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The largest statue in Mongolia. The Genghis Khan statue in Mongolia is the largest equestrian statue in the world. Geographical position of the monument to Genghis Khan

The statue of Genghis Khan is the tourist center of Mongolia. The equestrian statue of Genghis Khan is not just a statue, but a two-story tourist complex. Inside the pedestal is a museum, a giant map of Genghis Khan's conquests, an art gallery, a conference room, restaurants, a billiard room and a gift shop. A staircase and an elevator lead to an observation deck located in the horse's head at a height of 30 meters. From here you can see amazing views of the endless steppes of Mongolia. It is planned to build a theme park around the statue, dedicated to the Mongolian life of the era of Genghis Khan. The park will consist of six sections: a camp of warriors, a camp of artisans, a camp of shamans, a khan's yurt, a camp of herders and an educational camp.

Tourists who come to Mongolia, first of all, want to get acquainted with the homeland of Chinggis Khan, but unfortunately in Mongolia, with all due respect and reverence for Chinggis Khan, there are not enough museums and places where travelers can study the history of this great man. You can learn something in the history museum, learn something from the military history museum, see something in the museum of national costumes. But there is no such museum where you will be told the history of Chinggis Khan in Mongolia yet. The project of the Chinggis Khaan tourist complex will help visitors learn more about this man. Despite the fact that work on the construction of a gigantic monument to Genghis Khan in Mongolia has not yet been completed, the statue has already become a landmark, which both tourists and locals come to see. The tourist complex "Statue of Chinggis Khan" is located 53 kilometers east of Ulaanbaatar, between the Ulaanbaatar-Erdene-Moron highway and the Tola river bed. The complex is located in Erdene somon of the Central aimag of Mongolia.

A 40-meter statue of Chinggis Khan has already been installed. It took two hundred and fifty tons of stainless steel to create the sculpture. The base height is 10 meters. The base diameter is over 30 meters. At the base of the statue there are 36 columns symbolizing the 36 khans who ruled Mongolia after Chinggis Khan. The grand opening of the monument took place on September 26, 2008. The ceremony was attended by the President of Mongolia and other officials. At the moment, you can already climb to the observation deck located at the 30-meter height of the statue (on the head of a horse). Inside the ten-meter foundation there is a restaurant, souvenir shops, a giant map of Genghis Khan's conquests. And the symbolic golden whip two meters long - the same whip became the reason for the appearance of the monument in this place.

According to legend, in 1177, as a young man, Temujin (the original name of Genghis Khan before his election as emperor at the kurultai of 1206) was returning home from Wang Khan Toorila, a close friend of his father, from whom he asked for strength and help. And it was in this place where the statue is erected today that he found a whip - a symbol of success. This allowed him to unite the Mongol people, become Genghis Khan and conquer half the world.

The memorial complex will include historical Museum, which will feature a wide exposition telling about the Mongol khans who ruled the Mongol empire, a state ceremonial building, a restaurant, a bar and a souvenir shop. An observation deck is designed in the horse's head, which can be reached by stairs or an elevator. The site is located at an altitude of 30 m, from which an unforgettable view of the endless steppes of Mongolia opens.

From the exhibition hall, visitors can take a staircase or elevator to the observation deck located in the horse's head, which offers an unforgettable view of the surrounding area. Nothing but the steppes is visible from here. But the formidable conqueror is even closer - Genghis Khan looks sternly to the east - to the places where he was born.

The authors of such a grandiose project are the famous sculptor D. Erdenebilag and architect J. Enkhzhargal. Examining the statue, one is amazed at the attention of the masters to detail. Inside equestrian statue is hollow and has two floors. There was room here not only for a conference hall, but also for a museum of the Xiongnu era, an art gallery, a billiard room and even a restaurant! In addition, there is a huge map on which you can see all the territories that Genghis Khan managed to conquer during the years of his reign, as well as a 2-meter golden whip!

