
Scenario - New Year's KVN at a school for elementary grades. Scenario of New Year's event for elementary school "New Year's Eve" Scenario for the New Year in the form of KVN

High School New Year's Scenario

Objectives: develop the horizons and creativity of students; promote team building.

Event progress

I. Introduction

Leading (in a snowflake costume and big white sneakers) I. Good evening! Today teams of cheerful and resourceful are competing (represents the teams). And the full hall of fans suggests that there is an epidemic in the auditorium. Everyone will be ill! I invite the fans of the teams to look at each other and greet. And you teams, greet each other.

Leading (in a snowman costume and white high heels). Not everyone still knows that our KVN is not ordinary, but New Year's, one might say KVN masquerade! You will find not only fireworks of New Year's jokes, but also unusual, funny carnival costumes.

Buffoon 1.

Carnival is a wonderful holiday

Funny songs are played here.

This is joy, bursting laughter,

This holiday brings success to everyone!

Buffoon 2.

Put on a colorful outfit

Let the sparkles burn with lights.

Let the carnival be carried in a circle!

We meet, friends, New Year!

Leading... So here we go! But first of all, let me introduce the members of the jury ... (represented by the jury). Information for the fans: while the jury is conferring, you can show your support for your favorite team: posters, chants, chants, songs ... This way you can help the team earn extra points (maximum 3 points). Get sick to your health!

Leading... Wait, wait! You can't start the game, because we don't have a Christmas tree. How are we going to invite Santa Claus? I suggest the teams work hard - dress up the Christmas tree.

II. Game tasks for teams

Christmas tree decoration competition

Four people from the team are called, one of them is a girl. The girls turn into a Christmas tree. Boys dress up girls with green scarves and Christmas tree decorations on clothespins. The fans are invited to appreciate the work of the teams with loud applause. The winner is the team whose "herringbone" has received the most noisy approval.


The teams show a business card - New Year's greeting. Any sketch on the New Year theme. The maximum score in this competition is 5 points.

Song of KVNschikov

We studied at school and did not know grief,

But they invited us to play in KVN.

Lessons forgotten and books thrown

Now we are not just girls, boys.

Welcome to our super team!

Take a look at us - no extra words!

Resourcefulness, humor, enthusiasm and luck.

We swear we'll make you happy!

Leading. Before the “Warm-up” competition begins, the captains, together with two assistants, must leave their team to appear to us in the costume of Santa Claus. And we will appreciate the originality of this costume.

You can use paper "icicles", plastic bottles and other materials to decorate the Santa Claus costume.

Warm up

The maximum score is 5 points.

Leading. We are starting the second competition, alas, without captains. Your task: to answer questions as quickly as possible without preparation. The faster you approach the microphone and the wittier your answer, the higher the score.


The one on whose carpet it is better not to wipe your feet. (Director.)

The main keeper of time, chalk and secrets, who came and what time. (Watchman, security guard.)

Cafe "Blue Smoke". (Restroom.)

The most grated roll in school. (Graduate.)

That which is instantly lost at the first request of the teacher to put on the table. (A diary.)

The mobile phone seems to be silent, but the teacher is running. (Call.)

That which is not worn after birth, but will be asked at the entrance. (Shift.)

The main irritant of the teachers in the lesson, but not your hairstyle (pants, piercings, the name of the most repulsive bully in your class). (Mobile phone.)

Hanging on the wall, talking about the time and place of imprisonment. (Schedule.)

The science of who, when, why, why and what all this has gotten to us. (History.)

The face, the main thing after the director. (Cleaning lady.)

The person, a little less important after the director and the cleaning lady, who is a little bit - "parents urgently to school!" (Head teacher.)

A coded exam, about which you can say that the meeting place cannot be changed. (Unified State Exam.)

You can find anything in it, even the remains of last year's breakfast, but not what you need. (Backpack, briefcase.)

Favorite by everyone, including even adults, clothes of a very shabby look. (Jeans.)

The place where they eat something, not knowing what, and wash down with something, not knowing what. (Dining room.)

The red price of knowledge of most students in most subjects. (Two.)

A new-fashioned subject codenamed "How to Become a Millionaire." (Economy.)

