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Ostrovsky Poverty is not a vice genre of the work. The abstract lesson on the literature on the topic "A.N.OSTROVSKY. Piece" Poverty is not a vice. "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe play" Poverty is not vice "

Theme lesson: A.N. Ostrovsky. Pages of life and creativity. Piece "Poverty is not a vice."

The purpose of the lesson: familiarity with the biography of A.N. Ostrovsky, the content of the play "Poverty is not damage" (review), the repetition of literary concepts (drama, replica, remark).

training: Give an idea about A.N. Ostrovsky as a man and playwright, to identify his role in the development of the Russian National Theater; Meet the peculiarities of the plot of the play "Poverty is not vice" (Overview);

developing: develop (or form) educational and informative and information competencies; form general cultural competence;

During the classes.

You alone completed the building, in the foundation of which

painted the cornerstones of Fononovin, Griboedov.

But only after you, we, the Russians, can be proud to say:

"We have our own, Russian National Theater.

He must be called "Theater Ostrovsky".

I. A. Goncharov

Preparation for perception. The word of the teacher.

Today we will visit the theater once again, the name of which is the Ostrovsky Theater.

Formation of new knowledge. Appeal to the epigraph.

Today, the topic of our lesson will be the life and creativity of the great Russian playwright - Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky (1823 - 1886).

Turn to the epigraph: how do you understand the words of A.N. Goncharova? What side of the gift of the writer tells his contemporary? (Slide 2)

(The fact that Ostrovsky is the creator of the Russian National Theater) (Slide 3)

Guys, what do you think, what goals on today's lesson can we put for yourself?

(Objectives are formulated: familiarity with the life and creativity of the playwright A. Ostrovsky, his role in the creation of the Russian National Theater, acquaintance with the content of his plays "Poverty is not vice").

The word of the teacher.

Press the portrait of the artist V. Perova (1871).

How do you see this writer? What did the artist drew particular attention? (Slide 4)

(The artist did a clearly not a front portrait: there are few light tones, an ordinary pose, the tired face, a serious look - in front of us - an employee, even the hands are talking about it, heavily lying on his knees. Island - writer - worker, he wrote continuously. Perhaps There are no among the Russian playwrights of those who could compete with him among the lifetime performances of his plays. Only in the Moscow theaters there were about one and a half thousand!)

How was the life of A.N. Ostrovsky?

Implementation of homework.

Discussion of an article about A.N. Ostrovsky, answers to questions placed at the end of the article.

Formation of new knowledge. Preparation for reading the play by A. Ostrovsky "Poverty is not vice."

The word of the teacher.Actualization of knowledge.

Remember, guys, what is "drama"? (Slide 5)

What works related to dramatic, we studied? What is the main feature of dramatic works?

(Drama is a birth of literature. Dramatic works are written for setting on stage. The main feature - the characteristic of the heroes is formed on the basis of speech - the writers of characters, their actions on the stage. Studied plays - N.V. Gogol "Auditor", D.I. Fonvizin "Lady", A.S. Griboedov "Mount from the mind").

The word of the teacher. Piece "Poverty is not a vice."

By the end of 1853, "Poverty is not a vice" was completed. December 2, Ostrovsky, after the first public readings of the comedy in the literary circles of Moscow, wrote M. P. Pogodin: "The success of my last comedy surpassed not only expectations, but even my dreams" (slide 6)

None of the plays of A. N. Ostrovsky caused after its publication of such hot and principal disputes, as "poverty is not vice." Representatives of democratic criticism entered into an acute controversy with Slavophils, who saw in this comedy, and above all in the form of loved Torcov, the artistic embodiment of his public ideals (slide 7)

On the stage of the Moscow Small Theater for the second half of the nakhi in the "poverty is not damaged" was raised more often than Ostrovsky's plays. In the ideas of this comedy, the best forces of the Ostrovsky House (including O. O. Sadovskaya - Pelageya Egorovna, M. N. Yermolov - Lyubov Gordeevna, etc.; In the role of Lyuba Torotov toured one of her best performers - Artist of the Alexandrinsky Theater Surfactant. Vasilyev).

The "poverty is not damage" and on scenes of provincial theaters used continued popularity. This play from year to year occupied one of the very first places in the repertoire (Slide 8)

Exchange of opinions about read.

Critic N. Dobrolyubov called the works of Ostrovsky "plays of life." How do you understand this expression?

Name the heroes of the plays.

What class do they belong to?

(The world of merchants).

Show on the example of the text that Ostrovsky is really interested in the life of Russian society, Russian man.

Overview conversation in the content of the play.

What is the name of the part of the work that introduces us with the place and the time of action, represents the main characters and their relationship, but where there are still no strings, did not designate the conflict? (Slide 9)


Why is Ostrovsky creates such a detailed exposure?

(We introduce us to the world of the Family Family, show the relationships of the heroes, their characters).

(Decision Gorda Carpsum to issue a daughter to anyone for African Korshunova).

What is the junction? How to explain its accident?

(Proda Pridery Karpsiu with Korshunov. Intervention is loved by Carpsch).

(Main characters: The merchant of the ends and his family, Mitya; secondary - Huslin, Vychuluyev, etc.)

Why, in your opinion, the playwright enters the play of Huslin, Anna, boy, Valulyaev and other characters that are not related to the development of action, with a conflict determining the plot of the play?

(Better, brighter Show Russian merchant life, his connection with folk life) (Slide 10)

The outcome of the lesson.

What is the contribution of A.N. Ostrovsky in Russian literature?

(The playwright was not just the "Columbus of Zamoskvorechye", but also the creator of the Russian National Theater. His plays do not go from the scenes of theaters so far.)


Characteristics of heroes (Kordov's Gordes, Love Tales, Love Gordeevna, Mitya) by groups.

Theme lesson: Patriarchal world and the threat of his decay. Love in the patriarchal world and its influence on the heroes of the play.

The purpose of the lesson: analysis of the dramatic work.

educational: Give the concept of the patriarchal world of play "Poverty is not vice", a love conflict in the play;

developing: to promote the improvement of the skills of analyzing dramatic works;

educational: contribute to the education of the feeling of excellent through interest in dramatic art.

Type of lesson: Studying a new material.

During the classes.


Preparation for perception. The word of the teacher. (Slide)

In the past, the lesson was acquainted with the writer A.N. Ostrovsky, whose creativity we will study in detail in grade 10.

What associations can you have now when you hear the name of Ostrovsky?

(Writer, playwright, theater, "Columbus Zamoskvorechye").

Theater ... Performance ... Spectators ... For us, guys, these are not empty words. Why?

(1) No, probably, such a person who would never be in the theater; 2) Our class visited several performances in this school year, we watched ...).

And why is Ostrovsky called "Columbus Columbus"? (slide)

(The merchants lived for Moscow-River, the Ostrovsky first spoke about them in his works).

To enter the world of merchants, artists will help us to present it.

Implementation of an individual task.

