
Where is Evgeny Petrosyan. The real reason for the divorce of Petrosyan and Stepanenko: The humorist's new passion cut the income of his legal wife. Divorce and division of property

Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko have been delighting viewers with their creativity and humor for many years. The couple have lived and worked together for many years. Their creative tandem was as successful as the family union. However, the question: "Do Petrosyan and Stepanenko have children?" Is still relevant.

Petrosyan's early years

In September 1945, the year the war ended, the boy Zhenya was born in the Azerbaijani city of Baku. The boy's father, Vagan Petrosyan, was an Armenian, was a simple mathematician, and his mother, Bella Grigorievna, was a Jewess, a Soviet engineer who devoted herself to her family. Parents hoped that their son would choose one of the humanities in the future, as a profession, but fate decreed otherwise.

For Eugene, the stage has been a second home since childhood. On the stage, in front of the audience, he was like a fish in water. She took part in scenes, recited monologues and poems. He also conducted various concerts and festive evenings on his own.

Immediately after leaving school, the guy enters the VTMEI (All-Russian creative workshop of pop art), where he was taught by Alexei Alekseev.

Creative career

In the 60s, Evgeny Petrosyan worked as an entertainer for Leonid Utesov, and then served at the Mosconcert, until the 90s.

In 1985, after graduating from GITIS, Petrosyan received the title of the RSFSR. After 6 years he gets another one - People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Since the end of the 70s, Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan has been gathering full houses, performing with interludes, miniatures, feuilletons, monologues, etc. It is becoming very popular.

At the end of the 79th year, Petrosyan created TEMP (Petrosyan's Variety Theater). And in the late 80s he took over the leadership of the Moscow Concert Ensemble of Variety Miniatures, in which he is the main person to this day.

Petrosyan's wives

In total, Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan was married 4 times. The first three marriages were very short-lived. The fourth still lasts.

The first wife of the famous comedian was a close relative of the great ballerina Victorina Krieger. There is almost no information about her. Her name is unknown. The marriage broke up due to Petrosyan's unpreparedness for family life.

The doors that opened before him on the big stage beckoned him. And at one of the concerts during the tour, he falls in love again and leaves his first wife.

The beauty, because of which the artist left the family, turned out to be the daughter of the famous opera singer Ivan Kozlovsky - Anna Kozlovskaya. The second wife Eugene was 7 years older than him, but this did not stop him. However, this time the wife left the family, not the husband.

A year and a half later, Anna leaves Petrosyan for the Greek businessman Kostas Varnalis and leaves with him, leaving the comedian alone and in a stressful state.

Soon he will marry again. This time, the wife was a woman Lyudmila with the manners of an aristocrat, who worked as an art critic in Leningrad. However, the couple quickly broke up due to the artist's busy schedule. Being constantly busy in the theater and on tour, Eugene almost never was at home. This fundamentally did not suit the young wife, and they quietly and peacefully parted.

Both the first and second spouses of Petrosyan have already passed away. The comedian was not seen at the funeral of his second wife.

Father and daughter

From his first marriage, Evgeny Petrosyan has a little daughter, Victorina, named after an eminent relative. In the early years, the girl was very close to her famous father. However, after the kakpapa left the family, their relationship began to weaken.

They soon stopped communicating altogether. The quiz, having learned to be a historian, did not find a place for itself at home. And having married a US citizen, he leaves with him for permanent residence in America.

There she organizes her own business of hand painting and selling Russian souvenirs and nesting dolls. Recently, father and daughter were able to make up. The famous satirist became a grandfather and adores his grandchildren Mark and Andrew.

The very same Quiz began to shoot documentary historical tapes, which deservedly have great success.

Elena Stepanenko

Great humorist, parodist and just beautiful woman... The extraordinary appearance of the artist often gave reason to think about how old Elena Stepanenko really is.

