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The role of the family in human life in works of fiction. Happy family in Russian classical literature Examples from literature of the importance of family in society

Calcium is the main and most abundant mineral in our body. 99% of calcium is found in bones and teeth, and the remaining 1% is in blood and soft tissues. Every year, 20% of the calcium in the bones of an adult is renewed and replaced. To absorb calcium, the body must contain sufficient amounts of vitamins A, C and D, as well as magnesium, lysine and proteins. Calcium, together with phosphorus, contributes to the health of bones and teeth, and in combination with magnesium, calcium has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

A sedentary lifestyle, hormonal imbalances, excess protein, high amounts of fat, coffee, alcohol, diuretics and antacids can all lead to a decrease in calcium levels in the body.

Why do we need it?

Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. It plays an important role in the blood clotting process and helps the blood vessels relax and contract. Calcium is also vital for muscle contraction and the functioning of the nervous system, it takes part in the secretion of hormones. It can help with insomnia and help the body absorb iron, help lower blood pressure, and ward off bowel cancer.

Calcium is involved in the synthesis of RNA and DNA proteins and may protect against the development of preeclampsia during pregnancy.

Deficiency symptoms

Symptoms can include rickets and delayed development in children and osteoporosis in adults. Pregnant women and women during menopause, as well as people with Crohn's disease and other digestive disorders, are prone to calcium deficiency in the body.

Symptoms may include muscle cramps and spasms, high cholesterol levels, and back muscle spasms. Bones become porous and brittle, nails break, hair looks stiff and lifeless, and teeth are prone to caries.

People who lack calcium in the body suffer from insomnia, have a pale complexion, and are not resistant to colds. Hypertension, convulsions, hyperactivity and severe menstrual pain can also indicate a lack of this element.

What is it contained in?

Chia seeds contain a lot of calcium. Here you can try chia seed pudding

If you don't get the calcium you need from your food, your body automatically takes calcium from your bones. However, excessive intake of calcium supplements (more than 996 mg per day) can increase the risk of hip fracture, so it is better to get calcium from food.

Moderate physical activity promotes calcium absorption, and excessive exercise can interfere with it, so those who are very active in sports need more of this mineral.

If you take calcium along with iron, then when they interact, the absorption process does not occur properly. The protein fisvitin, found in egg yolk, can also bind to calcium, interfering with its absorption.

If you are taking medication for heart disease, hypertension, thyroid disease, antibiotics, anticonvulsants, diuretics, or steroids, talk to your doctor before taking calcium supplements, as calcium can reduce the effectiveness of such medicines.

It should also be noted that when oxalic acid combines with calcium in the intestine, insoluble salts are formed that impede the absorption of this element. Oxalates are found in almonds, cashews, Swiss chard, kale, rhubarb, and spinach. Eating these foods in moderation does not pose a problem, but too much can interfere with calcium absorption. Oxalic acid combined with calcium can form kidney stones.


There have been many studies examining the effect of calcium on the body, which have shown that calcium supplements can be beneficial for those suffering from alcoholism, allergies, heart disease and diabetes.

Lack of calcium in the body can also be considered a risk factor for the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, periodontitis, premenstrual syndrome and ulcerative colitis.

Calcium is the only mineral that should be doubled during pregnancy. Studies have shown that supplements like these can prevent premature birth, low birth weight, and preeclampsia.


Larisa Vasilievna TOROPCHINA - teacher of the Moscow gymnasium №1549, honored teacher of Russia.

