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The problem of repentance Astafiev Among the many shameful things I have done in my life (Unified State Exam in Russian). The problem of repentance: arguments from the literature (USE) Two arguments the problem of late repentance

District scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren


/ study/

The theme of sin and repentance

in Russian literature

Performed: 10th grade student

MOU "Nebylovskaya secondary school"

Runova Julia

Supervisor: teacher Titov S.L.

Unprecedented 2011

1. Introduction. About the problem of sin and repentance. with tr. 3-4

2. The topic of sin and repentance in Russian literature: page 4-10

· The sinful, lost and ruined soul of Katerina in the drama of A.N. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm". p. 4-5

· The great power of compassion and sympathy between man and man in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment". page 5-7

· "Test of strength" in the story of Leonid Andreev "Judas Iscariot" p. 8-10

3. Conclusion. Staying in virtue as a manifestation without a sinful life. with tr. ten

4. Used literature page 11

1. Introduction

On the problem of sin and repentance

Recently, the question of what is morality and what is immorality has been very acute for people. How to live: according to the laws of a spiritless society or according to conscience? This dilemma should concern each of us. The voice of conscience is the inner, secret voice of God in us, and woe to the one who does not heed her advice and demands, who deliberately muffles her voice so as not to hear her judgment and not feel her torment, who is leaning more towards sin and vice ...

In my work, my goal is to try to understand what is happening. What's the matter? What is the reason that people's conscience has become coarse and dull and a person no longer feels its remorse, has become shameless? The works of clergymen, works of Russian classics will help me in achieving this goal.

As I address the issue of sin and repentance, I will hopefully strive for introspection and inner improvement. What does it mean to test your conscience, to look into your heart? We must not forget: if the heart is filled with petrified insensibility, deathly coldness, then the soul is in danger.

Self-justification, impatience of reproaches, vanity, stubbornness, selfishness and pride - these are the main sins that need to be paid serious attention. Sin lays a stain on us that cannot be removed by anything other than sincere repentance. There is good remedy, which leads us to the knowledge of our sins, is to remember what people accuse us of, especially those who live nearby, close ones. Their remarks, accusations, reproaches almost always have a basis. But knowing about your sins does not mean repenting of them. Grieving over evil deeds committed is what is most important in repentance. After the great sorrow, the sinner receives great joy and consolation - the union of the soul with the Most High. This is the fruit of true humility and repentance. Repentance is not only confession in the church, it is the whole life of a person in a repentant feeling.

There are many pious, intelligent and learned;

There are many who are truthful, chaste, ready

Help everyone, forgive at times, but a little can be found

With a humble soul - to recognize oneself as the worst!

To see all the sins in oneself is a feat!

It's like hating yourself

This means - to abandon the idol of conceit!

It means agreeing to accept all insults.

Pride is the worst of all sins, but beautiful humility

Christ Himself has incarnated!

2. The theme of sin and repentance in Russian literature The sinful, lost and ruined soul of Katerina in the drama "The Thunderstorm".