According to the construction plan, the complex should be ready in 2012. A swimming pool, a park, a yurt camp will appear here, all on an area of \u200b\u200b212 hectares. The government of the country emphasizes that the large-scale construction is not only for the sake of tourists. The "Golden Whip" - as the complex was called - should bring good luck to modern Mongolia, as it once helped the young Genghis Khan. The area will be fenced off with a seemingly stone wall. The construction of the central (southern) and northern gates is underway. 100,000 trees will be planted on the territory of the complex, there will be more than 800 guest yurts for the visitors of the complex.

The complex will embody the traditions of national architecture and the achievements of modern architecture. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe cultural and historical complex "Statue of Genghis Khan" is 212 hectares.

Often, in various publications, the forty-meter Statue of Chinggis Khan is mentioned in the context of the 13th century National Park or the International Airport. Chinggis Khan. In fact, another statue of Genghis Khan is installed near the airport. The Chinggis Khan Statue complex and the 13th century National Park are 2 different but related projects. National Park "Mongolia 13th Century" is located almost 40 kilometers from the complex "Statue of Chinggis Khan".

In 2010, they decided to gild the monumental figure of the father of the Mongolian nation. Under the agreement, the country's gold mining companies will allocate the required amount of precious metal for this, so that for many kilometers in the steppe one can see the dazzling brilliance of a huge sculpture of the great Mongol. The statue of Genghis Khan is not only included in the list of nine wonders of Mongolia, now it is the national symbol of the state. The architect Erdembilag, who designed the large-scale memorial complex of Genghis Khan, says that not only his personal dream came true, but also the dream of the entire Mongolian people. The majestic monument, according to the artist, is much more important than the Statue of Liberty. After all, the Americans have a fictional character, and the Mongols - a real manthat influenced the whole world history.

Dorzhadambaagiin Erdembileg, architect of the memorial complex: “The idea of \u200b\u200bthis monument was born in my student years, when I studied in Moscow, at the Institute of Arts. But only in 2006, when the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Mongolian state was celebrated, did it become possible to make a dream come true. ”The steel statue of the commander on horseback, under whose hoof there is a building in gothic styleas a symbol of the conquered Europe. Work on the main part of the monumental complex was carried out in a short time, a sketch was developed for three months, and a model of the monument for three months. The installation of the monument itself took the same amount of time.

Workers from different countries worked in shifts around the clock. It was necessary to have time to put the very figure of Genghis Khan on a horse for the national celebration. The construction took 300 tons of steel, several million dollars were spent on the creation of the complex, and the completion of all work is planned only by 2010. tower in Paris, a monument to Jesus Christ in Rio. Like them, our monument to Genghis Khan has become a symbol of the new Mongolia. "

This is not a fake or photoshop, this is a real statue in Mongolia. It is not hard to guess in honor of what person the Mongolian people decided to erect such a gigantic structure ... Three years ago, a monument as high as a 13-storey building rose in the middle of the Mongolian steppe. A statue of Genghis Khan was unveiled 50 kilometers from Ulan Bator. Millions of dollars have been invested in this figure of the great conqueror whom the country has long used as a brand.

Equestrian statue of Genghis Khan is a symbol of the 800th anniversary of Mongolia. Many historians believe that the greatest conqueror of all times and peoples was not Alexander the Great at all, but Genghis Khan. Alexander inherited from his father a strong army and a powerful state, and the great Mongol, starting from scratch, united the scattered steppe tribes and in 21 years of his reign (1206 - 1227) created a huge power that occupied 22% of the entire Earth. His name - Genghis Khan Temujin - terrified many peoples of Eurasia, but for the Mongols, the great khan was and remains the father of the nation. Further...

With all the respect and respect for Genghis Khan, there are not many places and museums in Mongolia where tourists can study the history of the legendary commander. And now, 800 years later, as Genghis Khan founded the Mongol Empire, the national hero of the Mongols is back on horseback! A huge 40-meter equestrian statue, covered with 250 tons of stainless steel, rises on a plateau open to all the winds. The statue of the great Mongol is installed on a 10-meter pedestal and is surrounded by 36 columns symbolizing the 36 khans who ruled Mongolia after Genghis Khan. The construction of the monument was timed to coincide with the 800th anniversary of Mongolia celebrated in 2006. On September 26, 2008, in the presence of the President of Mongolia and other officials, the grand opening of the equestrian statue of Genghis Khan took place.