Presentation "The world of merchants in the canvases of Russian painters" (slide)

How do artists show the world of merchants? (How did you see this world - the world of merchants?)

(It is ridiculous and at the same time tragic).

Formation of new knowledge.

The theme of today's lesson - "Patriarchal World in the Piece" Poverty is not vice "(Slide)

Formulation of the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Guys, what do you think on what matters do we need to focus on today?

(Objectives are formulated: familiarity with the concept of "patriarchal world", what are the relationships of representatives of this world, their moral values).

And how do you understand the meaning of the word "patriarchal"?

You are right, all these issues will be discussed at the lesson, because they underlie the conflict of the play. No conflict does not do any dramatic work.

Formation of new knowledge.

The word of the teacher.Actualization of knowledge.

How do you understand the meaning of the word "conflict"? (slide)

(Conflict (from lat. Conflictus - a collision) - confrontation, a collision embodied in the plot. Life and artistic conflicts should be distinguished. A particularly important role is played by the conflict in drama).

What are the characters of the play, in your opinion, personify her conflict?

(Gordes of the ends, love the ends, Mitya, Love Gordeevna).

To bring a brighter to imagine the conflict of the plays, let's look at one of the episodes.

Fragment drag.

Yes, Ostrovsky - Master!

He very brightly represents us his heroes, whose character is captured in the names themselves and names.

Conversation on the content of the play. Presentation (Slide)

Gordes Tormers.

As you understand the words "pride", "Pride". This is the same?

How do you see Proud Tortor?

Why is the Gordes of the Okamov acts "villain" and under whose influence is it?

(For us, the old type family, the head of which is a rich merchant, Samodor, seeking to make his will law for others and understanding life only from this point of view. At the beginning of the work Gorobe TorcoS seems to us a man who climbs out of the skin to show their significance, modernity, even secularity. "No, you say what," he says Korshunov, "everything is fine with me?" In another place at the table, he serves well done in the young man or a girl, and I have a fiction in the filament gloves. Oh, if I would live in Moscow, Ali would be in Patterhukh, I would seem to have impaired any fashion. ")

Why is Ostrovsky gives him to be corrected?

("And what did it have happened to him? Then I had a reason, but last year I went to departure, and he took over someone else ... all these things took over. Now all the Russians are not nice; Lot One thing - I want to live in the present, mods to do. Spy, it should be, it should have been stupid. I think so it is embarrassing it! "- Such a" diagnosis "puts her husband Pelagia Egorovna. But it turns out that this is The desire for "education", the plebeian shame for his loved ones did not kill his best qualities in it. The love of his daughter makes him remember about the dignity and honor, to drive Korshunov. Insured by the arrogance of Korshun, his father agrees to marry a daughter from the Molds, saying brother: "Well , brother, thank you for instructed, but it was like it at all. I don't know how such a rotten fantasy entered the head. Well, children, tell me thanks to Uncle, you love Karpyu, yes live happily. ")

Love ends.

- What feelings cause this character?

(I loved once rich, like a brother, but, not satisfied with the situation of the life of a rich merchant and not finding out of her, he indulgesed drunkenness. His rich brother and Korshunov helped him "free" from his state, and now we love, in a trying Coat, walks on the restaurants, making himself a jester for a glass of vodka. Without a penny, dressed in rags, trembling from cold and hunger, he comes to the premises of a young clerk, Mitya, asking for permission to spend the night - terrible in his fall and still preserved in Himself man. Love the ends of Korshunov, reminding him, by the way he helped him, loved, ruin, how he robbed the poor, as he tortured his first wife ... And he points out his brother, what he was going to commit a crime, giving a daughter for such a scounding. His Knock out of the room, but he, kneeling before his brother, asks: "Brother, give Lyubash for Mitu - He will give me an angle. Turning, I was glad. My summer passed, it's hard for me to squeeze on the cold because of a piece of bread; Though for old age, and honestly to live. " The requests of the uncle are joined by the requests of mother and daughter. It is loved by Krapych is not afraid to tell the truth in the face of the power of this world. His "drunken trunks" provoke a scandal between proud carriage and Korshunov. And it's amazing that during this scandal, the Pelona pride subsides from his eyes).

This is one side of the conflict, but there is another ... what do you think about whom should we say?

Love Gordeevna and Mitya.

- What unites these heroes? And what are they different?

(Mitya It is characterized by the softness of character, good temper. Mitya is an extremely modest, fearful, but honest guy, and the mother would really like to get her daughter to marry him: "The guy is so simple, my heart," says Pelageya Egorovna about him. But despair from the opportunity to lose his beloved forever makes it bold, bold; He wants to take away the love of Gordeevna on the eve of the wedding and secretly get married with her. True, he asks for a blessing for this step at her mother. But not to evaluate this rush is impossible.

Love Gordeevna - The daughter of the merchant Gordee Torotov, who is in love with one of the orders of the Father, Mitu, and, in turn, are loved by them, but can not fight for their happiness. Lyubov Gordeevna firmly fulfills the father's will, refuses to offer Mitya. Obedience and humility are one of its main features, are the main values \u200b\u200bof the Russian Orthodox civilization. Whether a modest girl's disobedience, non-participation of parents! But love does and her bold: she confesses to Mita in love (blatant violation of patriarchal traditions!) And it is decided to ask the Father on the consent of her marriage from the Mitens).

So in the Ostrovsky's play: it is terrible for funny, soft humor is combined with deep internal drama.

A happy or sad end is completed comedy and why? (Slide)

(Piece "Poverty is not a vice" ends with the triumph of virtue, the punishment of vice, the wedding of the main characters. At all, the fate of Love Torch and Mitya would have been formed if their love was able to resist oblique laws of patriarchal antiquity. Ability to love, a hot heart, tells us Ostrovsky , Create wonders).

Outcome lesson. ??? Reflection???

Evaluate yourself in class.

- Working in groups, you communicated. How did this affect the result of our lesson?

Menu Articles:

After the release of the play "Poverty is not a vice" in society, a furor occurred - the criticism of the work was not unambiguous. The players of the play and those who expressed bewilderment and brazed, but there were no indifferent. According to the author, the play was to go under a different name - "Gordy God oppresses." It should have two acts in its composition. But in the process of work on the work, the topic was changed (the author picked up more prosaic connotation), and plans for the volume of the play.

The plot of the play is pretty simple - the merchant wants to give the daughter against the will for the old, but the rich owner of the factory. The wedding with the old man does not attract the girl, the presence of his beloved strengthens the hostility to the wedding - as a result of the developed conflict, the merchant daughter marries love for the unsightly in the financial position of man.

The main characters of the play


The play begins in the estate of Proud Carpits Torcov. Here is the main array of events depicted in the work. This is a "rich merchant", its age is definitely not specified, the author limited himself only to the blurred mention of "at sixty". His father was not noble origin, but his son managed to achieve in the life of more - he significantly improved the financial situation of his family and now it can hardly imagine that "we have a young man." Tales - a person with a complex character.