A lesson where you can legitimately "catch glitches". (Computer science.)

A documentary pass to freedom, confirming the time of the 11-year imprisonment. (Certificate.)

Relaxation. (Turn.)

Something for which every decent student has a thousand and one reasons. (Absenteeism, being late.)

- "Duschipach" with tests. (Psychologist.)

All adults urge her to quit, although they often get it themselves when the opportunity arises. (Cigarette.)

Leading. I want Santa Claus! Better than two: there will be more jokes! Let's write an ad: "Looking for young, pretty, shaved by" Gillette "Santa Clauses.

Leading. Young? Grandfather? Wonderful! And the hair?

Leading. With a ponytail!

Leading. Hmm! With a ponytail, in a fur coat and felt boots! Get out!

Leading.Then - young, handsome, in Levays jeans, a Versace T-shirt, Camelot boots! What?

Leading. And with a bag over his shoulders! Some kind of scavenger!

Leading... Backpack, skateboard and baseball cap!

Leading (dumbfounded). Who!

Leading... Santa Claus! (To the audience.) Let's call them! Dumb ones!

Santa Clauses come out - team captains dressed according to the description.

Santa claus (in chorus).

We are two young brothers

Two Frosts are daring.

One (points to himself).

I am Frost Red nose!

Other... I am Frost Blue nose.

Captains competition. New Year's greetings and wishes to teams and fans

Santa Claus 1.

Happy New Year guys

I congratulate you!

Bright, sunny days

I wish you in cold weather!

May good luck and joy

Will bring with him

On this winter holiday

The coming year.

And I also wish you

So that everything works out

So that twos and threes

Happened to you

So that parents

Putting signatures in the diary,

Delightedly cried out:

"You are a genius, old man!"

So that your victories

Everywhere sounded

And the disadvantages would

Didn't notice.

So that mom, having come from work, this very hour

I would immediately put you at the computer.

So that at McDonald's you

We ate daily

Well, with chips, just

We didn’t part.

Weekday so

I looked very much like a holiday

Well, a holiday -

Even more good.

So that your holidays

Six months lasted.

The other six

You wouldn't study at all.

So that these words

They sounded victorious for a long time.

Happy New Year guys!

Dreaming is not harmful!


1 Lead: Hello dear guys and adults! We are glad to welcome you to our New Year's KVN.

2 Lead: Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all the children,

Congratulations to dad and mom,

Dear guests!

Here are ideas and tasks,

Games, jokes - everything is for you!

We wish you good luck!

Get to work, good hour!

The melody of the song "We are starting KVN" sounds.

1 Lead: In our Club of Merry and Resourceful two teams meet today. A little later, they will introduce themselves and tell about themselves. And now I will introduce you to our jury, those who will evaluate your contests.

1st competition. "Greeting»

1st team performance.











Let's stand for each other

We will cope with the misfortune

Therefore we are proud

Such friendship.

Soon, soon New Year

Knocking on the door

He will bring success to everyone -

We firmly believe in this!

We want to wish, friends,

I wish you happiness today

To make miracles come true

New Year's Eve.

A song is played (to the tune "If there was no winter").

If there was no winter

In cities and villages

The Snowman was not born -

Smart and funny.

Let it be frosty outside

It's cold and boring

We play KVN,

Have fun together!

2 Lead: The team "Snowman" finished their performance, and the second team is invited to the stage.

Performance of the 2nd team.


Who whitens the glades with white

And writes on the walls with chalk

Sews down feather beds,

Decorated all the windows?




MLITTLE, but! ..


You won't scare us with anything

We are very brave people!

We are funny kids

Even the cold does not take!

We wish all friends

Fight together and bravely!

Who will get the victory

It doesn't matter at all.

We wish you, rivals,

Do not lose heart, do not hang your nose!

We don't know who will win yet

But laughter will be here to tears!

The song "Three White Horses" is played.

The rivers are cold and the earth is cold

And a little ruffled at home.

It's warm and damp in the city

It's warm and damp in the city

And we have - Winter, Winter, Winter.

And carry me away, and carry me away

Into the merry distance of KVN

Three white knights, three white knights:

December, January and February.

