
Mercy, compassion - the arguments of the exam. An example of disinterestedness in literature Arguments for selfless help matteo

V. Hugo in his novel "Les Miserables" tells the story of how a thief once stole silver dishes from the bishop's house, where he asked for the night. The police managed to quickly cope with the capture of the criminal and bring him to the priest's house. However, the bishop, to the surprise of the thief and the police, said that the things were taken from the house with his own permission.

The fraudster was struck by what had happened to the depths of his soul, and in an instant he was reborn, embarking on the true path. So the author wanted to convey to his reader the idea that by his own faith in virtue

human and conscience, the bishop awakened similar qualities in the thief, changing him in the literal sense of the word.

AI Kuprin wrote the work "The Wonderful Doctor", which tells about the story of little Grisha Mertsalov, who met on his own path in childhood Dr. Pirogov, who absolutely disinterestedly saved the life of the hero's younger sister, and helped the whole Mertsalov family. The Grisha family literally expected death from starvation, and the search for work for his father always ended in failure.

A lucky chance brought his father to a man who eventually turned out to be a doctor. It was at that moment that all troubles in the hero's family came to an end. A job was found for the father, the boys began to attend the gymnasium, and the sister recovered. Grisha grew up and got the position of a bank manager. Kuprin endowed his character with sensitivity to the requests of people in trouble. Many times they have told this story about a wonderful doctor to friends and family. His memories were filled with gratitude and warmth. Such feelings of the hero can be understood because it was thanks to the doctor, his attention, sincerity and disinterestedness that the child's personality was formed.

From the story "French Lessons", written by V. Rasputin, we learn that the teacher Lidia Mikhailovna had a great influence on the formation of the personality of the protagonist. She managed to become for him the most memorable person in life, as she taught the main science - the science of humanity and generosity. She strove to provide all possible support to the boy in difficult times.

Other works on this topic:

  1. Mentally referring to Russian classical literature, let us recall the novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov.” The atmosphere of laziness, idleness, which reigned in the family of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, disfigured the soul of little Ilya, which ...
  2. Every person has a dream. For some, it remains just a dream, an unobtrusive and sometimes unrealizable desire, while for others it becomes life purpose... And those whose ...
  3. There is no doubt that the life of any person is valuable. But not everyone can understand even the value of their own life, let alone others. And, as it seems to me, only ...
  4. Each of us should make the motto the phrase from “ The little prince"Antoine Saint-Exupery:" We are responsible for those we have tamed. " The pages of the best-selling fairy tale are imbued with humanity ...
  5. In the text proposed for analysis, Yu. Ya. Yakovlev raises the problem of heroism, heroism and selflessness. It is over her that he ponders. This problem of a socio-moral nature is not ...
  6. In the text proposed for analysis, V.P. Astafiev raises the problem of the loss of loved ones and late remorse In front of them. It is over her that he ponders. It...
  7. Have you ever thought about old age? Young people hardly think about her because of their age. Why think about the distant future when you are full of energy, ...
  8. The text proposed for analysis raises the problem of childhood. Childhood is an integral part of every person's life, therefore, the themes of childhood will never lose their relevance. To interest ...

“Argumentation. Attraction literary material"- one of the main criteria for evaluating the final essay. Using literary sources competently, the student demonstrates his erudition and deep understanding of the problem posed. At the same time, it is important not only to give a link to the work, but also to skillfully include it in the reasoning by analyzing specific episodes corresponding to the chosen topic. How to do it? We offer you, as an example, arguments from the literature in the direction of "Indifference and responsiveness" of 10 famous works.

  1. The heroine of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova is a man with a sensitive heart. Thanks to her intervention, carts, which were originally intended for moving and loaded with things, were given to transport wounded soldiers. Another example of a caring attitude towards the world and people is Platon Karataev. He goes to war, rescuing his younger brother, and, although he does not like the fight at all, even in such conditions the hero remains kind and sympathetic. Plato “loved and lived lovingly with everything that life brought him to”, helped other prisoners (in particular, fed Pierre when he was captured), took care of a stray dog.
  2. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" many heroes manifest themselves as pronounced altruists or egoists. The first, of course, includes Sonechka Marmeladova, who sacrifices herself to provide for her family, and then goes into exile after Raskolnikov, trying to save his soul. We must not forget about Razumikhin: he is poor and lives hardly better than Raskolnikov, but he is always ready to help him - he offers a friend a job, buys clothes for him, gives him money. In contrast to these noble people, the image of Luzhin is presented, for example. Luzhin “loved and appreciated his money more than anything else in the world”; he wanted to marry Raskolnikov's sister Duna, pursuing a base goal - to take a poor wife, who would be forever indebted to him. It is noteworthy that he does not even bother with worries about the future bride and her mother getting to St. Petersburg with comfort. Indifference to the fate of the closest people translates into the same attitude to the world and characterizes the hero from the negative side. As we know, fate paid tribute to the sympathetic characters, but punished the indifferent characters.
  3. The type of a person who lives for himself is drawn by I.A. Bunin in the story "The gentleman from San Francisco". The hero - a certain wealthy gentleman whose name we never know - sets off on a journey "for the sole sake of entertainment." He spends time in a circle of his own kind, and divides other people into service personnel and an annoying "hindrance" to his enjoyment - such are, for example, agents and ragamuffins on the embankment, as well as inhabitants of miserable houses that a gentleman from San Francisco has to contemplate on the way ... However, after a sudden death, he himself, from a supposedly respected and revered person, becomes a burden, and the same people in whose loyalty he believed because he was “generous” send his corpse home in a soda box. With this gross irony I.A. Bunin illustrates the well-known folk wisdom: as he comes around, he will respond.
  4. An example of selflessness is the hero of the collection of stories by M.A. Bulgakov's "Notes of a Young Doctor". A young doctor named Bomgard, who recently graduated from university, goes to work in a rural hospital, where he faces harsh living conditions, human ignorance, terrible diseases and, finally, death itself. But against all odds, he fights for every patient; goes to the sick, day and night, not sparing himself; constantly learning and improving her skills. It is significant that Beaumgard is not a heroic person, he is often not sure of himself and, like everyone else, experiences fear, but at the decisive moment a sense of professional duty wins over everything else.
  5. The indifference of people to each other is especially scary when it, like a virus, covers the entire society. Such a situation developed in the story of V.P. Astafieva "Lyudochka". It opposes life path the heroine and the attitude towards her from others, from the family to society as a whole. Lyudochka is a country girl who moves to the city in search of a better life. She works hard at work, uncomplainingly takes care of the housekeeping instead of the woman from whom she rents an apartment, endures the rudeness of the "youth" around her, until the last minute consoles a dying man in the hospital ... and this time after time leads her to trouble. Alas, no one, not even her own mother, extended a helping hand to her at the right time, and the girl committed suicide. The saddest thing is that for society this situation is in the order of things, which is reflected in dry, but terrible statistics.
  6. The image of a kind-hearted, sympathetic person is key in the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn's "Matryonin Dvor". Matryona's fate cannot be called enviable: she is a widow, buried six children, worked for many years on a collective farm "for the sticks of workdays", did not receive a pension and remained poor in old age. Despite this, the heroine retained a cheerful disposition, sociability, love of work and a willingness to help another, without demanding anything in return. The culmination of her self-sacrifice becomes a tragic incident on the railway, which ends with the death of the heroine. Surprisingly, her face, not touched by the terrible accident, was "intact, calm, more alive than dead" - just like the face of a saint.
  7. In the story "Gooseberry" by A.P. Chekhov, we meet a hero possessed by a base material goal. Such is the narrator's brother, Nikolai Chimsha-Himalayan, who dreams of buying an estate, and certainly with gooseberry bushes. For this, he does not stop at anything: he lives sparingly, is greedy, marries an old rich widow and starves her. He is indifferent to people, so he is ready to sacrifice their interests for his own. Finally, his dream comes true, he feels happy and does not notice that the gooseberry is sour - to such an extent he has renounced real life... This terrifies the narrator, he with a fiery speech addresses “ happy person", Calling to remember," that there are unfortunate people, that no matter how happy he is ... trouble strikes ... and no one will see or hear him, as now he does not see and hear others. " It was revealed to the narrator that the meaning of life is not in personal happiness, but in something more reasonable and great. "Do good!" - this is how he ends his speech, hoping that young people who still have the strength and the ability to change something will not follow the path of his brother and become responsive people.
  8. It is not easy for a person with an open and responsive soul to live in the world. So it happened with Chudik from the story of the same name by V.M. Shukshin. As a grown man, the hero thinks and behaves like a child. He reaches out to people, loves to talk and joke, strives to be on good terms with everyone, but constantly gets trapped due to the fact that he does not look like the "right adult." Let's recall one episode: on the plane Chudik asks his neighbor to buckle up, as the stewardess ordered; he takes his words with obvious displeasure. The landing is not entirely successful: Chudik's neighbor falls from the chair, so much so that he loses the denture. The eccentric rushes to his aid - but in response he again receives a portion of irritation and anger. And so everyone treats him, from strangers to family members. Chudik's responsiveness and society's unwillingness to understand someone who does not fit into the framework are two sides of the same problem.
  9. The topic of indifference to one's neighbor is the subject of the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". Girl Nastya, secretary of the Union of Artists, gives all her strength to the work. She cares about the fate of painters and sculptors, organizes exhibitions and competitions, and does not find time to see her old sick mother who lives in the village. Finally, having received a telegram that her mother is dying, Nastya sets off, but too late ... The author warns readers against making the same mistake, the guilt for which will probably remain with the heroine for life.
  10. The manifestations of altruism during the wartime are of particular importance, since it is often about life and death. T. Kenilli's novel "Schindler's Ark" is a story about a German businessman and NSDAP member Oskar Schindler, who organizes production during the Holocaust and employs Jews, thereby saving them from destruction. This requires a lot of effort from Schindler: he has to keep in touch with the right people, go to bribe, forge documents, but the result - more than a thousand lives saved and the eternal gratitude of these people and their descendants - is for the hero the main award... The impression of this selfless act is reinforced by the fact that the novel is based on true events.
  11. Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

In procreation - if you do not hope for children in the future

When a person asks such a question, there is a particle of selflessness inside him))) It is commendable.)) And it can be expressed in different ways.))