"Yes, if you agree with him," they say about him. He does not want to be considered with any opinion, of course, if it is not an opinion of a rich man who occupied a higher position in society than he.

It is choosing with others (both with a servant and family members). Not the best attitude with him and to a helenty brother - a sense of shame for such a position of things in front of people of the highest rank takes its own. It is natural in this case would help your brother change the level of its existence, but he does not want. Proud Karpsia is interested in life in Moscow, all new and unusual: "I want to live in the present, fashion," he says.

The ends sees the only way for his daughter to improve their social status - it is advantageous to get married, with it little worries it, whether his daughter will live with this man or not. After a quarrel and cancellation of the wedding of African Savich and his daughter, the mountains of Karpić becomes softer and convocating, understands that listening to the opinions of others, even if they are lower than you in status and financial situation, not so bad.

Love Gordeevna

The second most important character is the love of Gordeevna - the daughter of Proud Krap. It is very beautiful, but there is a little afternoon as "in the guest house did not study," but sincere and kind, guided by the urges of his heart: "I say that I feel."

The girl believes that the race for the richness is absurd, she sincerely believes that not the highest light, ranks or money make people happy. Lyubov Gordeevna obediently performs the will of his father, learning about the intention of his father to marry her, she would not oppose his will, but still asks the Father not to issue her for African Savich.

Love for Mita overwhelms her and feeling it is mutually, but the hope for a safe outcome of their love is very small - the Father does not look at her request. He thinks it is better to live richly - it is impossible to achieve happiness in poverty.

Love Karpyych

Love Karpyych - Brother Proud Karpycha. Like his brother, she loved troubled and was able to accumulate a decent capital. He lived well, he often drank and led the idle life, but did not reach the extremes, until the moment African Savich was taken for him. I loved to be a poor, he had to vagabpsy and bragging in alms, which he also did not always spend with the mind - was driving. Returning to his brother, he realized his mistakes and decided "at least for old age, it is honestly to live," but not everything is so simple - his brother is engaged in noble guests and plans for promotion on the social staircase, he is not to the beggar brother. Loves surprised that his brother puts material values \u200b\u200bhigher moral and preferent with communicating with the rich deceivers, and ordinary people who live according to the laws of morality does not allow themselves. However, I love Karpsch to hope that in his life it will still work out. He does not stay aside when he learns about the wedding of the niece - love can not allow such misfortunes in life of love and Mitya (who treats him very well and often helps him in difficult financial situations) - the scandal arranged to them not only avoids an unnecessary wedding, But also solves questions about the relationship in the family of Torotkov.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the brief content of the play by A. Ostrovsky where the problems associated with an unequal marriage are illuminated.

African Savich Korshunov - Rich factory owner living in Moscow. That is why he is a great version of her husband for love.

African Savich is a lover of drinking and walking, in drunk he behaves extremely violently and unprecedented, but at the same time he considers him a good man: "I am a good, cheerful man," simple, I am a good old man. "

He brutally drawn with his enemies, so the most correct decision for those who fell into his disjitive will escape. Although his attitude to loved people is no better - his first wife suffered jealousy. And, in general, about him "nothing good, the foolishness of bad, not to hear."


Mitya - "Customer Torotov". Rodney he has almost little - one mother only, and it lives away. Mitya helps her financially, so often deprives himself even the necessary things. Gordea Carpship will always find something to find fault - this is very upsetting an impressionable Mitu. The ends are reproaches him in the transit, in the fact that Mitya walks in the old Sultuka and thus disgraces him in the eyes of visitors. A young man is calm in his nature, kind and responsive, so the surrounding good opinions about him. He did not receive a good education and is now trying to achieve the desired result by his own efforts. He perfectly understands that he can not be the bridegroom, who approves the Gordea Karpić - a difficult financial situation, his poverty has become a significant obstacle to the desired action, but he's not in force to forget the heart of Torcov's daughter.

Secondary heroes play

Pelagia Egorovna

Pelagia Egorovna I have to be a proud carpach to the ends. Despite the fact that she, as a mother, should take an active part in the life of his daughter, which means actively acting in the play, Island does not give it with such powers, she is a secondary play of the play.

In general, this is a pretty, kind and heartfelt woman. Surrounding it love. In his youth, the woman loved to dance and sing, happily taken for these classes. Now she has already agreed on her dust bitch. In addition, not quite a good marriage made his insidious matter. She considers herself deeply unhappy, her husband does not appreciate it, and actually he does not think "I do not dare to tell him; Unless you speak with a strange thing about my grief, pay, you will allocate the soul, just and everything. " For many years, the married life of Pelageya Egorovna has been completed with such an attitude, so even in critical situations, like, for example, with a marriage of his daughter, she will not re-with her husband and is not trying to point out his delusion, although it clearly sees that this marriage will bring a lot of misfortune daughter .

Yasha Huslin

The following acting character - Yasha Huslin. He is also related to the Tovtsov (nephew proud). He is an honest good man, but unfortunately, poor, so his uncle's attention and praise does not indulge. He loves Pelageya Egorovna for good temper and for the love of music, she invites him to visit him, so that he sang and played on the guitar. Yasha friendly from the militants and helps him in difficult situations: standing up for him in front of Grusha, helps to meet with the love of Gorda. He himself is in love with the poor Widow Anna, but marrying a woman is not possible - uncle does not want to give permission in love with the wedding.

Anna Ivanovna

The beloved Huslin is a widowing woman, the same poor, like Yasha himself. She is called Anna Ivanovna . She is a friend of the Family, but it does not help her but persuade to give the consent to the wedding of Proud Carpsch. At the end of the play, everything changes and Anna with Jasha receive a long-awaited permission.

Grisha Vychvuluyev

Grisha Vychvuluyev - Young merchant, rich heir. His father, like he himself, is not chasing the fashion and does not seek to join new trends, which causes extreme disapproval of the pride of the ends of a low opinion about Gria, reads him an outstanding mind. Plumber - man cheerful and good-natured. He values \u200b\u200bhis friendship from the militants.

Thus, two opposing camps were formed in the play of Nikolai Ostrovsky "Poverty". On the one hand, the Savych Savych and African Savych, which are ready to cross the wealth and position in society through moral bans and the foundations, sacrifice anything. On the other hand, Karpić, Love Gordeevna, Pelageya Egorovna, Mitya, Yasha, Anna and Grisha. They sincerely believe in the fact that in the world should be good, and the main thing is to be honest, decently and on conscience. As a result, good wins - the Gordea changes his views, aware of the fallacy of his actions - it avoids life tragedies of almost all the characters of the play. Ostrovsky shows us on the example of Torotov, which is not necessary to chase for something ghostly and distant - you need to look for the happiness of nearby and appreciate those who are trying to bring at least a little happiness to you.

