
And Ostrovsky Late Love. A.N.ostrovsky "Late Love". See also in other dictionaries

Alexander Nikolaev Ostrovsky.

Late love

First action


Felitsa Antonovna Chalvan, mistress of a small wooden house.

Gerasim Porfirich Margaritov, lawyer from retired officials, an old man of a fraud.

Lyudmila, his daughter, an unclear girl. All movements of her modest and slow, dressed very clean, but no complaints.

Darmedont, junior Son Shablova, in Writers from Margaritov.

Onufriy Potapych Dorodnov, merchant merchant.

Poor, darkened room in the house Shablova. On the right side (from the audience), two narrow one-board doors: the nearest Lyudmila in the room, and the following in the sablory room; Between the doors, the root mirror of the Dutch furnace with the furnace. In the back of the wall, to the right corner, the door to the room Margaritov; In the left dissolved door to the dark front, in which the ladder leads the ladder leading to the mezzanine, where the sons of shablova are placed. Between the doors an ancient chest with a glass cabinet for dishes. On the left side, two small windows, in the simpleness between them, an antique mirror, on the sides of which two dull pictures in the paper framework; Under the mirror, a large table of a simple tree. Furniture team: chairs of different types and magnitude; On the right side, closer to the forefront, the old semi-edged Voltaire chair. Autumn twilight, in the room dark.

Phenomenon first

Lyudmila comes out of his room, listens and fits the window.

Then the template comes out of his room.

Chalks (without seeing Lyudmila). As if who kicked the wicket. No, preparing. I really alerted my ears. Eki weather! In a light one, now ... oh oh! Somewhere my son is grooming? Oh, kids, kids - Mount Matushkino! Here Vaska, what is a walking cat, and that home came.

Lyudmila. Came? ... did it come?

Chalks. Ah, Lyudmila Gerasimovna! I do not see you, I stand here yes I fantasize myself too ...

Lyudmila. Do you say came?

Chalks. Do you wait for someone?

Lyudmila. I? I nobody. I just heard that you said: "Came."

Chalks. I am expressing my thoughts here; In my head, you will scoop, you know ... Weather, they say, such that even my Vaska came home. I sat down on a layman and then purr, even choking; I really want to say him that, they say, I am at home, do not worry. Well, of course, I slept, it was, but again I left. Male business, do not hold at home. Yes, here is a beast, and he understands that we need to go home - to turn, like, they say, there; And my son, My Nicholya, other day disappears.

Lyudmila. How to know what are your affairs?

Chalks. Who will know how not to me! There is no doings with him, the bumps beats.

Lyudmila. He is engaged in a lawyer.

Chalks. Yes which abvocacy! It was time, but passed.

Lyudmila. He bites some ladies.

Chalks. Why, Mother, Lady! Lady lady Maine. You walk, I'll tell you everything. He studied for me well, in the new service, the course cumshot; And, as in sin, these new courts are headed here! He signed up by the abvocatom, they went, and went, and went, the flabbai money was shovel. From that from the very thing he entered into a cash merchant circle. You know yourself, with wolves to live, wolf to throw, and he began this very mercy of life that day in the restaurant, and the night in the club or where. Self: pleasure; He is hot man. Well, what? They have thick pockets. And he was born, but Born, and things were going between hands, and laziness was lazy; And then the abvocates divorced the number. Oh, how much he was confused, and the moneyonmah lived everything; I got acquainted and again in the old poor position came: to the mother, it means that the sterlines are on empty soup. The habit of he was habit to the restaurants - in good, nothing with what, so bad began to hang off. Seeing it in such a decline, began to find it. I want to bring it to his familiar lady, and he dies.

Lyudmila. Robot, must be character.

Chalks. Full, Mother, what's the character!

Lyudmila. Yes, because there are people of a timid character.

Chalks. Yes, it's full of what character! Is there a poor person? What is your character found?

Lyudmila. And what?

