
Parental love in the work of an ignoramus. Problems and arguments for writing on the Unified State Exam in Russian on the topic: Mother and mother's love. L. Ulitskaya story "Daughter of Bukhara"

  • Misunderstanding between generations arises from the difference in worldviews
  • Parenting advice means a lot to kids
  • A person's attitude to their parents can be judged on their moral qualities.
  • Not caring for your parents is to betray them.
  • Parents are not always good for their children.
  • Many are willing to sacrifice what is most dear to their children.
  • Good relationships between children and parents are built on love, care, support.
  • Sometimes a truly close person becomes not the one who gave birth, but the one who raised


I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". In this work we see the real one. Pavel Petrovich and Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov can be attributed to the generation of “fathers”. The generation of "children" is Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov. Young people hold the same views: they say they are nihilists - people who deny accepted values. The older generation does not understand them. The conflict comes to fierce disputes and a duel between Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Gradually, Arkady Kirsanov realizes that his values ​​do not coincide with the teachings of Bazarov, and returns to his family.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Father not only wants to give Ostap and Andriy a decent education, but also to make them real warriors defending the Motherland. Taras Bulba cannot forgive Andriya's betrayal (he goes over to the side of the enemy because of his love for the Polish girl). Despite his seemingly paternal love, he kills his son. Taras Bulba is proud of Ostap, the eldest son, who fights the enemy selflessly, with all his might.

A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The source of happiness for Famusov is money. He loves his daughter Sophia, wishes her all the very best, therefore he teaches the girl only to thoughts of financial well-being. Sophia Famusova is alien to such views, she diligently hides her feelings from her father, because she knows that she will not be supported. Things are quite different with Molchalin, whom his father taught to always and everywhere seek profit: he follows this principle in everything. Parents, wishing to ensure the happiness of their children, passed on their views on life. The only problem is that these very views are wrong.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Father, sending Pyotr Grinev to the service, said a very important and correct thing: "Take care of your shirt again, but honor from a young age." Father's words became for young man the most important moral guideline. In the most difficult conditions, threatening death, Pyotr Grinev retained his honor. It was really important for him not to betray his father and homeland. This example is a vivid confirmation of the fact that the instructions of the parents help the child to learn the most important moral values.

A.S. Pushkin "Stationmaster". Dunya committed an immoral act: she ran away from her parents' house with Minsky, who stopped at their station. Her father, Samson Vyrin, could not live without his daughter: he decided to go to Petersburg on foot to find Dunya. Once he was lucky enough to see a girl, but Minsky drove the old man away. After a while, the narrator learned that the caretaker had died, and Dunya, who had betrayed him, came to the grave with three barchats and lay there for a long time.

K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". Katerina Petrovna was very fond of her daughter Nastya, who lived in Leningrad a very bright, eventful life. Only the girl completely forgot about her old mother, she did not even try to find time to visit her. Even Katerina Petrova's letter that she has become completely bad, Nastya does not take seriously and does not consider the possibility of immediately going to her. Only the news that her mother is dying evokes feelings in the girl: Nastya realizes that no one loved her as much as Katerina Petrovna. The girl goes to her mother, but no longer finds her alive, so she feels guilty before the person most dear to her.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Rodion Raskolnikov sincerely loves his mother and sister. Speaking about the motives for the murder of the old woman-pawnbroker, he says that he really wanted to help his mother. The hero tried to get out of eternal poverty, trouble. As he pawns the watch, he remembers with trepidation the father who owned the thing.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". In the work we see several families, whose life is based on completely different moral principles. Prince Vasily Kuragin is an immoral man, ready to go to any meanness for the sake of money. His children are guided by exactly the same principles: Helene marries Pierre Bezukhov in order to receive part of a huge inheritance, Anatole is trying to escape with Natasha Rostova. The Rostovs have a completely different atmosphere: they enjoy nature, hunting, and holidays. Both parents and children are kind, sympathetic people, incapable of meanness. Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky brings up his children in severity, but this severity is good for them. Andrei and Marya Bolkonsky are moral people, real patriots, like their father. We see that there is a close relationship between parents and children. The worldview of children depends on the worldview of the parents.

