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Silent deeds in the comedy Woe from Wit. Characteristics of Molchalin in "Woe from Wit" (with quotes). Characteristics and image of silence in the comedy Woe from Wit essay by Molchalin and Famusov

In the comedy "Woe from Wit" A.S. Griboedov presents the images of the Moscow nobles of the early 19th century, when there was a split in society between the conservative nobility and those who adopted the ideas of Decembrism. The main theme of the work is the confrontation between the “current century” and the “past century”, the painful and historically natural replacement of old noble ideals with new ones. Supporters of the "age of the past" in comedy are numerous. These are not only such weighty and influential people in the world as the feudal landowners Famusov and Colonel Skalozub, but also young nobles who do not have high ranks and are forced to "serve" influential people. This is the image of Molchalin in the comedy "Woe from Wit".

Molchalin is a poor nobleman from Tver. He lives in the house of Famusov, who "gave him the rank of assessor and took him as a secretary." Molchalin is the secret lover of Famusov's daughter, but Sophia's father does not want to see him as a son-in-law, because in Moscow it is supposed to have a son-in-law "with stars and ranks." Molchalin does not yet meet these standards. However, his desire to “serve” is very valuable for the Famus society.

Thanks to this skill, Molchalin received the post of Famusov's secretary, because usually they take such places only under patronage. Famusov says: “With me, employees of strangers are very rare: more and more sisters, sister-in-law children; Molchalin alone is not my own, and then because of business. It is business qualities, and not honor and dignity, that are valuable in the Famusov environment.

In the play "Woe from Wit" the image of Molchalin fully complies with the accepted standards of behavior of a young nobleman in society. He curtsies and humiliates himself in front of influential guests in Famusov's house, because they can be useful in his promotion. Molchalin descends to the point that he begins to praise the smooth coat of Khlestova's dog. He believes that while "we are small in ranks," "we must depend on others." That is why Molchalin lives by the principle "In my years, one should not dare to have one's own judgment."

Like everything in Famus society, in the comedy "Woe from Wit" Molchalin is proud of his success in his service and boasts of them at every opportunity: "As far as I work and strength, since I have been listed in the archives, I have received three awards." Molchalin also succeeded in establishing contacts with the "right" people. He often visits Princess Tatyana Yuryevna, because “bureaucrats and officials are all her friends and all relatives,” and even dares to recommend such a demeanor to Chatsky.

Despite the fact that the views and values ​​of Molchalin completely coincide with the ideals of the conservative nobility, Molchalin is capable of causing serious harm to the society in which he is located. Famusov's daughter will be deceived by this particular person, since he takes the form of her lover "by position", that is, for profit.

Molchalin fully reveals his face when interacting with the maid Lisa, whom he expresses sympathy for. “You are modest with the young lady, but with the maid you are a rake,” she tells him. It becomes clear to the reader that Molchalin is not at all a stupid modest person - he is a two-faced and dangerous person.

In the heart of Molchalin there is neither love nor respect for Sophia. On the one hand, he plays this performance “for the sake of the daughter of such a person,” and on the other hand, he is mortally afraid that his secret relationship with Sophia will be revealed. Molchalin is very cowardly. He is afraid of spoiling the opinion of himself in society, because "evil tongues are worse than a gun." Even Sophia is ready to go against the world for the sake of love: “What is rumor to me ?!” This is probably why Molchalin does not find "anything enviable" in marriage with Sophia.

It turns out that with his meanness, Molchalin harms even the society of which he is a product. Molchalin simply clearly follows his father's advice - "to please all people without exception - the owner, where I happen to live, the boss with whom I will serve ..."

This hero is fully consistent with the ideals of the "past century", although he belongs to the younger generation of nobles. He knows the main thing - to adapt, and therefore "The Silent people are blissful in the world."
Thus, Molchalin is a product and a worthy continuation of the representatives of the conservative nobility. He, like this society, values ​​​​only ranks and money, and evaluates people only by these standards. The cunning and duplicity of this hero are the defining features in the characterization of Molchalin in the comedy "Woe from Wit". That is why Chatsky claims that Molchalin "will reach the known levels, because now they love the dumb."

The problem that Griboyedov raises in the comedy Woe from Wit remains relevant to this day. At all times, there were Molchalins who did not stop at nothing to achieve their goals. The image of Molchalin will remain alive for readers as long as such values ​​as wealth and position in society, and not honor, conscience, human dignity and true patriotism, are put at the forefront.

A characterization of the hero, a discussion about his views and ideals, a description of relationships with other characters - all these arguments will help 9th grade students when writing an essay on the image of Molchalin in the comedy "Woe from Wit"

Artwork test

The work "Woe from Wit" by A.S. Griboyedov belongs to the genre of comedy, the events took place at the beginning of the 19th century, in which the author showed images of Moscow nobles. The main theme of the work is the confrontation between the present century and the past, the difficult change of old ideals for new ones. On the side of the last century there were a significant number of people in comedy, one of them was a young nobleman who did not yet have any ranks Molchalin. His task was to serve powerful people.

Molchalin himself was a poor nobleman, born in Tver. In the comedy, he lived in the house of Famusov, who, in turn, took Molchalin as a secretary. Molchalin falls in love with Famusov's daughter and secretly meets with her. Famusov is opposed to such relations, because he believes that his daughter needs an influential husband with ranks. Although Molchalin does not meet these requirements, he has another quality that was appreciated by the inhabitants of the Famusovsky house. He did his best to serve in every possible way, and this attracted attention. That is why he managed to get into the position of secretary, where business qualities are important, not honor.

