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Read the book pomegranate bracelet. General Anosov characteristic and image What is the connection between Anosov's stories and the plot of the work

The story "Garnet Bracelet" is a well-known work about tragic love. Kuprin shows the origins and role of love in human life. The author skillfully creates a socio-psychological tone that determines the behavior of the characters. But he does not fully disclose and cannot explain this feeling, which, in his opinion, is beyond reason and depends on a certain higher will.

Before getting acquainted with the characteristics of the heroes of the "Garnet Bracelet", I would like to briefly outline the plot. At first glance, it is quite simple, but the psychological component focuses on the tragedy: the main character on her name day receives a bracelet sent by her longtime admirer and informs her husband about it. He, under the influence of his brother, goes to her admirer and asks to stop the persecution of a married woman. The fan promises to leave her alone, but asks for permission to call her. The next day Vera learns that he shot himself.

Vera Nikolaevna

The main character of the story "Pomegranate Bracelet" is a young, beautiful woman with a flexible figure - Sheina Vera Nikolaevna. Refined facial features and a certain coldness inherited from her English mother emphasized the grace and beauty of the young woman. Vera Nikolaevna had known her husband, Prince Shein, from childhood. During this time, passionate love for him developed into a deep, sincere friendship. The princess helped Vasily Lvovich to cope with matters and, in order to somehow alleviate their unenviable situation, she could deny herself something.

The Shein spouses did not have children and Vera Nikolaevna transferred her unspent maternal feelings to the husband and children of her sister Anna. The princess was compassionate, and felt sorry for the person who loved her. Although he gave her trouble, appearing sometimes in her life, but Vera behaves with dignity in this situation. The very embodiment of calmness, she does not make it a problem. But as a subtle and noble nature, Vera feels what a tragedy is happening in the soul of this person. Treats his fan with understanding and compassion.

Prince Vasily Lvovich

Vasily Shein is one of the main characters. In "Garnet Bracelet" Kuprin presents him as a prince and leader of the nobility. Vera Nikolaevna's husband, Vasily Lvovich, is revered in society. The Shein family is outwardly prosperous: they live on a large estate built by the prince's influential ancestors. They often arrange social events, run an extensive household, and engage in charity work, as their position in society requires. In fact, the prince's financial affairs leave much to be desired and he makes considerable efforts to stay afloat.

A fair and compassionate man, Shein has earned the respect of friends and family. “Really, I love him. He's a good guy, ”General Anosov, a family friend, says about him. Vera's brother, Nikolai, believes that Vasily Lvovich is too soft for a man whose wife a secret admirer sends a gift to. The prince has a different opinion on this matter. After a conversation with Zheltkov, the prince realizes that this man immensely loves his wife. And he admits that the "telegraph operator" is not to blame for his love, therefore he sincerely regrets the man who has been recklessly in love for eight years.

Friend of the Anos family

Anosov - a military general made friends with the father of Vera and Anna when he was appointed commandant of the fortress. Many years later. During this time, the general became a friend of the family and became attached to the girls like a father. Honest, noble and courageous, the general was a soldier to the core. He was always guided by his conscience and respected soldiers and officers alike.

Anosov has always acted fairly. Even with his dishonest wife who ran away from him. His pride and self-esteem did not allow him to let this woman back into his life. But, like a real man, he did not leave her to the mercy of fate and paid the allowance. They had no children, and the general transferred his paternal feelings to the offspring of his friend Tuganovsky. He played with the girls and told stories from his camping life. However, in a fatherly way, he treated everyone who was younger than him or needed help.

Kuprin, in characterizing the heroes of the "Garnet Bracelet", emphasized very important points. In the words of General Anosov: “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! " the author expresses his understanding of what love is. He explores why deep feeling is doomed.

Mysterious admirer

Zheltkov fell in love with Vera Nikolaevna for a long time. She was for him the ideal and perfection of beauty. I wrote letters to her and dreamed of meeting. He continued to love the princess even when he realized that he would not succeed. The serenity and happiness of his beloved woman was in the first place for him. He understood perfectly well what was happening. The man wanted to see her, but he had no right to. Love for him was higher than desire. But Zheltkov sent the bracelet in the hope that she would at least look at the gift, take it in her hands for a second.

As an honest and noble man, Gregory did not persecute Vera after her marriage. After she sent a note asking not to write to her, he did not send any more letters. Only sometimes congratulations on big holidays. Zheltkov could not even imagine to upset the marriage of the woman he loved, and when he realized that he had gone too far, he decided to get out of the way. The only way to keep from wanting to see her is to take your own life. Yolkov was strong enough to draw this conclusion, but too weak to live without his love.

This is the characterization of the heroes of the "Garnet Bracelet", to whom the author assigns a key place in his story. But we cannot ignore the other participants in this drama: the brother and sister of Vera Nikolaevna.

Minor heroes

Nikolai Nikolaevich witnessed a gift addressed to his married sister. As a brother of Vera, he was deeply indignant. Nikolai Nikolaevich is self-confident and single, he does not like to talk about feelings, is always rude and deliberately serious. Together with the prince, he decides to pay a visit to a mysterious admirer. At the sight of the distinguished guests, Zheltkov is lost. But after the threats of Nikolai Nikolaevich, he calms down and realizes that love is a feeling that cannot be taken away and it will remain with him until the end of his days. After the conversation, Zheltkov finally strengthened his decision to die, so as not to interfere with Vera's life.

