
The social and philosophical origins of Raskolnikov's revolt based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment. Social and philosophical origins of the Raskolnikov riot - essay Social and philosophical origins of the Raskolnikov riot quotes

Here is the defeated God -

He fell, and he fell low.

That's why we built

Higher the pedestal.

Frank Herbert

The novel "Crime and Punishment" was written in 1866. The sixties of the nineteenth century were very stormy not only politically, but also in the field of thinking: the age-old moral foundations of society were crumbling. The theory of Napoleonism was preached very widely. Young people thought that everything was allowed to them. "In one life - thousands of lives saved from decay and decay. One death and a hundred lives in return - why, there is arithmetic!" Of course, in real life, no one killed anyone, but only thought about it - as a joke. Dostoevsky brought this theory to its climax to see what happened. What happened was this: an unfortunate person who does not understand his mistake, a lonely person, suffering spiritually and physically. This is how Raskolnikov appears to us.

If we turn to Raskolnikov's childhood memory (dream), then we see a kind, sensitive boy who is trying to save a dying horse. "Thank God, this is only a dream! But what is it? Is it not a fever in me that begins: such an ugly dream!" - says Raskolnikov, waking up. He can no longer imagine himself like that, for him this little boy is "a trembling creature, a louse." But what changed Raskolnikov so much? There are many reasons, but they can be reduced to several, more general ones.

The first is probably the time in which Raskolnikov lived. This time itself pushed for changes, protests, riots. Probably every young man then (and now!) Considered himself the savior of the world. Time is the root cause of Raskolnikov's actions.

The second reason is the city of Petersburg. Here is what Pushkin writes about him:

Lush city, poor city,

Spirit of bondage, slender look,

The vault of heaven is pale green

Boredom, cold and granite.

In Crime and Punishment, Petersburg is a vampire city. He drinks the juices of life from the people who come there. So it happened with Raskolnikov. When he first came to study, he was still that nice boy from childhood. But time passes, and the proudly raised head sinks lower and lower, the city begins to choke Raskolnikov, he wants to breathe deeply, but he cannot. It is interesting that for the entire novel St. Petersburg only once appears before Raskolnikov with a particle of its beauty: "An inexplicable cold blew on him from this magnificent panorama; this magnificent picture was full for him, dumb and deaf ..." But the majestic view of St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Winter Palace for Raskolnikov, for whom St. Petersburg is his closet - "closet", closet - "coffin". It is Petersburg that is largely to blame for the novel. In it, Raskolnikov becomes lonely and unhappy, in it he hears the officers' conversation, in it, finally, an old woman who is to blame for her wealth lives.

After digging into the main social causes of the rebellion, it is worth tackling the philosophical and psychological ones. Here, the first is, of course, the character of Raskolnikov: proud, even vain, independent, impatient, self-confident, categorical ... but you never know you can pick up definitions? Because of his character, Raskolnikov fell into such a hole, from which few people can get out ...

When Raskolnikov was just developing his theory, he, not yet suspecting, already considered himself a People with a capital letter. Further more. Being in constant solitude, he only did what he thought. So, he deceived himself, convinced himself of what was not. It is interesting that at the beginning he justifies himself, like many young people, with the noble goal of helping others. But after committing the crime, Raskolnikov realizes that he killed not to help others, but for himself. "The old woman was only a disease ... I wanted to overstep as soon as possible ... I did not kill a person, but I killed the principles. I killed the principles, but I did not overstep, I remained on this side", "... I had to find out then, and quickly find out if I'm a louse, like everyone else, or a human? .. Am I a trembling creature or have the right ... "It is also interesting that Raskolnikov until the very end considered himself the only right. "Nothing, they won't understand anything, Sonya, and they are unworthy to understand", "... maybe I'm still a man, and not a louse, and hastened to condemn myself. I will still fight."

Raskolnikov's relatives understood him better than he did himself. "After all, he does not love anyone; maybe he will never love!" - says Razumikhin. "And the rogue, however, this Raskolnikov! He dragged a lot on himself. A big rogue may be in time, when nonsense rises, and now he wants to live too much," says Svidrigailov. "I regard you as one of those who at least Cut out the guts, and he will stand there and look at the torturers with a smile - if only he finds faith or God. Well, find it and you will live, "says Porfiry Petrovich. "She [Sonya] knew, moreover, his vanity, arrogance, pride and disbelief."

Disbelief. It is with this word that Dostoevsky wants to justify Raskolnikov's act. This is evidenced by Sonya, "character number two," a true believer and living by this, who has risen due to this much higher than Raskolnikov. This is evidenced by the name of the main character. This is evidenced by numerous hints and "unquoted" quotations from Holy Scripture, hidden Gospel images. After all, God means not just belief in something supernatural, but also the presence of minimal moral foundations. And this is so necessary in an era of changes and revolts in order to keep a person afloat, not to lead him astray!

"If a creature has already become someone, it will die, but will not turn into its own opposite", "there is no sharp line between people and gods: people become gods, and gods turn into people" - these lines were written much later, and this proves that no matter what time we live, the themes for the novels remain the same: where is the border between fas and nefas (permitted and prohibited).

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Writings on literature: Social and philosophical origins of the revolt of Rodion Raskolnikov

FM Dostoevsky once said that the works of NV Gogol "crush the mind with the deepest unbearable questions, evoke the most restless thoughts in the Russian mind." We can rightfully attribute these words to the works of Dostoevsky himself, which are permeated with restless and disturbing thoughts. Crime and Punishment is a novel about Russia going through an era of deep social and moral upheavals. This is a novel about a hero who contains all the suffering, pain and wounds of his time in his chest.