The theme of sin, retribution and repentance is highly traditional for the Russian classical literature... Suffice it to recall such works as "The Enchanted Wanderer" by NS. Leskov, "Who Lives Well in Russia" by N.A. Nekrasov, "Crime and Punishment" by F.M. Dostoevsky and many others. The same theme is developed in his socio-psychological drama "The Thunderstorm" and A.N. Ostrovsky, one of outstanding masters Russian drama.
The drama "The Thunderstorm", written in 1859 based on real life impressions, paints a vivid picture of the life of a provincial Volga city, a bourgeois-merchant environment. The main character, Katerina Kabanova, is an extraordinary personality - sincere, not able to hypocrite, freedom-loving and natural. It is difficult for such a woman to get along in a family where everyone is subordinate to an imperious, despotic mother, where a weak-willed and spineless husband cannot serve as a support and protection for her. But Katerina is also deeply religious. Already in this lies the contradiction between the freedom-loving, open nature of the heroine and the preaching of Christian humility and patience. The motive of the thunderstorm, of Katerina's unreasonable fear of this natural phenomenon is also connected with this: she is not afraid of death, but of the fact that she will die without repentance, not having time to perform all the necessary religious rituals. The scary thing is “that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts,” Katerina admits to Varvara. She considers her nascent love for Boris a "terrible sin", trying to break and deceive herself that she will love only her husband. The scene of Tikhon's departure is decisive for the further development of the action. Katerina was rudely humiliated by her mother-in-law, did not understand and pushed Tikhon away, led Varvara into temptation, giving the key to the gate. The author, as a master of psychological analysis, reveals the state of mind of the heroine: why she, well aware of the sinfulness, the taboo of her love, is unable to resist her. She clearly understands that she "ruined" her soul, and for her this is the most terrible tragedy. Katerina is not interested in the opinion of others, public reputation - all this is petty and insignificant in comparison with the tragedy of a soul ruined by a mortal sin. "If I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment?" she says to Boris. Therefore, "The Thunderstorm" is not so much a tragedy of love as a tragedy of conscience, a crash inner peace a heroine forced to live by the rules of a hypocritical public morality.

In the scene of Katerina's public repentance, Ostrovsky again manifests himself as a subtle psychologist: he again connects the heroine's state of mind with the thunderstorm motive, and we see how every seemingly trifle affects the further outcome of events. Accidental remarks of passers-by, threats from a mad lady, a fresco on the wall of the chapel - all this, drop by drop, overwhelms the heroine's patience, and she falls to her knees, confessing to a perfect sin. Again, there is a contrast between a truly believing soul and the hypocritical behavior of ordinary people. There is no room for forgiveness or mercy. In response to Kuligin's words that the enemies must be forgiven, Tikhon replies: "Come on, talk to mama, what will she tell you about it." Boris Grigorievich is also weak, unable to protect Katerina. Poor woman dreams of last date, considering only myself to blame for everything. She dreams of death as a deliverance from torment, now it is all the same to her: “I have ruined my soul”. And having said goodbye to Boris, she realizes even more clearly that she has no more reason to live: she is disgusted with the house, its walls, people. The already ruined soul is indifferent to the sin of suicide; it is much more important to it that “you cannot live”. The criticism regarded the suicide of Katerina in different ways: both as a protest of the individual against the foundations of the "dark kingdom" (NA Dobrolyubov), and as simply stupidity (DI Pisarev). But one can probably talk about the tragedy of a truly religious personality in the world of generally accepted hypocritical morality, where sin is simply covered up by external decency and lies, and there is no place for forgiveness and mercy. Katerina paid dearly for her uncommonness, exclusivity, desire for love and happiness. Will retribution come to this society for the ruined soul? Is it possible to consider the words of Tikhon, which he threw to his mother in anger in anger: "Mamma, you ruined her ..." something refreshing and encouraging ”(NA Dobrolyubov). But the character of the main character, a sincere, bright personality, capable of selfless love and selflessness, has become one of the brightest characters of the Russian drama and arouses the sympathy of readers, even though the heroine is a sinful, lost soul.

The great power of compassion and sympathy between man and man in Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

The novel "Crime and Punishment" was written by Dostoevsky after hard labor, when the writer's views took on a religious connotation. Convinced that it is impossible to avoid evil in any structure of society, that evil comes from the human soul, the author of the novel rejected the revolutionary way of transforming society. Raising the question only of the moral improvement of each person, the writer turned to religion.

Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova are the two main characters of the novel, appearing as two opposite streams. Their worldview is the ideological part of the work. Sonya Marmeladova is Dostoevsky's moral ideal. She carries with her the light of hope, faith, love and sympathy, tenderness and understanding. For Sonya, all people have the same right to life. She is firmly convinced that no one can achieve happiness, either their own or someone else's, through crime. Sin remains a sin, no matter who commits it and in the name of what.

