
Woe from wit. Woe from Wit Woe from Wit Read Executive Summary 2

The play takes place in the house of Famusov, whose daughter, seventeen-year-old Sophia, is in love with her father's secretary, Alexei Molchalin. Lovers can meet only at night, and the maid Lisa watches under the door to warn. Dozing off, Liza wakes up and realizes that Father Pavel Afanasyevich, the manager in the official place, may come at any moment. She exhorts the young lady to rather say goodbye to the dear, but in vain, because "happy hours are not observed." Then Liza moves the clock hands forward so that they start ringing, the clock strikes, and Famusov appears in person.

The owner tries to flirt with a pretty servant, but she makes it clear that they can be heard by Sophia, who fell asleep only in the morning, as she read French novels all night. The father is unhappy that his daughter spoils the eyes, because "there is no use from books." As soon as he leaves on tiptoe, Sofia and Molchalin leave the room. Famusov returns: he is shocked by the early presence of the secretary near his daughter's room. Molchalin says that he is "with the papers," and they leave to sort them out.

Lisa discusses Sophia's potential suitors, says that the priest will not allow her to marry Molchalin, because he needs a son-in-law "with stars and ranks," for example, like Colonel Skalozub. She recalls with emotion about Alexander Andreich Chatsky, with whom Sophia grew up: "Sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp." She notes with bitterness that he left three years ago and does not send any news about himself. At this time, the servant announces that Chatsky has arrived. He happily runs in, but is embarrassed by the cold welcome of his childhood friend. He tries to remind them of their joint childhood games, but Sophia is serious.

Then Chatsky goes through common Moscow acquaintances, assuming that they have not changed, inadvertently offends Molchalin, causing an outburst of indignation in Sophia. Chatsky assumes that the girl is in love, but does not know who exactly. Famusov appeared, happy with the return of the son of his close friend and invites him to appear in an hour with stories about the journey.

Act II

Famusov, together with the servant Petrushka, marks significant dates in the calendar: when and to whom he is invited to visit in the near future. Chatsky appears. He talks a lot about how Sophia has changed, how she has become prettier, and this makes his father suspicious: has a former childhood friend fallen in love? Chatsky bluntly asks: can he ask Sofya Pavlovna's hand? Famusov does not answer directly, but offers him “not to manage the estate by mistake,” and most importantly - to go serve. The young man explains that he would be happy to serve, but he is sick of serving him.

Famusov reproaches him for excessive pride and recalls the story of his late uncle Maksim Petrovich, who served the Empress, but had ranks and awards, and “ate on gold or silver”. Chatsky bursts out with an angry monologue about the "century of obedience and fear," and Sophia's father accuses him of preaching freethinking.

Colonel Skalozub comes, whom Famusov would like to see his daughter's fiancé. Therefore, he convincingly asks Chatsky to be silent in the presence of an important guest. When Pavel Afanasevich begins to praise the Moscow nobility with its conservative old men, high society nobles, powerful wives, keeping husbands under the thumb, girls who know how to present themselves in a favorable light, Chatsky again breaks down and utters a monologue about “strict connoisseurs and judges” from “times Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea ", who found protection in relatives and friends, and now" is poured into feasts and extravagance. "

Famusov quickly goes to his office, and Skalozub, without understanding anything, tries to support the young man, but at this time Sophia, seeing something outside the window, faints. It turns out that Molchalin fell from his horse, causing the fright of a girl in love. Chatsky, himself experiencing concern for Sofia Pavlovna's health, involuntarily exclaims that Molchalin would better “break his neck”, thereby causing even more anger in Sofia. Alexei Stepanovich, who appears, calms everyone down, and Sophia privately warns: "Evil tongues are worse than a gun."

When everyone disperses, the secretary pesters the servant Lisa, explaining to her that she is "a cheerful creature, alive", and therefore he likes her. To Liza's question about the young lady, not at all embarrassed, Molchalin admits that he loves her "according to his position" and invites Lisa to meet him at lunch.


Chatsky is surprised by Sophia's behavior. He ponders: isn't she in love with Molchalin? He cannot believe that a smart girl could love such a nonentity. He asks her about the merits of her father's secretary, and she emphasizes his modesty. Then Molchalin appears in person. Chatsky arranges for him a kind of interrogation. The secretary, "who once worked in Tver," for three years has acquired acquaintances and connections, about which he proudly tells his rival. He singles out two of his most important qualities - "moderation and accuracy", explaining to Chatsky that in his summer "you should not dare to have your own judgment." All these rantings of the presumptuous secretary finally assure Chatsky that Sophia could not fall in love with a person with such qualities, which means that he still has hope for the girl's reciprocal feelings.

Meanwhile, guests are gathering at Famusov's house for a big ball. The first to appear are the Gorichi spouses. Natalya Dmitrievna tells Chatsky about her husband as if this is her next acquisition, akin to a new outfit. In her husband, Platon Mikhailovich, Chatsky hardly recognizes his former colleague. His wife changed everything in him: a military suit, movements, habits, attitudes, invented fashionable diseases for him ("ryuvmatism and headaches"). And the former colleague admits with a sigh that he was no longer the same, causing displeasure in his wife, who so persistently takes care of his health.

The princes Tugoukhovskiy appear with six daughters of marriageable age. Then Countess Khryumina arrives with her granddaughter. Natalya Dmitrievna switches to them, talking about her satin "tyurlyur", and Gorich himself introduces Zagoretsky to Chatsky, recommending him as a "swindler" and "rogue".

The imperious old serf woman Khlestova, Famusov's sister-in-law, comes. She brags about her "little arap girl" and asks her to feed her in the kitchen with her dog. Molchalin admires her adorable spitz, for which Khlestova shows a favorable attitude towards him. Chatsky, not without irony, notes that Molchalin will always succeed in everything, because he pleases everyone very well: "He will stroke the pug there in time, here he will rub the card at the right time!"