She is a woman of a rather dense build, which makes her look a little older than her real age. Recently, however, she has lost a lot of weight and has changed a lot. Now, when the question arises of how old Elena Stepanenko is, we can safely say that she looks younger than her 65.

The humorist was born in early April 1953, in Volgograd. Father is a cook, mother is a hairdresser. Parents adored their daughter for her lively and artistic character. Already in the 10th grade, Elena played the role of a prostitute, which she was perfectly successful.

After graduating from school, the girl enters GITIS. Having finished it, Elena Stepanenko begins performing at the Moscow Variety Theater. She was equally good at solo numbers, and musical parodies, and skits, and monologues.

Most viewers know her as an artist of the spoken genre, although she also has an amazing ear for music.

There are always a lot of people at Elena Stepanenko's concerts. In addition to her performances in the "Full House" and the artist also starred in films and has many roles behind her.

She also conducts such programs as: "Elena Stepanenko Show", "Kyshkin House".

Creative tandem

A little later, after graduating from GITIS, Elena Stepanenko begins to work in the theater under the leadership of Petrosyan.

In the 80s, Elena became very popular with viewers. Evgeny Petrosyan could not help but notice the talented artist and the couple is born in a creative tandem.

Their duet brings the viewer to tears with their humor, which was so close to the common Soviet people.

Family union

In fact, Stepanenko appeared on the big stage partly thanks to and ex-husband Vasiliev Alexander. It was he who brought her to the Petrosyan Theater. But the joint performances and charisma of Stepanenko did not leave the famous humorist indifferent. Therefore, she soon leaves Vasiliev and marries Yevgeny Vaganovich.

Now no one can imagine these humorists without each other. We can say with confidence that their creative and family union was a success. Close acquaintances of the spouses love to joke that the couple has been together for so many years thanks to Elena's culinary talents. However, to the question: "Do Petrosyan and Stepanenko have children?" there is always a negative answer.

They have been living together for over 20 years. True, at one time the yellow press was full of headlines, as if the elderly comedian had a young passion. However, the family did not break up.

Descendants of the Petrosyan family

Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer unequivocally when asked about whether Petrosyan and Stepanenko have children. Since there are no joint descendants. The reasons are not discussed, despite the frequent questions of Elena herself in an interview. They do not like to talk about this topic and avoid it in every possible way. The artist herself likes to argue that her husband is like a big child, and this is enough for her.

With Victorina, the only daughter of the satirist, Elena had a very tense relationship. The stepdaughter and stepmother did not speak, since the girl was leaving. But soon it was thanks to Elena that the father and daughter reconciled.

So do Petrosyan and Stepanenko have children? Yes there is. Elena does not emphasize that Quiz is not her own daughter.

Many well-known and popular TV programs make fun of Petrosyan's jokes and speeches. However, an experienced satirist can still stand up for himself and adequately answer opponents. After all, the jokes with which he made the audience explode with laughter, and to this day do not lose their relevance.

Yevgeny Petrosyan's new wife's name is Tatyana, surname is Brukhunova, age is 30 years. The girl comes from Tula, graduated from the Moscow University of Culture and Arts, works as an art director. The practice took place in the theater, which, by the will of fate, was led by Evgeny Vaganovich. He immediately noticed a spectacular and cheerful trainee, made her his assistant. She could not even dream of more, since she had been a fan of Petrosyan since childhood.

The artist made Brukhunova his personal assistant. First, she ran the website of Stepanenko, then Petrosyan himself. The girl accompanied Yevgeny Vaganovich on tour, on the road. Despite the age difference of 43 years, they always talked nicely and spent a lot of time together. The topics between the interlocutors did not end there.

After breaking up with Stepanenko, Petrosyan seemed to look younger. He appeared everywhere with his new wife, loaded her with jewelry and branded clothes. Tatyana did not resist, especially since she had long dreamed of a beautiful life. The opinions of the fans were divided: some are sure that this is another hunter for a rich husband, others talk about sincere love, to which, as you know, "all ages are submissive." In the photos in social networks the newlyweds look happy.