ІІ competition. «New Year's riddles»

The Snowman team.

    They fly faster than the wind

And I am flying three meters from them.

Now my flight is over. Clap!

Soft landing in a snowdrift. (Sledge)

    The sun will look out - will cry.

There is no sun - it will hide the tears. (Icicle)

    On trees, on bushes

Flowers are falling from the sky

White, fluffy,

Only not fragrant. (Snowflakes)

    Put it on and you won't be recognized:

You are a knight, a tramp, a cowboy ...

Whoever you want, you can easily become in it,

And take off - and you will become yourself! (Mask)

Team "Winter".

    And not snow, and not ice,

And he will remove the trees with silver. (Frost)

    Invisible, careful

He comes to me.

And he paints like an artist

He patterns on the window. (Frost)

    I have guys

Two silver horses.

I drive both at once -

What kind of horses do I have? (Skates)

    Falls asleep with snow

Pushes in the back

It burns my cheeks

Doesn't let me go. (Winter storm)

ІІІ competition. "Guess the melody»

Songs from cartoons are played. The teams take turns listening to the tunes and recognizing them.

І V competition. "Collect the signs"

    Whiter winter - greener summer.

Fog in winter brings warmth.

Lightning in the middle of winter - to the storm.

    The clouds are floating low - towards the cold.

Warm winters lead to cold summers.

Early snow - by early spring.

V contest. "Meow - oink"

Blindfolded players are mixing, trying to find each other and gather into a team, saying the words "Meow", "Oink".

V1st competition. "New Year's ditties"

1 Lead:

Have guessed all the riddles

The kids played

Collected winter signs

And now it's time to sing.

Team "Winter".

    We will sing ditties to you,

Please don't laugh!

We are young artists

We can be shy.

    I will have fun with all my heart

I'll dance today.

Soon, soon it will sparkle

Christmas tree.

    Will shine, shine

With bright lights.

Santa Claus will come to the tree

With different gifts.

    He will find the way to us

With my granddaughter

Even if the month is clear

Will hide behind a cloud!

    And at Santa Claus

What a beard!

With that white beard

He will come here.

    And at Santa Claus,

Like a carrot, red nose.

They say that it will bring

We have a whole cart of gifts.

The Snowman team.

    Put your ears on top of your head

Listen carefully.

We will sing ditties for you

Very good.

    People love the Christmas tree

Dress up for the New Year.

Every house has a Christmas tree

But this is only here!

    May any dreams of ours

Come true, come true.

Let the lights on our tree

Light up brightly.

    Santa Claus slept in bed

He got up, jingling icicles.

Where are you, blizzards and blizzards?

Why don't wake me up?

    Children lead a round dance

Clap their hands.

Hello, hello, New Year!

You are so good.

    A flock of snowflakes outside the window

Also leads a round dance.

Saying goodbye to old year,

We celebrate the New Year!

VІІ competition. "You sms"

For each letter of the given word, you need to compose sms (wish, congratulation, request) to the opposing team.

for instance, portprishile aboutnecessarily rozovye tetradki.

VІІІ competition. "Poetic"

Compose a poem according to a given rhyme:





IX contest. "Reasoning"

15 points - on the first try;

10 points - on the second attempt;

5 points - on the third try.

    This usually happens in a fairy tale and sometimes in life.

This is what they call everything amazing, unusual, magical.

When it happens, we always admire and rejoice. (Miracle)

    They are so small that they cannot be seen.

They hide under dirty nails.

They are the causative agents of various diseases. (Microbes)

    It happens often and in many places, because of it you have to waste time.

But if you really need something, then you have to put up with it.

Stand in it as long as you need and get what you wanted. (Turn)

    Every person should have it, but some have completely forgotten about it.

She helps to become a real person.

When you do something wrong or hurt someone in vain, she should torment you very much. (Conscience)

X contest. "Captains, captains ..."