A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". In the Kabanikha family, relationships are built on fear, cruelty, and hypocrisy. Her daughter Varvara has learned to lie perfectly, which she wants to teach Katerina too. The son Tikhon is forced to obey his mother unquestioningly in everything. All this leads to terrible consequences: Katerina decides to commit suicide, Varvara runs away from home, and Tikhon decides to "rebel" against Kabanikha.

A. Aleksin "Division of property". Vera was raised by her grandmother Anisya: she literally put the child, who had suffered a severe birth trauma, on his feet. The girl calls her grandmother her mother, which displeases the real mother. The conflict gradually escalates and ends with a court where the property is divided. Most of all, Vera is struck by the fact that her parents turned out to be so callous, ungrateful people. The girl is experiencing a difficult situation, she writes a note to her parents, where she defines herself as property that should go to her grandmother.

We analyzed many texts to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language and identified common patterns in the formation of problems. For each of them, we have selected examples from the literature. All of them are available for download in table format, link at the end of the article.

  1. For a loved one, it doesn't matter how you look, how you behave, he will love you no matter what. Mother's love is a great power. In the work D. Ulitskaya "Daughter of Bukhara" Alya, having learned about her daughter's terrible diagnosis, does not refuse her. On the contrary, a loving mother spends all her energy for the benefit of her child. Together they go through many difficulties. Alone, left without a husband, Bukhara quits her job and gets a job at a school for retarded children in order to always be with Milochka. Soon Alya falls ill and knows that it is fatal. However, she tries during this time to have time to equip her daughter's life. the best way and does not calm down until Mila is married. Only in her happiness does she find peace.
  2. Children are the most precious thing a woman has. So mother's love omnipotent. Losing a child is the worst tragedy in the life of a parent. In the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" the grief of the woman who lost her son in the war is shown. Countess Rostova learns about the death of her beloved Petya and seems to lose her mind after that. Her heart foresaw a tragedy, she did not want to let her son go to work. But, due to youthful years, Petya did not know what war was. He dreamed of becoming a hero. However, this was not destined to come true, and he dies in the first battle. Having received the terrible news, the countess locks herself in a room, shouts and calls her son. Life is no longer important to her. In a month spent in this sorrow, a once beautiful woman becomes an old woman. And only through the efforts of her daughter she leaves the room. However, without her son, her life will no longer be the same.

The role of the mother in the child's life

  1. “Mom” is the first word that almost every child says. But not everyone is lucky to feel the affection and care of the one whom they so wanted to invite. Main character poems by M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri" was taken out of the house as a child. He knew that somewhere far away he had a family, he remembered being nursed by his mother. But the war deprived him of all this. The Russian officer took him away, but left him in the monastery when he was afraid that the prisoner would die without surviving the difficult journey. Trying to fill the void in his heart, the matured Mtsyri escapes from his cold dungeon. He dreams of finding relatives, finally, to feel warmth and care. However, realizing that the past cannot be returned, he dies. And yet it is precisely the memory of parental home made the young man know himself and rebel against the slow torture - imprisonment in the monastery walls. He gratefully accepts death, because life in slavery is much worse. The young man made this leap to freedom only thanks to the power of remembering his origins, his family, his mother.
  2. Mom cannot be replaced. Just as you cannot give the same love that your loved one gives you. So, in the story Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sauer" we see the life of a boy left without a mother. Yes, his aunt is raising him. However, she will never be able to perceive Tom as her son, and the boy feels it. He runs away from home on purpose. The lack of maternal love also affects his character: a tomboy who does not feel care and is not ready to work for someone else.
  3. Child's ingratitude