In the work "Woe from Wit" the image of the protagonist can be called the standard behavior of a young nobleman in the environment. We see how he tries to serve, and if necessary, even humiliate himself in front of the influential guests of Famusov's house, all this comes with the expectation that they can be useful in life and further service. Molchalin even took it for granted to praise the coat of Khlestova's dog. To describe the hero, a quote is suitable that says that while “we are in small ranks”, “we must depend on others.” He believes that while you are young, it is not necessary to have an opinion.

The Famus society was famous for boasting, at every opportunity it was common to praise new successes, Molchalin was the same. He was a frequent guest of Princess Tatyana Yurievna. Although in character and behavior Molchalin was the same as everyone else in society, although he agreed with everyone and supported ideas, this did not stop him from going to meanness. For example, his love for Sophia was only a fiction, and he went for it for his own benefit. In fact, he sincerely opens up when communicating with the maid Lisa, whom he liked. And then another character opens up to the reader, you see that there is duplicity in him, which means that such a person is dangerous.

In his soul and heart there is not a drop of respect and warmth for Sophia. He is at great risk when he begins to secretly see Famusov's daughter, because he was constantly in a state of fear that they would be noticed. This expresses cowardice. For Molchalin, an important role was played by the fact that he was worried about the opinions of others, and he was also afraid of what others would think of him. This meanness and deceit of his ruins him, because he begins to harm those with whom he has long been surrounded. He remembered the words of his father, which said to please everyone without exception, which Molchalin followed. Based on this, we can conclude about the attitude of the hero to the description of the ideal last century even though he is still young.

The author showed Molchalin as a worthy continuation and example of conservative nobles. Such a society is characterized by the fact that for them rank and money are in the first place, these two categories allow them to evaluate the rest. As already mentioned, Molchalin was cunning and two-faced, these are the two main qualities that describe the hero.

Griboyedov touched upon a problem in the comedy that is still relevant today. Indeed, many cases are known when there were the same people who did not see anything in their path and were ready to go through everything for the sake of their goals. This topic will be relevant as long as there are people among us with the same values ​​as Molchalin and his society.

Composition on the theme of Molchalin

The comedy "Woe from Wit", written by Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov in the period from 1822 to 1824, tells about the secular society and life of those times. One of the central characters of the work is Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin, a man from the common people, striving for career growth.

Molchalin seems to be a decent young man who is distinguished by his kindness and modesty. But in fact, all these qualities are just a mask that the hero uses to achieve his goals. His dream is a career, high rank and wealth. Respect among high society is the limit of his happiness. There are many different ways to achieve these goals. But Molchalin chooses the fastest and most negative. He takes steps towards his dream with the help of flattery, hypocrisy and duplicity. He does it so subtly and imperceptibly that many can envy.

The hero worked as a secretary for Famusov, a rich and respected man. He did all the work conscientiously, spoke affectionately and carefully, which is why Famusov liked him. With the daughter of his master, with Sophia, he treated even better and even dared to play a lover young man. Naturally, he does not experience any high feelings towards the girl. On the contrary, he despises her and builds relationships solely for his own benefit. Once guilty before the girl, he rushes to her feet. The reason for this was far from repentance, but the fear of losing the trust of his master Famusov. Another person who was lucky enough to listen to lies from Molchalin was Khlestova. He kindly played cards with her and complimented her dog. In fact, people are very pleased with such behavior in their address. Molchalin showed hypocrisy and helpfulness towards everyone living in the house: from servants to superiors. This was the plan of the hero, which he strictly adhered to.

Thus, Molchalin in Griboyedov's comedy is negative character. The reader cannot see any positive features of the hero, but sees only hypocrisy and a desire to achieve a dubious goal in dirty ways. With the help of this character, the author reveals a serious problem that still exists today. People who aspire not to anything high, but to fame and money, are ready to go over their heads and put on a mask of sincerity. Usually, having achieved their goals, such people live unhappily and alone.

Option 3

In his comedy Woe from Wit, Griboedov tells about the nobles of Moscow in the 19th century, it was then that society split into conservatives and those who were impressed by the ideas of the Decembrists. The main idea of ​​the work is the opposition of the current century and the past century, the replacement of outdated ideals of the nobles with completely new ones.

Comedy has great amount supporters of the old ideals. Admirers of the old principles are weighty and significant people in society, such as the landowner Famusov, Colonel Skalozub, and the younger generation, who is simply forced to serve the "old men", also serve the old nobles. Molchalin is one of these young people who is forced to serve the old nobles with their orders.

Molchalin himself is a poor nobleman, born in Tver, he lives in the house of Famusov, who gave him the rank of assessor and hired him as a sergeant. Molchalin is also the lover of Famusov's daughter, but Famusov himself does not know about this. The father does not want to have such a son-in-law as Molchalin, because in Moscow it is customary to have rich relatives. Famusov appreciates in people the desire to serve him, and that is how Molchalin, with the help of his helpfulness, receives such positions.

In this play, the image of Molchalin very accurately corresponds to the nature of the command of a young, not strong nobleman in an influential society. Molchalin is trying to curry favor with the distinguished guests in Famusov's house as much as possible, because they can be useful for his further career growth. The young nobleman stooped to the point that he began to praise the coat of Khlestov's dog. He believes that the nobles of the lower ranks should thus earn respect from their elders.

He, like all the characters in this comedy, considers it his duty to show off and be proud of his success in promotion. Molchalin is excellent at establishing connections with the people he needs, who can help him in his service. Molchalin bears enormous damage to the society in which he is located. He also deceives Famusov's daughter, because he takes care of her only for the sake of long service to her father. He is the kind of person who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal, and is capable of causing great damage to the society in which he is located.

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  • A.S. Griboyedov finished his legendary comedy in 1824. But, despite all efforts, it was not possible to publish it. Censorship did not pass, since the nature of the play is accusatory. It spread in the lists, was a great success among the young intelligentsia. It was not until 1833 that the play was published in an abbreviated form.