Vera's sister, Anna Nikolaevna, was completely different from her. She is married to a man she cannot stand, but she has two children from him. Her character is full of cute habits and contradictions. She enjoyed incredible success with men and loved to flirt, but she never cheated on her husband. She loved vivid impressions and gambling, but was devout and kind. Why is its characteristic important?

The heroes of the "Garnet Bracelet", sisters Anna and Vera, on the one hand, are somewhat similar, both are married to influential people. But Anna is the complete opposite of Vera. This manifests itself externally: the "graceful ugliness" of one sister and the English pedigree of the other. By paying more attention to the description of Anna, the author makes it possible to understand the inner state of the heroes. Anna does not hide her dislike for her husband, but tolerates this marriage. Vera, on the other hand, is unaware of her dislike, because she did not know real love. Kuprin, as it were, emphasizes that Vera is “lost” in ordinary life, and therefore the beauty of the main character is invisible, and her exclusivity is erased.

The dramatic love story of an official for a married woman, based on real events, will not leave anyone indifferent. Anyone dreams of meeting their love, but not everyone manages to experience this feeling on themselves. The official Zheltkov was lucky, he fell in love and was able to carry love through his whole life. Even dying, all his thoughts were about her, about Vera. The image and characteristics of General Anosov in the story "Garnet Bracelet" is secondary. Kuprin, in the person of this hero, wanted to show a representative of the older generation with rich life experience, ready to always come to the aid of young people, giving wise advice and hints on how and in which direction to move on.

Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov - a close family friend. General. Secondary character.


The appearance of this man was conducive to communication at first sight. Involuntarily, sympathy arose, and a desire to entrust the most intimate secrets. The general was in years. The man was tall.

“A fat, tall, silver old man. He had a large, rough, red face with a fleshy nose and with that good-natured, stately, slightly contemptuous expression in his narrowed eyes, arranged in radiant, puffy semicircles ... ".

The general dressed in an old-fashioned way. It was evident from his coat that he was the same age as his master. The head was decorated with a cap with large brim. Her huge, straight visor covered her eyes. In his right hand there was always a stick, the decoration of which was a rubber tip. The general wore an auditory horn in his left hand.

Anosov spoke with a hoarse voice.

“… His resolute bass was heard throughout the theater…”.

The gait is heavy, heavy. The general suffered from shortness of breath. He was tormented by long-standing rheumatism, acquired over the years of service.


The general did not experience personal happiness. He was married, but he no longer remembers what it is. His wife preferred a visiting actor to him. They did not have children in marriage.

Anosov is sincerely attached to the sisters Vera and Anna. He had a strong friendship with their father. After the death of a comrade, the general surrounded the sisters with care and love, becoming a grandfather for them. So they called him among themselves, although he was not a relative.

Courageous, brave. He was not afraid to face death. In battle, he always showed courage and composure.

Kind, humane. During the years of service, he never raised his hand against a soldier. He was not afraid to refuse when he was ordered to shoot the prisoners.

Likes animals. Keeps two pugs. Dogs always and everywhere accompany him.

An avid theatergoer. He regularly attends the opera, not missing a single performance.

Not educated. The general did not graduate from universities. According to him, he has only a "bear academy" behind him.

He believes in love, although he did not manage to experience this feeling himself. He is greatly upset by the fact that modern youth marry only for selfish reasons. By calculation, by sympathy, because of everyday needs. Ruthless in his statements about the secular society, which is on the verge of immorality and vulgarity. It is Anosov who asks Vera to take the love of the mysterious admirer more seriously. He is sure that true love comes once in a lifetime. “Maybe your life path, Vera, has crossed just the kind of love that women dream about and which men are no longer capable of.”

The story "Garnet Bracelet", written in 1910, occupies a significant place in the writer's work and in Russian literature. Paustovsky called the love story of a petty official for a married princess one of the most fragrant and painful stories about love. True, eternal love, which is a rare gift, is the theme of Kuprin's work.

In order to get acquainted with the plot and heroes of the story, we suggest reading the summary of the "Garnet Bracelet" by chapters. It will provide an opportunity to comprehend the work, comprehend the charm and lightness of the writer's language and penetrate into the idea.

main characters

Vera Sheina - princess, wife of the leader of the nobility Shein. She married for love, over time, love grew into friendship and respect. She began to receive letters from the loving official Zheltkov even before her marriage.

Yolkov - an official. For many years unrequitedly in love with Vera.

Vasily Shein - Prince, provincial leader of the nobility. Loves his wife.

Other characters

Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov - General, friend of the late Prince Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky, father of Vera, Anna and Nikolai.

Anna Friesse - sister of Vera and Nikolai.

Nikolay Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky - assistant prosecutor, brother of Vera and Anna.

Jenny Reiter - a friend of Princess Vera, a famous pianist.

Chapter 1

In mid-August, bad weather hit the Black Sea coast. Most of the inhabitants of coastal resorts began to hastily move to the city, leaving their dachas. Princess Vera Sheina was forced to stay at the dacha, as her town house was being renovated.

Together with the first days of September, warmth came, it became sunny and clear, and Vera was very happy about the wonderful days of early autumn.

Chapter 2

On her name day, September 17, Vera Nikolaevna was expecting guests. The husband left in the morning on business and had to bring guests for dinner.