You are right, there are no disinterested actions. Everyone gets some benefit from it. In the TV series Friends, a whole series was devoted to this issue.

So I disinterestedly gave my grandmother 10 rubles in the market. because she thought she needed them more. What is my self-interest, I will never see her again. If only my conscience needs to do good

I will not give it, because I agree with you. We are all selfish, looking for both material and moral self-interest.)

In the service of my friends - officers of the fleet. I don’t know how many, but the people I’m talking about serve our common, alas, their homeland, which is ungrateful to them (each of them has other talents and education).

yes no it happens and very often charity is anonymous. . mother's love is disinterested (a glass of water)... But at the same time, it is a well-known fact that people are driven by vanity and a thirst for money, or the fear of losing them.

What does it mean to be a selfless person?

Selflessness is one of the best moral qualities. An unselfish person does everything for others and does not demand a reward for this work. It seems to me that in our today's world, where money reigns, it is very difficult to find such a person who is ready to come to the rescue at any moment and do something good and useful completely free of charge. Now almost everyone is worried about material goods and no one wants to spend mental and physical strength on something that will not bring them profit.

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    © Sochinyashka.Ru: What does it mean to be a selfless person?

An example of selflessness in life

Selflessness is the ability of a person to perform actions that bring benefits (material or psychological) to others, without expecting mutual gratitude, compensation or other benefit from what is done. Selflessness as a personality trait puts the personality itself among the very last points of the priority scale, being anti-aspiration, anti-control, anti-measurement. In selflessness, there is no expectation of benefits and no calculation of the resources spent (neither the money spent, nor sleepless nights are important).

What is unselfishness

The manifestation of unselfishness is compared with the manifestation of inner freedom in the maximum version, where actions are performed not for the sake of mercantile prudence and not for the sake of a great good idea, but are simply performed in the present (without authority, looking to the future and prerequisites, but guided by a desire to improve the lives of others).

Selflessness as a personality trait reflects the highest value motives, not obeying external or social principles, since any concept requires the expectation of a certain outcome and divides the world according to the worth of actions, and in disinterested manifestations there is no scale for assessing the consequences for oneself. There is only an assessment of how at a given second you can improve the world, well-being or mood of another, even if gratitude comes from the outside or personal losses follow for the good brought.

Selflessness, being an intrapersonal quality, has its outward manifestation and realization in the effective sphere, where, manifesting itself as good towards others, there is no expectation of personal bonuses and benefits in return. Selflessness is alien not only to the pursuit of tangible benefit, but also to the desire for self-promotion or building a certain image with the help of actions. Actions performed should be assessed as if no one would ever know about them, and the performer would remain behind the curtain of a secret forever, i.e. all that a person can receive from selfless motives is to enjoy observing the happiness brought, and even then not always, because often the joy of accomplishment is hidden.

Often people deceive themselves, believing their own actions to be disinterested, but if you conduct a deeper analysis of the motivation and the situation, it may turn out that the actions were taken to gain trust, get praise, or earn support from a person in the future (to be good and useful now, so that later reap the benefits of a good relationship in the future).

Love and friendship imply selflessness as an integral part of building such a relationship. It may look like a rash act, but aimed at the benefit of another. Selling a car to pay for an operation to a friend, putting in the shoes of a boss who offends a girl are examples of serious and noticeable reactions, but there are more life-like and prosaic, filled with disinterestedness when a person leaves reading his favorite book and goes to help open a can when he hurries home and prepares a delicious dinner for the second tired (if behind these actions there are no thoughts about their own benefits and comparison of how to spend time better, then these are examples of how friendship gives rise to selflessness).

Why is it so much talk about disinterestedness and strive to develop it, if there is no practical benefit, some costs? It would seem that evolutionarily this type of behavior should have been fixed as negative and gradually exterminated from human behavior, but the whole difficulty lies in the fact that disinterestedness affects higher spheres of human existence than the physiological at the level of which evolutionary instincts operate. Being at the level of high spiritual development, disinterestedness does not affect the material spheres (disinterestedness is hardly possible in times of complex hierarchy and a fight for a piece of meat), being located at the level of the spirit. At this spiritual level, the happiness experienced from a perfect selfless act overshadows any physical pleasures in its sensations, since it is a higher quality and subtle filling of the entire human being.

Once immersed in this sensation, the concept of spiritual life changes, values \u200b\u200bare reevaluated, priorities are re-set, and the person himself is surprised how useless and stupid things used to occupy leading positions in his worldview. Changes selfless behavior and the attitude of the world towards it. While we are guided by the laws of profit and personal self-interest, we tend to demand and pressure, manipulate and intimidate, and few people around us like this kind of treatment.

An unselfish person lives for the sake of others, without causing violence and without knocking out what he wants from people, his ability to give everything gives rise to response impulses in the surrounding reality, and people happily help those who do not take care of themselves, realize the desires of those who do something for this, but at the same time helps to fulfill the dreams of others.

People around us read the motivation for our actions and try to stay away from those seeking profit, and they are more drawn to those who live for others. It may seem that, being disinterested, a person risks being surrounded by selfish people seeking to profit from this quality, but the mechanisms of the universe and human communication are arranged in such a way that more good comes back. In an effort to thank them for their sincere help, people build strong relationships and offer the best options to those who helped without imposing a debt. Ease and freedom are very much appreciated in relationships, many even try to pull the hardest problems alone, just not to be indebted to someone for their help in resolving, and it is at this junction that real sincere relationships are born that do not require return, but rejoice in it.

Selflessly - how's that?

Unselfishness is a way of being in a world where one's own life belongs not so much to a person as to being and space. This is a philosophy of rejection of one's own needs with sensitivity to the needs of the environment, while there is no rigid separation and application of volitional efforts - everything happens independently and organically, since one’s own personality and the world around him are perceived integrally and equally valuable.

For selflessness, there is no comparison, which would be better - to eat dinner or help a friend in the garage, and if a friend calls, then you just need to go out. Following the requests of the world around us becomes an exciting adventure in the understanding that we are all one with this world, and a friend's running motorcycle is equal to a meal eaten (by at least, on replenishment with energy, and whether it is spiritual or material is a matter of processing). This level of selfless behavior is usually achieved through prolonged spiritual path or a deep crisis, but some are simply born with a similar attitude, where serving others, without expecting a reward, is perceived as the highest freedom to manifest the strength of one's own spirit.

It is possible to act selflessly on many levels: from unwillingness to act to the detriment of others, to conscious action in the direction of improving the life of another. To commit an act unselfishly means to commit it on the verge of self-denial, forgetting about the benefits, but at the same time feeling the joy of the freedom of one's own personality. The constant need for material wealth imposes many restrictions, just as the psychological trauma received makes people act within the same scenarios in order to get what they have not received, and a selfless act gives an intoxicating feeling of freedom to go beyond these restrictions.

Unselfishness is love, without hope for reciprocity, friendship with someone who is weaker and unable to help, doing good to those who continue to respond with evil or simply never return. Unselfishness is politeness in response to rudeness, it is helping people in difficult situations (acquaintances and passers-by), it is a refusal to praise and gifts for their actions.

And if there is an interest and desire to develop this quality in oneself, then it is enough to look at people every day, wondering what can be done to make this person happy. Try small things, maybe not immediately make you happy right away, but start by helping you smile now or relieve suffering. It may turn out that not much is required - someone needs to be hugged, and someone should give his jacket, but it is important not to follow the logical gaze of an expert conducting an inventory of someone else's life (so you risk giving people your projections), but to try to feel what is missing a person really. Secret - if you guessed right, then the person's eyes will light up with happiness.

Examples of disinterested help in literature

For example, Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace.

Unheard of kindness and spiritual generosity are shown

heroes of the work during the war of 1812.

Pierre Bezukhov equips everyone with his own money

necessary a whole detachment of militias, and himself with them

goes to war with Napoleon.

