
Sleeping Beauty. Kremlin ballet. Press on the performance. Sleeping Beauty, Buy Tickets Ballet Sleeping Beauty State Kremlin Palace

P. I. Tchaikovsky


Ballet in 3 acts with a prologue (the performance comes with one intermission)

Libretto I. Vsevolozhsky and M. Petipa, on the fairy tales of S. Perro
Choreography M. Petipa
Choreographic editors, production and new choreography - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, the winner of the Moscow Prize and Andrei Petrov
Scenograd Artist - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation Stanislav Benediktov
Costume artist - Olga Polyanskaya
Assistant Balletmister - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Valery Ryzhov

The ballet "Sleeping Beauty" - the pearl of the classic repertoire, who first keen on the stage of the Imperial Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg in the 1890th year ... Tribute to the Russian ballet tradition, masterpiece that the second century admires the public all over the world, decorating the repertoire of the best ballet troupe .
Carefree princesses and their gallant courageous cavaliers, magical fairies - generosity, tenderness, courage, diamonds, silver, gold and sapphires ... Witch Karrabos and all-facing kindness of lilac fairies. In the chall fairy tale, the French charm of empty wigs and blooming spring, the mandatory victory of good over evil and the celebration of all restless love.

The performance is accompanied by the Symphony Orchestra Radio Orpheus. Artistic director and chief conductor - Sergey Kondrashev.

Duration: up to 2 hours 40 minutes (with intermission).

In the palace of King Florestan, the christenings of Princess Aurora are celebrated. Ceremonyster Catalabuch checks the list of invitations sent by the magic fairy and guests.
Everything is ready for the opening of the holiday.
Pipe sounds. The king and queen welcome the gathered. Kormilitsa make a cradle with a newborn princess Avoroy. Catabuty announces the arrival of the magicians - good fairies.
Fairy of Lilac, the main cross princess Aurora appears. It is surrounded by fairy and fairy. Fairies give the newborn gifts. Thanks to these gifts, the princess will be beautiful and tender, greasy and carefree, generous and bold. Fairy Lilan is suitable for the cradle to bring their gift.
There is noise. It comes the powerful and evil fairy chararax. Catabut in despair, as he could make such a terrible slip, to forget to send an invitation to the Fairy Karabos. The king and queen are excited: a mistake can entail a lot of misfortunes in the fate of their child.
Karabos appears accompanied by ugly suite. In vain the king and the queen asking for forgiveness from a terrible old woman. She decided to take revenge. Karabos pulls the shreds of hair from the head of Catabuta and puts his sentence by Aurora: "Yes, she will be the most beautiful, the most seductive and feminine, the smartest of all princesses in the world. But, by leaving Verhener, she will fall out, and her sleep will be eternal. " The king, the queen and the whole yard are shocked.
Fairy of Lilac soothes everyone, because she still did not have time to bring his gift: for her the last word: Aurora will fall asleep, as Fairy Karabos wished, but not forever. The day will come when a young prince fascinated by her beauty will give her a kiss, will awaken from long sleep and Aurora will become his wife.

First action
In the park of the palace of King Florestan celebrates the age of Princess Aurora. At the time of preparation for the holiday, the catlabuity notices the settlements that cheer in knitting on the knitting needles. He orders the guards to arrest them. After all, spindles, needles and knitting needles are objects prohibited by the decree of the king.
The park appears in the park and the Queen, accompanied by the court and four princes, contenders for the hand of Princess Aurora. Frightened settlements beg about mercy. Catabuty declares the cause of arrest and shows real evidence. King Florestan in anger, he orders to execute the settlement and Catabuta for violating his decisions. Court and princes are asked to spare perpetrators in honor of the holiday. The king is adamant. And only the prayers of the queen touches the heart of the king. Pardon are released from custody.
Aurora appears. Four prince amazed by the beauty of the princess. The king and queen persuade the daughter to choose the groom. Aurora fun dancing with the grooms, but he does not choose anyone - she is still so young.
Suddenly in the crowd of Aurora notes the old woman, who beats off the span. The old woman gives her spindle, and Aurora begins to dance with him. Unexpectedly, the dance is interrupted, the princess is terrified on his hand, which Pochella Verhener, and falls dead.
The old woman drops his raincoat and everyone recognize the Fairy Karabos. With the devilish laughter she disappears.
Fairy of Lilac appears, she consults parents; The daughter will scoop them a hundred years, but so that nothing has changed for her happiness, everyone falls asleep with her. Sleeping princess is carried to the palace, and everyone falls asleep.