Vera was glad that the name day fell on the summer cottage and that there was no need to arrange a magnificent reception. The Shein family was on the verge of ruin, and the position of the prince obliged a lot, so the spouses had to live beyond their means. Vera Nikolaevna, whose love for her husband had long since degenerated into a “feeling of strong, faithful, true friendship,” supported him as best she could, economized, and denied herself in many ways.

Her sister Anna Nikolaevna Friesse came to help Vera with the housework and receive guests. Not similar in appearance or character, the sisters were very attached to each other from childhood.

Chapter 3

Anna had not seen the sea for a long time, and the sisters briefly sat down on a bench above the cliff, "a sheer wall falling deep into the sea" - to admire the lovely landscape.

Remembering the gift she had prepared, Anna handed her sister an old-bound notebook.

Chapter 4

By evening, guests began to arrive. Among them was General Anosov, a friend of Prince Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky, the late father of Anna and Vera. He was very attached to his sisters, they, in turn, adored him and called him grandfather.

Chapter 5

Those gathered in the Sheins' house were entertained at the table by the owner, Prince Vasily Lvovich. He had a special gift for storytelling: humorous narratives were always based on an event that happened to someone he knew. But in his stories, he so “exaggerated”, so bizarrely combined truth and fiction and spoke with such a serious and businesslike air that all the listeners laughed without stopping. This time his story concerned the failed marriage of his brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich.

Getting up from the table, Vera involuntarily counted the guests - there were thirteen of them. And, since the princess was superstitious, she became uneasy.

After lunch, everyone except Vera sat down to play poker. She was about to go out onto the terrace when the maid called her. On the table in the office, where both women entered, the servant laid out a small bag tied with a ribbon, and explained that a messenger had brought it with a request to give it personally to Vera Nikolaevna.

Vera found a gold bracelet and a note in the package. At first, she looked at the decoration. In the center of the low-grade gold bracelet were several magnificent garnets, each about the size of a pea. Examining the stones, the birthday girl turned the bracelet, and the stones flashed like "lovely deep red living lights." With anxiety, Vera realized that these fires looked like blood.

He congratulated Vera on the Day of the Angel, asked not to be angry with him for the fact that several years ago he dared to write her letters and expect an answer. He asked to accept a bracelet as a gift, the stones of which still belonged to his great-grandmother. From her silver bracelet, he, exactly repeating the location, transferred the stones to the gold one and drew Vera's attention to the fact that no one had ever worn the bracelet. He wrote: “however, I believe that in the whole world there is no treasure worthy of decorating you” and confessed that all that now remained in him was “only reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion”, an every minute desire for happiness to Faith and joy if she is happy.

Vera wondered whether to show the gift to her husband.

Chapter 6

The evening passed smoothly and lively: they played cards, talked, listened to the singing of one of the guests. Prince Shein showed several guests a home album with his own drawings. This album was an addition to the humorous stories of Vasily Lvovich. Those looking at the album were laughing so loudly and infectiously that the guests gradually moved towards them.

The last story in the drawings was called "Princess Vera and the telegraph operator in love," and the text of the story itself, according to the prince, was still "being prepared." Vera asked her husband: “You don't need better,” but he either did not hear or did not pay attention to her request and began his funny story about how Princess Vera received passionate messages from a telegraph operator in love.

Chapter 7

After tea several guests left, the rest settled on the terrace. General Anosov told stories from his army life, Anna and Vera listened to him with pleasure, as in childhood.

Before going to see the old general off, Vera invited her husband to read the letter she received.

Chapter 8

On the way to the carriage waiting for the general, Anosov talked with Vera and Anna about the fact that he had not met true love in his life. According to him, “love should be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world. "

The general asked Vera what was the truth in the story told by her husband. And she gladly shared with him: "some madman" pursued her with his love and sent letters even before marriage. The princess also told about the parcel with the letter. In thought, the general remarked that it is quite possible that Vera's life was crossed by "a single, all-forgiving, ready for anything, modest and selfless" love that any woman dreams of.

Chapter 9

After seeing off the guests and returning to the house, Sheina joined in the conversation between her brother Nikolai and Vasily Lvovich. The brother believed that the fan's "nonsense" should be stopped immediately - the story with the bracelet and letters could ruin the family's reputation.

After discussing what to do, it was decided that the next day Vasily Lvovich and Nikolai would find a secret admirer of Vera and, demanding to leave her alone, return the bracelet.

Chapter 10

Shein and Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky, Vera's husband and brother, paid a visit to her fan. It turned out to be an official Zheltkov, a man of about thirty or thirty-five.

Nikolai immediately explained to him the reason for coming - with his gift, he crossed the line of patience of Vera's relatives. Zheltkov immediately agreed that he was to blame for the persecution of the princess.

Addressing the prince, Zheltkov started talking about how he loves his wife and feels that he can never stop loving her, and all that remains for him is death, which he will accept "in whatever form." Before speaking further, Zheltkov asked permission to leave for a few minutes to call Vera.

During the absence of the official, in response to Nikolai's reproaches that the prince was "limp" and felt sorry for his wife's admirer, Vasily Lvovich explained to his brother-in-law what he was feeling. “This person is not capable of deceiving and knowingly lying. Is he to blame for love, and is it possible to control such a feeling as love - a feeling that has not yet found an interpreter for itself ”. The prince was not just sorry for this man, he realized that he had witnessed "some tremendous tragedy of the soul."

