergachev is noticeable, twice two, it was, jumped.

Glafira Firsovna. Do not mind if, they say, what?

MICHEVNA. Well, of course, the person is poor, lives the injignment - thinks and eat, and Wints drink. I understand them and understand. Yes, I, Mother, scared him. We are not sorry, yes, we get sequent: men so none, nor under what kind of sight. That's how we live. And she still prays, so fasten, God is with her.

Glafira Firsovna. What is the reason why she? ..

MICHEVNA. That married. It's always so.

Glafira Firsovna. And I think that God will not give her happiness. The nurse forgets ... If, if she conceived the capital to spill, so it would be better with relatives than with others. I would take at least me; In extremes, and I would love for old age years ...

MICHEVNA. This is her case; And I know that it has a native location.

Glafira Firsovna. Nonsense something. Itself away from the relatives, and nothing is good from us, especially from me. I am not angry, and there is a marigold, I can ahead. Well, thanks, only for me and I need: I have all vote from you. What is this, MICHEVNA, how two women will comply, so they fool so much that they do not destroy in a big book, and they will spoke that, maybe, and do not?

MICHEVNA. Our weakness is so female. Of course, in the hope you say that nothing of this is wondering. And who knows you: in someone else's soul you will not fit, maybe you ask with what intent. Yes, here she is herself, and I'll go on the house. (Goes out.)

Included Julia Pavlovna.

Second phenomenon

Glafira Firsovna, Yulia.

Yulia (removing the shawl). Ah, auntka, what fate? So pleased!

Glafira Firsovna. Full, fully, as if I am glad?

Yulia. Yes, even! Of course, glad. (Kiss.)

Glafira Firsovna. I threw my relatives, and you don't want to know! Well, I'm not Nasksiv, myself came; I am glad not glad, and you will not be expel, because it is also a native.

Yulia. Yes you! I am always pleased; Only my life is so secluded, I do not go anywhere. What to do something, so I'm from nature! And I always welcome mercy.

Glafira Firsovna. What are you, how are you, how do we make a scarf? Exactly an orphan.

Yulia. And then the orphan.

Glafira Firsovna. With such orphans, you can still live. Oh, the orphans are called those who have no one to regret, and the rich widows have sadness! Yes, I would, in your place, not the fact that in the handkerchief, and in the Arshsh, there would be a hat, it collapsed in a stroller, and ride! On, say, look!

Yulia. Do not surprise anyone now that neither put on. Yes, and I was not worthwhile to go to the place, - I went to the evening.

Glafira Firsovna. Yes, here the parrot is not to dress for anyone, especially on weekdays. What are you long? Eveningly walked away.

Yulia. Yes, after evening, the wedding was simple, so I stayed.

Glafira Firsovna. What are you, honey, did not see? Wedding like a wedding. Tea, circled and lucky, not rare.

Yulia. Still, auntka, I wonder for someone else's joy to see.

Glafira Firsovna. Well, looked, envied someone else's happiness and pretty. Al you wedding look like us, sinful? We are so painting the eyes that are not the fact that diamonds, but all the pins are recalculated. Yes, I still do not believe my eyes, so in all warmed and dresses, and the blondes are talking, do it?

Yulia. No, aunty, I don't like people in the people: I have looked out; In another face stood. And what is the case! I see, I enters the girl, it becomes gone, in the face neither the bloodstream, the eyes are burning, stared at the groom, all trembling, exactly surprised. Then, I look, she began to be baptized, and the tears were thrown into three streams. I feel sorry for her, I approached her to talk, but to lead as soon as possible. And I'm crying myself.

Glafira Firsovna. What are you talking about?

Yulia. We started talking: "Let's go, I say, dear ceiling! We are with tears, something is not unnecessary? " - "You, I do not know, says, and I am superfluous." I looked at a minute on the bridegroom, nodded my head; She whispered "Goodbye", and we went with tears.

Glafira Firsovna. Cheap tears with you.

Yulia. It is very hard that word is "goodbye". I remembered my dear husband: I really cried, as he died; And how I had to say "goodbye" - the last time, - so I was dead myself. And what to say: "Farewell to the age of a living person? After all, it is worse than to bury.

Glafira Firsovna. Eca you have sadness on these blunt! Yes, God is with her! Everything should know that only God is hard.

Yulia. So, so, aunty, if you love a man, did you put all my soul in him?

