
Simple history performance plot. "Very simple story" (M. TDO). Photo provided by press services of theaters

Piece Maria Lado "Very Simple History" has become in the past season hit (however, the word "hit" stylistically does not correspond to this play, it is from another dictionary). The popularity of "simple history" is clear: "Hearts like a tender song and good, simple love", things of the uncomplicated and humane. The hearts of the stage mat, gay and lesbians in one bottle, and therefore the history of the salvation of a unborn child from a threatening abortion is perceived almost avant-garde ideology: the child should be born not from Gay with lesbian, which would be logical in our era, but from ordinary village kids . The scenic popularity of "very simple history" is associated with its dramaturgical indity: unlike the overwhelming majority of the plays, the authors of which have never heard of the string and climax, as well as about dramatic action, - the play of Lado returns us to the traditional structure, and all its gears And the coins rotate without a crossed. Want - put the story, you want - a simple, you want - very. This play allows the actors to play, spectators cry. The question is only - what people who know the directions are made in the presence of this theater and good performers ... We dedicate this issue several reviews on the play on the play of Lado in different cities of our immense homeland.

... and so that there were no translation to people in the Holy Rus

M. Lado. "Very simple story." Small Scene of the Tyus. A. Bryantseva.
Director Galina Byzgu, artist Alexey Voyakov

It is believed that now women are becoming more and more women in art. Women write books, put movies and performances, sing on stage, draw - in short, they do not do their own business. This opinion is wrong. First, women are engaged in their work, secondly, they are engaged in them for a long time, and thirdly, most often they do this thing well. In the ancient times, women were engaged in art, even not knowing that they were engaged in art. They decorated life. They embroidered icons and rises in a centimeter per day, and now these wonderful things hang in museums after five hundred, a thousand years. They gone wonderful songs - love, lullabies. They composed fairy tales. They mastered outfits of themselves and men. "It seemed to me, he laughs, and he fears forever. Good people, believe me, breaking worse than death ... "- Well, who composed it? Man, or what? The man composed "Black Raven, that you go," and this and all this has done this in love longing a woman.

"Very simple history" of Kievans Mary Lado reminded me of the infertility great art of antiquity, when they write no about someone and not about something, self-affirming in a flat place, - no, they write their own, cherished, what can not be written, not to sing , not to tell. And this very simple story is set by the director of Galina Byzvu very simple - probably, just just once the Lord created the world. I rejected live breathing, said: "Let it be so." A lively gold substance of life is bottled in this Nomudren play, where all the actors are good from themselves. After all, it is very nice - play well.

On the stage, the Saraike was watered, animals live there. Cow (Larisa Markina), Horse (Olga Lysenkov), Dog (Igor Golovin), Rooster (Alexander Bezrukov) and Pig (Olga Selflo). An image of animals is a long-standing Tyzovsky lesson, which may look exclusively disgusting. Here it looks attractive. The actors do not play the external signs of their characters - we have such creatures, with your mind, with their psyche. Rooster - artist, intellectual by the standards of the Saraychik, because he listens to the radio and knows many beautiful and incomprehensible words of the word "default". In the bright red cafanic, unwitted and arrogant, performed by Artist Alexander Belakova (gentlemen, what happiness! There is another Bezrukov!) This rooster is a fun and complex being, proud and cowardly, talented and childish vain. The cow is all absorbed by his next pregnancy and looks at the world with unforgettable cow eyes. The horse is very nice, the elderly, thoughtful, selfless, though, for all his life she could not understand why people buy new clothes when they already have it. The dog is good-natured, as it should be, and stupid, as it often happens at the yard. But the pig ... I understand the creators of the play, who called this character, the author named correctly - "Pig". What Played Olga Samochin is embarrassing to call "pigs". It is necessary exactly a gentle-pig. This, in fact, the wonderful Russian provincial young lady in a hat, dreamy, trusting, full of tenderness and love. She sits in one place in one place and dreams at least ever take off and see God's peace. She shines from the joy of life, from happiness to talk with comrades and from delight that overwhelms her when she sees a beloved owner.

And the owner - Konstantin Vorobyev - closed and gloomy, this is exactly what the people call the "fist", "Kurkul". Of course, he is in Russian national economic clothing - vitro and rubber boots. Furious and ruthlessly leads the owner of its farm, his world, where he is the king and God. Next to the neighbor - Sergey Byzgu, Ponya, Meschak, a slacker, but, what is called the soul man.

Actor Sergey Byzgu - Husband directed by Galina Byzgu. In my opinion, this is the first case in the history of the theater. Usually the directions are married to actresses. And then it came out as interesting. In the soft female directorial paws, Sergey Byzvu is absolutely comfortable. He plays wide and abolished. He shows all his skills. He clearly and accurately separates scenic moments at the ups and pauses. His peasant is not difficult to identify - we are familiar with him since childhood. Eyes, many years wersled by the absolute, that is, vodka, clean and transparent. In the pocket - flea on Arkan. But - the soul of the Naraspa and the harmonica shifts the sorrow. The disapstrating person, they say about such a drunkard, but good. " But it was it that he was destined to prevent hell - on the play to the angels - and hear how animals speak. Until the reason, you will not sleep, you will not understand the essence of life, in any case, in our Holy Rus.

And this is the Holy Rus, a very simple story. God sleeps with pets on Seine, sinks cheerful Pianchug, pushes the master girl (Alexander Ionova) in the arms of the neighboring boy (Denis Puins), who has no cola of the courtyard, but the real fire is burning in young blood, and they must be born Holy child. Why, all the children are saints. With each child, God hopes for something else. So it bothets your farm - so that the boys love girls, so that they have other boys and girls and so that there were no translation to people in the Holy Rus.

Yes, the trouble - hates the owner of the neighbor and does not want to enter the relationship with him. And the pig, which so trusting on him looked, stabbed. And she came at night to his comrades in Saraike in the form of an angel. And he told that he saw God, that he stroked her on his head and regretted and that there are few people in paradise - more and more animals. And that when a man dies - he is made by the guardian of another person who should be born. Then animals and thought - how to help the child's child, whose death lies. And the neighbor came to them, predeing before transparency, and also understood what to do and how he should be ordered his useless life ...

This, of course, is a rather controversial moment in the play - when a neighbor shot himself to help to be born a future child. There is some embarrassment. It would be better if he threw a drink, led to the economy and settled the conflict with the owner. But in the Slavic Christian consciousness, well-being is somehow inexorably connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe victim. Say, without the blood of the lamb will not work. Defretten - then you will get. Who knows him may, truth like that. The actors are so simple and convincingly fulfill this collision that you believe in a word, and questions come already.

And in the end, happiness comes - ordinary, sweet and everyone is kind: with a young mother and a child in his arms, with the abandon from happiness, with a grandfather, with smoking animals, with clear stars in a clean sky and a large snow that does not melt, because he is real - theatrical.

This is a director in that single sense that the theater does not lead to the abyss - the consent and understanding of all actors, an understanding of the nature of dramaturgy, the establishment of living links between the actors, the setting of a single common faithful tone. The viewer is happy - as a live water swept. Only a very source is small - the small scene of the Tyus. What can you do, so everywhere. When that the present becomes necessary in some slot, the basement, in a small hall, since this demons need stadiums and millions, people of light enough and one soul. Two - already a lot.

"Where two will gather in his name, there I am among them."

June 2003

Well, a very simple story

M. Lado. "Very simple story." Theater "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors".
Staging Nikolai Gubenko, Artist Victor Arefiev

Those who read the play Maria Lado (and they know, read) and did not hit the performance, first of all ask: "Well, how are animals? How did they come up with? "

I answer - invented witty. Cut from paper on the contour of the horse figurines, cows, roosters, pigs. And each - two copies. And then increase them to the sizes comparable to human growth (for this not the paper will need, and the canvas stretched to the appropriate contour frame), then connect both copies so that the actor can be freely accommodated between these figures. All this is a lightweight facility, put on the furs - and are ready for quite functional pets. And "function" they will be against the background of a large hand drawn backdrop, where only the blue sky is yes white clouds (immense Russia-Mother). From somewhere from the clouds, the canopy-genius descends, to which the staircase is pressed. From one edge of the scene - the Hoody man and the cart, from the other - hay and forks; In the middle - the flask. All together is a strong master's yard.

The first big scene - the morning: a home "livestock" wakes up, the owner is waiting. It's time to consider their costumes, humorous demonstrating the connection of a person and home "creature": a pig - in a pink soft jumpsuit, emphasizing the roundness of the forms, a horse in the long cavalry overcoat with medals (among which one of the honorary - labor veteran), dog - in fashionable Ripped jeans and T-shirt with the image of their owner, cow - in a self-tapping cardigan with brushes, gently flowing her big belly (waiting for the calving), and the Pestro-elegant rooster "A La Punk". All Actors are young: a dreamy pig (L. Savchenko), pensive cow (M. Ryabkova), a swift dog (V. Vesh), a pussy rooster (A. Tyankas) and even magician experience and tired of the horse (E. Ustyungina). All actors are diligent and diligently played only one state (dreamy, thoughtful, trepidative, etc.) - from the beginning to the end of the performance. From this, sometimes a feeling of baby matinee is created. It seems that the plane scenographic solution determined and the method of existence of actors (rooster, truth, Tutnasov "Multi-time" remains). But maybe animals play and need? Not people, in the end, though talking.

But people appear ...

The types are selected expressive: a cool owner (former sailor) in the telnyashka (M. Basov), the troubleshooting hostess (T. Lukyanova), alcoholic neighbor (A. Pryakhin) and young people - Dasha and Alexey (M. Fedosova and V. Ruzvorin) . However, it turns out very soon that people exist in this performance for the same laws as animals. "Multi-colored" no longer finding any. And that's what is interesting: what appear in the first scenes these people are, they go in the latter. But in their stage life there are many important events.

Here is Dasha and Alexey. By play, they had love. Hot, live, real. How to play such? A difficult task, of course (see "PTZ" No. 24; all about it). It is indicated in the performance this feeling like this: first, the text helps (there is talking about love), secondly, the "king plays a switch" (in this case, all around them also speak about their love), Third, Dasha and Alexey sometimes hugging, and at the beginning so slightly and more ... Here, perhaps, all the designations. But Dasha in the first love stage reports Alexey about his pregnancy. And then parents insist on abortion. Alexey to what is happening Indiffers: "I will not go against my parents." There are, of course, in the text such words, but behind these words - the storm of feelings, confusion. The playwright "Silts" Alexey has a lot of living scenes, overflow sentiment. In the performance, the actor goes after the words, and that's it.

Dasha loves and suffers from only "in words." Mistress (her mother) - too. A little bit of the host of the host, but the current of strenuous stage life does not go from him. A neighbor alcoholic is convincing, but only as an alcoholic. From this state, the actor does not come out for a minute. He, too, "thrown out" wonderful biographical strokes: Once, in childhood, he finoded and played Chapany, and the future owner was with Petka, and the future hostess once preferred to the future owner of this now the man was already a well-spoken man. However, all the most complex gamma of the Hero experiences is reduced to a simple medical diagnosis, and in vain look for any other features in this poster image of an alcoholic.

The racialness and one-dimensionality in the director's performance are conflict with the parable nature of the play filled with lucavia and irony, it needs the bulk of characters, the presence of a "gap" between actor actor and his hero: "The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint ...".

The play includes poems and zones, written by Nikolai Gubhenko themselves. Not all of them are organically entering the scenic action. Some attribute us to completely different times and to another theater. The end of the first act is indicative when cute pets, discussing the problem of money, suddenly abruptly interrupt his cute and witty chatter, go to the existness and, just like in the "good man from Seshuana" the old Taganka, "DRAKE" sing and extend the prison About "Mani Mani, and the people have no shred in his pocket" in the style of rap. But ... the times went away, and the parable about love strongly resists similar direct accusatory appeals to the audience "on the current topic".

