
Madonna's birthday. Madonna (Ciccone Louise Veronica): height, weight and biography. Former husband of Madonna - Guy Ricci

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone was born in the small town of Rochester, Michigan in the United States. The girl was the third child in the family, but the first among all girls born. In total, her mother had six children. Mother named her by the same name as she had. So in the future, the singer did not have to invent a pseudonym for herself, although for many years many continued to believe that Madonna was a fictitious name.

His father was an engineer who later became the lead designer of General Motors. Mother worked for some time as a radiologist technician, at home she loved to play the piano and sang beautifully, but was not going to become famous. She was a very devout Catholic, her faith bordering on bigotry. When she was pregnant with her sixth child, a misfortune happened - she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She did not terminate the pregnancy and died a few months after giving birth at the age of 30. Madonna at that time was 5 years old, and she very hard endured this loss and was never able to come to terms with this fact. She remembered her mother as a fragile and gentle, but at the same time strong woman who never complained.

For the first time, the children were settled in different relatives, and two years later, the father decided to marry a housekeeper, who was not at all like their mother. The couple had two more children. The stepmother was a priest of strict rules, and the father, although he earned good money, considered it important to teach the children to save money.

Since Madonna was the oldest of the girls in the family, she was constantly entrusted with the care of the younger ones, and she really wanted to get out of all this. The older two brothers became addicted to drugs and at times mocked the future singer. It was so unpleasant that the girl developed a lifelong hostility to drugs.

At school, the girl studied diligently, in many ways this is the merit of her father. When the children were not given homework, he would come up with additional ones for them. But, for each excellent mark, he rewarded 25 cents. Madonna never spent it, but wanted to save a lot of money in this way. She is in many ways grateful to her father for his severity, according to her, if he were not like that, then stars would not have come out of her.

Whatever household chores the girl was busy with, he always loved to hum. Her father insisted that she learn to play the piano, since many family members played different musical instruments, but Madonna herself begged her father to send her to a ballet studio.

From the age of 12, she studied at a Catholic high school, in which very strict rules reigned. In it, she first appeared on stage in a school musical. Communication with her peers did not develop, they disliked her for her strange character and excellent academic performance. Madonna herself considered her peers to be half-witted, and they considered her a poorly dressed "redneck".

But on one of the school evenings she performed such an extravagant dance that everyone immediately stopped taking her as a "good girl." A scandal erupted at school, and the father hid his daughter under house arrest.

In the ballet studio at the University of Michigan, her mentor was Chris Flynn. He became for her not only the first love, she considered him a demigod. Love remained unrequited since Flynn was gay. But he became a friend to her, took her to exhibitions and concerts of classical music.

After studying for a year and a half at the University of Michigan, she dropped out and went to conquer New York. Everyone was against this idea, her father insisted that the girl become a doctor or lawyer, by this time she had a very high IQ. Only Flynn supported her.

Career start and successful development

She flew to New York by plane (for the first time in her life) with a small suitcase and 35 dollars. I took a taxi, for which I paid 15 dollars and asked to take her to the center. After going through a hard casting, she was able to get into one of the dance groups, but earnings in it did not allow her to rent even the cheapest housing. I had to interrupt at night part-time jobs either in fast food or in the dressing room of a restaurant. She constantly auditioned for various Broadway musicals. Once the directors asked her not only to dance, but also to sing, and noted her with a surprisingly pleasant voice. With the new production, she left for Paris, the producers continued to insist on her singing career, but the proposed repertoire categorically did not suit Madonna.

As a result, six months later, she returned to New York to her lover, who played a significant role in her development as a singer. She learned to play drums and electric guitar. After being in one musical group and showing herself a bright individuality, she left and founded her own group "Emmy", in which she performed her own songs with a guitar.

The future acquaintance with the owner of the recording studio Camilla Barbon makes Madonna a solo and dancing performer. She also helped the girl somehow solve her material problems, since before that everything was very deplorable. Camilla herself claims that her personal qualities made the star of Madonna, and as a musician she did not stand out in anything remarkable.

Once, together with drummer Stephen Bray, Madonna composed four dance compositions, which, secretly from Camilla, began to promote in discos. The DJ of one of the club was so inspired by the artist's talent that, although not on the first try, he arranged for Madonna to meet with the owner of one of the labels. Sire Records signed a contract with her for $ 5,000, the singer for the stage image discarded from her name the last name, which many pronounced incorrectly. Soon the first single "Everybody" was released, which took the first lines of the charts. The song began to be played on the radio, while the photo of the singer was not advertised, the audience thought that the performer was African American.