Chalks. At the poor man and still character! Wonderful, right! There are no good dresses, that's all. If the person is worn, here is a timid character; What would he have a pleasant conversation, and he should look at himself, whether there is a flaw. You take at least with us, women: why is a good lady in the company a misconception has? Because everything is in order on it: one to another will be heard, one of the other is neither shorter, nor long, color to color is selected, the pattern under the pattern fit. Here it has a soul and grows. And our brother in the high company trouble; Better seem to fall through the ground! There hangs, here briefly, in another place the bag, everywhere sinuses. As on Leshgo, you look at you. Therefore, not Madama sew us, but we are self-taught; Not on journals, but as it was, on the damn wedges. My son is also not French sewed, but verbatties because of the Dragomilovskaya oblast. So he thinks over the Frak, she walks, walks around the cloth, cuts it, cuts it; That with the one, then on the other hand it will cook - well, it will take a cult, and not a fracture. But before, too, as money, Nikolai Ftral; Well, and wildly in such a disgrace. I ulled him finally, and I myself am not glad; He is proud man, did not want to be worse than others, because in her morning to night, and ordered a good dress to the dear German debt.

Lyudmila. Is she young?

Chalks. In this way. That and trouble. Kaba Old woman, so would pay money.

Lyudmila. And she is what?

Chalks. Woman light, spoiled, his beauty hopes. Always around her youth - got used to everyone to please her. Another even for happiness deems to serve.

Lyudmila. So he is a gift for her?

Chalks. It is impossible to say that at all for nothing. Yes, I would probably probably, and I already from her a hundred and a half wiped. So all the money is what I took from her for him, all the tailored and gave you, so you and the Barysh! In addition, it is for themselves, whenever you go to her, the cabin takes from the exchange, holds there half a day. Something yes! And what happens from what? Divi would ... All the wind in the head.

Lyudmila. Maybe she likes her?

Chalks. Why, this is an effort by a poor thing for a man for a rich woman to care for even spending himself. Well, where he stretches: there are such colonels yes the guardsmen are that they will not find words. You will look at him, but only you say: oh, my God! Tea, laugh at our, and she is, looked, too. Because, judge by yourself: it will drive up to the porch on a pair with a par grant the picker, bright in the front spur or a saber, looks in passing, over his shoulder, in the mirror, shakes his head and right to her in the living room. Well, but she is a woman, the creation of a weak, the vessel is a meager, will boast on him with her eyes, well, it's precisely boiled and done. Where is there?

Lyudmila. So she is what!

Chalks. She only seems to be a great lady, and how to look closer, so rather little. It is confused in debt yes in Amrah, well, and send me to guess for me on the maps. Challenge, challenging her, and she cries, and laughs like a small child.

Lyudmila. How strange! Can such a woman can like?

Chalks. Why, Nikolai Gord; It was in mind that I would win, they say, - well, to suffer. Or maybe he and out of pity; Therefore, it is impossible not to regret it, poor. Her husband was the same putanik; Motal and deblies did, did not affect each other. But the husband died, and had to pay. Yes kaba with the mind, you can still live; And then to get confused, hearty, ears. They say it became a bill in vain to give, signs herself does not know what. And which condition was, kababi in hand. What are you in the darkness?

Lyudmila. Nothing so better.

Chalks. Well, that, as aware, let's wait for Nicholas. But someone came; Go Candle to bring. (Goes out.)

Lyudmila (at the door to the front). It is you?

Included Dundace.

Second phenomenon

Lyudmila, Dramedonte, then templates.

Darmedont. I-s.

Lyudmila. And I thought ... Yes, however, I am very glad, but it is boring one.

Includes pattern with a candle.

Chalks. Where were you? After all, I thought you were at home. You are like a chillure, you will plant, see.

Darmedont (Bares at the stove). I was looking for my brother.

Chalks. Found?

Darmedont. Found.

Chalks. Where is he?

Darmedont. Everything is there.

