
Tolstoy jump lesson with presentation. Presentation on the topic of the work Leap L.N. Tolstoy. XI. Homework: prepare an expressive reading of the story "Jump"

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Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich - the great writer of the 19th century - the golden age of Russian literature. Born in the Yasnaya Polyana estate of the Tula province on 09/09/1829, died on 11/20/1910 at the age of 82. Count, belonged to a noble wealthy family. He was in family ties with the princes Trubetskoy, Golitsyn and other aristocrats. On the maternal side, he was related to A.S. Pushkin. In his youth, Tolstoy passed military service in the Caucasus, participated in heroic defense Sevastopol. After his retirement, he traveled extensively in Europe. A life full of events and impressions later helped the gifted artist of the word to create true literary masterpieces.

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The genre of the work is a story. Unlike a fairy tale - a fictional fantasy work, a story is a true story, a true story ..

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The heroes of L.N. Tolstoy's story "Jump" are sailors (people on deck), a boy, his father is a ship's captain and a monkey.

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Summary- On a calm warm day, sailors were bored on the deck of a ship returning from a round-the-world voyage. Suddenly, a nimble monkey took a hat from a 12-year-old boy - the captain's son - and began to climb with it onto the mast of the ship. Enraged by the ridicule of the sailors, the boy rushed to take his hat from the monkey and, in pursuit of it, climbed to the very top of the tall mast. The sailors were afraid that the boy would fall from such a height and break to death. Nobody laughed anymore. Suddenly the captain stepped out of the cabin. Immediately realizing the seriousness of the situation, he shouted at his son: "Jump into the water or I will shoot you!" The boy jumped into the sea. The sailors jumped into the water and rescued the boy.

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Questions about the story: Where do events unfold? (On the ship) Where did the ship return from? (From circumnavigation) How old was the boy? (12) Who was the boy's father? (Ship captain) Why did the boy run after the monkey? (She took the hat from him. He tried to take it away). The boy was not afraid of heights. For the monkey, he climbed higher and higher, regardless of the danger. What was the reason for such reckless behavior? Why did Capital cry after his son was rescued?

Slide 8

Mast height - masts on ships that in the 19th century. could travel around the world, reached a height of 25 m, i.e. 8-storey building. The decks were made of hardwoods like stone.

Slide 9

Conclusions - the boy did not feel sorry for his hat at all. He felt embarrassed at being laughed at. Trying to protect his dignity, he committed a rash act that nearly cost him his life. It is impossible to betray such significance to the ridicule of the crowd. You must have your own opinion and not succumb to momentary resentment. Parents love their children very much and always try to protect them from trouble.

Slide 10

The climax is a place of special tension of events in the text.

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The text consists of 3 parts: introduction - a description of the place where the events unfold; the plot - the monkey takes the hat from the boy, everyone laughs, the boy is offended; climax - the boy, chasing the monkey, climbed to the very top of the mast. he is in mortal danger; denouement - the captain saves his son with decisive actions.

Nikolayevich Tolstoy

- it is Russian


in the estate of Yasnaya Polyana, Tula province

Manor "Yasnaya Polyana"

  • Tolstoy was the fourth child in a large noble family.
  • His mother, Maria Nikolaevna, nee Princess Volkonskaya, died when Tolstoy was not yet two years old.
  • Tolstoy's father, Nikolai Ilyich, participant Patriotic War, remembered by the writer for his good-natured and mocking character, love for reading, for hunting, also died early, when Leva was 9 years old.

"We must try


read and learn

the best writers

all ages and nations"

Children L.N. Tolstoy loved them very much and wrote a lot for them. Known textbook "ABC", "New alphabet", four "Russian books for reading" with fables, fairy tales, stories.

Lev Nikolaevich with grandchildren

In the late autumn of 1910, at night, secretly from his family, 82-year-old Tolstoy, accompanied only by his personal doctor, left Yasnaya Polyana.

The road turned out to be unbearable for him: on the way, Tolstoy fell ill and had to get off the train at the small Astapovo railway station. Here, in the stationmaster's house, he spent the last seven days of his life. He died

Grave of L.N. Tolstoy in the estate "Yasnaya Polyana"







1. By ship

2. Leprosy monkeys.

3. Chasing a monkey.

4. On the mast.

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Slides captions:

Leo Tolstoy "Jump"

Each writer is a writer only when he conveyed to the reader's hearts what excited him to the depths of his soul. The writer has his own methods and means for this. And they are very different.

jump jump jumper Jump - rapid movement of the body, pushing away from any point of support

In the story, is it just an action or did Lev Nikolayevich put some meaning into this word?

