
Have a fun new year. How to have a fun new year at home with children. New Year's games with children

How to spend the new year at home? December ... The month that we have all been waiting for so long and which, by and large, are a little afraid. After all, this is an endless, often ineffective search for gifts, selection of outfits, compilation of a New Year’s menu and much more. Such troubles are unsettling, and the thought “how and where to celebrate the holiday?” From early morning until late at night is spinning in the head of even the busiest people. If you want to feel unusual this year again, plunging into childhood memories, give your child a real fairy tale, but do not want to leave your home and invite theater artists to it, you need to organize this holiday so that it is remembered for the whole year. Here are some simple tips to help create a good mood in the house: 1. Start all preparations in advance: buy, or rather, make cards and gifts with your child, invitations for guests, think over a festive outfit, and learn poems with your child. And please, do not try to surprise someone with your creative, culinary abilities or expensive gifts. Remember that holidays are for relaxation, not work. Even children dream about it! 2. Connect everyone to the pre-holiday chores: let someone do the cleaning, someone goes to the store for groceries, and it’s better to think over the holiday menu together: compiled “on request”, it will delight all your relatives and guests. Be sure to talk with the parents of your young guests first, try to find out what foods or drinks should be avoided. In this case, you can fully satisfy the tastes of children, without exposing them to danger once again covered with an allergic rash. Well, your child will be happy to help you bake cookies or make sandwiches. Do not forget: they must remind kids of fairy tales, fairy-tale heroes or heroes of their favorite cartoons. The holiday should be not only tasty and healthy, but also beautiful !!! And one more thing: when children gather at the table, it is very important to set the table in advance so as not to get distracted later. 3. Consider a festive decoration at home. The simplest and most effective option is to turn your home into the estate of Santa Claus. To do this, it is enough to turn an ordinary chair into a throne with a sheet or bedspread and decorate it with sequins, tinsel, garlands. Near him, so solemnly sound any congratulations and verses! Your dining room can become a refectory for a winter guest, just cover the table with a beautiful tablecloth with New Year's decor and put candles, New Year's compositions from fir or pine branches and dishes reminding children of Santa Claus’s friends. Even chairs for children can be turned into funny animals. This will help solve the problem of seating the kids - you just need to know their carnival costumes in advance. Let your Christmas tree sparkle with bright lights, and on the walls there will be figures of fairy-tale heroes, bright garlands will be hung everywhere - so you can cheer up the most inveterate skeptics. Although among kids this is very rare! By the way: here it would be nice to use the help of children: let them themselves (or with the help of adults) make Christmas decorations, invitations for guests, decoration for gifts and surprises. Their invention and imagination can amaze! 4. Present a fairy tale to children: arrange a special holiday for them - show a performance ending with finding gifts under the Christmas tree, organize a masquerade, go out with them and play snowball, build a snow fortress, make a snowman. And, of course, do not forget about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden! These characters are an indispensable attribute of a children's holiday. However, consider the age of your little ones! For the smallest - children under 2-3 years old, it would be better if dad and mom turn into these heroes for a while. Moreover, I recommend showing the costumes of the grandfather and his granddaughter to the kids in advance and tell what kind of heroes they are, why they come to them. You can even touch clothes, try on them on kids. Yes, and it is better to change clothes with the children - so they will not be afraid, but will be happy to play games with the characters and wait for their gifts. Older children invite yourself to play fairy-tale characters - the helpers of Santa Claus. The guys will happily turn into fairies, elves, gnomes. Just do not forget to prepare costumes for them in advance! Do not be alarmed - this is not difficult: just a little imagination and fiction. The main thing here is not authenticity, but the ability to be at least a bit like your favorite hero! Just pick up a few attributes. It can be magic wands, wide-brimmed hats, staves, multi-colored capes. What to do next - your directorial talent and the children themselves will tell you - they are much to fiction! However, on New Year's Eve itself, do not forget to observe the regime: let the children meet you New Year, and after an hour send them to bed, promising to tell a wonderful tale the next morning. A holiday is a holiday, but you should always think about health! 5. Remember: New Year is a holiday, and on a holiday it is customary to have fun. Therefore, think about what games you can play, how fun and unusual it is to congratulate everyone and give them gifts. Tear off the attention of children from the TV by announcing a holiday program. Well, if the house has musical instruments or karaoke. Then you can portray famous artists, compete in knowledge of New Year's songs, compose them yourself. One of the guests may become a “fortuneteller” and predict the fate of everyone for the next year. Another option: “get the New Year's wishes out of the hat”: the names of the guests rush into one hat, the wishes of them next year in the other. Then names and wishes are randomly pulled out of the hat. For example: to mother - to study only at "five", and to the daughter - "to grow up on service". Create a good mood for yourself and raise it to others! So, our recipe for a successful New Year is this: take a little imagination, a bit of common sense, more have a good mood, add fairy tales there, mix everything, put it on a big New Year's dish and offer it all to family or friends. If you approach the preparation of such a “dish” creatively, carefully consider the recipe for its preparation - the result will not disappoint!

