
Mayakovsky mystery buff analysis. Mystery-buff (first option). Eleventh phenomena and twelfth

Heroic, epic and satirical image of our era

Second option

Mystery-buff. Second option

Prologue and insert to the second version of Mystery-Buff

Libretto "Mysteria-Buff" for the performance program in honor of the III Congress


"Mystery-Buff" - road. Road of revolution. No one will predict with

accuracy, what other mountains will have to blow up to us going to this expensive.

Today, the word "Lloyd George" drills the ear, and tomorrow his name will forget and themselves

british. Today, the will of millions is torn to the commune, and in twilts,

maybe the attack of distant planets rushes the air dreadnights of the commune.

Therefore, leaving the road (shape), I again changed the part of the landscape

In the future, all players, which are written, printing, printing

"Mystery-Buff", change the content, - make the content of it with modern,

today's, momentary.


1. Seven pairs of clean: 1) Neubi Abyssinian, 2) Raja Indian, 3)

Turkish Pasha, 4) Russian speculator, 5) Chinese, 6) PERSY PERS, 7)

Clemance, 8) German, 9) Pop, 10) Australian, 11) Wife Australian, 12)

Lloyd-George, 13) American and 14) diplomat.

2. Seven pairs of unclean: 1) Krasnoamec, 2) Flashrik, 3) Chauffeur, 4)

Shakhtar, 5) Carpenter, 6) Brake, 7) servant, 8) Blacksmith 9) Bulkhek, 10) Broke,

11) seamstress, 12) driver, 13) Eskimo-fisherman and 14) Eskimo-hunter.

3. Agreement.

4. Intelligentsia.

5. Lady with cards.

6. Damn: 1) Velzevul, 2) Ober-Damn, 3) Veshova, 4) 2nd Vestova, 5)

Karaul, 6) 20 clean with horns and tails.

7. Saints: 1) Mafusail, 2) Jean Jacques Rousseau, 3) Lion Tolstoy, 4) Gabriel,

5) Angel, 6) 2nd Angel and 7) Angels.

8. Savaof.

9. The active lands of the promised: 1) hammer, 2) SERP, 3) Machines, 4)

Trains, 5) Cars, 6) Rubanok, 7) Pliers, 8) Needle, 9) Saw, 10) Bread, 11)

Salt, 12) Sugar, 13) Matter, 14) Sapot, 15) Board with lever.

10. A person of the future.

Places of action

1. All universe. 2. Ark. 3. Hell. 4. Paradise. 5. Country of debris.

6. The land promised.



In a minute

we will show you ...


I must say two words I:

new thing.

To jump above, jump,

it is necessary that anybody helped.

Before a new play

10 We need a prologue.


the whole theater is stolen?

Good-free people

this will outrage very much.

What do you go to performances for?

In order to get pleasure -

is not it?

And whether the pleasure is great,

20 If the pleasure is only on the scene;

scene something -

just one third.

in an interesting performance,

if you build enough,

the pleasure of yours will increase in three years,

the performance is uninteresting

then you should not watch

30 and one third.

For other theaters

representing it does not matter:


Sit, they say, mightily,

straight or bait

and watch someone else's life piece.

Watch and see -

40 Burn on the sofa

aunt Mania

yes, uncle Vanya.

And we are not interested

neither uncle nor aunts -

thread and uncle and at home will find.

We will also show a real life,

in the spectacle, the extraordinary theater was turned out.

The essence of the first action is such:

50 Earth proceeds.

Then - Topot.

All run from the revolutionary flood.

Seven pairs are unclean

and clean seven pairs,

fourteen proletarium poor

and fourteen bourgeois-bar

and between them,

with a pair of crying cheeks -

60 Menshevic.

Pole overwhelms.

It collapses the last refuge.

And everyone starts to build

not even ark,

and coaching.

In the second action

the audience travels in the ark:

here you and autocracy

and democratic republic

70 and finally

under the Menshevik howl

pure dropped down their heads.

In the third action shown,

what workers

nothing to be afraid

even the devils in the middle of hell.

In the fourth -

laugh thicker! -

80 showing paradise bush.

In the fifth action of devastation,

razing the immense mouth

cruced and eats.

Although we worked for hungry belly,

destroy was defeated.

In the sixth action -

commune, -

the whole room

90 Singing all throats!

Watch all your eyes!

All is ready?

Because of the scene.


First action

On the glow of the northern radiance, the globe, resting by a pole in the floor of the floor. By

bully stairs cross ladder and longitude ropes. Between two

walrus supporting the world, Eskimo-hunter, boring his finger in the ground, yell

the other, stretching in front of him by the fire.


100 cases there are no other -

finger to pull the earth.

Where is the hole?

What flows?

(jumping, running and looking for under


Case of unclean hands.

110 I'll go warning the polar

Runs. On him because of the juice of the world, the squeezing sleeves of the German is sharpening.

A second is looking for a button and, without finding, hacking the fur coat.

Ger Eskame!

Ger Eskame!

Scary hastily!

A couple of minutes ...

So - today I sit in my restaurant

on Friedrichstrasse.

In the window of the Sun.

120 and manit.

how bourgeois before the revolution is clear.

The audience is sitting

and quiet sheidemanit.


i look at the bottle of the Eifels.

what should I get BEF?

Yes, and take me for Beff?

130 I look -

and in the throat stuck lunch:

something is wrong with Winning Avenue.

Stone Hohenzollers,

standing between daisies,

suddenly flew upside down.

On the roof run

Being around the restaurant island,

anhydrous surf,

140 Jewhead

quarters got sick.

Berlin - Anxious Sea Brad,

invisible waves Bass notes.

dreadnight houses!

150 and before the thought could spread

from Fosha is it, or from ...

before string.

all dry

but pour, and pour, and pours.

pompeiy Pompeii Pompiy, Picture

sprinkled -

160 with Korean

Berlin was burned

and won in the abyss

the world in the molten mountain.

I woke up on the crest of current villages.

I have my own collected yacht club experience, -

in front of you


170 What remains now from Europe.

Nn-little ...

Calm down, of course ...

day, with two-s.

Yes, tell you without these European sedes!

What do you need? There is not up to you.

(showing horizontally)

Allow me about your divergent

Fisherman straightens his hand to the fire, goes to the other side - warn

circle - and stumbles on escalating sliding due to another slope


(retreating in surprise)

And there was no more disgusting person?!

Australian with his wife.

We are Australian.


I am a Australian.

180 Everything we had.

wrockpoint, palm tree, dike, cactus! ..


(crying in the floating feeling)

we disappeared

everything is lost:

and cacti

and cliffs,

and palm trees

all drowned ...

190 Everything on the bottom ...

(pointing to the lightweight German)

Here go to them.

And then they are one.

Having gathered to go again, Eskimo stopped, listening to two voices with

Bowel, U-TU!

Cylinder, yu!


Hold on to the northern latitude!

Grab about the southern longitude!

On the ropes of latitude and longitude rolled from the globe of the Englishman and

frenchman. Everyone wates a national banner.


The banner is hoisted.

200 owner full of snowstore I.

No, sorry!

I used to water.

This is my colony.


(folding some goods)

No - mine

i'm already trading.

(starting angry)

No - mine

and you look for another.



So that you die!


210 ah, so!

I will impose you a bump on your nose!


(climbs with fists on the Frenchman)

England, Glue High!

(climbs with fists in English)

Viva La France!


(rushes to distribute)

Well, the people!

Not the people, and the silent pure:

there are no empires,

neither imperials

and they still beat the face with each other.

220 imperialists!

Throw what you, right!

Well, orava!

Right on the head again gathered to go Eskimo will overthrow

our checkout.


this mess!

Yes, I'm asia?

"Destroy Asia" - Resolution of Sovpeba.

Yes, I was not in Zhist Asian!

(Calming down a bit.)

Yesterday in Tule

i sit calmly in a chair.

230 How does the door rushing!

Well, I think -

I understand myself,

already pale cheek.

god a multi-facing in the world:

it turns out, not a check - the wind.

Closed a bit

more - above

slot into the streets

ranied roofs ...

Hear a hook?

The flood! Skop! Flood! About Flood! Flood!


Oh my God!

250 misfortune - both from the pipe drain,

and then this question is Eastern.

Negus ahead, behind him - Chinese, Persian, Turk, Raja, Pop, Agreement.

The procession is closed all seven pairs of unclean from all sides.

Although a little black snow-s,

but nonetheless

i am Abyssinian Negus.

My honor.

I left now my Africa.

Four in her Nile, the Break River.

How neil was rushed, kingdom squeezing into the river

and the fence in it is my Africa.

260 Although there is no lion,

but nonetheless...


But nonetheless

my honor.

I heard, heard!

Please do not forget -

says Nehus,

and Negus wants to eat.

Must be a delicious dog?

270 I am the ladies - a dog!

This is a walrus, not a dog.

Negus mistakenly trying to sit on like two drops of water on

lloja Lloyd George.

Go sit down, do not blur anyone.



It's not i'm a walrus

it is a walrus,

and I'm not a walrus,

i am Lloyd George.

(referring to the rest)

What do you want?

280 Utop my china!

my Persia went to the bottom!

Even India

penidate India, and that!

And from Turkey, the memories of one left!

A lady with an infinite number of cards is broken from the crowd of clean.


Do not flit!

Silk thin!

290 Help Put the cards.

(from the crowd of clean)

She's so sweet!

What a piquant! ..

Darkestka idle!

What kind of nation will you?

I have a variety of nation.

First was Russian -

Russia became narrow.

These Bolsheviks are so horror!

I am an elegant woman

300 with soul thin -

i took and became Estonian.

Steel Bolsheviks Easily -

i became a citizen of Ukraine.

Took Kharkov time ten -

i settled in Odessa in some republic.

Odessa took, Wrangel in the Crimea -

i took and obeyed him.

Chassed whites on the sea and the field -

i'm already Turkhanka,

310 Walking in Constantinople.

Steel Bolsheviks approach closer -

and I'm already Parisanka.

Walking in Paris.

Nations forty changed, confess, I -

now I have a Kamchatka nation.

What a lousy on the poles summer:

you can not show a single toilet!

(shits on clean)

320 What is this hum?


(in hysterics is separated from the crowd)

Listen! -

I can not!


What is it?

No dry place in the world!


Leave me alone!

Release me home,


330 Listen!

I can not!

I thought a flood on Kautsky will.

And wolves are full

and sheep are intact.

And now -

people kill each other.

Cute red!

Cute white!

Listen, I can't!

340 Do not try your eyes ...

do not bite lips ...

(Non-unclean moved to the fire, is arrogant.)

And who are you nations?!


In the world chasing everything

i got used to our stray Narodin.

We are no nations,

our work is our homeland.

These are proletarians!

Proletia ...

350 proletarians ...

(French, patting him on a fair stomach)

Noise Flood, I suppose, in the ears?

(he, mockingly and signer)

Lit now and fell asleep on the bed?

Would you put you in the trenches and in the mine!


Would go to the trenches -

in the trenches of wets.

Seeing the brewing "conflict" between clean and unclean, dispose

their collision is rushed.


Cute! Well, do not! Do not raise the swearing!

Throw to each other mow.

Stretch your hands

hug each other

360 gentlemen, comrades,

we must agree.

So I agreed?

This is too!

(viciously. And fisherman and fisher crutch neck


Oh, you, Agreement!

Oh, you agree!


(running, beaten, sculit)

I am in a good way

370 So always:

call to agree

and you will be covered on both sides.

Unclean pass, separating the sickly sprinkable crowd clean, searmed from

campfire. The crowd of clean closes them in a circle.

(climbs in the middle)


It should be discussed what happened.

Let's breathe in the essence of the phenomenon.

Business is simple -


And in my opinion - a flood.

And not a flood at all,

the rain was.

there was no rain.


So, this idea is also wild ...

But anyway -

what, orthodox, happened?

Let's, faithful, look at the root.

The people, in my opinion, became uncomfortable.

I think war, me.


390 In my opinion, the reason is different.

In my opinion, metaphysical ...


War - metaphysical!

Started with Adam!

In turn!

In turn!

Do not sue Sodom.

Let's talk gradually.

Your word, student!

(Justified before the crowd.)

400 And then he even has foam lips.


everything was simple:

day changed the night

zarya is too much swept alone!

410 granite piles of capitals

and the sun itself is a fixed rim, -

everything became as if a little tech,

crying a bit

little languished.

Then how to go!

Streets are pouring

the melted house will be overthound on the house.

The whole world,

in the domain furnaces of revolutions melted,

Lord! Attention!

This is drizzling!

Australian wife

Pretty drizzle!

Ocked like piglets.

Maybe the end of the world is close,

minting, Ore and Rzhym.


(Humbles to the Pole)

Become here!

430 does not darn here.

(passing the knee of a clamping hole with inherent

this people patience of Eskimo)

Went to the walrus!

The Eskimo Hunter departs, and scored out of the open hole in the jet there.

Fan was scattered clean, inseparable oral.

A minute later, everyone rushes to the jet.


Floored. Only Australian remained the globe with his finger in the hole. IN

common interlardment sparkled for a couple of laneop.

440 lose the last appearance!

Who is this wardrobe with a beard?

Sie on forty nights and forty den!


The Lord appreciated him cleverly.


In history was a similar precedent -

remember the famous adventure Noevo.

(Waving to the place of the pop)

Nonsense -

450 and history, and precedent, and progress ...

Towards a matter!

Let's, brothers, build a copocheg.

Australian wife

Right! The ark!


Here is a hunt!

Steamer build.

Two steamers!


All Capital will put!

They were saved, and we are smarter than those.


460 Long live

long live technique!

Sit Hands -


And hands do not need

seen by the eyes.

And clean and unclean raise hands.

(Having taking the merchant place, the blacksmith inspects with anger,

raised hand)

And you also?

Yes, and you are not tricking!

let's not take unclean!

Do you know how to saw and strict?


I changed my mind.

Take unclean.

Just save non-drinking and stuck.

(Climbing the Frenchman)

T-S - C, gentlemen,

maybe still don't have to put up with



we do not know that with the fifth part of the world.

Gang, and did not even bother to know

480 There are Americans among us.


Well and head!

Not a man, but the German Chancellor!

Joy cuts over Australian Creek.

Directly from the hall to a tensely pepper, an American on a motorcycle is broken.


Merciful sovereigns,

where is the ark here?

(Stretches paper.)

from Utop America

two hundred billion check.

Silent despondency. And suddenly the scream of the Pressing Water Australian.


What is smoothed? Will be staring!

490 by God, will be taken out!

Koching fingers.

Pure dried out, rub to unclean.


Well, comrades,

build, eh?

Elegant blacksmith

And what should I

for me, at least ...

(Waving hands unclean.)

Ida, comrades!

Go, so go.

Unclean ride. Saws. Rubanka. Hammers.


Quick, comrades,

quickly, cute! ..

500 for work!

In hand tops and saws!


(departs to the side)

Work -

and I will not even think about it.

Say yourself here here

and I'll get sabotage.

(Screaming on working.)

Live turning!

Ruby, but do not miss them!

And what are you sitting, handsing your hands?


I am special, I am an indispensable ...

Second action

Deck ark. In all directions of the panorama of the lands swear in the wave. IN

low clouds rests on the rope staircase-mast. In the side of the cutting

and the entrance to the bag. Clean and unclean lined up on a close board.

I wish I now beyond the board.

Look there:

not a wave, but a fence!

In vain I was confused with you.

Always like this

no sense.

Navigators too!

Found a sea wolf.


Iha, put it!

520 buzzing and dresses.

What is the fence!

Closed the wall!

Very silly-s!

I tell you with clutch and pain.

Sat b.

Land still keeps.

What is neither there, but still pole.

What wolves are yours

530 raw racks.

Both Eskimos, chauffeur and Australians immediately.

What about Alaska?

Well, it was darting!

That Stone Prashoy.


Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!

(burst out, attached by memories)

540 My God! ..

Oh my God!..

the whole family

we will gather at the tea table -


(Measuring the tip of the nail)

Wonderful, to God!

Well, not sorry

neither so much.


550 I am a vodka suppl.

Will there be a wineglass?

There will be.

come in Tel!


Well, as wizard?

Not very roasted?

Nothing is supported

nicely roasted.

Clean alone. Unclean descend in the trum, sinking.

What lose us? Will it be afraid of a flood?

560 The legs torn out the legs - in the light of the light!

Eh, and recreation in steamers.

And Morzhatka eat and vodka bump not sin ...

Eh, not sin!

Pure surrounded the broken Frenchman.

Shame, right!

Throw to yell something!

We will run somehow

passed to Ararat.

With hunger, you run down, until the mountain.


570 NEMA money,

and without food, do not die barely.

I give half a million babes


and pound diamonds two.


In the check sat three times.

And on the hell am I now this money?!

Spit yes differential.

What diamonds!

580 Now, if a person has liver stones,

then you feel providing -

bydto Beluju nabito.


No burn

one trough.


And then the Sukharevka is closed.

Nothing, humble ink,

now on each area of \u200b\u200bthe Smolensk market.

And oil, and milk, and cream on the market, -

substitute an empty pocket instead of the roof.

590 This is you without milk to dance, fool,

and at the working bonus,

at work, -

and exchanges.

And I will change the hats on the eggs.


Exchange the last hat,

and then sit,

suck paw.

(Listening to the noise in the trunk)

IS, Rzut!


600 that they!

I caught fish and crouch.

Take the network or Ostroga and also let's catch.


How to contact her?

I only can pick up a sword in a man.

I threw the network,

thought - fishery

and nothing -

610 One Travin.


What Dorosley:

the first guild - and crush algae.

Lloyd George

(to Clemisso)

Let's throw quarrel.

What can be rusted with the Englishman


The main thing is that I have a belly, you have a belly.


And I have ... BUUO.


How sad:

with such a beautiful lord -

his and I did not get out a little.

Lloyd George

Now we do not care:

we have a common enemy with you.

That's what I want to tell you ...

Takes Clemencecast on hand and takes. Suspected, return.


We are all so clean.

Do we shed at work?

Let's make unclean, so that they



I would have forced them!

Yes where to me -

And from them any - oblique in the shoulders.

Lloyd George

God save to fight!

Not fight

as long as the menu is survived,

until they squeeze


take and put a pig on them ...


Choose a king!


Why the king?

640 Better city.


And then that the king will make a manifesto -

all the eats of me, they say, should be given.

The king eats

and we eat -

his loyal.


I told you -

Bismorochye head!


650 Choose soon!

Englishman and French


He and in the hands of the entrance.

What will look?

Well, as they are there ...

brazdes of the Board, or ...

What do you make?

660 Meaning one.

Gloss, Mr.!

Tell me -

it will be a real king

or just prefeed?

Real, real!

I will be the lady of the court!

Lloyd George

Most, soon

670 Schedule Manifesto:

with God, they say, mercy ...

Pasha and Australian

And we are here

in order not to get out.

Pasha and other stricter manifesto. German with a diplomat unwind before

output from the hold of the rope. Steering, shame unclean. When the last

express on the deck, the diplomat and the German are changing places - and unclean enutians.


Go under the oath!


(badly dealing in events)

Can I be better sent?


I am sent to you -

do not stand a hundred years!

680 Mr. Lieutenant,

purify the gun!


That's how it is easier.

Some unclean


Fell, brothers,

how chickens in soup.


Shadow caps!

Who has a cap?

Chinese and Raja

(pushing the ass under the cabbage headed by Negub)


690 read, do not be breathing yet.

(on paper)

God's mercy

king of fried unclean chickens

and the Grand Duke on the same eggs,

without swaying anyone seven skins, -

six down, the seventh is left, -

we declare our loyal:

strike all -

fish, crackers, marine pigeons

700 And what will have edible other things.

Government Senate

will not slow down


select and pass us.

Improvised Senate from Pasha and Raji.

We listen to your majesty!



You are in the cabins!


You are in storerooms!

So that the unclean did not take anything expensive.

(Merchant, overlapping a buncraft for him.)

You are getting down with him.

710 I am with Rajo on the deck I look at everything.

Digid here

and come back again.

Joyful hum of clean.

I dawn a whole mountain edible!

(rubbing hands)

And after fraternally, share mining

according to the Christian custom.

Convoed clean, unclean descend in the hold. In a minute

return and fall out before Neubor, all sorts of food.


Everyone searched,

there is nothing else.

What a product?


720 One word -


Well, guys, Vostri tooth!


And unclean?

It is necessary to locate them below.

your Majesty, Lie.

One minute!

They chase unclean in the bag, and as long as they are with them, Negub eats everything

brought. Pure return.


Going, Lloyd George?

Lloyd George

(Customize each other)

730 Most, soon

time for food!

Climb to Nehus. Before Neub, an empty dish. In one terrible voice.

What is here?!

Mamaeva walked?

(in the frencher)

One thing

and so that so much to die!

I would take it rumbled on the full feel.

I am anointed of God.

740 Anointed,


Less, how we ...


On empty stomach...

I didn't think about the bottom of the day.

The morning is wiser than the evening.

Stacked. Night. The moon quickly passes through the sky. The moon leans.

Dawn. In the blue morning, the figure of the diplomat is raised. On the other hand

rimmed German.


Are you sleeping?

The German shakes his head negatively.


750 woke up in this girlfriend?

Highlight here!

In the stomach such a conversation.

Well, talk, talk more!


All cutlets will dream.

And what else could dream?

Cursed! So gloss.



No spiritual requests!

Loaded - and glad.

(after a short pause)

760 gentlemen,

you know what?..

I feel that I am already a democrat.

Here is the news!

I always loved the people without memory.

And who suggested His Majesty to the footsteps to go?


Throw your poisonous arrows!

Autocracy as a form of government is undoubtedly


It becomes obsolete if Rosinka did not fall into the mouth.

Seriously! Seriously!

770 is brewing a coup.

Pretty water

finchness with brave!


Hooray to the Constituent Assembly!

(Fall off the hatch.)

Hooray! Ur-ah!

(Each other.)


From the hatch climb awakened unclean.


What is it? Perevoked?

780 Citizens, please Rally!


Citizen, are you for the republic?



What kind of such?

now the intelligentsia is extinct.


Hey, you, intelligentsia!

"Intelligentsia" and the Frenchman will hide on the cut.

I declare a meeting open.


Your word!


790 Citizens!

This queary is impossible to mouth!


Right, citizen speaker!


Everything, damned, as it is, will eat!



never crash to Ararat.




800 pretty!

Rust Rusty Chains!


Loose autocracy!


Who do you like your hand?

All my life to you in the Katorga to live on the horses.

Power from God.

Do not touch it

810 gentlemen.

Agree to the monarchy of constitutional,

on Great Prince Nicolae

on Mikhail.

Unclean and clean


so that everything is burned to them?

I agree!

We agree!


(swollen, crying)

How to warm up!

820 How did you start the pitch!

Make it easier to die

what to reconcile them.

Drank the blood

magazedi people ...

alon Zanfan into the water!

Common efforts are shaking the nongens and move overboard. Then, clean take

under the hands of unclean and diverge, whispering.




you will not even believe

i'm so insanely glad:

830 No now these century barriers.



We collapsed the age-old foundations.


The rest will be settled

the rest is empty!

Now we are for you, you are for us.


So-so! Look behind the nose.

Didn't I go to Neubu?

840 I breathe the founding!

For the government temporary -


At least two years will go pregnant!

Now put on red bows, -

it is necessary to start the revolutionary fashion.

After a minute, back

to my adorable people.

(Runs to the cardboard.)


(on the cut)

Well, citizens, pretty.

Walked out to the vast.

850 Let's organize a democratic power.


that all this was soon and quickly,

we are, - God's rest of the soul of the Nekus! - we

here is thirteen

we will be ministers and ministerial assistants,

and you are citizens of the Democratic Republic, -

you will catch a walrus, sew boots, stove

No objections?

Are arguments?

860 would be not far to the water.

Long live, Long live a democratic


And now I.


i suggest working.

And you - for feathers.


carry here

and we will divide this equally, -

the last shirt in half will be torn.

Clean install the table, are located with papers and when unclean

you bring edible, fit into the incoming and career with appetite eaten.

Bullman who came to the second time trying to look under the paper.

Lloyd George

What to gear?

870 Get away from papers!

This, brother, it's not your mind.


You are in government management

do not understand anything smoothly.

Each incoming plate

and each outgoing

must be renumbered.

While you put the number,

as if our brother, unclean, do not die.


Let's share the promised.


880 Brohen!

It is too early to think about food to us.

(Taking off the table)

Shark look -

there I caught a shark -

does not bear eggs

does not give milk whether.

Hey, Raja, Whether you,

Remember the Turkish proverb:

"Pasha, do not pierce!"

(Returning with other unclean)

890 how much did the shark do

do not be from a shark milk.



Time to have lunch. Early flattering!



how beautiful it is:

waves and seagulls.

Talk the ka better about the saches and about tea.

We are not up to tea!


900 See, look!


To the hell of China!

You yourself whale!

Choir, tilting the table.

You do not arrange the stationery fiber here!

Empty plates bang on the deck.

Seamstress and practicing


All Council ministerially drew.

(jumping on the tilted table)


This is a knife in the back!

910 Comrades!

What is it!

I used to eat one mouth, and now they burn with a mouth.



the same king

yes, only a knockout.

