Other dances

Yan Tabachnik where he is now. Jan Tabachnik: "For me, family and children are more important than all show business combined." The detention of Ukrainian accordionist Igor Zavadsky on suspicion of molesting minors caused a wide public outcry

Nobody can blame us for this, but he called me and said: "Yana, I am writing in Ukrainians who were stolen from you." Do you know how my soul grew warmer? I was supported by Stepan Gavrish, Vasily Gorbal - all big names, and I apologize in advance to those whose names I did not give: unfortunately, I simply cannot mention everyone.

At the same time, many of my friends, who today are in the highest echelons of power and could reason with those who unleashed the persecution against me, remained silent ... I don’t call them, they don’t call me, although we were and still are friends.

Recently my close friend Vitya Korol (he, of course, Viktor Nikolaevich, but I call him that because we are from the same city, grew up together) told me: "Yan, you know, I talked with Petro Poroshenko." Petya, - asked - what's going on? Jan is crucified for nothing! We have been friends for so many years and we know the limit through which this person simply cannot cross, there are things that Jan will never allow himself. "Poroshenko replied:" Yes, indeed, it will be necessary to meet with him, talk. Something is not right "

  • We were clear supporters of Hurwitz, and did not stand on ceremony with us ... I just managed to leave. But he did not run, he did not ask anyone for anything: not in Chernivtsi, not in Zaporozhye, not in Odessa. What can I say if in Zaporozhye, being already a people's artist, at the age of 50 I lived in a communal apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b17 square meters? I have nothing to justify to anyone and nothing, all my life I have served my country with faith and truth. Where it was necessary, there I went, what I needed, I did it.
  • Yes, I was a member of the board of trustees of Lyudmila Nikolaevna Kuchma, I was her deputy for orphanages. Leonid Danilovich treated me just as well as all the other artists, including those who participated in the Orange Revolution. Do you want me to just explain to you the roots of what is happening?
  • At the beginning of the pre-election battles, everything was perceived as a normal process, no one thought that there would be an aggravation, let alone a revolution. My friend Viktor Korol asked the chiefs of Yushchenko's headquarters: "Why don't you invite Yan?" “Don't,” came the answer, “we have everything already formed." That is, there was initially no place for me or for many others. Why? Because politics is envy. Politics is a provocation. Politics is a lie. It has always been this way, not just today.
  • When I just arrived in Kiev, the three of us went to choose an apartment: Peter Poroshenko, Vitya Korol and me. Petya lent money to buy it, and I gave everything, every penny. We already lived in this apartment when Marina, Petina's wife, asked my Tanya: "When is the housewarming?" Tanya replied: "Marisha, we have no furniture yet, we don't even have a table - only the bed has been brought." Petya Poroshenko said: "Jan, don't go crazy. I lent you for an apartment - I will also borrow for furniture. Buy everything you need and live normally." I refused: "No, let me repay that debt first." We had to sell our apartments with Tanya in Odessa. We just got along, and I didn't want to get into debt ...

In a new apartment. Petro Poroshenko, Leonid Derkach, Vitaly Koinov, Vladimir Gorbulin and Viktor Korol with their spouses

  • I was told: "The people who launched a campaign against you prepared in advance." I do not name them on purpose, but the rest, my colleagues, allowed nasty things. What are we talking about - these were Kuchma's first slugs, they constantly ran to him, were his advisers, and then reproached others for something. The worst thing is that in the morning they were at Kuchma's, in the afternoon at Yanukovych's, and in the evening at Yushchenko's. These are people without principles, they are dumbfounded from their constant lies and provocations. Litvin said great: "The trough is still the same, but the pigs have changed" (laughs). These are not my words - the speaker of our parliament.
  • I used to think that art is outside politics ... I had a program called "The Honor to Invite" (or rather, it was not - it is, and as long as I have the honor and know whom to invite, it will live). Whom I didn’t invite from Ukrainian politicians - it’s easier to name those who were not there. Among my guests were those who are in power today. I have never differentiated between artists from that camp or from this. Now one spoke, next time another. Who better showed Ukrainian artists than the "I Have the Honor to Invite" program? Regardless of whether it was filmed in native Ukraine or in Moscow. Never in my life have I allowed myself to belittle the dignity of my colleagues. Let them not hope, by the way, that one day I will have sclerosis. Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!


Dear Mr. Tabachnik!

On behalf of the International Confederation of Accordionists (CIA), the Executive Committee of the CIA, member states of the whole world, I am very pleased to confirm and congratulate your organization - the International Creative Center of Yan Tabachnik, which by unanimous vote was included in the membership of the International Confederation of Accordionists (CIA) and was adopted General Assembly of the 131st deputies to the Association on March 1, 2014, held in East Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
The International Confederation of Accordionists is honored to welcome you as a voting member from Ukraine and we look forward to many years of successful cooperation in the future.

Yours faithfully,
CIA General Secretary Kimmo Mattila

Jan TABACHNIK: "I happy man, because I have implemented all my ideas. I wanted to become a musician - I did, I wanted to go around the world - I went around. I have a beautiful wife who is 26 years younger, we have three sons, I built a house and planted trees, but did not plant my friends ... "

Since there is a planet called the Earth and life on it, this life is constantly supported and does not allow interruption of such a process as fertilization: thanks to it, plants, insects, animals, people appear ... It seems to me that ideas are fertilized too - talent, intelligence, desire, effort and work. All those without which any idea, no matter how bright and humane it may be, will not be able to come to life and bear fruit.


If Mother Teresa did not strive to truly help the poor, to create homes for the dying and shelters for orphaned children, she would not treat this as her life's work worth fighting for with all her might, even if there are no funds (when she started doing charity work, she only had $ 60), nothing would have worked.

Just as it did not work for the Soviet leaders to build communism and a state in which equality, brotherhood and friendship of peoples reigned. Why? Because they did not have such a goal in their brains, who had syphilis, as in the case of Lenin, and who had paranoia, like Stalin, who dreamed of enemies everywhere. They fertilized, as best they could, another idea - by means of bloodshed and destruction of their own people to achieve unlimited power.

The slogans of these sick people (when I say so, I do not mean their physical condition, but the way of thinking, this continuous syphilis, psychosis and insanity) had nothing to do with their real actions, and therefore the communist idea, infected, contaminated by their rot, died in agony.

The current communists have rethought the mistakes of their predecessors and are completely different from them, but the word "communism" has absorbed so much negativity over 70 years that it still scares both the West and the East and is associated throughout the world primarily with the red dictatorship and limitation of human rights and freedoms.

All the countries that became part of the USSR left there weakened and exhausted, forced to undergo long and painful treatment. Some can not get rid of the symptoms of diseases to this day, some have exacerbations, and there is less and less faith in the fact that one day a complete and final recovery will come.

Why? Because every now and then people strive to take the helm and lead the country, who are unable to fertilize the most important idea - the national one. The idea of \u200b\u200bour own, independent state, strong, legal, with a decent standard of living for everyone: teachers, doctors, miners, steelworkers ... This idea is not a year or two, and everyone around is shouting that, they say , let us come to power - and we will do everything in the best possible way. But as soon as the people believe and give such screamers a pass to parliament, it turns out that most of them tell very well and colorfully how it should be, but, alas, they cannot breathe life into any idea.


An eloquent example is the arrival (and for some, perhaps, the coming) of Yushchenko in 2004. How beautifully he spoke! How he called to fight, how he tore loaves of bread on the Maidan, portraying almost Christ, how he swore an oath in the Verkhovna Rada, before he was declared President! Of course, Ukraine, this beauty with a magnificent braid, blue eyes and a kind heart, believed that she had finally waited for her knight, and expected that their union would be fruitful. And he, not paying special attention to her, began to play with bees and shards ...

If we, following the outstanding poets of the past and the present, have compared our country with a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, then what, tell me, does a woman usually do when a man is not interested in her? That's right - it sends it to hell. After sitting and waiting for Yushchenko until he was Balzac's age, Ukraine spat and said to itself: "Stop waiting, otherwise I will die without giving birth to anyone or anything!"

Alas, those who were supposed to draw conclusions from this and worry did not understand anything. On the contrary, such an unpleasant phenomenon as mass impotence is gaining momentum in Ukrainian politicians. This is when those who cannot do anything, get lost in flocks, or factions, begin to invent and shout slogans, they seem to protect some, others seem to overthrow, teach, promise, preach, tell how to build a new society without building in their lives even a doghouse ...

And judging by the fact that after each election, more and more rhetoric people receive deputy mandates, this is a contagious disease. Moreover, the people's representatives are ill with it, and the people themselves suffer from complications, since it is not customary for us to be responsible for our words and unfulfilled promises. They promised, received a credit of trust, sat out their cadences to the end and evaporated, giving way to others like them.

I know that before these statements of mine get into print, a flurry of so-called criticism will fall on me: they say that he allows himself, he is sure to curry favor with the current government, and so on. But, firstly, these are only those who are used to judging me and think that I care about their opinion, and secondly, I’m already used to such an attitude.

Not so long ago, for example, the Internet literally exploded after I spoke at a meeting of the European Jewish Parliament. They talked about Ukraine's course for integration into Europe, and an English journalist asked me: “Tell me, if you are faced with the task of climbing a rock, how will you do it? Will you choose a short, but difficult path, after which you will come to the finish line wounded and exhausted, or will you take a detour, along a safe path, but will go for a long time? "

I liked the question, because it is a philosophical one, it makes you think, like this, in a minute, you cannot answer it. I said: “Do you know the history of the Jews who for two thousand years walked the bloody and scorched path to their state? What do you think, is it a lot or a little, did they travel a short or long way? And what can you say about Moses, who for 40 years led the slaves through the wilderness, so that they, having endured troubles and hardships, rallied and became a people? Did he walk for a long time? Our country is led by President Yanukovych, and I think the result is more important, to which we will come with him, so we will achieve it - and we'll see.

