
Learn letters for the smallest. Songs for children. Sing the alphabet. Learning letters. Educational cartoons for the little ones

A little bit of Victory. A 6-year-old girl saved up for a doll, and bought a tank. "Hitler drove me out of Sychevka, Smolensk region. I want to go home. I collected on the doll 122 rubles 25 kopecks. And now I’m giving them to the tank, ”wrote six-year-old Ada Zanegin in Omsk Truth. They leave - the old men, whose hands held bayonets, those who reached Berlin and tapped their heels on their boots marching on the cobblestones of Red Square in May 45th. It seems that another year or two - and there will be no one left. But no, look around. There are still children. Children of war. Which also forged Victory. Like Ada Zanegin - a six-year-old smolyanka with two braids on the shoulders. - I really wanted to go to the front - but there was no soldier belt. And I begged everyone from him ... She doesn’t even really remember this myself: she was 5 years old at the beginning of the war! Mom, Polina Terentyevna, then talked about the belt, about the tank father, who went to the front on the first day of the war, about the evacuation to the Urals: the mother doctor drove hundreds of orphanages under her command. “And no one got sick, didn’t die, didn’t get tired” ... What did she remember herself? A potbelly stove in wagons, the only stool - the whole situation - in the annex where they settled in Maryanovka, Omsk Territory, several black and white photographs in a bag - the entire belongings. “Then, during the war, I tried chocolate for the first time: I brought a wounded soldier whom my mother was treating.” He remembers how he and his mother collected parcels with mittens and socks at the front. As was her favorite piglet before the war - a toy in a suitcase - and like in the bombing in the Smolensk region, both the piglet and the suitcase remained under fire. “And I had nothing else.” Ada was saving up for a doll. Piling up pennies that fell from my mother. I bought a tank. “I Am Ada Zanegin” Once in Omsk Pravda a small article was published under the heading “Mail of our readers”. She already read by syllables then ... And wrote, drooling a pencil: “I am Ada Zanegin. I am 6 years old. I write in print. Hitler kicked me out of the city of Sychevka, Smolensk region. I want to go home. I collected on the doll 122 rubles 25 kopecks. And now I give them to the tank. Dear Uncle Editor! Write to all the children so that they too give their money to the tank. And let's call him "Baby." When our tank breaks Hitler, we will go home. ” Hell was bombarded with letters - they also fell to the editors of Omsk Truth. Adik Solodov, 6 years old, wrote: “I want to return to Kiev. I bring the money raised for boots - 135 rubles 56 kopecks - for the construction of the Baby tank. ” Tamara Loskutova: “Mom wanted to buy me a new coat and saved 150 rubles. I will wear the old coat. ” Tanya Chistyakova: “Dear unfamiliar girl of Ada! I am only five years old, and I have been living without my mother for a year. I really want to go home, and therefore I am happy to give money for the construction of our tank. Hurry, our tank would defeat the enemy. ” Shura Khomenko from Ishim: “They told me about the letter of Ada Zanegina, and I made all my savings - 100 rubles - and handed over 400 rubles of bonds for the construction of the Baby tank. My friend Vitya Tynyanov contributes 20 rubles. May our popes smash the fascists with tanks built on our savings. ” These letters, written in print, were read aloud by Ada's mother. One was from a 20-year-old soldier wounded near Rzhev: from the hospital he wrote that Ada Zanegina’s letter breathed into him, immobilized, with a broken spine, eager only for an early deliverance from torment, and now he’s recovering ... But soon - just around that time - he accepted his last Stand on the Kursk Bulge Adin father, a tankman. They were going home to the Smolensk region. The flow of letters has dried up. An unfulfilled doll, newspaper, and an imaginary tank dragged on a veil in children's memory ... Ada forgot and did not remember the “Baby”. And after 30 years, he himself recalled himself. "Baby" ... "Ma-lyut-ka" was inscribed across the hatch of the light tank T-60, which throughout his short life served as a joke from the male staff of the regiment. Still would! One of 19 women-tanker Katyusha, Katya Petlyuk - 151 cm tall! And so nicknamed for her little doll size, she also drove a tank with that name! After all, everything came true: money for the tank was collected. Ada missed, but there was also a telegram in Omsk Pravda, Moscow - Omsk, urgently: “Please convey to the preschoolers of Omsk who collected 160,886 rubles for the construction of the Baby tank, my warm greetings and thanks to the Red Army. Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the Soviet Union I. Stalin. " And they called him, as she bequeathed, “Baby,” and they beat the fascists and returned home ... The T-60 tank fought on the Kursk Bulge, reached Stalingrad, got re-melted, and Katya kept a tank clock for herself ... And they silently lived in her Odessa apartment after the fighting died out. Ada found out about this 30 years later from Omsk pioneers who unearthed this story and found Ada Zanegin in the suburbs, married, mother, and doctor. We were invited to Omsk to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Victory, informing by telegram that the driver of the Baby, a certain E. A. Petlyuk, would also be present. And Ada, black-haired, slender, somewhere near her mother in Smolensk region, left letters from Adik Solodov, Tamara Loskutova and others forever, when she was introduced to the driver’s mechanic Petlyuk in the corridor of the Omsk hotel: small, gray-haired, broad-shouldered, in a strict English costume Yekaterina Alekseevna, deputy, employee of the Odessa registry office. "As exhibits" they were taken around the city: the administration, pioneers, orphanages ... And everywhere Ade was given a rubber baby doll or a magnificent doll, or a plastic baby with diapers - an atonement for the toy that was not in military childhood ... "Two tank mistresses" - so they were called. Ada went to Odessa several times to visit the baby tanker, went to the opera and the drama theater in her modest chintz costume, not daring to put on the full dress jacket proposed by Ekaterina Alekseevna with shoulders. And once again a wave passed through the country, which was once raised in the war by the girl Ada. Waste paper was collected in the Smolensk region - and 3 columns of “Baby” tractors came to the city. The Baby trolleybus built on public money began to travel around Omsk. On Elektrostal - a bus with this name ... Before the restructuring, Katya Petlyuk, the one who went through the whole war, died of cancer. But Adele Aleksandrovna Voronets, an almost 80-year-old pensioner, a resident of Elektrostal, near Moscow, the one in the lower drawer of the sideboard with letters from the 40s — Adika, Tamara, and others — is alive. She has one son, two cats and three jobs: a medical unit, optics and a part-time job. The balcony in her "odnushka" - in geraniums. "Traveled to Europe, looked at the beauty." Riding mom pleases son. Adele Aleksandrovna, Ada, almost does not remember the war, does not flinch at night from the tearing membrane of the heard sound of the air raid and, only when asked, takes out the old clippings of Omsk Truth ... "People have begun to storm, they don’t need this war already ... And I ... I am glad that there is also a small fraction of me in Victory. ” Why did I tell this story? It seemed to me important now that the last old people are leaving and there is no one to take the baton of memory from them, to hear all this firsthand, to touch the gunpowder of those years. Here she is, a girl who bought a tank instead of a doll. Lively, close, pulling from there, from the forties, a thread to us - under the peaceful sky above her geranium balcony. “I'm Ada Zanegin. I am writing in print ... "

A little bit of Victory. A 6-year-old girl saved up for a doll, and bought a tank. "Hitler drove me out of Sychevka, Smolensk region. I want to go home. I collected on the doll 122 rubles 25 kopecks. And now I’m giving them to the tank, ”wrote six-year-old Ada Zanegin in Omsk Truth. They leave - the old men, whose hands held bayonets, those who reached Berlin and tapped their heels on their boots marching on the cobblestones of Red Square in May 45th. It seems that another year or two - and there will be no one left. But no, look around. There are still children. Children of war. Which also forged Victory. Like Ada Zanegin - a six-year-old smolyanka with two braids on the shoulders. - I really wanted to go to the front - but there was no soldier belt. And I begged everyone from him ... She doesn’t even really remember this myself: she was 5 years old at the beginning of the war! Mom, Polina Terentyevna, then talked about the belt, about the tank father, who went to the front on the first day of the war, about the evacuation to the Urals: the mother doctor drove hundreds of orphanages under her command. “And no one got sick, didn’t die, didn’t get tired” ... What did she remember herself? A potbelly stove in wagons, the only stool - the whole situation - in the annex where they settled in Maryanovka, Omsk Territory, several black and white photographs in a bag - the entire belongings. “Then, during the war, I tried chocolate for the first time: I brought a wounded soldier whom my mother was treating.” He remembers how he and his mother collected parcels with mittens and socks at the front. As was her favorite piglet before the war - a toy in a suitcase - and like in the bombing in the Smolensk region, both the piglet and the suitcase remained under fire. “And I had nothing else.” Ada was saving up for a doll. Piling up pennies that fell from my mother. I bought a tank. “I Am Ada Zanegin” Once in Omsk Pravda a small article was published under the heading “Mail of our readers”. She already read by syllables then ... And wrote, drooling a pencil: “I am Ada Zanegin. I am 6 years old. I write in print. Hitler kicked me out of the city of Sychevka, Smolensk region. I want to go home. I collected on the doll 122 rubles 25 kopecks. And now I give them to the tank. Dear Uncle Editor! Write to all the children so that they too give their money to the tank. And let's call him "Baby." When our tank breaks Hitler, we will go home. ” Hell was bombarded with letters - they also fell to the editors of Omsk Truth. Adik Solodov, 6 years old, wrote: “I want to return to Kiev. I bring the money raised for boots - 135 rubles 56 kopecks - for the construction of the Baby tank. ” Tamara Loskutova: “Mom wanted to buy me a new coat and saved 150 rubles. I will wear the old coat. ” Tanya Chistyakova: “Dear unfamiliar girl of Ada! I am only five years old, and I have been living without my