This sarcastic tone finally drives Sophia out of herself: when a conversation about Chatsky comes among the guests, she at first inadvertently, and then specifically hints that he is supposedly out of his mind. The rumor instantly spreads among the guests of Famusov. Everyone strives to find the cause of the madness: someone remembers the deceased mother, as if she was insane, someone blames everything on drunkenness. Famusov, joining the conversation, explains everything by the excessive "scholarship" of his old acquaintance.

Chatsky, who reappeared in the hall, causes fright among the guests, fear that he may at any moment rush into a fight. And he complains to Sophia that everyone around is worshiping a stranger, that some "Frenchman from Bordeaux" has captivated all the young ladies. When the young man finishes his angry monologue, he sees that everyone has dispersed, leaving him in splendid isolation.

Act IV

Appeared later than everyone else at the ball, Repetilov is not yet aware of the gossip and has a lively conversation with Chatsky, inviting him to the "most secret union" Chatsky, tired of his chatter, departs, and Zagoretsky tells Repetilov about the latest news. For a long time he does not believe in gossip about the madness of his old acquaintance, but everyone present assures that this is true. Chatsky accidentally hears the whole conversation. He is shocked by the betrayal of those whom he considered his good acquaintances. He hurries to Sophia in the hope that she has not yet heard these vile gossip.

The guests are leaving, Chatsky is hiding behind a column, waiting for Sophia to go to his room. And Sophia has been at home for a long time and sends Lisa, as usual, for Molchalin. The maid makes her way through the dark hall with a candle and knocks on the secretary's room. He again shows interest in the pretty maid, explaining that Sofya Pavlovna does not even have half of the virtues that he values \u200b\u200bin Lisa. Without embarrassment, he says that he does not even think about marrying the owner's daughter, he only thinks how to “procrastinate”. These words are heard both by Chatsky, hiding behind a column, and Sophia, who went down the stairs after her servant.

And Molchalin continues to reason that it was his father who once taught "to please all people without exception." So, they say, he takes the form of a lover "to please the daughter of such a person." Sophia can no longer hear it, cannot stand it and expresses everything she thinks about his baseness. Molchalin tries to beg forgiveness on his knees, explaining that all his words are supposedly just a joke, but Sophia remains adamant: she demands that he leave the house of his benefactor forever today.

Chatsky bitterly tells Sophia how he was deceived in her and in his expectations: she exchanged him for the insignificant Molchalin. At this time, with candles, Famusov comes running with a crowd of servants. He is shocked that Sophia is together with Chatsky, whom she recently called "insane." These words become another blow for the young man: he calls himself a "blind man", "a waste of tender words", but all this was in vain, because Sophia did not respond to his feelings. He pronounces his farewell monologue, in which he reproachfully asks why the beloved girl did not immediately make it clear that he was disgusting to her. Then he would not have stayed for a minute in this house, because he was ready for anything for her.

Famusov is angry, even threatens to send his daughter, "shame" to her aunt in the village, "in the wilderness, to Saratov."

But Chatsky is not sure that these threats are destined to come true, predicts that Sophia will still make peace with Molchalin, because people like him "are blissful in the world." And in Moscow society it is much more convenient to have a “boy-husband”, a “servant-husband” (he has already seen this on the example of Natalya Dmitrievna and Platon Mikhailovich), so Molchalin is the best suited for such a role.


He is the father of Sophia, considers the rank to be the most important for a person. For him, a secular opinion about him is important. Dislikes smart people and education.


Famusov's daughter is seventeen years old. From infancy she is brought up by her father. Differs in intelligence and courage. Able to resist public opinion.


He is the secretary of Famusov and lives with him. Differs in silence and cowardice. Sophia loves him.


He was brought up with his daughter Famusov. Then he started traveling the world for three years. Differs in intelligence and eloquence. Gives preference to the service of the cause, and not to the person.

First act

Sophia is waiting for Molchalin, her friend, to visit. Their meeting is a secret to the rest. In the morning, the maid sets the clock to speed up the farewell of the young people. Famusov sees this and starts a conversation with the servant. During the conversation, Sophia calls the servant to her. The owner leaves quickly.

The maid reproaches the hostess for negligence. The farewell of Molchalin and Sophia takes place. The girl's father appears at the door. He asks why the young man appeared here at such a time. Molchalin says that he returned from a walk and just came. The father severely scolds Sophia.

The maid advises the hostess to be more careful and beware of rumors. Sophia claims that she is not afraid of them. The maid believes that the lovers have no future, since the girl's father will not allow her to marry a man who is not rich and ignorant. The suitable party, according to Famusov, is Colonel Skalozub. The girl doesn't like him because of his stupidity.

In the conversation between the servant and Sophia, the love of the girl and Chatsky is recalled. The young man stood out for his cheerful disposition and mind. Sophia says it was not love. It was a simple friendship between children.

The servant tells the girl that Chatsky has arrived.

The young man is glad to see Sophia. However, he is surprised by her coldness. Chatsky reminds her of their past relationship. But the girl calls it childish. Because of Sophia's embarrassment, Chatsky asks a question about the girl's love for someone. However, she claims that her embarrassment is due to the questions and views of the guest.

Chatsky informs the girl's father of his admiration for his daughter. Famusov does not want the young man to propose to Sophia.

After the guest leaves, the father reflects on who his daughter's heart was given.

Second action

Chatsky asks Famusov what he would do if he proposed to his daughter. The girl's father. That it would cost him to get a good rank. But the hero doesn't agree.

Skalozub arrives at Famusov. Famusov is very happy with him. He warns Chatsky about caution in speaking in the presence of Skalozub.

Famusov and his guest are talking about the colonel's cousin, whose behavior they consider unsuitable for society.

Famusov admires the colonel. Skalozub wants to get the rank of general. Famusov asks if he wants to start a family.

Chatsky joins the conversation. The girl's father reproaches him for free thought and refusal to serve. The young man responds with a monologue. In it, he says that Famusov cannot be his judge. Chatsky believes that in today's society there are no examples worthy of imitation.

Sophia runs in. She is frightened by the fall of Molchalin from the horse and faints. The maid revives the mistress, and Chatsky notices Molchalin through the window. Sophia, having come to herself, asks a question about Molchalin. Chatsky coldly reports that everything is fine. The girl reproaches him for indifference. An understanding comes to Chatsky that Sophia is in love with Molchalin.