In the very play, alas, there is no most important - internal tension, the cherished thought about something expensive and significant, no, and the truly hurt heart. And without it, they do not cry shouthes, even though in the form of the station, even in the form of rap, - there is no answer ...

April 2003

"Why is the sadness inherent in cows? .."

M. Lado. "Very simple story." State chamber "Fifth Theater" (Omsk).
Director Boris Zeitlin, Scenography Boris Zeitlin and Olga Verevkina

There is one golden sign
the easier of the simplest will take:
the word "very" will be found at the poet,
so it is no longer a poet!

Arkady Kutilov

What Boris Zeitlin fell, "like in heresy, in unthinkable simplicity," putting a simple story (sorry, a very simple story; "very" allocated largely in the program, and on all advertising stands), - so, then What "didn't fell", it became clear first when disclosing the aforementioned program, and then at the entrance to the auditorium, where there was so much that ...

God with him, with the genre of "Simple History" (as a pig could say, in the sky, it turned out). But here "the unity of the form and content" (as the same pig she would have said, who had changed the form of being after his killing, but the maintenance of the content) is somewhat more seriously.

The scenographic design, invented by the director, was obsessively tuned on very global: the ceiling-sky for the entire visual hall, land-pass through the entire parter ... "Effectiveness" of this construction, alas, except extra. The opportunities for solving a number of Misaneszen turned out to be zero at all levels, well, except that the intrigue was asked: because in every intermission (there were two) of the audience politely asked to leave the auditorium, it seemed that, returning, we would see how, say, the heavens would be sprinkled and - will begin! And the great idea of \u200b\u200bBoris Zeitlin will clarify! .. did not express. It did not start. Static everything remained. Not to mention the fact that this intermission itself, the play as if artificially broke down and "enter" in it after the break was more than difficult.

Everything on our sinner is interrelated on earth. And about it primarily - a simple and wise story of Maria Lado. The strangest (and inexplicable) - as it was possible to manage to lose this relationship. "Societies" in the livestock was not, and "interconnection" became purely speculative. Every inhabitant of the "cattle courtyard" was a lonely-individual phenomenon, good actors of a good "fifth theater" created their own characters "individuality" interesting, but even the classics of Marxism-Leninism, I see it, would love the immense about the impossibility of living in society and Be consolidated from society. The talented "piece" of each artificial, Lobochen, but that with all this strange, compassion and love for "individuals" in the play of Zeitlin is not. In principle, no. With the exception of a neighbor, who, living beyond all and all (like everything in this performance), simply "lived on stage", even slightly saving the "simple story".

What did Zeitlin mean, making a magnitude-snow-white aristocrat from the sootimed and kindest pig, which, outwarding the little girls, absorbs the silence of silverware, - only, perhaps, the director also knows. What he also meant, making a certain color-bearded-bearded one from the owner of a sorry "UMAR-merchant", "again only Zeitlin knows ... and a fairy tale begins. And the owner of the merchant, sinister grinning, sharpens an ax, and sparks from sharpened to fly into the auditorium, and the aristocrat of a pig "absorbs", and the pig's cutting becomes a kind of "comic", causing a one adultened smile before absorbing pork kebabs ...

And if we take into account the rattling mixture from the difference (but, once again notice, the talented) "stay" of the actors on the stage - in general it becomes. Mkhatovskaya Horse, "Tyudovsky" Rooster, "Tagankovsky" Dog, "Brehtovskaya" Cow ... As if on the picture of Pirosmani, the light sackers appeared by Wang Dequee ...

What "painted" Zeitlin, placing a play of Lado on the "palette" on the palette, is not given to neither to predict (this is like with his samovar in Tula). All paints - visit us! Although the final was enough (albeit even from the "Other Opera"): a meal, a fabulous-cheerful picture, where all the heroes are in the snow-white wanders, and this goodness is sorry (but our, invariant, rake!) All this, that already seems to be - the anthem is now "God, the king!" Breaks ... about Russia, it turns out, the performance was something. And I, Fool, I tried to all compassion someone. And it was still sitting at the same time, I suffered - why I don't feel sorry for a pig ...

... "How does our cow live now, sore a straw tense? .." This line Yeseninskaya I, imagine, "Associative" to this day I remember after the "simple story" of Lado, seen in the Tyumen Youth Theater "Angezhent". The best of all the performances by me at the popular play today. With love and compassion, with pain and simplicity, with a real life and without any "matree" flirting with Russia ...

Well, if someone, Aki Master on a pig, rushes at me with a double-edged ax, I'll read the same four sorts of the same ingenious poet Arkady Kutylov, with the epigraph of which I am noting a notch lamination:

Botaphoric snow fell on the scene ...
With a false pain sobbed the horn ...
On the stage rudely "died" man,
And in the hall someone cried uncontroll.

Just do not cry!

Maria Lado (real name - Mishurina Maria Alekseevna) - Ukrainian actress and playwright.

14.x.1965 was born in Kiev, in the family of film director Alexei Mishurin.

He graduated from the acting faculty of the Kiev State Institute of Theatrical Art. I.Kartenko-Karoi (1986) and Scenic Faculty of Vgika (1994).

The movie was filmed under the name - Mishurin.

Known under the pseudonym Maria Lado as a playwright. It says about 500 pieces. Plays Mary Lado is put in Russia and in the countries of the former CIS. Basically, on scenes of theaters put a "very simple story" and "Maestro." Less often - "Woman of the Year", "Red, White, Little Mud", "Test", as well as the historical "Ukrainian play". One "very simple story" sustained 12 performances. "When I was thinking about the play, I wanted to mention the protection of animals, the attitude of people. Initially, there was such a thought that the animals understand everything. A person who has at least some kind of pet knows that they have feelings. And then there were already people. This is exactly the plays that developed by itself "- notes the playwright.

Since 1993, she has been a member of the guild of film actors of Ukraine.

M. Lado. Very simple story. Play.

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"Very simple story" is a parable about the current, everyday life of two rustic families.
Briefly the plot is. The daughter of the wealthy peasant discovers that it is pregnant from a neighboring guy, the poor man and the son of the Ridge. The girl's father insists on an abortion, but here the animals from the catal courtyard interfere in the case (they are depicted with disguised actors) - horse, rooster, dog, cow and pig. They save the girl from the moral crime.
The phenomenon of the play - in the unusual ease and sentimentality of everyday history.
At the same time, the action unfolds in Klelev, where there are pets with people, which see others in their own way, reflect on their events in their own way, become witnesses of strange human relationships. In the "very simple story" is shown our life without embellishment, without varnishing.
The story, told by Maria Lado, is even too simple. They love it, playing harmonica, arguing about life, think of death. People, horses, pigs - all together.
A simple, almost biblical story about the spiritual fierce of people and the pure, righteous world of nature. The fact that animals are closer to Christ's commandments than people. This story, in addition to people who act in an amazing way, become animals, and even angels, - anthem the highest and light human feelings: love, loyalty, kindness, mercy.
"Skotes are ready to die for the people who became the beasts themselves," this is the moral of a simple Ukrainian theater fan.
... Yesterday I looked at this performance. This time, we went with children, what I am insanely glad! Words of one young lady: "I never thought the theater is so cool !!! I even thought, where to go next time, in a movie or the theater? Most likely, I will go to the theater! Cinema and nearby !!! "
Amazing acting game! I especially want to celebrate Sergey Borodina, who played a neighbor, and the owner - Valery Kondratieva.


Cow dawn (pregnant).

Horse sister (old).

Dog fad.

Dasha, daughter owner and hostess.

Alexey, son of a neighbor.

The first action.

Picture 1.

Morning. Big shed. The sun breaks through the slots between the boards. The homemade staircase leads up to the Senov. In the corner of the CX tool and wooden box. The stall is a horse, near the cow in another corner behind the pig fence. Dog runs. Digid. Combins the whole barn. Spinning in one place, sits down, scratches behind the ear.

Dog: - Hello!

Cow: - Good morning, (all the time he chews)

Horse: - Yeah.

Pig: - What did it come down?

Dog: - Wow! Healthy! I was in the valley. (Teeth calf paw)

Pig: - lucky some ... run ...

Dog: - Yes, where do you run. You are won, what is fat.

Pig: - You will be Tolstoy here, when you eat all day you lie. And I would have so much benefit to bring ... I also want to go to the valley, I want to run, jump, I ... I want ... I want to fly!

Horse: - Hello.

Dog: - And I do not want to fly, I feel so good. Let the birds fly.

Pig: - And what to fly to you, you run, (sighs.) (PSU) Listen to the fastening, open the door, I at least look at the light of God. Open.

(The fastener opens the paw door.)

Pig: - Oh, good ...!

Dog: - The owner goes! Master! (pops out the door)

Pig: - True, goes, I am going to me.

(Everybody turns to the door. The owner appears with a big bucket, behind him the dog. The dog wags his love to the owner, who can. The owner, who does not look at anyone, comes to a pig, pouring her from a bucket , goes to the door.)

The owner: - (PSU) went, went, fastening that under his feet are confused ...

(The owner comes out.)

Dog: - See, he called me named!

Cow: - We have the most beautiful owner.

Pig: - And the kindest, (eats, grunts and chmokat)

Cow: - And the hostess is the most good.

Pig: - True. Good hostess.

Dog: - (Pierny) How do you fly, if so much more zerit?

Pig: - (stops eating, tragic tone) I want.

Dog: - You need to choose something. Or fly, or eat.

Pig: - What should I do?

Horse: - Eat.

Pig: - Why?

Horse: - Why choose what is impossible?

Pig: - Okay, I am obedient. You are old, you have an experience of life, (eating)

(In the barn, with a sense of self-esteem, enters the rooster. Stops and silent. Everyone stared at him.)

Rooster: - Now I will sing.

Pig: - Sleep, cock, SPIAY!

(The rooster clears the throat, it is preparing for a long time.)

Rooster: - (sings)

Who is my oh-oh

Compare from Matildo-Oh-oh mine!

Stewardess named Jeanne!

Rave That Stognte Dogs wide!

(The dog was buried.)

Rooster: - ... along Uh-I-Ice

Mete-and-I-Iza Mete-E-e-E is!

In it, all inxicacy - ah-ah!

In it, all inxicacy - ah-aet !!

And burns like wine-oh-oh!

In it, all inxicacy - ah-aet !!

(The horse climbed his head, the dog lay down. The rooster was silent.)

Pig: - Good!

Rooster: - By the way, I recently ... one specialist ... He lives in the city ... She came to the hostess, her relative, so, he called me a parrot. So said the hostess: "He's not a rooster, but a parrot.

Pig: - What is it?

Rooster: - (contemptuously) This is not your mind. Parrot is not a rooster. Clear!

Pig: - Clear. (Naive) This is probably scared from the word.

Cow: - (without anger) or scarecrow, that in the garden is worth it.

(Dog scratches ear.)

Rooster: - I went. Fly flea here

Rooster: - fools. Fumes. Decks.

(The dog ceases to scratch behind the ear. Rooster leaves.)

Pig: - Even fleas. And those fly ...

(The dog runs behind the rooster and immediately returns.)

Dog: - Leshka is pierced with vegetables, now it will be here. (Pops out the door)

Horse: - Everything turned away.

(Everyone is turned away, only tails are visible. After some time, a young man appears in the doorway, it's about 23x. He clears over in the barn, jumps up, pressed against the wall, looks with one eye into the courtyard, it is convinced that no one has seen him, it turns out to be one jump The box and hides there. Quiet. Only hear, like a fly buzzing, a pig fucks. A girl appears, brings old boots, closes the door tightly.)