(picking in teeth)

What are boiling?

Promised and divide equally:

one - a bagel,

920 other - hole from the bagel.

This is the Democratic Republic.

I need to someone and seeds - not all


We will show you a class struggle!


and again the shelter is destroyed,

and again confused and hum.



930 Do not leut blood!

Listen, I can't!

It's all good:

and commune


But for this should have a century.

Comrades workers!

Agree with clean,

listen to the old

an experienced Menshevik!

Lloyd George

940 agree?

Yes, I lies at the same time.

We agree!


I agree!


Well, the situation!

Again two-way towing!

Non-fat people are on clean.

Stand, citizens! Our policy ...


four sides populate-ka!

Let's show them what kind of policy!

950 Well, hold on, damned,

you will remember October 25!

Armed with folded clean during lunch weapons. Pounded on the stern.

Fifte the heels of discharged clean. Only a merchant, dragging half to the go

morzhatonka, clogged into a coal box; An intellectual with the lady was hammered into another.

The agreement grabbed the bag; Slowly pull it out, sobs.

Curse, damned

dissolved saliva!

Revolution to you, Musoe, not a junker.

The agreement is brazed in hand.

Can't, evil!

Vali him guys

in the hole hatch!


Wouldn't be trusting Tama

fragile camping -

960 straight lady.

What to mumble!

Come back

we can cut on the cross.

Punish -

give Ararat Mountain.




Or we - or those!

Road terror!

970 Comrades!

Boots sweep the clikush.

Hey, the people, what do not bother?


Did you think about bread?

And the bread something to fall?


Likui! When instead of passengers - hlyhabi.

And there is nothing to fish, the network is broken.

980 How to pass through the hlybry this?

If there was dry dry.

Ark crack.

Compass no.

Do not stop at half

Eaten in drowning,

back will not endure.

Now one remains to ratify

so that the force does not dry up to the place of Araratov.

990 May the storms beat us,

let let heat

hunger let -

let's look into his eyes,

we will foam one sea to eat.

We are here all the owners!

Let's eat today

and tomorrow - the lid!

On all the ark two crackers.

1000 comrades!

Without cards not to give superstars.

A lady and intellectual are supervised from the coal box.


Hear -

"Give superstars."

And here hunger, cold and all sorts of passion.

Let's go to the service for Soviet power.


Suites from the next world?



1010 we are yours

we are non-partisan

we are from the coal box.

We are for the power of the Soviets.

Hate bourgeois!


I all waited, whether the bourgeoisie would soon fall.


i will also have you


1020 for the typewriter

at least one finger.


And take me.

Hoodlessly without species.

Without specter

nowhere to go.

One way -

Not drown

do not karkay.

1030 Sit, comrade.


March down!

Head to the stoker.

Without food - I don't care that the car without firewood.

Even I rent - what is healthy.


Little, it turns out, to finish clean.

Need bread.

It is necessary to get water.


What to do?

How to be?

1040 God cannot die.

Moving your hands - we will wait.

Lakes from hunger for muscle muscles.


Do you hear music?

Antichrist discovered us

about Ararat and Rae.

(Frightened pushing, finger overboard.)

it goes to V_O_LNAM,

1050 Does your bone play?


Throw you!

Sea r_o_lo.

And who will be?


This is hunger

we are talking.

Well, go!

There are no such people who fell.

1060 Comrades, enemy at the side!

All on the decks!

he himself goes to the boarding.

Run, staggering, armed than hitting. Raw. Pause.

Well, go!

we will look again to watch fruitless waters.

So you pray for the shadows in the desert furnaces,

1070 dying w -

you see that the desert is fastened.

(comes to terrible excitement, corrects glasses,

peering. Blacksmith)

in the West -

will you not notice the points?

What to look?

I don't care what to wear onto the tail or in the mortar

(runs off, shake, climbs with a pipe to reu - and through

Ararat! Ararat! Ararat!

From all over.

Oh, I'm glad!

1080 Oh I'm glad!

Take a pipe from the driver. Hurt.


to the right ...



1090 That is how - is there?

Ararat - Mountain and can not walk.

Eyes Purity.

Some man.

Yes, man.

Old with a straight.

Young without a staff

1100 EC, it goes on water that p_o_-suhu.

Bells, lie!

Purge the ring!

walking, cutting water genetary.

God has apples,


may be vested seven times per day

1110 And only the Almighty turned around to us,

now Christ crashes in the Western.

Do not need him!

Do not let go of the passing!

Not for prayers from hungry mouths.

Don `t move!

And then the hand will rise.

The most ordinary person enters the frossion deck.

1120 I'm not from class,

not from the nation

not from the tribe.

I saw thirtieth,

fortieth century.

I am from your future time

just a man.

Came to bloat

souls mountain i

for I know

1130 How hard to live try.




Araratov are waiting?

Araratov no.

Dreamed in a dream.

1140 Mountain does not go to Magomet

that and hell with her!

Not about Christ Christ I, I

where the postmen lick tea without sugar.

I'm about real

earthly skies

Judge for yourself: Christ's sky

evangelists Hungry sky Lee?

My paradise - in him halls lomit furniture,

electrical service feshebel.

1150 there is a sweet work not a corp

work rose flowers on palm.

There the Sun builds such tricks,

what every step in color is sinking.

Here the eyelid sorrows the gardener experience -

glass flooring, navigasy,

on the roots of dope

six times a year rose pineapples b.

We will go all!

For what to lose to us!

But will our sinful ruin?

My paradise for everyone

except for spirit

from the posts of great breaks with the moon.

Easier camel to crawl through needle ear,

than to me

such an elephant.

who nailed a calm knife

1170 and went from the enemy body with a song!

Go, unfortunately!

You are the first

in the kingdom of mine

not heavenly.

Go all

who is not a fit mule.

who is unbearable and closely,

my kingdom

earth is not heavenly.

Does this not laugh on the beggar?

Draw what page?

Long road.

It is necessary through the clouds to us.

Each cloud I will smash the piety!

1190 And if hell is heightened for hell?

Let's go there.

Do not assume the back.

Arrange us!

We are waiting for someone else to tell.


1200 at hand.

Where are your hands?

What do you do it?

Moved the crosses of useless hands!

You sweat.

And you are the rich.

See -

what is wealth around!

How dare to play the ark wind?

Downside of Nature Begging Igo!

1210 You will live warm

forcing electricity wave moving.

to the bottom will be powdered,

not scary too, -

cleaner meadows

sea \u200b\u200bbottom.

Our ugly bread

it grows on it -

1220 Stone coal.

Let the wind fight the wind

fruit Boca Arkshov-dish.

Right and left -

Word for you.

Disappears. On deck admiring bewilderment.


1230 In my opinion, he is in me.

In my opinion, it was possible to get into me.

Who is wrong with this spirit?

no name?

without patronymic?

Why is he?

What the prophecies threw?

1240 Circular Flood Deadly Bathroom.

There is a promised!

So, the paradise is still there.

So, not stupid to happily climb.

To reach this pore before

give up the hammers,

sweep ax!

Small rows!

Do not curvate lines!

1250 Ark cracks.

Salvation in discipline.

(hand in rei)

Ominous puchin sprinkled mouth.

Road one -

through clouds!

Throw to the mast. Chorus.

Through the sky - go!

The fighting song is deployed on the rim.

Hey, at Ri!

In Rei, Hey!

By rejoice, the commissars of the seas!

1260 Forward, Commissioner Seas!


There all winners rest for the battle.

Let the legs are tired, they are in the sky.

Bloody in the sky shoe!

Open firm

heavens for the fence!

On sunny trapham

by stairs rainbows!

By sunshine

1270 Swings Rainbow!

Pretty prophets!

We are all Nazareas!

Slide on masts

grab about Ri!

On masts!

On masts!

When the latter is hidden, the latter, they are making a lady and

intellectual. Menshevian stands for a minute, thinking.


1280 in the commune?

Hunting in such a distance!

Looks around. Ark crack.

Forward, comrades!

It's better forward than to die ...

Menshevik is hidden, and finally the merchant gets out of the coal box,


It is necessary to be donkey!

Good on four hundred million

Even if on the layer.

and sho! ..

1290 What is it?

Breaks away.


Go to the bottom!



Wait a minute one!


1300 Do you die here! ..


and you will be repaid a concession ...

Action third

Hell. Scene with a huge door. On the door: "without a report not to enter." On the sides

maulic devils. Two wizards echo over the entire theater. Quiet

singing on stage behind the door.

We devils, we devils, we devils, we devils!

On the spin of sinners we will were.

1st West

Yes, brother, damn,

flashing life!

2nd west

Yes, in recent months, the grief of me.

One word -

1310 Popov dispersed, bags in rize.

Now we have a food crisis.

Our brother, the original, is not visible at all.

As these most gentlemen fell:

That feed!

This is feed!

Worst of all this Negub Abyssinian.

Black muzzle.

Appetite is a pig.

About grief, about grief, about grief, about grief,

1320 without food We all the front here soon!

It happened, the feature of the watermelon cheek.

Yes, that's right.

And how Popov were driven, not a single supplier!

Issue small!

Packs bad!

Still the devils were as follows

and then disgusting -

1330 wait,

there will be a revolution.

Again a call.

We run from all legs.

Purchase the whole scene.

The guard asks wispene and, making a small report,

swipe the doors.

Lloyd George

Oh, you, devils!

Oh, you, damn children!

Why do the sinners do not fall online?

(wax on wiznovy)

Well, I worked for you,

to eat soldering on the light!



1340 would take a wish

ourselves caught.


You throw these habits.

We are devils of white bones.

Not sparing sweat

black features on whites should work.

2nd west

We started our order.

I went between the hell antagonism class.

Oh, you talk?

1350 What a fermented!

Yes, I'm a knife!

Yes, I am a fork!

Damn ceremonium

His Majesty Velzevul

wishes to speak with loyal hell.

Do not wick back!


Damn my loyal!

You will no longer sit hungry.

1360 Greeks Clicks!

Above the tail!

Ends the great

earls post.

Sinners fifteen goes, not less.


Thank God!

It ends this dryness singing.

Very serious people,

although the disgraceless.

Eh, and get drunk!

1370 Already there will be nausea!

Lloyd George

And I'm a horn!

Will know how to overthrow me!


(to weave)

on the post watchman!

On binoculars

look better

so that none of them gone alive!

by neck you will get.

Devils armed with binoculars, run into the hall, listening.

The door sprinkles.

1380 Let only get caught!

I'll show them!

The tail will sum up!

Horn down!

Right horror!

I'm silent with them!

I would not wish the enemy.

I love the wasting sinners stew.

I simply ask them.

Without pieces.

Hear? -



Listened. It comes the rumble of the expanding speech of hell unclean.

The old man is our

it will be cheated.

You are quiet! It is impossible to do without a hum!

warn the headquarters of Velzevulu.

The first runs. Above the middle tier is shown velzevul. Palm

to forehead. Find devils.


(making sure, yelling)

1400 devils!

Cobble Cottile!

Yes more firewood -

Hold up the clouds, battalion is hard!

So that none of them left the road!

The devils were attached. On the bottom it comes: "on masts, on masts! For rei, for rei!"

The crowd pumped is unclean, and the devils with forks are instantly falling out




(pointing to extreme seams, with laughter)

Old familiar!

1410 How do you like?

Credit with ruffes.

And with horns will be able to cope.

The guvot began to bother. They were frozen.

Smallkley confused devils.



(on purgatory)


Do not stop!

Right there.


1420 devils forward!

Do not let in purgatory!

Listen to

what is this style yet?

Throw it!



That is how to throw?

Still, the old feature,

at the very beginning.

1430 found her God, than to suffer!

At the factory


have not happened?


I was not on your smelly.

And then B rolled out


You live here

1440 Smooth so hard.


Good smooth

good hard!

Pretty talk! Sick bonfires!


Found what to scare!

Funny, by God!

you would also pay for firewood.

1450 from frost colic,

temtery healthy.


Go naked.


Pretty joke!

Through the soul!

All of you are gray now strangling!


Boast too!

What do you have? -

1460 slightly smacks gray.

We will be empty by suffocating gas -

the whole steppe from the sinels becomes gray,

the division once matches the ground.


Be sore, tell you, hot fry!

On the willars you will

hour is uneven.

(leaving yourself)

What are you sneeze like forks!

Your stupid hell is all the same that honey we.

1470 in the attack

three quarters of Võlomit

in one perunion with fire machine gun.

Devils waved ears.


(tries to support discipline)

What are you standing?

Rassed her mouth!

Maybe he is all lying.

Sit here,

caves Cave -

1480 Listen,

i'll tell you ...

About our terrestrial horror.

What your velzevul!

With a fork, walks through hell.

I'll go to the ground for a minute.

You know, devils, what is the blockade?

Will we be afraid of some kind of forks!

Workers tanks are english.

1490 Ring Squades and armies

capital republic workers.

You have no righteous and children.

Hand Probably not risen to torment?

And we and those!

No, devils,

you have better here.

As some non-chief turks,

sinner with sweeping saddle on count

and we have cars

1500 And we have a culture ...

(from the crowd of devils)

Blood drink?

Top raw!

You cut you to the factory, the cab is not late.

Bourgearies on chocolate distilling it.

(from the crowd of devils)


And look at the slave from the English colony -

devils all used in pisch.

1510 with blacks are skidding

double skin

on the opposites to go.

In the ear nail?

Please why!

The wool pork is drunk under the nails.

We looked at the soldier in the opposite you would;

compare If you are your martyr Lodir.

(from the crowd of devils)


Wool rises on end!

1520 takes something from these stories ...

Think, scary?

Divorced kosteriks,

washed Chank_I_.

What are your devils?

Yes, you puppies!

Are your belts in the factories stretched through the joints?



In someone else's monastery

with your charter.

(pushing Velzevulus)

1530 Tell me

tell me about the hellish stove.


Said -

do not listen.

Hood with nothing!


What, only on timid pastes spooled?


What are you, to God, are you?

Damn how devils!


(tries to distinguish the devices and unclean)

Oh my God!


1540 yes what do you

two revolutions little?

Gentlemen, comrades,

do not arrange scandal!

Well, do you have better food?

1550 Could not give up!

See - old, respectable damn.

Throw friction

we must agree.


Oh, you, Pokhalima!

Oh, you, Lisa!

From both sides beat the consent.


(Appeals to the audience)


Well, where is justice here?

You call them to agree

you have both sides on both sides.


(sad unclean)

1560 I would invite bread-salt to bite

yes what a treat now -

skin and bones.

You know, what people are now, -

he frodge, so it is imperceptibly on the dish ...

Dragged the other day of the worker

from cesspools,

so do not believe - there is nothing to sweat.


Went to hell!

(For long-standing waiting for workers.)

1570 Ida, comrades!

Unclean moved, Velzevul was closed to the latter.


Have a good trip!

Do not forget!

I know the hell -

Get up -

and invite me

i will be the head


You are sitting here not the day of five days

1580 And the devils, it is known

damn appetite.

Unclean moved to swell. Breaking, fall clouds. Dark. From darkness and debris

the following picture is evaporated from the scene. In the meantime, hell

song of unclean.

Bodies of Adovs Doors Tear!

Purgatory - in shreds!

Forward! Do not robet!

Purgatory to smire!

Do not robet!

From recreation body wean.

1590 on tiers!

Step on the clouds!

Step on tiers!

On clouds!

(from where it takes, rushes on the chest

to Velzevulu)


Do not give a lady to die one!

1600 let me

stop to your!

Stop, cute!

And then these unclean such romas!



Shelter ladies.

Sick Madam.

(Shows on the door, because of which two people instantly jump out

damage with forks and squeeze the lady. He rubs his hands.)

One is.

Deserter is always nice to eat.

Fourth action

Paradise. Cloud on the cloud. Beleso. At the middle of the middle, the president of

paradise residents. Mafusail is reacting.



1610 Go to the lightweight relics.

Express the days-ka.

Glamolet Gabriel -

more than a dozen righteous.


Take them to your environment.

What mouse, hunger plays them,

they shit hell,

but they wander ...


1620 is immediately visible - decent people.

Be sure to take.


Need to cover the table,

get together.

The celebration of the meeting should be arranged to us.

You are here the oldest and be ceremoniester.


Yes, I do not know how ...



(Boals, goes to dispose of the table.

Lines saints)

Here is Zlatoust.

1630 Prepare a welcome toast:

We, they say, welcome you, and tike


You yourself know, you and books in your hands.

Here is Tolstoy, -

you have a good kind, decorative,

became and stand.

Here is Jean Jacques.

So deploy Anfilaus,

and I will go the table to look after.

Do you get clouds, my son?

1640 Yes, I do.


We hope - and on the table.

Cut even

cloud one,

each slicer.

For fathers of Holiness the main thing is not meant,

and the speeches of the disorders who at the table

not visible yet?

So the edge of the cloud suspiciously found.

1650 go! Go! Go! Go!

Are they really they?

In Paradise, as if dirty carvishers.

M-yes, saints, it turns out to be different.

From below comes:

Oritu in the gun!

In the gun bai!

We ourselves and Christ and the Savior!

Punch, punching the floor cloud.


Wow, and bearded!

Studs under three hundred!


1660 Sick, please -

Opened the people of the shawl!

Drash, Drash!



And well, Chrysostoute, prohibit toast.


To the hell of Zlatoust!

What toasts here,

when in the stomach is empty!


Patience, brethren!

1670 now

now focusing.

It leads unclean to the place where cloudy milk cloudy table and

cloud bread.


Is there any chair?


there is no paradise.

Wonderworker b said -

it is worth the sutul.

Do not swear.

The main thing is to reinforce the forces.

Pounce on buckets and edges, first surprised, then,

inhangrating, let off a batch.


1680 tasted?

Tassed, tasted!

And what is the fact that?


Do not bathe benotless creatures in wine?


We are waiting for you, damned,

we humblely die.

Kaba people knew that it was ahead!

We have

such raya

although the pond of the pride.


(pointing to the saint, which scolded the blacksmith)

1690 Do not indie, uncomfortable.

Angelic Chin.

We would talk better with the rank:

Not so we imagined it.


And it does not look like paradise.


So, ducts,

dorved to Paradise!

1700 Well, we share to you, hole, I.

Well, you are so sitting?

One of the angels

Happens to the ground

to righteous brother or sister go -

and come back, the firings are silent there:

So these are thumbs up and tapping?

Would have acquired an elevator.

Second angel

And we are labels on the clouds, -

1710 X. and V. -

Christ initials.

You would still have sunflowers gnaw.


We visited me on Earth they.

i would learn the rods from laziness.

Sing here:

"Down with Tiranans, off Shackles."

And they will get to you

do not see what you are high.

1720 just like in St. Petersburg:

the population is crowded

food is aboard.


Boring you.

Oh, and boring!


What can you do, such a system

It certainly

much, not landscaped.


(looks at Lion Tolstoy, then for Jean Jacques,

refers to the last)

I'm looking at everything

1730 And on Lion Nikolayevich.

What familiar faces!

Are you Jean Jacques Rousseau?

Already the Spirit from joy drives!

Did you write about the fraternity, about equality, about freedom?

Did you write a "social contract"?


1740 Yes, I know you

so from now!

Allow me to express my posture.

Most of all I love liberal


I will not go anywhere.

So stay here.

Let these non-cultural unclean go,

i briefly delete you in a conversation.

"Public contract" ...

1750 How to get out from here?


Ask Gabriel.

And gabriel which?

All - as one!


(proudly smoothing the beard)

Well, do not tell,

there is and the difference -

here, for example, beards Length-s.


What to talk?

This institution is not for us.


1760 TC, TC!

Comrades! Agree!

Throw your differences!

Well, isn't it all the same in which I am the class?



what guys!

on your site

would just be glad:

the best part of society -

1770 proletariat!


You are also good!

Think only in what rank it!

(Pointing to Mafusail.)

This is not a poshl -


Agree with this?

Fuck God!

I agree!

I wrote too!


Try in a good way

1780 And goes gadko.

Again a double-sided pad!

Still alleged -

and I emit spirit.

To promised!

Look for a paradise!

Paradise with carking will take!

1790 Although the whole of the universe will take it!


(looking at destroyed by unclean paradise, crushed


Razing their lightning and Lord Almighty!

With terrible thunder in the clouds appears with a beam lightning himself

Yes, I'll broadcast you thunder!



Like children -

they took and complained mom.

With a pealed face, seeing the brewing unprecedented scandal,

communicate an agreement.


1800 Samavof himself!



Come home!


Against gods!

(Shows the fist to the agreement)

Kaba was not all bad

i would show you an agreement! ..

agree with God?

Get out of your agreement sideways!

Tuzyt condom.


(folding, but with respect)

I do not pass for the belief.

Well, and fist!

I will understand some more,

and Menshevik Varnish will come down with me.


(pointing to the Savaof, making a lightning arrows, not wanting to put them in

move from fear to hurt your own Malfusailov)

It is necessary to snatch lightning.

1820 will be part of the case -


There is nothing to the thunder in the thunder!

Rush, burst with lightning.



Neither a pen nor fluff!


What do we have sinners now?

Unclean break the paradise, racing up with lightning.

Zarya flares -

1830 There are all talking ...

But when, through the debris, they had to the top, interrupts the blacksmith

Yes what to feed the hungry gursing!

We break, lying, we break

Is it not time by him!

Will Miami soon

Do not find yourself in the new hell?

Inflated us!


Forward pipe reader! Go, Lazhchik!

From the darkness of the wreckage of Paradise, a new picture grows. From going forward

the thoughtful conceductor is unclean.


Passed through paradise

passed through hell,

and everyone goes.

Will you return at least me back?

Good people are an angelic desire.

1850 as if a bit agreed.

Let go, if not too lazy to them

(waving his hand for the outgoing unclean)

and I will come back

to the thick.

non resistance

Fifty action

What stopped?

1860 Turn!


Do not break

mountains perched dear.

Can you go on such a way?

For three years, the wreckage how many knocked!

We look at the debris.

See the ark piece.


Nekus Abyssinian residue.


A piece of paradise.

Sharpeck hell.


What to do?

1870 Not that go, -

sit nowhere.

What to do? What to do?

We need to clear.

So, there is nothing to think here:

organize, comrade,

and try for work!


Organization of organizations

First need

note the right path.

1880 in my opinion, take organization

and crush.


threw the knee!


Need appointees.


Appointment ...

That's time!

Buffer-s needed.

Unclean coughed, Goldi on each other.

And in my opinion,

1890 is all -

not by Marxist dogma and form.

on a completely different platform:

i wish to save the work of Rus I,

broken poverty and hunger bonds.



(Slowing upcoming)


Here you are not trade unions.


1900 buffer?!

I got not in the eye, but in the eyebrow:

batchers with buffers,

and the locomotive without wheels, and not that without buffers.

Teem in conversations

not visible.

Through a newspaper beam -

for work!

What to spread the verbal river?

1910 I am writing a shovel!

Waving picky!

(Unrupt wreckage)

times waved

and still waist.

What is the score?

Time waved

wigsu more!


(showing from the cloud with the inscription: "Berlin")


1920 Throw to work!

You know,

i will not advise in vain I, -

i am everything can be seen from my passionate paradise.

Throw to work, cute people,

from this exactly nothing will be!

Agree with me ...

I snatched -

so that the hammer does not whistled


(Instantly smelled cloud.)

(stopped with a raised kirk)



Some kind of howl!


someone attached

Run on howl!

At the end of his words, they are digging with a rated force, and from the clouds

showing steam locomotive and steamer.

Make the locomotive moan!

Do not breathe!

Couple not to dilute!

Black bread with Donu

Let me eat!


do not die.

1950 friend, be calm.

We will spend coal from the earthly depths,

let's bring to the new path.

Let me drink rivers sources!

Holes in every side!

Enter me in the docks!

Give oil from Baku!

Hey, comrades,

1960 for me!

What hands folded?

under the set of earthly!

For oil!

Do not leave the oil duty!

Talk kirk-gun!

Drumka stand, fighting!

Breaking the strongest training!

In the ground, Zaughi Bourv!

1970 ago!

What are thumping thump?

Back! Who argues with me

with ruins?

Here I reign

queen Destroy:

i eat steam locomotive,

little car.

As Dunu -

sduan Factory Pooh.

1980 as Dunu -

sdunya factory like fluffy.

I just look -

and the cast-iron does not go.

and the path of Iron SGLodan.

And poking in hunger the city

and in the cold

village from cold Met

and from hunger.

1990 Back!

I hate vigorous.

I will paint with you.

To me, my army, skins, loyards!

To me, speculators faithful army!

Destroy surrounds the "army".

What are thumping thump?

Who argues with her

2000 with ruins?

Show! I am your queen - destruction,

hungry for you hunger throat tight.


Tsaritsa b hush hammer!

Arm yourself!

(comes to destroy)

Fight for coal!

(On bags.)

Drove on the car,


2010 all go to work.

Catch the skins!

Down of the Lodi!

All for work!

To work to odor!

Unclean moved, and the "army" retreats.

(undermines to destroy)

Do we deviate whether the neck?


Under the shaft of the trench!

Trenches - furrows on the smooth meadow.