    The dog's worst enemy. (cat)

    Permissive traffic light. (green)

    Walking in a dream. (sleepwalker)

    The wisest time of the day. (morning)

    Goose husband. (gander)

    Clubfoot hero folk tales... (bear)

    Onion boy. (Chippolino)

    Student labor. (study)

    Fabulous tablecloth. (self-assembly)

    Animal doctor. (veterinarian)

    How many days in a year? (365/366)

    Capital of Ukraine. (Kiev)

    Cheburashka's best friend. (Crocodile Gena)

    Parts of the plant. (root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit)

    The organ of vision. (eyes)

    Underground electric road. (underground)

    It is glued to the envelope. (brand)

    On holiday it shines high in the sky. (fireworks)

    Strong wind at sea. (storm)

    Antique Russian toy. (matryoshka)

    The key to health. (purity)

    The tie is an insect. (butterfly)

    What color of traffic lights prohibits traffic? (red)

    What cure did Carlson have for all diseases? (jam)

    The duck's husband? (drake)

    How many months are there in a year? (12)

    The organ of hearing. (ears)

    What is paper made of? (made of wood)

    Talking bird. (a parrot)

    Who Wore the Crystal Slipper? (Cinderella)

    In winter and summer in one color. (spruce)

    Jackdaw cub. (daw)

    Which animal flies? (bat)

    What bird can't fly? (ostrich, penguin)

    Footprint in the snow, in the sand. (track)

    A person living nearby. (neighbor)

    Summarizing. Rewarding.

Game "Cheerful ball".

You roll, funny ball,

Quickly, quickly from hand to hand,

Who has a funny ball

He reads poetry (sings songs, dances) to us.

New Year's KVN for high school students.

Scenario of the New Year's KVN for senior students.

New Year's KVN for national teams of 10-11 grades can become a bright show if the organizers put in some effort.

The script contains options for performances for both teams, texts for all competitions, words and remarks of the presenters. It is assumed that children can improvise, add their own words, replicas that are relevant and recognizable in a particular educational team, and play up other situations. But even if it doesn't, it's okay! After all, the way the guys play the roles offered to them will already contain elements of improvisation.

Decoration and costumes... Children play themselves, so no special costumes, except for the costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, need to be made. A student playing the role of a Teacher or Principal can simply hang a plaque with the teacher's name or with the words “Principal” on his chest. In general, costumes should be made as primitive as possible - one or two details are enough to create a recognizable image. For example, the Director - hats, the manager - a blue robe, glasses and bills, Santa Claus - a red cap and fluffy beard. But the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden should be as natural and bright as possible.

Appearance of teams. You can, of course, make emblems with the names of the teams, but they won't look from the audience. Therefore, it is better to make one copy and immediately submit it to the jury for use during the scoring. To make it clear from the audience where which team is, it is better to attach their names to the backdrop of the stage, and each team will always stand next to its name.

Props: TV frame cut out of cardboard, balls, bow and arrows, large candy, textbooks (3 pieces), big shoe, slipper, galoshes, black cars cut out of cardboard, cabbage head, Christmas tree beads.

Musical arrangement:

Phonograms of songs:

- "Song of the Bremen Town Musicians in Disguise" (from the movie "The Bremen Town Musicians");

- “One day the world will bend under us” (group “Time Machine”);

- "Tired toys are sleeping" (lyrics by Z. Petrova, music by A. Ostrovsky);

- "Black Boomer" (Seryoga);

- "White Roses" (group "Tender May").

Fans can be offered the following "chants":

We will support you guys

Our tenth class will win!

Even though you burst

Even though that crack

And "Bang Bang"

At the first place!

Our team is a class!

Our team is strength!

Love for your team

We are all united!

We want anyone

Say without unnecessary phrases,

What's the best today

Eleventh grade!

In winter, and in summer, and in cold, and in heat,

“Generation Pi” - we are always with you!

Adults know this

Children know this:

Our generation"

Best of all in the world !!!

For more entertainment, you can give the fans sultans, pipes, flags.

Music sounds. The presenters take the stage.

Leading. Attention, attention, the New Year's meeting of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful is declared open!

Leading. We invite teams to the stage!

Leading. 11th grade team called Generation Pi.

Leading. And a 10th grade team called "Bang Bang!"

Solemn music sounds. Teams enter the stage and line up at an angle on either side of the stage.

Leading.Our today's competition will be judged by a jury. (Represents the jury members.)