Ostrovsky pushes a love line into the background. It is important for him to portray the existence of true family values, the desire to get out of the highest society at any cost, ignoring personal qualities and desires, the resistance of patriarchal traditions, because of the play will find a new meaning - this is not just a story with a good end, but the way to indicate in a comic form on the seizure of society .

In Wikitek

"Poverty is not a vice" (initial name "Gordy God oppresses" ) - Comedy in three actions of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. Written in 1853. Printed to a separate publication in early 1854

First action

Mitya walks around the room; The neighbor sits on a stool and reads the "Bow of the Korolen", then stops and tells Mity that all the homemade left to ride. Only Gordes Karpić remained, he is terribly angry with his brother, loved by Krap, who was on the eve of the festive dinner, began to throw out various knees, embarked all guests. Gordee Karpić considered it for the insanity, got angry and knew his brother. In retaliation, I love Karpić to be prominently: I got up with the Cathedral with beggars. Gordees Karpuch the forest formerly separated and is angry now at all.

Pelageya Egorovna arrived, Love Gordeevna and guests. Eruska grabs a book and runs away. Mitya remains alone, he complains about life ("I have all a stranger here, nor native familiar!"), Sits to the desk and trying to work. But the work does not go. Mitya's thoughts are busy beloved.

Pelageya Egorovna stops in the doorway and gently invites Mitu to come to visit them in the evening. Gorda Carps will not be at home, he will leave for his new buddy - Factory Afrikana Savich Korshunov. Pelagey Egorovna complains about Korshun, a man of a violent, often drinking his director-Englishman in the company. Previously, the ends were disappointing, but as last year he went to Moscow, all Russian became not nice: "I have no one to drive with someone, everything is bastard, men, and you live in men," and started acquaintance with Moscow Rich Korshunov, who soldes a new buddy. Daughter His, Love Gordeevna, wants to marry exclusively in Moscow.

Enters Yasha Huslin, nephew Torotov. It is also invited to visit in the evening, and Jasha agrees with joy. Mitya shares his concerns with Jasha: Mitya, the only son of the old and poor mother, must contain her to a small salary; From Proud Karpach, he sees only the insult, Branch and Popper Poverty; Mitya could go to Valuyev, but Torcov holds him Honor Cardiac - Love Gordeevna. Yasha advises Mita to throw out this love from his head, because Gordea Krapych will never bless their unequal marriage.

In the room enters the room with harmonic, he cheerful and disabled, plays and sings, says that the whole holiday will walk to walk, and then marries, yes on rich. He sits down next to Huslin, listens to the song written by him. Mitya proposes to sing, and everyone sing. In the middle of the song enters the mountains of Karpuch ends. Everyone is silent and get up. Outcomes with evil reproach is attacked by Mitu. He notices the book of the poems of the Koltsov, which the Mitya reads, and the new portion of the Popkov should be. Then gets and pouring. And after the angry tirade of Gordea Karpić goes away.

After the departure of Gordeevna, Anna Ivanovna, Masha and Lisa, enter the Mityy Room. They are bored at the top, they began to look for an interesting company. Anna Ivanovna behaves very freely; Mitya, Love Gordeevna and her friends on the contrary - fastened and awkward. Anna Ivanovna in the open asks Huslin when he marries her. Huslin replies that he gets married as soon as he gets permission from Proud Karpach; Then the gesture calls Anna Ivanovna and whispers to her ear, showing the love of Gordeevna and Mitu. At this time, pouring the girls merge: "I hurts to dance. Girls love me someone ... for my simplicity. " Girls answer that such words girls do not speak, and the love of Gordeevna adds, looking at Mitu: "Maybe someone loves anyone, but will not say: it's necessary to guess." Anna Ivanovna, having finished the meeting with Huslin and any ambiguously looking at the love of Gordeevna, then on Mitu, invites everyone to go upstairs. She opens the door and misses everyone, and in front of love, she slams. The love of Gordeevna knocks, asks to release; Girls behind the door are having fun.

Mitya and Love Gordeevna remain alone, and Mitya timidly says that he composed poems for her. Love Gordeevna asks Mityy to read them. Mitya sits down near the table, Love Gordeevna moves towards him very close. Mitya reads: "... Your heart is a guy ruins that the guy's guy loves the guy ..." Love Gordeevna sits some time thinking, then he writes a response and gives it to Mitya with the condition that Mitya will read it later when Love Gordeevna will leave. In the doorway, it faces the beloved carriage. He is having fun, seeing the reckless of the niece, then assures that he will say anything to his brother. Love Gordeevna runs away.

Love Carpsch passes and asks Mitu shelter him for a while: after that room dinner, his brother does not allow him to the threshold. Love Carpsch tells the story of his life: when the father died, I loved Krapchchu twenty years. Gordea took an institution, and brother gave money and bills. I loved Carpsh went to Moscow to receive money in tickets and plunged into the Moscow beautiful life with his head. And after a while, almost all the inheritance was spent. What remains, I love Karpsych entrusted to my friend, Afrikana Korshunov, who deceived him. Stayed Lyubov Carpsh with nothing. It remained in Moscow, became a bogger to walk. That winter, I loved Krapych very cold, brought him to the hospital. He decided how he recovered, go to God to pray yes to go to his brother. The brother accepted him Nelskovo, was to be ashamed, to join. After the notorious dinner, the disadvantage took the lovedness of Krap, he decided to teach his brother ("Him, fool, science needed").

Mitya is going to rise upstairs, remembers the letter. He pulls out his trembling hands and reads: "And I love you. Lyubov Torotov. " Mitya grabs his head and runs away.

Second action

Evening. Living room in Torotov's house. In the living room dark; Only from the door left light. This door includes the love of Gordeevna and Anna Ivanovna. Love Gordeevna tells how much she loves Mitu. Anna Ivanovna warns her from rash actions, then goes away.

Mitya is included. He asks Love Gordeevna, whether her confession is not a joke. Lyubov Gordeevna replies that everything written in the note is true, and requires response assignment in love. She first pretends that he does not believe Mita ("And I thought you love Anna Ivanovna"), but then it admits that I wanted just to joke. But Mita is not good, he is too concerned about the fate of their love. Mitya and Love Gordeevna decide the next day to rush to the legs proud Karpychu and declare his love, and then be it. They hug. When someone's steps are heard, Mitya quietly leaves.

The living room with a candle includes nannik Arina and refers to the love of Gordeevna to the mother. The room runs to the room, and His Arina asks to call neighbors' maidmen to sing in the soda songs. The neighbor rejoices the upcoming fun and runs away.