The first single was followed by the second "Holiday". The singer recorded her first album in the 83rd year. He was warmly received by fans, various offers fell on her, including acting in a movie.

Madonna never stops there, she lives in constant development. In addition to her creative career, she proved herself as a business woman, founding her own label and creating her own fashion direction. She also acts as a producer. On account of her today, 13 published music albums and 13 roles in films. A separate chapter can be devoted to her awards. Madonna also proved herself as a writer, she wrote and published 7 books.

Madonna's personal life

The singer was married twice, and her novels simply cannot be counted. Her first husband was actor Sean Penn. But Madonna suppressed him, according to Sean, he did not want to be "Mr. Madonna". At that time, he himself was just going through the stage of formation as an artist, he was thrown from side to side, his behavior was often accompanied by outbursts of aggression.

As a result, the marriage lasted from the 85th to the 89th year.

In 1996, Madonna decided it was time for her to become a mother and gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes, from her fitness trainer. They were not married, but lived together for several months.

In 98, her stormy romance with the director began, two years later the couple had a son, Rocco. Soon the union was officially sealed. The marriage lasted 7 years.

Now Madonna has affairs from time to time, including with men much younger than herself, but they do not lead to anything serious.

Interesting lives of famous people in articles

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone (Eng. Madonna Louise Ciccone, born August 16, 1958, Bay City, Michigan, USA) is a singer, actress, director, songwriter, music producer and entrepreneur. On this page you will find a complete biography of Madonna, her success story and the main stages of her ascent to the musical Olympus.

I am interested in learning more about famous and successful people in order to understand what helped them in life to achieve such heights. For this, we have where you can get acquainted with the biographies of prominent people of our time who have succeeded in life.

But now there are only men in this section. Perhaps this is not entirely fair, there are also many amazing examples among women, whose experience can be taken into account. Therefore, let's urgently correct this injustice!

They say that good is not forever, and sooner or later ends. These are the words of people who have achieved nothing in life. / Madonna

It is very difficult to write something new about a person known to the whole world. The popularity of our today's heroine is really off the charts.

It is hard to remain a humble "gray mouse" if you are the most commercially successful singer who has set a record for sales of her records - more than 250 million copies of albums and 100 million singles. “The Queen of Pop” - that's how her fans call her.

In this article, we will go through the well-known facts of her biography and trace how a simple girl from a large family managed to achieve tremendous success.

A person's dreams can be judged by what he achieved in adulthood. She will turn 61 in August 2019. Madonna looks 100% at her age. In 2018, the singer took part in # 10YearChallenge - a flash mob on Instagram, in which she shared her new picture and a photo from 10 years ago.

The 10-year difference between Madonna's pictures is almost invisible

The singer can boast of more than one achievement. The girl from the state of the great lakes, as Michigan is fondly called by the Americans, has really achieved a lot.

Madonna's name is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, along with such stars as Louis Armstrong, ABBA, Queen

At the same time, as rightly noted in the official biography of the singer in the Internet version of the Hall of Fame, her achievements are not limited to the field of music, "and in terms of celebrity, she is comparable to Marilyn Monroe."

By the way, Madonna is very close to this image, in which she brings her own unique charm. In 2015, it was in this image - beautiful, bright and inviting - that the singer met visitors on the official website Now the "style icon" in the image of "Madam X" (Madam X) is promoting its 14th studio album of the same name, which is scheduled for release in June 2019.

However, Madonna herself considers physical beauty, although beautiful, but ephemeral, and appreciates not her more, but "Self-confidence that comes with achieving goals."

By the way, this is a very apt statement that I felt myself. Be sure to take it on board.

The fact is that when you have confidence in your own abilities, then you are not afraid of any new goals and obstacles. This is especially important for achieving financial success.

After all, when we make money, we always risk something. People often avoid risk because they are insecure.

Let's say you want to use some financial instrument or create your own business. If you have dozens and hundreds of conquered goals behind you, then you will not consider business as a business, but simply as another goal that you want to conquer.

And you know you will do it because you have done it more than once. For such people, failures are not terrible. They are charged for success. And as a rule, they achieve everything. As you can see, even Madonna confirms this.

The success of the pop diva allows her to be very self-confident. I would like to give a list of all her awards, but the complete list of Madonna's awards will drag on for a couple of pages. Therefore, I will leave this information for extracurricular reading and, as they say, I will be brief. Madonna has been nominated and received dozens of times with American Music Award, Billboard Music Award, The American Moviegoers Awards, BRIT Awards, Japan Gold Disc Awards, Grammy Awards and others.