Breakfast and miner

Our weapon -

2020 Bread and coal.

(Default finish. The end of speech is conducted on a broken


Destroy surrender!

the last strike remains ...


Free entrance -

2030 Door to the Future.

(Indicates a descent to the mine.)

score for a slaughter.

"And it will be


and decisive fight. "

(gives trolley with coal)

The first suburban.

Revenue becoming -

olung on the jack.


(rolls the barrel of oil)

Here from Baku

take gifts.

no in the side of the hole.

(still trolley)

Here you are from the Donbass gifts.

Now reconnade the pair.


(more barrel)

2050 Here you also roll out the tank.

Motors come now.


(more barrel)

Here you have another gift from Ukhta.

(still trolley)

Here you still have the Urals.

Steamer and steam locomotive

Run wheels.

Now I will go on the Plesam.

From the holes of the mines will run out unclean, rush to each other.


2060 And I am to you.

And I am to you.

And I am to you.

And I am to you.



It's incredible!

Fantastic news!

There, behind the last ringer ...

Shakhtar and Machinist

there is something.

2070 I scorch it. I'm the last bottom ...


the last barrel of coming in front of me ...

fallen, far ...


fallen, far ...

How barely reaches the eye ...

I hear singing

wheels rinking

2080 Factory Breath Measure ...


I see the sun

accounting early

the city is probably.


We seem to have won.

We seem to

in Lono of Truthful Paradise.

The locomotive is ready.

2090 Steamer is ready.



i remember the future.


(climbs on the steam locomotive, behind him - others)


iron and clean.

First be -

forward, driver!

On the waves!

On the rails!

2100 mined by hard

he is close

coming joyful house.

Space crit,

i breathe in the car.

Only by car

in the coming step.

Swimming for wagging!

Step step!


2110 In all the machines breathe.

Sixth action

Promised Earth. Huge gate. Some angles from which weakly

streets and land area are scheduled. Over the gate some rainbow,

roofs, flowers are exorbitant. At the gate of the lazutchik, excitedly launching


Here, comrades!

Squake a landing!

The notchy and terrible surprise will learn the gate.

Why is it Ivanovo-Voznesensk!

Pretty miracles!

How do you believe in passing, I will ask you?

Yes, not Visses it -

believe honor.

2120 is Marseille.


And in my opinion, shuya.

Not shuya at all.

This is Manchester.


How not ashamed of nonsense to make you!

What is Manchester?

This is Moscow.

How is it all darkened?

Here are looking, Tverskaya,

here is a garden,

2130 Here is the RSFSR Theater.

Moscow, Manchester, Shuya -

not in this case:

the main thing -

again found themselves on earth,

again at the same corner.

Sworn earth, damned,

oh, and cooked!

Earth, yes not that!

To my mind,

2140 For Earth

doesn't you feel like sleeping?

What is it in the air

salted some kind of hardened?



Yes, and time as if for autumn.

Raise your heads. Rainbow beats in the eye.


Well, lamprik,

you are with a staircase, -

2150 Yes Okin eye.


(climbs and stops, measured, only and mumps)

Fools we!

Well, and fools!


Yes, tell!

Watching that goose on zipper!




2160 Give me

give puppiness.

Ray so that solar brighter and cleaner,

so as not a cloth hung,

to be crushed by Lear,

so that this language swayed jewelers,

so that the words of the Nightingale spread out the mouth ...

And then you won't tell any damn!

Houses Stretching Earth Crook!

2170 through at home

large deft bridges!

Under the houses

Things are mountain.

On bridges

trains Extralling Tails!


Yes, tails!

2180 Electric eyes rid out!

In the eyes of these

millionless engines

Earth shines and shines!


Yes, shines!


They themselves worked.

What is he surprised?


2190 work - worked

but still I can not believe

that the miracle is

for difficulty is.

Pretty lying!

I did not give birth to FIG, acacia.


Yes, throw a gallery you!

2200 Electrification!




Forks are inserted into the seed plugs.


No scientists will not believe.


Rides an electric paintractor!

Electric machine!


2210 and a second

already baked.



And the mistress is frozen,

and the owner of the pug -

going around the city, the sidewalks of the ugly?


2220 From here, no one can see.

I did not notice this kind of me.

Sugar head!

How to be?

I did not have time to attach the cards before the flood.

Yes, speak more details a little!


Yes, everyone goes


Each pen,

each leg.

Factory in flags.

Behind the vest vest.

Wherever the gaze dies -

without work cost

2240 Machine.



Out of work?

And here we will disk in verbal sports!

Maybe the rain will go

the cars will ruin!





Things go.

The gate swapped, and the city is revealed. But what city! Bold

sky open Mahina transparent factories and apartments. Accused rainbows, stand

trains, trams, cars, and in the middle - garden of stars and lunas, crowned

shining crown of the sun. From the showcases will shoot the best things and

chairpersoned by sickle and hammer, with bread and salt go to the goal. By

onmal rows of pressed unclean rows:



Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

How is your host name?

No owners.

2260 draws we.

We are delegates.

Hammer and SERP

you meet -

republic of the coat of arms.

And for whom bread?

Sugar head?

Governor Meet what?

Will lie!

Not children are small_.

Must be

sell \u200b\u200bfrom under the floors.

Must be

speculator on speculator.

2280 No speculators -

Symbol in the IPC.

and a year later there will be a tablespoon.

We do not add us anywhere.

Take even on PUD.

We sleep, must be.

Fiction of sleep.

2290 here is

sit Gallery.

On the scene of the ball.


and such it seemed bitter

2300 Nowhere to go away from you now -

this is the Earth.

Will fool!

What is the earth!

Earth - dirt,

earth - Night.

On Earth will work out - they will die,

and the fat will come and the worked out will select.

2310 probably,

will biting.

100,000 rubles that 100,000 teeth must be

on each put.


Suitable! ..

Mouse gait.

Little charming us car!

You would only raise your teeth on the workers.

Sorry, working!

2320 worker, sorry!

You collected us,

And we were taken away,


Masha, car, Mashina, Mahina.

Steel without tired

steel without rest, -

we ordered us to carry on tires,

2330 ordered to work on them at the factories.

Shaft on the shaft

you are centuries

belts pumped,


Oriti, motors,

the joy is great, -

bold knocked

i am free from now!

Gouda in plants, moving wheels,

2340 Circles in railway lines.

Carving the world,

show in Blackochye

you postpone

we will be workers.

And we, and we, helpful things!

We are hammers, needles, saws and ticks.

Only the day of the stripe will designate yellow,

bend under us, you walked at the factory.

Now I clicked with the host,

2350 We all fascinate and cake.

whose spin was broken under us

you give up for mercy today.

In the spacious blacksmith of the new paradise

hammer of shame, playing toy.

And we are goods, drinking and eating:

from us workers countless troubles.

No bread no human power

no sugar no human calm.

2360 labor labor mined barely,

you are not us, and we spruce with you.

At the company at the millions of rainbill,

we buried the dogs with shop windows.

Yes, you darkened darkened: Slavite!

And bread from now on is free and sloant.

Everything that watched with a spray before

take today, cut and eat.

Machines, things and food

Take your own

2370 Go!

All than working

all that eat!

Go, take!

Go, winner!

It must be necessary to present the mandate.

We have no mandates

we are right out of Paradise,

and before that of hell.

2380 No mandates need.

Noga is not a razor, -

maybe not stopping.

Let's, brothers, try!

Unclean steps.

(touches the earth)

Roda Earth!

Match now!


2390 Sougings!



Sugar something -

i licked him.


Sweet, just sweet.

Now with fun there will be no mold!

Comrades things

you know what?

Quite the fate to torture!

Let's do you do,

2400 And you feed us.

And the owner is imposed - we will not release alive!

(swelling the crowd, indignant, pops up)

How wrong!

Know the measure!

It is necessary to leave anything and the concessionaire.

Get out!

Your finished work, -

2410 The guys on the Molochikhko worked.

Knowledge you wanted to call -

turned out

it's time to know.

Announced, departs a check. Unclean greedily glance

I would take a drink. Standing. Young.

And I - the needle b.

Hand does not tolerate - let's hammer!

Take! Dove!

Unclean, things and cars ring surround the sunny garden.


(to machines)

I would let you down.

2420 Do not throw, lean?

Turn the lever!

The driver turns the lever. The balls tanned. Completed wheels.

Unclean look with admiring amazement.


Never seen this light!

This is not the earth -

with the tail of the trains is a burning comet.

What are the oxen by the suburbs?

2430 waited by year -

and never noticed

soon such grace.

And why are people caress in museums?

Live treasure on treasure around!

What is it the sky or a piece of paper?

If this is the case of our hands,

what door to us will not operate in front of us?

We are architects,

planets decorators,

2440 We are the Wonderworkers,

rays teeting buns broke

so that heaven with electricity with electricity.

We are the rivers of the worlds blooming in the honey,

earth streets with stars pickers.

2450 all over Hurray!

these are just the butt doors,

theatrical litter will change.

We know it.

We believe in it.

Here, the audience!

Here, the artist!

2460 director!

All spectators are risen on the scene.

All choirs

Sunchesthers in the world in the temple -

let's show how to sing we can.

Become choir -

future Psalms!

Where neither take, the agreement is surprised at the commune;

corresponding to what is the matter, politely removes the hat.


an energetic person in paradise is not a place

i do not like these set fish.

Socialism in no innume

i always spoke it.


singing must be agreed.

(Moves to the side and is quietly conducted by a handle.

The blacksmith moves it politely.)


Large Millionnaya

the prison of the older was smashed.

Curse slavery core

released today the world.

Nasilo blows dispelled dust

broken and blown up and now

The fairy tale commune has become

For all communes lashes the door.

2480 This anthem is our victorious,

all universe, sing!

With intermenimal

plowed human race.

We did not wait for the rescue over.

Neither God nor the hell did not stand for us.

Putting up the gun, in the battle came out

and pulled the power of the working class.

One commune merged the world we.

The whole world wrapped the work circle.

2490 Now go, try, pull

its from our compressed hands.

This anthem is our victorious,

all universe, sing!

With intermenimal

plowed human race.

Forever about the past, the memory will be moving.

Do not get up bourgeois - steep blow.

We own the earth now

army soldiers.

2500 here from the factories and from Pashen,

from the cities here and seed!

Earth from the edge to the edge of our

who was anything - everything is today.

This anthem is our victorious,

all universe, sing!

With intermenimal

plowed human race.

Prolog and insert to the second option


Written to perform in honor

III Congress Comintern



You represent the world

All-stop messenger communes, -

we welcome:

road comedians,

roar painter


10 Your countries

to preserves

blembed to fly -


we manage to see

20 features of the commune, standing over fantasies.

All that the battles conquered H_A_ field,

all that crowds to all the frets

in this circus reflect,

like in a drop

Bourgeois will be held

and Menshevik hysterics

obstacles by Poor Fool!

30 proletarian mysteries river

and bourgeoisie buff.

Are equal to revolutions - the explosions of the plays.

Satire like a strike -

behind the belly takes.

Comrades actors!

Words are inexpensive!

Insert in text II action


Agree to the second intermenimal.

Wonderful thing!

In moderation

in the measure of white

in the measure of yellow

in Mere Al.


and they agreed -

10 The clearer people, as-no ...



take the intermenimal two-headed.

No longer will be given a single spool!

Tea, German Social Democrats are not children,

levy himself admitted him -

as - in no way, politician.


Down with them!

We do not want to know any second!


take two and 3/4.

Last price.

Yourself more expensive! ..

And this does not want too?!



To the hell are these conversations!

In workers

one International -

30 Third!

Libretto "Mysteria-Buff"

For the performance program in honor of the III Congress Comintern


Heroic, epic and satirical image of our era,

made by Vladimir Mayakovsky, translated Rita and wanted 350


"Mystery-Buff" is our great revolution condensed with verse and

theatrical action. Mystery - Great in Revolution, Buff - Funny in it.

The verse "Mysteria-Buff" is the slogans of rallies, crumbs of the streets, the language of the newspaper.

The action of "Mystery-Buff" is the movement of the crowd, clash of classes, struggle

ideas, a miniature of the world in the walls of the circus.

The revolution melted everything - there are no finished drawings, can not

be and finished play. "Mystery-Buff" is a frame of play, this is a movement,

every day with events, daily passing on new facts.

In the last version of "Mystery-Buff", set to the III Congress

Comintern, six actions and prologue greeting.

The first action. The whole world. The world will be overwhelmed by the revolution flows.

The only dry place is pole. But already in the pole of the hole. Hole barely

strips the Eskimo finger. Flocking to the pole, driven by stream, residues

world population: seven pairs of clean - bourgeois, seven pairs of unclean - proletaris,

the agreement confused between all and others. Sprinkled with rain, all

hung up to the pole and when there was not enough space, shot down Eskimo, clamping

hole. Fire revolution from the opened hole. Rushed, somehow smeared.

Pure persuade unclean to take care of salvation. Unclean build ark.

Second action. Traveling in the ark. Strugging the system changes to

deck. Monarchy of Nekus Abyssinian. Then - Democratic Republic

clean. Finally, clean abandoned overboard. The power took the hungry unclean.

I want to eat, you want to relax unclean, but the ark is empty and is broken.

The last reserves burned the Democratic Republic. Then in the image of a person

the future illuminates the ark, the need to struggle for the creation of the commune. Unclean

throw breaking ark and with the only faith in their own power with mast and

rey make their way through the clouds. "Hey, at Ri! In Rei, Hey! By Rama Forward,

commissioner seas! "

Third action. Pops erected hell blocks an unclean road, but

no venzevul scares unclean who seen on steel plants

packed most of hell. Under the song: "Tweigh the doors of the doors, purgatory

shoes, forward, do not robet! "- Unclean spread hell.

Fourth. Paradise. Besteless Lady Life

preachers of diplomas and all supporters of quiet reform. Not like that

rAS was waiting to go. Through the crushed paradise, they climb unclean. "TO

promised, look for a paradise! Step! Paradise with services to take! "

Fifth action. The country of debris, which got unclean after wars and

revolutions. It is necessary to build construction sites on a crushed place. Destroy is trying

clear work. Destroy is defeated. From coal mines, with oil retained

it is already unclean to notice a dawn of the future. On the steam locomotive - and to him: "

for wagging, step by step. Forward, in all the cars breathe! "

Sixth action. Commune. Rejoices and missed unclean first wonders

the future opened in the mountains of labor. New Victory Internationale

smoothed his unclean joy:

This anthem is our victorious,

All universe, sing!

With intermenimal

Plowed human race.

Options and Difficulties

Mystery-buff. Second option

Black passages in the notebook 1921, љ 8:

Rows 586-589, 590-595.

586-589 [Personal Milk

For a long time not lacqual

A lot of it now on the market

Substitute an empty pocket instead of the roof

590-595 this is you without milk to doubt the fool

and they have a bonus, they have a nature

They will exchange

and I even change the hats on eggs.

Typescript. Start 1921:

In the list of actors: 8) Herr German.

1-96 (Prolog) are absent.

In the remark between 176-177 ... Top Australians

"" 212-213 ... climbs a fist on a Frenchman

"" 213-214 ... climbs a fist to the Englishman

229 I sit calmly on a chair

257 Sozed in her Nile, Break River

297 Russia has become a narrow.

In the remark between 342-343 the most unclean bonfire

399 Your Word, Intelligent!

In the remark between 483 and 484 ... American is breaking.

"" 491-492 Clean dried out, embarily crushes to unclean

493 Build?

571 and with hunger almost die hard

587-598 The Smolensky Market remained.


What market

one Glory -

daily clouds.

639-640 All (surprised)

Why the king?


Better city

650 Select soon!

In the remark between 673 and 674 ... Change with pees

699 fish, bread, vegetable, pile

Remark between 710 and 711 general

In the remark between 727 and 728, he drives unclean in the hold and so far

728 We go, Lloyd George.

913 republic

942 I agree!

1011 is missing.

1044 is absent.

In the remark between 1077-1078 ... climbs with a tube

1080-1081 pulls out the tube

1130 How hard to live injigned

1486 I am on Earth for a minute Yekov.

1505 bourgeois on chocolate distilled her.

In the remark between 1595-1596 ... on the chest to the heaven of Velzevulu.

1808-1809 Kaba was not all-selling

would show you consent

1814-1815 Well, fist!

I do not pass for the belief.

Between 1863 and 1864 there is no: seamstress

1900-1903 that is a sense in the tradeiscission, cute

Bukharin something with buffers,

and the steam locomotive and without wheels, and not

what without buffers.

1905 I do not see the broth.

1920 Throw in vain to work!

1923 I do not care from overseas paradise.

1995 to me, bags faithful army!

1999 who argues with me

2046 No holes in the sides.

2188-2193 None.

2207 There is an electric paintractor!

2208 Seeder!

2209 threshold!

2283 Solid in MPO

2484-2507 are absent.

Appendix to journal "Theater Herald", љ 91-92, 1921;

Subtitle on the first edition.

In the remark between 176-177 ... Top Australians

"" 212 and 213 ... climbs with a fist on the Frenchman

"" 213 and 214 ... climbs with a fist on the Englishman

229 I sit calmly in a chair

493 Build?

650 Select soon!

"" 727 and 728 chasing unclean in the hold and so far

used with them

728 We go, Lloyd George.

942 I agree!

1595 and 1596 ... on breasts


In the remark between 2469 and 2470 (unclean.)

Draft sketches of additions to the text of the second option in the note

book of 1921, љ 9. (Made, probably, after the premiere of the play. Were

entered into the stage text - unknown.)

Estimated place for their play - "Action Third" (hell)

Is it for the sinner of torment

is it on a spit?

I are you sinner

to get the boots to the warrant

II Make it to order the boots-b

I here it would be

II here from this b sinner probably died

Think probably scared

Screw the tail

We have on Earth tails cleaner

Everything is not with tails, but in tails

Here you are clever morde - times

Cut and on the plug a piece of Lyaska

And we have orders-with

And we have paper

In the meantime organized Soviet power

Also they suffered anywhere

Now their batch has come

and Soviet bureaucrat

calmed in a hundred times

And if this practice we have

Then we will manage to go with you

His great<ество> Beelzebub

asks for him to the headstow

Throw hopes themselves worried

Draft autographs inserts into the text of the second option for the performance in

honor of delegates 111 Congress Communist International. Note

book of 1921, M 9.

Rows from the "Prolog" 10-25, 1-9.

3 lands of the rising messenger

10-20 of your countries

still fly to the air

explode with America and Asia

and we can

and move and see

frequently growing by<д> fantasy

21-25 Everything that the battles won on the field

all that the area has spread to all the frets

now it will be in front of you

as in a drop of water

Insertion in the text II actions - the consecration dialogue with unclean.

There are no actors.

1 Agree

2 is absent.

3-4 to the measure of white

in the measure of Cherne

3 and in the measure of al

11-12 absent.

13 Take the second

15-17 Neither children

as in any way

political figure

White autograph inserts into the text of the second, option for the performance in

honor of delegates III Congress Communist International.

There are no 32-37 in the Prologue.

Insert in text II actions. The dialogue of the conventor with unclean.

11 I share of them

we do not want to know any second

15 [lion himself<и>] Tea German Social Democrats Not

"13 years of work", t. II:

There is no subtitle.

In the remark between 176 and 177 ... vesting Australians

650 Select soon!

In the remark between 673 and 674 ... change posts

"727 and 728 drives unclean in the trum

and while it is to be with them

In the remark between 1080 and 1081 ... pulls out the tube

In the remark between 2469 and 2470 (unclean.)

1826 is absent.

Remarika after 1826 unclean (break the paradise, rummaged

hop with lightning)


Lifting publications of the works of V. Mayakovsky, which included in the second volume

epoch made by Vladimir Mayakovsky, 3 actions, 5 paintings, "IMO", P.

1918, 79 pp.

Heroes and victims of the revolution. October 1917-1918. Figures: Boguslavskaya,

Kozlinsky, Makletsova, Bunches. Text of Vladimir Maykutsky, Edition of the Department

fine arts of the Commissariat of Folk Enlightenment, P. 1918, 19 liters.

Mystery-buff. Heroic, epic and satirical image of our

epochs made by Vladimir Mayakovsky, 2nd edition, ed. "IMO", P. 1919, 71

p. (reached in April).

Everyone studied by Vladimir Mayakovsky 19 09-1919, ed. "IMO", P. 1919,

280 p. (Reached in May).

Soviet alphabet, publication and lithographs of the author, M. 1919, 30

p. (Released in September).

150 000 000, GIZ, M. 1921, 70 p. (Released in May).

Mystery-buff. (Second editors.) Annex to magazine "Bulletin

theater, ", љ91-92, ed. Glavdritzveta, M. 1921, 32 p. (June).

Story about deserter. Figures Mayakovsky, Giz, M. 1921, 16 pp.

Mayakovsky mocks. The first book of satire, ed. "Vhutemas", M. 1922,

Maf, a series of poets љ 3, 48 p. (Released in May).

Mayakovsky mocks. The first book of satire, 2nd edition, ed.

"Vhutemas", M. 1922, Maf. A series of poets љ 3, 48 pp. (Released in July).

13 years of work. The first volume is ed. "Vhutemas", M. 1922, Maf, 304 pp.

(Released in February 1923).

13 years of work. The second volume. Part One, ed. "Vhutemas", M. 1922, Maf,

464 p. (Released in October).

Elected Mayakovsky, ed. ac. Society. "On the eve", Berlin - Moscow, 1923,

256 p. (Came out in February).

Mayakovsky smiles, Mayakovsky laughs, Mayakovsky mocks, ed.

"Circle", M.-P. 1923, 190 p. (Augmented in April).

Poems about the revolution, ed. "Krasnaya Nov," M. 1923, 98 pp. (Reached in

Poems about the revolution. 2nd, extra. Edition, ed. "Krasnaya Nov.", M. 1923, 124

page (left in August).

The sun. Poem. [Pooh "an extraordinary adventure, former

Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the cottage "], ed." Circle ", M.-P. 1923, 23 pp.

Cover and drawings of Larionov.

255 pages. Book I, Giz, M.-P. 1923 (reached in July).

A fairy tale of deserter, who settled thumbs up, and what kind of fate

he graduated from his own and family of skinning, ed. "Red Novy", M. 1923, 13 pp.

Figures Mayakovsky.

Two poems (educational work of the Graphic Faculty of Vhowemas),

M. 1924, 20 pp.

Songs to peasants, ed. "Down with illiteracy", M. 1925, 167 p.

Songs workers, ed. "Down with illiteracy", M. 1925, 98 pp.

Americans for memory, ed. "New Wardle Press", New York, 1925, 52 pp.

The sun is visiting Mayakovsky, ed. "New Wardle Press", New York, 1925,

32 p. [Poems "an extraordinary adventure, former with Vladimir

Mayakovsky summer at the cottage. "]

Favorites from Favorites, ed. "Spark", M. 1926, 54 pp.

Writings, t. II, GIZ, M.-L. 1928, 364 pp.

Works, t. III, GIZ, M.L. 1929, 448 p. (Released in January).

Works, t. IV, Giz, M.-L. 1929, 382 pp.

School Mayakovsky, Giz, M.-L., 104 pp. 1929 (came out in September).

Grozny laughter, Gichl, M. 1932, 180 pp. (Prepared by the author).

Adopted abbreviations

BMM - Library Museum of V. V. Mayakovsky.

Tsgali - Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the USSR.

Alley - Institute of World Literature. A. M. Gorky Academy of Sciences

Mystery-buff. Second option. Draft autographs of several passages in

notebook 1921, љ 8 (BMM); Mastepture without copyright

1921 (stored by A. V. February). The first edition is an application to journal.

text, excerpts of the prolobe and inserts in the II action to the spectrum in honor

delegates of the III Communist International Congress in the notebook

1921, љ 9 (BMM); White autograph prolobe and inserts in II Action (BMM);

prolog Masters and inserts in II Action (stored by A. V. February);

Works, t. III.

The second option is written in two more than a year after the first in connection with

the inclusion of the play in the repertoire of the Moscow theater of the RSFSR first leading

Sun. Meyerhold. Started in October 1920, ended in December 1920 - early

january 1921

In the compositions of the compositions (two-volume "13 years of work" and writings, vol. III)

Mayakovsky printed next to both options as two independent works.

In this edition, the following lines are printed in the text journal.

"Herald of the theater."

Rows 296-298.

First was Russian, -

Russia became narrow.

These Bolsheviks are so horror!

At first was Russian.

These Bolsheviks are so horror!

After string 363 prints:

(Viciously. And the fisherman and the Frenchman crutize the neck of the conventor.)

(And the fisherman and the French are crushed by the neck of the conventor.)

Remarika after row 483:

Straight from the hall to tensely pepper

instead: straight to tensely peeking.

Rows 1825-1826:

You have to close a bench at all.

What now we are sinners in a pitch?

Rows 2265-2266.

And for whom bread?

And for whom bread

Moscow Theater of the RSFSR first. The performance was followed daily to

In the past numbers of June 1921, in Moscow, it was carried out

special setting of the second version of the play in honor of the delegates 111

congress Communist International. The play was in German in

translation Rita, in the premises of the first state circus. In the play

actors invited from various Moscow theaters took part.

For this performance, Mayakovsky wrote a new prologue, directly

addressed to representatives of the international proletariat, a new epilogue and

dialogue "Agreement" and "unclean".