Evgeny Petrosyan: biography, personal life, children

The satirist was born in Baku on September 16, 1945. He became famous as a humorist, took part in "Smehopanorama" and "Curved Mirror". His monologues have always been sold out, and the army of fans replenished even after 70 years.

Mother is a housewife, father is an engineer. The boy realized from childhood that his vocation is to amuse people. During his school years he participated in amateur performances, composed humorous scenes. At the age of 16 he moved to Moscow from sunny Baku, entered the VTMEI on the course of Rina Zelena. The family did not mind. A year later, a talented and always smiling artist, despite his young years, on the big stage.

Petrosyan spent his whole life on the stage, even off the stage he got used to the role of a humorist, for which his colleagues and devoted fans loved him. In 1985 he received the title of Honored Artist of the USSR, and three years later he became a permanent member of the "Full House", for a long time he held high ratings of this humorous show. From 2003 to 2014 he performed at the "Crooked Mirror".

In 2005, Petrosyan was recognized as a dollar millionaire. His annual income was $ 2 million. A couple of years later, he was included in the Forbes list of the richest people. It was thanks to Evgeny Vaganovich that the phrase "petrosyanit" appeared - to humor, to laugh it off.

All wives of Petrosyan: family photos

Eugene has always had a weakness for the fair sex, has never been deprived of female attention. A clear confirmation of this was the last wife of the master, 43 years younger than him. But first things first.

The first wife was the sister of Victorina Krieger, whose name remains a mystery to this day. The next wife was Anna Kozlovskaya. The third in marriage is Lyudmila, the fourth is Stepanenko. Tatiana Burkhunova became the last, but not legal wife.

Petrosyan's first wife is the sister of the ballerina Quiz Krieger

The young and then unknown comedian met his first wife almost immediately upon arrival in Moscow. It is known that her older sister is the famous ballerina Quiz Krieger, but the name of the girl herself is unknown, however, as well as her further fate. She died several years after the birth of her daughter.

There is a version that Petrosyan got married for the sake of a Moscow residence permit. In 1968, a replenishment happened in a young family, the daughter was named Victorina. This is the only child of Yevgeny Vaganovich, in whom he did not cherish a soul since childhood. Thanks to her famous and wealthy father, Victorina Petrosyan lives in New York in luxury apartments in Manhattan.

Anna Kozlovskaya - Petrosyan's wife

The second wife is 7 years older than the comedian. Petrosyan met her while still married, but fell in love at first sight. Anna was married to a famous singer, after she divorced and legalized her relationship with a famous satirist.

Their family life lasted less than 2 years, and the love of the first died on the part of Anna. The girl met the Greek Kostas Varnalis, fell in love at first sight, filed for divorce on her own and drove off with her new lover to Greece. Eugene took this break up hard.

Third wife - Lyudmila

Petrosyan's next wife had nothing to do with the scene. The woman worked as an art critic in St. Petersburg and, like everyone else, was fascinated by the charm and charisma of a talented satirist. Soon the lovers got married.

Frequent travels of the spouse did not suit the young wife, and Lyudmila (this was the name of Petrosyan's third wife) independently filed for divorce. Evgeny Vaganovich did not challenge her decision.

Petrosyan's wife - Elena Stepanenko

This was the fourth and longest marriage. After the opening of the theater, the satirical actress came to the casting. Petrosyan made her famous. For several years they worked on the same stage, but they were connected only by professional, friendly relations.

Once on tour, mutual feelings flared up, and upon arrival in Moscow, both decided to officially divorce and live together. Back in 1989, Petrosyan and Stepanenko legalized their relationship. In November 2018, the couple officially divorced after 30 years of marriage. main reason - Yevgeny Vaganovich's romance with his assistant Tatyana Brukhunova.