Returning, Zheltkov asked permission to write the last letter to Vera and promised that the visitors would not hear or see him again. At the request of Vera Nikolaevna, he "as soon as possible" stops "this story."

In the evening, the prince conveyed to his wife the details of his visit to Zheltkov. She was not surprised by what she heard, but was slightly agitated: the princess felt that "this man will kill himself."

Chapter 11

The next morning Vera learned from the newspapers that the official Zheltkov had committed suicide because of the embezzlement of state money. All day Sheina thought about the "unknown man" whom she never had to see, not understanding why she had a presentiment of the tragic denouement of his life. She also remembered Anosov's words about true love, which may have met on her way.

The postman brought a farewell letter from Zheltkov. He admitted that he regards love for Vera as a great happiness, that his whole life is contained only in the princess. He asked forgiveness for the fact that "an inconvenient wedge crashed into Vera's life", thanked simply for the fact that she lives in the world, and said goodbye forever. “I tested myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love that God wanted to reward me for something. As I leave, I am delighted to say: "Hallowed be Thy name," he wrote.

After reading the message, Vera told her husband that she would like to go to see the man who loved her. The prince supported this decision.

Chapter 12

Vera found an apartment that Zheltkov rented. The owner of the apartment came out to meet her, and they started talking. At the request of the princess, the woman told about the last days of Zheltkov, then Vera went into the room where he was lying. The expression on the face of the deceased was so peaceful, as if this man "before parting with life, he learned some deep and sweet secret that solved his entire human life."

At parting, the landlady of the apartment told Vera that if a woman suddenly dies and a woman comes to say goodbye to him, Zheltkov asked to tell her that the best work of Beethoven - he wrote down his name - “L. van Beethoven. Son. No. 2, op. 2. Largo Appassionato ".

Vera began to cry, explaining her tears with the painful "impression of death."

Chapter 13

Vera Nikolaevna returned home late in the evening. At home, only Jenny Reiter was waiting for her, and the princess rushed to her friend with a request to play something. Not doubting that the pianist would perform “the very passage from the Second Sonata that this dead man with the funny name Zheltkov asked for,” the princess recognized the music from the first chords. Vera's soul seemed to be divided into two parts: at the same time it was thinking about the love repeated once in a thousand years, which passed by, and about why it should listen to this particular work.

“Words were composed in her mind. They so coincided in her thoughts with the music that they were as if verses, which ended with the words: "Hallowed be thy name." These words were about great love. Vera cried about the feeling that passed by, and the music excited and calmed her at the same time. When the sounds of the sonata died down, the princess calmed down.

When Jenny asked why she was crying, Vera Nikolaevna answered only to her with an understandable phrase: “He has forgiven me now. Things are good" .


Telling the story of the hero's sincere and pure, but unrequited love for a married woman, Kuprin pushes the reader to think about the place that feeling occupies in a person's life, what it gives the right to, how the inner world of someone who has the gift of love is changing.

Acquaintance with the work of Kuprin can begin with a brief retelling of the "Garnet Bracelet". And then, already knowing the storyline, having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroes, with pleasure to plunge into the rest of the writer's narration about the amazing world of true love.

Story test

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Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 13559.