"Hero of our time" - Rodion Raskolnikov - a young man, endowed by nature with intelligence, the ability to compassion, and therefore so acutely perceiving the suffering and pain of others, painfully reacting to manifestations of human injustice and meanness. Wandering around Petersburg, Rodion sees terrible scenes of despair, humiliation, devastation and anger of people, the torment of those who, by a reality based on the power of money, are doomed to poverty, drunkenness and, ultimately, death. The hero of the novel is ready to become, in a certain sense, an avenger for the disadvantaged and humiliated.

From a letter to his mother, Rodion learns about Svidrigailov's harassment against his sister and about Dunya's decision to marry Luzhin, just to save him and his mother from poverty and shame. Raskolnikov is deeply outraged by the existing order of things, in which life is bought at the cost of crime, moral death and which contradicts his dreams of the perfection and harmony of the world. And he is not able to accept the sacrifices of his dearly beloved mother and sister. The salvation of people dear to him becomes another motive for the impending crime.

In addition, he himself, like his family, is crushed by poverty, but does not want to put up with it and intends to overcome poverty. First of all, not for his own sake, but for the sake of his loved ones and other disadvantaged people.

Raskolnikov's sensitive and vulnerable soul is overwhelmed with living pain for a person, he is deeply wounded by the horror and absurdity of the surrounding reality, and therefore rebellion is ripening in his soul, and therefore his idea is born. And that is why he suffers, rushes about the St. Petersburg streets, leads some kind of feverish, "abnormal" life: “Long ago, as all this current melancholy was born in him, it grew, accumulated and recently matured and concentrated, taking the form of a terrible, wild and a fantastic question that tormented his heart and mind, irresistibly demanding a solution. " For a long time already arose in his brain the idea that in the name of an idea, in the name of justice, in the name of progress, murder can be allowed and even justified, “blood according to conscience,” as the hero of the novel calls it. And the visit to the usurer, in whom he, almost dying of hunger, had to pawn a ring - a gift from his sister, only sharpened this conviction. The old woman, profiting from someone else's grief, aroused in his soul an irresistible hatred and disgust. A conversation between a student and an officer about this "stupid, insignificant, evil ... and harmful to everyone" pawnbroker, which he accidentally heard in the tavern, finally confirmed him in the idea that on the general scales the life of this old woman is nothing compared to thousands of other lives. And her money "doomed to the monastery" can save many perishing, dying of hunger and vice. "To kill such a harmful old woman is to resist evil and restore justice!" - decides Raskolnikov.

For Rodion, Luzhin is the personification of social evil - a successful, greedy and cynical businessman, spoiled by the power of money, embodying vulgarity and egoism, and

Rich man Svidrigailov, a lecher who pursues defenseless victims (including Raskolnikov's sister).

Pushes Raskolnikov to a crime and his desire to solve an ethical problem: is it possible, by breaking the law, to come to happiness? It turns out not. After committing a crime, suffering, torment, torment appear. Where can we think about universal happiness, if personal happiness cannot be achieved. He says to his sister: "... if only I had killed because I was hungry ... then I would now ... be happy!"

The main and most significant in the work is the theory developed by the hero. Since the world that he sees around him is terrible, ugly, and it is impossible and unnatural to accept it, to come to terms with its laws, and he does not believe in the possibility of curing the diseases of his “troubled” tragic time, the only way is to rise above this “anthill” ... "Ordinary" people "live in obedience" and "must be obedient." This is unnecessary, taking any order of things. "Unusual" people - the destroyers of this order - break the law. Rodion wants to rise above the customs and morals of the world around him, to prove that "it is not a trembling creature," but "has the right." To become above the world for Rodion Raskolnikov means to become a human being, to find true freedom, and only truly "extraordinary" people, the only ones worthy of being called people, are capable of this. All the burden of rejection, rebellion of a "proud man", an extraordinary personality, Raskolnikov places on one of himself, on his personal energy and will. Either obedience and submission or rebellion - the third, in his opinion, is not given.

Thus, Raskolnikov wants to transcend not only the moral and social, but also the physical laws that fettered human nature. But besides the main theory, the hero of the novel also built a second, more noble, softening harshness of the first. He decided that he would use the money stolen from the pawnbroker to help other people, save “hundreds of young lives” from death and debauchery. But he is tormented by the question: is he capable of being a real person who has the right to break, is he personally capable of a crime-riot? Will he be able to overstep the murder, even for the sake of a great good goal?

These are, in general terms, the social and philosophical origins of the revolt of the protagonist of the novel by FM Dostoevsky, who, according to the author, "realizes and judges the world and man - this is the charm of his personality." But the crime committed by the hero of the novel became the very experiment that immediately showed the inconsistency of his theory of crime, showed that Rodion Raskolnikov would “never repeat the murder again” “going the same way”.

Grade: Grade 10

Subject: literature

Lesson topic: Spiritual searches of an intellectual hero and ways to identify them.

Raskolnikov's theory. The origins of his rebellion.

Objectives of the lessons: to expand the students' understanding of the heroes of the novel; to achieve an understanding that the world in which Dostoevsky's heroes live is the world of the “lost and perishing”, to evoke in schoolchildren a feeling of compassion for the “humiliated and insulted”; to reveal the reasons for the origin of Raskolnikov's theory, its social and philosophical origins; to show what power a theory can have over a person and what danger the hero is exposed to in trying to implement it.

During the classes

  1. Conversation about the heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment".

Questions: 1. Who is Rodion Raskolnikov? What does his last name mean? How does it help you understand the character of the protagonist?

2. Find in the text an expressive description of Raskolnikov's appearance. Where does Dostoevsky's hero live? For what purpose does the author describe Raskolnikov's dwelling in such detail?