In 1996, Madonna received the prestigious Golden Globe Film Award for her role in the film Evita. In 2012, she received this award for the second time for the soundtrack "Masterpiece" to the film "WE. We believe in love. " All the awards and awards of the performer are countless, because their number has exceeded 290! She is named the best-selling singer of all time, and is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Behind Madonna has more than 20 movie roles, hundreds of songs and dozens of albums

Well, just not a woman, but some kind of "Drummer of capitalist labor." Her inexhaustible powers are impressive! In my opinion, it's time for the "hot little thing" Madonna to award another award for "hot" stage experience!

You may ask if I love her music and buy a ticket to her performance? I will answer you this way - "there are no comrades for the taste and color", but what definitely attracts me in our heroine is the amazing ability to achieve the set goals.

"Enejizer" -Madonna manages to show herself in many areas. If she decided to issue business cards, all of her positions would not fit on a standard letterhead. After all, she is a singer, songwriter, writer, screenwriter, director, dancer, actress, businessman, designer.

The cloning of humans is officially prohibited, so let's discard this reason, which explains Madonna's active professional activities as fantastic. So what helps her to keep up “on all fronts”?

The singer herself reveals the recipe for success:

In a word, a visual aid of a multifaceted person who “made himself on his own”. On this score, the pop diva is convinced that a person is a material from which one can make "A chic dress, or a rag."

Do you know what you want? As my experience in conducting trainings, consultations and coaching shows, people do not know what they want. And if they know, then most often it is something imposed on them from the outside and is not their “native” goals.

The same goes for ambition. Think wider, do not be afraid to set yourself ambitious and important goals in life. Buying an expensive car, an apartment and taking regular vacations can hardly be called ambitious.

What helped her become like this?

As a child, Madonna had neither rich parents nor relatives associated with show business. She was born in 1958 into a Catholic family, where her mother, Madonna Louise Fortin, was engaged in children (Madonna had three more brothers and two sisters), and her father, Silvio Ciccone, worked as a design engineer.

The head of the family adhered to a strict upbringing of his offspring, forbade watching TV, demanded excellent school grades and compulsory attendance at church. Madonna's mother died of cancer when the girl was only 5 years old. This was a huge tragedy for the child. Madonna's father married a second time, and soon Louise Ciccone had half-brother and sister.

Now the show business star admits that there was a lot of terrible and unpleasant in her life, but she does not want to be pitied, because she does not feel sorry for herself. The formation of Madonna's personality took place rather not due to some conditions, but in spite of.

She had to sweat a lot to get to the top

Since childhood, the girl wanted to stand out from the crowd, not to get lost in the general mass. With her shocking antics, Madonna, at a young age, attracted the attention of others, which, apparently, did not receive much in the family. Either the girl will dress in multi-colored stockings, then she will dance in one bikini at the young talent competition.

In high school, Madonna participates in public life, shows organizational, acting and dancing skills. Despite classes in the drama club and ballet studio, Madonna also has excellent academic performance in school subjects.

Although there is nothing to be surprised at, because her IQ is 140 points! According to this indicator, the pop star is 3 points ahead of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States.

After school, Madonna continued her dance education at the University of Michigan, where she, as the best student, was awarded a scholarship. On the recommendation of a ballet teacher, and of her own free will, Madonna soon left the university and moved to New York to pursue a career as a dancer.

The city with great opportunities did not welcome her with open arms. Her arrival in the metropolis, without money and with grandiose plans, Madonna would later call the most courageous act in her life.

"My fear of something usually means I have to do it.", - Madonna admits. It is this quality that impresses me very much in her. After all, courage is not the absence of fears in a person, but, on the contrary, the courage to look them in the eyes.

The taxi driver who threw the young provincial woman into the center of New York took from her no less, and almost half of the available cash - 15 dollars. At first, Madonna lived practically in poverty, periodically spent the night in the attics, and sometimes even checked the contents of garbage cans in search of food. However, this did not break our heroine and did not spoil the character of the future mega-star. Its distinguishing quality has always been the ability to communicate and make acquaintances.

Madonna accidentally meets the Gilra brothers, who had their own small orchestra. Soon they find a new acquaintance where to stay, and they take it to their ensemble. Madonna comes to the conclusion that not dancing, but singing can become the chance that will lead her to worldwide fame and adoration.

She earns money from her audio recordings, which she unsuccessfully tries to promote in clubs.

