
Pictures in which secret signs are hidden. Mona Lisa: There is a hidden code in her eyes. Michelangelo, The Creation of Adam

And the secret signs are visible in those pictures ...

Works of art can carry a certain hidden meaning, which sometimes can be deciphered. We offer you a selection of ten masterpieces of painting, in which we managed to find secret signs.

1. "Mona Lisa": there is a hidden code in her eyes

Typically, the power of Mona Lisa is attributed to the intriguing smile depicted on the woman's face. However, historians from Italy have found that if you look at the eyes of the Gioconda under a microscope, you can see letters and numbers.

Experts say that these subtle numbers and letters represent something like the "Da Vinci Code" in real life: the letters "LV" are visible in the right eye, which may well mean the name of the artist, Leonardo da Vinci, and in the left eye there are also symbols, but they have not yet been identified. It is very difficult to see them clearly, but most likely they are either the letters "CE" or the letter "B".

In the arch of the bridge, the number 72 can be seen in the background, or it could be the letter "L" and a two. In addition, the picture shows the number 149 with an erased four, which may indicate the date of the picture's creation - da Vinci painted it during his stay in Milan in the 1490s.

It is important to remember that the painting is almost 500 years old, so the hidden signs are not visible as clearly and clearly as they could be immediately after its creation.

2. "The Last Supper": the picture contains mathematical and astrological puzzles and a musical melody

The Last Supper is the subject of much speculation, usually focusing on the alleged hidden messages and hints encrypted in the painting.

Slavisa Pesci, an information technologist, achieved an interesting visual effect by overlaying a mirrored translucent version of the painting on top of the original. As a result, two Templar-like figures appeared at both ends of the table, and another person became visible to the left of Jesus - perhaps a woman with a baby in her arms.

Italian musician Giovanni Maria Pala pointed out that the position of the hands and bread can be interpreted as notes in piece of music, and if read from right to left, as was typical of Leonardo's writing style, then they form a musical composition.

Vatican researcher Sabrina Sforza Galizia, said she has deciphered the "mathematical and astrological" puzzle contained in The Last Supper. According to her, the artist predicted a global flood and the coming end of the world, which will begin on March 21, 4006, and end on November 1 of the same year - she believes that this will be the beginning of a new era for humanity.

3. "Creation of Adam": the divine origin of the mind

Michelangelo's Creation of Adam has stood the test of time, not only as the most famous fresco in the Sistine Chapel, but also as one of the most iconic images in human history.

Michelangelo is recognized as one of the greatest painters and sculptors of the Italian Renaissance, but it is not widely known that he carefully studied anatomy and, at the age of 17, dismembered corpses excavated in a churchyard.

American neuroanatomy experts believe that Michelangelo did use some anatomical knowledge when working on the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel.

Although some may consider this a coincidence, experts suggest that Michelangelo could hardly have written such a painting by chance: in the fresco you can even see the outlines of such complex parts of the brain as the cerebellum, optic nerve and pituitary gland. And in the very figure of Adam, stretching out his hand to God, one can discern the outlines of the bridge of Varoli and the spine.

4. Frescoes of the Sistine Chapel: some of them show parts of the human brain

As in the case of the "Creation of Adam", among the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel there is another mural with a figure of God, containing a secret message.

Experts noticed that God's chest and neck have anatomical abnormalities that no other human figure on the murals has anymore. In addition, while most of the figures are lit diagonally from the lower left edge, the sun's rays fall on God's neck at a right angle - the researchers concluded that the genius made such an inaccuracy deliberately.

If you superimpose the image of the strange neck of God on a photograph of the human brain, it becomes noticeable that the contours of both images almost completely coincide, and the strange rectangle of tissue extending to the center of God's garment can symbolize the spinal cord.

Michelangelo also depicted other anatomical features in some places on the ceiling, in particular the kidney, which was of particular interest to Michelangelo, as the artist suffered from kidney stones.

5. "Madonna and Saint Giovannino": UFO tracks

"Madonna with Saint Giovannino" by Domenico Ghirlandaio has an interesting detail: a strangely shaped drop hovers in the sky above Mary's left shoulder.

In this place of the picture, a board-like object is clearly visible, possibly brilliant - the artist depicted this object before the smallest details, trying to place it in your work so that it catches your eye. In addition, on the right side of the picture, we see a person raising his right hand to his eyes, showing how bright this object is, and in the upper left corner we see an object that looks like the sun.

Madonna and Saint Giovannino is just one of many medieval paintings depicting strange, disturbing unidentified flying objects soaring in the sky.

6. "Prophet Zechariah": the power of religion

The tension between Pope Julius II and Michelangelo is documented in historical documents. Historians note that Michelangelo portrayed the Pope in one of his paintings as the prophet Zechariah, and one of the angels behind him makes an extremely obscene gesture.

10 worldwide famous paintings in which hidden signs are hidden The figure in which the fingers of an adorable little child are folded is called "fig", but its meaning is not at all as sweet as the name: holding his thumb between the index and middle fingers, he shows the gesture of the old world, which has retained its meaning to the present day. In the West, the gesture is not so common, but in Russia its meaning is well known.

7. "David and Goliath": mystical signs of Kabbalah

Analyzing the arrangement of the figures on the 1300 km² ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, scientists have discovered shapes similar to the Hebrew letters: for example, the figures of David and Goliath form the letter "Gimel", symbolizing "power" in the mystical tradition of Kabbalah.

Researchers believe that Michelangelo became acquainted with Judaism during his stay at the court of Lorenzo Medici in Florence, and the entire Sistine Chapel, possibly built in the same proportions as the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, is a "lost mystical message of universal love" intended for decryption.

8. "Flemish Proverbs": the picture contains 112 Dutch idioms

"Flemish Proverbs" is an oil painting on an oak panel by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, filled with symbols related to the Dutch proverbs of the time.

In total, 112 idioms were found and deciphered in the picture: some of them are still used, for example, "swim against the tide", "a big fish eats a small fish", "banging your head against the wall" and "arm yourself to the teeth."

Other proverbs point to human stupidity. Some symbols seem to represent the meaning of more than one figure of speech, for example, a man shearing sheep sits next to a man cutting a pig to the left of the center at the bottom of the painting, and this scene symbolizes the expression “Someone shears sheep, and someone - pigs ”, which means that one person has an advantage over others. Also, the scene can mean "Shears, but don't take off your skins", that is, it warns not to go too far when using your capabilities.

9. "Supper at Emmaus": Christian vow of silence

"Dinner at Emmaus" is a painting by Caravaggio, an Italian Baroque artist. The painting depicts the moment when the resurrected Jesus stays incognito in the city of Emmaus, but meets two of his disciples there and breaks bread with them, after which they recognize him.

The picture is unusual already in that the figures of people are depicted on a dark empty background in full size, and at the very edge of the table there is a basket with food, which seems to be about to fall. There is also a strange fish-like shadow, which may indicate a vow of silence as mandatory for Christians.

10. "Portrait of young Mozart": signs of the Freemasons

Of course, works of art have not bypassed the theme of Freemasonry: portraits of people hiding their hands can indicate dedication or a level of hierarchy. An example is the portrait of Mozart painted by Antonio Lorenzoni.

Famous paintings and hidden codes hidden in them:

1. Mona Lisa: the real hidden code in her eyes

The intrigue usually lies in her enigmatic smile. However, examining the painting under a microscope, historians in Italy have found that by holding a magnifying glass over the eyes of the Mona Lisa, tiny numbers and letters can be seen.

Experts say that the subtle letters and numbers represent something of the Da Vinci Code in real life: in the right eye, you can distinguish the letters LV, which may well represent his name, Leonardo Da Vinci (Leonardo Da Vinci), while in the left eye, there are also symbols, but they are not so clearly distinguishable. Of course, it is very difficult to accurately determine them, but they seem to be the Latin letters CE, or E may actually be the letter B. On the arch of the bridge, visible in the background, you can see the number 72, or the Latin letter L and the number 2. In addition, , the number 149, with the fourth number erased, is on the back of the painting, suggesting that da Vinci painted it when he was in Milan in the 1490s.

It should be borne in mind that this picture is almost 500 years old, so it is no longer as clear and clear as when it was created.

2. Last Supper: mathematical and astrological puzzle, plus secret notes

The Last Supper has also been the subject of many hypotheses, mainly about the supposedly hidden messages or hints that are present in the picture.

Slavisa Pesci, an information technologist, created an interesting visual effect by superimposing a translucent, specular reflection of the painting over the original. As a result, two figures appear at both ends of the table that look like the Templars, while a man, perhaps a woman with a baby, is standing to the left of Jesus.

The Italian musician Giovanni Maria Pala also pointed out that the positions of the hands and loaves of bread can be interpreted as notes on the stave, and if read from right to left, which was characteristic of Leonardo's writing method, they constitute a musical composition ...

Vatican researcher Sabrina Sforza Galitzia said she deciphered the mathematical and astrological puzzle in Leonardo's Last Supper. She said that he foresaw the end of the world in a "worldwide flood" that would begin on March 21, 4006 and end on November 1 of that year. She believed that this flood would mark a "new start for humanity."

3. Creation of Adam: a floating deity in the form of a brain

Michelangelo's painting "The Creation of Adam" is not only the most famous part of the Sistine Chapel, but also one of the few legendary depictions of humanity.

Michelangelo is considered one of the greatest painters and sculptors of the Italian Renaissance. However, not everyone knows the fact that he was very interested in anatomy and, at the age of 17, began to dissect the corpses that he took from the church cemetery.

A couple of American neuroanatomy experts believe Michelangelo actually left some anatomical illustrations in one of his most famous works, the Sistine Chapel.

While some may consider this a coincidence, experts suggest that it is more difficult to explain that the anatomical context was not in Michelangelo's painting. Even complex components of the brain such as the cerebellum, optic nerves and pituitary gland can be found in the painting. As for the flashy green ribbon that runs along the pons / spine / person who supports God, it perfectly matches the location of the vertebral artery.

4. Sistine Chapel: another image of the human brain, but from below

As in the case of the masterpiece The Creation of Adam, according to experts, there is another figure of God with a secret code on the panels of the Sistine Chapel.

They noticed that the throat and chest of God in the painting are depicted with anatomical inconsistencies that are not found in any other figure in the fresco. In addition, while the light falls on the rest of the figures diagonally from the lower left corner, the neck of God is illuminated by direct light. They concluded that she looks awkward and must be the deliberate work of a genius.

By superimposing the strange image of the neck of God on the photograph of the human brain, which is shown below, they showed how exactly the two images match. They added that the strange roll of cloth that extends to the center of God's garment may be a depiction of a human spinal cord.

The bumpy neck in the image of God (A) corresponds to a photograph of the human brain when viewed from below (B), and (C) shows various parts of the brain, apparently hidden in the picture.

According to scientists, Michelangelo also depicted other anatomical features elsewhere on the ceiling, in particular the kidney, the appearance of which was familiar to Michelangelo, and which was of particular interest to him, since he suffered from kidney stones.

5. Madonna with Saint Giovannino: UFO sightings

In addition to drawing our attention to the rock-hard muscles of the Infant Jesus, Domenico Ghirlandaio's painting Madonna and Saint Giovannino also features an interesting little drop hovering in the sky above Mary's left shoulder.

A disc-shaped object is painted above Mary's left shoulder that appears to glitter. The artist depicted this object in great detail so that it was clearly visible in his work of art. The right side of the painting depicts a man holding his right hand over his eyes, indicating that this object was very bright, while in the upper left corner there is a sun-like object.

"Madonna with St. Giovannino" by Domenico Ghirlandaio is just one of many medieval paintings depicting strange, frightening unidentified flying objects.

6. Prophet Zechariah: insulting a religious authority

The differences between Pope Julius II and Michelangelo have been well documented. Historians note that Michelangelo painted a portrait of the Pope as the prophet Zechariah, and that one of the angels behind him shows him an extremely obscene gesture.

Charming Small child shows a fig, and this is not a sweet fruit, this is a real fig made of fingers and its meaning is not nearly as sweet as the fruit of the same name. By sticking his thumb between his index and middle fingers, he makes a gesture that in the old world was practically analogous to showing the middle finger today.

7. David and Goliath: mystical signs of the Kabbalah

Scanning the arrangement of the figures on the huge 1300 square meter ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the authors found shapes that correspond to the Hebrew letters.

For example, the figures of David and Goliath form the shape of the letter "gimel", which symbolizes "strength" in the mystical tradition of Kabbalah.

The authors believe that Michelangelo received his knowledge of Judaism when he was at the court of Lorenzo de Medici in Florence, and the entire Sistine Chapel, which is supposedly built in the same proportion as the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, is a “lost mystical a message of universal love ”, which had to be deciphered.

8. "Flemish Proverbs" (Netherlandish Proverbs): in the plot of the picture there are 112 Dutch idioms

"Flemish Proverbs" is an oil painting on an oak panel in 1559. Its author is Pieter Bruegel the Elder who depicted a land inhabited by literal images of Dutch proverbs of the day.

There are approximately 112 recognizable idioms in the painting. Some of them are used to this day, for example, such as: "swim against the current", "bang your head against the wall", "armed to the teeth" and "a big fish eats a small one."

Other proverbs reflect human stupidity. Some figures seem to represent more than one figurative expression, such as, for example, a man shearing a sheep to the left of the center at the bottom of the painting. He is sitting next to a man who is slaughtering a pig, which is the expression "someone is shearing a sheep and someone is cutting a pig." This expression means that one person has an advantage over another, but it can also be an admonition to "cut them, but do not skin them," that is, use your savings to the maximum, but do not completely waste them.

9. "Supper at Emmaus": Recognition of the Law of Silence for Christians

"Dinner at Emmaus" is a painting by the artist Caravaggio in the Italian Baroque style.

The painting depicts the moment when the resurrected but unrecognized Jesus is shown to two of his disciples, in the city of Emmaus, and then disappears from view.

The painting is unusual because of the life-size figures and the dark, blank background. There is a basket of food on the table, balancing dangerously on the edge of the table. There is also a striking fish-like shadow in the painting, which may indicate the acceptance of the law of silence for Christians.

10. Young Mozart's Portrait: Signs of Freemasons

Of course, artwork could not help but touch Freemasonry. Portraits of people hiding their hand can indicate dedication or a level in the hierarchy. An example of such portraits is this anonymous portrait of Mozart (possibly painted by the artist Antonio Lorenzoni).

1. "Mona Lisa": there is a hidden code in her eyes

Typically, the power of Mona Lisa is attributed to the intriguing smile depicted on the woman's face. However, historians from Italy have found that if you look at the eyes of the Gioconda under a microscope, you can see letters and numbers.
Experts say that these subtle numbers and letters represent something like the "Da Vinci Code" in real life: the letters "LV" are visible in the right eye, which may well mean the name of the artist, Leonardo da Vinci, and there are also symbols in the left eye , but they have not yet been identified. It is very difficult to see them clearly, but most likely they are either the letters "CE" or the letter "B".
In the arch of the bridge, the number 72 can be seen in the background, or it could be the letter "L" and a two. In addition, the picture shows the number 149 with an erased four, which may indicate the date of the picture's creation - da Vinci painted it during his stay in Milan in the 1490s.
It is important to remember that the painting is almost 500 years old, so the hidden signs are not visible as clearly and clearly as they could be immediately after its creation.

2. "The Last Supper": the picture contains mathematical and astrological puzzles and a musical melody

The Last Supper is the subject of much speculation, usually focusing on the alleged hidden messages and hints encrypted in the painting.
Slavisa Pesci, an information technologist, achieved an interesting visual effect by overlaying a mirrored translucent version of the painting on top of the original. As a result, two Templar-like figures appeared at both ends of the table, and another person became visible to the left of Jesus - perhaps a woman with a baby in her arms.
Italian musician Giovanni Maria Pala pointed out that the position of the hands and bread can be interpreted as notes in a piece of music, and if read from right to left, as was characteristic of Leonardo's writing, they form a piece of music.
Vatican researcher Sabrina Sforza Galizia, said she has deciphered the "mathematical and astrological" puzzle contained in The Last Supper. According to her, the artist predicted a worldwide flood and the coming end of the world, which will begin on March 21, 4006, and end on November 1 of the same year - she believes that this will be the beginning of a new era for humanity.

3. "Creation of Adam": the divine origin of the mind

Michelangelo's Creation of Adam has stood the test of time, not only as the most famous fresco in the Sistine Chapel, but also as one of the most iconic images in human history.

Michelangelo is recognized as one of the greatest painters and sculptors of the Italian Renaissance, but it is not widely known that he carefully studied anatomy and, at the age of 17, dismembered corpses excavated in a churchyard.
American neuroanatomy experts believe that Michelangelo did use some anatomical knowledge when working on the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel.
Although some may consider this a coincidence, experts suggest that Michelangelo could hardly have written such a painting by chance: in the fresco you can even see the outlines of such complex parts of the brain as the cerebellum, optic nerve and pituitary gland. And in the very figure of Adam, stretching out his hand to God, one can discern the outlines of the bridge of Varoli and the spine.

4. Frescoes of the Sistine Chapel: some of them show parts of the human brain

As in the case of the "Creation of Adam", among the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel there is another mural with a figure of God, containing a secret message.

Experts noticed that God's chest and neck have anatomical abnormalities that no other human figure on the murals has anymore. In addition, while most of the figures are lit diagonally from the lower left edge, the sun's rays fall on God's neck at a right angle - the researchers concluded that the genius made such an inaccuracy deliberately.

If you superimpose the image of the strange neck of God on a photograph of the human brain, it becomes noticeable that the contours of both images almost completely coincide, and the strange rectangle of tissue extending to the center of God's garment can symbolize the spinal cord.
Michelangelo also depicted other anatomical features in some places on the ceiling, in particular the kidney, which was of particular interest to Michelangelo, as the artist suffered from kidney stones.

5. "Madonna and Saint Giovannino": UFO tracks

"Madonna with Saint Giovannino" by Domenico Ghirlandaio has an interesting detail: a strangely shaped drop hovers in the sky above Mary's left shoulder.
In this place of the picture, a board-like object is clearly visible, perhaps brilliant - the artist depicted this object to the smallest detail, trying to place it in his work so that it catches the eye. In addition, on the right side of the picture, we see a person raising his right hand to his eyes, showing how bright this object is, and in the upper left corner we see an object that looks like the sun.
Madonna and Saint Giovannino is just one of many medieval paintings depicting strange, disturbing unidentified flying objects soaring in the sky.

6. "Prophet Zechariah": the power of religion

The tension between Pope Julius II and Michelangelo is documented in historical documents. Historians note that Michelangelo portrayed the Pope in one of his paintings as the prophet Zechariah, and one of the angels behind him makes an extremely obscene gesture.

The figure, in which the fingers of an adorable little child are folded, is called "fig", but its meaning is not at all as sweet as the name: holding the thumb between the index and middle fingers, it shows the gesture of the old world, which has retained its meaning to this day. In the West, the gesture is not so common, but in Russia its meaning is well known.

7. "David and Goliath": mystical signs of Kabbalah

Analyzing the arrangement of the figures on the 1300 km² ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, scientists have discovered shapes similar to the Hebrew letters: for example, the figures of David and Goliath form the letter "Gimel", symbolizing "power" in the mystical tradition of Kabbalah.
Researchers believe that Michelangelo became acquainted with Judaism during his stay at the court of Lorenzo Medici in Florence, and the entire Sistine Chapel, possibly built in the same proportions as the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, is a "lost mystical message of universal love" intended for decryption.

8. "Flemish Proverbs": the picture contains 112 Dutch idioms

"Flemish Proverbs" is an oil painting on an oak panel by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, filled with symbols related to the Dutch proverbs of the time.
In total, 112 idioms were found and deciphered in the picture: some of them are still used, for example, "swim against the tide", "a big fish eats a small fish", "banging your head against the wall" and "arm yourself to the teeth."
Other proverbs point to human stupidity. Some symbols seem to represent the meaning of more than one figure of speech, for example, a man shearing sheep sits next to a man cutting a pig to the left of the center at the bottom of the painting, and this scene symbolizes the expression “Someone shears sheep, and someone - pigs ”, which means that one person has an advantage over others. Also, the scene can mean "Shears, but don't take off your skins", that is, it warns not to go too far when using your capabilities.

Of course, works of art have not bypassed the theme of Freemasonry: portraits of people hiding their hands can indicate dedication or a level of hierarchy. An example is the portrait of Mozart painted by Antonio Lorenzoni.

Works of art can carry a certain hidden meaning, which sometimes can be deciphered. We offer you a selection of ten masterpieces of painting in which we managed to find secret signs.

1. "Mona Lisa": there is a hidden code in her eyes

Typically, the power of Mona Lisa is attributed to the intriguing smile depicted on the woman's face. However, historians from Italy have found that if you look at the eyes of the Gioconda under a microscope, you can see letters and numbers.

Experts say that these subtle numbers and letters represent something like the "Da Vinci Code" in real life: the letters "LV" are visible in the right eye, which may well mean the name of the artist, Leonardo da Vinci, and there are also symbols in the left eye , but they have not yet been identified. It is very difficult to see them clearly, but most likely they are either the letters "CE" or the letter "B".

In the arch of the bridge, the number 72 can be seen in the background, or it could be the letter "L" and a two. In addition, the picture shows the number 149 with an erased four, which may indicate the date of the picture's creation - da Vinci painted it during his stay in Milan in the 1490s.

It is important to remember that the painting is almost 500 years old, so the hidden signs are not visible as clearly and clearly as they could be immediately after its creation.

2. "The Last Supper": the picture contains mathematical and astrological puzzles and a musical melody

The Last Supper is the subject of much speculation, usually focusing on the alleged hidden messages and hints encrypted in the painting.

Slavisa Pesci, an information technologist, achieved an interesting visual effect by overlaying a mirrored translucent version of the painting on top of the original. As a result, two Templar-like figures appeared at both ends of the table, and another person became visible to the left of Jesus - perhaps a woman with a baby in her arms.

Italian musician Giovanni Maria Pala pointed out that the position of the hands and bread can be interpreted as notes in a piece of music, and if read from right to left, as was characteristic of Leonardo's writing, they form a piece of music.

Vatican researcher Sabrina Sforza Galizia, said she has deciphered the "mathematical and astrological" puzzle contained in The Last Supper. According to her, the artist predicted a worldwide flood and the coming end of the world, which will begin on March 21, 4006, and end on November 1 of the same year - she believes that this will be the beginning of a new era for humanity.

3. "Creation of Adam": the divine origin of the mind

Michelangelo's Creation of Adam has stood the test of time, not only as the most famous fresco in the Sistine Chapel, but also as one of the most iconic images in human history.

Michelangelo is recognized as one of the greatest painters and sculptors of the Italian Renaissance, but it is not widely known that he carefully studied anatomy and, at the age of 17, dismembered corpses excavated in a churchyard.

American neuroanatomy experts believe that Michelangelo did use some anatomical knowledge when working on the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel.

Although some may consider this a coincidence, experts suggest that Michelangelo could hardly have written such a painting by chance: in the fresco you can even see the outlines of such complex parts of the brain as the cerebellum, optic nerve and pituitary gland. And in the very figure of Adam, stretching out his hand to God, one can discern the outlines of the bridge of Varoli and the spine.

4. Frescoes of the Sistine Chapel: some of them show parts of the human brain

As in the case of the "Creation of Adam", among the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel there is another mural with a figure of God, containing a secret message.

Experts noticed that God's chest and neck have anatomical abnormalities that no other human figure on the murals has anymore. In addition, while most of the figures are lit diagonally from the lower left edge, the sun's rays fall on God's neck at a right angle - the researchers concluded that the genius made such an inaccuracy deliberately.

If you superimpose the image of the strange neck of God on a photograph of the human brain, it becomes noticeable that the contours of both images almost completely coincide, and the strange rectangle of tissue extending to the center of God's garment can symbolize the spinal cord.

Michelangelo also depicted other anatomical features in some places on the ceiling, in particular the kidney, which was of particular interest to Michelangelo, as the artist suffered from kidney stones.

5. "Madonna and Saint Giovannino": UFO tracks

"Madonna with Saint Giovannino" by Domenico Ghirlandaio has an interesting detail: a strangely shaped drop hovers in the sky above Mary's left shoulder.

In this place of the picture, a board-like object is clearly visible, perhaps brilliant - the artist depicted this object to the smallest detail, trying to place it in his work so that it catches the eye. In addition, on the right side of the picture, we see a person raising his right hand to his eyes, showing how bright this object is, and in the upper left corner we see an object that looks like the sun.

Madonna and Saint Giovannino is just one of many medieval paintings depicting strange, disturbing unidentified flying objects soaring in the sky.

6. "Prophet Zechariah": the power of religion

The tension between Pope Julius II and Michelangelo is documented in historical documents. Historians note that Michelangelo portrayed the Pope in one of his paintings as the prophet Zechariah, and one of the angels behind him makes an extremely obscene gesture.

The figure, in which the fingers of an adorable little child are folded, is called "fig", but its meaning is not at all as sweet as the name: holding the thumb between the index and middle fingers, it shows the gesture of the old world, which has retained its meaning to this day. In the West, the gesture is not so common, but in Russia its meaning is well known.

7. "David and Goliath": mystical signs of Kabbalah

Analyzing the arrangement of the figures on the 1300 km² ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, scientists have discovered shapes similar to the Hebrew letters: for example, the figures of David and Goliath form the letter "Gimel", symbolizing "power" in the mystical tradition of Kabbalah.

Researchers believe that Michelangelo became acquainted with Judaism during his stay at the court of Lorenzo Medici in Florence, and the entire Sistine Chapel, possibly built in the same proportions as the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, is a "lost mystical message of universal love" intended for decryption.

8. "Flemish Proverbs": the picture contains 112 Dutch idioms

"Flemish Proverbs" is an oil painting on an oak panel by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, filled with symbols related to the Dutch proverbs of the time.

In total, 112 idioms were found and deciphered in the picture: some of them are still used, for example, "swim against the tide", "a big fish eats a small fish", "banging your head against the wall" and "arm yourself to the teeth."

Other proverbs point to human stupidity. Some symbols seem to represent the meaning of more than one figure of speech, for example, a man shearing sheep sits next to a man cutting a pig to the left of the center at the bottom of the painting, and this scene symbolizes the expression “Someone shears sheep, and someone - pigs ”, which means that one person has an advantage over others. Also, the scene can mean "Shears, but don't take off your skins", that is, it warns not to go too far when using your capabilities.

9. "Supper at Emmaus": Christian vow of silence

"Dinner at Emmaus" is a painting by Caravaggio, an Italian Baroque artist. The painting depicts the moment when the resurrected Jesus stays incognito in the city of Emmaus, but meets two of his disciples there and breaks bread with them, after which they recognize him.

The picture is unusual already in that the figures of people are depicted on a dark empty background in full size, and at the very edge of the table there is a basket with food, which seems to be about to fall. There is also a strange fish-like shadow, which may indicate a vow of silence as mandatory for Christians.

10. "Portrait of young Mozart": signs of the Freemasons

Of course, works of art have not bypassed the theme of Freemasonry: portraits of people hiding their hands can indicate dedication or a level of hierarchy. An example is the portrait of Mozart painted by Antonio Lorenzoni.

Often looking at paintings famous artists, we just glance over them. But if you look closely at the paintings, we will find many unexpected things. The artists seem to be playing hide and seek with the audience: will they see everything depicted and unsaid? Here are just a few of the masterpieces of painting that contain secret signs.

And again "Mona Lisa"

Usually the secret in the portrait of La Gioconda is seen in the mysterious smile of the woman depicted on it. But recently, Italian scientists and art critics, when studying the Mona Lisa's eyes, written by the artist, under a microscope, revealed letters and numbers. This is how the new "da Vinci code" appeared.

The barely noticeable LV in the right eye most likely means the artist's name. The letters CE are visible in the left eye of the Mona Lisa (another reading is B). What they mean is not yet clear. In the background of the painting is a landscape. The number 72 can be seen on the arch of the bridge when enlarged. Perhaps the number 72 is taken from the Bible. But this hypothesis requires careful analysis. However, this cryptogram can also be the letter L with a two next to it.

The Last Supper puzzles and music

Despite the fact that Leonardo da Vinci's fresco "The Last Supper" in Milan is often the object of fiction and fantasy, many serious researchers find implications and "messages" in individual images and the picture as a whole.

By superimposing a mirrored translucent version of the painting over the original, Hungarian information technologists obtained a new projection of the canvas. In a new image of the Last Supper, two knight-like figures appear at both ends of the table. Who is this? Historians say these men are similar to the Templars. Well, to the left of Jesus, the outlines of a woman with a child in her arms are visible. Perhaps this is a sketch of another fresco by Leonardo, which depicted the Virgin Mary.

It is known that Leonardo da Vinci made notes from right to left, and even in a mirror image. So he encrypted many of his texts. And so italian composer Giovanni Maria Pala realized that the position of the hands of Christ and the seated apostles at the table, as well as bread and other meager food on it, can be read like notes in a musical recording. When checked, the notes sounded like a short melody.

And here scientist one of the Vatican academies, Sabrina Galicia Cherubini believes that she was able to solve the mathematical and astrological puzzle encoded in The Last Supper. She claims that in the figures of Christ and the apostles and their location, Leonardo left us a message regarding the coming Flood and the end of the world after that. Terrible events will begin, however, not soon: March 21, 4006; and will end on November 1 of the same year.

Divine brain ...

Michelangelo Buonarroti - perhaps greatest artist, sculptor, architect and poet of the Italian Renaissance. During his life, he managed to create many masterpieces. If Leonardo da Vinci left more projects and ideas, then Michelangelo embodied in painting and marble canvases and sculptures that have become a real treasure of mankind.

For our story, it is significant that as a 17-year-old boy, Michelangelo studied in detail human anatomy and for the sake of this he even dismembered corpses dug up in cemeteries by beggars who were ready for anything for money.

The paintings of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, created by the brilliant Italian, are magnificent. The fresco "The Creation of Adam" is one of the most iconic masterpieces among these incredible in area and the greatest in artistic merit of paintings on the ceiling. visual arts in the history of mankind.

If we take a closer look at the right side of the fresco, which depicts God with angels in a cloud, stretching out his hand to Adam, we will see ... a sectional drawing of a human brain. Some art critics talk about a simple coincidence, but scientists argue that Michelangelo could hardly have written such a thing by accident.

In those days, any image had a second and even a third meaning. In addition, even the outlines of such parts of the brain as the optic nerve, pituitary gland, and cerebellum can be discerned on the fresco. And in the very figure of Adam stretching out his hand to God, the outlines of the Varoliyev Bridge and the spine are different. By the way, American experts, neuroanatomists, claim that Michelangelo really used his anatomical knowledge when working on this and other frescoes of the Sistine Chapel.

... and the human brain

But among the murals of the Sistine Chapel, there is another fresco depicting God, which contains an encrypted image of the brain. Obviously, all these messages of Michelangelo speak about the fact that there is a divine and human mind and that, as the Bible writes, "in the beginning was the Word."

Art critics noted that the depicted chest and neck of God have some anatomical distortions that are not found in any human figure in the chapel frescoes. Interestingly, if most of the painted figures seem to be lit diagonally from the lower left edge to the upper right, then the depicted light falls on the neck of God at a right angle.

Why did Michelangelo do this? He probably acted quite deliberately. After all, if you combine the scanned image of the human brain with the strange neck of God, you can see that the contours of both drawings almost completely coincide. At the same time, the strange rectangle of cloth, "hanging" down to the middle of God's robes, is very similar to the spinal cord.

The great Michelangelo even painted individual organs of the human body in inconspicuous places on the vaults of the Sistine Chapel, for example, human kidneys. By the way, it is known that Michelangelo suffered from urolithiasis.

Kabbalistic signs

Italian scholars believe that Michelangelo knew Judaism well, and in particular Kabbalah, his mystical teachings. He apparently met and talked with Jewish sages while serving at the court of Aorenzo de Medici the Magnificent in Florence. After all, studying the arrangement of images human bodies on the ceiling of the same Sistine Chapel, researchers found Hebrew letters. This is not a joke: for example, the figures of David and Goliath form the letter "Gimel", symbolizing power in the mystical tradition of Kabbalah.

Perhaps the entire Sistine Chapel simulates the proportions of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and is essentially a mystical message about the need for universal love.

Genius Revenge

The uneasy relationship between Michelangelo and Pope Julius II is well known. Michelangelo, as art critics now believe, decided to subtly take revenge on the wayward head of the Church. He painted it in one of his paintings in the image of the prophet Zechariah. The angel behind the holy father shows the viewer (and therefore the pope behind him) an obscene gesture. The angel's fingers are folded into a fig. But such a gesture does not simply mean “have you seen this?”. This is an occult code that drives away evil spirits.

UFO over Madonna

Less known to the general public, the Italian artist Domenico Ghirlandaio is interesting to us because of the strange detail in his painting "Madonna and Saint Giovannino". In the picture above the left shoulder of the Virgin Mary, a drop of a very unusual shape flies in the sky. The artist tried to depict this immediately noticeable disk-shaped object in great detail. What for? And on the right side of the picture, a man is drawn, bringing his right hand to his eyes. It seems to show us how brightly the mysterious object shines. By the way, the sun is placed in the upper left corner of the picture.

It should be noted that "Madonna with St. Giovannino" is just one of the many paintings and frescoes of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages, which depict strange unidentified flying objects in the sky.

112 proverbs

The famous painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder "Flemish Proverbs", executed on wood, is full of symbols associated with Dutch proverbs and expressions of the time. The researchers found and deciphered 112 drawn sayings. Some expressions are well known among other peoples: "banging your head against the wall", "arm to the teeth", "swim against the stream" and so on.

Some proverbs are quite ambiguous. So, in the picture, a man shearing a sheep is sitting next to another who is cutting a pig. It is like an illustration to the expression “Some shears sheep, and someone shears pigs” (one has an advantage over the other). But this same picture can also mean the proverb "Strig, but do not take off your skins", that is, it calls not to overdo it, not to do stupid things.

We talked only about a part of the paintings that contain hints, codes and hidden meaning. All this is seen and understood by attentive people.