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Death Zykina. Lyudmila Zykina - biography, photos, songs, personal life, husband singer. Lyudmila Zykina - Queen of the Russian Song

Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina (June 10, 1929, Moscow - July 1, 2009, Ibid) - Great Russian, Soviet singer, performer of Russian folk songs, Russian romances, pop songs. People's Artist of the USSR (1973), Hero of Socialist Labor (1987). The founder and head of the Ensemble "Russia".

Lyudmila Zykina Born on June 10, 1929 in Moscow in the family of workers. Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, she studied at the school of working youth, and since 1942 he worked as a turner at the Moscow machine-planning plant. Sergo Ordzhonikidze. A thirteen-year-old girl helped the front, made her own work in the general case of the protection of the Motherland. One of the most expensive are the honorary title "Honored OrdzhonikiDovierz", assigned to it by the collective of the plant in those years. After working at the plant, Lyudmila Zykina became a nurse in the Military Hospital near Moscow. Then she worked as seamstress in the hospital. Kashchenko.

Since 1947, the creative fate of Zykina begins as singer. He started in amazing. She took part in the All-Russian competition of young performers. After a successful speech at the competition, it is taken to the State Russian People's Choir. Pyatnitsky, who became an excellent singing school for her.

In 1949, he temporarily left the choir, worked in the first exemplary printing house, but in two years he became an artist of the Choir of the Russian Song of All-Union Radio, and in 1960 - Moskoncert, so the solo career of the singer began.

In 1960, Lyudmila Zykina begins to perform solo. Its touring routes cover the Urals, Siberia, Kamchatka, the Far East and even the North Pole, where she sang polar studies on drifting ice. The main topics of her songs - Russia, Moscow, War. By 1965, she became an eight-round laureate of the All-Union and All-Russian competitions of vocalists. A unique singer of the lyrical dramatic plan was formed, capable of without visible stress, interpret lyric, dramatic, genre and ritual songs, as well as to perform the most complex vocal symphony works. Her voice creates relief and deep song images, its contrasting sound - from oratorier to a venue - organically merges with the content of a song, its architectonics, which allows us to talk about the symbiosis of epics and lyrics in her work.

In 1969 he graduated from the Moscow Music School. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova (Elena Gedevanova class).

In 1977, Lyudmila Georgievna graduated from the State Music Pedagogical Institute. Gnesins (now the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinic). Education, its executive art, many years of experience in the scene and creative communication with outstanding cultural figures (A.V. Procina, V.G. Zaharov, P.M. Kazminov, V.E. Kolodnina - in Chore ; A.V. Rudneva, N.V. Kutuzov - in the chore of the Russian song Radio; Dirizhera - E.V. Svetlanov, V.I.Fedosheev, V.A. Alksandrov, Yu.V.Silatiev; composers - A.G .Novikov, S.S.Tulikov, E.N. Ptichkina, A.A. Babajanyan and many others) revealed the need to transfer their knowledge to young talents. Zykina leads greater pedagogical activities: taught at the Moscow State Institute of Culture.

In 1977, Zykina created the State Academic Russian People's Ensemble "Russia" and until the end of the life was his artistic director.

In 1989, the State Committee of the USSR for public education was awarded a scientific title of associate professor of the Department "People's Choir".

She was a permanent member of the jury of festivals and competitions of various levels both in the country and abroad.

Zykina was a member of the Board of the Soviet Foundation of the World (now the Russian Foundation of the World), the Moscow Children's Fund them. Lenin. Lyudmila Georgievna actively participated in the fate of the pupils of orphanages, was a member of the Presidium of the Russian Culture Foundation, a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for Literature and Arts, a member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation. She was repeatedly elected by the People's Deputy in Moscow Electoral District No. 1.

She wrote two books: "Song" and "At the crossroads of meetings." Common circulation of plates with her records exceeded 6 million. She became the laureate of the prize "Golden Disk", awarded by the company "Melody", and abroad was awarded to her "Golden Disk" of Ariola Evroodisk and a prize for a record number of discovered plates. In August 1997, 15 CDs were released, in essence the anthology of Lyudmila Zykina songs for 50 years.

On the birthday of the singer, on June 10, 2009, for an outstanding contribution to the development of domestic musical culture and many years of creative and social activities, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev awarded Lyudmila Zykina Order "For Merit to Fatherland" I degree.