How old is Stepanenko - the wife of Petrosyan

Now the ex-wife of Eugene - Elena is 66 years old. The woman looks great, always looks after herself and does not lose her sense of humor. Even after breaking up with Petrosyan, the smile does not leave her lips, although it was a difficult divorce process with a noisy division of property.

Why Petrosyan divorced his wife

The first rumors of a celebrity divorce appeared last summer. Already in August 2018, it became reliably known that Stepanenko filed officially for divorce and division of property. Evgeny wanted to give his wife half, but she was counting on 80% of the jointly acquired property with an estimated value of $ 1.5 million.

Rumor has it that the spouses have not lived together for 15 years, but the official version of the divorce is Petrosyan's new passion. Assistant Tatyana Brukhunova became a stumbling block. In November 2018, the Stepanenko-Petrosyan family finally broke up.

This noisy story was widely discussed in the press. Videos of the participants in the divorce proceedings regularly appeared on social networks with capacious explanations for the fans. Comedians even came to the program to Andrei Malakhov "Let them talk", where the reasons and consequences of the divorce were publicly clarified.

Death crossed out plans of the wife of Petrosyan

Elena has no children of her own. The only relative is the elder brother Boris, who died when Elena was already in a romantic relationship with Petrosyan. The man is buried in the old Tarusa cemetery, where Stepanenko has not appeared for a long time. The grave is in disrepair.

Brother Boris was a promising entrepreneur, had his own gas supply company, was respected by his colleagues, his own sister. Elena managed to introduce Petrosyan to her brother, but several years ago he was gone. After the divorce, the woman was left completely alone - without moral support.

How Petrosyan's wife lost weight - Elena Stepanenko

In fresh photographs, the comedian looks clearly prettier. After the divorce, the woman lost 46 kg, and on the program of Andrei Malakhov she told everyone how she managed it at such a respectable age.

In fact, nothing complicated: small portions with six meals, daily control of the water regime and increased physical activity. Stepanenko prides herself on her firm skin and the ability to swap out loose-fitting robes for sexier, sweeping outfits.

Petrosyan's new young wife - Tatyana Brukhunova

Starting from the position of assistant satirist, Tatyana Brukhunova very soon became his right hand and new lover. The girl herself is from a poor, provincial family, so many accuse her of greed and self-interest in relation to Petrosyan.

Tatyana herself is sure that the marriage of Petrosyan and Stepanenko cracked much earlier, and the spouses had not lived in the same territory for a long time. After such wealth "fell" on her, Tatyana often does shopping, does not hide her addiction to expensive designer things. The girl tries on different looks and enjoys a luxurious life next to a rich lover.

How old is Petrosyan and his wife

He is 74, she is 30 years old. When they met in 2018, the 29-year-old fan couldn't resist the charms of an entire generation's idol. With such a colossal age difference, lovers get along well and do not part for a minute. Petrosyan fulfills the whims of his young wife, and the paparazzi only find him shopping.

Petrosyan and his young wife are expecting a baby

Soon after the divorce from Elena Stepanenko, information appeared in the press that the comedian's new passion was pregnant and was expecting twins - boys. The woman showed a photo of a new apartment in Moscow with an area of \u200b\u200bover 230 sq. meters. The children's room has two designer beds at once.

The masses started talking about pregnancy. In some reviews, Petrosyan was listed as the father of the children, in others - an old friend without any contact information. Yevgeny Vaganovich is only glad to replenish the family, because he always dreamed of a son. In the registry office, for the fifth time, he does not particularly strive, but does not relieve himself of responsibility. Information about the replenishment of the star family has not yet been reported.

Does Evgeny Petrosyan have children

Petrosyan has only one legitimate child, whom his first wife gave him in 1968. He raised his daughter Victorina on his own, since her mother died when the girl was barely 3 years old. Petrosyan gave her a good education, helped her to move and settle in New York.