After the defeat of our troops at Borodino Kutuzov

invites everyone to leave Moscow, and the Rostov family

going to leave for his estate, loading the property

But when Natasha Rostova finds out that carts are needed

for the removal of the wounded from burning Moscow,

she immediately orders to release the carts and

provide them to the wounded.

This is the novel "Crime and Punishment".

Rodion Raskolnikov, on the verge of poverty and madness,

gives almost all of his money sent to him by his mother

and my sister, at the funeral of Marmeladov, crushed by a horse.

Pyotr Grinev gave Pugachev his rabbit sheepskin coat,

while showing unheard of generosity.

Sitting and standing and lying in a layer,

Zaitsev about a dozen escaped on it

“I would have taken you - but sink the boat! "

It is a pity for them, however, but a pity for the find -

I got hooked on a twig

And he dragged the log behind him.

It was fun for women, children,

How I gave a ride to the village of hares:

“Look-ko: what is old Mazai doing! "

without saying a word, it becomes between me and my food. And here in my refectory, even a ball roll! Eat pike, eat shark!

I would like to know how many rows of teeth are in your mouth? Eat, wolf cub! No, I take that word back - out of respect for

wolves. Swallow my food, boa constrictor! I worked, worked, but my stomach was empty, my throat was dry, my pancreas was in pain, everything

intestines cramped; worked until late at night - and this is my reward: I watch another eat. Well, so be it, let's share dinner

in half. He got bread, potatoes and bacon, me milk.

They are all for one sample, useless! As soon as you present what they want, they become silent.

The baby swallowed milk so hastily and with such eagerness dug into the artificial breast extended to her by this

a grumpy providence that coughed up.

You're going to choke, ”Ursus grunted angrily. - Look, too, a glutton anywhere!

He took the sponge away from her, waited until the cough subsided, then put the bottle in her mouth again, saying:

An example of selflessness in life

an essay about a selfless person whom I have met in my life

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Katea99 04.24.2013

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Selflessness is a spiritual quality that encourages you to do good without thinking about benefits.

Here are classic examples from literature and life. Danko, who tore out his heart to light the way for people, and Alexander Matrosov, who covered the fire of the enemy machine gun. Natasha Rostova, who threw out things to put the wounded in carts, and Daniil Ivanovich Kyutinen, a baker (!) Of besieged Leningrad who died of starvation. Everyone knows many examples.

I believe that true selflessness is manifested not only in actions, but also in the readiness for them, the ability to compassion and see who needs help.

And for me the most disinterested person in my life is my mother, Lydia Vasilievna, whose life was full of cares and worries about others. Without any self-interest, at the behest of the heart.

I remember I was about 10 years old. The parents went shopping, but soon returned with a crying girl. They ordered to feed and went to the police, to arrange her fate. I don’t remember exactly what it was. It seems that the mother is a drunkard, and the girl is either lost or asked for bread at the store. But it was firmly imprinted in my memory that she could become my sister and my younger sister.

And a few years later, having seen an unfamiliar woman at a family holiday, I heard the following story. The woman was sitting on a bench in the park, her eyes closed. Mom, of course, rushed to her: "Are you feeling bad?" In the ensuing conversation, I learned that Lyubov Nikolaevna, who had recently moved to our city, is lonely, her sister and son are far away. Since then, Lyubochka has become our frequent guest. And when she got sick, my mother sent me to help her with the housework.

In our bookcases, subscription editions are not infrequently variegated. This is a replacement that had to be bought in second-hand bookstores, not returned volumes (someone needed it, but we had it - just according to the school curriculum!).

Mom had many friends and good acquaintances. And in the purse there were always sweets to treat someone on occasion. Just. Selflessly.

An example of selflessness and philanthropy: a guy makes haircuts homeless for free

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After a hard week of work, the 28-year-old hairdresser does not go out for the weekend, but goes out into the streets of his city in search of the homeless. The guy cuts them for free, trying to make these people a little happier.

In the British city of Exeter (Exeter, Devonshire) a little hero has appeared. Joshua Coombes is a hairdresser. The fact is that this guy has been dedicating every weekend to the homeless for 6 months, giving them haircuts.

In addition, Joshua helps the homeless, his actions involve the public in a social problem, which many prefer to remain silent about. And it works. Sometimes people come up to an impromptu mini-salon and treat everyone to coffee or bring food. Well, for people left homeless, this unselfish gesture returns hope that everything is not lost.

While Joshua is busy with the homeless, his friend photographer Matt Spracklen captures these before and after haircuts and posts them on Instagram.

Joshua was inspired to such an event by the example of Mark Bustos from New York. This one also walks the city streets and does hair for the homeless for free. Thus, he helps people who are less fortunate in life than him.

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People are altruists, the meaning of the word and examples from life

Hello dear friends and guests of my blog! Today I will touch on the topic - altruism, tell you about the meaning of this word and give examples. An altruist is a person who acts selflessly, without expecting anything in return. It seems to me that now it is very important, and our society needs to awaken these wonderful qualities in itself. I hope my article will help you with this.


The word altruist is the exact opposite of the word egoist. That is, this is a person who cares about others, performs deeds and actions that benefit society, even to the detriment of himself. This concept was introduced by the French sociologist Auguste Comte. In his opinion, the main principle of altruism is to live for others. Of course, I don't really like the word damage, since disinterestedness is still not acting out of inferiority, but out of abundance, most likely. Not necessarily this abundance is manifested in some kind of material wealth of a person, rather it is an abundance of soul and heart. In the article on compassion, I touched on this a bit.

The characteristic qualities of an altruistic personality are kindness, responsiveness, empathy, activity, compassion. The heart chakra works well in people who are prone to altruism. Outwardly, they can be recognized by their eyes, which emit a warm radiance. As a rule, altruistic individuals are optimists. Instead of wasting time feeling depressed and complaining about the world, they just make it a better place.

Examples of altruistic activities

The properties of altruistic actions may differ from sex to sex. As a rule, in women, they are of a longer duration. For example, they often give up their careers for the benefit of their family. And men, on the contrary, are characterized by momentary heroic impulses: to pull a person out of the fire, throw themselves with their chest on the embrasure. As during the Great Patriotic War, Alexander Matrosov and many other unknown heroes did it.

The desire to help others is by nature inherent in all living beings. This is true even of animals. For example, dolphins help wounded fellows to stay afloat, they can swim for long hours under the sick, pushing him to the surface so that he can breathe. Cats, dogs, foxes, walruses care for orphaned cubs as their own.

Also, altruism can include volunteering, donation, mentoring (only on the condition that the teacher does not charge a fixed fee for this).

Famous people are altruists

Some altruistic actions are so strong in their depth that they go down in history for a long time. Thus, during the Second World War, the German industrialist Oskar Schindler became famous throughout the world for saving about 1,000 Jews who worked at his factory from death. Schindler was not a righteous man, but saving his workers, he made many sacrifices: he spent a lot of money on the farms of officials, risked going to prison. In honor of him, they wrote a book and shot the film "Schindrer's List". Of course, he could not have known that this would glorify him, so this act can be considered truly altruistic.

The Russian physician Fyodor Petrovich Gaaz can be attributed to real altruists. He devoted his life to serving humanity, for which he was called the "holy doctor." Fyodor Petrovich helped poor people with medicines, softened the fate of prisoners and exiles. His favorite words, which can be used as a motto for altruists, are: “Hurry up to do good! Learn to forgive, desire reconciliation, overcome evil with good. Try to raise the fallen one, soften the embittered one, correct the morally destroyed. "

Famous altruists include any spiritual teachers and mentors (Christ, Buddha, Prabhupada, etc.) who help people become better. They give their time, energy, and sometimes life, without demanding anything in return.

The best reward for them may be that the students accepted the knowledge and took the path of spiritual development.

Hidden motives

As I have already said, in our souls, by nature, is inherent in the desire to take care of the world around us and about people, because we are all interconnected. But sometimes the mind prevails over the impulses of the heart. In such cases, selfishness and concern only for his own welfare awakens in a person.

Let me give you an example. A young girl takes care of a sick elderly man, only because after that he will write his house on her. Can this be called an altruistic act? Of course not, because the original goal pursued by this girl is not to help the person, but the immediate benefit after that.


Increasingly, good deeds (unselfish at first glance) are performed in order to increase their reputation. World stars without exception took up charity and other philontropic activities. This motif is called - "the potlatch effect", in honor of the Indian ceremony of demonstrative exchange of gifts. When sharp feuds arose between tribes, a struggle for authority began, but this was an unusual battle. Each leader of the tribe made a feast, to which he invited his enemies. He generously treated them and presented them with expensive gifts. Thus, they showed their power and wealth.

Personal sympathy

The most common motive for altruistic behavior is sympathy. It is more pleasant for people to help those they like, their friends and loved ones. In some ways, this motive intersects with self-promotion, because one of its goals is to arouse the respect of people dear to us. But there is still a significant difference, because there is love for others.


Some people devote their whole lives to altruistic deeds and service to society, while not experiencing inner satisfaction and harmony. The reason for this is internal emptiness, so a person throws all his strength into the salvation of other people's souls so as not to hear a cry for his own help.