On June 25, 2009, Lyudmila Zykina was delivered in a serious condition in intensive care. July 1, 2009 in Moscow at the age of 80 from the head of the heart. A few days before the death of Lyudmila Zykina suffered a heart attack. The actress has long and seriously suffering from diabetes mellitus, in the 1990s suffered a serious operation of implantation of hip joints.

The funeral of Lyudmila Zykina took place on July 4, 2009 in the Church of Christ the Savior. Lyudmila Zykin buried on July 4, 2009 at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Personal life

Lyudmila Zykina was married four times.

For the first time, she married on 22 years old for the engineer of the Likhachev's auto industry - Owned Looked. The second spouse of the singer was the photofondant of the magazine "Soviet warrior" - Evgeny Khalov. The third spouse is a teacher of foreign languages \u200b\u200b- Vladimir Kotelkin. With the last husband, Viktor Gradin lived 17 years. In recent years, she had relations with a deserved artist of Russia - Mikhail Kizina, who was the soloist of the "Russia" ensemble. Lyudmila Zykina has no children.

When Lyudmila Zykina first got abroad (it was exotic India), I met an old man there, who predicted the future. That Hindu told her about the coming glory, and about failures on a personal front. She, of course, did not believe any uniform word. And only years later realized that the old man was right.

Her creative career began with the fact that the young singer, just enrolled in the Choir named Pyatnitsky, .. suddenly silenced. Luda Zykina, which was referred to a brilliant future, Mom died. The shock was so strong that the girl lost his voice on the nervous soil. I could not even talk, not to mention singing ...

But Lyudmila was even not particularly worried about this - it seemed so small to her then this problem. Together with the funeral of Mom, she buried her dreams to become a singer. Zykina left the choir, settled to work in the first exemplary printing house, where she sewed brochures, not complaining about her share.

And then the first love came to Lyudmila. And with her a voice returned: a strong, sonorous, as if she was engaged in vocal exercises all this time.

"I could not forgive betrayal"

Her first chosen name Owned LivingHe worked as an engineer at ZIS. Having found the status of a married lady, Lyudmila changed the place of work. After listening, she was taken to the chorus of the Russian song of the All-Union Radio, and she finally got into his element. After all, music, singing - this is what really it was interesting. In addition, the famous team periodically traveled on tour abroad, and she, a young girl, suddenly got the opportunity to see the world.

During the first trip abroad with her, a mystical case occurred. There she met an ancient-ancient old man, who walked for a small fee to everyone. So, she said something incomprehensible to her: "When you return home, you will break up with a loved one, because he has a novel with another woman. And in general, with your personal life you will have big problems. But you will be known for the whole world - I clearly see you in the forehead star. "

Of course, the words of these Lyudmila did not take seriously, well, the children's fairy tales are a star in the forehead, world glory. Yes, and in her beloved she was sure how in his own. Even when he returned to Moscow and good neighbors immediately shared the news: they say, someone came to your maiden, - continued to believe her husband. After all, he is a question in the forehead: if he has a mistress - he assured her that it was all fictions.

And only when her girlfriend later admitted that six months he had already lived with her faithful, immediately filed a divorce. "I could not forgive betrayal," Lyudmila Georgievna said later. "Suffering after breaking with her husband splashed in their songs." One of them was about treason: "All three were remembered, all three times ..."

For the second time, she married a photographer "Soviet Warrior" Evgenia Svalkova. He also seemed to her with a reference of loyalty. At first. However, Eugene, as it turned out quite soon, had a connection on the side. With a divorce, Zykina did not slow down and this time. "I am not on the way with the traitors," she said when she was asked about the causes of parting with the first two spouses.

Her third husband was considered a high flight bird. Vladimir Kotelkin It was not just a teacher of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(spoke free on three). But the main thing - he served as a personal translator of Patriarch Alexy I. Together with him went to foreign business trips, accompanied by the wedding of Konstantin in Athens.

With Vladimir Kotelkina, singer lived for ten years. For her, he even sacrificed his career, turning into some point in her personal manager. And yet, it is Kotelekin who breed Zykina with a bright representative of the Russian theater scene - actress Alla Demidova.

Like in the "winter cherry"

The fact that Alla Demidov was his wife Vladimir Kotelkin - ex-husband Zykina, - None of the official biography of the actress is mentioned. However, this fact was told the public by Lyudmila Zykina himself shortly before his leaving of life. But immediately recovered that this marriage lasted quite short.