The quiz is married. Together with her husband and sons Andrey and Mark, he lives in an elite apartment in Manhattan. He maintains relations with his father at a distance, although the choice of his new passion was one of the first to condemn.

Rumors about problems in relations between spouses Yevgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko appeared several years ago. Back in 2008, the media wrote that humorists do not live together, and the spectacular 26-year-old blonde Tatyana Podolskaya, who was Petrosyan's personal assistant, became the reason for the separation.

However, no official divorce followed. But ten years later, there was still a claim for divorce and division of property.

Elena Stepanenko became the fourth wife for Yevgeny Petrosyan. They lived together for 32 years. Relatives said that it was with her that Petrosyan found his happiness.

"Reedus" decided to recall the ex-wives of the famous humorist and the reasons for their separation.

When Evgeny Petrosyants (his real surname) came to Moscow from Azerbaijan, he began to work as an entertainer at concerts. There he met his first wife. The girl was sister of the famous ballerina Quiz Krieger... The couple got married quickly, but it was short-lived. Soon after the birth of his daughter, who was named Victorina in honor of the famous relative, Yevgeny Petrosyan met a new love.

Now the daughter of a humorist is 49 years old. She lives in the United States, has two sons and runs the Mark Andreas Collection, an exclusive glass toys company.

Petrosyan's new hobby was Anna Kozlovskaya, daughter of the famous opera singer Ivan Kozlovsky. The girl was very beautiful and worked as an entertainer with Petrosyan. The young people spent a lot of time and did not notice how they fell in love with each other.

Kozlovskaya and Petrosyan

Petrosyan's second marriage was also short-lived. They lived with Kozlovskaya for a couple of years, then the woman met another and left with him to Greece.

Two years ago, 68-year-old Anna Kozlovskaya in one of her interviews called Petrosyan a decent person. She remembered how in their youth they went to a restaurant on the Ostankino tower together. Later Kozlovskaya became interested in prose and began to write. In the Writers' Union, she met the Greek Kostas Varnalis and fell in love with him.

Zhenya suffered a lot, but I could not help myself. This is my unforgivable guilt before Zhenya ... On my initiative, our marriage with Petrosyan broke up. I went with my new husband to Greece. She recently returned to her homeland, did not follow the fate of Zhenya Petrosyan. We do not maintain a relationship with him, - quotes the Kozlovskaya edition of the Peoples.

Later Petrosyan met art critic Lyudmila... The resident of St. Petersburg was a very intelligent woman. The humorist's acquaintances called her an aristocrat. For a while she even performed on the same stage with Yevgeny Petrosyan, but then she began to be annoyed by her husband's excessive employment.

1964 year

In 1979, the already famous artist Yevgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan opened the Theater of Variety Miniatures. Came to the casting Elena Stepanenko.

With a graduate of GITIS, they got married seven years later. Surrounded by the couple, they said that over the years of their life together, the couple had never quarreled. They were united by work and hobbies.

Petrosyan and Stepanenko have one passion - they collect antiques. Their friends, entering the house, compared the artists' apartment to a museum: antique furniture, paintings famous artists, vintage vases.

Obviously, spouses have a lot to share in a divorce. On August 6, the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow will consider the lawsuit of Elena Stepanenko on the division of jointly acquired property.

According to some media reports, the couple own five apartments in the elite districts of the capital, two foreign cars, a snowmobile and a dacha in the village of Zhavoronki - all this is recorded in the 72-year-old Petrosyan. Stepanenko only has a dacha in Lyubertsy.

For Russian comedians who have known Yevgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko for many years, their divorce turned out to be. Artist Svyatoslav Yeshchenko admitted in an interview with "Reedus" that "if people decide to leave, then it is already difficult for them to be together."

Evgeny Petrosyan is a cult figure for Russians. He is a humorist, TV presenter and just an excellent artist, whose biography is rich interesting facts... Let's talk about Yevgeny Vaganovich's personal life, children, wife, his age and, of course, divorce - news that has been discussed in the loudest way in recent days.