Molchalin reproaches the girl for being too frank in expressing feelings. But Sophia does not pay attention to the opinions of others. Molchalin is afraid of rumors. The maid advises the girl to flirt with Chatsky to divert suspicion from her lover.

Alone with the servant, Molchalin flirts with her, makes gifts.

Third action

Chatsky is trying to find out to whom Sophia's heart is given: Molchalin or the colonel. He received no answer. The hero confesses his love to the girl.

In the evening, the Famusovs have a ball. Guests are gathering.

Molchalin begins to praise Khlestova's dog, wanting to get her favor. Chatsky notices this and laughs at the helpfulness of the young man.

Sophia analyzes Chatsky's pride and anger. She says he's out of his mind.

The news that Chatsky is crazy differs between the guests. When a hero appears, everyone shuns him. Famusov notes that the young man has signs of insanity.

Chatsky's soul is filled with grief, he is uncomfortable in this society. He is not happy with Moscow. The hero does not accept the spread of everything foreign in his homeland. He loathes admiration for France and imitation of the French. Before the end of his speech, the guests leave him.

Fourth action

The ball is over, the guests are leaving.

Chatsky demands to give him the carriage as soon as possible. This day made him very sad. He wonders why he is called a madman, who spread this rumor, whether Sophia heard about it.

When the girl appears, he hides behind a column and becomes a witness to the conversation between Molchalin and the servant. Molchalin says that he does not love Sophia and will not marry her. He tries to please Sophia only because she is Famusov's daughter. The girl hears this conversation. Molchalin falls to his knees and asks to forgive her. The girl tells him to leave her house by morning or she will tell her father about everything.

Chatsky accuses Sophia of betraying their love for the sake of Molchalin. The girl says that she did not think that her current lover was such a scoundrel.

The girl's father appears with his servants. Famusov did not expect to find Sophia with Chatsky, since she herself declared him insane. So Chatsky understands who spread rumors about his madness.

Famusov is angry, reproaches the servants for oversight of Sophia. The maid is sent to work in the yard, and Sophia's father promises to send her to the village.

This is followed by a monologue by Chatsky about the collapse of his hopes. He was heading for his beloved. He accuses Sophia that she gave him empty hope and did not make it clear that their childhood love is indifferent to her. However, now he does not regret the breakup. He believes that in this society he has no place. He wants to leave Moscow and never return to it.

Phenomenon 2

Liza and Famusov.
Oh! master!

Barin, yes.
(Stops clock music)
After all, what a minx you are, girl.
I could not think of what this trouble is!
Now the flute is heard, now like a piano;
Was it too early for Sophia? ..

No, sir, I ... just by chance ...

Just by chance, take note of you;
So, right, intentionally.
(He clings to her and flirts.)
Oh! potion, darling.

You are a spoiled person, these faces suit you!

Modest, but nothing but
Leprosy and the wind on my mind.

Let go, you windy ones,
Come to your senses, you old people ...


Well, who will come, where are we with you?

Who should come here?
Sophia is sleeping, isn't she?

Now I have it.

Now! And the night?

I read the whole night.

See, what whims have started!

Everything in French, read aloud, locked.

Tell me that it is not good for her to spoil her eyes,
And it's not very useful in reading:
She has no sleep from French books
And the Russians hurt me to sleep.

What will rise, I will report
Please go, wake me up, I'm afraid.

Why wake up? You wind the clock yourself
You play a symphony for the whole quarter.

(as loud as possible)
Yes, fullness!

(grips her mouth)
Have mercy on how you scream.
Are you going crazy?

I'm afraid it won't come out of that ...


It's time, sir, you know you are not a child;
The girls' morning sleep is so thin;
You creak a little the door, whisper a little:
Everyone hears ...

You are all lying.

(She sneaks out of the room on tiptoe.)

Gone ... Ah! give from the gentlemen;
They have troubles for yourself for every hour,
Pass us more than all sorrows
And lordly anger, and lordly love.

Phenomenon 3

Lisa, Sofia with a candle behind it Molchalin.

What, Lisa, attacked you?
Making noise ...

Of course, it's hard for you to part?
Locked up until the light, and everything seems small?

Ah, it really is dawn!
(Extinguishes the candle.)
And light and sadness. How fast the nights are!

Grieve, know, there is no urine from the outside,
Your father came here, I froze;
Spun in front of him, I don't remember what I was lying;
Well, what have you become? bow, sir, weigh.
Come on, the heart is out of place;
Look at the clock, look out the window:
People have been knocking down the streets for a long time;
And in the house knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning.

Happy hours are not observed.

Don't watch, your power;
And what is the answer for you, of course, I get.

(To Molchalin)
Go; the whole day we will endure boredom.

God be with you, sir; take your hand away.

(Breeds them, Molchalin at the door collides with Famusov.)

Phenomenon 4

Sofia, Liza, Molchalin, Famusov.

What an opportunity! Molchalin, are you brother?


Why here? and at this hour?
And Sophia! .. Hello, Sophia, what are you
I got up so early! and? for what care?
And how did God bring you together at the wrong time?

He has just entered now.

Now from a walk.

Friend, is it possible for walks
Further to choose a nook?
And you, madam, just jumped out of bed,
With a man! with the young! - Busy for the girl!
Reads fables all night
And here are the fruits of these books!
And all the Kuznetsky Most, and the eternal French,
From there, fashion to us, both authors and muses:
Destroyers of pockets and hearts!
When the creator delivers us
From their hats! cheptsov! and studs! and pins!
And bookshops and biscuit shops! ..

Excuse me, father, my head is spinning;
I can hardly catch my breath from fright;
You deigned to run in so nimbly,
I got confused ...

Thank you humbly
I ran into them soon!
I got in the way! I scared!
I, Sofya Pavlovna, am upset myself, the whole day
There is no rest, I rush about like crazy.
By position, by service of troubles,
The one bothers, the other, everyone cares about me!
But did I expect new troubles? to be deceived ...

(through tears)
By whom, father?