Anna and Bakhtinsky walked in front, and behind them, twenty paces, the commandant, arm in arm with Vera. The night was so black that in the first minutes, until the eyes got used to the darkness after the light, it was necessary to feel the way with our feet. Anosov, who, despite the years, retained an amazing vigilance, had to help his companion. From time to time he gently stroked Vera's hand with his big cold hand, which lay lightly on the fold of his sleeve. “This is ridiculous Lyudmila Lvovna,” the general suddenly spoke up, as if continuing the flow of his thoughts aloud. - How many times in my life have I observed: as soon as a lady knocks under fifty, and especially if she is a widow or an old girl, then she pulls her around someone else's love to spin. Either he spies, gloats and gossips, or tries to arrange someone else's happiness, or spreads verbal gum arabic about sublime love. And I want to say that people in our time have forgotten how to love. I don't see real love. And in my time did not see! - Well, how is this so, grandfather? - Vera objected softly, shaking his hand lightly. - Why slander? You yourself were married. So they did love after all? - It doesn't mean anything, dear Vera. Do you know how you got married? I see a fresh girl sitting next to me. Breathes - the chest goes under the blouse. Lower eyelashes, such long, long, and all suddenly flares up. And the skin on the cheeks is tender, the neck is so white, innocent, and the hands are soft, warm. Oh hell you! And then mom and dad walk around, eavesdropping behind the doors, looking at you with sad, doglike, devoted eyes. And when you leave, there are such quick kisses behind the doors ... At tea, the leg under the table will touch you by accident ... Well, you're done. “Dear Nikita Antonich, I have come to ask you for the hand of your daughter. Believe me, this is a holy creature ... "And Dad already has wet eyes, and he climbs kissing ..." Honey! I guessed for a long time ... Well, God forbid you ... Just take care of this treasure ... "And then, three months later, the holy treasure walks in a tattered hood, shoes on bare feet, thin hair, unkempt, in papillots, with orderlies dogging like a cook, breaks down with young officers, lisps, squeals, rolls his eyes. For some reason, he calls her husband Jacques in public. You know, that way in the nose, with a stretch, languidly: "Jaaaaa." Hank, actress, slut, greedy. And the eyes are always false, false ... Now everything has passed, calmed down, settled down. I am even grateful to this actor in my soul ... Thank God that there were no children ... - Have you forgiven them, grandfather? - Forgiven - that's not the right word, Verochka. At first it was like mad. If then I saw them, of course, I would kill both. And then little by little he departed and departed, and there was nothing left but contempt. And good. God saved from unnecessary shedding of blood. And besides, I escaped the common fate of most husbands. What would I be if it were not for this vile case? A pack camel, a shameful bearer, a concealer, a cash cow, a screen, some kind of necessary household item ... No! All for the best, Vera. - No, no, grandfather, in you all the same, forgive me, says the old insult ... And you are transferring your unfortunate experience to all of humanity. Take at least Vasya and me. Can we call our marriage unhappy? Anosov was silent for a long time. Then he held out reluctantly: - Well, well ... let's say - an exception ... But in most cases, why do people get married? Let's take a woman. It is a shame to remain in girls, especially when the girlfriends are already married. It’s hard to be a mouth in the family. The desire to be the mistress, the head of the house, the lady, the independent ... In addition, the need, the direct physical need of motherhood, and to start building your nest. And men have other motives. First, fatigue from single life, from disorder in rooms, from tavern dinners, from dirt, cigarette butts, torn and scattered linen, from debts, from unceremonious comrades, and so on and so forth. Secondly, you feel that living as a family is more profitable, healthier and more economical. Thirdly, you think: now the kids will go, I’ll die, but part of me will remain in the world ... something like an illusion of immortality. Fourth, the temptation of innocence, as in my case. In addition, there are sometimes thoughts about a dowry. And where is the love? Selfless love, selfless, not waiting for a reward? The one about which it is said is “as strong as death”? You see, such love, for which to perform any feat, give one's life, go to torment, is not labor at all, but one joy. Wait, wait, Vera, do you want me again now about your Vasya? Really, I love him. He is a good guy. Who knows, maybe the future will show his love in the light of great beauty. But you must understand what kind of love I am talking about. Love must be a tragedy. The greatest mystery in the world! No life amenities, calculations and compromises should concern her. “Have you ever seen such love, grandfather?” Vera asked quietly. “No,” the old man answered emphatically. - I really know two similar cases. But one was dictated by stupidity, and the other ... so ... some kind of acid ... one pity ... If you want, I'll tell you. That's not for long. - Please, grandfather. - Well. In one regiment of our division (but not in ours) there was the wife of the regimental commander. Erysipelas, I'll tell you, Vera, natural. Bony, red-haired, long, thin, rotastaya ... The plaster from it and strewed, as from the old Moscow house. But, you know, a sort of regimental Messalina: temperament, imperiousness, contempt for people, passion for diversity. In addition, she is a morphine addict. And then one day, in the fall, they are sent to them in the regiment of a newly-made ensign, a completely yellow-handed sparrow, just from a military school. A month later, this old horse completely mastered him. He is a page, he is a servant, he is a slave, he is her eternal cavalier in dances, wears her fan and a kerchief, in one uniform he jumps out into the frost to call her horses. A terrible thing is when a fresh and clean boy puts his first love at the feet of an old, experienced and power-hungry slut. If he now jumped out unharmed - still consider him dead in the future. This is a stamp for life. By Christmas, she was tired of her. She returned to one of her old, tried passions. But he couldn't. Follows her like a ghost. All exhausted, emaciated, blackened. In a high calmness, "death was already on his high brow." He was terribly jealous of her. They say he stood for whole nights under her windows. And one day in the spring they arranged a May Day or a picnic in the regiment. I knew her and him personally, but this incident was not. As always in these cases, a lot was drunk. They returned back at night on foot along the railroad track. Suddenly, a freight train goes towards them. Goes very slowly upward, along a rather steep rise. Blowing whistles. And now, as soon as the locomotive lights have caught up