"Late love"

The "Love Love" play Alexander Ostrovsky himself called among the three best works.
The classic delicately feels the secret turns of human destination and looks at the human nature with a shrill look. In order not to lose such a sensitive attitude to the soul, laid down in the play, the authors of the play are trying not to dive into the external attributes of life, but to catch a rich syllable of Ostrovsky, the beauty and capacity of its images, comprehend the whole depth of the love story ...
The shelf, the desk, hanger, the table, the bench is the uncomplicated interior of the "outstand". But in this, it would seem, no noticeable atmosphere of measured life sometimes happen storms ...
Lyudmila, a modest daughter of a poor lawyer, falls in love with a rampant Nicholas. To save your loved one, the woman is ready to go to theft and betrayal.
Artists in the Commonwealth with the director and the playwright skillfully lead the viewer in the maze of the human soul, forcing you to dying, sympathize, laugh, tremble, admire and hope ...

Vladimir Tumanov About the play: "There is a lot of space in the play, and there is a danger to rush to Wednesday" Kudryavo-pop ": Moscow, Zamoskvorechye, Moscow suburbs - all this is quite thick and juicy in our presentation about that life. And I would like to penetrate the imyarchiness of the human feeling, to comprehend the whole depth of this story of love, or rather, the history of the survival of love in any context of life. "

"Love Love" A.N. Ostrovsky does not have an extensive history of the scenic incarnations, which other works of the author found. However, among other theaters, a small theater was addressed to her (where the premiere was held in November 1873 with Maria Nikolaevna Yermolova in the lead role - the role of Lyudmila) and Mkhat (Mikhail Yangshin - Margaritov, 1949), well known the same film of Leonid Pchelkina with Innochenty Smoktunovsky , Elena Corolova and Rodion Nakhapetov. Nowadays, the performance was delivered at the Moscow Central Theater of the Russian Army (Larisa Golubanka-Chablov), "Studios of theatrical art of Sergey Genovich", Alexandrinsky Theater.

The performance is the laureate of the festival "Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk (Belarus), 2010;
Special prize of the International Theater Festival "Golden Vityaz" "For the introduction of the youth audience to the classical heritage", 2010;
Higher Theatrical Award of St. Petersburg Golden Sofit Season 2009-2010. In the nomination "Best Women's Role" (Emilia Spivak for the role of Lyudmila).

The duration of the performance 2 hours 45 minutes with intermission

For persons over 12 years

Director Director Vladimir Tumanov Designer Honored artist of Russia
Alexander Orlov Artist on costumes Stefania Graumogkaite Balletmaster Nikolay Reutov Light artist Giedal Shugaev Music design Vladimir Bychkovsky

Existing persons and performers:

Felitsa Antonovna Chalks, Mistress of a small wooden house Irina Polyanskaya Gerasim Porfirich Margaritov, lawyer from retired officials Honored Artist of Russia
Peter Zhuravlev Lyudmila, His Daughter, Unclear Girl Emilia Spivak Nikolai Andreich Shablov, Senior Son Shablova Andrey Kuznetsov Dremvedont, Junior Son Shablova, in the chairs from Margitov Evgeny Titov Varvara Kharitonovna Lebedkin, Widow Svetlana Svetlana Strogov Onufriy Potapich Dorodnov, Middle Age

Felitsa Antonovna Chalvan, mistress of a small wooden house.

Gerasim Porfirich Margaritov, lawyer from retired officials, an old man of a fraud.

Lyudmila, his daughter, an unclear girl. All movements of her modest and slow, dressed very clean, but no complaints.

Darmedont, junior Son Shablova, in Writers from Margaritov.

Onufriy Potapych Dorodnov, merchant merchant.