Glafira Firsovna. And where does this hot love come from?

Yulia. What to do something! After all, it's someone as given. Of course, who love does not know, the easier it is to live in the world.

Glafira Firsovna. E, what do we do to others! Talk about yourself! How is your falcon?

Yulia. What is my falcon?

Glafira Firsovna. Well, how do you order? Groom there, what? Vadim Grigorich.

Yulia. What about? .. Yes, where are you?

Glafira Firsovna. Where did you find out? Hearing the land is full: even in the pipes are not yet trumped, and the conversation goes.

Yulia (confused). Yes now soon, aunt, a wedding with us.

Glafira Firsovna. Full, is it? He is not reliable, they say, yes, and the motor is very.

Yulia. What is it, I love this.

Glafira Firsovna. Hold a little.

Yulia. How can you say! After all, the wife is still; How do I dare to say something? That God blesses, then another thing; And now I can only caress and my deputy. It seems that I would be glad to give everything, just did not fit.

Glafira Firsovna. What are you, getting up! Young, beautiful woman, but to break the man! not the old woman after all.

Yulia. Yes, I do not ignite, and I did not think to break: he himself rich. But still, you need to bind anything. I live, aunty, in the wilderness, I keep my life modest, I can't follow him: where he happens, what he does ... Sometimes three days, four does not go, what you do not change my mind; Rada God knows what to give, just to see something.

Glafira Firsovna. What to tie, do not know? And burning something! What another, and this good in Moscow do not borrow. Such drugs know truncated. I know four ladies who are engaged in this skill. Won Manefa says: "I am with my word on the edge of the world, in America, I will get it there and there is a long-haired nursing. Let's twenty-five rubles in your hands, from America Sparrow. " Here you would go.

Yulia. No, what are you! How can this be?

Glafira Firsovna. Nothing. And that is, one retired secretary, humpbat; So he will bury, and playing the pianos, and the brutal romances sings, - so it is for lovers as sensitive!

Yulia. No, I will not burn.

Glafira Firsovna. And you don't want to burn, so you still have a remedy: if I'm not going to you for a little long time, now it is, the slave of God, in remembering for the rest! What a longing torment, you will fly a moment ...

Yulia. Nothing it is needed.

Glafira Firsovna. Sin afraid? It is exactly what sin.

Yulia. Yes, and not good.

Glafira Firsovna. So here the means is sinless: it is possible for health, only put a candle up to your legs: from the other end to light. How to act!

Yulia. No, you can leave! Why!

Glafira Firsovna. And better, right, here is our advice: I'll throw it myself, until he threw you.

Yulia. Oh, as you can! what do you! I put it all my life ... Yes, I'm alive will not stay.

Glafira Firsovna. Because we, related people, I do not want to carry from you. Listen, that all native and acquaintances say!

Yulia. Yes, that they are before me! I do not touch anyone, I am an adult.

Glafira Firsovna. And the fact that it is impossible to seem anywhere else, everywhere surveys yes ridicule: "What is your Julink? How is your julink? " WIND Look at how Flore Fedulich is upset through you.

Yulia. And Flore Fedulich?

Glafira Firsovna. I recently seen him; He himself wanted to be today.

Yulia. Ai, shame what! Why is it he? Such a venerable old man.

Glafira Firsovna. I myself brought myself.

Yulia. I will not take it. How will I talk to him? From shame to burn.

Glafira Firsovna. Yes, you are not very afraid. He is at least strict, and to you, young women, quite indulgent. Lonely man, no children, money twelve million.

Yulia. What is it, aunty, it hurts a lot.

Glafira Firsovna. I'm so, for happiness I speak, do not be afraid: my millions are small. But only a lot, a lot, passion how much money! Alien soul - Potmon: who knows who he will leave the money. That's all relatives in front of him and ok. And you too, it would not be assured something.

Yulia. What am I relative to him! Seventh water on the kiere, and even then on her husband.

Glafira Firsovna. You want, so the relatives of the relatives will you.

Yulia. I do not understand this, aunty, and I do not want to understand.

Glafira Firsovna. Very simple: Perflect every desire for him, every whim, so he will fool you during his lifetime.

Yulia. We must know what kind of caprises he has! Other whims and for your twelve million will not fulfill to fulfill.

