
Write a story about the teacher. Stories from life. Some interesting essays

The profession of a teacher is the most difficult of all. My mother works as a school teacher and teaches children about biology, an interesting science about nature.

Many different teachers work in each school - some teach the youngest students to read and write, others help to learn a lot of interesting and useful things about the history of countries and cities, about nature, about animals, about space and much more.

Mom reads a lot, constantly studies herself, learns something new and tells it in class so that the children are interested and that they grow up educated.

Mom gets up early in the morning because the lessons at school start early and you still need to prepare for them. Sometimes my mother also works at home in the evenings - checking notebooks or preparing for lessons, like me.

To become a teacher, you need to study well, finish school with good grades, and then college or university. At an institute or university, future teachers get more knowledge on the desired subject, and also learn to share this knowledge with children, because being able to explain something to another is also very difficult.

The profession of a teacher is a difficult but interesting job. And my mother loves her very much, and every day she teaches interesting and useful lessons at school.

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Efremova Elena Vladimirovna,

Municipal educational institution "Velykopolska secondary school" Orsha district of the Republic of Mari El

10th grade student


"My favorite teacher"

Teacher... We often say this word, but we don't think about what a huge role the Teacher plays in our life.

It is hard to imagine how much effort, work, soul, patience teachers put into each of their students so that they grow up from little girls and boys into successful, happy people! Day after day, year after year, the teacher gives himself to the children, everything, without a trace ... He spends sleepless nights over notebooks, new notes, worrying about how to make the lesson interesting, and the material easily accessible to each student, worries about the failures of his students ... The teacher rejoices the smallest success of the student and tries to create a situation of success for everyone ...

No wonder they say that the school is the second home, and the teacher is the second mother. As a writer lives in his works, as an artist lives in his paintings, so does a teacher live in the thoughts, deeds and deeds of his students. And it depends on the teacher what will germinate and ripen from that small seed that he once sowed.

It is not easy to teach children. And a huge responsibility lies, first of all, on the shoulders of the first teacher, the person who leaves the deepest imprint on the souls and destinies of his students. With him, children bravely open the way to the world of knowledge, which begins with the alphabet and primer.

Each of us remembers his first call, first lesson, first answer, first school holidays, his first prom ... And all this is connected with a wonderful name First teacher.

I am grateful to fate that, as the first teacher, fate presented me with a wonderful person, a teacher with a capital letter - Bogdanova Zinaida Sergeevna. Unfortunately, the schools where we spent 4 wonderful years of study in the primary grades, the most interesting, bright years, where we felt like students, got the first five, formed as a class team, are no longer there. She was closed. She accompanies us with her sad eyes-windows every morning to another, neighboring school, when we rush to the school bus, she graciously shines with glasses, meeting us after school. And it seems that she remembers each of us ... My favorite first teacher does not work at school either. But I know that she remembers and loves us, worries about us, rejoices in our successes. She is retired, but meetings with her turn into spiritual holidays.

The memory of the very first, most beloved teacher has always remained in our hearts. Sensitive, sympathetic, at the same time strict and fair, who took care of us as if they were his own children. Zinaida Sergeevna taught us how to hold a pen correctly, write the first hooks and sticks, write letters and numbers ... With her, we read the first words ourselves, counted the first examples, learned the multiplication table ... We didn’t learn anything!!! Each lesson was a real discovery! It turned out that we were very capable ... The teacher believed in us and found special words of encouragement for each. Her lessons gave us an idea about eternal values, good and evil, about the world and people, about our Motherland and our people. Together with her, we sympathized with the heroes, laughed, cried and mastered the power of words and language ... She taught us to live correctly, to know the world correctly, to be kind and wise, tolerant and successful, she dreamed that real people would come out of us. Zinaida Sergeevna connected her life with ours so that we could learn to realize our dreams and desires. She always found a common language with us, told us a lot about wisdom, mercy, kindness, friendship. She told me what true friendship should be, because friendships play an important role at all stages of our lives. Zinaida Sergeevna did not scold us, did not punish us, in her even, calm voice she simply talked about what we did not think about. For example, they played with a ball under the school window and almost broke it. The teacher said that the principal of the school would be more concerned, that the wind would fly into the classroom from the open window, rain would fall ... And we became so ashamed that we began to play with the ball in a small stadium.