with the company, she suddenly whispers in the warrant officer's ear: “You keep saying that you love me. But if I order you, you probably won't rush under the train. " And he, without saying a word, ran - and under the train. He, they say, correctly calculated, just between the front and rear wheels: so it would be neatly cut in half and cut. But some idiot took it into his head to hold and push him away. Yes, not mastered. The ensign, as he clutched his hands on the rails, so he both chopped off his hands. - Oh, what a horror! - Vera exclaimed. - The ensign had to leave the service. The comrades collected some money for him to leave. It was inconvenient for him to remain in the city: a living reproach before her eyes both to her and to the whole regiment. And a man disappeared ... in the most vile way ... he became a beggar ... froze to death somewhere on the pier in Petersburg. And the other case was very miserable. And the same woman was like the first, only young and beautiful. She behaved very, very badly. What we could easily look at these domestic romances, but even we were jarred. And the husband is nothing. He knew everything, saw everything and was silent. Friends hinted to him, and he only waved his hands. “Leave, leave ... Not my business, not my business ... Let only Helen be happy! ..” Such a boob! Towards the end, she came together firmly with Lieutenant Vishnyakov, a subaltern of their company. So the three of us lived in a two-man marriage - as if this is the most legal type of marriage. And then our regiment was sent to war. Our ladies saw us off, she saw off, and, really, I was even ashamed to look: at least for the sake of decency she glanced at her husband once, no, she hung herself on her lieutenant, like a devil on a dry willow, and did not leave. In parting, when we had already boarded the carriages and the train started off, so she, just after her husband, shamelessly, shouted: “Remember, take care of Volodya! If something happens to him, I’ll leave home and never return. And I'll take the children. " Do you think that this captain was some kind of rag? bastard? dragonfly soul? Not at all. He was a brave soldier. Under the Green Mountains, he led his company six times to the Turkish redoubt, and he had only fourteen of the two hundred people left. Twice wounded - he refused to go to the dressing station. Here he was. The soldiers prayed to God for him. But it ordered ... Helen told him to! And he courted this coward and idler Vishnyakov, this honeyless drone, like a nanny, like a mother. On nights in the rain, in the mud, he wrapped it in his overcoat. He went to sapper work instead, and he slept in the dugout or played shtos. At night he checked the guard posts for him. And, mind you, Verunya, it was at a time when the Bashibuzuki cut out our pickets as simply as a Yaroslavl woman cuts cabbage on the garden. By God, although it’s a sin to remember, everyone was delighted when they learned that Vishnyakov died of typhus in the hospital ... - Well, and women, grandfather, have you met loving women? - Oh, of course, Vera. I will even say more: I am sure that almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love. Understand, she kisses, hugs, surrenders - and she already mother. For her, if she loves, love concludes the whole meaning of life - the whole universe! But it’s not at all her fault that the love of people took such vulgar forms and was simply reduced to some kind of everyday convenience, to a little entertainment. The men are guilty, at twenty, jaded, with chicken bodies and hare souls, incapable of strong desires, heroic deeds, tenderness and adoration before love. They say that all this happened before. And if it never happened, did not the best minds and souls of mankind - poets, novelists, musicians, artists - dream and yearn for it? The other day I read the story of Mashenka Lescaut and the cavalier des Grieux ... Believe me, I was shedding tears ... Well, tell me, my dear, in all conscience, does not every woman in the depths of her heart dream of such a love - one, all-forgiving, for all ready, humble and selfless? - Oh, of course, of course, grandfather ... - And since she is not, women take revenge. It will take another thirty years ... I won't see it, but maybe you will, Vera. Remember my word that in thirty years women will occupy an unprecedented power in the world. They will dress like Indian idols. They will trample us men as despicable, low-worshiping slaves. Their extravagant whims and whims will become tormenting laws for us. And all because we for generations did not know how to bow down and revere love. It will be revenge. You know the law: the force of action is equal to the force of reaction. After a short pause, he suddenly asked: “Tell me, Verochka, if it’s not difficult for you, what is this story with the telegraph operator that Prince Vasily spoke about today?” What is true and what is fiction, according to his custom? - Do you wonder, grandfather? - As you want, as you want, Vera. If you are uncomfortable for any reason ... - No, not at all. I will gladly tell you. And she told the commandant with all the details about some madman who began to persecute her with his love two years before her marriage. She has never seen him and does not know his last name. He only wrote to her and G.S.Zh signed in letters. Once he said that he was serving as a small official in some state institution - he did not mention a word about the telegraph. Obviously, he constantly followed her, because in his letters he very accurately indicated where she went to the evenings, in what society and how she was dressed. At first, his letters were vulgar and curiously fervent, although they were quite chaste. But once Vera in writing (by the way, do not let it slip, grandfather, about this to ours: none of them knows) asked him not to bother her with his love outpourings anymore. Since then, he was silent about love and began to write only occasionally: on Easter, on New Year's Day and on the day of her name day. Princess Vera also talked about today's parcel and even conveyed almost literally a strange letter from her mysterious admirer ... “Yes,” the general drawled at last. - Maybe it's just a crazy guy, a maniac, but - who knows? - maybe your life path, Verochka, crossed just such a love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of. Wait a minute. See, the lights are moving ahead? Probably my crew. At the same time, a loud bark of a car was heard from behind, and the road, pitted by wheels, shone with a white acetylene light. Gustav Ivanovich arrived. - Anna, I grabbed your things. Sit down, ”he said. - Your Excellency, will you allow me to take you? “No, thank you, my dear,” the general replied. - I do not like this car. It only trembles and stinks, but no joy. Well, goodbye, Vera. Now I will come often, - he said, kissing Vera's forehead and hands. They all said goodbye. Friesse drove Vera Nikolaevna to the gates of her summer house and, quickly describing the circle, disappeared in the dark with her roaring and puffing car.