The living room includes Pelageya Egorovna, she gives Arina instructions, then invites you to pass the others: Love Gordeevna, Masha, Lisa, Anna Ivanovna, Valulyaeva, Mitu, Huslin and the two elderly girlfriends. Old women and Pelagia Egorovna sit on the sofa; Anna Ivanovna and Huslin sit on the chairs and snaffle quietly, Mitya stands near them; Masha, Love Gordeevna and Lisa walk around the room, embracing; Valuayev walks behind them. The girls are fun to dive with the picakes, the old women talk, looking at them, and then they offer a husslin sing some song. While Huslin sings, it includes Arina with drinks and treats, pulls the young lady with sweets, and the old women serves Madera. Anna Ivanovna is quietly talking to Pelagey Egorovna, polevayev picks up Arina and starts to dance, Arina is fighting off. Anna Ivanovna joins Arina and herself is called to dance with poles.

They enter the neighboring girls, they are welcome, sit down. Arina brings a dish covered with a towel - the girls will sing over-up songs, guess. The ladies remove rings and put on the dish; Girls sink. Fortunes in the words "Guests will be to you, the groom ... who will come out - it will come true" takes out the ring and gives love to Gordeevna.

Come onion (old man with a balalaica, leader with a bear and goat) and the neighbor. Round-up songs are left, muddied with wine, and they begin to merry the guests: sing, dance, play scenes; Friend dancing with them. While the guests look at the rich, Mitya is quietly whispering love of Gordeevna and kisses. Valvayev notices this, it is suitable and says that he will tell all Pelagae Egorov, that he himself wants to marry the love of Gordeevna, because his family has a lot of money, and in this case it is not necessary to hope for. Husslin joins Mitu. Their dispute interrupts the knock on the door - the owner came.

The living room includes Gordes Karpach and Korshunov. Gordees Karpuch rudely drives out of the rich and girls, Lebeshs before Korshunov, apologizes for the "non-formation" of his wife, who arranged the evening "not all form." But Korshunov, old Sostroma, on the contrary, like the company of young girls. He sit down in a chair, hehoes, favorably takes attention to his person. The ends of all the forces are dragging to produce an "effect": makes a champagne, to light the candles in the living room to illuminate the new "furniture". Pelageya Egorovna is coming out to fulfill the order of her husband, arina and old gosti leave behind it.

Korshunov comes to the young lady, to the love of Gordeevna, happily hitting, hints at the "Dates of Saty" and offers to kiss. The ladies are not delighted, refuse. Gordees Karpić orders to obey, and the love of Gordeevna is inferior. While Korshunov kisses the lady, the Gordea Karpaz notices Mitu and drives him, after the Metages go Huslin and Plumber.

Korshunov simply attaches to the love of Gordeevna, drill and hands and hands a dear gift - diamond earrings. Gordeevna's love is coldly responsible to Korshunov, the same does not grab it and kisses her hand, it turns out a conversation about love and his wealth. Loves Gordeevna disgusting this old man, she gets up to leave, but his father orders her to stay. She returns to her place, and Korshunov again grabs her hand, strokes her and puts her diamond ring to her finger. Lyubov Gordeevna pulls her hand, removes the ring and gives Korshunov.

The living room includes Pelagey Egorovna, Arina and Egorushka with wine and glasses. Korshunov plays an important guest from himself. Gordees Krapych brings the wine to Korshunov, orders his wife to bow, and to maintain the Great to the girls. Drinking, the Korshunov sits near the love of the Gordeevny, calls one of the girls, Treplet her on the cheek, hehoes and the pilot to her in the apron. Then orders proud Karpychu to move on to business. Gordee Karpach intends to move from the city, where, ignorance and non-formation, to Moscow. Especially since there will be his own man - Zentyushka African Savich. They have already argued and hit the hands.

Pelageya Egorovna is terrible, screaming "My daughter! Will not give it back!"; Korshunov rigidly notices the enemy: "I promised, so keep the word." Love Gordeevna rushes to his father and begs to change his mind. GORDES KARPYCH UNEST: "You, fool, do not understand your happiness. In Moscow, you will live in a barishment, you will drive in Karen ... I order so. " And the love of Gordeevna humbly answers: "Your will of the father!", I bow and departs to the mother. Satisfied Gordea Carpsy orders girls to serve Svadbishny and invites you a dear guest to go to another room. Love Gordeevna cries in the arms of the mother, the girlfriends surround it.

Action third

Morning. Room in the house of Torotov. One door leads to the hall where guests lunch, the other - in the inner rooms. Arina is sitting in the room, with her several maids. He enters Pelageya Egorovna and lets them. Pelageya Egorovna is all in pre-wedding troubles, but she has hard on her soul.

Anna Ivanovna is included, and for her Mitya. He barely holding down tears he says that he came to say goodbye to the good owner: tonight he leaves for his mother and no longer return. Mitya puts on his feet Pelagae Egorov, kisses her and Anna Ivanovna. Then he decides that it would be necessary to say goodbye with love. Pelagey Egorovna sends for her daughter, Anna Ivanovna sadly shakes his head and leaves.

Pelageya Egorovna complains of Mita on Mount: Against the will gives daughter for a bad man. Mitya almost cry reproaches her in the fact that it does not oppose the husband's loss. Pelageya Egorovna defeats, asks Mitu to regret and not blame her. Mitya in the rustling of feelings is decided to open up and talks about that yesterday he and Love Gordeevna agreed to ask for blessings; And in the morning such news ... Pelagia Egorovna is amazed, she sincerely sympathizes Mity.

Gordeevna love enters, she says goodbye to the militants, crying. Mitya from despair offers Pelagae Egorovn to bless them, and then secretly take the love of Gordeevna to his old mother and hang there. Pelagey Egorovna is terrified ("What are you, blessing, invented something! Yes, who will dare to take such a sin to take ..."). Yes, and love is Gordeevna against such a plan. She says Mita, that he loves him, but from the will will not come out of the will, "so it is headed by Istari." And let it suffer for a short husband, but to know that she lives according to the law, and no one will dare to mix in the eye. Mitya humbly makes the decision of love Gordeevna, says goodbye and leaves.

From the dining room in the room he includes Korshunov, he asks Pelagia Egorov to go out to talk to a secret with the bride "about his affairs." Korshunov is sitting on the crying love of Gordeevna and tells her about all the "benefits" of marriage with an old man ("the old man for love and a gift ... and gold, and velvet ...", and a young husband "you look, and will leaving for someone on the side ... And the wife is dry, "), continuously kisses her hands and hehoes. Love Gordeevna asks if Korshun loved his deceased wife. Korshunov quite hardly responsible for not loved. In fact, Korshunov bought his wife: "They see them, you needed money, there was nothing to live: I gave, did not refuse; And here you need, so that I loved me. Well, am I free to demand this or not? I paid for money for that. Sin will complain about me: whom I will love - to live well in the world; And who can not be loved, so do not push! "

The room includes Gordea Krapych. He says oddly spoken with Korshunov, boasts his "culturality": "In another place at the table, he serves well done in the young man or a girl, and I have a fiction in the filament gloves ... oh, if I live in Moscow, I would live in St. Petersburg, I would , it seems, all kinds shed. " Egorushka runs up and, laughing, says that I came like Karpić and began to overclock guests. Gordees Krapych is angry and goes along with the neighbor.

