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The fairy tale "The Frog Princess" is a Russian folk fairy tale. In fairy tales, good always fights against evil. Ivan Tsarevich is one of the good heroes. He went through many tests to find Vasilisa the Beautiful. Ivan Tsarevich is brave: he was not afraid to go alone to look for his wife. He's polite. When he met the old man in the forest, Ivan Tsarevich told him about his grief. The old man gave him a magic ball. Ivan Tsarevich thanked the old man and went on. When he met Baba Yaga, he was also polite to her. For this, she told him where Koshchei's death was. Ivan Tsarevich is kind. When he went for the magic ball, he got very hungry. He wanted to kill a bear, a hare and a drake so as not to starve to death, but then he pitied them. He also took pity on the pike and released it into the blue sea. And then all the animals helped Tsarevich Ivan to defeat Koshchei the immortal. In addition, Vasilisa the Beautiful and everyone who helped Ivan Tsarevich can be attributed to good heroes. The evil heroes include Koschya Bssmsrtnogo. He stole Vasilisa the Beautiful from Ivan Tsarevich. But Ivan Tsarevich passed all the tests and defeated Koshchei the immortal. Also, the wives of Ivan Tsarevich's two brothers belong to the evil heroes. They envied Ivan and his wife. At first, the brothers' wives laughed at the frog. Then they sent a maid to watch the frog bake bread. And at the ball they repeated everything that Vasilisa the Beautiful was doing. They were punished for their malice. The king got angry with them and ordered them to be driven out.
In fairy tales, good always wins. But Ivan Tsarevich could not have done anything if he was alone. Only all together can you defeat evil. This is what the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" tells about.

"Good and Evil in Russian Folk Tales"
For centuries, people have been creating works of oral folk art, laying in them folk wisdom, their hopes and aspirations. Folk tales are also entertainment that brightened up long evenings; these are also the lessons of what a person should be; it is also the pursuit of justice. A.S. Pushkin wrote: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!"
Listening to fairy tales, everyone immediately decides for himself what is good and what is bad, and strives to imitate good heroes.
This is how the concepts of good and evil are formed. Each person understands in his own way what is good and what is evil.
Therefore, in one fairy tale, the author made his stepmother an evil hero, in another - a king or a neighbor, in a third - Babu Yaga, the Snake or Koshchei, focusing either on his own opinion or on the listeners. In life, justice did not always prevail, therefore people invented fairy tales where good won out against evil, as if making their dreams come true.

People have invented many proverbs and sayings about good and evil. Here are some of them:
One does not pay for good with evil.
From good to bad, does not happen.
Good glory runs, but thin one flies.
With the sun it is warm, but with the mother it is good.
To a kind person and someone else's illness to the heart.
For good and good and pay.
Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.
Kindness is a good quality of a person
Anger is a bad quality of a person

How did the people portray these two concepts: good and evil? All heroes of the tale are strictly divided into positive and negative. Positive heroes: Ivan the Fool, Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan the Peasant Son, Vasilisa the Wise, Elena the Beautiful, Marya Morevna and others - are always endowed primarily with external beauty, which is sometimes hidden at the beginning of the tale. Such is Ivanushka the Fool. Everyone laughs at this hero, older brothers openly mock him. But Ivanushka the fool is better than his brothers in coping with his father's order, because he has responsibility for the task entrusted to him. He is observant, endowed with ingenuity and courage. And therefore, as a reward, she receives a beautiful princess and half a kingdom in addition.

Ivan Tsarevich was also portrayed by the people as intelligent and courageous, kind and sympathetic. Therefore, the forces of nature come to his aid, allowing him to cope with the difficult tasks that have arisen on his way.

Women's images in fairy tales are endowed with incredible beauty, which “neither say in a fairy tale, nor describe with a pen”. They are wise and hardworking, caring and kind. Therefore, smart, brave and wonderful heroes always come to their rescue.