Poor, darkened room in the house Shablova. On the right side (from the audience), two narrow one-board doors: the nearest Lyudmila in the room, and the following in the sablory room; Between the doors, the root mirror of the Dutch furnace with the furnace. In the back of the wall, to the right corner, the door to the room Margaritov; In the left dissolved door to the dark front, in which the ladder leads the ladder leading to the mezzanine, where the sons of shablova are placed. Between the doors an ancient chest with a glass cabinet for dishes. On the left side, two small windows, in the simpleness between them, an antique mirror, on the sides of which two dull pictures in the paper framework; Under the mirror, a large table of a simple tree. Furniture team: chairs of different types and magnitude; On the right side, closer to the forefront, the old semi-edged Voltaire chair. Autumn twilight, in the room dark.

Phenomenon first

Lyudmila comes out of his room, listens and fits the window.

Then the template comes out of his room.

Chalks (without seeing Lyudmila). As if who kicked the wicket. No, preparing. I really alerted my ears. Eki weather! In a light one, now ... oh oh! Somewhere my son is grooming? Oh, kids, kids - Mount Matushkino! Here Vaska, what is a walking cat, and that home came.

Lyudmila. Came? ... did it come?

Chalks. Ah, Lyudmila Gerasimovna! I do not see you, I stand here yes I fantasize myself too ...

Lyudmila. Do you say came?

Chalks. Do you wait for someone?

Lyudmila. I? I nobody. I just heard that you said: "Came."

Chalks. I am expressing my thoughts here; In my head, you will scoop, you know ... Weather, they say, such that even my Vaska came home. I sat down on a layman and then purr, even choking; I really want to say him that, they say, I am at home, do not worry. Well, of course, I slept, it was, but again I left. Male business, do not hold at home. Yes, here is a beast, and he understands that we need to go home - to turn, like, they say, there; And my son, My Nicholya, other day disappears.

Lyudmila. How to know what are your affairs?

Chalks. Who will know how not to me! There is no doings with him, the bumps beats.

Lyudmila. He is engaged in a lawyer.

Chalks. Yes which abvocacy! It was time, but passed.

Lyudmila. He bites some ladies.

Chalks. Why, Mother, Lady! Lady lady Maine. You walk, I'll tell you everything. He studied for me well, in the new service, the course cumshot; And, as in sin, these new courts are headed here! He signed up by the abvocatom, they went, and went, and went, the flabbai money was shovel. From that from the very thing he entered into a cash merchant circle. You know yourself, with wolves to live, wolf to throw, and he began this very mercy of life that day in the restaurant, and the night in the club or where. Self: pleasure; He is hot man. Well, what? They have thick pockets. And he was born, but Born, and things were going between hands, and laziness was lazy; And then the abvocates divorced the number. Oh, how much he was confused, and the moneyonmah lived everything; I got acquainted and again in the old poor position came: to the mother, it means that the sterlines are on empty soup. The habit of he was habit to the restaurants - in good, nothing with what, so bad began to hang off. Seeing it in such a decline, began to find it. I want to bring it to his familiar lady, and he dies.

Lyudmila. Robot, must be character.

Chalks. Full, Mother, what's the character!

Lyudmila. Yes, because there are people of a timid character.

Chalks. Yes, it's full of what character! Is there a poor person? What is your character found?

Lyudmila. And what?

Chalks. At the poor man and still character! Wonderful, right! There are no good dresses, that's all. If the person is worn, here is a timid character; What would he have a pleasant conversation, and he should look at himself, whether there is a flaw. You take at least with us, women: why is a good lady in the company a misconception has? Because everything is in order on it: one to another will be heard, one of the other is neither shorter, nor long, color to color is selected, the pattern under the pattern fit. Here it has a soul and grows. And our brother in the high company trouble; Better seem to fall through the ground! There hangs, here briefly, in another place the bag, everywhere sinuses. As on Leshgo, you look at you. Therefore, not Madama sew us, but we are self-taught; Not on journals, but as it was, on the damn wedges. My son is also not French sewed, but verbatties because of the Dragomilovskaya oblast. So he thinks over the Frak, she walks, walks around the cloth, cuts it, cuts it; That with the one, then on the other hand it will cook - well, it will take a cult, and not a fracture. But before, too, as money, Nikolai Ftral; Well, and wildly in such a disgrace. I ulled him finally, and I myself am not glad; He is proud man, did not want to be worse than others, because in her morning to night, and ordered a good dress to the dear German debt.