    1. The main character of the story E. Karpova "My name is Ivan" I could not understand in time the power of mother's love. Seeds are wounded in the war, and after such a terrible event, he decides not to return home. Aged, blind and weak, he tries to live out his warped life. Accidentally recognizing him by his voice on the train, Semyon's mother will rush to him, but he will push his once native woman away and call himself a different name. Only after a while, he realizes what happened. However, it will be too late. Only standing on the grave of his mother, he understands everything.
    2. Sometimes we realize the importance of mom in our life too late. I find confirmation of my thought in the work of K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram"... The main character, Katerina Petrovna, has not seen her daughter for three years. Mother wrote letters to her and dreamed of meeting her again. Nastya lived her own life, sometimes she sent dry letters and some money. But Katerina Petrovna was glad for that too. Before her death, she still dreamed of seeing her daughter for the last time. But this was not destined to come true. Nastya learned about her mother's poor condition only from Tikhon's telegram. However, it was already too late. The woman was buried by completely strangers. And only at the grave of her mother, Nastya realized that she had lost the most dear person in the world, without expressing her gratitude.
    3. Love for mother

      1. We must respect and appreciate what mothers do for us. They are always on our side and give us all their love. The great poet also understands this. S.A. Yesenin... In a poem "Letter to Mother" he addresses his "old lady" with tenderness. The son wants to save his own woman, disturbed by rumors and news of his bad behavior. He approaches this conversation with caution and assures with all care that there is nothing to worry about. He asks not to stir up the past and not be so sad about it. Yesenin understands that it is not easy for a mother to come to terms when evil things are said about her child. And yet he tries to assure his mother that everything will be fine.
      2. It is a joy for a mother to see her child happy. After all, it was she who was partially responsible for his fate. In a poem A. Pavlova-Bessonovsky "Thank you, mommy" the author understands how important mom is in life. He begins his work with words of gratitude for life, for warmth and comfort, for love. The poet is so overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude that a distinct "thank you" is heard through every line of the poem.
      3. Excessive motherly love

        1. The upbringing of parents often affects the future fate of the child. Mom plays an important role here. In the comedy D.I. Fonvizina "Minor" readers see an example where the excessive love of a mother harms the future son. Mitrofan is a kind of adult child. He is lazy, ill-mannered and selfish. The hero sees no benefit in communicating politely with other people. The upbringing of the mother, who always indulged her son in everything, played a big role in this. She never forced him to do something, always protected him from dangers, encouraged any of his undertakings. However, in the end, such an overly loving attitude turned against Mrs. Prostakova. At the end of the play, the boy abandons his own mother and pushes her away.

Date of publication: 25.12.2016

Prepared Arguments for EGE compositions:

The problem of motherhood

Blind maternal love problem

Motherhood as a feat

Possible theses:

Mother's love is the strongest feeling in the world

Being a good mother is a real feat

A mother is ready to do anything for her children

Sometimes a mother's love is blind, and a woman sees only good in her child.

D. I. Fonvizin comedy "Minor"

A striking example of blind maternal love is Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor". Prostakova loved her son so much that she saw only good in him. Mitrofan got away with everything, any of his whims were fulfilled, his mother always followed his lead. The bottom line is obvious - the hero grew up as a spoiled and selfish young man who does not love anyone but himself, and is not even indifferent to his own mother.

L. Ulitskaya story "Daughter of Bukhara"

A real maternal feat is described in Ulitskaya's story "The Daughter of Bukhara". Alya, main character works was very beautiful girl... Having become the wife of Dmitry, the oriental beauty gave birth to a girl, but it soon became clear that the child had Down syndrome. The father could not accept the defective child and went to another woman. And Bukhara, who loved her daughter with all her heart, did not give up and devoted her life to raising the girl, doing everything possible for her happiness, sacrificing her own.