mother for a year. I really want to go home, and therefore I am happy to give money for the construction of our tank. Hurry, our tank would defeat the enemy. ” Shura Khomenko from Ishim: “They told me about the letter of Ada Zanegina, and I made all my savings - 100 rubles - and handed over 400 rubles of bonds for the construction of the Baby tank. My friend Vitya Tynyanov contributes 20 rubles. May our popes smash the fascists with tanks built on our savings. ” These letters, written in print, were read aloud by Ada's mother. One was from a 20-year-old soldier wounded near Rzhev: from the hospital he wrote that Ada Zanegina’s letter breathed into him, immobilized, with a broken spine, eager only for an early deliverance from torment, and now he’s recovering ... But soon - just around this time - his father, a tankman, accepted his last battle on Kursk. They were going home to the Smolensk region. The flow of letters has dried up. An unfulfilled doll, newspaper, and an imaginary tank dragged on a veil in children's memory ... Ada forgot and did not remember the “Baby”. And after 30 years, he himself recalled himself. "Baby" ... "Ma-lyut-ka" was inscribed across the hatch of the light tank T-60, which throughout his short life served as a joke from the male staff of the regiment. Still would! One of 19 women-tanker Katyusha, Katya Petlyuk - 151 cm tall! And so nicknamed for her little doll size, she also drove a tank with that name! After all, everything came true: money for the tank was collected. Ada missed, but there was also a telegram in Omsk Pravda, Moscow - Omsk, urgently: “Please convey to the preschoolers of Omsk who collected 160,886 rubles for the construction of the Baby tank, my warm greetings and thanks to the Red Army. Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the Soviet Union I. Stalin. " And they called him, as she bequeathed, “Baby,” and they beat the fascists and returned home ... The T-60 tank fought on the Kursk Bulge, reached Stalingrad, got re-melted, and Katya kept a tank clock for herself ... And they silently lived in her Odessa apartment after the fighting died out. Ada found out about this 30 years later from Omsk pioneers who unearthed this story and found Ada Zanegin in the suburbs, married, mother, and doctor. We were invited to Omsk to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Victory, informing by telegram that the driver of the Baby, a certain E. A. Petlyuk, would also be present. And Ada, black-haired, slender, somewhere near her mother in Smolensk region, left letters from Adik Solodov, Tamara Loskutova and others forever, when she was introduced to the driver’s mechanic Petlyuk in the corridor of the Omsk hotel: small, gray-haired, broad-shouldered, in a strict English costume Yekaterina Alekseevna, deputy, employee of the Odessa registry office. "As exhibits" they were taken around the city: the administration, pioneers, orphanages ... And everywhere Ade was given a rubber baby doll or a magnificent doll, or a plastic baby with diapers - an atonement for the toy that was not in military childhood ... "Two tank mistresses" - so they were called. Ada went to Odessa several times to visit the baby tanker, went to the opera and the drama theater in her modest chintz costume, not daring to put on the full dress jacket proposed by Ekaterina Alekseevna with shoulders. And once again a wave passed through the country, which was once raised in the war by the girl Ada. Waste paper was collected in the Smolensk region - and 3 columns of “Baby” tractors came to the city. The Baby trolleybus built on public money began to travel around Omsk. On Elektrostal - a bus with this name ... Before the restructuring, Katya Petlyuk, the one who went through the whole war, died of cancer. But Adele Aleksandrovna Voronets, an almost 80-year-old pensioner, a resident of Elektrostal, near Moscow, the one in the lower drawer of the sideboard with letters from the 40s — Adika, Tamara, and others — is alive. She has one son, two cats and three jobs: a medical unit, optics and a part-time job. The balcony in her "odnushka" - in geraniums. "Traveled to Europe, looked at the beauty." Riding mom pleases son. Adele Aleksandrovna, Ada, almost does not remember the war, does not flinch at night from the tearing membrane of the heard sound of the air raid and, only when asked, takes out the old clippings of Omsk Truth ... "People have begun to storm, they don’t need this war already ... And I ... I am glad that there is also a small fraction of me in Victory. ” Why did I tell this story? It seemed to me important now that the last old people are leaving and there is no one to take the baton of memory from them, to hear all this firsthand, to touch the gunpowder of those years. Here she is, a girl who bought a tank instead of a doll. Lively, close, pulling from there, from the forties, a thread to us - under the peaceful sky above her geranium balcony. “I'm Ada Zanegin. I am writing in print ... "

Learn the Russian alphabet with funny animals.
Watch and memorize the letters of the Russian alphabet along with funny animals.
  Our cartoon animals will help you learn the Russian alphabet for the smallest.
The most fun and interesting alphabet for kids !!!
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00:10 the beginning of the alphabet
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05:45 hippo
10:34 jaguar

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