
The meaning of the proverb the world is not without good people. Ivan mikhailovich shevtsov light is not without kind people. The tramp gave the last money to the student

The day before, when I was returning home after a working day, I saw at the door of my entrance a stained notebook leaflet with a ruler, where it was written in big letters: “Dear residents of the house! Yesterday at nine o'clock in the morning, 400 rubles were lost near the entrance. Suddenly, if someone picked up, please bring them, please, to the tenth apartment of Galina Grigorievna. Thank you in advance".

At that moment, it was as if the earth had gone out from under my feet, and my heart began to pound in a frantic rhythm from the fact that I remember Galina Grigorievna, or Baba Galya, from my very childhood. Galina Grigorievna's husband died when the children were still very young, and the children live in different cities. Nevertheless, Baba Galya, given her rather old age, is beautiful, pleasant, despite the difficulties of life, did not give up, often looked after the children, and it also happened, looked after me. In our yard, everyone knew her very well, loved, respected and treated her with reverence.

And then an idea came to me, what if I take these 400 rubles to her, since for me this is not such a huge amount, but for an elderly woman of a pensioner this is a sufficient amount for which she can buy something necessary, with such thoughts I took the required amount from the purse and knocked on the apartment where Baba Galya lived.

Suddenly after knocking the door with small but loud steps, grandmother came up to the door and opened the door. Seeing that this is Galina Grigorievna, I immediately handed her four hundred rubles. Suddenly, to my surprise, Baba Galina began to throw up her hands and say:

- Oh, Svetochka, you are my Svetochka, what are you all doing and? Today you are probably the tenth person who brings me money.

- Baba Galina, take me, I beg you. After all, you lost them near our entrance, I walked past, saw and picked them up. True, I found it!

- Sveta! Baba Galya in a raised tone. - Take away the money, quickly to whom I said, let's go together and drink some tea and pies. After a while Baba Galya took me into a clean kitchen, a small kitchen room, and served me a cup of tea with a plate with a beautiful border, from which there was just a wonderful smell of freshly baked homemade pies. Then Baba Galina remembered that she had not locked the door, taking advantage of the moment when she went to lock the door, she nevertheless decided to leave her money, I imperceptibly put it under a beautiful shawl where the pies were laid out. Having thanked, I was about to put on my shoes and leaving the apartment Galina Grigorievna shouted at the trail:

- Svetochka, darling, do a good deed, remove the ad from the entrance door. That's not my ad!

I saw that in the morning a completely different advertisement was hanging in the entrance, where it was written: “Dear neighbors! Many thanks for your help. You are welcome to visit me in the evening for a cake with tea. Baba Galina ".

"THE WORLD IS NOT WITHOUT GOOD PEOPLE" - I always liked this proverb and I often remembered it when I met kind people in my life who responded to a request for help, and sometimes did not wait for it, seeing that I needed it:

I remember how a young stranger named Shamil bought me a ticket for the next train for his own money, when in the distant seventies I remained in a severe frost on the platform and could not squeeze into the common carriage of the Moscow-Sverdlovsk train: there were simply no other places, money too ... The queues at the ticket offices in those days wound in five rows and there were not enough tickets for everyone.

Grandmothers, neighbors in a communal apartment, who during perestroika took my coupons to buy them: I myself did not have time, disappearing almost all the time at school and at work.

The boss in a distant Karelian town-village, who almost paid for me - a young specialist in forestry)), so that I was allocated the best room in the hostel, which I never occupied - families with children huddled nearby.

The mother of a friend who shared humanitarian aid during perestroika with me - a medical student, whose increased scholarship at once turned into a pile of discounted pieces of paper.

Skipping here memories of entire decades of life and kind people whom I met then, along the way refuting the opinion of those who believe that there are almost no good people left, I confirm that they are always and everywhere:

An unknown girl in Brovary near Kiev just came up to me and said: "Your bag is heavy - let's help!" And she helped)

An elderly intelligent Frau in Hamburg was not too lazy to go upstairs with us from the metro to show us where to go next.