What started here! The comments on the Internet were one more beautiful than the other: “What does this Jew understand? How could he compare us, Ukrainians, with the Jews, whom someone drove through the desert? " “How dare he compare Yanukovych with Moses? I also found a prophet! " Unfortunately, no one tried to understand what I wanted to say, but in vain. After all, I did not try to humiliate or exalt anyone, but gave this example in order to remind how, in reality, one should fight for one's national idea.

The Jews for the piece of land on which they built Israel, still stand for life and death, with all their might defending their state from 120 million, to put it mildly, ill-wishers, and behind their backs they do not have barriers that will open fire. if you turn back, and mothers, wives, sisters and children who are capable at any moment, if, God forbid, have to, stand next to me. They do not need to be persuaded or forced - they perfectly understand that their state, like a dream that they have brought to life with blood and sweat, is above all. Do we understand?


It's a pity, but those who are unable to realize any idea, not only national, but their own, are found everywhere: in politics, on stage, on the same Internet ... You know, I would call this invention of mankind not a world wide web, but a world paradise for parasites and perverts, where they fall during their lifetime. I went online - and sit for yourself, without a name, without a surname, without a gender and a face, write what you want about anyone you like, even about power, even about your neighbor, pour out on everyone what you have inside, but, as a rule Such people, if I may say so, have nothing good there, because a person who is striving to achieve something will not surf the Internet and waste time writing any nonsense there.

A successful businessman is engaged in business, a good teacher teaches children, he cannot tear himself away from notebooks, a talented doctor does not see the light of white, because patients line up for him, the in-demand musician thinks when he will finally get enough sleep, because he is expected in that city too , and in the other, and in the fifth, and in the tenth, a conscientious policeman catches criminals. And if you are nobody by profession and by vocation, then please - live on the net and knock on the keyboard as much as you like, earning labor corns.

Or go to demonstrations, rip your shirt off, organize protests - this paid public striptease. There is such a philosophical term - "Kholui stoicism", and so, our general desire to do nothing, but to protest against everything is one of its varieties. When retirees come to the rallies, who are forced to somehow survive on what the state pays them, and are no longer able to earn, I can still understand: people are protesting against injustice, after all, they have worked all their lives and have the same right to a dignified old age like their peers in the USA, Germany and Austria, they should not rummage through garbage cans and stand in the passage with a plastic cup in their outstretched hand!

But when young loafers wave signs to send someone to “get out”, or sit in tents for days, because they pay 150 hryvnias and do nothing, just play a convinced fighter for an idea, it infuriates me. I remember myself in my youth. I was 18, and with an open form of tuberculosis, with three cavities on the right lung, hemoptysis and bleeding, I left to work on the stage to buy an accordion and become a professional musician, a master of my craft.

The Far North, the Far East - wherever I was not worn! The accordion, which I took for payment from my friend Va-lera Chunchukov, cost 807 rubles, I got 80 a month, I gave everything for the instrument, and lived on a ruble of 40 daily allowances - a consumptive patient who needed treatment, increased nutrition and rest!

My father, who returned from the front as a cripple, always cried when it came to how I literally fought for my dream. I'm afraid to even ask what those who think that the rally is good way earnings. God grant that they never have to choose between life and the idea of \u200b\u200ba whole life ...

Sometimes, when I read unfair accusations thrown by someone against me, I am tempted to answer. To tell who I am, how I became what I became, how I carried out and carry out my projects: “I have the honor to invite”, Krainev's competition, AccoHoliday. How did I earn the money my family lives on and my awards. But after this comes another thought: will they want to listen? A person wrote nasty things on the Internet - and that's it, he's happy, he doesn't need anything else.

All my life I have worked: there is no gap in my work book for more than 15 days. He received the title of deserved after having toured Austria, Finland, Poland ... People's - after performances in America and Australia. Then I didn't even think about whether they would give me the title or not, because without it I earned so much that I felt pretty good.

In all honesty, I can say that I have never tried to adorn myself with awards, but only to be a person whose name can adorn the award itself. There are many such people among those who have chosen a creative profession: before becoming People's Artist of the USSR, Joseph Kobzon became Joseph Kobzon, Sofia Rotaru - Sofia Rotaru, Alla Pugacheva - Alla Pugacheva ...

To continue this list, there is not enough room in Gordon Boulevard. The people I mentioned are completely different, they are not alike, but they have one thing in common - that they managed to make their idea alive and viable. And it is a pity that there are no less, but, on the contrary, much more of those who believe: oh, they gave the people - everything, the goal has been achieved, and regard the title as a rubber doll that you can have until the end of your days. It may be so, but only neither one nor the other side will get pleasure from this, and a new life will not be born. Well, there has never been such a case in the history of the Earth that a living thing was born from an inanimate ... I would, if I had my way, canceled all these titles and titles: let the artists be paid extra only for their skill.

I am often asked if I am a happy person. Of course, yes, because all the ideas that I had, I implemented. I wanted to become a musician - I did. I wanted to go around the whole world - I went around. I have a beautiful wife who is 26 years younger, and I understand that I may have violated the commandment of nature. But he did not break the commandment to continue life, since we have three sons with her. I built a house and planted trees, but I didn't plant my friends. He did not steal, did not belong, did not betray.

Every year I try to make sure that young guys, just like I once, fanatically devoted to the accordion and music, get a chance to realize themselves, and I pay tribute to the instrument that made me who I am. And who dares to throw a stone at me, let him first ask himself the question: "Can I do exactly the same?" Don't be better, at least try the same ...

You know, people who are trying to do something do not sit idly by, I have always respected. Yes, now it is difficult, I do not argue, to translate ideas into reality: the country has just begun to move away from the bullying that it has endured for so long. But on the other hand, no one drives anyone to the plant, does not send anyone to build BAM or Dnepro-hydroelectric power station: come on, dare, come up with it, act-woo! Freedom is complete, here it is, as they say, lay down and asks, but they do not take it. What for?

It seems that 20 percent of people living in Ukraine are geniuses, and 80 percent do not want anything at all, although everyone probably dreams of living a little better. And everyone, I am sure, admires in his heart, after reading a note about the chairman of the village council, who, so that the village does not disappear from the map of Ukraine, began to distribute houses to everyone who is ready to move there, about a woman who has lost her sight, who defended her dissertation and does everything to ensure that so that people with disabilities in her hometown feel like full members of society ...

Similar examples can be found in every newspaper, because ordinary people who managed to realize their ideas even in spite of all life's difficulties do not live somewhere on another planet, but among us and hardly consider themselves heroes. They just can't imagine how you can live differently ...

Jan Tabachnik was awarded the Order of King Solomon the Wise

People's Deputy of Ukraine and People's Artist of Ukraine Yan Tabachnyk was awarded the Order of Tsar Solomon the Wise. This decision was made by the participants in the General Session of the European Jewish Parliament, which took place on June 25 in Kiev.

The highest award of the European Jewish Parliament, the Order of King Solomon the Wise, is awarded for an outstanding personal contribution to the consolidation of peace and the establishment of good on Earth. This order was awarded to President of the European Union Jerzy Buzek, Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, Prime Minister of Spain Jose-Maria Aznarch, President of Montenegro Philip Buyanovic.

The European Jewish Parliament was created in 2011 in Paris and is headquartered in Brussels. Among the 120 MPs are people of different views and professions - conservatives, liberals, secularists, rabbis, publicists, politicians and artists.

President of the Major League of World Accordion Masters Jan TABACHNIK:

“President Lukashenka presented a talented accordionist from Belarus, who took first place from us, an apartment”

From April 24 to April 27, young musicians from different countries of the world will perform in Kiev - on the stage of the Center for Culture and Arts of the SBU on Irininskaya, 6, the AscoHoliday is held again.

- The lucky number seven was replaced by an equally happy number eight, which resembles an "infinity" sign, - the founder of the competition, an outstanding accordionist Jan Tabachnik, smiles. - This means that AccoHoliday is one more year older. But the rules do not change: both young people and masters will be able to listen to anyone. Let's start with the masters: on the opening day, the famous accordionist and composer Vladimir Zubitsky, for whom this year is a jubilee - he celebrates his 60th birthday, his Russian counterpart Yuri Shishkin and the laureate of international competitions, the Italian Mirko Patarini, will perform for the guests of the festival. The Minister of Culture of Ukraine Leonid Novokhatko and the head of the Kiev City State Administration Alexander Popov will come to greet the guests and participants. And the next day, the competition will begin directly: participants will compete for prizes in the nominations " Classical music"And" Estrada ".

- Do you expect a lot of people?

- 30 people is just enough for such a competition. This is not a look amateur performances, where 85 and 100 are allowed, and a competition of professionals, where the best of the best go. Look at the geography: there are not only Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, where very strong guys are stable, but also Lithuania, and Kazakhstan, and Montenegro, and Italy, and Australia, and even China! During these eight years the whole world learned about AccoHoliday, many consider it to be the best competition in Europe, for example, the chief publisher of the German newspaper Intermusik Ulrich Schmülling, who called Ukraine a treasure trove of accordion music. But the main thing is that for prize-winners and winners this is an important step on the path to recognition, not only in the musical, professional, world, but also at the state level. A talented guy from Belarus, who took first place from us, President Lukashenko presented an apartment!

- What do you need to do to become a member of AccoHoliday? Young musicians often turn to us with this question.