    The author presented the reader with a galaxy of vivid images of the Moscow nobility of the 19th century. Most of them are relevant to this day. Especially tenacious is the person who "is blissful in the world." This character personifies servility, careerism, hypocrisy.

    General characteristics of the hero

    Molchalin is a young man of unknown origin. He comes from Tver, his parents were impoverished. Thanks to his efficiency and cunning, he ends up in the capital. Famusov gives him the rank of collegiate assessor, attaches him as his secretary. This position at that time gave hereditary nobility, regardless of material well-being. But the employer himself calls him "rootless", although he settles in his house.

    Alexei Stepanovich, like most of the heroes classical literature, wears speaking surname. He is really silent. The quality is inconsistent. Sophia, in love, considers it a virtue. They say the father is angry, but Alexei does not argue, does not object, the quick-tempered gentleman calms down. Chatsky, on the other hand, considers this stupidity, lack of will, self-respect. For Molchalin, this is just a cunning maneuver, opportunism. He doesn't mind.

    The hero is young, the same age as Chatsky. But they are similar only in age.

    Chatsky and Molchalin

    These two social types are antagonists. People like Molchalin are ready to do anything to achieve high ranks, positions in society. They don't shy away from anything. Lies, hypocrisy, fawning, cringing, humiliation, pretense - everything is in use.

    “Moderation and accuracy” are the only talents of Alexei Stepanovich. But he is clearly modest, forgetting that adaptability, cunning, business acumen are also a kind of talent.

    Molchalin does not recognize his right to his own opinion. While he is in a small rank, it is necessary to depend on others. Therefore, he actively mimics, adapts.

    Chatsky is a different person. He openly expresses his opinion in any environment. In an empty service does not see the point. He is ready to serve the cause, but not the persons. Serving him is boring. Famusov calls him a proud man, a fool. It is wild for a successful official to hear such speeches.

    Molchalin, for the sake of profit, is ready to pretend in everything. Even in love.

    Attitude towards Sophia

    Pretending to be in love, Alexey becomes a friend of the owner's daughter's heart. She, in turn, endowed him with the features of the heroes of French romance novels. She created the perfect look for herself.

    Alexei Stepanych visits the young lady's room at night. But he behaves indecisively, modestly, does not allow liberties. As it turned out later, not because he was reverently in love and well brought up, but out of indifference. But to Liza shows ardor, impoliteness. Timidity with the young lady and vulgar behavior with the maid. This contrast speaks volumes.

    He takes care of Sophia only in order to curry favor: "for the sake of the daughter of such a person." He doesn't really understand why. There is no love, he does not count on a wedding. Molchalin is a coward, madly afraid of Famusov's wrath, of what he learns about the novel.

    Molchalin and guests

    The ball in the Famusovs' house is the key scene of the work. The family is officially in mourning after the uncle's death. Therefore, only "their own" are convened. It is necessary to give points to maintain ties.

    With all representatives of the "past century" Molchalin is equally kind. Finds an approach to everyone. Sophia saw kindness in this ability to adapt. They say Alexei Stepanovich found friendship with everyone in the house. Chatsky also notices this: “here he will stroke the pug on time, he will just rub the card there.” And, indeed, it comes to the point of absurdity. Molchalin strokes, praises Mrs. Khlestova's Spitz. And then the whole evening he plays cards with the old people, adjusting, playing along. Knowing their cool temper.

    The young man does everything on time. He seems to anticipate a social storm. As soon as a scandal in the house is brewing, he disappears into his room a minute before the owner appears.

    “Will reach the known degrees…”

    All this will certainly help the hero in achieving his goals. He will not be embarrassed by mistakes, falls. There is no shame, timidity in him. From childhood, Alexei was instilled with the law of the need to please even the gentleman's janitor and his dog. And cringing, the ability to "bend into an inflection" is highly valued in the capital.

    "Woe from Wit" - the immortal comedy of A. S. Griboyedov. In it, he truthfully and mercilessly portrayed the "picture of morals" of contemporary aristocratic society. According to the author, in his work "25 fools for one sane person." And one of them in the play is Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin. Our article will be devoted to the characteristics of this character.

    The place of the hero in comedy

    Molchalin in "Woe from Wit" - typical representative The role assigned to him in the comedy by the author is of extreme importance. He, along with the main character, is a participant in both love and socio-ideological confrontation between the characters. Aleksey Stepanovich is not only a worthy successor to Famusov in business, but also Chatsky's successful rival in love. Sophia chose him for some unknown reason. The personal relationships of the characters in "Woe from Wit" are important, but Molchalin's attitude to service is more interesting to study. After all, it is in this activity that the character of Alexei Stepanovich manifests itself most clearly.

    General characteristics of the hero

    Alexei Stepanovich occupies a small position. He is the secretary and Famusova. Molchalin cannot boast of a noble origin, but he strives with all his might to break out "into the people." To do this, he chose an unmistakable tactic: "to please everyone ... without exception." Alexei Stepanovich makes no distinction between a master and his servant. With everyone, he is impeccably courteous and polite. In relation to higher persons, Mochalin's devotion has no boundaries. He fawns over Famusov, seeks to serve Khlestova. Alexei Stepanovich is mediocrity, an unscrupulous hypocrite and a sycophant. But none of the Famus Guards notices this. The image of Molchalin is a portrait of a man who, with the help of simple tricks and tricks, makes his way into high society.

    Molchalin and Chatsky

    If most of the representatives of the Famusovsky guard (Famusov, Khlestova) are people of the older generation, then Molchalin is practically the same age as Chatsky. However, these representatives of the same generation are, in fact, absolutely different people. Their behavior in society moral ideals are opposite. This is evidenced by the attitude of Molchalin to the service. By his own admission, the hero, he has only two talents - "moderation and accuracy." He does not hide his own mediocrity, on the contrary, he is proud of it.