True selflessness

Consider this situation. A man walks next to you on crutches and drops his glasses. What will you do? I am sure that you will pick them up and give them to him, without the thought that he should do something good for you in return. But imagine that he silently takes his glasses and without saying a word of gratitude turns around and leaves. How will you feel? That you were not appreciated and that all people are ungrateful? If so, then there is no smell of true altruism. But if, in spite of everything, from this act your soul will warm up, then this is sincere altruism, and not a manifestation of banal politeness.

A true altruist is not looking for material gain (fame, honor, respect), his goal is much higher. Providing selfless help to others, our soul becomes cleaner and brighter, and accordingly, the whole world becomes a little better, because everything in it is interconnected.

In order for selfish, selfish people not to "sit on the head" of an altruist, it is necessary to develop awareness in oneself. Then you can distinguish between those who really need help from those who are just trying to use you.


In conclusion, I want to tell you a story from the ancient Vedic scriptures, which illustrates the manifestation of true altruism and selflessness. Watch the video.

Ruslan Tsvirkun wrote for you. I wish you to grow and develop spiritually. Help your friends in this and share useful information with them. If you have any clarifying questions, do not hesitate to ask, I will be happy to answer them.

Thanks for the interesting, detailed article. I was looking for material on this topic for an essay. There are really no examples on the Internet, everywhere only about Mother Teresa and about the wife who lives with an alcoholic, although this example can hardly be called altruism.

I am glad that the article was useful.

That's who I am))))). And everyone says: you are either a fool or a saint: - / Thanks for the article)

Ruslan, thank you for the article. The topic is really interesting.

Much has been written and said about altruism. In general terms, altruism is a desire and willingness to help someone in need without demanding anything in return.

Now you can often hear the saying from people: "Do not do good, you will not get evil." I thought about it a lot, read and listened.

The first thing I came to is what you describe in the article. Good should be disinterested, sincere, coming from the heart. When doing things, you should not get attached to their fruits.

And second, you need to follow the rule of true altruism (it turns out that altruism can also be false).

True altruism has three fundamental components.

1. The presence of a request for help.

It happens that we just think that a person needs help, and we, imposing with our help, interfere with him in the implementation of some of his plans.

2. Desire to help.

It happens that a person has asked for help once, second, third, and has simply become insolent. We see that he is simply lazy. And we no longer have a desire to help him. In other words, we are not given energy from above, since our help will lead the asking one to degradation. Such is the disservice.

3. Availability of opportunities to provide assistance.

This means helping out of abundance, not at the expense.

All these three points must be taken into account together, otherwise the proverb “Do not do good, you will not get evil” will still work.

And always, if you want to help others, you need to take into account the time, place, circumstances, showing sanity.

Thank you for your comment

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    Essay 1 - about the work of a military plant during the war.

    Usually, human life goes by without much upheaval and incidents. Small misfortunes happen to a person, sometimes small joys happen to him - in general, he lives more or less measuredly, obeying the rules and customs established in society. But in the life of not one person, but entire tribes, peoples and states, there are periods when they have to exist in a rather unusual environment. Moreover, this situation is unusual most often from a negative side for a person. Hunger, wars, droughts, revolutions ... What to do if such a misfortune happened to your country, tribe or nation? The question of actions to be taken in extreme circumstances is considered, among other things, in Granin's text.

    The text tells about the work of a tank factory that produces KV tanks in Chelyabinsk under the leadership of a certain Zaltsman during the Great Patriotic War. Working conditions at the plant and episodes from its history are specifically considered. The aforementioned conditions were difficult: the frost reached minus forty, due to the need to warm up the engines, the air in it was heavily gassed. Zaltsman somehow drove the ventilation specialists, giving them a day to solve the problem and threatening that if they did not meet it, he would ban them in the shop and start all the motors until they burned out. The author notes that it was this strict condition that helped to establish ventilation, and proceeds to describe another episode. The plant worked very hard, especially during the days of the battle for Moscow. Since the fate of Moscow depended on the Saltsman tanks, according to Stalin, who called him, the workers, including many old people and children of pre-conscription age, did not leave the plant for five days. As a result, three echelons of the tank went to Moscow, and later the fourth went too: Zaltsman made the chief engineer Gutin fly behind a radio equipment stuck somewhere with a train, despite the fact that it was not known exactly where the train was and how to get to it. Nevertheless, Zaltsman rejected all objections with the words: "There are no impossible things!" Judging by the author's words from the final paragraph, such methods used by factory directors were the norm during the war, although they were condemned after the war.

    Knowing Granin's attitude to Zaltsman - and he, apparently, treated him very respectfully - one can formulate the author's position. It apparently lies in the fact that an unusually difficult situation requires non-standard, even harsh methods of getting out of it. Sometimes even the suffering of people for the sake of achieving a result is justified by the result of their work.

    It is difficult to argue with Granin, since in such extraordinary situations one has to make a choice between the bad - overstrain, overwork, injury and even death of people at work, and very bad - in this case, the victory of the enemy. Difficulties should not be allowed to break. When trying to act in inhuman conditions by human methods, you are very likely to fail, although few will judge you for it.

    As an illustration to the conclusions, it would be nice to start with an excerpt from a work about the Great Patriotic War, since it is war that is one of the most critical situations in which, in principle, a person can get. Moreover, this approach provides a certain continuity with Granin's text. Of the many possible works, I would consider "The Tale of a Real Man" by Polevoy, or rather, a certain Vasily Vasilyevich and other staff of the Moscow clinic where Meresiev was treated. This clinic was renowned, with established traditions, with a high level of patient service. The war could not but affect her: the number of sick and wounded increased significantly, as well as the number of beds for them. The latter sometimes had to be exhibited in the corridor. In an extremely tense atmosphere, the tired staff of the clinic, led by their boss, managed to maintain the same quality of patient care and more or less pre-war order. Why did they do it? Because Vasily Vasilyevich, working furiously himself, did not allow others to relax, believing that right now, during the war, the hospital should have the strictest order. He did not accept any excuses from work and did not refuse it himself. Perhaps, if doctors, nurses and other hospital employees worked less intensively, they would look better, healthier. But the price of this would be the life and health of the defenders of the Motherland, including the protagonist.

    Of course, the heads of factories, hospitals, and other logistic institutions are not the only people on earth who make important choices in dire conditions. Moreover, it is not only in war that people have to make superhuman efforts to help themselves and others get out of a difficult situation. These are literally the efforts that Danko from Gorky's Old Woman Izergil had to make. To begin with, he turned out to be the only strong-willed person in the tribe in order to offer to look for a way out of the forests and swamps, despite all the threatening dangers. Not that the rest of his tribe were particularly weak-willed, they were just overwhelmed by a terrible life without a sky over their heads, with poisonous fumes that had to be inhaled, and a terrifying rumble of wind. One way or another, Danko led them. The tribe, exhausted on the way from fatigue, losing people, began to grumble at Danko, and then even threatened to kill him. His explanations did not improve the situation in the least. Then, realizing that without his help, they would die, Danko decided to sacrifice himself for the sake of others, and, tearing out his heart burning like a torch from his chest, illuminating their path, he led on and took them out into the open space, where he soon fell dead. with a smile on his lips. Had he made any other decision, he would have died anyway, otherwise he at least saved his fellow tribesmen, who, alas, did not appreciate his feat.

    The examples given show that unusual difficulties do require unusual measures to be taken to overcome them. But remember, trying to use some of these techniques in a calm environment is very likely to be ineffective. They can even make the situation worse, which should not be allowed. After all, almost every method has its own limitations and disadvantages.

    Composition 2 is about the children of war.

    Children are our future. A lot depends on how they grow up, which is why parents pay so much attention to their upbringing. It is easy to explain to children what good and evil are in the conditions of ordinary life, but war changes everything. It is difficult to say how the children of war will grow up, who were deprived of their childhood and brought down on them the fear and horror of battles, which not all adults can endure. In his text, the author raises the problem of the influence of war on children.

    At the beginning of the text, the narrator talks about the children who were brought from Leningrad by train. Everyone on the platform knew what the blockade of Leningrad was, and at first no one reacted to the announcement of their arrival. But people began to stop and look at them, despite the fact that they saw a lot in the war. The narrator notes that all the children were different, but they had one thing in common: they were children of war. These two words are absolutely unnatural and express the most destructive nature of war. But the main thing is that the children survived and bring people hope for the future. Apparently, when all the children were dropped off, they went somewhere after the woman, and the narrator compared them to a living stream, in which, according to him, there was an inextricable connection with neighbors. The narrator ends his text with a question about the future of these children, which remains unanswered.

    According to A. Pristavkin, the brought children looked very pitiful, but it didn’t matter, because they were alive and gave hope for revival: “For, although they were children of war, pitiful burns on black ashes, they were living children. ; children, saved and carried out of the perilous flame, and this meant rebirth and hope for the future, without which there could be no further life for these people who are also different on the platform ”. In addition, the author believes that they had one common distinguishing feature: their behavior: “... which was expressed in how they behaved towards each other and towards adults, how they stood, how they held hands, lined up in a column ... ", - the author described it with one expression" children of war ".