The theme of home and family in Russian literature of the 19th century

What do you need to be happy? Quiet family life ... with the ability to do good to people.
(L.N. Tolstoy)

The theme of home and family is one of the cross-cutting themes both in world literature in general and in Russian literature in particular. Its echoes can be heard even in ancient Russian works of art. Princess Efrosinya Yaroslavna yearns for her beloved husband Igor, crying on the Putivl wall ("The Word about Igor's Regiment")... Through all life's trials, love and loyalty are carried by the Murom prince Peter and his wife, a wise woman from the common people, Fevronia ("The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"), and at the end of their lives the heroes who took monastic vows and live in different monasteries even die in one day, and their bodies, as the legend says, end up in the same coffin - is this not a proof of the devotion of husband and wife to each other! The family of the head of the Russian Old Believer Church, the furious Archpriest Avvakum, who shared with her husband and father the burdens of exile and suffering for the faith ( "Life of Archpriest Avvakum"). Let us recall the episode when the archpriest, exhausted by the long walk through the “barbarian country,” turning to her husband, exclaims: “How long will it take to sow flour, archpriest?” And, having heard from him in response: "Markovna, to the very death!" - humbly says: "Good, Petrovich, we will still wander in other way."

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Speaking about Russian literature of the 18th century, students, of course, will remember the Prostakov family (comedy DI. Fonvizina "Minor"), in which there is no love and harmony between the spouses (the intimidated Prostakov obeys in everything a rude, domineering wife, who alone disposes of both the estate, and the servants, and the house). Madame Prostakova's blind adoration of the only son of Mitrofanushka takes the most ugly forms: the main thing for her is to marry her spoiled child to a rich girl. When dreams of a wedding collapse, and even, as it turns out at the end of the play, the estate is taken into custody by a court decision, Mrs. Prostakova turns to her son, seeing in him the only support and support. In response, he hears from Mitrofan: "Get off, mother, how imposed!" Therefore, there can be no question of any heartfelt attachment of the son to the mother, and such a result, according to the comedyographer, is natural: these are "evil worthy fruits."

But the relationship of a modest villager Liza and her mother (story N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza"), on the contrary, should, in the opinion of the autosentimentalist, evoke tenderness in the reader: mother and daughter are affectionately attached to each other, together they experience the loss of a father and husband - a breadwinner. Poverty does not prevent heroines from maintaining their self-esteem. The old woman's mother rejoices in her daughter's sincere love for the young nobleman Erast, and Liza herself, having decided to commit suicide, first of all thinks about her mother and asks her “dear friend” Anyuta to take care of her.

The plight of peasant families, where male breadwinners are forced, in violation of Christian rules, to work on arable land on Sundays (the rest of the time they work for a “hard-hearted landowner”), and eternally hungry children did not see “master food” (sugar) in their eyes, is mentioned in “Travels from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by A.N. Radishchev.

“Family thought” is widely traced in the literature of the 19th century. Let's remember the Larin family (novel A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"), where agreement and mutual understanding reigned between husband and wife, although the wife was in charge of the household “without asking the husband”. This patriarchal local family, where they regularly “kept the peaceful habits of sweet antiquity in life,” and their daughters were brought up on a bizarre combination of reading French novels and a naive faith in “folk traditions of the olden days ... dreams, card fortune-telling and moon predictions”, evokes both the author has a kind, slightly condescending smile. A.S. Pushkin notes that when the landowner Dmitry Larin departed into the world of eternal peace, he was sincerely mourned by "children and a faithful wife, sincere than another." Perhaps such a family was lacking for Eugene Onegin, who did not know true parental love and affection: after all, his father was absorbed in the life of high society, “he lived by debts ... gave three balls annually and finally squandered”, the author of the novel does not mention the mother of the hero at all, from the early years Eugene was placed under the care of "Madame", which was then "Monsieur ... replaced." Perhaps the absence of a real family in childhood and adolescence subsequently did not allow Onegin to reciprocate the feeling of the village “humble girl” Tatiana. Although he was “vividly touched”, “having received Tanya's message,” he is sincerely convinced that “marriage… will be a torment for him and Tatiana,” because he himself is not capable of loving for a long time: “once I get used to it, I will fall out of love immediately.” Perhaps that is why the creator of the work punishes his “good friend” with loneliness and mental anguish at the end of the novel.