Zinaida Sergeevna managed to rally us into a single friendly team based on mutual assistance and mutual assistance. And we have always won various school competitions thanks to our solidarity and friendship. I remember great hikes and excursions. Here, the beloved teacher opened up to us from a new side - a caring, loving mother. She tried very hard to feed deliciously, to reveal to us the unknown pages of nature. We got acquainted with medicinal plants, folk signs, studied the peculiarities of our native land.

I am sure that none of my classmates will forget the farewell party with Zinaida Sergeevna. The trembling voice of a classmate, who read the lines he composed for the first time, ran into his memory. The teacher, like all of us, had tears in her eyes. And we surrounded the woman who became dear, and wept together, afraid to part with her for a long time. We said goodbye to the first teacher, native school and school childhood ...

And today, as a ninth grader, I say with confidence: “To be a Teacher is a calling, a talent given from above! I am grateful to God that my first teacher turned out to be a talented teacher.”

Dear Zinaida Sergeevna, thank you for your eyes, for your smile, for your kind heart - for everything, for everything, thank you! Good luck to you, success, health, mutual understanding and great student gratitude! We love you!!!

Elena Efremova , 10th grade student

MOU "Wielkopolska Secondary General Education

School" Orsha district of the Republic of Mari El

Municipal educational institution

"Alekseevskaya secondary school"


"My first teacher"

Work completed:

Home address:

from. Alekseevka, per. Siberian - 13.

School address:

Altai region,

Petropavlovsky district,

from. Alekseevka, st. Central - 14;

phone: 21 – 3 – 98.

from. Alekseevka

You opened the doors to a great life for us,
You taught us not only the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe in you!
We have received lessons of kindness!

N. Ivanova.

The profession of a teacher has always been the most honorable, but at the same time the most difficult. The ability to pass on your experience to children, people who are just entering an independent life, is a talent.

I study in the third grade of the secondary school in the village of Alekseevka. There are many excellent teachers in our school. And one could write an essay about each of them. All of them I appreciate, respect, sometimes I regret. But the most significant mark in my not yet too long life was left by the first teacher -.

I met her when I came to school for the first time in the first grade. The first of September 2009 was a special day for me. And not only because I went to the first class, but also because I went to my first teacher. Of course, I carefully prepared for this event, but I was still very worried. Together with me, my parents, grandmothers and older brother Denis were worried. They all accompanied me to school life. Mom brought me to the cozy and best class of the school. I gave Lyudmila Nikolaevna a bouquet, she hugged me, took my hand and the excitement disappeared somewhere. So I found a second mother.

The most memorable first lesson began. The teacher's gaze was directed at each of us individually, but at the same time she saw the whole class at once. During those few minutes when Lyudmila Nikolaevna silently, with a barely perceptible smile, looked around at us, it seemed that she managed to penetrate into the soul of each student, study his character, hear his thoughts. Everyone involuntarily fell silent. Her voice was clear and loud.

Day after day, I reveal more and more new qualities in Lyudmila Nikolaevna. First, she is an experienced teacher. Nobody can refute this fact. Secondly, Lyudmila Nikolaevna is a wonderful person. A teacher must be kind and strict at the same time, demanding and forgiving, cheerful and serious. Lyudmila Nikolaevna manages to combine all these qualities.

Cheerful and at the same time strict, kind and demanding, she instantly became my best friend. Gradually, I began to become more and more attached to her, and she fell in love with all of us. Lyudmila Nikolaevna teaches us not only literacy and writing, but also a respectful attitude towards each other, seriousness in important matters, diligence, friendship. It helps us overcome difficulties.

I really love to study! During the holidays I always miss school. Of course, this is largely the merit of my first teacher. I like to learn new things, face problems and find ways to solve them, answer questions that arise. This is also thanks to Lyudmila Nikolaevna.

And how caring she is! Come to the rescue in difficult times, console, encourage, suggest the right decision, reconcile those who are in a quarrel, scold those who are guilty - and all this from a pure heart, with the most necessary words and the kindest eyes in the world.