Let's learn to comprehend the secrets artwork understand its main idea. And for this we will explore the text, find the reasons for the actions of the characters and their consequences. .

The deck was made of hard, like stone, wood; the masts rose 15-25 meters above the deck, i.e. were the height of a 3-5 storey building. On the masts are the crossbars on which the sails are held.

Was it by chance or did some character traits play a role here Heroism Courage Boasting The desire to test yourself or show off to do it your own way

PHYSICAL MINUTE The seagulls are circling over the waves, Let's fly after them together. Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf, And over the sea we are with you. We are now sailing on the sea And frolicking in the open. Rake more fun And overtake dolphins. Look, the seagulls importantly Walk along the sea beach. Sit down, children, on the sand, We continue our lesson.

He shouted, climbed higher, got excited, threw down the mast, stepped on the crossbar, shaking his arms

climbed higher reached the very top stretched out to its full length beckoned hung on the edge of the crossbar writhed, rejoiced

Evaluation of the hero's deed Courage Boastfulness Recklessness Recklessness Decisiveness Ego Ambition

I will choose proverbs Be brave in mind and heart. Who cares, but I'm not laughing.

Who else is making the jump? Father - the jump is associated with the state of mind of a person. A "jump" is like an instantaneous state of a person's soul in the terrible moments of life. This is a manifestation of human qualities in special, extreme conditions.

Thank you for the lesson!

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Malysheva Olga Nikolaevna

teacher primary school

MOU "Lyceum №5"

Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region

Lesson topic: L. N. Tolstoy "Jump"

The purpose of the lesson: improve the skills of correct and fluent reading, the ability to navigate in the text, comprehend the motives and consequences of actions, feelings and experiences of the heroes of a literary work development of the ability to analyze the text, understand the author's intention

Planned results:

Personal: be aware of their learning opportunities; adequately judge the reasons for their success or failure.


Cognitive: search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature; build a speech statement in oral form, form ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

Regulatory:to form the ability to accept and maintain a learning task; control and evaluate their actions.

Communicative: development of monologue and dialogic speech, cooperation in joint problem solving, to come to a common solution in joint activities.

Subject: acquaintance with the work of L. Tolstoy, learn to navigate in the text, carefully look through it and find the right place; comprehend the motives and consequences of the actions, feelings and experiences of the characters, carry out the choice of grounds and criteria for comparison, classification of objects.

During the classes

1. Motivation to learning activities

Slide 2 (M. Tsvetaeva's statement with her photo)

“What is reading, if not unraveling, extracting the secret left behind
lines, beyond words"
M.. Tsvetaeva

Teacher. Read the entry on the slide. How can you explain these words?

Children. Reading is the knowledge of the secret, sometimes hidden in the text, this is what the author is trying to convey to us. To unravel it, to feel it, you need to be an attentive reader.

Teacher. And who can be called an attentive reader?

Children. An attentive reader sensitively feels the mood of the author, hidden behind the lines read.

Teacher. Do you think it's easy to be such a reader?

Children. It's hard to be a careful reader.

Teacher. What should be done for this?

Children. You need to love books, read carefully and understand the mood of the author, his attitude towards the characters.

Teacher. Why do you think I started the lesson with these words?

Children. Today we will try to understand what is left behind the lines, beyond the words. We will learn to find words in the text that help to understand the emotional state of the characters, their actions, and also help to reveal the theme of the story.

2. Updating knowledge

Teacher. We continue our journey through the Land of Literary Reading. Close your eyes and imagine that you have a magic wand in your hands, with which you can turn large objects into small ones, and small ones into large ones. Let's try the magical power of the wand and turn one sentence into a whole story.

Teacher. What task will we do?

Children. We will learn how to turn a sentence into a whole story.

Teacher. What does it mean?

Children. We will read the proposal, select the information and draw up small text.

Teacher. You don't have to add anything to the offer. Draw out all the information from the proposal, but do not add anything superfluous, do not compose your own plot.

Teacher. Read the offer.

The proposal is written on the board:

The sailors began to laugh louder, and the boy blushed, threw off his jacket and rushed to the mast after the monkey.

Teacher. Are all words understood? Explain the meaning of the word mast.

Slide 3. (Mast illustration)

Children. V a tall, strongly fortified pole on a ship for sails.

Teacher.The masts in such ships rose 15–20 meters above the deck, that is, to the height of a 5–8 storey building. The masts had crossbars that held the sails. A lot of ropes, rope ladders were stretched from the crossbar to the crossbar.

Teacher. Who are the sailors?

Children. A sailor in the navy.