Dasha: - Alyosha, Aleshenka ...

(Alexey pops up because of the box, grabs give to his hands, kisses.)

Alexey: - Dashka! My dash!

Dasha: -ashenka ...


Dasha: - Wait, wait. I want you to say something.

Alexey: - Speak ... (kisses)

Dasha: - Yes, you are ... it's seriously ... wait, wait ... I'm pregnant.

Alexey: - Very good ... Very good ... (kisses)

Dasha: - Yes, do you understand what I'm telling you? I am pregnant.

Cow: - Mu-U-y ...

Alyosha: - What?

Dasha: - Yes. Or a girl or boy.

Alyosha: - You ... This is the truth you ... boy ...

Dasha: - Of course, the truth.

Alyosha: - This is ... good. It's even very beautiful! (Rises Dasha) Mom! Ha ha ha!

Dasha: - Why do you give me me?

Alexey: - Oh, oh ... (lowers her carefully on the ground) Patzan, you watch ... Patzan ...

Dasha: - Maybe the girl.

Alexey: - The girl ... also good ... Beauty will be. Parents said?

Dasha: - No.

Alexey: - (after pause) Well, let's see ... Let's see. (Hugs Dasha) how so - you are a mother, and I father? Funny.

(Kiss, fall on the hay. Lay hears outside the door. Dasha and Alexey jump.)

Dasha: - Someone goes, fastening.

Dasha: - Mom.

Alexey: - Let's upstairs, rather.

(Alexey suits Dasha, they climb the stairs upstairs and hide there. The mistress comes, the dog runs behind it.)

Mistress: - What a nail dog, a stupid dog, for a long time I said that you are empty.

(The hostess puts a bucket with water near the horse, empty takes. The second bucket near the cow, strokes it.)

Mistress: - Dawn, dawn, are you my cracker ... there is a milk? In the evening.

(The hostess goes to the door, rushes on the boots.)

The hostess: - From, Dashka, the thistle girl, it is impossible to entrust anything, threw the boots in the middle and escaped somewhere, wait, come back, I will ask you.

(Takes, boots, goes to the stairs, climbs up. Through the boots, notes Dasha and Alexey, it does not fall with fear, young people hold her.)

Mistress: - Batyushki! Scared, devils ... What are you doing here?

Dasha: - Mom ...

Mistress: - What, mom? Think I do not know? Well, get down. (Dasha and Alexei goes down)

Hostess: - And you, Aleshka, look, you will find my father under the hot hand, then do not let down.

Alexey: - Yes, I want to marry.

Mistress: - It's too early to marry. The groom was found. Well, running from here, until my father saw.

Alexey: - And what my father is that I have your father! I myself ... man! I have the right!

Hostess: - You are what you, with the rights I asked. You first find the job, but your mustache let go, and then you will talk about rights. Kyszy from here.

(Alexey is trying to say something else, but waves his hand and leaves. Dasha)

And you will shoot at the hayls.

Dasha: - I like it.

Hostess. - What can I like? Look at his courtyard. Yes on his parent. The yard is empty, yes Batka. That's all his wealth. You will find a father of another.

Dasha: - Yeah.

Mistress: - Tell me thanks that my father knows nothing. Men. They are stupid until the nose you push, the fire bell tower will not notice. We go to wash. Many washing typed.

(Going away. Cow, pig and horse turn to the viewer.)

Pig: - Have you heard?

Cow: - Yes, ... when I said my own, that I was pregnant, he was not at all glad. He does not care.

Pig: - (as always sincerely) it is said to him every day that someone is pregnant from him, what to enjoy him?

Cow: - (sad) mu-y-y ...

Horse: - There will be a little man.

Pig: - Have you seen little people?

Horse: - Saw.

Pig: - Oh, how interesting! Everything is interesting in life! And I will not bring me anywhere, I will not even turn here, as I should, I can not ... (Kryakhtit) I would eat something ...

(The owner comes. Running in the corner where the tools are standing, takes a rake, inspects.)

Host: - Dragged ... Tighten it would be necessary ... (takes a rake and leaves)

Pig: - (Dreamy) Handsome owner ...

(Cow and horse are accepted to drink water. The pig is all in dreams. The door opens, Dasha runs down in the shed, with a wet shirt in his hands, behind her the hostess. It can be seen that in the court they went slowly, restrained, and only in Sarah gave themselves the will. The hostess in the hands of a wet pillowcase, she runs for the Dasha, intending to whip the daughter. But she is unattended.)

Mistress: - Oh, you're a villain ... Dura, the fool you are so ... I'll ask you now ... Wait ...! (hits give to the pillowcase)

Dasha: - Painfully!

Hostess: - Valchika ...! (stops, translating breathing) ... oh, Lord ... (takes at the heart) ... the misfortune of what ... Or maybe it's not true?

Dasha: - True. A month and a half already.

Mistress: - Oh, you, fool, got ready! What will happen now!

Dasha: - (by going to a safe distance) the baby will be.

Mistress: - Oh, Lord ... (Sits on the box. Pause) Father, what do you say?

Dasha: - Say so.

Mistress: - That's and tell me.

Dasha: - No. I can not.

Mistress: - So I can.

Dasha: - Mom ...

Mistress: - Ay-Yai-Yai-Yai ... Yes, he does not let the threshold of your Leshki, on the threshold! He always said that he was a straight road to Ostrog! And on you!

Dasha: - Why in Ostrog? He is good, kind ... And if his boy drinks, then what is he?

Mistress: - You do not remember my father about his battle. And you know what will happen. Actually, the apple from the apple tree does not fall far. But nothing, one and a half months is not a term. Everything can be settled and my father will not know anything.

Dasha: - What to settle?

Mistress: - And you do not understand? Abortion needs to be done and that's it.

Dasha: - Yeah ... Run ...

Mistress: - Talk more. Father let's say that we need to go to the city for shopping ... I will call contract.

Dasha: - Alexey will not allow ...

Mistress: - Kalinovoy infusion must be taken in the bathhouse ... True, it is immediately necessary. And a month and a half ... and where Kalina is now to take, August ...

Dasha: - Yes, I do not want any info ... And if the baby, then you can get married.

Mistress: - Silent, fool, if the Father say ... Horror, what will happen. Fear.

(The owner comes. In the hand, a big knife. Women shut down. The owner returns again in the instruments)

Master: - What did you try out, the nasals? Ayda washes, basins on the courtyard stand, water boils, it is necessary to save gas, and they are cool here. (Finds the sharpener for knives, tries to sharpen the knife. Satisfied.)

(Women go behind him. The hostess threatens her daughter's finger and shows that the mouth keeps on the castle. ")

Pig: - I did not understand something, what did they say about?

Cow: - Something in the city they need to do ... go there ...

Pig: - What is this city? Horse, what is the city?

Horse: - This is a place where everything is.

Pig: - Have you been there?

Horse: - Was.

Pig: - (sighs) happy ... So what they need there. In the town?

Horse: - It is not clear. Pig: - But how to find out?

Cow: - No. The owner will be lucky by car, and she does not speak, only stinks ... and cracks. She is like a bucket or trough. Without soul.

Pig: - Okay. We learn when you arrive.

(Runs up with a crude rooster. After making sure that the danger passed, with dignity devads.)

Rooster: - also me, a big deal - corn. Yes, for such a rooster, like me, it is necessary to plant specially corn so that I use it. And he foot under the tail.

Cow: - He is the owner.

Rooster: - We seen such owners. To me. By the way, the corn is needed for voice. It highlights vegetable oils.

Pig: - What?

Rooster: - Fume. (Sings) Viva la viva! Viva Vito-oh-o-ryy! Cleopatra-Aaa!

(One of the boards of the rear wall of the barn moves and appears first the face, and then the whole neighbor, Alexei's father. Typical rural drunk, barefoot, Harmoshka hangs on the belt behind his back, he visited the rooster, "drunk" is accepted for It runs. The rooster runs out the door.)

Neighbor: - Wow, the heat, what ... good rooster at the neighbor ... Supchik, soup ... and pepper there, pepper ...

(Neighbor climbed the stairs to the top. Fell. Speaking on the floor, looking around.)

Neighbor: - (referring to the horse, cow and pig) hello to you! Give you a kiss ... (comes to a horse, kisses her) I want to tell you that the horse is the most noble creature. Do you understand? ... You understand everything, I know ... I had a case ... I served in the army in the cavalry ... I saw Moscow, the capital of Mother! Prospects. Department store. The mares had, the swallow was called, the black was, the bitch, the crown wing, but here ... here ... White, because of the swallow. So you hear, fell in love with our younger sergeant Peresypkin. How he goes, so she rzhet and the eyes build him. To her God. Beautiful was a man, what to say, only in Ospin all, and so - good! (Shows his hands, what a peasant Peresypkin was) so it, it means, transferred to another regiment,

somewhere in Kazakhstan, so she, bitch, the life of suicide committed, won like! I rushed to the fence, and there are stakes such ... well, the fence, it means that. And the stomach and breasts are resolve, everything ... (pause) broke, hence, reason, ran away and gallop, gallop, and we look where it is she? Nobody understood anything even ... And you know. So beautifully soared! High! ... and once ... bitch ... (crying) in what happens, your brother also has fate. And what about! All God's people ... Well, I came to the present ... (Shows a finger up). Only you are no one - sh-sh-sh. (Applies finger to lips). Hear, dawn, sh-sh-sh.

(Climbs upstairs, something is doing there, it appears with a bottle of moonshine descending.)

Neighbor: - I have a good neighbor, give him health ... (cow) And my Leshka was here?

Cow: -Mu-U-y ...

Neighbor: - Yeah. To Dashka, it means running. Sterberry. Son of a bitch. Well, I ... ask him ... And what do you have a calf? (gently) calf ... child. Well, oh, as well ... (disappears the same way as it appeared.)

Pig: - Our owner is smart. Truth?

Horse: - True.

Pig: - (Pulling) Eh! Okay! Life is good! What do I do not carry food? Corn cobs began to give bread. Tasty! And why do pigs do not fly?!

Horse: - Because the pigs have no wings.

Pig: - So in vain. And bad it. Not fair.

Cow: - Sorry swallow.

Pig: - Yes, poor. But die because of love! As he said - "She soared ..."! This is happiness.

Horse: - If this story tell people, they will laugh.

Cow: - But the neighbor is not laughing.

Horse: - He is alone. Probably like that.

Pig: - He is a drunkard. So the hostess always says, always stinks with something sharp, so in the nose and beats. And from our owner smells good ... food and something else metallic. I would also die because of our owner!

Cow: - You fell in love, or what?

Pig: - This is not your business.

Cow: - And what will you rush, from love?

Pig: - I will find what.

Horse: - (pessimistic) on rake.

Pig: - Yes, you ... you are evil ... (horses) And you're old ... You ... You have been fifteen years old ... You didn't love anyone, you didn't even have children! Same ... Empty, on rake! ...

Cow: - quieter. Quieter, which diverged. Senior to respect.

Pig: - And what is she ... on rake ...

(Run dog. Dropped, the language on the side hangs. All in the shreds of some wool. It rushes to the bucket, drinks, slightly slaughters, splashes in different directions fly. The horse turns away. The dog falls on the floor, breathing heavily.)

Dog: - heat ...

Pig: - Figure, and where have you been?

Dog: - on the river. There, the boys fish were caught, and the cats were sitting on the vever. Pirate was, Redhead, Vaska, Neptune and Melongue all. I am because of the bushes on them. One paw pressed, the other for the withers, the third for the tail! So smoked, remember all my life! (shakes and drinks water again).

Pig: - Wow. Healthy! You gave them. Yes? Gave!

Dog: - Yeah ... gave. They will remember me, the fortress.