Why are we celebrating the Old New Year?

Your whole family will gather in your house to wait for the arrival of the new year, and as a good housewife you want to organize an exquisite evening that dazzles everyone. In the next post, we will teach you how to decorate with impressive black and white tones that will bring this distinctive touch that you are looking for an unforgettable holiday on the last night of the year.

The table on which the Christmas dinner will be held should be a manifestation of sophistication, so do not forget to highlight each detail, alternating both colors. If, for example, you have chosen a black tablecloth, place white dishes, and dark napkins on top of it, and vice versa. You can highlight one nuance, while elevating decorative elements in the opposite.

Text:   Yarmolik Ekaterina 11645

Two weeks after the night of New Year's festivities, we again gather at the festive table in order to congratulate each other again on the holiday. But this time with Old New Year. This is a great opportunity to realize ideas that have not come true on New Year's Eve or to get together again as a family, or maybe meet those we wanted, but could not see on New Year's Eve. Therefore, the Old New Year is filled with special meaning. figured out what kind of holiday it is and how it can be noted!

The idea of \u200b\u200balternating nuances is very useful both in the design and in the snacks that you will offer on a magical evening; representing a dark tone, are rich Oreo cookies, which are accompanied by mini cups of milk, ideal for small ones. For clarity, you can use delicious popcorn, which is poured into an ingenious black and white package, that will look like a sensation!

Place on small aluminum bases, bottles of typical drinks in December and decorate them with fun figures on cardboard, such as an elegant tuxedo, with its own straw. Another great idea is to add streaks of shiny paper to the top, in a bright tone like gold.

Why are we celebrating the Old New Year?

If someone suddenly forgot, we remind you: We celebrate the Old New Year on the night of January 13-14. And this is not a worldwide celebration, it is difficult for foreigners to understand its essence. Tradition was born in 1918. The fact is that a new reckoning began in Russia and the celebrations moved two weeks ahead. But the tradition of celebrating according to the old calendar remained with the people, and, oddly enough, exists to this day. On this holiday, the inhabitants of our country, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Georgia once again wish each other good luck in the new year and raise glasses for the past year.

You cannot miss the delicious cakes on the dessert table; decorate them with ingenious designs of paper watches placed - with little support - on top of the dessert. It offers gourmet strawberries covered in black and white chocolate, as well as gourmet sweets that will delight everyone.

You can also have rich, personalized chocolate muffins with small messages made on paper, for example; Happy New Year! One of the most important moments of the night is a toast; This not only extols the family union, it is a reminder that the year is nearing its end. Choose the right kind of champagne and great drinks and toasts!

How to spend: 10 ideas

Unfortunately, this is not a red day on the calendar. You are likely to spend the whole day on January 13th in business and concerns. But this is no reason not to have fun in the evening. Arrange a holiday for yourself and spend it as it was not possible to celebrate the New Year. A sort of second take for December 31.

New Year's games with children

In many countries, it is customary to make gifts exchanges, so choose the perfect time - it can be after receiving the new year - and start the round! If this activity was not planned and in the same way you would like to give some special details to your relatives; You can offer everything from ties to beautiful clothes that will undoubtedly captivate everyone.

It is important that you have a large number of fundamental elements for any holiday, such as; bright hats for gentlemen and beautiful tiaras for ladies with messages of a "happy new year", in addition to bright whistles, maracas and plastic rattles, to celebrate the arrival of the new year in style.

