
"Uncle Vitya sat on the face of a journalist" - the first interview of the scandalous comedian Who is Uncle Vitya? A character or a real person? Uncle Viti's real face

Many people wonder uncle Vitya from Comedy Battle - who is it? A filmmaker or a project participant? We'll talk about this later in the article.

Uncle Vitya from Slaughter League - who is this?

There are artists who are easy to forget, but there are also creative personalities who can stay in your memory forever. They are recognized by their voice, manner of speaking and appearance. This is Uncle Vitya. Once this funny man modestly led performances and celebrations in his city, but his life changed a lot after he got on the Slaughter League project. This is a humorous program on TNT, the goal of which is to select participants with the best humorous abilities.

When appeared on the stage mysterious man in baggy clothes, no one took him seriously. But his talent made all viewers laugh. Many people still remember his jokes and unusual manner of performance. Naturally, with such a talent, Uncle Vitya was able to eliminate all rivals and become the favorite of this show. "Slaughter League" became a kind of starting point for this participant, after the end of the project he received many proposals for cooperation, including from representatives of the TNT TV channel.

Such popularity of the artist is due to the fact that his jokes made everyone laugh, from the younger generation to older people.

Several years have passed since the day this performance ended, but until now all the organizers do not know who exactly is hiding under the guise of this man. Perhaps this is a young guy who portrays an old man or a nice grandfather with a great sense of humor. This person also aroused many questions from the audience, more and more reviews appear about him, both positive and negative. For some, this humor seems to be successful, while others think that this person has no place in youth shows.

Uncle Vitya and the Laughter Without Rules project

The magnificent participant did not stop at one performance, the next stage was the project "Laughter without rules". The comedian appeared on the big stage wearing glasses and a plaid shirt. He immediately aroused great sympathy and the girls who sat on the jury. He presented each performance on this project in the form of a dialogue with the judges. When he saw that Ksenia Borodina was sitting in this place, he subtly asked her about the show and the choice of shoes.

Despite the fact that Uncle Vitya at this time did not behave entirely culturally and a little bit angry, the audience nevertheless reacted cheerfully to his every joke.

This artist did not disregard other members of the jury. He also pointed out that they had achieved nothing in life and their problem areas. The character tried to show with all kinds that he was exactly granddad... He walked slowly across the stage and spoke in a voice typical of an elderly person. The judges willingly entered into a dialogue with him and spoke in reply phrases to his dialogue. Of course, everyone understood that this was, first of all, a humorous show, and since the audience was laughing, then Uncle Vitia had a completely good performance. It does not matter in what ways he achieved this success. It is for this reason that the members of the jury gave him the highest score.

Uncle Vitya and Comedy Battle

The project "Comedy Battle" has not been without this character. He took part in it for several seasons in a row. Unfortunately, the first time he failed to reach the final, he dropped out a few steps before winning. However, he did not despair and tried to come to the project at the second stage. This time the jury members were famous people: Sergei Svetlakov, Semyon Slepakov and Alexander Revva. The elderly artist also began his performance by addressing the jury. Unlike past performances, his usual jokes were not received so positively, and a few minutes after he was on stage, two of the judges pressed red buttons. However, the positive man quickly corrected the situation and ensured that the jury members changed their minds about him. At the moment, Uncle Vitya is a participant in the Comedy Battle show. It is not yet known whether he will win the project or leave it at the next stage. However, he received a comment from the jury, they did not like that, unlike many participants, this person comes to the stage without prior preparation.

Many viewers of the TV show's official website also believe that it is unfair to give the victory to the person who improvises on stage and does not show a full performance.

Business and performance

Despite his cruel jokes, Uncle Vitya from Moscow is a popular person. Many people want this particular grandfather to become their host at a wedding, anniversary or other celebration. It is worth noting that this elderly man has his own advertising agent and pages on all social networks.

Uncle Vitya believes that it is necessary to apply for his services, since, unlike the younger generation, he was able to achieve something in life. We found out how much a corporate event with the participation of Uncle Viti will cost. About rough estimates, the amount is 180 thousand rubles, and this is not counting the accommodation and flight to the place of the event.

Despite the fact that this person revealed himself as a negative character on the show, many clients speak of him as a person with a wide soul.

Uncle Vitya - Ilya Sobolev

The character named Uncle Vitya, according to some assumptions, is called Ilya Sobolev. He gave himself such a name, as he believed that it would emphasize his image. All viewers see this artist on stage as a mischievous old man who speaks insolently and arrogantly to the audience. He perfectly manages to answer with humor the questions of the jury, improvise and compose texts from the phrases proposed by the organizers of the show. However, no one saw him in other genres. It is also not known what kind of person is hiding under this mask. Uncle Vitya keeps intrigue in front of the audience to the end and does not reveal his true face to anyone. Even with all the staff of the channel, he communicates in the same manner. Perhaps it is for this reason that he is of interest to the audience. Journalists tried to get to the truth, but they only managed to find out that this man is married and is a happy family man.