Teacher. Where do we start our story? Where can the action take place?

Children. On the ship. The mast is on the ship.

Teacher. Who are the heroes of our story?

Children. Boy, sailors.

Teacher. What did the sailors do?

Children. They were on the ship and laughed out loud.

Teacher. How did the boy do?

Children. The boy took off his jacket and climbed up.

Teacher. Read the words the author used to describe the boy's actions.

Children. M the alchik blushed, threw off his jacket and rushed up the mast after the monkey.

Teacher. Is it possible to replace the word “thrown off” the jacket with the word “taken off”?

Children. It is possible, but more precisely, he threw off the word, because he threw it off - it quickly performed the action.

Teacher. Replace the word "rushed" with a synonym.

Children. Rushed, climbed.

Teacher. Can you tell why he rushed after the monkey?

Children. No, we don't know for sure. But something happened. After all, "the sailors laughed out loud, and the boy blushed." It means he was angry, upset.

Teacher. Can you tell what the weather was like?

Children. Yes, because only during good weather would the sailors gather on deck.

Teacher. And now let's build everything we've said into a coherent story.

Children. It was a good day. The sailors stood on deck. There was a monkey nearby. Everyone had fun, the sailors laughed loudly. Suddenly the boy threw off his jacket and climbed up after the monkey.

3. Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson

Teacher. Why do you think we made up the story using this particular sentence?

Children. We will get acquainted with the text in which there is such a sentence.

Teacher. You want to get acquainted with the story and find out how events developed with the characters further.

Children. In the textbook.

Teacher.Open your textbook on p. 161 and read the title of the piece. Who is the author of the story? What do you know about Leo Tolstoy?

4. Acquaintance with the work of L. N. Tolstoy

Slide 4 (Portrait of Tolstoy)

Lev Nikolaevich was born in 1828 - almost 200 years ago. He spent his childhood in the village of Yasnaya Polyana. Mother died when Tolstoy was 2 years old. Tolstoy had three brothers and one sister, they were brought up by a distant relative.

Slide 5 (Photo by Yasnaya Polyana)

There were still very few schools then, the children of poor people could not study. Lev Nikolaevich opened in Yasnaya Polyana school, wrote textbooks for children and taught them himself.

Tolstoy died in 1910. He lived 82 years and devoted his whole life to literature. His books have been translated into many languages ​​and are read all over the world. Complete Works - 90 volumes!

slide 6.(Interior decoration of the room)

Teacher. This is how Leo Tolstoy's room looked like, where he lived and worked.

Teacher. What books by L. Tolstoy have you read?

Slide 7. (Book exhibition)

5. Working with text

1) vocabulary work

Teacher. Read the title of the story.

Teacher. What does the word "jump" mean?

Slide 8 (Dictionary statement)

In the dictionary word "bounce" called the rapid movement of the body, repulsion from any point of support. It's just action.

Teacher. Match the related words to the title of the text.

Children. Jump, jumper.

2) primary reading of the text by the teacher

The teacher reads to the words «… everyone froze in fear ... " andmakes a stop.

Basket of Assumptions Reception

Teacher. Let's try to guess what might happen next? Work in pairs.

Work in pairs

The children make their guesses.The teacher reads the text to the end.

Teacher. Did your assumptions match the events in the story? (Children's statements)

Teacher.Why did the boy jump? (ambiguity of answers)

Children.The father shouted, the boy was frightened, it became scary, he wanted to get down faster, but it was impossible to go down.

Teacher.Why is everyone's answer different?

Children. A different attitude to the story, not everyone understood, we do not know.

Teacher.What is the problem? What question do we need to answer?

Children.Why did the boy jump?

3) reading and analysis of a work of art

Teacher.Let's return to the text. Read the first paragraph of the story. What is the author telling us in this passage?

Children.Good weather, people gathered on deck.

Teacher.Why does the author tell us about good weather?

Children.These details will help to understand the mood of the people on the deck, people are tired of traveling, they want new experiences, so they watch the playing monkey.

Teacher. Name the main characters of the story.

Children. Boy, Captain.

Teacher. H then informs Tolstoy about the boy? Support with words from the text.

Children.Captain's son. He is 12 years old.

Teacher. How did the monkey get on the ship?

Children.The ship was returning from a round-the-world trip, and, probably, they took it somewhere in hot countries.

Teacher. How do you understand the phrase "even more divergent"?

Children. I began to indulge a lot, make noise, play.


Teacher. What did the monkey do with the hat?

Children. She took it from the boy and began to vomit.

Teacher.How did the boy behave in the first two minutes, left without a hat? Read out.