There is still not enough money, and during this period Madonna manages to work as a cloakroom attendant, a model in an art studio, and does not neglect “nude” photo sessions.

In the end, the persistent girl meets the famous New York DJ Mark Kamins, with whose support she released her single "Everybody" in 1982. Following the success of this song, she was signed by Sire Records.

In 1983, the debut album "Madonna" was released

The pop diva admits: "I pulled myself up by the straps of my own bra."For those who hasten to nod their heads, they say, we know how she made her way onto the stage, we will answer in Madonna's own words:

The debut album immediately brings the singer the long-awaited recognition. The song "Holiday" from this disc is included in the TOP-20 of American singles, and the next year it falls into the top ten in Europe. In 1984 Madonna released a new album "Like a Virgin", the hit of which was the song "Material Girl".

This recording gives the singer the nickname of the same name and sticks to her securely. Madonna agrees that she is a very “material girl”.

Her income is growing rapidly, and in 1992 her and the TV presenter Oprah Winfrey announced as the two richest women in show business

The personal fortune of the Queen of Pop is estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars... Starting from scratch, now the star has a whole staff of assistants working on her image, but still takes part in financial affairs, squeezing every last cent out of discs, video clips and shows.

Madonna's work changes over time. In the 80s, she toured the United States, trying on various, but always intriguing images. According to statistics, Madonna sells more albums than any American singer.

In 1989, the shocking Madonna surpasses herself in the video for the song "Like a Prayer". The candid video with controversial religious motives received sharp disapproval from the Catholic Church. As a result of this hype, Pepsi is terminating a previously concluded advertising contract with the singer.

Madonna's motto of that period is clearly expressed: "scandals are the best advertisement", and the singer deserves another nickname "marketing genius"

In 1990, the singer becomes the first female businessman to appear on the cover of Forbes magazine.

Madonna creates a contradictory image for herself. Nobody knows what to expect from her next video or provocative PR move. Her activities cause a certain resonance in society, and this is exactly what she has always strived for - power and fame.

In addition to a huge number of admirers, Madonna also has an army of ill-wishers, some of whom condemn "flirting" with religion, and some of whom do not approve of creativity in general.

The heroine herself shares her memories like this:

If we compare the behavior of a star in his tempestuous youth and now, we can say that Madonna “settled down”. She no longer makes public scandals, confirming the image of a self-sufficient and calm woman.

The pop diva, in addition to musical creativity and writing, is busy with managing her own company Maverick, which produces films, books and music albums.

And if earlier the singer stated that “everyone has every right to share my opinion”, now Madonna admits that life has taught her to give in. After all, compromises are not a weakness, but an opportunity "To achieve their own by more subtle means."

Well, flexibility and the ability to adapt is a useful quality in the arsenal of a purposeful person.

Madonna has four children - daughter Lourdes, whose father was fitness coach Carlos Leon, son of Rocco from ex-husband of film director Guy Ritchie, and adopted son David and daughter Mercy. About the role played by the heirs for Madonna, her words speak: “The most important thing in life is children. It is in children's eyes that we can see the real world. "

It is to them that she tries to give what she did not receive in her time from her mother because of her early death: home comfort, proper upbringing and true family values. Madonna tries to devote a lot of time to her family, realizing that there can be many pop stars, and the mother of the children is only one.

Madonna remains a workaholic, waking up early in the morning, taking several hours every day to keep fit

The self-made lady does not want to stop there. " I am my own experiment and my own masterpiece. ", She declares.

Show business star Madonna is known all over the world. During her almost 40-year career, she has released many hits, became the founder of a special direction in musical culture. Her provocative style is copied, criticized, enthusiastically praised, but not forgotten. She leaves no one indifferent. At the same time, the full, real name of Madonna is familiar only to her loyal fans. She was able to make her pseudonym a brand that already denotes not just a person, but a whole social phenomenon.

early years

The future pop star was born on August 16, 1958 in Michigan in a large family, she was the 3rd child of six. The girl's mother was of French-Canadian descent, her father was Italian. Probably, this is where the fiery temperament of the Madonna originates. After leaving school, the girl enters the University of Michigan, at the choreography department, she studied dance and ballet for many years. Then the real name of Madonna, inherited from her mother, was completely unknown, and the girl dreamed of fame. In 1978 she moved to New York and enrolled in a dance class with the famous Alvin Ailey. She moonlights as a model, sings in different groups, her creative potential just keeps breaking out.