Mayakovsky also wrote Libretto to the play, printed (without signature) in

speak program. Prologue and the "Agreement" dialogue with "unclean" printed

on typewritten text. The text of the epilogue is not preserved.

Prologue and Epilogue "Agreement" with "unclean" first published in

Full Cathedral cit., t. III, GIHL, M. 1934

"Mystery-Buff" in the second version was delivered in 1921 in Tomsk,

Perm (Molotov), \u200b\u200bTambov, Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk), Krasnodar,

Kharkov, Omsk; in 1922 - in Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk; In 1923, in Moscow and in

three theaters of Kazan.

Savaof - the biblical name of God.

Row 118. Frederichrasse - Street in Berlin.

Row 124. Shaideman - German politician, representative

right Social Democrats. During the November revolution of 1918 in Germany and

then during its stay, the EO temporary government - a traitor

german proletariat.

Row 132. Winning Alley - see page 493.

Row of 133. Gogenzollerns are the dynasty of the last German emperors.

Row 151 ... from Fosh Lee, or from ...- This is due to the offensive

Germany, undertaken in 1918 by the Army of Anntha, under the general command

french Marshal Fosha, as well as flashed in November 1918 in Germany

revolutionary traffic workers.

Row 213. Viva La France! - (Franz. Vive La France!) - Long live

Row 217. Imperial - Russian antique gold coin.

Row 276. Lloyd George - see page 501.

Row 573. Nikolayevka - the name of the royal

paper money issued under Nicolae II.

Row 585. Sukharevka - the common name of one of the major

moscow markets that existed on the Sukhareva (now collective farm) square.

"Sukharevka" was one of the main foci of speculation, and at the end of 1920 this

the market was closed.

Clemanso - see p. 502.

years of civil war.

Row of 1717. "Down with Tiranans, away Skova" - the first line of popular

revolutionary song "Red Banner".

Rows 1884-1889. Non-smoking! Need appointees ... here's you

time! Buffer-s needed. - This refers to the discussion about the trade unions 1920-1921

Rows 2128-2129. Tverskaya, Sadovaya - Streets in Moscow. Tverskaya - now

Heroic, epic and satirical image of our era

1. Seven pairs of clean

Abyssinian Negub, Indian Raja, Turkish Pasha, Russian Check, Chinese, Persian Persian, Fat Frenchman, Australian with Wife, Pop, German Officer, Italian Officer, American, Student.

2. Seven pairs of unclean

Petropher, lamprik, driver, seamstress, ministerial, carpenter, mortar, servant, shoemaker, blacksmith, bunker, bag and Eskimos: fisherman and hunter.

3. Lady-hysterics.

4. Damn. Headquarters Velzevula

and two wizards.

5. Saints. Zlatoust

Lion Tolstoy, Mafusail

Jean Jacques Rousseau and others.

6. Things. Machine, bread, salt, saw, needle, hammer, book, etc.
7. The person is simple.

Places of action
I. All universe.
II. The ark.
III. 1st picture: hell.
2nd picture: Paradise.
3rd picture: The Land Promised.

Seven unclean par

This about us appealed to the earth by the voice of the cannon.
We were waving the fields, the blood is felling.
Cesarean cross section of war.
revolutions day -
Going, brain skull!
Our second birthday -
Moor Mature.
It happens -
will be a steamer in the distance,
and leaves water mirror
And long smoke breathing legends, -
So life escaped from us to today.
We wrote the gospel,

"Lost and Returned Paradise"

and further,
and further -
Much many books.
Each is the joy of the afterlife promit, intelligent and cunning.
We want on Earth
no higher live
and not lower
All these firings, houses, roads, horses and herbs.
We are tired of heavenly Slavs -
Chuck let eat rye!
We are tired of paper passions -
Let live with a live wife!
In the wardrobes of theaters
Sparkles of opera poetry
yes raincoat Mehistophelsky -
All that is there!
Old tailor not for our tried waves.
Open -
Yes, ours.
We place a place!
Over dust theaters
Our motto will turn around:
"All over again!"
Stove and divide!

Dissate. We are torn in the curtain, cautious by the relics of the old theater.

First action

On the glow of the northern radiance, the globe, resting by a pole in the floor of the floor. Rangers of latitudes and longitudes over the entire ball stairs. Between two walrles supporting the world, the Eskimo-hunter, who burst into the ground, yells another, stretching in front of him by the fire.



There is no other business -
Finger to pull the earth.

Where is the hole?

What flows?

(jumping, running around and sting for a clamping finger)

Case of unclean hands.
I will go warning the polar circle.

Runs. On him because of the slope of the world, the man's squeezing sleeves is sharpened. A second is looking for a button and, without finding, hacking the fur coat.

Phenomenon first

Monsieu Eskimo!
Monsieu Eskimo!
Scary hastily!
A couple of minutes ...

at home in Paris
I'm sitting this,
ev filile
I do not remember something else
And I see -
Very Verry Eiffel.

I think not Boshy

Suddenly the Gul.
On the roof run
Killing a house of the house is the island,
Anhydrous surf
Quarters overwhelmed.
Paris - Anxious Sea Brad.
Invisible waves Bass notes.
And for,
and over
and under,
And before
houses dreadnota.
And before the thought could spread
from the Germans, or from ...

I am all
Before string.
Look -
all dry
But pour, and pour, and pours.
And suddenly,
Pompeiy Pompeii pompous, the picture turned around -
With Korean
Paris was burned
And wounded in the abyss
The world in the molten mountain.
I woke up on the crest of current villages,
I have my own collected yacht club experience, -
and so
in front of you
What remains now from Europe.


Calm down, of course ...
day, with two-s!

Yes, tell you without these European sedes!
What do you need? There is not up to you.

(showing horizontally)

Allow me ... Near your divergent seals!

The fisherman straightened the fire with his hand, goes to the other side - to warn the circle - and stumps on escalating from the other slope of sparkling Australians.

Second phenomenon

(retreating in surprise)

And there was no more disgusting person?!

Australian with his wife

We are Australian.


I am a Australian.
We were all.
Like something:
Wrockpoint, palm, dike, cactus ...


(crying, in the smelted feeling)

And everything drowned ...
Everything on the bottom ...

(pointing to the lightweight French)

Here go to them!
And then they are one.

Having gathered again, Eskimo stopped, listening to two voices from two sides of the globe.

Hold on to the northern latitude!

Grab about the southern longitude!

Phenomenon third

On the ropes of latitude and longitudes, the German and Italian officers are rolled from the globe, friendly rush to each other. Both together.

Paazvolt shake!

Having learned the enemies, pull out the outstretched hands and, snatching the saber, rushes.


If I knew!

Damned Shvab

Damned Italian!
If I knew, yes I b! ..


Eviva Italy!

Gok Faterlands!

The Frenchman rushes between clutch, Australian worst Italian, Australian - German.

Throw you!
No fabric.

(Investing sabers)

No, it is not necessary.

(shaking head)

Here is a gang!

Right eager to leave the Eskimo again, our checkout will be departed.

Fourth phenomenon

this mess!
Yes, I'm asia?
"Destroy Asia" - the Council of Soviet.
Yes, I was not in zist Asian was not!

(Calming down a bit.)

First snapped
Then went.
Further more,
more - above
Slot into the streets
Ranied roofs ...


Hear a hook?

The flood! Skop! Flood! About Flood! Flood!

Phenomenon fifth

Negus ahead, behind him Chinese, Persian, Turk, Raja, Pop, student, hysterical lady. The procession is closed all seven pairs of unclean from all sides.

Although a little black snow-s,
but nonetheless
I am Abyssinian Negub.
My regards!
I left now my Africa.
Four in her Nile, the Break River.
How neil was rushed, kingdom squeezing into the river
And the fence in it is my Africa.
Although there is no estate
but nonetheless…


…but nonetheless
my regards.
I have heard! I have heard!

Please do not forget!
Says Nehus,
And Negus wants to eat.
What is it?
Must be a delicious dog?

I am the ladies - a dog!
This is a walrus, not a dog.
Go sit down, do not blur anyone.

(Referring to the rest.)

What do you want?

Utop my china.

My Persia went to the bottom.

Even India
Incidental India, and that ...

And from Turkey, the memories of one left!

What is this hum!

Lady hysterical

(breaking hands, separated from the crowd)

Listen to
I can not!
I can not among animal fish!
Let me go
to love
To the game.
Who is these railing?
These shadows railing
Standing by the shores of bloody rivers?
Listen to
I can not!
Even to love, I forgot already.
Do not!
I am!
I want children,
I want my husbands
I can not live unloved.
Listen, I can't!


Do not try your eyes ...
Do not bite lips ...

(Impregnated to the fire is unclean, arrogant.)

And who are you nations?


In the world chasing everything
I got used to our stray Narodin.
We are no nations.
Our work is our homeland.

These are proletarians!
Proletia ...
Proletia ...

(French, patting him on a fair stomach)

Noise Flood, I suppose, in the ears?

(he, mockingly and signer)

Lit now and fell asleep on the bed?
Would you put you in the trenches and in the mine!

Passing RudOople


Yes -
We are nothing -
We saw wets.

Unclean pass, separating a squeezing crowded crowd clean, seed by the fire. The crowd of clean closes them in a circle. Pasha climbs in the middle.

We must discuss what happened?
Let's breathe in the essence of the phenomenon.

Business is simple -

And in my opinion - a flood.

And not a flood at all,
And then B.
The rain was.

There was no rain.


So, this idea is also wild ...

But anyway -
What is it, orthodox, happened?
Let's, faithful, look at the root.

The people, in my opinion, became uncomfortable.

I think war, me.

In my opinion, the reason is different.
In my opinion, metaphysical ...


War - metaphysical!
Started from Adam.

In turn!
In turn!
Do not arrange Sodom!

Let's talk gradually.
Your word, student.

(Justified before the crowd.)

And then he even on the lips of foam.

Everything was simple:
day changed the night
Zarya is too much swept away.
Later -
Granite piles of capitals
And the sun itself is a real Ryzhina -
Everything became as if a little tech,
Crying a bit
Little languished.
Then how to go!
Streets are pouring
The melted house will be overthound on the house.
The whole world,
In the domain furnaces of revolutions melted,
Fucked with a solid waterfall ...

Lord, attention!
This is drizzled.

Australian wife

Pretty drizzle!
Ocked like piglets.

Maybe the end of the world is close,
and we
Minting, Ore and Rzhym.


(Humbles to the Pole)

Become here!
It does not order here.

(taking the knee of a clamping hole with the patience of Eskimo inherent in this people)

Hey, you!
Went to the walrus!

The Eskimo Hunter departs, and scored out of the open hole in the jet there. Fan was scattered clean, inseparable oral.


A minute later, everyone rushes to the jet.


Floored. Only Australian remained the globe with his finger in the hole. In general, the interlardment was perplexed for a couple of laneops.

Decide the last top.
The last inches pours water.

Who is it?
Who is this wardrobe with a beard?

Sie on forty nights and forty den ...

The Lord progressed his mind!

There was a similar precedent in history.
Remember the famous adventure Noevo.

(Waving to the place of the pop)

Nonsense -
and history, and precedent, and the property ...

Towards a matter!

Let's, brothers, build a smoked!

Australian wife

Right! The ark!

Here is a hunt!
Steamer Build!

Two steamers.

All Capital will put!
They were saved, and we are smarter than those.


Long live,
Long live technique!

Sit Hands -
who agrees.


And do not need hands.
Seen by the eyes.

And clean and unclean raise hands.

(who took the place of the merchant, with anger inspecting the blacksmith that raised his hand)

And you also?
Yes, and you are not tricking!
Let's not take unclean!
Will know how to scold us.

Do you know how to saw and strict?


I changed my mind.
Take unclean.

Just save non-drinking and stuck.

(Climbing the Frenchman)

TSC! Gentlemen
Maybe also do not have to put up with unclean.
We do not know that with the fifth part of the world.
Gang, and did not even bother to know
There are Americans among us.


Well and head!

Not a man and the German Chancellor

Joy cuts over Australian Creek.

Directly from the hall to a tensely pepper, an American is broken.


Merciful sovereigns,
Where is the ark here?

(stretches the paper)

from Utop America
Two hundred billion check.

Silent despondency. And suddenly the scream of the Pressing Water Australian.


What is smoothed? Will be staring!
By God, will be taken out!
Koching your fingers ...

Clean dried out. Injectionfully rubs to unclean.


Well, comrades,

Elegant blacksmith

And I have it!
For me, at least ...

(Waving hands unclean.)

Ida, comrades!
Go, so go!

Unclean ride. Saws, plans, hammers.

Second action

Deck ark. In all directions of the panorama of the lands swear in the wave. In low clouds, tangled with ropes of mast ladders. In the side of the cutting and entrance to the hold. Clean and unclean lined up on a close board.

I wish I now beyond the board.

Look there:
Not a wave, but a fence!

In vain I was confused with you.
Always like this
no sense.
Navigators too!
Found a sea wolf.


Iha, put it!
Buzzing and dresses.

What is the fence!
Closed the wall.

Very silly-s!
I tell you with clutch and pain.
We would sit.
Land still keeps.
What is neither there, but still pole.

What wolves are yours
Waves lie.

Both Eskimos, chauffeur and Australians - immediately.

what is it?
What about Alaska?

Well, it was darting!
That Stone Prashoy.


Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!

(burst out, attached by memories)

Oh my God!..
Oh my God!..
the whole family
We will gather at the tea table -


(Measuring the tip of the nail)

Wonderful, to God!
Well, not sorry
Neither so much.


I watches supplies.
Will there be a wineglass?

There will be.

Come in Tel!

Well, as wizard?
Not very roasted?

Nothing is supported
nicely roasted.

Clean alone. Unclean descend in the trum, sinking.

What lose us? Will it be afraid of a flood?
Sit down the legs - in the light of the light.
Eh, and recreation in steamers!
And the Morzhatonka eat and vodka bump not sin.
Eh, not sin!

Pure surrounded the broken Frenchman.

Shame, right!
Throw to yell something!

We will run somehow

departure to Ararat

With hunger, you run down, until the mountain.

(Listens to the noise in the trum.)

IS, Rzut!

What are they!
I caught fish and croup.

Take the network or Ostroga and also let's catch.

How to contact her?
I only can pick up a sword in a man.

I threw the network,
thought - fishery
and nothing -
One Travin.


What Dorosley:

first Guild

And crush algae.


(Significantly raises the finger)

What are we so then?
What did it hurt us so much?
We now have a common enemy.

(Indicates the hold. Takes on hand and takes, on the go. Talking.)

I have something to go to you ...

Suspected, return.

(keeps speech)

We are all so clean.
Do we shed at work?
Let's make unclean, so that they work for us.

I would have forced them!
Yes where to me -
And from them any - oblique in the shoulders.


God save to fight!
Not fight
As long as the menu is survived,
until they squeeze
Take and put a pig on them ...

Choose a king!


Why the king?

And then that the king will make a manifesto -
All the eats of me, they say, should be given.
The king eats
And we eat -
His loyal.


I told you -
Bismorochye head!


Choosing soon!

But who?

Italian and French

He and in the hands of the entrance.

What will look?

Well, as they are there ...
Brazdes of the Board, or ...
What do you make?
Meaning one.

Gloss, Mr.

(French, Pasha and Student.)

You scream Manifest:
With God, they say, mercy ...
and we are here
So as not to get out.

Pasha and other stricter manifesto. German with an Italian unwind before leaving the hold of the rope. Steering, shame unclean. When the last crawling on the deck, the Italian and the German are changing places - and unclean enutians.

Phenomenon first


Go under the oath!


(badly dealing in events)

Can I be better sent?


I am sent to you -
Do not stand a hundred years!
Mr. Lieutenant,
Purify the gun!

That's how it is easier.

Some unclean


Fell, brothers.
How chickens in soup.


Shadow caps!
Who has a cap?

Chinese and Raja

(pushing the ass under the cabbage headed by Negub)

read, do not be breathing yet!

(on paper)

God's mercy
king of fried unclean chickens
And the Grand Duke on the same eggs,
without swaying anyone seven skins, -
Six down, the seventh is left, -
We declare our loyal:
Strike all -
Fish, bread, vegetable, pile
And what will have edible other things.
Government Senate
will not slow down
Select and pass us.

Improvised Senate from Pasha and Raji.

We listen to your majesty!

(managing) (Australian.)

You are in the cabins!


You are in storerooms!

So that the unclean did not take anything expensive.

(Merchant, overlapping a buncraft for him.)

You are getting down with him.
I am with Rajo on the deck I look at everything.

Fit here and come back again.

Joyful hum of clean

I dawn a whole mountain edible!

(rubbing hands)

And after fraternally, share mining
According to the Christian custom.

Second phenomenon

Convoed by officers, unclean ponuro descend in the hold, behind them - clean, except for the senate, shaking the deck. The first is returned by Australian. On a huge dish of Morzhatonok. Folds in front of Negub - and back in the hold.

Phenomenon third

Chinese with Australian

(Convoating a buncock)

This hosts as a man cake.

Fourth phenomenon

(with a carpenter)

Herring he.
Completed half.

Phenomenon fifth

(with chauffeur)

This sausage is increasing in storage.

Phenomenon of sixth

(with seamstress and laundry)

I almost got out of my mouth.

Seventh phenomena, eighth and ninth

The Frenchman returns, like everyone else. Persian delusito brings a bottle - and back. The Senate dragged the bunch of the ram and whisen in the hold. A minute on stage is one Negub, which focuses the brought brought. Then, tired, get out clean and, lining the hatch, head to the throne, praise.

I found Rostast -
And a whole cub!

What is he tastefully.


Morzhatona caught -
Rumyan, juicy.


Climb to Nehus. Before Neub, an empty dish. In one terrible voice.

What is here?
Mamaeva walked to rhe?!

(in the frencher)

One thing
one -
And so that so much to die!

I would take and born forth on the full feel.

I am anointed of God.

Less, how we ...


On empty stomach.

I didn't think about the bottom of the day.

I lay down.
The morning is wiser than the evening.

Stacked. Night. The moon quickly passes through the sky. The moon leans. Dawn. In the blue morning, the figure of the Italian figure is applied, on the other hand, the German is applied.


Are you sleeping?

The German shakes his head negatively.


Woke up in this girlfriend?

Highlight here!
In the stomach such a conversation.
Well, talk, talk more!


All cutlets will dream.

And what else could dream!

Cursed! So gloss.


Yes, and night wet.

(after a short pause)

you know what?..
I feel that I get a democrat.

Here is the news!
I always loved the people without memory.

And who suggested His Majesty to the footsteps to go?


Throw your poisonous arrows.
Autocracy as a form of government
undoubtedly outdated.

It becomes obsolete if neither Rosinka fell into the mouth.

Seriously! Seriously!
The coup is brewing.
Pretty water
Finchness with brave!

Hooray to the Constituent Assembly!

(Fall off the hatch.)

Hooray! Hooray!

(Each other.)


The tenth phenomenon

From the hatch climb awakened unclean.


What is it? Perevoked?

Citizens, coming to the rally!


Citizen, are you for the republic?


Rally? Republic What kind of such?

Now the intelligentsia is extinct.


Hey, you, intelligentsia!

"Intelligentsia" and the Frenchman will hide on the cut.

I declare a meeting open.


Your word.

This queary is impossible to mouth!

Right, citizen speaker!

Everything, damned, how to eat!


And no one will never crash to Ararat.


Rust Rusty Chains!


Down with,
Loose autocracy!

Drank the blood
Magazedi people ...

alon Zanfan

Common efforts are shaking the nongens and move overboard. Then clean take under the hands of unclean and diverge, singing.



You will not even believe.
I'm so insanely glad:
No now these century barriers.


We collapsed the age-old foundations.


The rest will be settled
The rest is empty.

Now we are for you, you are for us.


So-so! Look behind the nose.

(on the cut)

Well, citizens, pretty,
walked out to the vast.
Let's organize a democratic power.
That all this was soon and quickly,
we are, - rest, Lord, the soul of the Nekus, - we are thirteen
We will be ministers and ministerial assistants,
And you are citizens of the Democratic Republic, -
You will catch walruses, sew boots, bake bakes.
No objections?
Are arguments?

It would be not far to the water!

Long live! Long live a democratic republic!

And now I.


i suggest working.

And we are for feathers.
carry here
And we will all divide this equally, -
The last shirt in half will be torn.

Eleventh phenomena and twelfth

Pure install the table, arranged with papers, and when unclean bring edible, recorded in incoming and carefully with appetite. Bullman who came to the second time trying to look under the paper.

What to gear?
Get away from papers!
This, brother, it's not your mind.

The phenomenon is thirteenth

Blacksmith and Fisherman

Let's share the promised.


It is too early for food to us.

(reducing them from the table)

There I caught a shark.
Look at the shark -
No eggs carries, is not adapted to Moloka.


Anyway, Raja, whether you are
As the Turks say:
"Hey, Pasha, do not pierce!"

Fourteenth phenomenon

Goes and in a minute returns to a couple with other unclean; Suitable for the table.

How much do not do shark -
Do not be from a shark milk.



Time to have lunch!
Early flattering!


How beautiful it is:
Waves and seagulls.

Talk the ka better about the saches and about tea.

To the case!
To the case!
We are not up to tea.

Sticking, tilting the table. Empty plates bang on the deck.

Seamstress and practicing


The entire Council is ministerially.

(jumping on the tilted chair)

This is a knife in the back!

What is it?
Previously, he fought one mouth, and now fry with a mouth?
The republic was the same king, but only a knockout.

(picking in teeth)

What boil?
Promised and divide equally:
One is a bagel, the other - the hole from the bubble.
This is the Democratic Republic.

It is also necessary to someone and seeds - not all watermelons.


We will show you a class struggle!

Stand, citizens!
Our policy ...


From four ends, fell apart!
Let's show them what kind of policy!
Hold on
Waves Garoy.
Fell by the revolution,
What your Bulgaria is.

Armed with a folded clean during lunch weapons, pound clean on the stern. Fifte the heels of discharged clean. Only the merchant was hammered into the coal box.

Madame Hysterika

(all the time confused under his feet, bombed hands)

And again and again the shelter is destroyed,
And again and again confused and hum ...
Do not leut blood!
Listen, I can't!

Dissolved saliva!
Revolution to you, Madame, not a junker.

(It is politely taking it. The lady joins in hand.)

Can't, evil!

Her guys, guys, in the hatch hole!


Wouldn't Tama hurt
Still lady.

What to mumble?
Return - we can cut on the cross.


Or we - or those!

Boots sweep the clikush.
Hey, the people, what do not bother?


Is the big bread be supposed?

Likui! When thoughts are only about bread.


Likui! If everywhere just plyhabi.


Likui! When neither crumbs remained on the stern.

Several - immediately.

"Likui" shout!
You feed us.
We are hungry.
We are tired.
Will you pass steps and hundred.

Hungry? Tired?
Is there a tired of steel?

We are not steel.

So be the steel.
Do not stop at half
Eaten in drowning,
Back will not endure.
Now one remains to ratify
So that the force does not dry up to the place of Araratov.
Let us be a beat,
let let heat
Hunger let -
Let's look into his eyes,
We will foam one sea to eat.
We are here all the owners!

We go to temper yourself!

The same night descends. Blacksmith inflates mountains. Moon runs quickly.

The work was not launched.
Never more required fixed.
Put your own chest on anvil.
Hey! Who for prick?

I need new to put horseshoes.

Put the hand - not very noded.

I need something like that.


Fight legs, and then - wool.

Suitable one by one, the blacksmith works. Steel and indispensable go from the mountain, seed along the deck. Morning. Cold and hunger.

Without food - I don't care that the car without firewood.

Even I rent, what is healthy.

Lakes from hunger for muscle muscles.


Listen to
what is it?
Do you hear music?

From her sit down, they look frightened. Some heels in the trum. But not the wiser and the voice of the carpenter.

Antichrist discovered us
About Ararat and Rae.

(Frightened pushing, finger overboard.)

Who's there
walks along the waves
Does your bones play?


Throw you!
Sea Golo.
And who will be?


Won he!
This is hunger
We are talking!

Well, go!
There are no such people who fell.
Comrades, enemy at the side!
All on the decks!
He himself goes to the boarding.

Fifteenth phenomenon

Run, staggering, armed than hitting. Raw. Pause.

Well, go!
No one ...
And so
We will look again to watch fruitless waters.

So you pray for the shadows in the desert furnaces,
dying g -
You see that the desert is fastened.

(comes to terrible excitement, corrects the glasses, peering. Blacksmith)

There is
in the West -
Will you not notice the points?

What to look?
I don't care what to wear onto the tail or in a stupate the glasses.

(runs off, shake, climbs with a pipe to Rey - and after a minute he gone from his joy)

Ararat! Ararat! Ararat!

From all over.

Oh, as I am glad!
Oh, how glad I am!

Take a pipe from the driver. Hurt.

Where is he? Where?

Yes, here is visible
To the right ...

What is it?

That is how - goes?
Ararat - Mountain and can not walk.
Eyes Purity.

Three himself.

Yes, goes.
Some man.
Yes, man.
Old with a straight.
Young without a staff.
It goes on the water that in a suh!