Pig: - It's a pity, there was no me there. I would also...! I want to go to the river! And what is the river, fasten?

Dog: - River? Well ... water is.

Pig: - (disappointed) water? (looks at the bucket with water)

Dog: - Well, yes. Only neither like this (shows on the bucket), but a lot, and flows ... and on the shore of the grass, sand, trees ... boats there and all that.

Pig: - What is the boat?

Dog: - Again you stick with questions.

Pig: - Well, please, well, tell me what boats are?

Dog: - Boats - this ... boats. Well, such ... and swim.

Pig: (helpless) And what is swimming?

Dog: - Swim .... I do not know. They swim and that's it. How to explain it? Boats, you understand. Swim, cars ride, airplanes fly.

Pig: - (quiet) even some aircraft fly ...

Dog: - Yes. And boats swim. Clear?!

Pig: - Clear. (Sighs)

(The board of the back wall is postponed and appears Alexey. The dog begins to bark, but learning it, wags the tail. Alexey strokes the fortress.)

Alexey: - Well, what are you trying, I did not recognize?

(Alexey listens and hiding. Dasha appears. Alexey is coming.)

Alexey: what called? I go out of the house, I look, the red handkerchief hangs, well, I will soon.

Dasha: - I hung. The point is ... Well, in general, I told my mother all.

Alexey: - (after pause) and she?

Dasha: - abortion, says it is necessary to do.

(Alexey is silent.)

Dasha: - Will not let Dae marry us.

Alexey: - (not confident) and we will not ask.

Dasha: he will give me me. He wanted to learn me to send, and I am with the stomach ..! And your old he hates, straight watched him, everything scolds and scolds, just every day, and I think myself - Well, what is the case to another, let the drunk, let the loaf, but he doesn't do anyone, lives He lives and lives ... as soon as evening, sit in front of the TV, only there what about the government will say, about the president, he immediately recalls your battle, and it pourges what the light is worth it.

Alexey: - And what have my Bath to the government?

Alexey: - I do not understand anything .... So what is it because of some oil to suffer? I'm here with what? I want to marry you.

Dasha. - I do not know, Alyosha, maybe we are too early ... (shows on the stomach) maybe the truth is an abortion to do ...

Alexey: - Bad it ...

Dasha: - So thoroughly ... He will be fed from the house that we will do. You do not have anything, go nowhere ... And we have a car. And economy. And cattle. Everything. It would be necessary to consent to blessed.

Dasha: - Oh, the bait calls, I run.

Alexey: - In the event that - you will hang the scarf. Dasha: - (runs to the door, returns) Let the kiss.


Dasha: - Sweet. (Running)

(Alexey moves the board in the wall and disappears.)

Pig: - What are they all saying about, I can not understand anyone.

Dog: - people have many words of unknown, then they are people. I recently hearing ... now ... no, I do not remember. Rooster needs to ask, he knows a lot of words. Radio listens and repeats.

(Dog runs away.)

Cow: - Something bad they thought up ... They say everything, they say ...

Horse: - (philosophical) people.

(Dog appears, pulls the tail of the rooster.)

Rooster: - Let me. Well, what did you want?

Dog: - Tell these words, that yesterday spoke.

Rooster: - Why is it?

Dog: - Well, tell me. Handsomely.

Pig: - Please!

(The rooster becomes in the pose and speaks.)

Rooster: - Priority in matters of investment policy was given to the Congress of Developing Countries.

Pig: -Corry ...

Dog: - heard! I heard! Well, something else!

Rooster: -Morriate, Embargo, Territorial integrity, impeachment, syncvestment, Diller, Prime Minister Nigeria!

Dog: - Great! Yet!

Rooster: - Monica Livinski! Boris Berezovsky! The president once again throws the country in the Puchin of Economic Lawlessness! Oligarchs! Pornography Prohibition Law! I failed! Philip Kirkorov! Accident in urban sewage! Press Secretary of President Yakushkin!

Pig: - (beeps) and-and-and-and! Rooster, you are a genius!

Rooster: - I know!

Pig: - I want to get out of here! I also want to listen to the radio !!

Dog: - I spoke!

Cow: - (admiring) yes-ah ...

(Rooster, with a sense of self-esteem and one hundred percent superiority, goes to the door, but stops and looks into the slot. Creams are heard from the courtyard).)

Rooster: - Oh, her, she ... Now, it seems, it will be a priority! Behold!

(The rooster bounces to the side. The owner pumped into the barn, the Tascha for himself, Dasha and Mistress run behind them.)

Master: - Well, where is the passage!?

Alexey: - There ... there ... (shows hand) let go ... strangle ...

(The owner approaches the wall, but then the board is postponed and the head of a neighbor appears. The owner stops, as the inserted, a neighbor with fear can not move. Pause. The owner sends Alexei's pause, grabs a neighbor's breast and pulls him into the light of God.)

Host: - (Rug) What are you doing here, drunk your belong!

Neighbor: - Unconsciously ... without memory ...

Host: - What are you doing in my Saraj!? I will give the court!

Neighbor: - That's right, Give me ... I am there, the fool of the old ...

Mistress: - Let him go, Pasha.

Host: - You're still here. (lets the neighbor, he falls on the floor, an empty bottle of moonshine falls out of the pocket)

Host: - Ta-A-Ak, clearly. . .

Neighbor: - I have such a good neighbor ...

The owner: - So, everyone is embarrassed, loafers.

Neighbor: - Powder, neighbor, goes away ...

The owner: - If he does not hesitate, I do not answer for myself.

Alexey: - You are silent. Dae.

Neighbor: - Silent, silent. (Shows how the mouth locks on the castle)

The owner: - The on-cut beetle, which I suppose, all the sides dear, while others are bent. I have all my life ... everything that I have, it was the same with these hands, and this all the meadows lie, yes eats. Not at all bad. Well, died Baba, what can you do, take another, live, work, but no! Better vodka to eat yes to the harmonica from morning to evening: "To live without love can be simply, but as in the light without love to live! Live without love. Perhaps just ... "Ugh. Do you know, the science, that in order for this moonshine to catch up, you need to work well, to work? Because every product is worth it. And you, rascal the last, come here, how to myself in the barn, pull, it means my moonshine, and not cheating. Bastard.

(Neighbor's neighbor is nodding, sincerely sympathizing with the perturbation of the owner.)

Host: - You are a thief. For the trial you, yes in prison. I recently disappeared chicken. Where are you gone?

(A neighbor shaves his head, they say, did not take a baptized.)

Host: - Lives such ... Only air clogs. To whom you need. What is the benefit of you? Hang you. So ropes are sorry.

(Neighbor fully agrees with a speaker.)

The owner: - (shows for Alexey) and this was taught.

Alexey: - (Hmuro) I did not take anything.

Host: - Chir - What? Something I hear badly? (Changes the tone) from where I know. I took or did not take? I told you, I will see again with Dashka - I will kill - and you knee the sea. At least henna. Afrait already?

Alexey: - We have already decided everything. What is there.

Master: - What are you taking under your nose, not in kindergarten already. Who is this ", and that this" you "decided?

Alexey: - Decided. Do not go against my parents. Abortion we will do.

Mistress: - Ah! (splashes hands)

(Pause. Silence dead. Neighbor rises and becomes near the owner. Both stared at Alexey.)

Neighbor: - What is such an abortion?

Host: - What ...

Mistress: - No, stupid. Fool ... boy ...

Alexey: - (Five) IT I ... I joked ...

Host: - Abortion, So?

Alexey: - Yeah ...

Neighbor: - (threatens with your finger) I'll see you! ... ...

Host: - Oh, you. Round !!

(The owner and a neighbor rushed to Alexey, he is deprived. The owner with a neighbor run for Alexei around the shed. Women shout. Dog bays. The rooster claps the wings.)

The owner: - (neighbor) on the left, come around!

Neighbor: - Now ... and you yourself! Bottles block!

(Hosted and neighbor. Finally, they catch Alexey and are accepted to crap.)

Neighbor: - I'll show you an abortion! Paskudnik ...

The owner: - dismissed his farm ... just knows how to wave a girl ...

Alexey: - Aaaaaa! Painfully! Tatya! Ltd!!

(Alexey finally breaks out, "takes off" to the Senov and drags up the ladder.)

Alexey: - (wiping the blood on the lip) tooth knocked out ... for which the tooth knocked out! For what!...

Host: - I'll not get it yet! I'll get only to you, rascal. All my life do not seek there, go down.

Hostess: - Scuffed the cattle. The dawn is pregnant.

Host: - What is me here all pregnant! The cow is pregnant, daughter pregnant, and you, the case, not pregnant!

Mistress: - Think what you say. At all squeezed ...

Neighbor: - (Alexey) Is it possible! Is it possible ... Olong, you're ...!

Alexey: - What is the Olong. What? I honestly want.

Host: - You look at him. What honestly jogged!

Alexey: - Yes. Fair. I want to marry. Let it make an abortion. I'm not against

Neighbor: - What are you settling, is it possible! Sin is! It is impossible!

The owner: - (stared at the neighbor) uh-uh ... Yes, I see. Not such you and the simpler, as you think, have what I got, the caskettners ... So, do not abortion?

Neighbor: - Do not. Sure...

Host: - Do not? So me with you, with farewells, you will have to rush?

Neighbor: - This is how God gives.

Host: - God remembered! You hear my wife, about God spoke! God will give me, and you ... (Kukish turns, sends his neighbor under the nose) on! Did you see? And how to carry a moonshine - where is God?

Neighbor: - Is it possible to equal ... it is impossible to smoke ...

The owner: - in the commandments said - not steal! BUT!!!

Neighbor: - It says ... Sin ... Sorry, Neighbor, Thief I'm the last, Hangman, in the widow of me, on Kalma. Only you did not be angry, do not be angry, there is still said, do not kill.

Host: - Ah you are a nice. Your geeks are attacking, but they still guilty do. I kill, you see! So what?!

Neighbor: - No, no! Not that said, the old one. Not that ... (takes the harmonica, plays, sings) not the front string, hugging sits with prince! It's you, a neighbor ... not that ... not that ... (sings)

Because of the island on Strazhen. On the scope of the river wave!

Host: - Ugh. (After a pause), tomorrow morning we will go to the city. Dasha, take away.

Dasha: - And I asked! Maybe I'm afraid, maybe I'm scary!

The owner: - before it was necessary to be afraid

(Dasha cries, hugs mother.)

Host: - (hostess) And you, the fool of old, where did you look?

Neighbor: - So child! Child small!

Host: - I do not need children from you, pickers, children.

Neighbor: - (son) Leshka, Oluk, child ...

Alexey: - Yes, wait for you, Bath ...

Neighbor: - (Suitable for women) Child, neighbor, and a neighbor ... Dashka ...

Dasha: - (roars) What you started - child, child. Daja does not allow. I'm a battle-yu-uh ...

Mistress: - Get out, neighbor, not up to you.

Neighbor: - What are you doing, good people, what you ... is the most ...

Host: - (Alexey) and you. Paktochnik, can also say. What I kill someone?

Alexey: - What you, no at all. Now it is normal, everyone is doing that if not in time ... and nothing to whine, Dash, hear, stop, will cost.

Dasha: - You would go there ... to the hospital ...

Alexey: - I am ready where you want ...

Mistress: - Who needs your readiness. Where were the brains? BUT? In the pants got lost?

Alexey: - (owner) Believe me, Pavel Petrovich, and I agree with Darya. Make. According to the right.

Neighbor: - What's right here!

Alexey: - Do not get ready, Batie. All spoil.

Neighbor: - What is all?

Alexey: - Well, you!

Host: - Vidal? He agrees. GM. Oh well,. Although I agree. And then ... well, go out from there, you need to send you to the army. Man of you will do.