- Firstly, to really love what you do, and secondly, to go through a fairly tough selection in your country. And the second condition, as you understand, is impossible without the first. We have no restrictions on the number of participants: there will be 60, not the best 30 - we will accept it with pleasure, especially since this has already happened. But everyone should understand what a responsibility it is to speak before such masters as my faithful companions-in-arms, vice-presidents of AccoHoliday, Vladimir Besfamilnov and Anatoly Semeshko, as well as Viktor Vlasov and Richard Galliano. These are people you can't just go out to and play just how! Therefore, in order to get to us, you need to work long and hard on yourself.

- A year ago, within the framework of the competition-festival, you gave an amazing concert with the jazz band of Mark Reznitsky, after which you made a film based on it. Will you perform this time too?

- No - just enjoy music, listening to young people and their outstanding colleagues.


Jan TABACHNIK:"First catch up - then we'll talk ..."

The program of the legendary accordionist "I have the honor to invite" turns 20

By tradition, "I Have the Honor" went on the air before the New Year, December 30, and became the highest-rated project shown by the First National in the pre-holiday time. A bright, high-quality, thought-out to the smallest detail, well-made, as they say, expensive show (looking at it, it's hard to believe that the program is being prepared by a creative group, which consists of four people), eight and a half million inhabitants of our country watched!

- The rating is very happy, because in 2012 we did not shoot a new issue, - Yan Tabachnik admitted when "Gordon Boulevard" congratulated him on the anniversary of his television brainchild, - but decided to remind the audience about what was good in the program over the past five years, and showed the previous episodes.

But this does not mean that the project will stop after 20 years of existence! My International Creative Center is working hard on the anniversary program, where, as always, we will invite real heroes of our time: outstanding pop and film actors, iconic writers, high-class musicians, prominent politicians, titled athletes and just decent people. It is possible that there will be heads of friendly states: presidents and prime ministers, guests from Russia, the USA, Australia, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Israel, Romania, Moldova, the former Yugoslavia have already been on the set of the program ...

However, the most important thing, I believe, is not even that I Have the Honor brings together famous people under one roof, but that it is not only an entertainment, but also a charitable project. We have been cooperating for a long time with the Hope and Kindness Foundation, which is headed by Valentina Dovzhenko, and founded a club whose members have bought 30 houses for large families in 20 years.

So if they tell you that Yan Tabachnik is tired of doing a program or something like that, do not believe: firstly, you never get tired of good deeds, they give you strength to go through life, and secondly, for any musician, if he is truly in love with his profession and is faithful to it, going on stage, communicating with colleagues is a holiday. So can I, having devoted almost 60 years to playing the accordion, deprive myself of this holiday?

Recently, Yan Petrovich rarely picks up an instrument and in the past 2012 gave only one big concert - in May, during the AccoHoliday competition of young accordionists, which has been held in Kiev for seven years, - again through the efforts of a small but close-knit team of the International Creative center of Jan Tabachnik. And on January 13, on the old New Year, this performance by the renowned accordionist shown by the First National once again broke the rating records. The live concert of the famous musician with the big band Mark Reznitsky "Music in black and white" (I think, for those who have ever seen the accordion and its keys, there is no need to explain the meaning of the name) has become an exclusive gift for viewers who are tired of bought Russian TV shows. alike, like twin brothers.

And Yan Petrovich once again proved his highest performing level. Several years ago, after a performance at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, where he was awarded the title of Grand Maestro, the Narodnik magazine published a review: “If anyone thought that the days of this legendary accordionist had passed, they were deeply mistaken, they gave him a standing ovation. The same thing happened in Kiev, in the House of Culture of the SBU, where those who wanted to listen to Tabachnik could not fit in the hall, and after he finished his speech, they got up and applauded for 20 minutes.

- True, there are well-wishers who say that Tabachnik plays to the soundtrack, - Yan Petrovich smiles, - or that there is a special device built into my accordion from where the music sounds. Children's accordions slip in to play ... I don't even answer. For some reason, I remember how in Chernivtsi, in my youth, I was engaged in boxing. A wonderful guy Shurik Bely trained with me, he, in my opinion, is no longer there. He was a talented boxer, showed promise and at the same time, kind, humorous, never used force in vain, even if touched. Well, there was always enough hooliganism: seeing that one was walking down the street, they could come up, push with their shoulder, ask for a smoke - this is a classic. And he did not touch anyone, honestly said: "If you want to be in the face - catch up!", And then quickly left. And, as a rule, no one chased him. Here I am to everyone who is dissatisfied with me, I want to say the same as Shurik: "First catch up - then we'll talk ...".


The Law on Languages \u200b\u200bis a political game for the opposition, for the "Regions", and for the same Lytvyn

It is not the first year that the media have been writing that in the Party of Regions there is fierce competition between two groups of influence - concentrated around Donetsk industrialists and oriented towards the head of the presidential administration. As a person who is well acquainted with both Rinat Akhmetov and Sergei Lyovochkin, do you feel the echoes of this struggle?

Once, due to my naivety and credulity, I tried to probe this question both in Lyovochkin and Akhmetov personally. They then in one voice said to me: “We understand when the townsfolk talk about this, who have nothing else to do, but you are a smart man, judge for yourself - how can we be together and wet one another? It's just laughter. "

From what? And what about the competition for the prime minister's seat?

Stop it. What are you talking about, which prime minister's chair? They will always find how to solve all the issues without it. You see, such showdowns can take place in other parties - they are constantly running somewhere, dividing something. And in our party there cannot be such a showdown, because we have developed one-man management. We have very strong party discipline. Although the democratic principle is also present - you can always express your opinion on any issue or disagree with some decision.

And you personally, for example, when you expressed your opinion within the Party of Regions faction and did not agree with any decision?

For example, when we voted for Shufrich's resignation from the post of minister. I said to the faction: "Nestor is my friend, I will not vote for this." They told me: "But this is a decision of the faction." I said that I can have my own opinion, and did not disapprove.
Just as on the language, someone did not vote, so what? Some kind of repression has begun, is someone touching them?
It's just that our party has a very developed human dignity, an understanding of male honor. If you say something about someone, then speak in the eyes. We have no clandestine affairs.

Didn't the resignation of Shufrich that you mentioned take place in semi-underground circumstances?

Then the "EC" united with us, and it was a purely political decision. Sometimes, when making political decisions, you have to go against your will. Either do it, or leave and don't get involved in politics at all. It is very difficult to combine law and morality. I was never able to develop this rigidity in myself ...

Speaking about the democratic culture in your party, I cannot help but recall the adoption of the law on languages. After all, those regional deputies from western Ukraine, who later withdrew their votes, did not physically vote for this law, they simply were not in the hall. They say that at the time this law was being considered, they were summoned to the Bankova Street and simply voted with their cards. Also not very democratic ...

Not everything is so simple. Keep in mind that their fellow countrymen could say to them: "If you vote, I will burn my house." Maybe it is so customary in their region. And the man lives there. Maybe they left on purpose. (laughs)

Many of your colleagues in the faction admit that after the elections we will have a change of the prime minister. Who do you think could replace Azarov?

I am not inclined to support communist slogans that there are no irreplaceable people, but I admit that Azarov is a very experienced person and it will be very, very difficult to find a replacement for him. Although very, very talented people are standing next to him today. The same Klyuev and Lyovochkin, Khoroshkovsky ...

But today Khoroshkovsky has been pushed away from decision-making, he is a deputy prime minister without powers ...

Never mind, let the elections end and see ... The same Seryozha Tigipko is a very literate person. In short, this is a whole generation of very talented politicians ...

Doesn't it bother you that the relationship between these difficult guys is also very difficult? That Kolesnikov called Lyovochkin a man who drives a Mercedes for half a million dollars, and cannot even declare a Zhiguli ...

With all due respect to Kolesnikov, tell me who Kolesnikov hasn't named yet? (laughs) Bori just has such a peculiar character. He is a very good person, but he likes to clash with someone all the time ...

And the fact that a very literate person Sergei Tigipko in 2004, roughly speaking, fled from Yanukovych's headquarters, which also set himself up for many in the party leadership.

Well, as he ran away, he ran (laughs) So, after all, I saw that there was where to return.

It turns out he was forgiven? Or are they waiting for some trick again?

Yanukovych is a very wise man. And he's very generous. How much did he have to forgive people over the years? After all, generosity, forgiveness is the greatest human feeling, this is the feeling of a strong person.

Why won't he forgive Tymoshenko?

Firstly, she did not ask for forgiveness ...

Should I?

Sure. I believe she should ask for repentance not from him, but from the whole people. To say: "Sorry, I myself did not understand that I would cause you so much trouble."
After all, today we all work for gas - just like in the Soviet Union we all worked for the defense industry. And because we all plowed for intercontinental missiles, the Union collapsed, a huge power. And today this gas is the same missiles. And we are all working to pay for gas, to get out of these enslaving conditions. High-ranking Russian politicians told our politicians after she signed this agreement in plain text that they put Ukraine "in a pose"!
Therefore, I am not saying that someone should sit, it is determined by the court. I'm not a bloodthirsty person. But there is such a thing as remorse!

How did you take the resignation of Vladimir Lytvyn?

I have known Vladimir Mikhailovich for many years, we have very good relations with him. He is a very competent, very intelligent person. And I told him: “Vladimir Mikhailovich, the fact that not a single deputy voted for a vote of no confidence in you was worth living your whole life for this! After all, what respect have you received from parliament, from all people! There is not a single politician in our country who could boast of something like that. " (laughs)

All jokes, but Lytvyn claims that he will not sign the law on languages, from which it all began.