Second action

One day, Prince Desire hunts in the forest. On the lawn, the retinue entertains him with dancing. Deezer remains one in the premonition of important events in life. The river floats the pearl rook.
From it comes to the shore of the Fairy Lilac. A vision of sleeping Aurora arises on the wave of the magic wand. The rays of the setting sun are illuminated by her pink light. Prince Desire falls in love with the vision of the young Aurora and is ready to follow the Fairy of Lilac. Vision disappears, but in the soul of the prince remains the image of a young beauty.
The prince rushes to the feet of the Fairy and begging her to specify the path to Aurora. The wizard leads him to his roaster, which immediately goes on the road.
The night comes, the moon illuminates with silver light, the Fier of Lilac and the Prince, who seeks to Aurora.
Sleeping beauty castle. Princess Aurora is sleeping on the Bedalchin bed. She sees a dream: a beautiful prince comes to wake it up, and she falls in love with this prince ...
Fairy Lilac and Prince Desire approach the castle. Karabos and her retinue are launched by the Princess Aurora, but nothing can stop the prince in his desire to be close to the princess. Prince Desire runs up to sleeping Aurora and kisses her. Witchcraft evil Karabos disappears: Princess Aurora wakes up, and with her - the whole courtyard. Dust and cobweb scatter, candles illuminate the room. The prince begs the king to give him his daughter to his wife. The king connects the hands of young people.

Action third
Wedding Aurora and Desire. The palace is preparing for the ball.
Courtnish gather for a holiday. The heroes of fairy tales are invited to be invited - a cat in boots and a white kitty, a blue bird and a princess Florin, a red hat and gray wolf, Cinderella and Prince Fortune. Everyone is dancing, having fun and snuff. This holiday is the victory of good evil.

News Time, October 3, 2005

Anna Gordeva

Recreation at affordable prices

Premiere of "Sleeping Beauty" in the Theater "Kremlin Ballet"

The Kremlin Palace opened the 45th season. The Kremlin ballet starts the 15th. The Palace of Congresses (most of the population continues to call him) and the "Kremlin ballet" arose under different circumstances: one as a manifestation of power will (which we want to knock on an ancient monument, then we will build), the other as a deft manifestation of a personal initiative in troubled time ( In the country, everything pegs and shares - let's talk about democracy and start another theater next to the imperial large, however, also state). But in the artistic sense, they are approximately equal to each other, and to wait for the great accomplishments from Andrei Petrov Theater as strangely, as hoping that at some point the CDS building will acquire meaningfulness and proportionality, takes and fit into the landscape.

Meanwhile, the "Kremlin ballet" is familiar to themselves as not made into the best theaters of graduates of graduates, touring the outskirts of China, keeps in the collection at least one decent ballerina and regularly once in season produces the premiere. And on these premieres, that's how you just published "Sleeping Beauty", a full six-thousandth hall is going. Because the people of our ballet love, but pay for a ticket for four thousand, as the big theater wants, somehow not ready. And here you can see the same in two hundred. Same? Well, the author's editorial office of the classical essay of Petipa. Only here Petrov, not Grigorovich. We look for ten differences.

Catabuta's party has become more dance. Do you remember who is as chatting? Ceremoniester at the courtyard of King Florestan XIV, Pope Princess Aurora, the same thing that forgot to send an invitation to the evil fairy of Karaboss. His thing is to get a beater from her, collect the hair shred from a wig and escape to the Kulisa, all. Here in the prologue, he is alone for some reason pursuant on an outstanding bird like a blue bird. Well, look for psychologism, deep penetration into the dreams of a secondary hero.