Therefore, of course, for everyone in the acting world it has long been an axiom: where Alla Demidov, there and Vladimir Valutsky - Famous playwright, next to which it has been over 50 years old. And only close friends of the couples knew that in this family union for some time was not so simple. Because in the distant 1970s, some third tandem appeared in their tandem. Or rather, the third, which at all did not consider herself too much.

About the history of this dating with Vladimir Valutsky actress Nadezhda Repina tells, not really hiding. Back in 1974, on the set of the film "Star of the Screen" in Yalta, where the hope worked in Massovka, fate brought it with the famous playwright. There, their novel began, although both were not free. Valutsky had already been married to Alle Demidova at that time. And Repin was waiting for the son's son and her husband - director Andrei Razumovsky.

The attitudes of the actress and playwright are tragic, full of love and passions - lasted long 14 years. Later, their history Valutsky described in the scenario to the film "Winter Cherry". True, the hope of Repin assures that in their joint life everything was much tougher and prosaic. What is surprising, even after entering the picture on the screens, Roman Valutsky and Repina did not end - another three years they continued to meet. It is difficult to say whether the legitimate spouse knew about this connection - Alla Demidov. It is only known that when an actress was asked in the forehead in one interview, that she thinks about the fact that her husband made his personal experiences on everyone, she answered vague: "Any scenario is not one hundred percent trashing with someone's life, a lot Invented, naughntazed ".

In any case, Alla Demidova, all such unearthly, in this situation behaved quite pragmatic, giving the spouse himself to make a decision - to leave or stay.

In this regard, Lyudmila Zykina was still more straight-line, not capable of female tricks. Love - do not change, changed - go.

And only when the singer was 50, she met a man for whom she forgot about all his principles.

"Zykina, I want a child from you!"

Viktor Gridin, Virtuoso-Boyanist, met Zykina during one secular reception. They almost immediately began to live together. Victor did not embarrass the fact that he was waiting for his legitimate spouse and two children, nor even a significant difference in age - he was the younger Zykina for almost 15 years. After some time, the Gridin divorced and designed his relationship with the singer.

They lived together with 17 star years. Their family tandem is pretty soon and in creative. Together, Zykina and Gridin created a musical team "Russia", with which more than a hundred countries.

But then the third, which was able to destroy this marriage in this union. Nadezhda Krygina Also singing folk songs. But she had one undeniable dignity - youth.

"What should I do? I loved so much loved. She, of course, is beautiful, young, "said Zykina's hands, trying to pretend that parting with his spouse perceived as a given. And only close friends of the singers told how difficult she was worried about this divorce, as she tried to keep her husband.

True, the new union did not last long. Gridin began to applied to the bottle and burned out for more than the years - he found cirrhosis of the liver.

"If I am in something and I blame her, then only wow, that she did not care for Viktor Fedorovich," Lyudmila Georgievna admitted to Lyudmila Georgievna in one interview. "All 17 years I fought with his friends and friends who brought him vodka. But as soon as he married in the hope, immediately completely and the invitation went next to the feast, then to someone to the country. It was not four years later ... "

In addition to the official marriage, Lyudmila Zykina was still a lot of novels. Both real and invented. Since she always favored the strengths of this world, it was with them who connected People's Solver singer. So, the leader of Yugoslavia got into the number of her fans Josip Broz Tito, Chairman of the Council of Soviet Union Alexey Kosygin And even the head of the DPRK Kim Jong Ir.. Moreover, gossip about her marriages with the first persons of states went not only in the USSR. Once in Friendly Bulgaria, after the concert, Lyudmila Zykina was strongly asked to convey Hi Kosygin. "Well, when I see, then I will give," the singer answered. "Don't you - not his wife?" - Surprised her viewers asked surprise.

Also in due time Zykina "married" and for Joseph Kobzona. And all because of the same phrase, which once Joseph Davydovich threw with honest people: "Zykina, I want a child from you!" Years later, when the singer celebrated his 75th anniversary, Kobzon, having beating about those old conversations, decided to "pour oil into the fire." Going to the scene, he announced: "Zykina, I still want a child from you!" "Joseph, the train has already left," Lyudmila Georgievna sighed. "The train may, and left, but the whistle stayed!" - joked in response Kobzon. Of course, conversations about their novels were only conversations ...

