
Biography of Dmitry Malikov and interesting facts from life. Biography of Elena Malikova: personal life, family, career Facts from the life of the actress

Dmitry Yurievich Malikov. Was born on January 29, 1970 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian composer, pianist, singer, actor, producer, TV presenter. National artist Russian Federation (2010).

Dmitry spent his childhood in the Krasnoselsky district of Moscow. At the age of 5 he began to study music in the piano class. Graduated from a music school.

In 1985-1989 he studied at the music school at the Moscow Conservatory.

In 1994 he graduated with honors from the Moscow State Conservatory in piano.

He began his creative activity at the age of 15. The first songs recorded by Malikov: "Sunny City", "I am painting a picture", "House on a Cloud", which was performed by the singer Larisa Dolina.

Success to Malikov came in 1988 with the songs "Moon Dream", "You Will Never Be Mine" and "Until Tomorrow", which were popular with the Soviet female audience and hit the charts. According to the results of the "Sound Track" of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" for 1988, Dmitry became the "Discovery of the Year".

In 1989 and 1990 he was named Singer of the Year.

In November 1990, Malikov gave his first recitals at the country's main concert venue, the Olympic Stadium.

In 1992, Malikov played the main male role in the film "See Paris and Die" directed by Alexander Proshkin.

From a young age Dmitry Malikov was actively involved not only in pop music, but also wrote music himself. The result of this work was the release of his first instrumental album "Fear of Flight" in the spring of 1997. The disc was warmly received by the public, the melodies from it are often heard in documentaries and programs on Russian television. The album was reissued in 2004.

In 2001, the second instrumental album "Game" was released, which included piano adaptations of popular songs such as "Dark Night", "Do not renounce in love", "I wish you", "On Tikhoretskaya", as well as some of Dmitry's own songs.

In 2006-2008 Dmitry Malikov united instrumental music of his own composition with striking performances in the Pianomania project. Within the framework of Pianomania, Dmitry has collaborated with many artists and musicians. The TV premiere of the concert took place in February 2007. In March of the same year, the album Pianomania was released, which sold over 10,000 copies. In April and December 2007, Dmitry Malikov held solo concerts in support of the instrumental show at the Moscow Operetta Theater, which were sold out.

In December 2010 in France Dmitry Malikov presented a grand show classical music Symphonic Mania is the creative development and new vision of the Pianomania project. 140 artists took part in the concerts under his leadership, including the Imperial Russian Ballet G. Taranda, a symphony orchestra, chorus and soloists of the Novaya Opera Theater named after I. E. V. Kolobova (conductor Valery Kritskov, choirmaster Igor Manko), circus du Soleil.

In September 2011, he took part in a concert by the world famous British composer Michael Nyman.

Dmitry Malikov - You are one, you are so

Malikov devotes a lot of time to classical music and piano lessons. In 1997 he gave piano concerts in Stuttgart (Germany). In the same year, his first instrumental album, Fear of Flight, was released. Music from this disc sounded in a number of documentaries and programs on Russian television. As a pianist Malikov performed solo with symphony orchestras Moscow Virtuosi conducted by Vladimir Spivakov, Moscow Soloists conducted by Yuri Bashmet, Viva Music conducted by Alexander Rudin, Konstantin Krymts' orchestra and others.

In 2007, Malikov implemented the PIANOMANIA project - an instrumental show that combines the traditions of Russian classics, ethnic motives and modern arrangements. The show, staged with the participation of director Dmitry Chernyakov, was shown twice in Moscow, in April and December 2007.

In March 2010, Malikov's solo piano concert took place on the stage of the Moscow International House of Music. And in December 2010, the Symphonic Mania classical music show was presented in France. To participate in the project, Malikov attracted Russian groups, including the Imperial Russian Ballet of Gediminas Taranda, the symphony orchestra and the choir of the Novaya Opera Theater. The program includes works of Russian, Soviet and world classics. There were concerts at the end of the Year of Russia in France and the Year of France in Russia. During the tour, over 45 performances were shown in major cities, including Paris, Cannes, Lille, Marseille and Nantes.

Malikov is also involved in production activities. Among his projects is the PLAZMA group. He helped aspiring singer Elena Valevskaya, Uzbek singer Sardor Rakhimkhon.

In February 2011, on the initiative of Malikov, a charitable foundation for helping to solve social, medical, cultural and educational problems of the population “Penetrating into the Heart” was founded. The Foundation assists in the comprehensive solution of the problems of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of disabled people and children suffering from serious diseases.

In 2012 he started educational activities, creating a social and educational project for children "Music Lessons" and gives master classes throughout Russia. The artist passes on his vast creative experience to young musicians who are getting their elementary musical education. Over the three years of the project's existence, more than 90 master classes have been held in Russian cities. As part of the Music Lessons, many novice musicians managed to perform on the same stage with Dmitry Malikov. More than 45,000 children and their teachers were able to attend Dmitry's master classes absolutely free of charge.