Homeland, parents and first years of life

The artist was born in a very sad time for the whole country - 1945, September 16. His homeland is interesting - the future artist was born in Baku. Petrosyan's father was an intellectual - a mathematician. Mom gave preference to the master's affairs and was the "head of the house." This is the case when the mother and father understand absolutely nothing about creativity and do not give any professional instructions to the heir.

Taking into account the year of birth of Yevgeny Petrosyan, it is easy to guess that the first years of the future artist's life were far from bleak conditions - after the war the state had not yet strengthened. However, despite the atmosphere in the country, at the age of 7, Eugene realized that he wanted to become an artist. This was facilitated by a humorous event, to which Petrosyan went with his cousin.

Eugene as a young artist

In Baku, Yevgeny began performing at the age of 12. He was a participant in the folk theater, read poetry, visited clubs and houses of culture. He was even invited to host concerts. Already at the age of 15, Petrosyan began a tour, organized with the help of the Baku Seamen's Club.

Quite early, the artist realized that he needed to move to Moscow. Therefore, already at the age of 16, the young man deliberately moves to the capital. Here Evgeny begins his studies at the All-Russian Creative Workshop of Variety Art.

Professional scene

The artist began to conquer the big stage in 1962. After several years, Eugene devoted himself to work as an entertainer. He was invited to the State Orchestra of the RSFSR, which was considered more than respected.

Another important event in his career takes place seven years later - the star of humor begins to serve Mosconcert. Further Petrosyan waited only for takeoffs. Since this year, for twenty years, the artist has been gathering an incredible large-scale audience around him.

Of important events in the artist's biography during this period of time it is worth highlighting the program "Three went to the stage". She appeared in 1973. The work on the creation of the program was not in vain - the whole country was conquered by creativity. In 1976, the comedian begins performing with his programs on the basis of the Moscow Variety Theater, which provided him with considerable assistance.

In terms of creativity, the artist tried almost everything - he wrote programs for musical parodies, dabbled in clowning, composed many humorous scenes that the fans perceived as extremely vital. Against the background of the boom in popularity, Evgeny organized the Theater of Variety Miniatures on his own. The opening took place in 1979. Here you can see a large number of historical materials - from magazines and posters of the last century to unique photographs.

Many got acquainted with the work of Evgeny Vaganovich thanks to the "Full House" show. This is not surprising. Since thirteen years, up until 2000, the artist was part of the show.

Petrosyan, back in 1988, took the position of thin. head of the Moscow Concert Ensemble. Already at that time, Eugene was one of the main artists of the country.

The artist devoted ten years to the "Smehopanorama" program, where he was the presenter. After that, the project "Crooked Mirror" received wide fame, which would not have appeared without a humorist.

Personal life and divorce

In August 2018, everyone was shocked that there was official news about the artist's divorce from his fourth wife Elena Stepanenko. The couple have been married for 33 years. Therefore, many fans believed that Eugene and Elena are an example of what a husband should be and what a wife should be. In fact, news of the couple's deplorable relationship has long begun to circulate in the media. Eugene was suspected of having a relationship with a young assistant Tatyana, who did not particularly reject this news.

On tour, the couple did not act like a couple. They also live in different apartments for several years. A full-fledged family has long been gone. After the news of the divorce, both artists received a lot of criticism. Fans do not understand why at this age, and Petrosyan is already 72, the couple decided to leave. As for the question of how old Stepanenko is, she is 7 years younger - she is 65.

The artist has one daughter - Quiz. Rumor has it that there has been no strong relationship with his father for a long time. The Quiz itself is densely settled in the United States.

Evgeny Petrosyan has been striving for creativity since childhood. Already as an adult, he was always surrounded by people of art, and women too. That is why all the wives of Yevgeny Vaganovich were in one way or another associated with the theater or television. The brightest wife, without a doubt, is Elena Stepanenko.