Bells, lie!
Purge the ring!
Stay plants!
It is he!

He walked, cutting genisaret waters!

God has apples,
may be vested seven times per day
And only the Almighty turned around to us,
Now Christ crashes in the Western.

Do not need him!
Do not let go of the passing!
Not for prayers from hungry mouths.
Don `t move!
And then the hand will rise.
Who are you?

Sixteenth phenomenon

The most ordinary person enters the frossion deck.

Who am I?
I - woodcase
dense forest
convoluted Lianamov
Shower men skillful fitter,
Kamenotes of cobbled hearts.
I'm not tone in water
I do not burn on fire -
Bunta Eternal Spirit is adamant.
In your muscles
Dress yourself
Prepare body columns.
Harry workbenches, machines and mountains.
Hear on the machines and on the mountains.


This bought
The last peace in Igor.

New Sermon Nagorno

Another thunder did not argue himself,
Mountains of storms have not been frightened.
Oh, grief to those who clutched - Rokhley! -
Earth ark in the floating rhylad!
Araratov are waiting?
Araratov no.
Dreamed in a dream.
What if

mountain does not go to Magomet

that and hell with her!
Not about Rahe Christ, I do you.
Where the postmen are licking teas without sugar.
I'm about real earthly skies.
Judge for yourself: Christ's sky
Evangelists Hungry sky Lee?
In paradise my halls lomit furniture
Electrical service feshebel.
There sweet work is not a corp
Work rose flowers on palm.
There the sun such builds tricks,
What every step in color is sinking.
Here the eyelid sorrows the gardener experience -
glass flooring, navigasy,
and I have
On the roots of dope
Six times a year rose pineapples b.

We will go all!
What do we lose!
But will our sinful ruin?

My paradise for everyone
except for spirit
From the posts of great breaks with the moon.
Easier camel to crawl through needle ear,
than to me such an elephant.
To me -
who nailed a calm knife
And went from the enemy body with a song!
Go, unfortunately!
You are the first
In the kingdom of my heavenly.
Go, the love of all sorts of graspted adulterers,
who, on the cores of the rebellion, the devil sinks, -
You, tireless in your love
The kingdom is my heavenly.
Go all who are not a fit muul.
Anyone who is unbearable and closely
his -
The kingdom is my heavenly.

Does this not laugh on the beggar?
Where are they?
Draw what page?

Long road.
It is necessary through the clouds to us.

Each cloud I will smash the piety!

And if hell is heightened for hell?

Let's go there!
Do not assume the back.
Arrange us!
Where's she?

On the prophets stop grieving the eye,
Bring everything that read and honor.
And she, promised, will be under the side -
right here!
The end.
Word for you. I'm not m.

Disappears. On deck bewilderment.


In my opinion, he is in me.

I think I was pleased with him ...


Who is he?
Who is wrong with this spirit?
Who is he -
no name?
Who is he -
without patronymic?
Why is he?
What the prophecies threw?
Around the flood of a deadly bathroom.
There is a promised!

Ominous puchin sprinkled mouth.

(Hand in rei.)

The road is one - through the clouds forward!

Throw to the mast. Chorus.

Through the sky - go!

Boil, and already on the rim, a combat song is deployed.

We ourselves are now a romance sermon.
Come in the battle to try!

We go
We go to the latter!


There all winners rest for the battle.
Let the legs are tired, they are in the sky.

Bloody in the sky shoe!

Open firm
Heavens for the fence!
On sunny trapham
By stairs rainbows!

On solar similar
Swings rainbows!

Pretty prophets!

We are all Nazareas!

Slide on masts
Grab about Ri!

On masts!
On masts!
For rei!
For rei!

The seventeenth phenomenon

"For rei!" - freezes in the clouds. When the latter is hidden, from the coal box, looking at the merchant, hesitates his head, shakes his head on mast and, laughing, says.

It is necessary to be donkey!

(Cars the ark hand.)

Good on four hundred thousand
Even if on the layer.

But the joy is short-lived joy, - the head of the head pulled, the merchant is tumbling overboard.

Action third

Picture first

Hell. In three tiers, smoky yellow clouds are extended. On the upper tier inscription: "Purgatory", on average: "hell", on the bottom, swelling legs, squeeze two traits.

Two words about food:
difficult to us without Popov in hell,
And from Russia, as in sin, drive the feet.

(peering down)

What is it looming there?

Why mast? What a mast?

A steamer is some kind.
Yes, ship!
Cabin lights.
Life inexpensive!
Look, on the clouds of the body crab
themselves climb the line on the horns.

The old man is our
It will be cheated.

(Snaps at the first.)

Quieter you fucking
It is impossible to do without a hum!
Run, warning headquarters

Phenomenon first

The first runs. Above the middle tier is shown velzevul. Palm to forehead. Above the tier is promoted devils.


(making sure, yelling)

Hey you,
Cobble Cottile!
Yes more firewood -
Hold up the clouds, battalion is hard!
So none of those left from the road!

Second and third phenomenon

The devils were attached. Bottom comes: "On masts, on mast! For rei, for rei! " The crowd pumped is unclean, and the devils with a vilafts are immediately falling out.


(Pointing to extreme, seam with laughter)

How do you like these three?
You are trying! Earth root.

The guvot began to bother. They were frozen. T-S-S-S-S-C! Smallkley confused devils.



(on purgatory)

Do not stop!
Right there!


Yes Yes!
Damn, go ahead!
Do not let in purgatory!

Listen -
What is this style yet?

Throw it!



That is how to quit?!

So so.
Still, the old feature,
At the very beginning.
Found her God, than to suffer!
At the factory
have not happened?


I was not on your smelly.

And then B rolled out
You live here
Smooth so hard.


Good smooth
Good hard!
Pretty talk! Sick bonfires!


Found what to scare!
Funny, by God!
Yes, we have
In St. Petersburg
would you even pay
For such a head
And you grace.

Solid nu.


Pretty joke!
Through the soul!
All of you are gray now strangling!


Boast too!
What do you have? -
Slightly smacks gray.
We will be empty by suffocating gas -
The whole steppe from the sinels becomes gray,
The division once matches the ground.


Be sore, tell you, hot fry!
On the willars you will
Hour is uneven.

(leaving yourself)

What are you sneeze like forks!
Your stupid hell is all the same that honey we.
In the attack
Three quarters of Võlomit
In one perunion with fire machine gun.

Devils waved ears.


(tries to support discipline)

What are you standing?
Rassed her mouth!
Maybe he is all lying!

I'm lying?!
Sit here,
Caves Cave!
I'll tell you ...

... about our terrestrial horror.
What your velzevul!
We have a spider
ticks of thousands
all the land squeezed into a blood bunch,
Rail web addressed.
You at least there are no righteous children, -
Hand, I suppose, not risen to torment, -
And we and those!
No, devils,
You have better here.
As some non-chief turks,
sinner with a scope of a saddy on count
and we have cars
And we have a culture ...

(from the crowd of devils)

Humane we eat?
Top raw!

you have a breath, I was not late.

In our chocolate distinguish it.

(from the crowd of devils)


And blacks saw double-skinned skin, -
For the playback, so that could go?
In the ear nail?
Please why!
And wool pork want to nails?
We looked at the soldier in the opposite you would:
Compare if with him -
Your martyr snob ...

Wool rises on end!
Pretty! Pretty!
Such a church!

Think, scary?
Divorced kosteriks,
Washed the chhanki.
What are your devils?
Yes, you puppies!
Belts of you in factories
Stretched through the joints?



Here you go!
In someone else's monastery with his charter,

Only on timid pastes spoole?

What are you, to God, are you?
Damn how devils!

Velzeveul goes to the rabbit to famine the conversation.


I would invite you to bite bread and salt
to visit
yes what a treat now -
skin and bones.
You know, what are people now?
Hello, so it is imperceptibly on the dish.
There are no these baggartes in rize.
You understand the food crisis.
Dragged the other day of the worker
from cesspools,
So do not believe - there is nothing to sweat.


Went to hell!

(For long-standing waiting for workers.)

Ida, comrades!

Unclean moved; The latter clung to the lavender.

Have a good trip!
Confirm somehow in a new way,
without unnecessary holiness
And what about there, for example, Trinity?
And we will come to you when everything gets up.
Sit here
not essa
Days of five,
And the devils,
Damn appetite.

Unclean moved to swell. Breaking, fall clouds. Dark. From darkness and fragments of the empty scene, the following picture is evaporated, and while the song is rarely unclean.

Bodies of Adovs Doors Tear!
Purgatory in shreds!
Do not robet!

Purgatory to smire!
Do not robet!

From recreation body wean!
Burars above!
Step on the clouds!

Step on tiers!
On clouds!

End of the first picture

Picture of the second

Paradise. Cloud on the cloud. Beleso. At the middle, grayly having dialing on the cloud, paradise residents. Mafusail is reacting.


Go to the lightweight relics fix
Express the days-ka.
Glamolet Gabriel -
More than a dozen righteous.
Take them to your environment.
What mouse, hunger plays them,
They shit hell,
But they wander ...


Immediately can be seen - decent people.
We take.
Be sure to take.


Need to cover the table,
Get together.
The celebration of the meeting should be arranged to us.

You are here the oldest and be ceremoniester.


Yes, I do not know how ...



(bowed, goes to dispose of the table. Lines saints)

Here is Zlatoust.
Preparing a welcome toast:
- We, they say, we all welcome, and toldoo and Christ ...
You yourself know, you and books in your hands.
Here is Tolstoy, -
You have a good kind, decorative,
Became and stand.
Here is Jean Jacques.
So deploy Anfilaus,
And I will go the table to look after.
Do you get clouds, my son?


We hope - and on the table.
Cut even
cloud one,
Each slicer.
For fathers of Holiness the main thing is not meant,
And the speeches are dismissed, which at the table flow.

not visible yet?
So the edge of the cloud suspiciously found.
Go! Go! Go! Go!
Are they really they?
In Paradise, as if dirty carvishers.
Let's wash
M-yes, saints, it turns out different.

Phenomenon first

From below comes

Oritu in the gun!
In the gun bai!
We ourselves and Christ and the Savior!
We ourselves Christ!
We are the savior themselves!

Punch, punching the floor cloud, unclean.

Wow, and bearded!
Studs under three hundred!


Sick, please -
Silent pier!

Opened the people of the shawl!

Dark draisa!


Well, the ka, Zlatoust, go to toast!


What toasts there!
We are tired,
Like dogs, hungry!


Patience, brethren!
Now focusing.

Mafusiel leads unclean to the place where cloudy milk and cloudy bread on the cloud table.

Is there any chair?


No with,
There is no paradise.

Wonderworker b said -
It is worth the sutul.

Do not swear.
The main thing is to reinforce the forces.

They are thrown on the buckets and the edges, first surprise, then, indifferent, push off butafory.


Tassed, tasted!
And what is the fact that?


Do not bathe benotless creatures in wine?


We are waiting for you, damned,
We humblely die.
Kaba people knew that it was ahead!
We have
such raya
Although the pond of the pride.


(pointing to the saint, which scolded the blacksmith)

Do not indie, uncomfortable.
Angelic Chin.

We would talk better with the rank:
Doesn't chin cook your soup to us.

Not so we imagined it.


And it does not look like paradise.


So, ducts,
Dorved to Paradise!

Well, we share to you, hole, I!

Well, you are so sitting?

One of the angels

What for?
Happens to the ground
To the righteous brother or sister go,
And we return, the firings are silent there.

So these are a throat and crack?!
Would have acquired an elevator.

Second angel

And we are labels on the clouds, -

Christ initials.

You would still have sunflowers gnaw.

We visited me on the ground they
I would learn the loans from Leno!
Sing here:
"Down with tyrants, away.
And they will get to you
Do not see what you are high.

At all, as in St. Petersburg:
The population is crowded
Food is aboard.


Boring you.
Oh, and boring!


What can you do, such a system from us.
It certainly
Much not landscaped-s.

How to get out of here?


Ask Gabriel.

And gabriel which?
All - as one!


(proudly smoothing the beard)

Well, do not tell,
There is also a difference -
Here, for example, beards Length-s.


What to talk?
This institution is not for us.

To promised!
Look for paradise.
Heaven with carking climb.

Though all the universe will take it!

Rose paradise, racing up.

But when, through the debris, Paradise chalked up to the top, interrupts the blacksmith seamstress:

Yes what to feed the hungry gursing!

Long, break and break we
Is it not time by him?
Will Miami soon
Body tired by water?

Where to?
Do not find yourself in the new hell?
Inflated us!
We are inflated!
And then what?
The farther, the striking.


Forward pipe reader! Go, Lazhchik!

From the darkness of the wreckage of Paradise, the new, and the last, picture grows.

End of the second picture

Picture Three

Promised country. Higher, in full scene, gate. The gates are reeling into some angles, of which the streets and land of earthly locality are weak. And at the top, above the fence, the seed flowers and the burning seven-tightness shines the rainbow. At the gate of the crook, excitedly casting clocking.


Here, comrades!
Squake a landing!

Phenomenon first

They are raising unclean and terrible surprise is a gate.


Wonders-S-S-A !!

Why is it Ivanovo-Voznesensk!
Good wonders.

How to believe in passing, I will ask you!

Yes, not Visses it,
Believe honor.
This is Marseille.


And in my opinion, shuya.

Not shuya at all.
This is Manchester.

Manchester, Shuya -
not in this case:
the main thing -
again found themselves on earth,
Again at the same corner.

Sworn earth, damned,
Oh, and cooked!

Earth, yes not that!
To my mind,
For the earth, it does not know how to sleep?

What is it in the air -
Salted some kind of hardened?


In Shua?
Yes, and time as if for autumn.

Raise your heads. Rainbow beats in the eye.

Well, lamprik,
You are with a staircase, -
I climb and eye Okin.


(climbs and stops, measurements. Only mumps)

Fools we!
Well, and fools!


Yes, tell!
Watching that goose on zipper!
Talk! Owl!


I can not…
K-O-S-N-O-I-S-S-B ...
Give me, give a stuff
ray so that solar brighter and cleaner,
So as not a cloth hung,
To be crushed by Lear,
so that this language swayed jewelers
So that the words
Nightinglemen spread out mouth ...
And then you won't tell any damn!
Bottles burning walk, boulder ...


Yes, Bulkova!
Tree blooms,
Yes, not a flower, but a bull.


Yes, Bulka!

And the mistress is frozen
And the owner of the poscidoid
Going around the city, the sidewalks of the ugly?


From here no one can see.
I did not notice this kind of me.
Sugar woman ...
Two more!

Yes, there are some more detailed!


Yes, everyone goes
Each pen,
Each leg.
Factory in flags
Behind the loaf of the vest.
Wherever the gaze dies -
In colors
Without work cost
crafting table,



Out of work?
And here we will disk in verbal sports.
Maybe the rain will go
The machines will ruin.
Who is here?




Things are going!

Second phenomenon

The gate swapped, and the city opens. But what city! Smolden Mahina transparent factories and apartments are pupid into the sky. Ending rainbows, there are trains, trams and cars, and in the middle of the garden of stars and the moon, topped with the shining crown of the sun. From the shop windows will shoot the best things and, led by bread and salt, go to the goal.

According to the numb rows of pressed unclean.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Right dajer

Who you are?
Whose are you?

How is your host name?

No owners!
Draws we.

And for whom bread?
Sugar head?
Meet whom?

All you!


We sleep, must be.
Fiction of sleep.

like this
Sit Gallery.
On the scene of the ball.


Came out -
And such it seemed bitter
a life:

Nowhere is nowhere from you -
This is the Earth.

Will fool!
What is the earth!
Earth - dirt,
Earth - Night.
On Earth will work out - they will die,
And the fat will come and will select.

And you,
I suppose
Will biting.
Five hundred rubles that five hundred teeth must be
On each put.

Suitable! ..
Mouse gait.
Little charming us car!
You would only raise your teeth on the workers!

Sorry, working!
Work, sorry!
Rubble slaves,
Slaves of slave owner
Forced chain to be done!
Storing the Counters, Storububeva and Evil,
In the windows, the teeth of the glow teeth.
The merchants of the tentacles climb from shops.
Begins the evil heart of the bazaarov!
The revolution,
holy workout
With soap
All the dirt of the face of the earth washed.
For you,
While wandered in appearance,
Washing world
Flaw and dry!
Take your own!
Work, go!
Go, winner!

Noga is not a razor,
maybe not stopping.
Let's, brothers,
Let's try, stopping!

Unclean steps.

(touches the earth)

She is!
Roda Earth!

Match now!



Sugar something -
I licked him.


Sweet, just sweet.

Now with fun there will be no mold!

Comrades things
you know what?
Quite fate torture.
Let's do you do,
And you feed us.
And the owner is imposed - we will not release alive!
We will heal?


Unclean greedily look at things.

I would take a drink. Standing. Young.

And I - the needle b.

Hand does not tolerate - let's hammer!

Take! Dove!

Unclean, things and cars ring surround the sunny garden.


Pretty eludes Izhitsa!
Become, book!

The book becomes a respectfully open circle.

What are the oxen by the suburbs?
Waited for years
And never noticed
Soon such grace.
And why are people caress in museums?
Live treasure on treasure around.
What is it the sky or a piece of paper?
If this is the case of our hands,
what kind of door
Before us will not operate?
We are architects,
planets decorators,
We are the wonderworkers.
Rays withdraw the meteco bunches,
So that heaven with electricity with electricity.
We are the rivers of the worlds blooming in the honey,
Earth streets with stars pickers.
All cheers!
All over his own!
Sunchesthers in the world in the temple,
Let's show how to sing we can.
Become choir -
Sun Psalms!


Sleeping age-old spaced -
The whole sea in the morning.
Farming of the world, bloom!
You are ours!
And we have the sun, the sun and the sun.
Rejoice all who are strong
The shop of creators of the world, workers.
Barrel wine drier
a life.
Gray! Play! Gori!
Sun - our sun!
The world is rational.
The chain of iron changed the chain of loving hands.
Play a new game!
In the circle!
Play the sun. Sun roll. Play the sun!

Pause, and for her -

We go!
We go to hails and weighs,
Flags are our souls to pay.
Fold out of the mud
all to whom
Tired of the bed of the bedside narrow.
Granite cities,
Green villages -
Our all.
World - Communar.

Lovely love
Reason to land
The road to whom she.
Break, fields!
Cheer, factory!
Sunny Ours

Heroic, epic and satirical image of our era

1. Seven pairs are clean. Abyssinian Negub, Indian Raja, Turkish Pasha, Russian Check, Chinese, Persian Persian, Fat Frenchman, Australian with Wife, Pop, German Officer, Italian Officer, American, Student.
2. Seven pairs are unclean. Petropher, lamprik, driver, seamstress, ministerial, carpenter, mortar, servant, shoemaker, blacksmith, bunker, bag and Eskimos: fisherman and hunter.
3. Lady-hysterics.
4. Damn. Headquarters Velzevula
And two wizards.
5. Saints. Zlatoust, Lion Tolstoy, Mafusail, Jean Jacques Rousseau, etc.
6. Things. Machine, bread, salt, saw, needle, hammer, book, etc.
7. The person is simple.

Places of action
I. All universe.
II. The ark.
III. 1st picture: hell.
2nd picture: Paradise.
3rd picture: The Land Promised.


Seven unclean par

This about us appealed to the earth by the voice of the cannon.
We were waving the fields, the blood is felling.
Cesarean cross section of war.
revolutions day -
Going, brain skull!
Our second birthday -
Moor Mature.
It happens -
will be a steamer in the distance,
and leaves water mirror
And long smoke breathing legends, -
So life escaped from us to today.
We wrote the gospel,
"Lost and Returned Paradise",
and further,
and further -
Much many books.
Each is the joy of the afterlife promit, intelligent and cunning.
We want on Earth
no higher live
and not lower
All these firings, houses, roads, horses and herbs.
We are tired of heavenly Slavs -
Chuck let eat rye!
We are tired of paper passions -
Let live with a live wife!
In the wardrobes of theaters
Sparkles of opera poetry
yes raincoat Mehistophelsky -
All that is there!
Old tailor not for our tried waves.
Open -
Yes, ours.
We place a place!
Over dust theaters
Our motto will turn around:
"All over again!"
Stove and divide!

Dissate. We are torn in the curtain, cautious by the relics of the old theater.

First action

On the glow of the northern radiance, the globe, resting by a pole in the floor of the floor. Rangers of latitudes and longitudes over the entire ball stairs. Between two walrles supporting the world, the Eskimo-hunter, who burst into the ground, yells another, stretching in front of him by the fire.




There is no other business -
Finger to pull the earth.



Where is the hole?



What flows?



(jumping, running around and sting for a clamping finger)

Case of unclean hands.
I will go warning the polar circle.

Runs. On him because of the slope of the world, the man's squeezing sleeves is sharpened. A second is looking for a button and, without finding, hacking the fur coat.

Phenomenon first


Monsieu Eskimo!
Monsieu Eskimo!
Scary hastily!
A couple of minutes ...



at home in Paris
I'm sitting this,
ev filile
I do not remember something else
And I see -
Very Verry Eiffel.

I think not Boshy

Suddenly the Gul.
On the roof run
Killing a house of the house is the island,
Anhydrous surf
Quarters overwhelmed.
Paris - Anxious Sea Brad.
Invisible waves Bass notes.
And for,
and over
and under,
And before
houses dreadnota.
And before the thought could spread
from the Germans, or from ...



I am all
Before string.
Look -
all dry
But pour, and pour, and pours.
And suddenly,
Pompeiy Pompeii pompous, the picture turned around -
With Korean
Paris was burned
And wounded in the abyss
The world in the molten mountain.
I woke up on the crest of current villages,
I have my own collected yacht club experience, -
and so
in front of you
What remains now from Europe.




Calm down, of course ...
day, with two-s!


Yes, tell you without these European sedes!
What do you need? There is not up to you.


(showing horizontally)

Allow me ... Near your divergent seals!

The fisherman straightened the fire with his hand, goes to the other side - to warn the circle - and stumps on escalating from the other slope of sparkling Australians.

Second phenomenon


(retreating in surprise)

And there was no more disgusting person?!

Australian with his wife


We are Australian.


I am a Australian.
We were all.
Like something:
Wrockpoint, palm, dike, cactus ...


(crying, in the smelted feeling)

And everything drowned ...
Everything on the bottom ...


(pointing to the lightweight French)

Here go to them!
And then they are one.

Having gathered again, Eskimo stopped, listening to two voices from two sides of the globe.

Hold on to the northern latitude!

Grab about the southern longitude!

Phenomenon third

On the ropes of latitude and longitudes, the German and Italian officers are rolled from the globe, friendly rush to each other. Both together.

Paazvolt shake!

Having learned the enemies, pull out the outstretched hands and, snatching the saber, rushes.


If I knew!
Damn Schwab!


Damned Italian!
If I knew, yes I b! ..


Eviva Italy!


Gok Faterlands!

The Frenchman rushes between clutch, Australian worst Italian, Australian - German.


Throw you!
No fabric.

(Investing sabers)

No, it is not necessary.


(shaking head)

Here is a gang!

Right eager to leave the Eskimo again, our checkout will be departed.

Fourth phenomenon


this mess!
Yes, I'm asia?
"Destroy Asia" - the Council of Soviet.
Yes, I was not in zist Asian was not!

(Calming down a bit.)

First snapped
Then went.
Further more,
more - above
Slot into the streets
Ranied roofs ...



Hear a hook?

The flood! Skop! Flood! About Flood! Flood!

Phenomenon fifth

Negus ahead, behind him Chinese, Persian, Turk, Raja, Pop, student, hysterical lady. The procession is closed all seven pairs of unclean from all sides.


Although a little black snow-s,
but nonetheless
I am Abyssinian Negub.
My regards!
I left now my Africa.
Four in her Nile, the Break River.
How neil was rushed, kingdom squeezing into the river
And the fence in it is my Africa.
Although there is no estate
but nonetheless…



…but nonetheless
my regards.
I have heard! I have heard!


Please do not forget!
Says Nehus,
And Negus wants to eat.
What is it?
Must be a delicious dog?


I am the ladies - a dog!
This is a walrus, not a dog.
Go sit down, do not blur anyone.

(Referring to the rest.)

What do you want?


Utop my china.


My Persia went to the bottom.


Even India
Incidental India, and that ...


And from Turkey, the memories of one left!

What is this hum!

Lady hysterical

(breaking hands, separated from the crowd)

Listen to
I can not!
I can not among animal fish!
Let me go
to love
To the game.
Who is these railing?
These shadows railing
Standing by the shores of bloody rivers?
Listen to
I can not!
Even to love, I forgot already.
Do not!
I am!
I want children,
I want my husbands
I can not live unloved.
Listen, I can't!



Do not try your eyes ...
Do not bite lips ...

(Impregnated to the fire is unclean, arrogant.)

And who are you nations?



In the world chasing everything
I got used to our stray Narodin.
We are no nations.
Our work is our homeland.


These are proletarians!
Proletia ...
Proletia ...


(French, patting him on a fair stomach)

Noise Flood, I suppose, in the ears?


(he, mockingly and signer)

Lit now and fell asleep on the bed?
Would you put you in the trenches and in the mine!