They will reproach me,
That I always chew to no avail.
Don't cry, I'm saying:
Didn't they care about yours
About education! from the cradle!
Mother died: I knew how to borrow
Madame Rosier has a second mother.
I put the old gold lady in charge of you:
She was smart, quiet disposition, rare rules.
One does not serve her to honor:
For an extra five hundred rubles a year
She allowed herself to be enticed by others.
Madame's strength is not.
No other sample is needed
When the father's example is in the eyes.
Look at me: I don't brag about my fold,
However, he is cheerful and fresh, and has lived to the point of gray hair;
Free, widows, I am my master ...
Monastic people are known for their behavior! ..

I dare, sir ...

Be silent!
Terrible age! Don't know where to start!
All have contrived not for years.
And more than a daughter, but they themselves are good-natured,
These languages \u200b\u200bwere given to us!
We take the vagrants, both to the house, and on tickets,
To teach our daughters everything, everything -
And dancing! and singing! and tenderness! and sighs!
As if we are preparing buffoons for their wife.
You, visitor, what? are you here, sir, why?
He warmed the rootless and introduced him to my family,
He gave the rank of assessor and took him to secretaries;
Transferred to Moscow through my assistance;
And if not me, you would have smoked in Tver.

I will not explain your anger in any way.
He lives in the house here, great misfortune!
I went into a room, got into another.

Hit or wanted to hit?
Why are you together? It is impossible to accidentally.

But here's the whole case:
How long ago you and Liza were here,
Your voice terrified me extremely,
And I rushed here as fast as I could ...

Perhaps he will put all the confusion on me.
At the wrong time my voice caused them anxiety!

In a vague dream, a trifle disturbs.
Tell you a dream: you will understand then.

What's the story?

Tell you?

Well yes.
(Sits down.)

Let me ... see eh ... first
Flowery meadow; and I was looking
Some, I don't remember in reality.
Suddenly a sweet person, one of those we are
We will see - as if the ages are familiar,
He appeared here with me; and insinuating, and clever,
But timid ... Do you know who is born in poverty ...

Oh! mother, do not finish the blow!
The poor man is not your match.

Then everything disappeared: meadows and heavens. -
We are in a dark room. To complete the miracle
The floor opened up - and you are from there
As pale as death, and hair on end!
Then the doors were thrown open
Some are not people and not animals
We were apart - and they tortured the one who was sitting with me.
He seems to me dearer than all the treasures,
I want to see him - you drag with you:
We were seen off by the groan, roar, laughter, whistle of monsters!
He shouts after! ..
Awoke. - Someone says -
Your voice was; what do I think is so early?
I run here - and I find both of you.

Yes, a bad dream; as I can see.
Everything is there, if there is no deception:
And devils, and love, and fears, and flowers.
Well, my sir, and you?

It's funny.
They gave them my voice, and how well
Everybody hears, and calls everybody until dawn!
He was in a hurry to my voice, why? - speak.

With papers, sir.

Yes! they were missing.
Have mercy that it suddenly fell
Diligence in writing!
Well, Sonya, I'll give you peace:
Dreams are strange, but in reality they are stranger;
You were looking for herbs
I came across a friend rather;
Get the nonsense out of your head;
Where there are miracles, there is little stock. -
Come, lie down, sleep again.
(To Molchalin.)
We go to sort the papers.

I only carried them for the report
That cannot be used without certificates, without others,
There are contradictions, and much is not practical.

I'm afraid, sir, I'm deadly alone,
So that their multitude does not accumulate;
Give free rein to you, it would have sat down;
And I have, what is it, what is not,
My custom is this:
Signed, off your shoulders.

(He leaves with Molchalin, passes him ahead at the door.)

Phenomenon 5

Sofia, Lisa.

Well, here's the holiday! Well, here's the fun!
However, no, now it’s no laughing matter;
It is dark in the eyes, and the soul froze;
Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.

What is the rumor to me? Whoever wants to judge so
Yes, father will force you to think:
Obese, restless, quick,
This is always the case, and since then ...
You can judge ...

I judge, not according to the stories;
He will lock you; - good still with me;
And then, have mercy on God, just at once
Me, Molchalin and everyone from the yard down.

Just think how willful happiness is!
It happens worse, get away with it;
When sad nothing comes to mind,
They were forgotten by music, and time passed so smoothly;
Fate seemed to protect us;
No concern, no doubt ...
And grief awaits from around the corner.

That's it, sir, of my stupid judgment
Never favor:
But that's the trouble.
What is a better prophet for you?
I repeated: there will be no good in love
Not forever and ever.
Like all Moscow, your father is as follows:
He would have a son-in-law with stars and with ranks,
And with the stars, not everyone is rich, between us;
Well, of course, besides
And money to live, so that he could give balls;
For example, Colonel Skalozub:
And a golden bag, and marks the generals.

How sweet! and fun to me fear
Hear about frunt and ranks;
He has not uttered a clever word for a while, -
I don’t care what kind of thing it is, into the water.

Yes, sir, so to speak, is eloquent, but painfully not cunning;
But be a military man, be a civilian,
Who is so sensitive and cheerful and sharp,
Like Alexander Andreevich Chatsky!
Not to embarrass you;
Long gone, do not turn back,
And I remember ...

What do you remember? He is glorious
Remake everyone knows how;
Chatting, joking, it's funny to me;
You can share laughter with everyone.

But only? as if? - Tears drenched
I remember, poor he, how he parted with you. -
“What, sir, are you crying? live laughing ... "
And he answered: “Not without reason, Liza, I cry:
Who knows what I'll find when I return?
And how much, perhaps, I will lose! "
The poor thing seemed to know that in three years ...

Listen, don't take too much liberty.
I'm very windy, maybe I did
And I know, and I blame; but where did it change?
To whom? to rebuke infidelity could.
Yes, with Chatsky, it is true, we were brought up, grew up;
The habit of being together every day is inseparable
Tied us with childhood friendship; but after
He moved out, he seemed bored with us,
And rarely visited our house;
Then he pretended to be in love again
Demanding and afflicted !!.
Sharp, smart, eloquent,
In friends, especially happy
Here he thought about himself high ...
Wanderlust attacked him,
Oh! if anyone loves whom,
Why should the mind seek and travel so far?