An employee of one of the major airports in Turkey, on my sad assumption that a couple of bottles of collection wine, bought during the excursion, in a suitcase (in this direction, the movers threw them SO !!!) simply said: "Give them to me. I will give them to you. On boarding. " And she gave it away in front of the astonished queue lined up for landing. By the way, when we opened the suitcase at home, we found that even, at first glance, durable plastic bottles with shampoo and something else could not stand the flight and loading: they cracked and flowed.

Yes, you can't write everything .... Why am I: I read an article on the blog "I was my mother's only son (good tram)" and remembered about my "good trams, trains and airplanes" - about people whose kindness makes them like that.

And here is the story itself:

“I was my mother’s only son. She married late and the doctors forbade her to give birth. The mother didn’t obey the doctors, at her own risk and lasted up to six months and only then went to the antenatal clinic. I was a welcome child in the family. Grandfather and grandmother, dad and even my half-sister doted on me, and my mother just blew dust particles from her only son!

Mom started working very early, and before work had to take me to kindergarten "Dubki", located near the Timiryazev Academy. To get to work, my mother rode the first buses and trams, which were usually driven by the same drivers. We got off the tram, she took me to the gate of the kindergarten, handed me over to the teacher, ran to the stop and ... waited for the next tram.

After several delays, she was warned of dismissal, and since we, like everyone else, lived very modestly and could not live on one of my father's salaries, my mother, reluctantly, came up with a solution: to let me out alone, a three-year-old baby, at a bus stop in hope, that I myself will walk from the tram to the gate of the kindergarten. We did it right the first time, although those seconds were the longest and most terrible in her life. She rushed about the half-empty tram to see if I had entered the gate, or still crawling, wrapped in a fur coat with a scarf, felt boots and a hat.

After some time, my mother suddenly noticed that the tram began to move away from the stop very slowly and pick up speed only when I was hiding behind the garden gate. This went on for all three years, while I went to kindergarten. Mom could not, and did not try to find an explanation for such a strange pattern. The main thing is that her heart was calm for me.

Everything became clear only a few years later, when I started going to school. My mother and I went to her work, and suddenly the driver called out to me: “Hello, baby! You've become such an adult! Do you remember how your mother and I accompanied you to the kindergarten ...? "

Many years have passed, but every time, passing by the Dubki stop, I remember this little episode of my life, and my heart becomes a little warmer from the kindness of this woman, who every day, absolutely disinterestedly, did one small good deed, just a little delaying the whole tram for the peace of a complete stranger to her! "

In our time, a statement of this kind is quite sharp and not many people think about what concepts such as kindness and a kind person mean.

It is clear that each of us at school was taught that each a person should be kind and carry into the world at least a small amount of this beautiful concept, but it seems to us that today many people have completely forgotten what it means. On this occasion, there is a wonderful one.

Many of us see how our world more and more often becomes material, one in which people are more and more dependent on money. Why is such a world so beautiful? A lot of expensive and simple enough things that can satisfy you for some time, or those unprincipled feelings that have become so popular in our time?

Of course, the value of human existence lies far from this. Everyone understands that a person is a social being who, no matter how much, needs the support and help of another, and this is precisely what real kindness is in our time. Unselfish in our time are extremely rare, but they still exist and many people tend to do the so-called good, which, in the opinion of many people, has lost its real meaning.

It would seem that the road is far from the best place for doing good deeds, but as we can see from the video, this is far from the case. Many people agree to go to unselfish help, but not many bring their desire to the so-called final end. Someone lacks motivation, someone is simply lazy, and someone is not interested - everyone has their own reasons for this, because you and I live in a time of democracy, where everyone decides for himself what is best for him to do, and how to proceed.

However, despite all this, we can say that kind people in our time is and many people will agree with it. You can even use a little allegory and say that good is that part or that hotbed of pleasant emotions and disinterested help that has been laid in us since childhood.

Yes, one can agree with this, but one cannot fail to notice that each person uses this particular “hearth” to the extent of his needs. So, for example, someone only thinks about how to help other people and offer at least someone to use their disinterestedness, and someone does not understand the happiness that lies under such a wonderful concept as selfless help... For instance, .

It has a deep philosophical meaning, and maybe some people have not yet fully discovered it for themselves, but throughout their lives they will definitely succeed and there will be one more kind person in the world.