(pause) To be completely honest, this law is a political game for the opposition, for the "Regions", and for the same Lytvyn. Because today in the whole country who wants to speak Ukrainian, who wants to speak Russian - everyone speaks like that, everywhere and everywhere. Yes, my children talk with my mother and with her mother, my mother-in-law in Ukrainian, and with me - in Russian, and everyone understands each other perfectly! And so - throughout the country.

So why was it necessary to introduce this law, which only divides the country, but in fact does not give anything, because everyone speaks as they want without it?

And I will ask you: how many useless laws have our opponents introduced?

But those laws did not tear the country apart so ...

But understand, this is the same provision of our electoral program. We promised this to our voters! In addition, half of the country speaks Russian!
Well, what's the big deal if the regional language somewhere is Russian or some other? I grew up in Bukovina, in our Romanian and Moldavian villages, as they did not know either Ukrainian or Russian, they do not know it! I think this: let everyone talk as they want, the main thing is that they talk to each other in the human language.

Who do you think will be the speaker of parliament at the fall session? Lytvyn says that he will not sign the law on languages \u200b\u200bin principle, and it can be understood - in his district in the Zhytomyr region, this may not be understood. It is also very important for your party before the elections. How to get out of this stalemate?

I will answer you again with the words of Talleyrand: I will tell you about it tomorrow.

One of the results of the two and a half years of Yanukovych’s rule is that the Western press writes about Yanukovych’s isolation, about the fact that foreign leaders are less and less willing to meet with him. Do you see parallels between this situation and the isolation that Leonid Kuchma got into in due time? What would you advise Viktor Yanukovych to do in these circumstances?

Let's start with the fact that journalists write about it, not politicians say. The fact is that Tymoshenko's party has spent enormous amounts of money for such a PR for Yanukovych abroad, it's not a secret. My friends in the EU told me that there is a whole group of agents of influence in Brussels who are specifically working to denigrate his image.

But what the journalists write, how they pass the imaginary as the real, is one thing. And I will believe that someone does not want to meet with Yanukovych, only when the President of the United States or Poland or any other country makes an official statement about it. And so - it's just another ordered scribble.

So they don't tell anyone directly about this, as far as I know ...

Lukashenka says. They just don't let him in anywhere, he doesn't come anywhere. And our President, thank God, travels all over the world, he meets everyone, and no one says anything to him.
But everything you are talking about, I also understand. And I will tell you more: if we were in opposition today, then I do not exclude that we would be doing the same only in the other direction.

Indeed, Yanukovych has never heard such direct harsh statements from the Presidents of foreign states, but the European Commission and its representatives regularly voice very tough attacks on the Ukrainian leadership ...

You know, let the European Union deal with its own problems and its countries. They have enough of their own problems. No, everyone wants to get in with us and tell us how to live.

But it is we who want to join the EU, which is why they are pointing out to us the standards that we must adhere to.

Don't you understand that they are doing everything possible so that we never enter there? They don't need Ukraine! They are satisfied with the current situation!

And the fact that some EU countries recognized the Ukrainian politicians who fled there as political refugees does not mean that something is still wrong in our country?

All those who fled abroad are not poor people ...
Some took so much money there that if I had that kind of money, then I would not have received asylum in Austria, but the post of US Vice President.

Are you implying that they simply bought these shelters?

I cannot sign for everyone. I know that when our deputy Nikolai Zlochevsky came to the State Reserve, where Pozhivanov worked before him, he said that he had never seen anything like this in his life, it was horror. Empty shelves, everything was stolen. And for the rest - for Avakov, for Tymoshenko's husband - I cannot sign. Since they ran away, then there was a reason. A poor and honest man will not run away.

If you think so, then you can remember that in 2005 Yanukovych left Ukraine, to Russia.

He did not stay there for long, and immediately came back ...

And Akhmetov spent some time in France ...

Yes, we did. But they didn't ask for asylum. And they all came back.

And Bilokon and Bodelan even took Russian citizenship.

Well, they were scared, then. I cannot sign for them.

Now, in your opinion, shouldn't you be afraid?

Of course not worth it. Law enforcers are not that stupid. They will never take on anything like that, because they understand that another government will come, and every one of them will need to be paid if they make illegal decisions.

And the other power will come?

Of course, it will come someday. There cannot be one power all the time.

There are different opinions on this matter. They say that Yanukovych has two sons, and one of them may well become the next President. Do you believe in this scenario?

Well, how can I tell you who will be the next President? I can guarantee that I will not be the next President. (laughs)

But is the increase in the influence of the Yanukovych family on political and economic processes in our country being discussed in your faction?

I've known these two guys for a long time. They are very humble guys. These are not at all those people who will go out on a spree in some restaurants, run into someone somewhere, press someone. These are the wrong people. They are very well-mannered guys. Highly! I know it.

So one does not interfere with the other: you can be very well-mannered, but at the same time very rich and very influential.

So this is good! But, in any case, what is written about them everywhere, what is said about them, is not true. To run into someone, to take something away - these are completely wrong people!

Kuzmin has such a profession - to plant ...

In one of your interviews two and a half years ago, you said that about five to six criminal cases could be opened against Viktor Yushchenko.

Quite right.

Why are they still not open?

I dont know. Even on my program, the same Svyatoslav Piskun and Rinat Kuzmin said that they knew about the existence of materials on the basis of which criminal cases should be opened against him - at least in connection with his alleged poisoning or the illegal dissolution of parliament.

Why isn't anyone doing this? Are there rumors that Yushchenko helped Yanukovych before the second round of the presidential elections in exchange for indulgences for himself and members of his political team?

In any case, you need to understand that the next President will be able to absolutely calmly raise these cases, because they have no statute of limitations ...

And under Yanukovych, then this is unrealistic?

The point is that there can be many questions and many answers in this regard. I, too, as a person and as a deputy can ask the same questions as you do. But who will answer them? This is a very big question.

Well, here is your friend Rinat Kuzmin could answer.

What is Kuzmin? Kuzmin has such a profession - to plant. (laughs)
But here's the deal - the case of the poisoning of Yushchenko concerns only himself, from this no one went either hungry or well-fed. The case of the dissolution of parliament - here, too, we are talking about the fact that he and his supporters were settling scores with the opposition, that is, with us.
But he still did not do what Tymoshenko did! After all, because of this gas contract, we are now tied hand and foot, we spit up blood in order to raise people's salaries by a penny. What Yushchenko did can be attributed to negligence, to the desire to promote himself, but he did not directly surrender the state interests! Although history will show this over time.

But, if we talk like that, then Lutsenko is also imprisoned for nothing. The amount of abuse in his case is 40 thousand hryvnia. For me, this may be a large amount, but on a national scale ...

And you tell me why no one asked such questions when Lutsenko put Yevgeny Kushnarev and Boris Kolesnikov in jail? When was it announced on TV that a criminal case had been opened against me?

That is, in the case of Lutsenko, it turns out, just revenge for the events of those years?

I don't know how it works. I only know one thing: others will come, and the same will begin, because we do not know how to do otherwise.
I think this: when laws cease to work in a country, then everything stops working. Therefore, we are trying to reform the judicial system, we are trying to fight corruption ...

And now the laws don't work either?

Now they are at least starting to work somehow. And with the same they did not work at all.

Good. And why then none of their own found themselves in prison?

(indignantly) Like this? And the Volga? And the same Galitsky? And the judges who were imprisoned with us! How many judges, how many prosecutors! And there are so many officials! Everyone is sitting! I can take a list and enumerate everyone who is sitting, who was in power! We plant them mercilessly! Ours are also sitting, and no one can do anything!

By the way, since we have already mentioned Rinat Kuzmin. At your jubilee evening, in a number called "Talents Have Ukraine", he played "Murka", and this video became an Internet hit for a while. It was not unexpected for you when a person whose job, as you said yourself, is to plant, plays a song that you associate with what kind of world?

So, listen to me carefully. "Murka" is a tango written by the outstanding composer, author of the mass of tango Oskar Strok. And like any other tango, it sounded without words. If Kuzmin sang "Murka", and for this music, by the way, more than a hundred different texts were written, then it would be possible to talk about something. If he came out in a vest with tattoos and thugs, we could ask: "Why is he imitating thieves?" And then it could just be a humorous scene!
And the fact that Kuzmin played a musical collage, in which, along with the classics, both rock and roll and "Murka" sounded, this has nothing to do with the thieves' world. It was a musical smile and nothing else.
But if someone wanted to see something in this, then he saw it. And this is not surprising. But everything that happened as a result of this was a huge PR of our program. Thanks a lot for that! Continue in the same spirit.

And why is the name so ambiguous - “Ukraine has talents”?

And the second time the program was called "Ukraine has talents." What does it matter? It's just such a humorous, parody block! Explain to me what's wrong with that?

Opposition figures, in particular, Igor Gryniv, say that Tymoshenko is imprisoned solely because Yanukovych is afraid that she will come out and with her at the head the opposition will gain more in the elections than the Party of Regions ...

I, in general, do not write off Yulia Tymoshenko from the accounts. She is the leader of her political force, she has come a long way in politics, although not always righteous and pure. But to say that today she can beat Yanukovych is to put 10% against 90%. She just has nothing to cover. Because what does she have to offer? Another windbag? Lie again?

It is difficult to talk about this while she is in prison.

Sure. One can hope that they will release her, carry her on the shield ... But she will not win against him. She would never win against him again!

And who can win the presidential elections against Yanukovych?

I cannot tell you that. This will be shown in the next five years. Today I do not see a single politician who could adequately compete with Yanukovych. Do you see?

Here is your fellow countryman Arseniy Yatsenyuk, according to rumors, he already sees himself in this role ...