Lyudmila. Is she young?

Chalks. In this way. That and trouble. Kaba Old woman, so would pay money.

Lyudmila. And she is what?

Chalks. Woman light, spoiled, his beauty hopes. Always around her youth - got used to everyone to please her. Another even for happiness deems to serve.

Lyudmila. So he is a gift for her?

Chalks. It is impossible to say that at all for nothing. Yes, I would probably probably, and I already from her a hundred and a half wiped. So all the money is what I took from her for him, all the tailored and gave you, so you and the Barysh! In addition, it is for themselves, whenever you go to her, the cabin takes from the exchange, holds there half a day. Something yes! And what happens from what? Divi would ... All the wind in the head.

Lyudmila. Maybe she likes her?

Chalks. Why, this is an effort by a poor thing for a man for a rich woman to care for even spending himself. Well, where he stretches: there are such colonels yes the guardsmen are that they will not find words. You will look at him, but only you say: oh, my God! Tea, laugh at our, and she is, looked, too. Because, judge by yourself: it will drive up to the porch on a pair with a par grant the picker, bright in the front spur or a saber, looks in passing, over his shoulder, in the mirror, shakes his head and right to her in the living room. Well, but she is a woman, the creation of a weak, the vessel is a meager, will boast on him with her eyes, well, it's precisely boiled and done. Where is there?

Lyudmila. So she is what!

Chalks. She only seems to be a great lady, and how to look closer, so rather little. It is confused in debt yes in Amrah, well, and send me to guess for me on the maps. Challenge, challenging her, and she cries, and laughs like a small child.

Lyudmila. How strange! Can such a woman can like?

Chalks. Why, Nikolai Gord; It was in mind that I would win, they say, - well, to suffer. Or maybe he and out of pity; Therefore, it is impossible not to regret it, poor. Her husband was the same putanik; Motal and deblies did, did not affect each other. But the husband died, and had to pay. Yes kaba with the mind, you can still live; And then to get confused, hearty, ears. They say it became a bill in vain to give, signs herself does not know what. And which condition was, kababi in hand. What are you in the darkness?

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is the greatest Russian playwright.

On April 12, 1823, a writer and playwriter was born in a new style in the family of a private lawyer, whose work made a revolution in the Russian Theater - Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky.

Father dreamed of seeing his son by a lawyer, but the Ostrovsky at the Law Faculty of Moscow University did not finish himself and eight years worked in the office of various vessels. The impressions of childhood and life experience gained in judicial institutions gave him a huge material for creativity.

Already in 1850, the author printed the first play "His people - we'll find!" (Another name is "bankrupt"), which immediately made it famous. But at the same time, it was not understood by everyone, and the author was given under the supervision of the police.

In the 50s, the financial position of the Ostrovsky was quite difficult, not the whole of the audience was positive to him, but the playwright continued to write. Working in the magazine "Moskvatikan", the author publishes the play "Do not sit down in my sleeve", "not so living, as I want" and the most bright comedy - "Poverty is not a vice" idealizing Russian life. During this period, it utopically shows the possibility of solving the conflict of generations, but at the same time absolutely realistic and juicy displays the characters characters.

Since 1856, Alexander Nikolaevich is closer to the St. Petersburg version of the "contemporary", dividing their views on art. There are significant changes in the work of the writer, which is especially noticeable in the plays "profitable place" and "thunderstorm." The poetting of people's life is replaced by a dramatic image of reality.

In the following years, Ostrovsky still writes a lot, but the tone of its works is replaced with gloomy to more satirical. Water woven plays were written "They gnaw their dogs, someone else's not stick," "What are you going, then you will find." There is an interest in historical themes in the dramatic chronicles of "Dmitry Samorovan and Vasily Shuisky", the play in the verse of the "Voivode or Sleep on the Volga" and others.