    The behavior and worldview of Alexei Stepanovich is strictly regulated by the position he holds. Since it is still very insignificant, he has to be obliging and modest. Molchalin cannot do without influential patrons and is entirely dependent on them. Chatsky's independence seems to Alexei Stepanovich obvious stupidity.

    Molchalin and Famusov

    Unencumbered with special abilities, Aleksey Stepanovich fits very organically into the conservative Famus society. Despite the huge difference in social status and age, he has much in common with the famous Moscow "ace". Molchalin's attitude to the service is absolutely "famus". He admits that he dreams of "taking awards and having fun." He already has "three awards" in his arsenal, and each of them is a small step on the way to a brilliant career. Like Famusov, Alexei Stepanovich reveres public opinion. Some of Molchalin's quotes: "Ah! Evil tongues are worse than a gun" and "In my years one should not dare / Have one's own judgment" echoes Famus's final phrase: "Oh! my God! what will he say" / Princess Marya Alekseevna!

    Molchalin in love

    Alexei Stepanovich skillfully pretends to be in love with the main character of the play. And here his desire "to please all people without exception" is manifested. Smart and selfless, Sophia is completely oblivious to deceit. She extols his shyness, reverence and timidity. Even the absence of "this mind ... which is quick, brilliant ..." seems to her positive quality. Describing her lover to Chatsky, the girl does not notice how, in the words of I. A. Goncharov, "the portrait comes out vulgar." Sophia has her own grief from the mind. Molchalin becomes a hero for her love story in which she plays the role of a kind patroness.

    However, Alexei Stepanovich has completely different inclinations. Lively and cheerful Lisa likes him much more. In addition, he is not so stupid and believes that Sophia "Loved Chatsky once / She will stop loving me like him." But he is ready to give Lisa a toilet of intricate work and believes that this is enough to win love. The sober cynicism of Molchalin seems especially disgusting against the background of sincere feelings that he experiences

    The further fate of Molchalin

    Loss of love main character does not mean a complete defeat for Alexei Stepanovich. Despite the fact that he made a serious mistake, he managed to avoid the wrath of Famusov. The "noble" father of the family poured out all his indignation on the humiliated and insulted Sophia and the innocent Chatsky. The main character is put out the door, accused of imaginary debauchery. Sophia is threatened to be sent to the village for misbehavior. Only Aleksey Stepanovich leaves unnoticed. Regarding the fate of this hero, the comedy "Woe from Wit" does not give a definite answer. Molchalin will probably be able to pretend to be a victim of the circumstances. It is impossible to stop his career. Chatsky was absolutely right when he predicted that Aleksei Stepanovich "would reach certain degrees." The final scene of the comedy once again confirmed the sad truth that A. S. Griboyedov is trying to convey to his readers: "The silent ones are blissful in the world," while the sincere and intelligent Chatskys become outcasts in society.

    The image of famous writers

    The image of a "silent" person, gradually making his way up the career ladder, left no one indifferent. Belinsky in the middle of the 19th century wrote that Molchalin is a person who "begs without benefits" at the sole "dictation of the soul." N. V. Gogol found that the "face" of Alexei Stepanovich was "aptly captured." This is an image of a low and silent personality, quietly making its way into people. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Molchalin's attitude to the service inspired the creation of a series of essays entitled "In the Environment of Moderate and Accurate." I. A. Goncharov in his sketch "A Million of Torments" noted that in his time (1871) Molochlin's servility becomes archaism and "hides ... in darkness." However, comparisons of various people with the wordless and helpful character "Woe from Wit" are still actively used in journalism.


    Molchalin's quotes are a reflection of him life position. The desire to be useful and gain confidence in the right person, which: "Feeds and waters", and maybe "and gives a rank ..." is relevant at all times. Aleksey Stepanovich is a typical opportunist, unencumbered by creative and constructive beginnings, but endowed in abundance with practical acumen and worldly mind. It is absolutely impossible to fight him. In any situation, this person will be able to be afloat. How long will silent mediocrity be valued in the service, and a bright, lively and independent mind will be subjected to unjust persecution? This question is posed by A.S. Griboyedov in the satirical comedy "Woe from Wit". The Molchalins occupy leading positions, penetrate into all spheres of life, infiltrate any society and, by their very existence, hinder its development. However, the answer to this question has not yet been found. Perhaps, over time, this state of affairs will change.

    In Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", several typical characters are created, well recognizable regardless of the era. Molchalin belongs to such images, so now it would be appropriate to briefly consider the characteristics of Molchalin, paying attention to the features that Griboyedov endowed this character with.

    Biography of Molchalin from the comedy "Woe from Wit"

    The play says very little about the life of Molchalin before Famusov appeared in the house. The reader will learn that Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin is not noble birth, poor young man.

    Famusov took Molchalin to his secretary from Tver, was able to "get" him the rank of assessor, which was highly valued and equated to the army rank of major. Meanwhile, the hero is still listed in the Archives of the College of Foreign Affairs and manages to receive three awards. At the time of Griboedov, the “archival youths” were treated somewhat contemptuously, since young people who wanted to avoid military service in this way were enrolled there. This information is already helping to compile a characterization of Molchalin from the comedy "Woe from Wit".

    In the house of his patron, Molchalin lives on the first floor, where the servants' rooms and utility rooms are located. For the sake of his career, Molchalin starts an affair with Sofya, Famusov's daughter, while simultaneously courting the maid Lisa.