Sonya Marmeladova and Rodion Raskolnikov exist in a completely different worlds... They are like two opposite poles, but they cannot exist without each other. In the image of Raskolnikov, the idea of ​​rebellion is embodied, in the image of Marmeladova - the idea of ​​humility and repentance. Sonya is a highly moral, deeply religious woman. She believes in the deep inner meaning of life, she does not understand Raskolnikov's ideas about the meaninglessness of everything that exists. She sees in everything the predestination of God, believes that nothing depends on man. Its truth is God, love, humility. The meaning of life for her lies in the great power of compassion and sympathy between man and man.

Sometimes doing something we do not even think about the consequences and then very often we regret, because it is impossible to fix everything. Realization comes only after some time. In this text, V.P. Astafiev raises the problem of repentance.

The narrator tells about his shameful act, which he committed in childhood: when the singer's voice was heard in the loudspeaker, the hero with words of indignation pulled the plug out of the socket, thereby setting an example for other guys.

Many years later, he ended up at a free symphony concert at the resort where they played

worthy classical music... Almost immediately, the audience began to show their displeasure: to leave the hall “with indignation, shouts, abuse ... as if they had deceived them in their best desires and dreams”. And the narrator sat, huddled in himself, and listened to the musicians, remembering his act, but that singer “will never hear my repentance, she will not be able to forgive me,” he thought. "Life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it."

I completely agree with V.P. Astafiev and believe that everyone learns from their mistakes. Having stumbled once and repented, a person forever remembers his deed as a moral lesson.

The problem under discussion is so important that many writers raised it in their works, for example, FM Dostoevsky in the novel "Crime and Punishment". The main character Raskolnikov created a theory according to which people are divided into “trembling creatures” and those who have the right ”. To check this, Rodion decided to kill, but it did not bring him happiness. With Sonya's help, the hero managed to atone for his sin with repentance.

V.P. Astafiev has a story “A horse with pink mane”, Where he is worried about the same problem. The hero deceived his grandmother (put grass on the bottom of the basket with strawberries). But immediately his conscience began to torment him: upon his grandmother's return, the boy cries bitterly and regrets what he had done; and my grandmother initially believed that he would confess, so she bought him a “gingerbread with a horse”.

Thus, any person can face this problem, and it can be difficult to solve, but those who are able to realize their own mistakes will never repeat them again.

Other works on this topic:

  1. Music is considered a thing so amazing that the heart knows how to listen to everything it says! Sometimes the human soul remains deaf, and all because it is important to grow to ...
  2. It is common for every person to commit shameful acts, but not everyone can admit their mistake, repent of their deeds. It is the problem of repentance that Astafiev poses in his text. Reflecting ...
  3. Repentance is an incredibly important ability in the human soul. If a person is not able to repent of his bad deeds, committed intentionally, this means that, most likely, he ...
  4. Probably every soldier experiences hunger in war. But is everyone able to share the last thing they have? The author of this text raises the problem of the manifestation of humanity and ...
  5. Feat and heroism ... What do these two concepts mean for people? What gives rise to "heroic selflessness" - "nobility of people" or "undeveloped personality"? This topic has become an object for ...
  6. Poetry is a fire that ignites in the human soul. This fire burns, warms And illuminates. JI. H. Tolstoy Poetry is really an ocean of the soul. A real poet himself involuntarily ...
  7. In the text proposed for analysis, V.P. Astafiev raises the problem of the loss of loved ones and late repentance to them. It is over her that he ponders. It...

During the literature lessons for the entire period of study at school, we met with wonderful and talented writers who, in their works, raised a variety of issues from people's lives. And among the popular topics that have been touched upon by the writers is the issue of remorse. And this is not an unfounded statement, because there are multiple arguments about the problem of repentance, which I will quote from the literature.

The problem of remorse arguments

In general, this topic was touched upon by many writers, among them Pushkin, and Goncharov, and Dostoevsky, and Shukshin, and Astafiev, and Ostrovsky. And this is just a small small part of all those whom I have now remembered. But this is enough to give arguments on the topic: The problem of remorse that was raised by the writers.