Part of the poles, Masha and Lisa, and for them immediately love Krapych. He roasted to Korshunova; It seems to be joking, but at the same time accuses that Korshunov ruined him: "You already exalted me, in such a title erected that I didn't stole anything, but to look at me!" Love Krapych demands to give old debt and for a niece Million three hundred thousand.

Gordea carp is included, he drives his brother from home. But the resolutely configured lovers do not leave, he rents Korshun in dishonor and crimes. GORDES KARPYCH orders his brother, but loves himself. Burning Korshunov complains of the insanity caused to him, says that he will go to Moscow, demands that the Gordea gives out "So that I took your daughter." The offended Gordea Karpić refuses to bow, in the gust of anger says that tomorrow will give the daughter for Mitka, who at that moment entered the room. Keepy Korshunov leaves.

Mitya and Lyubov Gordeevna admit that they have long loved each other, and they ask for a blessing "in parent, with love", and not called. Gordee Karpach again reproaches Mitu in the fact that he is poor and not even a family of face. Pelagey Egorovna and the love of Gordeevna and the includedly lovers are asked to bless young. In response, Gordea Carpsum wipes a tear, hugs and blesses Mitu and Love Gordeevna. Yasha Huslin asks permits to marry Anna Ivanovna and also gets a blessing. Plumber congratulates Mitu, Pelageya Egorovna asks girls to sing a fun wedding song.


  • The premiere of January 25, 1854 in the Small Theater with the active participation of Ostrovsky. (Gordes of the energles - Stepanov, Pelagey Egorovna - Orlova-Sinepkaya, Lyubov Gordeevna - Voronov. We love the ends - P. Sadovsky, Korshunov - Schepkin, Mitya - Samarin, Huslin - Kalinovsky, Vyzlinov - S. Vasilyev, Anna Ivanovna - Nikulina-Kositskaya, Arina - Akimova).
  • September 9, 1854 in Benefis Dir. Apple To theater in Alexandria (Gordes of the Tales - Grigoriev 2nd, Pelageya Egorovna - Linskaya, Lyubov Gordeevna - Chuda, love the ends - V. Samoilov, Korshunov - Martynov, Mitya - Burdin, Huslin - Kalinovsky, Valulariaev - Markovtsky, Anna Ivanovna - Oplova , Arina - Gromova). 19 Aug. 1884 there (Love Gordeevna - Savina); 25 Jan. 1894 In the same place (Lyubov Gordeevna - Easterova, lovers - Davydov, Korshunov - Varlamov, Anna Ivanovna - Savina, Mitya - Apolloesky, Pelageya Egorovna - Strelskaya, Vlsuyev - Sazonov).
  • Small Theater (17 Sep. 1908, Gordes Tovtsov - M. Sadovsky, Pelageya Egorovna - Sadovskaya, Love Tales - K. Rybakov, Splituyev - Yakovlev)
  • KORUSH Theater (26 Sep. 1914; dir. Sanin; Pelageya Egorovna - Bluless Tamarin, love the ends - Borisov).
  • Petrogradsky Academic Drama Theater (December 3, 1921; Pelagey Egorovna - Korchagin-Alexandrovskaya, Lyubov Gordeevna - Homeowing, Love Torns - K. Yakovlev, Korshunov - Corvin-Krukovsky, Mitya - Peshkov, Voronov - Voronov, Anna Ivanovna - Pototskaya)
  • Moscow Theater. Leninsky Komsomol (1935; dir. Sudakov, Hood. Matrunin; Lyubov Gordeevna - Polovikova, Lyubimov - Solovyov);
  • Moscow Theater Studio under the hands. Wild (1936; Gug. Toporkov, Hood. Mepytsutin);
  • Moscow Theater. Yermolova (1936; dir. Tereshkovich)
  • St. Petersburg Theater of Youth Creativity. M. G. Dubrovina (director D. V. Lavrov)

The play "Festive Sleep to Linen" was first published in the second issue of the magazine "Contemporary" in 1857. Unlike other works, it is precisely known when the author began his work on the play. In the draft autograph, the plays are preserved the islar of Ostrovsky: "He was conceived on January 6, 1857," "started on January 8, 1857"; At the end of the manuscript costs the date "January 18, 1857". Thus, it can be concluded that Ostrovsky wrote a play quickly enough - in 10 days. And in February of the same year I was given in print.

Probably when the author started working on the play, hardly assumed that in a few years he will return to the image of Balzaminov and make him a hero of two small comedies - "They gnaw their dogs, someone else's do not stick!" And "what you go for, then you will find."

"Nonmennica" is a forty play of Ostrovsky. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe play arose just when an eighty collection of writer works was published. This fact and merits of the play indicate a peculiar result of the twenty-year labor of the author. The ideas of the "Nonmenvnik" play as a kind of Ostrovsky's answer to numerous demands and claims of criticism, who accused the author is that he "wrote."

Unlike other plays that Ostrovsky wrote very quickly, work on the play "Dosperinnica" lasted for several years. While he wrote this play, many others were written ("wolves and sheep", "rich brides", "the truth is good, and happiness is better", "last victim"). This is the late period of the author's creativity. In it, Ostrovsky appears already experienced master, the largest playwright.

He began working on the play in November 1874, and finished 1878 in October. However, if you contact the writer's diaries, then you can find interesting entries that were made by the author for another 20 years before he published the play. While traveling along the Volga in 1845 and 1848, and then during the literary expedition of 1857, Ostrovsky received many impressions, which were then entered into his work, including in the "Nurendannian". So, the words with whom the parats of the semi-in-law characterizes: "A man with big mustes and small abilities," were heard by the author of 1857 and are listed in the notebook. Twenty years later, he invested these words in the mouth of the hero.

On October 26, 1878, the Ostrovsky sends "Nadridnant" from Moscow to Petersburg, where on November 10 of the same year the first premiere took place.

What changes have undergone individual images during the work of the playwright over the play?

Initially, the play "Poverty is not a vice" was conceived by Ostrovsky as a small play of two acts called "Gordy God opposed", but during the work of the author's plan expanded. The greatest changes have undergone the image of Mitya, whom the Ostrovsky painted not with a clerk of a rich merchant, and a young poet from the folk medium. Significantly enriched with live paints in the process of creating and the image of loved by Torotov, bright thoughts of which the playwright, according to legend, learned from the stories of his friend of the Little Peace merchant I.I.Shanin.

- Material for the comedy of the Ostrovsky "profitable place" served as a writer, accumulated by him during the eight-year work in the courts, first in the Moscow consctention, then in commercial. "Remembering the past, wrote later the playwright P.M.nezhin, - the Ostrovsky himself was often angry with himself on himself - do not be in such a grill, perhaps, would not write a" profitable place ". A few years later, after writing the play, the AP. Hyrigoriev recalled: "The drama was for the poet himself, and honest confession of a citizen who ... a lot was on the soul. The poet himself told me in that epoch when the drama was written, spoke with the utterly sincere hobbies: "There will be our civil tears."