Glafira Firsovna. Capricious old people to whom Mila, of course. Yes, the old man is wonderful of us: Star himself, and he has young whims. Have you forgotten that he was your husband first friend and benefactor? Your husband ordered to him in front of death, so that he did not forget you, to help you and the Council, and the case, and was you instead of the Father.

Yulia. So I did not forget something, and he. After the death of her husband, I was only once and seen.

Glafira Firsovna. Can I demand it? Little things have something without you! He has all this time thoughts were busy with others. His orphan was in care, beauty, better than you; But now he gave her married, his thoughts had been freed, and I remembered you, and I had reached the line.

Yulia. I am very grateful to Flora Feduluch, just I do not want any trustees, and in vain, he worries himself.

Glafira Firsovna. Do not repel your relatives, do not replicate! We live before the thread, where are you going? We will refer to us.

Yulia. I will not go to anyone; My pride will not allow me, yes I no need. What do you tend me poverty! I'm not small: myself, myself, and my money, I will dispose of Sumey.

Glafira Firsovna. And I heard other conversations.

Yulia. I have nothing to hear about me. Of course, from the gossip will not be born, they speak about everyone, especially servants; So good man, solid, ashamed to do such nonsense.

Glafira Firsovna. Like this! She said how cut off. We will know so.

Included MICHEVNA.

Phenomenon third

Julia, Glafira Firsovna and Mikhevna.

MICHEVNA. Tea is ready, do you not order?

Glafira Firsovna. No, tea, God with him! Here is a miracle with me, here Listen! As this hour it comes, and starts calling me on edible. And why did it happen?

Yulia. So you can apply.

Glafira Firsovna. Why serve! You, because, I am tea, there is such a locker, where all this is observed - and you can miss a little, and eat! I am not Nasksiv: I'm cucumber - so cucumber, the cake is so cake.

Yulia. There is aunt, how not to be!

Glafira Firsovna. Here we are to him and attach. I'll eat with a small business, yes, and it's time for me. I died with you, but I still march through the whole Moscow.

Yulia. Is there such a distance on foot? Auntka, if you do not hurt, I would suggest you at the cab driver. (Takes out a ruble piece of paper.) And then the horse lay?

Glafira Firsovna. Will not be offended. From the other will be offended, but you no, I will not be offended, I will take away from you. (Takes a piece of paper.) When to lay a horse here!

Yulia and Glafira Firsovna go to the door to the right MICHEVNA Going behind them. Call.

Fourth phenomenon

MICHEVNA, later Dergachev.

MICHEVNA. Well, this is Vadim Grigorich, I hear about the call. (Goes to the door, towards her Dergachev.) Oh, so that you!

Dergachev (important). I wish to see Julia Pavlovna.

MICHEVNA. Well, yes little what you want. To us, Batyushka, the men do not go to the house. And who let you go? How many times did the girls spoke, so as not to be allowed.

Dergachev (shrugging). Here is a moral!

MICHEVNA. Well, yes, morals! Let you, so you are.

Dergachev. I did not care about your nonsense to listen. Council, cute, Yulia Pavlovna.

MICHEVNA. Yes, dear, it is impossible.

Dergachev. What kind of nonsense! I need to see Julia Pavlovna.

MICHEVNA. Well, because it's not special what kind of need!

Dergachev. I have a letter to her.

MICHEVNA. And the letter, so let him go here and go with God.

Dergachev. I have to go to your own hands.

MICHEVNA. And I have my own hands, not strangers. What are you afraid of? Do not eat it!

Included Julia Pavlovna.

Phenomenon fifth

Dergachev, MICHEVNA, Julia Pavlovna.

Yulia. What are you here for the conversation? A, Luka Gerasimich, Hello!

Dergachev. I have the honor to bow. Letter from Vadim. (Submits a letter.)

Yulia. Poorly thank you. No answer?

Dergachev. No answer is not needed; He will call himself.

Yulia. What's healthy he?

Dergachev. Thank God-s.

MICHEVNA. Do you keep him, let him go quickly, what's good?

Dergachev. Can I wait for him here?

Yulia. Luka Gerasimych, sorry! I'm waiting for one relative, old man, you see?

MICHEVNA. Yes, Gerasimych, go, go!

Dergachev. Gerasimych! What ignorance!

MICHEVNA. Do not let down!

Yulia. Do not be angry with her, she is a simple woman. Goodbye, Luka Gerasimich!