And how ridiculous the invasion of the family life of the characters of Lermontov's Pechorin looks (novel "Hero of our time"). Fed up with life already in his youth, the lonely hero is looking for sharp, unusual sensations that could wrest him from a state of skepticism and indifference. Therefore, being carried away by Bela and kidnapping her with the help of Azamat, he, in fact, condemns the family of the “peaceful prince” to death (chapter “Bela”). Pechorin, whom, according to him, fate wanted “to be thrown into a peaceful circle honest smugglers ", destroyed their family, albeit a very peculiar one: Yanko and the “undine” are forced to leave, fearing denunciation of the “wandering officer”, the old woman is doomed to death, and the blind boy to suffer (chapter “Taman”). Vera, who, by the will of circumstances, married an unloved person, is the only woman to whom Pechorin is truly attached. But his love does not bring anything to the heroine except mental suffering, because family happiness and Pechorin are incompatible concepts. The reader is sincerely sorry for the proud beauty Mary, who fell in love with the hero and is confident that a marriage proposal awaits her, and then a happy married life. Alas, Pechorin, having met the girl for an explanation, “in a firm voice and with a forced grin” says: “… I laughed at you… I cannot marry you” (chapter “Princess Mary”). And how not to sympathize with the kind-hearted Maxim Maksimych, who did not have a family of his own and sincerely, like a son who is attached to Pechorin! The coldness and indifference that the hero shows when he meets an elderly staff captain a few years after parting hurt the soul of the old campaigner (chapter "Maxim Maksimych"). It is no coincidence that the author informs about the death of Pechorin in just one line: “Pechorin, returning from Persia, died”. The hero did not manage to create a family, did not leave behind him offspring, his life turned out to be "an even path without a goal", "a feast at a foreign party."

Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century also presents the reader with a whole series of works that can be safely called “family”. Recall "Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky: its main characters are members of the family of the merchant Kabanova, who rigidly and imperiously controls her son, daughter-in-law and daughter. The heroine, fanatically observing the "old order", according to the correct remark of Kuligin, is a real "prude": "she clothe the beggars, but she ate her household completely." Keeps his family in fear and “scolding man, what to look for”, “shrill man” Savel Prokofich Dikoy, and his frightened wife begs the household from the very morning: “Dear fellows, don’t make you angry”. It is against such a family structure, where everything is based on blind obedience and fear of some of others, that Katerina, who decided to commit suicide, speaks out, because it is impossible for her to live in the house of a despotic mother-in-law and a weak-willed, unloved husband.

A novel can also be called a "family romance" I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"where we meet several families at once: from the first chapter we learn about the father and mother of the Kirsanov brothers - a military general and his faithful friend, who have lived in love and harmony for many years; with tenderness, the author tells about the family nest of Nikolai Petrovich and his wife Masha, where kindness, mutual understanding and comfort have always reigned. And in Fenechka, a simple, ingenuous woman, sincerely attached to the Maryinsky landowner, who gave him a son, Mitya, who knows how to arrange life on the estate and make jam from the "circle", Nikolai Petrovich seemed to see the continuation of the dear, early departed Masha will never leave his heart. Arkady will repeat the path of his father: the young man is also looking for quiet family happiness, he is ready to deal with the affairs of the estate, forgetting about his youthful hobby for nihilism (“... honor of grandfather Nikolay. And what admiration the “old men Bazarovs” evoke, who do not cherish souls in their beloved “Enyushenka” and treat each other with caring attention. Yes, and Bazarov himself, hiding his love for his parents under the guise of a condescending grin, before his death asks Odintsov to take care of his father and mother: "After all, people like them cannot be found in your big light in the daytime with fire ..."

We meet different families of both peasants and landowners in the poem ON. Nekrasov "Who Lives Well in Russia": these are also brief references to the family of an old woman, lamenting that she “is sicker to go home than to hard labor”; and an episode with the recognition of the peasant Vavila in his heartfelt affection for his granddaughter-"fidget", dreaming of receiving "goat shoes" from her grandfather; and the story of Yakima Nagogo, drawn to beauty, about the hardships experienced by peasant families. But first of all, these are the families of landowners (chapters "Landowner", "The Last One") and peasant women Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina (chapter "Peasant Woman") - they were discussed in detail in my article "Family Thought" in N. Nekrasov "Who Lives Well in Russia" "(2004. No. 24).