    Molchalin and Sofia

    What else is interesting in the characterization of Molchalin? He admits that Sophia is not interested in him. No matter how Molchalin tries to awaken feelings for her in himself, nothing happens, the hero still remains cold: “As soon as I wake up, I’ll get a sheet.” He's chasing after the boss's daughter, hoping to reap the benefits. Knowing Sophia's inconstancy (“they once loved Chatsky, they will stop loving me like him”), he is not worried, he is more concerned about Famusov's reaction to their relationship.

    Literary critics have repeatedly wondered: what attracted Sophia Molchalin, why did she prefer him to the smart and noble Chatsky? Probably the answer is in the words of the heroine herself. Talking about Molchalin, she highlights such qualities as helpfulness, attentiveness, shyness, he is ready to foresee Sophia's every desire and shows her his tender feelings.

    Another quality that is important in the characterization of Molchalin is his hypocrisy and duplicity: portraying love for Sophia, he courts Lisa, seducing her with gifts and not embarrassed to express his feelings quite brazenly and obsessively. In Famusov's house, Molchalin wears the mask of a timid man in love until an accidental exposure occurs.

    The characteristic qualities of Molchalin from the comedy "Woe from Wit"

    Griboyedov uses a speaking surname. Molchalin - silent, quiet, he does not dare to have his own opinion, fearing not to please important people. Its main goal is to gain confidence in those who can provide patronage by being helpful and pleasing to them. Chatsky bitterly remarks: "The silent ones are blissful in the world."

    To understand the characterization of Molchalin in the comedy "Woe from Wit" by Griboyedov, it is necessary to remember what testament the father gives to Molchalin. The young man says that his father advised him to “please all people without exception”: the owner of the house where he lives, the boss, the boss’s servant, “the porter, the janitor to avoid evil, the janitor’s dog to be affectionate.” The hero follows this principle. He tries to please Famusov, the "old men" at the balls. For the sake of this, he refuses to dance and have fun, and plays cards all evening with elderly, but noble gentlemen. With helpfulness and modesty, Molchalin achieved a good relationship with the influential Tatyana Yurievna and even the grumpy Khlestova.

    Molchalin considers his main talents to be "moderation and accuracy". Griboyedov in his comedy "Woe from Wit" shows: Molchalin is stupid, his mind is directed only to finding profitable behavior, low, does not have self-esteem, is capable of meanness and lies.

    We hope that our article, which briefly presented the characterization of Molchalin from the comedy "Woe from Wit" by Griboedov, helped you get to know this character better. Read also in our literary blog

    Among the heroes of "Woe from Wit" (see. summary, analysis and full text) Famusov is at the top of the official and social ladder. Molchalin, being on the lower steps of the same ladder, tries to climb it, following the principles and rules of life of his boss. The servility and obsequiousness common in Famus society were instilled in him from childhood:

    "My father bequeathed to me,

    Molchalin says,

    First, to please all people without exception;
    The owner, where he happens to live,
    The boss with whom I will serve,
    To his servant who cleans the dress,
    Doorman, janitor, to avoid evil,
    To the janitor's dog, to be more affectionate.

    We can say that Molchalin really fulfills his father's wills! We see how he tries to please the noble old woman Khlestova, how he praises and caresses her little dog; and although Khlestova treats him very condescendingly (“Molchalin, here is your closet!”), however, she allows him to lead arm in arm, plays cards with him, calls “my friend”, “dear”, and probably will not refuse him in protection when he needs it. Molchalin is sure that he is on the right track and advises Chatsky to go "to Tatyana Yuryevna", since, according to him, "we often find patronage there, where we do not aim."

    Woe from the mind. Performance by the Maly Theatre, 1977

    Molchalin himself recognizes two “talents” in himself: “moderation” and “accuracy”, and there is no doubt that with such properties “he will reach known degrees,” as Chatsky notes, adding: “because now they love the dumb.” Molchalin is indeed wordless, since he not only does not express, but does not even have his own opinion, it is not for nothing that Griboyedov called him “Molchalin”:

    "In my summers one should not dare
    Have your own opinion,

    he says. Why take the risk of “having your own judgment” when it is so much easier and safer to think, speak and act as the elders do, as Princess Marya Alekseevna does, as “everyone”? And can Molchalin have his own opinion? He is undoubtedly stupid, limited, although cunning. This is a small soul. We see the baseness and meanness of his behavior with Sophia. He pretends to love her because he thinks it can be beneficial for him, and at the same time flirts with Lisa; he meanly crawls on his knees in front of Sophia, begging for her forgiveness, and immediately after that he hurries to hide from Famusov's wrath, like a real coward. The miserable type of Molchalin is depicted by Griboyedov with merciless realism.

    "Silents are blissful in the world." The catchphrase lives on today. Under changing conditions modern world The Molchalins are easy to recognize and meet.

    The image and characterization of Molchalin in the comedy "Woe from Wit" will help to understand which features have not changed, who is hiding under the mask of a two-faced modest.

    Molchalin and Famusov

    Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin is the secretary of Famusov, the owner of the house in which the events of the comedy are developing. Famusov sheltered a poor nobleman from Tver, gave him the rank of assessor, officially arranged for him to serve in the Archives. Molchalin is not young, an adult man (" we are not guys...”) is satisfied with this situation. He is listed in the archival service, receives promotions, but does not leave Famusov's house. In Alexei, the owner saw the features of a business man. All other servants in the house are relatives. The ability to please becomes the basis of Molchalin's character. Simple in origin, probably coming from a family of philistines, having received the rank, Alexei acquired the right to hereditary nobility. For 3 years of service, he managed to receive 3 awards. Such career growth is an indicator of the patience and desire of a man to rise by any means as high and quickly as possible.

    Positive character traits

    Griboyedov presents real characters Therefore, they have positive and negative qualities. Molchalin is no exception.