3. Highlight the defining character traits of the protagonist. What is the difference between Raskolnikov and the previous heroes of Russian literature?

Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov is a former student of the St. Petersburg Law Faculty. Researchers of Dostoevsky's work drew attention to the duality of interpretation of the hero's surname. One comes from the word split, which means "split", the other is associated with the word schism, that is, an obsession with one thought, idea. The hero's surname testifies to a deep split in the soul of the former poor student Raskolnikov “is characterized by an ardent love for people, a desire to help all those who suffer ... and completely wild fanaticism in defending his anti-human idea. In Raskolnikov, the mind is constantly struggling with feeling, in his soul there is a split between a humane, noble goal (the salvation of mankind) and immoral means (the murder of a "trembling creature"), writes NS Prokurova.

Dostoevsky paints a memorable portrait of his hero. Raskolnikov “was remarkably handsome, with beautiful dark eyes, dark Russian, taller than average, thin and slender ... He was so badly dressed that another, even a familiar person, would be ashamed to go out into the street in such rags during the day ... The hat ... was high, round, Zimmerman's, but already all worn out, completely red, all full of holes and spots ... "The author describes Raskolnikov's dwelling in detail:" His closet was under the very roof of a high five-story building and looked more like on a closet than on an apartment ... It was a tiny cage, six paces long, which had the most pitiful appearance with its yellow, dusty wallpaper everywhere that had lagged behind the wall ... The furniture corresponded to the room: there were three old chairs, not quite serviceable, a tiny table in the corner ... a clumsy old sofa ... once upholstered in chintz, but now all in rags ... "But Dostoevsky does not just describe his hero's closet, he is, in the opinion of NS Prokurova," large master of the "spiritualization of matter", which is high dulls in him as a reflection of the inner world of the hero, his attitude ”. “The natural and material world does not have Dostoevsky's independent existence; he is completely humanized and spiritualized. The environment is always shown in the refraction of consciousness, as its function. The room where a person lives is the landscape of his soul ”(K. V. Mochulsky). Dostoevsky's hero, Raskolnikov, is complex, contradictory; in him, according to his friend Razumikhin, "two opposite characters are alternately replaced." Generous, kind, acutely perceiving other people's pain, Rodion Raskolnikov is at the same time gloomy, suspicious, overwhelmingly proud, arrogant.

4. What is the fate of Marmeladov and his family?

5. Is Marmalades worthy of the compassion? Why is he dying?

6. How is Katerina Ivanovna characterized in Marmeladov's confession? What is the main feature of her character? (Pride.)

7. Is there anything in common between Katerina Ivanovna and Raskolnikov? (In appearance, state of mind, similarity of theories: you can sacrifice one person to save several small children.)

8. What are the main character traits of Sonya? (Humility, meekness, kindness.) The life of the Marmeladov family is a chain of hopeless situations. The catastrophe is approaching inexorably. Each attempt to avoid it only exacerbates the situation, brings the inevitable death closer. Infinitely sorry for Raskolnikov Marmeladov, his sick wife and hungry children. He is shocked with Sonechka Marmeladova. It's scary when “there is nowhere else to go”. There is only one way out of such a dead end - death.

9. What feelings and thoughts are born in the soul of Rodion Raskolnikov when he receives a letter from home? (The hero realizes that the fate of his mother and sister is as dramatic as the fate of the Marmeladovs. The feeling of hopelessness drives Raskolnikov to despair.)

II. Conversation with students on the topic "Raskolnikov's Crime".

The author scrupulously traces how the thought about the murder of the old woman-pawnbroker develops in Raskolnikov's soul. Dostoevsky notices "the slightest movements of his soul, all the shades of its states ... Thought grows stronger, gains strength, goes along the ascending line of its development, preparing for realization."


1. What are the true reasons for the crime of Rodion Raskolnikov? Which one can be considered the main one?

(V. Ya. Kirpotin: "The motives of Raskolnikov's crime are complex and multi-layered. First of all, it is poverty ... Secondly, Raskolnikov wants to decide for himself the question: who is he - a trembling creature or Napoleon? And finally, thirdly, Raskolnikov wants to solve the problem of whether it is possible, having transgressed the laws of a society hostile to man, to come to happiness ... In an effort to artistically prove his concept, Dostoevsky puts forward the threefold nature of the motivation for Raskolnikov's crime. ")

2. Trace the path of Dostoevsky's hero to crime.

Concise retelling of the scene of the murder of the pawnbroker and the humble Lizaveta. (Part I, chap. 6-7.) (You can make notes in notebooks.)

Raskolnikov's path to crime:

A) mental anguish and the search for a way out of the impasse;

B) immense pride and confidence in their exclusivity;

C) a conversation between a student and an officer in a tavern;

D) the theory of "two categories";

e) accidents pushing for murder (the terrible story of the Marmeladovs' life, a letter from the mother, a disgraced girl on the boulevard, an accidentally overheard conversation between the bourgeoisie and Lizaveta);

f) the hero's thought is to decide at least for something;

G) Raskolnikov committed a crime, allowed himself to bleed according to his conscience. He kills the pawnbroker and Lizaveta.

3. Remember Raskolnikov's article "On the Crime". What is the essence of Raskolnikov's theory of "two categories"? What group of people does the hero belong to?