And what an inventor Lyudmila Nikolaevna! Parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters are happy to come to our extracurricular activities. How interesting it is always! Contests, competitions, relay races, concerts, conversations - there was nothing! And Lyudmila Nikolaevna knows how to surprise, captivate, stir up, make laugh and make everyone happy.

My first teacher, like me, was born in our village. Even at school, she dreamed of working with children. Therefore, after graduating from the Pedagogical Institute, she came to work at the school where she herself had once studied for 10 years. A teacher is not so much a vocation, not so much a talent, giftedness, but rather a destiny. One person is given such a fate, another is not. The profession of a teacher requires from a person all his strengths and abilities without a trace. This is a ministry that knows no holidays and changes. The work of a teacher surprisingly combines the youth of the soul and the wisdom of words, everyday hard work and the daily celebration of the victory of knowledge. The teacher goes along the road of knowledge all his life, not tired of teaching, learning, making discoveries and being amazed at the world. And I am incredibly glad that it was such a teacher, real, sincere, sensitive, wise, carrying a spark of knowledge and the joy of discovering something new, that I met at the very beginning of my school path.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna over the years of work has become a Teacher with a capital letter. No wonder parents bring their second, third children to her, and to tell you a secret, then grandparents bring their grandchildren. So my older brother Denis also studied with Lyudmila Nikolaevna. My mother gave me to study even earlier from the age of 6, only to fall into the good hands of Lyudmila Nikolaevna.

Being a teacher is very responsible. After all, it is from him that we receive knowledge that we use in the future. And this knowledge must be true, deep and useful. It seems to me that every teacher wants his student to achieve great success in studying his subject and even surpass his teacher in adulthood. This will be the best gift and will mean that the teacher was able to teach everything that he himself can do. The proof of these words are dozens of certificates, diplomas, titles of her students at regional, regional and even all-Russian competitions.

The most important joy for a teacher, in my opinion, is the gratitude of the students. I want to say a huge thank you to Lyudmila Nikolaevna Prokopyeva for everything she does for us, for the fact that, sparing no effort and time, she patiently and persistently puts into our little children's heads the knowledge that will always be useful to us in life, teaches us to be honest, patient and kind. When you come to her lesson, you are charged with positive emotions. It helps us find something in life, find the path that will help us discover our best qualities. Lyudmila Nikolaevna to give us something that not every teacher can give: the warmth of the soul, the joy of meeting, kindness, a radiant and bright smile. I am sure that all the students who have ever studied with her love, remember and respect this wonderful and sincere person. And I am very glad that on my life path I met just such a person.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna gives us the most important lessons - the lessons of life. She will remain in my heart as a kind, gentle and sympathetic person. I will always remember her. After all, my achievements are her merit.

Nomination "On pedagogy - with love"

Teaching is one of the most ancient professions on earth. Many good warm words have been said about teachers, many songs and poems have been written about them. The image of the teacher is always bright. The image of the first teacher especially sinks into the heart. And for good reason!

The words from the song "My first teacher ..." have long become an aphorism. Among the many wonderful teachers who work with children at school, a special place is given to her - the first teacher. Children always remember their first teacher with warmth. Why? I will tell you about one such teacher, and draw your own conclusions.

A little man who crosses the threshold of the school needs a good friend and mentor! The one who will help him overcome the fear of the unknown that is waiting for the baby there, beyond the school threshold! The one who will help to make a very important discovery, whose name is KNOWLEDGE.

This is the kind of teacher I want to talk about. Petrova Marina Stepanovna has been working at the school for 27 years. Many of her students have already graduated from high school. Some of them brought their children to this teacher.

Marina Stepanovna tries to give her students not only knowledge. She strives to instill in them such human qualities as honesty, kindness, decency. Kids are drawn to Marina Stepanovna and love her. For everyone, she has a word of consolation, she will cheer up and regret everyone. Like the sun that warms even the smallest blade of grass on earth, Marina Stepanovna endows her pupils with her spiritual warmth.

It helps the children to discover their personal potential, to feel happy from the knowledge that an understanding adult friend, a teacher, is always nearby, helping to see and develop in children the inclinations of abilities that are inherent in nature. For this person, it is important to reveal the inner world of each child, his personal qualities.