Arseny has changed a lot in recent years. I knew him as very moderate, very balanced, talented young man... Today, as I see, he has completely different ambitions. Probably, after all, the environment and the feeling of power change a person. But all these waving hands, this aggressiveness, the people of Ukraine are already tired.

They say that Vitali Klitschko has presidential ambitions for 2015. In your reception I saw a picture of you with him, that is, I suspect that you know him ...

Of course, I have known both Vitaly and Volodya for a long time. I can tell you a lot about Vitaly as a boxer, but as a politician I don't know him.

So he has been in politics for several years.

The City Council is, of course, also a lot, but I can tell you about it when I see it in politics as in the ring.

In the mayoral elections in Kiev, who will you root for, Popov or Klitschko?

Unfortunately, I did not see Popov in the ring, just like Vitaly as the mayor (laughs).
Of course, for Popov. Popov is an experienced person. I have confidence in him - he is not corrupt, not involved in any scandals over bribes, land allocation. No one has done more than he in Kiev in the last 20 years! All these roads, junctions - these are all his nerves, his strength. How can I refuse a real person who has already done something? You cannot leave the living to the dead.
Understand me, I treat Vitaly very well as an athlete. He is a great athlete, the pride of our country. But, for example, if you are asked to characterize Tabachnik as a musician, you will tell that your grandfather and grandmother loved him, that he is the most famous musician in the world, in a word, you can talk for a long time. But what do you know about him as a politician? You say that there is such a deputy, then hesitate, and my political biography will end there (laughs).

So is Vitaly. He is a decent person, a good family man, he does not steal, he is an intellectual, he can communicate at any level. You don't have to blush for him that he is illiterate or stupid. He has excellent psychological preparation - he does not have an inferiority complex, he will never jump out of his pants, like some in our parliament. But he needs to prove himself, to prove that he is a professional not only in boxing.

How would you like to see events in Ukraine in the near future?

Of course, as a member of the Party of Regions, I wish victory to my political force. But at the same time, I want to wish everyone tolerance, mutual respect, justice and honor in the next elections. So that there is less dirt, but more logic and reasonable arguments that would urge people to vote not for buckwheat, but really at the behest of conscience and soul. I want to wish my homeland, Ukraine, prosperity, happiness and peace.


"Let the court prove his guilt"

The detention of Ukrainian accordionist Igor Zavadsky on suspicion of molesting minors caused a wide public outcry

On March 24, 2012, Ukrainian accordionist Igor Zavadsky was detained on suspicion of pedophilia, who was then arrested for two months. The case caused a wide public outcry, opinions were divided. Some of the fans of his work, in particular the students and their parents, are convinced that Zavadsky is innocent, some, including professional musicians, believe that the accusations made by the investigation are quite natural. Today we give the floor to the figures of not only Ukrainian culture, who have addressed the "Gordon Boulevard" with an open letter.

Dear editors!

Observing what is happening today in our media, we, people who know the true truth about the "great and world famous" Igor Zavadsky, cannot stay away from what is happening.

We are perplexed by the fact that a person named Zavadsky is assigned different titles that do not correspond to reality. Believe me, we (professors, associate professors, teachers) know who won what at what competition. Zavadsky is a liar and impostor. In fact, he is a very mediocre musician who realized that more can be achieved through PR than work. Call 20 European conservatories or the organizing committee of the contests to which Zavadsky refers, and ask accordionists and accordionists who Zavadsky is, and no one will answer you, except for Ukraine, where he has now become especially popular, not only thanks to music, but to the scandal of a pervert ...

In November 2003, musician Vladimir Besfamilnov, in an interview with the Gordon Boulevard newspaper, talked about “a new wave of guys who, making their careers, are not shy about the means” (“Gordon Boulevard”, No. 47 (421): “Igor Zavadsky managed to deceive Semyon himself Yufu, the founder of the Mercury trust, which deceived the whole of Ukraine "), but for some reason then everyone kept silent.

Some of us, being students and living with him in the same hostel, have repeatedly witnessed conflicts that arose, as it turned out, after letters from the leadership of music schools, and scolded him for molesting children. That he unconventional orientation, everyone knew, starting with his teachers and ending with all of us. And let them not pretend today that nothing happened.

The accusations of those well-wishers who say that they took revenge on him and were set up look absurd. What, someone took the button accordion away from him? Or maybe we brought the boys to him? Or maybe it was we who decided to film the abomination that the Interior Ministry officials are talking about? Complete nonsense!!

Let the court prove his guilt. As for the music, we will somehow figure it out ourselves - musicians who have truly world names, as evidenced by their titles, awards are not "fake", but deserved and earned with blood and sweat at the most prestigious international forums in the world, where Zavadsky never and did not smell. Today, unfortunately, there are no music critics, but in Ukraine there are brilliant talented accordionists, accordionists who will respond to this article in the newspaper "Gordon Boulevard" and write the truth about Zavadsky's "vaunted" concerts.

V. Besfamilnov - People's Artist of Ukraine, Professor,

A. A. Semeshko - Honored Art Worker, Professor,

S. Grinchenko - People's Artist of Ukraine, Professor,

V.D. Zubitsky - Honored Art Worker of Ukraine, laureate of international competitions,

Yastrebov Yu.G. - Candidate of Art History, Professor of the St. Petersburg University for the Humanities,

V.P. Vlasov - Honored Art Worker of Ukraine, Professor of the Odessa State Music Academy,

V.A.Kovtun - People's Artist of Russia, Laureate of the State Prize of Russia,

Andreychuk P.A. - Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Professor,

Zhukov K.A. - laureate of international competitions,

Zatulovsky L. B. - Honored Art Worker of Ukraine,

D. Sultanov - laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan, laureate of international competitions,

R. Svyatskyavichus - Professor of the Vilnius Conservatory,

E. Gabnis - Professor of the Vilnius Conservatory,

V. Titarenko - People's Artist of Ukraine, Professor,

Lukich-Marks T. - laureate of international competitions (Australia),

Sokolov S.N. - Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Arts at

NPU them. Dragomanova,

A. Khrustevich - laureate of international competitions,

A. Golodnyuk - laureate of international competitions,

Mirek N.A. - Candidate of Pedagogy, Director of the Museum of Russian Harmonica Alfred Mirek of the Museum Association "Museums of Moscow",

Sevryukov N.I. - Honored Artist of Belarus, Professor of the Minsk Conservatory,

L. F. Vakhrameeva - journalist.


Yan Tabachnik was included in the "world hundred"

The book "100 Outstanding Jews of the World" was presented in the "capital of Europe" Brussels.

The edition was re-issued, with changes and additions. Among those who represent Ukraine in this book is our fellow countryman, an outstanding musician, People's Deputy (Party of Regions) Yan Petrovich Tabachnik.

As Max Fimby, who publishes this book, said, Europe now knows little about Ukraine, and what it knows is mostly negative information. Europe learns all the good things about Ukraine through people like Yan Tabachnyk, who is not only an outstanding composer and performer, but also a people's deputy who is directly involved in deciding destinies from government tribunes, striving to make the world a better place.

For his long creative activity, Yan Petrovich was awarded a large number of orders and medals, which are of the highest value. But the biggest reward in life is the love and recognition of your people. And it is Yan Tabachnyk, as an iconic figure in society, who can become one of the pillars of the cultural bridge between Ukraine and Europe.

It is worth noting that earlier in Kiev, a meeting of deputies of the European Jewish Parliament (EJP) with a group of people's deputies of Ukraine took place, among whom was Yan Tabachnyk. He noted with satisfaction that many approaches to solving the most important modern challenges of Ukrainian and European parliamentarians coincide, and expressed gratitude to European parliamentarians for inviting Ukrainian MPs to visit Brussels, where the next EJP meeting will soon take place.

European Jewish Parliament news

The meeting of the deputies of the European Jewish Parliament (EJP) with a group of people's deputies of Ukraine took place on Tuesday in Kiev as part of the parliamentarians' trip to a number of European and Asian countries.
The EJP delegation was led by the Co-Chairs of the European Jewish Parliament: from the countries Western Europe - Chairman of the Belgian Jewish Community Joel Rubinfeld; from the countries of Eastern and Central Europe - President of the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress Vadim Rabinovich.
At a meeting in Kiev, parliamentarians from Europe and Ukraine discussed a number of important issues at the international and domestic level, the life of the Jewish community of our country and contacts with European communities.
The participant of the meeting, People's Deputy of Ukraine Yan Tabachnyk noted with satisfaction that many approaches to solving the most important modern challenges of Ukrainian and European parliamentarians coincide. He also expressed gratitude to the European parliamentarians for the invitation to the People's Deputies of Ukraine to visit Brussels, where the next meeting of the EJP will soon take place.

“I have heard a lot about Ukraine, read a lot, but what I saw with my own eyes in many ways supplements and sometimes changes my idea,” EJP co-chairman Joel Rubinfeld said in an interview with our correspondent after the meeting. “I am sure that such contacts of parliamentarians are very useful, they open our eyes to new aspects of problems, they bring us closer and suggest recipes for common solutions to many very difficult issues. ”This trip, I hope, is useful for both sides, it strengthens the position of parliamentarism.
We will continue our path towards each other, we will be able to assess the rapprochement between Ukraine and Europe in a new way. "
According to Joel Rubinfeld, a delegation of EJP parliamentarians from Kiev will fly to Riga not only for inter-parliamentary contacts, but also to participate in a number of events by anti-fascist forces in connection with the activation of the revanchist movement in the Baltic states.

Before Kiev, the EJP delegation met in Jerusalem with the leadership of the State of Israel, and also visited Aman, where it held a meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan and parliamentarians of this country.