(While nurturing his idea, Raskolnikov finds justification in historical examples, in the need to save loved ones; to do good for the money of the pawnbroker. He reveals his soul to Sonia: “I killed not to help my mother, - nonsense! , so that, having received funds and power, become a benefactor of mankind. Nonsense! I just killed ... I had to find out then and quickly find out if I was a louse, like everyone else, or a human? .. Am I a trembling creature or have the right. " Raskolnikov is convinced that people by nature "are divided into two categories:" ordinary ", that is, living" in obedience ", meekly accepting any order of things, and" extraordinary ", that is, having a" gift or talent to say. .. a new word. "These are strong people, Napoleons. All of them" break the law ", have the right to crime, can allow themselves" blood according to conscience. "Raskolnikov is all" immersed "in his idea. His mind is struck by the spirit of" Napoleonism. " And someone invisible, unknown leads him to the fatal line.)

4. Why does Raskolnikov commit two murders?

(A person who has committed a crime once is able to repeat it.)

5. What did Raskolnikov underestimate in himself? Why does he torment and suffer after the crime?

(His conscience torments him. His crime also turns into spiritual suicide. "Did I kill an old woman? I beat myself, not an old woman!" The crime committed by Raskolnikov is the ultimate test of the idea. He thought to kill and remain calm. But human nature is complex, and , in the words of VG Belinsky, this is a “labyrinth of obscurity.” Raskolnikov crossed over, but “this side he remained.” The consciousness of his insignificance comes to him, that he, like everyone else, is a louse, “trembling creature” .)


  1. Prepare for the interview.
  2. Answer the questions.

MBOU Terlig-Khainsk secondary school MR "Kyzyl kozhuun" RT

Teacher: Ondar Urana Anatolyevna

Grade: Grade 10

Subject: literature


The purpose of the lesson: to find out who the "doubles" of Rodion Raskolnikov are and how they "help" to reveal the character of the main character.

During the classes

  1. Conversation with students.

Questions: 1. What are the social and philosophical origins of Rodion Raskolnikov's crime?

2. Explain what is the essence of Raskolnikov's ideas about the right of a strong personality? Your attitude to this idea.

3. Why is the murder preceded by the hero's dream? What, in your opinion, is the role of dreams and visions in the work?

4. What convinces us of Raskolnikov's behavior during the murder?

The theory of Raskolnikov is antihuman. Murder is a terrible crime, it cannot be "calculated". Raskolnikov is killed by the old woman-percussionist and, together with her, takes her life the kind and humble Lizaveta, one of those “humiliated and offended,” for whom he decided to commit a crime.

Dostoevsky's hero experiences unbearable mental anguish, a terrible nervous shock. Raskolnikov "tormented, tormented, remembered, groaned, fell into a rage or terrible fear." There is a fear not only of being revealed, but also a feeling of loneliness, disconnection, disunity from the outside world.

The author uses the artistic technique of sleep to reveal the true essence of his hero. Visions and dreams help the writer "to get to the hidden recesses of the souls of his heroes," writes NS Prokurova. It can be argued that it is in a dream about a horse that Rodion Raskolnikov’s nature is comprehensively and deeply revealed.

  1. Student speeches with reports or messages.

Sample topics:

1. Luzhin - a scoundrel "by conviction", a small "Napoleon".

2. What is the meaning of comparing Luzhin and Raskolnikov?

3. Svidrigailov and his life position of permissiveness.

4. What is the reason for Svidrigailov's suicide?

5. Why does Dostoevsky confront Raskolnikov with Luzhin and Svidrigailov? Luzhin and Svidrigailov are often called the "doubles" of Rodion Raskolnikov.

Raskolnikov's first impression of Luzhin Pyotr Petrovich is that this middle-aged gentleman is "smart and, it seems, kind." But behavior, attitude towards people, Duna and her mother convince that Luzhin is an indifferent, calculating, self-lover with a shallow, dirty soul.

He openly preaches egoism and individualism. The principles by which Luzhin is guided in his actions are particularly convincingly revealed in the author’s comments and his reasoning after breaking with Dunya. (“More than anything in the world he loved and appreciated his money earned by labor and all kinds of means: they equated him with everything that was higher than him.” “Love yourself above all, for everything in the world is based on personal interest.” “.. .. fought to the last line. ") The fact that this dirty businessman loved" first of all one himself "is evidenced by his sleek, dapper appearance. “He is a nouveau riche, he shone like a polished copper penny ... Luzhin just began to emerge from the mud and with an outer brilliance tried to emphasize his new wealth ... his soul was struck by the sin of pride, self-aggrandizement, narcissism,” writes the researcher of F. M Dostoevsky N. S. Prokurov.

Luzhin lives by the principle: "everything is allowed", there is nothing sacred in his soul. Luzhin's actions are irreproachable from the point of view of the prevailing laws and the morality of the "mighty of the world." To achieve his egoistic goals, he is ready to "cross all obstacles." In this, Luzhin's theory is similar to Raskolnikov's theory.

Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov is a complex and contradictory hero of the novel. (The surname comes from the German root geil, which means voluptuous, "lustful"). His prototype is considered a criminal in Omsk prison Pavel Aristov, arrogant and cruel.

Svidrigailov is a landowner, far from all moral principles. On his conscience there is not only a ruined life (the girl's “suicide”, the death of Philip, the courtyard, the unexpected and mysterious death of his wife Marfa Petrovna). Cynical and depraved, he calmly talks about his vile adventures. Having learned the secret of Raskolnikov, he does not condemn, does not resent, on the contrary, he calms and encourages him, "he guides him on the right path." Svidrigailov does not see any tragedy in the crime. When meeting with Raskolnikov, Svidrigailov catches in the state of his soul "some starting point", something in common with himself.

The main features of Svidrigailov are permissiveness, indifferent cynicism, unlimited voluptuousness.

The role of Svidrigailov in the novel is great: by bringing Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov closer together, giving them the opportunity to communicate, the author, according to N. S. Prokurova, allowed the main character “to look better at the figure of Svidrigailov and, seeing all the baseness and abomination of his soul, shudder at the thought that he and Svidrigailov are now “one field of the berry”.