    Modesty. Not many can boast of the ability to communicate with people of different ages and levels of education. At Famusov's ball, Molchalin endures the quirks and humiliations of grumpy old women, the stupidity of drunken revelers, the affectation of young ladies.

    Shyness and tact. Alexei, being next to the owner's daughter, does not show impudent or abrupt actions. He tactfully tolerates Sofia's attitude, skillfully hides his true feelings.

    The ability to remain silent is an unattainable quality for many. Tired of their chatter. Here the situation is different:

    “He will reach the known levels, / After all, now they love the dumb ...”.

    Education and courtesy. Molchalin behaves correctly in different situations. He easily apologizes, builds phrases so that there is no desire to scold him, scold him.

    The ability to make friends.

    “Look, he has gained the friendship of everyone in the house.”

    Peacefully settles any problems and disputes, for others he is able to forget about himself.

    Calm. Molchalin is difficult to piss off. He does not express nervousness, anxiety even in the most difficult situations: a morning meeting with the owner, a fall from a horse.

    Negative personality traits

    Among representatives of high society, Alexei Stepanovich is shy and timid, but this is only a mask, a mask. Behind it are hidden features that do not paint a man:

    Helpfulness. Molchalin seeks to please everyone around him, hoping to make a good impression, to benefit. His father bequeathed to him to please all people, but the son went further. He grovels not only in front of people, but also in front of the animals of the owners. The purpose of such behavior is to achieve promotion at work and in personal relationships.

    Duplicity. A man's behavior changes depending on the situation and environment. With whom he communicates by status, he behaves like that. With the Countess Khlestova he is kind, with the maid - he is cheeky.

    Not the ability to love. Molchalin builds his relationship for the sake of profit. He loves according to his position. This feeling became very well known in modern era when they start romances for deceit and profit. The secretary skillfully plays the role of a lover, conquers a smart and educated girl. Sophia is ready to go against the rumors and opinions of her father for him, but the reciprocal feeling is deceptive.

    Lack of own opinion. Molchalin never spoke. He has chosen a tactic of silence that others like. Gradually lost the opportunity to have their own judgments.

    The image of Molchalin easily survived the centuries. For many, the value of money, position and position in society is higher than honesty, patriotism and human dignity. The more clearly the stratification of society in terms of wealth becomes visible, the more “Molchalins” appear who are ready to sell their souls for money.

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    In Griboedov's comedy Woe from Wit, the main opposing array of events falls on the images of Chatsky and Famusov. The rest of the acting characters help to reveal the true state of affairs and the depth of the conflict.

    Origin and activity

    One of these characters, with the help of which the tragedy of what is happening is enhanced, is the image of Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin.

    We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. Griboedov.

    Molchalin does not belong to the aristocracy - he is a man of ignoble origin, but thanks to his service, he has access to high society.

    Aleksey Stepanovich has not yet managed to rise to significant heights - for now he only occupies the position of Famusov's secretary, but he gives hope for an early career advancement, which causes Famusov's special love.

    Pavel Afanasyevich allocated a room for Molchalin in his house, although it is difficult to call it a full-fledged room: it is most likely a small closet, but Molchalin, deprived of fate, is quite pleased with this.

    Alexey Stepanovich has been working for the third year personal secretary Famusov, however, he is registered in a completely different position - based on official data, Molchalin works in the archive department, but in practice this is fictitious, he is only listed there. However, not without benefit for himself - during such a service he received three awards.

    Of course, this was the exceptional work of Famusov. This position is also beneficial to Famusov and allowed him to get out of a difficult situation - he provided himself with a good secretary and, moreover, he had to pay not from his own pocket.

    The text mentions the rootlessness of Molchalin, but there is no exact explanation. Based on this, several assumptions can be made regarding the essence of such a statement. The first is that Molchalin is a man of simple origin, the second is that he is an orphan, that is, a man without a family.

    The writer portrays Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin as an adult man. At the same time, Molchalin rejects even the possibility of his infantilism. Famusov, whose hero serves, takes advantage of Alexei's position. Officially, the hero works in the Archives, because Famusov agreed so. However, this is a mere formality for obtaining ranks. Molchalin's real place of work is Famusov's house. The latter provides his worker with food, drink, shelter, career advancement. Molchalin, apparently, knows how to please Famusov.

    Before working with Famusov, in Moscow, the hero lived in Tver. Molchalin, of course, is not a rich person at all. The simplicity of the origin of the hero makes us assume that Molchalin is a tradesman. According to the "Table of Ranks", the hero holds the rank of collegiate assessor. This rank gives the right to the nobility, which is what Molchalin achieves. The man even manages to receive awards, in which his master probably helped Molchalin.

    The symbolism of the surname

    The image of Molchalin bears the features of symbolism. This is due primarily to his last name. It is based on the verb "be silent". Indeed, this word is an accurate reflection of the essence of Molchalin. He is the silent and faceless servant of Famusov. Even his tread is devoid of any sounds. It seems that he wants to be as unnoticed as possible, quiet.

    From time to time, Alexei Stepanovich moves on tiptoe so as not to disturb the household. This behavior of his is one of the ways to achieve his life purpose.

    The purpose of life

    While most aristocrats are deprived of a purpose in life and lazily live their lives without filling it with any meaning, Molchalin's life has a pronounced character. His goal is to take place and achieve significant achievements in life. Achievements in the eyes of Molchalin are in no way connected with improving the lives of ordinary, ignoble people or contributing to the development of the morality of the aristocracy. The highest goal of Alexei Stepanovich is to become a full-fledged representative of high society.