Genghis Khan statue - the tourist center of Mongolia. The equestrian statue of Genghis Khan is not just a statue, but a two-story tourist complex. Inside the pedestal is a museum, a giant map of Genghis Khan's conquests, an art gallery, a conference room, restaurants, a billiard room and a souvenir shop. A staircase and an elevator lead to an observation deck located in the horse's head at a height of 30 meters. From here you can see amazing views of the endless steppes of Mongolia. It is planned to build a theme park around the statue, dedicated to the Mongolian life of the era of Genghis Khan. The park will consist of six sections: a camp of warriors, a camp of artisans, a camp of shamans, a khan's yurt, a camp of cattle breeders and an educational camp.

The complex, fenced with a stone wall, will include a camping with 200 yurts, a swimming pool, an open air theater and a golf course. Besides, the steel statue of the commander will be covered with goldso that it can be better seen in the steppe. 100 thousand trees will be planted in the park. The place for the construction of the statue and the tourist complex was not chosen by chance: according to legend, it was here, 50 km from Ulan Bator in the Tsonzhin-Boldog area, that the young Temujin found a gilded whip that helped him become Genghis Khan and conquer half the world.

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According to legend, in 1177, as a young man, Temujin (the original name of Genghis Khan before his election as emperor at the kurultai of 1206) was returning home from Wang Khan Toorila, a close friend of his father, from whom he asked for strength and help. And it was in this place where the statue is erected today that he found a whip - a symbol of success. This allowed him to unite the Mongol people, become Genghis Khan and conquer half the world.

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An observation deck is constructed in the horse's head, which can be reached by stairs or an elevator. The site is located at an altitude of 30 m, from which an unforgettable view of the endless steppes of Mongolia opens.

The complex is still under construction and by 2012, according to the plan, a yurt camp with a swimming pool and a park will appear here. The entire area will be fenced off with a stone wall. The construction of the main (southern) and northern gates is underway. On the territory of the complex, 100,000 trees will be planted and more than 800 guest yurts will stand for visitors to the complex.

The complex "Statue of Chinggis Khan" will embody the traditions of national architecture and the achievements of modern architecture.

The authors of such a grandiose project are the famous sculptor D. Erdenebilag and architect J. Enkhzhargal. Examining the statue, one is amazed at the attention of the masters to detail. Inside, the equestrian statue is hollow and consists of two floors. There was space here not only for a conference hall, but also for a museum of the Xiongnu era, an art gallery, a billiard room and even a restaurant! In addition, there is a huge map on which you can see all the territories that Genghis Khan managed to conquer during the years of his reign, as well as a 2-meter golden whip!

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe cultural and historical complex "Statue of Genghis Khan" is 212 hectares.

Monument to Genghis Khan (Ulan Bator, Mongolia) - description, history, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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On the banks of the Tuul River, which is 54 km east of Ulan Bator, stands a majestic forty-meter statue of Genghis Khan sitting on a horse - the tallest equestrian statue in the world. Around it, 36 columns are installed, symbolizing the 36 khans who led Mongolia after Genghis Khan.

There is no person in the world who would not have heard this name of the cruel Mongol conqueror who conquered a huge part of the world in the 13th century; a warrior who sowed destruction and death around him. But not everyone knows what an important role Genghis Khan played in the fate of Mongolia, because he was the founder of the Mongol Empire, the colossal of which mankind has never known in its entire history.

The statue of Genghis Khan is considered one of the nine wonders of Mongolia and the main symbol of the state. For the entire Mongolian people, this monument is of great importance, because for him Genghis Khan is the person from whom the history of the nation begins.

The statue of Genghis Khan is considered one of the nine wonders of Mongolia and the main symbol of the state.