Slide 9. (Choose an answer)

Teacher.Why did the boy follow the monkey? Choose an answer.

    he felt sorry for the lost hat;

    he wanted to compete with the monkey in strength and dexterity;

    he felt ashamed and hurt because of the ridicule of the sailors.

Teacher. Is the boy's behavior related to the behavior of the sailors?

Children. The boy climbed after the monkey to avoid the ridicule of the sailors subordinate to his father.

Teacher.How do you imagine the boy in this story? What words are suitable to characterize the hero of the story? Choose the ones you think are the most important and explain your choice.

Group work. The words are written on the sheets.

slide 10.(Characteristic of the boy)








Teacher. So, what words did you choose to characterize the hero?

Children read the chosen words and give an explanation.

1. Courage- a cowardly person could not climb to such a height and put himself in danger.

2. recklessness- his feelings took over the mind, over reason, and he did not control his actions, he was controlled only by enthusiasm.

4. thoughtlessness He didn't think about the consequences.

5. Determination- the boy did not hesitate, his movements were quick: he reached the top of the mast in one minute.

6. Self-love - in the ridicule of the sailors provoked him, the boy was offended, he

he felt ashamed of himself that he, the captain's son, had not kept track of his hat, had allowed the monkey to mock and tease him.

Teacher. Has the attitude of others towards the antics of the monkey and the behavior of the boy changed? At what point did this happen? Read.

children read fa piece of text that begins with words: "But the boy got very angry"

Teacher. How do you understand the phrase "the boy got excited"?

Children. He got excited, could not stop, because he wanted to take the hat from the monkey.

Teacher. How can you say it in other words?

Children. Got excited, sold out, inspired, got excited, forgot

Teacher. Pay attention to what words - actions the author used, characterizing the actions of the boy.

Children. He shouted, climbed up, climbed, got excited, sorted out the enthusiasm, did not lag behind, threw, stepped, looked, staggered, swung, jumped.

Teacher. What was the distance from the mast to the end of the crossbeam where the hat hung?

Children. two arshins

Teacher. What is arshin?

Children. Arshin is an ancient measure of length, slightly less than a meter.

Teacher.What words does the author use to convey the threat to the boy's life? Read passages.

Children.Everyone froze in fear. Suddenly, some of the people gasped in fear. The boy came to his senses from this cry, looked down and staggered.

Teacher. Find and reread the part of the text whose hero is the captain.

Children read a piece of text that begins with the words: "At this time, the captain of the ship, the boy's father, left the cabin"

Teacher. Do you think the captain was right when he began to aim at the boy and shout: “I will shoot!”? Maybe it was worth just shouting: “Jump into the water!”?

Children. The decisive and formidable cry of the father “I will shoot!” and thrown up a gun forced the boy to obey and, without hesitation, jump into the water. Any indecision and gentleness on the part of the captain could lead to the death of his son.

Teacher. Find words in the text that describe the behavior of the captain.

Children. He went out, carried, saw, immediately took aim, shouted, shouted, saw, ran away, crying.

Teacher. What qualities did the captain have?

Group work.

Children write qualities on pieces of paper and then one reads out.

Children. Resourceful, resolute, fearless, has fortitude, knows how to make decisions in a difficult situation, was able not to get lost in a difficult situation, self-confidence.

Teacher. Think about why the captain cried and ran to his cabin?

Children. Didn't want to see tears. He experienced a strong shock, he was very scared for his son.

Teacher. Let's try to convey our impressions by composing a cinquain (a type of creative writing, an unrhymed poem of five lines)

Teacher. Recall the scheme for compiling a syncwine.

Slide 11. (Plan for compiling a syncwine)

1 line - subject consists of one word - a noun.

2 line topic description consists of two words adjectives.

3rd line - description of the action within the topic consists of three words - verbs.

Line 4 - attitude to the topic - a phrase of four words.

Line 5 - a synonym for the title of the topic - one noun.

Group work

Children make a syncwine, working together, and then come up with a report. (Can be read by one student or the whole group)

1 group - about the monkey

2 group - about the boy

Group 3 - about the captain

4) work with illustrations.

Teacher. What is shown in the illustration? Find passages in the text that match the given illustrations.

slide 12.

She jumped up to the 12-year-old boy, the son of the captain of the ship, tore off his hat,

She put it on and quickly climbed the mast. Everyone laughed, but the boy was left without a hat and did not know himself whether to laugh or cry.

slide 13.

Suddenly, some of the people gasped in fear. The boy came to his senses from this cry, looked down and staggered.

slide 14.