A. N. Ostrovsky play "The Thunderstorm"

Mother's love is not always expressed in affection. In Ostrovsky's play “The Thunderstorm,” Kabanikha, the mother-in-law of the main character, was very fond of “educating” her children, giving them punishment and reading morals. It is not surprising that the son of Tikhon showed himself as a weak-willed, dependent person and a mumbler who cannot even take a step without a “mother”. Kabanikha's constant interference in his son's life negatively affected his life.

F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment also traces endless maternal love. Pulcheria Alexandrovna worried most of all about the happiness of her son Rodion and believed him no matter what. For his sake, the woman was ready to sacrifice her daughter. It seems that the son for Pulcheria was much more important than Dunya.

A. N. Tolstoy story "Russian character"

Tolstoy's story "Russian Character" emphasizes the power of maternal love. When tanker Yegor Dremov received burns that disfigured his face beyond recognition, he was afraid that his family would turn away from him. The hero visited his relatives under the guise of his friend. But sometimes the mother's heart sees clearer than the eyes. The woman, despite her alien appearance, recognized her own son as a guest.

V. Zakrutkin story "Human Mother"

How big the heart of a real mother can be is described in Zakrutkin's story "Human Mother". During the war, the main character, having lost her husband and son, was left alone with her unborn child on the land plundered by the Nazis. For his sake, Maria continued to live, and soon she took in the little girl Sanya and fell in love with her as her own. After a while, the baby died of an illness, the heroine almost lost her mind, but stubbornly continued her work - to revive the destroyed, for those who, perhaps, will return. For all the time, the pregnant woman managed to shelter seven more orphans on her farm. This act can be considered a real maternal feat.

  1. 1. The composition "Blind parental love cripples children" - do you agree with this statement? " Completed by: Kornishova Natalya Alekseevna, teacher of the MBOU "Verkhne-Kubinskaya secondary school" of the Vozhegodsky district of the Vologda region
  2. 2. Recall the structure of the essay: 1. Introduction (based on the wording of the topic) 2. Thesis Question The topic itself
  3. 3. 3. Literary work A) brief retelling B) elements of analysis C) quotation D) own thoughts and reasoning 4. Conclusion (Volume 350 words)
  4. 4. Parents love their children. Not for something specific, but for the very fact of their existence. And the child, in turn, also needs parental love. The child is the light in the window, the meaning of life, their highest achievement. They are proud of him, even if he does not show special abilities, does not have remarkable talents. Each parent thinks that his child is the best and deserves the best, even if for this “best” parent will have to sacrifice something, even if his own life.
  5. 5. It is the conviction that his child is special, the best that sometimes turns parental love into blind, boundless love and morally disfigures children. I agree that blind parental love cripples a child. To this subject - blind parental love - both Russian and foreign writers have repeatedly addressed. THESIS
  6. 6. Argumentation Maxim Gorky, praising the image of a woman-mother, in the work "Old Woman Izergil" cites the legend about the son of an eagle and an ordinary woman - Larra. He considers himself superior to those around him. He is proud and arrogant and behaves accordingly. Who, if not his mother, instilled in him the idea that he was special, raised him selfish and narcissistic?
  7. 7. Argumentation The heroine of A. Aleksin's story Olga is the only and long-awaited child in the family, since childhood she was surrounded by attention. The girl has many abilities - she draws, writes poetry, does well at school. And, on the basis of all this, she considers herself talented, unusual, considers herself superior to others. The result of such blind love is sad: “This is probably where that fatal turn in our life took place!” I thought. “We stopped looking at each other. Our eyes turned in a different direction. the main profession. " Holguin's selfishness destroys the person closest to her, but she became such a heroine because she was crippled by the blind love of her parents.
  8. 8. A Variant of Conclusion Writers warn us against the mistakes of their characters and remind us that we are closely connected with our family and friends by a huge number of invisible ties. Our selfish and selfish abuse of someone's attachment can result in pain, resentment, or even terrible trouble.
  9. 9. Resources used: