
The landowner is nostril attitude to the proposal of Chichikov. Dead Souls. III. The main conclusions of the lesson

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Landowner Nozdrev from the story by N.V. Gogol is another characteristic type of landowners of that time. It is a collective image that exposes the characteristic flaws and behavior of several people, united by similar personality traits and character.

Nozdryov family

Nozdrev is one of the landowners of the city N. At the time of the story he is 35 years old. He was once a married man, but his married life did not last long. Soon his wife died, Nozdryov did not marry again, most likely because he was not predisposed to family life. In a marriage with his wife, they had two children, but their fate and upbringing are not of interest to Nozdryov - he is more interested in the personality of his children’s nanny, who had a pretty appearance, than in the children themselves.

Dear Readers! We suggest that you familiarize yourself with what is described in the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls".

One gets the impression that Nozdryov is interested in everything, except for his children, he even treats his dogs much better than them.

Nozdryov was not the only child in the family - he also has a sister. She is known to be a married woman. Her husband is a certain Mr. Mizhuev. He is Nozdryov not only a relative, but also his best friend. In his company, Nozdryov often appears at fairs, with him they are busy with revelry. According to son-in-law Nozdryov, his wife is not at all like her brother in character - she is a sweet and good woman.

Mizhuev often denounces Nozdryov's lies, but still does not come out of the category of friends - a common passion for drinking and revelry brings them together and does not allow them to quarrel.


The landowner Nozdryov favorably distinguished himself by his appearance in comparison with all the other landowners of the N district - he was a prominent and attractive man. Nozdryov had a round, ruddy face, and his cheeks were full as a child. When Nozdryov burst into laughter, his cheeks trembled amusingly. He had white teeth like snow and dark hair. Nozdryov's face was favorably framed by pitch-black sideburns. From time to time, his sideburns suffered severely in desperate battles with card "friends", but after the scuffle they grew all the same thick.

The landowner's body was also covered with hair - on his chest they were as thick as on his head and looked more like a beard.

Nozdryov's height was average, and his body could not be called athletic, but it was not flabby either.

Despite his unbalanced life schedule, Nozdryov seemed to be the embodiment of health - and was a “blood and milk” man: “health seemed to sprinkle from his face”.

Gogol does not particularly cover the peculiarities of Nozdryov's wardrobe. It is known that the landowner preferred a caftan of the Caucasian cut, which was the national dress of the mountain peoples - arhaluk. In addition, he wears a robe at home. Usually he wore a robe over his naked body. He was dressed casually, therefore, one could see without effort his thickly hairy chest.

Peasants and the village of Nozdryov

Nikolai Vasilyevich says little about the living conditions of the peasants and the state of the village. Based on the lifestyle of Nozdryov himself, it can be assumed that he has a good income from his estate - so good that he can afford to live in a big way and not do business. Nozdryov has a clerk - it is he who deals with all the affairs of the landowner.

Since Nozdryov was very fond of boasting everything he could, the fact that he did not do the same in relation to his village or the peasants suggests that not everything was so good on his estate, but the fact that his many "dead souls" once again confirm this idea.

On our website, we invite you to find out in the work of N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls", to follow his character and description of his appearance.

When Chichikov comes to Nozdryov, he shows him his farm: first the landowner shows his horses. It didn't work out too much here - Nozdryov lost some horses at cards, so part of the cost was empty. Among the horses, Chichikova was shown two mares and a stallion of an unprepossessing appearance, but, according to the owner, very expensive. The next curiosity in the Nozdryov estate was the wolf, which the owner kept on a leash and fed with raw meat.

The wolf was followed by a pond, with an incredible size of fish. Chichikov, however, did not manage to look at this extraordinary fish, according to Nozdryov assured that not in order to pull the fish out of the pond sometimes it took two people - it was so big.

The greatest pride and weakness of Nozdryov were dogs - of different breeds and colors. Nozdryov had a great many of them, the landowner loved and cherished them to such an extent that they could be equated with full-fledged relatives: “Nozdryov was among them just like a father among a family; all of them, immediately throwing their tails up, calling the dogs for the rules, flew straight towards the guests and began to greet them. "

On his estate there is a water mill and a smithy. It is likely that the peasants of Nozdryov are skilled workers and craftsmen, since the landowner boasts that he always manages to sell his goods at the fair at the highest price.

The economy of Nozdryov did not end there, but the reasons for bragging ended - the roads in his estate were terribly neglected, the fields were located so low that the water "chomped" from the ground:

“In many places, their feet squeezed out the water under them, to such an extent the place was low. At first they were careful and stepped over carefully, but then, seeing that it was of no use to anything, walked straight ahead, not making out where there was more and where less dirt.

Of all his serfs, the reader can only get acquainted with a few representatives. Most of the attention in the narrative is paid to the chef, who apparently did not differ in culinary skills - he mixed completely incompatible ingredients, it seemed that what first came to hand fell into his dishes.

In the story, you can see a meager description of the servant Porfiry, who wears an arhaluk to match his master, however, his caftan is in a deplorable state and already well worn.

In the dining room one could see his two serfs - they were busy whitewashing the room, but Gogol does not provide a detailed description of the appearance and state of the costume. It is known that they performed their work while singing some monotonous and seemingly endless song. It can be assumed that Nozdryov was not authoritarian in relation to his serfs - his house was not clean, and in the dining room, apart from general desolation, one could see the remains of food and crumbs.

Nozdryov's estate

Nikolai Vasilievich does not provide an external description of the Nozdrev estate. The internal state is also not exposed to the detailed image.

In general, Nozdryov was not a good owner, he was dismissive of his estate and farm, he liked to enjoy the fruits, but he did not strive to secure his future and the future of his children. In his house there was a sense of the absence of a woman's hand - the tasteless decoration of the house was complemented by general disorder and garbage.

This state of affairs did not give Nozdryov any inconvenience - for him it was a familiar thing.

Nozdryov's office looked a little like classic study rooms - there were no papers or books. Yes, and for the landowner it was unnecessary - the manager was engaged in the affairs of his estate, and Nozdryov was used to spending his leisure time playing other types, for example, playing a card game. Nozdryov's office was full of various weapons - two guns, sabers, daggers.

In addition to weapons, in the office you could also see a collection of pipes for smoking - of various shapes and materials, they finally turned the landowner's office into a mini-museum.

Also in the office there was a mahogany barrel organ, which Nozdryov began to demonstrate - however, the barrel organ was not in perfect condition - from time to time it malfunctioned, her playing looked more like a potpourri - the songs did not go one into one, not sequentially, after the end of the composition, and played fragmentarily with pieces mixed. The hurdy-gurdy played on its own for some time after Nozdryov left her alone: \u200b\u200b"Nozdryov had already stopped twirling a long time ago, but in the barrel-organ there was one very lively pipe that did not want to calm down."

Nozdryov's dining room, at the time of his visit to Chichikov, was undergoing repair work - two peasants whitewashed it, standing on the trestle: "In the middle of the dining room there were wooden goats, and two men, standing on them, whitewashed the walls, dragging on some kind of endless song."

Despite the renovation work, negligence in cleaning could be noticed with the naked eye - crumbs and leftovers of yesterday's food could be seen in the dining room: “There were traces of yesterday's lunch and dinner in the room; the broom doesn't seem to touch at all. Bread crumbs were scattered on the floor, and tobacco ash was even visible on the tablecloth. "

Judging by the way Nozdryov himself reacted to this state of affairs, it can be assumed that neither crumbs, nor food, nor general garbage in his house interfered with him, or rather, he did not notice them point-blank. He was extremely unpretentious in matters of home improvement.

Personality characteristic

First of all, in the image of Nozdryov, his desire to become "his own" for a person is striking. He quickly switches to “you” in communication with a person, which impressed Chichikov especially unpleasantly, since, according to Pavel Ivanovich, such a transition was undeserved and went beyond the bounds of etiquette, but this does not bother Nozdryov. He often deviates from the norms of etiquette, and it is likely that he has never heard of some of the features and rules and does not even suspect not only that he is violating these rules, but that such rules and norms generally exist. For example, it is his habit to speak and laugh very loudly. When Chichikov makes a deal with Nozdrev, he is surprised to discover how he loudly discusses the nuances of buying and selling, as if it were the most common thing.

Perhaps this cheeky tone is to some extent related to his cheerful character and attachment to drinking. Nozdryov does not miss the opportunity to boast about what an unusual wine he tasted, and the champagne, which is usually served in the governor's house, is just kvass in comparison.

Nozdryov loves binges and all kinds of entertainment (in his understanding, one is inseparable from the first), he does not imagine how one can live, depriving himself of such good things and pleasant pastime. Nozdryov does not understand how some landowners can stay at home without leaving - he cannot stay for more than one day in his estate - he is bored and does not know what to do with himself.

Nozdryov doesn't value his money. He despises curmudgeons who hesitate to spend an extra penny. It is likely that such his attitude to money was formed because Nozdryov himself works extremely little - only in those cases when without his intervention the business will not be able to move forward. He does not know the price he has to pay for this or that of his entertainment - money comes to him easily and just as easily leaves.

Cards became Nozdryov's special passion - he is a regular at the card table. However, playing honestly is not in accordance with the rules of the landowner - during the game he constantly cheats and deceives. The people around him have long recognized his attitude to the card game, so they are always attentive while playing with him.

From time to time, Nozdryov was seen in shenanigans at the card table and was immediately subject to criticism and even beatings with hair pulled out, in particular his thick sideburns. This state of affairs does not bother Nozdryov - his sideburns grow quickly, and grievances are forgotten before the fight ends. A day later, Nozdryov is ready to sit down at the card table with the recent disputants, as if nothing had happened.

On the whole, Nozdryov is a bad and dishonest person. He often becomes the cause of troubles and problems in the lives of other people - Nozdryov can easily upset a wedding and cause a deal to be canceled. The landowner never sees anything bad or bad in his actions. The reason for this is his addiction to inventions and gossip. Nozdryov often lies, even for the most harmless reasons. "Nozdryov is a rubbish man, Nozdryov can lie, add, dissolve the devil knows what, some more gossip will come out."

Nozdryov has an explosive and unrestrained character - it costs him nothing to be rude to anyone or become a participant in a fight.

Thus, Nozdryov in Gogol's story is shown as an ill-mannered person who does not know how to appreciate what he has. He is a bad boss, a bad father, and a bad friend. Nozdryov prefers not his children, but dogs, whom he cares for and cherishes. Nozdryov is a constant participant in revelry, gossip and quarrels.

Our hero is unique, with his unusual character and morals: He belongs to those people who had "... a passion to spoil their neighbors, sometimes for no reason at all." “The closer who came to him, the more likely he pissed everyone off ... Nozdryov is a“ historical man ”, in the sense that“ wherever he was, he could not do without stories everywhere ”.

Description of the village In this village, as in others, there was a darkened wooden tavern, like a larger Russian hut. Carved patterned cornices around the windows, jugs with flowers are painted on the shutters. In the yard there was a stable with two mares and an angry stallion, empty stalls, a wolf cub on a leash, a pond, a very nicely built dog house and a smithy.

Description of the manor house The house was not prepared for receiving guests: in the middle of the dining room stood wooden goats, and two peasants whitewashing the walls; the floor was sprinkled with whitewash. In Nozdryov's office were sabers and two guns. There was a lot of everything in the house: Turkish daggers, a barrel organ, pipes - wooden, cast-iron, stoned and not smoked, a shank with an amber mouthpiece, a tobacco pouch and much more.

Nozdrev's attitude to Chichikov's proposal Nozdryov agreed to donate souls if Chichikov buys something from him (a horse, mare, dog or a box) or to win at cards. Nozdryov agreed to donate souls if Chichikov buys something from him (a horse, mare, dog, or a box) or to win at cards. But Chichikov did not want to buy anything except souls and did not want to play. But Chichikov did not want to buy anything except souls, and did not want to play. To the refusal, the landowner, angry, said that he would not sell the soul for any money. To the refusal, the landowner, angry, said that he would not sell the soul for any money.

