
The problem of maternal love arguments. Maternal love in the works of Russian writers. "Maternal Love" - ​​a work that turns the view of the world The power of maternal love arguments

Final essay: "The problem of maternal love"

For argumentation selected works: Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace", FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

“The first word the child said:

Mama! -

Increased. He went to the station as a soldier.

Mama! -

Here he fell on the smoky ground in an attack.

Mama! -

Got up. And went. And he pressed his lips hot to life.


Sergey Ostrovoy

Introduction: Mother's love is the strongest feeling in the world. Boundless kindness, forgiveness, full understanding of the problems of your child, the willingness to help, despite the difficulties that stand in the way, the desire to see your child happy - these are some of the main (but not all) foundations of maternal love.

To live for the sake of a child is the desire of every mother. Whatever the son or daughter, mother's love always sees the best. A mother's heart accepts a child by anyone, because it cannot love in any other way, it simply cannot. The mother tries to help, understand, take part in everything that her child does. She rejoices in success and is upset by failure sometimes even more than a son or daughter. Mother loves, and sometimes there is no explanation for such love.

Arguments: In Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, we meet with the Rostov family. Love and harmony reign in her. The mother of the family, Countess Natalya, creates coziness and maintains trusting relationships with all family members. She taught her children the most important thing in life - to love. And her love for children is limitless.

When her youngest son Petya died, the countess stopped living. She closed herself in and stopped leaving the room. How she did not want to let her boy go to this war! Apparently, her heart had a presentiment of eternal separation. But Petya was raised as a patriot, he dreamed of exploits, but, unfortunately, his first battle was the last for him.

It is difficult for a mother to survive the death of her son. The Countess quickly grew old, ceased to be like that lively, beautiful and cheerful woman. Her reason was clouded, and she lived out her days in great grief over her son. The mother's love could not bear this grief, it is so strong that it is difficult to measure it with anything.

In Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, we see another example of an immense mother's love. This is the mother of Rodion Raskolnikov - Pulcheria Alexandrovna. In the work, we see her as a caring, gentle, touching old woman. The woman loves her son so much that she is ready for anything for him. For a long time he was in distress, he had no money, he could hardly find the means to feed himself.

Pulcheria Alexandrovna decided to give her daughter Dunya to work for Svidrigailov, and then marry Luzhin. The money she received was sent to her beloved Rod to improve his financial situation. Mother made a great sacrifice. Taking from herself, she gave it to her son. Pulcheria Alexandrovna's love knew no bounds, and all her actions were associated only with helping her son.

Output: A mother will always love her child no matter how old he is. She will try to help in trouble, because the most important thing for a mother is the happiness of her own child. Everything that does not happen to him is reflected in the state of mind of the mother. Seeing your child's pain means experiencing it with him. Mother's love cannot be replaced by anything in the world. As Sergei Ostrovoy finished his poem: “Take care of your mothers! A real mother is given to a person once! "

The problem of maternal self-sacrifice on the examples of the works of Ch. Aitmatov "And the day lasts longer than a century" and V. Zakrutkin "Mother of man".

When does the desire to survive give way to desperate dedication? What is a mother willing to do to protect her child from danger? VG Korolenko makes the reader think about these questions.

It is no coincidence that, watching how “carefully blocking the younger one,” the older goat ran past the “big predatory dog,” one of the heroes of the text says to his fellow travelers: “This is the desire to save ...” People who witnessed how “smart animal "is not at all afraid that, perhaps, his own life is hanging by a thread. The author puts into the mouth of the narrator the idea that "every mother" under such circumstances "will do it", blocking her body, without thinking about the danger that threatens her.

The author's position is as follows: the mother is ready to risk her own life, “fight ... to the end”, overcome her own fear for the sake of her child. In a critical situation, she is the first to take risks, take on the most important decisions.

This problem worried many writers, poets, publicists. So, for example, Ch. Aitmatov in the novel "And the day lasts longer than a century" devoted one of the chapters to the legend of the mankurt. It tells the story of a mother who, in spite of everything, went in search of her missing son. She understood that her search may not be crowned with success: her son is either dead or deprived of his memory. In such cases, relatives, having learned about the fate of a loved one, did not try to save the captives. But the mother decided at all costs to return her son home, to take him out of captivity, to save him.

Let us also recall the story of V. Zakrutkin "The Human Mother". The main character, Maria, left alone in a village devastated by the Nazis, bears the heavy burden of the war on her shoulders. Having lost her husband and son, she did not give up, did not fall into despondency. She took responsibility not only for her newly born child, but also for other children left without parental care. Maria takes care of them, protects, gives her warmth and affection. She becomes a mother for them, one under whose wing one can feel safe.