However, sometimes Svidrigailov also does good deeds "out of boredom" (he gives money for Ekaterina Ivanovna's funeral, arranges for Marmeladov's children in an orphanage, restores Dunechka's good name.) It can be assumed that Svidrigailov is potentially a man of conscience. In rare moments of "awakening and enlightenment" he hurries to do noble deeds. But ... he was spoiled, perverted by society.

The meeting of Svidrigailov and Dunechka, their moral duel is one of the most exciting scenes of the novel. The hero retreated before the spiritual strength of Dunechka, before his love for her. And nothing else remained in his life but death. He passes away devastated. His death is the result of the consistent liberation of himself "from all obstacles." Dostoevsky is convinced and convinces the reader that one cannot live without faith in goodness, truth, without purpose.

What is the meaning of comparing Raskolnikov with Luzhin and Svidrigailov? All these heroes are selfish, self-assertive at the expense of others. Pushing them off, the author refutes Raskolnikov's theory of the right of a strong personality. “At the same time, Raskolnikov’s attitude to Luzhin and Svidrigailov convinces him that he is disgusted with the“ powers of this world, ”write I. V. Zolotareva and T. I. Mikhailova. Raskolnikov cannot accept the world of people living according to his own theory.

Homework (in groups).

1. The life story of R. Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova.

2. Fights of Raskolnikov with Porfiry Petrovich.

part VI, chapters 5-6,

part V, chapter 2.

  1. Finale of the novel. What is the place of Sonya in revealing the image of Raskolnikov?

MBOU Terlig-Khainsk secondary school MR "Kyzyl kozhuun" RT

Teacher: Ondar Urana Anatolyevna

Grade: Grade 10

Subject: literature


Lesson objectives: to reveal to the students the complex inner world of Raskolnikov, his moral torments; tell about the psychological duel of Porfiry Petrovich with Raskolnikov to find out what made the protagonist make a “confession”; help students comprehend the ending of the novel; show the beginning of the moral rebirth of Raskolnikov through faith and love.

During the classes

  1. A conversation about the main character of the novel.

Questions: 1. Who is Rodion Raskolnikov? Highlight the defining character traits of the protagonist.

What is the essence of Raskolnikov's philosophy? What does the hero doubt when committing a crime?

(The essence of the philosophy of Rodion Raskolnikov:

Man and society are criminal, therefore the concept of "crime" does not exist;

Raskolnikov's passionate desire to help people; in a cruel world one can act without choosing the means;

The transformation of the desire to help the disadvantaged into a desire to check who he is;

A theory that divides people into two categories. Raskolnikov's article "On the Crime";

Combining protest against an unjust world with a theory of a strong personality;

Theory takes hold of Raskolnikov, you can get rid of it. just checking in practice. that is, by committing a crime.

  1. For what purpose does Dostoevsky confront Raskolnikov with different people?

(With the “mighty of the world”, mother, sister, Marmeladov, friend Razumikhin.)

4. The main place in the work is the story of the punishment of the criminal. When does the punishment begin? What is it? Is it fair?

5. Why, in your opinion, Dostoevsky made a criminal not a villain and a predatory acquirer, but a sincere sufferer, a hero with a kind heart?

Raskolnikov's punishment begins even before the crime. Mental anguish, suffering, turned into real torture, is aggravated at the moment of the murder and increases many times after it.

Raskolnikov's pangs of conscience, the consciousness of our insignificance, the understanding of the meaninglessness of the crime committed, the collapse of the theory are depicted with such force that together with the hero we experience both fear and despair. It was especially hard for Raskolnikov to meet with his family - his mother and sister Dunechka.

It is important for Dostoevsky to show that if a person sensitive to all human sorrows, honest and kind, takes the path of crime, he inevitably brings only evil to himself and others. The false path chosen by Rodion Raskolnikov leads to moral and hopeless suffering, to spiritual death.

  1. Work on the content of the novel.

MBOU Terlig-Khainsk secondary school MR "Kyzyl kozhuun" RT

Teacher: Ondar Urana Anatolyevna

Grade: Grade 10

Subject: literature

Lesson topic: The Meaning of the Image of Sonya Marmeladova in the novel

Purpose: to show what the writer sees as the source of the renewal of life, how he solves the question of what to do in order to change the existing world order; consider scenes in which the writer protests against the inhumanity of society.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time
  2. Checking homework

Students recite a concise retelling of the text.

  1. Work on the topic

There are two truths in the novel Crime and Punishment: the truth of Raskolnikov and the truth of Sonya. But one truth is true, the other is false.
To understand where the truth is, you need to compare these heroes, in whose fate there is much in common.



Meek, kind

Proud disposition, offended, humiliated pride

By saving others, he takes on the burden of sin. Spiritually a Martyr

Trying to prove his theory, he commits a crime. In the spiritual sense, he is a criminal, although he takes upon himself the sin of all mankind. Savior? Napoleon?