On April 25, 2013, Malikov gave a concert in front of passengers on the platform of the Kazan station, taking part in the solemn ceremony of launching the Moscow-Voronezh branded train.

Took part in the second season of the show "Battle of the Choirs" on the channel Russia 1.

From September 12, 2012 to September 1, 2016, Malikov was the host of the children's program " Good night, kids! " (was replaced by Nikolai Valuev). Under Malikov, a music page first appeared in the program.

In 2013, Malikov released his 14th studio album "25+". Its release was timed to coincide with the 25th anniversary creative activity singer.

He writes songs and instrumental pieces, gives instrumental concerts and, as a pianist, performs with symphony orchestras in Russia.

On January 29, 2015, the fifth instrumental album, Cafe Safari, was released. The disc menu contains 12 musical sketches filled with impressions from travels and travels around different countries and continents.

On November 20, 2016, the battle "Zamay VS SD" was published on the Versus Battle YouTube channel, in which Malikov took part as one of the judges. At the end of the battle, Malikov gave his voice to Khan Zamai and expressed a desire to record a track with one of the rappers.

Dmitry Malikov in the program "Alone with everyone"

Dmitry Malikov's height: 183 centimeters.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov:

He lived in a civil marriage with a singer, who is 6 years older than him.

“We were both selfish people from a creative environment, it’s very difficult to get along together. At some point, Natasha realized that she needed another man - not so fixated on himself. She let me know and eventually forced me to put in our relationship point ", - Dmitry recalled many years later about the relationship with Vetlitskaya.

Since 1992, she has been in a relationship with Elena Izakson (married to Malikov), she is a designer (born in 1963), originally from Tula. At first they lived in a civil marriage, and in 2000, after the birth of their daughter, they got married. Elena before meeting with Malikov was married, from a previous marriage has a daughter Olga (born 1985), she is a photographer.

He met Elena Malikov under interesting circumstances: in the early 1990s, the artist lent a friend a large sum of money and could not get it back for a long time. Trying to get the money back, the singer regularly went to his friend's house. On one of these visits, the debtor's wife entertained Malikov by showing him albums with photographs, one of which was Elena. Dmitry liked the girl, he asked to introduce them. The meeting turned out to be fateful.

"All these years Lena is not only a beloved woman for me, but also the closest person and faithful assistant. I cannot say that everything in our life was smooth. The main thing is to maintain a strategic line in the relationship: to have love and respect, condescension and forgiveness in relation to each other. If next to a man is the woman that he really needs, then his life is going right, "- said Malikov.

"I know all his compositions by heart. I can sing everything that he plays. In the concerts themselves, my meaning is minimal. But in Dmitry's life, I probably play the main role," Elena noted.

Daughter Stefania Malikova is engaged in dancing and drawing, plays the piano, guitar, sings, tried herself as a model.

In January 2018, a surrogate mother gave birth to a son to the musician in a private clinic in St. Petersburg "Ava-Peter". Dmitry Malikov and his wife Elena did not advertise preparations for replenishment in the family, so this news came as a surprise to the artist's fans. The son was named Mark.

Filmography of Dmitry Malikov:

1992 - See Paris and Die - Yura Orekhov
1996 - Old songs about the main thing 2 - physics teacher
1997 - Old songs about the main thing 3 - Arkady from "Beginning" / singer at the disco
2000 - Old songs about the main thing. P.S
2005-2006 - My Fair Nanny - cameo
2008 - And yet I love ... (composer)

Discography of Dmitry Malikov:

1993 - With you
1993 - Until tomorrow
1995 - Come to me
1996 - 100 nights
1997 - Fear of Flight
1998 - My distant star
2000 - Beads
2001 - The Game
2002 - Love Story
2007 - Pianomania
2008 - From scratch
2008 - Still I love ... (film soundtrack)
2009 - Mine, mine
2012 - Panacea
2013 - 25+
2015 - Cafe Safari

Video clips by Dmitry Malikov:

1989 - Until Tomorrow
1989 - "Marriage Cortege"
1990 - "You will never be mine"
1990 - Everything Will Come Back
1990 - Native Party
1992 - Sing to Me
1994 - "No, you are not for me"
1994 - "Come to Me"
1995 - Golden Dawn
1995 - "I'll Drink to the Bottom"
1996 - "Don't hide your smile"
1997 - "You are the only one"
1997 - Lola
1997 - Fear of Flight
1997 - Dolphins
1998 - "My Distant Star"
1998 - "More, More"
1998 - Strange Fate
1999 - "Until the morning"
1999 - Happy Birthday Mom
2000 - "Let go of the 20th century"
2000 - If I Stay Alone
2000 - Beads
2001 - "Birds"
2001 - "Snowflake"
2002 - "Love story"
2003 - "Whisper"
2003 - "Mom, Summer" (concert)
2003 - Blackbird and White Stork
2004 - "Don't be bored"
2004 - "Cherry Resin" (concert)
2005 - "From scratch"
2006 - "If"
2007 - "I like you"
2008 - "You and Me"
2008 - "Don't Say Goodbye"
2009 - "Mine-mine"
2009 - "Radio Autumn"
2011 - Two Pistols
2011 - "My Father"
2012 - "Panacea"
2013 - "I miss you so much"
2014 - Fly
2015 - "By name"