Neighbor: - right! I'm in a cavalry shelf ...!

Mistress: - What is the army now! Wars around.

(Dasha roars even more.)

Hosted: - Well, ksyz!

Women shook. Alexey descends on the stairs. The dog comes to him, wagging the tail.)

Host: - (Alexey) Go here.

(Alexey is afraid to approach.)

Host: - Come here. I said.

(Alexey Potikhonka fits.)

The owner: - (considering Alexey) the milk on the lips did not dry, suck, and he signed up in dad ... and that in you so special. Won how many men live on Earth, but chose this one that ... whirlwinds ... and even in the Podol presents to parents, nat, dad, mom, get a present.

Neighbor: - I have a good guy ... Beautiful, work is not afraid ...

The owner: - Yes, employees ... (Alexey) now listen carefully and remember. To close you are not here. I will see - a palp from double bastards, it is in a safe place for me. And in the case of what, I think I thought that the thief. Justify. Understood?

Alexey: - I understood.

Neighbor: - And with the game how? Diet - then with what?

The owner: - (neighbor) it concerns. You are the thief and there. I have enough cartridges for everyone. (Dasha) and you, go to the house. Fast.

(Dasha in tears runs away.)

Host: - (hostess) so that tomorrow by morning were ready. I will see where you need, and the market itself.

Mistress: - Good, stupid. (Out)

Neighbor: - Ah T, Lord ... (the dog comes to a neighbor, goes out)

Host: - What are you for the dog such! Instead of guarding the house, he ... (kicks ahead of his foot, he bounces) (neighbor and Alexey) I warned. (Out)

Neighbor: - And in childhood, together in Chapany played. I am Chapai, and he is Petka and Belyakov Shubali ... in how ...

Alexey: - (crushing) Eh, Bath ...

Neighbor: - Nothing, we will be alive. Not a poke, lyuh ... (sings) because you are sailor, Leshka

And this means - that you are not afraid

Nor grief, nor trouble!

After all, you are sailor, Leshka - Sailor does not cry

And never loses the vigor of the spirit never!

Alexey: - (sharply turns to the Father) And you know, Bath, what is ashamed to be ashamed next to you?

Neighbor: - I do not understand ...

Alexey: - What are you with your mother, could you really not kill anything? BUT! Why I go to pay all my life! And you drunk, damn it would take you at all, Alkash! And that's what brought ... I hate you ... everyone! Cursed! I would have a weapon, everyone would shoot to an Erenoie Fene !!

Neighbor: - (frightened) What are you, Leshka ... What are you ... we copied, copied,., Then this reform, all the money in Sberkasse was missing ... Then the mother got sick, money ... Yes, I died. .. that's.,.

Alexey: - And you took the bottle! Bastard! Beat like you! And the father of Dashkoy would strangle with her own hands ... bastards! Bastards !! ... bastards ... I confess. Like fish about ice, and nothing! Because from nothing, nothing will happen. It is necessary to go to the city - you need money, you need money on the sawmill - I need money, there is no money in the house, daddy's last shirt! Babu even love not give, we are squeezed in the corners! Child makes no right! Who am I so? No one! Nothing! I am not in the world, I do not exist ... Thank God, even though the passport remained. Yes, and I want to eat all the time, I don't get drunk. And I have twenty three soon! Others in twenty-three institutions all sorts, family .... I want to work! Work! (Father) You are to blame for everything ... Your mother!

Neighbor: - (frightened) Yes, can you, then you can ... on the father ...

Alexey: - Yes, you went! ...

(Alexey moves the board on the back of the wall, and closes her with a crash. The neighbor sits on the ground, hugs the harmonica. Dog suits him.)

Neighbor: - (Mounting) you see, brother, what business ... Money is all, money ... yes, if someone paid for my life is insignificant, I would die, but I would give money to Aaleh ... more I have, Fool of old, nothing. Money all ... But on the other hand, it is right, who works, that money has, when a person works and when he steals - too. Only it is not good, to steal something. So I, for example, stole a moonshine! BUT! And in prison me, Hangbody, for that. To jail! It is necessary to punish the other for the other, (silent) and dithing small. Unbounded, because of the money for the miscarriage gives ...

(Neighbor goes to the board, moves it)

(The dog escorts the neighbor)

Pig: - What is "money"?

Dog: - This is ... Well ... for them everything can be bought.

Pig: - What does it know?

Dog: - Well ... have.

Pig: - and wings? To fly?

Dog: - (in difficulty) uh ...

Horse: - No, it is to buy a Neul.

Pig: - Then why do they need this money?

Horse: - People are strange very. They need many different things. Especially I was always surprised that they buy what they already have.

Pig: - How is it?

Horse: - For example, clothes. After all, she is already there. Why else? I do not understand.

Cow: - I also have such an opinion. Here is a neighbor, for example, never changing clothes, and normal.

Pig: - And where does this money come from?

Dog: - I know it!

Pig: - From where?

Dog: - From Pockets. From the drawer of the chest. From the wallet. That's for sure. There they are always there. Always.

Pig: - Why does the Aleshka and his Bati have? What can they not take in his pocket?

(Universal deep pause. It can be seen that the pig put the interlocutors in a dead end.)

Cow: - Yes. Unclear.

Horse: - Strange ...

The dog began to scratch the feet behind the ear. It includes a rooster.

Rooster: - What did it happen to you here? The owner is terrible, angry, sits knives sharpening, sparks in all directions fly. The hostess is silent, and Dashka is crying in her room. And the radio turned off.

Cow - they were quarreled with Aleshka and with a neighbor about some abortion, to do it or not. And in order to do it, you need to go to the city. It can be seen this abortion is a big some kind of just that will not do it in the village ... Then the money was still swearing, and another owner said that he would shoot from doubles.

Dog: - He shoots well, I saw.

Rooster: - Very interesting. And what is the radio? Only began "Europe Plus", there Di-Jay Maksimov just about the group "Queen" told ... (sings) Show Mast Gow-oh-oh-he !! Show Mast Gow oh-oh-oh-it 1

(It includes the owner, in the hand of the rope. Heads to the pig, comes to her fence, opens the door.)

Pig: - Oh, that this ... You see ... Furious ... Cock! Dawn! Horse! Horse! The owner came to me!

Host: - What shed? Feel, I suppose? ...

(The owner puts a pig Rope on the neck, like a leash, and takes out of the fence.)

Pig: - God! God! You heard my prayers! I am going to walk! Finally, I will see the river and the meadow! And the road!

Cow: - We are very happy for you, pig.

Pig: - (Mounting) And you said that I would never come anywhere, that I am a pig that fat, such a fuck, and maybe I'm still ... Maybe ... I'll run! My owner behaves! How I proud! Oh my God! How happy I am!

Host: - IS. It dispersed, straight songs sings.

Pig: - He talks to me !! You heard! This is the happiest day in my life! What a joy. I will talk about this day to my piglets ... (The owner opens the door) what sun !! (Out) What sky! This is the valley! There at home! And won river !! Oh, glitters ... yes she is live!

Dog: - Go crazy, the owner himself went with our pig! Actually, he only goes with me. . . anyway.

Cow: - Good.

(Pest pops up into the courtyard.)

Rooster: - great happiness. Dunka brought to Europe. It would be better to turn on.

(The rooster goes to the door. Suddenly, a wild squeal is heard from the courtyard. The rooster squints from surprise. The cow and the horse moved in their places. The pig is wildly squealing, then the screech stops sharply. Silence runs off the frightened dog.)

Dog: - Host ... Host ...

Cow: - What's with the owner?

Dog: - Pig ... Our pig ...

Rooster: - I feel bad ...

Dog: - Knife ...

Cow: What a knife?

(Dog is silent.)

Horse: - killed?

Dog: - D-yes.

(The rooster of fear begins to rush along the shed.)

End of the first action

Action second.

Picture 2.

(Night. The moonlight makes his way into the slot. Criccake is heard. Quiet. The cow and the horse sleep in their stalls. The dog stretched on the floor. Suddenly he wakes up, listens, roasts. Soothed. Launched whine. The horse woke up, then the cow.)

Horse: - What happened?

(The dog picks up in the corner, sculits, can not find a place.)

Cow: - Something is unable to me ... it's scary something ...

Dog: - (Skulit) Mom ... Mommy ...

(Suddenly the dog calmed down, cheerful.)

Dog: - Uf, let go.

Cow: - Yes, it became easier. What was it?

Dog: - Horror it was. My wool ended.

Horse: - True. My mane has shought ... or what remains from it.

Dog: - And now it's good somehow, warm ... I love you so much, girls!

Cow: - (Out with love) You are our good.

(Suddenly, a pig appears at the top under the ceiling. She has a wings. She flies and sits on a haymaker, leaning legs. The dog notices the legs, runs up, sees a pig.)

Dog: - (after a pause) Christmas tree sticks ... Pig ...

Pig: - Yes, that's me.

Cow - where? Where?

Dog - But the master of you ... I saw himself!

Pig: - Yes, really, I'm not no longer, there is no on earth.

Dog: - And where are you?

Pig: - I'm in the sky.

Horse: - can not be it.

Dog: - Oh, pig, how glad I am glad to see you!

Cow: - We are very pleased, though!

Pig: - I am also glad to see you.

Dog: - What is your back behind?

Pig: - Is it? This is wings.

Horse: - What?

Pig: - Wings. I am now an angel.

(Pause. Everyone looks on a pig.)

Cow: - What is it?

Pig: - I used to ask you everything ... Now, on the contrary. So here. When living creatures die, God finds out. Clean his soul or not. If pure, then an angel.

Cow: - And if dirty?

Pig: - If dirty is a sin.

Dog: - What does it mean "sin"?

Pig: - (lists like a lesson) Sin is: greed, curd, adultery, pride, anger, envy, idleness. Just seven.

Dog: - Pre-Liu-Bo de-I - is what?

Cow: - And envy?

Horse: - Anger. What anger is such?

Pig: - I do not know. I'm just the first day.

Dog: - You need to ask the rooster. On the radio spoke about everything. Well. OK. You are on the sky. And these sins where?

Pig: - They are sent to another place ... there the soul suffers ... I was told, there is very bad ...

Dog: - How to find out, clean soul or dirty?

Pig: - You do not need to know. After death, all animals become angels. Even crocodiles. And people are not all. Very few people among us. Mostly children are small people.

Horse: - Pig, and you saw God?

Pig: - Saw. He stroked me on his head.

Dog: - Why is it?

Pig: - regretted.

Dog: - Clear.

Horse: - And what he is. God?

Pig: - I do not remember. It seemed to me that I am at the apiary ... Remember. Grandfather from the apiary came to the owner ... so it seemed to me ... the smell is the same ...

(Rooster appears.)

Cow: - No, we do not sleep.

Rooster: - I decided to go to check how you and what.

Dog: - Why did you decide to check us at night?

Rooster: - Yes, I decided it all.

Horse: - lying. It became scary.

Rooster: - Where do you know? (notes a pig) Oh ... Pig ... Yes, you saved the master yesterday evening ... you screamed, horror, and you live?

Pig: - No. I am now an angel.

Rooster: - What other angel is ... And what does it stick to you there?

Pig: - Wings.

Rooster: - What? Ho-ho-ho! Wings? Maybe you can fly more?

Pig: - Of course. I can fly everywhere everywhere. And above the river, and above the meadows, even behind the forest, and in the city and a lot more!

Rooster: - Not really. Lie.

Pig: - I'm not lying.

Rooster: - Ho-ho! Prove. Bring material evidence!

Pig: - please.

(The pig flies under the ceiling, sits on the floor. Rooster Ovemel. All are amazed.)

Horse: - Can't be.

Cow: - Pig! Your dream came true, - you fly!