In the novel epic "War and Peace" one of the leading, by definition of L.N. Tolstoy, is a "family thought". The writer argued that “people are like rivers”: each has its own source, its own channel. From the source - from the lullaby, from the warmth of the home, from the care of relatives - human life begins. And in what direction it will go depends largely on the family, family structure and traditions. In the center of the work are two families - the Rostovs and the Bolkonskys. The main qualities of the members of the Rostov family are absolute sincerity, gullibility, natural movements of the soul. It is no coincidence that both mother and daughter bear the same name - this emphasizes their closeness. And about his father, Count Ilya Andreevich, Tolstoy will say: "He is the very loose kindness." Sensitive, responsive, enthusiastic and vulnerable Natasha, endowed with the happy gift of “reading the secret” of people and nature; charming in his naivete and spiritual generosity Petya; open, straightforward Nikolai - they all inherited from their parents the ability to sympathy, empathy, and complicity. Rostovs are real a family in which peace, harmony, love reign.

The Bolkonskys are attracted by their uncommonness. Father, Nikolai Andreevich, “with the sparkle of clever and young eyes,” “inspiring a sense of respect and even fear,” is energetic and active. He respected only two human virtues - "activity and mind" and was constantly busy with something, including raising and educating children, not trusting or entrusting the latter to anyone. His son, Andrei, admires his father for his sharp analytical mind and vast, deep knowledge. He himself - just like his sister Marya - is endowed with pride and self-esteem. Marya and Andrei perfectly understand each other, in many ways they reveal the unity of views, they are connected not only by blood relationship, but also by real friendship. Subsequently, Princess Marya will be demanding as a father to her children, in Nikolenka she will see the continuation of her beloved brother, and she will call her eldest son Andryusha.

"Mental treasures" are revealed by the writer in his favorite characters. No wonder Pierre, reflecting on what Platon Karataev, who became the ideal of kindness and conscience for Bezukhov, would approve of, says to Natasha: “I would approve of our family life. He so wished to see goodness, happiness, tranquility in everything, and I would proudly show us us ”.

In plays A.P. Chekhov's "The Seagull", "Three Sisters", "The Cherry Orchard" we do not see prosperous - even outwardly - families. Relations between Konstantin Treplev and his mother, the famous provincial actress Arkadina (The Seagull), are extremely tense. The heroes cannot, and do not try to understand each other, and in a fit of anger they can reach direct insults: "curmudgeon", "raggy". Sisters Prozorovs ("Three Sisters") dream of breaking out of the whirlpool of philistine life in a provincial town, but is this dream destined to come true?
"To Moscow! To Moscow!" - these words, like a spell, sound throughout the entire play, but these are just words, not actions. There is only one person in the family - Natasha, a foolish bourgeois woman who has taken over her weak-willed husband, and the whole house is the hereditary nest of the Prozorovs. The Ranevsky-Gayev family ("The Cherry Orchard") breaks up: leaves for Paris, taking the last money from her daughter (after all, it was Anya who was sent fifteen thousand by the "Yaroslavl grandmother"), Ranevskaya; the adopted daughter of Ranevskaya Varya, who did not wait for an offer from Lopakhin, was forced to go “to the housekeeper”; Anya is going to take an exam for a teacher and then work. But, perhaps, the most dramatic thing is that they “forgot” in the empty house of the sick Firs, who served this family faithfully for several decades, and that the old cherry orchard is dying under the ax of the new owners, which has also been like a member of the family for centuries, and now they left him without help, left him, like Firs, who was devoted to the masters, to die ...