Leading. The winners will receive a reward - New Year's cake.

Leading. So, we are announcing the first competition - "Greetings".

Leading. Under the terms of this competition, the team must introduce itself, explain the name.

Leading. We invite the "Bang Bang" team to the stage.

Grade 10 performance

Music intro (melody "Songs of the Bremen Town Musicians in Disguise").

A chair is brought out to the edge of the stage. The captain sits on a chair with a notebook and pen. A student emerges in the middle of the stage, holding a poster with the text: “Recruitment into the KVN team”. Showing the poster, she moves to the edge of the stage and stands next to the captain.

Captain. Something bad day today. Not a single well-aimed shooter!

Schoolgirl. Yes, write down just anyone! Otherwise, we won't recruit a team!

Captain. Following!

In the middle of the stage, a student comes out dressed as a medieval armored man. He is leading the Kid in short pants by the hand with a huge balloon in his hands.

Captain. Can you shoot?

Latnik. Yes, just a little. Sometimes I do. Through time.

Captain. Well, show that you can.

The kid moves to the opposite edge of the stage and raises the ball above his head. The soldier removes the bow from his back, inserts an arrow and fires an arrow into the ball. The kid pierces the ball with a needle. There is a loud bang.

Captain. So, no questions asked. We enroll you in our team!

The Latnik takes the Kid by the hand and stands in the middle of the stage.

Schoolgirl. Following!

A student in a punk costume walks in.

Punk.Hey, bro, do you have any smoking? Give me a cigarette!

Captain. I don’t smoke. Maybe you got some candy? (Takes a candy out of his pocket.)

Punk.Okay, come on candy!

Schoolgirl... So! Write this down too!

Captain. For what?

Schoolgirl. Did he bum you candy?

Captain. Shot!

Schoolgirl. Got it?

Captain.Got it!

Schoolgirl. Congratulations to our team of marksmen! (Shakes hands with punk.)

The punk stands next to the Latnik. Two students come out onto the stage, spinning coquettishly.

Coquette 1. Hello, are you recording this in KVN?

Captain.You don't suit us.

Schoolgirl. We only take well-aimed shooters!

Coquette 2... And we know how we can shoot!

Captain... Well, shoot.

Coquette 1 (nudges her friend with his elbow). Come on!

The two of them stare at the team captain. He falls off the chair.

Coquette 1... Oh, it seems they overdid it!

Captain(rising from the floor). Girls, we didn’t agree that we should shoot to kill!

Schoolgirl.So, let's take both! (She waves the captain with a poster.)

Latnik.Yes, beauty is a terrible force!

The Coquets stand next to the Latnik and the Kid.

The captain approaches the team members.

Captain (looks at the team members and grabs his head). Who did we recruit? Indeed, in KVN not beauty is needed, but wit. There you have to fight your opponent outright with a joke!

Schoolgirl. Come on, we will defeat you somehow!

Latnik.We'll hit someone, that's for sure!

Kid. At least once!

Captain. Why is this one here?

Kid.And I will reflect the blows.

Captain. Okay, let's take you on the role of a punching bag, and who's going to joke?

Schoolgirl.What, thrown out again?

Joker.I threw it out. Biologic.

Everything.For what?

Joker. And I asked, what is the difference between Santa Claus and Snegurochka.

Everything. And she?

Joker.And she said that I was vulgar and I had only nasty things on my mind.

Coquette 1. Why chemistry?

Joker... Yes, as always, no way! He brought a can of laughing gas, and everyone was laughing!

Coquette 2.Ace of mathematics?

Joker.Well, he said that I know only one triangle - a love triangle!

Captain.Listen, but we just need you just desperately!

Joker... What for?

Schoolgirl. To the KVN team!

Joker (rubs his hands). Good!

Captain... Only ... (Looks around and leans towards Joker) Between us. So how does Santa Claus differ from Snegurochka?

Joker.So Santa Claus has a clasp on the right side, and Snegurochka - on the left!

Captain... A-a-a!

A song to the tune "Songs of the Bremen Town Musicians in Disguise" is being performed.

To be honest, we are not supermen

We shoot jokes only in KVN.