Pig: - (without much joy) I myself first could not believe. It is so beautiful - fly. You do not weigh anything and steam as an eagle over the mountains ... I will soar above the mountains ...

Rooster: - Over Most Mountains, you are a shock.

Pig: - (naive) By the way, I have not seen a single rooster in the angels.

Rooster: - We will bypass. We have our own wings, natural, and not some acquired illegal means.

Cow: - Yes, you are silent, cock. I would not want to acquire the wings.

Pig: - Yes ... (chemged nose) to fly, of course, nice, but live better. Much better, even in this Saraj.

Rooster: - Why is it?

Pig: - Because I ... empty.

Rooster: - I did not understand.

Pig: - (smiles) I'm not interested. I'm not interested in me ... it seems. What I know everything. It was even possible to get frightened, but I do not feel fear ... I don't feel anything ... and I don't want anything. Everything died in me - I am empty. And that. What I fly, I am not happy, I do not feel a flight ... And before I dreamed, remember ... My dreams - they were so beautiful as the sun ... They were real!

Cow: - Poor.

Horse: - We will be all there.

Pig: - And now I am very late ... I'm not afraid of anything ...

Horse: - So, dying is not scary.

Pig: - (closes his eyes) If you knew. Horse as scary! If you knew ...

Rooster: - But then something good?

Pig: - Then yes ... then well ...

Rooster: - What is it, just not fit in my head - she was killed, cut into pieces, won, the owner in the car in the burlap lies wrapped, and she tells the fairy tale here!

Pig: - Yes. I will be lucky to the market tomorrow, sell, and Dashka to the hospital for an abortion.

Cow: - So you already know what it is?

Pig: - I know. This is called artificial abortion.

Cow: - How is it?

Pig: - like this. You drive you, cow, to the hospital and interrupt pregnancy with the help of medical instruments.

Cow: - Why?

Dog: - Why is it?

Rooster: - It is not clear.

Pig: - Well ... Why ... (sighs) I myself do not know why. But only people do.

Cow: - And then where to him, calf?

Pig: - That's the thing. What is nowhere Deprive life.

Dog: - Why?

Pig: - I do not know !!

Rooster: - I also saw the kittens treated.

Pig: - Who is the wind, cats?

Rooster: - No. People.

Pig: - that and it. That's why they are in the angels and not.

Horse: - Clear business.

Dog: - (sniffing, runs to the door) Pig, hide. The owner is coming.

Pig: - I don't need to hide, people do not see me.

(Enters the owner with a lantern, he in shorts and in T-shirt. Yaws. The dog meets him, wagging his tail. The owner goes into the corner, puts the lantern on the ground, turns into the tools. The pig comes to him, looks into the eyes.)

Pig: - Oh, the owner, the owner ... I loved you so much, and you slaughtered me, I did not blink with my eye.

The owner: - (yawns, worshiped himself under the nose) for a bad head and feet there is no rest ... I forgot my head, I forgot about the castle ...

(takes some tools, goes to the door)

Pig: - At least I assured to someone, and then myself ... myself ... shell ... right in the heart.

Host: - (PSU) Mounting, what are you doing here? Went to the courtyard, the house is watching.

(The owner and the lock goes out. Pause.)

Pig: - On the other hand, people have something like something, they eat us and eat. Clothes, shoes from us will be done. They even need to regret them, they are weaker.

Cow: - Yes, it's true.

Rooster: - What a nightmare ...

Horse: - Life.

Rooster: - (yell) But it is unfair! Where is democracy! I like my feathers too! And why they eat us! And if I want them !! I am an equal member of society! Let my hostess give my skin on shoes, and Koshu Dashkina cut off - and on Shignon !! I want to live! Rise, brothers! Against tyranny and totalitarianism! Help! Help! Help!!

(Everyone looks at the rooster. He ships.)

Horse: - Okay. So we will do with the foal?

Cow: - What kind of foal?

Horse: - with Dashkin.

Cow: - A-A-, with a calf.

Pig: - with a pig ...

Horse: - What, Pig, offer?

Pig: - Nothing, I do not know what to offer.

(Dog appears.)

Dog: - I can't alone there. What are you here?

Cow: - Yes, about the calf we.

Dog: - A, about a puppy ... there is nothing to do anything. If people decided.

Rooster: - What a nightmare ...

Dog: - Can steal him somehow ..

Cow: - Does not do, steal will not work ... He has a dacha in his stomach.

(Dog scratched behind the ear of the back paw.)

Rooster: - So, if they decide, they will take me, dance and in the soup. And my education! My voice! My radio! My life, in the end! BUT!

Cow: - Yes, you are silent. What are you all about yourself. It is necessary to save here.

Rooster: - Yes. Need to be saved. It's not too late ... to save ...

(Rooster runs along the shed! Opened a board on the back wall and a neighbor appears. He immediately climbs on the Senov, pulls the next bottle, opens it off, drinks.)

Neighbor: - Respect the old man, son, respected ... granddaughters ... (laughs) Patzan, Schibzdik would run ... Pants on a button ... (descends down) Better girl. Girls. They are ever ... with bows ... (crying, drinking) I would say - Marusya! Marusya! And she would be me - grandfather! Grandfather ... did not live after my faith ... I drunken ... And there were always freckles, just before death they went ... White was like a sheet and everything repeated: "Alyosha, how will it be? Alyosha, how will it be? " (drink) Father native on Mother ... Well, yes it is nothing. I will forgive, because ... because. As deserved. (Drink) Vera ... (takes harmonic, playing and sings)

Din, Din, Din,

Din, Din, Din,

The bell rings,

This ringing. This ringing

About love says ...

(A neighbor notices a pig, which is not going to hide, confident that people do not see her.)

Neighbor: - Pig. (Pause) with wings.

Pig: - Neighbor, what do you see me?

Neighbor: - I see and hear.

Pig: - Can't Be!

Neighbor: - for sure. This can not be. But. If you think about it. To refrain the brain, then it is better e-uh eh ... talking a pig with wings than these ... uh-uh ... Green devils Martericks.

Pig: - Listen! He sees me! But people cannot see me, only children and animals.

Neighbor: - (Poklakal) Cursed Potion, brought to the last feature ...

Cow: - sorry for him.

Neighbor: - (stops crying) Who said?

Cow: - Ya.

Neighbor: - Who am I?

Cow: - I, Cow.

Neighbor: - (doomed. Without wonder) talks. Like a pig.

(Rooster runs up to his neighbor and shouts him right in the face.)

Rooster: - Killer! Flayer!

Neighbor: - Batyushki! And chicken!

Rooster: - I'm not a chicken! I rooster! I can also you ... feathers everything and eat! Like this! BUT!!

(Neighbor will crawl into the corner and falls to the bottle.)

Pig: - (cock) Wait you, he was frightened.

Rooster: - And how did he think? I also scared! Killers ... what killers ...

(Pig pursued to a neighbor.)

Neighbor: - Bat, bitch ...

Pig: - Wait. Neighbor, let me explain to you. I'm a pig. Yesterday the owner stabbed me, tomorrow will be sold to the market to sell ...

Neighbor: - Lord, forgive me my prigine, what is it ...

Pig: - I fly there. What am I now an angel.

Neighbor: - What ...

Rooster: - Angel She!

Neighbor: - There is nothing of this ... I'm at school ... atheism and all that ... does not happen ... (threatens with your finger)

Dog: - It happens.

Horse: - It happens.

Cow: - It happens.

Rooster: - It happens.

Neighbor: - (sings) on the bay of clouds go froms

The edge is severe silence.

At the high shore of Amur,

Hour homeland stand ...!

(Pig takes a bottle from him) What ... I took my bottle?

Pig: - took.

Neighbor: - (Affirmative) So you are not a vision.

Pig: - No. No vision.

(A neighbor stretches his hand to the bottle. Pig pours the contents of the bottle to the floor.)

Neighbor: - No vision. What this is done ... comrades ... So you are from the world?

Pig: - for sure.

Neighbor: - (after pause) Well, how are there?

Pig: - I'm just the first day.

Neighbor: - Clear. Listen, Pig, and you have not seen my swallow there? Beautiful mare ... Voronovo wing and here here ... White ... and?

Pig: - No. I did not have time.

Neighbor: - (Upset) Well, well ...

Pig: - When I see, hi to give.

Neighbor: - and faith, my wife. Only you do not tell ... the fact that I love it ... This is a matter (clicks myself on the chin) and that there is no money, too ... do not ... say. That so, they say, and so alive. Healthy, economy ... well, all that. BUT?

Pig: - Do not worry. I will say.

Neighbor: - And she is about the illness ... that I do not go there. Tell me that ... forgiveness, forgive her for forgiveness, for the sake of Christ.

Pig: - I will say.

Neighbor: - Thank you. (Forming) You look, Angel, and ... Angel ... (laughs)

Pig: - We think here, how to save Dashkaya cub.

Neighbor: - Yes! Yes! Holy business! Only ... wound (waving a hand) ... wrap ...

Rooster: - Killer !!

Dog: - I do not think in any way.

Cow: - Do not know what to do ...

Pig: - I have a thought ... you need to call his guardian angel.

Dog: - Come on. Call!

Pig: - I do not know who he is.

Cow: - So where to take it?

Pig: - When someone dies, someone is born. This is the law of life. And if one. Who died, falls into the angels, he is the guardian angel of the one who was born.

Rooster: - And if not falling into the angels?

Pig: - The one that was born. Lives without the guardian angel and his life is not sweet.

Dog: - So you, pig. Just that ... died.

Pig: - But I am an angel keeper with a completely different human young. He was born very far and all black.

Cow: - Batyushki, which is what!

Pig: - Nothing. But I have it.

Dog: - And for our, who died? Who is his angel?

Horse: - He has no angel.

Dog: - Why is it?

Horse: - Yes, because he has not yet been born.

Cow: - So what to do?

Horse: - To be born, you need someone to die.

Dog: - Well, you're a horse ... Well, you are smart ...

They called familiar with a request to draw attention to the play of the Soviet "Tilzit Theater" called "a very simple story." In this performance, they say, suicide becomes the guardian angel. Another guardian angel becomes ... Sliced \u200b\u200bPig. And the stupid spectators of this "natural satanism" apply.

Puzzled me this call. I tried to figure it out. "Tilsit-theater" - the name is unofficial. The official name of this focus of Soviet (located in the city called Soviet) Culture: State Budgetary Institution of Culture Kaliningrad Regional Theater of the Young Spectator "Youth". This state budgetary institution applies to the Ministry of Culture of the Kaliningrad region. To attribute "Natural Satanism" by the Ministry of Culture - the idea is pretty brave. Can it be? Although, who knows him? Missing Mitskevich's monument to the monument to the enemy of Russia, who deceased when trying to take away the Crimea, the Ministry of Culture of the Kaliningrad region allocated. Minister (already former) Svetlana Kondratyeva personally this monument to the enemy of Russia in Zelenogradsk opened. Spit, so to speak, towards President Putin, who reunited Crimea with Russia. Spit in the direction of the State Duma, towards Russia and aspire to reunite the Russian people as a whole. But this is a policy. Not everything in Russia with Politics of President Putin agree, therefore, it happens, Harry. And "Satanism" - the term is more religious than political. To use it in relation to any phenomenon, you need to have certain foundations, and these are religious grounds.

I tried to find out the opinion of other viewers of this performance. Indeed, most viewers remained quite satisfied seen. First, the performance turned out to be cheerful, despite the suicide of one of the heroes. The rooster some "cool" merged all. And the performance, allegedly, preach good, love, and even teaches not abortion. The struggle against abortions, of course, should dispel all suspicions in Satanism, as an exclusively Orthodox Church was engaged earlier. Now, it turns out that "Tilzit-theater" to the fight against abortion joined. New ally for the church, so to speak. Some viewers compared the performance of the "very simple story" with the biblical parable and called him a Christmas fairy tale.