    Molchalin is ready to lay down his bones for another promotion, so he serves Famusov with all his might - it is Pavel Afanasyevich who can help him achieve this goal. And Molchalin has already overcome the first step on this steep ladder - thanks to his ability to suck up and please Famusov, he was given the rank of collegiate assessor. Thus, Alexei Stepanovich turned from a commoner into a poor nobleman. Molchalin found special charm in the fact that his rank had the property of being inherited.

    Molchalin and Sofia Famusova

    You can further improve your position in society through a profitable marriage. For this, the girls needed to have a lovely figure and an equally lovely face. In the case of the male half of society, it was enough to have a helpful character. It is the ability to serve well that becomes the criterion for favor. Despite his low origin and financial insolvency, in the eyes of Famusov, Alexei Stepanovich looks like a more attractive son-in-law than the noble aristocrat Chatsky. The fact is that Pavel Afanasyevich believes that such an estate and diligence, which Molchalin possesses, will be able to compensate for his origin and achieve an advantageous position in society. In order to achieve the final advantage over other young people, Molchalin only has to accumulate significant capital or start attacking Famusov from another front - if Sonya falls in love with Alexei Stepanovich, then she will be able to convince her father to make a decision in his favor.

    Aleksey Stepanovich accelerates this process by starting to show interest in Famusov's daughter, Sofya.

    The relationship of young people takes place in the best traditions of platonic love - Molchalin does not allow anything extra in relation to the girl.

    Thus, he demonstrates his respectful attitude towards Sophia and the seriousness of his intentions. In addition, such behavior contributes to the achievement of his goal with marriage - Molchalin does not need to have Sonya, he needs to become her husband, so debauchery is an unacceptable thing for him.

    We offer to compare in A. Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit".

    In dealing with Sophia, Alexei Stepanovich adheres to the same principle as with her father - he pleases her all the time. Naturally, the behavior of Molchalin differs sharply from the behavior of other aristocrats in relation to her. Young people of noble birth are not ready to kowtow to Sonya the way Molchalin does, which is why they do not arouse such interest in her.

    To some extent, Famusova's attachment to Molchalin was caused by the lack of proper candidates - after Chatsky's departure, the girl chooses the least evil from the remaining ones. At the time of the attachment and the beginning of communication, Sonya did not experience enthusiasm and love attraction for Molchalin, her act could be regarded as revenge on Chatsky, but as a result of the desired effect, such an act did not bring, Sonya eventually got used to the oddities of Molchalin and began to perceive them as ordinary things . In the person of Molchalin, Sonya found a wonderful “living toy”, he not only treats her with deification (which, as it turned out, was feigned), but is also ready to fulfill any of her desires.

    Chatsky and Molchalin

    The conflict between Chatsky and Molchalin was a priori predetermined - an honest and noble aristocrat cannot understand and accept the position of Famusov and his society, Alexei Stepanovich, who not only depends on Famusov, but also strives to become like them, could become an excellent opponent to Chatsky , if he had more perseverance and individuality, however, since Alexei Stepanovich is used to being a silent observer and never betraying his attitude to certain situations, then there is no sharp discussion between the characters.

    In addition, the insightful Chatsky notices the strange attitude of Alexei Stepanovich towards Sonya Famusova. Over time, he discovers the true attitude of Molchalin to the girl and his ghostly love. Chatsky is struck by the double standards of Molchalin - on the one hand, he is ready to flatter immensely, but, on the other hand, he immediately does not neglect to announce his disdain and even disgust for those whom he idolized a couple of minutes ago behind his back.

    Attempts to open the eyes of others to the fallacy of their opinion do not lead to anything good - it is flattering for others to perceive their superiority than to realize that all respect towards them was a farce.

    Molchalin and Lisa

    No matter how two-faced Molchalin may be, yet sometimes he reveals his true feelings and intentions. This state of affairs is not denounced in discussions or small talk (since he tries in advance not to take part in them).

    So, for example, Aleksey Stepanovich has a feeling of affection and love in relation to the maid in the house of Famusov - Lisa. The hero of the story is faced with a choice - to play his role of Sonya's lover to the end, or to confess his feelings to Lisa.

    Unfortunately, as a dishonest person, Molchalin is not limited to this state of affairs and takes care of two girls at once.

    Thus, Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin is a classic version of a character playing a double game. This trend continues in the case of Molchalin in all activities. He is hypocritical in relation to Famusov, plays with Sonya's feelings.

    Alexei Stepanovich is characterized by uncomplaining and silent servility. For the sake of moving up the social ladder, he is ready to go to even the most immoral deeds. The image of Molchalin has become a household name and is used in relation to a dishonest, hypocritical person.

    The character of Molchalin

    The hero makes a double impression. On the one hand, Molchalin pleases everyone (in this man real master), he is shy, helpful, timid, calm, timid, modest, quiet, "wordless". He is characterized by accuracy, moderation, lack of criticism of others. That's why they love him, I guess. But on the other hand, the hero is also characterized by duplicity, hypocrisy. Molchalin is considered a well-mannered and polite person, the hero evokes sympathy from others. Society does not see the true nature of the hero. On the contrary, in Molchalin they see a selfless person who is ready to forget about his own interests for the sake of others.

    However, Molchalin pleases and is silent for the sake of self-interest, in order to achieve his goal. Such parting words were given to the hero by the father. The behavior of the hero depends on the circumstances. For example, with Famusov's daughter, a man behaves emphatically politely and modestly. But Molchalin does not really love Sophia. The hero is in love with Lisa. However, with a simple girl there is no need to behave decently. The true face of Molchalin is seen, perhaps, only by Chatsky, who considers the assessor a stupid, cowardly and miserable person. However, Vyazemsky, on the contrary, emphasizes the prudence of the hero, a rational approach to life. The soul of Molchalin is cold and callous. The maid Liza also speaks about this later.