The part of Karabossa, as taken by the impact of centuries, is dancing a man, but instead of a heavy dress-bell on it a pack and on one foot he has a punet (on the second shoe). He puts his leg in Punch all the time, and such a bedroom arises, a lame gait. This is actually a mixture of two ideas - the usual (familiar) Karaboss and version made in the middle of the last century by Konstantin Sergeyev for Natalia Dudinskaya: there the Black Fairy was quite ballerina. And here for Karabossa is created quite a female flirty jump, but after him she, of course, is twice as much.

A straw with a newborn princess Avrura do not take out nyanyushki, and roll out on the wheels, and it is such a size that there is a ten-year-old child fit. In addition, this is not a cradle at all, and such a rectangular chest, inside it, apparently, sitting a man, because in the manual of the hands of Karaboss, this chest begins to approach it. Unfortunately, these are all the special effects of the performance (such promised in a press release).

At the beginning of the first act, in the scene of the knitters, Andrei Petrov took care of the loyalty of the girls to the king. The king, as is known, after the Curse of Karabossa forbade in the whole kingdom to use knitted spokes, and Kumushki-workers continued to do needlework. They were cailed, threatened them with death, then they forgred, then Aurora didn't blow his finger to the knitting needles, received at all, - in fact, the Petipa had a simple idea: they will not exhaust the laws from fate. Here the knitters did not think to break the ban on themselves - this Karaboss was drunk, handed it out of the knitting needles, and after the intervention of the law enforcement, the repentant of the silly (by the way, there were two, and not four) it was handed over, showing together the guard: here she ran away, here .

During the violin intermission (the curtain should be closed, nothing happens, only the orchestra sings - it's like a deep breath of ballet before the prince of Desire comes and kisses the princess) Petrov found that to stand the artists of the artists, and supplemented the performance of another scene: Sleeping Aurora lies (doll or doubles, do not understand), but what dreams of it is: she meets with Prince Desire, her fairy of Lilac helps her, and Fairy Karaboss tries to break their hands ... After that, the ballerina hides behind the bed, and in The next scene is already waking up from the kiss desire. That is, Marius Ivanovich Petipa did not inform us some necessary details, and Andrei Petrov corrected this flaw.

Once, two, three, four, five differences? No, well, the DRIAD scene is still rearranged, and there is still a little bit in the smallest. But is it important? The people in the troupe lacking, and the ball in the palace, on which six pairs dance, looks mad. Young Aurora (Christina Kretova) is distinguished by an enviable aplomb, but the jump is completely deprived (from behind the leg almost do not drag on the floor). The Fairy of Lilac is so prenatal that when tilting forward, it seems, is about to fall out of the pack. Fairy of diamonds can not break away from the Earth, and the babe of Fairy Canary so hops the scope, as if imagines himself lolita. But the prices are small, the people are still going to the capital, and on the way back through Kutafye Tower you hear the Moscow region, Vologda and Voronezh "well rested." And that the CDS is not exactly the Kremlin, but the Kremlin ballet does not quite ballet, these people do not guess.

Kommersant, October 5, 2005

"Sleeping Beauty" woke the princess

The debutant stretched the play "Kremlin ballet"

In the Kremlin Palace, during a catastrophic propelination of the public, who moved the beginning of the presentation for almost an hour, passed the premiere of the "Sleeping Beauty", which the Kremlin ballet celebrated its 15th anniversary. To fall asleep together with the heroine of Ballet Tatiana Kuznetsova did not allow the debut of the new ballerina.

In truth, the "Sleeping Beauty" is not at all for the legs of the Kremlin ballet: even if you leave the professional level of troupe aside, it simply lacks the people in it simply for the production of this pompous performance. One hundred years ago, the old man in the Mariinsky Theater did not lead such problems: he took 48 people in one "Waltse of Flowers". Plus, 24 children, plus the Queen, plus the princess itself with his grooms, plus the courtesy, and even a whole bouquet of fairies - each with its variation and retinue. In general, the head of the "Kremlin ballet" Andrei Petrov, who attempting to comply with Imperial decency within the framework of the Kremlin budget, had to be disadvantaged.