Makeup is obtained. Some argue: "Natural Satanism"! Others: "Preaching of good, love and struggle against abortion, biblical parable"! How can this be combined? And what makes a suicide-angel in the play? Let's try to figure out in a difficult "very simple story."

What can I find out right away? The play "Very simple story" was raised by the play of Kiev playwright Maria Lado (Mary Alekseevna Mishurina). Wikipedia exists about her article. From the article you can find out that the author of the play was born in 1965 in Kiev in the family of film director Alexei Mishurin. Lado is a pseudonym. He is the author not one, but as much as eight plays and five more moviezenaries. In Russia and the CIS, the EU countries and the United States over the years with great success, perform performances by its works, such as "a very simple story", "Maestro", "Woman of the Year", "Red, White, Little Mud", " Namesake". The play in the Ukrainian language "Shabl, Bulava Ta Kititsya" has not yet been delivered. In 2010, awarded award of the Russian author's society "For contribution to the development of science, literature and culture of Russia". It is a member of the SC of Russia and the SC of Ukraine. Performances on its plays received more than 50 prizes in Russian and international theater festivals. Is impressive? Of course, it is impressive, but it is necessary to take into account that articles in Wikipedia can be very interested people who can accommodate there customized material, where everything will be only positive. Advertising, so to speak.

The text of the play "Very Simple History" can be found on the Internet. I found it easily and I will use for further work. Performances on this play were really raised by a number of Russian theaters and their videos can be found and see the same Internet. I found and looked a few. It turned out that this performance goes in more than thirty Russian theaters. It is clear that, depending on the taste of a particular director, scenery may vary and even a song repertoire of heroes. The actress, playing a pig, can be with a native cross, and maybe without it, but the wings in a pig, who has become the guardian angel for some black child, are present in all performances. A native cross and wings are usually attributes and suicide angel. These details, of course, cannot leave indifferent believers of Orthodox spectators, for whom a native cross in a pig - blasphemy.

Non-speaking animals in the performance can not be surprised. But people in this performance turn out to be much worse than this speaking cattle. Of course, animals in "very simple history" are fairly terrified by the intention of people to make Darya Abortion. But this is not limited to the chenime. All dead animals, if you believe the text of the play Mishurina-Lado, become angels, "even crocodiles". But from among the dead people, the angels are becoming very few. In this question, Maria Lado-Mishurina, of course, is radically diverted with the Bible. According to the Bible, neither the dead people nor, even more so, the dead animals are not becoming angels. Animals do not have an immortal soul at all, and they have no future after death. The souls of the dead people will be waiting for the resurrection of the dead and the terrible trial, and only then will go to paradise or hell. And they will go exactly people (their bodies will be recreated), and not just a soul. In the meantime, God permits only the saints from all the dead people. But the saints do not become angels. Angels exist in themselves. The man, according to the Bible, is a crown of creation. It is created on the icon and the likeness of God, and only sins are distorted by his original essence. And according to the origin of God's plan, the man is above angels. I wonder how Maria Mishurina-Lado reached her antibiblase theology?

Found on the Internet a video explaining a lot. Maria Lado After the premiere of the play on her play "Very simple story" in the formulation of the Russian-speaking troupe of the Haifeli director of the director Asi Niphaldel. 05/16/2015 told about her play and about themselves rather curious things. Here is her words: "It all started with the fact that I just decided to protect animals in some way. I like animals a lot. Anyone. Meat I do not eat, as you understand. Well, here ... I ... Well, well, at least what the word in defense of the animals say ... because I adore them. All ... I love pigs, and elephants, and dolphins, and cows. I love cows. It sounds strange, but I am the option that loves cows. I look at them, and start ... I look at the horse, and instantly begot to cry. Why? I dont know. But when I see horses, I immediately flow tears, and I can do nothing with it. I like animals a lot. Not to mention there about dogs ... I have two such wonderful pickens of the house, big, redheads, wonderful ... Well, I adore them ... and it all started with it. But then, when everything donated to this abortion ... And it spoiled itself. I even ... I did not think about it. I did not think that there would be a play about it at all. That ... here, the result, in short ... yes. "

About his personal life in this interview, Maria Lado-Mishurina also says. But somehow casual. No husband, and it seems to be no. Something was, but it is not clear that. Children are not observed. But animals adore. The word, by the way, is a sign: "I love"! It shows a new stage of the degradation of mankind, forgetting God. Initially, people professed theocentrism. God was understood as an absolute, perfect, the highest being, the source of life and any good. West and serving God served as the basis of morality, and imitation and the likelihood of him was considered the highest goal of human life. The Renaissance Age figures put in the center of the Universe of a man who took place of God. Theocentrism began to be crowded out by the new appearance - anthropocentrism. Now you can observe even more new lesions - some kind of zocentrism.

The situation is most interesting. The author of the play honestly and frankly said in an interview that he just wanted to defend animals, and some unknown force to her inspired her a completely unexpected story with an abortion and an angel suicide. In this case, she can be believed. Someone's noisy conversations are heard behind the scenes. This is understandable: the interview was taken during the celebration of the premiere of the performance. Perhaps those involved in him have already managed to mention their success with alcoholic beverages. Drinking man is usually quite sincere. Therefore, in this case, I believe Lado-Mishurina. The question is only in the fact that the idea of \u200b\u200bplay unexpected for the author himself came from. Options can only be two: from God or from his opponent, Satan. Or from the servant of God, the guardian angel, or from the servant of Satan, Besa-temptist. How to solve this question? We call for the aid of the Holy Spirit and read the text of the play in the light of the Gospel!

Pre-remind you that Satan is a monkey of God. He is deprived of the ability to create, so any of his "creativity" is a sophisticated distortion of everything created by God. This feature can be the participation of Satan in one or another phenomenon.

A photograph of the Astrakhan Drama Theater "Very Simple History". Pig Angel (Violetta Vlasenko) with a native cross

So, the events of the play occur in Khlev, where "pregnant" (so in the text of the play) dawn cow, a sister horse and a pig. Periodically, the fog and rooster race. Come to feed animals hardworking the owner Pavel Petrovich and the hostess. Tunes and drunkard neighbor periodically climbs into the hlev and stealing the owner stored there Mogon, who immediately drinks. The twenty-one-year-old son of the neighbor Alexei, who has not worked anywhere, blamed in Klelev with the daughter of the owner and the mistress of Daria. The result of this sin of Bluda is the pregnancy of Darya. Such is the launch of the events of the play. Now let's see how Mishurina-Lado's play (M.-L.) Biblical texts are correlated with the text.


Bible. Khlev - the place of the Nativity of Christ. The Savior of the genus of the human Jesus Christ was born in Glelev and his mother Virgin Mary "put it in Nursery, because there was no place in the hotel" (Lux. 2: 7). Nursery is a feeder for livestock. Khlev, where Christ was born - this is a Christmas cave in Bethlehem, the greatest Christian shrine, the object of pilgrimage.

M.-L. Khlev is a place where Alexey and Daria wander. The result of the Blud was the birth of a girl, which Maria called. At the end of the play, Khlev also becomes a "object of pilgrimage":

"Alexey: - What did you call here? Cool here, look it better.

Dasha: - (kutets the child) You know, Lesh. I think ... It seems to me that we are here her ... well ...

Alexey: - What's here?

Dasha: - Well ... did. Her. (Shows the baby) Remember the night when your father did not let the deceased in the house. We came here ... and then slept at the top, in the haymaker.

Alexey: - Eii, women, you are strange people. Maybe it was, I do not really remember.

Dasha: - And I remember. Exactly then. I thought ".

Blud and chastity.

Bible. Immaculate Virgin Mary gave birth to the Savior of the world of Jesus Christ. The gospel reports Mary's virginity before Christ's birth. "Joseph is her husband, being righteous and not wanting to announce it, wanted to go secret secretly. But when he threw it, - Xie, angel of the Lord appeared in a dream and said: Joseph, the son of Davidov! Do not be afraid to take Mary, your wife, because the born in it is from the Spirit of the Sainry; He will give birth to a son, and you will give him the name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins "(MF.1: 19-21). After the Nativity of Christ, Mary remained virgin. Believers especially honor Mary Maria. She was able to give birth to the Godchildren of Christ (God was able to accommodate it in her womb) because her usual human nature was most purified from sin by many generations of righteous ancestors and her personal cleanliness and holiness from early childhood.

M.-L. Alexey's parents and Daria's holiness are not different. From Bluda with Alexei Daria Prejemened. Her parents require abortion. About any purity and holiness of speech in the play does not go at all. Blud, as such, is not even condemned. The owner simply do not want to cherish with a tuneev and a drunkard neighbor, so he demands to make an abortion. After the suicide of the neighbor, the reason for the abortion was disappeared. Note along the way, that the "unknown force" inspired Mishurina-Lado to give young people to Alexey and Darya's names, and not any other. A man in baptism gets the name of any saint that becomes his heavenly patron. Among the thousands of saints there are relatively few, refused by family life for the service of one God who retained virginity and chastity and overcoming all sorts of obstacles. It is these saints that the St. Alexy, the man of God (the memory of March 17 in Art.), And the Holy Martyr Daria Roman (memory March 19 in Art.). Saint Alexy with his youth wanted to leave the world and serve God, but his parents stubbornly wanted to marry him. After the engagement, remaining alone with his bride, Alexy took the ring from his finger, gave her and secretly left the house. All Life Alexy lived in post and prayer. In several phrases it is impossible to describe the meaning of the feat of his life. In Russia, the lives of Reverend Alexy, the man of God, was one of the most beloved. It must be read to everyone. Holy Martyr Daria was originally priestess Athena Pallades. Chrysanf's young men, wanting to distract him from Christianity, married him on the beauty Darius. However, Chrysanf drew his wife from paganism to Christ. Young spouses by mutual agreement decided to lead a virgin life and even settled in some houses. Holy Chrysanf gathered the community of believers in the young men, and around Darya gathered pious women seeking to monastic life. During the regular persecution of Christians of Christianf and Daria arrested. Daria, the tormentors wanted to desecrate, giving in a damage, but there she was guarded by God sent by God. All those who tried to desecrate the Holy, Lev Valil to Earth, but left alive. Daria preached to them Christ and many convinced to stand on the path of salvation. Holy Daria and Chryshanf later were executed by order of the emperor Numerian. It is obvious that the names of Alexey and Daria were given to the heroes of the clouds of the play Mishurina-Lado, it's not by chance, but for the purpose of mockery of the Christian ideals of holiness, chastity, monasticism.

Alexy, the man of God is a virgin and a postnik, prayed for parents. Alexei from the play obsesses sin's passions and sings: "I want to marry ... and I want to eat all the time, I don't get to get drunk." Attitude towards parents: "I hate you ... everyone! Cursed! I would have a weapon, everyone would shoot to an Erenoie Fene !! .. And the father of Dashkaya would strangle with her own hands ... bastards! Bastards !! ... bastards ... "

Moral-moral teachings.

M.-L. Another iconic name Mishurina-Lado gave the owner: Pavel Petrovich. About the saints of the first apostles of Petra and Paul, I hope everyone knows? Brother Pavel Petrovich, who died in war, wore the name Andrei. About the Apostle Andrei First Called, too, many heard. An example of a poker poem of the twelve block for some writers is infectious.

Bible.The new covenant includes 27 books. Of these, fourteen are the messages of the Apostle Paul, and two are the messages of the Apostle Peter. The Apostle Paul in his epistles clarifies the teachings of Jesus Christ in relation to specific cases. In his messages a lot of moral and instructive. So, in the second message to the Fassalonians, the Apostle Paul wrote: "If someone does not want to work, he doesn't eat" (2 Fez. 3:10). In the Message to Ephesians, he calls: "Do not drop in wine" (Ephesus.5: 18). In his first message to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul calls not to communicate with sinners: "Do not be deceived: the worst communities corrupt good morals" (1 Cor 15:33).

