
My favorite fairy tale in literature. my favorite fairy tale

I love fairy tales very much. They take me to the world of magic and adventure, fairies and glorious princesses. I think I like all of them but my favorite one is “Cinderella”. This beautiful story was written by Charles Perrault in 1697. When I was a baby my parents often read it to me before going to bed. Now I can read it myself and there are also cartoons and movies named “Cinderella”.

Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl whose name was Cinderella. She had a very kind and gentle heart. Her mother died, so she lived with a wicked stepmother and her terrible ugly daughters. Poor girl was very unhappy because they made her work hard all days long.

But one day Cinderella's fairy godmother made her dream come true: she helped the girl to go to a royal ball. Godmother turned a pumpkin into a magical coach, six mice – into six horses and the girl’s old dress – into a fabulous gown. At the ball the Prince fell in love with Cinderella and danced with her all the evening, but the beautiful girl had to leave the ball and come back home before midnight. So she ran down the steps of the palace and lost her tiny shoe. That lucky shoe helped the Prince to find Cinderella in his kingdom.

And, of course, my favorite fairy-tale, like all others, has a happy ending. The Prince married Cinderella and they lived happily ever after... And I think that this wonderful story will live in my heart forever because it reminds me that our dreams always come true.


I love fairy tales very much. They take me to the world of magic, adventures, fabulous fairies and delightful princesses. I think I like all fairy tales, but Cinderella is my favorite. This beautiful story was written by Charles Perrault in 1697. When I was a small child, my parents often read it to me before bed. Now I can read it myself, and there are still cartoons and movies called Cinderella.

Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl called Cinderella. She had a very kind and gentle heart. Her mother had died, and so she lived with her evil stepmother and her horrible ugly daughters. The poor girl was very unhappy because they made her work hard all day long.

But one day, Cinderella's fairy godmother fulfilled her dream: she helped the girl get to the royal was. The godmother turned a pumpkin into a magical carriage, six mice into six horses, and the girl's old dress into a wonderful dress. At the ball, the prince fell in love with Cinderella and danced with her all evening, but the beautiful girl had to leave the ball and come home before midnight. So, she ran down the steps of the palace and lost her tiny shoe. This lucky shoe helped the prince find Cinderella in his kingdom.

And, of course, my favorite fairy tale, like all others, has a happy ending. The prince married Cinderella, and they lived together happily ever after... And it seems to me that this beautiful story will live in my heart forever, because it reminds me that our dreams always come true.

Composition "My favorite fairy tale".

As a child, I loved to fall asleep while reading fairy tales. My mother read a lot of books to me. The story of Cinderella was my favorite. Growing up, I re-read it many times, and constantly worried about the fate of the poor girl, endowed with extraordinary kindness.

The Essence of the Cinderella Story

The work tells about the life of a girl named Cinderella, whose mother died. The father remarried, "rewarded" his daughter with an evil stepmother and two unbearable sisters. They spoiled Cinderella's life in every possible way, loaded her with hard work. The girl, in turn, dutifully completed all the tasks, was so kind and sympathetic that she did not even harbor a grudge against her relatives.

Good always triumphs over evil in all fairy tales. This one is no exception either. The work, perseverance and kindness of Cinderella more than paid off. Cinderella surprisingly got to the royal ball, where the prince fell in love with her. Despite the obstacles and troubles, they got married and lived happily ever after.

What does the fairy tale about Cinderella teach?

I was inspired to write an essay about me by the main idea of ​​the work, that behind an unsightly gray appearance a rich person can be hidden. human soul. Sooner or later, the efforts made will lead to the desired result - justice will prevail. And ignorance, anger and rudeness cannot be hidden under beautiful clothes. These qualities will lead the owner to a broken trough. You can't judge a person by their appearance. Perhaps he just got into an unpleasant life situation.

The fairy tale elevates kind and honest people, putting them one step higher from negligent characters, which motivates a large number of children to be hardworking, benevolent. The work teaches to forgive, not to hold anger and resentment. After all, open a kind person brings harmony and beauty to this world. Anger and resentment can destroy it.

Finishing the essay about Cinderella, I would like to note the following. In reality, not everything always turns out so smoothly and beautifully. I think that you need to believe and hope for a happy ending. And of course read good tales who teach us to live correctly and honestly.

Mini essay "My favorite fairy tale"

When I was very young, I loved to listen to bedtime stories. I really liked to imagine pictures from a fairy tale plot and fall asleep to the sound of my mother's voice. Most of all I liked the story of Cinderella.
Cinderella family
It is about a good-natured girl. Her father chose a woman with a bad temper as his wife. She had two adult daughters and she loved them very much. But the stepmother treated Cinderella very badly. The poor girl endured all the bullying from her stepsisters and stepmother. The father did not defend Cinderella, because he did not dare to argue with his wife. But still, Cinderella remained the same good-natured girl with a wonderful character.
fateful ball
Once Cinderella was invited to a ball, but her stepmother strictly forbade her to go there. The woman thought that one of her daughters would be an excellent wife for the prince, which is why she ordered Cinderella to stay at home.
Nevertheless, Cinderella was destined to appear at this ball, and her godmother helped her in this. There the girl met the handsome prince and love was born in the hearts of both. It so happened that exactly at midnight Cinderella had to leave the palace. But still, the prince found her, and they got married!
It seems to me that this fairy tale teaches people to be kind, honest and love work. It was for these qualities that the prince fell in love with Cinderella. This tale once again convinces that it is not a person who paints the outfit, but quite the opposite.
I really want every life story to have a happy ending. And I believe that is exactly what will happen.

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my favorite fairy tale

As a child, my grandmother used to read a lot of fairy tales to me. All of them were kind and instructive. Always at the end of almost any of them, good triumphed over evil. Perhaps that is why they are fairy tales, it does not always happen in our real life. I still remember them all. Then my mother bought me a video player and my sister and I not only listened to reading grandmother's fairy tales, but also watched them on video cassettes. When we went to Kindergarten, then often our group was taken to the cinema, which is next to the garden, for a daytime viewing of children's films, fairy tales and animated films.

Ever since those years, I really liked to watch and listen to fairy tales. I have a lot of fairy tales at home, they are in books and in music. One of my favorites is Alice in Wonderland. Why exactly this one? Perhaps because it describes a wonderland, and I still believe that there is such a place on our Earth. It tells about a girl, kind Alice, who got into the world of a fairy tale. According to the plot, the girl meets different people there. fairy tale characters, these are: and a bunny, and a hatter and many others. In this fairy tale, magic, kindness, friendship are felt everywhere, and sometimes you really want to find yourself there, next to these fairy tale characters. The author of the fairy tale teaches children and adults to believe in a miracle, to overcome evil and not become as treacherous as the evil queen from the fairy tale.
And this summer I again caught my eye this book. Somehow I ended up reading it again. Those childhood memories and feelings that were in my head after listening to my grandmother's reading immediately surfaced very clearly. It's good that there was such a storyteller Lewis Carroll, who wrote Alice in Wonderland.

A girl from England who finds herself in a magical land - from the very beginning this story captivates you so much that you already involuntarily try on the image of the main characters for yourself. You constantly think and reflect on how you yourself would act in this or that situation. Together with Alice, you are already going through all the tests that have fallen on this fragile little girl. She enters the kingdom thanks to a white rabbit, who has a watch on a chain in his vest. In order to find herself in another world, a world of magic and fantasy, Alice has to fall, at first it is very scary, then exciting. This fall ends safely, and she still ends up in a wonderland. From the very first minute, as soon as she finds herself in the magical world, incredible miracles begin to happen to her, of course. We all want to believe in miracles. When I become an adult and have children, I will definitely read this fairy tale to them.


1. My love for reading fairy tales. Tale of S. Marshak "Twelve months".

2. The plot of the fairy tale "Twelve months".

3. Characteristics of the heroes of the fairy tale "Twelve months":

a) stepdaughter;

b) Stepmother and Daughter;

c) the Queen;

d) teacher;

e) Months.

4. What does the fairy tale "Twelve Months" teach?

This literary tale, written by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, attracts me with its unusual plot.

Under New Year The queen issued a decree that she would reward whoever brought her a basket of snowdrops. The greedy Stepmother and Daughter send their Stepdaughter into the forest. They do not care at all that the girl can freeze. For them, the main thing is snowdrops, which do not grow in December.

The stepdaughter goes to the forest, where she meets the twelve brothers of the Months. They help her: they give her snowdrops and a magic ring. The Stepmother and Daughter bring flowers to the palace, and the Queen orders to show the place where they picked them.

Everyone goes to the forest. But the Stepdaughter does not want to reveal the secret of the twelve Months. The queen is angry and wants to punish her. But even here the Months brothers help the girl. They turn the Stepmother and Daughter into dogs, and make the Queen think about her behavior.

The stepdaughter is my favorite character in this story. She is very kind, hardworking, polite and beautiful. The girl helps the soldier, animals and birds love her. The stepdaughter is true to her word, does not skimp and gives fur coats to the frozen Queen and her servants.

I condemn the greed and heartlessness of the Stepmother and Daughter. They envy the beauty of the Stepdaughter, they themselves do not want to work, but they force everyone to do it. They wanted to get gold for someone else's work. The daughter takes the ring from the Stepdaughter and rejoices in someone else's grief. At the Queen's, they first boast, and then cowardly accuse each other.

Nor can one approve of the behavior of the Queen at the beginning of the tale. She does not understand the importance of her position, decides human destiny counting the syllables in a word. She does not know what gratitude is, she thinks that everything can be bought.

Another interesting character- Teacher of the Queen. He teaches the girl grammar, but, unfortunately, he cannot teach her kindness, wisdom and politeness. But this knowledge is so important in life!

The most unusual characters in the tale are the twelve months. These are the brothers who help the Stepdaughter find the snowdrops. Months are kind, cheerful, responsive.

Marshak teaches us kindness and compassion, but he does it in an entertaining way, and not in the form of boring instructions. This is probably why the tale "Twelve Months" reaches the very heart of both children and adults.

This summer I read Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. I really liked this tale.

The main character of this fairy tale is the girl Alice, who lives in England. From the very first pages, the magic begins, which captivates you so much that you begin to feel like the main character. Alice is carried away into the realm of magic by a white rabbit in a vest, in the pocket of which there is a watch on a chain. In order to get into another world, the world of fantasy and magic, Alice goes through a test, at first a terrible, exciting, then a wonderful and long fall. Miracles immediately began to happen to Alice. Eating or drinking something, she then grew, then decreased. Here is what she had to say about it:

"I know who I was this morning when I woke up, but I've changed a few times since then."

"But I won't tell you about yesterday, because yesterday I was completely different."

On her way, Alice met many different and amazing heroes. My favorite character Cheshire Cat. He was smart, wise, fearless, cheerful, understanding humor and himself knowing how to joke. Here is what he said about the world in which Alice fell:

"There's nothing to be done, - objected the Cat. - We are all out of our minds here - both you and me. - How do you know that I'm out of my mind?" asked Alice. "Of course not my mind," answered the Cat. How else would you be here?" "In our world everyone is crazy."

The cat could become invisible, and he could do it gradually at the request of Alice due to the fact that she was frightened by his sudden disappearance. He was Alice's assistant, adviser and guide in a wonderful country. He could argue with the queen herself, and at the same time remain alive and unharmed.

The Queen was an eccentric and hysterical aunt. She ordered everyone to be executed right and left for the most insignificant offenses. Here's what she said:

"First the execution! Then the sentence!"

If it were not for the king, who ran and whispered the terrible sentences of the queen, then the queen would have no subjects left.

And what an exciting game of croquet! The mere fact that there were live hedgehogs instead of balls, and flamingos instead of hammers made this game funny and exciting. In this game, everyone who could break the rules. Alice complained:

I don't think they play like that at all! There is no justice, and everyone screams so much that you can’t hear your own voice. There are no rules, and if there are, then no one follows them. You have no idea how difficult it is to play when everything is alive.

This story about an amazing girl turned out to be unusually exciting. I wanted to re-read some of the chapters over and over again. In the process of reading, I wrote out the quotes that I liked the most, which I use with pleasure in my life. To understand this tale you need to have a good sense of humor. And I would like to end my essay with the words of Alice “I saw such nonsense, in comparison with which this nonsense is an explanatory dictionary!”. Don't judge me harshly!!!