Lesson type: lesson in learning new material.

Lesson type: conversation lesson.

The purpose of the lesson: during the analysis of the work to identify features of the image of love A.I. Kuprin in the story "Garnet Bracelet".

Lesson Objectives:

1) to comprehend the meaning of love attaches to A.I. Kuprin in the story "Garnet Bracelet";
2) to develop the ability to analyze a work, to develop logical thinking;
3) bring up the correct attitude to the feelings of another person, emotional sensitivity and attention.

Lesson equipment: text, portrait of the writer, recording of L. Beethoven's sonata, computer.

Methods: partially search, problem, research.

Class progress

1. Organizational moment. Communication of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Today we will try to understand how the heroes of the story understand love. What is love, according to Kuprin?

2. Explanation of the new material.

Teacher's word:

The theme of love worried many writers and poets. Each interprets it in his own way. There is not a single person who would not try to understand this feeling, give him an assessment, and this assessment would be the true meaning. Attempts to describe this feeling do not lead to one opinion. It is different for everyone.

Kuprin wrote his story “Garnet Bracelet” in 1910, the main theme of this story is love. The work is based on a real fact - the love story of a humble official to the mother of the writer L. Lyubimov.

An excerpt from the memoirs of L. Lyubimov:

“In the period between her first and second marriage, my mother began to receive letters, the author of which, without naming herself and emphasizing that the difference in social status does not allow him to count on reciprocity, expressed his love for her. These letters have long been preserved in my family, and I read them in my youth. An anonymous lover, as it later turned out to be Yellow (in the story of Zheltkov), wrote that he was serving by telegraph, in one letter he said that he had penetrated into my mother’s apartment under the guise of a floor polisher and described the situation. The tone of the messages was grumpy. He was angry with my mother, then he thanked her, although she did not react in any way to his explanations ...

At first, these letters amused everyone, but then my mother stopped even reading them, and only my grandmother laughed for a long time, opening another message from the enamored telegraph operator.

And then there was a denouement: an anonymous correspondent sent my mother a garnet bracelet. My uncle and father, who was then my mother's fiancé, went to Zheltkov. But Yellow, like Zheltkov, lived on the sixth floor. He huddled in a wretched attic. He was caught compiling another message. Father is more silent during the explanation. He told me that he felt a secret in Yellow, the flame of genuine selfless passion. Uncle got excited, was unnecessarily sharp. Yellow accepted the bracelet and gloomily promised not to write anymore to my mother. That is how it ended. In any case, nothing is known about his further fate ”.


Conversation. Work with text.

The love story of Vera and her husband

  • What is the relationship of the main character with her husband?

"Princess Vera, whose former passionate love for her husband had long since passed into a feeling of strong, faithful, true friendship, tried with all her might to help the prince."

  • How does the season fit in with Vera's family life?

“... by the beginning of September, the weather suddenly changed completely unexpectedly. Quiet, cloudless days immediately followed, so clear, sunny and warm, which were not even in July. On the dry, compressed fields, on their prickly yellow bristles, the autumn cobweb shone with a mica sheen. The calmed down trees silently and dutifully dropped the yellow leaves. ”

  • Vera's attitude towards her marriage?

“Take Vasya and me. Can we call our marriage unhappy? ”

Anna's love story

“She was married to a very rich and very stupid person who did absolutely nothing, but was listed at some kind of charity institution and had the rank of chamber junker. She could not stand her husband, but gave birth to two children from him - a boy and a girl; she decided no longer to have children and didn’t. ”

"She willingly indulged in the most risky flirtation in all capitals and all resorts of Europe, but she never cheated on her husband, whom, however, she scornfully ridiculed both in the eye and behind the eye."

  • What do the sisters have in common? Compare their attitudes towards marriage, family responsibilities.
  • Why do they like different elements?

Comparative characteristics of the sisters

The eldest, Vera, went to her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman, with her tall, flexible figure, gentle but cold and proud face, beautiful, albeit rather large hands and that charming slope of the shoulders, which can be seen on old miniatures.

She was half a head shorter than her sister, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mockery. Her face is of a strongly Mongolian type with rather noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes, which she also squinted at shortsightedness, with an arrogant expression in her small, sensual mouth, especially in her slightly lower forward lip, which was captivated by a certain that elusive and incomprehensible charm, which consisted, perhaps, in a smile, perhaps, in the deep femininity of all traits, perhaps in a piquant, playfully flirtatious facial expressions. Her graceful ugliness aroused and attracted the attention of men

Vera, on the other hand, was strictly simple, cold and a little arrogant with everyone, amiable, independent and regally calm.

Anna all consisted of cheerful carelessness and cute, sometimes strange contradictions.

I love the forest. Remember the forest in Egorovsky? .. Can he ever get bored? Pines! .. And what mosses! .. And fly agarics! Similarly from red satin and embroidered with white beads. The silence is so ... cool.

My God, how good it is with you here! How good! - Anna said, walking with quick and small steps next to her sister along the path. - If possible, let's sit for a while on a bench above the cliff. I haven't seen the sea for so long. And what a wonderful air: you breathe - and your heart rejoices.

Love stories told by the prince.

  • How does the prince feel about love? (laughingly tells love stories)
  • Why does the prince have such an attitude towards love?

“He had an extraordinary and very peculiar ability to tell ... he talked about the failed marriage of Nikolai Nikolaevich to a rich and beautiful lady. Serious, always somewhat prim Nicholas, he made him run down the street at night in only stockings, with shoes under his arm.

“Having attacked the thread of marriage stories, Prince Vasily did not spare Gustav Ivanovich Friesse, Anna’s husband, saying that the next day after the wedding he came to demand, with the help of the police, the eviction of the newlywed from the parental home”

“After the story of the girl of Lima, a new story followed:“ Princess Vera and the telegraph in love. ”

“Finally he dies, but before his death he bequeathed to give Vera two telegraph buttons and a bottle of perfume - filled with his tears” ...

General Anosov's love story

  • Why does the general speak with such warmth about the meeting with the Bulgarian?

“And in the midst of the conversation, our eyes met, a spark similar to an electric one ran between us, and I felt that I fell in love immediately - fiery and irrevocably.”