M.-L. Pavel Petrovich in the course of the play constantly protrudes the neighbor for the tunestry, for drunkenness, and he demands that she did not communicate with the son of a neighbor, because (here the wife is already connected) "Apple falls near the apple tree." All this, by the way, right. All this could be taken from the messages of the Apostle Paul. However, in the play, the image of the owner of Pavel Petrovich in comparison with the neighbor is not exposed to a positive hero. And this depreciates the entire moral and instructive component of the Bible. Obviously, this was the goal of the "unknown force" impaired on Mishurin-Lado.


Bible. Orthodox Christianity considers suicide with one of the most severe sins for the reason that a person commits a double sin - murder and despair, in which you can no longer repent. The committed suicide is deprived of the funeral before burial. In the New Testament, the only suicide is mentioned - Traitor Judas.

M.-L. In his play, Mishurin-Lado romantizes suicide. At the first phenomenon, the neighbor sings the diffilams in honor of the mare swallows, who fell in love with the younger sergeant of Peresypkin, and after his transfer to Kazakhstan who had committed suicide to Kazakhstan. Followed by him dope's diffirable pig: "Yes, poor. But die because of love! As he said - "She soared ..."! That's it - happiness! " Next, animals are discussing suicide methods. After the publication of the pig, who became an angel, his version of Satomiology (from the Greek Soteria (Salvation), the doctrine of salvation) wishes to be killed, lined up in a queue: a dog, a horse ... In the end, the drinker and tune-shade of the neighbor committed suicide. Thanks to his suicide, the neighbor became the Savior of the child of Darya from abortion. I repeat: Mishurina-Lado's play romantizes suicide. "Tilsit-theater" - theater of the young viewer. Suicide level in Russia is one of the highest in the world. The level of adolescent suicides in Russia is three times higher than its average. Conclusions in this situation must be made by the prosecutor's office.

Salvation and Savior. Self-sacrifice.

Bible. Salvation, according to the Bible, means the salvation of a person from sin and his consequences - Death and Hell, and acquired by a saved man kingdom of heaven - a connection with God. People created by God sinless were deceived by Satan, broke out God's will and fell into sin and, in the end, became mortal. God, continuing to love his creation, wants to give people the forgiveness of sins, eternal life and salvation from punishment in hell. For this, he sent his son Jesus Christ to Earth, who took over the sins of people, died for them, and then rose from the dead. Jesus Christ, according to the New Testament, is a redemptive victim for sin, and people, believing in his death and resurrection from the dead and turning to him with repentance in their sins, receive the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Born from the Virgin Mary Christ we call the Savior.

M.-L. The pig slammed by the master is becoming an angel with wings, is in Khlev and sets out the secrets of the universe by another animals. In general, it tells that the abortion will take Daria in the morning, and you can not save the child, since he has no guardian angel. The pig itself became for some reason the "guardian angel" to another child, black and far living. Pig Satomiology is amazing in absurdity:

"Pig: - I have a thought ... you need to call his guardian angel.

Dog: - Come on. Call!

Pig: - I do not know who he is.

Cow: - So where to take it?

Pig: - When someone dies, someone is born. This is the law of life. And if the one who died, gets into angels, then he is the guardian angel of the one who was born.

Rooster: - And if not falling into the angels?

Pig: - The one who was born, lives without the guardian angel and his life is not sweet.

Dog: - So you, pig. Just that ... died.

Pig: - But I am an angel keeper with a completely different human young. He was born very far and all black.

Cow: - Batyushki, which is what!

Pig: - Nothing. But I have it.

Dog: - And for our, who died? Who is his angel?

Horse: - He has no angel.

Dog: - Why is it?

Horse: - Yes, because he has not yet been born.

Cow: - So what to do?

Horse: - To be born, you need someone to die.

Dog: - Well, you're a horse ... Well, you're smart ... "

For the salvation of a unborn child, they wanted to die first the dog, then the horse. It is pointless to find out why they hoped to become the guardian angel for Daria who, all the more, was to be born only in seven and a half months. Animals themselves appointed an angel keeper for a particular person. According to the view of zocentrism, God will be obliged to fulfill the will of animals and make a suicide to the guardian angel for their chosen not yet born baby. It remains only to die. A rifle stolen, a horse demands from a neighbor immediately shoot it:

"Horse: - You think about Dashky Diet, because there is no way out. After all, if what kind of person is lying, then he may not become an angel. Here the pig said that people in the angels few people

Pig: - Little.

Horse: - And I'll be exactly in the angels. "

The neighbor could not shoot the horse, mysteriously slept and left, the Gorlana song about the wall of Razin, drowned by the princess. Gone and shot himself. Given that he was explained that people in angels practically do not fall, the suicide of the neighbor can be considered rather an act of despair. But his strange smile before removing from Glev suggests that the neighbor deliberately deprived himself to be purposefully becoming the guardian angel for a child Darya. And, if a person, consciously indisposing his life, is intended to save another person or a group of people, then such an act can be classified no longer as suicide, but as self-sacrifice. It turns out some kind of blasphemous parody of death on the Cross of the Savior of our Jesus Christ. And in the face of TUneev and drunkard neighbor - a blasphemous parody of the Savior of our Jesus Christ.


M.-L. Jesus Christ had a forerunner. In the blasphemous structure of the plays, Mishurina-Lado, the role of the forerunner did a pig. She was killed first and prepared the inhabitants of the Chleva to the need for someone's death to save the child Darya. Paved feet, so to speak. Recall that Satan has the opposite, and compare the images of St. John the Forerunner and Pigs.

Bible. Saint John the Forerunner during his lifetime was an angel in the flesh, a post plan and ascetic (he also fed on only dried locust and wild bees honey). The Prophet Isaiah called him a "voice of blatant in the desert." That is, there was practically no man of flesh and blood, only a voice, calling people to repent and turn to Jesus Christ. Saint John the Forerunner Oblitsa King Herod, who fell into the sin of adultery. For this was executed.

M.-L. Pig in the play Mishurina-Lado eats, eats and eats again. The owner loves insanely and does not see any sins. Ready to die for him. The owner kills her to sell meat on the market. At the same time, the pig is wildly squeal. As it should be at Satan, the opposite is the opposite.

Adding a newborn baby.

Bible. The angel of the Lord appeared to the priest of Zechariah and the pre-prominos: "Your wife Elisaveta gives you a son, and you will give him a name: John; And you will be joy and merry, and many of his birth will rejoice at him, for he will be great before the Lord; There will be no drinking wine and sicker, and the Spillage of Saints will turn back from his mother's womb "(LK.1: 13-15). For mistrust of the Messenger of God Zakharia was punished with a little. When his son was born, the relatives made it difficult to infant his name. A silent father had to overcome certain difficulties to give the born to the son of John, called an angel.

M.-L. The difficulty with the ads of the name of the Born the child arose in the play. Later, a drunken neighbor dreams of his granddaughter with the name Marusya. After suicide, becoming an angel, a neighbor inspires Alexey and the parents of Daria to call Marius born child, i.e. Maria.

Slavor angels.

Bible. After the Nativity of Christ, the shepherds came an angel who said that "was born in the city of David Savior, who is Christ of the Lord; And here you have a sign: you will find a baby in the pellets lying in the manger. And suddenly appeared with the angel numerous host of heaven, the famous God and the appealing: glory in the High of God, and on Earth the world, in humans in humans! " (Lux 2: 11,14).

M.-L. After the birth of Marusi Maria, she was brought for some reason in Khlev. An iconic moment: when everyone leaves, the hostess drops the diaper that remains in Klelev. The suicide angel plays on the accordion, and then sings "I would have malicious mountains, and the rivers complete wines."

Pilgrimage and communion.

Over the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, a temple has been built, which has become a place of pilgrimage of believers. Christmas cave is under the amvon of this temple. Naturally, they are regularly committed by worship. At the end of the liturgy, the believers are tested by the bodies and blood of Christ. In Greek, the sacrament of the communion sounds the Eucharist (thanksgiving, gratitude). The sacrament of the communion is established by the Savior himself, who at the secret evening bequeathed: "We create in my memory" (LK.22: 19).

You can continue the analysis of the play of the Ukrainian playwright Maria Mishurina-Lado, but is there any point in this? And so it is obvious that the play "very simple story" and the performance, according to it, are blasphemous parodies for gospel events, mockery over the Orthodox faith, blasphemy. And, if some theatrical criticies saw in this performance biblical parable and a Christmas fairy tale, it shows their full spiritual wedding. From the director and actors demand is special. Do they not understand what they do? Do they really understand the consequences of their actions? For blasphemy and blasphemy will have to answer. This in the Swing Theology of the Kiev author there is only seven sins, to which the actors may not be involved. According to the Swing Theology in the "Other Place" God will not send them. We take a look once again on the text of the play:

"Pig: - So. When living creatures die, God finds out. Clean his soul or not. If pure, then an angel.

Cow: - And if dirty?

Pig: - If dirty is a sin.

Dog: - What does it mean "sin"?

Pig: - (lists like a lesson) Sin is: greed, curd, adultery, pride, anger, envy, idleness. Just seven.

Dog: - Pre-Liu-Bo de-I - is what?

Cow: - And envy?

Horse: - Anger. What anger is such?

Pig: - I do not know. I'm just the first day.

Dog: - You need to ask the rooster. On the radio spoke about everything. Well. OK. You are on the sky. And these sins where?

Pig: - They are sent to another place ... there the soul suffers ... I was told, there is quite bad ... "

An Angel-Pig in Mary Mishurina-Lado is very advanced. She lists the seven main (only the main!) Sins according to the Catholic tradition introduced by Pope Gregory the Great, listed them in the treatise "Interpretation on the Book of Job, or moral interpretation", and then incorporated into the Katichhism of the Western Church. But Papa Gregory did not think up the concept of the main sins. Long before him at the Orthodox East, a doctrine of eight main sinful passions was formed in the monastic medium. Pope Gregory took the Orthodox octal scheme, and in it combined in one sin sadness with despondency (it turned out idleness), vanity with pride and added envy. So the seven major sins appeared. An Angel-Pig in the play Mishurina-Lado, it turns out, preaches with another animal Catholicism. But, I repeat, the doctrine of the main sins arose in the ancient monastic medium, i.e. Among people, all their lives devoted to the ministry to God. The blasphemy or blasphemy, for example, among these people practically did not meet, and the mention of these sins among eight (or seven in the Catholic tradition) of the main sinful passions was absolutely irrelevant. And in today's Russia?

Russia is considered a secular state. Of course, the influence of Orthodoxy and historically established customs and traditions bring some prohibitions that are not reflected in the Criminal Code into ethical norms of modern person. Violation of moral norms, unreasted in legislation, a secular person may consider sin. But, as a rule, only violations of relations between people are considered to sin. The "pig-Catholic" theology of Mishurina-Lado is perfectly demonstrated. But violations of the biblical commandments relating to the relationship between a person with God (disbelief, the religious worship of the idol, the commemoration of the Name of God, blasphemy, blasphemy, mockery over the shrine, etc.), from the point of view of secular ethics, sinful are not sinful. Piece Mishurina-Lado and demonstrates. These demonstrate theatrical audience, applauding the blasphemy and the blasphemy of the Tilzit-theater and another thirty-five theaters of Russia, in which this play is coming. God will be judge! What is applauding? Reduction of a person to an animal level? Romantic suicide? Drunkenness and Bludud?

Https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/lado ,_Maria