Dmitry Malikov is a star russian stage... Recently, the performer rarely appears on stage, but keeps up with the times. The Internet is a new platform for the manifestation of the singer's talents.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Malikov is a native Muscovite. He was born on January 29, 1970 in the family of the Honored Artist of Russia and the soloist of the Moscow Music Hall, and then Lyudmila Vyunkova. Since his parents constantly went on tour, Dima remained in the care of Valentina Feoktistovna's grandmother.

A kind woman condescendingly looked at the pranks of her beloved grandson, who prefers active outdoor games with peers to study. Dima played football and hockey with the children in the yard of the house and often ran away from the music teacher who came to give lessons at home.

When the teacher rang at the door of the apartment, Malikov immediately "left" through the window - the apartment was on the first floor. The grandmother was very sad that the boy would never become as good a musician and singer as his father and mother.

Dmitry Malikov and his father Yuri Malikov

When Dmitry was 7 years old, he had a sister, Inna. Subsequently, like the whole family, she chose music as her profession.

At the age of 14, Dima's parental genes won. The guy grew up and became interested in playing the piano. He gave his first concerts in his native school. Then Malikov began to sing and write songs. The debut composition "Iron Soul" was a success with peers and relatives. Having received recognition of his talent, the guy pushed his passion for sports into the background.


After finishing the 8th grade, Dmitry decided that further he needed to study where he could do more music. Malikov entered the music school at the Moscow Conservatory and began to take his first steps on the stage, his parents were directly related to the famous VIA. Malikov Jr. played keyboards in "Gems" for some time under the guidance of his father. Some of the songs of the young musician and composer are included in the ensemble's repertoire and have been performed.

The biography of Dmitry Malikov-singer began in 1986. Then the 16-year-old boy appeared on the stage of many of the favorite program "Wider Circle", where he sang "I am painting a picture." The next year the beginning musician was invited to the program "Morning Mail of Yuri Nikolaev", where he performed a new composition "Terem-teremok". The young singer was incredibly liked by the viewers and especially by the TV viewers, bags of letters came to his address.

Dmitry Malikov recorded the songs "Sunny City" and "I am painting a picture" when he was 15 years old. The real success came in 1988, when he performed "Moon Dream", "You will never be mine" and "See you tomorrow." The composition "Moon Dream" instantly turned into a hit, long time was the record holder of the "Sound Track" hit parade and stayed at the top for a whole year.

Dmitry Malikov's song "Moon Dream"

Subsequently, Dima was twice elected the singer of the year. During this period, the artist, barely 20 years old, has already given recitals on the main site of the country - in the Olympic sports complex.

Despite his busy touring schedule and immense popularity, Malikov continues to study and improve his skills. Dmitry graduated with honors from the Conservatory in piano and devoted a lot of time to playing the piano and performing classical music.

In 1997, Malikov's piano concerts were held in Stuttgart, Germany. At the same time, Dmitry's debut instrumental album "Fear of Flight" appeared. The composer's works are featured in feature films and documentaries, in musical programs about classical music.

The song "After the Ball" sounded at "Song-98", the poems to which were written back in 1976 by the bard Nikolai Shipilov. In 1999 Dmitry Malikov became an Honored Artist of Russia, and a year later the artist was awarded the Ovation Prize (nomination “For Intellectual Contribution to the Development of Youth Music”).

In 2000, the star gives her fans a new album "Beads", which includes the touching song "Happy Birthday, Mom".

Dmitry Malikov's song "Happy Birthday, Mom"

In 2007 Dmitry Malikov is the best singer of the year. He repeatedly became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival and took part in almost all the festive concerts, at which Russian pop stars gathered.

In the same year, the performer implements an ambitious project called PIANOMANIA. This is a bright instrumental show, where the traditions of Russian classics are organically combined with ethnic motives and jazz arrangements. The show was shown twice in the capital, each time with a crowded hall of the Moscow Opera. Subsequently, the album "PIANOMANIA" appeared, released in 100,000 copies and completely sold out.

Dmitry Malikov's song "From scratch"

Then Malikov returns to pop music and presents his fans with a disc called "From scratch", which includes the composition of the same name.