Scenographer Stanislav Benediktov on all acts created a lilac Marlevo from lightweight tuna, elaborating gold outlines and doors in the "palace" scenes. Optimists could see Borisov-Musatov's twilight scene, pessimists - gasoline divorces in the pool, but one dignity is undoubtedly: these scenery are easy to export on tour. A permanent artist and spouse choreographer Olga Polyanskaya invented a dress and packs explicitly inspired by biscuit cakes of her Soviet childhood: the combination of salad with pink and orange with Bordeaux, decorated with "cream" of white wigs, was dominated by the biscuit cakes.

Mr. Petrov himself intervened in a long familiar choreography only if necessary: \u200b\u200bit is necessary to somehow get out of the same "waltz of flowers", having twelve couples of Padzan instead of twenty-four and eight artists of the corpsoretole instead of two dozen hawk children, and also fill music, generously dedicated Composer Tchaikovsky on crowded processions. By manipulating the "extremely traditional pairs", Mr. Petrov did not come up with anything inevitable: long and senseless wandering in the circle of prospective ladies and cavaliers, slightly unfinished legs on the manner of strolling dogs, robbed into the sleep of the Fairy Carabos.

By the way, it was her appearance for the first time woke up the public. The choreographer made the elderly Fairy energetic, but chrome, the shoe one foot of the artist Timur Shafigulin in the Poant, and the other - to the shores on the heel. It should be paid proper to the temperamental and plastic young man - from this awkward position, he came out with honor, creating a witty parody of the Council of Ilze Liepa from the "peak lady". The second original find was the "Sleep" Princess Aurora, supplied, probably so that the audience did not bounce during the famous violin intermission, but engaged in the scenario of the stage rebus. But only the most insightful people could guess that the ballerina, caring from behind the bed of a lying beauty, is actually her astral body, and the prince and his battle with the Fae Karabos is nothing more than sleep in hand.

Prince Sergei Smirnova could not help the rayster - he himself was the whole performance as in a dream. Nothing could bring this blessing young man with natural data that are not relevant to the Premier Status, from the state of self-satisfied, no love of the beautiful princess, neither the inhibited pyruettes nor unclean tours in the air. He was somewhat animated (and without any reason) only on Jete EN Tournant: the choreographer, apparently wanting to cheer up the artist, used his favorite movement at twice - in the scene of hunting and in Pa de de.

The premiere of this guy "Sleeping" pulled out the debutant - 21-year-old Christina Kretova. It is impossible to say that this slim low girl captures the hall with the first apparent: in Antra, she spoiled excitedly and modestly - rather Cinderella on someone else's ball than the princess at home. However, already in the first, famous adagio with its beauty and exhaustion, the adagio with four cavaliers, young ballerina demonstrated such an excerpt and applub, which her star colleagues from Greater and Mariins could not boast. There are two cunning episodes in this adagio, on which the most famous ballerinas were rushed: at the beginning and finals of the Princess Aurora, standing on one leg and raising the other in Attitude, alternately serves his hand to each partner, gracefully lifting her over his head. To break away from the saving support of the affiliate hand is extremely difficult - almost no one can avoid fevering hands, huts, panic bursts. And already if the ballerina is lucky to stay on one leg, then it usually stands and it is worthwhile with his hand raised until he cares from the public of admiring applause. So, Christina Kretova passed through this torture with an amazing self-sufficiency - all the eight times her hand was calmly rising into the third position and to music (which is also extremely rare) descended on the brush of another cavalor.

Delicacy, dignity and sense of measure determined the entire presentation of the debutant: the beginning of the ballerina did not join the legs above the ears, did not flourish, depicting innocence, did not "rumble" Pirouettes, did not force her silent fleeting jumps. Elegantly and as if, by the way, she coped with tours in large poses in the wonderful variation of the second act, excluded from the editorial office of the Bolshoi Theater, and with indifferers of their partner, and with a false scene of their own "sleep", and with lace weaving hands in the final variation, and with unusual slow motion in the code. It should be noted another pleasant surprise of the premiere - the Kremlin ballet accompanied by the Russian National Orchestra, led by Alexander Sladkovsky. Tchaikovsky, like the public, was lucky: "Sleeping Beauty" sounded not a ballet intelligent.