As MIGnews.com reported in April 2011 in Paris, participants in the largest European Jewish forum voted to create the European Jewish Union (EJU) and the European Jewish Parliament.

In February, the founding meeting of the European Jewish Parliament (EJP) was held at the European Parliament building in Brussels, bringing together 120 MPs from 52 countries.



"Kind people are always in good relations with those who do good"

The recent visit to Ukraine on the occasion of the 1023rd anniversary of the Baptism of Rus by the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate Kirill and the Catholicos of All Georgia Ilia II was called by the domestic and foreign media not so much missionary as political.

The press again discussed the conflict between the Orthodox communities of the Moscow and Kiev Patriarchates. Against the background of religious and political squabbles, the meetings of the heads of the Russian and Georgian churches with Ukrainian public figures, including Yan Tabachnyk, remained practically unnoticed. The musician talked with Patriarch Kirill and Catholicos Ilia II, presenting them with the international Order of Honor "for their impeccable service for the good of humanity."

I don't want to say platitudes - shared with "Gordon Boulevard" Yan Petrovich, -but God is one and He must be in the soul of everyone in order to bring humanity and tolerance to the world. Never admitted religious hatred or interfaith intolerance. And I can't admit it, because I went on tour throughout the Soviet Union, I am friends with Muslims, Catholics, Jews and so on. My friends call me a citizen of the world.

I am in excellent relations with the Chief Rabbi of Kiev and Ukraine, Yakov Dov Bleich, and His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and All Ukraine. What if I am a friendly person ?! I don't want to be a goon who hates everyone.

Good people always in good relations with those who do good. That is why the public council consisting of Joseph Kobzon, Vitaly Korotich, Vladimir Gorbulin and many other iconic people of our time decided to present the international "Order of Honor" to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II.

- So, the main principle for selecting future holders of the order is “do good”?

The award is presented to outstanding figures of our era, who are characterized by high moral principles, daily concern for humanity, and impeccable fulfillment of their civic duty. For these people, the concepts of "honor" and "justice" are a life credo.

The Order of Honor was established over 10 years ago. They were awarded to Leonid Kravchuk, Leonid Kuchma, Viktor Yanukovich, Yuri Luzhkov, ex-mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani, ex-president of Armenia Robert Kocharian, ex-president of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, Vakhtang Kikabidze, pianist Vladimir Krainev and many others. In general, those who really did and is doing good on earth.

- How did the Russian and Georgian patriarchs react to the awarding of the order?

Due to his busy schedule, Patriarch Kirill was late for the plane, but he managed to thank me for the award and promised to read everything about the history of our order. I was at all the speeches of His Holiness in Kiev, I got the impression that he is a strict, stern, real intellectual. And suddenly, at the presentation of the Order of Honor, Patriarch Kirill smiled in such a youthful way - my soul grew warmer.

The next day I met with Patriarch Elijah II. Moreover, as usually happens, there were "well-wishers" who tried to dissuade the priest from accepting the award the day before. But when the primate of the Georgian Orthodox Church found out to whom and for what the Order of Honor was being awarded, he came to the ceremony with pleasure.

- And what religious tradition do you teach your three sons?

I have a mixed family: my wife Tatyana Nedelskaya is a Christian, I am a Jew. Mother-in-law takes our children to the Orthodox Church, explains prayers to them. I do not interfere in this process, otherwise everything that I have outlined above would have been reduced to zero. Sons must choose their own faith.

I'll tell you an interesting story. In Poland during World War II, the Nazis led several hundred Jews to be shot. One woman miraculously managed to push her son out of the doomed crowd. The boy was sheltered by a Polish family who decided to baptize him in their faith. But the priest (Polish Catholic priest. - Ed.)answered: “Let the child grow up and choose his own religion. This cannot be done by force. " So, this priest was the future Pope John Paul II. By the way, it was he who became the first pontiff who began to establish relations with other confessions.

In my office hangs a portrait of John Paul II with an autograph, as well as congratulations on his 65th birthday from the current head of the Catholic Church, Benedict XVI.

- And what did the Pope write to you?

And I’ll get up right now and read to you: "Holy Father Benedict XVI, from a wide heart, yes, especially apostolic blessing for Yakov Tabachnik, the 65th woman of the nation is the protection of God's care and grace." In general, good is always rewarded. For example, I have two church awards: the Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir of the first degree and the Order of Glory and Honor, established by Patriarch Alexy II.

- Is it true that you financed the tour of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Music and Drama Theater named after Franko in Poland?

I talked with the head of the Main Directorate of Humanitarian and Socio-Political Issues of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Anna German. The bell rang, Anna Nikolaevna talked, hung up and grabbed her head: "Lord, what to do ?!" It turned out that the Ivano-Frankivsk theater with a performance based on the novel by Maria Matios "Licorice Darusia" was invited to the festival in the Polish city of Koszalin.

The event was held under the patronage of the President of Ukraine and the President of Poland, and our valiant Ministry of Culture did not allocate money. "What amount are we talking about?" - I ask. “60 thousand hryvnias,” Anna Nikolaevna answers. “Let the theater representatives,” I say, “come to my office tomorrow, I’ll give the money.”

Later, Maria Matios called me: "I am so vyachna to you, I want to say a good word to your address." We had a very friendly chat. I will definitely invite Maria Vasilievna to the next recording of my program “I have the honor to invite”.

Natalia DVALI
"Gordon Boulevard"

The Chernivtsi "Publishing House Bukrek" published the book "Jan Tabachnik. Unheard Prayers" (a literary record was made by the Ternopil journalist Mikhail Masliy), in the annotation of which it is written: "This book is about a talented musician and an unusual person, whose irresistible energy and love for music won hearts many people around the world. The author talks about his difficult life, about the people who surrounded him all these years. "
In the book, 396 pages of which 210 are the greatest musician of our time and a prominent public figure, with his inherent warmth, kindness and wit, talks about his parents, sister, native Chernivtsi, His Majesty the accordion, about musicians-"labukhs" and his work in different groups of many philharmonic societies of the country, about my brainchild - the program "I have the honor to invite", about my friends - Iosif Kobzon, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Nazariy Yaremchuk, Sofia Rotaru. Separate chapters devoted to the artist's favorite viewer, recordings at the Melodiya firm, repertoire, foreign tours, the fate of the musician, an unprecedented tour of the "zones" of Ukraine and the custom "orange" conflict for land. The reader will learn firsthand the whole truth about Yan Petrovich's relations with the Presidents of Ukraine - Leonid Kravchuk, Leonid Kuchma and Viktor Yanukovych, about work in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. And, of course, about the family - beloved wife Tatyana Nedelskaya and her three sons - Petka, Pashka and Mishanka.
The book contains a lot of interesting information: discography, CDs, pages of TV programs "I Have the Honor" and much more.
Separately posted are the statements of contemporaries about Yan Tabachnik (there are more than 70) - presidents of many countries, famous singers, musicians, great writers, film actors, prominent public figures, generals, friends and teachers.
More than 100 pages feature prominently in the "Moments, Moments ... Photos from the Family Album" section.
The most interesting edition ends with the section "They were in my life ... Pray for them ..."
Plus to all this - modern design, high-quality printing and good coated paper made the book aristocratic. As befits Jan Tabachnik - an aristocrat in the best sense this word. An aristocrat of music, accordion, soul, love, human goodness and earthly creation.

Star musicians Chick Corria and Harry Burton in Kiev

Yan Tabachnyk, People's Artist of Ukraine:

“Knowing the excellent attitude of such a great country as the United States to our country Ukraine, on behalf of the Supreme Council of the Order of Honor, I have the honor to award the Order of Honor, which in Latin is called Honorum Abo, to Ambassador John Tefft.


The share of Ukraine is the share of all, who live under the high blue Ukrainian sky, pratsyu on the native land. With the generous pracea of \u200b\u200bthe skin for us to create glorious sides of history, not a proper assessment and comprehension by state institutions.

This year, it is still important to make the zeal-power idea and spiritually renewed, to accept the forgiveness of patriotism, on good terms, to wake up democratic, legal, economically middle-class, socially, socially.

Buti Patriot is a great honor and great prominence before the people of power, the homeland and the coming generations. It is from our skin to lie down, which is our power, how our children live, our great-grandchildren.

In my opinion, the international project "Ukraine and Ukraine - the color of the nation, the pride of the country" is meant to be a great testimony and to the great enthusiasm for the intellectual right of life and the breadth of life.

Pishaimosya, shho mi Ukraintsi! Let the life of the skin be known from us by the light on the right, right on the development and development of the Batkivshchyna, on the good and the development of spirituality to the people. High rose, the will and love to the native land to guide us for the good health.

Don't worry, everything is conceived for cinnamon and in our land and people will be successfully implemented. Do not let our energy, hope and love to the native land, get energy, snags and impressions from the powers that be and reconnect.

I love all the good health, the good spirit, the human goodness and self-talk.

I will go,

Your Yan Tabachnik

International project "Ukraine and Ukrainian-flower of the nation, the pride of the country"

Honor cannot be taken,

You can spend

(A. Chekhov)


Tabachnik Yan Petrovich

Volodar titles "Golden Accordion of Europe", "Grand Maestro", "Zirka of the Ukrainian Estradi" and honorable signs on the Aleja Zirok of Ukraine. Laureate of the All-Russian Prize "Ovatsiya", the International Prize "Art-Olimp", the All-Russian Prize in the Name of M. Lomonosov, the Prize of Sidi Tal. Doctor of Mistress, Doctor of Philosophy. Recipient of the Order of Merit. Cavalier of the Order of St. Stanislav II-IV stages, Cavalier of the Order of Mykoly the Wonderworker, Cavalier of the Order of the Sign "Suspilne viznannya", Cavalier of the Order of Mikhail Lomonosov (Russia), Cavalier of the Order of Peter the Great (All Russia), Cavalier of the Order of the Russian Patriarch , Chevalier of the Order of St. Volodymyr of the 1st degree, Chevalier of the Order of St. George the Victory. Professor of the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts. Honorary professor of the Tel Aviv Conservatory (Izrail). Honorary Professor of the Academy of the Name of Karel Lipinskiy (Poland).