Passing RudOople


Yes -
We are nothing -
We saw wets.

Unclean pass, separating a squeezing crowded crowd clean, seed by the fire. The crowd of clean closes them in a circle. Pasha climbs in the middle.


We must discuss what happened?
Let's breathe in the essence of the phenomenon.


Business is simple -

And in my opinion - a flood.


And not a flood at all,
And then B.
The rain was.


There was no rain.


So, this idea is also wild ...


But anyway -
What is it, orthodox, happened?
Let's, faithful, look at the root.


The people, in my opinion, became uncomfortable.


I think war, me.


In my opinion, the reason is different.
In my opinion, metaphysical ...



War - metaphysical!
Started from Adam.

In turn!
In turn!
Do not arrange Sodom!


Let's talk gradually.
Your word, student.

(Justified before the crowd.)

And then he even on the lips of foam.


Everything was simple:
day changed the night
Zarya is too much swept away.
Later -
Granite piles of capitals
And the sun itself is a real Ryzhina -
Everything became as if a little tech,
Crying a bit
Little languished.
Then how to go!
Streets are pouring
The melted house will be overthound on the house.
The whole world,
In the domain furnaces of revolutions melted,
Fucked with a solid waterfall ...

Lord, attention!
This is drizzled.

Australian wife

Pretty drizzle!
Ocked like piglets.


Maybe the end of the world is close,
and we
Minting, Ore and Rzhym.


(Humbles to the Pole)

Become here!
It does not order here.


(taking the knee of a clamping hole with the patience of Eskimo inherent in this people)

Hey, you!
Went to the walrus!

The Eskimo Hunter departs, and scored out of the open hole in the jet there. Fan was scattered clean, inseparable oral.


A minute later, everyone rushes to the jet.


Floored. Only Australian remained the globe with his finger in the hole. In general, the interlardment was perplexed for a couple of laneops.

Decide the last top.
The last inches pours water.


Who is it?
Who is this wardrobe with a beard?

Sie on forty nights and forty den ...


The Lord progressed his mind!


There was a similar precedent in history.
Remember the famous adventure Noevo.


(Waving to the place of the pop)

Nonsense -
and history, and precedent, and the property ...

Towards a matter!


Let's, brothers, build a smoked!

Australian wife

Right! The ark!


Here is a hunt!
Steamer Build!


Two steamers.


All Capital will put!
They were saved, and we are smarter than those.


Long live,
Long live technique!


Sit Hands -
who agrees.


And do not need hands.
Seen by the eyes.

And clean and unclean raise hands.


(who took the place of the merchant, with anger inspecting the blacksmith that raised his hand)

And you also?
Yes, and you are not tricking!
Let's not take unclean!
Will know how to scold us.

Do you know how to saw and strict?



I changed my mind.
Take unclean.


Just save non-drinking and stuck.


(Climbing the Frenchman)

TSC! Gentlemen
Maybe also do not have to put up with unclean.
We do not know that with the fifth part of the world.
Gang, and did not even bother to know
There are Americans among us.



Well and head!
Not a man, but the German chancellor.
Joy cuts over Australian Creek.
What is it?

Directly from the hall to a tensely pepper, an American is broken.


Merciful sovereigns,
Where is the ark here?

(stretches the paper)

from Utop America
Two hundred billion check.

Silent despondency. And suddenly the scream of the Pressing Water Australian.


What is smoothed? Will be staring!
By God, will be taken out!
Koching your fingers ...

Clean dried out. Injectionfully rubs to unclean.



Well, comrades,

Elegant blacksmith

And I have it!
For me, at least ...

(Waving hands unclean.)

Ida, comrades!
Go, so go!

Unclean ride. Saws, plans, hammers.


Second action

Deck ark. In all directions of the panorama of the lands swear in the wave. In low clouds, tangled with ropes of mast ladders. In the side of the cutting and entrance to the hold. Clean and unclean lined up on a close board.


I wish I now beyond the board.


Look there:
Not a wave, but a fence!


In vain I was confused with you.
Always like this
no sense.
Navigators too!
Found a sea wolf.


Iha, put it!
Buzzing and dresses.


What is the fence!
Closed the wall.


Very silly-s!
I tell you with clutch and pain.
We would sit.
Land still keeps.
What is neither there, but still pole.


What wolves are yours
Waves lie.

Both Eskimos, chauffeur and Australians - immediately.

what is it?
What about Alaska?


Well, it was darting!
That Stone Prashoy.





Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!


(burst out, attached by memories)

Oh my God!..
Oh my God!..
the whole family
We will gather at the tea table -


(Measuring the tip of the nail)

Wonderful, to God!
Well, not sorry
Neither so much.


I watches supplies.
Will there be a wineglass?


There will be.


Come in Tel!


Well, as wizard?
Not very roasted?


Nothing is supported
nicely roasted.

Clean alone. Unclean descend in the trum, sinking.

What lose us? Will it be afraid of a flood?
Sit down the legs - in the light of the light.
Eh, and recreation in steamers!
And the Morzhatonka eat and vodka bump not sin.
Eh, not sin!

Pure surrounded the broken Frenchman.


Shame, right!
Throw to yell something!


We will run somehow
Passed to Ararat.


With hunger, you run down, until the mountain.

(Listens to the noise in the trum.)

IS, Rzut!


What are they!
I caught fish and croup.

Take the network or Ostroga and also let's catch.


How to contact her?
I only can pick up a sword in a man.


I threw the network,
thought - fishery
and nothing -
One Travin.



What Dorosley:
First Guild

And crush algae.


(Significantly raises the finger)


What are we so then?
What did it hurt us so much?
We now have a common enemy.

(Indicates the hold. Takes on hand and takes, on the go. Talking.)

I have something to go to you ...

Suspected, return.


(keeps speech)

We are all so clean.
Do we shed at work?
Let's make unclean, so that they work for us.


I would have forced them!
Yes where to me -
And from them any - oblique in the shoulders.


God save to fight!
Not fight
As long as the menu is survived,
until they squeeze
Take and put a pig on them ...


Choose a king!


Why the king?


And then that the king will make a manifesto -
All the eats of me, they say, should be given.
The king eats
And we eat -
His loyal.




I told you -
Bismorochye head!


Choosing soon!

But who?

Italian and French

He and in the hands of the entrance.


What will look?


Well, as they are there ...
Brazdes of the Board, or ...
What do you make?
Meaning one.


Gloss, Mr.

(French, Pasha and Student.)

You scream Manifest:
With God, they say, mercy ...
and we are here
So as not to get out.

Pasha and other stricter manifesto. German with an Italian unwind before leaving the hold of the rope. Steering, shame unclean. When the last crawling on the deck, the Italian and the German are changing places - and unclean enutians.

Phenomenon first



Go under the oath!


(badly dealing in events)

Can I be better sent?


I am sent to you -
Do not stand a hundred years!
Mr. Lieutenant,
Purify the gun!


That's how it is easier.

Some unclean


Fell, brothers.
How chickens in soup.


Shadow caps!
Who has a cap?

Chinese and Raja

(pushing the ass under the cabbage headed by Negub)

read, do not be breathing yet!

(on paper)

God's mercy
king of fried unclean chickens
And the Grand Duke on the same eggs,
without swaying anyone seven skins, -
Six down, the seventh is left, -
We declare our loyal:
Strike all -
Fish, bread, vegetable, pile
And what will have edible other things.
Government Senate
will not slow down
Select and pass us.

Improvised Senate from Pasha and Raji.

We listen to your majesty!


(managing) (Australian.)

You are in the cabins!


You are in storerooms!


So that the unclean did not take anything expensive.

(Merchant, overlapping a buncraft for him.)

You are getting down with him.
I am with Rajo on the deck I look at everything.


Fit here and come back again.

Joyful hum of clean

I dawn a whole mountain edible!

(rubbing hands)

And after fraternally, share mining
According to the Christian custom.

Second phenomenon

Convoed by officers, unclean ponuro descend in the hold, behind them - clean, except for the senate, shaking the deck. The first is returned by Australian. On a huge dish of Morzhatonok. Folds in front of Negub - and back in the hold.

Phenomenon third

Chinese with Australian

(Convoating a buncock)

This hosts as a man cake.

Fourth phenomenon


(with a carpenter)

Herring he.
Completed half.

Phenomenon fifth


(with chauffeur)

This sausage is increasing in storage.

Phenomenon of sixth

(with seamstress and laundry)

I almost got out of my mouth.

Seventh phenomena, eighth and ninth

The Frenchman returns, like everyone else. Persian delusito brings a bottle - and back. The Senate dragged the bunch of the ram and whisen in the hold. A minute on stage is one Negub, which focuses the brought brought. Then, tired, get out clean and, lining the hatch, head to the throne, praise.


I found Rostast -
And a whole cub!


What is he tastefully.


Morzhatona caught -
Rumyan, juicy.





Climb to Nehus. Before Neub, an empty dish. In one terrible voice.

What is here?
Mamaeva walked to rhe?!

(in the frencher)

One thing
one -
And so that so much to die!


I would take and born forth on the full feel.


I am anointed of God.


Less, how we ...


On empty stomach.


I didn't think about the bottom of the day.


I lay down.
The morning is wiser than the evening.

Stacked. Night. The moon quickly passes through the sky. The moon leans. Dawn. In the blue morning, the figure of the Italian figure is applied, on the other hand, the German is applied.


Are you sleeping?

The German shakes his head negatively.


Woke up in this girlfriend?


Highlight here!
In the stomach such a conversation.
Well, talk, talk more!



All cutlets will dream.


And what else could dream!


Cursed! So gloss.


Yes, and night wet.


(after a short pause)

you know what?..
I feel that I get a democrat.


Here is the news!
I always loved the people without memory.


(sort of)

And who suggested His Majesty to the footsteps to go?


Throw your poisonous arrows.
Autocracy as a form of government
undoubtedly outdated.


It becomes obsolete if neither Rosinka fell into the mouth.


Seriously! Seriously!
The coup is brewing.
Pretty water
Finchness with brave!

Hooray to the Constituent Assembly!

(Fall off the hatch.)

Hooray! Hooray!

(Each other.)


The tenth phenomenon

From the hatch climb awakened unclean.


What is it? Perevoked?



Citizens, coming to the rally!


Citizen, are you for the republic?



Rally? Republic What kind of such?


Now the intelligentsia is extinct.


Hey, you, intelligentsia!

"Intelligentsia" and the Frenchman will hide on the cut.


I declare a meeting open.


Your word.


This queary is impossible to mouth!

Right, citizen speaker!


Everything, damned, how to eat!



And no one will never crash to Ararat.



Rust Rusty Chains!


Down with,
Loose autocracy!



Drank the blood
Magazedi people ...



Hey, you,
Alon Zanfan
in water!

Common efforts are shaking the nongens and move overboard. Then clean take under the hands of unclean and diverge, singing.



You will not even believe.
I'm so insanely glad:
No now these century barriers.



We collapsed the age-old foundations.




The rest will be settled
The rest is empty.


Now we are for you, you are for us.



So-so! Look behind the nose.


(on the cut)

Well, citizens, pretty,
walked out to the vast.
Let's organize a democratic power.
That all this was soon and quickly,
we are, - rest, Lord, the soul of the Nekus, - we are thirteen
We will be ministers and ministerial assistants,
And you are citizens of the Democratic Republic, -
You will catch walruses, sew boots, bake bakes.
No objections?
Are arguments?


It would be not far to the water!


Long live! Long live a democratic republic!


And now I.


i suggest working.


And we are for feathers.
carry here
And we will all divide this equally, -
The last shirt in half will be torn.

Eleventh phenomena and twelfth

Pure install the table, arranged with papers, and when unclean bring edible, recorded in incoming and carefully with appetite. Bullman who came to the second time trying to look under the paper.

What to gear?
Get away from papers!
This, brother, it's not your mind.

The phenomenon is thirteenth

Blacksmith and Fisherman

Let's share the promised.


It is too early for food to us.


(reducing them from the table)

There I caught a shark.
Look at the shark -
No eggs carries, is not adapted to Moloka.



Anyway, Raja, whether you are
As the Turks say:
"Hey, Pasha, do not pierce!"

Fourteenth phenomenon

Goes and in a minute returns to a couple with other unclean; Suitable for the table.


How much do not do shark -
Do not be from a shark milk.



Time to have lunch!
Early flattering!


How beautiful it is:
Waves and seagulls.


Talk the ka better about the saches and about tea.

To the case!
To the case!
We are not up to tea.

Sticking, tilting the table. Empty plates bang on the deck.

Seamstress and practicing


The entire Council is ministerially.

A carpenter

(jumping on the tilted chair)


What is it?
Previously, he fought one mouth, and now fry with a mouth?
The republic was the same king, but only a knockout.


(picking in teeth)

What boil?
Promised and divide equally:
One is a bagel, the other - the hole from the bubble.
This is the Democratic Republic.


It is also necessary to someone and seeds - not all watermelons.


We will show you a class struggle!


Stand, citizens!
Our policy ...


From four ends, fell apart!
Let's show them what kind of policy!
Hold on
Waves Garoy.
Fell by the revolution,
What your Bulgaria is.

Armed with a folded clean during lunch weapons, pound clean on the stern. Fifte the heels of discharged clean. Only the merchant was hammered into the coal box.

Madame Hysterika

(all the time confused under his feet, bombed hands)

And again and again the shelter is destroyed,
And again and again confused and hum ...
Do not leut blood!
Listen, I can't!


Dissolved saliva!
Revolution to you, Madame, not a junker.

(It is politely taking it. The lady joins in hand.)

Can't, evil!


Her guys, guys, in the hatch hole!


Wouldn't Tama hurt
Still lady.


What to mumble?
Return - we can cut on the cross.


Or we - or those!


Boots sweep the clikush.
Hey, the people, what do not bother?


Is the big bread be supposed?


Likui! When thoughts are only about bread.


Likui! If everywhere just plyhabi.


Likui! When neither crumbs remained on the stern.

Several - immediately.

"Likui" shout!
You feed us.
We are hungry.
We are tired.
Will you pass steps and hundred.


Hungry? Tired?
Is there a tired of steel?


We are not steel.


So be the steel.
Do not stop at half
Eaten in drowning,
Back will not endure.
Now one remains to ratify
So that the force does not dry up to the place of Araratov.
Let us be a beat,
let let heat
Hunger let -
Let's look into his eyes,
We will foam one sea to eat.
We are here all the owners!


We go to temper yourself!

The same night descends. Blacksmith inflates mountains. Moon runs quickly.


The work was not launched.
Never more required fixed.
Put your own chest on anvil.
Hey! Who for prick?


I need new to put horseshoes.

A carpenter

Put the hand - not very noded.


I need something like that.


Fight legs, and then - wool.

Suitable one by one, the blacksmith works. Steel and indispensable go from the mountain, seed along the deck. Morning. Cold and hunger.


Without food - I don't care that the car without firewood.


Even I rent, what is healthy.


Lakes from hunger for muscle muscles.



Listen to
what is it?
Do you hear music?

From her sit down, they look frightened. Some heels in the trum. But not the wiser and the voice of the carpenter.

A carpenter

Antichrist discovered us
About Ararat and Rae.

(Frightened pushing, finger overboard.)

Who's there
walks along the waves
Does your bones play?


Throw you!
Sea Golo.
And who will be?


Won he!
This is hunger
We are talking!


Well, go!
There are no such people who fell.
Comrades, enemy at the side!
All on the decks!
He himself goes to the boarding.

Fifteenth phenomenon

Run, staggering, armed than hitting. Raw. Pause.

Well, go!
No one ...
And so
We will look again to watch fruitless waters.


So you pray for the shadows in the desert furnaces,
dying g -
You see that the desert is fastened.


(comes to terrible excitement, corrects the glasses, peering. Blacksmith)

There is
in the West -
Will you not notice the points?


What to look?
I don't care what to wear onto the tail or in a stupate the glasses.


(runs off, shake, climbs with a pipe to Rey - and after a minute he gone from his joy)

Ararat! Ararat! Ararat!

From all over.

Oh, as I am glad!
Oh, how glad I am!

Take a pipe from the driver. Hurt.

A carpenter

Where is he? Where?


Yes, here is visible
To the right ...

A carpenter

What is it?


That is how - goes?
Ararat - Mountain and can not walk.
Eyes Purity.

A carpenter

Three himself.


Yes, goes.
Some man.
Yes, man.
Old with a straight.
Young without a staff.
It goes on the water that in a suh!


Bells, lie!
Purge the ring!
Stay plants!
It is he!
He walked, cutting genisaret waters!


God has apples,
may be vested seven times per day
And only the Almighty turned around to us,
Now Christ crashes in the Western.


Do not need him!
Do not let go of the passing!
Not for prayers from hungry mouths.
Don `t move!
And then the hand will rise.
Who are you?

Sixteenth phenomenon

The most ordinary person enters the frossion deck.

Who am I?
I - woodcase
dense forest
convoluted Lianamov
Shower men skillful fitter,
Kamenotes of cobbled hearts.
I'm not tone in water
I do not burn on fire -
Bunta Eternal Spirit is adamant.
In your muscles
Dress yourself
Prepare body columns.
Harry workbenches, machines and mountains.
Hear on the machines and on the mountains.


This bought
The last peace in Igor.
New Sermon Nagorno

Another thunder did not argue himself,
Mountains of storms have not been frightened.
Oh, grief to those who clutched - Rokhley! -
Earth ark in the floating rhylad!
Araratov are waiting?
Araratov no.
Dreamed in a dream.
What if
Mountain does not go to Magomet

that and hell with her!
Not about Rahe Christ, I do you.
Where the postmen are licking teas without sugar.
I'm about real earthly skies.
Judge for yourself: Christ's sky
Evangelists Hungry sky Lee?
In paradise my halls lomit furniture
Electrical service feshebel.
There sweet work is not a corp
Work rose flowers on palm.
There the sun such builds tricks,
What every step in color is sinking.
Here the eyelid sorrows the gardener experience -
glass flooring, navigasy,
and I have
On the roots of dope
Six times a year rose pineapples b.


We will go all!
What do we lose!
But will our sinful ruin?


My paradise for everyone
except for spirit
From the posts of great breaks with the moon.
Easier camel to crawl through needle ear,
than to me such an elephant.
To me -
who nailed a calm knife
And went from the enemy body with a song!
Go, unfortunately!
You are the first
In the kingdom of my heavenly.
Go, the love of all sorts of graspted adulterers,
who, on the cores of the rebellion, the devil sinks, -
You, tireless in your love
The kingdom is my heavenly.
Go all who are not a fit muul.
Anyone who is unbearable and closely
his -
The kingdom is my heavenly.


Does this not laugh on the beggar?
Where are they?
Draw what page?


Long road.
It is necessary through the clouds to us.


Each cloud I will smash the piety!


And if hell is heightened for hell?


Let's go there!
Do not assume the back.
Arrange us!
Where's she?


On the prophets stop grieving the eye,
Bring everything that read and honor.
And she, promised, will be under the side -
right here!
The end.
Word for you. I'm not m.

Disappears. On deck bewilderment.



In my opinion, he is in me.


I think I was pleased with him ...


Who is he?
Who is wrong with this spirit?
Who is he -
no name?
Who is he -
without patronymic?
Why is he?
What the prophecies threw?
Around the flood of a deadly bathroom.
There is a promised!


Ominous puchin sprinkled mouth.

(Hand in rei.)

The road is one - through the clouds forward!

Throw to the mast. Chorus.

Through the sky - go!

Boil, and already on the rim, a combat song is deployed.


We ourselves are now a romance sermon.
Come in the battle to try!

We go
We go to the latter!


There all winners rest for the battle.
Let the legs are tired, they are in the sky.

Bloody in the sky shoe!

A carpenter

Open firm
Heavens for the fence!
On sunny trapham
By stairs rainbows!

On solar similar
Swings rainbows!


Pretty prophets!
We are all Nazareas!

Slide on masts
Grab about Ri!

On masts!
On masts!
For rei!
For rei!

The seventeenth phenomenon

"For rei!" - freezes in the clouds. When the latter is hidden, from the coal box, looking at the merchant, hesitates his head, shakes his head on mast and, laughing, says.

It is necessary to be donkey!

(Cars the ark hand.)

Good on four hundred thousand
Even if on the layer.

But the joy is short-lived joy, - the head of the head pulled, the merchant is tumbling overboard.


Action third

Picture first

Hell. In three tiers, smoky yellow clouds are extended. On the upper tier inscription: "Purgatory", on average: "hell", on the bottom, swelling legs, squeeze two traits.


Two words about food:
difficult to us without Popov in hell,
And from Russia, as in sin, drive the feet.


(peering down)

What is it looming there?



Why mast? What a mast?


A steamer is some kind.
Yes, ship!
Cabin lights.
Life inexpensive!
Look, on the clouds of the body crab
themselves climb the line on the horns.


The old man is our
It will be cheated.

(Snaps at the first.)

Quieter you fucking
It is impossible to do without a hum!
Run, warning headquarters

Phenomenon first

The first runs. Above the middle tier is shown velzevul. Palm to forehead. Above the tier is promoted devils.


(making sure, yelling)

Hey you,
Cobble Cottile!
Yes more firewood -
Hold up the clouds, battalion is hard!
So none of those left from the road!

Second and third phenomenon

The devils were attached. Bottom comes: "On masts, on mast! For rei, for rei! " The crowd pumped is unclean, and the devils with a vilafts are immediately falling out.




(Pointing to extreme, seam with laughter)

How do you like these three?
You are trying! Earth root.

The guvot began to bother. They were frozen. T-S-S-S-S-C! Smallkley confused devils.





(on purgatory)

Do not stop!
Right there!


Yes Yes!
Damn, go ahead!
Do not let in purgatory!


Listen -
What is this style yet?


Throw it!



That is how to quit?!


So so.
Still, the old feature,
At the very beginning.
Found her God, than to suffer!
At the factory
have not happened?



I was not on your smelly.


And then B rolled out
You live here
Smooth so hard.


Good smooth
Good hard!
Pretty talk! Sick bonfires!


Found what to scare!
Funny, by God!
Yes, we have
In St. Petersburg
would you even pay
For such a head
And you grace.
Solid nu.


Pretty joke!
Through the soul!
All of you are gray now strangling!



Boast too!
What do you have? -
Slightly smacks gray.
We will be empty by suffocating gas -
The whole steppe from the sinels becomes gray,
The division once matches the ground.


Be sore, tell you, hot fry!
On the willars you will
Hour is uneven.


(leaving yourself)

What are you sneeze like forks!
Your stupid hell is all the same that honey we.
In the attack
Three quarters of Võlomit
In one perunion with fire machine gun.

Devils waved ears.


(tries to support discipline)

What are you standing?
Rassed her mouth!
Maybe he is all lying!



I'm lying?!
Sit here,
Caves Cave!
I'll tell you ...



... about our terrestrial horror.
What your velzevul!
We have a spider
ticks of thousands
all the land squeezed into a blood bunch,
Rail web addressed.
You at least there are no righteous children, -
Hand, I suppose, not risen to torment, -
And we and those!
No, devils,
You have better here.
As some non-chief turks,
sinner with a scope of a saddy on count
and we have cars
And we have a culture ...

(from the crowd of devils)


Humane we eat?
Top raw!
I b to this
You have a breath, I was not late.

(from the crowd of devils)



And blacks saw double-skinned skin, -
For the playback, so that could go?
In the ear nail?
Please why!
And wool pork want to nails?
We looked at the soldier in the opposite you would:
Compare if with him -
Your martyr snob ...


Wool rises on end!
Pretty! Pretty!
Such a church!


Think, scary?
Divorced kosteriks,
Washed the chhanki.
What are your devils?
Yes, you puppies!
Belts of you in factories
Stretched through the joints?



Here you go!
In someone else's monastery with his charter,


Only on timid pastes spoole?


What are you, to God, are you?
Damn how devils!

Velzeveul goes to the rabbit to famine the conversation.


I would invite you to bite bread and salt
to visit
yes what a treat now -
skin and bones.
You know, what are people now?
Hello, so it is imperceptibly on the dish.
There are no these baggartes in rize.
You understand the food crisis.
Dragged the other day of the worker
from cesspools,
So do not believe - there is nothing to sweat.



Went to hell!

(For long-standing waiting for workers.)

Ida, comrades!

Unclean moved; The latter clung to the lavender.


Have a good trip!
Confirm somehow in a new way,
without unnecessary holiness
And what about there, for example, Trinity?
And we will come to you when everything gets up.
Sit here
not essa
Days of five,
And the devils,
Damn appetite.

Unclean moved to swell. Breaking, fall clouds. Dark. From darkness and fragments of the empty scene, the following picture is evaporated, and while the song is rarely unclean.


Bodies of Adovs Doors Tear!
Purgatory in shreds!
Do not robet!

Purgatory to smire!
Do not robet!


From recreation body wean!
Burars above!
Step on the clouds!

Step on tiers!
On clouds!

End of the first picture

Picture of the second

Paradise. Cloud on the cloud. Beleso. At the middle, grayly having dialing on the cloud, paradise residents. Mafusail is reacting.


Go to the lightweight relics fix
Express the days-ka.
Glamolet Gabriel -
More than a dozen righteous.
Take them to your environment.
What mouse, hunger plays them,
They shit hell,
But they wander ...