    I cannot but agree with the opinion of the author. Children in the war are extremely hard. They are forced to grow up ahead of time and do things unusual for children. At the same time, they are the future and hope of our country, so adults should protect them, try to protect them at least a little from the horror that war brings with it.

    L. Kassil's work "The Story of the Absent" is a vivid example confirming the position of the author. The action takes place in wartime. The Germans cut off a small military unit from the main army, and it fell into a trap. It was impossible to get out without preliminary reconnaissance. One of the soldiers volunteered himself and went. He walked through a ravine in which he saw a child. The soldier found out that the boy had been watching the Germans all day and knew all their positions. They were about to climb out of the ravine and return to the rest of the unit, but a mine exploded next to them, and the soldier injured his leg. They heard that the Germans were coming to them, then the boy, without hesitation, climbed out of the ravine and went to meet the enemy. He ran down the road in the other direction to distract the Germans from the wounded soldier. The child was shot, but the soldier returned to his own people and led the whole unit out of the forest through the ravine, so that not a single person died. This boy, whose name remained unknown, saved an entire military unit with his heroic deed. The child accomplished a feat that is beyond the power of every adult - this suggests that the war forced him to grow up ahead of time. An innocent child gave his life for the lives of other soldiers and other children.

    Another example is the story of L. Kassil "Marks of Rimma Lebedeva". The village where Rimma and her mother lived was close to the front line, so they moved to the city with her aunt. Rimma went to school, but her aunt did not allow her to study properly, arguing that she was almost at war and now should not overexert herself. At first, the girl resisted, but then she herself began to tell everyone that they were not in the war, they did not know how it was, and stopped studying. There was a hospital near the school, where children went to help the wounded. Rimma made her own hands and brought one of the soldiers a pouch, which looked more like a mitten. The wounded man asked Rimma to write a letter, but the girl wrote very illiterately, and the soldier did not like it. He decided to write letters with her every day and teach her literacy. At the end of the quarter, Rimma brought him a report card with marks in which he stood "excellent" for the Russian language. The war could be an excuse for not getting an education. She changed Rimma's attitude towards the people around her: she looked down on them, because her classmates were not at war. She was lucky that a soldier intervened and helped her become more literate. But it is easy to imagine how many children were unable to acquire knowledge during the war, because they had to fight not for grades, but for life.

    In conclusion, I want to say that war never brings anything good with it. Children who grew up during the war years are very different from the rest, because they did not have a childhood. Someone did not receive an education, someone did not get parental love, someone just had to fight for their lives every day - all this changes consciousness, and it is very important to try to explain to such children what is bad in this world and what is good.

  • Nature theme.

Composition 3 is about chamomile.

Human life has always depended heavily on nature. Despite the fact that now humanity has achieved great results in its development, it is still an integral part of it. In his text, the author raises the problem of the responsibility of generations to their descendants for the preservation of nature.

Y. Yakovlev's text tells how the children found an unusual flower near their house. At first they asked his parents about him, but they did not give an answer. Neighbors came, looked at him, and everyone had their own version of the appearance of a flower, but no one could say anything for sure. Then everyone remembered about the grandmother and decided to contact her. The author says that people now know about the time in which she lived only from books. She answered: it was chamomile. My grandmother said that before there were a lot of these flowers, but they were plucked by everything, and they were gone. The text ends with a statement by the grandmother, who blames her generation for not saving the most dear flower of our land. Modern children are unaware of its existence. Yakovlev ended his text with such sad words in order for the reader to think about the fact that each of our actions has its own consequences that our descendants will feel on themselves.

According to the author, chamomile is the most dear flower of our land: "From childhood to old age, a small sun with white rays shone on a person." Y. Yakovlev believes that previous generations are to blame before the modern for not treating nature with care, and because of this, some plant species have not survived to this day: “We are to blame for you, children! Didn't save the chamomile. The most dear flower of our land was not saved, and it became a stranger to you, like an alien. "

The work of R. Bradbury "Smile" describes the events of the future. Humanity survived a war, as a result of which the entire civilization disappeared, and people returned to the traditional way of life. Not only the achievements of science suffered, but also nature and the environment: the roads were like a saw, up and down, from the bombing, the fields at night shone from radiation. It is difficult to say what harm this war has done to the environment, but, of course, children born after these terrible events saw a completely different world. All this happened due to the fact that someone did not share something. People in the past acted irresponsibly and selfishly, and the consequences have to be dealt with by the younger generations, who inherited only a tiny part of natural resources.

Another example confirming the words of the author is the work of A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard". The estate of the landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya had a huge the Cherry Orchard, which was the pride and simply favorite place of the Ranevsky family. Unfortunately, the beautiful garden was soon to be sold for debts. Lyubov Andreevna has always littered with money, and for the last five years she lived abroad and did not look after the estate. Ranevskaya received an offer to cut down the garden and give the land for summer cottages in order to avoid the sale of the estate. Lyubov Andreyevna is horrified by this proposal, and she refuses it. It turns out that she does not want to cut down the garden, but she allowed to bring it to such a state. Gaev, Ranevskaya's brother, is trying to make some plans to save the garden, he even asks for money from his aunt from Yaroslavl, but all is in vain. It was already too late, and on August 22, on the day of the auction, the estate was sold to Lopakhin, who had previously persuaded Ranevskaya to cut down the garden. So he was going to do after his purchase. Thus, the family did not preserve this wonderful garden for future generations. Due to the negligence of the Ranevsky family, no one else will be able to admire them, walk between trees and pick cherries. Descendants learn about him only from stories.

In conclusion, I want to say that nature undoubtedly plays a key role in human life. People must understand that nature is very fragile, and we must protect it not only for ourselves, but also for our children, for the future of all mankind.

Composition 4 is about animals.

Pets have always been human friends. Therefore, they deserve to be treated properly. Despite the fact that a person has great power over pets, he should not treat them the way he wants. People should take care of their pet, groom and cherish it, and only in this case the pet will respond in kind. It is the problem of the attitude of people to animals that the author raises in his text.

Goncharova begins her text with the introduction of the protagonist, Seraphim, a Chernivtsi veterinarian who loves his patients. A man communicates exclusively with those people who treat their pets well, he does not want to know the rest. For example, Seraphim stopped communicating with Lev Gold, from whom the turtle escaped. For the veterinarian, this person automatically became bad: "Goodbye, Leva Gold, you are an animal." Further, the writer tells about a beautiful cat, which was fed by the owners so that she stopped moving and showing activity. Such owners are also not friends of Seraphim. The next pet is a parrot. He behaves horribly, steals and swears. The veterinarian explains that a bird, unlike its owner, can be pointed out once to mistakes, and she will immediately understand them. The first one about whom positive reviews appear is the donkey Socrates. Seraphim says that he is smart and very quick-witted, although sometimes he still shows his donkey, stupid qualities. About the Osadchikh goat, Seraphim says that she is amorous, stupid and importunate. He blames her owners for her tobacco addiction, whom he considers animals. The veterinarian also talks about the piglet Fyodor, who, according to Seraphim, does not get fat, because everything goes into his mind. The owners of the pig are evil people, they want to kill him. The owners are to blame for the hearing loss of the Tomultsovs' dog, who ruined the talent by taking the dog hunting in winter. Seraphim himself does not have his own pet, because he devotes all his time to others: not only animals, but also their owners. For example, a recently familiar dogina brought puppies. Seraphim spends every day with her, but not only because of the puppies, but because the owners are people. Goncharova, completing her text, writes that it is Seraphim who will be able to tell: which person is good and which one should not communicate with.

The author believes that by the habits of pets, one can tell about the nature of their owners, which is why people should treat animals well. According to the author, only decent and intelligent owners can have well-bred and intelligent pets.

I cannot but agree with the author. In my life I have come across similar situations more than once. It seems to me that pets, like children, they take an example from people and imitate their behavior, so owners should monitor their behavior, pay attention to pets and raise them.

A striking example is the story of Yu. Kazakov "Arcturus - a hound dog". It talks about a hound who was born blind. For his lack, the owners threw him out into the street, where he grew up very fearful, because people kicked and shouted at him all the time. One day he was seen by a doctor who was returning from duty, he took him to his home, washed and fed. After that, the doctor wanted to drive the dog away, but he rested and did not go. So a new inhabitant appeared in the house. Kazakov describes Arcturus as an unusual dog. The animal loved its master passionately, with all its soul. The Doctor is the only one who treated Arcturus kindly, so the dog was incredibly loyal to him. After a while, Arcturus began to spend a lot of time in the forest, hunting instincts made themselves felt. One day he stumbled upon a fox and chased it across the forest. Rumors about unusual dog quickly scattered, and people came to the doctor who offered big money for the dog. The doctor flatly refused, he loved Arcturus very much, he did not need any money. It seems to me that Arcturus understood everything and therefore did not even think about leaving the owner or cheating on him. Probably, if not for an accident in the forest, they would have lived in perfect harmony with the doctor. This story shows in the best way possible that the attitude of a person to an animal is directly related to the relationship of an animal to a person.