Sveti to be fond of the kind and humanity, and more precisely on people, like every day to shy away the kind-hearted great and the little ones, at which they do not pretend to be especially respectful of the vinyatkov staged. Itself such a people є "The Golden Accordion of Europe" - Yan Petrovich Tabachnik.
Vin was born in Chernivtsi in the Bidniy Intelligent Evreyskiy Sem. Batko pratsyuvav as an Engineer of Light Industry, Mother - as a Specialist in Artistic Language. Friendship homeland still loved music. I tse slipped into the share of Yan Petrovich.
After drinking the Accordion to the hands of Tabachnik, since it was ten rocky, and with the help of the instrument, the share got it right. The thirteen-year-old boy is grab on the stage, and sixteen rockies are on the professional street.
Yan Tabachnyk worked in the national orchestras of the Astrakhan, Kalmyk, Batumi, Oryol and Yalta Philharmonics, as well as in the Lenkontsert. Monument 15 rocky good times passed at the Zaporozhye Regional Philharmonic.

Dovgі rocky natural rehearsals and easy pratsі gave results. Yan Petrovich, about "having traveled all over the continent of the world, having reached such a height of success, and at the same time not causing any sick ailments. His talent is not only for common people, but for the princes, kings, and the president.
Nіhto not zdogaduvsya, but behind the glory and success of Tabachnik stood the life of the tamnitsi and the important viprobuvannya. Yogo vіnnya know and have sili, but they look for the unreasoning and see the smiles of soulless people, they were overwhelmed. Only the one, who passed through such viprobuvannya, the price of life and friendship. Mother is a great number of friends - it means being happy.
To the testimony of the fact that Yan Petrovich Tabachnik has a lot of friends є one of the most rated projects “I have the honor to invite ...”. This wonderful turn of the axis has already eighteen years of selection at the same time in various politicians and businessmen, artists and actors, athletes and pratsivniks of culture. On a visit to the People's Artist they come not only from the little crowds of Ukraine, but from the largest republics of the Radiansky Union, the president and the stars of the show business for the world.

Winning for himself, without all the sounds "tongues, depriving God of the talent given by God. Wine is honest and fair. Yana Tabachnyk knows not only as a familiar accordionist, wine is a symbol of decency, dignity, hard work. your era.

Lyudin will become a human being, if it’s good enough to be good, and only that she can become happy. The share brought down on Yan Petrovich a lot of human happiness - a miraculous squad, beautiful blue, glory, knowledge, material good. From the heart of the line is light and warm. It’s worthless to share generously with those who need a stench, like a fortune, love “for the motherland and friends, for glory — for Fatherland, for which it is so rich.


The People's Deputy of Ukraine was awarded a presidential award for his contribution to the development of Ukrainian-Georgian relations and fruitful public activities

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has awarded the People's Deputy of Ukraine Yan Tabachnyk with the Order of Shining. The Ukrainian politician and musician was awarded the President's award for his contribution to strengthening bilateral relations, popularizing Georgian culture, and fruitful social and humanitarian activities. Presenting the award, Mr. Saakashvili expressed special gratitude to the parliamentarian for supporting Georgia during the August 2008 events. According to the Georgian leader, Yan Tabachnik was one of those who raised their voices in defense of Georgia. “You are not only the head of a famous theater, musician and professor, but also a great public figure, and just as you started your career in Georgia, I started my career in Ukraine,” Mikheil Saakashvili stressed.

The presidential order "Shining" was established in Georgia in the summer of 2009. This award is presented for outstanding service to public figures, representatives of the spheres of culture, education, science, art and sports.

People's Artist of Ukraine, winner of the "Golden Accordion" of Europe, holder of the Order of Nicholas the Wonderworker, poet and composer Jan Tabachnik (31.07.45).
He has reached in music all the heights that can only be reached: "Golden Accordion of Europe" and many other titles. He has already entered the history of culture as a living classic. But the distinctive feature of this man is not at all in his musical talent (at least not only in him). If it were now possible to proclaim a nationwide competition for the title of the best public figure, the palm would probably have been given to Jan Tabachnik.
For the first time in the Soviet Union they got acquainted with the skill of accordionist Jan Tabachnik in 1976 - it was then that his first solo disc "Popular Melodies" appeared. Prior to that, the future maestro worked (since 1964 in rock music) in the pop orchestras of the Astrakhan, Kalmyk, Batumi, Oryol and Yalta philharmonic societies and in the Lenconcert. The second disc "Hello, accordion", composed from the melodies of the peoples of the world, had to wait nine years. Only in 1987 did it become possible to record a disc of Jewish music "What time is it?" (sound engineer and conductor of studio symphonic jazz Yuri Vinnik) - the disc was released in 1989 and since that time Tabachnik has been consistently releasing solo albums every two years. The ensembles led by Jan Tabachnyk were somewhat less fortunate - only two songs remained on one of the 1983 Melodiya discs in memory of the folk-VIA of the Zaporozhye Philharmonic "Riff". Better fate for the next project of Tabachnik "New Day" - at first, a rather ordinary VIA, he became famous in the late 80s with the program "Jewish Renaissance".
"New Day" received the first prize - "Golden Minor" at the festival in Krakow in 1990 and recorded the disc "Hades always Hades" on "Audio Ukraine". Soon there were two “New Days” - the musicians headed by keyboardist and composer Dmitry Biryukov settled in Kiev, and unable to go beyond the VIA genre with a new repertoire, they could not stand the competition and fell apart. And the new "New Day" by Yan Tabachnik is a brilliant, sparkling show, with which they have already traveled all over the world and recorded two CDs. The official recognition of the group's professional level was the first place at the Dolya festival in Chernivtsi in September 1992. In the summer of 1994, in Zaporozhye, the 30th anniversary of the creative activity of the People's Artist of Ukraine Yan Tabachnyk was gloriously celebrated - there were guests from the USA, Australia, Israel, Russia ... A year later Tabachnik became the head of the Odessa Municipal Music Theater, in which he celebrated his 50th anniversary.

Awards owned by Jan Tabachnik:
People's Artist of Ukraine
People's Deputy of Ukraine
Owner of the title "Golden Accordion of Europe"
Owner of the title "Grand Maestro"
Owner of the title "Ukrainian Variety Star" and an honorary award at the "Alley of Stars"
Doctor of Art History
Full Cavalier of the Order of Ukraine "For Merit"
Commander of the Order of St. Stanislaus II degree
Commander of the Order of St. Stanislaus, III degree
Commander of the Order of St. Stanislav IV degree
Commander of the Order of Nicholas the Wonderworker
Commander of the Order of Mikhail Lomonosov
Chevalier of the Order of Peter the Great
Chevalier of the Order of "St. Vladimir", 1st degree
Chevalier of the Order of "International Glory" from Patriarch of All Russia Alexy II
Laureate of the All-Russian Prize "Ovation"
Laureate of the International Prize "Art-Olympus"
Laureate of the Sidi Tal
Professor of the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts
Honorary Professor of the Tel Aviv Conservatory
Honorary Professor of the Academy. Karel Lipinsky

Official site: yan-tabachnik.com.ua

In 1990 he graduated from the Melitopol State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in music and singing (qualification - a teacher of music and singing).

Career. I first picked up an accordion at the age of 10. The entire fate of Tabachnik was connected with this instrument. At the age of 13 he started working in semi-professional teams, and at the age of 16 he went to the professional stage.

1964-1966 - Variety artist of the Astrakhan Regional Philharmonic, musician-instrumentalist of the Philharmonic of the Georgian SSR.

1967-1968 - accordionist of the pop orchestra of the Philharmonic Society of the South Coast of Crimea.

1968-1969 - artistic director Pervomaisky District House of Culture Chernivtsi.

1969-1970 - Artist, soloist-instrumentalist of the Adjara branch of the Georgian Philharmonic.

1970-1972 - Director of the Pervomaisky District House of Culture in Chernivtsi.

1972-1973 - soloist-instrumentalist of the pop ensemble of the Adjara Philharmonic.

1973-1994 - accompanist, artistic director of the folklore ensembles "Surmi", "New Day" of the House of Culture of Railwaymen of the Zaporozhye Regional Philharmonic.

1995-2000 - Work at the Odessa Municipal Music Theater of Yan Tabachnik. Concurrently, in 1997-1998, - professor of the department folk instruments Kiev National University of Culture and Arts.

2000-2006 - Deputy General Director for Social Issues of an Enterprise with Foreign Investments Steel Track (Kiev).

In 2006, 2007 and 2012. Yan Tabachnyk becomes a People's Deputy of Ukraine on the list. In the Verkhovna Rada of the V convocation, he held the post of first deputy head of the committee on spirituality and culture. In the parliament of the VI and VII convocations, he works in the committee on combating organized crime and corruption as head of the subcommittee on control, coordination, information, analytical and research support in the fight against organized crime and corruption.

Member of the Party of Regions.