1. A warm circle of friends. Invite guests who were not (and would like to see nearby) on New Year's Eve. For example, a friend living in another city.

2. Arrange a grand family feast.
  After all, the New Year is a family holiday. But everyone, as a rule, has his own plans this night. And for the Old New Year, few plan personal affairs. Take advantage of this and invite all relatives - this is not about parents (this goes without saying). Send invitations to aunts, uncles, sisters with their soul mates. Moreover, you have not seen each other for a long time (the last time at a wedding with relatives, probably).

Nevertheless, we almost always think much more about leaving the house at the Christmas holiday and forgetting the New Year decor. In this post, we bring a lot of advice and many ideas and links to New Year's decor for you to break out to the party. You can even make your New Year's decor.

Christmas Decoration Ideas

New Year's decor can be more democratic than Christmas. If you want to have a beautiful and great party at the end of the year, but not daring to bet on Christmas decorations, using shades of silver, gold and white colorwhich is the color chosen for the new year. Invest in the details of the dining table and decorations for the New Year's decor and are full of charming details.

3. Visit your hometown.
Even if you live in it. Discover the night city, because you can celebrate the Old New Year under the starry sky! Wander around familiar streets, dance crazy dances to the New Year’s rhythms in the square with a crowd of people. After that, blind a snowman with a carrot nose in the courtyard of the house. And if you live in another city, then be sure to go home. We think your family will be very pleased to see you.

Christmas decoration with balls and bottles. Christmas decoration has everything that is associated with metallic shades and sparkle and sparkle. These vibrant colors resemble fireworks and help the party become more themed. If you want, and you have a place, you can hold a new year party in the backyard or on the street. If it's your choice, you can choose a tropical new year, a pool party and more rustic themes.

Gifts and surprises for children and adults

Food can become an ally in the New Year's decor. Invest in records and other accessories to entertain guests and take many photos until the fireworks display. Gold is the perfect shade of New Year's decor. The table can also become an important part of the New Year's decor: you can prepare creative products, such as New Year's cupcakes, special bowls and always important champagne to burst at midnight.

4. Arrange a romantic evening.
  On New Year's Eve, we were not able to stay with your beloved alone? You have a chance to fix it. Arrange. Only there are no herrings under a fur coat and olivier. Order sushi or cook your signature dish and light candles. And closer to 12.00 take a bath together, congratulate each other and drink a glass of champagne.

Christmas decoration gallery

To make things easier for your New Year's decoration of your party, we have prepared a lot of inspiration and incredible ideas to make the anniversary happy and bright. In details, you can use more colors in the Christmas decoration. Using an LED lamp will make the dining table more beautiful.

New Year's table for the little ones

Using bubbles is one of the cheapest ways to make New Year's decor. For those with a darker wall, creating a starry sky can be an ideal way to decorate the New Year. You can create beautiful mobile phones with Christmas balls.

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5. In the best restaurant traditions ...
Many places of the city, cafes and restaurants, offer a special program and menu on this holiday. Even if you don’t find a suitable place, go to your favorite restaurant or book a table where you had wanted to go for a long time, but it didn’t work out somehow.

Contrary to what many people imagine, you can use black in your New Year's decor. Glass holders and candles are ideally combined with Christmas decorations. Mascara and fun stuff can spice up your New Year holiday. The look of molten candles is perfect for a rustic New Year decor.

Bet on items that bring good luck to your New Year's decor. Placing an artificial candle inside a jar decorated with glitter can leave its New Year's decor. Decorated goodies and bowls can be great options for New Year's decor.

6. In the winter: on the rink
  By this time . Choose the place closest to the house. It’s great if you go to the rink with a big company, but together, and even alone, it will be fun. And after already at home or in a cozy cafe, warm yourself and your friends with warm mulled wine.

Glass bottles can be painted with gold paint for coloring New Year's tables. You can use colored bottles and various formats to make your New Year decor. If you want more lightness, use transparent white sand bottles to decorate your home for the New Year.

You can create a theme party in your new year. Invest in a good dining room decoration. Some dry twigs can become the basis for a beautiful center for your New Year's decor. Some carnival items can be used in the Christmas decoration.