Maybe sometimes we shoot by.

But sick of the shooting, but sick of the shooting

But sick with shooting is incurable.

We are ka, we are ve, we are enshchiki,

The fans recognize us

We are just KVN players,

Entertainers, skirmishers.

We shoot accurately sometimes sweets,

And we can shoot a joke caustic.

And if the coquette's eyes shoot,

Now immediately on the spot, then immediately on the spot,

They will immediately lay down aptly!

We are ka, we are ve, we are enshchiki,

The fans recognize us

We are just kaveeners

Entertainers, skirmishers.

Leading.Thanks to the Bang Bang team. We listen and watch the greeting of the Generation Pi team.

Grade 11 performance

All team members take the stage.

Student 1.Oh, what is that name. What is pi?

Apprentice 2... Well, if pi is beer, I'm in favor!

Student 3. I'm against it! I don't drink beer!

Apprentice 4... Well, then, pi is Pepsi.

Student 5. The generation that chooses Pepsi!

Everything... Her!

Student 6. And I don't drink Pepsi either, it has so many calories!

Apprentice 7... And then the Pepsi generation is already our mothers and fathers!

Student 8.Oh, I came up with it! Pi is piercing!

Apprentice 9... This is already something! But not everyone has it!

Apprentice 10... For example, I only have 4 additional holes!

Student 1. And I have 14!



Music on the New Year's theme sounds

(Music before the beginning of the evening. Spectators in the hall on the ground. Teams are also in the hall.)

Veda: Good evening.

Ved: Finally, there is a holiday in our school,

Finally, a carnival.

And, believe me, not in vain.

Everyone has expected it!

Vedas: There will be contests, jokes,

Awards, prizes.

Disco very soon

Will tell you: "Don't slow down!"

Veda: You are tired of studying.

So go ahead! To the masquerade!

But at the beginning, Happy New Year

Congratulations to everyone!

Veda: Today, on New Year's Eve, all our KVN players will compete in their ability to have fun and show their talents. To ignite not only each other, but also to turn on and cheer up the audience so that this meeting of the new year in our school will be remembered for a long time.

Veda: Today, 4 beautiful


Veda: So welcome to the 8th grade team "(applause)

Veda: So welcome to the 9th grade team "(applause)

Veda: Greetings to the 10th grade team "(applause)

Veda: Greetings to the 11th grade team "(applause)

Ved: For the competition to take place, we first need to present our competent jury.

Ved: As part of the jury today ...

Ved: The teams are in place, the jury too.

Vedas 1: Our first contest "New Year's Business Card".

So, we meet a team of students _____ class.

We meet the _____ class team with thunderous applause.

And now a speech by students in the _____ class.

And our first competition is completed by a team of students in the ______ class.

Let's thank the teams.

Veda: Now we have really started our evening with you. And if

there is a beginning, then there will certainly be a continuation.

Jury marks for the first competition.

The next competition "Warm-up - Guess"

The teams in turn will be given a question to which they must answer.

In what country is the New Year's old man called Père Noel?
1. Norway
2. France
3. Spain

In what country is the New Year's old man called Toshigami?
1. Japan
2. China
3. Italy

In what country is the New Year's old man named Ülemand?
1. Belgium
2. Poland
3. Norway

In what country is the New Year's old man called Santa Claus?
1. Iraq
2. Ethiopia
3. USA

New Year movies.

1 . What was the name of the boy that Dad, Mom, brothers and sisters left at home alone for Christmas? (Kevin - "Home Alone")
2. What material was the man, whom the mischievous wife sent to the forest for the New Year tree in the cartoon "Fell last year's snow"? (From plasticine)
3. What kind of New Year's toy did the king of mice turn the young prince into, according to the fairy tale of K. Hoffmann? (Nutcracker)
4 . In what film did the actors E. Leonov, G. Vitsin, S. Kramorov celebrate the New Year at the dacha of the professor-archeologist? (Gentlemen of Fortune)
5. What is the name of the village in which once on Christmas night, at the request of one of the inhabitants, the devil stole the moon? (Dikanka)
6. What was the name of the white bear cub who came to his boy friend on New Year's holiday and asked if he could eat christmas tree?
7. What was the New Year's edition of "Well, wait!" (five)

8. What New Year movie main character sings in the voice of Alla Pugacheva? (The Irony of Fate)

Jury marks for the second "Warm-up" competition.