The story of her act in a tavern in the most unbridled setting

Sign for Raskolnikov. Living by sacrificing oneself is an excuse for his premonitions

Lives according to the requirements of life, outside of theories

The theory is calculated flawlessly, but a person cannot step over the blood, saving people. The result is a dead end. Theory cannot take everything into account in life

Semi-literate, speaks poorly, reads only the Gospel

Educated, speaks well. The light of reason leads to a dead end

Divine truth is in it. She is higher spiritually. It is not consciousness that makes a person, but the soul

The truth is false in it. You can't go to heaven at the expense of someone else’s blood

She has a meaning in life: love, faith

He has no meaning in life: murder is a rebellion for himself, an individualistic rebellion

Working in the lesson, you should dwell on two episodes of the novel depicting Raskolnikov's conversations with Sonya - part 4, ch. 4 and part 5, chap. 4.
- Why did Raskolnikov choose Sonya as his interlocutor? (Both Sonya and Raskolnikov overstepped the moral laws of society for the sake of others. But Sonya did it for the sake of specific people, “killing herself”, and Raskolnikov for the sake of abstract humanity, “killing others.” Therefore, Sonya is the author's moral guide.)
Analysis of the first episode (part 4, chapter 4)
1. Prove that during the first meeting Raskolnikov "tests Sonya for strength." (Raskolnikov, choosing Sonya, believed that they had a lot in common: he, having killed the old woman, commits a riot; she, killing herself, makes a sacrifice. He checks to what extent Sonya's patience stretches, and she must also rebel.)
2. Watch how Raskolnikov is trying to break Sonya. Show that he appears in this episode as a snake-tempter. (Raskolnikov says to Sonya:
- I know "and about how you went at 6 o’clock."
- "Katerina Ivanovna almost beat you."
- "And what will happen to you?"
- "Katerina Ivanovna is in consumption, angry, she will soon die."
- "And if you get sick now."
- “Children will go out in the street in a crowd”.
- “It’s probably the same with Polechka.”)
3. What is the result of the first conversation between Raskolnikov and Sonya? (The result of this painful conversation: Sonya does not rebel, but only hopes in God. Raskolnikov feels her strength. Hence - his understanding of Sonya: "insatiable suffering", "bowed to all human suffering", "the holy fool" is a saint.)
4. Why does Raskolnikov make Sonya read the Gospel? (It is no coincidence that Raskolnikov makes Sonya read the Gospel, each of them puts its own meaning in this reading. In the scene "The Resurrection of Lazarus" there are two heroes: Lazarus and Jesus. This is a scene of faith in the Resurrection. And in the system of images of the novel there are also two heroes: Sonya and Raskolnikov. Sonya puts both herself and Raskolnikov in the place of Lazarus - this is the hope of resurrection. Therefore, at first she did not want to read. This is too personal, intimate for her. Raskolnikov puts both himself and Sonya in the place of Jesus: he took upon himself the right to dispose of life of people, and Sonya is a saint, a martyr.)
5. How does the vocabulary of the episode reflect the state of the hero, strength and weakness, how does it gradually change? (If you write out the supporting words, it becomes clear that Sonya's weakness is gradually replaced by the strength that she draws from faith, and Raskolnikov's strength is replaced by indecision and uncertainty.)
Analysis of the second episode (Part 5, Ch. 4)
1. Why does Raskolnikov come to Sonya a second time? (Raskolnikov comes to Sonya to confess to the murder. He feels her moral strength and therefore believes that she will stand.)
2. Prove that Raskolnikov wants to provoke Sonya into a riot. From what positions does Sonya evaluate Raskolnikov’s crime? (Raskolnikov begins by checking his theory, trying again to provoke Sonya into rebellion. But she understands everything from the standpoint of popular morality. In Russia, criminals were considered unhappy because they violated the divine commandments.)
3. Prove with quotes that Raskolnikov changes his beliefs, and Sonya remains true to her moral position.

4. What, in a conversation with Sonya, makes Raskolnikov understand the falsity of his theory? (Sonya cannot understand the reasons that prompted Raskolnikov to commit murder. You can understand if a person is hungry, if he wants to help his mother, but for the sake of some idea, it is difficult to understand. Raskolnikov understands the absurdity of his theory: “It's all nonsense.” But to refuse he’s not ready for her: “Maybe I don’t want to go to hard labor.”)
5. How does analyzing the vocabulary of an episode help to understand its meaning? (Observing the vocabulary, one can trace how Sonya's weakness gradually turns into strength, and Raskolnikov loses all his confidence.)

  1. Lesson summary.

The image of Sonya is one of the most important in the novel. Sonya is the author’s moral landmark, a symbol of self-denial and sacrifice. The heroine opposed Raskolnikov's mind and soul, she turned out to be stronger than him morally. It is Sonya who saves the hero, leads him to faith through love and hope.


  1. Answer the question: "What is the truth of Sonya?"

MBOU Terlig-Khainsk secondary school MR "Kyzyl kozhuun" RT

Teacher: Ondar Urana Anatolyevna

Grade: Grade 10

Subject: literature

Preparing for home essay based on the novel "Crime and Punishment"

Objectives: to generalize the knowledge of students; give recommendations on the development of a plan for the selected topic of the work; develop the thinking and speech of students.

During the classes

  1. Selection and discussion of the topic of the essay

Sample topics:

1. FM Dostoevsky - thinker, artist and person.

2. "Man is the whole world ..." (F. M. Dostoevsky) (Based on the novel "Crime and Punishment".)

3. “I do not want and cannot believe that evil should be a normal state of people ...” (F. M. Dostoevskaya).

4. The idea of \u200b\u200bRaskolnikov and its verification in the novel by FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

5. What is the true tragedy of Raskolnikov?

6. The world of the "humiliated and insulted" in the novel by FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

7. The theme of pride and humility in the novel by FM Dostoevsky.

8. In the world of "business" people. (Based on the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment.")

9. Luzhin, Svidrigailov and Porfiry Petrovich as psychological counterparts of Raskolnikov. Analysis of an episode from the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”.

10. Recognition of Raskolnikov in a crime. (Part VI, chapter 8.)

II. Develop an essay plan

Drawing up a plan for an essay on the theme “The world of the humiliated and insulted in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment"


  1. The harsh truth in depicting the hopelessness of the lives of disadvantaged people.

Here is the defeated God -

He fell, and he fell low.

That's why we built

Higher the pedestal.