Dergachev. Goodbye, Julia Pavlovna! Like my friendship to Vadim, but I will not accept such orders from him, sorry-s! I suggested himself, s! I thought to spend time ...

MICHEVNA. Well, what about the conversation spread?

Yulia. What to do, this is not accepted. (Lay.)

MICHEVNA (Julia). Glafira Firsovna gone?

Yulia. Gone.

MICHEVNA (Dergachev). Let's go, let's go, I spend.

Dergachev It turns out and goes. MICHEVNA Behind him.

Phenomenon of sixth

Yulia, later MICHEVNA.

Yulia (discloses the letter and reads). "Mute Julia, I will certainly be at least today, at least late, but still I'll come." That's it nice on his part. (Is reading.) "Do not be angry, my dove" ... (Repeats.) "My darling". How well writes. How to get angry with such a dove! (Is reading.) "I have not had a minute of all these days: all things and things and, you must admit, not very successful. I'm more and more convinced that I can't live without your love. And although I subjected her quite serious tests and today I demand some sacrifice from you, but I myself spoiled me, and I'm sure in advance that you will forgive you all your crazy and insanely loving you Vadim. "

Included MICHEVNA.

MICHEVNA. Someone drove up, in no way Flore Fedulich?

Yulia (hides a letter in pocket). So you look, sit in the front, but look good! If Vadim Grigorich arrives, he spent him around, but ask you to wait in the coal room. Tell me, they say, they have uncle.

Mikhevna leaves. Included Flore Fedulich.

A woman who loves is ready to sacrifice the sake of saving a loved one with all his state. What will be answered by Vadim Dulchin, handsome and player? And how far can a woman come in, who loves him? ..

In honor of the movie Day on August 27, I want to remember the beautiful film of Peter Todorovsky on the play A.N. Ostrovsky - "Last Victim". In my opinion, this is one of the masterpieces of Soviet cinema: the selection of actors, the music of Evgeny Schwartz, the picturesque series of the film - everything corresponds to the play and the spirit of the times.

It is impossible to forget the incredibly touching Julia Pavlovna Margarita Volodyina - an aging, loving, sacrificial, deceived.

Volodina was not so much shot and became famous for the role of commissars in the film "Optimistic tragedy". But those who have not seen, I advise you to see a wonderful film about love, where only two heroes and two actors - Volodina and Mikhail Scriskin - "Every evening in eleven" - and you will learn how your ancestors did in the era of the lack of mobile phones! And a good film, where she, however,, the episodic role of a drinking wife - "Late Meeting" on Yu Nagibin with A.Batalov in the lead role.

Vadim Dulchina plays Oleg Strizhenov - it is for the sake of him for the last sacrifice Julia Pavlovna: it is humiliated, it proposes himself, begging, orders, kisses everything to get money for the beloved, which just "burns money," losing them in the cards.

And finally, the third protagonist is Frol Fedulich performed by Mikhail Glovsky: oh, good! It's so good that if I am on the site of the main character, without thinking to exchange the stuck and the dulcy of the Dulchin on - let it be not a young - but a smart, thin, educated and rich merchant, and even if he has such eyes, like the Glovsky!

The rest of the characters are also good: the nephew of Laurel Mironich (Leonid Kuravlev), seeing Russian Monte Cristo, but without his millions and the romantic daughter of Laurea Mironich - "Iron" - Olga Naumenko.

The wonderful scene between her and Strezhenov, when Dulchin detects Irina Lavrovnu in his bachelor bed: lucky, did you want an African passion? You will get it! But suddenly it turns out that the necessary component of the African passion is the money that Dulchina is not in, and there is only one thing - "Hungarian dances on the kabaks dance", nor Irina - Uncle Frol will not give a penny for such a groom! Yes, how did you bother to demand African passion, you have no penny for the soul! - indignant, feverishly dressed "Irins", and Dulchin Melancholithically notices: Well, we, let's not want to desire an African passion ...

No, so I just retell the whole movie! I remember it almost by heart: here's another episode when Irina kisses Frol Fedulic in gratitude for some kind of gift, and he, Posmakov, notices: does not, not that. Not that! That kiss - worth the road! He - what Gulia Pavlovna gave him.