The beginning of a musical career

Together with a group of New York musicians, Madonna creates the group Emmy, which writes and performs fashionable music for discos and nightclubs. Producers pay attention to the group and the soloist. And in 1982 Madonna signed a contract with Sire Records and released her debut single Everybody. The singer's first album appears the following year, and the composition Holiday hits the American and European charts. From the very beginning of her career, Madonna impressed with her energy, original stage performances and a striking appearance.


Even starting to dance, Madonna thought about the stage name. From her parents she received a sonorous and complex name - Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone and therefore she had plenty to choose from for her pseudonym. She settled on the first part of her real name, especially since the name Madonna was memorable and, combined with the appearance and behavior of the singer, was provocative. Namely, the novice performer relied on shocking. From the very first steps on the stage, Madonna, whose hits were still ahead, worked under her shortened name and in a few years made him famous.

Creative way

Already the first disc made Madonna popular. The singer worked a lot, always thought through the scenography and choreography of her performances to the smallest detail, worked on her appearance. A natural brunette with appetizing forms, she found herself in the image of a blonde with bright makeup and sexy outfits.

From the very beginning of her career, the singer worked a lot, she changed several producers, labels, stubbornly striving to rise. The first album "Madonna", despite the fact that it entered the charts, was still a common occurrence in pop music. But the album Like a Virgin in 1984 was a real event. It has been sold in millions of copies.

Madonna's real name no longer mattered, she became a star, and everyone knew her under her stage name. In 1990, the singer made her first world tour, which was accompanied by a resounding success. Madonna not only sings fashionable songs, she sets a new standard for the show, her concerts are a whole performance, with a lot of costumes, decorations, dancers.

At the end of the 90s, a real rain of awards poured on Madonna, she received all possible musical prizes, her records are sold in millions of copies, tickets for concerts anywhere in the world are sold out in a few hours.

Her stage path was often associated with scandals and provocations, the star always fueled her special image with various antics on and off the stage. But she is also constantly in search of music, Madonna's compositions are always the most advanced edge of pop music.

To date, the singer has released 13 albums, created 10 concert programs, with which she traveled the globe several times. Madonna, whose age is increasingly becoming the subject of discussion in the media and gossip, is not going to give up her positions, despite the growing generations of competitors.

Outstanding work

During her life, Madonna, whose hits have repeatedly become multi-platinum, has released hundreds of songs. Experts and fans argue a lot about her creative heritage and which works are considered the best. Her most famous songs are:

  • Material girl... A real calling card of the singer, which determined her style for many years, this song with a wonderful clip a la Marilyn Monroe is a classic of world pop music.
  • Cherish... The 1988 song and the black-and-white video for it became a certain stage for Madonna, in which she appeared in the form of an ordinary American girl.
  • Vogue... The perfect dance song of the 80s, with a beautiful video by David Fincher, was Madonna's first step in the 90s.
  • Rain... An elegant and refined song from the provocative album Erotica has become one of the best "slow" songs of the decade. And the magnificent clip of Mark Romanek marked the beginning of a new video aesthetics in the 90s.
  • Hung up... The song of the early 2000s became yet another proof that Madonna is the queen of the dance pop scene. Incendiary melody and bright vocals made the composition a hit in discos all over the world.
  • Frozen... The 1998 ballad proved that Madonna, whose biography is associated with dance music, not only knows how to stage a show, but also sings beautifully. The exquisite video for the song from Chris Cunningham has received several awards and fan recognition.

Film work

Throughout her career, Madonna, whose biography is full of creative experiments, has repeatedly made attempts to make a career as a film actress. She has 13 films on her account, in which she played both episodic and main roles. Critics do not appreciate Madonna's talent as a dramatic actress very highly. However, the roles in the films "Body as Evidence", "Evita", "Best Friend" and "Gone" showed that she was still a good actress.

Personal life

Throughout her career, Madonna's personal life has attracted the attention of the public and the press. The singer was officially married twice. Her first husband was actor Sean Penn. The second is the director.In addition, she has a huge number of novels. For several years, the media attention was riveted on her relationship with the dancer Brahim Zeiba, who is 29 years younger than the singer. The romance ended in parting, and today Madonna is credited with a new relationship.


Some journalists jokingly say that Madonna's real name is Lady Scandal. She is ready to create hype from scratch. At one of the concerts in Istanbul, she decided to please the fans and bared her breasts. Getting naked is generally a pop star's favorite trick. In 2003, at the MTV Awards, Madonna kissed Britney Spears passionately, which caused a huge hype. She later repeated this trick with other girls. More than once, the singer's songs became the reason for accusing her of anti-Semitism, inciting hatred of the church, it came to the point that the Pope was called upon to excommunicate her from the church.