Frank Herbert

The novel "Crime and Punishment" was written in 1866. The sixties of the nineteenth century were very stormy not only politically, but also in the field of thinking: the age-old moral foundations of society were crumbling. The theory of Napoleonism was preached very widely. Young people thought that everything was allowed to them. "In one life - thousands of lives saved from decay and decay. One death and a hundred lives in return - why, there is arithmetic!" Of course, in real life, no one killed anyone, but only thought about it - as a joke. Dostoevsky brought this theory to its climax to see what happened. What happened was this: an unfortunate person who does not understand his mistake, a lonely person, suffering spiritually and physically. This is how Raskolnikov appears to us.

If we turn to Raskolnikov's childhood memory (dream), then we see a kind, sensitive boy who is trying to save a dying horse. "Thank God, this is only a dream! But what is it? Is it not a fever in me that begins: such an ugly dream!" - says Raskolnikov, waking up. He can no longer imagine himself like that, for him this little boy is "a trembling creature, a louse." But what changed Raskolnikov so much? There are many reasons, but they can be reduced to several, more general ones.

The first is probably the time in which Raskolnikov lived. This time itself pushed for changes, protests, riots. Probably every young man then (and now!) Considered himself the savior of the world. Time is the root cause of Raskolnikov's actions.

The second reason is the city of Petersburg. Here is what Pushkin writes about him:

Lush city, poor city,

Spirit of bondage, slender look,

The vault of heaven is pale green

Boredom, cold and granite.

In Crime and Punishment, Petersburg is a vampire city. He drinks the juices of life from the people who come there. So it happened with Raskolnikov. When he first came to study, he was still that nice boy from childhood. But time passes, and the proudly raised head sinks lower and lower, the city begins to choke Raskolnikov, he wants to breathe deeply, but he cannot. It is interesting that for the entire novel St. Petersburg only once appears before Raskolnikov with a particle of its beauty: "An inexplicable cold blew on him from this magnificent panorama; this magnificent picture was full for him, dumb and deaf ..." But the majestic view of St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Winter Palace for Raskolnikov, for whom St. Petersburg is his closet - "closet", closet - "coffin". It is Petersburg that is largely to blame for the novel. In it, Raskolnikov becomes lonely and unhappy, in it he hears the officers' conversation, in it, finally, an old woman who is to blame for her wealth lives.

After digging into the main social causes of the rebellion, it is worth tackling the philosophical and psychological ones. Here, the first is, of course, the character of Raskolnikov: proud, even vain, independent, impatient, self-confident, categorical ... but you never know you can pick up definitions? Because of his character, Raskolnikov fell into such a hole, from which few people can get out ...

When Raskolnikov was just developing his theory, he, not yet suspecting, already considered himself a People with a capital letter. Further more. Being in constant solitude, he only did what he thought. So, he deceived himself, convinced himself of what was not. It is interesting that at the beginning he justifies himself, like many young people, with the noble goal of helping others. But after committing the crime, Raskolnikov realizes that he killed not to help others, but for himself. "The old woman was only a disease ... I wanted to overstep as soon as possible ... I did not kill a person, but I killed the principles. I killed the principles, but I did not overstep, I remained on this side", "... I had to find out then, and quickly find out if I'm a louse, like everyone else, or a human? .. Am I a trembling creature or have the right ... "It is also interesting that Raskolnikov until the very end considered himself the only right. "Nothing, they won't understand anything, Sonya, and they are unworthy to understand", "... maybe I'm still a man, and not a louse, and hastened to condemn myself. I will still fight."

Raskolnikov's relatives understood him better than he did himself. "After all, he does not love anyone; maybe he will never love!" - says Razumikhin. "And the rogue, however, this Raskolnikov! He dragged a lot on himself. A big rogue may be in time, when nonsense rises, and now he wants to live too much," says Svidrigailov. "I regard you as one of those who at least Cut out the guts, and he will stand there and look at the torturers with a smile - if only he finds faith or God. Well, find it and you will live, "says Porfiry Petrovich. "She [Sonya] knew, moreover, his vanity, arrogance, pride and disbelief."

Disbelief. It is with this word that Dostoevsky wants to justify Raskolnikov's act. This is evidenced by Sonya, "character number two," a true believer and living by this, who has risen due to this much higher than Raskolnikov. This is evidenced by the name of the main character. This is evidenced by numerous hints and "unquoted" quotations from Holy Scripture, hidden Gospel images. After all, God means not just belief in something supernatural, but also the presence of minimal moral foundations. And this is so necessary in an era of changes and revolts in order to keep a person afloat, not to lead him astray!

"If a creature has already become someone, it will die, but will not turn into its own opposite", "there is no sharp line between people and gods: people become gods, and gods turn into people" - these lines were written much later, and this proves that no matter what time we live, the themes for the novels remain the same: where is the border between fas and nefas (permitted and prohibited).

In preparing this work were used materials from the site

Topic: The philosophical and social origins of Rodion Raskolnikov's theory.

Purpose: Lesson-analysis of the image of Rodion Raskolnikov in the light of modern psychological concepts.

Lesson conclusion motto: "It is important to realize that it was the human idea that killed and that the faith revived."

"In the beginning was the Word."


Not long ago for us to predict

How our word will respond ...

And compassion is given to us

How grace is given to us. "

F. Tyutchev

During the classes

Geniuses do not have a single random word, not a single extra comma. For everything they have hidden the author's intention and deep meaning. The lesson is devoted to the solution of these ideas.

І. Reading and analysis of the first paragraph. 1 ch. novel through questions.

    The hero of the novel “rented an apartment from tenants”?

    Why not the owners of the house? Why is Raskolnikov, a man crushed by poverty, not burdened by his “plight”? Why does he not seek to improve his own affairs?