    The great comedy by A. S. Griboyedov, which appeared in early XIX century, opens new stage in the development of Russian literature. The characters created by the playwright have historical, literary and universal significance. The unconditional find of the author is the image of Molchalin, which absorbed the features of a socio-psychological type, which, unfortunately, was destined in Russia for a long life. The type of this hero, one might say, is one of the most common in Russian literature. But the very first meeting with him takes place in the play by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The merit of the author is the creation of the literary type of Molchalin, which has become a major acquisition of social thought. Griboyedov showed great power of journalistic generalization. The author elevated the little official - Famusov's secretary - to the symbol of a significant socio-political group, strongly linking "silence" with "famusovism". Creating the character of Molchalin, Griboyedov showed the influence of bureaucratic morality on the development and behavior of a person. From childhood, the hero was taught slavish servility before the mighty of the world this. The fulfillment of his father's covenant helped him "to take rewards and live happily." But, on the other hand, he, as a petty provincial official, had no other choice. Molchalin is a master in the art of lifting a scarf, keeping silent when he is scolded, for this he received three awards, the rank of assessor and is on friendly terms with many influential people. At the first meeting, it is indeed difficult to determine the real face of Molchalin. We see a timid and shy young man. Sophia in love endows him with a lot of virtues. "The hero of her novel" is "both insinuating and smart", he is "ready to forget himself for others", "yielding, modest, quiet". However, gradually we are convinced that such Molchalin is only a figment of Sophia's imagination. If Chatsky underestimated Molchalin, then Sophia clearly overestimated him. So who, finally, is Molchalin: a humble modest man, clumsy and funny in his servility, or a successful scoundrel? "Warmed" by Famusov, for several years spent in Moscow, Molchalin managed to make a good career: he received the rank of assessor and "three awards", was enrolled in the archives, managed to establish the necessary connections, make profitable acquaintances. He, like Skalozub, "has many channels to get ranks." Molchalin does not disdain anything: There he will stroke the pug in time, Then he will wipe the card at the right time ... Showing the confrontation between Chatsky and Famusov, A.S. Griboedov raises the problem of "the present century" and "the past century". These heroes are people of different generations, while Chatsky and Molchalin are the same age, but the sharper the contrast between them. Each of them shows one of the options for the path that young people can choose: the path of truth-seekers and rebels (the path of Chatsky) and the path of "wordless" who will reach "known degrees" (the path of Molchalin). Molchalin became a household name for meanness, servility. He sincerely does not realize how, being a petty official, one can think and feel independently. Sympathizing with Chatsky that he suffered "failure in the service", Molchalin tries to help him if he, in turn, follows the path of all the silent ones. Silent and always ready to serve, he possesses such a capital that under any circumstances gives him and his descendants the right interest: moderation and accuracy. He also has one more property - the readiness to the grave to please anyone who "feeds and waters, and sometimes bestows a rank." He, if necessary, can take the form of a lover "to please the daughter of such a person." And, of course, Molchalin is on the side of "everyone" in the conflict with the troublemaker Chatsky. It is precisely in the dialogue between Chatsky and Molchalin that the social and spiritual confrontation between a free-thinking person and an environment of moderation and accuracy is finally formed, which will be resolved by slandering Chatsky and his exile. Griboyedov forces Molchalin to be frank and, with some defiance, set forth the rules of life of the circle to which he is close. “Moderation and accuracy”, “I am not a writer”, “at my age I should not dare to have my own opinion”, “after all, one must depend on others” - these are the foundations of Mololinsky's well-being, from which he will never deviate. But Chatsky was mistaken in assessing Molchalin, in his true role. For him, Molchalin is a nonentity, "the most miserable creature." Chatsky is contemptuously arrogant. Only. He never thought that Molchalin could be his rival. And even when he finds out about the connection between Sophia and Molchalin, he does not take it seriously. After all, at the time of Griboyedov, the Molchalins caused mostly contempt. They could not become worthy opponents of the advanced nobles. Molchalin was an unworthy subject, he did not deserve serious attention. He sacredly fulfills his father's covenant "to please all people without exception." Flattery is Molchalin's main weapon. He flatters everyone who can be useful, and is even ready to play the role of a lover, counting on the mercy of Famusov. However, the mask of the humble quickly flies off him when he speaks with those whom he considers below him. With Lisa, Molchalin tries to look like a rake, forgetting about shyness. He does not put Chatsky in anything, therefore he allows himself to give the latter advice. In the eyes of Molchalin, Chatsky is a loser, so you can behave contemptuously and condescendingly with him. It would seem that before us is a completely unsightly and useless person, but, alas, we, following Chatsky, are forced to admit that "the Silent people are blissful in the world." And apparently the time of the silent ones was already coming, that is, the era of silence - the time of the reign of Nicholas I, the time of ranks and officials. Then comes the hatred of the silent ones. But she did not come immediately, but when it turned out that forever young old men Russian history and there they are. After all, Molchalin remained, and Chatsky left the stage, Onegin passed, Pechorin died, Rudin, Rakhmetov, Bazarov left. He also became invulnerable. It turned out to be impossible to defeat such people - they are strong by someone else's strength, they cannot be killed with contempt, because their dignity lies in someone else's authority. K. A. Polevoy wrote: "... look around: you are surrounded by silence." But the Molchalins, at first glance, are not so harmless and funny in their effort to please, they should not be underestimated. As time has shown, the Molchalins are tenacious and invulnerable. Most likely, it is not the hero himself who is terrible, but the situation when the Chatskys suffer, and the Molchalins are blissful when the opportunists win. But for how long at the end of the play is Molchalin exposed, humiliated, frightened? Such people are "reborn" quickly, which is very sad and regrettable. They do not repent of their actions, and what is more terrible is that they do not realize the depths of their fall.