In 2010 Dmitry presented a new show of classical music “Symphonic Mania” in France. The Imperial Russian Ballet of Gediminas Taranda, the symphony orchestra and the choir of the Novaya Opera Theater performed on the stage. The tour took place in more than 40 cities in France, including Paris, Cannes and Marseille.

In October 2013 Dmitry Malikov presented his 14th studio album "25+", as the performer celebrated a quarter of a century of his creative activity. The album includes new hits of the pop star, including the soulful song "My Father", sung in a duet with, and the romantic ballad "You and Me" together with Elena Valevskaya.

As a pianist Dmitry performs with symphony orchestras in Russia. And in 2012, Malikov created a children's social and educational project called "Music Lessons". As part of the project, the musician gives master classes for young pianists in different cities of the country, providing a unique opportunity to perform and "light up" for many novice colleagues.

In January 2015, Dmitry Malikov's fans greeted his 15th instrumental album "Cafe Safari", which included 12 musical sketches inspired by travels across different countries and continents.

The next compositions “How not to think about you”, “Surprise me”, “In the world of loners”, “Just love” and “Water and clouds”, dedicated, did not become hits, but were warmly received by loyal fans.

In the winter of 2016, Dmitry Malikov, together with he breathed a second life into the song of the composer and poet "Snowflake", which was first performed in the movie fairy tale "The Magicians". The work, which has long become a classic, came to life and gave the audience a festive mood.

Dmitry Malikov and Yulianna Karaulova perform the song "Snowflake"

The singer, producer and composer is a frequent guest of popular talk shows on central television channels. Dmitry attended the program "Tonight". Relatives, friends and colleagues came to the studio, who congratulated Malikov on his anniversary and said many warm words.

In October 2016, Malikov answered questions on the Secret for a Million program, frankly talking about many mysterious pages of his personal life. The performer popular in the 90s admits that it is difficult to remain in demand for decades, and at the age of 45 it is almost impossible to keep up with the fashion trends of the teenage world.

“Nobody succeeds in giving out a hit every year. It is clear that there are such exceptions as, and I don’t know if she has a hit now. ”
Dmitry Malikov performs the 1st concert of Pyotr Tchaikovsky

Dmitry did not leave creativity and found himself in other areas. Now he enters the theater stage and is approved as a producer. In the play "Turn the Game", the singer demonstrated how representatives of classics, rock, pop music and rap coexist on the same stage.

During the evening, the audience listened to works by and, and. A separate block with symphonies is devoted to patriotic education. Educational work, in which there is no competition and pathos - for Malikov as an outlet, with a meaning and a share of service.

The fans assumed that the father would become the producer of the growing daughter, who had already taken her first steps on the stage and presented the music lovers with the debut music video for the song "Only for Us". However, Malikov is more of a harsh critic. When Stesha received the "Golden Gramophone" for the duet with, Dmitry did not understand why, and expressed the hope that his daughter "would not catch star fever. Malikov does not rely on Stephanie as an artist. Moreover, the girl's fame, according to her father, is largely based on the star surname, like the singer himself in his youth.

Dmitry Malikov's song "How not to think about you"

At the end of 2017, Dmitry presented a video for the song of the same name from the studio album "How not to think about you." The plot is based on director Vadim Shatrov, who shot the video for, suggested taking the story of the death of the oligarch's granddaughter,. The driver of the car survived the accident in Switzerland. According to the script, the young man wakes up on the shore of the lake, but does not remember what happened.

Personal life

The rapidly ascended public in the early 90s, the star formed a multi-million army of fans. Around a tall and slender man (Dmitry Malikov's height is 183 cm), the most pretty girls countries with big names. One of them - a singer - took a special place in his heart. She was older than Dima, but this did not prevent the emergence of an ardent romance.

The relationship lasted 6 years, which the couple lived in a civil marriage. Natalia left Dmitry, plunging him into a prolonged depression, when she realized that she would not wait for a marriage proposal. The artist admitted that he was not ready to start a family then. And at the same time, Vetlitskaya kept her lover from the riotous lifestyle that pop music sins.

The life of a talented performer sparkled with new colors when Malikov met another beauty, who also turned out to be older, this time by 7 years. The singer got along with the designer in 1992, and the couple decided to legalize their relationship after the birth of a common child.

The family raised two children: whom Elena Malikova gave birth to in her first marriage, and Stephanie, who was born in 2000.

Stesha is the pride of his father. She is a hardworking and responsible girl. Stephanie could choose any educational institution abroad, but the parents did not at all seek to send their child to a prestigious university in Europe. Elena generally believed that it was dangerous to leave a child alone to live abroad, without control and help, when there were so many temptations around.

The girl was interested in design and modeling profession. She started earning her first money at school thanks to social networks... Dmitry assures that his daughter knows the value of things and does not allow herself excesses. In 2017, Stephanie entered the Faculty of Journalism at MGIMO.