Where is it worn? in what parts?
He was treated, they say, in acidic waters,
Not from illness, tea, from boredom - more freely.

And, true, happy where people are funnier.
Whom I love is not like that:
Molchalin is ready to forget himself for others,
The enemy of insolence is always shy, timid,
I kiss the night with whom you can spend this way!
We are sitting, and the yard has turned white for a long time,
What do you think? what are you doing?

God knows
Madam, is this my business?

He takes his hand, presses to his heart,
From the depths of the soul will take a breath
Not a word of freedom, and so the whole night passes,
Hand with hand, and he does not take his eyes off me. -
Laughing is it possible! what occasion
I am so laughing to you?

I-sir? .. your aunt has come to mind now,
How a young Frenchman ran away from her house,
Darling! wanted to bury
I was not able to annoy:
I forgot to blacken my hair
And after three days turned gray.
(He continues to laugh.)

(with chagrin)
They'll talk about me in the same way.

Excuse me, really, how God is holy,
I wanted this stupid laugh
Helped you a little cheer.

Here I would like to meet you with my aunt,
To re-read all the acquaintances.

What about aunt? all girl, Minerva?
All maid of honor of Catherine the First?
Pupils and mosek is the house full?
Oh! let's move on to education.
What is now, just like from ancient times,
Had to recruit teachers shelves,
A larger number, cheaper?
Not that they are far off in science;
In Russia, under a great fine,
We are told to recognize everyone
Historian and geographer!
Our mentor, remember his cap, robe,
Index finger, all signs of learning
How our timid minds troubled
As from an early time we used to believe
That to us without Germans there is no salvation! -
And Guillaume, the Frenchman, blown away by the wind?
He's not married yet?

On whom?

At least on some princess,
Pulcheria Andrevna, for example?

Dancemaster! is it possible!

Well? he and the gentleman.
They will demand from us to be in the rank,
And Guillaume! .. - What is the tone here today?
At conventions, at large ones, on parish holidays?
The confusion of languages \u200b\u200bstill prevails:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?

A mixture of languages?

Yes, two, you can't live without it.

But it's tricky to tailor one of them, like yours.

At least not inflated.
Here's the news! - I take a minute,
Lively date with you
And talkative; is there no time
What am I Molchalin stupid? Where is he, by the way?
Have you not broken the silence of the press?
It used to be, songs where the new ones are the notebook
He will see, pester: please write off.
But by the way, he will reach the degrees known,
After all, they love today wordless.

(to the side)
Not a man, a snake!
(Loud and forced.)
I want to ask you:
Has it ever happened that you laughing? or in sorrow?
A mistake? said good about someone?
Though not now, but in childhood, maybe.

When is everything so soft? and tender and immature?
Why so long ago? here is a good deed for you:
The calls have just thundered
And day and night in the snowy desert
I hasten to break your head.
And how do I find you? in some strict rank!
I endure coldness for half an hour!
The face of the holiest praying mantis! ..
And yet I love you without a memory. -
(Minute silence.)
Listen, are my words all the pegs?
And tend to harm someone else?
But if so: the mind with the heart is at odds.
I'm in cranks another miracle
Once I laugh, then I forget:
Tell me into the fire: I’ll go as for lunch.

Yes, well - burn, if not?

Phenomenon 8

Sofia, Liza, Chatsky, Famusov.

Here's another!

Ah, father, sleep in hand.
(He leaves.)

Phenomenon 9

Famusov, Chatsky (looks at the door that Sofia went through).

Well, you threw the thing!
Three years did not write two words!
And suddenly it burst out, as from the clouds.
(They hug.)
Great, friend, great, brother, great.
Tell me, tea, you have it ready
Gathering important news?
Sit down, announce quickly.
(Sit down)

How Sofya Pavlovna prettier you!

You are young people, there’s nothing else for you,
How to notice girlish beauties:
She said something in passing, and you,
I’m tea, I got into hopes, bewitched.

Oh! no, I'm spoiled for little hope.

"Sleep in hand" she deigned to whisper to me.
So you’re planning ...

I AM? - Not at all.

Who was she dreaming of? what?

I am not a guesser of dreams.

Do not trust her, everything is empty.

I believe my own eyes;
I haven’t met, I’ll give you a subscription.
So that it was at least a little like her!

He is all his own. Tell me in detail
Where have you been? wandered so many years!
Otkudov now?

Now to me whether!
I wanted to go around the whole world
And did not go around the hundredth share.
(Rises hastily.)
Sorry; I was in a hurry to see you sooner
I did not call home. Farewell! In an hour
I will appear, I will not forget the slightest details;
You first, then you tell everywhere.
(In the door.)
How good!

No, the light is not like that today.

Dangerous man!

Everyone breathes freely
And in no hurry to fit into the regiment of jesters.

What he says! and says as he writes!

Patrons yawn at the ceiling,
Show up to be silent, rummage, dine,
Substitute a chair, raise a scarf.

He wants to preach liberty!

Who travels, who lives in the village ...

He doesn't recognize the authorities!

Who serves the cause, not the individuals ...

I would strictly forbid these gentlemen
Drive up to the capitals for a shot.

I will finally give you rest ...

Patience, no urine, annoying.

I scolded your century mercilessly,
I give you power:
Flip the piece
At least our times to boot;
So be it, I will not cry.

And I don’t want to know you, I don’t tolerate debauchery.

I have finished.

Good, I covered my ears.

What for? I will not offend them.

Here they scour the world, beat their thumbs,
Come back, expect order from them.

I have stopped ...

Perhaps have mercy.

It is not my desire to prolong the debate.

Let your soul go to repentance!

Phenomenon 3

Colonel Skalozub.

(neither sees nor hears anything)
They will bury you.
In court, how to give drink.

Someone came to you at home.

I'm not listening, on trial!

You have a person with a report.

I'm not listening, on trial! in court!

Turn around, your name is.

(turns around)
AND? riot? Well, I'm waiting for sodom.