Sometimes Baba Yaga turns out to be the main character's assistant:

Baba Yaga does not always represent evil, sometimes she is the donor of an object, or she gives wise advice: this is how the hero receives from her a ball that leads him to the goal, or a wonderful horse that quickly delivers him to his place. Baba Yaga knows many miracles. In the fairy tale “Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what” Baba Yaga, the mother of Marya the princess, helps Andrey the shooter, his son-in-law, to complete the Tsar's task. In this tale, she is a kind heroine.

Serpent Gorynych and Koschey in Russian folk tales represent evil. The serpent kills people, kills beautiful girls. Koschey is cunning, cunning and very selfish.

For a long time, fairy tales were close and understandable to the common people.
Fantasy was intertwined with reality. Justice has always triumphed in Russian fairy tales, and good triumphed over evil.

Try to see good and kind in people first of all! This makes everyone around you prettier and kinder!
Be kind to people!
Learn good from the good!
Do not be afraid to offer help to those who need it, help first of all those who are in trouble, the weak, the sick.
Without causing harm, you become kinder!

    Both children and adults love fairy tales. They inspire writers and poets, composers and artists. Performances and films are staged based on fairy tales, operas and ballets are created. Fairy tales came to us from ancient times. They were told by beggar wanderers, tailors, and retired soldiers.

    A fairy tale is one of the main types of oral folk art. A fictional story of a fantastic, adventure or everyday character.

    Sometimes fairy tales help to understand what is bad and what is good in life. A fairy tale, as the creation of an entire people, does not tolerate the slightest deviation from good and truth, it requires the punishment of any untruth, in it good triumphs over evil. There are also good and evil heroes in the tale.

    Slide "Goodies and where they live"

    Ivan Tsarevich

    Ivan the Fool

    Vasilisa the Beautiful

    Wolf, Fox, Hare, Bear and others.

    Heroes who personify the good forces of fairy tales live in a family, in a fairy forest, in green meadows, in a beautiful country, in a special fairy world. "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state."

    Slide "Evil forces and their habitat"

    Koschei the Deathless


    Creatures personifying evil, diverse evil spirits, lives in dense forests, in dungeons, holes and caves. After all, there is the kingdom of evil. Here mother warns Dobrynya: "And you don't need to go to the distant mountain Sorochinskaya and go to the snake-caves there ..."

    Slide "Ivan"

    The positive hero of fairy tales, Ivan the Fool, is not at all a fool. Ivan, the youngest son, is called stupid because he lacks practical wisdom. He is simple-minded, gentle, compassionate to other people's calamities to the point of forgetting his own safety and any benefits. He fights against evil, helps the offended or the weak. Ivan is a fearless, kind and noble hero. Very often at the beginning of the tale, Ivan is poor, pursued by enemies. Ivan successfully passes all tests. Defeats all enemies, wins happiness for himself. It happens as a reward for his heroic behavior and good deeds, he receives a kingdom or half a kingdom and a royal daughter, an expensive horse and some magical skills ...

    Slide "Vasilisa"

    The positive heroine of fairy tales Vasilisa is endowed with wisdom and the ability to transform. She is naturally strong, so she copes with any task and difficulties. She is very kind and hardworking. Vasilisa means regal. Beautiful spiritually and externally - highly moral, she has developed feelings of justice, nobility. For all the trials that Vasilisa meets on the way, she will have a wedding and a happy fate.

    Slide "Wolf"

    The wolf is often stupid, rustic, gullible.

    Sometimes angry, maybe a person's helper.

    The fox is cunning, cunning, greedy. And also a fashionista and a thief.


    The bear is good-natured, simple-minded, gullible, lumpy.

    Slide "Hare and other animals"

    The hare is cunning, cowardly. The hedgehog is smart, careful, resourceful. The Firebird is wise. The mouse is hardworking, kind. The cat is cunning, adventurous.

    Slide "Koschey the Immortal"

    Koschey is a character in fairy tales, a demonic creature hostile to people, his strength is in werewolf and sorcery, he is invulnerable to those around him. The death of Koshchei is hidden in the egg. The secret of Koshchei's death is found out by his niece. At her direction, with the help of animal helpers, an egg is broken, after which Koschey dies. The name of Koshchei is raised to the Old Russian "koshchei" meaning "captive", "slave" - ​​to shame, to shame; to the word "bone" with the meaning of an emaciated old curmudgeon or a skeleton: Koschey is a dead man, a skeleton, and therefore immortal.

    Slide "Serpent Gorynych"

    The serpent is a popular character in fairy tales and epics, most often the enemy, with whom the hero will have to enter into an implacable struggle. The serpent is an image of world folklore. In Russian fairy tales, the Serpent Gorynych is a multi-headed creature capable of flying, spewing fire. His element is water or mountains (Serpent-Gorynych). In a number of plots, the Serpent is the kidnapper, he takes away the royal daughters, besieges the city with the demand for tribute in the form of a woman - to be devoured or for marriage. The serpent guards the border to the "other" world, most often a bridge across the river, it devours everyone trying to cross. The fight with the Serpent and the victory over him is one of the main feats of the hero.

    Slide "Baba Yaga"

    Baba Yaga is a popular character in East Slavic fairy tales. She is portrayed as a fantastically ugly old woman, wielding magical items. (“Baba-Yaga sits, a leg of bone, legs from corner to corner, lips on the garden bed, and his nose has grown to the ceiling”, “rides on an iron mortar, drives with an iron pusher”); the usual habitat is a hut on chicken legs in the forest, in the distant kingdom. " Baba Yaga belongs to the mythological world; she is the mistress of the forest, the mistress of animals and birds, the almighty prophetic old woman, the guardian of the borders of the “other kingdom”, the kingdom of Death.

    Slide "The color of good and evil"

    White is the color of purity, light.

    Blue, blue is the color of the sky, water, an integral part of life.

    Red is the color of truth, the fight against evil.

    Green and yellow are the colors of hope, joy.

    Slide "Color of Evil"

    Black is the color of evil forces. It is no coincidence that evil witches are dressed in black and have black hair.

    Dark green is no less ominous. This is the color of all kinds of wickedness.

    All these colors are present not only in a fairy tale, but also in our life. These are the colors of the nature around us: rainbows and fertile land. From here we draw the vitality that helps us to resist the evil creatures, possibly living next to us.

    I have read many fairy tales and I can say that for me the fairy tale opened up an amazing world of magic, where good triumphs over evil, where everyone gets what they deserve, where dreams come true. This is an incredible land of fantasies and wonders that teaches a person to be kind, sympathetic, honest and decent. A fairy tale helps us to believe in ourselves and our strengths, helps to overcome difficulties, to cultivate strength of mind and courage in ourselves. Gives hope, and sometimes even helps to make the right decision in a difficult life situation.

    My mother, just like me, is very fond of fairy tales. She says that fairy tales teach a lot not only to children, but also help adults to look at themselves from the outside.

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"" Good and Evil in Russian Folk Tales ""

Good and evil in Russian fairy tales


Protsenko Nastya

student 5 "A" class.



Anisimova O.M .

  • It's so good that there is on Earth
  • These fairy tales are wonderful!
  • Let's take a fairy tale, read it together
  • And we'll sing about her!
  • May fairy tales live forever
  • Let them give to people
  • Magic, justice,
  • Beauty and goodness!

  • Find out which heroes represent the good and evil forces of Russian folk tales.
  • Find out the nature of the "good" and "evil" forces.
  • The role of good and evil in Russian folk tales.
  • Understand what fairy tales teach.

Ivan is simple-minded, gentle, compassionate. He fights evil, helps the weak, fearless and kind hero. At the beginning of the tale, he is usually poor, passing trials he receives a reward.


Vasilisa is endowed with wisdom, kind and hardworking, fair and noble.

The wolf is often stupid, rustic and gullible. Sometimes evil, maybe a person's helper.

The fox is cunning, cunning, greedy. And also a fashionista and a thief.

The bear is good-natured, simple-minded, gullible, lumpy.

The hare is cunning and cowardly.

The hedgehog is smart, careful and resourceful.


The Firebird is wise.

The mouse is hardworking.

The cat is cunning and adventurous

Koschei the Deathless

Koschey is a demonic creature hostile to people, he is invulnerable to those around him. The death of Koshchei is hidden in the egg. At the end of the tale, he dies.


Serpent Gorynych is a multi-headed creature capable of flying, spewing fire. Kidnaps people, besieges cities.

Baba - Yaga

Baba Yaga is an ugly old woman who owns magical items. She is the mistress of the forest, animals and birds.

  • The color of purity, light
  • The color of the sky, water, life
  • The color of joy
  • Color of truth, fight against evil
  • The color of hope

  • The color of evil forces
  • The color of wickedness

MUO Tumanovskaya secondary school

R. Moskalenki village 2009

Russian literature has always strived for great harmony, for the search for natural life, for the solution of eternal questions. A very important side of the spiritual life, the spiritual essence of Russian literature is Christian literature, Orthodox in its perception of the world and man.

N. Berdyaev noted this Christian side of Russian literature: "All our 19th century literature is wounded by the Christian theme, all of it seeks salvation, all of it seeks deliverance from evil, suffering, the horror of life for the human person, people, humanity, the world."

Literature and Orthodoxy merge for one very good reason. One of the most important aspects of Russian literature is the search for the meaning of life, the realization of a person's destiny. This is at the same time one of the main questions of philosophy - the question of the meaning of life. Christianity answers it very definitely - connecting your life with the life of God.

Orthodoxy makes an amazing fundamental conclusion: a person himself chooses the path of righteousness or sin, but even having sinned, you can overcome evil by spiritual struggle, by great moral effort. Hence the bright optimism of Russian literature, manifested in trust in the world and its innermost meaning.

The most important, eternal for every person is the topic that is most relevant in our time: Good and Evil.

Several stories in the collection "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" are united by this theme.

How does N. V. Gogol solve this topic on the pages of the stories "Sorochinskaya Fair", "May Night, or the Drowned Woman", "The Night Before Christmas"?

What moral lessons can be learned from this?

The story in the story "Sorochinskaya Yarmarka" begins with a description of a splendid summer day. “How delightful, how luxurious is a summer day in Little Russia! ... the lark trembles, and silver songs fly along the air steps to the earth in love ... ". Gogol also describes the fair, a national holiday, with bright, joyful colors. Everyone hurrying to the fair is seized with fun, joy, even some lightness is in the air.

The mood of people is strengthened by the feeling of something good, kind that should happen to them.

But something prevents people from having fun, trade does not go on. It turns out that the fair is located in the very place that people call damned. Evil dwells in the air itself, evil next to people.

Evil is embodied in a visible image. The devil himself appears. The devil looks unhappy - he was expelled for some wrongdoing from hell and drinks out of grief. He ran out of money, so he pawns the red scroll and disappears altogether.

The remaining red scroll leads the Jew into temptation: he sells it profitably to a passing pan. A scroll is a beautiful, expensive and rare thing, but the owners of a beautiful scroll are unhappy, because it has to do with evil, and that which has to do with evil cannot bring good to a person. The holders of the scroll tried to get rid of it, but it turns out that it is not so easy to part with it. Only that man succeeded. Who crossed himself, chopped it up and scattered the pieces around the world. The impure power loses its power in front of the holy cross.

Very often, evil is hidden under the usual human guise. In Gogol's story, the embodiment of evil is Khivrya's stepmother. She is a domineering woman, does not love her stepdaughter, she is ready to scold anyone who says a word across to her. And the expression on her face is such that it gives the boys a reason to say: "But the devil is sitting in front." Khivrya's stepmother interferes with the happiness of Gritsk and Paraska, but the cunning of the boys and the gypsy, who used the red scroll, help the lovers to unite. At the end of the story, the dancing people, united, shielded the beautiful couple Gritsko and Paraska from the menacing shouts of Khivri with a wall. Good, love and unity of people overcome evil.

The story ends with the author's digression. It would seem a happy ending, everyone is happy, but in this author's meditation there is sadness: “it is both hard and sad for the heart and there is nothing to help it”. Following the author, let us think about whether Gritsko and Paraska will bring happiness to their love, obtained in an unclean place, by unclean means and with the help of unclean forces.

Another story "May Night, or the Drowned Woman" continues the solution of the theme of the struggle between good and evil. Already in the title of this story, the real and the fantastic are closely intertwined. May night is the night of pure, light love of two real heroes, Levko and Ghana. The drowned woman is an indication of miracles.

The action described at the beginning of the story takes place in the evening. Magnificent nature surrounds two lovers. They say sincere words of love to each other. The amazing landscape, the feelings of the heroes create a certain harmony of the unity of nature and man. But Ganna, the main character, is worried about something. And what worries her is the old wooden house dozing near the forest, on the mountain, and the evil that is happening here. The evil stepmother - the witch decided to ruin her stepdaughter, turning into a terrible black cat with iron claws, tried to strangle her. The father, under the influence of the witch stepmother, drove his own daughter out of the house. The witch ruined the sinful soul of her father, he forgot about his father's feelings for his daughter, pushed the young lady to commit suicide. "It is both hard and sad for the heart, and there is nothing to help it with."

From the terrible world of legend, the heroes are transported to the real world. And here evil reigns. Ganna confesses to Levko: “you have unkind people: the girls all look so envious, and the boys ...” Envy is also a product of evil. And very often she ruins people, makes them commit unkind deeds. But Levko and Hanna believed in God, loved him and knew that all the unclean spirits embodying evil “would fly headlong and fall into hell in heaps” as soon as God descended to earth on Christ's holiday. This bright faith helped them to be together.

Levko has a terrible rival - his own father. He, being a head, an important person in the village, is cruel towards people: “he pours cold water on people in the cold”, “always takes over and ... of his own free will sends anyone he pleases to level and iron the road or dig ditches”.

My own father turns out to be a terrible, evil person. Levko cannot get his father's consent to marry a Ganka.

Friends, lads are fooling their heads. But the father is relentless. He does not understand and does not want to understand the feelings of his son.

Pannochka, a drowned woman, promises to help Levko if he relieves the mermaids from the witch. The legend in the story resembles a fairy tale in which evil is punished and good triumphs. And as in a fairy tale, the assistant gets into the legend. Gogol's character is the hero from Levko's life. He is kind, responsive to someone else's misfortune, his heart is filled with pity and sadness when he listens to the sad story of the lady.

But in order to find an evil person, you need to get to know him. And Levko identifies a witch by the blackness inside. "Inside she could see something black, while others glowed." A black soul is a popular sign of a negative character. When a witch rushed at a girl in the game "Into the Black Crow", her face lit up with malicious joy - gloating. No matter how disguised evil is, a kind person with a pure soul can always recognize and feel it.

Levko received love as a reward for his goodness. Levko is a true Christian - he wishes the kingdom of heaven for the lady, baptizes his sleeping beloved.

The story ends with a description of the divine night, the majestic peace that descended on the village. “The land was just as beautiful ...”, how wonderful were the feelings of Levko and Ghana. This grace is created by harmony, which is everywhere: in a fairy tale, in life, in nature.