Olga Izakson lives separately, in 2016 she became the mother of the girl Ani. The musician does not like to call his wife's daughter a stepdaughter, "rather an older friend," because he did not feel like a stepfather.

On his birthday in 2018, Dmitry Malikov received an unforgettable gift -. In one of the elite clinics in St. Petersburg, a surrogate mother gave birth to a son, Mark. The couple hid the appearance of the heir to the light to the last, but rumors still leaked, and the celebrities had to confess. Moreover, the artist publicly celebrated this event by gathering friends in a restaurant.

For Stephanie, the birth of her brother was a shock at all. However, the girl reasonably commented that she was no longer at that age to be jealous of her parents for the baby. The first photos of Mark Malikova were entrusted to a close person - Olga.

Dmitry Malikov now

The musician perceives social networks exclusively as a means for PR, which, unfortunately, is very important in life. In terms of hyipanut, the artist will give odds to his colleagues. In 2017, Dmitry "trolled" the rapper (Ivan Dremin) on Instagram with the catchphrase "Eshkere!" and painted tattoos, was marked by the video "Ask your mother" with the participation of the blogger.

The pop star met the "emperor of humor" not just anywhere, but at the rap battle Versus. Khovansky was the only one who responded to Dmitry's call to "stir up the fit."

Subscribers appreciated Malikov's non-standard response to the remark that he is inferior to his daughter in terms of the number of followers. IN

Do you know what path Dmitry Malikov took to success? Are you interested in the biography, personal life of the singer? All the necessary information is contained in the article. Enjoy your reading!

Dmitry Malikov, biography: childhood

The singer and musician was born on January 29, 1970 in the Russian capital. His parents are representatives of creative professions. Mom (Lyudmila Mikhailovna) worked as a dancer, and father (Yuri Fedorovich) has always been a musician. Parents had high hopes for their son. They were sure that Dima would definitely glorify their surname. FROM early years his father tried to instill in him a love of music. He put on headphones for his little son and played Beatles songs. The kid loved it.

In front of Dmitry's eyes, VIA "Gems", created by his father, was gaining popularity. In the early 70s, the songs of this group were heard from every window. And the records were released in millions of copies and sold out in a few days.

Success always has back side medals, not very pleasant. Dmitry Malikov knows this firsthand. His parents often went on tour around the country. At this time, the boy was raised by his grandfather and grandmother. They doted on their grandson, tried to put a lot of good and good into him. After so many years, we can say that their works were not in vain. Dmitry Malikov is not only a wonderful musician, but also a kind-hearted person.


In September 1977, our hero went to first grade. Unlike other children, learning was a joy to him. Teachers celebrated the boy's successes, but at the same time called him "fatherless." And all because they did not personally know Dima's parents. Later, the younger sister Inna came to study at the same school. They have a difference of 7 years. The girl was constantly set as an example of her talented brother.


The biography of Dmitry Malikov indicates that from an early age he demonstrated musical and vocal abilities. As a second grade student, the boy, together with his friend Vovka Presnyakov, created a mini-ensemble. Both of them benefited from this experience. Our hero played the piano, and his friend mastered the drums.

For several years in a row, Dmitry performed as a pianist at school holidays. His classmates respected him and admired his talent. They had no doubt that this man would achieve a lot in the musical field.

Dima composed his first song at the age of 14. It was called The Iron Soul. The composition told about a robot that no one heard or understood. In 1985, our hero graduated from the 8th grade. Parents insisted that he transfer to the Merzlyakovsky school, created at the conservatory. The guy supported their decision.


In parallel with his studies, Dmitry took his first steps on the stage. He showed himself to be a talented composer. The songs he wrote were included in the repertoire of Larisa Dolina. Father gave Dima the opportunity to participate in concerts of VIA "Gems". The guy played keyboards.

In 1986, Malikov Jr.'s solo debut took place. In the program "Wider Circle" he performed the song "I am painting a picture." A year later, Dima was invited to the "Morning Star" program. Our hero readily agreed.

Biography of Dmitry Malikov as a serious singer began in June 1988. It was then that he first appeared on the big stage. It happened at a concert organized by the newspaper " TVNZ". The listeners really liked both songs performed by Dima. One was called "You will never be mine", and the second - "Moon Dream".

Our hero was spotted in "New Year's Light" (1989). There he presented a new composition - "Until Tomorrow".

Career development

The biography of Dmitry Malikov says that by the age of 20, the singer already had his audience, several hits and a decent experience of touring. Many artists only had to dream about it. In November 1990, Dima Malikov's solo concerts were held at the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex. Tickets sold out in a few days. Among his listeners and fans were people of different ages.