Topic: The image of Chichikov in Nikolai Gogol's poem "Dead Souls"

Earlier, under serfdom, all people who were dependent on the landowner were called “souls”. They have always been referred to in conversations as property. In fact, it was so. Somewhere they judge by how much land you have, somewhere - by the amount of money. In Gogol's poem, status in society was determined by the number of “souls” that a person possessed.

The main place in the work is occupied by Chichikov and his scam. He begins a massive purchase of dead peasants who are listed as living on paper.

This idea reveals a lot. Here we are not just a person who came up with an interesting way to get hold of big money. The point is to show all the landowners who held hundreds and thousands of destinies in their hands, and to explain the essence of the bureaucratic system, which was a powerful force at that time. This poem actually conveys the character of that life. The image of Chichikov is a good opportunity to consider everything in detail.

The author does not immediately tell us everything about the hero. With each new page we learn something new about it. So his personality is gradually revealed to us. The scam itself is not the main thing. The point is to expose absolutely all landlords and owners of that time, to show on what the relations between people were built, and how this system subjugated many.

Considering the image of Chichikov, one should pay attention to the hero's biography. His father gave many different instructions to his son, which greatly influenced the future of Chichikov. He was taught to always stick to his own, not to share with anyone, not to make friends, and taught to flatter. Taking all this like a sponge, as a child, Chichikov became an exact copy of his father. All the good that is in a person from birth was instantly extinguished. Instead, new evil traits appeared, which became the building blocks from which a new personality was created.

The scam itself shows us that the landowners of that time lacked any moral principles. Chichikov, coming to new and new people, and persuading to sell him dead souls, is like a demon.

Throughout the entire work, we see how the soul of the hero dies. At first, like every person, his soul is pure and blameless. But now everything has changed. Of course, in some moments, we see that he still has some feelings. It is hard for him to look at the dullness, heaps of garbage. We recognize these experiences with the help of the words of the author. Chichikov is still capable of common sense. But this is of little help to him.

Observing how he communicates with people, we see that he knows how to find an approach to everyone. Communicating with Manilov, he is very kind. Shows his delicacy, speaks affectionately, even offers to do everything according to the law. When he talks to Korobochka, he becomes rude and impatient. And with Nozdryov he generally tries to speak in short phrases so as not to lose his temper.

Be that as it may, we see that he is able to adapt to any circumstances. As if it has a small radar that captures absolutely all vibrations from the side of the interlocutor.

Another feature is his willingness to take any action, just to achieve what he wants. It doesn't matter if it's a dastardly business or not. The goal is much more important to him. And what is the purpose? If you look logically, then it is not. Chichikov wants to become richer and richer. But we all know that the more money a person has, the greater his needs become. He will not be able to sit down one day and understand that he has everything. It will never be enough for him. It is this very trait that belonged to the landowners. This is the part of their heart that did not allow good feelings to get inside. It was she who called to seek more and more. The constant greed that affected hundreds of innocent people was the weed that was Russia's problem.

Help. Urgently. Gogol "Dead Souls" Manilov gave dead souls to Chichikov for free. The box sold dead souls for 15 rubles in bank notes. Sobakevich

sold for 25 rubles. Plyushkin sold dead souls for 24 rubles 96 kopecks. Nozdryov drove Chichikov out. What conclusion can be drawn from the above?

HELP PLEASE, VERY URGENTLY NECESSARY! Artwork DEAD SOULS Answer your QUESTIONS! 1. What was Manilov busy at home? 2.

How did he feel about the introduction of his farm? What is he thinking after Chichikov's departure?

3. How is Manilov's mismanagement revealed in the description of his village, house?

4.How do you treat Manilov to Chichikov's offer to sell Dead Souls? How does the buying and selling scene characterize it?

5. What can be said about the situation of the peasants of Manilov?

MAKE A PLAN of 4 points for chapter 3.

PLEASE HELP TO BUILD TOMORROW TOMORROW!))) WHO CAN)) PLIZZ ... 1.How do Chichikov's visits to all prominent city officials characterize?

chichikov's character when buying dead souls from a landowner? 2.How did this character develop: a) what does Gogol tell about the origin and childhood of Chichikov? b) what advice did you get from your father when you entered the school and how did you use it? c) how did his school years go? what goal did Chichikov set for himself when he entered life. 3. Service career of Chichikov: a) how did his career begin, what means does he choose to make a career for himself? B) Where did Chichikov go from the state chamber and what did he achieve in the new place? c) why did he dream of serving at customs and how did his career develop there?