Immediately can be seen - decent people.
We take.
Be sure to take.


Need to cover the table,
Get together.
The celebration of the meeting should be arranged to us.


You are here the oldest and be ceremoniester.


Yes, I do not know how ...



(bowed, goes to dispose of the table. Lines saints)

Here is Zlatoust.
Preparing a welcome toast:
- We, they say, we all welcome, and toldoo and Christ ...
You yourself know, you and books in your hands.
Here is Tolstoy, -
You have a good kind, decorative,
Became and stand.
Here is Jean Jacques.
So deploy Anfilaus,
And I will go the table to look after.
Do you get clouds, my son?



We hope - and on the table.
Cut even
cloud one,
Each slicer.
For fathers of Holiness the main thing is not meant,
And the speeches are dismissed, which at the table flow.

The Saints

not visible yet?
So the edge of the cloud suspiciously found.
Go! Go! Go! Go!
Are they really they?
In Paradise, as if dirty carvishers.
Let's wash
M-yes, saints, it turns out different.

Phenomenon first

From below comes

Oritu in the gun!
In the gun bai!
We ourselves and Christ and the Savior!
We ourselves Christ!
We are the savior themselves!

Punch, punching the floor cloud, unclean.


Wow, and bearded!
Studs under three hundred!


Sick, please -
Silent pier!

Opened the people of the shawl!


Dark draisa!


Well, the ka, Zlatoust, go to toast!


What toasts there!
We are tired,
Like dogs, hungry!


Patience, brethren!
Now focusing.

Mafusiel leads unclean to the place where cloudy milk and cloudy bread on the cloud table.

A carpenter

Is there any chair?


No with,
There is no paradise.

A carpenter

Wonderworker b said -
It is worth the sutul.


Do not swear.
The main thing is to reinforce the forces.

They are thrown on the buckets and the edges, first surprise, then, indifferent, push off butafory.




Tassed, tasted!
And what is the fact that?


Do not bathe benotless creatures in wine?


We are waiting for you, damned,
We humblely die.
Kaba people knew that it was ahead!
We have
such raya
Although the pond of the pride.


(pointing to the saint, which scolded the blacksmith)

Do not indie, uncomfortable.
Angelic Chin.


We would talk better with the rank:
Doesn't chin cook your soup to us.

Not so we imagined it.




And it does not look like paradise.


So, ducts,
Dorved to Paradise!


Well, we share to you, hole, I!


Well, you are so sitting?

One of the angels

What for?
Happens to the ground
To the righteous brother or sister go,
And we return, the firings are silent there.


So these are a throat and crack?!
Would have acquired an elevator.

Second angel

And we are labels on the clouds, -
H. and V. -

Christ initials.


You would still have sunflowers gnaw.


We visited me on the ground they
I would learn the loans from Leno!
Sing here:
"Down with tyrants, away.
And they will get to you
Do not see what you are high.


At all, as in St. Petersburg:
The population is crowded
Food is aboard.


Boring you.
Oh, and boring!


What can you do, such a system from us.
It certainly
Much not landscaped-s.


How to get out of here?


Ask Gabriel.


And gabriel which?
All - as one!


(proudly smoothing the beard)

Well, do not tell,
There is also a difference -
Here, for example, beards Length-s.


What to talk?
This institution is not for us.


To promised!
Look for paradise.
Heaven with carking climb.

Though all the universe will take it!

Rose paradise, racing up.


But when, through the debris, Paradise chalked up to the top, interrupts the blacksmith seamstress:

Yes what to feed the hungry gursing!



Long, break and break we
Is it not time by him?
Will Miami soon
Body tired by water?

Where to?
Do not find yourself in the new hell?
Inflated us!
We are inflated!
And then what?
The farther, the striking.


Forward pipe reader! Go, Lazhchik!

From the darkness of the wreckage of Paradise, the new, and the last, picture grows.

End of the second picture

Picture Three

Promised country. Higher, in full scene, gate. The gates are reeling into some angles, of which the streets and land of earthly locality are weak. And at the top, above the fence, the seed flowers and the burning seven-tightness shines the rainbow. At the gate of the crook, excitedly casting clocking.


Here, comrades!
Squake a landing!

Phenomenon first

They are raising unclean and terrible surprise is a gate.


Wonders-S-S-A !!

A carpenter

Why is it Ivanovo-Voznesensk!
Good wonders.


How to believe in passing, I will ask you!


Yes, not Visses it,
Believe honor.
This is Marseille.


And in my opinion, shuya.


Not shuya at all.
This is Manchester.


Manchester, Shuya -
not in this case:
the main thing -
again found themselves on earth,
Again at the same corner.

Sworn earth, damned,
Oh, and cooked!


Earth, yes not that!
To my mind,
For the earth, it does not know how to sleep?


What is it in the air -
Salted some kind of hardened?


In Shua?
Yes, and time as if for autumn.

Raise your heads. Rainbow beats in the eye.

Well, lamprik,
You are with a staircase, -
I climb and eye Okin.


(climbs and stops, measurements. Only mumps)

Fools we!
Well, and fools!



Yes, tell!
Watching that goose on zipper!
Talk! Owl!


I can not…
K-O-S-N-O-I-S-S-B ...
Give me, give a stuff
ray so that solar brighter and cleaner,
So as not a cloth hung,
To be crushed by Lear,
so that this language swayed jewelers
So that the words
Nightinglemen spread out mouth ...
And then you won't tell any damn!
Bottles burning walk, boulder ...


Yes, Bulkova!
Tree blooms,
Yes, not a flower, but a bull.


Yes, Bulka!


And the mistress is frozen
And the owner of the poscidoid
Going around the city, the sidewalks of the ugly?


From here no one can see.
I did not notice this kind of me.
Sugar woman ...
Two more!

Yes, there are some more detailed!


Yes, everyone goes
Each pen,
Each leg.
Factory in flags
Behind the loaf of the vest.
Wherever the gaze dies -
In colors
Without work cost
crafting table,



Out of work?
And here we will disk in verbal sports.
Maybe the rain will go
The machines will ruin.
Who is here?




Things are going!

Second phenomenon

The gate swapped, and the city opens. But what city! Smolden Mahina transparent factories and apartments are pupid into the sky. Ending rainbows, there are trains, trams and cars, and in the middle of the garden of stars and the moon, topped with the shining crown of the sun. From the shop windows will shoot the best things and, led by bread and salt, go to the goal.

According to the numb rows of pressed unclean.



Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Right dajer

Who you are?
Whose are you?



How is your host name?


No owners!
Draws we.


And for whom bread?
Sugar head?
Meet whom?


All you!



We sleep, must be.
Fiction of sleep.


like this
Sit Gallery.
On the scene of the ball.

Came out -
And such it seemed bitter
a life:


Nowhere is nowhere from you -
This is the Earth.


Will fool!
What is the earth!
Earth - dirt,
Earth - Night.
On Earth will work out - they will die,
And the fat will come and will select.



And you,
I suppose
Will biting.
Five hundred rubles that five hundred teeth must be
On each put.

A carpenter


Suitable! ..
Mouse gait.
Little charming us car!
You would only raise your teeth on the workers!

All items

Sorry, working!
Work, sorry!
Rubble slaves,
Slaves of slave owner
Forced chain to be done!
Storing the Counters, Storububeva and Evil,
In the windows, the teeth of the glow teeth.
The merchants of the tentacles climb from shops.
Begins the evil heart of the bazaarov!
The revolution,
holy workout
With soap
All the dirt of the face of the earth washed.
For you,
While wandered in appearance,
Washing world
Flaw and dry!
Take your own!
Work, go!
Go, winner!

Noga is not a razor,
maybe not stopping.
Let's, brothers,
Let's try, stopping!

Unclean steps.


(touches the earth)

She is!
Roda Earth!

Match now!



Sugar something -
I licked him.

A carpenter


Sweet, just sweet.

Now with fun there will be no mold!



Comrades things
you know what?
Quite fate torture.
Let's do you do,
And you feed us.
And the owner is imposed - we will not release alive!
We will heal?


Unclean greedily look at things.


I would take a drink. Standing. Young.



And I - the needle b.


Hand does not tolerate - let's hammer!


Take! Dove!

Unclean, things and cars ring surround the sunny garden.



Pretty eludes Izhitsa!
Become, book!

The book becomes a respectfully open circle.

What are the oxen by the suburbs?
Waited for years
And never noticed
Soon such grace.
And why are people caress in museums?
Live treasure on treasure around.
What is it the sky or a piece of paper?
If this is the case of our hands,
what kind of door
Before us will not operate?
We are architects,
planets decorators,
We are the wonderworkers.
Rays withdraw the meteco bunches,
So that heaven with electricity with electricity.
We are the rivers of the worlds blooming in the honey,
Earth streets with stars pickers.
All cheers!
All over his own!
Sunchesthers in the world in the temple,
Let's show how to sing we can.
Become choir -
Sun Psalms!



Sleeping age-old spaced -
The whole sea in the morning.
Farming of the world, bloom!
You are ours!
And we have the sun, the sun and the sun.
Rejoice all who are strong
The shop of creators of the world, workers.
Barrel wine drier
a life.
Gray! Play! Gori!
Sun - our sun!
The world is rational.
The chain of iron changed the chain of loving hands.
Play a new game!
In the circle!
Play the sun. Sun roll. Play the sun!

Pause, and for her -


We go!
We go to hails and weighs,
Flags are our souls to pay.
Fold out of the mud
all to whom
Tired of the bed of the bedside narrow.
Granite cities,
Green villages -
Our all.
World - Communar.

Lovely love
Reason to land
The road to whom she.
Break, fields!
Cheer, factory!
Sunny Ours


Analysis of the play "Misteria-Buff" Mayakovsky

The work of Misteria-Buff V. Mayakovsky is the first revolutionary play for the newborn Bolshevik Theater.

The play was created in the summer of 1918. Its author turned 25 years old, he fiercely welcomes the revolution, actively acts on literary evenings, filmed into the cinema. According to the genre - drama in verses, mystery, socio-household satire. For the setting gathered the team of actors, and the poet himself took not only for the director of the work, but also played several roles in it. He wanted to play the play to the anniversary of the revolution - and he managed to achieve this. The hero is collective, collective images. Signing to the Bible (the topic of the construction of the ark, outcome), to the Catholic concept of purification, antique and medieval legends on the wanders, the poem N. Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia." The action begins with a new flood. The whole old world was drowned, and the units of salted ("clean", according to V. Mayakovsky - pure blood) are going to near the fire of Eskimo, which also clashes the hole in the globe. Here and the labor people ("unclean", paria in the world of capital). The speech of the characters corresponds to their status (merchant, student). The nationality is emphasized only in the camp "clean", for "unclean", she relics and discovers himself only in the final when they suddenly recognize the earthly cities in the land (Ivanovo-Voznesensk, "Marseille). Central thought of the play: We want (and create) Paradise on Earth. For this you will have to be uncompromising. The phenomenon that walks on the waters and lists people to look for happiness, not salvation. His flock - the killers for the idea (I remember him "if you say:" Kill, "- kill"), "unfortunate", adulteurs, people with "demon of the Bunt on the veins." Everyone who wants to recover debts in their accounts.

In the hell (he is the first on the way), they are met by the same TUnevants, as "clean" on Earth. Sharing the devils, the working person pumped into purgatory, but in it and does not think to linger. They want to try the taste of paradise. V. Mayakovsky with Mondechka introduces L. Tolstoy to him, with his "non-resistance of evil." Parades in the play turns out to be Boutaphor, disembodied, lackless. Frustrated, people are rushing to the ground, the most promised. Suddenly it turns out that this is all the same abandoned and crumbling like the Earth. Resting things meet arrivals, indulge in their hands. Round the "shop of creators of the world, workers." Continuous work is not a punishment, but step towards the earthly paradise. "Unclean" at least not people of the new formation, however, one of them will be a new humanity. "The world - Communar" captures the Earth. In the final - the anthem to him: nice! Siai Commune! This play is also apocrypha. Aphoristism, phraseologisms (seven skins, for eyes, oblique in shoulders, chickens in soup), exotic and internationalism, hail exclamations, innovative rhymes, comparisons (not a wave, and fence), toponyms, interjection, derogatory and magnifying suffixes (ICORK, WATHONKI , conversation), vocabulary, spoken and parody, inversion (we shed potatoes in the work of Pot Li), repetitions, transfers, appeals, prosecles, anaphor (let), epithets (poisonous arrows, sinful weight).

In Misteria-Buff, V. Mayakovsky narration built on the contrast of pathetics and caricatures, slogans, agitation and a broken tradition.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

"Mystery Buff"


Heroic, epic and satirical

image of our era

In t about r about y in a r and a nt

"Mystery-Buff" - road. Road of revolution. No one will be predicted with accuracy, what other mountains will have to blow up with this expensive. Today, the need drills the word "Lloyd George", and tomorrow his name will be forgotten by the British. Today, the will of millions are torn to the commune, and in six hundred years, maybe in the attack

kih planets rushed air dreadnights of the commune. Therefore, leaving the road (shape), I again changed the part of the landscape

today, today's momentary.


1. C e m and p and p and with t y x: 1) Neubus Abyssinsky, 2) Raja

indian, 3) Turkish Pasha, 4) Russian speculator, 5)

Chinese, 6) PERSY PERS, 7) CLEMANSO, 8) German, 9) Pop,

10) Australian, 11) Wife Australian, 12) Lloyd George,

13) American and 14) diplomat. 2. S e m o p a r n e h and with t s: 1) Krasnoamec, 2) lantern

glass, 3) Chauffeur, 4) Shakhtar, 5) Carpenter, 6) Brake, 7) servant,

8) Blacksmith, 9) Bulkhechnogy, 10) Bachelor, 11) seamstress, 12) driver,

13) Eskimo-fisherman and 14) Eskimo-hunter. 3. C O R L A W A T E L. 4. And N T E L L and I. 5. D A M A C C A R T O N K A M I. 6. Ch E R T and: 1) Velzevetul, 2) Ober-Dam, 3) Veshovaya, 4) 2nd

vestova, 5) guard, 6) 20 clean with horns and tails. 7. With in I t s е: 1) Mafusail, 2) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 3) Lion Tolstoy,

4) Gabriel, 5) Angel, 6) 2nd Angel and 7) Angels. 8. C but in a about f. 9. D EY S T C Y Y Y Y Y E E M L L I O B E T O V A N N N YOU:

1) Molot, 2) Serp, 3) Machines, 4) Trains, 5) Cars, 6)

Plancock 7) Pliers, 8) Needle, 9) Saw, 10) Bread, 11) Salt, 12)

Sugar, 13) Matter, 14) Boot, 15) Board with lever. 10. Ch E L O V E K B U D S Y E E G O.

M e s t a d e y s t and y

1. All universe. 2. Ark. 3. Hell. 4. Paradise. 5. Country of debris.

6. The land promised.

N e h and with t s

A minute later, we will show you ... Mystery-buff. I must say two words I: this is a new thing. To jump above, you need someone to help. Prologue is needed before the new play. First, why is the whole theater plunge? Refresenious people will be outrageous. What do you go to performances for? In order for the pleasure of getting right? And whether the pleasure is great, if the pleasure is only on the scene; The scene is only one third. So, in an interesting performance, if everyone builds up, then your pleasure will increase in three years, and if the performance is uninteresting, then you should not watch one third. For other theaters, it does not matter: for them, the scene is a key well. Sydi, they say, feeling, straight or diaphrics and see someone else's life a piece. You look and see the gnuts on the sofa of Aunt Mani and Uncle Vani. And we are not interested in neither uncle, nor aunt, to test and uncle and at home. We will also show a real life, but it turned into an extraordinary theater in the spectacle. The essence of the first action is such: the earth proceeds. Then - Topot. All run from the revolutionary flood. Seven couples are unclean and clean seven pairs, that is, fourteen poorly proletarians and fourteen bourgeois-bar, and between them, with a pair of messenger cheeks. Pole overwhelms. It collapses the last refuge. And everyone starts to build not even the ark, but an archery. In the second action, the audience travels in the ark: here you and autocracy, and the Democratic Republic, and finally beyond the board, under the Menshevik howl, purely dropped down their heads. In the third action, it is shown that the workers are not necessary to fear, even devils in the middle of hell. In the fourth, laugh thick! Showing paradise bush. In the fifth action of devastation, revealing the immense mouth, crashes and eats. Although we worked on hungry belly, but we were defeated by destroy. In the sixth action of the commune, the whole hall, sing in all throats! Watch all your eyes!

All is ready? And hell? And paradise?

Because of the scene.

Mr.-T-O-Oh! Come on!

First action

On the glow of the northern radiance, the globe, resting by a pole in the floor of the floor. Rangers of latitudes and longitudes over the entire ball stairs. Between the two walrles supporting the world, e s to them about s - oh o t n and k, boking a finger into the ground, yelling d r y

g about m y, stretching in front of him by the fire.

Oh o t n and to

Gorelit. There is no other affairs with a finger to pull the earth.

Oh o t n and to

Where is the hole?

Oh o t n and to

What flows?

Oh o t n and to

R s b a k (jumping, running and stinging under


Oh-oh-oh! Case of unclean hands. Heck! I will go warning the polar circle.

Runs. On him, due to the slope of the world, the squeezing sleeves of N E M E C. A second is looking for a button and without finding

catching wool fur coats.

Ger Eskame! Ger Eskame! Scary hastily! A couple of minutes ...

So - today I sit in my restaurant on Friedrichstrasse. The sun window and manit. Day, like burzhuy to the revolution, is clear. The public sits and quietly sheidemanit. Soup ate, I look at the bottle of Eifels. I think: what should I start BEF? Yes, and take me for Beff? I look and in the throat stuck lunch: something is wrong with Winning Avenue. Stone gogenzollers, standing between daisies, suddenly flew upside down. Gul. On the roof run Introduces around the restaurant island, anhydrous surf, jumped one, fled, the quarters stuck. Berlin - Anxious Sea Brad, invisible waves Bass notes. And for, and above, and under, and prenorates! And before the thought of spreading could, whether or from Fosh or from ...

I'm all to the string of the stench. I look everything is dry, but pours, and pour, and pours. And suddenly, the twisted Pompeiy pompousnaya, the picture opened with the root Berlin was burned and wounded in the abyss, in the world in the molten mountain. I woke up on the crest of current villages. I gathered my whole yacht-club experience, and in front of you, the miley, everything that was left now from Europe.

Nn-little ...

Calm down, of course ... a day, with two-s.

Yes, tell you without these European sedes! What do you need? There is not up to you.

N E M E C (showing horizontally)

Allow me about your multiple seals.

We, poets, artists, directors and actors, celebrating the anniversary of the October Revolution revolutionary performance.

Poster of the first ideas of "Mystery-Buff". Figure V. Mayakovsky. 1918.

We will be given: "Mystery-Buff", the heroic, epic and satirical image of our era, made by V. Mayakovsky.

I cards. White and black run from red flood.

II cards. The ark. Pure fit the unclean king and the republic. You yourself will see what it turns out.

III cards. AD, in which the workers of the very venzevulus were sent to hell.

IV cards. Paradise. Large broken conversation with Mafusail.

V cards. Commune! Sunny holiday of things and workers.

Painted Malevich. Posted by Meyerhold and Mayakovsky. Raissed by free actors.


"Mystery-Buff" is chronologically the first Soviet play - the first, written by the Soviet author and supplied in the Soviet theater. It is even more important that this is the first truly popular and innovative work, which reflected in its content and in its forms the greatness of the October Revolution and imprinted the imminisory opposite of the world of workers and the world of oppressors.

True, in the first edition of Misteria-Buff, few specific features, directly drawing the revolutionary Russia of 1917-1918, a little and moments directly related to the then international life. It is important, however, that ideas, conflicts, the phraseology of the play extremely convex to convey the situation of the period of the end of the war and the first year of Soviet power.

In the plot "Mystery-Buff" Mayakovsky used, but Satirically rethought religious legends on the World Flood, Noah's Ark, the Ways to the Earth promised, the ideas about the Ade and Raa, the Nagorny Sermon. Using religious legends, Mayakovsky spoke in the language, at that time familiar to the broadest circle of people. But in the image of religion, he invested completely different - directly anti-religious content. And the word "Mystery", usually meaning some sacrament, has acquired a different meaning and united here with the opposite, it would seem that the concept is "Buff", that is, with something strongly comic. Mayakovsky so explained the name of the play: "Mystery - the Great in Revolution, Buff - is funny in it."

Misteria-Buff wrote Mayakovsky under the explicit influence of figurative symbolism and terminology of political slogans, newspaper articles, rally speeches, posters. This affected her poster style. In this work, the unique voice of the era sounds loud.

The idea of \u200b\u200b"Mysteria-Buff" appeared at Mayakovsky before the October Revolution. In the autobiography ("I myself") under the date August 1917, Mayakovsky recorded: "I think" Mystery-Buff ".

It is known that in the summer of 1917, A. M. Gorky and M. F. Andreeva, who were part of the commission on the leadership of the People's House in Petrograd, were offered Mayakovsky and other young poets to write a revolutionary topic for the People's House. Mayakovsky was going to work on review, but did not write it. Apparently, the thought of the folk revolutionary sight of the type of ferris was not leaving him and after the October Revolution gave her a new direction, "carried out in Mystery-Buff.

Sketch of the decoration of the 1st action "Misteri-buff" ("Flood"). Figure V. Mayakovsky. 1919.

Mayakovsky wrote Misteria-Buff in the summer of 1918 at the cottage in Levashov, under Petrograd. The play was finished in September.

The first reading of Misteria-Buff took place on September 27, 1918 in Petrograd in the presence of the People's Commissar of Education A. V. Lunacharsky, directors, artists and other artists. One of those present (director V. N. Soloviev) subsequently described this twity: "Mayakovsky read excellent, with a deepest understanding of the rhythm of verse. The play made an extreme impression on all. We were captured and the grandeur of the topic and a kind of new problem." *.

* (V. N. Solovyov. "Mystery-Buff". Journal "Stroyka", L., 1931, № 11, 16 April, p. 15.)

A. V. Lunacharsky, as reported in print the next day, "in a brief review, he noted the repeated all the work of the revolutionary rush and welcomed V. V. Mayakovsky as an expressant of a genuinely revolutionary feeling" *.

* (A. P. "Misteria-Buff". Evening newspaper "Herald of social and political life, art, theater and literature", P., 1918, № 9, 28 September.)

On the same reading, it was decided that the well-known director-communist V. E. Meyerhold present on him will put it together with Mayakovsky to the first anniversary of the October Revolution.

The Central Bureau for the organization of the festivities of the Oktyabrskaya Revolution, hearing the play, recognized it necessary to put it.

"A. V. Lunacharsky ...- L. I. Zheverzhev recalled, - ordered the play that the play was read in b. Alexandria theater and then set up" *.

* ()

Mayakovsky read the play by the troupe of this theater. However, although "the fascinating skill of the reader made a strongest impression on the listeners" *, the content and form of "Mystery-Buff" turned out to be unacceptable for the "old Alexandria".

* (L. I. Jerezhev. Memories. In KN. "Mayakovsky", p. 138.)

To produce "Mystery-Buff" at the time of October celebrations, the premises of the theater of the musical drama (the building of the conservatory) were provided. The newspapers "appeal to actors" were printed, inviting those who wanted to take part in the performance to come on October 13 to the concert hall of the Tenishevsky school. There Mayakovsky read the play, and then recorded actors. In addition, the actors of Petrograd theaters sent an invitation to take part in the play "Mystery-Buff".

Mayakovsky worked on the performance from the first rehearsal. "Diligently shifting the laws of resentment to those who gathered actors - writes in his memoirs V. N. Soloviev, - Mayakovsky taught them to read rhythmically complex poems ... Joint work with actors gave Mayakovsky something new in understanding theater and dramaturgy [...] In the practical work of the poet with actors, the text "Mystery" acquired new, specifically theatrical qualities ...

In difficult conditions of a hurry release of the play "Mystery-Buff", Mayakovsky had to pay a lot of time and effort on organizational work "*.

* (V. N. Solovyov. One of the memories of Mayakovsky. In the book "Mayakovsky", p. 149.)

On the eve of the premiere, a separate publication of Mystery-Buff was published with the cover of Mayakovsky. He also belonged a sketch of posters. The play was released organized by Mayakovsky Publishing House "IMO" ("Art of Young"), which also printed its second edition in 1919.

Two days before the premiere A. V. Lunacharsky spoke in a party press with an article dedicated to Mystery-Buff and entitled "Communist Performance".

"The only play," said A. V. Lunacharsky, - which was conceived under the influence of our revolution and therefore wears her print, the dary, daring, major, causing, is "Mystery-Buff" Mayakovsky. [...] as a literary The work, it is very original, strongly and beautiful. [...] Text is understandable to any, goes right in the heart of the working person, the Red Army, a representative of the peasant poor. He speaks for himself "*

* (A. Lunacharsky. Communist performance. Gazeta "Petrogradskaya Pravda", P., 1918, No. 243, November 5th.)