Another, no less striking example is the work of K. Paustovsky "Gray gelding". The story tells of a horse that has worked for people all its life. When she could no longer work, the collective farm chairman wanted to send her to the barn, but the groom Petka took pity on the horse and took it for himself. That is why the gelding followed him when Petya and Reuben walked to the river. The horse felt a kind attitude towards himself from Petka, and therefore treated him the same way.

In conclusion, I want to say that many treat animals as stupid creatures, treat them badly and allow themselves to be pushed around by them, but even pets understand everything, therefore they become the same as their owners, they imitate them in everything, in including behavior.

  • Art theme.

Composition 5 is about books.

Lots of people read books every day. However, they have very different attitudes both to the information read and to the book itself. Somebody think literary works noble food for the mind, spiritual mentors. Others see reading as a good way to kill time and dispel boredom. Some individuals generally think that books are good only for kindling the stove. So how should you feel about books? This issue is also considered in the text of V. Soloukhin.

The text is a dialogue between two friends. More precisely, most of it is the story of one of the interlocutors about an incident that took place in the city of K. This incident was associated with the library, namely, with the old books in it. The librarian Valentina Filippovna, with whom the narrator was on good terms, suggested that he take and drive a truck in order to choose any of the available books. She still needed, by order of the city administration, to hand over these works for waste paper, and she hoped that he, her acquaintance, as the only professional writer in the city, would at least save something. By the way, among these books were the first editions of Radishchev, Derzhavin, Baratynsky and Batyushkov, the first books in French by Dumas and Balzac, the Bible illustrated by Dore ... The writer did not take all these rarities, because he was in a lousy mood because of a quarrel with his wife and he was too lazy to hire a truck. Apparently, such an attitude towards really valuable books offended the librarian. The narrator later condemned himself, comparing himself to the fool to whom the treasure is given.

Apparently, the position of the author is that books should be treated with care and appreciated. Some books, from the point of view of Soloukhin, are indeed a treasure. The author condemns those who pass by this wealth.

It is difficult not to agree with Soloukhin, because the books contain a lot of knowledge that can be useful to us in life. Reading books also teaches us to work with information. Finally, reading books, we can touch the beauty, discover a whole world of new emotions and impressions.

In literature, as in life, alas, quite often there is a type of people who do not value books and do not like to read. Some prefer to replace the knowledge gained from books with something pseudoscientific. If such people constitute the majority in society, which, fortunately, is rather difficult to imagine, such a society will face degradation. Let us take, for example, some miserable remnants of humanity from the story of K. Simak "The Generation That Reached the Goal." These people, flying for a long time in a spaceship that carried them off the ground, have already forgotten how to control it and what it is generally intended for. Over time, reading books fell under their ban. They considered their ship to be a whole separate world, and not one of hundreds of the same. The development of science stopped, a religious view of the world dominated in society. On the whole ship, fortunately, there was one single person named John Hoff, to whom the ancestor bequeathed a manual for managing the ship and various books. After reading far from everything that was bequeathed to him, John sharply realized that the picture of the world that all the inhabitants of the ship imagine is strikingly different from the true one. Moreover, he discovered that the ship was heading for the star and they were all in danger of death. Looking ahead, I will say that, had he not dared, despite the ban, to take a book in his hands, people would have died without even knowing what killed them. No one would change the course of the ship, and the people were burned up in the flames of the star. By the way, Hoff's adventures were far from over on realizing the truth. He was left almost alone with his truth. He also had to make sure that, in addition to books, his ancestors had bequeathed him a pistol for a reason ...

Naturally, literary example a degrading humanity that stops appreciating books is quite bright. Experience shows that in the near future hardly anyone will forbid reading books at all. Reading books for the younger generation will gradually be replaced by computers and televisions. This undesirable development of events was also noticed by the physicist Georgy Andreevich from F. Iskander's story "Authority", and the general trend directly affected his youngest son. The latter, grasping the formal meaning of the books, did not understand the deeper meanings inherent in them by the author. In addition, he himself did not like to read books, and he was reluctant to listen to his father's reading. Neither Shot "nor" Captain's daughter"Or" Hadji Murad ". Realizing that, without reading books, his son will miss something very important in his life and move away from him, Georgy Andreevich decided to put his son down for a book, arguing with him that he would beat him at badminton. It was possible to beat my son in badminton, albeit with great difficulty. The reader has the hope that for the latter, at least in this way, wonderful world literature.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a good attitude to books, the ability to appreciate them, of course, is not yet a guarantee of education and success in life. But this quality in itself is very worthy. It is a pity that it occurs less and less often ...

  • Motherland and childhood theme.

Composition 6 is about grandfather's house.

People have different attitudes towards places. When I say the word “place”, I mean not just a geographic coordinate, but something related to your own human memories, like the playground on which you played as a child, school, home ... The latter, for example, can be remembered with warmth every day. But not for everyone it plays such an important role - others consider it only the first place of residence. So how should you relate to the place where your childhood passed? This issue is also considered in Iskander's text.

The narration is in the first person. The narrator describes his longing for his grandfather's home and its reasons. Already in the second paragraph, he says that now that this house is not, he feels robbed. It seems to him that some main root has been chopped off. Explaining his thought, the narrator describes to us all the charm of a place dear to him. It, of course, lies partly in the beauty of both the nature of the yard and the interior decoration of the house, but more important for a person who is familiar with all this is the memories associated with these beautiful objects and objects of nature. About how he listened to hunting stories in the kitchen, how many unripe apples he knocked from the apple tree, and so on. The most important thing, perhaps, was that the house, with its hearth smoke and the kind shade of trees, supported the narrator and made him bold and confident.

The position of the author, apparently, is that you need to treat your home with indifference, with respect and care, because it is important for you, it can help you in your life. The memories associated with it are of great value.

It is difficult to argue with Iskander, because in hard times happy memories help a lot to dispel sadness and longing at least for a while. I think many of them have enough of them connected with their home. In addition, this house is your fortress, a place where you almost always feel comfortable, a place that is almost alive to you. Perhaps for some he is even almost a full-fledged interlocutor ...

There are many works in literature where the main characters, in one way or another, realize the value of their home. In Bradbury's Strawberry Window, for example, a family that has moved to Mars is homesick on Earth. This is especially evident in the example of Kerry. She lacked, it would seem, all sorts of small trinkets that created coziness in the old house, such as an Armenian carpet or Swedish mirrors. The earthly house itself was very different from hers and Bob's today - it was wooden, and the sounds generated by the tree gave him something like a soul. He seemed to have absorbed years. The current house, however, emitted only tinny sounds, as if it did not matter whether the owner lived in it or not. Bob, realizing all this, but at the same time believing that humanity should settle in the Universe in order to preserve itself, so that it will settle down well somewhere by the time the Sun explodes, decides to spend the savings accumulated over ten years in order to transport some of the cute the heart of things on Mars, making living on it a little more comfortable. His decision was understandable, but hasty: Kerry and the children were hardly delighted with such a quick waste of money, and without their knowledge. However, this has no direct relation to the issue we are considering ...

Naturally, the theme of love for the place where you spent your early years is found not only in science fiction literature. For example, in Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" she is one of the main ones. Ranevskaya and Gaev have warm feelings in relation to the garden itself, the estate, the children's rooms and the old closet. The reason is simple: these things remind them of childhood - that glorious time when life was easy, when they did not feel any responsibility for their actions or inaction. Alas, these personalities were both infantile and remained, so they could not save the garden from being sold by auction - instead of decisive actions, they talked about the beauty of the garden, the fate of Russia, and also had fun. Ironically, the garden went to a man who did not understand its value, but offered the most realistic ways to save it, that is, Lopakhin. As a result, the cherry orchard was cut down, the house was boarded up together with the lackey Firs, forgotten by his masters. The former owners were hardly happy about the fate of the estate, where their best years passed.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, of course, your home is hardly the only memorable place in your life. There are cases when a person initially does not have a place that he could call family - and nothing, he lives! But in most cases it is best to remember where you are from, where you grew up, how your life began.

  • The theme of values \u200b\u200bin life.

Composition 7 is about spiritual and material values.

IN modern world people attach great importance to their material well-being, which determines their status in society. Spiritual values \u200b\u200bsometimes fade into the background, but still people need them to satisfy their inner aesthetic needs. What more does a person need in life: material or spiritual values? It is this question that the author raises in the text.

The narration is in the first person. The narrator begins by describing the events that take place. He was on a business trip in Italy, where he met an Italian millionaire, who at the end of the evening invited him to his home for dinner. At first glance, this man was a typical bourgeois millionaire with appropriate demeanor and manners. However, at home, the millionaire said that he was very fond of poetry and released a small collection for friends. The narrator was amazed at the beauty of this collection: it was made of expensive materials, and at the same time with great taste. Then he notes how the Italian changed when talking about poetry: he became softer. The millionaire read him a short poem that formed over the evening, and the narrator noted that it made sense, although he did not expect this from the owner of the factory. The text ends with a speech by an Italian millionaire who says that he is unhappy because he has to deal with a factory, that is, his unloved business, but without the factory, he says, he would be even more unhappy.