  • the formation of ideas about the role of the landowner Nozdrev in Gogol's poem "Dead Souls";
  • developing the skills of characterizing a literary character;
  • development of imaginative thinking.


  • illustrations of B. Kustodiev's paintings "The Merchant's Wife at Tea", "Tavern", "Innkeeper", "Fair", "Still Life with Pheasants";
  • illustrations by PM Boklevsky (“Nozdryov”) to N. Gogol's poem “Dead Souls”.

Hero characteristics plan(offered to students before analyzing the topic in the form of homework for the previous lesson):

1. Nozdryov. His role in Gogol's poem "Dead Souls":

a) portrait characteristics of the hero; the role of the portrait in understanding the essence of the hero;

b) Nozdrev's speech, examples of bright words and expressions; the role of speech characteristics;

c) Nozdrev's estate, office interior;

d) what is the significance of the remark that “dinner, as you can see, was not the main thing in Nozdryov's life; the dishes did not play a big role: some of them were burnt, some were not cooked at all ”;

e) Nozdrev's reaction to Chichikov's proposal to sell dead souls;

g) what is the purpose of introducing the character into the text of the poem.

2. What new features of Chichikov's nature appear before the reader? How does he reveal himself in communication with Nozdryov?

During the classes

I. Immersion in the topic.

Presentation of illustrations of B. Kustodiev's paintings "Merchant's Wife at Tea", "Still Life with Pheasants", "Tavern", "Tavern Keeper", "Fair".

  • What associations do you have when you perceive these illustrations?
  • Why are they presented at the beginning of the conversation about the landowner Nozdrev?
  • What is the similarity of these illustrations with the content of chapter 4 of the poem "Dead Souls", which tells about Nozdryov?

The pictures show the fullness of life, a riot of colors, bright colorful personalities, vanity, the transience of the moment, dynamics. The plots of the paintings somehow reflect the distinctive features of Nozdrev's nature. Illustrations help to penetrate into the world of Nozdrev, the world of extravagance, “extraordinary lightness”, the world of impetuosity, some kind of higher emotionality, the world of openness and “love” to everyone and everyone.

II. Study the text in relation to the topic.

1. Portrait characteristics of the hero and the role of the portrait in understanding the essence of the character of the hero.

Chapter 4: He was of medium height, a very well-built fellow with full ruddy cheeks, teeth white as snow, and jet black whiskers, he was fresh as blood and milk; health seemed to sprinkle from his face.

The main details of the portrait are ruddy cheeks, freshness of the face, the key word of the portrait is health. Details reflect the essence of the inner portrait of the hero, his broken character, his senseless actions. As health pimples in him over the edge, so emotionality goes beyond all boundaries.

2. The speech of the hero. Examples of the most vivid and typical words and expressions of the hero. The role of speech characteristics.

What a person is, such is his speech (Cicero):

And I, brother, ...

Blown out to the fluff ...

I lost it, let it all go down ...

Kiss me, soul, death love you ...


Distortion of French words: wineskin, bonbon, rosette, bezeshka, superflu.

Nozdryov's speech is as sparkling as his nature. This speech cannot be called fearless, it is the speech of an emotional, assertive person who does not care about tomorrow. The main values \u200b\u200bof life are banchishka, booze, dogs and in general everything that is called by the word “carouse”. This is a man distinguished by "restless briskness and glibness of character," as Gogol put it. All this is reflected in the speech of the hero.

But is it only negative that we can see in the hero's speech portrait?

We cannot say that Nozdryov is devoid of creativity. His speech is a game with generally accepted words, and not every person is capable of this game. Nozdryov is busy with oratory. Note his experiments with French words.

3. Nozdrev's estate. His house. What is the significance of the interior for understanding the essence of Nozdryov's nature?

Stable: two horses, the rest of the stalls are empty.

A pond in which there was a fish of such size that two people could hardly pull it out.