    Is he actually afraid of the mistress? What caused his cowardly state? (The hero is closed, lives in his own world, returning to reality causes him subconscious fear).

ІІ. Work with text.

Assignment: find and write down a description of Raskolnikov's appearance, his portrait, the room where he lives; determine the main character traits of the hero (prove by a factor from the novel or by testimony of another character).

Filling in the summary table.

Life Psychology


condition Dressed poorly; sank, crushed by poverty

He was dressed up; room -

cupboard, coffin, closet,

cabin, kennel

Traits Conscientiousness: unwillingnessVanity mad

character meetings with the lender.Cramped position

Compassion, the desire to help. Has ceased to weigh him down"

Episode of Fire Relating to

Marmeladov and others.

Soulful „ Aboutcommon rubbish, up toAnnoying and

state which he never cares ” tense ”,looks like

on hypochondria.

Consequence Ugly life ugly



Working with a dictionary

Monomania . Mono one. Mania (Greek-madness, hobby) - a mental disorder in which the patient has obsessive ideas; observed with various mental illnesses - manic - depressive psychosis, schizophrenia. In difficult cases, it involves excessive striving for something.

Hypochondria - fear for their health.

Generalization: Raskolnikov's monomania is a fascination with an obsession.

Result: Painful - alarming state of mind (hypochondria).

III . Reading the passage from Part 3, Ch. (retelling of "one thought" by Porfiry Petrovich and its explanation by Raskolnikov).

Analysis on issues:

What idea is pursuing Raskolnikov?

What is it based on? Where is the concentration of philosophy that led the hero to “Ugly dream”?

Why does Raskolnikov agree that “They set it out almost right, even if you want, and quite right”?

What philosophical ideas resonate with the views of Raskolnikov outlined in his article?

What political figure does Raskolnikov consider his ideal? Which of the literary heroes has the same opinion?

The murder of the pawnbroker - Toulon or Raskolnikov's Waterloo?

What are the similarities and differences in the fate of Julien Sorel ( “Red and Black” by Stendhal) and R. Raskolnikov?What is their crime?

And what punishment will befall them?

Who and in what work was the first in Russian literature to raise the topic of Napoleonism?

Raskolnikov talks about the destruction of the present in the name of the future. There is a motive of dissatisfaction with reality.

Recall and compare.

Hamlet: To be or not to be?

Faust: Who told me to part with my dreams?

Raskolnikov: Or give up life altogether ?! Obediently accept fate as it is.

Here we can see the overflow and interpenetration of the motives of dissatisfaction with life:

Suicide revenge transformations

Raskolnikov studied at the university, but soon dropped out. He says he doesn’t want to be "A teacher or an official with a thousand rubles of salary."

Why is there a comma in this last phrase?

(Dostoevsky’s “extra” signs carry a semantic load. The hero’s disagreement with such a fate is emphasized here)

Does Rodion have the opportunity to prove himself, or, like Marmeladov and his daughter, his wife, he has nowhere else to go?

(After the answer options, we read the answer of Raskolnikov himself in part 5, V: “Do you know that I, maybe, could ...”)

Did he accidentally compare himself to a spider? Who else in the novel looks like a spider?

Shakespeare "Macbeth"

Blood was poured even when the law

Not yet ruled by the wild ancient world;

And later icy rumors

Murders were committed. But it happened

Open the skull, a person will die -

And then everything is over. Now the deceased

Whose brow has twenty fatal wounds,

He rises from the coffin, driving us away from his place.

And this is worse than murder.

A. Pushkin Boris G about dunov

Ah, I feel: nothing can us

In the midst of worldly sorrows, calm;

Nothing, nothing ... is the conscience united.

So, a sane one will triumph.

Over malice, over dark slander.

But if it has a single spot,

One, accidentally wound up,

Then - trouble! Like a pestilent ulcer

The soul will burn, the heart will fill with poison,

Reproach pounds like a hammer in my ears,

And everything is sick, and my head is spinning,

And the boys are bloody in their eyes ...

And glad to run, but nowhere ... horrible!

Yes, the one in whom conscience is unclean is miserable.

Or: “... genius and villainy

Two things are incompatible. Isn't that right? ”

The arithmetic of the crime of Raskolnikov.

In the beginning it was

Word (Raskolnikov's article, written six months before the crime was committed)

Calculation ("Arithmetic" of the murder).

A business - the murder of an old woman.

Unforeseen business (Murder of Lizaveta)

Random criminal (Mikolka takes responsibility for Raskolnikov).

Murder (mother learns about her son's crime, goes mad and dies)

Outcome: general deadly epidemic

Small Apocalypse great apocalypse

Lesson summary:A person does not have so many truths, but they are added every time anew and at an incredibly expensive price, but they are necessary and salutary, like bread, like water, like air. These truths are embodied in the moral laws of mankind: ”Thou shalt not kill!”, “Love your neighbor”, “Treat others as you would like to be treated.”

Art is not a court of law. But he has his own strength, his own authority : Find a conscience in man and leave him alone with her. He has only one measure of punishment, but the highest one: the final judgment of conscience.

Irina Ratushinskaya:

Under the free vaults of eternity

Barefoot on dusty roads

Naked with burning candles

People are looking for a good God

That He regretted and understood

Through murder, delirium and deceit

For Him to put His palms

On the temple, like an evil wound,

To see screaming faces

Darkness of souls and eyes without light

To save the fugitive from the chase,

To give bread to the starving ...

Maybe God is a cross in the palm of your hand?

Maybe God is a dark sky?

How to find the way to it?

How to measure the pain of hope?

People are looking for a good God

May God let them find and check.