Vedomosti, October 4, 2005

Anna Galaida

Without magic

"The Kremlin ballet" defeated the "sleeping beauty"

The theater "Kremlin ballet" noted his 15th anniversary of the premiere of "Sleeping Beauty" - the most colorful and lush from ballet fairy tales. The facade of its extraction festivity hides the most complex performance of the Russian classical repertoire. "Kremlin ballet" took over him with excessive self.

When the names of Catherine Maximova and Vladimir Vasilyeva, the names of Ekaterina Maximova and Vladimir Vasilyeva, allowed to create their own ballet troupe in the Kremlin, she announced a noble mission to search for new forms. Dancers from the periphery, diluted by graduates of the capital choreographic school, who did not disassemble the leading theaters, about the Great Classics and did not dream - ballet breeding, without which the transformation into Willis, Sylphide and Dryad, is not faster than the English lawn. However, the forest, oil and gas flowed abroad, and the Russian ballet moved abroad in foreign cities and villages. The first victim of exports Palo "Swan Lake" - it demonstrated that under the label of Russian Ballet, instead of the dance of 32 swans, it is possible to sell even seven dancers if they are in white packs and feathers.

But now, when companies of all stripes provided "Swan Lake" even the Chinese provinces, it came to the turn to export and the front classic ballet, which a few years ago to present outside the Big and Mariinsky theaters was as difficult as flying to Nigerian space. To withstand the exam "Sleeping Beauty" means to get into the highest leagues of the world ballet - the definition of the "Encyclopedia of the classic dance" was tightly: Marius Petipa, "Our All" in Ballet, connected in this performance all the wisdom accumulated by choreographic art, and their own incredibly young Fontanishing fantasy. "Sleeping Beauty" looks like a rootless impostor without palace interiors in full size, luxurious butaforia, velvet tons, satin and jewelry. And, most importantly, it is impossible without the army of the highest discharge dancers - specialists in clean classics, characteristic and ballroom dancing, mimic parties.

The Kremlin ballet for 15 years of Academicism did not grow up, but it turned out to be one of the few troupe, which can reproduce the legendary ballet of the Petipa in almost a classic set - the uncomfortable guests on the royal ball did not count. The artistic director of the theater Andrei Petrov, a representative of the famous Moscow ballet dynasty, he himself danced in the "Sleeping Beauty" big and restored it in Yuri Grigorovich's version thoroughly. But on Petrov's poster, the author of the new choreographic editorial board of the performance was written. To do this, he had to force the Catabuta limited to the Mimician ceremoniumster to compete in virtuosity with Prince Desire, to rework the variations for the prince himself and correct the scene of the wake-up of the Princess Aurora: now while one princess is a double - on the couch lonely waiting for a kiss, the other already merges with the prince in love duet . Another noticeable intervention of the editor - the relief of the brilliant choreography of Fedor Lopukhov: in the new stage of the Fairy of Lilac at the wedding, performs a melancholic variation of Aurora from the scene of Nereid. Probably, this is a gift of Petrov as an arter of his example, Zhanna Bogoroditsky gets a chance to pay attention to his attention at least a big step, everything else is painfully fighting with the luxuriousness of his party.

It is much easier to overcome the text less experienced Christina Kretis - Princess Aurora, while also not possessing either virtuosity, nor artistry, nor academism. For an incomprehensible reason, Natalia Balahnichev replaced at the premiere of the Kremlin ballet at the premiere, which at concerts repeatedly showed her delicate, elegant Aurora, 20-year-old Kretova became a symbol of a new "sleeping beauty" - at first glance, it is very similar to the original, but deprived of fabulousness And the magic of the ballet Petipa. It is a pity that this craft copy in many parts of the world will be taken for the original.