“Those born in a year of deaf ways do not remember their own. // We, the children of the terrible years of Russia, are unable to forget anything ”- this is how Alexander Blok writes at the beginning of the twentieth century, as if foreshadowing the trials that will befall the Motherland and the people, many families over the course of a century ... But this is a plot for another consultation.

National literature must be social and useful to society.
And it is obliged to highlight the problems of society and help society in overcoming them, help society develop ... Society consists of cells called families and the health of the whole society is determined by the health of individual families.

There is no family as a topic in Russian classical literature of the 19th century. Accordingly, it is impossible to talk about the description of family happiness ... Pushkin himself became a victim of a family scandal. It would be strange to read about harmonious families among single Lermontov and Gogol. Lermontov has a tragedy in Masquerade. Gogol in "Marriage", as usual, with his trademark mockery, tried to make it impossible to create a family. Dostoevsky was losing his wife's money in the casino and was definitely unhappy himself, and brought suffering to the family, Turgenev strangely settled down near the family of Pauline Viardot ...

Either the writers did not understand the importance of simply portraying a happy family, or they lacked the motivation and talent to fulfill this mission.

Family chronicles were portrayed by Leo Tolstoy in the novels "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina". He owns the famous phrase “All happy families are equally happy. Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. " The phrase is both well-known and common. If there is only one kind of family happiness, then why not say who described this ideal option before you and give credit to such a person. And if no one has done this before you, then ... make such an exemplary template yourself, if you have talent ... And so that schoolchildren write essays on the topic: How do I see a happy family based on a classic novel ... ...
That is, simply giving a positive example in a convenient format, and that's it ... Otherwise, through the demonstration of hundreds of variants of unhappy families, it is impossible to derive a variant of a happy one. Moreover, these abhorrent relationships are whitewashed and become an example to follow. For some reason, family life of the 19th century is associated through the nightmarish house building, painted by Ostrovsky in "The Thunderstorm", from where there is only one way out - to drown yourself. So almost half of families break up in the first year of marriage. They say that the subconscious mind does not perceive the "not" particle. And speaking of it, don't do it! - then you want to do just that. That is, you just need to show the correct option instead of the negative.
Obviously, family happiness is the (quiet) joy of a close woman.
You need to create a happy family and be able to defend your happiness.
In my opinion, the writers of the 19th century failed to cope with the task, did not provide ways to harmonize the family and society, opened the way for public discontent and, ultimately, the revolutions of the early twentieth century, which were carried out, as a rule, by unhappy and dissatisfied people who vaguely knew what they want…

Appendix (11/22/2010): I created one of the options for a happy family by correctly completing the story of Asya Turgenev.

Appendix 2 (11/24/2010) and yet our teachers are trying as best they can, trying to show the correct family values: but again, Tolstoy turns the time of events back 60 years ago, describing families around 1810-1815, it's like we would have learned family relations by the example of the events of 1945 ... and our descendants would have studied this in 2140 ...

Appendix 3 (6.1.2011) Polls on the topic: Is there happiness or a happy family in classical literature? http://otvet.mail.ru/question/40089231/
Appendix 4 (11/13/2011) Recipes for creating family happiness on Prose.ru from Elena Nemenko


The daily audience of the Proza.ru portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Arguments in the composition of part C of the USE in Russian on the topic "The problem of happiness (understanding it), the meaning of life"

Text from the exam

(1) The writer lives for them, his readers and viewers. (2) In novels, novellas, short stories, the author certainly - sometimes even involuntarily - shares his life experience, his reflections, sufferings and hopes.

(3) Later letters can convey to the author the opinion of those for whom all his vigilant thoughts, confusion, his defenseless frankness, his work. (4) One of the readers in his letter recalls how one day in the House of Writers he heard from me the lines of a poem, the author of which I cannot name with certainty:

(5) And people are looking for happiness, As if there is happiness, happiness ...