The author's opinion is expressed in the text through the words of an Italian millionaire: "I am unhappy, God knows ... But without the factory I would be even more unhappy!" These words make it clear that, according to the author, material values \u200b\u200bare a dominant role in our life, but we cannot do without spiritual values.

I cannot but agree with the author that most people now do not do what they want, do not satisfy their spiritual needs, but do everything in order to become rich, because money can buy everything, including that, what is needed for the soul.

An example of this problem is the work of N.V. Gogol's "Portrait". The work tells about a young artist who had a talent for drawing, but at the very beginning of his journey he was staring at the life of the rich and dreamed of getting into their ranks. And he had such an opportunity: by the will of fate, the artist Chartkov got money, with the help of which he was transformed and became famous. Of course, his first thought was to buy everything he needed to practice and practice his skills for several years, but still the craving for fame turned out to be stronger. In the end, he became very rich and famous, had a certain authority in society, but his portraits were similar to one another, did not contain anything special. Chartkov did not notice this until a picture of his old acquaintance was brought to the city, who left for Italy to develop his skills. The artist was struck by the painting to the core, so he rushed home to try to draw a fallen angel, but nothing came of it. Then he realized that he could not do anything, because he does not know the very beginning, he ruined his talent and nothing can be changed. Chartkov, in a fit of envy and anger, began to buy up paintings and destroy them. In the end, he died of insanity. This example shows that spiritual values \u200b\u200bare still more important than material ones. For Chartkov, the main thing in life was wealth, of course, he realized that it was wrong, but it was already too late to change anything.

Another example is the work of A.P. Chekhov's "Ionych". The protagonist of the story, the zemstvo doctor Dmitry Ionovich Startsev, comes to work in the provincial town of S. He is an open person, ready to communicate, and soon the doctor meets the Turkins family and goes to visit them. He liked their company: each family member had their own talents. Having renewed his acquaintance a year later, he falls in love with Kitty, the Turkins' daughter. Calling the girl to the garden, Startsev tries to declare his love and unexpectedly receives a note from Kitty where he is assigned a date at the cemetery. Startsev is almost sure that this is a joke, but he still goes to the cemetery at night and waits for Ekaterina Ivanovna for several hours to no avail, indulging in romantic dreams. The next day, dressed in someone else's tailcoat, Startsev goes to propose to Ekaterina Ivanovna, and is refused. We see that for the zemstvo doctor, spiritual values \u200b\u200bare in the first place, he is keen on communicating with people, his feelings for Kotik, but her refusal hurt his pride. Four years later, Startsev has a lot of practice and a lot of work. He visits the Turkins again, but recalling his love for the Kitty, he feels awkward, and the Turkins' talents are no longer so attractive to him. Over time, Ionych only increases his practice, out of greed he cannot quit his job. Startsev's life is boring, nothing interests him, he is lonely. It is easy to see that at the beginning of the story, when spiritual values \u200b\u200bwere important to Ionych, he was a more pleasant and cheerful person than at the end, when he was only interested in money. It turns out that spiritual values \u200b\u200bare needed in a person's life, because they give him the strength to live and develop.

In conclusion, I want to say that you need to be able to combine material wealth and spiritual needs. Sometimes without money it is impossible to fulfill your spiritual dreams, but we must not forget that it is our inner human values \u200b\u200bthat help us to remain human. It seems to me that everything is important: both material and spiritual values, the main thing is not to forget that one contributes to the development of the other.

Composition 8 is about selfless help.

In modern society, people do everything for a certain fee, no one will make an extra effort to help a person, although before there was nothing special in coming to the aid of other people and not demanding anything in return. That is why in his text the author raises the problem of selfless help to people.

The narration is in the first person. The narrator begins by describing the situation referred to in the text. He says that once his son was very ill, and one of those days Arkady Gaidar came to him. The narrator's family could not get a rare medicine for their son, then Gaidar called his home and asked to send all the boys from their yard. When they arrived, he sent them all over Moscow in search of this medicine. Gaidar sat at the phone, and when someone called and said that there was no medicine in the pharmacy, he sent this boy on. In the end, the necessary medicine was found in Maryina Roscha. The narrator says that Gaidar could not be thanked, he did not like it, as he considered any help to be the norm. Further, he describes another case, how he and Gaidar walked along the street on which a pipe crane burst. People had already started running to block it, but water was still pouring and washing the ground out from under the small garden. Then Arkady Petrovich, without hesitation, ran to the pipe and blocked it with his hand. Despite the fact that he was in great pain, he held her until the pipe was closed. He was glad that he managed to save the little garden. The narrator ends his text with warm words about Gaidar.

According to the author, helping other people should become the norm for every person. The author's opinion is confirmed by the words of the narrator about Gaidar: “It was impossible to thank him. He was very angry when he was thanked for his help. He considered helping a person the same thing as, say, greeting. " K. Paustovsky believes that selfless help brings joy both to those who have been helped and to those who have helped.

An example of this problem is the work of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil". The third part tells about how in the old days a tribe lived, which was strong, cheerful and courageous, but other tribes came and drove out the old ones. They began to wander through the forests in search of a new place of residence, but it was impossible to live in the forests, since the sun did not break through there, and a terrible stench emanated from the swamps. When people were already desperate, Danko appeared. He led them through the forest and the people followed him. It was a difficult journey with no end in sight. When everyone was finally exhausted, they blamed Danko for all their troubles. People wanted to kill him, but Danko tore out his heart, which lit up the entire forest. People followed Danko again, fascinated by the radiance of his heart. In the end, the forest ended, and the steppe stretched out in front of everyone. Danko looked at it proudly and died. People immediately forgot about him, one even stepped on Danko's heart, but he never asked for something in return. His love for people was so great that he was able to sacrifice his life to save his tribe and did not even demand gratitude in return.

Another example is the story of L. Kassil “Marks of Rimma Lebedeva”. The action takes place during the war. Rimma and her mother were for some time next to the front line, and then they left for their aunt. In a new place, Rimma went to school again, but her aunt did not allow her to exert herself too much, because she said that she had not yet recovered from the experience. Over time, Rimma herself began to think the same way, so she did not do her homework and studied poorly. All the children in their class went to the hospital. The girls were embroidering pouches for the wounded, and Rimma sewed it too, however, it turned out not very foldable. The soldier she gave it to asked to write a letter for him, as his hand was injured. When the wounded man began to check for Rimma, he saw a large number of mistakes. Since then, Rimma came to the soldier every day, and they wrote letters, and then analyzed the mistakes. At the end of the quarter, the girl brought the wounded a statement with grades, for Russian was "excellent". She asked the soldier to sign as an educator, and the wounded man was very surprised. So Lieutenant Tarasov helped the girl correct her grades and learn to write correctly. It is easy to understand that he did it out of the kindness of his soul, because he wanted to help the girl. Of course, she was very grateful to him, but it was enough for him to see her grades, the wounded man realized that his work was not in vain, and was very happy about it.

In conclusion, I want to say that selfless help should come from the heart and be done by every person. The person who provided this help will feel joy himself. People should make every effort to ensure that mutual assistance becomes the norm in our lives again.

Composition 9 is about happiness.

Under the word "happiness" each person means something different: for some it is a big family, for others - wealth, for others - the opportunity to travel the world. It is certainly not easy to find your own happiness. So how do you become happy? It is this question that the author raises in his text.

The text begins with a description of the main character - a boy named Genya Pirap-pilots. The author lists all the physical ailments that made this child unhappy and lonely, other children even threw clods of dirt at him. But one day everything changed. Gena had a birthday, and his mother forced her to invite her classmates and children from the yard to the holiday, although he did not communicate with anyone. The boy's favorite pastime was to add various figures from newspapers. When the guests entered the house, he was doing just that, so after a few minutes everyone was bent over the table. Genya only managed to make new figures, everyone wanted to get something, because the events took place in wartime, and then there were almost no toys. The children smiled at Gena, were drawn to him, and he felt real happiness, because he was in a team, he made friends. The author ends his text with the words that at this time the mother was washing dishes, smiling and crying. For the first time in his life, Genya was truly happy.

According to L. Ulitskaya, in order to become happy, you need to be useful to society: this will help to join the team and overcome loneliness. The author's opinion is directly expressed in the text: “They stretched out their hands to him, and he handed them his paper miracles, and everyone smiled and everyone thanked him ... He was happy”. And also the position of the author is contained in the last sentence of the text: "A happy boy gave away paper toys."

I cannot but agree with the opinion of the author, because any person needs communication and a team. The best way joining a team is beneficial, so a person must definitely have something to do: this is how he becomes happy.