The legendary Kremlin ballet invites you to visit the classic choreographic formulation of the music of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky "Sleeping Beauty", according to the world famous fairy tale Charles Perro. Since 1890, when the premiere of this pearl of Russian ballet was held, and to this day, this masterpiece continues to decorate the repertoons of the best theaters and hit the imagination of the audience all over the world. Even the most demanding connoisseurs of art can make sure that the Kremlin ballet (poster for February is available online) continues and develops the best traditions of the Russian choreographic school.

Russian ballet tradition in all his brilliance will appear before fans of the beautiful, who have decided to come to the "Sleeping Beauty" in the State Kremlin Palace. Ballet will give them a meeting with carelessly fluttering by princesses and their flexible and severe cavaliers; full of magic fairy courage, tenderness, gold, silver, sapphires, and, of course, lilac; Torn on all and the whole sorcerer of Karabos and delicate French spring. The Kremlin ballet put a performance that will be interesting to the audience of different ages: children will like the fairy plot and entourage, and adults are amazing choreography and subtle lyrism.

Ballet in the Kremlin Palace, whose poster is on our website, is always a real holiday of eternally art, causing admiration for a variety of era, uniting people with various experiences and looks for life. The scene turns into the Palace of Fallandian's fabulous king, and viewers are guests on the christening of a little princess. They will find out what gifts can be presented to the newborn good faces, and how can the evil witch destruct her life in one second.

Kremlin ballet, tickets to which can be ordered at the Agency "Ticketmix", in dance will tell the story of a magical curse and liberation from him. The famous injection of spindle, long sleep and awakening from a kiss of an excellent prince - all this will revive on the scene of the GCD. Ballet "Sleeping Beauty" - a win-win choice for viewers who prefer to be confident that the performance will justify their expectations.

The legendary Kremlin ballet retained the original choreography of the Great Marius Petipa. The public will see it in the editors of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Andrei Petrov. The head of the Kremlin Ballet Truppes (the poster for April has already been laid on our online page) introduced a lot of new directorial findings, retaining the main thing - the unique atmosphere of the fairy tale, luxury and refinement of the Russian ballet.

What other ballets go to the Kremlin Palace

Especially for those who wish to buy tickets to the Kremlin Palace on the ballet "Sleeping Beauty", the site of the Agency "Ticketmix" contains always fresh and up-to-date information about the planned performances. On our site will help you choose the best places of ballet in the Kremlin and place an order without departing from the computer.

The other famous play of the Kremlin ballet is "Swan Lake" - you can rightly be called the main Russian ballet. Music Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky and full lyrical charm Dance tells the mysterious German legend. which is available on our website, you should see a lively ballet for every fan.

In the palace of King Florestan, the christenings of Princess Aurora are celebrated. Ceremonyster Catalabuch checks the list of invitations sent by the magic fairy and guests.
Everything is ready for the opening of the holiday.
Pipe sounds. The king and queen welcome the gathered. Kormilitsa make a cradle with a newborn princess Avoroy. Catabuty announces the arrival of the magicians - good fairies.
Fairy of Lilac, the main cross princess Aurora appears. It is surrounded by fairy and fairy. Fairies give the newborn gifts. Thanks to these gifts, the princess will be beautiful and tender, greasy and carefree, generous and bold. Fairy Lilan is suitable for the cradle to bring their gift.
There is noise. It comes the powerful and evil fairy chararax. Catabut in despair, as he could make such a terrible slip, to forget to send an invitation to the Fairy Karabos. The king and queen are excited: a mistake can entail a lot of misfortunes in the fate of their child.
Karabos appears accompanied by ugly suite. In vain the king and the queen asking for forgiveness from a terrible old woman. She decided to take revenge. Karabos pulls the shreds of hair from the head of Catabuta and puts his sentence by Aurora: "Yes, she will be the most beautiful, the most seductive and feminine, the smartest of all princesses in the world. But, by leaving Verhener, she will fall out, and her sleep will be eternal. " The king, the queen and the whole yard are shocked.
Fairy of Lilac soothes everyone, because she still did not have time to bring his gift: for her the last word: Aurora will fall asleep, as Fairy Karabos wished, but not forever. The day will come when a young prince fascinated by her beauty will give her a kiss, will awaken from long sleep and Aurora will become his wife.