He saw his son on the mast, and immediately took aim at his son and shouted: “Into the water! jump into the water now! I'll shoot!"

Teacher. Why do you think the story is called "The Jump"? What meaning does L. Tolstoy put into the word "jump"?

Children. This is an act that the boy did when he heard the order of his father; he saved his life and delivered his father from grief.

Teacher. What role did the jump play?

Children. The jump saved the boy's life, the jump is an act that the boy did when he heard his father's order, he did not lose his head, he managed to gather himself, to group. He saved his life and delivered from the grief of losing his father's son.

5) work with proverbs

Teacher. Which of the proverbs fits the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Jump"? Explain your choice. You will work in pairs.

Work in pairs.

Children discuss proverbs and choose the appropriate ones, justifying their choice.

Slide 15. (Proverbs)

The father is proud that his son is a brave man.

Labor feeds and waters.

One head it's good, but two better.

A bold deed is half the salvation.

Teacher.What is the idea of ​​the piece? Why did the author tell us this story?

Children. The story teaches us to overcome fear, to be able to quickly make decisions in a difficult situation, because life may depend on it, teaches us not to commit rash acts, teaches us to manage ourselves, our emotions.

6. Reflection

Slide 16. (Finish the sentence)

1 . Today in class I discovered...

2. At the lesson, I was surprised ...

3. It was difficult for me at the lesson ...

4. I wanted to help ...

5. Today I bought ...

Children choose one phrase and make up an answer

Teacher. You have drawings of a boat on your tables. Let's color the ship's sail.

To do this, you need to evaluate your work in the lesson:

    Worked great and understood everything - green sail

    It worked well, but there were questions - a yellow sail.

    I didn’t understand anything and didn’t learn something new - the blue sail.

Teacher. The lesson is over. Thank you for your excellent work and help comrades.

Used Books

1. Ship

2. Churakova N. A. “Literary reading. Grade 2". M.: Akademkniga / Textbook, 2013

3. Zakharova V. V., Serova M. V. “Lesson developments in literary reading for the textbook by N. A. Churakova. Grade 2" Moscow: "Vako", 2012

4. Edited by Shumakova N. B. " Lesson - research in primary school. Russian language. Literary Reading. M.: Enlightenment, 2014

5. Lesson DevelopmentByvsheva Zhanna Alekseevna s

"The Lesson of L.N. Tolstoy" - And there is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth. Childhood memories. Plan. L.N. Tolstoy. Little Leva Tolstoy dreams of a "brotherhood of people." Lesson topic: Commander Kutuzov. Happy childhood L.N. Tolstoy. The era of Nicholas I. "Childhood", "Adolescence", "Youth". Stick discipline. Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

"The Tale of Tolstoy's Childhood" - Nikolenka did not remember his mother well, like the writer himself. problem question: What incident from Nikolenka's life did he remember for the rest of his life? Problematic question: Is Tolstoy's story "Childhood" autobiographical? Nikolenka remembered the incident with the tablecloth until the end of his life. Problematic question: Why does Nikolenka call her parents in a French way?

"The years of life of Tolstoy L.N." - Religious moods, reaching asceticism, alternated with carousing, cards, trips to the gypsies. The only surviving image. Alexey Lvovich Tolstoy (born October 31, 1881, died January 18, 1886) 12. 180th birthday. Thirteen children were born in the family of Lev Nikolaevich and Sofya Andreevna Tolstoy:

"Sevastopol stories" - Introduction. Content. 2. The feat of a man in the war in B. Vasiliev's novel "He was not on the lists." The image of a Russian officer. 1. Russian officer in the view of L. N. Tolstoy ("Sevastopol stories" and "War and Peace"). A novel about the feat of the protagonist, who was only 18 years old. A young, beardless lieutenant Pluzhnikov, full of desires, is graduating from college.

"Life and work of Tolstoy" - Portrait of I. E. Repin. L. N. Tolstoy on arable land. IN KRAMSKOY (1837-1887) Portrait of the writer Leo Tolstoy. 1873. Table "Life is an increase in one's soul." Painting by I. Repin. ON THE. Nekrasov, editor of the Sovremennik magazine. Tolstoy's grave. L.N. Tolstoy, an aspiring writer. School for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana. "ABC".

“The Years of Tolstoy's Life” - The coachman's hands were trembling and sweat was rolling down his face. 1870 - 77 - "Anna Karenina" 1879 - 82 - "Confession". Writer, public figure, teacher (1860 - 1870). Get some knowledge in the natural sciences. 11. Yasnaya Polyana: the experience of independent life (1849 - 1851). Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana. 1908. Compose an essay from all the subjects that I will study.