And in conclusion, about music: Evgeny Schwartz created an amazingly gentle sound image of the film, especially I like the song, going at the beginning:
Do not grow grass in winter ...
Fall - do not pour ...
He will not come back ...
Remember - do not remember ...

I do not pass for the accuracy of words - but the meaning is as follows. This song immediately sets the sad note. And also - romance "in our old garden ..."!

And it is necessary to say about the extraordinary accuracy of interiors, costumes and Moscow landscapes: Yulia Pavlovna's house was filmed on the street near Ilya ordinary, near the metro Park of Culture.

Live, not believing with expenses - as close to a modern person who is accustomed to live by no income of today, and tomorrow, constantly standing in the situation of a person who is obliged to someone. A gambling player is able to confuse everything in one day, and his legalized opponent prefers to play a roulette with banks, changing one small loan to another larger, not understanding that around his neck, the loop is drawn in the same way, while everything will not be lost completely. Alexander Ostrovsky in the play "Last Sacrifice" showed one of the peculiarities of human society, when part of its members is not considered to measure their expenses, without having a permanent source of income. Times are changing, approaches also change, but the general essence remains.

In the XIX century, a lot of solving a successful marriage on a rich man. The woman sought to find a worthy partner in life, not believing with anything sacred in importance to occupy a high position in society, for what they strongly followed their mothers, especially if the daughter was young. Issue successfully married - nothing more differences. The man also searched for a decent party, whose capital he will be able to spend on his own need, and even add a higher title to his name. The life of society has become exchanged for your shoulders that have been achieved more often, but thanks to parents. With an imperative approach, everything disappeared, leaving the emptiness after him, forcing people to correct the position only with the help of competent marriage.

One vice interferes with a person, showing the animal start in it - it is a thrust to obtain momentary pleasures, which arises sporadically and uncontrolled by consciousness, sometimes before trembling in the whole body. How many people have reduced the result with life when the situation became hopeless, and how many continues to be acting in the same way today? The person is easy to drive into the trap, from which you can leave like a wolf with a naked paw, so that after that you gang up your own pack, not tolerance among myself, to exist on the right constantly located in the movement of the team to live by voluntarly creatures. In people, everything proceeds a lot of softer: the spraying paw can easily be corrected by someone's grace, where the most optimal is considered a successful marriage.

But where do you give a vice, if he is in the blood? After deciding one problem - it is easy to earn a new one, driving into a trap of other people, also forced to search for patrons on the side. Everything spins around the Golden Taurus, and life is rapidly leading a man on the road curve in depths of despair. A good person may be lucky, but he will soon remain in the shadows from his modesty and will continue to inform her annoying position without desire; The vicious person will spin and seek any opportunities for restoring lost positions.

The "last victim" is the play of Ostrovsky about people that desperately require other condescension to themselves, while remaining lowland creatures, deftly by the manipulating feelings of trusting them in good members of society. And when the secret becomes apparent, the train, as a rule, has already gone, and the blind love is finally twisted, realizing the irrevocability associated with short-sighted losses. Russian classics often wrote on this topic, trying to open their eyes to people, thus reflecting a number of existing problems, but they could not affect the existing negative features, because they did not offer recipes to change the situation for the better. No offered for the reason that they themselves did not see other possibilities, except for the realization of the fact for the everyday manifestation of human nature. It can even be noticed that the Russian classics were singing this topic, pushing others to such a lifestyle.

A popular suicide in Russian circles was not always relevant, or the Piece of Ostrovsky was too short, showing a small fragment of someone's life.

Additional Tags: Ostrovsky Last Victim Critica, Ostrovsky Last Victim Analysis, Ostrovsky Last Victim Reviews, Ostrovsky Last Victim Review, Book, Alexander Ostrovsky

U Liya Pavlovna Tagina, a rich widow, solitary living in his estate, falls in love with the player and Vadima Dulchina. All his fortune Yulia Pavlovna spent on his beloved. But even on the verge of ruin, she never ceases to think about him and ready for the "last sacrifice": to ask for money from a rich merchant Flora Fedulich Prof., in order to save Dulcy from the debt.

Fragment of the book Yuri Bogomolov "Peter Todorovsky. Creative portrait. "

"Lirik," Returning to the City ", risked to commit, to which in good times could not think: he shields the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Last Sacrifice".

The screen version for Todorovsky is the same as for a good poet to rewrite other poems into your album.