So who is Uncle Vitya from Comedy Battle? This question will torment all TNT channel fans for many years to come. This funny character is not going to reveal his identity and stop participating in such projects, perhaps it is about for this reason, he fell in love with all spectators.

Show "Money or Shame" - 2017

The host has a personal show - "Money or Shame." This is another scandalous project, whose goal is to attract more audience to the TNT-4 channel.

The essence of the program is exposing the stars. They come to the studio, and Uncle Vitya gives them 1,000,000 rubles, and then asks sharp questions of any kind, on the most sensitive topics.

If the guest is modest and does not answer, he gives a certain amount back, the more modest the participant, the poorer.

The first season is already on the screen. The program begins to gain views and its popularity is predictable - the project is almost a win-win. After all, what interests the main audience is the peppered stories from the lives of stars.

Considering that employees of the same channel are filmed in the show, it seems that they are all actors from the same performance and how reliable the information received by the presenter is is unknown. But these are just the assumptions of some viewers leaving comments, while the organizers claim that everything is pure truth.

Video about Uncle Vita

The channel is preparing a show that still has no analogues on Russian television.
It will be a loud premiere with the participation of stars known to the audience.
But the stars will go to shame, shame, humiliation and shame, just for the sake of money? This question can only be answered by watching the episode of the show.
Well, the stars who come to the show will be disgraced in front of viewers, and this is for the whole country.

Host of the show "Money or Shame"

The program will be hosted by the famous comedian character Uncle Vitya, whom viewers often see in TNT channel competitions. In fact, this is the resident of the Comedy Club Ilya Sobolev, who has such a hero who lives an independent life.

Premiere of the show "Money or Shame"

The premiere will take place from July 20th, one hour before midnight, we watch the show at 23:00.

Who is the first guest of the show "Money or Shame"

The first program was attended by actor Stas Yarushin and showman Timur Rodriguez.

Rules of the show "Money or Shame"

The rules of this show are such that at the very beginning of the release, the heroes will receive one million rubles in their hands. He will get them and will be the property only if they complete all the tasks of the leader.
And do not put your finger in Uncle Vitya's mouth, his questions will be very tricky and biting. The heroes of the show have only two ways out, either they keep their secret and pay off with money, or they reveal the truth to the audience and receive a certain part of the money for this.

How to become a participant of the show "Money or Shame"

Viewers from eighteen to thirty-seven years old are invited to the program, you can sign up on the official page of the show in social network VKontakte, here is her address: Ilya Viktorovich Sobolev - Russian comedian, musician, resident of the Comedy Club, participant in many humorous TV projects, including the Slaughter League on TNT. Member of the trio "Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev", a former member of the duet "Beautiful".

Childhood and youth

Ilya was born on February 25, 1983 in Krasnoyarsk. As a child, Sobolev was an active and cheerful child who felt quite confident on stage.

At the age of 13, Ilya got into the city School League of KVN. In the final game, the teenager fought with the captain of the rival team, Roman Klyachkin, who later became his best friend and colleague in the world of humor.

After graduating from the Krasnoyarsk Lyceum No. 102, Ilya entered the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science in Krasnoyarsk, and then received an acting education at the St. Petersburg Theater Academy (SPbGATI).


At the institute, the guy began to play as part of the KVN team "Left Bank", which in 2003 became the champion of the Premier League. A year later, "Left Bank" got into the Major League - the participants reached the quarterfinals. Then Sobolev distinguished himself at the festival "Voting KiViN-2004", and in 2005 passed to the semifinals of the Premier League, losing to the teams "Maxim M" (Tomsk) and "Friends" (Perm).

Even while participating in KVN Sobolev and Klyachkin began to perform in a duet called "Beautiful". Soon the guys became residents of the Comedy Club Siberia. In 2007, the duo tried their hand at the first season of the new comic contest from TNT "Laughter without rules", in which they took 2nd place and received the right to participate in the show "Slaughter League". In this show, until 2010, Ilya performed not only as part of the "Beautiful" duet, but also solo.

In August 2010, the entertainment show Comedy Battle was launched on TNT channel, one of the participants of which was Ilya. The comedian, together with Dmitry Romanov, Evgeny Otstavnov, Konstantin Pushkin and Slava Komissrenko, performed as part of the Aristocrats clan in the 1st and 2nd seasons of the show and more than once became the author of the best jokes.