We called the next competition "Balloon Application"

A small round balloon looks like a head. True, for a complete resemblance to the head, there are still not enough eyes, ears, nose, lips, hair, etc.
Try cutting these missing parts of the face out of colored paper and sticking them onto a balloon. As a result, the balloon can turn into the head of New Year's heroes:
- Santa Claus;
- Snow Maiden;
- Hare;


Together with their heads, the team also prepares congratulatory words for their hero.

I think that our teams are already fully prepared and can show their results ..

Many thanks to all the teams for your creative imagination and your skill, and now the jury's marks.

The next competition "Tasty single combat"

Get the candy out of the flour.
Flour is heaped in a bowl. Candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, for which it can be pulled out.

Vedas: jury scores.

The next competition is called "Sleight of hand"

Jury marks.

The next competition is called "Musical"

Each team shows a musical number.

Jury score.

The next competition is called "Mozaika".
An envelope is issued for each table, in which a beautiful postcard is cut into various geometric figures... Task - collect a postcard , stick it on a sheet of paper.

Jury marks.

The next competition is called "Black Box".

1. I really like this thing
2. Adults have a lot of trouble from her
3. Once she had a hare mask with an elastic band inside her
4. It looks like a grenade
5. She has a string to pull

1. This is something so long
2. Mom decorated my costume with this
3. She's so colorful and shiny
4. It can be easily torn
5. It is made of foil

1. My dad says they can set the house on fire
2. I have a whole pack
3. People walk with them on the street and wave their hands
4. They cannot be hung on the tree, but some do
5. They burn and scatter sparks everywhere
(Bengalithe lights )

1. I tried it once until my mother saw
2. We had half a year in the sideboard
3. There first "Bah-bang", and then "P-sh-sh"
4. Most importantly, you need to make sure that it does not run away
5. Our cork almost broke the mirror

The competition is called "New Year's Tale in a New Way".

And now the teams will show their theatrical skills and show fairy tales in a new way. And also a poster, which will be evaluated by our competent jury.

Jury score.

Ved: Well, now let's move on to the most interesting part - respected jury

please announce the total number of points for all competitions.

Santa Claus immediately presents certificates of honor for prizes and presents gifts:

Vedas: 1. Time passed so quickly, minutes, half an hour, hours ...

We had time to have fun

We managed to present you with prizes!

Ved2: And there is a happy holiday ahead,

A magical, bright New Year!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment

When the New Year comes!

Ved1: Happy New Year to you-

It's so nice to congratulate you! -

And we sincerely wish you

Do not forget to learn!

Ved2: More often, easier to smile

And live in peace with dad, mom.

Cheerfully, cheerfully laugh,

For real be friends!

Snow Maiden .:

There comes a parting

But we mean

Parting - goodbye!

In the new, next year!

All together: Happy New Year! Until next time !!!

New Year's KVN.(music: "We are starting KVN).

1st host. Good evening, dear friends!

2nd presenter ... Hello!

3rd leader. We are glad to welcome you to new Year's game club of cheerful and resourceful

4th presenter : On New Year's Eve, I would like to wish you something unusual: the light of the moon, a round dance of snowflakes, pearls of stars, the scent of flowers.

5th presenter Believe in your star, and under no circumstances lose hope

6th presenter New Year is magic and fun. So let's have fun, as much as we can, together with the KVN teams, which throughout the evening will “shoot” their jokes, causing a storm of applause and laughter in this hall.

1st presenter ... And the light of your eyes, the warmth of your hearts and yours good mood, dear fans, will make this holiday surprisingly warm and bright.

2nd presenter ... So, friends, we have today

Merry New Year's holiday.

In our school KVN

A lot of jokes and no problems.

3rd leader. Well, now for the most exciting moment. Let's ask the teams for the stage.4 presenter: They will joke and joke today ...