And the real fact is, here it is rather sad: Lyudmila Zykina, a star, whom thousands of music lovers worshiped around the world, died alone. Apparently, a prophetic was one of her songs, where there are such lines: "Again, alone, but not my fault. I just sentenced to the scene "...

And several girlfriends. Three weeks later she died of cardiovascular failure.

One of the most popular Soviet and Russian singers, known not only in any corner of our country, but far beyond, - Lyudmila Zykina lived a long, life-rich life. With tourists and concerts, she traveled 92 countries, moreathet in some managed to become a literally cult figure: for example, in where her songs know and listen with pleasure so far. The Japanese nicknamed Zykina "Great with a big kind heart."

The heart of the singer and in fact it was kind and skillfully love. Although the performer itself denied, stating on the slope of the year to his friend , 28 years old worked as a press secretary: "I had four husbands, and I didn't love one of them. Love for me is a mystery. I may never have experienced it at all - such, so that the sky is moaning! "

However, if you look at the biography of the singer more closely, it becomes clear: no, Zykina did not Lucavil, just really did not want to demonstrate all his weakness. It is too used to be a strong, powerful, almost almighty! - The same as her voice that allowed her to win a competitive audition at the age of 18 and the only one and a half of the contenders to become a soloist of the Choir named Pyatnitsky. "And in the forehead the star is burning ..." Two years later, in 1949, however, the voice of the singer failed. Then her mother, Ekaterina Vasilyevna died suddenly, the most native person, which Lyudmila gently loved and with which was very close. The shock was so strong that the young performer could not be something to sing, but even loudly talk.

At 22, she met the engineer Owned late. Very quickly romance broke out between young people. And Lyudmila, painted by the reciprocity of his feelings, "felt", was able to think about life again and about the scene. Soon the owned made her an offer, and she gladly accepted him. And then - went to ask the chorus of the Russian song of the All-Union Radio.

There, in the choir, and her real career began. After the first successful speeches in the USSR, the first foreign tour - in . With the fading of the heart, Zykina went abroad.

Photo: stuki-druki.com and there, on the street of one of the Indian cities, she unexpectedly met a man who predicted her further fate. The old man offhu suggested by people going on hand. And although Lyudmila did not believe in every fortune telling, but still - did not have time to come together, as I already asked the translator to come together with her to the old man and talk.

Taking a young woman by the hand, the Hindu said: "When you return home, you will break up with your beloved man. This is because he has a novel with another woman. And also, he added, "I see the star in his forehead." This means that you will be known for the whole world. "

Of course, these words - neither about glory, nor about treason - Zykina first did not believe. However, when she returned home to One of the evenings called her girlfriend and asked poslaved to the phone. "And why do you need my husband?" - asked Lyudmila. And that in response admitted that he was found with her spouse for six months.

Of course, betrayal proud Zykina did not forgive. Leaving five years of marriage behind, she again remained alone.

Her suffering from gap with her husband was aggravated by another, purely female, grief: in this marriage Lyudmila lost a child. Her pregnancy was ectoped, a threat to life arose. As a result, I had to make an operation, and Lyudmila Georgievna remained fruitless for life. "The marriage holds on the strength of the habit ..." Three years after parting with Living Zykina, I was driving in trolleybus (yes, in the USSR, those years and the stars of world values \u200b\u200bdid not bother to ride public transport). Tired after the concert, trisped. And when she opened his eyes - saw a pretty young man who offered to spend it to the house.

The guy was called Evgeny Svalov, he worked as a photoconductor in popular at the time of the magazine Soviet Warrior. Zhenya persuaded Lyudmila to meet the new year together; Then a folk sign appeared that "how to meet, and you will spend." Soon a new marriage stamp appeared in the passport of Zykina.

What was the disappointment of Lyudmila, when the same story happened to her, as the first time! - Only not with a friend, but with someone else, an unfamiliar woman. It was then that, perhaps, the singer began to dictate in love to love and in the fact that personal happiness is generally capable of being long.

"Yurash," she shared years later with his former press secretary. - The marriage keeps the strength of habits. It seems to be someone nearby, so you live with a person ... "

Of course, with Evgeny Zykina, too, spoke about the divorce itself. Treason for her was first of all betrayal, and the compromise in these things did not exist for her. "Not a penny" Zykina "did not perceive the" Giant "of Zykina, did not perceive the lowest and subtitle men.