Ilya Sobolev at the Comedy Club: "Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev"

In 2011, the "Beautiful" duet became the winner of the 9th season of "Laughter without rules", in which the finalists of the previous seasons took part.

In the fall of 2013, Ilya Sobolev, together with Alexei Smirnov and Anton Ivanov, founded the trio "Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev" - in this composition, comedians became residents of the "Comedy club" show.

Ilya Sobolev and Uncle Vitya

There is an opinion that it is Ilya Sobolev who is hiding under the guise of the most mysterious participant in "Laughter without Rules" and "Slaughter League", the cynical and gloomy uncle Vitia. In defense of this theory, fans cited the following evidence: firstly, the image of Uncle Vitya is partly taken from Sobolev's favorite film "The Man on the Moon", and secondly, in one of his speeches, Uncle Vitia's voice broke and the phrase he said defender ”was pronounced in a voice very similar to Sobolev. Carefully comparing the photographs of Sobolev and Uncle Viti, attentive viewers found similar details that makeup could not hide.

Another proof that fans of Russian humor have found is the show "Money or Shame". Its host is Uncle Vitya, and on Ilya Sobolev's VKontakte page, the official page of this program appears in the list of his subscriptions almost at the highest place.

The answer to the haters of the show "Money or Shame" from Uncle Viti!

Ilya Sobolev in every possible way denied his involvement in the show "Money or Shame". When MBAND member Artem Pindyura, enraged by the show's host's phrase (“MBAND is a show for worms”), recorded a video message demanding an apology, Sobolev posted a response video, but by no means an “excuseful” one.

Music and cinema

Since 2009, Ilya has been closely involved in music. Together with the artist Andrian Sobolev, he recorded several humorous songs, including "Do not think", "Gansta", "I am stupid." For a long time, several songs were kept in the charts of the Radio Record radio station.

Sobolev Ilya and Andrian - I'm stupid

In 2017, Sobolev starred in the TV series The Phantom of the Opera directed by Emil Nikoghosyan (Moms 3, Champions). The series tells the story of the friendship between police operative Alexei (Vyacheslav Evlantiev) and the ghost of the legendary swindler Pashka Veterka (Garik Kharlamov).

Personal life of Ilya Sobolev

Sobolev has been married for a long time. Ilya and his wife Natalya have two daughters - Eva and Sofia.

Ilya Sobolev now

Sobolev continues to work in the Comedy Club show, touring cities in Russia and foreign countries with his trio, as well as giving private concerts and working as a host at various events.

In September 2017, Sobolev joined the #TOPSHOWMEN project - a community of the best leaders from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Also in September 2017, Sobolev resumed the release of vlogs on his YouTube channel. In his videos, the comedian covers all the most relevant and eternal topics: old age, fears, show business stars, the gay community, etc. In October 2017, Sobolev, along with other members of the Comedy Club, went on a tour of North America.

Ilya Sobolev "Bad Jokes"

In the winter of 2018, the comedian announced a new show "Prozharka", which started on the TNT4 channel. As part of the project, budding comedians and humor professionals ridiculed a particular person throughout the entire release. Olga Buzova became one of the first heroines of the program.

Uncle Vitya is an outrageous character in humorous shows that appear on the TNT channel. Viewers are sure that under his mask is a young comedian, whose name is still kept secret. A funny old man became the star of the Comedy Battle, Laughter Without Rules, and then created his own project.

Character story

When Uncle Vitya first appeared on the stage of "Slaughter League", people wondered who was playing him. Some did not doubt that this was a real person. After all, the actor who reincarnated as him cleverly hid under professional makeup and did not give himself away.

Uncle Viti always has one image. Old worn trousers, checkered shirts worn over a turtleneck, and a vest or jacket. Moving around the stage, typical of an elderly person, brings up even greater doubts. The name Uncle Vitya, or rather a pseudonym, was invented by the man himself, which further emphasizes the created image.

The comedian is good at the conversational genre when he has to quickly come up with a funny answer to questions from the jury and improvise. However, the man was not seen in other directions. It is not known for certain who is hiding behind the mask of a grumpy old man. The organizers of the show, in which he participates, assure that the man communicates with them in the same way as on stage.

Ilya Sobolev (alleged uncle Vitya without makeup)

Although Uncle Vitya tries to keep the intrigue to the last and does not reveal his true face, attentive viewers drew conclusions for themselves. The main version is that he is hiding under the guise of a swanky pensioner. He is a TNT comedian and a former kavin player who has a reputation for being a funny guy performing in stand-up style in miniatures.