Colonel Skalozub. Do you want to accept?

Donkeys! do you repeat a hundred times?
Accept him, call him, ask him, say that he is at home,
Which is very happy. Went, hurry up.
(The servant leaves.)
Shake a hundred, sir, beware of him:
Famous person, respectable,
And he picked up the signs of darkness;
Beyond his years and an enviable rank,
Not today tomorrow general.
Please, behave modestly in front of him.
Eh! Alexander Andreevich, bad, brother!
He often favors me;
I am glad to everyone, you know;
In Moscow, they will add three times:
It’s like he’s marrying Sonya. It's empty!
He, perhaps, would have been glad to be a soul,
Yes, I don't see the need myself, I'm big
Daughter to issue either tomorrow or today;
After all, Sophia is young. However, the power of the Lord.
Possibly, with him, do not argue at random,
And these cool ideas, drop it.
However, it is not! whatever reason ...
AND! know to me went to the other half.

A kind person, and look - so grip,
A wonderful cousin is your brother.

But I firmly got some new rules.
Chin followed him: he suddenly left the service,
In the village I began to read books.

I'm quite happy in my comrades,
Vacancies are just open:
Then the older ones will turn off others,
Others, you see, are killed.

Yes, what the Lord will seek, will exalt!

It happens that my luck is happier.
In our fifteenth division, not far away.
About our at least brigadier general.

Mercy, what are you missing?

I'm not complaining, I didn't go around,
However, they took two years behind the regiment.

Is it chasing the regiment?
But, of course, in what else
To reach far behind you.

No, sir, there will be an older body than me,
I have been serving since eight hundred and nine;
Yes, to get ranks, there are many channels;
As a true philosopher, I judge about them:
I just wanted to be a general.

And gloriously judge, God grant you health
And the rank of general; and there
Why put it aside
Talk about the general?

Marry? I'm not averse to it.

Well? who has a sister, a niece, a daughter;
There is no translation for brides in Moscow;
What? multiply from year to year;
Ah, father, admit that hardly
Where the capital is being found, like Moscow.

The distances are huge.

Taste, sir, excellent manner;
All laws have their own:
Here, for example, we’ve been going on since ancient times,
What an honor to father and son;
Be poor, but if typed
Two thousand generic souls, -
He and the groom.
Be another even quicker, inflated with all sorts of arrogance,
Let yourself be reputed to be a wise man,
And they won’t include in the family. Don’t be surprised at us.
After all, only here they also value the nobility.
Is this one? take you bread and salt:
Who wants to visit us - please;
The door is open for the invited and uninvited
Especially from foreign;
Though an honest man, though not,
For us it’s not a bad thing, lunch is ready for everyone.
Take you from head to toe,
All Moscow has a special imprint.
Please look at our youth,
On young men - sons and grandchildren;
We cheat them, and if you make out,
At fifteen, teachers will be taught!
And our old men? - How enthusiasm will take them,
They will condemn deeds that a word is a sentence, -
After all, the pole ones, they don't blow anyone in the mustache;
And sometimes they talk about the government like that,
What if someone had overheard them ... trouble!
Not that they introduced novelties - never,
God save us! Not. And they will find fault
To that, to this, and more often to nothing,
They will argue, make some noise, and ... disperse.
Direct Chancellors retired - wisely!
I'll tell you, the time is not ripe,
But that will not do without them. -
And the ladies? - Who, try to get hold of;
Judges to everything, everywhere, there are no judges over them;
For the cards when they rebel as a general riot,
May God be patient, - after all, I myself was married.
Command before the frunt!
Attend send them to the Senate!
Irina Vlasyevna! Lukerya Aleksevna!
Tatyana Yuryevna! Pulcheria Andrevna!
And whoever has seen daughters - hang everyone's head ...
His Majesty the King was Prussian here;
He wondered not in the way of Moscow girls,
Their good nature, not their faces;
And for sure, is it possible to be brought up!
They know how to dress themselves up
Taffeta, marigold and haze,
They won't say a word in simplicity, everything with a grimace;
French romances sing to you
And the top ones bring out the notes
They cling to the military people,
But because they are patriots.
Strongly say: hardly
Another is looking for the capital, like Moscow.

In my judgment,
The fire brought her much to the decoration.

Do not remember us, you never know what they are!
Since then, the roads, sidewalks,
At home and everything in a new way.

Homes are new, but prejudices are old.
Rejoice, do not exterminate
Neither their years, nor fashion, nor fires.

(To Chatsky)
Hey, tie a knot for memory;
I asked to be silent, the service is not great.
(To Skalozub.)
Excuse me, father. Here's - Chatsky, my friend,
Andrei Ilyich deceased son:
Doesn’t serve, that is, he doesn’t find any benefit,
But if you wanted it, it would be businesslike.
Sorry, very sorry, he’s small with his head,
And he writes gloriously, translates.
One cannot help but regret that with such a mind ...

Is it possible to regret anyone else?
And your praises annoy me.

I am not the only one, everyone also condemns.

And who are the judges? - For antiquity
Their enmity is irreconcilable to a free life,
Judgments are drawn from forgotten newspapers
Ochakovsky time and the conquest of the Crimea;
Always ready to play
They all sing the same song
Not noticing about myself:
What is older is worse.
Where? show us, fatherland fathers,
Which ones should we take for samples?
Are these rich in robbery?
Friends found protection in court, in kinship,
Magnificent chambers built
Where are bottled in feasts and revelry,
And where foreign clients won't resurrect
The past living meanest traits.
And who in Moscow did not gag
Lunches, dinners and dancing?
Is it not the one you are to whom I have been from the veil,
For some incomprehensible plans,
Was the child taken to bow?
That Nestor of the noble villains,
A crowd surrounded by servants;
Zealous, they are in the hours of wine and fights
Both honor and life saved him more than once: all of a sudden
He traded three dogs for them !!!
Or that one else, which is for ventures
I drove to the serf ballet in many wagons
From mothers, fathers of rejected children ?!
Himself immersed in the mind in Zephyrs and Cupids,
Made all of Moscow marvel at their beauty!
But the debtors did not agree to the postponement:
Cupids and Marshmallows all
Sold out one by one !!!
These are the ones who have lived to see gray hairs!
That is to respect whom we should be for the uninhabited!
Here are our strict judges and judges!
Now let one of us,
Of the young people, there is - the enemy of the quest,
Requiring neither places nor promotion,
In science, he will put his mind to hunger for knowledge;
Or God himself will stir up a fever in his soul
To the creative arts, high and beautiful, -
They immediately: robbery! fire!
And he will be known as a dreamer! dangerous !! -
Uniform! one uniform! he is in their former life
Once covered, embroidered and beautiful,
Their weakness, reason of misery;
And we follow them on a happy journey!
And in wives, daughters - the same passion for uniforms!
I myself have long since denied tenderness ?!
Now it’s not for me to fall into childishness;
But who then would not have been led to all?
When from the guard, others from the court
They came here for a while, -
Women shouted: Hooray!
And they threw their caps into the air!