Thus, the mother is the only person who will always intercede, help, protect from great trouble. She will not think for a second that her life could be in danger. Because she is a mother.

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  • In relation to a person's attitude to parents, one can judge his moral qualities.
  • Not caring for your parents is to betray them.
  • Parents are not always good for their children.
  • Many are willing to sacrifice what is most precious to keep their children happy.
  • Good relationships between children and parents are built on love, care, support.
  • Sometimes a truly close person becomes not the one who gave birth, but the one who raised


I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". In this work we see the real one. Pavel Petrovich and Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanovs can be attributed to the generation of “fathers”. The generation of "children" is Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov. Young people hold the same views: they say they are nihilists - people who deny accepted values. The older generation does not understand them. The conflict comes to fierce disputes and a duel between Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Gradually, Arkady Kirsanov realizes that his values ​​do not coincide with the teachings of Bazarov, and returns to his family.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Father not only wants to give Ostap and Andriy a decent education, but also to make them real warriors defending the Motherland. Taras Bulba cannot forgive Andriya's betrayal (he goes over to the side of the enemy because of his love for the Polish girl). Despite his seemingly paternal love, he kills his son. Taras Bulba is proud of Ostap, the eldest son, who fights the enemy selflessly, with all his might.

A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The source of happiness for Famusov is money. He loves his daughter Sophia, wishes her all the best, therefore he teaches the girl only to thoughts of financial well-being. Sophia Famusova is alien to such views, she diligently hides her feelings from her father, because she knows that she will not be supported. Things are completely different with Molchalin, whom his father taught to always and everywhere seek profit: he follows this principle in everything. Parents, wishing to ensure the happiness of their children, conveyed their views on life to them. The only problem is that these very views are wrong.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Father, sending Pyotr Grinev to the service, said a very important and correct thing: "Take care of your shirt again, but honor from a young age." The father's words became the most important moral guideline for the young man. In the most difficult conditions, threatening death, Pyotr Grinev retained his honor. It was really important for him not to betray his father and homeland. This example is a vivid confirmation of the fact that the instructions of the parents help the child to learn the most important moral values.

A.S. Pushkin "Stationmaster". Dunya committed an immoral act: she ran away from her parents' house with Minsky, who stopped at their station. Her father, Samson Vyrin, could not live without his daughter: he decided to go to Petersburg on foot to find Dunya. Once he was lucky to see a girl, but Minsky chased the old man away. After a while, the narrator learned that the caretaker had died, and Dunya, who had betrayed him, came to the grave with three barchats and lay there for a long time.

K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". Katerina Petrovna was very fond of her daughter Nastya, who lived in Leningrad a very bright, eventful life. Only the girl completely forgot about her old mother, she did not even try to find time to visit her. Even Katerina Petrova's letter that she has become completely bad, Nastya does not take seriously and does not consider the possibility of immediately going to her. Only the news that her mother is dying evokes feelings in the girl: Nastya realizes that no one loved her as much as Katerina Petrovna. The girl goes to her mother, but she no longer finds her alive, so she feels guilty before the person most dear to her.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Rodion Raskolnikov sincerely loves his mother and sister. Speaking about the motives for the murder of the old woman-pawnbroker, he says that he really wanted to help his mother. The hero tried to get out of eternal poverty, trouble. As he pawns the clock, he remembers with trepidation the father who owned the thing.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". In the work we see several families, whose life is based on completely different moral principles. Prince Vasily Kuragin is an immoral man, ready to go to any meanness for the sake of money. His children are guided by exactly the same principles: Helene marries Pierre Bezukhov in order to receive part of a huge inheritance, Anatole is trying to escape with Natasha Rostova. The Rostovs have a completely different atmosphere: they enjoy nature, hunting, and holidays. Both parents and children are kind, sympathetic people, incapable of meanness. Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky brings up his children in severity, but this severity is good for them. Andrei and Marya Bolkonsky are moral people, real patriots, like their father. We see that there is a close relationship between parents and children. The worldview of children depends on the worldview of the parents.

A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". In the Kabanikha family, relationships are built on fear, cruelty, and hypocrisy. Her daughter Varvara perfectly learned to lie, which she wants to teach Katerina. The son Tikhon is forced to obey his mother unquestioningly in everything. All this leads to dire consequences: Katerina decides to commit suicide, Varvara runs away from home, and Tikhon decides to "rebel" against Kabanikha.

A. Aleksin "Division of property". Vera was raised by her grandmother Anisya: she literally put the child, who had suffered a severe birth trauma, on his feet. The girl calls her grandmother her mother, which displeases the real mother. The conflict gradually escalates and ends with a court in which the property is divided. Most of all, Vera is struck by the fact that her parents turned out to be so callous, ungrateful people. The girl is experiencing a difficult situation, she writes a note to her parents, where she defines herself as property that should go to her grandmother.

Love is a vast concept. This feeling can be experienced for the Motherland, parents, friends, for the opposite sex. But parental love is the strongest, disinterested, tender, quivering, huge, endless. Happy are those people who managed to experience this feeling.

Nobody in this world cares about children as much as mom and dad. No matter how old a person is, two or forty years old, for a mother he always remains a child. Only parents will sincerely worry, believe, hope, pray for the welfare of their child. Even during illness, a mother will ask God to transfer all the pain and hardships to her shoulders, so that her baby can feel better. During the Second World War, the parents gave the last piece of bread to the child, while they themselves remained hungry.

Mom strives to create all conditions for the comfort of her baby. It is not for nothing that people say that a person feels best in the parental home, the place where he grew up, matured, went to school, and most importantly, where his mom and dad live. Regardless of age, a person always needs parents. Losing them, we lose part of our heart.

A child needs a full-fledged family: mom and dad, only in this case he will be really happy. No one can replace his parents, neither grandmother, nor grandfather, nor aunt, nor uncle.

Many children are ashamed of their parents: their appearance, social status, profession. But this is not true! They gave everything they had to keep their child happy. No matter how much we do for our relatives, we will still owe them. They gave us the most important thing - life. You should always remember this.

How many tears, sleepless nights, experiences mom experienced while the child was growing up. And when he becomes an adult, he has the audacity to be rude, use obscene words and even beat his blood. Some, in order not to inspect old parents, are sent to a nursing home. You are simply horrified when you hear such stories.

How many works, songs, legends have been written all over the world by various writers, composers, poets in honor of mothers. Our domestic creators, Sukhomlinsky, Pushkin, Gorky, repeatedly the theme of motherhood in their work. Artists of all time have depicted their mothers on canvas. This should become a model for contemporaries.

You need to value, respect and care for your parents. Help them in difficult times and do not forget how we will treat them, so our children will treat us in the future.

Composition What is parental love?

What does parental love mean? This means taking care of their children, helping them in any life situations. And, for them, it does not matter whether the child is still small, or is already old enough. For parents, he always remains just their child.

Their love is boundless and capable of performing feats for the sake of their children. How many examples of this can be found in life. And many of the proofs of this are captured and sung in literary works. No matter how difficult the time is, the love of parents always remains the most sincere manifestation of this feeling. Any other close person can betray and forget, but not the father, and not the mother. Their love is resistant to trials and time. She is unshakable.

However, parental love does not mean that they should cherish and deify their child. Only a truly loving parent will think about his future independent life. And this means that he must do everything so that his beloved child skillfully and knows everything that is useful to him. A loving parent will bring him up strong and resistant to various troubles in life. And for this, sometimes you have to be quite strict. Neither punishment nor moral admonition can be avoided. All this with only one purpose - to educate a person who is able to live independently and cope with difficulties. And then teach this to your children. And all this is evidence of parental love.

And very often it turns out that children do not understand this. It is important to remember always that no matter how strict the parent is, this is only for the benefit. He transfers his life experience and knowledge. This means that he loves his child.

Parents give us life. Only for this one should already be grateful. Parents give their care, carefully control the first steps of their child. And they always do it: when we are just learning to walk, and when certain moments in life come. Even if they do not always do it too explicitly, especially when the child becomes an adult. But, only they love us for who we are and only for what we are.

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  1. (45 words) We see an example of maternal love in Gogol's story "Taras Bulba". When the sons return home, the mother rushes to meet them and even shames the father for immediately provoking young people into conflict. Although she risked anger in her husband, this did not stop her love.
  2. (36 words) Tolstoy's story "Childhood" describes the warm and tender relationship between Nikolai and his mother. The boy felt the disinterested and strong love of his mother, so he reached out to her with all his soul. And his childhood dies with her.
  3. (41 words) Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky to feel motherly love. In Chekhov's story "Vanka" the hero becomes an orphan early. From his mother, he has only vague memories, which is why he is so unhappy and lonely. Pelageya could protect her son, no matter what it cost her.
  4. (34 words) In the novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, the hero was left without maternal love. This affected his character: he became a lazy and naughty boy. Obviously, without the warmth of maternal care, children grow up miserable and abandoned.
  5. (49 words) The chapter "Oblomov's Dream" from Goncharov's novel Oblomov tells about an ideal family where a mother takes care of her child and loves him very much. Ilya is never allowed to play for a long time in the cold or in the sun, he is always well fed and well dressed. Oblomov's mother devoted all her time to caring for her son.
  6. (46 words) In one of the parts of Dostoevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov, which is called Boys, it is about the widow's tremulous feeling for her son. The woman devoted herself to the child and raised a brave, strong and intelligent boy. Kolya loved his mother no less, although he was embarrassed to show his feelings, as she did.
  7. (39 words) An example of maternal love can be seen in Dostoevsky's novel Poor People. The widow worked day and night to feed her daughter and bring her to the people. Varenka forever remembered this maternal feat, so all her subsequent life she tried to be worthy of him.
  8. (35 words) In Solzhenitsyn's story "Matrenin's Yard", the heroine loved her adopted daughter as her own. She sacrificed all her possessions for her. For the sake of Kira Matryona was ready for anything. No wonder even such a selfish girl burst into tears at the funeral of the benefactress.
  9. (48 words) In Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" the hero did not know his parents, so his heart was as cold as the walls of his dungeon. He was able to overcome this cold and these walls only in order to find his family, to feel the warmth and care of his mother. Because of the impossibility of this dream, he dies.
  10. (49 words) In the story "Poor Liza" by Karamzin, we see the daughter's exceptional gratitude for her mother's love. This is exactly how we should thank our parents for taking care of us. Lisa does not spare herself and works to provide for her mother, only because the woman set such an example for her daughter throughout her life.
  11. Real life examples

    1. (45 words) I am reminded of the story of the star of our class - Lena's excellent pupil. She was always ready for lessons, knew everything and even won regional Olympiads. But all her merits were invariably accompanied by maternal care: her mother constantly supported her. Thus, success in life begins with love in the family.
    2. (45 words) As far as I can remember, my mother was always there: at a performance in kindergarten, at the first line, at all school events. Feeling her participation, I became confident. Everything worked out for me, and they praised me, but I knew who I really needed to say "thank you" to.
    3. (49 words) My friend was a very good athlete, but he was always too worried before a competition. I saw how hard it was for his mother with him at such moments. However, she did not give up and with the same calmness supported him in any case and under any circumstances. How I envied her steadfastness!
    4. (47 words) Mother's love pushes a woman to a feat. During the war, my great-grandmother gave my grandmother almost all of the food, because the girl was born weak and sickly. Today our heroine is no longer with us, but my grandmother still remembers her military, but happy childhood, which her mother saved and protected.
    5. (42 words) My grandmother has always been an example of maternal love for me. In his youth, his father wanted to go to fight in Afghanistan, but his mother knew what awaited him there, so she pretended to be sick so that he stayed. As a result, he found himself in a peaceful life, and his grandmother waited for her grandchildren.
    6. (52 words) A real mother is not always the one who gave birth. My mother's friend took her daughter from the orphanage, but she fell in love with her as much as not every mother can love. She took the baby to circles, developed in every possible way, taught, and her Tanechka entered the budget in a good university. This is largely the merit of her adoptive mother.
    7. (47 words) Mother's love will never betray. I saw how mothers forgive their children even crimes. For example, my neighbor forgave her son, who beat and robbed her. No one heard any reproach or complaint. I only remember how she was looking for a doctor who could help her son recover from alcoholism.
    8. (62 words) My friend went to discos. Her mother was very worried, but she understood that the growing up of her daughter was inevitable. Therefore, she signed her number on her phone with a false name and asked to call her, as a friend, if the girl was invited somewhere so that the intruders would not suspect anything, and in the meantime, her mother could find them and help her daughter out. A loving mother is capable of any tricks, just to save the child.
    9. (53 words) My mom takes care of me too. When I got very sick and was afraid to go to the hospital, she went to bed with me and also went on a diet so that I would not be offended. She also entertained me in every possible way, did not let me get discouraged and bored. I am very grateful to her for those difficult days that have become fun thanks to her.
    10. (39 words) My mom always supports me. For example, she learned English to help me do my homework. Mother's love made boring activities simple and exciting, I even fell in love with this language because my mother teaches it with me.
    11. Interesting? Keep it on your wall!