A striking example, confirming the position of the author, is the story of R. Bradbury "Strawberry Window". The work tells about a family, the head of which was a builder. He wanted to work on new cities on Mars, so they had to leave earthly home and move to the red planet. It was deserted and uncomfortable on Mars, the builder's wife, Kerry, constantly cried and really wanted to return home, but could not leave her husband. Despite the unattractiveness of Mars, Bob felt truly happy there. He talked about what the future gives to new generations: when it is impossible to live on Earth, everyone will move to Mars, and he is one of those people who will help this come true. Thus, Bob benefits people, not only those living now, but also the future - this thought inspires him and makes him happy.

Another example is the work of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil". The third part tells about how in the old days a tribe lived, which was strong, cheerful and courageous, but other tribes came and drove out the old ones. They began to wander through the forests in search of a new place of residence, but it was impossible to live in the forests, since the sun did not break through there, and a terrible stench emanated from the swamps. When people were already desperate, Danko appeared. He led them through the forest, and the people followed him. It was a difficult journey with no end in sight. When everyone was finally exhausted, they blamed Danko for all their troubles. People wanted to kill him, but Danko tore out his heart, which lit up the entire forest. People followed Danko again, fascinated by the radiance of his heart. In the end, the forest ended, and the steppe stretched out in front of everyone. Danko looked at it proudly and died. People immediately forgot about him, one even stepped on Danko's heart, but he died happy, because his love for people was boundless. He brought great benefit to the whole tribe, Danko saved them all from death, he knew this, so he was happy.

In conclusion, I want to say that there are many different ways to find happiness, but the surest one is to bring benefit and joy to other people, because if you do this from a pure heart, then you yourself involuntarily become happy.

Composition 10 is about lamenting about its time.

People often say that in the days of their parents life was better or, conversely, that now everyone is trying for future generations, and only they will have good life... Few people notice that there are many advantages in the present tense compared to the past and the future. In this text, the author raises the problem of lamenting in due time.

Degoev begins his text by arguing that people constantly complain about their time, and each generation has its own reasons for this. This is especially pronounced at critical moments, for example, during the revolution, although later this unhappy time becomes the subject of admiration among descendants. The author says that our time is no exception, many are dissatisfied with their lives, and they have reasons for this. The parties in power offer people the shortest path to happiness, but in the end it drags on for a long time, and everyone runs out of patience. The history of the twentieth century is full of terrible moments, compared with which our time no longer seems so bad, although the 20th century is also remembered for other events. The author ends the text by saying that people no longer want the past or the future, they just want to live in peace, live in the moment. And this does not prevent them from knowing their time, as well as looking into the future.

The author's opinion on this issue is directly expressed in the text: “Each generation has reasons to complain about its own time ...” He believes that people are always attracted more by other people's times. Although he has a separate opinion about modern people: “However, people no longer want to live neither a blissful past, nor a promised future. They just want to live - without wars, shocks and poverty. "

I cannot but agree with the author that people dream of getting into the past or the future. It seems to me that this happens because, while studying history, we pay more attention to its positive aspects, often forgetting about the serious problems of those times. Probably, now people have already come to terms with the fact that they cannot get into another time, therefore they wish for themselves a quiet life, devote time to the present, live in the moment.

An example of this problem is the work of R. Bradbury "Smile". There was a war in the world, during which almost the entire civilization was destroyed, and the little that remained of it was now purposefully exterminated by the survivors. The action takes place in a small town, where they were supposed to bring a picture into which each of the residents could spit. A large queue has gathered on this occasion. In the queue, people discussed the upcoming event and also discussed the time in which they live. Someone was indignant that after the war they had almost nothing left. But for the most part, people hated the past, because because of the people who ruled then, they now live practically among the ruins, among the radioactive fields. There was only one person who noted that civilization had its advantages. And yet people hated their time, because they lived in the ruins of the past, although on the other hand, they have a chance to start all over again. Maybe the boy from the line who could not spit into the picture will become the very person who will create a new civilization without flaws.

Another example is R. Bradbury's story "The Strawberry Window". Events unfold in the future, on Mars. The family moved there because my father was a worker and he wanted to build cities on Mars. Unfortunately, his wife absolutely did not like it there, and she really wanted to return to Earth, but could not leave her husband. Bob said that soon there will be a big city here, she will have new friends, and this place will no longer be distinguishable from Earth. He did a good deed, built a place of residence for future generations. Bob lived with dreams of a bright future, but his wife did not share his inspiration. She didn't like the environment in which they lived at that moment, and every night she wanted to pack her things and go back. For her, their former home on Earth was the best place, she lived with thoughts of him. At the end of the story, Bob leads the whole family to the spaceport, he spent all the money and moved part of their house from Earth to Mars. The wife's reaction is ambiguous, and we cannot say for sure whether she is happy about it or not. Thus, Bob lived with dreams of the future, and his wife - with thoughts of the past, none of them could say that the time in which they live at the moment is the best.

In conclusion, I want to say that you don't need to dream about everything becoming the same as before, you need to look for pluses in your time and try to make it better and more comfortable. We must not forget about the future, because our children will live in it, but we should not think that our time is bad, because the time is always good.

  • Actions done out of mercy may seem ridiculous and senseless at first glance
  • A person can show mercy even in the most difficult situations for him.
  • Actions associated with helping orphans can be called merciful
  • A manifestation of mercy often requires sacrifices from a person, but these sacrifices are always justified by something.
  • People who show mercy are worthy of respect


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Natasha Rostova shows mercy - one of the most important human qualities. When everyone starts to leave Moscow, captured by the French, the girl orders to give the carts to the wounded, and not to carry their own things on them. Helping people for Natasha Rostova is much more important than material well-being. And it doesn't matter to her that among the things that were to be taken away, the dowry is part of her future.

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Andrei Sokolov, despite difficult life trials, did not lose the ability to show mercy. He lost his family and home, but could not help but pay attention to the fate of Vanyushka - a little boy whose parents died. Andrei Sokolov told the boy that he was his father and took him to him. The ability for mercy made the child happy. Yes, Andrei Sokolov did not forget his family and the horrors of the war, but he did not leave Vanya in trouble. This means that his heart has not hardened.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The fate of Rodion Raskolnikov is difficult. He lives in a pitiful, dark room, malnourished. After the murder of the old woman-pawnbroker, his whole life resembles suffering. Raskolnikov is still poor: he hides what he has taken from his apartment under a stone, and does not take it for himself. However, the hero gives the latter to the widow of Marmeladov for the funeral, he cannot pass by the misfortune that has happened, although he himself has nothing to subsist on. Rodion Raskolnikov turns out to be capable of mercy, despite the murder and the terrible theory he created.

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". Margarita is ready to go to anything to see her Master. She makes a deal with the devil, agrees to be queen at a terrible ball at Satan's. But when Woland asks what she wants, Margarita asks only that Frida stop serving the handkerchief with which she gagged her own child and buried it in the ground. Margarita wants to save a completely alien person from suffering, this is where mercy is manifested. She no longer asks for a meeting with the Master, because she cannot help but take care of Frida, pass by someone else's grief.

N. D. Teleshov "Home". Little Semka, the son of immigrants who died of typhus, most of all wants to return to his native village of Beloe. The boy escapes from the barrack and sets off on the road. On the way, he meets an unfamiliar grandfather, they walk together. Grandpa also goes to his native land. On the way, Semka falls ill. Grandfather takes him to the city, to the hospital, although he knows that he cannot go there: it turns out that he has escaped from hard labor for the third time. There, grandfather is caught, and then sent back to hard labor. Despite the danger to himself, grandfather shows mercy to Semka - he cannot leave a sick child in trouble. Personal happiness becomes less important for a person than the life of a child.

N. D. Teleshov "Mitrich's Christmas tree". Semyon Dmitrievich on Christmas Eve realized that everyone would have a holiday, except for eight orphans living in one of the barracks. Mitrich decided to please the guys by all means. Although it was hard for him, he brought a Christmas tree, bought a fifty-kopeck piece of candy, given by a resettlement official. Semyon Dmitrievich cut off a piece of sausage for each of the children, although sausage was his favorite delicacy for him. Sympathy, compassion, mercy pushed Mitrich to this act. And the result turned out to be really wonderful: joy, laughter, and enthusiastic shouts filled the previously gloomy room. The children were happy with the holiday he had arranged, and Mitrich was happy that he did this good deed.

I. Bunin "Lapti". Nefed could not fail to fulfill the wish of the sick child, who all the time asked for some red sandals. Despite the bad weather, he went on foot to get bast shoes and fuchsin to Novoselki, which was six miles from home. For Nefed, the desire to help the child was more important than ensuring his own safety. He turned out to be capable of self-sacrifice - in a sense, the highest degree of mercy. Nefed died. The men brought him home. In Nefed's bosom they found a bottle of fuchsin and new sandals.

V. Rasputin "French Lessons". For Lydia Mikhailovna, a French language teacher, the desire to help her student turned out to be more important than maintaining her own reputation. The woman knew that the child was malnourished, which is why she played for money. Therefore, she invited the boy to play for money with her. This is unacceptable for a teacher. When the director found out about everything, Lydia Mikhailovna was forced to leave for her homeland, to the Kuban. But we understand that her act is not at all bad - it is a manifestation of mercy. Seemingly unacceptable behavior of the teacher actually carried kindness and care for the child.