Grade 11 team

5th presenter : combined team of 10-7 grades; "Brothers Rabbits"

"Felt boots"

6th presenter ... Thanks! The teams go to prepare for the first competition.

Musical beat

1st presenter ... What is left for the jury to do today?

2nd presenter ... They will have to laugh and rest.

They rightfully deserve a day off.

1st presenter ... Then let's introduce them to you.

The presenters represent the members of the jury.

2nd presenter - The jury will decide who will be the winner of today's game.

They will highlight teams in different nominations and the most successful jokes.

The winners of the New Year's KVN will be awarded our mascot - KIVIN. Who will get it, we will see later.

1st presenter And we forgot to introduce another important participant in our game - the audience. Are there spectators in this hall?

2nd presenter

I have a competition for you-

For winter snow-white attention!

I will name a lot

And you will only recognize white!

I'll say about white and snow - clap,

And what about something else - stomp!

Winter ... Snowball ... Book ... Icicle ...

Bunny ... Chanterelle ... Christmas tree ... Snowdrift ...

Ice cream ... Sausage ... Bus ...

Seagull ... Ice ... Typewriter ... Apple ...

Candy ... Santa's beard ...

Musical beat

1st host: Communication with viewers will continue 5 b class. New Year's riddles.

5th presenter ... Dear jury, spectators and KVN participants. Please listen to the order of the commands. The first to enter the stage are:

national team of 10-7 grades

national team of grades 9-8

grade 11 team

6th presenter : For your attention, I want to announce the tasks of today's KVN

1. Business card - greeting teams.time limit 5 - 8 minutes.

2. Photo caption competition

3. The final stage - homework: "Once upon a new Year”, The time limit is 10 - 15 minutes.

5th presenter : So we begin! The teams are already ready to introduce themselves, to show, so to speak, theirbusiness cards - greetings.

6th presenter ... This team is young,

Cool and mischievous.

In our club recently,

But it looks pretty nice.

Meet team 7-10 class Greeting

1st presenter ... Our holiday is already in full swing

The viewer has long been in shock.

2nd presenter ... And we will not mind you

On this stage, New Year's Eve.

1st presenter ... For us to start KVN

Only "Valenok" was missing.

2nd leader. And they are here! Please welcome!

The second team is performing. 8-9 cells

3rd presenter ... Viewer, how are you?

If the team started,

If a little bewitched,

That, probably, went into life.

4th presenter ... Along with this team

We will introduce you from the stage

Also not newbies,

And comedians, witches.

3rd presenter ... They are that week

Probably haven't eaten already

They are preparing a surprise for us.

4th host: Meet the team. 11 cl greeting

4th host: Now we propose to see room 5 a of the class "Tricks with rabbits"

3rd host: The second task isPhoto caption competition ... There are 3 participating teams on the stage.

4 presenter: So, one team shows a photo on the slides, the other teams should give it a funny name.

3rd leader: 6th grade prepared my New Year's number. Please welcome! "I want to be a Snow Maiden"

5 presenter: And now the most important and responsible competition ishomework. Theme "Once upon a new year", time limit 10 - 15 minutes.

6th host: Well, Brothers Rabbits,

Show off your skill

And all of us to one

I will surprise you with my game.

The team is invited to the stage ... 10-7 grades

1st presenter ... Spectator, spectator, old and young,

You haven't dozed yet?

Aren't you tired yet?

The final is approaching!

2nd presenter . And in the final in KVN

Let's meet "Valenki" on stage!

9-8 grades

4th host: Grade 11 shows her homework.

Grade 11

3rd presenter ... Our meeting is coming to an end,

And this is what happens:

Since the New Year's KVN is with us,

Gifts are relied upon.

4th host. To give those gifts

Teams need to be invited.

So we meet the commands:

Grade 11 alumni team;

National team of 10-7 grades;

National team of grades 9-8

Musical beat

5th host. And give gifts, whatever you say,

There will be our strict, cheerful jury.

6 presenter : The floor is given by the jury

So the team became the winner of today's KVN ...

KVN mascots - KIVINs are presented to teams by the jury

1st presenter - This concludes our KVN. Until next year.

2nd presenter . All the best to you, Happy New Year!

Music sounds. Spectators leave the hall.