The solution to the eternal theme in the story "The Night Before Christmas" acquires a different shade. Christmas enters the tale through the description of Christmas night. “A clear winter night has come. The month majestically ascended to heaven to shine a light on good people and the whole world, so that everyone would have fun caroling and praising Christ. " Christmas night is not only a triumph of nature, fun and joy of people, but also the struggle between good and evil, which is especially acute on this night. On the eve of a bright Christmas, the evil spirits roamed and in the last days of their existence strives to plunge Orthodox people into sin. In the sky there are sorcerers, a swarm of spirits, a dancing devil, a broom. But in this story, evil externally and physically is not terrible, but on the contrary, it is ridiculous and absurd. The witch - the mother of the blacksmith Vakula - is a woman "pleasant in all respects." She steals stars and hides them up her sleeve. Her buddy is damn it. He is comical, looks like a "German": "narrow, constantly twirling and sniffing everything ... the muzzle ended ... in a round snout, the legs were thin." Following Solokha, he grabbed a month with both hands and hid it in his pocket.

There is another image of evil spirits in the story - this is Patsyuk. Outwardly, he is ridiculous, looks like a huge barrel. For people, Patsyuk is not dangerous: once he was a Zaporozhian, then he began to treat people, and they went to him for help. Unlike previous stories, the evil of this story seeks to destroy not the body, but the soul. Therefore, in the story, Gogol develops the theme of the Christian understanding of good, evil, and sin. On the night before Christmas, the month rose to shine for good people. They will go out into the street, cheerfully carol and praise Christ. This is the last night for evil spirits, therefore, good and evil are especially acutely opposed. The devil steals a month to take revenge on Vakula.

Vakula is the worst enemy, and all the devils know him. The blacksmith was a painter. A God-fearing man, he wrote images of saints for the church and a picture in which the devil was expelled from hell. When Vakula painted the picture, the devil tried to interfere with him, mixed colors, but no nasty things of the devil could embarrass Vakula's soul. So strongly he believed in God, so pure was his soul. The author makes this bright soul of Vakula a place of struggle between good and evil. Unrequited love for Oksana embarrassed Vakula, deprived him of his fun on Christmas night, allowed the most terrible thoughts to penetrate - thoughts of suicide, and for a deeply religious person, this is a great sin. Vakula realizes that by suicide he is destroying his pure soul and asks the boys to serve the requiem. Vakula refuses this terrible decision and goes to look for help from Patsyuk: "I will go, because my soul will have to disappear." Love for Oksana leads the hero to a state of bitter disappointment: in grief, no one can help him, and life without Oksana has no meaning.

Do you begin to doubt whether Vakula's soul is really pure and God-fearing? He remained the same devout man and therefore quickly rushed out of Patsyuk's hut, spitting out a quick dumpling and wiping his lips smeared with sour cream. "What a fool I really am, I stand here and accumulate sin!" For Vakula, watching Patsyuk eat dumplings with sour cream in a hungry kutya is already a sin and evil.

The devil tempts Vakula with his speeches, gets into his comrades. And he is already glad that the most God-fearing person, Vakula, is ready to give him his soul. “Here the devil laughed with joy, remembering how the whole tailed tribe would tease in hell, how the lame devil, who was considered among them, would be the first to fantasize”.

But Vakula is strong not only physically, but also spiritually. He knows that evil, in the form of a devil, must be fought with a word. God's and holy cross. And the evil spirits become obedient and help Vakula to get to St. Petersburg.

What is the power of Vykula? He did not sell his soul to evil spirits, he was able to overcome evil in his soul and deliver other good people - from the devil and other evil spirits. Vakula has the soul of an artist. In the palace, he saw a painting depicting the Most Pure Virgin with the Divine Child in her arms. He was struck by the beauty of what he saw. Only a person with a pure soul can see the beauty of the surrounding world.

At the end of the story, Vakula is rewarded for her bright soul with Oksana's sincere feelings. People need him. For villagers without Vakula, a holiday is not a holiday.

Good and evil often coexist in every person. Only a person who is mentally pure and sensitive can recognize evil. You need to fight evil with the forces of love, goodness and justice. When a person comprehends the beauty of the world around him, he rises to goodness.