(About myself)
He will get me into trouble.
Sergey Sergeich, I will go
And I will wait for you in the office.

No, stay if you wish.

Phenomenon 9

Sofia, Liza, Chatsky, Skalozub, Molchalin (with a tied hand).

Resurrected and unharmed, hand
Bruised slightly
And, however, everything is a false alarm.

I scared you, forgive for God's sake.

Well! I didn't know what would come of it
Irritation for you. Rally ran. -
We flinched! - You fainted,
So what then? - all fear out of nothing.

(without looking at anyone)
Oh! I see very much, from the empty,
And now I'm still trembling.

(About myself)
Not a word with Molchalin!

However, I’ll say about myself
What is not cowardly. It happens,
The carriage will fall down - they will raise: I again
Ready to ride again;
But all the smallest in others scares me,
Although there is no great misfortune from
Though unfamiliar to me, it doesn't matter.

(About myself)
He asks for forgiveness
What time I regretted someone!

Let me tell you the message:
There is some kind of princess Lasova here,
Rider, widow, but no examples
So that many gentlemen went with her.
The other day I got hurt in fluff, -
Jockey did not support, he believed, apparently, flies. -
And without that she’s heard to be awkward,
Now the rib is missing
So he is looking for a husband for support.

Ah, Alexander Andreich, here -
Appear you are quite generous:
Unfortunately for your neighbor, you are so partial.

Yes, sir, I have revealed it now,
My hard work
And sprinkle, and scrub,
I don’t know for whom, but I have raised you.

(He takes his hat and leaves.)

Phenomenon 10

The same,besides Chatsky.

Will you be with us in the evening?

How early?

Earlier, home friends will eat,
Dance to the piano, -
We are in mourning, so the ball cannot be given.

I’ll appear, but I promised to go to the priest,
I will take my leave.


(shakes hands with Molchalin)
Your servant.

Natalia Dmitrievna
Platon Mikhailitch is very weak in my health.

Health is weak! How long has it been?

Natalia Dmitrievna
All ryumatism and headaches.

Movement over. To the village, to a warm land.
Be more often on horseback. The village in summer is a paradise.

Natalia Dmitrievna
Plato Mikhaylych loves the city,
Moscow; why in the wilderness he will ruin his days!

Moscow and the city ... You are an eccentric!
Do you remember the former?

Platon Mikhailovich
Yes, brother, now it's not like that ...

Natalia Dmitrievna
Oh! my friend!
It's so fresh here that there is no urine,
You flung open all over, and unbuttoned your vest.

Platon Mikhailovich
Now, brother, I'm not that ...

Natalia Dmitrievna
Obey once
My dear, zip up quickly.

Platon Mikhailovich
(in cold blood)

Natalia Dmitrievna
Get away from the doors
The wind blows through there from behind!

Platon Mikhailovich
Now, brother, I'm not that ...

Natalia Dmitrievna
My angel, for God's sake
Move further from the door.

Platon Mikhailovich
(eyes to the sky)
Oh! mother!

Well, God judge you;
Surely you became the wrong one in a short time;
Was it last year, at the end,
Did I know you in the regiment? only morning: foot in stirrup
And you run on a greyhound stallion;
Blow the autumn wind, either from the front or from the rear.

Platon Mikhailovich
(with a sigh)
Eh! brother! it was a glorious life then.

Phenomenon 7

The same, Prince Tugoukhovskyand A princess with six daughters.

Natalia Dmitrievna
(in a thin voice)
Prince Peter Ilyich, Princess, my God!
Princess Zizi! Mimi!
(Loud kisses, then they sit down and examine one another from head to toe.)

1st princess
What a beautiful style!

2nd princess
What folds!

1st princess
Fringed trim.

Natalia Dmitrievna
No, if you had seen, my turtle is satin!

3rd princess
What an esharp cousin gave me!

4th princess
Oh! yes, barge!

5th princess
Oh! lovely!

6th princess
Oh! how sweet!

Ss! - Who is it in the corner, we went up, bowed?

Natalia Dmitrievna
Arriving, Chatsky.


Natalia Dmitrievna
Yes, I have traveled, recently returned.

And ho-lo-stay?

Natalia Dmitrievna
Yes, not married.

Prince, prince, here. - Alive.

(turns the auditory tube to her)

Ask us on Thursday evening, ask soon
A friend of Natalya Dmitrevna: there he is!

Uh huh!
(Sent, curls around Chatsky and coughs)

Here are the kids:
They have a ball, and father, bow down for a bow;
Dancers have become terribly rare! ..
Is he a chamber junker?

Natalia Dmitrievna


Natalia Dmitrievna
ABOUT! not!

(loud that there is urine)
Prince, Prince! Back!

Phenomenon 8

The sameand Countess Khryminy: grandmother and granddaughter.

Granddaughter Countess
Oh! grand'maman! Well, who comes so early!
We are first!
(Disappears into a side room.)

Here he is honoring us!
Here is the first one, and he considers us to be no one!
Evil, in girls a whole century, God will forgive her.

Granddaughter Countess
(returning, directs a double lorgnette at Chatsky)
Monsieur Chatsky! Are you in Moscow! how were they all?