So, Dostoevsky in his work "Crime and Punishment" showed us how hard it is to live in peace among people, having committed a terrible act, in this case, it was murder. The main character could not stand the test of conscience, and repented of what he had done. He confessed everything to the investigator and accepted the punishment.

Further, we see the hero of Shukshin from the work "Kalina Krasnaya", where the hero is tormented by what he brought to a loved one, his own mother, so much grief. He repented, he admitted his mistakes and refused to help former "friends" with a criminal record, which led to his death.

One cannot but recall the remorse of the boy who deceived his grandmother in The Horse with a Pink Mane. Moral education does not allow the boy to live in peace, and he came to his grandmother to confess his deception. The child sincerely repented, so the grandmother forgave and presented that long-awaited gingerbread. The very same situation described in the work, where you need to find the strength to admit guilt, became a lesson not only for the main character, but also for the milestones of us.

We see repentance in Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter", where Pyotr Grinev admitted his mistakes committed in adolescence, in Ostrovsky's work "The Thunderstorms", where the heroine repents of her betrayal.


Lyudochka in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev is trying to escape from loneliness. But the very first lines of the work, where the heroine is compared to a sluggish, frozen grass, suggest that she, like this grass, is incapable of life. The girl leaves the parental home, where people who are strangers to her, who are also lonely, remain. The mother has long been accustomed to the structure of her life and does not want to delve into her daughter's problems, and Lyudochka's stepfather did not treat her in any way. The girl is a stranger both in her home and among people. Everyone turned away from her, even her own mother was like a stranger to her.


Lyudochka in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev was everywhere confronted with indifference, and the most terrible thing for her was the betrayal of people close to her. But the apostasy showed up earlier. At some point, the girl realized that she herself was involved in this tragedy, because she also showed indifference, as long as the trouble did not touch her personally. It was no accident that Lyudochka remembered her stepfather, whose plight she had not previously been interested in; it was not for nothing that she remembered a guy dying in the hospital, all the pain and drama of which the living did not want to understand.


The problem of crime and punishment in the story "Lyudochka" by V. Astafiev is the embodiment of the author's experiences, who points out to people their sins, for which they, in one way or another, are responsible.

Social crimes here they are perceived as everyday. However, to this day, the most terrible crime is violence against a person. It was committed by Strekach, having outraged Lyudochka. The girl was punished for lethargy and indifference, atoning with her death not only her sins, but also the sins of her mother, school, Gavrilovna, police, and the youth of the town. But her death destroyed the indifference that reigned around: she suddenly became necessary for her mother, GavrilovnaHer stepfather avenged her.


Probably none of us could remain indifferent to fate Little people in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev. Any human heart will tremble with compassion, but the world that the writer shows is cruel. The insulted, humiliated girl does not find understanding in anyone. Gavrilovna, who is already accustomed to insults and did not see anything special in them, does not notice the girl's suffering. The mother, the closest and dearest person, also does not feel the pain of her daughter ... The writer calls us to compassion, mercy, because even the girl's name means “dear to people”, but how cruel is the world around her! Astafyev teaches us: we must say a good word in time, stop evil in time, do not lose ourselves in time.

5 . THE PROBLEM OF FATHERS AND CHILDREN , misunderstanding of loved ones in a difficult situation

One can feel some kind of disharmony in the relationship between mother and daughter in V. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka"; something that each of us is accustomed to is violated: a child must be loved. And the heroine does not feel maternal love, therefore, even in the most terrible trouble for a girl, she is not recognized by a loved one: she is not understood in the family, her home is a stranger to her. A moral abyss of alienation shares a mother and daughter.


We are accustomed to the fact that a park is a place where a person can relax, breathe fresh air, and relax. But in V. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka" everything is different. A terrible sight appears before us: along the ditch, breaking into the weeds, there are benches, bottles sticking out of the muddy ditch and foam different forms, and there is always a stench here in the park, because puppies, kittens, dead pigs are thrown into the ditch. And people behave like a beast here.This "landscape" resembles a cemetery, where nature takes death at the hands of man. To a person, according to V. Astafiev, it is impossible to exist without it. That's moral foundations are destroyed - this is the result of punishment for a crime against nature.