The Genghis Khan monument is more than just a statue. It is installed on a round base with a diameter of 30 meters and a height of 10 meters. Plus, the equestrian statue itself is hollow and consists of two floors. There are several interesting objects inside the complex that are definitely worth a visit. The pedestal houses a historical museum dedicated to the Mongol khans; a huge map on which you can trace all the conquests of the great Genghis Khan; art Gallery; conference hall; several restaurants; billiards room; souvenir shop.

The unveiling of the monument, which took 250 tons of stainless steel, took place in 2008 after three years of construction. Today, the statue of Genghis Khan is one of the most popular sights in Mongolia.

The place where a huge steel Genghis Khan rises on a hill has its own history associated with the great warrior. According to legend, this is where the history of the Mongol Empire as a whole begins. In 1177, young Temuzhin, who later took the name Genghis Khan, found a golden whip on the top of the hill, which symbolized good luck. For Temuzhin, this find became a sign that the gods favor him in fulfilling his dream of uniting the Mongols scattered around the nomadic tribes. He fulfilled his plans: in 1206, he formed the Great Mongol Empire, and a copy of the famous golden whip can still be seen inside the base of the statue.

Mongolia: Genghis Khan country

In addition to the whip in the tourist complex, the visitor is invited to taste dishes according to traditional Mongolian recipes, play a game of billiards or take the elevator to the observation deck located in the head of Genghis Khan's horse. From there, from a thirty-meter height, a stunning view of the mountains and plains opens up, of the endless mesmerizing Mongolian steppes. This panorama is especially beautiful in spring, when tulips are blooming everywhere.

Today, a theme park of the same name is being built around the statue of Genghis Khan, dedicated to the era of his reign and the peculiarities of the life of the Mongol people at that time. There is also a version that the name of the future cultural and historical complex will be "Golden Whip". It is planned to divide the park into six parts: a camp of warriors, a camp of artisans, a camp of shamans, a khan's yurt, a camp of cattle breeders and an educational camp. It is also planned to decorate the park with an artificial lake and set up an open-air theater. The total estimated area of \u200b\u200bthe park is 212 hectares.

How to get there

The statue of Genghis Khan is located 54 km from Ulan Bator. Sightseeing buses run here. You can only get there by car or taxi. The cost of visiting the complex is 8500 MNT.

The prices on the page are for September 2018.

Coordinates: 47.80793, 107.53690

Mongolia is a country that attracts tourists not only with its amazing landscapes, a wide range of entertainment and the preserved atmosphere of antiquity. It is on its territory that one of the most grandiose buildings created by mankind is located. It's no secret how popular Genghis Khan is in Mongolia. The monument is intended to remind the inhabitants and guests of the country about the deeds of the great commander.

Who is Genghis Khan

This is an invincible warrior, under whose rule in the 13th century half of the world fell, if we take into account only the lands already discovered by mankind at that time. His conquests were accompanied by destruction and atrocities. According to historians, this man killed about 40 million people. As such, he is known almost to the whole world, except for his compatriots. National hero - such is the glory of Genghis Khan in Mongolia. The monument to the soldier was erected in honor of the 800th anniversary of the empire created by his weapon.

Despite the atrocities that were committed under the leadership of the famous commander, many historians tend to extol his abilities higher than the military talent of the even more famous Macedonian. Alexander inherited a strong army and a great state from his ancestors, while the Mongol conqueror at the beginning of his journey had practically nothing. He managed to unite the scattered tribes of nomads with a common goal, in 20 years to create a powerful state, whose power spread over about 22% of the Earth's area.

It is not surprising that Genghis Khan, who lived in 1155-1227 in Mongolia, enjoys such fame. The monument has become another proof of people's love.

Beautiful legend

Since the construction of the grandiose building was completed, its location began to attract not only the local population, but also tourists. Where is the monument to Genghis Khan in Mongolia? It is interesting that the place for the construction was specially chosen. The fact is that it was here, according to a beautiful legend, that the history of a powerful empire began to be created, the name of the owner of which plunged the inhabitants of half the world into horror.