“... I hugged her, pressed her to my heart and kissed her several times.”

“Since then, every time the moon appeared in the sky with stars, I hurried to my beloved and for a time I forgot all her worries with her. When our campaign from those places followed, we made an oath of eternal love to each other and said goodbye forever. "

  • General Anosov's attitude to family life.

“And after three months the holy treasure walks in a shabby hood, shoes on bare feet, hairy little hairs, unkempt, in papillots, with orderlies, dog like a cook, breaks with young officers, lousy, squeals, rolls his eyes. For some reason, he calls her husband Jacques in public. You know, that way in the nose, with a stretch, languidly: "J-a-a-ak." Motovka, actress, slob, greedy. And the eyes are always false, false ”...

A story about the love of a warrant officer for the wife of a regimental commander

  • Why does the general call this love stupid?

“It's a terrible thing when a fresh and pure boy puts his first love at the feet of an old, experienced and power-hungry woman. If he now jumped out unharmed, still consider him dead in the future. This is a stamp for life. ”

“And a man disappeared ... in the most vile way ... He became a beggar ... froze somewhere on the pier in St. Petersburg”

The Second Story of Love by General Anosov

  • Why does the general call this case pathetic?

“And the other case was very miserable. And the same woman was, like the first, only young and beautiful. She behaved very, very badly. What we could easily look at these domestic romances, but even we were jarred. And the husband - nothing. He knew everything, saw everything and was silent. ”

  • Does the general believe in female love?

“I am sure that almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love. Understand, she kisses, hugs, surrenders - and she is already a mother. For her, if she loves, love encloses the whole meaning of life - the whole universe! ”

  • What motivates men to marry and women to marry?

“Take a woman. It is a shame to remain in girls, especially when the girlfriends are already married. It's hard to be an extra mouth in the family. The desire to be the mistress, the main thing in the house, the lady, independent ... Moreover, the need, directly the physical need of motherhood, and to begin to twist its nest. "

“But the man has other motives. Firstly, fatigue from a single life, from mess in rooms, from tavern dinners, from dirt, cigarette butts, torn and scattered linen, from debts, from unceremonious comrades, and so on and so forth. Secondly, you feel that family life is more profitable, Healthier and more economical. Thirdly, you think: if the kids go, I will die, but a part of me will still remain in the world ... something like the illusion of immortality. Fourth, the temptation of innocence, as in my case ”

“And where is the love? Selfless love, selfless, not waiting for a reward? The one about which it is said is "as strong as death"? You see, such a love for which to accomplish any feat, to give up one's life, to go to torment is not labor at all, but one joy. "

  • What should be true love?

“Love must be a tragedy. The greatest mystery in the world! No living conveniences, calculations and compromises should concern her. "

Zheltkov's love for Princess Vera

  • When Vera thought about Zheltkov's love (after the words of the general)

“Maybe it's just a crazy guy, a maniac, but - who knows? - maybe your life path, Vera, has crossed exactly the kind of love that women dream about and which men are no longer capable of ”

  • Why does Zheltkov commit suicide?

“I know that I am never able to stop loving her ... Tell me, prince ... suppose it is unpleasant for you ... tell me - what would you do to cut off this feeling? Send me to another city, as Nikolai Nikolayevich said? All the same, there I will love Vera Nikolaevna just as much as here. Imprison me? But there I will find a way to let her know about my existence. There is only one thing left - death ... You want, I will accept it in any form. "

  • How does Yolk relate to his love?

“Think what I needed to do? Escape to another city? Anyway, the heart was always near you, at your feet, every moment of the day is filled with you, the thought of you, dreams of you ... sweet delirium. I am very ashamed and mentally blush for my stupid bracelet - well, what then? - mistake".

“I am infinitely grateful to you only for the fact that you exist. I tested myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love that God wanted to reward me for something. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for being my only joy in life, the only consolation, one thought. ”

“May God grant you happiness, and let nothing temporary and worldly disturb your beautiful soul. I kiss your hands. ”

  • Why does Zheltkov ask Vera to listen to Beethoven's sonata?

“… I know that you are very musical, I saw you most often at Beethoven's quartets…”

  • What is the significance of the bracelet presented to Vera for Zheltkov?

"I would never allow myself to present you with something that I have personally chosen: for this I have neither the right, nor the fine taste, and - I confess - no money. However, I believe that there is no treasure in the whole world worth decorating You.

But this bracelet still belonged to my great-grandmother, and the last one, in time, was worn by my late mother. In the middle, between large stones, you will see one green. This is a very rare variety of pomegranate - green pomegranate. According to an old legend preserved in our family, it tends to impart the gift of foresight to women wearing it and drives away heavy thoughts from them, while it protects men from violent death. ”

  • Why does Vera cry while listening to the sonata?

“From the very first chords she recognized this exceptional composition, unique in depth. And her soul seemed to split. She thought at the same time that a great love passed by her, which is repeated only once in a thousand years... She remembered the words of General Anosov and asked herself: why did this man make her listen to this particular Beethoven work, and even against her desire? And words composed in her mind. They so coincided in her thoughts with the music that they were as if verses, which ended with the words: "Hallowed be thy name."

4. Reading an excerpt to the recording of a Beethoven sonata.


Closing remarks from the teacher.

Make a conclusion, what is love in the understanding of Kuprin.

Tragic, unique, given once in a thousand years.