As optimistic as it sounds, it really is. Be kind people and give those around you that "hearth" of kindness and joy that was given to you by nature - and you will definitely succeed, no doubt!

The world is not without good people

Grandfather Savely began to prepare for this event ahead of time. At the end of May, his granddaughter Dimka comes to his village. He does not come himself, of course, his parents will. Not yet mature enough to travel independently over such distances. After the first class, he will spend the third summer in the company of his grandfather. Didn't come to school. Kindergartens and summer cottages were not allowed.

Savely lives alone. He buried his wife three years ago. Very soon seventy. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to endure loneliness, so he was preparing for the meeting, as for a holiday: he cleaned the hut, heated the bathhouse - he had to steam out from the road. Cooked lunch: cabbage soup, porridge, jelly. The day before I went to a local shop, bought some treats: a few bags of dry lemonade (diluted with cold water, it will be good), a kilogram of small pretzels and, of course, a whole pack of stringy squares, “chewing”, as Dimka calls them. It has become too fashionable for children. Well, let him amuse himself. He took field glasses from the chest, rubbed them, and admired them. Still, a gift from the commander! "For good service" - so embossed on a tin. Now this is a gift to my grandson. I straightened the ladder to the hayloft, where an old wheelbarrow wheel was nailed down by the window, which Dimka twisted like a steering wheel every time he looked through the window through binoculars, pretending to be a captain. He gave commands and carried them out himself.

The meeting was warm and joyful. Now there is someone with whom Savely can talk, tell something, and it is very interesting to listen to himself: how his grandson studied, what he did in the evenings, who and what friends he has.

All day long they dug: first in the garden, then in the garden. We went to the forest for the first strawberries. We listened to the nightingales and the cuckoo. They wondered how many years were left to live. We tried to catch fish in our little river with a line. Time flew by unnoticed. Savely's soul was light and calm. And how necessary is peace of mind during these years! During his long, difficult life, Savely was worried to the extreme. Live a little without fuss. After all, soon it will be necessary to die.

On this ill-fated day, nothing foreshadowed trouble. In the morning, they once again examined the garden, fed the chickens, had breakfast and were going to go into the nearest forest, see the first russula and pick up a couple of cuttings for rakes and shovels. While they were dressing, Savely poured water into the pot and put it on the stove. He will warm up, they say, wash the dishes and go. And how did it happen that at the last minute he forgot about the saucepan on the gas burner, closed the house, and went the old boy towards the forest.

Dimka wore binoculars around his neck, which he constantly applied to his eyes and tried to take a closer look at everything that came into his field of vision. He was attracted by the blue cloudless sky, bright green grass, wet with dew, the singing of birds and a stream that met on the way. Crossing the stream, Dimka sat down and began to draw water with his palm to drink.

Grandpa! And you wanted to take a bottle of water to the forest and rye bread with salt, did you? Black lightning pierced Savely's mind. He remembered the forgotten bottle on the table and a pot of water on the stove.

Dima! You did not see? Did I turn off the gas or not?

No, I haven't! Savely's legs buckled. Consciousness has become clouded. The whole body was shot with convulsions. He had already clearly seen how a painted wooden partition would light up from a hot pot. Already smoke is pouring out from under the roof. The flames engulfed the whole house and spread to the neighboring ones. The people who fled are huddled at the only well and cannot do anything with the fire. The fire engine drove up to a wide ditch that surrounds the street, but it is impossible to pass, the bridge does not allow. All this horror presented itself in consciousness in one second.

Dima! Dima! House on fire. I left the gas on! Look through binoculars, can you see smoke over our street?

No, you can't see anything!

Then let's run !.

Dimka shot forward like an arrow.

Dima! Dima! Take this key! But remembering that the lock was difficult to open, he waved his hand hopelessly and trotted after his grandson. Choking completely, he bent down on the grass by the road. The grandson, seeing his grandfather on the sidelines, returned. The child's heart felt mortal danger and was about to be torn to pieces. Either stay with grandfather, or run to the house.