(6) Many, many questions of readers can be reduced to such a common semantic denominator: what is the concept of "happiness" in reality? (7) They are also interested in whether I have ever been absolutely happy. (8) I answer immediately and without hesitation: I have never been "absolutely". (9) As Arkady Isaakovich Raikin said, the most meaningless question sounds like this: "Are you all right?" (10) Does anyone ever get well ?!

(11) And if it suddenly happened ... (12) To feel such boundless, thoughtless and careless happiness is, in my opinion, immoral and sinful. (13) After all, even if everything seems to have worked out well for you, someone at the same time experiences mental and physical torment ...

(14) The classics of Russian literature penetrated into the depths of common human situations, common human conflicts and psychological cataclysms. (15) They comprehended the incomprehensible complexities of being. (16) What do they think about the happiness so desired by everyone? (17) Pushkin, as you know, wrote: "There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will." (18) By will, he meant freedom. (19) Lermontov was looking for "freedom and peace" - and this was almost his innermost aspiration. (20) Lermontov was looking for "peace", but in reality he was like the sail that "looks for storms, as if there is peace in the storms!" (21) “We only dream about peace…” - Alexander Blok sadly stated many years later. (22) Perhaps, in the second half of the twentieth century, people no longer dream of peace. (23) Still, we yearn for peace of mind, in which only creative restlessness and wholesome restlessness in any other activity necessary for people is possible. (24) Immortals were not often visited by the prosperity of life. (25) It is customary to consider Goethe the darling of fate. (26) But Irakli Andronikov showed me a letter from Goethe, in which a "darling" says that if there were at least one completely happy month in his life, he would have considered his whole life happy. (27) So much for "absolutely"!

(28) On the monument to Lermontov's father in Tarkhany we read:

(29) You gave me life, But you did not give me happiness.

(30) You yourself were persecuted in the world, You have only experienced evil in life ...

(31) It was hard for immortals. (32) “In life I have only tasted evil ...” ... (33) This also applied to the poet himself. (34) But how much wisdom and light did he give people ?!

(According to A. Aleksin)


Happiness is a relative concept that has become the main goal of human existence. No matter how different people may be, everyone strives for happiness: the poor, the rich, the simple worker, and the highly educated professor. Old and young, sick and healthy, smart and stupid ... And happiness is different for everyone.

Text problem

What is absolute happiness? What is it like? Is happiness the meaning of human life? A. Aleksin reflects on this in his text.


The author says that writers and poets through their works share their thoughts and doubts, emotional experiences with the reader. People are often interested in creative personalities what happiness is, apparently hoping for their life experience and the ability to see the inner world.

Aleksin is sure that it is impossible to be absolutely happy, that everything can never be good. Even if we assume that absolute boundless happiness has come, how can you feel careless under the condition of suffering and torment of others?

The classics of Russian and world literature had their own idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness - for the majority it is peace and freedom. Although few, more precisely, none of them had to experience happiness in real life. Pushkin, Lermontov, Blok - they all suffered, and from their sufferings magnificent poems were born, filled with the deepest meaning.

Author's position

According to A. Aleksin, the main goal for an artist, a creative person is not only to find happiness, but also to help readers in the best understanding of their place in life. This is the meaning of the hard life of poets, writers, musicians, artists.

Your position

I think that to bring light and a better understanding of life is the lot not only of creative individuals, but also of each of us. Awareness of the positive result of one's actions, efforts, labors is happiness. Perhaps this is the meaning of our short life - to give birth to another person and help people feel the value of their existence. In other words, true happiness lies in self-realization, in the struggle for the well-being of the world around us.

Argument # 1

Many works have been written about happiness. One of the most famous was the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Who Lives Well in Russia". The heroes of the poem, seven men from the surrounding villages, go in search of a happy man in Russia.

On the way, they meet various heroes: a priest, a landowner, wealthy Russian peasants who live by honor and justice. None of them found happiness in life, each has its own difficulties.

Russian peasant women have no happiness either. Matryona Timofeevna is considered a lucky people, although she works for seven, and in her youth she lost her first-born son.