Were there any events that served as a reason for writing a play?

The plot of the comedy "Wolves and Sheep" suggested the island life itself. The playwright was elected to the post of Honorary Judge Kineshemsky County. This position gave him the opportunity to get acquainted with the conflicts that took place in the nobility environment, he became interested in some features of the situation of this class. By direct impetus to work on the play served as the sensational process of Queenia Mitrofania, who was listened to the Criminal Branch of the District Court in October 1874. Igumena, by the origin of Baroness Rosen, was accused of fraud, extortion and assigning a large amount of money. A strong impression was made by the speech of the civil plaintiff, a famous lawyer Perevako, who sought to give the process of fundamental importance. He said: "Instead of the Temple - Exchange; Instead of praying people, fake fake documents; Instead of prayer, exercise in the preparation of bills; Instead of good feats - preparations for false testimony, - that's what was hiding behind the walls ... Above, above the buildings of the communities entrusted to you, so that the world is not visible to the cases that you create under the cover of the row and the abode! .. "

Pleumako called the defendant "Wolf in Sheep Shkura". Ostrovsky was not only familiar with the process, but also interested in them. On his desktop, the 11th number of "domestic notes" was lying in Schellovka for 1874, in which an article was published about IMUGEENI Mitrofania. The playwright undoubtedly used the process of process when working on his comedy. However, as the studies of the writer's manuscripts shows, in the process of processing the plot, he continued further from the specific criminal facts associated with Igumenia Mitrofania. The Ostrovsky was not this exceptional, out of a series of the exit criminal episode. He was interested in more ordinary, but no less eloquent episodes that were played daily in the nobility environment. In addition, he had to invest what was happening in the local collision, which could be accommodated in a comedy scale.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe play "On a Big Plant" is connected with the impressions of the playwright from his journey along the Volga in 1856. On a random meeting of Ostrovsky made an entry in my "Diary of traveling along the Volga": "In Sitkov, the main courtyard, a thick man with a huge gray beard, with the eyes of a sorcerer, did not allow us; He was walking by officers with his daughters, which five. "

The povef "Poverty is not a vice" island wrote in a rather difficult period for him. After the publication of "bankrupt", he became famous, but it greatly complicated his life. The play was forbidden to formulation, and the playwright itself was given under the supervision of the police. He was accused of unreliability, since the life and characters depicted in the comedy seemed to the Russian authorities slander into Russian reality. Many readers also did not immediately accepted the innovation of Ostrovsky. He was perceived as a "dirty" playwright, with insufficient characters, writing to the scene, writing an overly common language and not visiting anything light in his surrounding life. Despite the cold attitude of the authorities, on a difficult financial situation and misunderstanding of the public, the Ostrovsky actively worked, releasing annually on the play.

At about this time, the playwright agreed with the girl Agafei Ivanovna (who had four children from him), which led to the rupture of relations with his father. According to eyewitnesses, it was a kind, a hearty woman, whom Ostrovsky was largely obliged to know the Moscow life.

The comedy "heart is not a stone" can be attributed to the late period of creativity of the playwright, as it was written in 1880. Almost all of his works written in 1870-1880 were modern socio-household plays. During this period, the Ostrovsky was written by plays: "Late love" (1873), "Rich Bride" (1876), "True - good, and happiness is better" (1877), "Dustpannica" (1879), "Snow Maiden" (1873) , "Wolves and Sheep" (1875), "Last Sacrifice" (1877), which are an artistic reflection of the Russian life of a flammore period, when the essence of bourgeois reforms carried out by serfs, was found all with more certainty.

What other places of the playwright are considered similar topics, problems?

What resonance caused a play in society?

The comedy "In someone else's hangover" drew the attention of criticism primarily by the fact that there was an explicit change of Ostrovsky's views on merchants. Critic N.S.Nazarov wrote that in a conversation two kupi "so much feasting the typical features of merchant life, that this conversation would be enough to dispel (at least at the time) the ideal radiance, which was so diligently tried to surround the city of Oostrovsky beloved estate "(" St. Petersburg Vedomosti ", 1856, January 29). I.I. Panayev wrote that this comedy would make shake those who were convinced that the Ostrovsky sees the ideal of a Russian man in the merchant ("Contemporary", 1856, No. 2).

At the same time, many critics remained unhappy with the fact that the play, having a rich material and felling material for playwright, remained incredited that her theme "contains many conditions for a deep drama, but not processed and not developed." ("The Son of the Fatherland", 1856, №1). V.Ya.Suyunynin complied with the fact that "Sostrovsky somehow soon twisted the action and therefore could not make a lot with his persons in it: almost all of them remained unfinished, some kind of hints on types, and not the types themselves" And I concluded: "The play can be compared with the vessel hut, built on the ambulance hand on a strong granite foundation intended for a magnificent building" ("Theater and Music Bulletin", 1856, No. 5). However, those who considered the types bred in comedies were not performed enough, made an exception for the title of Tite Broskov, which became nominative as the designation of korestolobius, multiplied by ignorance and wildness.

Which of the famous writers, writers, critics rated the play and how?

The Piece of Ostrovsky "Joker" really liked Lerl Nikolayevich Tolstoy. After Tolstoy visited one of the performances of the comedy in the Small theater, he wrote in a letter to his wife that "comedy is touching, even too." T.A. Kuzminskaya, who watched with him, wrote: "I remember how I liked the new play of Ostrovsky" Joker ". I looked at him at that moment when the old man finds a cash package on him<…>Lion Nikolayevich stood in the eyes of tears. "

About the play "Poverty is not vice" sympathetically responded at different times the great fears of Ostrovsky according to Peru - L.N. Tolstoy, I.A. Balov, A.F. Pisemsky. The most sharply responded to the play N.G. Chernyshevsky, who lasted in 1854 in 1854 in No. 5 of the magazine "Contemporary" the review in which the playwright was reproached for the play. Chernyshevsky's monthly tone was largely associated with his concerns, as if Slavophil's hobbies that dominated Ostrovsky, did not damage the talent of the playwright. The critic considered this play weak, and her happy end is not chanting folk latitude and kindness, but in the embellishment of real, much more gloomy reality.

Why did the critic play play?

For the play of the Ostrovsky "On the Little Place", criticism accused the author in immorality. So the reviewer of the "modern chronicle" (1865, №39) argued that "the author drawn us such bold paintings, in front of which everything was shifted to them," as for eroticism, the author stopped only at the most Hercules Pilts, followed by the kingdom of Marquis de Garda with brother.

Which of the characters caused a negative attitude of criticism?

Many claims were presented to the island criticism of a liberal sense - mainly about the image of Zhadov ("profitable place"). The essence of these claims briefly and ironically formulated N.A. Dobrobrubov in the article "Dark Kingdom"; "Funny charges" critics-Liberalov were reduced to the question: "Why, why the Ostrovsky brought the representative of honest aspirations of such a bad gentleman as greed."