7. Ski complex
  Have you wanted to ski or snowboard for a long time? Or fly off a hill on a tubing? it will help you realize this venture. If time and opportunity allow, go out of town: to Silichi, Lagoysk or to the Yakutsk mountains in Dzerzhinsk. Well, if in the city you can visit the Sunny Valley Active Leisure Park, located in Kurasovschina.

For those who are planning to have a New Year's party on the beach or in the country, there is nothing better than using a more rustic and sustainable decoration. Large glasses can serve as excellent candle holders. Use creativity in your New Year decoration.

How to decorate a children's New Year's table

Paper mobile phones are one of the cheapest ways to decorate a New Year party. You can use items from your home to make your New Year's decor. The use of pearls in the New Year's decoration is quite elegant and elegant.

8. Exotic countries or “Happy New Year!” To the sound of the surf
  This is an option for those who have a couple of days off in stock, and the wallet is not completely empty after the holidays. Old New Year in Turkey, Egypt or the Emirates will certainly be remembered.

You can decorate your New Year's party with acrylic bowls. Gold-tone chevron print can look beautiful in yours. Bonuses are ideal for decorating the atmosphere of the new year. Use lights to give your charm a new charm.

A silver towel can already turn your dining room into the New Year. A simple decoration can be perfect for a new year party. The holiday season is coming and you still don’t know what it will use? Know what the trends are at this time.

Know what to wear for Christmas and New Year.

The most festive season of the year! This is Christmas when everyone likes to bring family and friends together to celebrate the love and accomplishments of last year. And who does not want to be filled with hope for the next stage on New Year's Eve? Christmas requires a tricky look, but there is no need to do so much with glitter, because on the New Year they should appear. Your view will depend on where the holiday will go. Will it be in place or in a restaurant? Maybe it’s also in someone’s house.

9. Theme party or carnival!
  The main thing is to warn guests about the dress code. This evening, without masks and costumes, entry is strictly prohibited. It could be a Venetian ball or a Disney theme. And by the way, the party may not necessarily be noisy, because you can arrange a family carnival or invite friends along with the children.

To better understand the style in which you set, think about whether the celebration will be informal or formal, because there are different possibilities for each occasion. One thing is certain: red always matches Christmas! Whether whole pieces of the same color or just in detail. If your style is unobtrusive, but still want to bet on a red look, choose more subtle shades, such as wine. Green and gold are also often successful.

Now that you know which colors are trending, you know how to apply them in different parts for each situation. This is not because you are going to spend the day on December 24 or 25 in the living room, which will cease to gather for the celebration, is it?

10. Fortune telling: on coffee grounds and not only ...
  Perhaps the most mysterious idea. Guessing is necessary only with the onset of darkness. One of the most popular fortune telling is wax. It is dripped into water and the shapes formed by the droplets determine the future. Sometimes, to know him, you need to show imagination.

In this case, the clothes can be removed and comfortable, but with refinement. The tip for those who really want to wear a chic dress, should be combined with simple shoes, such as a cap or underwear. Basic makeup and exquisite jewelry adorn the air by chance.

If you want to maintain an informal look, combine it with basic cropping. To create the impression that these are very simple trousers, use with an average heel, which can be thin or thick. Both have the opportunity to stretch the silhouette.

This will be one of the big bets for Christmas because they are very comfortable and fashionable. A long skirt, a small dress and a gypsy sweater is a look that has everything connected with the summer and the holidays of the end of the year. Besides being very stylish, it is also fresh enough to withstand the heat.

They say that in order to find out the name of the future groom, you need to go out that evening and ask the name of the first person you meet.

And there is a funny fortune-telling on cooked dumplings with your own hands. In certain dumplings, they do not put a delicious filling, but predictive. Peas, coins or beans are used as messengers.

If your Christmas is elegantly celebrated at restaurants or parties, it looks good looking. For this type, it is recommended to use a long thin fabric dress. You can combine it with either a simple heel, or using sneakers or shoes.

Do not think twice when investing in print! Summer is the best time to make colorful and fun prints. If you like the style of the doll, a round unitary skirt is combined with the right rate! If you want to avoid traditional colors, bet on pastel shades that combine with the season, bringing an atmosphere of serenity and elegance.

Beans, for example, promise wealth, sugar - a sweet life, a button - a new thing, a coin, respectively, money, a bay leaf - fame.

Celebrate the Old New Year in a fun and grand way.