The kennel: the most worthy sight in the Nozdrev estate.

Mill: “then we went to inspect the water mill, where there was a lack of flutter, into which the upper stone, rapidly rotating on a spindle, was established -“ fluttering, ”in the wonderful expression of the Russian peasant.

House of Nozdrev:

Cabinet. However, there were no visible traces of what happens in the offices, that is, books or paper; there were only sabers and two guns - one three hundred and the other eight hundred rubles.

Sharmanka: played not without piety, but in the middle of it, it seems, something happened, for the mazurka ended with the song: “Malbrug went on a campaign”, and “Malbrug went on a campaign” unexpectedly ended with some familiar waltz. Already Nozdryov had long ceased to twirl, but in the barrel organ there was one very lively pipe, which did not want to calm down, and for a long time later she was whistling alone.

Pipes: wooden, earthenware, meats, stoned and unstuffed, covered with suede and not covered, a shank with an amber mouthpiece, recently won, a tobacco pouch embroidered by some countess, somewhere at the post station I fell in love with him head over heels. According to him, they were the most submissive syuperflu, a word that probably meant his highest point of perfection.

Nozdryov is a Russian landowner, but a landowner deprived of any spiritual life. Maybe he gives all his strength to the maintenance of the estate and he has no time to immerse himself in reading? No, the estate has long been abandoned, there is no rational management. Consequently, there is neither spiritual nor material life, but there is an emotional life that has absorbed everything. Constant lies, the desire to argue, excitement, inability to suppress their feelings - this is the essence of Nozdrev. For the Russian landowner, hunting is one of the components of life, and the kennel has replaced everything for Nozdryov. He is a certain Troekurov, who has lost power and influence, who has changed his rude, strong nature.

4. What is the significance of Gogol's remark that “dinner, apparently, was not the main thing in Nozdrev's life; the dishes did not play a big role: some were burnt, some were not cooked at all ”? Remember that both Manilov's and Korobochka's Chichikov's are well served, and the description of the dinner takes up enough space in the chapter.

Lunch, eating food, abundance and variety of dishes - a symbolic designation of animal life in Gogol. Thus, the author emphasizes that the hero is devoid of a spiritual principle. Nozdryov is depicted as an extremely emotional person in whom there are living feelings, albeit distorted, therefore there is no description of eating food.

5. How does Nozdryov react to Chichikov's offer to sell dead souls? How to assess the behavior of Nozdrev after Chichikov's refusal to continue playing checkers?

This broken-hearted fellow is devoid of any moral principles, social preferences, this is a kind of childishness, a kind of primitivism, a prehistoric existence of relationships.

III. The main conclusions of the lesson

1. What new features of Chichikov's nature appear before the reader? How does he reveal himself in communication with Nozdryov?

Chichikov is undoubtedly the opposite of Nozdrev. The conditions in which Pavel Ivanovich was formed made him hide his emotions and desires, forced him to think first, then act, made him prudent and enterprising. In Chichikov there is no emotionality, no recklessness, no stupidity, no "life over the edge." The hero of the new capitalist era, the era of selfishness and calculation, is devoid of strong emotions, which means that he is devoid of a sense of the fullness of life. These thoughts visit us exactly at the moment of reading the chapter about Nozdryov. Thus, the chapter represents the type of Russian landowner, but reveals much in the nature of the main character, Chichikov.

  • At the age of 35, Nozdryov was exactly the same as he was at eighteen and twenty: a hunter to take a walk;
  • At home he could not sit for more than a day;
  • Had a passion for cards;
  • He played not entirely sinlessly and cleanly;
  • Nozdryov was in some respects a historical person;
  • The closer he got to him, he was more likely to piss everyone off: dissolve a fable, which is more stupid than it is difficult to invent, upset a wedding, a trade deal ...;
  • Restless agility and agility of character;
  • Nozdryov is a trash man.

The main national trait of the Russian character is openness, “breadth of soul”. In Nozdrev, Gogol depicts how this trait is distorted if there is no spiritual life.

IV. Homework

Written answer to the question: "What human type does Gogol portray when he represents the landowner Nozdrev?"