The young warrior Temuuzhin, whom mankind knows as Genghis Khan, made an interesting find here, climbing to the top of the hill in 1777. The young man saw a gilded whip, which is a sign of good luck. The future conqueror realized that he was chosen by the gods in order to gather together the nomads warring with each other. His dream came true already in 1206, when it was created. Tourists who look inside the pedestal will be able to see a copy of the legendary thing.

Monument to Genghis Khan in Mongolia: where to find him

It is obvious that the place for the glorification of the national hero was chosen correctly. But where is the monument to Genghis Khan in Mongolia, the photo of which can be seen in this article? Guests of the country wishing to see the monumental building with their own eyes should drive about 50 km from Ulaanbaatar. A formidable warrior on horseback is located in the area of \u200b\u200bTsonzhin-Boldog. Near the building flows the Tuul River, enchanting with its clear waters.

For those who are afraid not to find a monument to Genghis Khan in Mongolia, the coordinates will definitely help: 47.80793, 107.53690. By the way, guests of the country who do not want to use the help of a guide can get there on their own by taking a special bus in Ulan Bator.

Monument construction

One of the politicians in Mongolia once joked that the time is not far away when the portrait of the famous conqueror will be used for advertising purposes even by local manufacturers of toilet paper. Indeed, the image of Temuuzhin, popular with the local population, is found almost everywhere. However, the state cannot boast of an abundance of museums, in which everyone could get a detailed idea of \u200b\u200bthe personality of the commander, his life.

The authorities decided to rectify the situation by showing the whole world who Genghis Khan is considered in Mongolia. Monument dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the empire became the fruit hard work the famous architect Enkhzhargal in the country. The sculptor Erdembilega also took part in its construction. The statue received the official name "Genghis Khan on a Horse".

The budget allocated for the construction of the most grandiose structure on Mongolian lands amounted to $ 4 million. The result shows that every dollar was spent wisely by the creators of the statue. The volume of materials used is impressive: for example, only the stainless steel used to cover the sculpture took about 250 tons.


The statue, exalting one of the most famous conquerors in the world, was erected on the legendary hill; it looks spectacular surrounded by endless steppes. Tourists arriving by sightseeing buses can appreciate the beauty of the Genghis Khan monument in Mongolia from afar. The total height of the statue and the pedestal is 40 meters. For comparison: the same figure for a 9-storey building is about 25-30 meters.

The pedestal on which the equestrian sculpture is installed deserves special attention. Viewed from the outside, this part resembles a two-story building, framed by 36 columns. The figure was also chosen for a reason: this is the number of prominent khans of Mongolia, from the creator of the empire to Ligdankhan. The pedestal has a diameter of 30 meters and a height of 10 meters.

The work done by the sculptor deserves special praise. The face of the proud Vladyka turned out exactly the way it is usually portrayed in history textbooks. The creators carefully thought out the pose of the warrior, emphasizing his greatness.

Observation deck

Of course, the monument to Genghis Khan in Mongolia is interesting primarily in and of itself. However, its visitors should not deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying the beauty of the area that surrounds the statue. To do this, they just need to go up the stairs, which is located inside the pedestal, to be on the observation deck. If you wish, you can use the elevator.

Those who do so will have a magical view of the endless steppe covered with green grass. It will be especially lucky for tourists visiting Mongolian sights in spring. The steppe covered with blooming tulips is very beautiful. Also, viewers will see a desert devoid of the slightest hint of vegetation. Of course, the gigantic mountains make an indelible impression.

If you look inside

Is there someone who would willingly refuse to enjoy exotic dishes prepared according to local recipes dating back several centuries, or relax with a game of billiards inside a building like the Genghis Khan monument in Mongolia? All these entertainments will be offered to travelers inside the building.