In the pattern works with new "heroes", Deltsi and Careerists are becoming. Whether the Gluma from the play "On all sages of pretty simplicity", Vasilkov ("Money") or Berkuts ("Wolves and Sheep") - all of them are the main goal of life they put a career and money. It is such "heroes" will remain in the island to the end of his writing career. But continues to engage in playwright and creating folk comedies who have a positive ending. This creative period was created by the plays "not all the car carnival", "the truth is good, and happiness is better" and some others.

In addition to the Satyric Comedy, the "Forest" and the dramatic fairy tale "Snow Maiden" at a later stage, the Ostrovsky also writes serious psychological dramas. In the center of most of them - the image of a loving, but not acquiring the happiness of a woman. Heroine comedy "Talents and fans" and melodramas "Without guilt" - actresses who find a way out of vitality in serving the theater. The entire plot is built around the heroine and in the plays "shines, but not heats" and the "heart is not a stone." The most impressive work of the "female" cycle without a doubt can be called the Drama "Unprivant". The film, filmed by her, amazing his tragedy, despite the seemingly simple plot.

Working with actors, Alexander Nikolaevich saw their heavy inventory, dependence on officials and at the same time, chase for a cheap popularity and misunderstanding of the author's goals. This led him to despair, but he continued to fight for the "new theater", tried to convince the authorities in the need for urgent changes.

The playwright created about 50 pieces ("Profitable Place", 1856; "Thunderstorm", 1859; "Frame Money", 1869; "Forest", 1870; "Snow Maiden", 1873; "Snow Maiden ", 1878, and many others). With the name of Ostrovsky, a whole epoch in the development of the Russian theater is connected. His Peru owns Translation from Servantes, Shakespeare, Terentation, Goldeni. The creativity of Ostrovsky covers a huge period of Russia's development in the XIX century. - from the era of April 40. Before the development of capitalism in the 80s.

His drama played a decisive role in approving the Russian scene of the original and bright repertoire, contributed to the formation of the National Stage School. In 1865, Ostrovsky founded an artistic circle in Moscow and became one of his leaders. In 1870, a society of Russian dramatic writers was created on his initiative, whose expected chairman was since 1874 and until the end of his life.

In 1881-1884 Ostrovsky took part in the work of the Commission on the revision of the rules on the imperial theaters. From January 1, 1886 he was appointed head of the repertoire of Moscow theaters. But the health of the playwright, by this time, has already been strongly shaken, and on June 14, 1886, the Ostrovsky died in the village of Shikolkovo to the Cossum of the Troma province.

Filming the play "Late Love"

Year of release: 1983

Genre: melodrama

Duration: 02:25:00

Director: Leonid Plekinkin

Cast: Innocent Smoktunovsky, Anna Kamenkova, Rodion Nakhapetov, Elena Probrov, Evgenia Khanaeva, Valery Slady, Vyacheslav Invarnive, Valery Glevinsky, Alexander Yushin, Alexander Soilnikov, Valentina Kravchenko, Galina Dobrovolskaya, Vitaly Komissarov, Alexander Yakulov, Evgeny Knyazev

Description: Once the name of Strana Gerasim Porphyrich Margreezova was widely known in Moscow, because he was doing business with care and great honesty. But once a bribed assistant stolen at Strana and sold the debtor's important money document for 20 thousand - and Margaritis lost a good name, all the accurate property and together with the young daughter Lyudmila was forced to move to the outskirts of his own house. The wife, who, and so riff, died, and went the years of severe and poor life. Lyudmila grew up, however, still lives with his father, not having dowry to get married. They remove the room in the house of a poor widow, Felitsa Antonovna Shablova. She has two adult sons, Nikolai and Dremvedont, both went on the legal part. The younger, Dramedont, in love with Lyudmila and dreaming ever to marry her, helps Margarita in conducting small cases that the Stranchy now hardly earns themselves and daughter on bread. And the eldest, Nikolai, in the past - a successful lawyer, became a moto, a player and a walk, made a debt, and in a couple of days they will lead him to the Tsugundder, will put him in a debt ...