Meyerhold with Mayakovsky sought in stage action to increase the campsive orientation of the play, and also emphasize her satirical character - and the play was sounded as the theater-poetic manifesto of October. But in the performance, a contradiction was felt between their desire for concrete expressiveness and the abstractness of the artist K. S. Malevich, who attached self-adequate importance to the formal-painting elements.

Among the performers scored from the actors of various Petersburg theaters, pop artists and students prevailed, youth.

The role of man just played Mayakovsky himself. At the same time, Mayakovsky had to attend the premiere, replacing the unlucky performers, playing the role of Malfusale and one of the devils.

In the role of a man just Mayakovsky showed himself an excellent actor-reader. And the fracture in the action of the play, which creates the appearance of a person simply, and a huge concentrated power of his monologue, and inspired, the powerful performance of the role of the poet - all this made the scene of a person herself impressive in the performance.

At the premiere before the beginning of the representation, A. V. Lunacharsky said an introductory word.

Working, students, many writers were present on the performance, among them Alexander Block. "The performance made a very strong impression on the block and he was perceived as one of the brightest episodes of the first revolutionary holiday" *.

* (Vl. Orlov. From the library A. A. Bloka. In the book "Vladimir Mayakovsky". Collection 1 Edited by A. L. Dymshitsa, O. V. Tsekhnovizer. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Institute of Literature. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, M.-l., 1940, p. 331.)

The appearance of "Mystery-Buff" on the stage and in print caused biting among anti-Soviet elements. The employee of the cadet newspaper "Speech", by that time already closed, Andrei Levinson (soon he moved to the white emigration camp) managed to drag in the newspaper "Life of Art" the vile Pascvil on the play in the newspaper, in which he tried in every way to deframe not only "Mystery-Buff" But the revolutionary aspirations of Mayakovsky himself.

A group of artist workers stated a sharp protest against this article. In print against her, A. V. Lunacharsky *.

Workers showed great interest in Mystery-Buff. He expressed himself in demand for tickets (during performances in the days of October celebrations) and in the success that the play was met or excerpts from it at the working meetings after the production. It was the first experience of the writer's speeches with his work before the working audience.

Even before performing in Petrograd, Mayakovsky, having arrived in Moscow for several days, wrote for the Central Commission on the Device of the October Celebrations "Summary" "Misteria-Buff" and read "Mystery-Buff" October 12 in the Teo (theatrical Department) of the People's Commissariat; As reported in print, "the play made a very good impression" *. On the same day, a meeting of representatives of Moscow theaters on the repertoire was held on the days of the first anniversary of the October Revolution, on which the leadership of the Misteria-Buff Teo was recommended for production. The Director Commission, chosen at this meeting, instructed to put "Mystery-Buff" A. Ya. Tairova and N. M. Seegger in the chamber theater. However, in 1918, Misteria-Buff was not delivered in Moscow.

In the first days of March 1919, Mayakovsky moved from Petrograd to Moscow.

In 1919-1920, a question was raised about the formulation of "Mystery-Buff". Mayakovsky persistently sought a new stage incarnation of his play.

Attempts to put "Mystery-Buff" (as well as the intentions to publish some works of Mayakovsky) at that time were often encountered on resistance from individuals involved in organizations made by art and fiction issues. These individuals were negative about the work of Mayakovsky and considered themselves entitled to counteract the spread of his works, herself claims that they are not understood by the workers. " In the article "Only not memories ..." Mayakovsky, putting the peripetics of the fight for Misteria-Buff, wrote: "The immediate difficulty of fighting the bill, characterizing the life of the revolutionary writer to the revolution, was replaced by the inheritance of this older - aesthetic osnosis. Of course, with An excellent adjustment that in the country of revolution ultimately defeats not ocense, but a new, left, revolutionary thing.

But the throat, grip and energy need to have. "

At the beginning of the 1920s, N. K. Krupskaya suggested a club department headed by the Glavatrifit Runs to organize the production of "Mystery-Buff" by the forces of workers in the Central Club of the Khamovnic District of Moscow. Mayakovsky read the club play; Workers accepted her well. It was decided to attract the work on the production of cultural organizations of the entire area and show the performance on the girl's field, outdoors. But then the preparatory work did not go, since the play was accepted for the formulation of the RSFSR theater first and the initiators decided that it was not worth the parallel work on the same play.

In Moscow, Mystery-Buff was included in the repertoire plan of the RSFSR Theater of the first (subsequently - the State Theater named after Sun. Meyerhold) in October 1920 (even before the opening of the theater).

For the new production, Mayakovsky recycled "Mystery-Buff". He was prompted to change him in political life for two more than a year, who had passed since the writing of the first edition of the play, and his own creative growth, the practice of his political, campaign work, especially work in growth.

Recycling made a play more topically, brought it into a genre attitude towards a kind of political belief. The second edition talks about the fight against difficulties, characteristic of the period of the Civil War: The blockade of the Soviet country with imperialists, economic destruction, food crisis with soldering, cards and speculation accompanying it, bureaucracy, sabotage of specialists. And the introduction of the existing persons of the Red Armyman and mentioning the text about the CC (emergency commission to combat counter-revolution and sabotage) was reminded of the forces that the Soviet state created for its protection. It was introduced and spent across the entire play by a new character - Menshevik's agreement.

Along with the features characterizing the period of the Civil War as a whole, Mayakovsky included moments in the play, belonged directly to months during which the second edition was created (the end of 1920 - the beginning of 1921). It was the time when the Red Army, having dropped the remains of enemy pollen in the Black Sea, put an end to foreign military intervention and civil war within European Russia.

Mayakovsky wrote a whole new action (fifth), which was shown in the conditionally poster forms of the struggle of the Soviet state with devastation.

The relevance of the play contributed to the fact that there were urgent questions of the day: the country's electrification, the issue of concessions (these issues were discussed at the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets in December 1920), responses to a discussion about trade unions that deployed in party organizations from November 1920 March 1921, as well as the fact that Mayakovsky brought to the scene in those years of the figures of imperialist anthita in those years, calling his Frenchman Clemencesso, and Englishman - Lloyd George.

A completely new prologue was created to the play and partially reworked her end. The replica of a person simply, which turned into a person of the future, was corrected. Text and minor phaance changes were produced. The second edition is still more persistent than the first, demanded theatrical innovation. The volume of the play increased by nine hundred and fifty lines.

The differences in the first and second editions are so great and at the same time, each of the editions is so organic that Mayakovsky has printed in the meetings of their writings next to both.

For the first time, Mayakovsky read the second editorial office of the PSFSR Theater Toroup on December 29, 1920. Rehearsals began in January 1921.

The final text of the second edition was for the time of the premiere: some additions and changes in the text were made by Mayakovsky and in the rehearsal process.

The author of these comments has been preserved a copy of Misteria-Buff, reprinted on a typewriter with a manuscript in the growth apparatus in early 1921. In this copy, there are important discrepancies with the final text.

The work of Mayakovsky over the scene at the beginning of the second action (conversation about the market) is interesting. In the text of the copy printed on the typewriter, the merchant, hearing the relaxation of the agreement on the closure of Sukharevka (the focus of the Moscow petty speculation during the civil war) appeals to the ass with the words:

Nothing, humble ink, - the Smolensky market remained.

The agreement responds:

What a market, one glory - daily clouds.

In the spring of 1921 a new economic policy was introduced; Mayakovsky reacted to this event by changing the text of this scene (see the final text).

At the beginning of the fifth action, there is a sketch of the dispute between "unclean", the participants of which operate on the terms of the discussion about the trade unions of 1920-1921 ("Clear", "assigned", "buffer"). The text of the copy printed on the typewriter was created in the midst of this discussion, and in it the mouth of one of the characters - the driver - the bucharin is ridiculed, organizing the so-called "buffer fraction":

What is the sense in the trade discs, cute prov? Bukharin something with buffers, and steam locomotive and without wheels, and not that without buffers.

After the premiere (in May - July 1921), the play included small inserts on the themes of the day. Unfortunately, the texts of these inserts were failed to find. But in one of the record books of Mayakovsky, in which there are draft works belonging to May - September 1921, there are two entries - obviously, outline for inserts in the third action ("hell"), in the scene "unclean" and devils (in the records There are no indications on the actors who utter separate replicas).

In one of the recordings "unclean" (apparently, the batcher) tells the hell about those "torments" who experience people because of the bureaucracy, red tires and disorder in the organization of supply:

Is it for the sinner of torment - on a spit on a sinel? Make it, so that the boots b, - that's from this b, the sinner probably died. Think - scared, screwed the tail, - we have more cleaned tails on the ground. All do not stand with tails, but in tails. - Ah! * Here you are a sinner in the face of times, - cut - and a piece of poking on the plug. And we have orders, and we have paper. In the meantime, the Soviet power was organized, they also suffered to move.

* (Apparently, the exclamation "Ah!", Inclined into the replica "unclean", breaks away from the devils frightened by the story about "tails" (queues) on Earth.- A. F.)

The text of another record is obviously conceived as the replacement of the last replica velzevulus, is a replica of one of the devils and the response of the Batraka:

His Majesty Veelzevul asks him to call him in the headstow. - Throw hopes, they walked themselves *.

* (These recordings are located in a notebook stored in the State Museum of V. V. Mayakovsky (No. 9/62).)

These lines are an example of Mayakovsky's operationalism - were a response to one of the events of the day. In May 1921, in the Supreme Tribunal, the WTCIK was dealing with a case of major speculation in the Glavtop (the main management of the fuel industry under the highest council of the national economy).

Inserts of this kind of Mayakovsky made the content of "Mystery-Buff" today, "rapidly", even more approached him to the urgent interests of contemporaries and helped the fight against the disadvantages in the work of Soviet institutions.

When it became known that the theater of the RSFSR The first is going to put "Mystery-Buff", four writers filed in the Central Committee of the RCP (b) protest against the production of this play, accusing it in an "anarchic point of view." Mayakovsky again arranged a few readings of "Mystery" before the working audience, in particular in the Rogozhsko-Simonovsky district, in the "Volcano" cinema, January 24, 1921. These readings once again have shown that they are not funded reproaches to the address: resolutions with the requirements of the fastest production of Mystery-Buff were taken at the meetings.

In the Thirtieth of January, a public dispute was held on the topic "Do I need to put" Mystery-Buff "?" Representatives of party and Soviet organizations were invited to the dispat; There were many art workers. Mayakovsky opened the display of the Dispute message about those "Natarias", which underwent "Mystery-Buff" when trying to put it, and then read the play in the second edition with great success. A representative of the group of writers, before that protested against the statement of Misteria-Buff, stated that the play in the new edition is quite acceptable. All speakers, with the exception of one Menshevic, spoke in favor of "Mystery-Buff".

Present on the dispatch unanimously adopted the resolution: "We gathered on January 30 at the RSFSR Theater, listening to the talented and truly proletarian play of the Mu Oakovsky" Mistee Buff "and discussed its merits as a campaign and revolutionary work, we require urged it in all theaters of the Republic And printed it in the possibility of more instances "*.

The play in the theater of the RSFSR first put his head V. E. Meyerhold together with the director V. M. Bebutov.

All conflicts of the play were pointed in the performance, characteristics of all characters. Theater sought to create a collective action of huge scales. The nerve of the play was a combat, revolutionary fed of the plays, and the fascinating fun of the winner people sounded in the production.

The whole performance was built on the move. The scene contained a three-story building (artists V. P. Kiselev, A. M. Lavinsky and V. L. Grekovsky). The action partially splashed into the auditorium. The scene merged with the hall without any obstacles, and at the feet of the spectators of the first row rose a large semisfer, portraying the globe.

The unity of the play and setting gave rise to a bright folk spectacle, simple in their expressive forms, young, vigorous and joyful.

The premiere took place on Sunday on May 1, 1921. Spectators, among which the workers prevailed, perceived Mayakovsky's play with exceptional enthusiasm.

The appeal of the poet-playwright to the revolutionary modernity met the hot approval of the Soviet people who were present at the performances of Misteria-Buff, and was evil in the enemies of Soviet power.

Workers, peasants, red-Armenians and representatives of the employment intelligentsia for the most part responded about the play with great approval. "The fighting play", "on the square, to the street," "Piez liked Extremely. This is my life", "Give this play of the working mass, and she will say you: this is our play", "the play really liked it, because in It brightly reflects the rennet of tsarism "," liked according to his content, reaches its purpose. More tickets working "*.

* (These reviews, taken from the questionnaires spread among the audience, are given in Articles of M. Zagorsky "Theater and the Spectator of the Epoch of the Revolution" (Collection "On the theater", Tver, 1922), "How the viewer reacts" (Log "Lef", M., 1924, No. 2/6).)

The success of Mayakovsky's play prompted the theatrical department of the Glavpilitus to organize a special formulation of Misteria-Buff in honor of the third Congress of the Communist International. In the recent days of June, three performances were arranged in the premises of the first state circus (and two open general rehearsals) "Mystery-Buff" in German in the translation of the young writer Rita Right.

The play was in the second edition, but especially for this performance Mayakovsky wrote a new prologue and an epilogue facing directly to representatives of the international revolutionary proletariat, as well as the scene of the agreement and "unclean". The Russian text of the epilogue (pronounced before singing "international") has not been preserved, and its content is known to German translation. Here is the reverse translation from the German: "The game is over. Comrades, hey! Now there is a turn for you. Ideas that have sparkled today, bring tomorrow in business. We are to the machine, you are for weapons. Bloat your fatherland, revolutionary. In a closer, clear Step, Forward, March! "

As for the libretto printed in this edition, there is no direct indication of the authorship of Libretto. Its belonging to his Mayakovsky is determined by the literary style of libretto. This libretto, together with the program of the performance (both in Russian and German), was printed in the form of a brochure of eight pages.

Among the delegates of the Congress, who were present on the performance, was the leader of the German proletariat Ernst Telman.

Despite the obvious success of the performance, in the summer of 1921 in Moscow around Mystery-Buff, fierce disputes flared. One of the results of disputes around "Mystery-Buff" was a kind of trial.

"Misteria-Buff" in the second edition was printed as an annex to № 91-92 of the Journal of the Theater, June 15, 1921. The then executives of the State Piece did not hide their negative attitude towards the play, and the Gosizdat refused to pay the Mayakovsky fee, despite the five-time demand of the trade union Central Committee. As a result of the trial, the issue of the fee was resolved in the People's Commissariat of Labor, which satisfied the legal requirements of Mayakovsky.

Outside of Moscow and Petrograd, an attempt to put "Mystery-Buff" were undertaken in early 1919 in Kiev, Kharkov and other cities of the country. Part of the play was set in 1920 in Novocherkassk on the stage of the subtlekov club.

A number of cute "Mystery-Buff" and attempts to put and publish it was taken in the Far East during the Civil War.

After it was announced that "Mystery-Buff" will go in Moscow, a number of theaters of the Peripherals also included it in their repertory plans.

In the spring of 1921, Misteria-Buff (in the first edition) put the studio working and peasant theater existed in Tomsk with a garrison club.

The performance of a larger scale was the formulation of Misteria-Buff (second edition) in Tambov, in the first proletarian studio (director - N. M. Ryazhsky-Warzin; Premiere - August 21, 1921). The play was in the theaters of Krasnodar, Kharkov, Omsk and others. Cities. Misteri-buff set young directors, subsequently became major masters: G. V. Alexandrov in Sverdlovsk (then Yekaterinburg) in 1921 and N. P. Okhlopkov in Irkutsk (premiere -1 May 1922).

In 1923, on the days of October celebrations held four performances of Misteria-Buff - one in Moscow and three in Kazan.

In Moscow, Mystery-Buff (in the first edition) was set in an experienced school of aesthetic education. Children have played a play aged from twelve to fifteen years.

Mayakovsky wrote for this performance a new text of the final.

After the death of V. I. Lenin, it was decided that the Komsomol and Pioneer organizations would be called the name of the leader, and the importance of this name was reflected in the text, proclaiming: "Now we are Leninists." For the first time, this text sounded on April 30, 1924 at the representation shown in the column hall of the House of Unions. Below it is published on the preserved unauthorized machinery:

Kuznets (gets out of the country of things) guys, come close to the shoulder shoulder. Never let no one be lazy to execute the covenants, data from Illichi. After all, it is no wonder now we are Leninists ... World Capital Let everywhere leaving the bayonets of the International Komsomol. Our staitary, although we and young people, to complete the building of the world commune. Tired fathers? So you will be replaced by us wearing the name of Lenin. In the meantime, on the ground, our victorious cry squeezes a ringing note: you did not die, you are alive, Ilyich! We doct your job ...

In Kazan "Mystery-Buff" was set at the same time workshop of theatrical spectacles of "Camst" (constructivism, experiment, skill, modernity, theatricality), the large theater and the second Soviet theater (the working palace).

Following the call of Mayakovsky "change the content" "Mystery - BUF", the workshop created his editorial board of the play (the program included: "The third editorial office made in the" Camst "), in which there were pictures: 5th -" Hunger "and 6th - "NEP"; Thus, the "Land Promised" has become the 7th picture. Newly written by workers in the workshop inserts gave responses to the events of 1923: the revolutionary speeches of the proletariat in Riere (Germany) and a terrible earthquake in Japan.

Sketch of the scenery of the 3rd picture of the 3rd action "Mystery-Buff" ("Land promised"). Figure V. Mayakovsky. 1919.

From a number of unnecessary intentions of the stage embodiment of "Mystery-Buff", a special interest was of particular interest to the project of its Rustaveli theater (Tbilisi), developed by the talented director K. A. Mardzhanishvili (translated into the Georgian language of Titian Tabidze).

In the mid-twenties, Mayakovsky at their evenings have repeatedly read excerpts from "Mystery"; In particular, he read them, and speaking in the United States (1925).

At the five-year anniversary of the Sun Theater. Meyerhold, who noted on April 25, 1926, was shown the fourth action "Mystery-Buff" ("Paradise").

P. A. Markov, headed by the literary part of the Moscow Art Theater, told many years later about his negotiations with Mayakovsky in 1929: "The first thoroughly discussed assumption, to which he was repeatedly returned, was a new edition of Misteria - Buff, - apparently He considered it one of the most expensive creatures of [...]. I think that and Mayakovsky fascinated not so much the possibility of setting up to MCAT, how many insurmountable desire to give "Mysteries" new, modern sound, fill it with new, wearing a topical character slices. .. "*. But the images of "Mystery" were too far from the MHAT manner.

* (P. A. Markov. In the art theater. Book of crevice. M., WTO, 1976, p. 266.)

For many years, Misteria-Buff did not appear on stage, although there were projects for its productions. The first after a long break turned to her Valery Sysoev, who played the role of a person of the future in Meyerhold Staging in 1921: He showed Misteria in Moscow on November 16, 1955 as a performance of one actor on the abbreviated text of the second edition.

November 29, 1956, she first sounded on the air. Sysoev brightly depicted many actors using the transformation of voice resources. "Mystery" for many years he has enacted in the repertoire of broadcasting.

On November 1, 1957, the premiere of "Mystery-Buff" s Moscow Theater of Satira in the formulation of V.N. Plek. The first edition was taken as the basis, supplemented by a side of replicas from the second. This performance did not have a large scale of action, as in the Moscow productions of 1921. The theater sought first of all to reveal the images of the play, especially her true heroes - unclean.

Ten years old - in the year of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution - Misteria-Buff was shown in theaters of Sverdlovsk, Vladivostok, Kaunas.

Miscellaneous Buff was also set on stage, in a puppet theater, on a self-deepest scene, in a movie, on radio, television.

Foreign readers and viewers began to get acquainted with "Mystery-Buff" from the beginning of the 20s, when the first articles appeared about it and the translations of the "prolobe of seven unclean couples" appeared on various languages.

Poet Witold Vandursky put this prologue in 1922-1927 in his translation into Polish in several amateur groups of Poland.

In 1933, the translation of the second edition of Misteria into English was published in New York in the collection "Masterpieces of the Russian Drama", in 1947 the translation into Italian is a separate book in Rome. Transfers to other languages \u200b\u200bbegan to be published since 1957.

In Bucharest, she was performed on the radio in 1958.

In the 60s and 70s, Mystery-Buff was put in many theaters and amateur groups and socialist and capitalist countries: Romania and Germany (1960), Czechoslovakia, Poland and GDR (1962), Hungary and Bulgaria (1967), Italy (1968).

In all foreign theaters "Misteria-Buff" recycled: they introduced pieces of new text, which brought it into the events of the new time and the country where it was put, the theaters followed the offer of Mayakovsky: "Change the content."

In the GDR, she went in 1967 in the large Berlin theater "Volksbuyn"; There she received a subtitle "Option for Germany": the World Flood interpreted as the Second World War; "unclean" - German workers and peasants - are gradually exempt from the bourgeois ideology and are taken for the construction of a socialist state. In the town of Montreus (near Paris), workers and students set the performance of the "Land Promised" play in 1970, in which the parts of the tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky" and "Misteria-Buff" were united. In Japan - in Tokyo - to: Marking the 50th anniversary of October "Mistere" with great success played eight united studio teams under the direction of the director of Korea Senda; Changes made in the play displays the phenomena of pre-war and post-war political life. In the final of the performance, the actors raised a large cloth with the slogan "Long live the October Revolution!".

The features of modernity were also made to the performance of a peculiar Swedish theater-ship "Arena", which carries around the island, which is located Stockholm (1973). "Mistee Buff" in new editions and the theaters of other capitals - Helsinki (1970), Vienna (1974), Copenhagen (1976). Along with translations into the languages \u200b\u200bof those countries where it was put, two translations were published in Spanish (Buenos Aires, 1958, and Madrid, 1971) and transfer to Novogreic (Athens, 1962).

The poems "Mystery-Buff", sounding scenes of numerous foreign theaters, enter the consciousness of the audience as burning to lead about today's struggle and the coming victory of advanced humanity.

First editor

Seven pairs are clean. Seven couples are unclean. - According to the biblical legend, God shook people for sins by the World Floral, but that life on earth does not stop, told the righteous to build a ship - Ark - and escape in it himself with the family and with pairs of "clean" and "unclean "Animals.

Sketches of costumes to "Mystery - Buff": "Seven pairs of pure" (fragment). Figure V. Mayakovsky. 1919.

Negus - The title of the sovereign of Abyssinia (Ethiopia).

Rajah - Indian prince.

Pashe - Title of the highest dignitaries and military leaders in Turkey (in the past).

Velzevul - Devil.

Zlatoust (John Zlatoust) is one of the Christian preachers.

Methuselah - Bible character known for its extraordinarily long life (according to legend, 969 years).

Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) - French enlightener, writer, philosopher.

"Lost and Returned Paradise" - the poems of the English poet John Milton (1608-1674) "Lost Paradise" (1667) and "Returned Paradise" (1671).

Etal (Franz.) - Star.

Mephistopheles - Character Tragedy Goethe (1749-1832) "Faust" and the Opera of GUNB (1818-1893).

Verry Eifel - Tower of 300 meters high, built on the project of an engineer A. G. Eiffel in Paris in 1889.

Battle - The contemptant name of the Germans (so the French people called the Germans to the First World War).

Dreadnought (eng.) - A large armored ship.

Tomper Pompeii - The death of the Roman city of Pompei in the first century of our era as a result of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano.

Schwab - A resident of one of the German regions.

Eviva (Ital.) - Long live!

Gok Faterlands! (it.) - Long live Fatherland!

Sovven. - invented by the Mayakovsky "Council of the sky."

The famous adventure of Naevo - Noah's salvation in the ark during the legendary worldwide flood.

Ararat - Mountain in Turkey. According to the biblical legend, at the end of the flood of Noah, the ark was on Ararat.

First Guild.- In pre-revolutionary Russia, merchants, in accordance with the size of capital, were divided into three guilds. The first included the richest.

Eureka! (Greek) - "I found!"

Bismorochia - Bismarck, Otto (1815-1898) - German statesman.

Government Senate - One of the highest government agencies of Tsarist Russia.

Mamaeva Rat - The army of Tatar Khan Mamaym (mind. in 1380), devastated Russian lands in the XIV century.

Alon Zanfan (Franz. Allons, Enfants) - ident, children, - the first words of the text of Moselisa.

Antichrist - The Messenger of the Devil in the guise of Christ.

Genisretan water.- According to the gospel legend, Christ passed the Genisaret Lake (in Palestine), as luck.

"My paradise for all, except for the spirit ..." - These words are opposed to the words of Christ from the Nagorno Protection: "Blessed Spirit, for them are the kingdom of heaven."

"From the posts of the Great ..." - During the Great Post, which lasted forty days (before the Easter holiday), the church prescribed the believer strict abstinence.

"It's easier to crawl through the needle ear ..." - Mayakovsky rephrased the words of Christ: "It is more convenient to pass through the needle ears, rather than rich in the kingdom of God" (Gospel).

Nazarean - Natives of the Palestinian city of Nazareth, from where, in the gospel legend, Christ occurred.

Nu (Franz.) - Nude. Picture depicting a naked body.

Sioux - The owner of the confectionery factory in pre-revolutionary Moscow.

Gabriel - One of the archangels.

EDA - Olive oil used in worship.

X. And V.- "Christ Risen" - letters on herbs and Easter.

"Down with Tiranans, off Shakov" - Words from the old revolutionary song "Red Banner".

"Traviata" (1853) - Opera Italian composer J. Verdie (1813-1901).