It is worth looking inside the monument not only for food and relaxation. Inside the base of the statue, there is also a full-fledged historical museum containing interesting exhibits. Its visitors will receive a lot of information about the life of the ancient Mongol rulers. Also, guests can explore a huge map containing marks of all the conquests of the legendary warrior. Those interested in local art will be delighted with a visit to the art gallery. Finally, one cannot but mention the souvenirs associated with the personality of Genghis Khan. They are offered to everyone in the appropriate shop.

Mongolia had to wait for a monument to Genghis Khan for about three years. Photos of the building at the time of its opening are in this article. The grand ceremony took place in 2008 and attracted thousands of spectators. Interestingly, the work is not finished yet. The creators intend to surround the majestic statue with a beautiful park, in which tourists can relax while admiring the views.

The park, divided into six separate sections, will be thematic, its task is to reveal to tourists the fascinating details of the life of nomadic Mongols. The exact date of completion of construction work has not yet been announced, but the creators hope that they will not drag on.

On the banks of the Tuul River, which is 54 km east of Ulan Bator, stands a majestic forty-meter statue of Genghis Khan sitting on a horse - the tallest equestrian statue in the world. Around it, 36 columns were installed, symbolizing the 36 khans who headed Mongolia after Genghis Khan.

There is no person in the world who would not have heard this name of the cruel Mongol conqueror who conquered a huge part of the world in the 13th century; a warrior who sowed destruction and death around him. But not everyone knows what an important role Genghis Khan played in the fate of Mongolia, because he was the founder of the Mongol Empire, the colossal of which mankind has never known in its entire history.

The statue of Genghis Khan is considered one of the nine wonders of Mongolia and the main symbol of the state. For the entire Mongolian people, this monument is of great importance, because for him Genghis Khan is the person from whom the history of the nation begins.

The statue of Genghis Khan is considered one of the nine wonders of Mongolia and the main symbol of the state.

The Genghis Khan monument is more than just a statue. It is installed on a round base with a diameter of 30 meters and a height of 10 meters. Plus the equestrian statue itself is hollow and consists of two floors. There are several interesting objects inside the complex that are definitely worth a visit. The pedestal houses a historical museum dedicated to the Mongol khans; a huge map on which you can trace all the conquests of the great Genghis Khan; art Gallery; conference hall; several restaurants; billiards room; souvenir shop.

The unveiling of the monument, which took 250 tons of stainless steel, took place in 2008 after three years of construction. Today the statue of Genghis Khan is one of the most popular sights in Mongolia.

The place where a huge steel Genghis Khan rises on a hill has its own history associated with the great warrior. According to legend, this is where the history of the Mongol Empire as a whole begins. In 1177, young Temuzhin, who later took the name Genghis Khan, found a golden whip on the top of the hill, which symbolized good luck. For Temuzhin, this find became a sign that the gods favor him in fulfilling his dream of uniting the Mongols scattered around the nomadic tribes. He fulfilled his plans: in 1206, he formed the Great Mongol Empire, and a copy of the famous golden whip can still be seen inside the base of the statue.

In addition to the whip in the tourist complex, the visitor is invited to taste dishes according to traditional Mongolian recipes, play a game of billiards or take the elevator to the observation deck located in the head of Genghis Khan's horse. From there, from a thirty-meter height, a stunning view of the mountains and plains opens up, of the endless mesmerizing Mongolian steppes. This panorama is especially beautiful in spring, when tulips are blooming everywhere.

Today, a theme park of the same name is being built around the statue of Genghis Khan, dedicated to the era of his reign and the peculiarities of the life of the Mongolian people at that time. There is also a version that the name of the future cultural and historical complex will be "Golden Whip". It is planned to divide the park into six parts: a camp of warriors, a camp of artisans, a camp of shamans, a khan's yurt, a camp of cattle breeders and an educational camp. It is also planned to decorate the park with an artificial lake and set up an open-air theater. The total estimated area of \u200b\u200bthe park is 212 hectares.

How to get there
The statue of Genghis Khan is located 54 km from Ulan Bator. Sightseeing buses run here. You can only get there by car or taxi (800 MNT per km). The cost of visiting the complex is 700 MNT.