In 1992, director A. Proshkin offered Dmitry a role in his film See Paris and Die. The singer thinks for a long time, but still gives a positive answer. For almost 3 months he was involved in filming. In the film, Malikov played a pianist, a graduate of the Conservatory. Our hero easily got used to the image that was close to him. In the same year, Dmitry released his first collection of hits. It is followed by two albums - "With you" and "Until tomorrow". Fans literally sweep his discs off the shelves.

In June 1994, Malikov Jr. received a diploma from the conservatory. He considered it a worthy reward for his investment. In the period from 1994 to 1997, Malikov wrote dozens of new songs and compositions.

Change of image

In 1997, the "new" Dmitry Malikov entered the stage. Biography, the singer's family - all this still interested his fans. But when they saw their pet without long hair, then more questions arose. There were rumors that the singer broke up with his lush hair due to a serious illness. But Dmitry just wanted to change his image. At one of the concerts, he performed the song "You are the only one." Soon our hero delighted his fans with such a hit as "My distant star."

Shooting in videos, communicating with journalists, touring - the artist lived in such a tight schedule for 10 years. Recently, he rarely appears on television. But this does not mean that Malikov finally said goodbye to the stage. The long-haired romantic enjoys performing at concerts with his artist friends. In addition, our hero tried on a new role - a producer. He created his own studio where aspiring performers are recorded. Such a work was to the liking of a born musician. Now he has more free time to communicate with his beloved family.

Dmitry Malikov, biography: wife

Thousands of female fans follow the singer's creative success. Some of them know nothing about marital status your pet. We have to upset them: the star of the Russian showbiz has been married for a long time. Who is she - the wife of Dmitry Malikov? Do you know her biography? Let's start with the fact that her name is Elena. She is 7 years older than her husband. At the time of their acquaintance, Lena had already divorced her first spouse and raised a first-grader daughter.

The famous singer was fascinated by the girl's beauty and kindness. He looked after her beautifully: presented huge bouquets of flowers and expensive decorations, took her to restaurants and invited her to his own concerts. Soon, Elena agreed to live together with Dmitry. However, they officially registered the relationship only after the birth of their common daughter Stephanie. It happened in 2000.

Information about the singer's daughter

Stefania Malikova was born on February 13, 2000. Her famous dad was incredibly happy. He devoted every free minute to his beloved daughter. From an early age, the girl was surrounded by affection and care. She was dressed like a little princess. Dad always bought the toys she wanted.

Stephanie's main hobby is modeling. Already at the age of 9, she announced to her relatives about her desire to become a fashion model. The girl dreamed of participating in shows held in Paris, Milan and New York. Today Stesha's hobbies have changed a bit. She loves drawing and fashion design. And the young blonde beauty loves to be photographed. She takes most of the pictures herself. But sometimes he turns to professional photographers. Her profile on the social network Instagram is replenished with thousands of subscribers every month.

But Stefania does not show any interest in music and singing. Elena and Dmitry did not force their daughter to learn all this. Moreover, dad knows what a difficult path must be done to success.


In January of this year, the popular singer turned 45 years old. At first, our hero was going to celebrate the anniversary in a family atmosphere, having called only close people and relatives. But a week before the round date, he changed his mind. Malikov spent his birthday at CROCUS CITY HALL. The singer went on stage several times to please the guests with his hits. His loyal fans and showbiz colleagues came to congratulate Dmitry on his anniversary.


The biography of Dmitry Malikov indicates that we are facing an amazingly talented and hardworking person. Not every artist on our stage has such qualities. Let's wish him creative success!

About twenty years of marriage this star couple is connected. The singer explains such longevity by mutual understanding and the example of the Malikov-seniors, who have been living in a joint marriage for more than 45 years.

How it all began

Twenty-two-year-old Dmitry Malikov drew attention to a photograph of a girl from an album of his close friends. And, of course, he began to ask for an acquaintance with her.

It is difficult to say how she struck him then. Perhaps, all the same beauty, which the young singer, brought up in the creative subtly felt and understood. It was only later that Elena became for Dmitry a model of femininity, style, beauty and nobility. In 1992, when the couple met, it was difficult to predict that they would have a long and happy future together. Moreover, the beauty already had her first marriage behind her, a first-grader daughter, and she was older in age.

Who is Elena Malikova? Her biography is not enchanting

Elena is not a Muscovite. She was born in Kazan. After graduating from art school in hometown went to conquer the capital. And she did it. First she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Culture, then - the directing department of VGIK. She got roles in the films "Kill a Scorpion" and "Kara".

However, in parallel with her studies and the beginning of her professional activity, the girl got married and gave birth to a daughter, Olga. And although her husband, a businessman, could provide for the family financially, Elena did not feel spiritual kinship with him. And such a creative nature, as it was, is simply necessary.

Meet your man

Having learned the history of acquaintance of such people as Dmitry Malikov and Elena Malikova, you involuntarily get imbued with the thought that there are couples who are destined to be inseparable from above. So Elena claimed in an interview that literally during the first meeting she felt that Dima was “her man”.