The pop diva also attracts no less attention from the press.The pop diva has four children: daughter Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon (father - Carlos Leon), son Rocco (father - Guy Ritchie), as well as two adopted children from Malawi: daughter Mercy Dein and son David Banda Mwale ...

Madonna's children grow up under the supervision of nannies, because my mother is actively pursuing her career. The eldest daughter has already grown up and is quite successfully building a modeling career. The singer has long sued Guy Ritchie for custody of her son and lost the case. For a while Rocco lived with his father in London, but then returned to his famous mother.

It is difficult to find a large number of world-famous stars on the American stage. Madonna's biography is the embodiment of the idea that everyone can be successful. The singer is a creative person, and at different periods of her life she was a director, writer, producer. There have been ups and downs in her story. In the 20th century, she became a symbol of the sexual revolution.


Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone was born in Bay City, Michigan. She was born on August 16, 1958. Her mother, Madonna Louise Fortin, was an X-ray technician and she was descended from Canadian French. Father, Silvio Tony Ciccone, was a design engineer at a car factory. He was an Italian American.

Madonna was the first daughter in the family and therefore she was given the name of her mother - it was an Italian tradition. When the girl was 5 years old, her mother died of breast cancer. Louise Fortin was carrying the baby and chemotherapy would surely provoke a miscarriage. A religious woman could not commit such a crime. Therefore, she safely gave birth to a baby and died a few months later.

Madonna's father was a widower for a short time and married a second time. Joan Gustafson, the maid of the family, became his chosen one. The girl had half-brother and sister - Mario and Jennifer.

The childhood of the future pop diva was not the most joyful. She grew up in a family of devout Catholics. The girl was considered strange and she was not everyone's favorite. Some peers treated her cruelly, but Madonna fought back. She had no desire to become like everyone else, she increasingly emphasized her alienness.

At school she studied well and this made her popular with teachers, but her classmates hated her. Some manifestations of protest from the Madonna:

  • lack of makeup;
  • unshaven armpits;
  • jazz choreography classes;
  • learned to play the piano and guitar.

At the age of 14, she came to the school talent show in a bikini. Her body was painted with fluorescent paints. She danced to the song "Baba O'Riely" by The Who. Her father witnessed the incident and he was furious at what he saw. He put her under house arrest and repeatedly called her a whore. Therefore, in the future, Madonna often reflected her condition in songs. The thought of virgins and fallen women runs through her work.

The stepmother was very fond of dancing and therefore the girl asked to enroll her in ballet lessons. In high school, she participated in the cheerleading team. After leaving school, Madonna received a choreographic education. The teachers convinced her to drop out and start a career. The girl decided to take the advice.

The young Madonna lived in poverty. She performed on stage, worked part-time in a cafe, but was chronically short of money. She arrived in New York with 35 dollars in her pocket.

The path to glory

First time future star i tried to sing in the Breakfast Club rock band... In parallel, she played drums. At the same time she was invited to take part in the filming of the film. She got the role of a sex slave. Madonna later tried to buy out the rights to the film, but this shame remained with her.

She tried to make contacts with managers, but to no avail. They did not share her original view of music. Therefore, the singer recorded demo tapes with four songs and began to distribute it on her own.

There were many key dates in Madonna's life. One of these is the acquaintance with Mark Kaminsky. It was he who introduced her to the founder of the recording studio, Seymour Stein. The single Everybody was soon released.

The merit of the singer was that she was the first to allow the use of sexual motives in videos. Now this is a completely common occurrence, but for the last century it was a major breakthrough.

Her albums have repeatedly become the best-selling. The first works of the singer caused mixed impressions from critics. Someone condemned her for uninhibited behavior, others supported. Album True Blue reached the top of the charts and made Madonna a world star.

She played several film roles - a cameo in Crazy For You, later in Desperate Search for Susan and Shanghai Surprise. But as an actress, the singer did not gain fame.

In 1986, the star was at the center of a scandal. Her video, Papa Don’t Preach, has angered the Catholic community. In a small plot, the topic of teenage pregnancies was touched upon. The singer was accused of promoting a dissolute lifestyle, and she was not afraid to respond to criticism. According to her, the main message of the video is not a call to constantly change sexual partners. Any authoritarianism is invalid. It doesn't matter who it comes from: father, society, church.

Madonna's subsequent work was equally successful. Her songs were sorted out into quotes, and the concerts attracted thousands of crowds. Later she tried herself as a fashion designer, entrepreneur, and writer. But her main work is music.