Unfortunately, Nekrasov did not finish the work. From his rough notes it becomes clear that it is Grisha Dobrosklonov, a man who lives for the good of his people, that becomes the main "lucky" of the poem.

Argument # 2

Another understanding of happiness is presented by L.N. Tolstoy in the epilogue to the novel War and Peace. All their lives Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov were in search of answers to eternal questions: what are we living for? how should you live? is there any happiness? what is it?

The moral quest of one ended in death - Prince Andrey died during the war of 1812. And the other one found simple human happiness - Pierre married Natasha Rostova, they gave birth to three children, formed a strong family, for the sake of which they built their future life, without fear of problems and difficulties.

Natasha Rostova, a windy girl in her youth, turned out to be a faithful wife and a wonderful mother, put her personal ambitions on the altar of her husband's life needs.

Family is the true pleasure of man, his meaning of life, his happiness.


Everyone is happy in their own way, everyone has their own ideas about happiness. It is not easy to achieve, for the sake of happiness you need to sacrifice a lot, then a person's life will become full of meaning.

Sections: Literature

A type: repetitive and generalizing lesson in grade 9.

The lesson is conducted after studying the works of A. N. Ostrovsky, N. A. Nekrasov, F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy.

Common topic: the problem of happiness.

Objectives:generalize and systematize knowledge of the studied works; to acquaint with statements about happiness; teach to draw conclusions, find the main thing; to acquaint with the interpretation of words; find out the position of critics in relation to heroes; to understand a literary and artistic work and characters not only as a “reflection of life”, but also as an embodiment of the peculiarities of the author's vision of the world and man; come to an understanding of the philosophical concept of "happiness"; to identify the degree of assimilation of the material; develop creative thinking; teach to set life goals, to educate the moral qualities of the personality of students.

In advance, the class is divided into 4 groups, in accordance with the author and his work, each prepared its own homework.


1. Introduction by the teacher.
2. The main part of the lesson.
2.1. A. N. Ostrovsky “Our people - we will be numbered!”.
2.2. N. A. Nekrasov “Who Doesn't Russia Live Well”.
2.3. F. M. Dostoevsky "Poor People".
2.4. L. N. Tolstoy "Youth".
3. Conclusion. Closing remarks from the teacher. Summarizing.
4. Homework.

1. Introduction by the teacher.Today we will summarize the knowledge of the studied works of authors who lived at the same time (II half of the 19th century), in one country (Russia), but covered the life of different segments of the population: merchants, peasants, petty officials, nobility; who worked in different kinds of literature: epos, lyrics, drama. We will talk about the most important thing, which united not only the works of A.N. Ostrovsky, N.A.Nekrasov, F.M.Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, who lived in the century before last, but also us, we’ll talk about the concept that excites at all times.

Look at the board, aphorisms and expressions of famous people are written on it, determine the topic of the lesson, what we will discuss. ( About happiness.)

"In the face of other misfortunes, it is impossible to be happy."
J. La Bruyere

"There are two desires, the fulfillment of which can make a person's true happiness - to be useful and have a clear conscience."
L. N. Tolstoy

"The essence of misfortune is to want and not to be able."
B. Pascal

"Whoever fights for happiness, it tends towards that."
Russian folk proverb

Write the lesson topic in your notebook.

What does it mean to live happily? ( Student Answers)

On the other half of the board, you see words related to happiness: love, good manners, goal achievement, happiness. Link them together, what do they have in common? (Happiness cannot be without love, good manners, achieving goals).

Despite the fact that these words have a lot in common, each of them is the key to the works we studied.

2. The main part of the lesson.

Today you are researchers of the work of the playwright A. N. Ostrovsky, the poet N. A. Nekrasov, the writers F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy. Each group chooses one of the concepts close to the work under study. (Ostrovsky - achieving goals, Nekrasov - happiness, Dostoevsky - love, Tolstoy - good manners.)