It is clear that the world of Ostrovsky, such a colorful, such a solid, obcomed by bulky diet, populated by the most picturesque, self-concrete and self-adhesive characters, is the ground is not "his own" for Todorovsky. He tries to be conscientious in the "rewriting" of someone else's, but still slips over the surface.

Noteworthy, however, the selection itself is the play. I dare to say that here the choice is the most informative moment. The Ostrovsky is taken, in which the dramatic story of a sincere compromise is told. The heroine loves with all the heart of one, and married comes out for another. And the playwright justifies it.

Frame from the film. Photo:

Frame from the film. Photo:

It was this conflict that, in all likelihood, attracted the attention of the director. She obviously took him for living. To whom, if not a lyrics of the 60s - 70s, was to know what to remain faithful to the heart when his life is constantly deceiving when life surrounded by a man with ghosts and mirages, everything is incorrect under his feet ...

That lirik 60s - 70s is tired of lies around others and lies to himself. Therefore, he observes with such sympathy over the peripets of the person's internal drama from another era.

Or maybe this is really a way out - marriage for calculating good, good, reliable person?

Ostrovsky convinces. At least in this play. In "Talents and Fans" convinces in the opposite.

Great temptation to hide in a prosperous private life. Or try to take the fiction of an active public life for a clean coin and strive up the service staircase leading, as you know, down.

Todorovsky is more clearly aware of the unlawfulness of such exits from the dead end. The soul is not so obliged, she can't do not work.

The "last victim" in this regard became the first victim, which the lyrical consciousness of Peter Todorovsky suffered.

Julia Pavlovna Togina, young widow.

Glafira Firsovna, aunt Yulia, Elderly Related Woman.

Vadim Grigorievich Dulchin, young man.

Luka Gerasimych Dergachev, friend of Dulchina, a rather unprecedented gentleman and in a figure and a suit.

Flore Fedulich Profit,, very rich merchant, rosy old man, 60 years old, smoothly shake, carefully combed and dressed very clean.

MICHEVNA, old keys of Julia.

A small living room in the house Togina. In the depths of the door entrance, to the right (from actors) the door to the internal rooms, left the window. Drapets and furniture are quite modest, but decent.

Phenomenon first

MICHEVNA (at the entrance door), then Glafira Firsovna.

MICHEVNA. Girls who called there? Vadim Grigorich, or what?

Glafira Firsovna(entering). What Vadim Grigorich is me! Vadim is Grigorich, tea, later comes.

MICHEVNA. Ah, Mother, Glafira Firsovna! Yes, no and not Vadim Grigoryecha; It's so, I was mentioned ... Sorry!

Glafira Firsovna. Convented from the language, so nothing to do, not hiding back. Eka Dosada, did not find me the most! Not close to the place to travel to you; And I have no money on the cabrs. Yes, and the robbers are they! For your money, you will unwind all the digestion, and even the eyes of the eyes will surprise.

MICHEVNA. What should I say! Whether it is your ...

Glafira Firsovna. What, your own? Leets, what?

MICHEVNA. No, horses, I say.

Glafira Firsovna. What is better! Yes, only I have my own on the Krenovsky factory; Buy everything will not feed: I'm afraid, as if not mistaken.

MICHEVNA. So you are a feather?

Glafira Firsovna. Yes, according to the promise, Seven mesh kisli is. Yes, not at times, it can be seen, it will have to be back on the same, not feed.

MICHEVNA. Sit Mother; She, you have to be, will come back soon.

Glafira Firsovna. And where did God be carried?

MICHEVNA. To the evening went.

Glafira Firsovna. Behind the Bogomol began. Al little hesitated?

MICHEVNA. Yes, she, Mother, always such; As the dead man did not, everything prays.

Glafira Firsovna. We know, as she prays something.

MICHEVNA. Well, you know, so know! And I know that the truth is saying, I'm not talking about something. Seagull do not require? We have MiG.

Glafira Firsovna. No, I'll wait for himself. (Sits down.)

MICHEVNA. As you wish.

Glafira Firsovna. Well, what is your plesyr?

MICHEVNA. How, Mother, did you want to say? I did not hear ...

Glafira Firsovna. Well, how to name it? Winner, something cute?

MICHEVNA. I do not understand your conversation, the words are painfully wisdom.