Lyudmila falls in love with the son of the house - idle of Nicholas. For the sake of his salvation, she is ready to sacrifice everyone - even stealing the most important cash document, trusted her father ...

Alexander Nikolaev Ostrovsky.

Late love

First action


Felitsa Antonovna Chalvan, mistress of a small wooden house.

Gerasim Porfirich Margaritov, lawyer from retired officials, an old man of a fraud.

Lyudmila, his daughter, an unclear girl. All movements of her modest and slow, dressed very clean, but no complaints.

Darmedont, junior Son Shablova, in Writers from Margaritov.

Onufriy Potapych Dorodnov, merchant merchant.

Poor, darkened room in the house Shablova. On the right side (from the audience), two narrow one-board doors: the nearest Lyudmila in the room, and the following in the sablory room; Between the doors, the root mirror of the Dutch furnace with the furnace. In the back of the wall, to the right corner, the door to the room Margaritov; In the left dissolved door to the dark front, in which the ladder leads the ladder leading to the mezzanine, where the sons of shablova are placed. Between the doors an ancient chest with a glass cabinet for dishes. On the left side, two small windows, in the simpleness between them, an antique mirror, on the sides of which two dull pictures in the paper framework; Under the mirror, a large table of a simple tree. Furniture team: chairs of different types and magnitude; On the right side, closer to the forefront, the old semi-edged Voltaire chair. Autumn twilight, in the room dark.

Phenomenon first

Lyudmila comes out of his room, listens and fits the window.

Then the template comes out of his room.

Chalks(without seeing Lyudmila). As if who kicked the wicket. No, preparing. I really alerted my ears. Eki weather! In a light one, now ... oh oh! Somewhere my son is grooming? Oh, kids, kids - Mount Matushkino! Here Vaska, what is a walking cat, and that home came.

Lyudmila. Came? ... did it come?

Chalks. Ah, Lyudmila Gerasimovna! I do not see you, I stand here yes I fantasize myself too ...

Lyudmila. Do you say came?

Chalks. Do you wait for someone?

Lyudmila. I? I nobody. I just heard that you said: "Came."

Chalks. I am expressing my thoughts here; In my head, you will scoop, you know ... Weather, they say, such that even my Vaska came home. I sat down on a layman and then purr, even choking; I really want to say him that, they say, I am at home, do not worry. Well, of course, I slept, it was, but again I left. Male business, do not hold at home. Yes, here is a beast, and he understands that we need to go home - to turn, like, they say, there; And my son, My Nicholya, other day disappears.

Lyudmila. How to know what are your affairs?

Chalks. Who will know how not to me! There is no doings with him, the bumps beats.

Lyudmila. He is engaged in a lawyer.

Chalks. Yes which abvocacy! It was time, but passed.

Lyudmila. He bites some ladies.

Chalks. Why, Mother, Lady! Lady lady Maine. You walk, I'll tell you everything. He studied for me well, in the new service, the course cumshot; And, as in sin, these new courts are headed here! He signed up by the abvocatom, they went, and went, and went, the flabbai money was shovel. From that from the very thing he entered into a cash merchant circle. You know yourself, with wolves to live, wolf to throw, and he began this very mercy of life that day in the restaurant, and the night in the club or where. Self: pleasure; He is hot man. Well, what? They have thick pockets. And he was born, but Born, and things were going between hands, and laziness was lazy; And then the abvocates divorced the number. Oh, how much he was confused, and the moneyonmah lived everything; I got acquainted and again in the old poor position came: to the mother, it means that the sterlines are on empty soup. The habit of he was habit to the restaurants - in good, nothing with what, so bad began to hang off. Seeing it in such a decline, began to find it. I want to bring it to his familiar lady, and he dies.