7 ... Children's impressions and their impact on the future life of a person

Lyudochka lived uncomfortably and lonely at home in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev, because there is no warmth, understanding and trust in the relationship between mother and daughter. And Lyudochka, even in adulthood, remained shy, fearful and withdrawn. The unhappy childhood, as it were, was imprinted on her further short life.

8 the problem of disappearing villages

Dying outt spirituallyand gradually disappearsin V. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka" villageScared, and with it traditions and culture go into the past. The writer sounds the alarm: the village,like a dying candle, it is living out its last monthNS. Lpeople break the ties between man and nature, forget their origins, where their roots grow from.They did not even dare to bury Lyudochka in their native village Vychugan, because soon the united collective farm will plow everything into one field and the cemetery will plow.

9 the problem of alcoholism

It is bitter, painful to read how drunken young people behave at a disco in V. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka".The author writes that they rage like a “herd”. The girl's father was also an inveterate drunkard, fussy and dull. The mother was even afraid that the child might be born sick, and therefore conceived him in a rare break from her husband's drunkenness. And yet the girl was bruised by her father's unhealthy flesh and was born weak. We see how people degrade under the influence of alcohol.

10 the fall of public morality

What killed Lyudochka? Indifference and fear of others, their unwillingness to interfere. And Astafyev says that people in the city live separately, every man for himself, that wolf laws reign around. All around drunkenness, violence, moral decline. But it is in our power to make this world a better place so that we can enjoy life!

11. "Reading" and a true, living book.

The cruel reality of life is described in Viktor Astafiev's story "Lyudochka". The author wrote it at the end of the eighties of the twentieth century, but the work is still relevant now, because it raises problems that worry my contemporaries - environmental pollution, a decline in morality and personality degradation, the death of a Russian village, mental loneliness. The story makes you think about the world around us, about indifference and indifference. In my opinion, "Lyudochka" is one of best works Russian literature. The story encourages us, young readers, to think about life, about choosing a path, oh moral issues society.

12. The problem of cleanliness native language, speech culture. The problem of the connection between language and society.

V. Astafiev's heroes inherit the style and spirit of their time, and their speech is not just a dialect, but an “exponent” of a person's mental and moral qualities. The words of swaggering young people are an indicator of lack of spirituality: "tearing claws", "sidekicks", "fuck off", "godfather". The clogging of the language with criminal jargon reflects the dysfunction of society, and the reader rejects such characters and their speech lack of culture.

13. The problem of late repentance, the realization that you missed something important in life.

Everywhere main character faced indifference and could not withstand the betrayal of loved ones who did not listen to her, did not help. Only after death did she suddenly become necessary for her mother, Gavrilovna, but, alas, nothing could be changed. Later, repentance came to Lyudochka's mother and will now accompany her through life. She gives herself a word that the future child will bond them with her husband, keep them afloat, will be their joy.

14. The problem of education.

Lyudochka grew like roadside grass. The girl is timid and shy by nature, she did not communicate much with her classmates. The mother did not openly show her love for her daughter, she did not knock on her daughter's soul, as they say, did not give advice, did not warn against the hardships of life and, in general, was practically not involved in upbringing, therefore there was no warmth and kindred spiritual closeness between them.

15 ... About God.

We do not see believers in the story: the heroes lack this moral foundation, which could support them in difficult times, could save them from a disastrous step ... It was terrifying to listen to Vychuganikha. The women cowardly, clumsily, forgetting which shoulder to start with, crossed themselves. Exhausted them, re-taught them to put the sign of the cross. And in solitude, aged, willingly and obediently, the women returned to faith in God. Lyudochka's mother remembers about him, who understands her guilt before her already dead daughter. Before her death, the girl herself turns to God with a request to forgive her. She did not believe in him, but at the subconscious level she understood that she no longer had anyone to turn to for help, but she did not dare to go to church ...