First action
In the park of the palace of King Florestan celebrates the age of Princess Aurora. At the time of preparation for the holiday, the catlabuity notices the settlements that cheer in knitting on the knitting needles. He orders the guards to arrest them. After all, spindles, needles and knitting needles are objects prohibited by the decree of the king.
The park appears in the park and the Queen, accompanied by the court and four princes, contenders for the hand of Princess Aurora. Frightened settlements beg about mercy. Catabuty declares the cause of arrest and shows real evidence. King Florestan in anger, he orders to execute the settlement and Catabuta for violating his decisions. Court and princes are asked to spare perpetrators in honor of the holiday. The king is adamant. And only the prayers of the queen touches the heart of the king. Pardon are released from custody.
Aurora appears. Four prince amazed by the beauty of the princess. The king and queen persuade the daughter to choose the groom. Aurora fun dancing with the grooms, but he does not choose anyone - she is still so young.
Suddenly in the crowd of Aurora notes the old woman, who beats off the span. The old woman gives her spindle, and Aurora begins to dance with him. Unexpectedly, the dance is interrupted, the princess is terrified on his hand, which Pochella Verhener, and falls dead.
The old woman drops his raincoat and everyone recognize the Fairy Karabos. With the devilish laughter she disappears.
Fairy of Lilac appears, she consults parents; The daughter will scoop them a hundred years, but so that nothing has changed for her happiness, everyone falls asleep with her. Sleeping princess is carried to the palace, and everyone falls asleep.

Second action

One day, Prince Desire hunts in the forest. On the lawn, the retinue entertains him with dancing. Deezer remains one in the premonition of important events in life. The river floats the pearl rook.
From it comes to the shore of the Fairy Lilac. A vision of sleeping Aurora arises on the wave of the magic wand. The rays of the setting sun are illuminated by her pink light. Prince Desire falls in love with the vision of the young Aurora and is ready to follow the Fairy of Lilac. Vision disappears, but in the soul of the prince remains the image of a young beauty.
The prince rushes to the feet of the Fairy and begging her to specify the path to Aurora. The wizard leads him to his roaster, which immediately goes on the road.
The night comes, the moon illuminates with silver light, the Fier of Lilac and the Prince, who seeks to Aurora.
Sleeping beauty castle. Princess Aurora is sleeping on the Bedalchin bed. She sees a dream: a beautiful prince comes to wake it up, and she falls in love with this prince ...
Fairy Lilac and Prince Desire approach the castle. Karabos and her retinue are launched by the Princess Aurora, but nothing can stop the prince in his desire to be close to the princess. Prince Desire runs up to sleeping Aurora and kisses her. Witchcraft evil Karabos disappears: Princess Aurora wakes up, and with her - the whole courtyard. Dust and cobweb scatter, candles illuminate the room. The prince begs the king to give him his daughter to his wife. The king connects the hands of young people.

Action third
Wedding Aurora and Desire. The palace is preparing for the ball.
Courtnish gather for a holiday. The heroes of fairy tales are invited to be invited - a cat in boots and a white kitty, a blue bird and a princess Florin, a red hat and gray wolf, Cinderella and Prince Fortune. Everyone is dancing, having fun and snuff. This holiday is the victory of good evil.