Petrosyan's fourth wife, Elena Stepanenko, is also an artist of the spoken genre, so with Yevgeny they have not only a family, but also a professional union.

Future actress of the spoken genre in 1953 in Volgograd. Her parents were ordinary workers. Like her future husband, Elena Stepanenko from a young age aspired to be creative - she sang, danced and took an active part in productions of the theater of musical comedy. Elena played the first performance in her life in the 11th grade.

By the way, she got a very strange role - Stepanenko played a prostitute, which was almost unacceptable for the school circle... At the end of the performance, her heroine was supposed to perform a ditty, but because of excitement she forgot all the words. Not at a loss, the girl herself came up with the lines and performed them in one breath. The audience did not notice the catch and after the end of the performance the audience gave a standing ovation.

After 11 classes, Elena entered the art school in Volgograd. After studying in Volgograd for one year, she decides to move to Moscow. The reason for this was his acquaintance with the famous tenor Toboltsev. It was he who, at one of the rehearsals, heard Stepanenko singing and said that with such a vocal she must definitely go to the capital.

Inspired by the hope of conquering the Moscow stage of theaters, Elena immediately successfully passed the exams and became a student of Gitis. After graduation, she worked for a short time as an actress of the spoken genre, after which she became a member of a theatrical group led by Yevgeny Petrosyan.

Soon the theater troupe became known as the Moscow Variety Theater. Since the 1980s, Elena has become famous. Fascinating miniatures and monologues, solo and collective performances pleased the Soviet audience. Elena begins to travel frequently with tours and perform at the famous concert stages of the capital.

Over time, the Moscow Variety Theater becomes state theater miniatures. At this moment, Evgeny Petrosyan, being the head of the theater, notices the talent of the young artist. Their creative union is born. Family relations will begin a little later, since at that time the girl was married to Alexander Vasiliev, a musician from GITIS.

Vasiliev at one time brought her to the big stage and introduced her to Petrosyan. Due to the fact that Elena was the only one who clearly had a tragicomic talent, she was nominated for almost all productions in the theater. Soon, Stepanenko leaves Vasiliev, and marries Evgeny.

Since the mid-90s, Elena has been trying her hand at the role of director of various productions, where not only her acting talent is manifested. One of the performances " Family joys”Brought Stepanenko to the same level as Evgeny. Now they begin to work exclusively in a duet and it is no longer possible to present them separately.

The talent of the actors only emphasizes their union. Now they begin joint performances not only within the theater. The family duo is at the peak of popularity, after which Elena is awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Elena has no children from her first marriage. Despite the fact that they have been together with Eugene for more than 30 years, they never managed to give birth to a child. True reasons the couple does not want to voice. In her interviews, Elena humorously admits that sometimes her husband gives her no less trouble than small child... However, what is the reason for the absence of heirs?

Perhaps it is the middle age of both at the time of marriage or health problems to blame. Eugene, in turn, has an only daughter from a previous marriage, at the moment she lives in the United States. Well, comedians, apparently, are not expected to have common children.

Interesting notes:

At one time, Elena gave up her personal life, putting her career first. Over time, when fame swept over her head, she built a cozy family nest for her small family of two. Eugene often admits that his wife perfectly cooks dishes of various cuisines of the world. It was thanks to this talent that he saw in her a future wife.

Elena is also a very religious person, she regularly attends church, travels to springs and holy places. There she is charged with energy and vitality. Elena is also proud of the fact that she has never done plastic surgery. Together with Eugene, they are fond of antiques, so there are a lot of unique and interesting things in their apartment.

In 2018, fans of Yevgeny Petrosyan's wife noticed that Elena Stepanenko had lost weight, and very much.

The thinness of the artist looks somewhat painful. Fans suspect that Elena Stepanenko fell ill, although she may have turned to the services of a plastic surgeon.