Task: Examine the story of the plays on stage.

Were there any obstacles for the play when putting it on the stage?

The scenic fate of the play "Marriage Balzaminov" is quite dramatic. Completely unexpectedly, obstacles to the formulation of the "marriage of Balzaminov" on stage arose. And they were configured this time not theatrical censorship, and the theater and literary committee. Thanks to the efforts of third-rate writers with A.A. Krayevsky, the Committee issued a decision: "When he listening to this play between members of the Committee, there was a disagreement: three votes were in favor of the play, seven - against. Not approved to the presentation. In this regard, the Ostrovsky wrote the head of the repertoire of P.S. Fedorov: "Believe me that this act of the Committee is not offended by me in Russian literature, not to mention the theater. Since I can not protest against the decision of the committee, I can not, then I have only one thing: refuse to completely from the scene and not subject to your future works such an arbitrary court. "

On the defense of Ostrovsky and his play, the magazine "Time", Satyrian magazines "Spark" and "Hood". So in the journal "Human" a sufficiently sharp article appeared, in which it was argued that the Committee was compiled from such persons who had no valid foundation formed part of our public nor a literary circle or artists. The components of his personality are very little known as aesthetics and literary critics; Meanwhile, the obligation to appreciate them or the death of the work of the highest literary form "(" Human ", No. 42, 1862).

After such accusations from the magazines, the comedy again entered the Committee and the play was admitted to the presentation on the Alexandrin scene. At the same time, reservations were made to the "poverty of the repertoire of the Alexandrinskaya scene" and what the "plays, satisfy the taste of the smallest of the public."

On January 1, 1863, the premiere of the Comedy "Marriage Balzaminov" was held on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater.

When was the play for the first time set on stage?

Theatrical performances of the play "Thunderstorm" were carried out before its first appearance in the press. On the stage of the Moscow Small Theater, the Prime Minister took place on November 16, 1859, in Benefis S.V.Vasilyev, who played the role of Tikhon. In the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, the drama was first shown on December 2, 1859, in the benefit of Yu.N.insky. The role of Kabanova.

Successful or unsuccessful was the first stage on the scene? And why?

The premiere of the Pieces "Forest" was unsuccessful. After the first view, Burdin informed Ostrovsky that "the play was very good", but the lack of the author "badly damaged".

One of the reasons for failure was the lack of a suitable performer for the responsible role of the tragic of nonsensevtsev. Discussing possible candidates for this role, the brother of the playwright M. N. Ostrovsky wrote on September 24, 1871: "... If Burdin is fading, which is undoubtedly, then all (except Samoilova, of course) ... will be bad; In this I am convinced ... But maybe Burdin will be worse than everyone? .. I do not think; In any case, here the difference in the game will be so insignificant that it will pay off with an excess to the fact that Burdin will greatly learn and will obey you and me in everything. " The Ostrovsky himself assumed to give the role of unfortunately Samoilov, but due to the latter's illness, it was forced to agree on the execution of this role Burdin.

The failures of the performance testified on the print pages. Reviewers noted primarily the unsuccessful Gradin game. The role of unfortunately was not in the possibilities of this artist. According to the critics of the actress, the playing role of Gurmajskaya lost to the whole role in one dreary note, and the executor of the role of Ulita fell into fraction and cartoon. The truthfulness and accuracy in the game were celebrated from the performers of the Rolestev roles (Zubchev) and Swimibratov (Vasilyev).

Give an example of the most successful plays in the history of the theater.

The comedy "not in their sleeves do not sit down" has become the first work of the Ostrovsky, played in the theater. On January 14, 1853, the adhesion of the small theater was played for the first time in the benefit of the actress L.N.Nikilina-Kositskaya Comedy on the stage of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. About this day, Ostrovsky recalled: "In Benefis L.N. Kositskaya, on January 14, 1853, I experienced the first author's alarms and the first success. The success of the performance was brilliant. The same success was accompanied by a play and in St. Petersburg, where she was first put on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater on February 19, 1853.

The feeling of the delight that reigned at the ideas of a new comedy was preserved in private letters of the pore. V.Botkin, on February 17, wrote from Moscow by I.S. Turgenev: "Do not sit down in my sleeves" is really an excellent comedy. I saw her three times - and every time I did not leave the theater without tears in my eyes<…>The theater is already the 9th view - every time is full, noise, laughs, cries, clap ... ". And. F.Gorbunov wrote:" With the appearance on the stage of the Ostrovsky Comedy "Do not sit down" on the Moscow scene, new ones begins era. I was on the first presentation of this comedy. She was given to the Benefis Kositsky. The curtain was swayed, and new words were heard from the scene, a new language, before that did not hear from the scene ... "And then Gorbunov recalls, as in the break, his teacher of literature spoke, obstolements spoke in the eyes of tears:" This is not a game. This is a sacred! I congratulate you, young people, you have a lot in the life of art pleasures. The author's talent is amazing. He immediately began his shoulder-about-shoulder with Gogol. "

Compare different interpretations of the plays in different productions in the Russian scene.

What are the differences in the productions (the originality of the directorial interpretations, the peculiarities of the era, the traditions of the acting school, etc.)

Poverty is not a vice-play is Ostrovsky, with which we met in school lesson. Posted by her writer in 1853, and after a year the play was printed as a separate book. Piece, like the book, was successful. Today I got acquainted with this product and we. Now we will make the work of the Ostrovsky poverty is not a vice, considering the problem that the writer raises.

Analysis of the play poverty is not vice

In the play, Ostrovsky raises various problems, among which the confrontation between the environment and personality. Very often, they treat a person depending on his wealth. The richer, the more he respect, but spiritual qualities and moral do not take into account.

Having learned Ostrovsky and his poverty is not a vice, and making the analysis of his work in the 9th grade, we see the impact of money on the fate of people. The author showed us how to influence the money for a person when a person begins to obey them and depend on them. Money goes to the fore, but care for loved ones becomes secondary. That's just Ostrovsky could not allow victory for money over human feelings and proved to readers that wealth are powerless. The proof of this was the love of the nobility of Lyuba Gordeva, who the father wanted to give for Moscow rich, to Clauds Mita. Having passed through the tests, the hearts in love were still reunited. And here the last role was played by the brother Torotov Gordy love. It was he who told about the approaches of the manufacturer Korshunov, for which Gordes wanted to give daughter, despite the fact that she loved the other. The African ruined his lovedness, and now he was aiming at proud. As a result, Korshunov demands an apology, and the Gordes, an evil manufacturer, gives married to anyone for Mitu. Gordea softened and was grateful to his brother for instructed him and did not make a mistake.

So two hearts reunited, love triumphed over wealth.

By making our brief analysis, we see that the vices are punished, and good triumphs. The wedding of heroes becomes proof that poverty cannot be a vice, but the workers and thirst for profit are the most real deficiencies.