2.1 A. N. Ostrovsky. Each comedy hero defends his interests, goes to achieve his goal. Has everyone reached it? Who got it? ( Podkhalyuzin achieved his goal by deceiving the owner Bolshov and everyone who helped him, promising money, and married Lipochka.) Let's see an episode from this play. (Staging.)

Is Podkhalyuzin happy? In his own way, yes, but he made others unhappy, even if dishonest, rude and ignorant like him. But it is impossible to be happy if someone is suffering. From the aphorisms on the chalkboard, find the appropriate one and write it down in your notebook. (“In the face of other misfortunes it is impossible to be happy” J. La Bruyere.)

2.2 N.A.Nekrasov. Who can be happy? When analyzing the "Prologue" of N. A. Nekrasov's poem, we found out that there can be no happy among the peasants, in the opinion of the peasants. What about the word “happiness” does the dictionary say? ( The prepared student's answer.) But the author reflects on “muzhik happiness” in the chapter “Happy”. People approached the peasants and said that they were happy. Who are they? ( One student reads a portrait of these people, and the other - what is the happiness.)

Nekrasov showed the peasants, meekly accepting the laws of life, “people's happiness” turns out to be fleeting. But at the same time, in the poem, the author draws other peasant types with which the motive of protest is associated. Who are they? ( Yakim Nagoy, Ermila Girin, Matrena Timofeevna, Savely.) It was their people who glorified them happy, why? What is the basis of the popular idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness? Wealth that Podkhalyuzin and others dreamed of? ( Ability to compassion, philanthropy, kindness, truth, honesty.) What aphorism fits this topic? (“There are two desires, the fulfillment of which can make a person's true happiness - to be useful and have a calm conscience” L. N. Tolstoy.)

2.3. F. M. Dostoevsky... What was happiness for the hero of Dostoevsky's novel “Poor People” by Makar Devushkin? Was he eager to be helpful? ( Yes, because he loved Varenka very much, and in this love there is a certain sacrifice.) At home, researchers of Dostoevsky's work had to pick up the statements of critics about the love of Makar Devushkin and the winged expressions of famous people. What have you found? ( Students' answers are heard.) Prove that Makar Devushkin loved Varenka with examples from the text. ( Students read an excerpt from the last letter.)

Makar Devushkin makes us feel sorry for him, we cannot call him happy, rather unhappy. What aphorism would fit? (“ The essence of misfortune is to want and not be able to, ”- B. Pascal.) Why did Devushkin's happiness not take place? ( The pupil's answer in the words of Grossman “... is a pure and selfless soul, flaming with love and compassion, but doomed to perish in the heartless world of violence and universal sale and purchase”.)

2.4. L. N. Tolstoy. Love Makar Devushkin gives the concept of self-respect, a means of spiritual insight, but he did not rise to a new level of spiritual development. LN Tolstoy in his works raises the problem of striving to improve the hero, his moral quest.

The hero of the story "Youth" Nikolai Irteniev once took out a sheet of paper in order to write down his duties for a year. He divided them into three kinds: to himself, to his neighbors, to God. But there were a lot of them, so I sewed a notebook and wrote on top: “The Rules of Life”. The homework of the group of researchers of the story by L.N. Tolstoy was to draw up these rules, based on the work and their own opinion. ( Students' answers are heard and commented on.) What aphorism will we write in a notebook? (“Whoever fights for happiness, it tends towards that,” is a Russian proverb.)

3. Conclusion. Closing remarks from the teacher. Summarizing. On the example of the works of writers of the second half of the 19th century, we talked about the most important problem that occupied all of humanity - happiness. You can think for a long time, since the topic is endless and vast.

When can a person be happy, what should he do for this? ( Fight for happiness, love, strive for self-improvement, work for good, not wish harm to others, etc.)

4. Homework. At home, write an essay-reasoning about happiness, based on one of the aphorisms recorded during the lesson, using one of the works as an example.

Thank you all for your work, the lesson is over, be happy!