Chichikov is an intelligent, cunning and calculating person, striving for only one goal - by hook or by crook to earn as much money as possible. Having received instructions from his father “take care and save a penny,” the protagonist of the novel earned money in a variety of ways and did not like to part with them.

As a schoolboy, Chichikov sold pies at exorbitant prices to his hungry classmates. Having entered the service in the state chamber, he began to look after the chief's daughter, intending to take a higher position due to this. While serving in the customs, Chichikov did a big deal by running expensive lace across the border.

As for Nozdryov, he appears to us as a lover of walking, drinking, having fun and playing cards. The passion for fun and excitement was so great that Nozdryov was ready to play anything, betting any amount. This character trait of the hero is especially clearly traced when Nozdryov offers to play checkers with Chichikov, putting on the line the dead souls necessary for the second.

The main character traits of the hero are quarrelsomeness, excessive excitement, bragging, arrogance, swagger. Separately, it is worth noting that Nozdryov often harmed others, considering his act a very funny joke. For example: Nozdryov did not even suspect that the landowner Maksimov, his acquaintance, would not appreciate the sense of humor of his friend and was very surprised when he learned that Maksimov had sued his “friend”. To beat Maximov while drunk with rods was just a cute joke for Nozdrev, which, as he thought, should not be offended.

In Chichikov and Nozdrev, you can easily trace common features. They are both prudent and cunning, wanting to take the maximum benefit from any of their actions. This is clearly seen from the bargaining for dead souls.

Nozdryov offered Chichikov to play cards for a small amount, tried to sell dogs, stallions and even a barrel organ, and to give dead souls in addition, while Chichikov struggled to avoid gambling debts and buy things he didn't need. They both love to have a lot of fun. An example is the celebration by Chichikov with the entire cultural society of the provincial city of NN of sending dead souls to the Kherson province: socializing, cards, feast, champagne. The celebration was a success, because Chichikov. I returned to my room drunk. This can be judged from the wish of Chichikov to arrange a roll call to all the purchased peasants.

Summing up the above, we can say that Nozdryov and Chichikov, despite all their differences, to some extent are kindred souls.

Some of the key characters in the work are Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, a former civil servant, and the landowner Nozdrev.

The storyline of the work confronts the heroes who had previously met at the prosecutor's dinner in the estate of Nozdryov, to which Chichikov arrives at the invitation of the owner, hoping to redeem several hundred dead souls from him in order to further pledge them to the bank for a loan as living.

To begin with, Nozdryov shows the guest his large farm, consisting of a water mill, a smithy, a huge field, a stable and a large number of dogs. Chichikov, being an extremely neat and tidy person, with hostility observes the hospitable owner surrounded by the kennel, wanting only to quickly discuss the matter that brought him to the Nozdryov estate.

Inviting Chichikov to dine, Nozdryov, accustomed to drunken revelry, exuberant fun, tries to get the guest drunk by mixing various alcoholic drinks and pretending to be very drunk. However, the cunning Chichikov, seeing this game, prefers to empty his glasses under the table.

From the point of view of Chichikov, Nozdryov is a trashy person with a penchant for all kinds of nasty things and dirty tricks in relation to others.

The discussion of the sale of dead souls leads Chichikov and Nozdrev to a major quarrel, since the landowner is not used to knowing the measure of anything and does not want to just carry out a deal for the sale or donation of dead souls. Nozdryov does not believe the reason given by Chichikov about giving him social weight, for which the latter collects the souls of dead peasants. He considers Chichikov to be the last con man to be hanged on the first bitch.

Nozdryov offers Chichikov to win dead souls in the game of checkers, while starting to play, he cleverly cheats, not realizing that he has contacted a cheater like him. The loss infuriates Nozdryov, which develops into a conflict that threatens to turn into a fight.

Chichikov, fearing to lose his image among others, resolves the urgent conflict, preferring to quickly leave the Nozdrev estate.

Revealing the relationship between Chichikov and Nozdrev, the writer demonstrates their similar character traits, consisting in adventurism, deceit, impudence, capable of acquiring the moral laws of society for their own selfish ends. The writer names the images of his heroes as historical figures, drawing a parallel with real-life representatives of society of that period of time.

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