Views and ratings. Perhaps the musician's "campaign" in politics was predetermined not only by long-standing friendship or friendly relations with many well-known politicians of the periods of government and. In 2005, after the Orange Revolution, the maestro became very angry with the then Deputy Prime Minister for Humanitarian Affairs for allegedly making anti-Semitic statements against some cultural figures suspected of rejecting the "ideals of the Maidan." In addition, there was a reason to be offended by the fact that the new government took away from Tabachnik a land plot of 8 hectares on the Dnieper embankment in the capital, where the famous accordionist planned to build an "international creative center".

Already in parliament, the transition from the committee on culture to the committee on combating corruption was explained by the fact that he wants to "solve the problems of a corrupt culture." “I don’t know a single festival in our country where there would be honest relations. Someone might say that this is an unfounded accusation. But I know how it’s done! And I’m talking about festivals that are backed by budget money,” - said the musician in an interview. However, the media do not report on the active anti-corruption activities of the master. And the statistical database for recording speeches, parliamentary inquiries and submitted bills, posted on the website of the Verkhovna Rada, has not yet recorded the initiatives of parliamentarian Tabachnik during the V-VI convocations.

The musician and deputy says that at one time he even became friends with his family. And assessing his relations with those in power, Tabachnik said: "For me, Yushchenko, Kuchma, and Kravchuk are the same. None of them gave me a thread. My main sponsor is my hump, with which I earned everything I have. ".

Social activity. Since 2000 Tabachnyk has been the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the All-Ukrainian Fund of Hope and Good. Honorary Professor of the Tel Aviv Conservatory and the Karl Lipinsky Academy of Music.

Regalia. People's Artist of Ukraine. Full Commander of the Order of Merit. Winner of the titles "Golden Accordion of Europe", "Grand Maestro", laureate of the All-Russian Prize "Ovation", etc. Doctor of Art History.

Family. Married. Wife - singer Tatyana Nedelskaya (born 1973). The musician has three sons - Peter (born in 1996), Pavel (born in 2000) and Mikhail (born in 2002).

Whatever Ukrainian nationalists broadcast about the special historical path of Ukraine and the fundamental differences in the mentality of Ukrainians and Russians, life itself speaks of the opposite. The close centuries-old neighborhood of two peoples, their common history sometimes lead to the simultaneous appearance in both countries of absolutely identical characters, indistinguishable from each other, like doubles.

Take the music. For many decades in the USSR, and then in Russia, more than one official holiday concert is not complete without Joseph Kobzon. With his patriotic-state repertoire, he represents the face of power and even became a part of it. In independent Russia, Kobzon was actively involved in politics, representing the ruling party in many convocations of the State Duma. However, the most titled singer in terms of the number of titles and state awards was born in the same, albeit eastern, but still Ukraine. In addition to the stage, Kobzon has successfully taken root in big business, has huge connections among politicians and among the "shadow" tycoons hidden from the eyes of law-abiding citizens of the world.

Its complete analogue now lives and lives in Ukraine. The name of the "Ukrainian Kobzon" is Yan Tabachnik. The Ukrainian pop patriarch still had a harder creative waythan his Russian counterpart. Kobzon chose at all times the most popular genre of pop vocal among the people. Yan Tabachnik does not sing, but masterfully plays the accordion, for years carrying on himself a rather weighty musical instrument... It's not even about its weight. Nevertheless, let the masterly performed instrumental musical compositions not be as memorable and take the soul as the voice of the singer and the words of the song. However, people fell in love with the work of Jan Tabachnik. Real talent cannot be overlooked. The result of many years of creative work was 5 giant discs, 11 CDs, released with works performed by Tabachnik. The accordion master himself successfully composed pop songs, sharing them with the same Iosif Kobzon, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Valentina Tolkunova.

Yan Tabachnik is a little younger than Kobzon. He was born in 1945 in Chernivtsi on the territory of the former Romania. Since childhood, he sat down to the accordion and could not imagine life without it. Music later became his profession. He started in Kiev as an accompanist in a circus. Then a long touring life began. Yan Tabachnik began to explore endless spaces Soviet Unionworking in various philharmonic societies. First it was Astrakhan, then neighboring Kalmykia.

Further, his path ran across the Caucasian ridge. He worked in Georgia for a long time, preferring southern Adjara. He returned to Ukraine closer to the declaration of independence by a well-known and wealthy artist, settling first in Odessa, and then in Kiev. He is well known by the large Ukrainian diaspora of the USA and Canada, where he often visited with concerts. His author's program “I have the honor to invite”, where Yan Tabachnyk met with the most famous people in Ukraine, enjoyed great popularity in his homeland.

Conventionally, the life of Jan Tabachnik can be divided into 2 halves. In the first, he earned himself fame in the world of music and money for a living, "sabbath" with touring tours across the vast USSR, preferring to work in the southern philharmonic societies. This is, in fact, a repetition of the path on the stage of the Honored Artist of Checheno-Ingushetia Iosif Kobzon. In his mature years, Jan Tabachnik began to actively collect titles, degrees and awards, gaining an impressive number of them. He was even more interested in connections with influential people in Ukraine. He is personally acquainted with all presidents, prime ministers, oligarchs, and more or less important politicians. The authorities generously endowed him with attention.

The musician took an active part in the work of the All-Ukrainian Foundation of Hope and Good, which was patronized by the wife of the country's second president, Lyudmila Kuchma. The virtuoso did not miss a single charity event of the foundation, performing in orphanages, boarding schools, nursing homes, as well as correctional colonies, etc. With the leaders of a specific contingent, Yan Tabachnik also established good relations, having received the nickname Musician from them. Several times the Musician acted as a mediator in resolving conflicts between authorities and law enforcement agencies. He himself was not noticed in any. I was just friends with people with a difficult biography. He did not have to make excuses, like Kobzon, who was deprived of the right to visit the United States for suspicions in connection with.

Yan Tabanchik and Yanukovych

In Ukraine, presidents and prime ministers changed, but with each of them Yan Tabachnyk found mutual language... The artist now speaks most of all kind words about Leonid Kuchma, who literally did not miss a single of his concerts. Kuchma contributed to the decision to separate famous musician 6.2 hectares of capital land on the banks of the Dnieper. A truly royal gift. The market value of the land plot is estimated at $ 200 million. Viktor Yanukovych is another undisputed favorite for Yan Tabachnik. It was under the banner of his party that Tabachnik entered the Verkhovna Rada, where he remained 3 convocations in a row.

The musician did a lot for Yanukovych. He actively campaigned for him in the election rounds. Sometimes he and Kobzon spent agitation together, performing at concerts. Most of all the professional musician liked his voice in the president. Yanukovych sang masterfully. Yan Tabachnyk dragged him to television in his program and all of Ukraine became convinced that Yanukovych had a singing talent.

Having lived all his life as a non-party member, Yan Tabachnik considered it necessary in his old age to receive a membership card of the Party of Regions for the only time in his life. Deputy Yan Tabachnik regularly appeared in the Verkhovna Rada, but was not as noticeable in it as on the stage. For a long time working in parliament, he never came up with a legislative initiative and did not even get to the rostrum, but he voted regularly. The "Regionals" used the artist's hand as a voting mechanism.

Jan Tabanchik and Igor Zavadsky

Jan Tabachnik recalls those times with great nostalgia. He was at the height of fame and success. Things are different today. In those years, matured the main problem his present. Yan Tabachnik became a defendant in a high-profile criminal case. Strange as it may seem, criminality was based not on commerce with its big money, but on purely creative reasons. In the world of music, the master has a young competitor. It was Igor Zavadsky. Born in Russian Komi, he first conquered Ukraine with his mastery of the accordion, and then collected many awards at international festivals. The glory of the virtuoso Tabachnik began to fade under the onslaught of the young talent. The elderly person experienced creative competition in a peculiar way. In the spirit of the composers Mozart and Salieri.

In March 2012, a police squad raided Igor Zavadsky's Kiev apartment. The musician was arrested and taken to the Shevchenko regional police department. For seven days a lawyer was not allowed to see him, and then he was not allowed to get acquainted with the case materials. In the department, Zavadsky was beaten so that later an ambulance had to be called to him. The young musician himself later told reporters that he was simply tortured, trying to get a frank confession from him. Zavadsky was accused of child molestation. According to investigators, the musician's students turned out to be minor victims. The case went to court, and it began to fall apart in parts. It was found that some of the witnesses simply slandered the musician for money or valuable gifts. The threads led in the direction of Yan Tabachnik. He acted as a customer of the criminal prosecution.

The former people's deputy answered questions about his involvement in the Zavadsky case very harshly, like a real redneck, abundantly using criminal jargon and gestures similar to the "rasping" of prisoners. Denying any involvement in fabricating accusations, Yan Tabachnyk at the same time confirmed that with his huge connections in the criminal world of Ukraine, he could simply physically destroy a competitor.

Unpleasant events have taken place with Zavadsky before. In 1999, while he was on tour, his apartment burned down. In 2006, the artist was beaten by unknown persons right in the center of Kiev on the Maidan. In 2003, a slanderous campaign was launched against him in the press. On the last day of the next year, he was honored with a phone call from Jan Tabachnik himself. Instead of New Year's greetings, the angry famous artist promised his colleague to take his head off if he again hears from someone publicly a comparison that is not in his favor.

Apparently, Yan Tabachnik really understood that Zavadsky possesses what he did not have, does not and will never appear. Characteristically, at the trial it was established that the day after Zavadsky's arrest, Yan Tabachnyk made an emergency visit to another friend of his, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Pshonka, who has now gained fame as a corrupt official and schemer. It turns out that accordion and music in terms of both proud and expansive people can be dangerous. Returning to the Russian-Ukrainian theme, Yan Tabachnik created a precedent for resolving creative differences. God grant that in Russia his method is not adopted.