Now Savely no longer remembers how they got to the porch, how they opened the lock. He only remembers that they ran into the kitchen and saw a vessel red-hot to crimson color and a smoking partition. He also remembers a cloud of steam rising to the ceiling from a saucepan thrown into a bucket of water. Passing into the front room, he, as he was in everything, collapsed on the bed. A wild, inhuman groan escaped his chest. Hands grabbed his own hair and froze. The cap rolled on the floor. He passed out.

Dimka stood there for a while in confusion, but then he jumped out into the street and set off as urine as possible to Baba Ulyasha, who lived opposite. She came to their house and used to treat him with goat milk.

Ulyana was alarmed when she saw a bellowing, out of breath Dimka, and when she heard bad news, she shouted across the alley:

Darya! With Savely, it’s bad, probably again my heart, run to Nastasya, she has some pills from Peter left! And she herself, taking a bottle of holy water from behind the goddess, hurried to help.

Savely lay face up with closed eyes and arms outstretched to the sides. His beard and mustache were bristling like tufts of an unkempt tow. Baba Ulyasha bent over him: is he breathing? She unbuttoned her shirt. Then she made the sign of the cross and, taking holy water into her mouth, sprinkled Savely's face three times.

Daria and Nastasya appeared. One brought pills, the other an infusion of immortelle. They took off their boots, quilted jacket, jacket. Loose the belt of the trousers. Ulyana rubbed her chest with her hands and recited the prayer "May God rise again." Savely opened his eyes:

Granddaughter! Native! Where are you? Run to the track, maybe you will leave somehow. Tell my mother that I feel bad, but let them go to the flatmate.

Neighbor, Nikolai Ivanovich, a general practitioner, like Savely, has long been retired. But he sometimes opened his traveling bag, helped his family and friends. They became friends when Savely lived in the city for two weeks. It was painfully severe frosts that winter, it was cold in the village. Then he came to Savely in the village and gladly spent two summers in a row.

Dimka ran for two miles to the highway without a break. He had never yet had to go on such long trips alone, without adults. But the grandson's debt and love for grandfather overcame fear.

On the track, some owner of a private car, seeing a child crying and frantically waving his hands, stopped:

What's up, kid?

Grandpa is dying, he sent for mom.

Well sit down! Where do you live? Do you know?

A kind, merciful person turned out to be, God grant him health. He drove Dima to the very entrance, although not on the way. I wished my grandfather good health. We would all be so responsive.

Meanwhile, Savely felt better. He sat up on the bed, saw the neighbors bustling about him:

Forgive me, old man, I gave you trouble, tore you away from your affairs. God will save you, my good friends, I owe you!

What are you, what are you! What do you owe us? We should bow at your feet. Over there I was fixing the roof of Ulyana, I put a new latch on the gate of Nastasya, I ruled the city! - Daria listed. - Low bow to you for this!

Before sunset, an old Moskvich stopped under the window. It was Nikolai Ivanovich who arrived with his little suitcase, taking his relatives along the way.

Everything in the hut was tidied up and washed. Savely lay in bed with his head tied with a towel. Baba Ulyasha was in charge of the household. She fussed and helped the doctor as much as she could. After the injection and the pills, Savely felt relief and wanted to get up, but the right side did not obey, and he was again laid down, forbidden to move.

The next morning, my daughter and her husband went to the track, we have to go to work. And his friends remained to heal his grandfather: Baba Ulyasha with her friends, an old doctor and grandson Dimka. And only thanks to their tireless care, death receded. In a few days he could already sit up. His heart grew calmer. He could not hide his tears of gratitude to these people.

Truly, the world is not without good people!

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The world is not without kind people Grandfather Savely began to prepare for this event ahead of time. At the end of May, his granddaughter Dimka comes to his village. He does not come himself, of course, his parents will. Not yet mature enough to travel independently over such distances. After the first class there will be

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Post about those who do good and change the world in better side without further words "\u003e A post about those who do good and change the world for the better without further words" alt \u003d "(! LANG: The world is not without good people A post about those who do good and change the world for the better without further ado!}">

You can talk and write a lot about good, but it's best to create it, as the heroes of this post did. Someone can call their actions heroism, self-sacrifice, even recklessness. Although this is just a manifestation of humanity. They did not remain indifferent, could not pass by, or simply did their duty. When such actions cease to amaze us, we will rise one step higher!


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