Miscellaneous data

Singer Madonna was and remains one of the most beautiful women. She celebrates every birthday with joy and increasing age does not make her worse ... Its main characteristics:

  • height: 158 cm;
  • weight: 54 kg;
  • hair color: dark, but often dyed.

The parameters of her figure have repeatedly become a reason for envy. Even at the age of 60, Madonna looks great. The singer is often the centerpiece of the news. More than 13 million people have subscribed to her official instagram. The YouTube account is less popular - 2.6 million.

Her filmography is quite modest and Madonna did not have much success as an actress. She received two Golden Globes, but still she became famous for her musical career. The singer's clips have repeatedly received various awards and they have been repeatedly recognized as masterpieces.

Madonna's discography includes 13 albums. She is not going to be satisfied with what has already been achieved and is working on new singles. The latest songs of the pop diva are no worse than the old works.

Personal life

Madonna in her youth often changed men. She did not hesitate to start relationships with non-public figures or with those who are older than her. You can write a separate book about the singer's love affairs.

Real serious relationship she got started with Sean Penn... They met in 1985 and the singer dated Prince, but she easily castled. Her chosen one was two years younger, he was known as a rebel and a genius of cinema. The engagement took place in August 1985.

The marriage lasted four years. The spouses had a violent disposition, they sort out the relationship, a loud scandal. Sean often drank and this also became a reason for quarrels. They were both creative individuals, which pushed them into constant rivalry.

A little later, Sean beat Madonna. She managed to escape and run to the police station. But the singer did not start a trial. She knew that her ex-husband was having anger control problems and decided not to make the situation worse. After that, the pop diva had to treat psychological trauma.

She had several short affairs. In 1997, she began dating coach Carlos Leon. From him she gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes. Girlfriends urged Madonna to marry, but Carlos himself began to lose interest in the chosen one. He was annoyed by the popularity of the singer. He was always in her shadow.

A year later, journalists received evidence of Carlos' betrayal. He behaved nobly and refused to give any comments about the break with Madonna.

The singer started a short romance with Andy Byrd, became pregnant from him, but miscarried. The couple broke up, and guy Ritchie became the new chosen one... The director himself was looking for a meeting with the pop diva, but he did not perceive her as a star. She was an ordinary person to him. Their romance was rapid. One day it got to the point where Guy Ritchie hit Byrd.

The couple got married in 2000 and their son Rocco soon appeared. The couple later decided on a black boy. He was named - David Banda Malave. He was given a double surname - Ciccone Richie. The marriage did not last long and everything came to divorce. The official reason for the breakup was not announced. It is believed that Richie is tired of Madonna's fascination with Kabbalah.

The name of Madonna is known to everyone and everyone. And now we are not talking about a religious name, because Madonna is a legendary pop diva who was able to conquer the whole world with her talent, independence, courage and dedication. Not to mention the fact that she did not pay attention to life's hardships and problems. That it didn't always work out as well as she wanted. Her life path was filled not only with rose petals, but also with thorns, which pricked very painfully. But there was always a bright woman in front of the audience who never yielded to anyone in charisma and charm. Therefore, let's take a closer look at who she is, this mysterious and at the same time, well-known Madonna. After all, she looks really beautiful, and even young actresses and models are trying to penetrate the mysteries of her eternal youth and charm, self-confidence and passion for singing.

Height, weight, age. How old is Madonna

Height, weight, age. How old is Madonna - all these questions cause contradictory answers, because the singer seems to be forever young and always beautiful. It's even hard to imagine what she does to always stay like that. Therefore, there are often various rumors that may not be confirmed, but still go around the name of a celebrity. Madonna in her youth, uncensored, was often discussed in the press, and all this was done quite harshly. Madonna's real name actually sounds like that, this is her true name, which her mother once gave her. So, today the world-famous woman has already turned 58 years old, although it is very difficult to believe in this. Height is 163 centimeters and weight is 54 kilograms. Therefore, there is no need to say that she looks like the true queen, which she is on stage.

Biography and personal life of Madonna

Madonna's biography and personal life deserves special attention, because it is not difficult to guess that she has experienced very different things in her life, otherwise she would not have been able to achieve such heights. Often there are such requests as Madonna without makeup, because many are interested in how similar the singer is if you remove her makeup from her in several layers. But let's now consider her biography and personal life, which deserves attention. She was born into a Catholic family, was the third child of six in the family, and at the age of five she lost her mother. She went to a Catholic school, after graduation she decided to enter a dance university. By the way, since early childhood she studied ballet, danced, in a word, developed creatively. True, then she had not yet thought about how to really become famous, to become famous not only in her country, but throughout the world.