I think that our children are very lucky: they met a teacher who believed in their talent, their abilities, opened the door to the world of children's feelings, thoughts, relationships, perceptions. More than once, students of our class took part in creative competitions of various levels. More than once they justified the trust of their teacher, confirming their knowledge.

In our small school, Marina Stepanovna became the first teacher - the winner of the competition of the best teachers of the Russian Federation, which takes place within the framework of the national project "Education". Most recently, she was awarded the title of "Veteran of Labour". In addition, she was awarded many times with certificates of honor and letters of thanks for her conscientious work. But the most honorable award for her is the love of her students. And this love, like a pure source, will never dry up.

"Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness," says folk wisdom. The life of every person is illuminated by a teacher. The teacher opens his business, the big world to which his life is dedicated. A good teacher wants to enter his world. The world of my teacher is his student. When the question arose of which teacher to write about, I did not think long. I would like to tell you right away about my teacher, who, it seems to me, has a strong influence on me. This is my first teacher - Svetlana Vladimirovna. She has been teaching us for four years and is our class teacher. I'm talking about Svetlana Vladimirovna - a wonderful teacher, a wonderful woman. We met Svetlana Vladimirovna when we came to the first class. As it seemed to me, at first I was very afraid of a stern and demanding teacher. But Svetlana Vladimirovna quickly turned our ideas "upside down". Cheerful and at the same time strict, kind and demanding, she instantly became the subject of our constant conversations. Many of us did not believe that such qualities could be combined in one person. Gradually, we began to become more and more attached to her, and she fell in love with us. Sometimes we can digress from the topic right in the lesson, listen to stories about her life, joke and laugh, which does not interfere with learning new material at all. Svetlana Vladimirovna always knows how to revive boring lessons. Of course, not everything was always smooth, there were also unpleasant stories, but I think it’s not worth talking about them. Svetlana Vladimirovna always goes to meet us halfway, she has never spared and does not spare her own time to help us. But the main thing is not even that, the main thing is that with the help of Svetlana Vladimirovna we were able to understand what a truly good teacher is. It seems to me that every teacher wants his student to succeed in studying his subject, in adulthood, and even surpass his teacher. This will be the best gift and will mean that the teacher was able to teach everything that he himself can do. It seems to me that the teacher can bring us what is interesting to him. She is kind and at the same time strict and tries to find a compromise in any situation. When you come to her lesson, you are charged with positive emotions. It helps us find something in life, find the path that will help us discover our best qualities. Svetlana Vladimirovna gives us something that not every teacher can give: the warmth of the soul, the joy of meeting, kindness, a radiant and bright smile. I am sure that all the students who have ever studied with her love, remember and respect this wonderful and sincere person. And I am very glad that on my life path I met just such a person. . Years will pass, a lot will change. I will become an adult, I will master my favorite profession, but I will definitely return to my native walls, I will come to the class where we sat at our desks, where we learned the ability to be a person, studied with her, my beloved teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna. I think that there will be no more teacher like her, kinder and better. I will never forget my teacher, who opened the way to life for me!

Every person in life had the first tooth, the first word, the first book... Together with my mother, I took the first steps... She led me by the hand to the first grade, where the teacher led me further along the roads of knowledge. That's what I want to talk about. First teacher! He taught me to read, write and count, to be friends, to love the Motherland, nature, respect for elders ... I remember how he rejoiced at my successes, worried and worried about me, and sometimes got angry. It seemed to me that with me he was especially strict, picky and demanding. And I didn't understand why. I remember the first lesson, the first desk at which I met my first friend, the first textbooks, the first award and the first two... So many first things are connected with the first teacher! My first teacher was always kind and strict, friendly and fair. With what impatience we waited for the morning to make new discoveries with him. No one had any idea: in order for us to get into the “secret” in the morning, the teacher sat at the table all evening, looking for interesting material for tomorrow's lesson. At the time when we went to bed, he was still checking our notebooks, inventing, composing, and sometimes went to bed in the morning. He wanted us to go to school with pleasure and not be bored in the classroom. Giving himself to other children, unfortunately, he left little time for his family. The teacher strives to ensure that the students understand him, because the work of any teacher is aimed at ensuring that the children have a happy future. I am grateful to my first teacher for my first class, for everything he taught me. Thank you, Olga Alexandrovna! Thank you mom