Such conclusions were made by viewers of humorous programs after a careful comparison of the photos of Sobolev and Uncle Viti. Despite the use of makeup, users found similarities in the facial features of these two people. Moreover, as "experts" assure, the image of the old man is not accidental. It is partially copied from the film "Man on the Moon" from Sobolev's favorite film.

Those who closely watched Laughter Without Rules also made their own conclusions. Uncle Vitia's voice, rough and harsh, broke off on the air of the program, and the phrase “He is no longer a defender” was pronounced in the voice of Sobolev.

The main distinguishing feature of this character is jokes. More precisely, in the translation of any questions addressed to him on the theme of the love affairs of an elderly person. The boorish unbridled Don Juan seems repulsive and outrageous to the audience. However, his wit allows you to quickly come up with a suitable answer and make the whole audience laugh.

No matter how hard journalists and simply fans of TNT humorous projects tried to get to the bottom of the truth, the attempts were in vain. Sobolev and the channel's management argue that these are two different people, Ilya has nothing to do with Uncle Vita.

In May 2018, in an interview for the Talking Heads Youtube channel, Sobolev personally answered an exciting question, assuring the presenter that Uncle Vitya was not him. Therefore, everyone can continue to wonder whether this character is real, or whether he is skillfully played by a professional actor.

Humor and TV Shows

For the first time, the audience saw Uncle Vitya on the stage of the humorous show "Laughter without Rules" in 2007. He turned his performance into a dialogue with the jury. The jokes were directed at the girls who were sitting in the judges' chairs. The man "flirted" with, and. No one took him seriously, although the mysterious character's approach to humor and charisma captivated thousands of viewers. So other television programs began to appear in his biography.

In the show "Slaughter League", the purpose of which was to select humorists for the next stages and fight for the best place, Uncle Vitya was seen again. The man performed on an equal basis with other participants and conquered everyone with his jokes, from young people to old people.

Uncle Vitya appeared in Comedy Battle more than once. More precisely, he became a full-fledged participant in the project, along with other performing in three seasons. While on stage, a man improvises, he does not prepare for exits, but tries to talk to the jury. Moreover, his image is always the same - a grumpy old man who does not love anyone.

Uncle Vitya gets a job

For all the time Uncle Viti's participation in this project, he even managed to reach the final. In the 7th season of the project, which was held under the slogan “Experience vs. Youth ”, the man took 4th place and got the right to open his own project on TNT channel.

In the 8th season, he also participated, again took 4th place, but this time the cash prize was intended only for the single finalist. However, he was not upset as he started promoting his own program called "Money or Shame".

Uncle Viti's new show started in the summer of 2017. He invites eminent guests to the studio and, when communicating with them, does not change the created image. The stars of Russian show business are experiencing sophisticated "setup", sharp facts and scandalous details of their life from Uncle Viti.

The audience appreciated the show of the shocking old man, so the shooting did not stop after the first episodes were released. In January 2018, the second season of the show was released, and in the summer of the same year, viewers saw the third. The man continues to look for new "victims" for his show now, removes new issues and remains afloat for now.

Uncle Vitya now

On November 5, 2018, the 4th season of Uncle Viti's show "Money or Shame" started, where the participants, represented by eminent guests, will have to answer the presenter's tricky questions. For passing all stages of the transfer, the guest star receives a cash prize.

Uncle Vitya and Elena Berkova

Other actors, humorists and singers have already come to visit Uncle Vita in previous issues. The largest sum of money was earned by a businesswoman and a former participant in the Dom-2 television project.

  • The fact that Uncle Vitya and Sobolev are one person has not yet been proven. Attentive viewers in one of the Lethal League episodes noticed an important detail. After another performance, when the comedian went down the steps from the stage, Ilya Sobolev, or a guy similar to him, fell into the same frame for 10 seconds with him. This video is freely available on the Internet.
Uncle Vitya and Ilya Sobolev on the same stage
  • The interviews that Uncle Vitya gives for online publications are in the same style as communication on stage during performances. The comedian translates the questions of journalists into a joke and does not answer any question seriously.
  • In the program "Money or Shame", where the guest was an actor, Uncle Vitya paid the most attention to the latter. Moreover, the jokes were impudent and impudent. Although they made the audience laugh, Ruslan did not like such attention. He even went up on stage to "deal" with the man, but everything ended well.


  • 2007 - Laughter Without Rules
  • 2009 - Slaughter League
  • 2015 - “Comedy Battle. Last season "
  • 2016 - “Comedy Battle. Experience vs. Youth"
  • 2017-2018 - "Money or Shame"
  • 2018 - "Comedy Battle. Standup vs. Miniatures "