After the girl agreed to an acquaintance, without postponing the matter indefinitely, Dmitry invites her to the shooting of the program in which he took part. Young people meet, get to know each other and very quickly begin to understand each other perfectly.

Today Elena Malikova admits that she was immediately struck by how sincere and open-minded Dmitry is. In addition, he is an intellectual who has a very subtle sense of music, painting, beauty. Then she also appreciated his kindness and absolute ability not to wish or do harm to others.

Civil marriage

When people feel good together, they don't even think about whether their relationship is formalized or not. However, one cannot say that there was no friction at all between Elena and Dmitry. However, while they lived separately, they really were not. But living together imposes certain obligations on people, first of all, patience and the desire to accept the habits and characteristics of another person living next to you are necessary, especially if this person is creative.

“My lovely Dima sometimes had a blues,” Elena Malikova now recalls in an interview, “he became wildly irritable. If something didn’t work out in my work, first of all all the emotions spilled out on my head ”.

However, soon young people were able to overcome these difficulties. Today, both Elena and Dmitry are convinced that one must sacrifice one's egoism, and then a joint life will work out. And, by the way, the age of the spouses, and in this case, the date of birth of Elena Malikova, who is several years older than Dmitry, does not play any role in this.

Daughter from first marriage

Malikov admits that Elena was engaged in raising her daughter from her first marriage herself. For Olga, he was like a friend or an older brother. After all, they were not very big - 15 years. Therefore, they became friends very quickly. Together we could watch and discuss films, listen to music.

At one time Olga studied in Paris, lived in the center of the French capital with friends of the Malikov family. By the way, it was then that Dmitry and Elena officially formalized the marriage, and their daughter was born. Contrary to Elena's fears, Olga reacted well to the appearance of her sister and said that she would rehearse the role of mother.

The question of adoption in the family never arose, perhaps because the girl always communicated well with her own father, and no one interfered with this.

As an adult, Elena's eldest daughter graduated from MGIMO. I took up photography. Olga Izakson has already presented several personal exhibitions... Lives apart from his parents.

Birth of daughter Stephanie

Elena Malikova, the wife of Dmitry Malikov, was not always so. The official marriage was concluded only after the birth of her daughter Stephanie, and this happened on February 13, 2000. When the parents came to register their daughter, the registry office employee said that in the girl's birth certificate there will be a dash in the column “father”. If desired, it will then be possible to formalize paternity. This did not suit Dmitry Malikov in any way, so the couple immediately registered a marriage.

To say that the baby brought a lot of good to the family is to say nothing. According to Elena Malikova, Dmitry immediately became different. Responsible, collected, serious. As if by this I wanted to say: you are all behind my back, as if behind a stone wall.

This year Stephanie turned fourteen years old. We can already say that the creative genes passed to her from her parents. Since childhood, Stefania has been drawing and dancing, playing the piano and guitar, singing well and even writing music. He also tries himself in the modeling business. The young lady has many fans, which sometimes worries the strict dad, who, of course, wants his daughter to make the right choice over time, and she knew the feeling of true love.

Perfect Elena Malikova

Giving Elena the title beautiful woman, one cannot but admit that she is a bright personality.

This woman does not want to simply shine among the secular beau monde. Although Elena Malikova has all the data for this. Photos, often published in the media, testify to this. After all, she finds time to devote close time to her appearance, and her beloved family, and interesting work.

Today Elena has her own business in Italy - it is engaged in the production of beachwear, which is a success in Europe. After all, a beautiful businesswoman has impeccable taste. Recently, these clothes began to be sold in the Russian capital.

Elena is also passionate about work as an executive producer of her husband's music center. None important show Dmitry Malikov cannot do without the professional support of his wife. She rejoices at her husband's successes as if she were her own and tries to be a lifesaver for him. Spouses make up a wonderful tandem both at work and in the family. First of all, because they are not only close people, but also true friends. Together they are interested, because they have many common interests, and their relationship is based on mutual understanding, love and trust.

12 May 2014

About twenty years of marriage this star couple is connected. The singer explains such longevity by mutual understanding and the example of the Malikov-seniors, who have been living in a joint marriage for more than 45 years.

How it all began

Twenty-two-year-old Dmitry Malikov drew attention to a photograph of a girl from an album of his close friends. And, of course, he began to ask for an acquaintance with her.

It is difficult to say how she struck him then. Perhaps, nevertheless, the beauty that the young singer, brought up in a creative intelligent family, subtly felt and understood. It was only later that Elena became for Dmitry a model of femininity, style, beauty and nobility. In 1992, when the couple met, it was difficult to predict that they would have a long and happy future together. Moreover, the beauty already had her first marriage behind her, a first-grader daughter, and she was older in age.