But she did not finish her studies at the university and in the late seventies moved to New York. It was very difficult in the big city, because there was no work, besides, the young girl had nowhere to hide. She lived practically in poverty, selling donuts and working part-time in various dance companies. Even greater difficulties awaited her on the way to the top. The young woman's musical career began in the early eighties, when she became involved in various groups and tried to record her own albums.

She also proved herself over time as an actress, because she was able to star in more than two dozen films. In other words, she was able to realize herself, despite the fact that in some places it was really very difficult. As for her personal life, Madonna was married several times. She first married Hollywood actor Sean Penn, then director Guy Ritchie, with whom she lived for seven years, and then divorced. Madonna has many children, both biological and adopted. The famous singer perfectly remembers how hard it was for her in childhood and adolescence, so she seeks to give happiness to children who are not too lucky in life. But at the same time, she does not forget to continue building her personal life, which is constantly being replaced by new men and fans. It is even surprising at times how active a woman, who is almost sixty years old, behaves.

Family and children of Madonna

The family and children of Madonna today are herself and her children. Although she can often be seen in the company of ex-first husband Sean Penn, there is still no official announcement that she is getting married again. But she has a lot of children whom she loves and who love her. In total, she has four of them, of which the daughter Lourdes from her first marriage, then the son of Rocco. Two more children are adopted: this is a boy from Africa, David, as well as a girl, Mercy. So Madonna repeatedly became a mother, apparently realizing that the main task of a woman is not even to make an amazing career, but simply to give happiness to little creatures.

Sons of the Madonna - Rocco, David

Madonna's sons - Rocco, David are her heirs, however, the first boy was her biological heir, and David was adopted. True, this does not prevent a star woman from loving them exactly the same. Especially considering that the singer had significant problems with the adoption of David. When all the documents were submitted, the boy's parents suddenly showed up and claimed their rights to him. And this despite the fact that until this moment there was no attention towards the child. And although the "good" relatives did everything possible to prevent the adoption, all the same, the baby found a new home and became happy. Rocco's son was born to Madonna from her second marriage to director Guy Ritchie.

Daughters of the Madonna - Lourdes, Mercy

Madonna's daughters - Lourdes, Mercy are her beloved daughters, and here is the same as her sons, because Madonna's daughter Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon is her first biological daughter, who was born in marriage to Hollywood actor Seann Penn. Now she is already an adult woman, however, it is impossible to say for sure how much she followed in the footsteps of her stellar parents. The second daughter, Mercy, is adopted, allowing the singer to become a mother for the fourth time. The celebrity herself does not like the soul in her daughters, teaches them to always be at their best, beautiful, successful, and most importantly, not to pay attention to life's difficulties, which have always been and will be in reality.

Madonna's Husbands - Sean Penn, Guy Ritchie

Madonna's husbands - Sean Penn, Guy Ritchie became legal husbands for the famous singer. I would like to note that Madonna's personal life does not stand still, that now, when she has already been married twice, she still has bright romances in her life that make the press just hold their breath. The first marriage with Sean Penn lasted several years, after which the star couple broke up, the singer lived with Guy Ritchie for seven years, but after which the marriage also did not stand the test of time. Although from every man, Madonna had legal and adopted children, all the same, this could not save their family. However, given the millions of celebrities, they are not particularly worried about this. Today, Madonna constantly has bright romances with young boys, among them there are actors, models, mannequins. She fully enjoys life, but at the same time, most likely she is in no hurry to re-marry. Although recently she has been increasingly noticed in the company of her first ex-spouse Sean Pen.

Instagram and Wikipedia Madonna

As mentioned above, only the lazy one does not know about Madonna, or pretends not to. After all, it is difficult to imagine someone more famous than this amazing, interesting, talented woman. One has only to say her name, and every viewer will nod, even if he has never heard her songs or watched a single movie with her. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that on the Internet there is a lot of information about it, which can be found on almost any site. The first source is, of course, Madonna's personal page on Wikipedia ( singer)).

There you can find the necessary information about how she lived before she became famous, what her creative path was, and much more that accompanied her throughout her career. The singer also has a personal page on Instagram (\u003dru), where you can get to know her life more closely. Photos from her concerts, family photos are posted, she shares her future plans with fans, talks about what she is going to do next. If you want to get in touch with a celebrity at least a little, then it is best to do it directly with her, that is, through social networks.