What should I change?

Granddaughter Countess
Unmarried returned?

Who should I marry?

Granddaughter Countess
In foreign lands on whom?
ABOUT! our darkness without distant information
They marry there and give us kinship
With the masters of fashionable shops.

Unhappy! Shouldn't there be reproaches
From imitators to fashionistas?
For daring to prefer
Originals lists?

Phenomenon 9

The same and many other guests. By the way, Zagoretsky. Men come, shuffle, step aside, wander from room to room, and so on. Sofia out of himself, everything to meet her.

Granddaughter Countess
Eh! bon soir! vous voila! Jamais trop diligente,
Vous nous donnez toujours le plaisir de l'attente.

Do you have a ticket for tomorrow's show?


Let you hand in vain who would take
Another to serve you, but
Wherever I rushed!
In the office - everything is taken,
To the director - he’s my friend, -
With dawn at six o'clock, and by the way!
Already in the evening no one could get it;
Moreover, to this, I knocked everyone down;
And this one has finally stolen by force
At one, he’s frail old man,
I am a friend, a famous homebody;
Let him sit at home alone.

Thank you for the ticket
And for the effort twice.
(There are still some, meanwhile Zagoretsky is moving away to men.)

Platon Mikhailich ...

Platon Mikhailovich
Go to the women, lie to them, and their fool;
I'll tell you the truth about you,
What is worse than any lie. Here, brother,
(To Chatsky)
What kind of people are politely called?
Tenderer? - he is a secular person,
A notorious swindler, rogue:
Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky.
Beware with him: carry much,
And don't get into cards: he will sell.

Original! obese, but without the slightest malice.

And it would be ridiculous for you to be offended;
Besides honesty, there are many rejoices:
They scold here and thank you there.

Platon Mikhailovich
Oh no, brother, we are scolded
Everywhere, and everywhere they accept.

(Zagoretsky gets in the crowd.)

Phenomenon 10

The same and Khlestov.

Is it easy at sixty-five
Dragging me to you, niece? .. - Torment!
The beaten hour rode from Pokrovka, no strength;
Night is the end of the world!
Out of boredom, I took with me
Arapka-girl and a dog;
They led them to feed, my friend;
Dinner got a handout. -
Princess, hello!


Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky.






The same and Famusov.




{!LANG-e126a289004b7a3922d4a6524cbf708a!}{!LANG-8c49db7ae4de6a3d6aae306caa901277!} {!LANG-1c8bfa9f477398acd7d5e0671a2a9757!}




































The same{!LANG-48a2929479ebcd0e1aad89c378257287!} {!LANG-d997caff38fc6ced7c4b023c8c42d867!}

Natalia Dmitrievna

Granddaughter Countess






(To Chatsky)

{!LANG-4255577891bbbcfce0d4347e3d0c1979!} {!LANG-623bf2aeb7ddaba492af45f80fc21602!}?
{!LANG-dc0b6fb6935f3959feb7ea6fe433ff4d!} {!LANG-8fc1072e60de896e797814ba48918c8c!}{!LANG-8b35a73793c17f009606e4d2fb1a1db5!}
« {!LANG-c803af595fdbac18395bd4bd1d3aa89f!}{!LANG-27b46874b366d04c9921ba48ed13774b!}




Phenomenon 7

{!LANG-ad5692b2bc71b22d80b842048c71d89c!}{!LANG-705d7308daf4f3923467154eff92471e!} {!LANG-90c2223978db719ad3715647c07555ba!}{!LANG-c17909e63f8061c9824060e539396fb7!} Molchalin{!LANG-a99a275f1620f21c004bf305eb506a6c!} {!LANG-ca7b37c9acbd2f66703b3b9a6f5aed2d!}{!LANG-9175cc60895920cdcb8d0cda4ed9d348!}


1st princess

2nd princess

3rd princess

4th princess

5th princess


6th princess








Phenomenon 8





Phenomenon 9

{!LANG-905b02dcceeb5c45cf0766429ec250e3!}{!LANG-87450fbc334c24c83d94574140e52213!} {!LANG-9bb3bf5c18288cd704f6f89d7a7506fb!}



Phenomenon 10









Chatsky{!LANG-4cb4cf2008fb9184581a5413f36bb8e4!} Liza{!LANG-baee26e7bbbc7298a46753aa82b6548a!}



Chatsky{!LANG-b6f27fca64deaf8d5ff001a78b4ea8ec!} {!LANG-bc7c8e00889fd954bae2df68181bb28a!}{!LANG-73452144d516a383147e715272663eb1!} Sofia{!LANG-308b0f8b78f072c5e761be61b5b7d4a7!}











(to the side)

























The same,{!LANG-22be250970f6a58a88cd3654022cfdd2!} {!LANG-bfabecc8034f851d09900c4eadcff2a6!}












{!LANG-9b14c2a55298b870fd463abdb83d85d5!} Chatsky.
























  • {!LANG-ffc4e5e186b2c3096611492402a7306e!}
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  • {!LANG-872651e722709626b571d59a1f24ad97!}
  • {!LANG-168032fe844a9c20dc30d9fae6f1c80c!}
  • {!LANG-901528eaf4ab8ac7f99a45654a172211!}
  • {!LANG-9f0b3898dbfc5f65abbeb93201fb5ca3!}






  • {!LANG-08e3f48e6d63017495c3c3668a5d5dbc!}
  • {!LANG-1ac68c13502effa5f7b8d4b3c36116d5!}
  • {!LANG-e7878613f1e78da87dd43ae8cf305103!}










  • {!LANG-07c71f0999cbe062e8b6b9fde42530a0!}
  • {!LANG-ffb410fbcb91d7a7e3078cadfcd946b2!}
  • {!LANG-14422b8159075c10b7d9318527543cc6!}








  • {!LANG-d2603187e200664fa9c35ec9528e5caf!}
  • {!LANG-3d16abdad66cb9da8ef03eb243f86c05!}














  • {!LANG-8417dd5952b8bd38d3209ca88e2b0298!}
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  • {!LANG-b7701b778dffe2e866236e0f15da95bc!}




































































