Who is Elena Malikova? Her biography is not enchanting

Elena is not a Muscovite. She was born in Kazan. After graduating from an art school in her hometown, she went to conquer the capital. And she did it. First she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Culture, then - the directing department of VGIK. She got roles in the films "Kill a Scorpion" and "Kara".

However, in parallel with her studies and the beginning of her professional activity, the girl got married and gave birth to a daughter, Olga. And although her husband, a businessman, could provide for the family financially, Elena did not feel spiritual kinship with him. And such a creative nature, as it was, is simply necessary.

Meet your man

Having learned the history of acquaintance of such people as Dmitry Malikov and Elena Malikova, you involuntarily get imbued with the thought that there are couples who are destined to be inseparable from above. So Elena claimed in an interview that literally during the first meeting she felt that Dima was “her man”.

After the girl agreed to an acquaintance, without postponing the matter indefinitely, Dmitry invites her to the shooting of the program in which he took part. Young people meet, get to know each other and very quickly begin to understand each other perfectly.

Today Elena Malikova admits that she was immediately struck by how sincere and open-minded Dmitry is. In addition, he is an intellectual who has a very subtle sense of music, painting, beauty. Then she also appreciated his kindness and absolute ability not to wish or do harm to others.

Civil marriage

When people feel good together, they don't even think about whether their relationship is formalized or not. However, one cannot say that there was no friction at all between Elena and Dmitry. However, while they lived separately, they really were not. But living together imposes certain obligations on people, first of all, patience and the desire to accept the habits and characteristics of another person living next to you are necessary, especially if this person is creative.

“My lovely Dima sometimes had a blues,” Elena Malikova now recalls in an interview, “he became wildly irritable. If something didn’t work out in my work, first of all all the emotions spilled out on my head ”.

However, soon young people were able to overcome these difficulties. Today, both Elena and Dmitry are convinced that one must sacrifice one's egoism, and then a joint life will work out. And, by the way, the age of the spouses, and in this case, the date of birth of Elena Malikova, who is several years older than Dmitry, does not play any role in this.

Daughter from first marriage

Malikov admits that Elena was engaged in raising her daughter from her first marriage herself. For Olga, he was like a friend or an older brother. After all, the age difference between them was not very big - 15 years. Therefore, they became friends very quickly. Together we could watch and discuss films, listen to music.

At one time Olga studied in Paris, lived in the center of the French capital with friends of the Malikov family. By the way, it was then that Dmitry and Elena officially formalized the marriage, and their daughter was born. Contrary to Elena's fears, Olga reacted well to the appearance of her sister and said that she would rehearse the role of mother.

The question of adoption in the family never arose, perhaps because the girl always communicated well with her own father, and no one interfered with this.

As an adult, Elena's eldest daughter graduated from MGIMO. I took up photography. Olga Izakson has already presented several solo exhibitions. Lives apart from his parents.

Birth of daughter Stephanie

Elena Malikova, the wife of Dmitry Malikov, was not always so. The official marriage was concluded only after the birth of her daughter Stephanie, and this happened on February 13, 2000. When the parents came to register their daughter, the registry office employee said that in the girl's birth certificate there will be a dash in the column “father”. If desired, it will then be possible to formalize paternity. This did not suit Dmitry Malikov in any way, so the couple immediately registered a marriage.

To say that the baby brought a lot of good to the family is to say nothing. According to Elena Malikova, Dmitry immediately became different. Responsible, collected, serious. As if by this I wanted to say: you are all behind my back, as if behind a stone wall.

This year Stephanie turned fourteen years old. We can already say that the creative genes passed to her from her parents. Since childhood, Stefania has been drawing and dancing, playing the piano and guitar, singing well and even writing music. He also tries himself in the modeling business. The young lady has many fans, which sometimes worries the strict dad, who, of course, wants his daughter to make the right choice over time, and she knew the feeling of true love.

Perfect Elena Malikova

Giving Elena the title of a beautiful woman, one cannot but admit that she is a bright personality.

This woman does not want to simply shine among the secular beau monde. Although Elena Malikova has all the data for this. Photos, often published in the media, testify to this. After all, she finds time to devote close time to her appearance, and her beloved family, and interesting work.

Today Elena has her own business in Italy - it is engaged in the production of beachwear, which is a success in Europe. After all, a beautiful businesswoman has impeccable taste. Recently, these clothes began to be sold in the Russian capital.

Elena is also passionate about work as an executive producer of her husband's music center. Not a single important show by Dmitry Malikov is complete without the professional support of his wife. She rejoices at her husband's success as her own, and tries to be a lifesaver for him. Spouses make up a wonderful tandem both at work and in the family. First of all, because they are not only close people, but also true friends. Together they are interested, because they have many common interests, and their relationship is based on mutual understanding, love and trust.