16.About lack of love

V. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka" shocks the reader with the harshness, indifference of his characters and the lack of warmth, kindness, trust in relations between people. But, perhaps, most of all, the readers are shocked by the absence of love, without which neither harmony nor the future is possible. Children who are not born out of love are a doomed generation of either cynics or weak, weak-willed people.

17. About attitude to their professional duties, about honesty; about indifference to their profession

Young paramedic in the story squeamish fingers squeezed a swollen temple young man abscess. And a day later, she was forced to personally accompany the young lumberjack, who fell into unconsciousness, to the regional hospital. And there, in a place unsuitable for complex operations, they were forced to give the patient a craniotomy and saw that nothing could be done to help. The death of a person is on the conscience of an unscrupulous squeamish girl who did not even grieve about this.

Guilt. Why are we testing it? How does it affect our lives? Is it easy to get rid of this feeling? These and other questions arise after reading the text of L.M. Leonov.

What is this event? We learn about him from the soldier's letter to his beloved girl Paul. He writes that only she can tell this and asks her to burn the letter. What is this secret? We learn that part of Rodion in the army is constantly retreating, leaving the civilian population "at the mercy of the enemy." We know from history that the first years of the Great Patriotic War Soviet army had to retreat. In "one Russian village, which our unit was in retreat", a girl of about nine with a bunch of wildflowers approached him. “She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes - it’s a thousand times easier to look at the midday sun, but I forced myself to take a bouquet, because I’m not a coward ... I closed my eyes and took it from her.” Since then, Rodion has been wearing a dried bouquet, "like a fire in his bosom." And he doesn’t know whether “my whole life will be enough to pay for that gift”. The problem raised by the author made me think deeply about the feeling of guilt that sometimes haunts us relentlessly.

The position of the author is clear to me: the feeling of guilt is a painful feeling that does not give rest, forcing us to return again and again in memory to our actions when we are forced to different reasons act against their moral principles and values. Rodion understands that this girl remains on the territory that the enemy is about to seize, that by retreating, they are betraying their people. But war dictates its own rules, and he cannot change them.

I agree with the author. Guilt is the voice of our conscience, our inner judge. Our conscience tells us that we did the wrong thing. I believe that responsible, highly moral people more often feel guilt, remorse, because they realize the complexity, contradiction, and sometimes the injustice of our life. Heroes works of art often feel guilty. Here are some examples.

In the story of MA Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" Andrei Sokolov during the war loses the most valuable thing he had. Home, family. The wife and daughters were killed by the bomb, and the son-captain was killed on the last day of the war. The hero went through captivity, hard work in captivity, bullying, an unsuccessful escape and a successful, when he also managed to grab his tongue, an important officer with documents. But, having learned about the death of the family, he blames himself for it. He blames himself for building a house near the airfield. The Germans bombed the airfield, and the bomb hit his house. He blames himself for reproaching his wife Irina at parting, that she cries, as if burying him. It turned out that she felt that they would never see each other again. The feeling of guilt fell heavily on the hero's heart. Of course, he blamed himself for being alive, and the people most dear to him were gone. Meeting with Vanyusha, taking care of him pushed this feeling to the background. Andrei Sokolov now has someone to live for.

In FM Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonechka Marmeladova are young people, but both feel guilty. I am not talking about crime and indecent earnings, I mean guilt for injustice in life. Why do people live so badly? Why do they suffer, live in poverty? Are they the only ones to blame? Raskolnikov is imbued with sympathy for Marmeladov, because he understands how this person suffers, how sick he is. Sonechka does not leave Raskolnikov, after learning about the crime, she stays with him to alleviate his suffering. The girl understands what a painful and difficult path ahead of him. They cannot be happy when it is hard for someone nearby. Suffering, worries, the desire to help their neighbor - this is their lot. The inability to help everyone, to change their lives - they feel their own guilt in this. Therefore, it is these heroes that we like so much.

Thus, the feeling of guilt is not only a painful feeling, but also a cleansing and uplifting one. Only a moral person can truly feel guilt. This person is not capable of either meanness or betrayal.

Updated: 2018-01-24

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