The third husband of the singers became the translator Vladimir Kotelkin. Together they lived for 10 years. Got acquainted in the shared company; Then, finding what was at the table next to an incredible beauty, Kotelkin stretched out a zykina hand and introduced himself: "Vladimir, translator." "I am Luda," she replied. "Just Luda?" - he asked. "Yes," she said modestly. And added: - I sing. "

Friends and acquaintances remembered that Kotelkin adored Lyudmila, literally manned her. Hands and hearts of the singer, he sought three years, and in the end she surrendered. It is thanks to Vladimir the star of the Soviet scene "pulled out his own literacy slightly: many years later Kotelkin admitted to journalists that the Great Zykin literally wrote a" cow "through" A ".

"I never erniced about this," he stressed. - I know: her life was not sugar. After the war, I worked a lot, it was necessary to provide a family. "

Nevertheless, according to Vladimir Petrovich, it is his Peru that owns the first of the books, on the cover of which is the authorship of Zykina.

"I don't know who the author of her next four works, but the very first -" song "- I wrote for her, - he told. - Luda dreamed to go about her glory as a writer. And since she herself did not own the word, he asked me to help. "

This help, according to Kotelkina, did not bring him any bonus. "Luda \u200b\u200bdid not pay me a penny for writing an excellent book for her, he posted. - My name is not specified anywhere. This is now I understand that it was necessary to conclude a contract with her, but then I was not before. A divorce with a person became one of the most severe tests in my life. "

To the question, which was the cause of parting, Kotelkin replied restrained: Just love left, and her place took mutual discontent, soldering, resentment and scandals. "What do you understand in female beauty!" Only with the fourth husband, a bayanist-virtuoso Virtor Gradin, Lyudmila Georgievna "delayed" near the record deadline - as many as 17 years. They met when Victor came to work in the State Academic Russian People's Ensemble "Russia", whose star was Zykina. The singer even turned out to be a deliberate, breaking the first family of Gridin: he still learning in Gnesinka, married his classmate, and by the time of the meeting with Lyudmila he had already had two children.

Many people who knew the star couple did not understand Victor. So that a statutory, attractive 36-year-old man fell in love with a 50-year-old old woman? "Why is she you? Look how many young beauties around! " - Musician's friends were surprised. And he answered: "What do you understand in female beauty! .."

"Together they were fine, and it got into the eyes," remembered the blizzards. Nevertheless, and with Gradin Zykin in one "beautiful" day decided to disperse. The reason, as many say, again a woman became: a young singer Nadezhda Krygina, with whom Victor has a novel.

Kryglin itself, however, denies this version. "I did not take Victor from the family!" - she assures. According to her, her relations with Gradin began to develop when he was already divorced with Zykina.

"While I acted with them, I could not have any speech about any novel. Mighty Zykina - and me. Who am I so? She could be in one finger, what is called, to nail, "explained to journalists from Kryglin. The loved one killed vodka and came out that Lyudmila Georgievna met his old age alone. Press attributed to her and secret marriage with the composer which specially wrote the song "A young sailor goes to the first one; And the romance with the soloist of the "Russia" ensemble Mikhail Kizina, who was forty at the time when she was almost hit 80. And the one, and the other story of Zykina called inventions, and relationship with Cinema and Averkin - ordinary friendship.

As for her last husband, Viktor Gridin, then with a divorce the history of their relationship did not end. The real tragedy was played out four years after their parting, when Lyudmila learned that Victor was fatally sick. In a new marriage, the musician became often applied to the bottle and quickly "earned" cirrhosis of the liver.

Having heard that her ex-spouse is on the verge of death, Zykina first came to horror, and then raised all his colossal connections, trying to find doctors who could save him. She was ready to call anyone and pay as much money, if only Victor stayed alive.

But alas: Not all diseases are still healing. The miracle did not happen.

"If I am in something and I blame her, then only that she could not protect Viktor Fedorovich," Zykina said with bitterness in one of the interviews, speaking about the "delight" Crygina. - All 17 years old I fought with his friends who brought him vodka. But as soon as he married hope, immediately completely and the invitation went next to the feast, then somewhere at the cottage ... "

Lyudmila Zykina at its 80-year-old anniversary with Svetlana Medvedeva.