In the palace of King Florestan, the christenings of Princess Aurora are celebrated. Ceremonyster Catalabuch checks the list of invitations sent by the magic fairy and guests.
Everything is ready for the opening of the holiday.
Pipe sounds. The king and queen welcome the gathered. Kormilitsa make a cradle with a newborn princess Avoroy. Catabuty announces the arrival of the magicians - good fairies.
Fairy of Lilac, the main cross princess Aurora appears. It is surrounded by fairy and fairy. Fairies give the newborn gifts. Thanks to these gifts, the princess will be beautiful and tender, greasy and carefree, generous and bold. Fairy Lilan is suitable for the cradle to bring their gift.
There is noise. It comes the powerful and evil fairy chararax. Catabut in despair, as he could make such a terrible slip, to forget to send an invitation to the Fairy Karabos. The king and queen are excited: a mistake can entail a lot of misfortunes in the fate of their child.
Karabos appears accompanied by ugly suite. In vain the king and the queen asking for forgiveness from a terrible old woman. She decided to take revenge. Karabos pulls the shreds of hair from the head of Catabuta and puts his sentence by Aurora: "Yes, she will be the most beautiful, the most seductive and feminine, the smartest of all princesses in the world. But, by leaving Verhener, she will fall out, and her sleep will be eternal. " The king, the queen and the whole yard are shocked.
Fairy of Lilac soothes everyone, because she still did not have time to bring his gift: for her the last word: Aurora will fall asleep, as Fairy Karabos wished, but not forever. The day will come when a young prince fascinated by her beauty will give her a kiss, will awaken from long sleep and Aurora will become his wife.

First action
In the park of the palace of King Florestan celebrates the age of Princess Aurora. At the time of preparation for the holiday, the catlabuity notices the settlements that cheer in knitting on the knitting needles. He orders the guards to arrest them. After all, spindles, needles and knitting needles are objects prohibited by the decree of the king.
The park appears in the park and the Queen, accompanied by the court and four princes, contenders for the hand of Princess Aurora. Frightened settlements beg about mercy. Catabuty declares the cause of arrest and shows real evidence. King Florestan in anger, he orders to execute the settlement and Catabuta for violating his decisions. Court and princes are asked to spare perpetrators in honor of the holiday. The king is adamant. And only the prayers of the queen touches the heart of the king. Pardon are released from custody.
Aurora appears. Four prince amazed by the beauty of the princess. The king and queen persuade the daughter to choose the groom. Aurora fun dancing with the grooms, but he does not choose anyone - she is still so young.
Suddenly in the crowd of Aurora notes the old woman, who beats off the span. The old woman gives her spindle, and Aurora begins to dance with him. Unexpectedly, the dance is interrupted, the princess is terrified on his hand, which Pochella Verhener, and falls dead.
The old woman drops his raincoat and everyone recognize the Fairy Karabos. With the devilish laughter she disappears.
Fairy of Lilac appears, she consults parents; The daughter will scoop them a hundred years, but so that nothing has changed for her happiness, everyone falls asleep with her. Sleeping princess is carried to the palace, and everyone falls asleep.

Second action

One day, Prince Desire hunts in the forest. On the lawn, the retinue entertains him with dancing. Deezer remains one in the premonition of important events in life. The river floats the pearl rook.
From it comes to the shore of the Fairy Lilac. A vision of sleeping Aurora arises on the wave of the magic wand. The rays of the setting sun are illuminated by her pink light. Prince Desire falls in love with the vision of the young Aurora and is ready to follow the Fairy of Lilac. Vision disappears, but in the soul of the prince remains the image of a young beauty.
The prince rushes to the feet of the Fairy and begging her to specify the path to Aurora. The wizard leads him to his roaster, which immediately goes on the road.
The night comes, the moon illuminates with silver light, the Fier of Lilac and the Prince, who seeks to Aurora.
Sleeping beauty castle. Princess Aurora is sleeping on the Bedalchin bed. She sees a dream: a beautiful prince comes to wake it up, and she falls in love with this prince ...
Fairy Lilac and Prince Desire approach the castle. Karabos and her retinue are launched by the Princess Aurora, but nothing can stop the prince in his desire to be close to the princess. Prince Desire runs up to sleeping Aurora and kisses her. Witchcraft evil Karabos disappears: Princess Aurora wakes up, and with her - the whole courtyard. Dust and cobweb scatter, candles illuminate the room. The prince begs the king to give him his daughter to his wife. The king connects the hands of young people.

Action third
Wedding Aurora and Desire. The palace is preparing for the ball.
Courtnish gather for a holiday. The heroes of fairy tales are invited to be invited - a cat in boots and a white kitty, a blue bird and a princess Florin, a red hat and gray wolf, Cinderella and Prince Fortune. Everyone is dancing, having fun and snuff. This holiday is the victory of good evil.