Glafira Firsovna. Do you play fool on Al you shame me? So I'm not a lady. You will be with my own, yes in poverty, so you will forget everyone, you don't doubt it. I ask you about Vadim Grigorean ...

MICHEVNA(putting a hand to the cheek). Oh, Mother, oh!

Glafira Firsovna. What bought?

MICHEVNA. Yes, very shameful. How did you find out? And I thought it was not known about it ...

Glafira Firsovna. How did you find out? His name I myself was now told me, I called Vadim Grigorich.

MICHEVNA. Eka I am stupid.

Glafira Firsovna. Yes, in addition, I heard from people that she lives in a friend of his money ... True, or what?

MICHEVNA. I do not know correct; And how, tea, do not live; What she regret it for him!

Glafira Firsovna. That's her husband, the dead man, wondered, felt his heart that widow the money would be needed, and left you a million.

MICHEVNA. Well, what, Mother, Million! Much less.

Glafira Firsovna. Well, I have this bill, I find everything for millions: I have more than a thousand, then a million. How many in a million money, I myself do not know, but I say, because this word went into fashion. BEFORE, MICHEVNA, called thousands of thousands of thousands, and now, all completely millionfish went. Today, tell me about a good merchant that he went bankrupt thousands of fifty, so he will be offended, perhaps, but speak straight a million or two, - this will be true ... before and the disappearance was small, and now won in a bank of one seven Millions were missing. Of course, in my hands and coming and consumption, more than a rarely you rarely see; And I took such courage to myself that other people's money I think all over millions and so I spent free about them ... Million, and Shabash! How is she, things, what gives him al money?

MICHEVNA. I don't know about money, and the gifts come to him commemorated, and all expensive. There is no deficiency in anything, - and everything is ours in the apartment; then she will buy a new ink ink on the table with the whole device ...

Glafira Firsovna. The inkwell is expensive, and there is nothing to write.

MICHEVNA. What a writer when he is; He does not live at home ... and the curtains will change the windows on the windows, and the furniture is still anew. And this is the dishes, underwear and that so on, so he does not know how he is all new, - he thinks everything that all the same ... what is the same, until the least; tea with sugar and then it goes there ...

Glafira Firsovna. Still it does not matter, it is possible. Different women are: which is a lover things, - that even, perhaps, capital will save; And which money, well, here the ruin is true ...

MICHEVNA. Sakhara hurts a pity: they have a lot of them ... where are they sorting like that?

Glafira Firsovna. How did it happen to you, how did you get this slander on the neck to wear? ..

MICHEVNA. Yes, all this cottage is damned. As we lived then, soon after the dead man, in the country, they lived modestly, people were found, rarely when they went for a walk, and then far away ... there was him, as in sin. Where we do not extend from the house, everyone will meet and meet. Yes young, beautiful, dressed as a picture; Horses, strollers what! And the heart is not a stone ... well, and began to assign, she is not away; What else - the groom at least where and rich. Just put it so much to postpone the wedding until winter: another husband did not come out, still mourning. And he, meanwhile, every day goes to us as the groom and gifts and bouquets take. And so she got into it, and so it was located that it became just as a husband to count. Yes, and he was without a ceremony became her good, as his disposal. "What is yours, that mine, says, this is all one." And it is for her joy: "So he says, he, if he does it; Now we have, says, for a small thing, it became only to be guy. "

Glafira Firsovna. Yes, for small! Well, no, do not tell! Well, farther? ... mourning ended ... Winter came ...

MICHEVNA. Winter came, and he passed, so that's the other will come soon.

Glafira Firsovna. Is he still in the grooms null?

MICHEVNA. Still in the grooms.

Glafira Firsovna. Dolgonka. It's time to sneak something, and the fact that people are sinking!

MICHEVNA. Why, Mother! How do we live? Such a silence, such a modesty, right to say, as there is a monastery: there is no male spirit and in the plant. One of Vadim Grigorich is driving, that sin is to hide, and that more on the twilight. Even who appeared, and the go to us there is no go ... He has one such, Dergachev is getting glad, two times it was crushed ...

Glafira Firsovna. Do not mind if, they say, what?

MICHEVNA. Well, of course, the poor man lives the injignment, "he thinks and eat and drink and drink and drink. I understand them and understand. Yes, I, Mother, scared him. We are not sorry, yes, we get selected; Men in order not to any kind. That's how we live ... And she will pray yes, God is with her.